EI IBri3 Goobo otilt MOTTO • • .QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT THE MAMIOTII STORES ! Blankets! Blankets !! W 1.111%, BROWN end BRAY BLANKETS. Unsur passed In quantity. quality nud price. CHEAP ! Never before lower. Au Inmpection is all We emk, and you will be convinced. all at the me,t Popular Placa nod Hoods at Popklur Pric C es at E. S. SIIIMF.II & CO., Hamilton St., Allentuwa, Pa 1012 c9I.TiLIi, , TrU." , 1012 GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE. J. M. HAFLEIGITIS ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, EMBRACING SILKS. DRESS (MODS LIBRA'S, HOSIERI% GLOVER. WHITE Goons, LAVES ASD EMBROIDERIES ALSO, Ladies' Suits, Sacques and Shawls, WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE AT GREAT SACRIFICE, FOR CASH, To Close up his Present Business. el 12-3 n) SEAMAN TiLk EI;ER, NO. 11 SOVTII MAIN ST 13E'1111,E11ENI DRY GOODS., FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. 1-Lt . -- . .El;l , :vil'.Nr. (mops, W °ODE\ W A E, OIL cLorrus, sf-e 1 d _j r, ) =I DEM irm T. =I LOWEST CASH ITICES, I= SEAMAN & TRAEGER 11 M. ItO!IIINSON 1. 1111= 1U12(11, soCIETI, EATBICAL GOODS, FLAGS, BAN- NEES, BADGES, ET( No. 131 NORTH :111I121) SI'REET, I=l urniturr. .... „ FURNITURE. ,10 : E1 ' II \\ A I,TON CABIN ET MA K ERS, 113 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. 0111,,i/11;i0c1hPla1. 0110. Of 1110.01.1r,t In „d rdfor , l x l pe l r g ,o .l ••• ork al 1,,,.41.1t IVP are„ on W.. Lure till,. fit flit a r.., in...lluni•prleml nllore of .111.1 i., quaIIIY. A ollurt. ..1,1 ay- on Imod.mo.lo tot.rc 11,1, mid 00,.. n on k x. 'ma Moro. IMO. 1., 'to!' . Svorr Mil E SECOND ST it EET FURN T •ERRE STORE. 337 N. SECOND ST., i'1111..1 OM 51.111,t31.11 , 4111,111V,11tY trion.PlEmt Ithrlng the rerent dein...ion hanlnens, we laid In fir cbeapent and Lr+tl....arted nlee'r In hugtyltklt tee are henna/ at re. clltaltle prlron. Note Patent Sofa Budgie:his tvloch mil, a gal bed at tight, suitable far nlrkttbfllll Or Officer, COTTAGE' and ALN uT AIIIIEIt SUITS :Urn ti, 11 Ink. Exerlntor and Straw flaltrenne... Ali' . Pete/or Stlife Uphotqlere,( tem, xtrle , to RPM p/Irchastrs. 337 N. L. ni, , lNe V EORGE METZGA It AND CHAN Int.m,:ic LEVI FE NST ERNI.I( 'llElt, Corner Tenth and Hamilton Streets,. ALLENTOWN, PA. Ilioccusvof to Ella. Fenster:multi, Dealer in Grain, and Foe& Clover, Timothy and Flax Seed, Early Remit Potatoes, sorb ea Early Rove. Early Seapeck , Early Henry, While Sproul, ela. .1 VI SIO N S ,,T OF OROVERIES, PRO QUEENS WARE AND NOTIONS. Lehigh County Cider Vinegar by the barrel or smaller MR., A large Mork Or UV erpool Sall, boot Mackerel, to quar• ter awl half barrel.. wholesale uud retail. lark State Apple.junt received, • war 234.3 LEIGIVS IHI IMPROVED MAUD RUBBER TRUSS ORM retain and tare the most difficult ruptures. !miler clone to moteture. Tor CIOALIIIIIOIIII and durability It has no t"..ual The liehtest ?rues ever made. 1333 Mortara, •. tette. /Haddam dueponeorles, all Ind. o f Syringe., and all other mechanic I rem . • . klub Mrs. 1.81011. • R EMO V A lb YOUNG & LENTZ'S Wl!' LESALE AND.RET/IL Boort' AND SHOE STORE, S. E. Corner of IiAXILTOHand SIX7'.IISTB whero they are noir prrintrod to rerni , o their iatroo,, THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT LARGENT STOOK OF GOODS IN . THIS VICINITY A greet quantity of the work being of their own mate and tho Lamm, from the bent manufacturers In the coon• THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT be conducted as heretofore CTANAVIIITA AND ` -Grim FOGELSVILLE R. R. On and niter NOVEMBER 21. DM, Passe., Tnrl the Cal the Fogrlnrllln Railroad will ran In 001 Jinn with w 1 , 11 1 . 1 10 1 Rant Penn. Railroad, in, follow,— Trains West' STATION , P. M. I A.ll 5N C 45 212 11 2IS 7 0.1 2:i o 7 2311 719 211 720 2 53 17 30 01 3 7 37 3 2.5 17 42 I •Flag Station , . CONNECTIONS, 1110 1111.11 , illgirt 1 111 wee leave. Catut Iv • n Len the arrival of the L, Y. R. It. Local Paamenger train from Easton, Bethlehem and Allot town. and connect. at Al-Barth with o train on the Ertel Pcnnsylv anal R.ll. for Reading. Palle ville, liarrieburg end Philadelphia, and a 1... with a train for Allentown. Bethlehem, Easton. The morning train Emit connect. at AI-Until. with train n E. P. It It. from liarrieburg, Heading end Allentown, and at Wilk train on the Lehigh Valley Rail road for Mauch Chunk, Wilke••llarre, Scranton. Phila delphia mid Now York. 'lit 200 P. 51. train Well connect. at Al-hrirth with a train East l'oun. ailroad for Rending, Pottsville. Harrisburg, tho Allentown R Bethlehem. Easton, Philadelphia and New York; tarty.; in Philadelphia via Reading at 7 O,P. 311. The Ivening train East leaves AI-Borth on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of a train making connec tion,. nt Reading with train. from Philadelpkia. Barri.- burg, Pottsville, Sic., and connects with local panaonger train on the L. Y. It. It. at Cutainiuquit for Allentown, Bethlehem aud Easton. Persons w inh h iß W'd togo ‘ t k o Allentown ran take the morn ing train eto Al.llu tie, arrive at Allentown 915 am, nod return lay a train on le Earl Pennsylvania Railroad, leaving Allentown at .4 'At m. . CH APSfAN, ant;ti 10.1y1 CtiN. Supt, and En¢mcrr. T' lilt IG II VA LLE LA RAILROAD. On and after 310 N DAY, OCTOBER 10, MO, trains will run as follow.: Leave Allentown for Newlfork. via Central Railroad of Now Jor•ey. al 6 80, 0 Li,* II 10 and 11 53 a In. and 1210,• 2 37, 5 45. and if 15. pin. For Niue York. via Morris k E.... 1.% Railroad, ut GOO and 1105 a in, and :f 31 p m. For 31anunt. a Chunk and Belvidere. at D 10 a m, and 3 15 P ' l' ' eer Lambertville and Trenton aR , 1101 and 11 15 a M. and 5 45 P in. For Enoton itt 8 00, 50. 835•, 11 10 and 11 55 nm, 12 BP I 2 37..12A, 545. 015• and 7 10p m. For Philadelphia, via North Penn Railroad, at GOO, 900 and 11:5 am, 57 and 615 p TRAINB WEOTWAISDI At :isii in for Pittston, Hazleton and lit. Carmel. At ie 49 a in, Fast Express for Towanda, Waverly, Eina r, Butfalie Hazleton, Audrurird and Mt. Carmel, stop pingg only principal stietiona, and connecting at Qualtake •tv tralu Cat:mho. Railroad for Williamsport, and at Waverly Iv till train on Erie Railroad for Elmira, and Buffalo. Al 9On a in and 4 20 pm for Wlikesharre, Pittston, Ha zleton and Ilithanoy City. At ei p Cri Copia y. '' • Al 41tb p re for blanch Chunk. • At 237 pin for Williamsport. T.ain• with a •tar start !ruin Eit•t Penn Junction. 11. STANLEY HOOD W I N, Ass't Oral Sup't. lionmil 11. SAVIti:. SUP't a Eng. 7 I'OLT i; wow Trunk Lino loom t h e NOllll and NM - ft-Went for Pholadoolphia, Now look, 'teatime, Pannonia. Tootnequa, Ashland hhomook on, ',bottom, Allentown, Eapiou, Eplh. ram. Lotto, lame:lst,. Colombia, Ar. Thou+ leave 11.0 ll.Lurg hor New look as hollow, at 3 1.1, S 10, 1 a. and 2 soop. eannectlng with mint lar tramp 011 Poompylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now Yolk .1. lon. t0.,.:0. 5 :01 Tool 10 Oop renpectlvely. El... Ting Corp urealoopany the 310 0. on. train without chant,. toin on leave Now York at POO a. nl., 1200 noon and on.; Pholadelphla at S a.. m. and 330 P. an • Wee' r • 1110:ars accompamy the 5 oto p. ni. loam New York tr ithout Lrnvo liarriplatig for Reading, Paltry ille, Taranto., 3loompvillo, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown. and Phila delphia at S 10a. no., 25. and 401 p. m., plopping at Leba• Loon mod prinelpal way platoons; the 4 ti)i p in. train con ootong Our Pollan'. and Columbia only. For Selooyikoll Ilaven and Auburn, vintiebuyl klll and Susquehanna Railroad !mono Ilarolnburg at 34J p. too. Eu•L Pl•llllnylvauin Railroad trod. Inure Romaling fur Alhoniow n. hoo•itoomo tool Now York ow 5 to, 10:10, 0.10, 12 45 noon and 141 to. no. Ramming, leave New York at OW ,r 2 (JO alma and 5 in) p. In. and "Anion town at 7 20 a. 2'l 1 :moot, 2 nl, I 20 , and S p. tn. ayl'appeinter VI An leaves Philadelphia at 7 50a. in., eaniaa tong .•1,111.11 . 1 , 1111 ooto East Penna. Rationed; 1'4 . .111111g e Ito:along 010'2 1 1. 0,., Mopping al all PM- tiohs. Leave Volt, ale at and fl LB a. w., and 3 1(1p. tn., Ileru• don at 10 In n, in. sinfinok in at 40 and 11 20 a • tw, Anir• 1.11111 at 7 0.1 a. 111.1111 1 1 12:0 noon. Matlianoy City at 751 it• In. and 1 35 p. in., Tamaqua ut balm, in. tad 240 p. fur Phtladelplim. :Sew York, Reading. liarriniturg, he. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and SUXqUiIIIIIIIIIO road s 1.1 a. DI. fin Iltirlsourg, Rail 0.5 noon for Pine grova awl Trenton, Reading .11,C11111111.1d3ii 01 Train leave.. Cott', aleat 3 40 passe, Rending at 7.{0 a. in.. arriving nt l'hiladni- Wild lo 20 a. in. h , turalug, leave, Philadelphia nt 445 p. pasting Read d., at 7Si 1 , . in., arrlving 'at Potts ville ot It' t,. ni• l'olltiow Areoimuoilatio Train Bayer , Pottoto‘rn at 7ani io. Retarmug, leaves u l'lnladelphla ut 4 ltip. U. Columbia Railroad 'franis leave Reading at 7 20 a to nod oli p in for lailanta, 1.1111, Lancaster. Columbia, Sic. I',•r Lunn,' Railroad Trams leave i'eiklonien junction at 71', ,t 111. 301 111/ 11111 5311 11 01. IC 01.11rninir. leave Sift u otitis v illo ut pro a) n noo and 430 p m, conifiaing math ' , Hilda: trail, o ltending itailroad, Coleinookditio Ihitiroad 11111114 leave Pottstown at n 40 a 1111111,1 1 2 1111 1130111111 g leave Mount rhoisti tit at 7110 a, d 11 a hi, connecting w similar trains on Reading It. It. Chester Valley 113111 oat! 'lrani. leave Bridgeport at 10 ain and 2 and 7 0 , . p in; returning, leave D.•wuluittuu at u 7 • a to, 1 . 2 4', :tad 3 IS 1, connecting with nimilur 1111110 1 011 Iteaduiti Itallioad. tin :windily:. leave New Yost: nt OP p ru, Philadelphia lit soil .1 1111111 , 1 3 13 !I 111 SOIIIIII Want running only to 11. 01111/g 1. 1..4, 1 1'0111,1111 1 at SU.) it In, llarrlaburg nt 7 10 II 011,1 4 p leave Alleotowu at 45 p heading at 717 a tt i t d loosp in for Bin ...burg, at 5 ton In fur new Ytok, at n •I•l to and 41,5 p at for Philadelphia. Cadmitutation,Alilsage, Seasun; School and Egenrsiou l'irkets, to and 8010 all ponds, at reduced rates. Baggage ough; 1101 poundsallowed each Pit•seuger. U. A. NICOLLS. Sept Illy Gs'ir ra I Sept-Huh adiif. islonwn N S PEN 1.-0 . 14 . r -A-1 VAN IA I:AIM:OA Po.,vnip , l. for PlPlivlelvlll . n Lake I,high V . 14110y IL It 2 _:12 null:, 1:.1'. In.. and nrllre lu I'htlodelphlx at 8 m, null :121p. tp. susquehuvuu train. n 2 :r1 p. arrivo at .1 p. la ll' v° Ila , ..ugis Tralus Daily, Sunday,. Excepted.) l'agsenger tra1n41.9,19 , the depot Nurtlme.t corner Berk% and Al/lel:can st I.lclinclolplll9, Allonteu 0 at 7 :nand 9 4,5 a. m., anti I id, 3 'EI and Stop 111 . Per 1 , 03 ',town at S n. tn.. 2 :19 anti p. Ecl Weddlinnion 1,1 7 and and 11 3 , p. us Fur clideuten Ottl9, and Sal 81.1 p. ri.l ut p. tn. • 1.e476 , Bethlehem at et W. 6 10 n. tn., 13 n. J W. d Id 16 to • • ItorlestutVu at d 31u. 3 W nud 4 4.1 p. •• Lansdale at et 15 a. tn. • •• I ii Waslueuton nt 8:10, 10 30 0. ra., 23 1 76 In. •. t; AI and a P. , p. tn. t•N 51t:411A Yd. 'or l'hllatlelpltt at 4 OD p. to. 1...6 • 16.7 leaintvn 7RI a. 1/I. Pnii,1111 . 11.1113 for Bethlehem at 9 p. •• tor Doylestown at 20J p• N. 1., 113. LLLId CLARK. Agent. 11.LLENTOWN PASSENGRE RAIL. . WA Y. TnIE TABLE. • 0,. ,1.1 O'vr MONDAY, MAY Mb, 1670, ear. WILL run to :II trail,. ou Lou. Lologh Valley mad Lehlghltud Sunque. Station.r awl lo tho Alleutowu Furooev, lowribll Ilonnlton and :anal street.. n. follow.: For L. V. For L. & S. For Fur. Lou,,, Fur. A M. • A. M. A. M. A. M. :. :11 700 101 D IF u 13 7 (Al , 111 3.1 11 1.5 I. lu LI T.l ESE Tlir 1,1 1,. n,. c., you:withal ill, 111,2 al p. PooTrain ~,, 1.. V. it. it. for Ittol :tow V,.rli. rho . 2 15. In. ear rune In eoeuection with the 2 47 train 11,1 to Ai S. I p t. It. (IC Plalndelphla and Now York, !ik. 53, . with the ti 00p. tn. train on 1.. or n. It. It. for Munch Chunk and lotertnedinto eta tinioi, nod up 111011 from VbilltdriPtllll nut New York. At VERTISINci AT VERY LIIIERAL RATES in—No mnoltltitt I+ allowed nn the Cum. nod plemoogorn ale toppdoed not to ltdo ou the platform when there Ix rooln It. SCIILOUCII INvITATioN (iltirew. tool etrolgers ate rorallilly 'invited (Other,. pureli.were or vlhltorO to Cott and examine the ninny new and liaudeoine palter. of Carpetingn and 011 Clutha, of newly arranged coloring... OP OUR OWN IMPORTA TION. lu addition to a great variety of goods of American manufacture, exernted in ouch n manner an to gratify all intereoi•.l to the ',roar,.s of home produellona, IME E. L. KNIGHT & SON THE•tEHVGH: REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, 113oothers =I NOB. 3S AND 40, = rkailoratiO. • ~ CATASAII4IIIA. 11113 4 8E1 PLS.'S 915 •initi)AN 11E1110E. 999 01.11'11'8, 9 24 WALHEICT'S. 9.'5. CHAPMAN'S. 9 19 TREXLEHTOWN: 997 11NEINIOSVII.I.E. 8:B •S 1•111 NO CHEEK. S 42 A1,111111.T18, 97 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. wiNTEtt ARI:ANaEMENT. MONDAY, NoVEMBE,II 21, 1870 I= I= I=ll2 FARE TEN cIiNTS Children under to )n.irn ur ago, Five Celan CID STNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA stat(oncrti WOMEN, Make Your limes Comfortablo I 1 NOW WE HAVE IT TIZE LARGEST CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF WALL PAPER IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY, OLD ESTABLISHED BOTEN BOOK STORE Mile 30 'til LEISEN RING, TREXLER & CO., ALLENTOWN, PA. • We ore gelling Potter of all otyleo at prten• to o wl e ither the rich or poor. IF YOU WANT In, on .none and WALL PAPER Tralnn A. M. thla reason, do not fall to glee as a all, We hate now on hand the largest stock In the Valley and tan offer granter nod better Inducements than any other estnbllsh meat. 11ENIEMBEll N 5 II to co 61 It will pay you double t • purchn•n nt tloo BOTH& BOOS STOBh of I.V.Ifik.NRINO, TIIEXLER & CO., • um' &M P t Allentown. c G ic EAT ATTRACTION I NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING °RAND FALL AND WINTER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICEA T. OSMUN & CO., Succeators fuNVet spar & 0,1/11111 BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMBRII BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, JILIMITOWN,'PA.I We would inform the citizen, of Allentown and the ear rounding country that we are prepared with a law stook or good, for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reasonable price. To there who buy their Clothing ready•made, they are prepared I offer RARGAINH• WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ORDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and teacloth the latent 'Lyle, and by lbe boot workmen CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES Is larger than It has been before, nod we Intend to sell • very SMALL PROFITS, and give our customer,. the bone At of our low purchases. • Groat quantal,. And varieties of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything In the line of , GENT'S FURNISHING doODB MEN'S. YOUTHS', BOYS' and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING 1:=1 No• Ca 5 Hamilton otre.t. third door r.bovn Sloth .lroet. T. ONMUN, )10011 Brno id•avis LYSA. mar 24 tf T HE VERY BEST I'HE CHEAPEST, THE MOST BEAUTT FUL AND MOST DURABLE CLOTHING, KEI'ST()NIt;II A L ! BA LLIET & NAGLE 4.„';'„Tteuirirthlnbcrl4:VeeTlll":Orgkth'grl:lTe),Wellrg COATS, VESTS and .til other Good. portatuinx to MEN'S WEAR • FOR LESS MONEY Um a you eau buy elnewhere In Eastern Peonnylvanta No Slop Shop made Goodu sold. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We keeproantantly on hand a large and elegant assort ment of GOODS, from which cuntomerncan snake their .elections and have them made up nu abort notice. 40" - A II Wort warranted to be of the very bent. 1=! KEYSTONE II A LL; NO. 24 WEST HAMILTON STREET, next door to the ttrrsao n Reformed els orrh, A T.LEN TOWS, PA. A full hp..lomat of Gents' FornlpLlng flood 6 always of Land. AARON lIALLIET. may 12.1 f PLAIN F/ICTS A succe perien five y: induce about t second t the coun all made carefully sound or is• made u 1 lowest gra a well esta clothiers, th Clothing, it goes to mal ment, is ur stock of goof Our assort and •varied th be fitted at oni Our prices art! teed as low, or lowest elsewhel also a fine assorl P .11 1 40 1 10 /kb . ' Goods in t which will be mat in the best ma prices much to usually charged made to order. Samples of goo lists for all kinds forwarded by mail when requested, w' tions for self-meas garments, either or selected from a Made Stock, fo arc press, guarante t rectly. Persons not res can when visiting call and have thei 1 gistered on our o'. . that purpose, from ments can be orde A future time. BENNETT & C ► Tower Hall, 518 Mark Half-way ktween Rfi and Sixth 'PNII44 - Ii • • AT THE 3 Clothing, A2;21111 =I PANTS, EE= WORTH • D G . rge, well established and •ful business, with an ex e of more than twenty rs, enable us to offer tents to all Who are become purchasers of -Clothing-au no establishment in y. Our garments are f the best materials, lected; nothing un any way imperfect at all, even in the :s of goods. . ' It is !fished fact among our Ready-Made every thing that • a superior gar iqualled by any in Philadelphia. lent is so large it every one can without delay. always guaran lower, than the . We have nent of e Piece,-tea up to order, ner, and at r than are r garments with price garments, t any inst t r i u m c e ent, and o order eady d ex -0 t r /i ere, la elp 'a, me re for to a ifor fly Labia; f2RAND EXPOSITION FOR THE •A FASHIONABLE WORLD. COMPLIMENTS OF MRS. M. A. BINDER. No.llol N. FASHIONS leventh and Chestnut atreets. Philadelphia. FOE THE FALL AND WINTER of IWO. Wholesale and Retail, which Paris and the lOW maunfao- tortes supply. Dresses. Mantles, Cloaks and Costumes fur Ladles and Children. klrcl a! department llrao del aptly 7 trimmed pat- terns, of Parisian dozen. If you want a bandsomely.filting, wall-made wit, at short notice, go to Mrs. Binder's for tasteful trimmings and dain I ty stitches . Mourning, Traveling and Wedding outfits. Wattle aVilratChtVrinlU TTO N ORNA MEETS, comp,rising the latest Paris novelties in black GlTOv c eV.li e rldli r Venta t , " Ve ' De lt , ' M e :A !, " n r e: ' , 4, 1 ,27.% Velvet,_Batin and Taffeta Ribbons, Sashes, Neckties. MADE UP LACE GOODS—ORAND DUCHESSE LACE FOR DRESS TRIMAIINO.—Potato Applique Valenci ennes, Hamburg Edgings and Insertion., Black °Dimino and Thread Laces new indesign end moderate in price. CHOICE INDIAN ORNAMENTS.—Face, Birds, Mats. Cases and Fancy (Weds. wiecte by Mrs. d Elegant line of Wh er at ftby Jet floods, In sets, Breastpins, Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets. Splendid line of Trench Jet Goods, Coral and French Gold Sets. Charms, Sleeve Buttons. Chains, Ac., which for price or variety In style, cannot he sorpossed. Strangers visiting our. city are Wspertfally invited to examine. Pinking and °offering. Cutting and Fitting. Also, perfect system of Drew Cutting taught. Patterns sent ha mail or express to ell pane of the Union. MRS. M. A. BINDER'S, N. W. Cor.Elacnntl; and Chnstultt Stn.. Ph llndx OE= WE SEWING 11Ael I I FA* itiBERAz FRITZ, Agts., Allentown S 1 E WIIAT WI: CLAINI Tlll TWILL BEST SHUTTLE MACHINE OUT That they make a Stitch allkrou ! That they will lIENC I FELL! BIND! CORD! BRAID! ROFFLE! POCK I QUILT ! HEM STITCH I UATHER AND SEW ON AT THE SAME TIME EASIEST TERMS! INSTAL3fEN2S S 5 A MOSTII TILL PAID In addition to all Ulla they are Egonlfy flood tor Flo envy Work. HUBER & FIiTIZ AOENTB FOR LE/116 II COUNTY. w HEELER et WILSON'S SEWING MACH INES ARE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST, =REM IT iflgkolfriairßo E " Over 450,000 now in use. They colt less to keep in repair than any other • They aro capable of the widest range of work. They have bat cue tension to regulate. They make the same stitch on both sides of the fabric sewed. They are warranted three years and Tan. )(APR TO !WIT ALL POSICII•MitRiI. PETERSON & CARPENTER ONNERAL AGEXT.9 911 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. ALLENTOWN AGENCY. No. 29 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Third door below Germ. Reformed Church. d mar 9.1 r w mar LI 'PURELY MUTUAL OUR CUSTOMERS SHARE IN THE PROFITS! Shawls! Shawls ! ! Shawls!!! • OUR BRA IrL DHP.I R TI/ENT P.N.S r It PASSED BROCHE PAiSLEY, STRIPED SIIA WIA Of every th.rrlntlon. quality Mid pric... Alec BLANKET end BLACK TB [HET riIIAWL4m Ihr MAMMOTH STORES K S. SIIIM ER & L'O. 705 AND 707 HAMILTON STREET, I=l L oou I LOOK I I LOOK II I AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE! THE BEST MACHINES IX THE naiad)! GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED HIGHEST PREMIUM SENVINO MACHINE. Awarded the highext premium "The em, of the i.e. glen or Honor," at the Parte 'EsPo.itien• MACII/NE NEEDLES, THREAD and SILK TWIST cenetuntly on hand. Theneople of Allentown and vicinity are cordially invited to coil at our ealneroom. Remember the place, eprohlte lbe Merman Reformed Church. N. InetructioneAriven to any person purelming Machine, All Blachinen warranted m !Ire eatiefaction. S. M. KElt'Elt, Agcnt, No• In do. t Hamilton 61• Allont.wn. Pa MEI EDWIN HALL, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, =3 lathes attention to his stock of BLACK SILKS, boot wakes. COLORED BILKS to 01 desirable shades: •• IRISH POPLINS. CORDED k PLAIN FRENCH POPLINS. SERUE.3 AND SATIN CLOTHS. PLAID POPLINS AND SERGES. The teleology!. of Dress Goods enuotsutly receiving sad for sale at the lowest price. A fall stock of MOURNING GOODS eltrays op heed. BLACK POPL !SS. .11011.4 IBS and A IPACAS. SHAWLS! SHAWLS 1 I SHAWLS 1!I Is great verletT. CLOAK VELVETS, PUIW SILK, Dent 000tiM1 Imports). SILK PLUSIIES I SILK PLUSIIES II • In all desirable shade, WATER-PROOF CLOTIIS. CLOTIIS rOR LADIES WEAR. VELVETEENS OP - SILK FINISH. CLOTHS FOR MEN AND DOTS' WEAN Tnble•Llneos, Napkins, Bheetings, Tnwellugs, Bblrt• Inge, Flannels, Blankets, Counterpanes, Plano and Table Covers, Embroideries, Laces, White floods, Moves, &c. We deal In good goods, and will sell at such prices as will give satisfaction. The Market and Chestnut Etteel Coll, will convey you to within afew doors of the store. • EDWIN lIA.LL, R 9 South Second .beet PhHada. oct 195 m Vato anb Eraps GREAT EXCITEMENT I EVERYBODY • CAN BUY A HA OR CAP E. R. M ATIIEWS' OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW. PRICES NEVER BEFORE SO CHEAP ! SINCE 1860 LOCATION CENTRAL KNAUSS' BUILDING,' 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET ALLENTOWN, PA FIVE DOLLARS FOR A SILK HAT, Latest 8171 e sod Bost Make A. THE OLD BTAND OF YOUNG & LENTZ, ALLENTOWN Call and see our goods and be convinced. No charge for showing good. even If you do not wish to buy, German and English spoken. E. R. MAT 311catero THE HORNING GLOBS' FOR 1571) Th. , only Btorn that bolds out to he whet It la represented to be of BASE BURNERS In the Inarkel, qualities Kai der Oita warranted for ten you., ll,rs • li•I i I Allentown Om all Ua•o Ilqrner Store. combined. Hold by NILTd.\M G. UI'I"I'8:;, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES h PIES tEIIS RAND, PERK 1 NS &CO 121 NORTII SIXTH STREET I= PULL ADELPHIA, l!B=:1 BRICK SET AND :PORTABLE HEATERS. ~}t`igs~ Themo llrntre , f, - .r 1l nrnhait T, Shoplirity and lieontony f FOP! havr pontrrior, Ti o. r.ltatinl .nrineo Inane ntlrnly of Piro. girt Iron, and nll trantord to give alixfn• lion. NVe nloo tolontructrro a variety of Flat •I'op nil Silo llt•rn Range, :mle to ho.lt a Itlittonrl root., nth It'•yloter+, VentP.ator.., wm. 0. mrr EH, Agvnt lor .11Ivntown =I li ear , - w ith a rapiolty unequalled by any other re...di offered for Throat and Luna ahem., It Is recommended by ever tOtiper , ons Wilinington, and hundred, In Philadelphia, Baltimore null other cities. and communities thronahout the ontutry. Dr. Pennington, of Wlltulritt ! ton. writer that there Is not (with a fete exc.- tiQll4) II family lit that ally who will he without It If pos ' nitile to procure it. Such it its popularity wherever it in kIIOW —and till, popularity arlta's from the fact that It univeraallycures all who use It. There is no rate of COUtillS, COLDS, SORE THROAT. ASTHMA, BRON CHITIS, Citt P. 111.00D-SPITTINO. HOARSENESS. and even PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Where the eye tem la net broken down with the wear of tho Manama, or pre ended ffielne, or inexporieimed advice, that thi. NVHOUGHT IltON, AIR T H IGT, Wnu it not cure if cri.ly used. accord'. to di eetion•. We .manatee It i n repreaent It to be, and lov to a trial from the ,pilotedeverywhere. Price, 60 G-ASC()NSIT.IIIN(IIIEATER r p r a t r tt o . :i .tttS)d:ltmttt mud 51 tar large alto barna' P". ESTABLISI!ED 1151 Hlghext Preinium, Silver Medal, ror..ll,l”vor rein petition at Exl,ll.l;intil ,n) TIIE ORIGINAL AND GLNI'I -RE(uLATING ' , ELI' DUST SCREEN. ORATE C ES I's, WHoDUIIT IRON RADIATOR. ♦sn A uTom ATI C = bn==El =I gasrvarrrnvn OHLT HT J. REYNO LI N. W. COH. FILBERT St 9., I=3 . These Heaters are made of nosey \Vroughl Iron. well riveted toiether. and are warranted to be alatolutaly 1.I•R Rod Dyer tinily. Thee aro the unit/ haulers that nit managed without attic donip,g, snit lu widen all kinds of fuel run be burned without aheratina. COOKING KANO Kg. For HOTELS. REST.II.IIANI'S and 1%11111,M5. AIAu, a FLAT TOT HEATING RANGE.. FIREPLACE HEATERS, VINV DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, newsr EGG, VEN'I Pamphlet.. givlac full tleArriptlon. gent frott to snit nit- I drop, ion.. "2-1 Y pcctarles SPECTA(7LES SPECTACLES Y. L s A largoend complete ass“rtionnt of ;01 4 f Spectacles, Eye Musses, &v.. at CI[AS.S. MA"l;i"'~,' NO. 23 EAST lIAMILTON sTREET, I= Having de, toed a great drat ..f rare mid attention to the Hpectincle bu•lness for the. , last few flint that my boxlnt...n In 111011inch:in Increased so that I hare de termined to In i'te it it 1...P1.:C1A Throe la nu article tnanufaCtured is rebuilt there t. s.. touch deception prat.. tired as there 14 in Snertaelt. lice- IC now leg that the Public later Leen, freunentlt lintabo reed by parties pre tending to have a sittairier ef exorbitant prices ter Chem, thereby tralliving open 'hono ree...ides and infiratitie• of too, I 1. Lye chin pain+ I . se. lect n litre. , and complete ass..ritte..ht , 4 16.. fine•t and bast Obotscs ever 111 . 1111/1.t111 , 1. 1101, ..getding all pert.t.nn neellug stpectitchis as env... tanitt porelne.ing at rea• ,11\11, I'e.-..a. I. as log .ii. , .I.lli. 111 , X 1e tieing suited chew Iwo. will .1 , well to bit.. i... a- I feel cenibl. tit that roe,. b lett to . sit.t..ii. Ibinteinher the old st \o.:•1 11.-, 11 .tt.. r"pi. i•ii•i tie. tier lean Itcfm 111,1 ( ch. 'Co, a Carp RICH ELEGA CATIPETS, ( ) I I. ( n LOTT'S, ('. I,ot NO. 19 S. sECoNI) S;.plo 1:1t, att•ntlon to his eplend.d n4vertn.ent or Imported tad American CA itPwrs, ,vim.h will he sold ut u very illall wurratit.,l :iv repre.enteti so that, eau buy with motild• ACTIONSSrEAR I.OI7DER THAN wonms! The Pudding b 4 Proved by Eating! CARPET t)l , :l.?_‘. ,RT NI PINT Repleukhod And nuLl :IL New OA U nrlerc. 6.4 BODY. BRUSSELS CARPET. 3.4 3.4 TAPESTRY mcussELscAnmr. 3 PLY CARPI' S. SMITH'S TAPESTRY INGRAIN CA lIPETS. •• SANFORD'S •' INGRAIN CARPETS, all grade, WOOL DUTCH CARPETS, lIRIAP CARPET. RAO CARPET. RUGS MA TA AND ALA T TING, OIL CLOTH. imd IVINDOW SHADES %WIT. BUM GRAY. DRAB. BROWN and ORtrgN WADI:PL E. S. fill I HRH Sc C.',i and 707 Hamilton St. A Ilestomi AP I 11111110 W ciorh,Mrl.-1,•• /e Aileatmcti I he.I,Y ilvotho - N" 0 T (1 'l,l tiled I will nyll all 'T " " I ' ' 4l CrornilNG, SHIRTS AN I' n ItAWF-I ! ' ' 1 1, All then win ''''' to b ." 4 '. No. 0)1 HA WI „%,” C „: the redneed .'• 'Erma)', 15 en the Bret .. * • ---• ' l'R A 1 •uov 30-21 a 110 T 25.1 Farlnge of the beat quo • . Ftore, No. Mt Ilemiltonoot DEO 'a ilartm, F. Wolf, KSI En! Mal JANUARY ii, 1 NO CURE, PTO PAY. 1)R. 14. 1). LONG A.K ER, Gratitude beenhe lintserslty of Pettnsylvain numberh phia, has in successful Pr•trltre roe a.nr.year. In l'ariolll.l parts of the Patted States; stilt promptly at tend to .11 branches of late pruresslnu at his room,. F.nmt Ride nr Sixth .freft. n t. Easniltott Mid No Patent Bolleltoot are nAe.lor recommended; the rem- Prime, soltolub.tered err litre which will not break down the conalltutlon. but rear Tole the .yr.teln from Noah., It has , totalned from tolttertil 111Pilidn+, and leer., It lu a healthy tool berfectly carol rotalltleu. coliSlI:dllTION, BRONCHITIS. DYSPF:PSIA, and all diee,tee• of the Longs, Throat. Stn ranch, and Liv er, which yea, ly e.trry thotoools to untimely grave, ten undoubtedly be cured. MELANCIIOI.I` ABERRATION, that Mato of olleuation and aberration of mind which lion dera per.nnn locatable of onjoyloa thin ploaxiires of per forinloic ilia Male, of life. imEumAnsm, AND PARALYSIS, In any f wm or condition. chronic or artne, warranted cur ablo. nr falltnn nleknen“. and chronic or ntnb• born cane. }. ((NIA I, II ISE•ktillti npeotllly and radically romoncti, Salt Ithooto, Skin Dinconen (ofearn' ntanding) evory tiewri)tioo of iticcr, mon.. ttOli y Scrofoloun dtn en.er. tvarrantod cared. At-Partiettlar ottentton gireh to private dlncanen of evert tlenerintion of both t.exem. sullorion from atty contplaitst incidental to their sex, roll consult the doctor with 11+41111111C., of roller. . . 11. , oloor cured, °tall 41t.t1 removed tho ter draw lug blood. 1b.00 , 0. tbo EYE A.NU EAR surces.:folly nud effectottlly r,noved. 4.).1) F. hol,hikyr IVIII tmtk e ra,ila o. tlintilllco If de• sired ; can he 11,1‘1. , ,11 hy Wier (confidentially! and rned 'clan with proper diroetionm to ally part Hamil t o n ” onty. orrl.•E: Ea.t .1.10 of Slxlll street. betwt•en and Wolnnt. Allentown. l'a. rimy 213-1 Y .Aris d iII L CQP itTS ‘' ,1 6," * 5P:1F8N153-11°Z; PHILADELPHIA.. V 3 NIARRET 5 1 ' c . f ikOCII, ns , / ,0„ , (..1 , BOSTON, 19 DOANE ST. . .. . _ E EAR A ,-HcA;O5 l - - cv. CO 1'41.1 E E.i. NON 1 , , T ,13 Hove'. ate. ~..erlicnie or treolment ean ereel the pow ref al ouratire pony?. of kiln =MI UTICA L ORGANIC CHEMIST, Philadelphia tleptit„ht'opton, Ilunowtty dt Cowdoo, OCC Ji 1,11 It.trret. lieltitnoro .10 pot, S. Sllanco, 105 Baltimoro For +ale by Medicine Dealer% uenyndly. jem4y bout 14-3.1. rit . t...S DVSPEPTIC ( VILE Will rerri 11i.ttiueum, 100, otul WI LI, 111/111; 11..11211. Ti tho 11..., t I. /A./. , t 1 r lu 111.• Sion, 11-1, W 11,1. , 11,1111 , 1 n, Vvlor ' S. , tr •toutarli, ILO T., olour %Volk ne WII. 1, Cr nE nil r, , gulano , 0...1 I •0 T 11 1 ,111, 1 ,11 ,0 is 11,1 0.111 liquors &1 . .. 'lto{ 11 • tlo- , roV' 011010,0 1 ocrl,lao 'out! l• !'llroY t ive •il ( on 11 n DR. I,ltY'S aSYItUP I. th, to:.11w , prop.triv .1 f.A. 111•Ht.t , of Ike 77 .'"ut• h“,,11s und ill cult. ~herB Jai I, .101 a, calla], ,d W...L1: Ltibg- “Eld Clwnt. 'DR.Fltrti FEM.\ LE 0111:ENGTHENING PILLS 14 , 0,11..1.4 a,' only ',at( rootalo Woaknon+, Inr. , 'f the \\'‘.l.l., 1..1111. Lt•u• c0r.60.1. ort ;Ind “..11,111 Debtlay. Pr.p.ilvd kind by S. FRY, N0..1.1ge Eighth Sir..., Ph113111..11 ,1 . 1 .. And 1-t 11v; ai-i , viler 1/.0 . Z. 3.3111 . IMIEM • For all Woo, Itrul.e., 5r,.,0 Ulcers. Cancer., Bose Niplll , , :,IM Broken Brea•ts, Chapped I,ltot nad Ilaudr, Erupt,,., Bite, or &lug. of lunact., etc, ra - -.1 WON VERFOL CURE FOR PILEB. - 441 Ito np Itt feta .Itr.Lmd pl ttot• I drugat.tt ..‘ery‘vlitqe yell It. ' WITINL"I' IT IN THE HOUSE. COSTAR' A'" To % IN)AeII. kr. EXTERMINATORS •• cosT.sw , :" (11,ffid) RED. IWO EXT Ell. " COSTAR'S" (only pore) (NsEryr POWDER. "COSTAR'S" Only pare remedy) CORN SOLVENT. (lat, no other) . 40, nod 0011..1, o (roe) COSTAR C0.,13 Howard St.,N. Y. T. .5W All. MA RTI N. SCHMIDT & Co. k.. Allen town. In. Joll BLACK. Jr.. Awn). C .1 A . L n0,,,,, trtAylll.lyclAw , Itream THE WONDER OF THE AGE!. WOMAN S' RIGHTS 'WASHER ! PRICE ONLY TWO DOLLARS! DELIVERED FREE! Active Coor,o,orm wanted of either ner for thir eigh borhoml. Term% I.lborol. /ltimo, 8er,14-1 Y C. M. JONES, Wilmington, Del SECOND BANK. ALLENTLVIC, n•c. IR, MO. Tllll ntwool election for .Directorm or this Dank will held al the Irdol:Ind h0n.... on TUESDAY, JANUARY TENTH. 1 , 71, hour. of 1 and 3 P. 31. 2,.% Y. R. SAMUELS, CRobler, r . 4.. 21 S. EIGHTH ST., '' THE TIMEX. RD•ll FANCY • AN D TOILET tiooDS. A Innen: llceut nt.ort input, tips tirpassed for rnrlety, eft.. lance of strle, er moderation mPrices. Fine Ewer!) Flowers for Jardlnlers. Ilch Bohemian and Clint Toilet rats and Vane., Dorian Busts nod Statuette., gilt mounted Cord RPM vvrn and Flower•holdern andoh mien Wan, China, Lam, Dark. diarblo, Brow° Olll Ornaments. Melt Phrla nod Vienne Fowl; Real Whitby Jet, Vellmln• Ile tool Fennel, Jewelry; Elgar mad Tobacco 'horns and H o lden. % Writing Desk.; 01b00, Handkerchief and Work Boxes, Dressing Caere, Tablets, Paper Cutters; 'OVFOi. Sic. below ca , et once at tithe the geed, ewe,. St Will tietitisely• ciltmed SILE, GINGHAM AND ALPACCA UMBRELLAS CANES, &c., 'll WWII% thousand other nrllcles, embrnclog all that la now or denlr.aple tor blrtliduy hullanY Prononrn. NClperlor In quality nod rno,lprolo In prier, 11. DIXON, No. 'II S. 1:10IITII Wort, between Markrt n onst 11,4.514414,1 pr 7.Smlr • itirbirm I I=3 ON. SI .1.11. M. 1)., No. 707 MARKET Sr., WILMINGTON, DEL Cull, thus ren101): ,r 1 ., . , eninpinint. Su], I'rnpr'rt ors, num on • :111.1110a:erg V . 111:Tally. - - •:v:HO uuless blignul 1. ingnaDA_ - :Ec-3C..11%T.V.3„ 1 . /.. ; o . e .' '1 . .; "...7 p W. ninr, .I,,,fit.ire. ii.ll Arch 6.t.; Prof. Daltn, 2.3:i W. 4tli St., Cincinnati, lb, and Dr. CI moue, nt Charlotte. in.,53. Y. li., are utak. -.-- \ Int astonishing . 6 oure . of all I 0 ~,j ei by their rot . II .n o r ,: k r it t c Id u o . t ~.; \ . ei t. , l it o v i i . i ~,;,, ante but little \ .I.i il r el tn i t i.nr ri: rdot mid fibre : I CI moved, If taken in \ ~. 0 ri tint...icon. not return. Dewar. I n .. .._, „.. ,„„4 of been. Pre. (ono., with their \ W ' 6 . iin Loris trent. MOWN .tealing our tfl .. fil W ...heft i.a• mute. Ng ther. treatment.. Nono other should ever be 0.01. For part ientinn. • end for eireitlar. ea, nraddre....abore. itarlou :roma t IJzo , ur, perao.• testtiY• ACW-Vatus, 11. And moil..ring ..111.0 . :10.1 vrottinnnt.l It— la Carlo.l.o pot. dor , ..lllally tor and public sittlltiOn. , ' !111 Puri% of the U. 6. 6 ) i„,,, cT ~.0 • 11 7 PD A i , • ''-'l' II ALIVE iL DoN"r BE ONFIDAY "COSTAR'S" STANDARD PRIM:MATIONS, • • , . (r - artis. .• tI 31 N. VOIINIH. • Al"r()IINEY ‘•'l' I,A W, INcoupoil.kTED 1851. HEADING, PA. BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE CONII•A N Komi rollrrtlon. IRrk 7 u t ..g lelAiowlu • PITTSKIKI,I) MO . - - . • KA lIFFIIIAN. ATTOR. NYS AT LAW Offiro. pereind floor of thr , 1 , 1.1 :7.ttlnnal ihtnk looll.llWar. ENTOWS Colleetin• nvido lo 1,1510 n d ncljulnll.4 rtmntle, .art . hr'coo•ull.e ' d • In the En(liell and Orrtuan In noon pr •••P 11.1 y • ill Lift' Enfsurancc OI,D AND► TILIED vJAMBS A Ft; RA NCI I S. VI L E. I ° r l' r Pc iio n it t, ot BENJ. CII ICK Ent NO, Secret try .1 , 1 rr JACOB L. °BEENE, Attslctltnt Secret try Failure I'll.llllton done not forfeitPolley At any Time: but the Policy will bo continued lo force mold the Premiums already paid tro fully earned by tbo cost of insurauce. Should the ',lnured die within the period of continued insurance, tin, full nmouut of the Policy will be paid, the Hanle nP if ell premium. hod bees Peid when duo except that tile Proudest. overdue Red onpuld will be Xeducted Ekompleet—Clnime actually paid wider this feature: Joiner Joyce, of New York, It f0r.11,000, died fear menthe after hie premium wan don and unpaid. Amount paid, $1,0lX), lean one ScosixAenual Premium. Ifaxlmllino ?docket. of Cleveland, Insured for li,oon. died nine meethe tiler hie premium wax duo anti nopabi Amount paid, 41,01 M less nun prentium, Samuel W. Maxon, of Concord, insured for N'. di thirteen mouths after his premium wen due and ',opal • Amount paid, 41,(V 1, lens, we t. mimeo. Thin feature in nbsolutely secored to the Policy-hel by a low of the Ci/311111011WOltittl of Maneachusetts, Guaraatering Every Day's lastwance Pahl PURELY MUTUAL. All the profits belong to tho Pettey holdern, at divided nenually impala P01id..4 in force two yt Div s it e paid Itllltillilly in cash, or Ivied to form f." D i of femora:lce. Economical management; xnfe Invextment.; f I,ff". Tr• leelinn of prompt end honoptble ,ttloottet t.rui conditione of travel nod residence. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE S. W. Colt. ELEVENTH & clt rAi r t ; W IL GRAVES ,' • OEN ERAI. 4ir-0001) AOV,N W 11. 'CODER. MI For Pure Water, tills celebrated Put entirely tasteless, durable and relia ble: equal to the good old-raehlonet wooden Pump, ar toot less than hal, money. Dully art no ea to be non-( and In conetructlc that any one can keep It In repair. Balsam THE BEST AN fllc ; Al! kinds of W eght Iron Coils, Toyer.. for Blast Fur. mtes, s, and . Smoke Stacks, Blast Pipes. Iron Whorl nod ‘iything In the [toiler nod Sheet Iron line. Also, all kind Iron and Steel Forgsws and Blacketnith work, Miner T001...du1l kinds. oath as Whom Buckets, Picks, Drill gsliets, Sledges, hr. Having a ont Hammer and set of tools of all Slade, and skilled oilmen. I flatter myself that I tan turn out work with fromptness nod dispatch, all of which will be warrantedito p,,t c hiposollers, and repairing generally. ntric . tg i. /t• tended to. CONSIIOIIOC 801 I,Elt JOHN TUBE. FLUB AND A'TE A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALICEA'S 13.1.LruouNLA. VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands 0 77 7-- Dear testimony to their %Pomtor• P. oo NI Curative Effects. E WHAT ARE THEY? GF A iZF, g '; p ; a Z.. ' Ti .3 4 E, - was .E. g T, o g TlfEr ARE NOT A VILE w 6 9 1:1 FANCV DRINK. !fade or roar flout; Whialsen, Prouf Bplrlts nod Rano° Liquors doctored, spiced and sweet ened to please the taste, called Tonica,""Appells• ert.," .Itestorers," sc.. that iced the tippler ou to drunken.es nod ruin, but are a true Medicine. made from the Native Contra and herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Sthaulanto. They are the CIIIEAT 111.1101) PtiItIFIEE and A LIFE (41V1 Nil PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Spoleto, carrying off all poisonous Dilater unit red acing the blood to n healthy condition. person ran take them: Dlttora according to dlrec tlon nod remain long unwell. 5100 w Mho given for an incurable mien, provided the Lours and not destroyed by mineral poison or other 111001., 00,1 thin 't hal organs wasted beyond the point "(renal, For Inflammatory and Chronic Ithenma. tient null Gout, Dyspepsitt, or Indigestion. Bilious., Remittent and Intermittent Foyers Dinenses or the Blond, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters Lave boon most EUCCCE3- nil. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally I rodueLd by derangtmont of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR IN DICESTION, Bead ache, rain In the Shoulders, Courtin, Tint:tut.ss of the Cheq, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, had taste lu the Mouth, Dillo, in Attnel,s, Pulp:lath n of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungr, Pain 111 regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred tab, Taa.rul symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Tiny Invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the t.•r pid liver and bowels, which render themof unequalled egicaey in cleansing the blood of nil Impurities, and Imparting env life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Blieum,l3lOtelies, Spots, rlmplcs, rustules,Bolls, Car. Iting.lVerins, Scold-Head, Sore Eyes,Erysip.. visa, Itch, Ruth, Discolorations of the Skin, Homers and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system lu a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle In such eases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vltluted Blood whenever you Dud It■ Impurities bursting through the shin in Pimples, Erup• (lons or Sores ; cleanse It when you Sod it obstructed and sluggish In tho veins; cleanse It when It is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In the system of PO many thousands, are effectually destroy. ed and removed. toe full directions, road carefully the circular around each bottle, printed fa four lan. guages—Engli,ll,Cerman, French nod Spardsli. J. WALKER, Proprlutor. R. 11.11cDONALD & CO., Drugglata and Gen. Agenta, San Franclsco,, end S 3 and 81 Cortanarcu Street, Newi'orl.: 13 - BOLD DT ALL DRLIOCID3TB AND DEALERS SPECIALTIES IN FLANNELS 1 FLANNELS 'FLANNELS Thls Doparipsont In lUlyd and,. 11103. PLAIN nod FANCY PLAID SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN and K FANCY TWILLED FLANNELS, CIIEC and SOLID COLORS HOMILMADE FLANNELS. RED. WRITE. YELLOW and BLUE WOOL and DODIET FLANNELS. COTTON and SHAKER FLANNELS, 11l Mora. OPERA FLANNELS. Your 1;1;14clIon of our entire Mock nollelted. • Respectfully, E. S. SFIIMER J.: CO., 705 and 707 Ilatnllton St., Allentown, Ps BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE? We are giving a great deal of attention to our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, Always endeavor to kimp It new and attractive. The very latest novelties of the season. from the cheapest ar ticles to the finest textures or fabrics. Wo buy for ready cash Imly. In consequence, enabled us to buy cheap et the bottom prices. Our customers always hero In the profile. Heroic you make your Fall and Winter purchasen, do riot full to call at the MAMMOTH STORES. OF E. S. SHIMER & CO., 705 owl 707 Hamilton St., Alleutown, Pa CHRISTMAS GIFTS. • FURS! FURS ! ! FURS! ! ! HENRY RISKE having removed to 8110 ARCH STREET, now ,Ifferx great IIIthICCIIMIti In LADIES' AND CHILDREN') FANCY FURS, IN A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES. a-AT HALF TIIE USUAL PRICER) raPTli ERE IS Noll UMBUO ABOUT IT) ara - CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES! /WALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR THE MONEY REFUNDED! OLD FT OLEANEI7. REPAIRED, AND AZ. TREED TO TRE LATEST firri.titi. HENRY RABKE, ht) Arch alreet Philadelphia. EMEMI • IIV O. LUCRENILICIII. VICTOR / • INEI" AT TA W. (rnrmrrly nrartlr..l In Carbon ,nu tt i I. M11e. , . —lluntlltun ntrorCrOgnind floor. nearly °punt ,y I , ' hr Court Conre, Alb•nioarn. Co. 31:ty ItP cot, rultrd .1 the ttertunn Innuunst , . ' . Cur, nrunn J. Enntatt,tr. innx 11. nt.TVitli. • - Vito MAN A: OLIVER. ATTIIIIII - ES AT LAW. ALLENTOWN. CA. CoIlg•clIon• mend In In Leblob and ntliolnlnr ennntlem. Prompt At•ntl SiVen to nll kcal lot•In••• In tin , ••••nrul Court' Con•u lions In Enallt , h null Orman. inn to-U_ I T MID cOl I, WORKS, IV 0 0 D, J IL C FLINDER BOILERS, BA TII CIRCULATING BOILERS. K aC BALDWIN. ATTORN IND COPINET.I.OII9 AT LAW. Allentown. Po. in. Al Poet IltunULin.lre.t. F. A. H. BALLWIN C. 11CNSIRERGER ATTORNET AT LAW. Ibunovnd In On , Post OM,r building, floor. ALLENTOWN PA. aur2l.lr .1. MORE. ATTORNEY AT EAU'. • ALLENTOWN. PA. Olken, IC, dln4 T/snithot, d. Atir - Cnn be consulted In Orman. Itu 14 AMEN N. BIERT ATTO RNEY AT LAW. 01liee. S'n. e ' , trent, second or or Linn 11,11. Allentown. Pa. (Special attention ven to collection,. ). mar 17-1 T 11. RUPP. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 011 Ire ‘vith D. Stile.. Alleb T.7.1.1A11i MERTZ. ALDERRIAN, hJ HERVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOIL THE SALE OF REAL. ESTATE, W..t Hamilton ID., All•ntoRo. PA. W 11,1,1,111 11. !KW:6' DEN. ATTOII- NET AND COIINSELLMI AT LAW. Offico, Cor ner Of stowt and 1,..w Alto-. tomtit ..itle.•Alleto. town. Po. tell tO ' , mut FAT. ATTORNEY AND COP NSELLOR AT LAW. N. —At ton 9.10 , tat, Allyrtt.twn, • .Inn 14-tf ljit. C. C. 0. G 111.07 SITItGEON DENTIST. Office, ovpr MrA. M. A. 0. 0111,11A'm Trlmrnl.32 Store. No.:II En.t Hamilton Airert. Allentown. T EVE. MO E A Tiro ic ist EV Al' X../ LAW AND JESTICE ov"clit: PEACE. MILLERS. TowN, Co PA. PArticolar attention pnid In hn , nlytnt and decednut jan 6.17 MIIIOBA at B. METZGAB, ATTOR. NEE AT I,AW, ALLENToWN, Office. No. CI Eliot Hamilton stroet may 21L'61) . , . cc RUTZ. ATTORNEY AT 17 LAW, OM, with P. Wyckoff, oiwuolle tho E.gl• Hotel, ALLENTOWN, PA, (1 EORGE It. ATTORNEY AT LAW. etr , td. , .rol c I,IIVI Allny, AT. I.ENTOW N, PA. may L.l-6m EDWARD HARNEY. AVICOILNEIC AT LAW. Ilan. Samuel A. Bridge., ALLENToWN, PA. may I-ly TOHN RUPP. All"F E ORNY AT LAW, tOffir N. E. Cara, .Ith and liamiltk.nStrat-ta ALLEN. TOWN. may 1-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UNlre• opposite the Cocht House, AL• LENTOWN; PA. T 1 CLAY 11 AMERSLY,ATTORN EV Jok, • AT LAW CATASAUQUA, l'A. 'loon 14-Nl3-tf ALBRIGIIT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, olght door' , above the Court limbo., AL LENTOWN Lobigh county. Po. fob 13..11,1Y Vilattly,s anl3 sriantru K. wrAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. HS Nowni SECOND ST., eon. nr'QCAYRT PIMA ~..al rli t, r i t , ,ln e.,oLo tment of Wet6hes. Jewelry. Silver and countantly hood.a ill" kirltepolrlug of Watch, nod Jewelry promptly attended to. nun 11-ly KELLER. at BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON . ST., I= CLOCKS 1,11 regulated and warranted. An alien and prices, front $2 upwards. A larger assortment uf GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other More in the city. JEWELRY * OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE of evnly tieTWatenen repaired on Short Notice THOMAS W. DAILY, N Orroportor o? Wiztottee, No. 022 Market Bt., Philadelphia Would respectfully call attention to his new and carefully selected Block of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, 1511.5 e wad Plated Rare r i.e. It t rydrip, pmzgolly attended to and neatly done. CARD. Desire to invite particular attention to their Fall Stock of SOLID SILVER WARES, ar ranges for WEDDING PRESENTS, corn. prising a great variety of new, useful and ornamental articles In PLAIN, ORIENTAL and PEARL FINISH. These goods, chiefly of exclusive designs, will be found at Moderate Prices, and In very complete assortment Dom the inexpensive and practical article for Table use to the more elaborate and ornamental combinations for Dessert, Dinner and Tea services. A. cordial invitation.is extended to all who may feel disposed to visit our Store and ex• amine this beautiful collection of Art work in Silver. J. E. CALDWELL fi CO., 0. 902 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, WATcII EN, JEWELRY. SILVER, AN I) PLATED WARE, cHARLEs s. ..IfASSE)"B, No. '2lEnht Munition Ptroot, opposite the Orrmen Ito formed Chord, Just reeeiVf • i (role New York ned Phil edelphiu, all the lateet etylee GOLD WATCHES itc lur• the lurgert and brat asitortnient of Ottld Wti!C hos and at lower Pricee than can be found elaewhero. SILVER WATCHES Ito hap larger and asaorlment of Fill vet , Watch,. than can ha purchased anywhere else. ' • GOLD JEWELRY. Ile boo Wel...gest and bot aolortraatit of all kluda of Gold Jowllry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ilehas a larger and better nooterttnent oral, klede of 0111 and Plated Jewelry then eon be lound elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. coital. CLOCKS A larger n•*orttoent than at any other eltabllahnsunt. MELODEONS. A opleudid a**orttnent of Prince . * Moludeone, the heal In the world. ACCOIMEONS A splendid •vmortment of all kind. of Accordeons. Ills .tabll.bruent bag lately been fitted up, and to now second to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead' of any thinsoutaide the large cities. Helms a large,. stock of fashion able good.. In tie Hoc than all others In Lehigh eo oozy combined. To convince yourselves of tho ahoy call and see TILE DAILY CHRONICLE. A live, progressive paper, devoted to the Industrie and general Interests ot ALLENTOWN AND VICINITY. ■Bhrewd buslne•s men eon find no better advertising medium In • THE LEH EMI VALLEY Local advertising patronarerespeetfullr .0 a a r us, and we will do you rood. IREDELL A: SHIPLEY. 10011LOSOMY OF 111ARRIAGE.—A A. NM Carnal Or LMcrrnae andollyerod At the Peens Polytechnic and Anatomical Museum. ma Chestnut hi, three doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia. embracing the aubjects: How to Live and What to Lire fort Youth. Sits • tartly nod Old Age; Manhood Oenenslly Harbored; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and neer°. Diseases accounted fort Marriage Philosophicallyconsidered. TI Tm lerturot will ho forwarded on receipt of 23 cents by addressing: derretaryof the Penna. Pt...cm:COMIC ANN ANATOMICAL .111,11X31, Chenlnltt Phllkdelphls, Venus. nue22-ly - VIT. .1. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT ECAPUi.AII S t IIOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER • No etre's under the army. Perfectly comfortable at m, otolcally matte, and bight,' 'Allende'. 40 North 7th St.: elow Arch, Phlladelphla. Truseeet Supporters, Nlaitto. wettings, Crotch., he., loweet prices to the elty. Lad} tendant. sap ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers