if Wanda. OFFICE OF FISK & HATCH, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERN 'BENT SECURITIES, No. 5 NABBAII STREET, ! . . , ZENV YORK Febru y Vitb, 1870 The remarkable aucce..- 'which attended our negotiation of the UNION of the CENTHAI. PANTO: Rattan PANT and the WYNTTIIN PAPIFIP RAILKOAO N.• and the popularity and credit which themn Loans have maintained In the markos, both in thit• country and Eu rope, have shown that the Fleet Mortgage Rondo of who , ly-located and houorabl y-taannged Railroads are prompt ly recognized and readily taken as the most suitable, cafe, mid advantageous form of Investment, yielding a mere liberal Income than eau hereafter ho derived term floe ern went Bonds, and available bb take Iheb. place. /insured that. in the peleA.tinit arid u..g,!tb;tiott of eupe rlor Railroad Loan., we ate meeting a great public want and roodotine a valuable serylil—lath to the liold,r4 of Capital and to thoxo greet National works of Internal im nrovement %rhino. intrinsic merit and nnbetentlel chart., ter entitle thorn to the n•o of Copilot end the 4':onfirlonee of puny otos Dog makes more than one otitch. wilt movo morn thou one way. Bock worth. and Furor 'Mn without turning your goods. Does all kinds of work. Light mud Ilett•y. They aresold :ts clomp us l)ther. machines and worntuted to he good. Cull and see than at Mrs. T. W. Kra:lll4'o Millinery Store, No. NI East llntuilton street, second door bolos Amen trio lloiel. FIRST MORTOMDP, BONDS I try 1k Wm. F. wor.LE, Agao. Inventors—we now offer with speelol coutid , nm an d sulk 12=1 CHESAPEAKE 4. OHIO RAILROAD CO The Cheoarenkt nut Ohio h'rtilroad, eolateellng the Atlantic coat and the magnificent harborK of the Chena peake Day with the Ohioelyer at a point of reilable' OnTi gallon, and thus, with the emir., Railroad ,yotetn /tad tinter trananostation of the great Weal and South-weal. FORMS THE ADDITIONAL. EAST AND WEST TRUNK LINE. so Imperatively &minded fur the ftccommodittion of the fintoenhe and rnpidly-growing trnuepertation be Lenten the Atlantic eeaboard and Europa on the ono hand and the great producing region• at'. the Ohio and 341..41/. APO's:alleysado the other. THE IMPORTANCE OF MIS ROAD Art A NEW OUT LET FROM THE WEST TO THE SEA magnioti4 it Into one of notiounl conmequent e, und Ineuree to It en enteneive thlough !Wile foot. tho day of n• eomplellott 1 while, to the development ”f lie eaten/Live agricultural and mineral rapteurreo of Virginia and WeAt along In own lino. lho of 21 h.re” rrolllable EMS= Thnh the grput it arnotal and local, which demand th, eutoplatiun ci the 01111,001.00• .il,l 01110 Itimato.to to the Ohio River. afford the 41tre.it ttupretutoe i lip suer,- uud value, and RENDER IT TILE MOST IMPORTANT AND SOPSTANTIAI. RA lI.RoAD ENTEII• PRISE NOW IN PRO" f2F5 , 1 IN TIIIS 'O'•NTRS. I= ==l ==l prominent Citpllnllen. anti Reilrontl 'lien of title City. of -ouudjudginont and knon u integrity, whipie . enooectlon with ft, together u ith thati'letninout olttsene aud hurl meo of Virginia and Went Virginia, INNURKS AN KNERGETIr, NnNonmii.E. 'ltua Fri. JUAN- A° The Rood I. v 4.1114.4,1 /Old to ..perptiou Cram Richmond to the eelehrao•d White thlittitot hitritirto of W L atti Virginia 1 71011. 1 .. and liar. I. I IOIIIIIIIU 3'•: 1011 4 .. Inlw portiallT mocnet...ll to l,r, coutpl. ,, d, to ~ r ry it in 11111111=1 Big NAT.) r{ r•.•r. I:+7, n hot 01..".•in.”1:i, Line Linr+on. nnw pr..,iet,..101 in prov...—• through Mao and K•utuckh to thll point, uhleh writ conuoct th• CHRSA PEAKY. AND 01110 WITII TIIL ENTIRE RAILROAD tiViTFMS TOW WINT AND SODTIIWEST, AND WITH 'nu.: PACIFIC RAILROAD 111. V.1110114' flmnrill", tour' \• l ltRiC. , oUt 120!1=1 nollmg the richest end most powerful and trustworthy c.wpordiloun of the country; AND THERP. EXISTS A PRESENT VA LPE. I N COMPLETED ROAD AND WORK DONE,, EQUAL TI) TILE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF THE MORTGAGE. The of th.• Loin /MA rx nbNd with relerettee to tilt, trnut+ , pf 1111 clatto,tt of in Ve • ool . c. I. lad combine the varloun team. , nod =1 =1 $lOOO, 8500 AND $lOO. They will ho 1..011 id; llpto a Bohan, popabl. to &aro,. Bud may ho held bl that tone; Of The Bond may be ;•ep epic!, red lu the name of the owner, with the coupotot remaining' payable to hearer attached, the prior/pet being then trato.terable only au the_ hr .oh, of the Company. unlo,. re•ro“lirit.rlut cr Tut.ttott r utu.mtt. b.• ,11.1.1...t1 nail ne.ILN. 01.11.1 itlade p,rorr Ir• ~, • , on the bonkg or sho C..nnn a n ) , and ihnhens med.. pav Rble out) to an' gokintorgd n%goot or hi. goo, u.s. The time , : to ill 1,.• k =Eli= " IWO ATI:1? PIJ INNI.s 117 fl/ 001:1•ox, .4 77.1(.111:1).' • REG is lEREP .140 A 1M WITH CO • Pc, s tz t ",,111„ 1 ; ," P I y it :It I= ud ni,llld. b!. COI re Ih. Howl- They holve THIUTY YEARS b. nu rinul innuary 15, 1670. with Intent ut mix p, cent. por ennui into No vember 1. It* r/lINCIPAL AND INThIII , , PAYAIII.Ii IN I= 'Chu Intere4l I. pxylobl.l in Slav mid 'S. toxy tiike the Moro yt ihnt of 11, t,r11 , 1 i•-wee nr Elye. Twentlog, and 'oil the en...a10ne... of bnr friend. who alreAdy hold Central end We-lertt hid Ile Ronde, with in. tereet payable la ,mount y and July, and who may dealt.. In making additional InvoNtrnew, to Lu V. I hair reeelvableeisilfl,olll , •,.ol, ot lb. year The Lo. it necut...l by n morprnign upon the Pia tit." 1.1130 of Bond from Itirlngond Ohio Itlvel. a iii 111.9 rquip• roans tind xll nth, 1Jrny,...1 y FUND ...1 , 01,0W PER ASSI'M i , MkOTIDED =11=1!11111M11 11=I 010IIgUKO ior4ll3,it•loW, of Wikkh 420INVOP sill ha I,ervad and bald In trait f‘a. the 11 . 11.'1111 , th. 4f inn ,ta=ding , Bonds ih•• rfrato4i, in lIIP CAL•AI•EAKE AND 0111..1 /if lb,. $13,00,t010, muunt w 111 by ~.oht tuvomploto the ro:td to the Ohio rivet, petlert xtul Improve Ilo•Tortion “porntion. Roil 1110..0mrhiv -gulp thy , who!. ro: a Jar¢• and aaliva Ira 111 I=l A Luau ad 'lmply Perur , l, P. eu , eirrilY guarded, mud a errwlu h.r lii I , voruninnil a {nomlnvut pit o amour the &vorito •iiuritio• in the nntrkiitii. both of trill riJUOIty ■nd Europe, will I..•wt onro appt.rirt.d and qitiehlY al'. 'ward. I=lll FISK & HATCH, BA N K E RS p '''. — "W• Intro itrruipl pareptilcip, containing full par inatirtiral desalt.. map.. •le., which will hn fur %=111!!! EaY Red 001 l Ow:eminent Uoodo. and rerri,e , 4°tnn o , ..ll.korti. rorporittlots, sad others, atai allow Latereid on dally JYor tlic labico. LOOK ! LOOK ! I LOOK !! ! AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE THE BEST .11:4CHINES IS THE WORLD! GROVER (V BAKER'S IMPROVED 1110IIF.ST PREMIV3I SENVI NO MACHINE Awarded tho hlgho.t mon - num. "The Oro.. of Om Lo. don of Honor."at tho f:xpooltiou. MACIIINk REDLES, TIIREA and s SILK TWIST con.lontly .0 Thopooplo of Allentown and vicinity are conhally nulled to call at our oolc.room. Itorarlubor the Ott,. ~pp.. .01, the Ovr111:111 nernrrned Church. N. It —Palllamturtion• itlyco to Puy poroono porches. tug Machin.... All Machin.• v apvitc.llo give callsfactlou S. 31. KUPER. Agent, 1,4 Ett-1 Hamilton St.. AtioilloWll. Pn EOM ffOIMEiIiMEMEEI AIRS. At. A. HINDER has Ptst i.trlvo! Oct. Ihuis not' Laudon with lit, Isms% designs. per , oothy selected Iron the greatest novrlres ; nise. the roost hessian Trimming• mlot secured in l'oris. LACES. RIBBONS. VELVETS. BRIDAL VEILS, FLOW. ERS, EINE JEW JEWEL RY, tool TRIAIMED PRI G. PATTERNS. DRESS sod CLOAK MAKING. Exelosive agent 'for Mr, N. Work'. relobrotml system " • •,5 imstplPs. etc. :.. or. ELEVENTH and CIIEI3TNUT A 1.... Plaits. ley 22.6111 T r, • , : ..,3 ; %--- :".c. " SEWING. 1Q ' - ? .., . • llachine! • ;014.z., TnE rti•:yr rN •I Illi WOHLD RE• W. J. EVERETT, 50 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, DPIOW Arch, Phlladrlphic, (law Mrx. AlcClenuchau'o) Trursco, Fccutic Supporter,, Dries, Eht.tle Sh+ck• inllll. Lowry price, per : , •rt nd i tre.l y at (OMNI:an iutie24-ly WHEELER ik WILSON'S FAMILY IMPROVED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. N AR P IC! • f- ~: mom Whore %rel.. In Lehigh county in ab nLL 10 months over IW ti l de '1 itle iibown t • enreeie. of title Machine. We wlll giveeveryleely Machine on make the payment. , to null. oeiii Ile• cn.h prlee—on neinthir pity inente er the FIIIST CO7.IIPANI . . . . All klndk of Thread. Silk. and 3fttelline Inmoriol kept in the United States to Stit , lllll/ .lono fo order la the ollltP. Allol.l'll ZWANZI(I..Ag..oI. 1.. u s. rdlloll4linito make ALL of its policies ALLF:NTUWN PA. NON-FORFEITABLE. MEM Itailroars XTORTH PEAi NIA RAILROAD =I han,ngers ',high Va. Hay It. trninn pa,•ing ty t, u.la.. II I.la. In. and 6 falp.lll.. and at riva t at aFt. Tn.. 2 15 p m. and a ttip. On,. 1,1 , 111,.11;t11 , 1 ,11 , (itzoll:t1111:1 Railroad trait, at 2 11 , p in Phil id. iphin ut 1 .40 p... hr Do) I. 1, t 6'X r. m. ltd = :I' ...sr flusio‘h Troliss•Pisily, Situdaye l'iopenger trninn tloislepol,Soribwiwi corner link.l end AMPfICIIII For AllenlOwn u 1.1•0111. vied I r, Ap . poyloidows• al 4.0 v., 2 10 olio 110 p. ' Foil Washinntou ;it 10 45:1 :”..i 11 np, 511111R11111 I 11. 5 20,nd s p. 1.0 lik.l,llV :el 6'!l p.n. Trellis for Phlladolphi.. nt 'A' n. in., 12 10,_ ~undol!p. ro. •• Doylvido sysiso. is :Ida. so,. 2 Cloud ri sal p. so. ••at si 10 0. sis " Fort Wasjslutztioss at S n.l.i n, is.. nad 2 n7p. rn. • • Abington es 2 0.0, S niid S p. Clio 11= 14.1111. , 111.1in tar rhi1a.1..11 , 1.1.1,,i 4 it p. '• Doe 7 ~ .1. In. Leos, 1'1111.1.10W. 1.. r 111.1111Plunn 1 n ;41 n. • 1' , 4. 1/0y1....tnn u at 2 I." P. an. Allow n r 1.1.1, CFI(:EL,VILLEI:. IL= tln hod a flor NOVEMBER 15, 80, Ptootongot Irnitot oh the Cato'notion & Fogolortllo Railroad gill 11111 In coonttc• torn with ti Lehigh Vullry liolloootlithd Lott Penn. troll. rood, 11.1 follow. BESSIE COMM 2.(0 0.f1: CATASACGICA. 2.13 7.c4? ~ ElPl.lis. 2.1 P . 7.in ^JoItDAN 11111 DA E. 2.24 7.10 GUTII's. 2.31 7.15 NV A I,llliltT's. 2.41 7.21 , lIAI'SI.4N'S. 2.52 7.11 TitEXI.I.:IITowN, 3.07 ' 1111EINiiisVILLY 9 17 PAIC 911NGToN. 4no 7. :7 , •41•111:i11 rItEl.:1:. 4... vi 7.4'w 11..111'1tT16, =I =I lea, . 'rho raranitia train aro,. , Ca 1114,111/1...11 the arilval BI the 1.. V 11. ii. Loral 1 . 1.-.....narr.tratu leer. Eagan. ethlehem. dud A il. :11..,1/ and 011111,, at Al•llitrlia tvito tram ott the Lag lhottig viddt. di. I:. tat Emting. lintt,tile. Ilan...burr. and Philtalaiithia..dal atm. with 1. train for Alletudw tr Bethlehem. Eageo New York. The natentint liag ...mod, di ..1.1.11. or ith rail, on h. I'. I: It ilea. Ilurrt•hut g, lidadtea rad Alien• tau... nod at ammaintair NTIII: train on 11. , I...high Valley Ettiliadd tor 31...1eh 1 hank. "I; nl, Phil:W..lomi and N., Yard Th. 2.0.11.. M. train rdato,, ith train ‘ , ll the Elva !ham linileatid tor [lending, Pad., tile, Mar:khan.% Allenton ti. Bet 11 Vhillatelphin and N., hart: 'rile Evening trolo Eta, . • \ I-11arti• en U.•• art Mal ail. mai., flora Allentown dad .r J. train mak lug ranuer• lb.. at 'hailing Iliil bairn mitt Ilarria burg, l'atuty hall r,1110.1:t. 161E1 ideal mi••enger tain the L. V. r , 1:1.11•11119111: tdr A Ildarawn, Viet idehent and Ettetatt. Pernend Wolin< to go to .%Ilrataw a run Mkt. the m dorn ing train Woo to Al- aril, at Allentawu MC ItII( R4tD. • Eicg r _r WiSTM: All It AN(.EMLYI. MONDAY, I)ECEMBER 27, 16119 ,rrat Trunk 11.. th liy N,rtli anti Nortli•Wost Tamaqua. I..thatatti. E: , .1,1. ',th rall, /Mix. 1-anca , er, COl4llllll, air. Train. leave tor Nnw %ink ni ai.. and 2.05 p. 1.1.. coolie( 1111 g With hollitr train. Ita i and nri lying lit New Yip k al 12.15 110..”, :14 0 .. 40 and 10.40 p. re.p..10- vi•lp. ael . ..111).:1113 . 'llO .init 00.113 train.. without Omani, • loalo Now York tit , 0 , 1 a. In • 1..,V noon and 11. to , Philadelphia at t• ntol n .ng Carl accompany the I..(t't flu tool :011 coin Now Yoik tr illll .1.11 chit !Igo liarrislotra for Itoo•Ilha. Pon...sill, TA 311towsvill...•Athla tot. Shainokto. Pine 11.'0,, .‘lb . ll.lllV n tin•l Philaticiploa at 5.D.,. to.. 2 11.',. 4 1 4 w W.: Moi Lebanon ati principal way 'tattoos: th, fo n r Philadelphia. Potts vtll.• um! Colom bia only. For l'..ttavillo.schityik ill Ila von owl Auburn, yin Schuylkill anl Susquoliantio Itallrotol ye Ilarri..• burl( al '1 40 it to. l or P“K•i'llger T.. nt 7.N/ in, cc...4.th. with +intik, train on East Poona. Ilailrowl, rc. tattling front Heading at 1;.:15 p 111. n 1.111111.4: .tat tot,. Eras.. Pop ss at , and a' a 11111 ,1 2 plu. 11.•ro. shin at ft Nt X DI, ,11/1.111t.k11 . 1 1 40111111 111.40 gO. at 7 tst ni p DI tor Philualciplint H and Neolk, ittavillo s Sw Y chuylkill :tog lii•onol.nua ;,1 Q.ln ni 1.. r Ilarctsloint. 1111t1 11.3.) It 111 for Pino. :trot , and Trottoott, • ituu , lll, Ay. ul n 40 p; ,„.. ?it at V.011111111:4. 111 1. -4.5 is In. „I arriy ink 9.A.. Iva,d u 4.‘ , ./ I' 1.1. Columbia Itallr.„l.lTritior Ituattillit ut - .15a in mid 7.151 i in. forL .C m . 1.111,. aura..r. olubui, 1 1 / 4 c. Itulliotitl trains lellso ..i t soc,s o a at ai:;.1.4115n.1 5.9211111; rataraltal, It at a :trill, Nilo, till.. at Ft (15 o 111. 12 Vo n.rrili. and 4.15 p I I. I..ranartiug '4lnitar train.t..a Hitting 1/allroa.l. . (wlebraokBa Id Railroad Ira tn. ,. learn Beitsto,ra at ).W m an d in, retitialiar Into Montt 1'1,0.111 al 7.00 and 11.2.1 a ul. I.ollllertillg 5r ith .Indlar train. as Reading 11.11. Chester N'a Bey Railroad Trat . leave Bridgeport at 8.30 a m .tad 2.12, a preturning. lease lion a ington alt; not. 12 41 noon awl 3.13 p In. ronnedilag with .omi ll, irititi• ou Ikendlug hall road, eundays, led,. New York at ..t1 p •Philadelphia Ni a. in and 3. la 'p nth, %lOU 111 train rautilag onlY In Heading leave P. 01,0 1 ,111 flarriniatri, ap5.3,5 a Wand 4.1 P p owl lteadillg at 7:1:,u nl aunt lU it, prn for 11.trtinharg. at 7.2.1 n m 101. York. and at 0 .40 a tit awl 4 2.5 p in lor Philadelphia. c,p,,,,u111011,., oth,, I null I:xtrir.i..a 'firkrts• 1., and rioni u II Point, al roltured lute, . . • . flagglige .•11..rk..,1 111,1t,1, ; 1.0 p , .111141. 1111411,41 I•II eh 1.5• nal. .7,..,,,,0/ Sum rp al. it po a/. girdJalliCS. 801 LER AN!) 1)1 I, WI MKS ,1 011 N %V 00 1),. .1 R PURE, PLI'E AND 017,1SpEREfis, j 1.4771 = An kltidn of Wrought Iron To yorn for Blast For um., Clusoutetern, timokoSittchs, Blast Pipos.lron`Wheal i burrw, and crerythlog in the 8011, and 811...4 , 1nm line, Alm all kitoln Iron and Stool Forging, and Blacksmith Atari, Illus.' Tools of all kiwis. mat nn Wham Buckets, Pick*, Drill , ,Ballet, &e. . • .lluvlug Bcalm Ilanatour anti not of tooln of .11 klndm, , and aklllad %rural.... I flatter mYuclf lits.t rail Inru nut work with promptomm and thsvntch, nil of WiliCh will hn wartanted to tm tlr,t•chts, . • l'alelllug Leaded to. •ud rophlting ¢cui•rully. strictly ut •Prt9 • CCORDEONN, CONCERTINAd; Jew. llama, Vlollo String! of the boot quality. had al C. P. Wolforta'a Store. ?1 0. 34 K flatalitoa tit. mar 2.5 m THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALL ENTO IDR - IG- GrISTS, The attottion of lbe tithe,. of Allentown sod Lehigh snooty In reApPelfilllY 'Dolled to this establklltnont• EV4.17 Mug usually kept In • Ilrat•slass Pros More will be found for noir here. at Inn lowe.t prism I.lor stock I• loran no. cell selected, couslstlng of PURR DR ORS and E MRDIPINEN, CIIRMIVALS, DYE TUFFS, A 1,001101,, PURR W/N ;I ES d LIQUOR FOR MEDIPI.V.4 I. USE. PER FUME R SOAPS, BR FEll S, FA NV Yam; TV ra: T.l RTl,•fit'S • 4.11 kinds. Constantly on band n large stork or Soda anti. Potash and Concentrated lye (0 sod] , making. Washini toile, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Pure Pepper. Cinnamon, Cloven and Spleen of alli kinds, Pont 0.1, Sperm. Lan and L ubricating Oil. for machinery. and a thousand and no oilier articles which cannot 1., enumerated here. W lave the largest line of Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces in the city. These goods as , applied by an i•xperi 'need physician c onnennently perfect lit In guaranteed. Paints. Oils, Yernislie, Wass and Putty. ani milder. ere Invited to our stor e before waking their purchases. We hoop a nail line of paint., el r.. iif the lies wittily at prices es low an the lowest. TEAS TEAS!—We have the a gent, for the Great United Staten Tea Company of New Voir, i.r.• th. rhoirent grades of Teas at about half the price charged by other dealers, for nn Interior gnnlit . it and be con sifted. Physicians and Country Merchants supPlled at the lowest inarket prices. W.. intend bereaticr to pay you Acular attention to the Wholesale Branch of the business. Dealers will god it to their interest t•i en ,us a trial orde is inn Ctallidnnt son ‘ , l/11. able to glee mill.,tlCll.lll both In quality end price. Orders by load promptly anemic. Quotations for nperifleil quantities furnished on Sespecttuliv, ape 2S-ly W. E. BARN Eli it. SON. Dividends Paid Annul - illy. on the l'ontrihution Plan. film, 20 to 70 due, but is continued in force under the Massachusetts Law of April, IRM 1% {I u 1 k • 11.1,1 , ...v nv Ruth ANNUAL INUOME El22= 10 IS 10 r.l , " 1 1 10.111 0, . 6 Da P 'I 6.15 10 %..1 G.; 5 114 1, .5 • t 13 IDru (boobs A. J. lANDER. JR., • A,„.. Mil HANDSOME PAPER PATTERNS, WORSTED, SILK, CHENILLE AND BEADS DRAWING ON CANVAS, c. W. CHAPMAN, $.11.1.,11.1}:u41n..“1 1870. COTTONS, LINENS, ate. Wa have the new year , %via, great cliiiiplay ll at thAl will plasma aud REAL BARNSLEY TABLE DAMASKS, POl%. ER4.0051 TABLE LINENS. • 200 Doz. Napkin, ad lido, to V; 00. :'.lO Pox. Towolo, 2.0 doz . ofi. .00PER & CONARD. S. E. Col{. 9TII & MARKET STS unv.r. 212 NORT . II EIGHTH ST. 212. .Tare., Embroideries, White floods and 11,111dkruchler. N EWCIOODS at the LOWEST CASH PRICES ' PLAID, PLAIN atoll STRIPED NAINSOOKS. •• SWISS. . • EXTRA WI DE FRENCH MUSLIN, al 50cents, • HARD and SOFT FINISIIE . , CAMBRICS. FRENCH ORGANDIES AND NAINSOORS. PIGCES,SHIRRED AND PUFFED MUSLIN:, REAL AN D.I MITATIoN VALENCIA " THREAD, •• • • . GUIPURE. IM. CROCIIff LACES, at I, 2. 2. 4 cents. Sr. D MP REGISTERE AND lERIAL EMDROIDERY. coVENTRY SANDINGIIA other RUFFLINGe lIAIDU RGEDGINGS AND INSERTINGS lu great ra Goy and below regular rates. EMBROIDERED INFANT WAIST:4Imin N.Y. Auction •. • • ROBES • ' A Specialty to NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN LACE, A full liue of CHOICE TIDIES. LADIES'. GENIE' AND CHILDREN'S HANDKER• CHIEFS. COLLARS AND CUFFS. Particular attention paid to INFAFTEC WEAL • - • - - NO 11111 . 11-IEI tt INTRODUCED TO :1111 EAR:IRAs 11' THE TIRE GREAT CAUSE OF RERAN ' •.. RIDDLE AND SOUTHERN STATEA HAS °IVEY soar. I/ENER AI. AND ENIFORMSATISE,ETIoN TITAN TIIIsIII - ANO. :AISEILY. . .. . • Tin: TRADE IN IT PAS STRAIIILT INVIIIi•sED ENTII. TIII Just Published in a Healed Ed odors. Pelee 6 oto• • . LINEN IMPORTER. , EONeIEXPIION No.' THROrIIIorT TON ENTIRE:COUNTRY FAR A LECTERN ON THE !WERE. TRIATRANT AND II•DIC•1. I XECERK THAT or ANT OTHER ErATtf.lsrll. cure of Seminal Vo'eaknew. or Spermatorrhwa, induced TIM LAIDIE CAPITAL INVOLVED IN ITs PRODECTION Al , by Self-Abrine. Involuntary Emlaalona, Impotency. Nor- 11._M CHESTNUT STREE'I, inflIoS1111:sERE.TOVAIIANT1111011 ITS CoNTINEND EXCEL• voila Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage generally; .. 1 ENE N. THE collrA NT IlAs A FAR ORNATRN INTEREST IN Cummorption, Spiletwey and Sim t , Mental and Phymical /RANCH STOVE, i2A ARCH STREET. THE El RD.:NANCE op ITN IRMO: TOON ANY NEMDER ON Incapacity, &e•—lly HOBERT J. CULVEWELL. IL D., • ' CON/11 . 511110EAN HAVE: 'INNEN IT 1.1 /111111.1111,E INTratrAT author of the .• Green Book,'' ac. PHILADLLPHIA. nov 1. ,, tu, ON THE Co:MANY To our TUE lINAT EARTILIZER INTO MAR- Tile world anowned Atlthor, in Hata admirable torture, EIRNEIi ProVRII from Ws 0. , n experience that the awful - ---- --- -, -- -- - -------.- • - • NEAT 11111iNT.ro• AIIII.ITV 1,11 PRODECE. ' consequences of self-abusemay be effectually removed I w . J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT .1 1 TIllAilE•NO is sol.o AT IIETAII, NT LOCAL, AORNT• OE %thin:it medicine, and without danger°. •urgical opera- t THN CORNANT T111101,11101 . T NNW slitilaltr. DEL•WARN Holm, bon y... 'warm:neut., ring+ or cordlah, pointing • . PENNATEVANIA. AND TUE NorIIIERN NT•TNN, AND AT oat • mode of ours at once certain and effectuaL by which , . 1W 11.1.15A1.14 Ill\' every sufferer. no manor what Hs condithm may be MS) ' BCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND aura himself cheaply. privately and radically. THIS EEC TURK WILL PHOVM A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSA STRAP SUPPORTER. • N Sent coder seal. In a plain envelope, to any add eeee • so rccbibt of " rent., o r Iwo f , ".g. "albs*, by ad '' ' No Oral e ender the arm, Perfectly cointortable una• - dirLDiViM u tib r i r te.7l.,. „ m . n . i . ga ., d , „ ric . 2.50 . tornically made, and highly hertellcial. AO North 7111 ht.,• , [ Addra;t the Publlabora, c HAS. J. C. lan& & O. . JY9I-Is In &Met*. New York PO.HO II 6116. E tadovr Arcl6 Philadelphia. Tr.nwea, Supporter., Elaalle I .-, W ockluga, rotched:4k% . loWent Prices lu the clty. Lady ‘.....YEI?AL AGELNTS FOR THE COMPANY attendant. - wria IA fob P.Snikwp7.3m • DR. W. E. BARNES & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST ALLENrowx. ['A I= PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTti, ii=linilizigll; - -A16.7111::::*OrkApol LIFE [NSF RANCE COMPANI, PITTSFI ELD, NIAS-; )141'011ATED 1851 T. P. PLU NK Err. Pr. 4ident BENJ. CHICKERINB, Secretary An Annual Payment Life Policy iy NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium when One Annual Payment will continue the Polley in force 2 years and 3 days Two " Payments " " if 4 II I, 1 2 Three " II if 7 ff If 27 if Thi• BERKSHIRE was ASSETS All Endowment and Limbed Payment Life Policies are entitled to " PAID-U P NON-FORFEIT ABLE POLICY.'' after One Annual Premium has been paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, 329 WALNUT STR IV. H. YODER Agent for Lehigh and NorthanipNui Counties, Allentown No. 1302 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. HAS OPENED III! NEW FALL AND WINTER HOODS, 0,), as all new xtyle. o EMBROIDERIES, • TOWEL-BACKS, FOOT RESTS; am sioNoGßAms. rrc • butte to order. itronolt Horn, 100 FULTON AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. BEST SHIRTINGS DAVOT, W A M KUTTA, FOR II EAT D ALE, WILLI A NI Nil IL I.E. NEW YORK .MILLS, me, • WIDE SHEETINGS UTICA I RCOUENOT, PEPPERELL, ANDROACOURIN, ME=E=== BLACK GOODS BLACK POPLINS. MERINOES, DELAINES, BLACK ALPACAS, Moll Al ItS, CRAPES. BLACK KID DLO% Es. CRAPE VEILS,COLLARS,Ate BLACK TIIIBET SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. SW V.& BLACK SILKS. Si cf.!. to 5500. =I PHILADELPHIA LEMAISTRE & ROSS, Charter Poriu•l .1A(1011 I. GREENE. Ahi+t-See'y Pf ‘l' ce 11 1 =I W. H. (4 RAVES 140twral Agent untl'Attoi :try I'm . Pei ma MI LLIKEN'S, 1128 CH. ESTI\ T PIIILADELPITIA. 1,1 N 1 - 4_l N S !lOCSE FURNISHING GOODS! LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY• 01711 u\VN IMPORTATI()Ns PRICES GREATLY REDUCED! NF.NS. TABLE LINENS by Out Vaud, • TABLE ull .124".1, NAPKINS A N I) DOE LIEt, TIIW ELI NW:, 111 kind., LINEN EllErrlNtit, c‘co citb, PILLOW CASINW.I. Ladies' and lit.ntr' Linen liunclkerchleru, I.ttwu Frturch mbricr. Nut . ..cry . cam NIIMIKEN'S SHIRT lit )si >NIS II I, N - K EIS 1/lAukoto for CALF, SWOP Hotel Bionkolo, FLANNELS of DALLAitnv II i.E, Of LBERTS. ~IIAh 6R WELSH, SAXONY. SILK WARP, Av. DOMESTIC MUSLIN/5, COTTON SITEETINGS, WHITE GOODS, PIANO, :MELODEON AND TABLE IN.IFERN Price, kept down to thu lowtott point Orders from the country chrefullY •ttleutkol to. nod bom pion writ by mall when debited. El= GEORGE M I 1.1,1 ES --- -- DR. HUTCHINSON S VEGETABLE I. the 1, t Worm 3letlicino fur reineving theemail nen vrtm , from children, withent making the child sick, a ther worm nied.eine4 Mi. It trill el., remove the tap vortn and the .tetnach worn). ro vEnfor.vr: ru BE BITES AFTER 17'. .tn.• yon get 11. in Vegetalel. Norm ll,ir“yer. S., Hutt earl. 1V1111.1.41 In yr] If ).k , ir tlrougi, •hk.nl.l 11.. v.• II nnl. It 1.. t vo, .10111oN, HOLLO WA 1' fi coW O EN, IPI .11- l• / .14.t.4,4.!„. I sF Kr. . .•,1 ci ,,,, ~,,s . • • - 1 4 27, . , P s '‘ . -- -\ ~K... . 5 97 Ft p 0 t l / 4 ow4y. EARIh C) -s- - , 5,40: fit e '',I'LADF . ._ i , ;,., .."' ‘44 O V - r .., !....i . D 4 , -.. - , 4 . E,m , .z,A),,......_,.. •, BosTo„.: ~)c.A,4E ST "1 - 311PIENIX PECTORAL CURES .A. PMEN IX PECTORAL CCRFS CI ! PIOEN I X PECTORAL CCREs Coro!! ' Cents l'ho I'lrtil‘ Pectoral u ill vor.• the of the TrilloAT Asp I.r nos, hitch Colds Conan. CrOlip. Anti, a, Bronchitis Vatarrh,So Illatrnetienn, Whoop. lug Cough and 'll fli.NAllY Co,, , l . e.irriox. Thin medicine Is pretrial Dr Levi Olierholtzer of Philadelphia, and formerly of and although It has only been titfered for live yearn, unire than one nililion littler have already been nob!, and the demand for it in Int:roan tat every day. :tinny of the Drogginut bay It tu loin of live gross, and not n I iv of the Country Storekeep• ern try one Krum ala time. Neurly every one turn ever sold it entities to {l...popularity, and nearly all who have used It, bear testimony hi 11. wonderful power In curing Comth. tie ate confident that there Is no known IllediCine .11C11 great value to the rolnillittlity it.. the Plueubt Pectoral. EVERY POLICY 19 sued by this Company since April A. D. 1/Nl, is NON-FoItFEITABLE, and so .rpreAxPri In . the It,,CS Of ill, int infol and ronolt, of years Ittanditot. It loot trt y,ol I.tuut relief In , I,,•11, of rougltintr.. FE!EI it 111, cored Croup tun few minutes. Vonsiimpt ism has bemi cured by il, where all sillier rem• Hie. 11.1111'11110d Its do g ..... I. Hoarseness lops besot towed by it in a single night. 3luuy recommended it. null ushers use it theinwlves soil administer it in their procticeot Mle others °pill,. it becaitsn it takes ova). their bitsineini. Ito teconinieud It to our readers, and fur further partic ulars would river you to the circular tuitions' the bottle where you still hind L 1111111,111 ,, certilwates given by persons who have onto" it. It Is ms pleasant tu the taste that children cry for It. It in ll htiroututiug expectorant, giving stretigth at the 5.11.511. Mlle that it alloys the cough. Thr pnganhour sit this nuidiclue has :!;1.250,11110 . . ... ... .. much confidence In It. curutlve powere from the teudiniony of thenaanda Who have treat it thus the money trill be refunded to any lottrellaNer Who In nut •ntlioth•ti With 1,411,1111 n. It Ir. no ... cival, that all rails bury It. 5110.11110 No. I. North 'fiord St., Philud'a N. It. —lf your hearest Druggist or Storekeeper does not have this toed wine task hunt to get It for you, and do not let blot put you ,ar with SOlllO other preparation because he makes more motley ou it: but go or send at OWN) to CO mt. more tv hero you lc BOW It IS kept, or send to Dr. Utter holtzer. Sold by L " ' , Dr. no. Burnes & Sozi, J. „ p u le% Dmrglete, Allentown, 3. 8. Luwull ettr.y e‘ery ArogKl.t nod AWN.. dec 1-Gm ;1-{LIIOVAI. T Ot I\6 LENTZ'S C. 11; nt' 11.1.1111.T0N Ts 7 .SIX s., u u 25-17 where tho nr , 11 , V, 1.1 . ..ra,t1 ICC1.•,11, Tho 1311111A1 - 1, 1 - 111, 1,A1101 , ,T BTUC& OF GOolls IN Tills VICINITY A grew qupntity of the w.qk hoing of their own nuke and the loilonce from the rnamicocture, in the country Till: RETAIL DEPA RTM ENT Qom] MARKET STREET IS TEM e_ I•J,d Iry and bekt place to but Choice Tuba c 0 and Cigars hy illl• box. • Monitor Nay y, and Jones & non's Tobacco a 1.. ), on 1011111 M lOW I . llli , Meerschnuln Prue, Brlar. French, and other MTh . . run had hew to suit customers, either whobootle or retail. JOHN LEES. Wholesale and rend! Jobbing lIFIII.O :1114 Manufacturer of Cigar. PT/ MARKET At. novl7- ir r Pure Water. U ME II pAciric GUANO ('O. .101 IN IiEEE &11) ISOLUBLE PACIFIC N, IVEDNESD WORM )II:ST ))" =9 PRICE 'IScF.NTS A , III)X A Tincture of mro heeling herby. sold in battles only, at SI. or 5. , , g ym 1 91 par Das„ Sent to any ,it• A, dress on receipt of money. 1, 6 s• and guaranteed. yy, ; 1011111 11,411' o ci i ENIUT , I g 4 11 ' 9:7‘1' ; t t to b V j Sit° r A Fami.rMedi. , cino pro • 'red inr the Cur, , of Dr: : Colic. F.--• A cue. &e. It en courancs Di., .: , 311. cures Heart. burn, puritir,ll , .. Dinod. & regulalna tho liver. Sro C irrulac. • . NRS RE '1 I:ll;rrh . m . ~r . ,: ' : ' , .1:::111 :11 , 1 G"r3;ir n ) : :; INF A sli:111,1ne J 113,1, III': n,n,tolr, .. I prornot.. 1-I ::11, r, I. I, .11ens ,/, OEII Tcr (... , . . 1 4. 5 t. =II ....- i„,„4 , ; : kw • KEZMUSIZIEta!=M= Priv. .2.5 (lent, Litri.:.• Dottie, 41. II red only LEVI OBERHOLTZEIL M. D. Boot itialters WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT ANI)s HOE STORE ll_‘ , BEEN H VED To N OS. 3.14 ,1N1) 10 WHOLESALE DEPA RTNIEN T I= iror the iFarnicr. "Ao Ev • - c>•., -ht i' lastelesS relic ..lle, I. th. .11 nh,t less than half the let rot,t , • i.4.unit •ii u. eine can put it up and tin repair aur AND CH:AP:23 LUMP NOW P CAPITAL, ',1,11110,0110 EIL I. GENTS OPFICI A 122 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE PAILADELPnIA 10 SOL"Ell STREET BALTINIORP GUANO. 101 IN S. REESE & CO., Y. MARCH 9, 1.8 EST tpLISIIIED 1451 HEYNoI,I)s soN, = =1 WROrnIIT-TRON, .\IR-TIGTIT GAS-coNsrmING nx.kTER, WIT IT ' TI 'N'T' EEN witounirrinilN RADIATOR ir4's',,4' .:i4;,.-,. , i . , ! ~ .-- .., ,, '••4Alt, `.,*<...--; •, ' •::q 1 • -, - 4, 0 ,..0 r . '04....:011 -r:tt ' —-- Pr.'gr.'• ofp - V-;" .4..... • -_-_:- .--40 ~ :.,.:e f \ nVI4 7'hoso Ile* rews hie tondo or !fenny Wrought-Iron, Well riveted tho onlysnro provontion ngoinsl tint fop cope of Ills or Dion. 'Yhoy one easily tunnoged. without Illy dampers. The Paiont Itudintor us olds tho urn and wintoynneos dn.... and is permanently ottocheti to the ilettior. 'Fills lho most durably. simple, PCOIIOIIII.II and popoinr , k1r.r.”16, 'they 11,1..1. ;.. •: POI:TA II LI: II KA'rElt.:l L.ITIOIIIE IIEATEIts. filtATEs. ,LATE MANTtLi, ANn VENTILATiIitc. NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE OiYSe...l f,•r ,tr II I npor 1.• , 1 l'aniPhlot ' TT'Ai!!`";II4:9 II. S.,, T ILECT FA MILY .1n English, Classical, Mathematical. Scientilie and Artistic Institution, :FOR y,,ext: MEN AND POI'S' EICI!21=1 I=E! -ly The Find the Nineteenth Annual Senidon tail commence on ES ItA V, the Stir day of SEPTEMBEI. next. Pond.. r, rolved at ally tine. Circnlara ad dri•-• HEX. tt LO. F. MILLER, A. M t . Prineinal. REV haeffer, Mann, Krauth, Seism, 3luilletibtkrg Stover, Sc Dotter, Stork, l'onrad, Botnher ger, Wylo, Sterna, Murphy, Crutkedukuk, etc. lONS.-3114D , Ludlow, Leonard Myer., M. Itunmell ThAyer, M.O. 31. lloyor, .1,4r0k S.To.t, Di t ,,ter r irtuer, John lilllutger, 'to. ESQS.—dana, E. Caldwell, Ikno, 1,. l'hischorn, C. S. Grove 'l'. C. ‘V0.,.1. Harvey Ilaucrott, Theo. ti. r. I'. Soren, 1,. 1.. Hon t, S. Iron, Nov. Sliller & Derr, NVanareacher, Jaw.... Neut. spat.° & Co. utc. nog 111'.11Y DE Plumbing anti eas gatures. G AS rixTratEs. .01)1S ROBERTS. • =1 No. IRO WEST HAMILTON STREET, 11== All kinds of Gpo Flx,tur. of the Litt )111.1 Fore° pomp.. Bath 'Poit, Water Clemus Circulating Boners, kn., d , Spedal sittentbai given 1, , pitting tip Portable (inn Worka In town er country. p work warranted. apr 7.11 G 1 AS FIXTURES AND KEROSENE LAMPS 3111RIDIA N . - BURNER, Seit.t anal lle llu the tnarket. It ttivei the Innyea Hiatt of nuy burner mode. COULTER, JONES & CO;, NIANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALER' , 702 ARCH ST.. PIIII.ADA. F&wTiillutli.nJr' ll= THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE. Strattan'n Dan 31wohlue tee illeminoting Hotel., Private Residence, Stamm, Mills, etc., in simple In construction, connutues nil the inaterinl °nod in tlioluanufacture of at. :Ind In no cheap an to bring It within the reach of all. It in free from explosion , . can lie managed by au) perm., and produces it soreelor fight to all °them, at onmitulf the cost of ordinary burning gag. Nil FIRE lb APPLIED TO TILE A PPA ItAIT , S; It can be Mt:wiled to orilinnry gam ripen and fixtures, theta ly variation being in rho eulurgotnout or the bunter Jets. All parts of the arrarntun are rondo In the most thorough mad orb manlike manner. Superiority over all tin-triunes Is claimed to the following in. etiooNog First, Cost of Conntructiou, Second, Illuminating Capac ity. Third, Contractile,. and Simplicity. cud commitment of Its getting low of order. Fourth, Economy in ono of material. A machine cupoble of supplying ten burners cost• t 7.1. Any tetherll il (1l.11IW! Inla4vorkin4n orieo.cne exploitedA ,rn,,agent, Lehigh county, C. W. STUBEH, WALNUT .STREET, CORNER OF PENN, I•POVE AIVIII.IOIIII.ICOLLEOIL ALLENTOWN PA QPECTACLES: SPECTACLES!! ET E ()LASSES, Sr. n“ortnirni ••fnll k Indk WEED 'ITAS. S. NIASSEVS, No. 23 EAST 11 A MILTON STREET, Having iliivabal an great deal or care and attention to the Spectacle bio•inosp. for these loot few yearn, I dnd that my business In that tine has inercesed so notch that I have de• Itermitied to 111/110, it aPECIALITY. There in no article, I 'iced lu which there in .0 I/1110/ deception panic ; 'iced an there In in upectacle Glasses. Knowing that the palm, h a ve lowa frequently humbugged by peril.a pre teediag t o bar a kuperior article 1.4 lilmtes, and charging exorbitant tart,•. for thou, thereby ti elm lig upon the no cesmltloa and lath...tie. .go taken pubis to ee -1 len a largo awl complete assiiiinicut thit finest and beat Ulasses PVer itienutacturcd, thus affording all persona needing Spoctecitis opportunity of aa.aaaglaa at rea -1 sounble envois Persons having any difficulty In beteg imiteg olsew hero will do well give too call, as feel coulideut that no olio will tall to be suited. Itemetither the old steed, NO. SI Ea.t Humana] street, opposite the Ser i man Reformist Chinch Allentown I's. • Jun tn-. 661( NOTPUE - ~~``~ ~ ~`-- L.Z. I;1'`& •MORRIS' PERFECTED SPE( !TA CLES 11=.trg!M= Mx,000.. KELI.I , I BROS., .kwelvr., kni,mo, TWO PAVM UN DA IC ANII Tt'Es DAV AUGUST 30 AND 31, 1870, I lie attend. r, the inure.. el' a•aletlilf learn. Keller Brea_ In FITTINII Tim LYE IN DIEVII CLT Oft UNIJ- A L Cr Thee.. asilerlita Irem impaired or /finessed rlelun a rertunweisled io avail thea l aelaa, o r Chi a op. portuully. 11l spertarle• and klye•tilt.etet are IlvkllONl.dgeti to Le tin need parrert aeektunra to night t•ver toltinattettired, and ran Ilitruyt. tle relt-d ltleut a. a.lrertlittll Perfect rase id 1....t10.rt it bile eitengthealhg eau pre.ervlng the Eyer meet thoroughly. Ire•W e tako.1•1011 to nail 0. the Public thin wo ern ploy no pedlere, and to caution till-111 ilittlitt , il thane Pre. I lending to have 0.1400.1 , 1.1 ...1" a 112.5.11. Sr. NEWHARD , . • WITH S . It PA'NGLEMAN CHINA WARE, BELGIAN S BOHEMIAN OLASSIVARE, LAVA WARE. FARIAN MARBLE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS NO. 4 \VEST HAMILTON ST.. ALL ENTOWN, I der 2-2.314 i 11UADBURYN - 5 -P AND 11THI:11 PAINOS, two Ain crwmas. TAYLOR 8 FARLEY'B ♦au E. P. NEEDHAM & HON'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS, i . VA AND rrleAßApt. i WM. G. INSCITER, - , Oman.' Wltol , st. • cent, 101 A ARCH et. and 21h. ELL. EN !tint., 11dp.Am PhliseielpAl• 31cater0. =I I= N‘ r e ar. ionnufactiiii.hr etrurational =I DEEP W ELL PtiMP:4, = Swotlcs =EU CELEBRATED \ND EY EA:MASSE:4 IMOMMOI MI Othing FIVE VERY BEST CHEAPF,ST PIIE•Th.) ST BEE I: T FUT_ A NI) MOST DURABLE 1 . L.ol' 11 I N , EV s 'l` ()NE H I 14 L I3A Ll.l 1 , 71' & N A L lour thn lament, boat and cheap...a stock of cLoTntm vrr got ut In till. city, and !inn& In their line. nn31.1 COATS PANTS, and On o& pertiiirtina t.. 14 W FA 11 FOR LESS MONEY, than you into buy elsewhere In Eastern Penneylvanix No Stop Shop Wade G0n , 14 Rod. CLOTHING MADE To (HIDER We keep ronatantly un hand p large and elegant tot•ort ment at 0001)8, from which mottomere eau make then telectione and have them made up ou abort notice. Their Cutting Department In under the eupervt•ten of GEORGE K. REEDER. who him had many years experience in the tailoring bold nesn and who will he ninp.,l rer.lvA tin eqll• of hie former patron, Sir Al l troth warranted to be td'ilan very heel. Call rod .ear one nsw WINTRR aTOCit , rsesi cod la I the KEY SMNE I 'ALL, No. 24 Wen Hamilton 'Street next • lt.oor (,roan Hrform.d fClwb. ALL EN rOWN, PA. A full BPSurttupni FurniPlibuifioude ■laa➢w on Land. AARON BALLIE'f, JOARPII NAOLR, may 12.1 r GREAT ATTRACTION ! MEM NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! C LOT HiNG ! CLONING GRAND FALL AND WINTER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES r. osmuN & , 110 , ,osearn 1 , MrV:g.r &14tuvn. 13ARGAINS AT TIIE GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM E=l NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, =I We would lufogni the citizen', of Allentown and the Nur rounding country that we urn prepared with a large .tork of geed', for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reamonable prlcea. to those who buy their Clothing reedy-made, they are prepnr•d to offer BAROAMS. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ORDER: COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cat end ms Ile In the latest style. end by the hest w•rkm.n =I CLOTHING, CLOTHS ANfo CASHMERES, Is larger that It ban been before, and we Intend to "hell very SMALL PROFITS, and MVO our cuntomerk the hone 51 of our low purchase.. Great gnentlll•s ar•d vrrlrtlei or NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, Ana everything in the line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOGHS.' MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', •nd CHILDREN'S lIEADY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Don't forget tho place, No. 43 Mint Hamilton eitreet, third door above Sixth street. JACOB H. Scuola., MARTIN I,TNNI T. °suns, mar 2441 CI RAND EXHIBITION 1,31 - OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (4. A. SCIIWARTZ, • 1006 CHESTNUT STREET, (above Tenth,) Philadelphia, respectfully Informs his customers and the public In pp end that he boo now open all hls NEW IMPORTATIONS of Gorman, French and English FANCY HOODS and TOYS. Having visited all the largest Edropean Menu !Retort°. personally, I not confident that the Variety and Cheapness of Hoods cannot be surpassed In thin country. All aro Welted to visit the store, whether they parchese nr otherw G. A. SCHWARTZ, der I Importer, and Wholesale and Retail Dealer. TOYN. TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS. A MUSEUM OF NOVELTIES 7'o DELIGHT THE JUVENIL Es LEON lIIRSH'S BAZAAR FOR Tali SALE OF TOYS AND FANCY OOODS, OF GF.11)1.11:, FRENCII, ENGLISH, 1N1) AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, N(). hl•' CHESTNUT STREET, =I the only place where a complete assortment or Toys and Fancy Goods combined is to be found. As any enumeration of the beautiful goods now on ex hibition and for ante at this palatial store most fall far hurt of the reality, we shall omit It, Inviting our reader., to call and examine for themselves,. 6y going al mice you hove an unbroken assortment to select from, and avoid the annoyance of on overcrowded thereat Chi-Immo limo. LEON 11111811, der 1 No. cl 2 Chestnut street, Phllada. SECURITY AGAINST LOSS IT BI7RGLARY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, NEW FMB AND IBDIIOLAR•PROiOF BUILDING NO P. 33) AND 3:31 CHESTNUT $T THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY CAPITAL. I= N. B. Plrowne, Edward W. Clark. Clarence H. Clark. Alexander Weary. John WeLeh, Stephen A. Caldwell (hailer Marateeter, George P. Tyler. Henry C. Oilmen. Prehldeul—N. 11. BROWNE. Vice Preeldent—CLAßENCE 11. CLARK. Secretary and Treaenrer—ROßT. PATTERSON. Avelntent Secretary—JAMES W. HAELEHURST. The Compatty have provided in their new Building nod Vaults absolute security against loss by FIRE, BURG LARY. or ACCIDENT, and RECEIVE filiCyr i Thyp E t,ri a n u ng i ltu . F. l 9 DEPOS- Upon the following rates. for one year or less porlod: flovernment and all other CoUrion Securi ties, or those transferable by &lively.. gl,OO per 411,0isi Government and ail other Securities regis tered and negotiable only by endorse. went. ' 50 per 1.000 Geld Coin or Bullion 1.25 per 1,000 silver Coin or Bullion 2. fti per 1,00 nil ver or gold Plate, under seal on own• er's estimate of value. and rate subject to adjustment for bulk 1.00 per PO Jewelry. Dintoonds,etr 2. fit per 1.11,0 Deeds. Mortgagoa. and Valuable Paper. generally, when b of no axed •alue, gl a year each. or accordiug to ut . These latter. whoa' deposited In tin boxy., are charged according to bulk. upon a bask of I', feet cubic capaci ty. CO. year. . Coupons, and Interest will bo collected. when deAred. ■nd remitted to the owners. for ono per cent. Thy Cowpony oder tor RENT, the hootee exclnelvely holding the key, SAFES INSIDE THE BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, At varying( from $l5 to $75 each Der annum, urcord• Ing to size. )(ones lic.ired on which intorert will he n !lowed ; 3 per cent• on call Deporlin,_puable t.y cheek at Hight, and per cent. on Time He . posit, payable on 10 clays notice. =2:l=l This Cot/suety le also authorized Is act a. Executors, Administrators, and Guardiane.• to receive and execute Trust. of every description from the court., corporation., or individuals. N. B. BROWNE, Przsid , el. ROBERT PATTERSON, Nori'v aria Treaw. , rt r Imo 5•21 u • -r JEANES, U • PHOTOGRAPHER • (Late of Philadelphia.) has taken the flatlet y, No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly occupied by R. P. Lamereux. where person. Eo get MIST-CLASS PICTURES taken at REABONA LS PRICES. A trial fa ell that la needed to satisfy every Cne. COME OM COMEAU,' If rig _want Photogra p h.. lines de Mites, Vlanettes Photo Miniatures, Atsibru type., MellutiotYPes. Ferrot ypes. etc. Olve ea a total. J. JEAKES. en 9-IT Successor to R. P. Lamerecis. 'MULE KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS COFFEE MILLS. &e.. it C. F. WOLWEETZ'S Stem% No. 36 East Hamilton Stmt. asp 15-Iy FOWLING PIECES. At reduced prim.. Revolver., Powder Horne sbot Here, rarca•nlou Cape. ele.. be C. P. Welfertr. No. 98 Earl Ilamiltne Street. .01 , 10.1 y VESTS gouo 81.000.000 Profrooionai . earDs UT D. LECKENBACII. ATTOR vv • NLI" AT LAW. (h. toed y practiced in Corbon •intutyi. Mare, lintniltonstrect. second fluor warty oosite the Court Allentown, Po. May pp to the Minoan Jangling, J. El lIIIIY 11. Ouvvn. I - 4 1 1{1101A N VEIL, A'1"111111t- A NFIYS AT LAw, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collecti , n. 1,111111 1,1 fu 1,1•111 oh 111111 11111171111110 routal , .. I'rom!. tteutuni nlrrn 1.1111 In the -rveral 'on,nllallou4 In L/111111,1110, on 1:1•If 1? K 4: RA LI) A'rT4)lt,li FAN LL ANI.. COE ASEI.I.4IItS AT LAW. Allentov,h, l'h 11um,1,11ht,..t. C. Al. Hush. •Etult-'69.1f F. A. R. UALDwIA. ET C. HENSBERGER ATTORNEY /I A. • AT LAW. Oftk.. with Jolts 11. Oliver. Fifth SI ea of tho loom non,. ALLENTOWN, PA. on. 21.11 .1. MORE..iTTOUNEII AT LAW. U... 1 . AILENTOWN. PA. 0111 r, No. w 7 Eunmtltou 4 treot. 04-11..“ colo.ulwa in Geri., .1”n fA,IEN S. 1111:ItY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 011 Ice, ILtnt Ilutuf street, mecourl ..or of Lion 11.11. Allentown, sperntl attention ...veil 0e collection.... inut.l7.ly 1111.1 G. SIUMIWAIITZ. ATT6ItNEii ALAI AT LAW, line.... lonlolltitt, Sixth untl trees.. opteetite 11., Ainertettn Ilotel, Allentown, Poona. tool tlertnon 'Token. Collection , . to Lehigh loud adjacent roman. , promptly ettoonlotl le. fZEIII/11(;i: u. ItIUPP. .urToitsEl \_. AT LAW .nnvo. 116 , 11. John D. Stile., Allyn own. Pit. • W, Oak lEL A. BETZ, ATTORNEY AT LA° w ill, W vrkoff. , tl , ` ALLEN To W N. 1. r . EIIIIGII VALLEE FIRE INSUR- E./ AN.CECOMPANY. ALLENTOWN, PA. Office over lerttud National Bank. Inenre• property anainet Peet by tire on tho tAork nottatil plee. Bran. Neal J. S. Oli.LOotka. ',ter y. BEAUTIFII. LIFE LIKE PI C. Tr H E• 4. =I Ali A 1.1.6. D ROPER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ~to. 11. Nowt, E.g., Slutbutton, Lehle, Ca.aunty, Po. 1'..11..eu.0, Lehlvh, N•trthumpioCn rbon conal , . 1.1 . 0111111 I y ELIISIEt FORREST. ATTORNEI AND CoVNSELLOR W 4,1 nittnil too ntiwt.lenton, n, !en 14. tr u CLAY 11.11311ERSI.V.ATTORNE1 _Liu • AT LAW, CATASAUUr A. l'A. Jon N•'GS.L MHOMAS B. METZGER ATTOR A NEY AT LAW. ALLENT”WN, PA. Office, No. r MEMIM _IELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN. SURVEYOR AND C. oN VEY ANCEII, A lIENT FOR TILE SALE (IF HEAL LRTATE MME=MIE=MI .111.iteiGiur. AT'I'OItNEN .1-Ll AT LAW, eight door. 141,. , v0 LENT , IWN Lehigh collttly 10, 1:1...39.1Y WILLIAM 11. SOW DEN. ATTOR NEY AND Cor N ELL O E AT LAW. Office, Cor uor or Hamilton .troot :00l Low (l A y, ...“o,ido. ALLEN TOWN. DA. leA. 204( EDWARD lIARVEV. ATTORNEI AT LAW 0111••. h 11. . S/ 1 111111 . / t. llrldße. MTIMEMEII TOIIN RUPP. AvrouNr.v AT LAW, GPN. E. Cora, all, ml filretax ALLEN TOWN. may Lly A WANK WOOLEVEIt. AT LAW. • op-•,t• 0 , • Court Hon., Al. LENToWN PA. • 11111 y I•ty (2.IEORGE SCITALL ATTORNET %_A Al LAW. milt , . Law Alky. AL. LENToWN. l'A. may 2,0,1 n lEVI AT7'OIiNIET AT -1 LAW, ALLENToWN. l'A. Odle, N. W. Corm, 6111 nud Ilaudltotrent, S•Totol floor. Particular atten tion ;Mid 14) Iturn ', ••C Iloredotit 0.41i11*, Coll^, Pow, made Sc 0.1 DR.C. H. GULDIN. SURGEON DENTIST. 001,, M, M. A. (i. Trimming St-re. No. Eno ALLEN• TOWN PA. coLToN I)ENI'AL )(.I.A r n,ON Originated the toortdiettie 11,4.4 nitro.. oxide gas. ad minittter it in the !twit r hnord manner, tin Ito thing hot EX'lliNt"P TEST 11, and they certainly do that W111101;1' PAIN. El. in, e their hignaturett at tho trEFIpVE, No. 737 IvAtNri writ EET Iteloiv Eighth, lildirdelphin. lune 2‘.1-1y Enatrlns anti 3rinetru J. E I CALDWELL &CO JEWELERS. AND IMPORTERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA .KEEP ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. as IMMENOV 11111 - 1 . 5 of GOLD WATCHES. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WA HE, - WEDDING SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, Sc., &c All per..., desiring rea'ly due article•, reliable in quality and moderato in MI., uro cert:un to La Wailed Ly our exceedingly large and varied collection. Our stack lc kept always trei.li by aildttions from tiro sources. our i,tori• la pronounced one of the m. 0.( elegant In the world; and any loue.. \lrking lire city arc rotillally ln• 511ciltii eat! ou,l Inapect It at thole leo•ure. bin 19.1 y IMAM' K. STAUFFER WATCHES AND JEWELRY, so. tae NOWEII SECoND 2,1%, cow or grARRY. PIMA An to...ortmout Wa telly, Jewelry, Silver and ~„ lint d. lug of Welch. , and .10‘relry prompt', Rio-tided to. nog 11-ly ~~ THOMAS W. DAILY, \ importer of Wotohoe, 1 .No. 022 Market St., Philedolptdo, Wnwd r,,p0,..11e' , y c, ettent.... to Pit ( now and Carefully ,elected stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, 1411 w awl Plated warn. A. A 4 ,•l7ing promptly atirrAnt to and neatly dem.. *ALTCIIIF!I. JEWELitIi. SILVER AND PLATED WARE (IHARLES S. AfASSEY't4, No. TI Elo.t Hamilton creel, opprolte the Oernmn Re formed Church. Ju..t received from New York and Phil adelphlo. oil the lu tea rt y GOLLY NV ATC I lEs ll' !my th e 1 4‘ ,.. 0 t mid bp.t ...ortniont of (lola Weitch.4 toil a? lONT, wiven thtm eau be baud SILVER WATCHES lie has n Inrger and honer aeohrat meat Ail 'or WUNi•• thn n ran he purchamed any w here eh .% GOU .1E WELRY. no h. the targo4t and I. a•.ortient of •11 kiwis of nultl JewelrY• GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. 110)111N;IArger and better a•-urtment or all kind% of OM .nod Plated Jewelry tlmu can i.e iound elnurrnere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ito ban a anlendld ant.ortinent of Sliver and Plated Ware. Any {Apr,. ole•trlng klJOlb.fu Pik lino ran nut rail to he .1110.1. l I ( . 1( ICS A larger .B.4nrtinent than 31 any nth, .•1A1.11•Ionnut M EITAM)EON S. • A „pie nd .4orttnent Priner'A the In the w.a1,1. ACCOHDEONS. A .plentlld it,..rlntent of all tilnils Aceorrleotiei hae lately he., lilted UM anti Ir I.IOV. Colla to 110110 in New York awl Philadelphia. end ahead ofanythluituntslile the large cite it. Ile Ila. it larger stock of raiihtunablii geode In lite• then nil others in 1,1.101 county c..t01,10 , ..1. To convince yimr.olvel the ~lave rwr KELLEn a BROTHER, NO. 9.7 %VEST HAMILTON ALLENTOWN. PA ('LOUIS, welt result...l and warranted. Al: alrat . and twit ea, t . r.on tlPVinrli , Ala aanorttuent t:1 GOLI) AND SILVER WATCHES tftau can be lotted In nor titter Stun , ill tint city. JEWELRY OF ALL KIM'S SILVER WARE of Poo.ry du..lll , tinu. afarWntehrs roputroil 011'01001 Not.. H UTTON & NIeCONNELL PUIiNIITHE WARM 00 It 3, 0409 MARKET STREET, NORTH F,IDE, PHIL:VDELPHIA PARLOR. lio()AJ, CHAMBER FURNITURE, Of th• Latert sy9e• and Beat Manufacture. Ala• FEATHER REDSAND MATTRESSES. Ws Mg's CMIZI MGM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers