Tl2t No paper illscoutlnuetl until all arearuzes are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who dd not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will Owe send us their old address as well as the new. NOTlCE.—Within II short time we have sent out a large number of bills for subscription. Many of them have received prompt attent hn, for which we'return thanks, and, we would be very happy to return thanks to the balance of those who have received our bills. The amount In each case Is small, but in the aggregate the amount in large, and our friends will confer a favor by giving the matter their prompt attention. Tin: REPUBLICAN County Committee Will meet ut time Eagle lintel, Wednesday, the 27th, at ONE &davit, P. M. SLATINOTON.—Farragut Post, G. A. R., will meet on the 2I of October, when the new .ripml will be brought before the Poet for adoption. Tim St. Cloud Hotel, In PO1(10111011. is one of the best managed hotels In that city, while the rates are only $3 a day. MR. LA RUE visited the New Jersey Statt. Fair Friday, whoa he received a dill nna for the het healing stove. • Tae Philadelphia and Wading railroad coin. pally, on Thursday, purchased 130 acres of laud adjoining Reading, for 042,500. EODOIIE TILTON says he don't care lobe :nag to any p.,litleal party Gen. Batter and Wendell Phillips are out of. THE workingmen of Carbon county have called a meeting for the purpo,e of nominating a county ticket. Tug assessor has no authority to question Tour right to register if you apply to him person ally. lle Is bound to put your name down. See that It Is done. Tim centenary celebration of the Stone Church, at Kreltiersville, look iiace Thus lay, and the exercises were said to hive been of a very Interesting character. .NV 1s ❑otlee that tunny towns in t h e interior of the State are slipplying themselves with the ap paratus formerly used by the volunteer the &Net ment of Philadelphia. AN exchange tells of a man whore leg was broken In two places, and adds that Immediately aftitr It had been set, "he was conveyed to his residence on the Hth" NATU IL A 1.17. VON COU RT. --0 a Priddy next chere will he held a special session of Court for maturalization purposes. Aliens desiring to be -come citizens should hear this in mind. nn.: rumor of the proposed lea, of thO North Penn. Railroad to the Lehigh Valley COM• pony has sei.t the steels of the former Company .up to par. Two yeara ago It could have been ,bought for $5O a share—par value $5O. ACCIDENT.—Friday afternoon a young boy named Smith, residing with his father, on Schweitzer's farm, on the Reading rout, while working around the horse power, was caught in the threshing machine and had his foot crushed. Dr. C. I). Martin attended the sufferer. THE Philndelphia Press locat e s tiur Allen town In New Jersey. New Jersey's (k Ilentown is a little village of a few hundred population. We are surprised at the Ignorance which mallet the Press suppose that everything enialiatt , from Jersey. Tim Rutding Eagle is.pitching into one of ithe delegates elected by the Barks county Repub. Mean convention, because he was a rebel during the •war. It would have been more to the Eagle's •credit II it had pitched Into the re' ,14 some eight :years ago. Is the. Lenser hind case to he tried next -week hi the Court of Common Pleas of Berks .aouuty, the Miner's Journal says one hundred and ditty witnesses are being summoned in Pottsville. .A formidable pro-peet for the Court Is thus in tprospeet. ALL's WELL THAT ENDs WELL.— NVe have received the mAntiscript of a story with the above title, written by Estelle Du Nord, wailer of a Stun: mer lii Kansan. It will be published soon and we baps it will be received with the Fame favor as tins greeted her former producti,pris. BRADFORD COUNTY.-8011. J. P. Wicker sham trill deliver a lecture to the Teachers' Insti tute ou the With lust., and lion. George Landon on the 28th. The lightnlig rod frauds arc peramlinlat lug the county and swindling the farmers. A SUNDAY SCHOOL FESTIVAL Will be held by the Germansville Sunday School on the 30th inst, near Germantiville In a beautiful and attrac tive grove. The occasion will be enlivened with music by an excellent brass band. Addresses will be delivered by several speaher, Huck-lets ntrlctly forbidden on the ground:. New Jersey Weetli9e Com puny MIS J List awarded the contract for the _ruling Ind uncoil work of their road, between Summit and Newark, to John Rehlll, of Eabton, to be fie fished by the Ilr6t of January next. From Summit to Benardellle the truck Is laid with the exception of abont three miles, and the company will hi tell the work there Itself. CHARLES NI. TOWN, Esq., for SC veral years associated with Mr. D. D . Jones in the shae sees, has disposed of his interest in the Penllyn Quarry at quite an advanced price and retired. Mr. Town has since bees elected Cashier of the Bank of America ,nu institution started under very • favorable auspices In Walnut street, above Third, rldiudelphla.—Statingtort News. STAR ORCHESTRA. —The Star Orchestra, tinder the leadership of Howard A. Lockwood, promises to be one of the leading mu s ical organ'. zattoen of Allentown. Made up as it Is of tirst. class musicians, It will become one of the institu tions our city. I t I s needless for us to soy that it A. GusAT Ormt.—Peters' Musical Mon Is unnecessary for any parties to go out of t, to by for October is hand, containing fifteen beau secure music for balls or parties. Ural pieces of music, printed from full size music plates. It call be had•for thhty cents. The pub- FitEsks of , AN ELENIANT.—The Harrisburg lisher also offers to send, post-paid, for one dol .:Journal =ays—A ludicrous scene was enacted tar, sin back numbers, containing from ninety to in Ilanderhurg's menagerie yesterday after. I one hundred pieces of choice new hmsic, worth at noon. A gentleman of our acquaintance had least $BO. Send your order to the publisher, J. .one of his pockets filled with pea-nuts, and the lhoadway, New Yolk, and our word for it, you will get your money's worth. other with Killikinic smoking tobacco. After the " baby" had emptied the pea-nut depart.' , 1 2'ENIVERANCE vs. LIQUOR MEN.—The Ella ment of the gentleman's Caestertield, he dove Observer says : The liquor dealers of the city have into the tobacco pocket, drew up n handful 111 . formed a " Sah,on Keeper's Union," for self-tit:- dile stud, and without any other cause or prov- tense agaiu,t the tempernuee societies. They have .ocation threw Ids I mink at our hi...nd upselling I resolved that as they cannot ply their vocation on the middle of the crowd timid roars of Sunday no others shall have the privilege. Atthelr laughter. imitanee, the grocery keepers, cigar deaers, hutch - . s and milk men were all toadied on Saturday last „ Novio. SitsTEm.—A wt iter in thO GlOthal that if they transacted business on Sunday they Age Buy s that the present el,,tein of choosing of- would be prosecuted. Neal iv all those parties Ealfl - Is a fraud and that the public does not pended business In consequence, and great was know yet how to choose between candidates, but the indignat ion of their customers. What Is lobe tithes the hypocrite and liar sooner than the how Vat result there is DO telling at present. est man. To prevent Otis the writer proposes that every good citizen, who bas grooved his character I BicKtd) BY A HonstL—One of the most by conduct and capacity by education, and passed frightful accidents occurred Tuesday noon, in the the ordeal of public examination on both poiuts neighborhood of 'lreichlersville, In Washington after a few years of probation, sh o uld be placed township. Michael Simon, while la the act of on the eligible list, and firm become liable to be preparing to take some relatives to the station at /yawn by lottery to nerve , as m tyor or scavenger an Slatington, was Kicked by a borne, fracturing his May be, Then a 'good class of officials could al- lower Jaw/bore, and knocking ten teeth out of the ways be obtained, and a regular rotation In of- upper Jaw, besides cutting and ,lacerating the soft Ilee,"' of men Independent and free from intrigue parts of his mouth and face In a most shocking and rowdy Intluencei would be sutured. manner. Dr. W. P. Kistler, of Bchnecksville, was Immediately called to his aid, and did all to Tits: new track on the North Pennsylvania mitigate his suffering, but it in feared that the mo• Railroad is rapidly going f o rward, and It is fortunate man will rut survive as lie sustained peeted that the double truck will b.; completed from other irjuries in his bead. Philadelphia to Fort Washington in tO be used under the whiter arrangement of trains. The new , HEPORT Or coal transported over the Lehigh Iron bridge overihia Wissaid, k o a Is , b e i ng put In Valley Railroad foe the week ending Sept. 16th, place, anti this Is nearly the only gap between the ts7l, compared with same time last year: two points. 'ilk: second track between North , Fai Week. For Year. 19,414 1 6Vales and Lansdale is also nearly ready for the T"tal WyOndag . Hazleton . 52,335 12 391,921 02 00 803,072 12 troll. When this Is done there v.lll by a cantina- Upper Lehigh 44 12 1,468 16 „one double truck from North Wales to Soutler's,.a Beaver Meadow ,011. 08 201,427 19 distance of about eight miles. These stretches of Mabanoy 9,595 00 375,656 07 Mauch (load" • 57 00 0,929 OG double track road ellarl)le the coal trains to make gulih& Erie.— 527 13 1,320 17 part of their trips during the day, instead Of run- Wog altogether at night. It will probably be two Total by Built 70,421 13 2 Canal 112,230 11 2,,828,640 01 156,580 19 years or more before the double track Is thtisit..d •:"1"" tinge/ to Bethlehem, us a good deal of grading will be increase 03,598 18 572,0.52 03 Jweded at different points. • Decrease PI NNSYIXANIA 11119 14,212 public FcllOOlS THE Sint• gazers aro on the lookout fur Entice's comet, which Is expected to Hppear early this fall. , ronNEY'S Speeches in Not them Penn sylvanla, In favor of St'anton anti Beath, are ercat leg great enthusiasm. GVNERAL GBANT never had a more Cordial e.:eption than that accorded to him during lila late visit - to this State. A troustft soN of Rev. Thomas S. liocom t formerly rector of Swedes church, neur Norris town, fella distance of forty-one feet, ut tito other d.iy, and killed. LEHIGH'Ch 11118 n number of flimrishing Temperance organizations, will not give a vote for the Temperance ticket. Our citi zen a are too intelligent to be caught by such a dodge. Dl.utc.A•rtoN.—Thu newly erected public ,ehool house at Rockdale, in North Whitehall, will he dedicated Sunday, October 1, in the after noon. Rec. J. S. Renninger and others will be pn sell to take pail. In the rervicm ho Piqinsylvania railroad r &pole between Ilurrhtburg tering /1 population of from and people In ouch locality t-t t and flue 1 thin, lady nt Elizabeth, N. J., mimed Miss " Eliz m both Herald," and she often gets the IrtteN Introiled for time Daily Herald of that place. The Herald man ought either marry her or persuade her to leave the town. THE America ILwc Company have again received their carriage. It is very handsomely painted and is shat to a new one In appearance. The wort; was done by Engelman tt Heft, and Is a credit to their establishment. JuntclAt. —Richard Watson, Esry.,of Doyles town, Lets received the Republican nomination for Pre4lent Judge of the Seventh Judientl District, coniposed of the coun les of linoki and Montgom ery. HE IS :0 in lit ing—that oldest nian,we month lie Is in Minnesota now, aged 111. M Is customary with thm.e oldest tam, he gets up at 4 a. tn. and cats a cool of Inielt•4y wool brfot, brrahGnt.. lie ruin hoar a hall mile In seven languages u ithout the al l ni simetaelo,. TUE funeral of OA. Longnuker took ail ue Tueseny k fr..ta late re,hlence at Urn Wel°, k, nod wa , aUctale.l by .1 !ar¢e circle of at qualatalleeg, actalwr, of the 13.1 r, the Allen Ili (Its Couonabilery, No. 20, Knight, 'l'etold:lr, accompauhll by the Alk Mown Cornet II oak ccIDENT.—Mr. and MN. AI ig Mil II: , S. TIIOIIII , SOII \VCR, srrhwsly Injured by n runaway nt eident in Reading, Ink week. After brelklng looic from the eArtloge the horse ran over it carrlamt, hurling the little airl who was pushing It, but strange to Soy the lull received no injury. OtrimaGEo Report comes tons of an at tempted outrage upon a little girl about tell years of age by a man of moturc years, in Court alley, the other evening. A gentleman passing In the vicinity saw the fiend iind gave chase, but the vil lain escaped. A coat of tar and (antlers would have served hint right. HUN OVEIt.—EIUIIIIIIIII Iliskey, son °altos. Illskey, residing on Church street between Gordon , and Liberty, was run over, Wednesday afternoon, by a two borne wagon loaded with sand, on Jeter's Island. It uppoars that he was getting upon the front part of the wagon, when the horses started and threw him to the ground, the front and hind wheels pas,ing over his body. Ills injurtes are very severe, but It is hoped no serious result' will 'follow. AN opera house is tallied of in Allentown. Report says that the last new one prohibits pea nuts, and the peanut-eaters have determined not to be silenced, so still another must go up.— .lhon•h Chunk Democrat. It IA astoulAlng trhat n remarkable amount of jealan=y of Alleidown eNista la Mauch Chunk, F.Atdon and the other small towns of the Valley. BEAUTIFUL TEA Sur.—S. H. Engelman, the china and glassware dealer, has received some specimens of treble-plated ware, which are models of artistic beauty. The tea set comprises salver, tea pots, 'entree urn, slop bowl, cream mug, mo lasses jug, cake bask, l, sugar howl and massive lee !duler, and is 001 of the most beautiful we have vVet . seen. It will be shown with pleasure to all who may call. There is also a communion set, which in very pretty. CBE l sb l Fair, w& untlerstantl, was Inisusable fizzle, and the attendance conk! not have Iwo near sufficient to pay expenses. The Fair at Ambler Park, on the North Penn. Rail road. was, as far as we have been able to hear, a grand success. The exhibition was good and was attended by immense crowds of people. The prospects are that Ambler Park will be one of the most popular Institutions of the kind In this sec tion oilhe State. Pucm...T PicaED.—Tlitlreday onorning Mrs. Neiseh ler. of Walnut nlreet, this city, went tonic depot, putehased a ticket, put it in her pocket bo , k, nod got in the curs. It fore she toadied the East Penn. Janetion she discover,' that her pocket ell picked, and that she was without a tieket or any money wherea Ith to purchase an other She wide her troubles known to an ae quaibtacee at the Junetlon who furnished her with tummy and sent her on her way refolehot. Another end t', and a uentleman from En-ton, rid ing' in the ,:1111, car, Were also robbed. I.lititddt or• Coen r.—Copy 111' iiiiinttcs of Common Pleas Sept. Ith 1,h71, upon motion of 11mt..1 hit D. Silks, it appearing, to the Court that. 11. C. I.OIILNICCI:vr, R un•utber of this Bar, died on Saturday last, and that his tiva•ral is to take place to-day at 2 o'clock, p• 111., it is or dered that the SOVCrill Courts bu ante adjourned eland adjourned during the afternoon of thiS day, that the resolution; passed at a meeting of the Star last Saturday (Sept. 10th) he spread upon the minutes, and that Prothonotary tran7oult, a copy of this order , to the family. E LEHIGH REG A. NEW way of hanging oil paintings is to have large blocks of wood at the pack Of the fratne to prevent their touching the wall, so that the air can circulate through the back and prevent the painting being Injured by datopnees or blistered by the heat ft sun the chimney , or noes.. • COAL LAW. —Some of our readerA may not be aware that a new law, relative to the delivery of coal by the ton, Is now In operation. The leg- Iblature of this State has decided that every dealer In coal within the State most deliver to his cus tomer 2440 pounds of coal for a toll, and not 2000 pounds, as many have been In the habit of doing. PRAIRIE Pool).—Mr. S. S. Gicring, Of Emus, has been presented with a pair or prairie dogs, captured near the line of Texas In by Dr. G. S. Christ and Henry Fretz. They are quite tame and Mr. Gierlbg w ill be pleased to show them In daytime to any persons who may call. The owner says they are not as large as an elc elephant but larger than a squirrel. BANQUET.—Wednesday afternoon a grand banquet was given to the tnembers of the old South wark Fire Comany of Philadelphia by the lady friends of the Alien Hose Company lu Selp!c, Johnston & Co.'s building. It was participated in by a number of citizens and the Allentown Band took their share of the repast. The banquet was gotten up in fine style and did honor to the friends of the company. Geo. K. Wilson, Esq., was the orator. ..OTWITHSTANDINO the Democrats of this county have stigmatized the Republican as a dead party the latter always have the largest meetings in Allentown. Friday evening,on the Square, Capt. Schletunbach electrified a large audience of German friends and was followed by Jas. S. Blery, Esq., in an English speech. There was considerable enthusiasm manifest ed and the meeting was in every particular a success. BENNET WON'T SEl.l..—The Ilcruld IS un• doubtedly the most valuable newspaper property In the United States, If not In the world—and has proved a mine of wealth to its owner. Several attempts have been made to buy it, but all offers have been steadily refused. Murat Halstead has tried several times to purchase the Journal, bat In Vain. In ISM a company of eleven gentlemen raised the vast sum of $2,125,000, which was of. feied to Mr. Renitett for the Illerald, hut firmly re jected, and the latter will donl,tless, be retained always In his family. • Tltt•: EqUINOCTIAL. —Till! Al1[1111111a) DTA fox occurred T borsday. The days and nights were equal all over the :;lobe. The connunllon In the elements which usually aevompatiles the pas sage of the son !tomes the liuc, takes place at ir regular periods, wnm•times a %reek before and Roulet line; a week :titer the event, and seldom, if ever, happens on the preebm day. We may now look for the foresluolowls of Autumn nod Winter, frost and coldatud be admonished In put our houses In order that the change runty not find it. unpre pared. THE NESQUEIIONINO TUNNEL—The great work at Mauch Chunk approaches completion. The Nettquelioning Tunnel I+ a woke Ireful work. The success of this great piece of engineering is due to Mr. Dutton Steele, chief engineer ; Tho Mas C. Steele, Frank E. Brackett and Louis P. Evans, asgistant engineers. These gentlemen have la bored long, patiently and well for its successful completion. The accuracy of their work has made them reputations which will last while they lire. They have the great honor of putting through the most difficult rock one of the largest ton eels in the country, In the shortest psriod of time. Mr. J. Dutton Steele Is one of to.: ( - 01.0111 Ist engineers in the country. FIB has nothing to tn 'lto in the matter of a good reputatl tn. In every part of the country he Is authority upon engineering. Mr. Thomas C. Steele, Mr. Brackett and Mr. Evans are young men of considerable experience. They .have made a fame that will . bring them fortune. They have attended to their duties faithfully and well. When we say that upon the meeting of the headings their lines were found to be perfectly cor rect we say all we can for their accuracy. The Bork will be (Vied in January next. F/REME.N . B PARAD.—ThC MI12111(41 . 8 Pa• rade, last week, upon the occasion of the recep tion of tha Allen Hose carriage and steamer was one of the fittest our lepartment has made. The addition of two new coin panics, the Hibernia and Allen, augmented the line with a large number of trite young men and the beautiful apparatus of those companies. The line formed .as previously announced and tnareheil over it lung route in the following order, the street,. through which Ole pro cession passed being line with people:— Chief Engineer and Assistants. Drum Corps. America Hose Co. No. 2, 30 men with carriage Band. • id Will Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 3, 20 men Good Will Steamer drawn by four horses. Lilly Cornet Band. Columbia Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 4, with car tinge, 3:2 men. Columbia Steamer dra inn by four horses. Drum Corps. Liberty HIM Co. No. 5, 70 men with carriage Drum Corps. ierniii Fire Co. No. 0, 16 :nen with carriage Allentown Cornet Bond Delegates from Southwark Engine Co. No. 24, o Philadelphia. en Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 7,50 men draw lag carriage. Allen Steamer drawn by four horses. MeaItTANT HUNIOR. —The Philadelphia Car respondent of the Gormautown 'Telegraph makes the following st itenient :—A rumor Is In circulation, and meets with general belief on Third street, that the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Is making the preliminary Prel,trillims and lay ing the naindatimi Inc lacing tile North Petinsyl. vania Railroad. ft ,Is quite possible that eon:e l:My will publish a denial of this, but I not toll LIM the leadin4 the Lehigh Valley Railroad have been quietly buying up North Penn sylvania stock for the purpose and already hold a formidable amount. Under Packer's nuuwgemeul the Lehigh Valley Company is fast becoming Otte Gun N ew Peal; COMVANY.—The APtli Steam of the great Wading corporations or the country. I Fire Engine Company, No. I', of the First Ward, in It owns the new New Jersey west lino tailroad now fully organized and thoi onsffi lyequipped for through to the Raritan bay, and Is building lincs I service. The success attending the organization in Western New York that will give it a thorough of this hod; of active young men has heal some. connection with like Ontario. Its office Is in what rematkable and called forth many favorable Philadelphia, where its entire business will soon' con „ nir ." on the part of the public as well as the be centralized, as this Is much the hest financial press of our city. A strong degice of earnestness and business point from which to direct its opera- and vigor manifested theta elves several months lions, especially as the latter neceffshate large ago and thus foreshadowed the g o od , 5t,1,,,,tial loans constantly. Should the company lease the and solid material Awful In these young firemen. North Pennsylvania Railroad It will no doubt do In addition Co these features which are quite com a much larger local coal trade at Philadelphia mendable, firmness and activity stood out proud than at present, and also may engage largely In neat and gave the organiz Ilion a elmracter rarely the shipment of coal here. The 1.11151:1C8B of the surpassed. it was these excellent traits of char line with Philadelphia has Increased much faster acter Wllleli bespoke worth us well as usefulness than the company had expected, and the excellent and efficiency, that induced our ehy authorities to quality of Lehigu coal has stimulated the erection provide the accessory equipments and place the of hundreds of Industrial works every stealf in I com p an y on an equal footing with the other cern the Nineteenth Ward, contiguous to the mete of panics in our city. The engine and hose thus st the North Pennsylvania Railroad, where also coal cured comprise good material, and w ill enable the yards are rapidly multiplying. company to battle successfully with the mad -----, flames. We feel cerlaln they will aciplit them- A " WILD CAT" IN A miEtiTow N. —The cot- twires with much credit whenever an opporinnliy [age home of the Hon. Robert E. Wright,ol, Fourth otters Itself nod duty calls them Mosel, icr. With street., beautlfled with flowers and ornamented and all iheuc eireum,,tanees fu their favor, Ito attn.% Bhaded WILh the rich f o ll,,g e of the mnpel nod horse but prove to he a valuable nceession to one Me de chestnut and the wilimve by the water courses, Was p„ the scene of considerable excitement anti even ter- The aim and t of the members, hnaever ror yesterday morning. It seems that his youth- sti „„ ht t „ „ t i t . ,„ce the h aece , t ,, o r t h e com p an y ful son Marsiull discovered a wild cat" Is the is every possible way and make the sums more stable and Immediately repot rd the fart to the members of the household with all that enthusi. Mildest Rail Be shut satisfied with pies i eat attainments butt mess on and titmw a great°, asinVisi ardor peculiar to one of his yoisug and be degree of earnestness Into the midis. Let tleire tender age. A prospect for securing this bold in. e ff ot t on the part of every one to he prompt in truder presented Itself to the mind of this youth, and the some was at ones (forded into etrfet. A the discharge of their several Males. In all or. gouts utlans when first given au existence, Oleic goodly number of his companions were summoned are some few who are not thOroughly in earnest, for active service; they reported promptly, fully moved simply by little eilloishism and . byllo means armed with shot guns and old C. S. mu ` keta of the to he elaSsed among the hard tt o: king men who Slut-lock pattern. An inspection revealed the fact I stand well to the work. If tpere be any such In that each one of the recruits had taken the neces- this company (and we hope there are not ) they will nary precaution and provided himself with " forty shots" for the occasion. Steadily and cautiously come to the sinface in the course of time and gen nerally float away old II natty leave what Is solid this youthful band marehed by twos to the stable, and ~,i bmooti o i to t . tto , t i tote the holly and ~1,,„,,, which was not only at source of Interest but even lof the company. Stand well to the work and do terror to these braveS. As they approached the I your duty thoroughly. You will not only soon scene, the musket portion of the company were acquire reputation but solid character which shall quickly thrown to the front, whibit those armed be more enduring than brass. We bespeak for this with shot-guns were kept as a reserve: The lull- I young fire cellopany a long and useful career. The mai was soon seen all coiled op is a corner of the I service, with all Its hardships, la a nobly and pa stable and showing its fiery eyes. The command Wale one, and places the public under lasting oh " tire" was given but unfortunately the [lint-locks ilgations to the fireman. It Is he who is willing to missed fire. The reserve was bi ought forward and brave the 5(0(1115 and danger throat:hoot the sliest tired, felling the aniuml to the ground. Upon in hours of tlOnlght for the's!' fety and comfort of spectiou the animal proved hi he a tame unoffend- his fellow man. In some respect the 6ei vice may ing coon, belong to au elderly neighbor lady which be Colllllllred to that of the soldier of the Refillblle. had wandered from its home on a pleasure tour, Both have strong hold on our sympathy and cc little thinking that It would cost it Its life. Tho spec(, and lire very Wadi quately compensated for elderly lady, we learn, Wll6 excited to wrath over the great service which they render to the patine. the loss of her pet, and . anathamatlzed the boys and consigned them to that place occupied by the rich man, in the parable, after death 'STEIL ALLENT REAL ESTATE.—IiCIIIy T. KinkMT • has sold a ta•o•story frame house and Jot situate , on the North side of Tilghman ftreet, Initwet n V. ft. H. and Front street, 15 feet front by . 150 feet In depth, to William Reinhard, for $OOO, property of James It. Bush. Also, a . vacant lot altuate on the eftst blde of Grunt street, between Gordon and Llbh'iyarect., 40 feet front,hy 105 feet In depth, to John Gollle, for $7OO, property of William ltelnhaid. THE DEMOCRATIC FIZZIA: —A number of lb:Publicans and a few Democrats assembled 011 the Square Thursday eve. to hear the, Democratic orators speak their stereotyped pieces. The big gun from Easton advertised to address the meet ing failed to putlit nn appearance„und the lion. John D. and Edward Harvey, F.sq., attempted to entertain the audience. Mr. Harvey was the first speaker,and those citizens who had assembled with the expectation of hearing this talented gentleman deliver an eloquent address were very much d s appointed. Ills speech was merely a reiteration of his former efforts In this direction and was fre quently interspersed with "constitutional liberty," eentrulization of power," etc., and has been at• (seed by nearly every Democratic orator who has tan on the stump for the last seven years. In the course of his remarks he begged those personas who had in the years gone by "hell re Democratic parlij for patriolicpurposes,"to return once more to the fold .tad help the struggling party to prolong its existence. We are of the opinion, however, that his appeal will tint be responded to no heart ily as he could wish, and that those persons wPo " icft the party for patriotic purposes" will con tinue to hold themselves aloof from the shattered organization which the election returns from every state, prove to be growing weaker and Weil ker uvery day. Mr. Sties Enid lie was entirely unprepared to make as speech, and it required no argument to coovinee the audience of that fact. After a few Stray remarks on the tariff, the honorable gentle man subsided and the chairman of the meeting proposed three cheers for the State nominees, which W. 16 responded to 14 one individual saying bah ! The meeting was the most spiritless and Insipid affair that has been held in Alit:Mown for at long time. MEETING or THE BAIL. —A. meeting of ihe member, of the Sur of Northampton County was held at Btapp's Arbitration Room, at halipast ten o'clock this morning, to like action In refer ence to the death of the late Hon. !leery C. Lota nceker, of Allentown; Thera was a large attend- MEM The meeting iv called to order by Henry Green, Esq., and on his motion lion. Ilenry D. Maxwell was appointed Chairman, who on taking the Chair made brief, pertinent remarks, alluding to the services of the deceased in the Mexican war and In the late Rebellion ; as also to his social qualities and his aldlity as a lawyer, by whose death the Bar hail net with a severe loss. On motion of Edward J. Fox, Esq., it. I. Jitnoi, Esq., ryas appointed Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously, on motion of M. H. Jones, Esq., adopted Resolved, That this Bar has received with great regret the intelligence of the death of the Hon. Henry C. Longneeker, of Allentown, who was ad mitted to this Bar on his entrance into the pro fession of the law. Resolved, That we fully recognize the great ser vices of the deceased to our Free American Re public as an officer in the war with Mexico, in the last contest for the preservation of the Union, and as an active and useful member of the Coo -1 gross of the United States. R. solved, That the deceased, ns an active, in telligent and talented member of ourpro. f essam, Is remembered and recognized by us with high r - gent and great affection. Resolved, That, thanking the members of the Lehigh County Bar for their kind invitation, and wig attend the funeral of our deceased brother, and we will wear the usual badge of mourning• rffinti'musFßEarEc'e.--,At a special meeting Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the widow of the deceased. of Washh•gt on Camp, No. 63, I'. O. S. of A., held Resolved, That these resolutions be published lot their hall, Friday evening, September 22,1,1871, In the newspapers of the Judicial District. the follow 10 , resolutions were unanimously Mr. Jones in moving the adoption or the rest). : adopted " lotions, made soin remarks, complimentary to ,' sr nrotuas, It has pleased our he uvenly Father the deceased. , in his divine wisdom to remove from our midst our The meeting then adjuuur 1. JoNits, :Secretary. who well beloved friend and brother Allen M. IVelkel, ROBE who was endeared to as by his amiable and manly RT ()Utilities telllch entitles his Memory to a sincere expression of our regard and esteem THE COM. TRADE. The Mauch Chunk Pcsolec./ That We mourn the (use of a faitlifill Coal Gazette says—Up to the close of last week friend, a good anal effielent member, and also f•x -riz,,,sicipn‘nr,lndidence for the bereaved family or therc has been transported south fronohere, over ' both railroads nod thee:Mai, since the first ofJan- Resolved, That we tender the fatilily of deceased nary', 2,490,917 16 tons. our warmest sympathy in their deep affliction. Itcanlvcd funeral the brothars of this erdenWillat• Last week the shipments from here amounted : aumal In a body 'tad weal the usual to 135,591 IS tons, being 25,388 11 tons 11, . t h an Muld l bodge of mourning for Ginty days. the preceedhar wick. . Resolved, That a copy .4 these resolutions be The corresponding week last year 104,953 07 triinimt iii, d 1 " the huntlY or the deceased and that they be leildished In all the clty pipers. tons were sent south from here, and the total for SAMOEI, 1.1611il last year to Olds time was 1.180,717 19 tons. Adnx. ZELL:snit, Conffiffice. In comp ring the shipments of the past Wed: 11. IS. I' rxfaaNii, . and the present year week with corresponding ' Pint „ tiREAT ANL) Gimp New JERSI..Y. Cm dates of last year, we find an increase for the week der the above head St. Clair Mel{elway gels elf of 1871 of 30,638 11 tons, and the decrease for the the following lo a letter to the. Brooklyn Eagle, present year of 689,800 03 tour.' from 'fronton: "She has, too, all the character. Coal Is Mail selling lively, at quotations, with Lties of great States, and few if any of their evils. not enough Lehigh to satisfy the market. Both Ilea railroads and cities are among. the best ; her In the city and along the line everybody Is basy faelorimi sad trade are on tho dui gest soak. her there being no end to orders. In the Schuylkill region there is a ” probability her are fre 'l lic " i : " it T 3 ou el""s free; of a suspensiou of about one-half the miners er churches a " "e'ila of Carli oliil•y of view and Peralhy of endowment second the county, owing to the reduction of wages which to lame in ILu Union ; her benevolent and churl takes effect this month. The amount in dispute t b:e institutions areas numermis :is her 111110, and is very small, but we are reliably assured that the t:imaged with admirable economy and system ; men will not stand any further reduction. It is a i out she tolerates no moote-bankism or speculation fact admitted by everybody, that the Miners In in (Alice ; she milli hies no thieves In her cotill• Schuylkill county are working at quite as low fence ; she imprisons all of her criminals, and wages as they should accept. They are tie poor- • hangs all her murderers, wad she never ceases to est paid workmen in any of the regions, and:it Is rewind her judges• goyernors, and legislators that unreasonable to talk of making them take less than the rates they are now working ffir. We the). ore "'rail"' not dt.mai:e dal): wit hid the strictest preserved circles of their iglus awl sincerely hope that the operators will give a point prerogatives, * . so that the Men may be aide to support then.- tt govetnment cheap and simple, courts rigid. •sure selves and their families decently'. 'flue whole and able, It people domestic, !while spit 11,1 and matter Is at present In the hands of the commit• honest, laws exactiagly ash vigorously enforced leis. If the miners suspend, It will affect about: and an opinion which rinnands hails and rascals ; One-half of all living In Schuylkill county. to the rear, ate features of this typical American We are glad to be able to state that the lire 'kite, an 1 would the rest were like auto her No. 6, is now supposed to he muter the control of the men who have been endeavoring to smother IL for six weeks, Ilurmr.F.Da of Imatera are now in lie Alle gbeny mountains niter deer, W WEDNESDAY, SEPTI 7 3II3F,R 27.1871. As thy• Lehigh Connt y Fair. will attract itn• Tense crowds or strangere to our city It may be possible.' hat professional thieves will take the op portunity to ply their trades. Housekeepers can not therefore * he too gleeful In providing agninss the depti•datlnns of the held lingered gentry. Sea that your lore and shutter'A are securely feedelled. LA1101,1 , 11 . NE11.11...-1 • 111111111(111101 Alfred M. Weikel, on Sunday, was the largest ever witnessol. 111 Allentown, thers. 'Ong better. n ❑vu nod six• thousand people at the Cemetery. The rem tin, were (blamed to the grave by the Alen Rill e, City Corm t Elatal,Columbla Fire Comp any, Wa -h. Ington Cowp nod Catitll/ 115 P. ii. S. of A , repreeent.itilms from all the Fit.. Comp .nies t•f the Dept;llltleitt. 1114111 , 1 01111 teen! 1.4.1,1.41 11114 tile funeral services of the I'. 0. 1 4 . or . ;ld Ilia Allen Rill Ilred over hi, era ve. Ile was at one time Pn shient of r.floprm and fora lo•as Lime Se e retnry of the Columbia Fire C p.m y. 'Fri h; InnVlol meeting id lieu Lehigh River Fidi Acsorla thin will be held on Sat urday, the 30th Millis mouth, it 2 o'eloeli, p. It la especially requested that the a hole rxeciativo Committee, who have the nt tut •r of the oulleetl nt of money In their hands. shall be pr , srnt. as at C011111iiilei• to procure the 'loll will he appointed at that niectlnc, and also provision made for Mei , dlstrllititi in In the rlver. It Is, therefore, hoped all Interested will be In attendant..., and that the utmost 011111 which each committee 111.111 . C,111 1 . 01- ICCi. Will be reported. It Is hoped that the inmost sum will he raised by each e .Ileelor to Juncture the lIIINICSS of the project. By odder of the President. SAD FFAI —t ht I 4 atur , My a serious Miair occurred ❑t a lime kiln in Salisbury, near Ennuis, resulting in the death or a son of Samuel residing 011 Lawrence K lice's farm. Three of the children went to the lower pith of the lime to crack nuts. One of the girls became sick and went out Into the roil with her sister, and after she recovered called to her broth:•r to come away. Ile refused and the girls returned to the house. Mr. Kline passing the kiln soon ogee ob served the boy lyin - 4' before the hearth. Ile hod him conveyed to the house, butt It was found that. he Was dead. Dr. Ali;ed J. Martin wa• called In, but of course It woo too late for his services to be of any avail. NAttttow• ESCAPE. Sit Inky afternoon, about four o'clock, while John Newhard, 6.m of Silas Newhard, 'residing on Eighth street above Linden, was out playing with a companion named Camp, he ate some trympsum pods and n short time a Itee wards was thrown (1,1.) eon vul 3i0115. Dr. Tilghman Martin was rolled uud after giv• Ing him tile proper remedies succeedcdtp causing. hint to vomit and t jeeting'thin , poisonous matter from the stomach of the little sufferer. Ills parox isms art detTrihttil its frightful nod It was several hours aft, r the first attack until he was relieved from danger. Parents cannot, he too careful in warning t heir 0,1,4: en ;IgolnAtlia poisonous effects of this we, d. STEEP GRA nEt.t. —Roltrona Luigi neergNip Intereked io hilowioa UNA recent reports from Switzerland seem to Indicate that such steep grades i as that iin the Meant MO Railroad, even with the exercise of the greatest: precautions, are not en tirely sal; . An ascending passenger train on thin Well-1:110Wil road Wit, recently stopped by the lie ability of the locomotive to carry it any further. All the brakes were applied as tight as pos,ible but absolutely without ; the train began to slip down eradually, amt was beyond the control of the e &tenon] britimmett,when the timely arrival of a meow' 1 min with a fresh engine fortmodely averted a shoeldog necilent. The slipping Ira ; had acquired but little velocity, otherwise it would i have been Imposslhle to hoid it, even by means of the other locomotive. TIIE 'PEE') 01 , - -" - p.•otl nrr 1,1 ?" is n 9110,411 , 11 one often Learn n: ked in tatilway carrlovvs. awl it vt:r (.I,lly lw N11;1 1 1 I Vol•IL . , 110Wt . Vt . 1 . , have a general sort of impression that express trains:al- ;Cos trot el :It the rate of sixty tulles leo:11011f, and 11 late slid malting tip time, very much faster. ' list It t us see ;that the speed of some of 010 fastest trains :rally Is. Th.. unlit, it and Irish a rile run from M 1,1.1110 Rushy, miles, In two hours, or st rut! or I. ss miles terhour. From C. 0yd.... ill 111101i1:11 is 111.111: /li'llllllCr 40 :Mies per Lour, me. the sped of Me M'est of F...gliind ex .o 55 M i st. rloo Brh i ge Is shout the sump. The costi ovum! trains from Cho ring Cross A: Ca: - son street to Dover :11M do shout 49 mile:sun hour. 'l'so 11,11 1 ,11(INVeVvr, lire rather faster. The Man chester . sconce goes non: Kentish Town to I.el aster, u distance lit 07,6 miles, In two hours and eight init.:ass, the Ere.' belts! .16 miles tot hour; and tile matich unlit ess hom King's Cross at 8:10 1 - 01( . 111. 1 :1 rk . lutliro', 711! In (me low and thlrty•seven taloutes, traveling at o Vl' .17 miles an 11.111 f. 01 cone-c,lllsuch lung runs the Velocity will %try I,lllstiler, arly :is the ascends or thscends in clint nor posts:; slslol,ll , orj unctions. where high speed a ...MI be exorcdic.c p danserous. A few stiles ts oybr 41,11.0 at GO or 70 mil., MI hour, and some at :) or :111, but the al i en:Lie speed hi 11511114 about 49. —,lftehuslese Itageulote. 1 tins "ItUTTEIts is FitoNT.—Tite Insurance Monitor says :—Varlons oliservattenis have, at one lime and anther, led lit to one-lino the tvistloin of inn, slauurts en fit-1111S Or inlihihiltA whose near esi expos lire le acmes the etruet of fair width, In n cite where the ',olive and lire degnrillnehtillre of ; good or 4. von aosikrate grade. Perhaps Illustra- Hon Is hotter than argument ht such to case. At the recent tire in Bridge street In Ails city, whern the hielde of a warelina c trite to dunes, the tires InVII COI kraut get at the eosin igrialon and one of them ep. lit trot hiss than llfteen initiates on the lop of a ',oltkr atilt lintign trying in 011011thrOngh an iron shmtor tut as to Introduce the hose. Winding to Which we print this paper has Ir. , ' shutters throughout its front, lint they are never permitted to he closed, except hi e iee of E u rent . I n l • li danger frOiii without. Willi the whillmvs open and the pollee clintlun illy pitiodhig., a Oro would he discovered in its locipleue . y, cod the tin men would lie :tile to gala recess in It and ['Vitt guish It Immediately, whirthe ut Ore front of tire building Closed the first at ages of the Uremia Concealed front olowreation and not linfregitt 'illy a warchonse will have beCallte Sil htvolceJ as to minder its destruction Inevitable before this caws traphe la perceived lit all, and when It le discov ered and tire firemen come upon tire greatest of difficulty that they call apply tbe Water. Of course It Is desirable to have Iron shutters and doors to close all openings where exposures endanger it building, but we could, home Instances not u few where iron,shUlters and doors have proved the tier stinctiou of a building intend of Its out vation, under conditions r , ltnillur to there above niltided. THE DEDICATION of the riockdnlc school brume loos been postponed until the Bth of Octo ber. THE America How: Company, with the City Cornet Band, It ft Monday In the 4:20 train for (Am meter. The hand mode a hondeetne appearance In their new red panto. A MAN got pilot In the store al'. %Voile 17, this roorohnt. tip ao n not marl] injured, and, se believe, not. lid trod at all. We understand he got the siiltt to load in those splendid sporting Pnt . l Ir Oust rot .bilohtnent. i/JC.\ I 11. -- i .. . 1 rnr , l J II I 1.41 cud r,.'::. I hi. IBM residence 4011 sheet IK:t wo.° Nhall nod •xy.. 11. tv 610'11 hlo with 1., 1 , ,0n , 1...1 pmpiww.tinz it 1•:111.•, , t 1 • 'I I , • t.t k I .•. b. l .ty .1 V.I. Ayr., VII N. II W • 11 1 01 ;In y. 11,.• intact;✓ risd nn Fri•lay ectiaitig next, should bring :ell a large crow•,l. Capt. Curry 14 well 1,,,,, in thin tlrinlly and IA very i.opithir a, a speaker, whlh• 11..11. 1.111 81. - 0/0/o.illnr nm• lif tho Bleat in Ow Slate, an I one of the ino,th:thielit hit and respected men la Schaylkill (4111111 V. Tan, nu in your streaJh :sail give the ypeak. , a hearty %eleatue. eelive agent to this thy by Owiln. ble 1.1:e Assilrenee Society, the leading e.ampany in the world. It does the I..rgest annual business ($40,001,000) at the least average expeeSe, pp•s all the hnlders annually. Its as sets and lIICIPPez, sash aiul In every way of fers the :nest favorob'e Indueenwais. Address I. 1.. Reglser, (lenerel Agent, 813 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 25,21, WE Would not recommend the frequent or constant use of any m ellcinc. It is Important to take even a good. article .3 udielonsly. Parson's Purgative Ms are safe, prompt, and reliable as a I tsatlvc or cathartic. Bask ball Is undoubtedly good exercise and cap ital atnusetnunt, but it often occasions bunged eyes, broken shins nud blistered hands, We can tell you that In all ouch cases If Jbloaon's Ano dyne Liniment la resorted to, It will reduce the swelling and stop the pain. THOMAS IRON COMPANY.—At the meeting of the stockholders of the Thomas Iron Company, held Sept. 12th, the iollowim• gentlemen were elected Directors to servo for the ensiling year, viz: David Thomas, Samuel Thomas, John Drake, Benjamin G. Clarke, A. G. Richey, \Vm. W. Marsh; John T. Knight. • The 'Brecon, suhsequeotly held a meeting at cl elected the following officers, viz: President—Samuel Thrum'. Secretary and Treasurer—J. T. Knight ItEoisTEß.—Wm. Eggs, the assessor of the Fourth Ward, requests us to give notice that he Will_ be at Christman st Bowen's grocery store, Hamilton above Eighth, every evening except Wednesday from now until next Saturday, where ail persons resisting its that ward who are not yet assessed can have their ponies registered. It Is importatst that this should be uuende•l to us earl• as possible no those who are not on the Registry will have a diflieulty gs. tting their votes. Remem ber that next Saturday is the net day. The eitl• sews of the other wards should attend to having their votes rug inhered atones. Sve that every one entitled to a vote is on the list. Dis•rnh:sstio A ccumsr. -- The Den ling Times nays a distressing acci lent happened at the house of Mr. John Sherrer, cabinet tualfer,,,o2o Bingatuitu street, on Saturday evening, which proved fatal to a little daughter of Mr. Sherder, between three end four yedrs of age. The child accidentally upset upon . the floor a coal oil lamp, standing on the sideboard, and the lamp exploded, enveloping her In flame, consuming her clothing, and burning the tipper inn of her body in n shock ing manner. Death relieved her excruciating suf ferings at abant three o'clock yesterday morning,. Mr. Sherrer was badly burned about the arms in trying to extinguish the flames with is carpet, and is likely to he disabled from work for it conJdern ble perlo lli en io of his iii).tries. Wll AT A FIRE EATER IC N O%Vt A li.uT FA M • ING.—TIRt Moral Soul hunter says : We were pleased a few days 81,VC, to WelCOllle In our 8:11.112- tuin that distinguished gen: lein Lit and statesman, and to converse with hhu fur taco hours. We his I lien rd that General Txantra maulh stud lunch In terest in, and devoted considerable time to, the cultivation of his farm on which be yesides, scar Washington, but we Wen.. not praparol to Iliad in hltn the enthusiast that lie Is on the sub.jat. of improving mar agriculture. We al not expect to Sad u man who has spect almost lily entire life to public affairs and trusts ail analytical agricultu rist. But his knowledge of this, as of all other matters, he Co!nrreheiviVe. "Suppose, General Toombs, that the South plant in cotton only one-half the urea that .hg du"-, natal devotes the fenlitioLlVl' of lief lanai to grains and gras,cs, what would the result I" we asked. " Why, in Ilse years she would he the rlettebt country cal the heir of the gluten," was the earnest E litor—Do you coarkler this section of the SOU 01 Ulla pled to grOW lust ttrassett 7 fl.aterai Toombs—l do. I have never yet Peen any region either in Europe or America, where elovewatid gra,reo Fueceed more beautifully than they do in Middle Geitria. Ed ii —Hove gio we any grdsbes 7 Gener.,l Toolllll3- -1 have succeeded well with elt.Vet', orchard Truss and with lard grass nu damp ground. I consider Ity: (True the liner!. forage Inapt.' thai gruwa. IL I. tio 11:11'11y, 111111 tit AIP, flume foratte far Ox months in thus )car than any ,alter (Ifllll. It ,houhl be sOWil 111011:] ly Ilion It Is. Edltor—litit van the S,otoli &Ilford to to ow ooly I.lf the elattoo ? Ve have to par- Voet amount of itwoufacturt of °Our towitrlrs :old other •.,vtloita .of our 0011 MIME General Toottibs—lf the South raised only half the cotton Ow dites,'slie would realize its nioeh money us she dues for her iirei-ent Cron would have Ler tirovirliiin 411,11 :Antic launie be t sw ei s, she would then be ith , e to otaintitielLte touch more hugely st Editor—Yon think, then, that every Itivintr 610.11111 1111,0 articles nl (.011!1111101011 Gello.lll slid every 111.111 eon do It, and •is lien he do itt. ii.• too•t tude- peudcut of ail Well. Such Wilt; lie te'llOt 01 (iv!. and %, Ito 1%111 delis 11.68 1.1‘..C , 1,1.11110 Thl,l , Pill `Yel . nrille " 110111 0 • 1 4•11.1011,1.110.1111.. indorm n. Court Proceed rigs ILatry Wix agt Henry Rein-11.111.. relt:•ietl 1-sue under the Slttiritr:i limo plead., not to to: the right of illopvily Iu t wtl h it' e..rt.•... of tnrul.h seized tooter tx. oniliat agaittet Thottios .1. Rein hard. Verillet for phi.u.d. !fiery nod Stiles id/khalif; II to.bereer it.] I him v for defe.•do ..e .• o t.• .1 1.).•&n...a0t moved tor a Ilt.w trial. man oi ...I • • •o. . [tot • Item y Reinharil net. Ile. ry Iteito-tait It; reigned , ' r • I lii,uti to try 11 1 ..10 right of popery 'ea ill tuv In th, .i....• 11 111$11, Retorm . 9 our Cou .ty i.Jovernment, au thu Vropi•rty of Thomas J. Reinhard. 1-nati witleirt wit. Sher and Sill a for plelotIlf; 11 awe bereer nod ilare,•y for (M.IEIIIIII. AihriZill net. i'eon Mat Its, et al. 'frui t., el et artnl- lor inorlog the fences, &e.. of VerdleL for phoutur, $l7l. Wu, Sotiv.tetz and Emily 1116 wife, In right of said Emily gt. John Schwa rt z. Suit was broagit 1 to reeover the value of hollsrhold goods' to AT p.5.,5,10n r.l defend:mt. alleged to hare been owned by her. Verdict fur pinlottlir for $15.12. tiles for plAtall1; Entrnau and Albright for ! defendant Edwlo If, Ileiltnnn ok:t• Jolt') Huainan. \Per divt for dclomboo. Itoomoo% for n new trial filed. Jacob Stofliet agt. J:linve Senior, darnishee of Peter 3.lorey. Verdict for defendant. E. I). Lei corlug & Co. agt. Nlwaer & Camp. Verdi, L far plaintiff foe 550.06. Geor ‘Vvigle ligt. Stephen anar John Mulct nod lto,lnn M.,ler. Noh cult I , y plaintiff. Tile next term of Court, Cumilivtictilll3l third MOllllily In Qeioner, will he Footnoted three In ir.ol or mu Fogelsvillo Tome On the 1 tith t he Nlacun gle LOllll end Build ing 4 L,enela thin Oct. at the piddle house of Ilcorx Correll. As 11,011 10; it quorum of oflicers were pre scut the Pa...ideal celled the meeting to order, when .the minutes of the previous ineeling Were rend nu I approved.. Cash recllpts heing $.788,70. The following she rya were Oleo sold, viz i—thrta slim a 011 ntortgage at t 2.4 prmnium per share and . one sitere ut $3l premium p•r allure. There was Mao a trot Lionel Ilteroof $164.041 ..1 $2.20 premium for thirty dep., Tile celebrated piano of Steinway, and Lin derman & Sons are only for sale at C. F. Herr mann's Music Store, 40.102 south Seventh street, Allentown. LarrrEß LlST.—Lest of letters remaining uncalled for at the Allentown Post Office for the week ending Monday, Sept. 25. Persons railing for these letters will please say ADVERTISED. A—hlizabellt Anthony, George Andre., .11.11111.11 T An tler.on. Rudolph Achlet. B—A Banta°, Aulrow It uder, Antlrnw twin, Bald 'cello II trio, Ch to Budol, Chas heckler, Catharine O'Brinr, Darld Boyer, Eliza Baer, Entellu lirraltart, Emma Backer, Emma 'ickle'', Frank Darnel Butz S Freed, Fertfinand Baktner, (1111N111 Wall, Wither & lit luring, [lvor ll,tlet !torn, Henry 'haver, Jotal hoth• II z John Barry, lon than B J Tin ilartholumotv. John F drealtn, John Brady. hi Itrode, Maria Bachman; Martha Bun t , thren Ulutuur, A'reetton Brock, ettinuol Burg r, harm Allen II no Ars, Sliralk 11,44, 'Vol Jr T Barter. hernia:tn. C—Atalrew C.,uper. A N Cle tr. r, Co 0& Henry, (le d 4ra Carr r, Carter. C Relace.t CoMe, a.rati Cole. • U—Adam I/ ism, Itrt,gat Doman. Li E I) ,1., Chas ii IL it ick,o C Ditsaulte ry,lre yid Dunlop 1. Hamel O'Dons u. 1., `slob Sooner, Ju -Gm Da 0,1, J 4111.11 DOG glierti• JOl/ •• Dwyer, J al.. Doll SIIIOIII .0. Dilliager, Mary Dualeavey, W,lnain (I Herr, William T —Coristtun Ebert, E walls .1, Jos gill Eichen• felilor, .10191 Li... J Fotaes F—A W Fell° AS. A T Fair, A tem Familbler, I%M W Troltag, 1....1 Frey, J F Fried, Joh Wat UGo Fin:, 0 (Cro Flue„ ,' Fmk. It poll Feath stn. o—Angell u ...viers, Gorman, Dieum Gm . her, David lieruharil, Is Gallagher, Kate Crosby, John 0 user. J !higher, onse Good, Moses Guth, Martin Ul s, .11411.11.1,1 (2•oln,zlior, Mary II A (Lira., Nellie Go awlo,ro, Homy Breen, It ilehr.. lege, Walker Germ,. II Goo.i. ll—stdata nooksr. AL.situiles lio.idch, Bsidget Haug hey. Ch r 4 All ore 'Livid 31 ,la kin m, Ilani :ill, lid I, Buffo,' Misra.sith 11.95 t Ai& Jain , • • .12 111,. ter, John 11. heroism, Jim ileiseincqer, Joh. Markin.Luise 31 3lra II Jima ilarorty, .5 • II 1.9 . 2, Teruel Ilemolmoyer, Wei I:—Jee A Kistlei. Emma Jacoby, Arlan: Kepley, .1.1 Kuupponbon ger, CGA. II Keine t, Daniel Kramer, Elias Keyser, tau lu (Cl,,.,is•s George Knowles, Henry John Kaiser 2, Jemei Knecht, Jerry S Kemmerer, UM... Kiminser, 31ary A Keim Inerar, Haggle 31mirou F !Diener, Mary A Komi, Mary A Krim.° liar; K Kenn. N ith w Krum. Rebecca Kammerer, Silas Kohler, Samuel Knorr, Serail }Chiller, T W Kemmerer, William Kelm, WilliatlG K %chile°, (V 1' Kinder, Willoualiby Kllnr, W F Koons A Co. L—Adilno Lynn, Lehigh Valley Ins Co, Edwin Lioux, Joseph Landes, Walt Loin, Margaret Lessard. Slary A Landis, Sarah A Limbach. 13I—A S Mined], Adam 31iller. Allen D Mohr, Collie Mickley 2, Catharlue 11 Markt:, K D J Meyers, Ellen Mauleu, Elmira Merwier, Uolllob 51ack, II Moyer & Co, Janie. 31c3lerrill, James AlcGlulsy, James 31cKee, John J Moho, Mary Morrow, Peter Mneun, Rosana McCanley, Hose Miller, !rheum, McGee, Willarn Markle. Wm II Masters. IV 1111, F Wilson Mory, Mmk eriliants. N—A Nathan, Frank Neitrich, Francis 41 NesrliaLl, George N immittactier, Lewin rimesmclier, %Melte S. sr , Iliad. O—J J Oils Paul Oirerdousier, P—Joliti Powell, Locals I' Toter Mary P.M, Prang... It l'oa or, WIG fight, W II Potter. It—A ll honor, Jaen, Iticinti di, Jan F Ritter, C • lionitnel, Mary Rake, Mary Jan.. Hose. Di Hatter & Co, it T Russo!. Wei II Itunsitte,Wm :It Rich aril. 9—Alm W Selina a. Amelia A lostrer.Christion Si hui tied, Clara Soystor, Christian S enegel, Christopher S Siegel, Ellen Shot Man, Emma Schafer, 1-u ,c tit'sear James Sweeney, Josh 8 Schaffer, 31iith ins Mortw.. Mimile btrasshurgor, Slemles Sterner, 0 Smith. S D Schen., Tommy Sheridau, W I. rich:nab, William Segni., N Shuman T—Ju.o Ph T .1011.0 t. O P Crozlor, ge 0.4 e Tr 41, Fred John Totriut.y, AV—Annie M %V, 6nr, V. A Woluor. 0.1. V Wro. o , Spat. lit Wo oh, W I. Wollort S--Jahn Z —William H •rfa..... : - .. , lifiET music, iaatruction books, bleak books, music paper and ;at rds and all kinds of musical trimmings, a Mrgh supply constantly on hand at 0 . F. Herrman); Music Store, Allentown 11 • 000rSl musical instruments of all kinds ol the ho,t manufactories in Europe are 6a'al than anywhere else at F. II teae EMI A FINK scud iintpi piano, price $2OO, for sale la C. F. liorrmanit's Music o.tore, corner 7th and Walnut taretatt. 1 - tlarriagr,s MUSSELM N—KILM ER.—September Rev. N. S. Strassbarger' l Mr. Allen Musselman, of Doylestown, to Mien :live Kilmer, of Tittle= township, Bucks county. WEINSBEIMER—WEISS.—On the MI inst., by Roe. S. K. Brobst, Mr. Henry Welnsfielmer to Miss Agnes M. %Velss, Ilnt it of this city. LAUKY—IIIRST.—At Bethlehem, by Bishop E. de Syltwelult z. Sept. :fist, tlexamler P. Fumy, of Lino's Station, Ea., to Miss Mary It. flinit daughter of Thonms Hirst, of Bethlehem. 13ratim WVHI( 1t1..-111 this ells., Septeinher 20th, of consumption. Alfred NI. Weikel. aged 88 years, 8 mouths and 30 thty=. SUBSM AN. —ln this city. on the 80th, IIi•len, wife of J. \V. Susstnnl.. aged 43 year+, 8 month• lid 18 days. VLF:Y.—In i his elly, on &wird y, them fist., Clara Louisa, daughter of Alfred and Sosan Tlley, aged 1 year and 6 months. SCIINUIIM A N.—ln this city, September 233, Sarah Jant..infant MllllOOOl . of J. a n d A. 13. Schnur m ni , sig,ed 6 months and 16 days. "I!IIADE1.7111A, Sept. 25 —l)e Mourn & 1tr"10.r.., V,,.10 Smith Third :•‘. tl.. 6.ll•mitw tip is 3 o'c',"el, Ma INIEIIIIIIIIMiIIai EMI= ceni. I,,tut It. F' I .1. t ,, 11t. 1.. Om) rIS . gr , f .I,w to Yr., If er f • rl. • I 31 put , ug I .41 .* t. t I h V. • 4. ne ' ~l 1 ESE au ..tYttico•turaN % N E1...,11 11(•11% TS. TIT* V fll ..11.r4 L.... :•;;;11t111.1,.; , T Id , l , r. 1.- )1 .1* t "IS. ; • +Wu w.. •••;•• I IL; overy 1.on••• thrir c•t•t fnl , (Cr , l. In) toCvn. tittniPl , •n AM =glM2=a;llll=l Hopuldivan )11-8 A A. o li< ItS•. NING., itolto I .1111 •••• • V , nyile ••••I • r t• o ste •••,, II • t.. C.\ P I'. Cl.:l2l{l*, llos. LIN 11 rot, )NtE%v, of It r,trrille Multi! will ho Ilse .14 unty Execu C.pnrnittoo. JOHN L. 1101 , FM AN I.,,ident. $1,000.000$ By tho Bulb 181 of Bin Lewd aure o f K en wok y, of March , tho Trogtors of 11.0 .rory f litoduck .111 ylvo (;RANDGIFT CONCERT AT LOUISVILLE, KY., On TUESDAY, October 31,1371, 101.0 0 TICK T• 3 A DIII.SION. 411 , t• 111111 I. ; II A LI , ; gr' A wriiic T ail , . Ticket• will lot •ont 1•) it .1..r.11 1.1 ..r ; t ~,,, tiny 'or utny winit by V. 11. 1,0,1 arovr, art •1.1t0.L 01 dr.lft. ).; tIcI, 1.113•1. l• f.tur.o ottt.l•. roitt .it.torh. The h"idor Queil .14111 , ..in1l In Flo l!onc..11. to Yallnl nI th e alit t.; lt or 1.• ft triton 0 IN 'WKS wilt lot ..1•ItIt aped to lo.h.l• .oft, ti n VI). air fr.ito •11.0.0 0, tho Sall tan lotvtad to Ina ben. la all. Tao (lout:oft for the itt mho PIIIII.IC 11.1111t.%R1i OF KENTUCKY. TILE CITIZENS LIA: , K 1 - 11 , sy. :14THEvaB11y.B. Awl 110. Corporator.. and • spore 1.0 *tiro the Ilion. Th aunt B. Braalello. hit° Oar. flee . of Keistlieky, rid nu of Oa weal o cl Ix on of the Slate Taa uuderal.oool. late principal bu-1010.• To ea. or al the very P. (1111 Conner. for the tare Qt of lb I.lldir• cauttl. .1 Feeee.' , o,! nrp 1.-1 Ag_ent nod Manager of Ulla Urauil Loft C•eireit. The &calm{ mod dittribul ell I lei.. plx..a. slid en. ryt.l.l.or 0 N ..pitlary the b0y0... tit It - etc dint titalr is will hu ex well pro er1..2 IA If 11.3. I" ~ u..11 Y 12.7 0 . eta t • supertutnu I the °oda ollair. roar tie rte etol int "on •iloo^Mar 1 n ••• K. 100 1 ,12 lo La v • A.or o New Tors 11. N No. es. Broadway. Jill wail ii•••, M. A. Vaet.elt. V relu . • ~ I ty. newt.. _hi• .A. Wo d... 31.3 GS. ratio. tern.. 1.0 tie. - Ileumr air.. for vv. IT! . %err 1•V.i..1.•eal "hie • In the U. s. (•••147.4vs xesm abbtrtrzcinentz. AglDlTows NOTICE. In Me Orphans' Court of Lehigh County, Pn. IN THE MAPPER or the ncconot of Nathan Ilunnlckor nnd &mtel J. Kindler. Adnitoliitrittorii ottlio li••nto of Jonoph 11ungIckor, Into of llaldelberi townithiti, Lehigh county, And now, tient. 15. 1871. tho Court appoint If. C. hunt• berget. Auditor, to audit nod if nocon-dry rocuto null took, dintliintion. Ftora tho record*, A. 1,. tiros. Clark. Tlio otinvo nature' Auditor Will flint u I w 001... lute, nutr.l In the above Fl. tetra ofiloo ot A Ileutouiti T 011ronEtt uth, next, rat inn o'clock A. , lit n'ten,l to the Iloilo , or tin !Orion aptioln trout dro' I 11, C. Auditor. CIIITOR'N NOTICE. Jn Me Court of Common /'rope at I eh ILIA I, the sootier the oveoont of .1 , 1111 Aseoguee of I).v la Rote r:. and Iteninutlo S. Roca.. MI I none April MO:, 1871, the Court stmodot Bllmha Forromt, E.g.. Auditor. to audit mud If nerereary to remet• tin and make dim rlbotlon.. From the Record.. Alined : J. S. l'rottt . Y. The Auditor will meet the parties luterehteJ nt nl. ogler, 111 North Fifth wreet, city of Allentown. i.ll SATURDAY. OUP11310111111; nt 1 o'clo. k, p. In., whore mod Whou all pardon lutoreat.d n the food aro hereby nottfle to at tend, ELISIIA Audttor. sere2te3‘v pz LEN .< 14 ' 'Chestnut & 12th Str.„ )cunters ant) Situersmithe. FlriE WATC4ES I FREFIC4 C ..00K8 7 BikoNzEs, PLATED WAFIE. Quality Guaranteeo. ti)ootis sent by Express on approual. MOE JUST RECEIVED IMPORTATION FilOM ENGLAND. *3 CRATES N E \\T STYLE CHINA & GLASIVA'RE! NOW FOR SALE w noLEs.k LE AND lIETAIL ENGELHAN'S CIII NA STORE NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET. A Lso, I'EN CAR LOA DS ~V THE CELEBH %TED OH 110 BTo N 1 ,1 4 W ARE! ('RUCKS, JUGS, POTS, &C., I= Cherty Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. , shown that it does surely and effectually fluaa. The tcffinfonv of our best citi zens,. of all classes, establAcs the fact, that Pkcroitar. will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond tiny other medicine. The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and eases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are piddle- Iv known, en remarkable as hardly to be he werc they not proven beyond dispute. As n remedy it it adequate, as which the public ly co V 601• kill protection. fly curing Coughs, th, l"rvi . 11111111, at 1110e0 serious disease, It raven 11:i1111,t1'w1 , 1 fiVO,, and an amount of suffering MEE 115 1 4 115 1 x. 14N 1151,.; Irp; 1 13 y, 114' 1113% 114 1 ,.; .114 , ;,; 111 111 n, 112 114 •'',; 114 , :; 114 N 115 ; Sun, Do 101 n.; 10115 ...A to t c •••••upoted. It chnilenges trial, and con s Mee tle• 1,e , -t ,eeptietti. Every family should 1.•••••• im hand a+ it protection against Me early •.•• ! Imp•.••••••••ved attack oh Pnlituinnry Affections, .• !ale:tare • - a-ily 'net at first, bet which become •••••••••••1•10. .ot tor, often fatal, neglected. 'len ! •.• ••••••.; • •••••• ! this ••••ICnee; and it is unwise to Ile 1, it. AN a safeguard to children, amid ••• Mdre •1110, 411 , •11,04 which beset the Throat ••• •h rhinsr l'itcromth • ii.•-•:••••.!.!!.; t"0... by timely use, ! • • . front premature grilVes. 1111 d -•kti• love and:llll , etion centred on them. t• ••- • lib- and surely against ordinary colds, • ••••••.:, mad health-restoring sleep. No -•••:!•••• troublesome Influenza and pain ..o isaehltis, when they know how easily n.i;;ia.'ly the product of long, laborious, and •••.•edss'al ;Manie•il investigation, no cost or toil • • nt•king every bottle in the utmost =ZEE p, , frution. It limy be confidently re „„ .„ po,:ros,ing all the virtues it has ever and capable of producing cures as thu greatest It has ever effected. =II Or.). C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., and Analytical Chemists. BY ALI. DRUGGISTS EVERYWIIERS. Ni t , VEGETABLE SICILIAN ttlnt. \ HAIR ENEWEN.. v pan increases the populfri t his valuable Hair Preparation ; Which is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation for restoring GRAY On FADI:1) HAM to its youthibl color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and damb MI, and, by its tonic prop el tie prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will et eate a new growth, except in ext reme old age. It is the most eco nomical BuieDICE*SING ever used, as it moil es fewer applications, 111(1 gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachusetts, sacs, ~ The constituents are pure, and care folly selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Pm:PA HA•NON 14 its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggist a, and Ileakrn in linteine• Prloo One Dollar. 191111 I=l ALLENTOWN, PA 13=1's Among tho great discoveries of modern science, fens era of more real valao t uuunkind than this ef:s: n diseases of the Throat ' and Lungs. A vast trial of its virtues. throughout this and other countries, has PILEPAZED DT 'Buckingham's Dye. FOR TEE WI:USHERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this (lye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NABHUA, N.H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers