Eht Yetigl2' '4cgistcr. No paper discontinued until all arcarages aro paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please scud us their old address as well as the now. NOTlCE.—Within a short time we have sent out a largenumber of bills forsubseription. Many of them have received prompt attention, for which wo return thanks, and we would be very happy to return thanks to the - balance of those who have received onr bills. The amount In each case is small, but in the aggregate the amount is large, and our friends will confer a favor by giving the matter their prompt attention. 'Ns First National Bank of Allentown Inv declared a dividend of six per cent., payable on de mand. THE night of the Oth of November,this year, Las the honor of having the first snow. On the 512 d of November, 1836, snow fell and Mated till the following April. 'CAPT. R. H. JONES, of Reading, has been appointed Deputy District Grand Chancellor of the Order of Knights of Pythias for Berke county, for the unexpired term of the late F. B. Danelc/. BAD coAL. makes bad fires, bad tempered wives and altogether Is a bad thing to have lu the house ; therefore, buy good coil at Butz A: corner Third and Linden Streets. DEAD.—John Wenner, the young man who was Wounded In the head by the premature di- Charge of a revolver last Saturday Weds, died of his Injuries Friday evening. LEHIGH COUNTY CONINIIBSI ONE:BEL—Pedes trians most earnestly request the Commissioners of Lehigh county to secure tnud carts and haul tile mud from the Jordan foot path. Its present con dition Is simply disgraceful. SMALL Pox IN PIIILADELPIIIA.-MCSSIS. Le :gaiety) & ROSS, 212 North Eighth street, Phila delphia, write us that the reports of the small pox In that city are greatly exaggerated and really too ridiculous to credit. TUE small-pox Is reported very bad In what Is known as West Bethlehem. Policeman ll,eker Is the heallh•oflleer and every effort Is being made to prevent the (arther spread of the disease. In Bethlehem proper and South Bethlehem there ore very few eases. FATAL NattnY.—David Lerch, for fears constable of Lower Sauces, died several days ago In Freemansbmg. Mr. L. was Injured upon the railroad some time since, and never fully recovered, and the Injuries there received resulted in his death. Ile was about 71 years of nge: FREIGHTS from Boston 'to Allentown are now obtained cheaper by way of Philadelphia than by a direct route over the Jersey Central. Tin. goods are carried by the former note fr6m Bos ton to Philadelphia by vessel, and thence to Allen town by way of the Philadelphia and Reading and East Pennsylvania Railroads. GossiAtit AND HIS HIU few (lays .since John R. Go.teler, In the employ of Eielple, Johnson & Co., went to the mountains o Itt hfs ferret for rabbits. Ills efforts were more than nu , - Peseta]. The ferret drove out twelve rabbits, which were secured at once and afforded a line treat for the sportsman. CATABAUQUA, as reported by Mr. Oliver Williams, Lae given 1655.60 to Chicago, which hes been forwarded, and Mr. Williams further re ports the sum 0( 669.50 received from Mr. Edwards, which wan collected at Fern Dale mill. The en tire sum forwarded, Including a cheek [rota the Crane Iron Company for nye hundred dollars, was $1255.10. New SUNDAY ScnooL Roo3l.—The Zion's Reformed Church congregation wilt erect a new Sunday School room, In the roar of their church, which will be thirty by fifty-Mx feet. The Sund,,y School boys commenced breaking ground for the building Tuesday anti they can point with pride in the future to the work they hod a hand In. The Ideals a good one. THE Bethlehem Scholl Board has ordered that no scholars shall be allowed to remain In the schools of that borough who shall not have been vaccinated within ten days from the Gth mot., and that no children who have not been vaccinated will hereafter be received Into the schools as pupils. This action was taken because smallpox had made Its appearance In Bethlehem. JORDAN HOIISE.—The Jordan House on l'lmrsday changed hands, 7ilr. A. F. Neff, of Neffs vine, thls county, being the new landlord. Mr. Michael, the former landlord, removed to, the building formerly occupied by Abraham Reichard as a grocery store, on Hamilton street, between Second and Third, where he purposes carrying on the liquor business. REVIVAL IN TRINITY series of meetings for some Lime have been held In Trin it) Church, on Second street. The effort thus put forth has been productive of good results and very• much'encourages the minister, the Rev. Mohn, and his flock. A few evenings ago seven persons came forward to the anxious bench. Prospects are that the number will be further increased. THE ALLEN DIVIBION, 401, Sons of Temper mice,convened Thursday evening,in Mph:, John son & Co.'s hall, iu the First Ward. The attend .ance was unusually good. Seven ladled and ii); gentlemen were' initiated. The order Is quite prosperous anti very promising, and Is doing a good work In that portion of our city. Rev. J. W. Wood was present and spoke words of encourage ment' In hle very appropriate realm la addressed to the order. OUR OtoN Hutto/Rt.—We refer our readers to an Interesting Article on our Iron 'Regions, which appears In our editorial columns. assist In posting our readers upon the vast import ance of the region of which Allentown to the trod.• centre. It will there he seen proved, what has frequently been asserted In these columns, that the Lehigh Valley produces oned.ldrd the pig Iran manufactured In the whole United States. • A DIRAPPOINTIIENT.—We neglected to Men floe, before, that on Tuesday night the Dem ocracy bad a drum corps hired and under . arms, ready to make a street parade the moment the news should flash across the wires that the Dem ocracy had carried New York. The drum corps, 'however, was ordered hOme anent midnight, the celebration of a Democratic victory in the Empire State being Impracticable. We understand the young Tammany of Lehigh lutends going back on Iti ancestor of Now York, for so sadly disappoint ing its expectations. SUNDAY SPORTINU.—WhaIIer the days of miracles are past or not, It is a fact apparent to constant readers of newspapers that more gunning accidents occur on Sunday than any other' day. Within n few weeks we bare been called upon to chronicle three, all of - Wielt occurred on Sunday. WhateVer a man's religious views, we should think a proper respect for the law and the number of casualties occurring from sporting on the Sab bath, would deter persons from going gunning on Sunday. REPORT of coal traneporteil over the Lehiab Valley Railroad for the week ending Nov. 4th, 1871, e6mpared with sante time last year: Fnr Week. For Tear TWA' Wyoming 10212 18 516,051 18 Ilazieton • 48,319 OS 1,611 480 19 ,Lipper Lehigh 177 13 2.074 08 . Beaver Meadow. 10,212 13 420,206 05 Mahanoy.... ....... ......10,570 17 460,111'02 Munch Chunk 221 00 7.641 00 Sullivan & ..... 713 05 5,030 00 14111 t Can 1......100,143 15 2.015.281 07 Same time 1870 00,509 14 3,301,740 18 Increase. Decrease ASSAULTED ON THE HIGUIWAY.—OD Satt[r• day evening, about 7 o'clock, its Capt. E. J. Itizer, mall agent au the East Pennsylvania Railroad, and a gentleman 'mined Kite, were walking out Perkloinen avenue to the East Reading Hotel on business, they were met near the Mineral Spring road by two men who, without any provocation whateyerimade au atMek on them. They paid den j for the assault, however, as the captain and r— frlend gave them a . severo pummeling, and the would-be hlghwaytutin loft In a hurry with bloody noses and bruheil heads. The damage the captain sustained was the tearing of Ills shirt, while his friend escaped without a senitch.—Reading Thnrs, CO U RT. —Jacob Laudenberger,charged with selling lottery tickets, was held In MO ball for his appearance nt the next Term of Court.. Mr. Land , mberger remarked to the Court that ho bad Fettled for his case and paid the costs, but the J114(1 informed him that he would be held to an swer before the Court, no matter what arrange ments lie bad made with private parties. If pri vate parties settled with him they might also be indicted with him to answer the charge. A. 'CASI.; TO PROFIT By.—A lady lives in Ea ion who remembers the time when her mother and a numher of children, herself Included, were vaccinated, herfather nt the time refusing to sub mit to the operation, saying that It was " none.. cessmy." Shortly after Ward he was afflicted and carried off by the small-pox, all the rest of the family who had been vaccinated escaping un touched by the disease. The law and the natural desire for self-preservation should causethe simple means of prevention to be resorted tohy ton Expresß. CHEAP READING Subscribers to the LEHIGH REGISTER, or persons doidring to become subscribers, can obtain our vieekly sold the leading publications of the day for one year, sit the prices named below. Subscrip tions to secure these advantages, must be Invari ably paid lo advance: fik , i , reit end Aldine Si to, worth 67 00 do do Woo le l'rilittne 1 (0.410 d,o do Rural New Yorker - 3 70, do oo 4 , 0 do do Hearth and Homo ...... .. 3 75, do 710 do do Awrlcolt Het (I Al, do 7(0 do do Plirenolegirol Journal .. Ml'o d , 510 do 1111 Her er's II •zor 4 75, do 13 0 do do Ilarper'n Weekly 4 77, do Il 110 do do limpet 'a Monthly 4 75, do UOO INDUSTMAI, NOTES.—The Lehigh Zing Company expect to get their new engine In opera tion before the first Of January. It Is three thous and horse power and the hirgrest In the United States. It Is In contemplation to erect an additional stack to the Allentown Rolling Mill's furnaces. We understand the Allentown Iron Company have fully decided upon enlarging their works, which are already :among the largest In the Valley. The Lehigh Iron Company have commenced the erec tion of a new stock house, which we believe It the beginning for an additional stack. Allentown Iron Company have com menced work on their new stark and expect It to mike iron about the first of next July. The peo• pie of Moans would Ilke to sec such energy and miterprise displayed in the erection of their furs n The Allentown Iron Company make an I on for Is deli there Is greet demand, and to no condos date their rapidly Increasing trade they it ice t one'uded to enlarge their works. Their m siu New Jetsty supply seven other works bceide tbtir own. so that they have plenty of ore of a • uperior gusllty. Should the Revenue lie f a !tiers coosest to let the Tariff 1.1,11111111 its It Is, t,e sixth stack will be coMmenced In the splints.. Ar EM AT SVICIIIE.-11111'Sdily !IP/M- I[lX, t %la and a WOlll3ll front Easton drove up t the Slate Exchange Hotel, at Bath, and ordered dinner. In the meantime one of the men, a 11,11 b wh..ter, of being tired and requested a room, a bleb was given him. When Limier was vf:ely the landlord went up to call him, but receiv ing no rf ply opened the door and discovered the fisherman hanging by his neck. Dr. G. P. Fox was iturnediatf ly stilt for and after working with the would be suicide, succetilcdin reviving hum. The Doctor is of the opinion that had the huckster not been discovered until a few moment, later life would have been extinct. FIFTY YEAUS IN TUE FIELD.—The New York Observer is about celebrating its jubilee, en tering upon It= fiftieth year In 1872. It Is one of the oldest newspapers . In the country, one of the ablvst, and one of the most steadfast and fearless In maintaining the truth In religion, the right In morals, .and honesty In all public and private affairs. It announces for the coining year, the putilieaihm of the seeond volume of Its Year Book; 'a vast repository of information, statistical and oiherwlse, relating loth to Church anti State, which'ulll be sent free to all who pay their sub• script ion for IST:2. • This volume last year was worth the rmbseription price of the paper, and the publishers promise a more complete Year-Book for 1872. Specimen copies of the paper, with pros pect on for the Year-Book, sent free on application from any source. New subscribers will receive the paper free until January I.t. • SYSTEMATIC AIIRANGEMENTS.—The enter tainment Association has been untiring in making arrangements to accommodate the mAny people who purpose to attend the grand concert by Then: Thomas' Orchestra, on the 23td. Special trains have been chartered and agents appointed to sell tickets at Bethlehem, Easton and Catasauqua, and in all these places, as well as in Allentown, the sale of tickets commenced simultaneously this morning at 7 o'clock.' It must be very encourag ing' to the. Association to see the anxiety to secure seats as everywhere manifested, and we are told that a largely increased number of tickets have been asked for in Easton and Bethlehem, than was contemplated to appm lion to these places. Ow ing to the Increased number of performers (ten more) the expenses of the Orchestra are higher than they u ere In the spring, and the hall must ennstqlently be tilled to Its uttnost to clear ex penses. lit IRON TRADE in very brisk, the increased demand for pig Iron being caused by the more ex b nsive home consumption of foreign Iron. Mer chant mills are full of orders, but the rail business is not so good, the scarcity of money compelling' some of the railroads to delay work on their en tensions. As soon as the derangement In the 'annoy marnet I, overcome, which Is caused In a great nicasure by many of the Insurance contpa• eohing in their Investments, the belief Is that eh di have !mirk tiun•s In most branches. Trade ocean to be very unfortunate. Predic tions of a emill spring trade were confidently :node, but tine coal strike upset the calculations. Then ice were certainly to hvve good times In the fall and tine maaninnr of the season scented to favor thin prediction, but tine Chicago Ilre tightened money and, althou4ll buyers tire plenty, payments lire slow. We do 1101 Imagine thiit the Insurance tummy in bich will create new bulhlim•gs for Chit-a go will remain In tdtose buildings and there Is every liaison to believe, therefore, that most of it will again and iti way ca.t and that in a few months we will be as we were before the firm FATAL ACCIDENT IN A STONE. QUARRY.— The Reading Times nays an occident occurred ou Tuesday ii ternoon, between one and two o'cloek at laeger's stoue quarry, opposite Jackson's locks, which resulted in the instant death of Mr. John N if, the superintendent. Ile wars endeavoring to to ven barge clone, which suddenly gave way, and iu making the elfort to J amp and save himself from the falling Mass, was caught anal burled beneath a weight of between twenty and thirty tons of stone and dirt. The other workmen immediately set to tv,ak to remove the stones and extricate the un (mambo e man, and when his body was recovered it was found to be much bruised and mangled. It was art Once rentoverl to his hits residence, No. 1143 Carnal street. Mr. Neff was about 53 years of age, and bad been In the employ of Mr. larger for Cite past five years. Ile Wan a faithful, Industrious workman, and at devoted husband and father. During the war he was a private In Co. 11, 50th ! Regiment, which was cotutuanded by the late Col. Thomas 8. Brenhohz. The deceased learns a wife and several small children. I.ANCA!..TER .%Nll HEADING hAltitow • GAUGE. —A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lan caster and Reading Narrow Ga age Railroad Com pany wan held In Lancaster on Monday morning, , Moltr It. W. Shenk, Presid•nt; In the chair, and 11011. E. Blllingfelt acting as Secretary. Trite or ganizat ion of the company was completed by the election of lion. Thomas E. Franklin as Solicitor and Writ. Lea non, Esi., as. Secretary and Treas. two . . Among the resolutions altered and adopted were the illowing, In substance : That the Presi dent be authorized to appoint additional commit te, to solieit subseriptions ; that no racer con• tweted with the Board shall, at present, receive any aal.try ; that Col. G. ii. Arms locate the most eligible route front Lancaster to Safe harbor, via Millersville, anti after completion of name to locate a road Sy the nearest and most eligible route from Lanett ster to Quarryville. After transacting sotue other business the Board adjourned. The road Is nod located front Lancaster to Adamstown, audits construction will be placed under contract n. snort as R 500;) stock per mile Is tottoeribed. This the Board expects to have ne compllebed, by the time of Its next meeting, which will be held on Monday the 20th of November; at 10 n. no., when it full attendance Is desired. Prompt as:lst:owe from interested persona Wow; the several routes will insvre the early completion of the road leading frOtin Reading to Lancaster, Safe Harbor anti Quarryville.—ReadlOg Times. 83,544 01 '446,465 11 THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1871. REV. Wm. R. RMES, of this city,. was np pointed by the Episcopal Convention of Central Pennsylvanla, Chairman of the committee to In form the Rev. Dr. Howe, the newly elected Bishop, of hle election. LITTLE GIUL INJUIIED.—A little girl aged about nine years, daughter of Mr. John Bird, on Fourth street, on Wednesday of while clambering on u paling fence, lost her balance and fell forward, and being caught In the abdomen by a pointed paling, was very badly injured—be ing cut so deep that the bowels were visible. Dr. dulone was called and sewed up the wound and Is now attending the child. Ile reports her as do ing quite well this morning,—Bethleliem Times. THE PRICE ON ADMISSION. —Lest people should think that the Entertainment Association le asking a high admission to the Thomas' Or chestra Concert, we would state that in none of our exchanges do we find the tickets advertised for less than $1.50 and reserved scats. In Cleve land, Louisville, Cincinnati and other cities, the admission Is invariably $1.50. This figure ds asked in large cities, where a full house can always be depended upon. Then It must be considered very small fur a place like Allentown, where it is only by the most deter mined el:fiats that an audience, large enough to pay the expenses of such an entertainment, can be gathered. SEIERIFP'S SALES. —The following deeds . were nekuowledged on Friday: Deed - to Catharine Wl:Resell and Annie , M. Steckel, for a house and lot situate In the Borough of Slatington, sold as the property of John S. Weygand. Deed to Anthony Schultz for a house and ht of ground In the city of Allentown, sold as the prop• erty of Nathan Carl. Deed to Stephen Deshler for a house and lot of ground In tile Borough .of Coplay, sold as the property of Rudolph Jansen. Deed to 11. C. Hunsberger for a house and lot In Upper Macungie townshlp, sold as the property of Willoughby Bleller. THE NEW StiEtuvr.—Mr. Faust, the new ly elected Sheriff, on Saturday took the oath of office before Silas Camp, Esq., Recorder. Es- Sheriff Miller turned over to the new (Meer all b iciness remaining iu his hands. George H. Rapp, Esq., was appointed Sherifra Solicitor, who will no doubt attend to the duties of the offlee with ability and will prove a valuable assistant. F. G. Schwartz, F.Bq., the ex-solicitor, this norning, removed to the office of 8. A. Butz,Esq., whore his clients may fled him. Mr. Schwartz, ns Sherill's Solicitor, made many warm friends anf tng the members of the liar and Li eenmityot licers, and they very reluctantly sever their con nection. with hint. SmAth. Pox.—Philadelphia continues to be scourged with small pox. This loathsome disease is not abating but rather increasing In severity ac cording to the number of deaths reported by the Board of Health. Three weeks ago there were about seventy reported; two weeks ago there were shout eighty, while last week there were ninety- Ilve according to the following report front the Board of Health: "The report of the Philadelphia Board of Health gives the number of cases of small-pox last week ne 567, and deaths ns 95. The Twentieth Ward had 106 eases; Tenth Ward, ; Thirteenth Ward, 13; Fourth and Seventh Plaids, each 50, and the remainder scattered among other Wards, none being entirely free of the disease. The total number of eases for the year Is 2,168, and the deaths 373. PIIII.ADELPIIIA MARKE)I3—FLOUR.—III ille Flour market Oleic Is very little movement, but prices are without quotable change. There is ecareely any inquiry' for shipment, and the opera. Cons of the home trade arc confined to present neeessitle6 ; sales of 100 barrels superfine at $5.- ; 550 barrels Pennsylvania extra choice nt $0.50; 1001m,rrels Minnesota extra family at $7.- 75 ; 100 barrels do do d) choice at $8; 200 barrels Pennsylvania do do at $7.25g7.50 ; 100 barrels Ohio dO do at $7.25 ; 100 barrels do do choice at $7.50, and 900 barrels Girard Stills on secret terms. Rye Flour in very quiet ; small sales at $5. In Corn Meal no sales. GRAIN.—The receipts as well as the stocks of Wheat are light, but fully ample for the demand, which is mostly from the local millers for prime Tots; sale or 500 bus Western red at $1.58; 400 bus poor Pennsylvania dont $1.55; SOO bus prime and choice do do at $1.5461 GO ; 400 bus good Delaware do at $1.57, and 400 bus Ohio white at $1.65.. Rye may be quoted at 05 , b07e for Penn sylvanla and Western. Corn Is less active, but. the recent advance Is well sustained ; sales of 1,200 bus Pennsylvania, Delaware anal Western yellow at 75e ; 400 bus new Delaware do at 67e, and 1,005 bus low anal high Western mixed at T. @7sc. Outs are in fair demand at former quotas ClOll6 ; sales of 0,000 bus Western mix dut 40 , . Barley Is attracting, more attention ; 10,000 bus Canada sold at $l.lO. DOMIT CONCERT Friday evening wag everything that we bad been led to expect it would be, and we believe was generally pronounced the finest concert in vocal mll6lO ever gleti' in Allen town. Mr....11'00y, pronounced Europe's great est baritone, was received with much enthusiasm, and in fact the audience showed Itself greatly pleased with all the performers. Miss Wynne's voice is superb and Madame Patey's contraltogs very remarkable and shows thorough cultivation. Those of our citizens who beard "The more" sung at the Opera (louse a couple of evenings previous to this concert, could not fall to notice the effect that a floe voice, and a full conception , of the meaning of the comparer has upon a line production. Mr. Cummings, the tenor, w•ns 1160 a great favorite and charmed the audience with his beautiful rendering of "The Pilgrim of Love. The combinution throughout Is of the highest or der :tad we (lOWA whether the people of this or any ether city of America have ever had the pleasure of listening to a concert where each one of the perfot niers was so remarkable for the "spirit of conselentions de•ollon to the art, the high 11 d thorough musical culture they have attaine,l, the consummate finish of style which the otgaui zcttinu, as a whole, has reached, and, most of all, the tvonde•ful sympathy and unity fu method which has come from long association and the most, assiduous practice." Their unassuming manner, dignity and grace won the most nattering continents flout the audience and added much to the charm of their music, and compelled the ad in iriflion of everybody present. We suppose they had It paying house, but should they appear here again we believe every good seat to the Opera noose would be secured. • THE NEW Bisttor.—The Press gives the following sketch of Dr. Howe, the newly elected Epheopal Bishop of the Diocese of Central Penn• sylvania :—" Marc Antony De • Wolfe Ilowe was born at Bristol, R. 1., and Is the son of the lion. John Bowe, a dlothiguished lawyer of that State. ills tnaternal uncle is the Rev. Benjamin Bosworth Smith, Bishop of Kentucky, who was consecrated in 1892, and who Is the presiding officer of the (louse of Bishops. Dr. Howe in a graduate of Brown University, front which Institution he re• caved his degree in 1838. When only twentpone years old he was elected to the head mus:ershlp of one of the Boston public schools, Which position he held until he was called to occupy the chairs . of Latin and Greek In Brown University., In 1832 he was ordained a deacon by Bishop Griswold, and within a few months of his ordination assumed the temporary charge of St. Matthew's Church, Boston, which he shortly relinquished to assume that of St. James, Roxbury. Soon after accepting this last call he waurdalned a priest. i! "In 1838 he assuiNed the rectorship of Christ's Church, Cambridge, where he remained but a few months, as his former parishioners of Bt. James induced him to return to them. Ile continued In charge of St. James' Church until 1846, what he accepted a call front St. Lake's parish of this city, i now one of the In and most Itifluentlal of Its detiotninntion In the . city, of which for the last tweuty:flve years he has been the rector. "In 1850 he was elected secretary of the Gene ral CouVention, which position he filled for twelve years with great ability. In 1805 he was elected Missionary Bishop of Nevada, which honor, how ever, he declined.' The new bishop is about fifty years of age, anti at the present time is a leading spirit not only of lilt denomination 19 Ws diocese, but throughout the whole country. As a moder ate and liberal-minded man he bas received the support 01 all factious of the Church in many Im portant movements. " As a Christian and a scholar Dr. Howe is well known to the whole community, and he will go to his bishopric from Ids home of twenty-five Plat's, tsking with him the loving regards of his late par , ishioners as well as tfioso of his large circle of personal Meads." PERSONAL.-D. N, Foster, formerly of Al lentown, now employs twenty-seven clerks In hls store at Tcrro•llaute, Indiana. CATIARY BlRDS.—Walter 0. 8111111.11 has re celved a new lot of Imported Canary birds atid the most beautiful assortmeut of cages he has yet had. ADMITTED.—James B. Deshler was on mo tion of Edward Harvey, Esq., admitted last week to practice law In the several courts of Lehigh Minty. ACCIDENT.—Mrs. Thomas Erig, residing in East Allentown:full down stairs Sunday night and broke her nose and one of her fingers, and frac. turgid her forehead. Dr. Reichard attends her. WEarc very much pleased with theinereased number of new subscribers added toour list during the past week. Advertisers will do well to call at our office and examine into the truthfulness of our announcements in reference to our Immense and constantly increasing elreulution. ." . DEDICATION.—On Sunday the new school building at Stemton was dedicated with appropri ate to•rvlces In the afternoon and evening. In the afternoon Reverends Schindel and 144rib:tell of ficiated, and In the evening Rev. Was. Ilofford. The school building is one of the same In Ptyle and arrangement as those erected In the North Whitehall district. WE regret to chronicle the death 'of MN. Benjamin Batman, wife of the editor of the Miner's Journal, who departed this life on Friday last. Mrs. Batman wee a daughter of Rev. Di. Dawes, Vicar of Dilhorn, England. She was an estimable lady, a dutiful and loving wife, and ever prominent In works of Christian benevolence, especially der i ig the will- as chairman of the Sanitary Commis. elm for Pottsville aad vicinity. INDUCEMENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS.— Those who subscribe for the LEHIGH REGISTER NOW and pay In advance for ore year will receive the paper for the balance of this year for nothing and be credited to December 31st, 1872. We club with the leading publications nt reduced rates,l n eluding the Aldine, Harpers' publications, Agri culturist, Dearth and Home, etc. Read the list and low terms, published In the LEHIGH REGISTER. KAISER'S MA:RCM—By special request of the Entertainment Association this latest composition by the famous Wagner will be given by Thomas' Orchestra lu this city.' A Pittsburgh paper,where it was played last week, says of It:—" The first part of the concert concluded with Wagner's cele brated Kaiser March,' a national anthem with out words, which for centuries to conic will stir to their profoundest depths the eruotionnal Impulses of the great German poeple. The marvelous com bination of suggestive power that Wagner evokes' In this march from the horns would take more space than can he spared to analyze and describe." THE DEDICATION AT HAZLETON. Rev. J. Allen Maxwell (says the New York Evange list,) was installed pastor of the First Presbyter ian church of Hazleton, Pa.,on Thursday evening, October 20. The large and elegant room was well tilled with u congregation that listened with great satisfaction :o the exercises of this very Interest ing occasion. The Rev. Dr. Cattell, President of Lafayette Coilege, Easton, presided. Rev. Alexander Nesbitt of Tremout,New York, preached a sermon abounding In good thoughts; Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, delivered a very stirring charge to the pastor, and Rev. Dr. Belville, of Mauch Chunk, gave lu his usual hap py manner one of the ablest charges to a congre gation to which It was ever our lot to listen. The music of the occasion, under the charge of Mr. Edwin Moore, the organist of the church end one of the first musicians of . the State, was very tasteful indeed ; and the array of floral honors ex quisitely beautiful. The handsome Presbyterian church edifice of Hazleton, was erected mainly by the liberality of A. Pardee,'Esq., who has also donated nearly half a million of dollars to Lafayette College. Cormvs.--A. literary society, known as the Mutual Literary Association, has lately been got ten up at this place, having for its object the im provement of Ito members In social and literary culture. The officers elected for the first term are: President, 'A. F. K. Krout ; Secretary, W. Morris ; Editor of the Literary Journal, George P. Bales; Critic, W. 11. Rue; Treasurer, William Parse]. The Society held Its second meeting last Wednes day evening, at which tune was discussed the question, " Is the pen mightier than the sword I" in which debate all the members took an active and interesting part. The editor favored the As sociation with the first edition of the Society's lit erary journal, The Mutual Budget. A andug the productions most noteworthy being the editorial and an original poem by some contributor poetic ally inclined. It In likewise the object of the mein bers of the Society to tnake themselves familiar with the rules and usages that nt e to govern bodies parliamentary, they therefore adopted no their guide Cushing's Manual, and resolved lobe guided by its rules and regulations. The question to he debated at the next meeting is " Had the Amen c mu Indians a right to the soil 7" Wei AT's IN A NAmn.—Theodore Tilton bay log been misled by the name Allentown Into sup posing that ours was o village Instead of the large city that we are, it is now proposed that the Board of Trade shall change our name to Allenfon or Al len. We hope, out of compliment to Mr. Tam, the Board of Trade will does recommended. But when the City Councils, and the people, and the Legislature come to act upon It we hope they will let it remain as It Is. Before the borough of Allen town was incorporated Into a city thls subject. was thoroughly agitated and It was then decided to leave the name Allentown. NoW Mr. Tilton comes among us, and supposing we were a few hundred in population, thought he could with impunity, craut Ills infamous views upon marriage down our throats and make us believe he Wan talking to us about the American woman. Therefore, he sug. nests, what he supposes to be a new Idea, that we change the Milne of our city. We suggest that Mr. Tilton study geography and thus acquire a knowledge of the country a hundred miles around New York, and that he let our name alone. 'I he moment we are convinced that more people would come to Allentan than to Allentown to buy gro ceries, drugs, dry goods, Iron, Kamm' cement Bites, fleimbach's furniture, Masser's leather, boots and shoes, fancy notions, flour and grain, axles, water wheels, engines, boilers, or anything else that we export largely, that moment we will join in the movement to change the name. Buyers come here because they can make their purchases to better advantage than they can anywhere else, and not on account of the name of the city. As It would be truckling to a mere fancy, we do not think It will pay to go to•the Legislate re and Incur the cost of having all the charters changed that Contain the word Allentown; for the banks to change their names and have all their notes replaced with new oties, etc., etc. TIIE ENTERTAINMENT which was held by the Washington Union Sunday School, of Sails- ! bury, on Sunday week, passed of pleasantly. We cannot help but encourage the folks off that place for the great interest which they manliest In the cause of Sabbath Schools. Their elides ou Sunday evening were crowned with success. Their exercises consisted of music, questions and speeches.. The tousle was concluded by Miss A. Ileiman,of said place. -We must praise this young lady fur the encouraging music which she fur iliShed for theoccaslon; she possesses great talents and skill In this art. We Judged trout the difficult tousle which we had the pleasure to hear, that it required a great deal of practice to teach the scholars in the art of singing; they sang- It with unusual perfection. We hope this young lady may persevere and not loose her patience till their next concert, so that they may be enabled to fur nish us with ouch sweet music again, as they have done before. The questions at era well answered by the scholars. Speeches were made by Messrs. Weibel atarßotts, members of the senior class of idublenberg college. These gentlemen spoke very forcibly and showed by the manner of their re marks the vital importance of Sabbath Schools. They spoke about the origin, cause and Importance of such schools. The house was overcrowded and yet the audi ence was perfectly charmed with the performance. We think It would be beneficial if some of our town schools would go and see the good, order which they have In their shoo!. Their motto is "Order Is !leaven's first law." At the close we had the plutsure of hearing their able and worthy superintendent (t!. W. Flitch) making an a .- dre'ss. We much regretted that It was so short. Ile possesses extraordinary talents in the art of speaking as well as in governing a Sabbath BehOol. May OAd bless their noble efforts ; may yet many be brought lu those walls and receive the light of salvation ; may old and young, rich and poor, as sist the teachers In their efforts. SEVA.Pi shave of stock, 00 of the Allentown, and 10 tbe. taeton National Banks, will be sold at the American lintel ea the 30th. MAI.K TWAIN will lecture at Easton on the 23d. tits subject will mu be "Reminiscences of some uneournonplace characters I have chanced to mem." but whist It will be has not yet been an nounce •. Mark has bee. lecturing in the Eastern States II all A rteranii W i rd, and wherever lie hiss deliver. I this lecture h'• has received the moss flatteriv.: criticisms from the leading newspaper s , all of s hitch have spokem of him In the highest terms. IN Tilt; Trtv.:NCIIES.— The. Hey. Ernest 1111- terntann, p.,,tar of the G. , man Catholic Church, oa Foui r h rtre, t,ln Lids co v,Sunday cvenlng,abont seven o' 'look, drove Into :lle trenches on Hamilton Street, b I wecu Second nod Third, Aug for the parpos, of Icc.•lrlnq goo pipe, and was thro•.vu Irma hi, cal rlage. We :Ire happy to et:Lte that the revs, a 1 centlemen s ~teined no In} arks from the fall, 110 was equally as fortunate ivlth LIN horse and conveyance. CIIA` GI: OP RAILROAD Timn.-1 he winter One Mole on the Plilladeiphla and Reading lia 11- to td ItT .1 Its branches, commenced Sunday. 'Fite mornlnt: trains for Allentown, Easton and New York will Itearllrm at 4.34 and 10.40 a. In., Instead ,ir 5.50 and 10.30 .1. m. On the Lehigh Valley Railroad the tip Bank, Exprea pe ea hero at 1t1.16 n.,m., and the Moen train at S 26 a. tn., the he ter lurking in Philadel phia at 10.30. HALI, • S VLOET 11ILE SICILIAN HAIR RE NEWER OW sLiude among the first, and at the bead of II articles for a itufhv purpose. The tentlma v of our physicians Is conclusive as to its value ; and we are personally acquainted with scores o. eases where it has been used with the best of rc-nits. ' It a ill restore gray hair to its original antl leaves it glossy, and In is healthy eimilitlon ; while, for headsaroubled with dandruf f or any disease of the scalp, it acts lihe a' charm In effansing them. Try It, and you will nut be li.A.lppointed. —Lowell Courier, May 2, 1868. HAvr you a ewers Wrench or sprain ? !lave pin the rlwunLitism In any form I (lave you still' neck, or bunch••; eamied by rheion❑tic pains I If so JOHNSON'S 4 NODYNc LINIM:NT IS a 'Teethe riiinvily, and Is also the hest pain hiller In the world. We °N.!) see large mocks of erode %%hi c k do pot teem to thrive, dud come Intl "spring poor," all for want of sOlneth lug to ,thrt them In the right direction. One dollar', worth of :Surittp.o.'s CAVALRY CONDITION Powntrns, given to such stock or.. tsionally daring the winter, would be worth nPoe than an extra, half ton or hay. IN TOE 'RENCIIE:i crening about 8 o'clock, t .v 0 horses atthetted ton carriage contain. Ing two gentlemen and an elderly Indy, whose names our rei,rter fail,: to secure, we re driven Into the irettches on Hamilton street, between Second an 1 Third, and thrown front their conveys once with considerable violence. The lady sus tained u laJories beyond n slight sprain in the back. Toe gentlemen wera uninjured. So far as we learatcl the horse and carriage were not dam aged in least. This m ken the thlid Instance where p elks have been precipitated Into these excavati us within the last three or four days. They hav , all been form a te in meeting with out alight inj , riea and thus ht a great measure un scathed. Itt vicar oft Iwsc leaps In the dark, we are compeiled to ch irge the gas company with gross Ilea bac, very mach endangering life and limb of tc , traveling . public. %VII). Is It that the authorith a 0 bare Inisine it is to provide a better state of I logs continue ifrerent and neLligent towards Isis public mica eve. Must a life be sag• ritleed or Iltith fr :mural ~e f'ore they are willing to move i the matter. Delay's In this matter are dangerous. CHUR 'IT OPENINO'—The new Free Mento• diet Church ut Etwins t.t opened for worship, Sunday. the building is orated on the Malu street,, two stork+ d height, and Is a tier) neat and •.itridetlve Window,. The ground floor to divided Into two parts, for Sunday School and lecture ptirposes. Thu Atm Is so constructed that the toyer portion eon he lowered so that the whole etti• be u-ed as one •tudieb . ce room. The main room, on the Swann floor, which will be used for worship,i about 30:00 feet and about fifteen feet high, well 111.thied and ventilated. It will-accowniodate alma three hundred ',Prisons. 'file deli • sermon Watt preached at half past ten Sued y onirning, by It v. W. Gould, of Allen town, In E glish, and lit v. Strobl) preached it German at half past mob the:int:moon. In the evening, a riven, Rev. Griuld preached another sermon in the English language. The congrega tions weer ,11 Lag, afterllooll 1111:1 eVellitlg that other services were head In the rooms on the ground II • rr, lit which there was preaching in German ht Revs. O. V. lie les, of New fork, and A. Campbell, of Caldwang•l t. The services woo very inter -1.1 - g and stows: fill in every particular, and the n teudance Was very flattering to the pros pects of the new chtircli. THE following sections of a City Ordinance r e lating to uttisaitees a 11l remind parties concerned of their duty under the law . SEc.l4 —That it shall In- the duly ()revery adult and even parent, guardian or master of every mi nor, residi .g within taro limit of the city, who has not had the enroll Rd; or been vaccinated, to be, if sn wind, vaccinated, or Pi the care of a minor, to cause such minor to be v .ccinated, between the first day id J,1111131y, and the last day Willy, un der the pe ally (lunar, Unable to do co by reason of poverty. And It shall be lawful for any re_ular Physician residing in the city, on application of such reAdent adult, or parent or master or guardian of stlel , resident minor, as are unable to pay for the vaceination by reason of poverty, to vaccinate such adult or minor, at any time duri...4 . the above Tllliffioned months, alt re cover the usual fee fur the name, of and trout the cortioration. Sec. 15. shall hereafter 1,1 , the duty of every pro ti. Inc Physician . within this city, to port to th. Mayor Col tnwith, the existence of any cases of email pox, st :idol a or other cont.igloas or malign lit In the limit °Mils eity,. on receipt of which the M.. vor shall Immediate y notify the teacher or mil...lira of every school, acad-my . 'ind s iminary in this city, requw-thug sold touch. ror principal to iikpenne Wltil he at tendance of all pupils re•iling In the family In which such disease co rots, and any teacher or principal of any school, academy or seminary within tills city, or physlei in, neglecting to com ply' with t oc provisions of this section, or, who shall faer noel , male, Twelve into his ocher Institution, any pupil from or out of any family lu which sin h 111,lne been 60 on a for -told reported to exist, until notified by the attending physician that the wine has disappeared to lie dant:emir+, shall on conviction thcreol Incur a pcnd Ity or line of ton dollars. MAN lb:: OVER AND KlLLED.—nichael it iggeuv, employed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad as a traciiinati, wan run over by a freight train, Just below New street bride , Wednesday morning, and.,lnatn otly killed. It c... 14 Iliggeos' duty to walk on the different track , of the road In Beth lehem Di , ision, and see that all screws, rail-caps, A:c., were in order and tlghiened down. Ile hal reached tt, Zinc IVoika this mornlng,when lie met a train o. the up track, trait stepped over on an other troek out of Its way. At that moment u freight pain standing on that track bit/Pktid down, iind before L.: obse r veil It, ir was observed by the train hat, is, he was knocked down and a caboose and sever it cars pared over him. The body caused a. caboose to elms oil up, ,ahtch tits rutted the attentain oh the bands on the train, who ut once silo, pew It, when the corpse of the unfortu nate mat, was discoVetaid. Ile was taken up and carried 6. his boarding place, McGovern MID aa's Hotel. on Third strew, and the Coroner noti fied. M.. Branner arrlvi dat about SJ,', o'clock, and Impaneled a Jory,con•citlng of Chas. 0. Zleg en fuss, 'I Ik. Sta falfel), Ch is. W. Rennig,Andrew Rodgers, .Joilit MeGim ern and Andrew Berry.' Upon tin admit km of the body It was discover cal that in •cep gash Mut been eat In the left tent ' pie, the 'kit! , flactured a,. I neck broken. .Both lattni, were badly bruise d. and Die left arm and leg were of isicol into a Jaiii,and the bones ground to pieces. The boily was aSO laniOst cut Into two the cut caiiimetici,4: at the hip Joint of the right leg, awl !taming .11..golo , :y across Dia holy to tiear the ribs on the la) side, from which th e bowels protql.DN. De. Shoot 01011. the poSt. InOrtuta ',condi:anon. The witnesse4 examined testified substanti illy to the facts enumerated. The Jury. niter considering the evldeace adduced, found "That-Michael Biggins met. With au acci dental death on the Lchigi. Valley RAlroad, and exonerati that Company from any nail nil blame In the matter." Deven•ed teas aged about 55 years, and hoe been a faitliffil employe of the road for the p lii or 15 years. Ilis friends will give his body prOper mail chrLitlan burial.—L'effirchent 7 mina. • . inatriiinealt±of all kinds of the heat .eanufuetorles In Europe are cold cheaper than an} ailicro' aloe at C. F. II rrman's Music 13:2 AT.j,ENTONILNII THE Smith Ameriehn Organ is the beat voiced, finest caged and cheapest reed organ In the conntry. For sale at C. F. lerrrnan's store. GENUINE IMPORTED Martin, at the ( Ity Drag litor., 722 Hamilton street, have received a lot of genuine Imported ci gars, direct from the impot . ters. 'rhey keep none callers. TIIE GREAT SCARCITY OF sloss Y.—The furnaces at Al'amtown,Calanauqua, Ilokethlauqua and Cilithry ortt.ll fact nee every mouth about $0,0,000 a mill of pig iron. With the exception of a very small per centage this Is ail shipp.• ! ttto ••, .It's a: . Illier its pig iron or After c...ta t itto mt. iota rot, or merchant. Iron. Ahem $ 100,000 t I llt untifey received for pig Iron is expended In this moo. diate vicinity for 111,11111111 e one, 11,1 !ober. A great por tion of tile money ex ono '• .1 I.t: iliii limestone Is for %OM. in isbalog •I cos, a lib the cost of labor at t 1 gniu p.tid 11111 by this for aterelt tdoise, it. .1, tails, after It certain per cualmte Is shaved 11a.:1 c.O 11 comer of hoods, the money 11.1.15 its way back to the large cities. But a large portion or tic muocy 111.1 , t remain here at home and Wt• Cull ate:101 the illllollllt or money in eiteulat illu should not Le AttilllllY 011 the inetease. IFe tori art glob], tack and pro duce from other sections, but the production of our own farming regions is bi sieved to be adequate for home consumption. If this P. so then so nitwit the more of the money rereivt il ht re monthly for iron goes to enrich the corm:moil y. We Import grain and prolltlee, but to balance thin we are continu ally sending to the coal erg item and other locali ties that which we produce Upon our own soil. We have talitat ion consideration only the wages paid slit anti the value of the err' In eolllleCtloll with the blast furnaces. Otte rolling mills employ a large number or hands and their labor is paid for by eOllSlllllerS of 1.11.11 else.; or iron uhroitti. Then we have 6ullcr wotlcs, foundries, the spike works, axle wolks, talon tie f,Atipe — works, shoe manufactories, etc., etc.; a hich give employment 11l hundreds and add to the wealth orthe commu nity through the wages pa d out. Thus it must be appArattit to am}' one that the balance of trade is In our favor. Our wealth, it le Acknowledged, Is Increasing d tily, hourly, and we believe, also, the money in circulation here in creases illlllo6t Its fast.. The co ti strike of oar prosperity and It was not until September that we appeared to be recovering from its effects. At that time money, alma rentoy, was getting easy, yet, altholigh we have had two months of almott unexampled prosperity for the iron trade .shove then, We are 10Id ttmlay that money Is tight. It Is hard to collect, we 41111111, l i t that there is any Ices here note tha a in Se..t, in!, r .va do not believe. In fact, notwithstanding tire la tvy pay clients for Fall purchases, we believe there are front $50,000 to $lOO,OOO more held here t hall in Septentber Chicago has drawn heavily "p.m the East since the lire, but it could not it ire .11eefetd us. The small contributions we have made, taken as they were from the business 1:0111111111,11y, Of course affect the circulating medium sontelol t, for live or six thousand dollars In eirmilat toll 11111 very soon liquidate a hionlred thousand dollars of obliga tions, but the amount seems s.. ti ill Mg compares with What the constant literett -0 of the money In chettlation Must be. We iuc:i,r. to the opinion that there Is more fuss CI tti ttln atom this scarcity or money. The ca- 1 1 tanst be here, and the stringency cannot her mind by anything else' thaw a lack of confidence, for which there is not the sit of all excuse. The hart! tittles of last wilder and spring showed pi tiniy hole dependent we are upon the troll trade for our prosperity. Now; It is a poor rule that will not WO: k both ways. If the stoppage of the Iron works caused our hard times In the beginning or 11111 Yttliti, tile prOSperollii condition of that trade now and P - flattering pros- In ern for the I uture must make nor whole bushiest mumunity prosperous. Revolts of the condition of the New York money in are more favora• ble, the rank, 1111111111 g from .1 to 7 p, r cent. This would favor prompt payment's! .r iron, which will help the community very in it if, fly. We don't profess in he authority Rpm in titers. of finance and political economy, Ind emu nittu sense, coupled with tile theory that man. facturittg estab lishments In roil operation mak.• prilSitel,lllS tittles for the communities In' It Melt they are located, compels us to believe that Allebtatan should he " tirsh" and one of the busiest and most thriving little eitlts in the country. In fret tee hear little complaint of small sales, the general complaint being slow. payments. ll' any one in this coutnomity can arrive at It SOIIIEIOII Of the gertt mystery of the scarcity of money we should be pleased to he ir I - 10111 theme :Hid W.' art certain the public 11,1111.1 lilt.° be inter ested: But they must pre-net very stubborn facts to convince us that there 1- scarcity of money. ~nt;ci music, instruction books, blank hooks, tousle paper and van', and all kinds of musical trloonlnge, a Lave supply constantly on hand at C. F. Herrman's Music• Storc, Allentown. LETTER lasT.—Lest of boners remaining flue.illed for at the Allentown Pmt °Mee for the week ending Monday, Nov. 13. Per,nins culling fir 1.11,, , e letters will please ray .% DVERTISCI). LADIES' L/ST. Donal:inf. Amel ia Clark, Magkl•• Dnyhttn. Kea , t y r. Ma•y Ilcat , •r, Maria 11.1111t.1. Tttyllte. D'itotrito.ll, Cid+ F l'ototterttlacher, -..r +h r, , l: Mol , ol dz. do , 5,14‘ Moo:, 5.61, (111...11, Abby July Alra 11 llama. Mary Sly der. K Kn.,, Valera K war, K roloor, Littural. VaJcr I; J K. PI., 1. NV. 11..• I, Agar, Atar.lla Judith in , GI:NTLKAILN'S A 31111.. r, .It,lin J Albri,lll, 11.‘nlel 1i . 1 , 11.1 1 11.t:0•11.4 Alklornid.u. John . 31.1,', .1 J II 11, , or, I).rtil . 31,1,1. A . 11:00,, Fr,lorlek . 11I:r!, .•1. W.llia:u 113331,1 . ..1..131i 31,.. y, IVil.ou . Iluri,r, 31 31..ittz t \yl..l . lttltrtt t . 1.,..y, , JAI. 31 , 1 - .. r. W 11.1.110 O'Bril, il,tlll N iiel , r.ltri., 1.1,1. 5.,0. I. Si , li .... Raster, \\l II N..l.ert, .Inc 1r C • 0 og.c. )0.3r., 011 orly, Jor .pll Cum,. F.. 1 01...r1.., 1,3, C.w.0 . :1 34 31..yrr 0r1..r, I'll,ll I' 1), A aon 1'..t..t. 1t...31...0. 11.01n00. I , S o' D.,u11 , 11. P0nt....1..0 Petite: F....lerlek i.lckort, 0 l'. It I.llvl, J Rh' .1... r::,..,,,1 1/11.1.1, 011 'man 1:3 . 11,4 k. ., I NI 1.,01 li I; . Eckhart, Chart, 1i..0...1,1...,,, henry - I,NV !Irmo, 1/Avt.l J I; .11., II .1 11.11.41. lleorgo .V 1;• 11,1,11.1. .L.: , .11!1;11 331, uhnrt, J W 11,,,, .1 .1' F 1 , ..g..11.1111. II Fri , .Ltlil. , 14,011 , .. A N. Cr... FV11.1.1 . 1111,11 , . 10.14 01,01, Ault,: F.ttsluger, Tilglmm; sO.lll, A 1.., A 0 sliall..r. 1',1.-r Gruber, Hon, s btal.l.l V.41/killl liog.l“b ten, Joseph 51..111..1. Fr....... 14 tirotver, ei Sli..e.itr.... r, 1 ;....0rit'. Weldor, 0 A, 110.1.11' II ' 51r0....1, li. Ilarklu, 4:ltern ' S.. 1., 11...1 - Illttle.. 1.; 31 5..1.1. r, .1....• 1.1; 11e1,r1..1t, 310...... A 5t....11, ...1,. 11,, in . , 3lattltew iiN({1111l11. h. 111 1 ,1 nit. .1::..r. 1...;; . , 11.. r. i..., J NVilltallt 5t , ...../. 1.. v• ,3-11111..11. Milton .1 Jacobi. Win ..ii.lll-• , iii.inotit kg r IC 01 . 1.11 tlll .0 0.,11 K.. 1113. A.lloll I . E. r.......r, li..uj Th.., Iwo. 1.,,, t1.',1 , h ..te 1 SI I:., 1 . 1. th .1 1.1. Esau., (Irall., NV T. 31, 1.e.. ~ .3 .K 0,,,,, 11,tv1.1 I' • 11rmi11..., Edward K....1L, Fr.tillt. W, 2 l'I.: r, 1 h., iiltilillW. J.1C.111 V Ito , rt. J....“ I.) V.... 05 r0,I:1. , do. kina. , r, 3 . 0 0 ' 1i1.4.1,, Jr.....p1. S NVel ii. ti 1; 1i... - Iter, J Fr. d NV.1..00k, Norton linon., Milton It Nt'inl, 1; iivai I\ Vil.,, h 31 W..ri..3, AI Elm.; Knot. Ti,.'.. A Wi•llti, t: I' ' .0 Co lii•tler, %VIII II \VO ,li.. A; llrrtza,3 I. Wall., 3/ II you . . . 1V”...1, .1,1,1, ' It'... I,trli. .1.110 I' 1311 oil. I. ;V Nv .1 1 , I 1w.... It Wall., ‘r a Illa NV 3 lin' 3 ..nne., s lir Ar, .; S 31 Lei 1.,•v All, Ch.trlvA 0, key. Lam mu;;, .1 U lAtideulwro,r, J..c)13 l'wly )layer, Au4t,t Will, I 31c(, llogli A rim,: second hand piano, price 4200, for male at C. F. Ilerrinnan'e Nne•le Store, corner ith and street, CArLOINti Poll. THE Prni.w.--1 hero is not a more difficult thing than to satisfy the varied tastes of the public.. Ilowev. r good the production may be tome are to be found Who are displeased with It. It lea tick that toffilres the display of till Immense a tilOOlit of :1:111 if you would he elle cudful. We congratulate our,elves thAt our efforts to please have been universally save ...Adjudging front the amount of patroeage toil the great de. :mold for our splendid Fall cloth fug , which Is now helot ; sold at lower prices than ever at the Great Clothing Ennanlum bf 111:8i r,vr Co., Townn HALL, No:518 MAllltr.T STOLE; half-way between Fifth and Sixth streets, Philadelphia.. llAre:u Me:yints are increadng their trade for the beautiful photographs talsea by Wertz. Though some scribblers bewail what they call an affliction from poems on Chicago, we are glad of the early opportunity to lay the following be. fora our readers, which Is from the pen of Whittler and which will appear In the December number of the Atlantic : Men said at vespers : All is well I In one wild night the city fell ; Fell shrines of prayer and marts of gain Before the fiery hurricane. On threescore spires had sunset shone, ‘Vbero ghastly sunrise looked on none: Men clasped each other's hands, and sold The City of the West Is dead ! Brave hearts who fought. In slow retreat, The fiends of fire from street to street, Turned, powerless, to the blinaing The dumb defiance of do-pair. A sudden Impulse thrilled each wire' That signaled round that sea of fire:— Sallt word of cheer, warm heart-throbs came ; In te.trs of pity died the flame ! Front East, from West, from South and North, The messages of hope shot forth, And, underneath the severhsg wave, The world, full-handed, reached to save. Fair seemed the old ; but fairer still The new the dreary void shall With dearer homes than those o'erthrowu, For love shall lay cacti corner stone. Ric stricken city !—from thee throw The ashen sackcloth of thy woe ; And build, as Thebes to Amphion's strain, To songs of cheer thy walls again ! how shrivelled in thy hot distress The primal sin of selfishness! flow instant ince, to take thy part, The angel In the human heart! Alt ! not In vain the flames that tossed Above thy dreadful hclocanst ; The Christ again has preached through thee The Gospel of Humanity ! Then lift once more thy towers on high, And fret with spires the western sky, To tell that God Is yet with us, And love Is still miraculous ! Guth 6: Kern's new trout is magnificent. The glass was put In to•day. Diamonds are not only fashionable, but very plentiful on our streets. Black ones, we mean. Buoj. F. Diefenderfer, of Harrisburg, had his neck broken by being thrown from a freight car on the Pennsylvania Railroad and then was man gled by a following train. A York county man, worth sls,ooo,was arrested In Harrisburg for begging. .Macallister will open at Harrisburg next week. The Ileadhg Times publishes the arrivals at the K , .ystone House. It'lle Zoe Is playing to good !modes lu Easton- The West Ward of Easton %%kiwi a Orr:company. The West Ward Reformed Church will be tin -I.bed about the first of Jan un ry. M,lnsard roofs ore going out of fashion. We don't suppose those who have them Will lake them dou n. Oliver ‘V. Co.'s rolling mill at Easton will be in running, order by the first of January. The Government National Bank of Pottsville has declared a dividend of five per cent. and car ried $3OOO to the surplus fund. Capt. Schletunhaeh, of Willtesbarre . , Is advance agent for liabelma en C Formee' Opera Troupe, which Is now traveling through Pennsylvania. Everybody Is glad to know that Frazer will be here next week with fun for everybody. Allentown Batik has declared n dividend of six per cent., payable after the 17th. The 'leading Times wants a lot of compositors The Catasaugua National Bank has declared a : , cml•annual dividend of live per cent., payable on demand. ❑abclman & Formes' Opera Troupe will be here on the 17th and 18th. They arc spoken of In the highest term's wherever they have uppeared. Everybody knows the fame of Carl Formes. Some Pottstowners want the names of King and Queen streets changed to titles more suited to our It:publican Institutions. Rev. L. K. Evans, of ‘Vllllamsport, Pa., newly elected pastor of the Trinity Reformed Church, Pottstown, will enter upon the duties of his charge on the 10th .Of December next. Poit,down has raised the sum of 1 , 2,234.84 for the Chicago and Northwest sufferers, beside/3 send. Ing six.boxes of goode. The Montgomery Ledger says the late Benjamin Frick, kept an apple In his desk for the period of thirty-four years. It was given him by a daughter in 1837, the day before her death and be laid It away and treasured it as a memento of the de parted.' Though shrivelled and dried up, It still pr served its shape somewhat at the time of his death, a few weeks ago. Mystic Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Bethlehem, Icon sent $2O to Chicago. -Tin:Sandal, State Convention, the Pennsylvania Educational Society and State Ministerlul Union, will each hold their annual meeting In Oil City IleXt. year. Win Skelton, of Cambridge Crawford county, was shot and killed at Kelley's mills, a few; days ago, by a young man who was firing at a mark. The sad occurrence was entirely accidental. At the Reading cotton mill are said to be the three largest locomotive boilers ever constructed In thin country. They are siytyfour Inches in diameter, each centaining 201 flues thirteen feat long. Including the fire box they are 34.!6 feet u length. James J. Taylor, postmaster' of Kersey, Elk county, hus been arrested and held to ball in the sum of $3,000 to appear at the United States court, at Erie,. on the second Monday of January, for opening letters in his take addressed to other rinks. • It I 0 It A young lay of Williamsport sports an iron cross of Emperor William, us a breast pin. It is. the sauce as those given out to so many bravo Prussian soldiers. The young lady Is a nativo of Cwrmany and an ardent admirer of the heroes of her faderiand. It is in shape a Maltese cross,with it simple "W" In the centre and a crown et the top, tanking, a very neat pin. Au odd suit is reported. in Erie. A printer of t hot city has sued a knight of the shaving.pot and let r-brush for between two and three dollars . , and as tut offset the barber has presented a bill for box rent for shaving-mug,.two dollars. It in to be tried this week, and there is a prospect of some fun in the case as the printerhas subnemed nuttily all the barbers In the town to appear as witnesses, so that he can ascertain the general charge for shaving-mug rent. The canals of fhe State are to be closed on the 20th Inst. • A number of the very best mechanics have left Poit , ville for work in Chicago. The Huntingdon Journal. says the hills and 1001111taillS have been on tire for a week or two Rev. Pelmet Coombe le dellverlng n eerles of lee. tures tel the license eyelet'', In the eastern part of the Stall. It is a notable fact that the old wooden bridges over r tib•oads and streams are steadily be .re. placed by iron structures. There :ire only cleM male teachers employed in the public schools of Delaware county. The rearing and keeping of bees Is an extensive and profitable business in Crawford county. The Cheesier and Delaware county railroad com pany have concluded to build a narrow•guage railway from Philadelphia by the way of Newtown Square to West Chester, and thence to Downing ton•u. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A. Y. M., at a special session voted $l,OOO toward relieving the brotherhood in Chicago and passed resoltallon , urging the subordinate Lodges throughout the CommOnwealth to contribute liberally and speed- One of our Interior towns lute produced the champion kcronene fire llgt.ter of the world. He lit a tire with kerosene with the Mae of only two pairs of troweers and the rkin of his lege. Most boys In his place put their parents to the cost of a III!lend. In the Supreme Court at Pittsburgh, on Mon day, In the cafe against Emm Inger, the election officer of Cumberland county, who persists in re fusing io do his duty, It was ordered that he file an answer by Friday, the 'Mb of November, when the case will come up for final hearing, and when it Is anticipated a peremptory writ will be issued. The papers of the interior are complaining that Forepaugb,tbe menagerie man,perpetrated a fraud when be professed to give a portion of the pro"- ceeds of his exhibitions to relieve the sufferers by the Chicago fire. The Sharon Herald says: At New Coale as nt Sharon, tho announcement . won made publicly that the gross proceeds would be turned over to the Mayor of the city to be for warded by him, but, the Democrat says, the Mayor Of New Castle did not see ally mare of It than did Hie Burgess of Sharon—nothing. Forepaugh made a similar announcement at Harrisburg. Who got the money to remit to Chief& t—titate Jarmo!. CHIC GO. Brief Chronicle State Intelligence E=lll WEISS—MARTIN.—Oct. 22d,by the same, Mr. Edwin Weiss to Miss Ellen J. Martin, both of Al lentown. HAUSMAN—SCRULER.—Oct. 15th, by the semMr. Franklin Ilituaentan to Miss Ellen A. Selaer, both of Heidelberg. ROTII—REINERT. —Oct. 28th, by the same, Mr. Alfred Roth, of Carbon county, to Miss Ellen A. Reloort, of Lotchlll. lIEINTZELMAN—BMITII.—On the 4th Inst., by the sante, Mr. E. B. flelotzelrnan, of Carbon county, to Mrs. Polly Smith, of Lowhlll. Deaths. GRIN.—In this city, Nov. 11th, Jeremiah, eon of the late Joshua and Mary Grim, aged 17 years, and 7 days. WISE.—On the 9th, in this city, Mrs. Catherine Wise, wife of Daniel Wise, aged 72 years,2 months and 30 days. UCIITEIL—In this city, on the 9th, Jonathan \Vedder, aged 67 years and 10 months. BACH MA N. —ln Weisenburg, Oct. Ist, Ju lian Bachman, aged 42 years, 7 mouths and 26 days. SCIIAIMEIL—In South Whitehall, Oct. 12th, Albert D., son of Lazarus Schaefer, aged 4 mouths and 3 days. lIOLLENBACIL—Iu Welsenburg, Oct. 14th, Jonathan llollenbach, aged 52 years, 6 months and 27 days. BORTZ.—In South Whitehall, Oct. 14th, Lc wellyn I•'. Bortz, aged 29 years, 5 months and 4 days. MILLE:R.—In South Whitehall, Oct. 2lst, Anna Muller, aged 61 years, 2 mouths and 15 days. MOURNING GOODS. Black Satin., Black Croton. Mourning Alpaca. Black all Wool De1id0e,3.4,4 4. 5 4 wide, Black French Alorloo, Black Emprea4 Cloth,lltock llombaxln• black II ant.. Brocade alo• slourowg NtriPo.l MolutlM Long and *Nara Tblbot Long and Square Blanket ,haw Is, 51ouraIng Ilandk.rchlefs full Bar. Black Crave Veil r. Mock Kld Olov -14, all sixes, Block 54k Gloves all nixes, Black Crape Collara, Wad< and White Crape Collars. Full Poe of Bro. Grain Silk all Qualllk, uud Price, at M. J. KRAM ER'S I°ORN R STORE. octlB.2m "Ncil (I.4biirrtiscutrats. A IN 'writ AToivs NOTICE. No Ice In luuttbY that lettern e n tuto tentaontacY niche leent n urttuted to iho undernlgned In the nof 101 IN nNN F.DY,lltto mutt tl, Into of the rough of Unto.- ..mutt Lehigh courtly, therefore all pttroonn who know I henotelvt, to he to raid wont°, h e r at.' to conk o meta within nix weeks from the tint.. hereof, i t nook wtt have nun burn elate. it galtett estatn will pre them well nuttatmluttod to nettlemont within the al, v tqwcilletl SAIIA II G. KENNEDY, twltolulntintrlx. =CM A DyniNisTitvrotts , NOTICE. A - 3.. Noun., In horohy glum that letters of ad mmlntrallon lbovo been granted to the undernlgnod to Inn nstatu bf .1. I l'El Elf, dere,o.n 1, lulu o Ileldelborg townehio, Lehigh Ihnro, re, all welingx knowing thninnelven to hr Indulged to m old es,atenro requnoted torn tke gn'y • eLt within nix week,. from tiled •telo•reof, and noel who havo any legal claims ogaiont the an id estate will pre.not them well zwlthoulicnied for ennlnmeot within thn above aped. •d time. ANNA PETER. V fall A`,l Adzoluln Wit torn. MEM A uroirreays NtErlcE. s. hi the Orplvo,' Mere of I,ltigh County. Pet. IN '1111: NA ITER of too accdeut. or Nathan Iluunicker rind I.n.eel .1. Kistler. Ailinitlidtretern of the Heinle of ddsoph litinsicker. late of Heidelberg town/Hill), Lehigh c•ointy. And now, Sow, 1.5. 1571. the Court appoint H. C. Hung borger. Auditor. to :wait and if ueceiediry relent° uud indite I F 1 .1,11 the recordr, • . , A. L. !tuna. Clerk. The above named Auditor will meet a I partlen Inter. 1.1 the I.hove t.tat.. at ble office at Allentown on 'RI DAY, JP/110111ER All.. next, at r eta o'clock A. M.. h. ahead to the I lui.en to ...thorn appointment 11. C. HUN:OEI.OEIi, Auditor. 70 BANK SHARES. PUBLIC SALE. 0, Tilu ESDAY, the duy of NOVEMBER. al 'clock. o. tu.. the itiolorsiueil will oil at ambit. , a•aa t mor.con lu Alioulowu, 00 shores of the Allentown National Bank. 10 shares of the Easton National Bank. $3OOO In Seven Per Cent; Ronda of the Al mown School District. 1130oudItioLo on do y of * loglo. Ly 1:1-.0. STUCK Ku r, 3AN r, NIUCKERT, Admiut'ra MEM I= El= 4 , 11 ,• 10, • I • • • • -t.14.(4.- 71171111Tlin , "- 0 lf itf - , ' ,_. . 11 •,%•*) ..k 5 ••••••,.... ! •: T ,H . F 4 f , :. • „ . 11)' - .‘7:i5•ZN1441:,.'0.. Union Street, near Lehigh Valley Depot, Allentown . RITTER & ABBOTT, MANUFACTURERS OP Sash, Doors. Datable Blinder. !amble Bib. , la, Mould ings, Brackets Balusters, Pickets. Stab.. Rail ing'? Window Frames, Door Frame?, dor. SCROLL SAWING, TURNINii I.I.I;NING, FLOORING RIPPING, DONE A T THE SLIOR TEST NOrivE. ALSO, STAIR BUILDING dean and HAND RAILING made ot order. taring now had almost five years' possesslea of the Mill, ro(orntshed it atoned it holly with new and improv ed outeltinery, and having none Hit oxperioncs.l work men, We are prepared la dory competition from al home ol abroad, both In price and Workmanship. po you contemplate building? Coll na ti on Factory and satixty yourself with s psrsonal exami. Drawbars for banding., brackets, pattern. for Oran [mattel work, scroll.. for porches, can bn neon at all time, by calling at oar 011`00. Any information to the builder furnkhed cheerfully and freely, by calling at the Manu factory, on lit l lllll street, at the Jordan Bridge, Allen own, Pa.. or by letter through the Post °Me , 3-1 Y) RITTER & ABBOTT. _ 91HE (1% ESE A ND CURE OF CON SPMI9'IttM —The primary cause of Connamptlita to demotic intim of the dlgititive urge.. This derangemt dellciontoutrltlon and aesimila lion. By axle en , Ilthion I mean lb t pro rose by which the nutriment of the food I. Converted Into blood. and thence Into the soda of the body. Pomona with digestion thus ittipalred,bating Ilia sllghtert prod/m..111ml to• pulmonary dl ... or It Ile y take cold, wit be very liable to have Consumption 'I lien Lungs lu some of 114 format and I hold that IC Will Le impossible to a e any case of Colmumptlon without first restoring. , imul dignstiOn and healthy asnlinilation. rho very Mat china to he done le to delta.• the stomach .t id b , vein flan all Moaned cannot find slime,. which is dogging those ono. so that they cannot perform thew factions. and Theo fame up and regions the liver to a healthy mita . For this, purpose the Ingest and beet remedy In Scheuck's Mandrake l'ills. • These tills glean do stomach and howeln of all the dead end morbid ellme dal is catteltlif disease and deca the whole sstem. fay will clear out the liver of all y Mamma bile th y at bits ccumulated them, and rouse It up to a new and healthy action, by which natural and healthy bile Is ....ors tad. The stomach. bowels. anti neer or. thus cleans. dby the tieuse of sober ck 'a Alaudrake ; but there retains lu etolonch uu pores. of add, the organ is torpid and the alined. poor. In the bowel. the molests trio weak. an.l r o quirlitg atreugth and support. It is in a ruudltiou like thin that Sellout over. Wee d Tonic proven to be the moat ',tumble monody rilmovcriel. It le alkaline. and lin as will lieutreittEE IEII scores of acid, Takla the atom ',cost and froth • It will give perotauent tout, to this i m p. ir t,dit erode, and create It good, hearty apatite. and Prepare the 'O.IOEIEI for the first pramss of a good Mess ;am, ad untinately make a good. healthy. living blood. Alter this pr'pa'olop treintineta, what,rsnialus to cure Meet CIPECEE of Lastinuthou in ilie.frmosull persevering bee aelietick's Palomar SyrElp. 'rho hiltnoulc Byron hes die mem, pain. the blood, and is readily disoilaid into the cur, oho tom and theum distributed to the Elle lewd longs. 'choe areasipen. all morbid matters, %cheater an the tette 01 Aba or tuberculate. and thee annlette Nature to repel oil the dineamd the form o f (roe egpectorialue, When COCO It ripens. It is than.bY p o iuumic rup, that ell ulcers cad cavities are healed the great !walled mud purlfyiug propertied of Schlock's np souud, and icy patient Is cured. th a ming to Ito done In curing Commotion is to get up a goo d a ppetite and a good digestion, eo that the body grew 111 deal% end get E.11 . 0131g. a poison ban domaud lungs, —ll coolly Or Ith.CREN tbero.—the cagily mumt hal, tho matter moat man, no long as the sys iota to i t o ow par. Whet is necessary to our,, Is a now Ed.!, et tlthig•.—a Roil appetite), a good nutrition. the h o d y to grow in nosh and get fat ; thee Nature IN helped. tilt cantos will heal.the matter tvill ripen and b.. thrown e its largo ithsotiticii, and 11l peraou regain health nod E dreogth. .1111 d in the our and only plea to Cure COI, ,auEptlou, and If a potion I. very bad, If the loafs are ooc out rely destroyed. r even If one lung le entiralY gone. if them Is euouth vltelltY tuft in the other 10 heal up, there le hope. I have n.en tunny minions cured wlth'enly sue annual honk, n od E . E .J.Ey WEE to A good old age. 'Chia Is what echo ark's Aledlomeo will do to cure Cononmption• They will cleat, oil the nteleach. Flue. tee Awl atragthen it, get a n n e arest eo. mid ,itter° the unelntsuce nlte %teeth% tic the e)nteill Ut ull ate disease that In In the they, WhEadVer the form may be. Ii is In%pentillt that WllllO 11.101 JCliettClea Medlelnea. care nliould Lo eget Mood nut to tole cold; keep le.duere lii co d 01E101%1E10 so ember avoid night ale, and take out. door cgotclut only lu a genial nod Warta gunthlue. I wish ii diatlocily adorstuott that wen 1 recomend to 1,,, c a reful au regard to ta h king cold, w m hile ti .ing lily utt Ido so tor n special reason. A Mau boor ; a lly r e .over e d trout •he effects of a b id add I. ler more to it relayse than ono.who has ban entlrEEl y cored; and It is {milady the cane lit regard to CeuntlalptlOU. .0 long KM the are not perfectly halttt, tent no touch. there Innoluen, d.nn r ot a fall re•. lof the dkeise. ill. that no strenuously mu tt it, pulmonary Patients against eeponlug thellptelVen to tot tumosebere that la hot getilia and pleanaut. Conurtued ("tots emotive.' Inuits urn a Moot of core., wnirh the 111,t change of oimapto•re will oakum. 'Coe grand secret of my lit w stay Meek:lEles couninte Itt my ability to itli • Lot dintin al , Itinteetl proVolgiug It. an mane of lie „ Tioultydo. Au tabooed Idea enema,, Wall the safety p m ea t Lnvz punnd le 11E0 luting Want. of Winter or the chilling wad. of :Trios or Autumn. It should lie rarelully shielded trent all In-dating e paracuinr,rtarrilnflueuma. The et authm panto beult.erred Madta out It a ours outlet Mutat any citcutustmoes la au itapom ell (lily I'h , param .hould ha kept on a wholesome nod nultith ou. t, and oil dm Meat:law rationed until is body' Ito. re-m.. 1 to it the costars' titthlulltY or fled. and sirouctli. w.,. myself cured by this treatment of the worst kind of CEnullteption. And litre hvid to get fat gad hearty many yea., with 0110 tang mosey sae. 1 have cured temi•ands Mae. very ;any have been cured by this treattneut lea 111 ore never eau. A out the first of °mob, I emie.l to take poseesslon of ley nee Et the .%4lttlieent suer of digtb and. A oh street, wham I shall lie pleased t Ceo sloe advice to all' Ito may retinue it. ,00 duotogusa .oo t mp awny rld c a my eR r e e m a e ddiliye s c usoe d th bayt a strict übservame of the battle. J. 11. SCHENC hila K, de l ph D., ia. Price of the Pultnonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, trt a tit h7:.0 a dozen. Alsodrake Pills, 2A ants a Los. For hate 10 all dealers. JtIIINtiON, HOLLOWAY At COWDEN. €432 &toilet:est, phlisainhiaa Wholesale Agent, • Etn32.'71.1y w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers