fgebicittal. A Alrl,; 722 Al 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF LawallSzMartin, Lawall Martin Lawall &Martin B. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. HAMILTON & HALL STS., If 'you want Pure Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there: If you want Pure Medicines go there. If you want Pure Spices go there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you want Physicians' Prescrip tions put up right go there. If you want anything at all go there. If you don't wantanythi ng go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE: SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are ready to wait on you. They are both practical chem 7 ists ; you will find that to be the case after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store NO ITRE,N OPAY DR. H. 1). LONGAKER, Orednato of tho University of Pennsylvania. al Plated his, has been in successful practice for a dumber of ye • In various parts of the United States; will promptly tend to all branches of his profession at bin rooms, East aide of Sixth street. bet. Hamilton and Wain ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent Medicine. are need or recommended ; there edies adminletered are the., which will not break de the conntitution, but renovate the ardent from all inter It has auatained from mineral medicines, and leave It healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS. DYSPEPSIA, and all dlseaaea of the Lunge, Throat, Stomach, and I or, which yearly carry tboueande to untimely graven, undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that elate of alienation and aberration of mind which r dere person. incapable of enjoying the pleaeurea of p forming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, 'many fwm or condition. chronic or acute, warranted cur able. Splice.y. or failing sickuer., and chronic or stub born car. of FEMALE. DISEASES speedily nod radically removed; Salt Rheum. Skin Dixotutes (of years' atunding) every description of Ulcerations, Pile. and Scrofnious ditt o..., warranted cured. 1/4e very Part attention exes. given to private diseases o description Ladles suffering from any complaint Incidental to thel sex, can consult the doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer eared, and Tumors Diseasesds removed withou the knife or drawing blood. of the EYE AND EAR successfully and effectually removed. I r a er; D e r in i Ve n g grOs wit I make I latter t d any dletunco 1'41: Icine sent with proper directions to any poet of the county. Orrice: East aide of Sixth street, between Hamilton and Walnut. Allentown. Pa. may 28-ly IRON IN THE BLOOD. I TONIC SYRUP ORft Hl.l oRs The PERMIAN SYRUP makes the weak strong, and expel.; di mbte by supplying the blood with Nsruns's OwN Yirtl.l7.MO Acatn—lßON. Caution.—Re sure you get Peruvian Syrup. Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. no Do , St., New York. Sold by Druggists generally. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly Rod permanently 01711111), without pain, dangt,r, cauatics or inetrumonte, by WM. A. MoCANDLESS, M. D., U 1 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who sin refer you to over 1200 cases cured in Philadel phia alone. We desire to say to those afflicted, there le positively no deception In the cure of these Dissaaea, It matters not how long or hnw severely yon hays been (JULIO, we can cure you. We also cure Pistols, Fissure Prolapses. Stricturee and Ulceration of the lower bowel. Come you that are suffering, we will not deceive you. We have patients from almost every Abdo In the Union and from Europe. Hass treated these diaoasoe for twenty vows without a failure. apr P. 17 PHILOSOPHY OF NIAIIRIAGE.—A New COollg. Or LECTCRES, an lICIINRMI at the Penns Polytechnic, and Anatomical Museum, 12.11 Chestnut St., three doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the subjects: llow to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Mn tartly and Old Age; Manhood Oeuorally. Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatalence and nervous Diseases accounted fort Marriage Philosophically considered. These lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents by addressing: Secretary o the PCIIHR. POLYTECHNIC .1011) ANATOMICAL Munn'. 1 5)3 Chestnut Si., Philadelph ia, Penn. Zpertaclrs. SPECTACLES ! SPECTACLES ! EYE OLAI3BIi6. &c. 841tAa.:,°2;:'311tee:782g:I:t°' or all kind. of V'/ CHAS. S. AIASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Raving devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle bedevil for these last few years, I dud that my hairiness In that line hae Increased no lunch that I have de. termlned to maim It a SPECIALTY. There is no article =undeclared In which there Is Co much deception pnic. public• there is In Spectacle 0 lessee. , Knowing that the have been frequently humbugged by parties Pre tending to have a superior article of Classes, and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby trafacing upon thane. cessities and Infirmities of age, 1 have taken pains to se. hot a large and complete assortment of the finest and best 01 sssss aver manufactared, thee affording all persons needing Spectacles an opportunity of purchasing at roe. sonable prices. Persons having any difficulty in being malted elsewhere will do well to give me a call, as I feel confident that tootle will fall to be suited. Remember the old stand, No. 29 gut Hamilton Street, opposite the Ger a:Ma Reformed Church, Allentown, Pa. Stn 29•'00 tf C . F. WOLFERTZ, CUTLERY, 10. 608 HAMILTON STREET, •. ALLENTOWN, PA. Itannrantnrea and keens conftantli on hand • lame a.. flatulent of all kinds of Ca ll er). Hama, Table AiniTOS mil Yorke. Puke' Yalu, UT/ • ffittancial. GIRARD SAVINGS BANK, NO. (Organized under • State Charter), EAST HAMILTON STREET, IfLLELT OPPOSITE THE COMIT 1100!■ • Monies received on deposit at all times from one dollar uPW•rde• Pays SIX per cent. Interest for six months or longer. Four per and Sil v er daily balance. subj ect to etiesit at sight. Gold and Silver. United Staten Bon • and other Securities bought and sold. interest collected on Govern ment Securities at fair rates. and may withdraw will be held strictly confidential, and may be at any time. Married women and minors have special privileges granted in our charter. having fall power to Banana busi ness with ns in their own names. This Institution is a legal depository for monies paid into Court, and receives money In trust from guardian., timinietraters. treionrere, tax callectow and others. 4.7• MONET LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS FRAGE ALBRIGHT, Presidect. U. n •R•arzsmb, Cashier. Dfrectore—Phaott Albright, Jame. V Kline. Tilghman Mena. David Welds . Aaron Eisenhart. lel-3m MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK MiLLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. ' Thle Inetitntion will be opened on or before the let day of April. Money will be tak upwards ,eit which mes and In any annul from ono dollar for SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will be paid. Deposita may be withdrawn at any time Also, money oaned out on favorable ( JAMES WEILER, Prot !dent gamma Sunisa, Caalaer. J. F. M. Miffed, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. East, Christ' K. Henninger, David Donner, Willis m Ssliday. Immo °Gebel. Gideon F. Eimer, Horatio T. Her Hog, Benjamin 3. Bchrooyer. James Bingmaster mar 111.6 m ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU TION, Organized as "Dimes Saving institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLY OPPOSITE TUE AXIRICAN HOTEL.) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This Institution, the oldest Saving Dank in Eastern Pennsylvania, has been in continuous and succomful operation for ten years, and continues to pay SIX PElt CENT. INTEREST on money for ono year, and special rates of interest for shorter periods. dential. 113-1 deposits of money will be bold strictly confi- Al Exeoutors, Administrators, Trustees, Assigne4, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other costodiann of public or private moneys, are of fered liberal rates of Interest. Farmer°. Merchants. Laborers. and all who have money to pat on interest for a long or short period will find our Institution an agreeable and advantageoun one in which to do business. We especially invite LADIES to transact their banking business with us. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have special privi leges granted by our charter—having full power to trans act business with on In their own name.. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE Alp WELL SECURED, by a Capital stook and surplns money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND aOLLARS, and addition. the Board of Truntoos bave'ae required by t barter, given bonds under the napery inion of the Court in the num of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are reale- Mred In and held by the Conn of Common Plea. of We county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of the most secure and extensive kind known in thin country as a personal inspection will show, and to which we Invite our friend. and customers. We refer to this ,'believing that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the enrety and reliability of a good Saving Dank. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, President. • CHRISTIAN PRETZ, Vice President. REUBEN STAHLER, Cashier. TROOTIM: B. Ainey, Charles S Bosh, Christian Preis, John D. Stiles, F. B. Samuel., Benj. .1. Ilagonbue (I eorge Drobst, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. an 12-tf FARRIER'S SAVINGS BAN , Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870. Fogelemille, Upper Macungie tow nebip, Lehigh Co. This Institution ban been organized and opened under a State Charter. MONEY will be taken on deposit at all times and in any sum from 51 and upwards, for which 6 PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID. W o o m sit o szar o b a Nyithdrawo at any . time. d " t V:qllll r lr t ?VW * President It. H. FOGEL, Cushier. TILIMT111311: Dr. 11. A. Saylor, J. 11. Straub, Daniel Moyer, David Peter, Jima, Rauch, Samuel Kuhns, Daniel H. Cron:, William Stein. William Mohr laPr SAS FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alley, to Lion Hall, second Mory, opposite the German Reformed Church. In the City of Allentown. in organised and ready for business. It tont pay sot per cent. In terest on nil deposits except business deposits, for any periwig/tie, w hi c h , e the from the &de of deposit. To accord the Trustees of the Institution have filed In tho Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, under the on of the a bond in the sum o Twenty-five directi Thousand Dollarn, Court. conditioned for the faith f ful keePleg and appropriation of alt such sums of money BAshill be ploced to charge of eaid FRANKLIN SAVINGS NK, whether as deponitn, or shores of Mock. which bond may be enlarged by tho Court wheaover It may be deemed necessary In addition to thin. the Art of Incorporation makes the Stockholdern personalty liable to the depositors in ..fou ble the amount qf the Capital Stock of the Brink, which In fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to 111er...tit to one hundred told fifty thousand dollars. Them prey 'Mono will make It very desirable and. nate Plir e e m o d f e d “ ofinit. r elate that the deposit. will be kept Ili on: ' ,i ' f 7 tt e e r ;i7n e t need beet protected motile in this city. Arrangemente will be made to furnish drafts on.theeltim of New York nod Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, Preshtent J. W. WILSON, Vice President J. E.. ZINIMERMAN. Cashier. Trustees : Daniel 11. Miller, S. A. Bridge., John Holben. J. W Boer, J. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Croat, Peter Orono., Ed win Zimmerman. 111111 . 30 THE ERIN SAVINGS HANK OF WM: L. YOHN NORTH SEVEN2B ST., ABOVE LINDEN, ALLENTOWN, PA. This bank hen been eatabllehed for the purpose of carry• log on a general Bookieg linalunen. anti to offer to the communtly a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at borne, at the name rate of Interact that it would command in New York or New Jorge), MONEY LOANED OUT ON (7000 SECURITY air Gold, Sliver and Government Bonds bought and sold. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United States in ems to null purchaser.. Collection. made on all accessible points, end proceeds promptly remitted at current rates. Farmer., Merchants, Laborers and all who have money to put out on interest for a long or abort period will And this Institntion an agreeable and advantageous one In which to do Mttoes, ' Interest allowed on deposits at the following rate., to wit: gl'l'NElitTllEWlTlfelf one M . , days and under one veer. iffirßevenue stampa sold at a diecount. Cjan dew Dru eoobts. SHOT AND SHELL Never createdimore havoc Iu an enemy's camp than Our Last Price List DILI Ila tho rauks of HIGH PRICED STORES They cant see how It le that we can Make Money and Sell Goods so Cheap EFEIM "MAMMOTH STORES." WE WILL TELL THEM Fleet. bu•ing two Mores, we are able to buy Ooods ' largo lots from 1010 20 per cent. cheaper that, they do. Second, our largo sales enable us to make money, e•. though we make but Ilttle on any one article. IMMENSE ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Tinusnally complete in all the lAteet nubby and novel ties of the season. White Goods Department. Plaln and Check Nal soots, Ptquen, Jactoaets, etc. DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT ! Shootings. Ticklugs, Checks, T►ble Damask, NAO.'. and Dalton. etc. Men's Furnishing Department Cloth, Caseklmoro, Tweed.. Cottonsdos, ac., he Carpet and Oil Cloth Departmon Unsorpaseed outulde or Now York nod Piffled& . Curtain Laoes and Window Shades OUR STOOK is entirely too extensive to enumerate articles and prices We have in stock a general assortment of Goods usual ly kept Inn flrst-elass and well regulated store. Call and be convinced that we prove words by actions. Respectfully, E. S. SHINIER & CO. , 701 and 707 Hamilton St., Allentown, P. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER TREMENDOUS STOCK OF LUMBER! GREAT PREPARAT'ONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE I'LLOUGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TRERLER & 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa. BE SURE AND LOOK FOR THE LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OFFERED AT TILE FOLLOWING PRICES COME SEE!! Parsons in need of lumber for large buildings trill gad II • fill orders for all kinds of lumber used in large buildings Eveu it article belonging to a first-clam! lumber yard is col Than NI for past favors. I Invite my friend+ to call and Jan -9m TO COACHMAKERS. CUSTER'S PATENT CARRIAGE GEARING I This mode of gearing is far superior to any yet Invented for beauty, shnplicliy and durability, and does not require a geolus to attach it to any kiod of spring carriage or wagon, and will answer hli the purposes that platform gearing will, with abut one-fourth the labor. ADVANTAGES OYEZ ANY 'OTH. ER GEARING. The braces support the body so that It cannot more backward and forward. It prevents straining the spring -bolts and ear. of sluing. It rides much steadier. It answers for all kinds of can ages and epring wagons. It Is much lighter. It improves the appearance of a carriage. It takes less skilled labor to construct one. It Is much easier washed and kept clean. It is especially adapted to carriages and wagons where short turning is required. It Is much stronger and less liable to get out of order. State, County and Shop rights for sale. For further Information, address C. ( 'LISTER & CO, Trexlertown, Lehigh County, Penne apr 26.3mw Harrison Safety Boiler. NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACIIINES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL WHO REQUIRE A SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To our NEW STYLES, which pousera unmistakable advantages over the NOISY and CUMBROUS Myles of other makers. lIAIITMAN 'ER DEPOT: ill Price Paid For Old Blank Books And Ledgers, Waste Paper, That ore all written over. 0(.11 kiodo. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. RAOII, Rots. DADDIFD MID CharYA6IIOOORT. Consignment. from Country Dealers solicited. marl -IT J. lIAItTMAT, 011 Jaya e P. WASTE PA' The lltallest Cas Old Newspapers Of a•ery dencrlptlon WAIRVIEW CEMETERY ANSOCIA TION OF ALLENTOWN. This Association is prepared to sell lota dear oral' en enmbrancea on reasonable terms. Yardmers can ees plans at the ogles of the Association, No. 626 Lion Hall, Seoond Floor , K 7 Ovine, notice at the ales Mr. C. K. Heist will wee Vinous et the Cemetery tO give all the Information they Want. CHAS. KLlNE,President. CHAP ECKERT. Treasurer. Ityr J. J. STEIN. tieeretarr. MRS. GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimming Stcire, ALLENTOWN. PA. sV i i) The trade at this old and well know establishment I. e a o r n e trn t i: y t o u n c ti r troi l li g n°4l:til e tatNlo N 34 .l BWea S and always suitable to the wants of her numerous gusto. mere. People should alwaye go whore they are sure lobe nulled at low Ceara.. 'an 18 AT THE ALLENTOWN LUMBER YARDS " BLUE SIGN l" AND (ROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING IVIACHINE! THE BEST IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING ! FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family sewing CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIIIEBACK, Agent. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton S No. 1 Pine Boards, best quality, per thousand $3l " 1 " Scantling, " 32 a " 2 " Boards, 25 " 3 " " 19 inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " all width, 18 " 1 '' Floor, 6 Inches wide, best quality.. 34 " 1 " " all widths,per thousnod...... 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide .... ... 26 a 1 " " all widths 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring 30 " 1 Block Siding, best quality " 1 German " a ..... ............. .. at IC 2 0 0 • ............ .. ..... 34 % Beveled Siding, planed 26 tt " not planed 22 114 Inch Common Panne 40 134 a .: 40 2 0 It IC 40 Hemlock Joist, Scantling, &c., all length 18 Hemlock Boards, 19 Inches wide 19 0 " all widths 18 No. 1 24 inch Shingles, extra quality 15 " 126 " " 19 0 It CC 124 CI CC 14 3 feet Lathe, best.quality 52.75 4 II " IC 2.75 3 " Palings 13.00 334 a " 14.00 4 " CC 15.00 434" " 0.00 Fence Boards and Rails "0 00 " Posts, extra quality SO cis All other Lumber lu proportion. It greatly to their advantage to call, being constantly ready I/ open the most favorable terms. modal the shortest notice. Instantly kept on hand. Inspect my stock. Respectfully WILLOUOLID . Y It. TREK LER. HAS BEEN IN PRACTICAL lISE FOR MORE THAN TEN YEARS. 2.1,000 Ill,rsty-poorer in Use. lornatl.,l lintlttl. l ondon, 1F.41 . 2 A loxlltttle 2.1 , ,181, 18 9. HARRISON BOILER WORKS P 11,1)13, I vESTON'S PATE!“ 11I1FERENTIAL Plll.ll.Eli 1.11.1.(14S. =I lAILICISON BOILER WORKS. Phlla or ✓OIIN A. COLEMAN, Agent, 11011110Auway, NEW lioxic ud 119 FIMERAI, Sr.. 130ATON. j3lJ'i•lyw =1 FOR BRAIDING FOR QUILTING FOIL lIENINIING 11:E11=13E1 FOR GATHERING =1 FOR CORDING FOR FELLING reet, Allentown, Pa IVATNON'S CELEBRATED FI, .E AND BURGLAR PROOF I ' l ' 7 - SAFES. ESTABLISHED /V 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE 1100 SE IN PHILADELPHIA, .Thu.l, , Sato with Justin Doons. 0 uaraumed Yree from Dampness. Also prices from 16 to 20 per cent. lower than oiler makers. Please scud fur Circular and Price Ms t. Late of Evatm & Wataon. Mauctracturera, nualt3.6in w No. 638. Fourth St, Philadelphia. WOLFEIRTZ, NO. 606 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, Markefecturer of all kinds of Cutlery. and dealer le Sport...3ol3's Articles, which ho is sallies at reduced pill, es. Slagle and double barrel Hunting Gees, Revolvers of all blade, Powder. tlhot, CAN. Fishing Tackle, etc July27.w MANHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just published. inn awful envelope. Price. :Ls cents A LECTURE ON TUR NATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical Cure of Spermatorthea or Seminal Weak use,. Involuntary Emisalous. Searle! Debility. and lialeidl‘ mote to Marriage generally; Nervonatietta t Uonsumption, Epilepsy and Pits, Mental and Physical incapleity. re• stilling from Self Abuse, dm.. by ROOT. 3. COLvisawabli , M. D., author of the •• Omen 800 k... to " • BOON TO THOUSANDS 01 13117/1111SHIS." Bent under east, to a plain envelope, to any addrese, Bostßaid, on receipt or six cents. or two postage etsoups, by CHAS. .7. C. KLINE & CO., IV Bowery. New York, Pont Office box 4583. June C,lmdAw Eiltateljeo anb 3el3chu. BAII4IYa Chestnut and 12th Sts., JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS, Have completed arrangements with lead ing Makers In Europe, by which they are now enabled to offer Fine Watches, At very moderate prices. Soria/act/on guaranteed In all cases. Goods sent by Express on approval. Strangers are cordially invited to visit our establishment. ' R 1003 10 j,EgAtowaikt NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, Dea're to Invite the •perhJ attention of pat altar', and othera viniting the.elty, to their nentmally large and va ried atotertment of NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS. ARTISTIC SILVER WARE, FOR BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESENTATIONS. Table Cutlery, Electro Plated Goods FRENCII CLOOKS, BRONZES AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS, Received DIRECT FROM PARIS ilnrlng the mment seas.. Courteous and polite attention la extended to all who may be induced to accepts cordial toy Ration to vinit Mel beautiful atoro. . PO2 OHESTNUT ST "ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATD I ES AND JEWELRY, No. 143 NORTH SECOND ST.. con. or QUAKIII' A Att assortment of Watches, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Warn constantly on hand. Sirltepairlug of Watches and Jewelry promptly ~ attended to. nr 5-1 v KELLER dr BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., well regulated and warranted. All alma and prices, fro $2 upwards. A larger aaaortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE (every Option. Sir Watcanii repaired on Short Notion. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES B. MASSEY'S, No. 23 Beet Remitted ntreet, oppoelto the Gertnen Re formed Church. Juni reeelved.frunt New York and Phil adelphle. ell the 'Meet etylos Ha hnn the Inrucat nod bout limn - lament of Gold Wotchea and at lower prices than can ho found elsewhere. Ile hne n Inrgernutl hotter onsorttnnul of Silver Wald. , Ihnu eau hepurehaned nllYwhoro Mu, (4( )1,1) JEWELRY. Ile litt% lloe InrAt4 and loot asxorhoent of all kladx (told JeaWry•. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile hen a larger and better alutortineut of all kin& of 01 and Plated Jewelry than eau ho SILVER AND PLATED' . \VARE. Heinle “ splendid ausurtniout of Silver nod Plated Waco. Any person deelriug, goods to Ilk hue cuu not full to be eultrucl. A larger al.nrtment than at any other eatebllehinept • MELODEONS. A nplendld ansortanctit of Prince's Meted..., the bent In the world. . . ACCORDEONS. A splendid wisortmout of all kind. of Acconleous. Ills establlnhinent Imo lately been fitted op, and to now Inwood to none in New York mid Philadelphia, nod ahead of anythingoutaide Om largo office. Helms a large: stock of (million nbleKoode In his line than all others In Lehigh county combined. To cony luau you rnolve oot the above call and .co • .L4T A I{GEST STOCK • GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furniture store to town of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., • 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN. The firm base ,recently put In a NAM. MOTU ALL PLATE•OLASS FRONT, and have otherwise enlarged their facilities NT keeping on band the largest stock the city. Their ELEGANT FURNITURE Is manufactured In their own establtehment, under their own supervision, nod Is warrant ed to be fhe best In the market. An Inspection • • of their nitwit will convince buyers of the ad vantage of buying from them Relmtmeli,Helfrich & Co. manor tcture KITTLE'S PATENT SPRINO BED, and ore sole agents for that superior bed. Call and nee It. Renieumer The a mmoth Glass Front. PACIFIC GUANO AO. I=l Are UnexceUed Are Unequalled Are Superiv Are Unapproachable Are UURU rpassed Are Faultless Are Lwow:lna:oe I= CAPITAL, $1,000,000. JOHN S. BEESE & 122 SOUTH DELA WARE AVE.,' SOLUBLE PACIFIC No fertiliser Introduced to the farmers of the Middle and Southern Steles line given more general nod uniform sat- Infection than this guano. The trade In It has steadily Increased until the consump tion now throughout the entire country far ...eds that of any other fertiliser. Tho large capital Involved In Ile production affords the unreel guarantee to Its continued excellence. The con, Pany has a far greater interest In the permanence of its rude than any number of °mummers can have • henco It Is the highest Interest of the company to put their best fertilisers In the Market. that their usual facilities. aided by the best scientific ability can produce. Thle guano Is cold at retail by local agent. of the com• pun throughout New Jersey, Delaware. Pennsylvania and t he Southern State., and at wholeeale by =Carl LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS ESZsd=gl gogast 2•9 m w PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS all the newest styles, Lama and real Lace cover and Parasols especially for Lace covers, our assortment anPlain and Fancy floods Is norqoalled. and the prices low as the lowest. Paraeols 76 eta to SI-10.25-11ned. $1.23, 51.60,41 00-710.10—up to $l6 CU; bilk Umbrellas. M. *LW. 10100; Halo Umbrellas, from Wate. and upwards. You will save both time and money by aly lag u• • call. All goods guaranteed of a superior quality and to be as represented. DIXON,' • 21 South Eighth Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets, East Side, PIIILAADELPIIIA. apr'l WANTED.—A FEW FIRST•CLANS AGENTS. male and female, for the best selling books published. Send for circulars. BIBLE BROTHERS, Publishers. 75 Bleecker Street, - one door West of Broadway, N Y. Watches. C A RD. PHILADELPHIA, OF MOST RELIABLE MAKERS = ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS. GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCHES. CLOCKS GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE PIIILADELPIIIA GUANO REDUCED PRICES JOHN S. REESE d Co., General Agents for the Company 3Fur the il.aDirs WgIEELER FAMILY SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST! OVER HALF' MILLION NOW IN USE I They have Found oho tot of twenty y,ere' nee, end It le 120 fltrorttneut to nnreh.w...th!. SOLD ON THE INSTAI,SIENT I . LAN. Cull at the unleurooto stol rs annua them. whether you wish to purchase or u .1. PETERSON & CARPENTER GENERAL. AGENTS. 914 CHESTNUT STREET, jour ^8.1) $4O IlleLEAli .% HOOPER $4 • IMPROVED ELASTIC u ; Ikt, Lock Stitch Fluoilly Sewing. Machine The Beet end Che:ti , oet In ientk• t. end exee:e , T 1 . 1.1 I °Wing' PM".: UNEQUALED SIMPLICIT i. QUIETNESS OF' orES ‘TION. EASEOF MA NA , IEMEN't, RAPIDITY EX ECOTION NON-LIABILITY TO 91(00 -TITrIIES OR DEEM. TIIREA A. SIMPLICITY OF TENSION . ANO kOI•LY !NO ATTAOII 31ENTs. Arid Its ditch term to up nee or weer thin th • "Shuttle . " stitch. while It ran be mere ee-ily hike& not It denired. ThobIcLEAN Y 1100 PER rvlll Stitch, Item, FPll.Turld Quilt. Cord, 1;:tibroi•lor nn.l In a most approved 111.11.1 Cr. J M ACII INES IV RRA NT!.:11 WM. BLOECKLY & CO., = 61S HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN fob 10.1vdaw WEED SEWINO MAC lEN lIUBER & FRITZ, Agts., Allentown SEE WHAT WE CLAIM TH EC WILL DO BEST 811 UTTLS MACHINE OUT ! That tlany wIII make it Stitch ellkeon both mina ! That they tall! HEM I FELL! BIND! CORD! !MAID ! RUFFLE! TUCK QUILT! NE)! ! OATIIER AND SEW ON AT TII E SANE TIM F. 1 \till',N'l''i'l:l~~l-! lo Addition to All thl,hey Are Eg,tll) for Fla. lloxvy Work. lit ' I; Fa r 1 I . 1 . 1/ AOEIIS FOIL NT i way 2.5-3 m ftlrclianics. CONSH 0110( . 1( EN 13()I LE It AN 1) ( oi J 011 N 0() I), JIL, MANCVACTUNFAI Of' TUBE. FLUE .4.vnert.lNDEß BothEES. BAT!! AN!) STEAM CIRL'ULATI.va BOILERS. All kinds of Wrought Iron rolls, Tuyers for Blast Po, risco. assotneters, Stook.. Stuck. Blast Ihplis, I too Wheel barrows, and everything in the Itollet had 51114.1 Iron line. Also. all kinds of Iron sod Steel Par,ongs noel Blacksmith work, Mluers . Tools at All kinds, such us Whets BUCK etx, Picks, Brills. Mallets, Sledges, Sc. Ravings Steam Hammer nod lof tools eon kinds, and skilled Prorklneth I dotter bit salt that I torn but work with Pr:DM:loess and dispatch, all of which will be warrant...l to bo tirst•clatis. Patching hollers, nod repairing generally. strictly Bl ended to. :Pt 17 G.tothing, GRE Al ATT R ACT lON NEW FIRM! XEW G 0 OMS! CLOTHBG ! NG GRAND SPRING AND SP.II. , IPUGPENING. ORE4T REDUCTION IN PRICE; I - T. OSNIUN Sureetmors to Mut %tor u ra BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMER'S IMILDJNO . . NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, rA. • We would Inform the cltl,ens of Allentown and the For rounding country tlrnt wu are prepared with a largo Mock or goods for - - SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reasonable prices• To those who buy . their Clothing reedy-made, they are prepared to offer BARGAINS. IVHOLE.SUITS MADE TO ORDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cat and =dein the latoet Mile, nod by . the best workmen OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIIIERES iv larger than It bax been before, and we Intend to rail at very SMALL PROFITS, and giro our custonnere the bene fit of our low purehaeee• Greet quantities and yarleilee of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And eyer7thlna In the Hue of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, LEN'S. YOUTHS'. BOYS' null CHILDREN READY-.MADE CLOTHING, =II Don't forget the pine°. No. tirli llontllton ,dreot, third door abort, Stxth ntroot. T.Osaina, 7tcOu 11. &AMA. MARTIN LYNN mar 24 tf ALLENTOWN ROLLING MILL CO., THAYER, ERDNIAN, ‘VII.SON & CO., EMI= STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL GEARING, SIIAF Coo, Furnace, Rolling lliil and . lining Work, &c., &c., &C N. B. —All work guaranteed and delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Sup't soigulit 9.9 m WESLEYA N WILMINGTON. DEL.. (Mrs thorough itottructlon. ceinfortuble accetntuoda. lions and careful oversight of the !want.. notun•rs. mu t boors`, of the pupils, at reasonable expense. Follses- Cott will begin SePtember 11th, 151. Yo catalogue or information. address BEV. JOHN WILSON, Pte , blent. A. 81.. suplo-lum/ 7, 1871. 1 4j, 01C1'111 PEN NSY 11.- rmr 1 - N VANIA RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Pansennora (or Philndelphin Mite Lehigh Vnlley R. R. trnina paaelog Allentown tit 6111. SIX) and 11 00 a. m., and 535 and ft 12 p rn.. and artivo In Philadelphia at 850 tn, 13 615 and . 10 o'l p. tn. Mail Lehinit and Ituannelmona ltnilroml train. '2 43 on A 411 p. tu., and Pori,. in Phila delphia nt 5 3' awl 015 p. tn. LOCAL (Six Through Tr titin 11oRy, Sotplaym Excepted. / Pniwenget train. tenor depot North weal corner Berke told A merit. et 1,1. p1,0 2 ,1,4thia. For AileoPiwo nt 51x1 .11 n IS a. 111..2 Di. 3 20, 4 00 nod 510 p P kill e•r. nre nowt, to . th .t.to. ir,tin. 11 For 000-town nt 630 a.111..30 and 4 :kip to. For Fort We kltintelou nt 7 ow 11 it tn. 9 17,000 II 3 0 p in. For 0911,111111:111111.12(6)11.111.111, Fin Lattitila 611 9. In. Trains for Philndelphin. Lenyo Bothleitont nt 1331, 8':110. In.. 1215, 315, 600 and 1330 p. • Dityleatown at fB5 a. m.. 3 tkt and 0 008. tn. .• alt 90, n. " Fort Wo•hiputou nt 830, 10 30 n. tn., 21.5 :,nil 9 1 P. " I . bl t t l' 1 691 In n' "" an N trA Leavitt liothlebent roe nt 4111 p. tn. Doyle:imp n 6 45 a. tn. Len, 1'101101.01 , H , , for Bothlehem at 930 a. tn. L r I , o2lentiwn 01 ?WI , . n. Fire—Allentown to I . loloilololoo, 91 65, ETA, IS LA 1116, Anent. E 11141411 VALLEY " rm,- t y RA11,110.11/. III? nt.2lloLt v L''''' SUMTER ARRANGEMENT. Loner All , t.town for New York. via Central Railroad of NOW Jeraey, at It tll, 71.1*, !•00, and 11 GI a al, nod 1210, k3IP. tn. For New York, via Morris d[ Rolex Railroad, at 6R anti 11 PO a nt, an 11141 p tn. For 311tunnkit Chunk and lfelvldrro at 030 a In, and Gal =0 m. For Lambertville mud Trenton al GOO and 1155 a ni, and p For Ent.tn nt .P. O.?, ot). 8 :WA lid 11.7 i ata 121,tr, 14.5. 5 h:5 and IL p tn. For Philatiolithia. Via North Pena Railroad, at 600, and 11 h 5 a In, 53.5, 85.5 and 813 p For & ogles v Ille IL. It.. 831 a In and P tn. F.or Colday at fl7amt 1215 u tn, 4 Li, 610 And 757 p ni. For Mauch Clinilk at 62.1, Itur it In. 1214, 4 Viand 75.1 pm. Fur Pampa], nt 3.land 10.7 a 111. 4 urn to. _ Far Wu Owego. Minim. Auburn and ItutTalo, at • m Es Pros TrAlu. I Far Ila Mom At lll:baud 10 07 a in, nod 421 p m. F. r Atalmitif.ll a: 10..7 a For Slalitm.y (111). at o't7 a...11...7 a tn. nail 4 216 inf Far AU I:amid 01113".aull 11 , 67 a m. hnhtx truth a star •tart (ram fiat Peun Junction. R. 11. NAY 1.141 Snii't Eulr• A LEP:N . I . 4MA PASSENGER RAIL xx. WAY. E TA ISLE. 11n'111.1 niter .-ATY li MAY, July let, 1,71, ca, Will run 1.. ill li /10.... ill.' Lehigh Valley lad 1.0111,11 and Suiatite. li a t op, pada t lelphhi .11 Rending (Evil Pena Julienne) Lilro.cl+, and to the Anent ilia Furnace, leaving sta tion, 11.0.0t0n end Muth streets, :In hollows: For L. V. L. St S. E. Penn. Fun none. Leave Fur A M A. M. A. M. A. Al. A M. fp 30 7 0, I, 40 5 15) 9 40 7 45 0 4/ 10 .71 II 30 • 7 75 11 30 II 21 7 .4/ I'. M. P. M. I IV . I 40 11:41 I'. M. I'. M. 730 4 11l Y 15 1 40 5 Oil • , 7/ P. M. - 5.15 it 41 7 tri '7 35 n I t s I I Pay Days dr *thud . .. 11 :tol ONLY 731 1 5:4 1 14 10 The ahoy.. rm . + ran Pi all die pas-eager train, on the 1111“,. read, • The 1.:t5 car takes p..osenget••• (role the I; 1.3 P. M. train, atid 11., 7 .1, car rime L., liollahr Eva. a i 1.. V.) 9 It! P. M. FAItE TEN CEN IS. Children under tun years of age. Five Cent.. Ticket, can he purchased of the roil/Inc:ore ou ilie cam or al the rieaeurer, In package+ of 7 tor 50 eta. or 14 for i<l. Tickets leeeived only for paiocageL s, nor for trunks or Package , . al'arl'esioinitcre are reiotested net lo ride on the' plAt form ~ when ili. to in room Inside. 1T411,1A AN 11 Ea FOIIELsVII.I.E; R. IV. On and After APRIL THIRD, IS7I, l'its.enger Trains on the Catosonquo l Fogelsrille Railroad will run In conuec. Hon with the Lehigh Valley, Lehigh Suistualionaa, and hoot Peon. Railroad, no follows: Train, Wool STATIONS P. M. I A. M 115 fiis 1 t IAI 7 ti! 141 7iKl 44 715 ~~ :.; 36 741 '2 40 746 Stalloon The men Mg train trot 101,08egt.1001010001titliPattl,111 of 1110 1.. V. It. It. Pa...niter train front Blau. Chunk, Ea.m, Bethlehem lord All, town, nud connecta at Alton, lit with a train on the East Pettus ylvaula It. B. for Read ing, Pottsville, liartimburg and Plilladelphia. and al. with a train for Allentown. Bethlehem, Easton. The rooming train East eunuecin at Allmaos .mina E. P. It It. Horn Ilarrlsburg, Pottaville heading and Allentown, and at Ca multiunit With train on the I.chlgh Valley Railroad fur Mauch Chunk, Wllkenbarre, Scran ton, Phibulelphla and New York. 1 he 115 I' M tralu %Vest contiecta at Allinrtix with trains en the East Penn. Railroad for Reading. Pottsville, line Mahon:, Philadelphia, Allebtewn, Bethlehem. Easton, and New Turk; arms., in Philadelphia via Beading at 11 VI p.m. The Evetaing train East leaves Al-Harlin 0n tho arrival of n train from Allentown and of a train Itlitklug ContleC- Cott, 01 Reading wait trams from Philadelphia, Harris burg, Pettorille, Sr.. and colitteets with loud Intsttettger train 00 the L. V. It. R. at Catasanqua for Allentown, Bethlehem and Ea-ton. l'emons whiting to go to Allentown can take the morn• lag Yalu West to Ablinrils, arrive at Allentown fl 15a an, and return by a tram on the E.ktit Pennuyivaula Railroad. raving Allentown at 4 'AI P. In. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. nod Engineer. MIMI R MONDAY, MAY 15, 1871. G Imo Trunk Llue from the North and North-Went for Phan. alibi, New Yolk. licading. Plainville. Tamaqua, Ashland. nhantitkin, Lebanon, Allentown, Pniton, Eph rata, Lair. Lancaster. Holtman, dm. Trams leave Harrisburg for N,W , York an follows: at 2 40. kto a. tu n „ aud 200 to., Maim:nag with 15111111. W. ItalUA Olt Peugy iv mita Railroad. and arriving at New York at lilts a, In., •3 .ts) and it 3ti p. tn. respectively. hlceptug Earn accompany thu 40 a. to. train without change Returning have New York at n Ona. tat 1231 noon and dal p. PiLladelphia et 7 3 S3O a. m.and 330 p.m. Steeping t:ars am...Pant' the p. tn. train trout New York withoUlelmage. I.cavo Ilan lur Readlog, l'ottrivilltb Tamaqua, Mmuelnville, n hind, Alleutott u. mud d. Ipluit at n. lo a.in.. 210 auk 4146 p. utopplog at Loba• itou and priurupal troy ALItI,II.; the 405 p 111. traino cn nectiug for Poltuy 110 awl Columbia only. Oar l'•atnv Priluylkul H Arun and Auburo, vin lido ay I. kill mud .n-gtielboma liniLvnd 'env° Ilarrtaburg at 3 4 • P. 4!;:nt Petamy VKU Ilt Railroad train. [anvil Reading for Alluotown, kututou and NC, York at 4 32,1030, it. , 4 0.6 p Iletuiumg. Iva au New tank at It 00a. to., 1330 omm and 633 p. p 1.,. nod Alleutowu at.; 20 it. to.. 12 . 1 , moo, 2 15, 4 2.1 owl n. 1.1 IVIt, . y Pn en aager 'lii,, lean, Vhlladelphitt at 730 n. ni., • ditiertunt a,lll atioilor trent on host Penult. Itellrond; returning len,. .._d p eaupp.ag at all eta. avi. Putt., ill , et !pun. n n.12:7/ p. 0. lierndou Al oi , 01) 1101 k 10 01 ;IP) and II a. nl., Amblatirl t 10.1 0.10. 011,1 1 . 2 if noon. 011/1)11 00) City at 7.51 a. in. anl I 'X 1,. in., nth 3.". I. in. and A p. in. lot Pliditai.L.plaa. 11. tv York, Handing. Ilarrlaburir. air. 1)11.1,.. Patine .11 , Pritity,k and tittaquelittinnt Unit. rl , Oll 11 1' 1,1 3. in. for liar: 0.i.t0 N. au.l II IA a. ia. for Pino •• and I ponout• eantito.lntlou Tr.. leaven at LP , a. no. paaae. Itentling.tit 7au a. in.. arr.% ing l'lnlnde l-1,1110 al le AI in. Iteturiiing, Ivan aa at nIV paa oug nt ::.5 I'. 111" rivalg ul Putt,. v.ll. a: .••I oi. ACC. .111110Id11t101) Ml/111 leaSatel POlintoWn nt th. P 11140,0,14 ut 4 Wit. tn. t.. .. I...Prond Trlllll6 leave nt 7 Wu wand n p tot I I.l.l:A,Lance,. r. Point/anis Ste. Pet oi I Tutu., I , i.e.. l'eritiemou • Junell.rn at 7 17, 1.,. a Ili. 3111 00,1 11. p tailor 000!.t.1,,..1.• .11 u.P. ' , II , In. 111 ki 110014 and .1 p ' trains on itending Itailrond, vo 1'0ttn14,44 , a al 9 40a 6J1c10i,4.64 0 ,41. . lia . 11, • maa t i lipta4 toms nlng .11111 tut 441, II cohl,,,hig,, 4411 allit trai LLn 011 Itea.litig . 11. It.. . . . • (;h. -t. Voile) 11.wirood 'Prato , leo,' Bridgeport at 511 , 4 I, p, wol 2 10 .t 1.12 11111; r. Powillugtuta tab 11, in, 124. , 2•I p to, CVZ/Llt•el/lig with eiwtlar trawl. 101 itaotrootl. Ou Sunday, have how Turk at AAI ii to, l'ltlludelphlu at 600 it 492 31A p Woe 8 410 d running only to lt d .udiug u 10.00 1 . 011. v ilie al 1., Ilartiuttorg itt 240 lu anti 2 00 14ru, 4411.910 w. At 4 Si and 83.5 ton, Rending at 7 IA at us and 9al I, in (or lilt I,IJ ur., “t 4 423 in (or how York. ut 111 it In (or Alloutowu. uud 415 it to for Phil,. del Commutation, Miledv, fieueun, School and Excurulou Tick tdr, to nod Irolu nil putout, 01 roduood rotor. liuggago clJeckvil through; 100 potaultt allowed encl. J. E. WOUITEN, 11414114 II 4801,8 u rt. At Eng. ditioterY. MWMEGEM I= Planters', Farmers' and Garden , ers' Friend ! For COTTON, try it ! For TOBACCO. try It ! For Wit EAT, try It ! For OATS, try It ! For t ORN,try It ! ForKARLEY. try it ! • For RYE, try It ! For Vegetables, Fruit+ and Flow era, no better F ERTIL• JUR In KNOWN at the pretoot day. A NATURAL MANURE ! NO ADIILTERATION ! Made Wont privy deposit, or night moll Area wont mall. Pleasant to handle. Each cart-load when lattea from Om well deodorised. Report of the bent practical agriculturtabt and chemists of Europe and America Soil without any manoro htex produced three time,. the quantity of the reed NOWII ;. bun yttedt.d, with a alight ap plication or the proper matture , t, from Dernyed Vegetablo Matter— ..... 3 times Its own need Stable Millie. Pigeon II Itho Inn mamma M=MMINXIII One ton of POUPIIETTR In eganl to ono ton of Guano. at one qcarter coot. You ask. What ore the oden neet fire o using Prnidre lel I.lt Protiree+ the Ito UI.I. mops. 2. It enriches your laud. acts quickly on the loofa sown, nod continues to almw Itself fa tlof soil for years. 4. For friths and vegetables. applied as ' , or thrortions In pamphlet, it cannot ho our passed by any fertilizer of Ito m d anila sy. The price of Pondrotto 1e2.! per ton, pot up in bags. and ththvered ntrailroad &polo or eta anth AU land ings lu the city. AU orders addressed to PEYSSON POUORLTTE MANUFACTURING CO., eSueressoni to A. Pr.YsRoN & STEWART & Co ) NO. 129 LIBRARY STREET, (Room No. 6 GoldoniDim' Hall,) PHILADELPHIA, PA• Will meet with prompt attention ; or fannere near the city can send their ./11 tYll.llll{ to our works on Oray 'a Ferry Head. neat It. S. Arsenal, {V her. we deliver In bulk, at 40 mode it (umbel, or 410 a ton; or parties haying tho dvannnke• of ahipping, can mend V 0.10141 to our work•, and Net th • PHIIII. In bulk, 01410 per ten. A Ilb• oral dismount to Wheteg,tle Peeler, ang:lo.3t an) STAR GLASS WORK'S, • NORRISTOWN, PA. • There troika are tnanufacturlaq A SUPERIOR QUALITY 0 WINDOW GLASS.. SINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH, • P II OT Ott It A Pli. TIIE. CORRUGATED AND S,MTAss. ROUND, :GUAR AND °VAL 811ADES. (Equal to European make.) From the I eat material. tired, making whiter, finer. emoother and tougher glans than any other made In the United Staten. WARRANTED NOT TO STAIN. J. M. ALBERTSON. nurelL3mw ESTABLISHED IN 1511 FANCY 'DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. J. &W. JONES, • (0 North Font Stret, Philaelelplda. Po. itoscetl Om en, Coo. 9rn AND VINE. Dye 1311kv Woolen and Fancy Good. of every demerit , tl,n. Their nuperlorlty of Dyeing L and Gentle men't (Lamella In widely known. Crape and Merino Shewlx dyed the moat brilliant and plain color.. Crape and Merino SIDLWIN damned to look like new.'Also, Cleelletneten Apparel. and Curtain, cleansed or re•dyed. Kid Wore. elretteiel or dyed to look like omit. ts..c n u and look mil our work beton, going elsewhere,. Rug I- :to o w L. HUNSBERGER ATTORNEY .• AT LA W. Removed to the Poet Mike building, ,stood door, .11.1.2:2T0WN PA. apr 21.1 y Liailorats Tralna East ♦. CATASACQUA. • 0 0:1 •SEIPLE'S, 94,0 ..I(IItHAN !IMHOF, 9 ,0 HUTIFS, 9 04 WA 1.141:11T'S. 920 CHAPMAN'S. 9 19 THEXLEHTOWN, 9 07 11/MINIUM - 11,LE.. 8 roi *SPRING 01155 K. 9 42 A 1.-BURTIS. 8 A 7 I= =EI S wll.leo 0143 ffdEZI 11E0E11 IR= i3roftssional earb,s MES N. MERV, ATTORNEY AT LA W. Oftice, No. 20 it..t Tiernilton street, second door of Lion 1101. Allentown. Pa. (Special attention 111•040 to collections). mar 17-17 JAR. A. ISM.. • P. li. Durner. J . S. MERV, ATI ORNEV AT LAW nnIiNEY. C1 , 1.1.,•T1C1N . AND REAL E.TATIS A.11,1 . re. ANtt 020 ntrret. tr. Pn. fjy 10 . olha `IT D. 1.1 1 ('Ii EN It l4llli. VV . • :VET AT LAW. (fortn•Oy pract ced Ir. . Ofnee. oppore ihe Cour, Hon., un. Moty eon .qlloti in the lierni. DI NIL BA LOWIN. AT'rOIIN A'N = = AND CODN II F.T.I.IIIOI AT LAW. Allont.,rn. Oifiro. No. 51E4.1 llntral.ton ,ront. C. M. Itrne. P. A. 11. 11ALIArt. C,2 NIVEL A. BETZ. ATTORNEY AT 1 LAW. MA,. NO (1 . 44 trort, over Qehrol.. Lor'p.gtn,e. ALLENT(AVN PA. CJea NITT-t4 A N, A'rTtf It • utn l la tintik .n 1.11.1101.14 nonntle, Can hp ron-nilii•l in English nnil german 111.11:11.110.1. •el 14.1 v 'T,'" J. MORE. ATToRNEv AT IA I J • ALLENTOWN. PA. 01111er, No. to Eno Pion Itr, nt rect. airCnn Ln connulted In nerumn . inn EnnGE 11. RUPP. 'ATTORNEY N. if AT LAW. Office with llu. J••hu D. Stile, Alien I ,, vrn. . _ . Ti , LIAN MERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYo:. AND CoNVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, S.lWnmt Ila Milton St.. Allentown. Prt. UT YI . N. YOUNG, JIG. KNOIVI.T.PM, SMITH A ,A1.r.4,1 ATTORNEY PT LAW, IZoornm 43, 4.1. 43 and 47. No 141WaphIngh.o Stroet. Chl calm June 33 WILLIAM 11.11,11,ACE. ATTORNEI AT LAW. CATASATQUA, LEIIIOII rovrvri PENNA. may 10.1 y TORN 0. BOWMAN. iTTOBNE P.; AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Itount 6, No t Wal n u t street, Philadelithle. tasr 147 FORGE K. WILSON, A'ET(/lIN `T AT LAW, No. Get Hamilton streitt, Frioilonoboto oppo,ito Mott .Men town. Colloctions promptly tattle In Lehigh marl Northampton collat.,. DR. C. C. DENTIST. Oilier... sr )o-r. M. A. 0, Malin VI Trimming Store. No.:0 E i.t II tinEten street, .Allent,mn T F:YI SMOYEIt. ATTOILNEY AT J LAW AND .TESTIC.EOT 'rut: PEACE, MILLERS- ToWN, LEll ITT II Cll., PA. Partleuhir attention l'thl to insolvent and dcn.t nteSl.ltl,l. T IIIO7IIAS B. BETZGAM, All"rOlt NET AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. l'A. .No. 62 East Hamilton street. may 29-'139 EORGE R. WHAM. ATTORNEY N.J . AT LAW. (Mks. First door hove LIM Alley. AL M=E! FDWARD HARVEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ilince, with Samuel A. Brldizep, =Mfa=l ATTORNET AT LAW . , (."""' oil Hamilton Stree , t , s2 y lN.;is. ADA M WOOLEVER. ATTODA AT LAW. Oilier. opposite tlio Court lions. AL LENTOWii, PA. nor lions.. RCLAY HABERNLY,ATTORNEA • AT LAW CATASAUQUA l'A. • F DWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEI .1 AT LAW, right dooro above the Court How,. AT. LENTOWN Lehltat county. PI, fell 1:1.1Tp.13' IV 1 LTII ER G ER'S 5 66 6 49 LI 44 II 33 5 30 5 20 FLXVORING EXTH.\ CTS Are warranted etta.tl to any made. They ere prepared from the/rafts. and will be found much better than ninny of the Extracts tha t are sold. • air-A.l; your Grortr or broggilit for Willbergtr'w Extrortm. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE I. wlthont doubt. the best article In tho market. (.1- blree(ng dollies. It a - 111 color morn water th..n four ((men the Ramo weight or hllatt, end touch more than any other fourth blue In the maraut . Thu only genuine Is that nut 01 1 ttI ALFRED WILTDEROER'S DL U 0 riTORE, E==l Tho LAURI, 1110,1 Nth WILTBEMORICII,MI BARLotv'tt nattlea 11110111. all others nre counterfeits. For sate bit most arocern and brougtsis• WILTBERGER'S INDELIBLE INK Will be found on trial to be a superior article. Always. on hand for sala t rotolotrablo metre,. Pit .3 Lirouud ScICES, (leonine MEDICINE, Charlton. Shine, Spouse, Tapioca, Pearl. Sago, at.d all artlcloa In 'lto drop lino. at ALFRED WILTRISHOER'S DRINI STORE. jnuo 2S.Fp No. tree North Second ht., Phila., PA. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNLA. VINEGAR BITTERS g Hundreds of Thousands 9r g 4 , 5 Bear t i Vlcontr i r o tgl e r . Tmler- gr WHAT ARE THEY? t;Z: in 0a - 6 t a 1 a ft 6. P. o g g • r 4 • 'id a . g aq ; 5• " g • 0 r, o g • 4 r, p , 0 orgg otg TREY" ARE NOT A VILE P." " 4 13.5FANCV DRINK. E. 75 Made or Poor num, Whiskey, Proof Spirits nod Refuse, Liquors doctored, spiced 'indiscreet. coed to please the taste; called " Tonics,"“AppcOn. cre," "Restorers," ac., that lend toe tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but aro a truo Medicine, mado front the Native Roots and Herbs of California, frco from nil Alcoholic Stimulants. They aro the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLEa perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, currying oil all poisonous matter and restoring Me blood to a healthy condition. No person can take those Bitters according to direc tion and remain long unwell. 6100 will he given for au incurable case, provided Um bones are nit destroyed by mineral poison or other means, of a vital orzans Waited beyond the point of mail. Ear Inflomn,..,or y nun unroule Menton than nod Goal, Dyspepsiti, indige.:loUP Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, them Bitters Intro been moat aucccta •ful. Such Disennes are canted by Minted Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestlvo Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR 1\ DIGESTION, Dead ache, Pain in tho /Moulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Dad taste in tho Mouth, Billets Attacks, I•alpitotlrn of the Heart, Icflammation of tho Lungs, Pain In the regions of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other valiant symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the i‘r pld liver and bowels, which renderthem ofunconallcd efileacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pustules, Dolls, Cm , beetles, Iling.Worms, Scald-Dead, tom Eyes, Eryatp. elms, Itch, Scarfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Elmore and Diseases of tho bkln, of whatever name or nature, aro literally dug up •urd carrbid out of the system In a short limo by tho use of these Bitters. One bottle to such cases will convince tho most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its Impurities burstilig through the skin In Pimples, Erop• Bons or Sores t cleanse It when you find It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse It when It la foal, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy. ed and removed. For full directions, road carefully the circular around each bottle, printed fu four lan gauges—English, Gentian, French and . Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. It. McDONALD .•,gglsts and Gen. Agents, San Frond. 'nd 83 and II Commerce Street, New 1 SOLD BY ALL Dlit/OGISTB AND LUMBER LUMBER WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL! HOFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL, EMI LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER! OFFICE AT THE MILL; FRONT AND LINDEN STS WHITE AND BLACK' OAK HAW LOOS treated; for which the highest market prico %rill he Psid 1.2.1 y "THE HILL" INSTITUTE PoTTSTOIVN, If ONTGONERY CO., PA. Etallsh, Classical, Srlentilic. Artistic and Commercial. Location admirable.. 'twentieth Annual Seaalon. Thor 'Preparation for Citrn For " • address IePGVO. 7.VALED, Principal. REFERENCES—Rey Drs. 51011[11, Schaeffer, Ilene, H L Knuth. debo, otter, etc.. etc Hone. Judie udlow Leonard !dyers, J. S. Yoet, IL M. Boyer. M..lttic.ol Thayer etc. etc. July 27 MEM 1121110
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