ra ses/too of the 1 1 th now and Improe. at experienced work. • orkmaaahl petition p. ' front at home . Call at ottrdiactory aid •L examination. for .brekt ii t ifel=t timer . ro rtlrmatlou to the builder Art by calllag_at the Ideas. ..t,the Jordan Urldge, Allem. "°lll44°l4'ionfhi. * co ittleasea:fti , ' io 'Olg . H . 4g: Cosi ebtlo letegtlllat they hav7reit EMI inut sad lint from tr.* Sieger t heollandale, at 11, or Yard, will be ESS ear allsd at short holies arks' prig's. NS & CO. , .. el r ~ ." ‘ Hoy Railroad. lo : . 0 Co., y D ..!• LUMBER 4pLINDS, - 1 1 1: UILDERS! M & WEAVER noana to the nubile that they hare • mbar S nod on the epaidens and eon• ng occmpled by TIMMER BRO.'S ae. Tenth, north gide, where they ilk a fall auortmentot everything • ass, comprising la part • RITE PINE, ernes and HEW 110, WHITE PINE BOARDS. O and PLANK of all •lees ad welt swotted. • '• Bowler HEMLOCK JOIST sod I oof assorted Masa. • AND WHITE PINEISHINGLEB of sod SHINE . S. and s lure sanotooont or • INO. Moo WHITE OAK PLANK sad . . . . . . RDB of all thicknesses. ' II and SPRUCII PALINGS and PICKETS. st i 2efior to anything In the market WHITE PIN and HEMLOCK VENCE. RAILS. WHITE •—, • 0, and CHESTNUT POSTS. low Au. Ell deslrolp purehluling Lumber to as good advantage as Is offered any other lard In the county. Sr. Musa. od to *all an examine our stock before putchasing also. where. • 4Pitufactio4 Guaranteed in Quality and Pried. flonlor member of the firm wo old hereby express ht* • EV4l.°.`Ltitrt r ougrZlgtigtrie, re°:::l2gre:%Trit; • gam p°,..tgeYEAre heel Valtt."" "mder • Iles clfnit7. 1313: W. TREXLIIIR. TKOS. WEATEIt a aat 31 At , IBIIIOVALI • 'LUMBER ! LU 08 . ! WILLOUGHBY R. TItEXLER 4 7 . iIIOCCIIIIOII TO • DUOS..) f. Heisby aanonneee to the public that he has bought out 111. Well-known LUMBER YARD of TREELBR A BROS. gadiaatended the same to the n rrty adolalag, at the geragg of Tenth and Hamilto atrairDa where he will be eorultantlY Prepared to supply all domain& that may he .Madeltpon him in the way or - - - • - - !BUILDING MATERIALS • • eithiklesli quality, and at the loweell vices. Ills atonic 1401614 i IR Dart Of Plll O ll and . MI" CKVVIATIVI and Rub, d • SILLOW run an d I.lllli oat naurmax vs/Ammo twine, JOISTS and SCANTLING. et all lengths and %WM CM , 4y • , _, . _ OrsAIL.0PrO1111(2, .... filliatll 1101 . 0 4 ) < •;4.... i . yp , „... . . PAYEppr I , t: linker POll •. _ ; ,• i 7 ' ' ' ' . l . T il. \ , . Y.;NET TIE:;.t) SIT ' - - , . , 3:. , . ..., , • Thia Met B oldisatAting,Bank.,,lassliamm Pe w in hump 'WA , s or to s ; and.oo Untied° peg X TEREPT NW m0t101,10., ou• 4..11..and. •V I /Lin areal for eborter Pall , • ell deposits of money wit Da hold strictly s'ori. des Emitters, Ailministrators,Trusties; Auignees, ( .. Treasurers, Tax Collectors, I tlidfilegas r t n ta:t i lf putt or , private mormys, are of . niter , . Morals:4li. taborer*, and ail, who have • m ey to pot on interest fora long and short, period will T , . our lug tit Igloo am agreeable and advantageous one In w ith to do Vrirs. b Ire espegally Wylie Laol tat° In'itilietlitlirwetla see Wane us . . : , . swee privi iznateitr d i : L e If a Choir I , l , ii . Tgle n gui power to ... • Moir/ deposited with this rnstltution • ~f~ .{~. DI 1,, IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, b a Cipltal stock cud surplus money "AITH:Logr • STY TROUSAND DOLLARS, by • ard of Trustee. have a. required by t outer. even cud. under the super DOLLARSe Court In the .um of 'YTS TIIOUSAND which bonds are recta tared In and held by the Court of Common Pleas oft ht. county for the aecurity of depo.itor.. Our Iron Vaults are of the molt secure and extenolve kind known In thls country a. s. pentortal inspection will show, and to which we Invite our friend. and customers. We refer to this bailer (Mr that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the!-Vere.,7III,IIATAYES' gilreia n e Beek. CIIIIISTIAN v ice President, REUBEN STABLER, Cashler. • tan ZZZZZ : William 11. Jitney. Charles B Bush, Christian Preis, John D. Mlles, P. B. Samuels. Bent. J. Ilasenhueh, • George Brutal, Samuel Sell, Nathan Pater, Dm It•tf 5-20'S AN D 1881'S BOUGHT, BOLD AND EXCHANGED DiosT LIBERAL TERMS. dOUGHT AND SOLD AT MARKST RATES. COUPONS CASHED PACIFIC. RAILROAD BONDS BOUGII'r AND SOLD AY, Stocks Bought arid Sold on Commission Only Accounts natant and Intents: allowed on DaUy Bal oney', cubing to check at rigid. DEPEMBito. It. Z. Pociviniar 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHU,ADELPHIA.. MAQUNGIE SAVINGS BANK, 2 ilamilton, bittween 7th and Dth . Street• ALLENTOWN, PA, trrigriettriv:rWVl l ,;t:i 41 gm" "'I tn su7 Inms • SIX PER CENT. INTEREST • whl be pita:. shro n"'9 uso . f li si m eurruir le m wi ou l o h y d r a orn a y 'l p t e it rt " or ti l m ho e. p il t u P Ste r i tuni rta awi " ts; . or Canada., wilt 'hare Mgr's:Dotter. Droll itt sea without asp risk oh their part. . _ thir en.s sld, elltor. Co,lPo,!•„}lvetgvir,,EL, gbt. ' • D~V[DBG •OLL,Pres o p C. Ltrirrhilrfor. list Costlier. aim 154/ ~.... .•HD mILLERST4IIWiii MILLERSTGIVII, LEHIGH COUNTY. This Institution will be opened on or before theldt ds of April. /donor wlll.be taken on deposit at all times anti In say slims from one dollar upwards. for whisk . SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will be Paid., • DevoeDa may withdrawn at any time. Also, 1.10007 t IST arable tercel. 1 " .4 J &HES - N.1,31.En. Erummt I. Samna, Crashigr. F. M. Sniffed, George Lndwiir; Frederick C. Yokel. • Clirlellan K. HOSSitigir• David Donner. William Salida/. Isaac, 0 Hebei. •Oldeon , F. Egon., . Horatio T. Barisal,. Benjamin J.BelimoYer. Jams. bingioaster 'war 16.6 m KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK, (Organized tinder Slate Charter in ISLD.) MONEY RECEIVED'ON DEPOSIT. and (low cent. li:t -ares( will be allowed. For shorter periods special rates will be paid. Also, money loaned out on FAVORABLE TERMS. Sold Bank, il , located In the Keystone House, in the borough of Kutztown JOHN H. FOGEL, resident. liow•ao ilo ssssss AL D. Cashier. Taman: • F.• J. Slonah M. D., I. D. Winner. Esq.. David Plater. 11. H. Bahaism, Esti. W. B. Fogel, • Daniel Choler ItichardJ. Knerr. Jon. Miller . ' PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb. 15, ,IW. H. 'l'. tlgtoinoLo, Druggist: • - ' Dear Slp-1 have been a sneerer, for upward of , . twenty yenta, with gravel, bladder and kidney Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church t affections, during which tiMell hove used war i" alley, In Lion Ball, second story, opposite the German 003 inesilelnal preparations. and barn under the Reformed Church, In the City of Alleatown, is organised treatment of the most eminent Phvalcians ex perieucing but little relleP , . ' ' t a n x :f d rtaity l f l o i r d b e u r ei ze nere r, s.tht ai rottl y p 4, ll ,t B 4 l .. 7 (P dot.i :i c 2 . ; o f . : 7 n , , E Having seen your preparations extensively Pi To u segre which , the Trustees of the Institution have advertised, I consulted with my family physician filed la the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh-County. , in regard to using your-Extract Hoehn. ender the direction of the Court. a bond In the sorryaf 1 .11.1 this because I had used all Mods of ad- Menty• t tive Tle a usa r ulli.:Thire zf e i olidgge 0 d 0 f4 , "; Dolt:- , vertised remedies, and had found them. worth. some quite Injurious; In fact, I despair ticrrbegpt:ced% charge otsald VIIAPIR LIN SAWNOTI I le ". und . DANK,. ' whether aa deposits, or shares of stock. which . Off ofo i o n 3 e c. 7 . get tine _well, and determined •to use bend rear bends:god by the Cited wherever It may be g o r o c r ilieut u . les l t t ros . eaf t t i ej . u t li l t o e t ia I know of ni c tl: o e o f nse deemed necaletry. In addition tothis. the Act of Incorporation mates the your remedies. As you advertised that It was Stockholder:personalty !fable to the depositors {r. doe. composed of buchu, sahebs, and Joclper berries, We the amount of the Capital Stock of the Bank. which it occurred to Inc and my family phyei tan as an l Is arty thousand dollars. with liberty to increase it to olio excellent combination, and with lilt advice,alter I You can be provided and be Made couffortahle at hundred and fifty thousand dollars. an examination - of the article, tend consulting i ' AIA_MMOTH STORES! These provistinevelli make It a very desirable sad safe again with the druggist, I concluded totT It. 1 1 place of deposit. .. • - . •,, Chords. • • liesldes, it may beproper lactate that the deposits will i commenced Its nee about eight monthe ago, tit . • to kept in one of the retest and best protected oautts in ;which time I was coml. CI to Illy room. Front I ' itlE LARGEST AND CUSAPIiST STOOK thlicity. , the fired bottle I was astonished and grntilled of . _ Water Ploof . Cloth, i.'of Chloe, Olsen and Crockery ware In Lehigh and addein• arrauaemeata will iminadototurnish draft. on the cities 1 the bencflelate ff ect;all.l after U3lll It for three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like of liews,r orb and I lilladelphia at that ' . • I tog countie s. . . , ..-. • . . S. A. BRIDORIEJ, President writing you a full statement of m y case .I. W. WILS O O, Vie.' Pruid " . time, but thought my Improvement might only Or HRPRLL ANTS stall Me digerent mixtures. i • Saw I ' 4OlllO S et the 2,110331 " Pei": ' 6 c.,.. temporary, uud therefore concluded to defer CLOTH . C iiifigilp r Th r TR . . .-. . Good 10 cent PLATES it • J. IL ZjiMIIERAtAIL Cashier. , be , . 13. . Plants Traoleis : s oil see if it , would effect a pet mattent cure, . TWEEkt, ' ' 18 " . 12 coati DanieLll. Miller, S. A,• Bridges,23 BOWLS' • ' • le cents knowing then it would be of greater value to A full Ilea f or BOYS' 811/TS. ail . " . . 12 Note John Bottrop. J. NY Wilson. William Baer, • J. E. Zimmerman you, and more 'satisfactory to me. ' 11 •• lOceuta D.ll. Cr eits,_ Peter dross. I am noW able to report that a cure Is effeoed .• 8 cents Sciwin Zimmerman. merge. Oiler eking the remedy for live months. UN D E R S HIR T S AND DRA WER S . , ~, . . 7 " • 4 teats ___ Your.Bnchu being devoid of any unpleasant . , . • ALSO,... . . • • ' o MOOS Scoots table anal odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of 3- TUMBLERs 6 cent. the SPASM, I do not mean lobe without It wh en. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. • 3 ' "' • , lOcenta • 13 cents each ever odgaston may require lie use Iffsuch Elec. 60 gents. lions, ... • . M. McIIORMICM. gitera °l" n a ts ' e a tt e to sll loe be t t o ora yort ti r r e!d h cin in tllol .l . llMern. : W. Will in :r e ery "°"ll te nt' r7 ll. elf! t o Pl l s7 Q 3. u .P. e d' erni d :::ro or snd Glassware cheaper '"E.°T.lliitmzulk co., ' i than the' Cheeped: 'AI-o, Waiters; Looking Glasses. • BUILDEntii LOOK •TO YOUR IN. I romadr. belouslug to a Aot•claiaChine Store. All ki nd I°s"d 7D7 Hamilton lit" A)lent"D. 1.. le , Careotreeteallarill.lat.r.nortiustisebfiaal.atTftetly'nj'artilicleaCottLoritia la l tr i O d tle " to S L. 1771 m , Co, . • •., •• . ff ., ~ ! lets troll 53 03 'upward. Remember the place, el t rla . Cameos Daim ler Chimr:yrrsuar t a ,,,, a , zt... , ILTPMFITItHhT. nearly opposite th e German Reform ed Day Tops, ch and more durable than uy other to Ohara" , • . . c T. C. RERNAIIEN marset. They maenads of pure eentant. and sands bell P°wlr./.1 17 . B olnersesed, wall seaweed, arid era in • 11,1141 i EST STOVE 1 • . pratt yiti respect. . FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, IRA RD SAVINGS BANK, EBILEM Monies received on deposit at all times from one dollar upwards. Pays SIX per cent. interest for sic mouths or al 1 r. Your Der caul. on dally balance, subject to check Securities bought and sold. interest collected on (lovern.. wept Beearltion at fair Was. All deposla of money wUI be held strictly .confidentlal, and may be withdrawn at any time. Raffled women and minors bare special privileges riled In our charter, havlng full power to Marmot bud. • with se In, thelrOwn aim• This Institution is a legal depository for monies paid to Court, and remlyes money In trust Rom guardians, mlnistrators. treasurers t ax collectors and others. YUEET LOANED OR FAVORABLE TREYS. • • t • • 'PRA°, ALBISIOII7, Freableut. 0 • , l old sod Albright ]amen t. K"ne; =I 'its+ 14')fh &'*wg rtutUlom" STjjAMILTON ST., GOLD (Organized ander Mate Marta), EAST HAMILTON STREET, OPPOBITIII COVILT•ZOVeII. MEWS SAVINGS BANK. , • •rporatdU unddr a State Mark,. •qf 1870. o~elstOleiUPPUlfmttulatearliaklP. Lablall Co.' Imatttotton hue been orgamlaed and opened under a Charter. MONEY will be taken on dpualt all and In any Corn from el and upwardo, ( or which ' ER.CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID .Its may be wllbdrewi% at say time. • • moue] ""?"snaraM b illrilr'Pristds ne ..700111., OaaMer. . , . H, A. Baylor, Blreub, alai Moyer, avid Peter. •". tu al Kahn. 4 1 . P 1 1 V °. it • % me t.. sp te: MB • • ./ William %lota ' IsPr (4M LOAN.-i—THZ ZINN BAVINGS BANK 111 load 90,0001 s large er small eimounti, whereat' . mi. riesi. will be web! la eoldwe tram', every ex =wale. Cloberebient Vends bet— . go ern.b or boned at workipt heel 'Abel , to : • • 7ib bitter—blot* labben LEN OE LIEINEIntIinIINNIL-TE. MOBS. all Mod,. poillivel_np, ll rrottly 66,1;,61,6a. eared by W. A:MAUANDLEMS, M. - = AliCli ET. i• • .11 7 r:rein% 11,617 ao 6166 of dioeptloa MAIO of tri• d‘:l - ears Is perreet porpoimeliWit oat t • t danger , witho the to the Ds • sot way, mid M ahou t caustics or s rattiesto I re blots FLestira.. Irrol•ristui and,I d th one ion r tloaseit Porso.s.9aTect rhoii4eloht• Oleo*. E irAiiiiJscltz'f , us — rztg. , Tr..lb:,.ritAtEttii- v iocierhaatztßir. ~Kt i Tail rorVir tilos* lo tuba la .t. sa oeit•s4, . , • asss , 1 4 111 , 11% 4,.. Io • • •.`, . 4 i, k ' w, l , ?fit i' • I T ; filAitt i :•;, 4,,, ~„; ', - ,- ••• ~,,,, • • 1 ~ 4 4 , 1, , ,~4,i-,:--, ~ e . ~,, i -,'..- -, -, )., .., -,tr5,,,,..:4 ..,... ' - 7 ',.,./;:24 i 5211 . . . • ' , lII^ faebicinal. tral THE KIDNEYS. The Kidneys are Lwo in number, situated at the upper part .of the loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of three parts, viz.: the Anterior, the Interior, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior etmsists of Us sues or veins, WhlOil serve tut a deposit for the' urine and °Loves' It to the exterior The exterior Is a eonduetOralso; torml atlas In a single tube. and earl led the Ureter. The ureters are connected with the bladder. The bla•]der to composed of various coverings or tissues, dlvlded . into parts. viz.: the Upper, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The up ocr expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ; othei • uri nate without the ability to retain. This are. .quently occurs in children. ,To cure these affections, we must bring Into action the muscles, which are engaged In their various functions. If they are neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The render moat klao be made aware, that how ever alight may be the attack, It la cure to effect the bodily health and mental powers,as ourilleeh and bind are ■upporled from these *maces. , GOUT, OR RHEUMATISM Pain occurring In the loins Is indicative of the above disea.es. They occur 111 persona disposed to geld •taauieh and challtY ,enereilona. THE GRAVEL . The gravel owlet; (rota, ti . egleet or iniprOpe • treatnient of the kidneys. These organs being wee t, the water is not expelled -from the blad der, but allowed to remain; It becomes feverish, :old sediment forms. It la from thisdepoalt that the stone is formed, and gravel cowmen. DROPSY • Is a collection of water In some parts of the body, and bears different nanies,secordlng to the parts affected, viz.: when generally dltrased over the body. It Is called Anuaaren: when of the abdo. men, Ase'tea: when of the chest, Ilydrothorax. TREATMENT fleltnbold'a highly conoeutrated coutpouud Extract Buchu Is decidedly one of the best rem edlee for d Imam; of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, RHEUMATISM AND GOUTY AFFECTIONS. • -• iTuder this bead vie hiava:miranged DYSURI A, or difficulty and pain In passing Wa ter; SCAN Y SECRETION. or small and frequent discharges of water; STRANGURY, or stoppin urine ater; HEMATURIA, or bloody ; GOUT and RHEUMATISM of the KIDNEYS, without any change in quantity.but increase In color, or dark water. It W[ls always highly reoommended by the late Dr. Yhyslek, In these affections. This medicine increases the power of diges tion, and excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous de positions, and all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflammation. are reduced, and It Is taken by inen,women and children. Dime lions for use and diet accompany, , dhotild art y one doubt Mr. IteCornileat's stele maul. he refers to the following centletnent • lion. WM. iIIGIER, ex-cove our, Penneylva n In. Hon. THOR. R. FL, Philadelphia. llon. J. B. KNOX, Jud e Judge, Philadelphia. lion. J. R. BLACK, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. D. R. PORTER., ex-Governor, Pennsylva nia. • r , . LEWIS; r Phliadelphia. • :lion. R. C. GRIER. Ju e,. sited Stoles Court. Hou. G. W.WOODWAI Judge,Plilladelphls. lion. W . A. PORTER, City Sol I otter, Philadel phia. BIGLER,ex-Governor, California. Hon. R. BANKS, Auditor 'General, W4'B4ll'- And many °there. Irneeesistry. • ... t•:) Sold by nil DrugKlsts nod aNs- len. everywhere. BOWtire of Indletlons. AIM for lletnabOld'e. Take no other. 'Price-41.25 per bottle, or a bot tles (or, WO._ PellVirett to any .ntlareall.....Plo-. scribe eymptontelti U: n,naU , , 3 .•„r g Addirervi:ll. T. 11ELM BOLD, Dnii ea! WArekimpse, §1:1 Broadway,lFtri: El •• - . „: 4 ..1.1;t" • stall ehl ina • WW ll°ol. ...." 777 r t ,:••• • . •.•" .` • 1414MIThe '7 " , et. Al ALLEN'rOTgig, WEDI4E DAVIS der.oo4; ,, tr New& Iniproyed Grand filu_ . _ PIAI~TO „ CHUlt9ll' RA .O,RGANS Seidler CA II and Parehisere will well to examine the lIIPROVMAINT. before porehaeloeebeWherc" . Seed for a Descriptive Circular. - GEORGE STECK & CO'S PIANOS, Maser & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, AN rigged Block •at Greatly Reim, Plias. GOULD & FISCIIER, up 11.17 SEVENTY-FIVE FIRST num 11E. DAIS AWARDED. • THE GREAT f BALTIMORE PIANO i AILiOPLCTORY WILLIAM KI A BB & 0• , PIANO FORTES, .These Instruments bave been before tlto public for nearly Thirty Yearn, and upon their excellence alone at- Wand an uneourchnscdpre-cm(nence,whlch pronounces them unequalled.' Their combines great power, meatuses, and Cue dogleg rinuth• Iy. as well e n greet purity of Intonation, and sweetness throughout the etitiro thole Their TOUGH la pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the illness. found In so many Plano.. IN WORKMANSHIP ' they are ttnequelled.ueing none but the vary beelseasenuf mate Hal, the large capital employed le our boatmen ea abling nalo keep continually an immense , clock of lum ber. An on hand. griPAN our Square Pinnus have or New Improved Ovgarracreu Noma and the Agraffe Treble. • WIT We would cell special attention to our late improve. meets In GRAND PIANO! and SQUARE GRAND.% PATRIMID Atm. 11, MN which bring the Piano perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano Fully Warranted for's ream Wa have made amioaromenta 'for the Rate IVklterak 1,112.141G3TR 'n . Lowest Factory l'dcee. WILLIAM KNABEtt CO. • JAMES BELLAK, Wholesale Depot. 2,9 & 281 Booth sth Bt.. Phila . ., Pa. sep Mem, SAMUEL E. SMYTH. SILVER PLATED WARE, r W u An . l4 .O 7 tagr e u i l in lif e :i t ur i tir . 1 !o Wm patron. that he has Plated 011 Nickel and White Retitle, satiable for tatollY or airy trade. Au the quality or plating can only be known to thy pint- • er the purchaser must rely on the manufacturer's slate. mono there twiny so much worthlees ware to the marktll; all rept muted as treble plats. at prices impossible too he mantasolute& . • .- •- • - •••• All his roods are marked • fl.. K.•SIITTII. • Call and .examitte the gaudy before porch, asnup t f.SlWq . ' ifgr'Ott) VARE•REPLATEP.Ute,.. • , • am, WIT - • • MEM! & BOBBINS, MANIIDACTORECUS OD Silver - Plated Ware, Bave ItOW MO largest and most attractive stock or Meer Plated Goods that they nave soar offered. 10. b umf All derorlpti orts of Bilver-Platrd Wars canaluilly um. . suitable for N. E. Cor. Ninth & Chestnut Streets, FEED THE HUNGRY, AND CLOTHE TIINNAKED! - •La 'Lin.va IR NM , I .......-•-... , '.4 I =II • Tofititi)o. , W. RE, ,DFILI? PHELPS do CO.. Intiut;) No. 927 074stniit sbeet, " ' • taiLiisthilri• ' ior s.eui GRAND, BQU4RR AND UPRIGHT. BOCCESIILII.II TO 2. R. GOULD. No. 928 CHUTNUT BURST, 1012 ARCH STREET, PHILADSLPHIA 11•111C/ACT0ZISB4511 GRAND, RQGARE AND UPRIGHT BALTIMORE, AID TONE .Silber I.ateb 4.; are. 724 CHETNITT STREET, ' fiscoxp now. ".-' PRACTICAL DIARINAGITHER OF FINS DOUBLE AND TREBLE ELECTROPLATED WARE ALL OPIIIII OWN PLATING Hard: Metal (Nickel Silver,) NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, WEDDING PRESENTS. TEA SETS AS LOW S $2O PHILADELPHIA I=l EQUIVALENT TO STONE. einxivE r TOPS FROM $1 ts TO von. - ' To bay .11 ion! fornltureval::ergert fors! lure atom In . Send fora divot'''. or call and Ina p roltle 'it lbelr are 1 ' ' . . • :111:;11'4.471..'"'"f limn' th' re.t 40111-41! 1 HEIMBACH HELFRICH di CO., .1 0 05 il! o w rl ita hr it O vi El D T R II . I. ligitti o.A. 11. 1. ITINOMAII 1110FRETT, • ' ' .R.- IM Not lb EIGIITH. Stinet, _ tillteT ITOREABOVE ---. . - ' . . ''l offer the fopoertna .wlnter noderweer. , eonnlettnn of ' I . laree' t Conle y . Mane • . son Dnyn'.'ne being specially \ .Th e . Ar . b.w. rewonT e r h t , ' l° " MAY ld .. le .., 11 AMILTON tyr., ALLENTOWN.. un til:4f AM Pir.ill3: it Me '' nu ' Etat , ALL YLAT11,044.. Eig i iiira . s for ...,..... Illa ' w " AttliPZWltili. l 4 l : 7 l,l;4liabt In.ii, Allrig ed tVIISAItt"`k !! th. fiq. 1111 . 4 11VIVV)47121;10 1 1111INAr ANARAWIRS - r ' ' Tb A . ABP tinAL uvroir hint' ramie AilD DiA r 4N m El We ill ' eriabUrAmenr. ''AIT. 414 1 124 L briiillei lh Ellit VirATATT or intro • L'AZ l Air t " ID 'g " i ' c i" "u" °rim's " i''' ..---'' '''' '11 1 11164 1 .- ' ' "- .' ' ' : ' .'• • " b"4llll7lFri:4l.i:t.itall7.llslla4-- ."-- 7' 4 N'LS m RT4 AND onorzas, TOLL .SROULAR " oft et.Otos 111.7 a,,,, ..- ' if LI! . f,E , G , A O, IITT FURNITURE 1112 . 1811 , 811111 1 6 DRAWERS. WRITE AND COL- v itirrag, " lrriON,,h. l ",, c .te TAre t ol t e t identl i fer OW '0 RD. ' PATA!T ErRIN° .17... f,, Reorenkher ''. MISSES' MERINO VESTS • .rhN. Call fIVAVIVIVAYMS AND DRAWINP: • noenutr; lioBlErt,lloBlo4. ' . .• ~. .i . ), xist:s Ti AL T -1108R. Ent!. BEgtivAß xA b 6..tse. I 4°!iir.- -- _-..--.----.. - iiiiiiijA . - 4.7 . 7 — r — t " 9 %VI" Li a kIMUULAR KAP& 2k, j -;;; E. DAILY Cf..— ~- -. ~, .• • . -' '; Tie''t/I — Eimmoth Glas6 . ';Front ' 'EiP:iitiga2rsti pleaVgifiiiiiNatPll4°..il: '- . REAP, r LADIES' 110132,/CLIRIGIILAR MADE, Me. ' LADIES' RIBBER mIRINO TlO5l, ~ . ..L4PPNitiglit lige: - AMMLAft lIADE. 5 Dov .:„ " . ~ra=ltror , • $NtOlAr . . N . • AND • VICINITY: ~ 7 1 1 Y~ ~~1 1 till-Am& u., VERinitillim r , °!''' " Q " Az . 41 , 04 , 4 , 104 v 011a i1 ? E1L1 .4 1 111 A D ft, "Mo . .iif ' . 2 . F, • - ccbrissra; COR NS TA. comp! • • • , ' • I got silting thole reit deal ratli ifooch afi t ' :.. "• i rt• g, :ttr W . l . e: so much comfort sod p•oinslXO g ' 1. • i i nifik . X . ViOVIIN COMETS, W ARIUNTS D Wilk - •-Tilli NEW SEAMLESS CORVA,Resn . ABM TOit WHIST Toff oost to jitiFitt l ia ti ll ti OVllW iikekilbs Wilall' - , - .7 A lialiitor , iink Trait it iigliffiklefr COR - C r • ..- it:: 1+ , 13. , . .-inoi , mia. ~ •.' -. . • ~•.„ - - - ' • •TricoLifSltri'er- •. -t: ' .' ' • .. Ang -woofs Bud.K. ,• ."4 -11 , ': A ..,':' :71. i si.,. ommia ..: '' s 9,4: citielii*. l6l l l 3 lo li 4 i, V iittf l... , . ..,,,, ° °Nat °•e r : .'.. ,c 4, , f •. , p . •• • ' ad - ' 741'4 1 '' ' • A a IP- iq ; - r.. A 'r 's."‘ 1 '.'s. VYair 13; b.. 2 o.* Alk4;111:S- I IN ~ ; :iMONINCI. , :J'ANIi. . A.4Y. 4 .-* MIME *Mi. :Anvil:4r. MMIM ...Dobbins' ...VEGETABLE A Oder ad &val . :lg that will not Burs the Bair or Injure the Head. " It makes ilaireoft end fine, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by invertin g a. bealthy and vigorous growth.. • IT Is ALTEIIIIIIII UNLIKI IM OTUL lima= osiv sr, J. s Deingu,, U 6 North Dint 34 Pilate. •Pitsesl.oo.targebotues. SOU) • ,t, ; ,;:bane genuine without signatu re, illuik• pit my unmet 'to no goods that an not of iurpasung onaelleueo. • r. .3 El GEM EXCELLENCE OF FABRIC! :PERFECTION IN STYLE! ECONOMY IN PRICE! Our stock is complete, and in great variety "Ik . E.A.DY-MADE "CLOTHING FOR GENTLEMEN. Business Suits, - - $lB to $4O Dreii Suits, - • • $35 to $5O Fall. Over Coats, - - $lO to $3O Winter Over Sacks'of Freize, $lO " " " Petersham,sl4 ": " " Chinchilla, Fur or Moskow Beaver, $2O to $55 *tier turtouts of Frieze, - $l2 H if • " Petersham, $l6 id id dd other fabrics, $2O to $4B FOR. BOYS. iiismarck Suits, $7 kOiher Fancy Styles,- $9 to $2O 4tiletrotiolitan Suits, - $l4 to PO ,4 - , tOVSZ3I...I)NUTIIILNT. i , lblei - Goodi[of Fine Qualities; and ' - Elegant Styles. A.haerican Yoke Shirts, In stock and made to order. ~ ,Inquiries by mail promptly answered, ind System of Measurement forwarded ren desired. Address Box 2256, N. Y. P. 0. DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY, COR. GRAND STREET. ;.BROADWAY. COR. WARREN STREET 46 THE HILL" INSTITUTE pqrsroWN, MONTGoNERY.OO., PA , . ' Sint'lac Claesteal, Scientifie. Arttette and Cub:merelsl. Latelime admirable. Twentieth Attune% Session.' There Gaga preparation for College or Huelimo, For Circulars, Addams I •, Mae. 05.0.. F. MILLER,: A. IL, Friccipal. 11,11PERENCES—Ree• Dr.. Males. Schaeffer, • Mann. ' Kilian: Seise: Matter, etc., etc. Ilona Judge Ludlow Lepoitanl Myers, .J. Fiat. B. M. Boyer, M. Wilma Thayer etc.. etc,July • dt ItEialr. CAM 'AT Tim OID • ALLENrowN ClliliA STORE. Prlceslrakipg•People by Stoirth RETAILING AT WIIOLEEALE Palen. IW IS THE TIME ter buy Cheap at the lentos tiChlos solOtss•re Sture;.No, Sit tug• street, nearly' coppoolts Om German Reformed • GREAT INDUCEMENTS .i:. ' ' c AL tN . Ilbre tritatainta min ens Ind a& better ina,,,,, te•dlo In q RE LEHIGH VALLEY lbal i . L .ia•mitmispsteo•• •• ••p.ni tfu•• t • V. ''°"'" ' 7ll l d,F .lfa ki bEttlio BEM EY. 1 , . ¢O" AR rIOFEZTT: • .-• ' TWI IC 1.101312 Bt. • V:4 Dr- Mawr Pt •, 1 V MST EITORZ ARON% ARON,. 'WU/ MID 1 - - tio.t.t , Amp &vibe prlibe , t . -r .1- JAPAN 8W1T4404§8.-.i.: , autlifyitricerro,iirs, I , 5 ,p....... g • “5,„ , p ii ;ON P i" ri, igetvirisplitv ,1:1, i ll i .7.. t. : 4 A ,: liA ... I ... AID : jr . iratii... " ud'i" VelttrtrA 11 srauX ~. , 4* 1 / 4 , , ~:-0 , ie. 7 . , .... w... r" o,4e . i .- ~, , • ,'. ..... t , , , ,..-,.,.7. . .., ' . •„ , ..,.., •,v.„..4; 7 •',...i. , :: 4 1 " .....1; , ...t, ' YAP Meal: Clotbintv ~bucational. maw ENS I fom El i ito I'ICTURFI • A man and his wife enjoyed their tea, ' Ina cottage, cosy and warm ; Whlletheir children, too, at the.table sat, • , Not heeded the, raging stont. The firelight glowed from the pollehed'sloVe, , • And the oaken door was elean,• While the glittering tins on the whitened wall 'Wife bright with i sliver* sheen. ' In a corner, screened from the opening finor, The household cradle steed; It had the ones that came before— The sire to his babyhood. .. Now the tiny Inked ibat le,sOftly raised ' Dont the mother's secret' till ; And oft she turns, as she her tea, To se e If the babe Is No costly chairs, mo carpets rare, ' Are Seen in that bumble home ; ' But their hearts are light with glad content, And free from a wish to roam. :The meal Is peat—the evening wanes, While cheering songs are snug, Or wards of love nod harmless mirth Are passed from tongue to tongue. 0, envy not the rich and gay, Whose pleasures quickly, dy, In happy hearts a treasure lies, cott7ses'gold can buy. Mt happy homes, where nature Smiles, Content without renown, Are richer far with their bumble Joys Than the train of a kingly crown. ."Uneasfit Inuircr. . • , WHAT REDID AND WHO HE WAS. 'One beautiful simmer day the#9 was* great festival in the large park at ylenna. Thispsrk is called by the People the Enter. It is fall of lovely trees,ffne walks, and little rustio urchouses. At the time of which I am speak ing it was almost covered wltherowds of peo ple. Among a number of - organ grinders, beggars; and girls who played on harps, there stood an old musician. He had once been a soldier, but his penalonwis not enough to live on. Still he did not like to beg; therefore, on this particular festival day he took .his violin, and played under.a tree in the park. He had , a faithful dog with him, which lay at his feet, and held a hat in his mouth, so that passers by might cast , coins into it. • On the day which I have just mentioned, the dog sat before him with the old hat. Many people went by and heard the musician play ing; but they did not help him much. twon derthe people did not give him more, for be was truly a pitiable object. he face was cov ered with scam received in his country's bat tles, and he wore a long gray coat which he had kept ever since he was in the army. He even had his old !sword by his side, for be would not walk in the streets without carry ing his trusty friend with him. He had only three fingers on Lis right hind, so that be held the bow with difficulty. A bul let had taken off the two others, and. almost at the same time a cannon ball had taken off his left leg. The last money he Lad bad been spent in buying new strings for his violin,.and he was now playing with all his strength the military air he had learned when a boy with his father. He looked lad enough, as he saw the multitudes pass by in their strength, and youth and beauty; for he know that if he did . not obtain some money that eveninghe vrould have to go to bed supporter's. ills dog was 'better off, for he sometimes fonnd a bone here and there to satisfy the cravings of hunter. It was late in the afternoon, the musician's hopes were almost like the sun—they were both going down tegether—and lie Placed his violin down by Mashie, and leaned against the tree, the tears streaming down his cheeks. lie thought none ',6f..GMt giddy 'crowd saw him• but he was wilitalkin. Not far of e 1 rod a gen tletrati in fins 'clothes, who bad a kind heart; and when he saw that no one gave the tattered soldier anything, he was touched with sym pathy. Going to the dog, and looking in the hat, he saw only two small copper coins in it. He then said, "My good friend, why de you not play longer?" "Oh," replied the old man," my'dear, sir, I' cannot; my arm is so tired that I cannot bola. the bow; besides' I have had 'no dinner, and I have little prospect of supper." The stranger resolved to aid him as beet Le could; and, giving him • piece of gold, said, " I will pay you, ifyou will lend me your vie• lin for an hour." "Oh," • said the musician, "this plece of money Is worth more than half.a.dozen fiddles like mine." • "Never mind," said the stranger; "I only want to hire It one hour." 'llery well; you can do what.you will," said the owner. The gentteman took the fiddle and the bow . In ?disbands, and then said, "Now, you take the'inoney, and I will play. I am quite sure the people will give us something." he first air had not been finished before the people, observing a strange sight, and hearing beautiful music, stopped a moment in curiosity. Every one saw that the tiee•lookkig stranger was playing for the poor, min; but none knew who he was. By.and-by the pea pie began to drop money into the hat, and the dog seemed delighted to , receive ~o many pieces of gold for his master. The circle of beirers'becrtme larger and larger. Evep 'the coachmen of the"'splendid carriages begged the people inside to stop and hear the music. Still the money increased. Gold, silver ,and copper were thrown Into the hat by old, and young. The dog now began to growl. hat could be the matter? One gentleman, as he dropped a large piece or money, into the hat struck him on the nose, he came very near letting all the money fall. But the hat soon became so Leavy that Le could not hold it any longer.. "Empty your hat, old man," said the peo ple, "and we will fill it again for you." He pulled out Ills handkerchief, and wrapped the money in it, and put It in his violin bag. The stranger kiipt on playing. and the peo ple cried out "Bravo! bravol". He played first 'one tune end then • another. The children seemed carried away with delight. At last be played "Ood bless the Emperor Francis I All hats and taps flew off their heads, for the people loved their emperor. The music came to an end; the hour was ended, and thi. per , former handed back the violin to the old Man. "Thank you;" said the gentleman.' "Flay God b.ess you!"' and be .disappeared in the crowd. ..who is her , mild the peopi. --'Where does be come from?" A certain person sitting In one °Fibs coach. MI said. "I know him. It Is Alexander Boo .eber, the distinguished violinist. It is lust like blip. Re saw that poor musician needed kkelpsind he has helped him to good purpose, " The children, Hipp gniet three cheers for Boucher, and put More nionej In Wallet.' Its opener went tome that evening richer thap he tad I.eep before...'iVbeo he went ~ to d bed be folded - Ins winds and,praynfl ; that, God might "bleu good iMucher;" so that.,, when be slioUld come to be old, he too migbt. Jaime t 61614 to iel.P,A l 4!!;7rignifloThAstril•Dals . lib . ,i freieed insrsilyen; SCID,O". ' r'et. the Pa rejlet er - 'inn wired fro m and Me: • ThiPdbmpltan I depeeden4 , , or d t a r or the, n „,,,„,„ed him. .. Wt. 1913 • ,- . 4'-i % -' t her, will as — &taut a owee:the Pub' a lectured upea.;-ye.nicg. '''Snie Dickinson-- ___ sudday It it Boston th° ot he r r Caul- ~ e d hi whiter' - dozen 9 . 13tieliee.diess • WPM •-• Molfft-" .••iitiiii Alleh. a • il,:fi TancleY• : • den, 1r: 3., al.e400,00();.. ii,;06,14.44.10 l4ittiNuo4" ,fiii istoi ber'ilksioiAcirtul% . In ..., ~ urel- i -- an d !ti . ePO ~•,.4,,.',61'1101,-, '''''",:-IT 1tieV#10417777;;,?n bill. ./•-.-''.., :,, , ...„ . 1.• ' ,. .4:1i i '.',‘'.t:?:7."*.44, ' , T.-.• ' eft .1..,,./. •-,::,i....-:,.,i, '.!.i.;; ,CHRISTMAS- IN. ALIENTOWN, • An abundance or Christmas FestivalSfor the children on, Saturday evinlng_enatinattlay af ternoon, sermons 'on; topics 'vaulter' to tbe Christmas season on t Sunday rnbrning and. eVening,.and kpartial suspension of' imaineek on. Monday characterized the observance' et ; Christmas in Allentown. The children were' well remembered and provided for by the va• rious Sunday School Festivals which were . held, and the enjoyment which they mini. tested at the presents they received and the arrangements which were made for their COM= fort and gratification furnished ample enjoy ment to the hard working Superintendents and Committees. It lone easy matter to get up a pleasant and successful Christrinut Pesti . val, and many of our readers tan testify 'that a place upon a Committee appointed at each time is more laborious than Ornamental. The success which attended the different Festivals strewed the energy and zeal:which had charac terized these Committees, and if onr paper was, large enough we should be glad to give a fell and circumstantial account of each of the . Festivals held In our city. But as that Is possible, we must content ourselves with' giv ing a bare outline and noting only the more prominent features:of each. The; churches were generally , tastefully • and" elaborately trimmed with evergreens andfurnished with appropriate mottoes, and we doubt if es much' care and attention have ever been bestowed on Christmas adornments and preparations In this city as at this season. . . " AT . THE PRESBYTERIAN IMBRUE. The leading features of the Festival held at the Presbyterian church on Salt:lnlay evening were : an Introductory addresi by Miss'Ait 7 . nie Washburne, happily worded'and'ehartn ingiy delivered; the presentationtO the con gregation by A. J. Brelnigr hibehalf of the Infant Class, of a beautiful Bible for use on the - pitipit ; the presentation of a Harmonium to the Sabbath School by Mr. T. P. Emmons In behalf of the donors; the exhibition of tableaux—" Little Samuel," "Early Piety," and " Faith at the Cross" ; an address to the children about Santa Claus by Dr. William J. Romig ; a Biblical exercise of the Infant Class; the appearance of Dr. William J. ltomig dressed as a veritable Santa Claus and loaded down with about a hundred and fifty•stock hogs full of candy for the little ones; the pre. sentation of a silver set of six pieces to Bev. J. W. Wood ; the presentation of a sliver lee pitcher to the Superintendent, Dr. Barnes the presentation of a "Webster's Unabridged" and a box of handkerchiefs to Miss Magruder, In behalf of the parents of the members of her Infant Class; the plucking of oranges from a beautiful Chestmas tree, and the general In terchange of presents between teachers and• scholars. AT TRH ENGLISH ItEFORAIRb.CHURCII The English Reformed Sabbath School gave a very pleasant and satisfactory entertainment on Saturday evening, consisting of singing, scriptural and allegorical recitations, .&c., and one of the best proofs of the interesting char., acter of the exercises is the fact that the enter tainnient is to be repeated on Saturday evening of this week by request. Thii decorations of this church, as well as those of the Presbyte rian, Episcopalian, Methodist .and other churches,, showed careful and tasteful labor, and contributed very materially to the enjoy 4it u telest * lute valln 14 , to the presents distributed to the scholars from the Christmas tree,tho following presentations were made " The ,Changed Cross"—a beau tiful chromo—presented by Rev. W. It. Hof ford to Rev. S. R. Wagner, in behalf of the Bible Class taught by the latter; a cigar atand presented to Mr. Ohl, the organist, by Dr. Ap - ple,in behalf of the choir ; a silver pencil and gold pen, presented to Mr. Hyle, one -of the tenor singers, by Dr. 'Apple, in behalf of the ladles of the choir. This comprised the larger I presentations of Saturday evening, but the more substantial presents were reserved for. Christmas Day. After his Sunday morning sermon Mr. Walther found in his overcoat, which he had left In the room in the rear of the pulpit, an elegant gold watch, and there were also a silver pitcher and goblets in the room, for Mrs. Wagner. =I The regular Christmas services were Initial Grace church on Sunday forenoon, and in the Afternoon there was a distr.bution of presents to the children. The ',ailing features of the afternoon entertainment were : several Cinist rnas Caro'B.:.an addreAL by Rev. Mr. Grins; the baptism of two children ; the cat , chetical examination of the Infant Class, and the gii: log of preSents to the members Of the Sabbath School and children of the parish. Dining the exercises a note was banded to Itev. Mr. Giles by two of the children containing a small aunt of money. The members of the emigre. nation presented Mrs. Grins with a purse. of $lOO. 1111 The principal features of the Festival at the Methodist church on Saturday evening were singing and recitations by the Sabbath Samd,: and the distribution of presents to the cbildven by Emits Claus, Mr. A. c. Bross, who entere.d the shurch 'through a window and rinsed much merritnent among the little folks by lila appearance and by his gills. = At the Church of the lliteillateir there wee nit address by the Rector, Rev. Mr. Bartlett, and the distribution of pri senta to the children. At the Baptist church thi• Superintend , lit of the Sabbath School delivered Re address, *id the officers of the chool gave the preeent to the children. • At Bt. Paul's Lutheran church the eahhath school teachers made presents to their Schol are, and the choir presented Itir, 'Grossman,' the organist, with handmaid hYtitti book. At most Jr Ootall or the reMaiiiink churches in tiie city there iris some apprOpriate recog• nlttria of the Christmas season, and iv.° are glad it, record so general and pleisant en ob tervancu'of the mason in our city. ' GpMAT FIRE AT lIICIIIIOND,. VA.—Abollt. two o'clock on Oundey morni ng the Smote'. Wood lintel at Rlchniond was discovered tii hp 'entire on the lower floor. An effort wine 1t,4 1 Meillately Made to • alarm the- guests •aud o ' 7l scene became IndeFcribablc. Men tyrre.r u ,,) /' ;i, , ,, ink about trying to iav,e their h m ar r 0,:!;;;,, , ,, , :• eid:1:1 the women , nearly Vatted, eed ".".,,.t, ff pfi , r, i fleeing ttitO' the anotreo'rerrd..•!•,;i.'iiod....ll -1014c7 ateani'englnea .were rw'r'ller ' in ~,, 2 . '!!!: ' ll l - 5 1,,,,,, r !' tbeiiiiiter.beini feesc n. ` r :„ti w", o .°, l°' !".. ol ' +' , 11. / 11 'dialing only aoheloWi;•-,,,,,,,,,yta:01., nn th i,, , 0 1( before the water e c n ' t ":„ • otindtes ;the . flames gel bl2lldle6• . . a l c ", ,;,7extent. 'thateicane'.lpy „toll Ms _,. ° P"' tra i' d fa iSeat off: - The ittiests tAtor'eom , log- , t 7 7- „„i 'm iv plug front the whilir4e ,P• P• ji gl ' le i t ,, 'Steward di' the ; arid Itilrop h - nt ,l ke e A D ea °f Ph L aileiP t ig II ird.story. reeelelt.• .4111010ln did Ir.. i ' h I ' ' ~‘ '; •romerirresi-trearhilecece' iii',.the' Irina:44.6,re fat sll , l o__„) , `'"iii.," . • - ,0,' n e i teOriCe of Steil. . Emily', 'g 1 itief atheiti d oo l td' e o ni r • r7. o f . u s 'idm - Ore",' the ' litaiteliceir,,, , iir, 1 11 . 3, l eAtlt i a takit ii (oi, . ' I. • the Mitt stori, with one or itt o . •AS , t windo w w i n d W n ;•,, j,,in'.* for f ie ti).;'• The • *iiit?iiiipe'lli' tw° other oli"7l'''re° 4 li but ciiiliii by tiitfilono 4*, preteen's ladders Were P. .: • - • wi iii; wi t ' i v lb:l44* two ,storles,.t o, reach Ilia • windows ,'. I.. : , _,, ~, .., 'the Ere ifereasolta4cagthen the: . ' . fih n jfi , ... liadeTi P l6l v li:i r l .,.. '. , ..,;";•;!,n4. . i . ' i' , i i isi v e ,,,4o l :,,,,,.‘ . • • 1 4? . ., 4: 1;11,A;t1: : ....,•--- 0 1 ....'"', .... 1 ,4' • '47 .i-' '•,:,." - -.-,' -..1.:i ..1. '...:ft:T... Pi tuit4Bissil4 Br: . 11111:, Pn T " Wrotto 4104.01 NO. 1. Cornelius, the lion: In Valtlmoie;' Sam with Euker & Bn); with Melhlser & Co; _for tlit % pancirsima ru. Pat 9 of Mail agent; ; Southern .Exi,res Watling and'amy giiests'whO escaped '`' had to ' be'cared .. .ffo' . other bOuses'nerifbli&nr; ioaa' about 11:100,0; 0 14444 : ', Northern CompEttiltii4,'‘ . . - . . . . IN . A. CELLAR A.T.,BrBASItURGIAr. - • . :: - .,;.: 4-1 .,,,, A French paper gliree:Ote . o lqgaccount.• of the experlencee'ef oile;or the filutbittMitcet, ....-.: , 4 Strasburg during tits 0e0.:4:`3,Y: litid.stiOti:.,.: ; ,9 l i established in Btratibitrifor:Many yeara,:a*.. F .lt. my affairs had niivdt:.4l 4 oii.:to..liideOro.uf '!,i.i,...r.:.':;: they were when the4/ailitryik,co , Oa t he approach of the eitethillientkka,i , my.,,Witti ....-'?!. and fathily,bia could Vet leityWnlYiiarelititiee '.::, A,' and shops,, lest toiett• the :Own, was taken •'' ''''''' they should ho giveii . np topiilage. Thefirilt ...;,- , ;7 1rte5..e144121 eight alt wer4-7014.k1te '' ' ~., tied seemed lobe spared ; lOC . iM, ,P4e.,1iii 31 44 ) . day 'ti shell exPlOded'ln.frunt g' tiii . lieriiie and; s , broke all tho windows en:klitt.i,round 4044, thought It ' pindetitfrpro.: . thati, timii - kiA refuge *My collai: Thad saute pray** there, an tinit I seldoii6ient.P4of It • lIIP4I my days and eienlitgs'inOndlek, little t1i1nk . ,,... Ind whet was abOufteliefalrsiim . On B,titarr.. i day,.the 10th, about Mid:daY,..4liiie I .I*.ar ' . ;sling a Meal, I heard a trpmeadetis . noltiek.,,t , overhead. I ran to the stairs to ascertain ' the I FS amount'of damagedoubtless caused VA 5h011.4': . ; 7 1) . falling into my houde. I are . ,d inicitprritied . ,.;:: . ....%::: 7: The entrance of the cellar was stopped up by ; - .':.fi:! portions of the wall. The house lidd fallen , „..*t . n ha; and I was buried alive.' 'V hat'' passed ''t; through my mind in the first hour of my Ciip' ; ''; .' tivity. I cannot adequately describe. : I filitt"r, 4 fits Of dumb auger, to which general exlians, , ,;',,.. ,- lion succeeded. By degrees I came to ipyie i ..,<.7 ,, , s c iviti, for I must confess I coMpletely.A.st my -- i !.; I collected my ideas, and thought Ire ut -, ::::..Z . f; bered having during the day brdught dnyTr A , t.,g, m petroleulamp. I felt my. Way to .the rifical. ";;...A . of furniture on which I believed 11ac1igee§d....,,:,,.:,,i, it; and by good fortune thereit ivas. I lighted - ;:, , :., i i I It instantly. ,It sap 'lies L Plat, I. realized illy , ,:'i , :iii = . true situation ; all aroune nthere were ruinsi t . .: the staircase no long,er c sted;l could no lotti'i ger deceive myself; ilia, Ons , l,4nd fallen 111;,,,''.•..2 and this c ellar wn,,iabe'rny tintb. To.clegc..4 5.: the rubbish on That side,wni: , toy, only h0p.;:,:j., , , i , j and I began it i ttrith the fury Of dpEpalr., F , ,y,x.);,.. r ,,:,=:4 brick I toOk wfvay.biado others fall; the mp111t:%,!...i r' ..E; , . crumbled - Continually, .and .il weplroll' 9 1 14. , ,.... 7 ,.., mo.prie.it to another threatened with -debtri.ta T "V.) . „.; thou by the ruins. Then tnyiainp went, "ouf f ,,',.i'. , l t for want of oil, and for a time I gave. up :iill' i 1 11 1 :,! hope; but the instinct of ~self-preservatlon, prevailed, and I set to work agai n in a Sorto ~;r ;: - .; rage. I had been working, as it scented tom ; , ,: ; :.p : ., more than two days, when the ceiling's 'f f ,_ , ,, , ,....:; deal y fell in ; a brick struck roe on the ~.i- " 1 . ;:: and I fainted. VOW long I remained iniCol..,,';:'' tile I cannot tell. "When I reopened my . ' I perceived an opening, above my head stars were shining ; it was night, .1.13:13 Viribly, and dared not move for fett'r o f thetag a fresh fall of masonry , . , 1..wa1• ri---1 th.y . o,mtirriri-[m .. . real* my position hope r ef heap f rubbish all round nte, a berin of the ceiling, I raised this cellar, which had so nearly grave. Once nut of it, I again g When I came to myselfonce more, I down among the ruins of may abode a for more than two hours. I had Bp' days in that cellar. I went Into It one gray hair, and now .It-is 40eit-..' have aged more than twenty year days. As for my hives, all are bur worked for ten years to set up my tolerable comfort. My wife and an old nge exempt front care ; 0 , begin over again, and I see no fir . thing but m!sery for out future Mall Gazelle, " 110 W-MOTHER• A HUSBAND'S BEN If w•e were to stig7e other things comb; to the brippin7 It yiittld bc , batiTS of lier eO4 court so and so; each wattles; unit to or how thin, to matt ir I only eiphl taste t Such an. the coinaten tito tautly ineal , iablea, little:rtihre cruel Toy tt. 'fimk t4):1*;,4 tit hia tea cup in e . tice 9f a eotitrlte itt thOse meal who mothei lie • roma e! Ann's euetarVe n my Mtlitiln• the pie ufll r My, any othi , r pie we e the tablr :cri•ry ila • could'not eau any put in n eg'hi. ninnical, hut 1 Cron the pa!! lipy ~tn, etif'n~ ~lß~lnr_r BUM 1161 P all ciii wtlb, nol ° 0 , oettg; 4e... ~.':r;.: 's ,M ,~a ' ~ , 1211
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers