(Tic 1.1 . 1ILIP111:1 , rc rItT WEI/711,011 111 ROBERT 1. REI) E 1 .1R TERMS. :1,2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Vu pitper tliscontintivil mail all arettrages are nl,l. except al the option of the pithlisherp. Our subscribers who do not leveivn their papers Er4ularly will confer a grcat favor upon I$ by sending word to this oilier. Sub:eriburs about removing will !Maine -.end ' us their old address ns well as the new. 4PLENI)II) ).I•TEW-: 1;1: AT INDUCEMENT.s' t;l:7' SUR "WHIBRIk'S POI? TIIIS PAPER Flattered by the larAe addition, to oar sulmerip loll list during the pag year :old believing that our li•t,enn be still ft:fiber lucre: melt with vary little labor, we are illdlleed 1.1 make the following very liberal ollem : Any one mending 1.1i5 the Immo. of two :am cub %erlhers, accompanied by $.1.06, will receive the Amerlean Agrieuharkt for one year or photograph album. For Tilreo tiro' 8111)SUribern trr Wiii THE Lc -111011 Broisrrit gratis. for one year. Old subscribers upon sending ant three new ones will be credited with a year's subscription. For Four new etthscriber. we will give the Scien tific American for one year, subscription price 53.00—0 r Godey'ff l.adyb Book. For Sixty new bub6erlhern we will give the bender one ofprover& Maier's:COSA:wing Mach For One Bun red but...ribers to different 14 nniees, we will'give the -ruder 851) I GREENRACUS luy one getting up a club of One Ilnuared euL .eribers at one post-0111re, can have the Pam' :eat to each at $1.75 a 1,11% ntl , i Will in pre. EINEM 5511 ON IiREENHACHS It is expressly understood that every subscriber scut in for these prize: must be a new one and not a subscriber to 'rue Len lilt ItEutsxrrt at this date, and that each name must be accompanied by the cash to pay one year'a tubscription. Parties desiring to itelltre these prizes tnay send in the names as fast as pro s cured, and, If they find themselves unable to raise the required number, they will be comp, neater' by prizes which shall be proportionate in value and satisfactory to them, except In the eases of the See log Machine and last prizes, in regard to wide) , ,ileponelits should be made beforehand. STEEL ORE.—In York coutily vaitnihlo etcrl ore lias liccii ,ll,CcoVered :Ina It ii now brine In rmghoul :it the rule of 1 , 7 prr tou. icE.—The late cold weather hua given our cltlrene un opportunity to nit np their lie liousc , . of which thry Inky, not n -low In nvoil twin- 18922 UNION CI:MIA ti the month 013 am may there etere.tst itty-two burial:, lit the I:ttion Cemetery 11111 in the mouth of Fettrultry. thirty. 1101tERTS I RON l • 0 , 11 . .1N Y.-- WC the Itoberth Iron Company here bren unable to ace tlu•ir new stack, iu conscgttr nee of the ,carelty of Coal. caused by the ti'! mina oporm in the minhm di~u let THE Prf.S.% CIOUS ptig,nael. ous porter at the Allen llou,e, who received •ittletus eel the hand- of the bar-tender, . on Wecl ne,tlay eveninu:, it to left th.tt. establishment. 'Went for pitill,to not ring 81.prt<latul. I'11u; IS SCIL.‘SToN.—FiVe (1%%1Ilia;.; hams. and a barn Avcre de=trnsed fn Serant, a un Wetl - 11 wa. can , a .1 I.) a .park I).ont a pa—dn , ..; locomotiv, and the Lr Is .—timnied nt ahoat ;47.01,11. U1.1•11.--The ('lit.. trhick 11:n, Int Iv (I.•lightcdl our eiti -7115 by OW :111101111i of mr,,iral talent All-piap . ,l he It+ youthful uteukb.•r , , i , piacti,ing -till awl will. NVellnrc. Ltrr," I , nnzor in I• rim! .210 1011;Z. Titt: TE TIIADE.-IVe ar.• inf.rniekl that Flats I rade, ss Itieh i , always dull throughout the Wlnter, of re% i%111 4 as the Sprill4 approacht.q, it) oil, nuddcu 1112( . 11111111atioll.• of fortune , are rare and slate operator , tire now':q idlyd with the legitinuite profit- or the Ittudie SAD PATE.—•It is rearetl that .lolin Forrittnev, “1 Norristown, nil officer i.l the U. S. col, eile Onelila. Wail Ini•i by the .1' that veil near Yokohama Ile Wa. - “ , 11 of 11.111. JO, ph Fora:ince, dee'il, ut one time In ;Mier of ('1111g1 . 1.. l'rom lie Motiti4.lll , rY 1)1.1 let. CoNi it t.Ery iwrage .tver Tront St,ot. trails enmi.l, t. .1. The 1 , 1;11Ik , 1 . 0.111W11y bare all iit'l`ll 1.11 , 1 llo>i II and the worl.mrunre.now on:raged in inntlin; up Illy neat nut-ian railing for the footsvay. The till pre— to- a let tt.l-coa4 ,ala-tattt itti Atitetty.taeo. COST OF the ce , t 1., t!‘.• mairnninin z r...pertivt• 14.1. :it :ti , •. 1,1111.1. inip 23.174 17 ro., 0..r0 I SOW VOlll 37.:11 • S L• Ii it • • build. "lip. 1.0 ..... TAT , OV.—( lit last lnittlny week, at the Division IZoinn of the Son, of Tempernoee, the Rev. J. F. I . couch to pre-. wed :1 eirand Dlykion Retzalia, by the r ev . J. N 1.% Wood, in behalf of 11 e I);vi.j.ol 0 ,1 the -an ) , ing, the Rye. W. 11,-1 pee-noted a t o . lien of re..1 , ,t e-ta to the 11,. d. W. Wood. 'loth reeloient- tet e emirriot.d, by soritri,e. l'EPititu.r. 'yr b111:,'•1114111 MI the ( . 111,1,111- (013 Fnuelsville named 'hiry It brey. tchlle in the act On the pilot. at Cai:l - ati.-rd JO. looliax 1111(1 fen 0 , 1 the roil,. The engine "ver•him and rat nil' te n th hie lei;,.. 1 . 1,, poor fellow itfll•reil in the moot horri ble manner and ti-day he vrrin . i. Nveaker. It 1.- lint expected he call Mahrev ha (rein Spring l'iech. near Alharti.. AILMTILtIfoIN.-111 the. 11l ittor 11(AMCCII Chad., Se:IIZIT;IrCS Ntertz, tried hefore arbi trator, yekterilny, renulte.l in an owned In favor of \tr. Sencreave-. the Nitedi , putellrelV out of a partner:Lip hrtlveon the rartir, in the Ire bashte , s dnrimr the 1.1. t turn whiter , . arhi- Irntn•- were. l'lr.tr'.; M. Hank. Jo , haa and Jonathan Ih•lrih:rrd. ilors - .—bnpriivements it the .\l - it„,are he'll:, ratilillti t i l l font aril. The note liar roam i. 10111.4 1111C11.•1 very eleg nit appear Illy". It mill he reale for C;C ottpnliey in a few days. fur intern lion Cl the pro prietor Is to lit the pre‘riit liar room up isi n must eletznut and ciiinforlable style, as a sinisc roam. The ver:inclah 1011 he i.,t, ailed on the swim., front, and hi -ampler Ilie house I , 1. 1 .” ctendnd 111 the rear. • YOUNG 11rs's A5...111A1 It.].-- The member. of the you,: (.1,,+:0•„ ! !•oelatlon ornanizod in the Sixth W:trd day, are ,ith,vribinn for the par, n, of obtaininz additional to odd to the gtowed away 111 the ('ours awl thing make a 'library for th..11.11 , 1`. Th.) , I , n tsond idea ; then ought to be a good library in Alluttlown that the young then nail have fitness to. We are behind hand In Oh , re:pect, and the enterprise of this A.soeinilon to be comminuted. 6nAND A ion - or' . 1611.111.1 C.--The Grand Army are shortly to delight the Iltivens of Allentown, %till) all exhibition lu the Court House The Itillitary Allegory of the Gratam(r Boy of Shiloh," Whie'll 16 to he represeowd, has drawn erowded.houses mid corned al:0 0, 111VA of money for tile G.:l. it. A large stage will be creetel in the Court House and no p this nr eviten,e \yin he spared by the Po-t here. to 11111. exhibit inn be fore the public. In first-rate style. The sensory and principal artists will be front the city and they trill be supported by local amateurs.. The charit able purposes for which the proceeds trill be used commend this enterprise to all those Who revere the memory of the soldiers who,fell iu defence of the Utflon. Their widows and m101;1118 ore to be relieved and those who assist the G. A. 11. in this effort, will have the satisfaction of knowing that their money Is event leo . good rause. LUMBER SIIIPMENTS —'hipniciitw °number have been increasinq on the 1.0111;11 Volley 11 , 31- road. Fines the the.t..of March. EA,TON NEWS.—M - 11 I.llll.lerSlllllll 11110 Mr. !holstein rhtires from the etlitor..hip of the Easton FitltE PRESS: JAM ilMt the Daily tutu Weekly po llen-, trill be both under the ,ole ttlltorAllp ..f Mr. J. W 410:. Mr. Ihmstele. ite toMer•to...l. in ebout to ..l uric for the minh.try. weather prophet pre dicta on early Spriinc nod ti cool Summer. lie is the f , aille Mall Wial. several %%luo ago. prophesied we would have the longest quill ot• cold weather during the lip-t week In February. As be made several othei pre about the weather which have lieu verified, we snbntlt whether hi , wort.- in, are not worthy of ,onto intention. A I}l, , risoru:ift:l) LEurvitEit.--01h ,: Lo gan. onee a Might. particular in the dram:d ie 1 , 111k , .1011. but unw 41,111 ref7irtuer. will lec ture in the I idirt House, On Thutelny evening, Nandi I Hli. he gentlemee having the matter in ellarge unto Incurred great expense hi securing the hervices of New 1.0!!:1111, hitch we nrn sure they will he imply remunerated I,v n ersiviled house. NI t)l•Elt.\'flUN OF MARINI. —Dr. Fills. try nmlersiaml. is not going to re turn to Allentown to pursue his experiments, which are to he condueted elsewhere. The Doe tor elsitus thnt his illVelaioll iMP lint yet tree■ fairly tried. Practical steel workers seem to think there Is something of great importance to the linuinfuet ores of Peunsylv n anla iu the Doetoes dk rovery. It t. a pity It cannot he f a irly t e sied here. TA RIFF ItEttoixTioN . 00 3ln. Sri s r.. —oo Monthly the -DCIDOCriIi 4. with OW' Or IWO CN - orptim , , repudiated their own "Tarittßesolution" in the pl atfol mof IStiS. Among the r.crptionnl nue. att. our own Representative. 'fru.. to Ihe party of which hr is a OWlllber VOLCII for t hi. adulterated Free Trade measurn and was not among the Democrats who were e.tught napping. When the kittiti comes between till party and lON solo-tilt:No. where will he Le? Time trill show. Ilottnr.—'llhe calmed porter nt the Allvo House pd drank and n eted in a very di, orderly manner laFt w t A , lie 1V:15 lug the guests in the 'Mr room, the hilr tender re quested hits to go to bed and endeavored to sous him out, but he ohJectett to being comic(' and got pugnacious and obstreperous. Finally he ran the bar tender tutu a corner, behind the km who thereupon drew a billy and gave him a crack over the head which quieted hint. TM. , morning he is ;40,0•r. sorry. .k t'CIDENT IIE , LLTINO IN Di .V 1 11.--At tat• asauqua, ou Wedta,day, floury Mayhrey, who met xvith the ttechlunt reported in the Chrelaeb ou the (led; died front the result of hi- iuiurita nu Thurnlay. The funeral will took place on Sun day. It it lit be reniumberca that the accident re_ suited from the unfortunate man missing hi, foot ing while attempting to Jump on the pilot Or the engine attached to a train on the Catatauglia and ro!telsYllle Railroad. Mr. Maybrey, who raid ed at Spring Creek, near Alburtis, was Title n coal:; man ninl had lirver Met with any scrion, accident ldefore during 111 , tint he hut twake,tuan OW , read. SHOO FLY.—Ono of the beet' caricatures We Neer srcu i*•tic cartoon on the Intl page of Liar per's IFeckty for this week. It represent, a negro depositing his ballot, while around 'his head the ill, are buzzing. On their whim , are the name, of the States retit.ing to ratify the Amendimmt. The old "colored genonan" deposits his ballot old' one hand, while With the Other he toll.- oir the flies. exclaiming as he doe, so. "Shob. dy ! don't ladder me. — The Nankai expression on the old inati)r face is very laughable. and the natural ness. of it is quite .odonishing. 'fide cartuou tt mod ...mum.' mai, m•apimieimmm,and wmild bate atm - mg . the =upparler-.,t• t h e Fif teenth Amendment. INSEC'LIVEIOII", Itiltl. , .—TllV Committee of the Agricultural Society of Lehigh county. ap pointed fur the purpose of proeurmg in4entiverou lutve eorc.ponded with other eorietics and mica oring to conceit some systematic meas.- ores le I , ,eent the deStetiethlil of these blvd. , . and to introduce new varier ies, it practicable. '"lhr commit tee at the lust drained alerting report“l, be their chairman, E I ' , urger, Esq., that althpugh .crnic other societies had expressed Interest in the subject, no general action had bean taken. The rommittoc had procured In New Yolk fifteen Eu ropean sparrows at n rust of fs'IV.I.SO, and as they had already about one hundred sparrows in the neighborhood of Allentown, they exprrs:ed nu opinion that there would bo a diminution In the number of insert,. By rceommunlation or the ,11111111itICC a further supply of Curse bird, been ordered from New York ;tad Philadelphia. 131001.5 T Hon, II'ENN9YLVANI.I.‘-i -detler-on Stonier,. of I Ile6i . er county, last wick, slaughtered a hug two year, and five months old which weighed, when dres,cl, 10-10 pound,. It o n o—tired 52 inches from the root of the toil to hetween the ears, ° inches in girth jin-t behind the foreleg:, 03 Inches around the middle—its head alone neighed 74. pounds. It was always It grind feeder. and was as lively oa his feet and could (rat el around as well ur a pig of three hun dred pound,. Ono eariouo l'ata is that it did not touch a drop of water for the Met four months. Its flesh wit, very solid as is ,hown by the way its weight eNceeded the JuoLt.eA, the highv,t or i‘ltota gliez,eil the • weight at :410 Mr. Zidianer had One weight and tacabute meats ill a in linther of large pig, 1;111,1. for ',eine (hoe poi t, by which he found they would average usti a ny ;doult nineteen pounds to the -.ware font. According to these precedeut, Ihh. pia should have tlnc.) pounds, but it weighed two nr three 1-oral. more to tilt snuaro foot. gaunt, ettn...N't . .oN I.lAtit•it VAL- I ‘i I.lwAtt—.oNi: 1.1.r.ii trt tit.:: NVetlnti , alay aftertionn, abort hail' pa-1 Ilie u'eloel,. tan 1(1011 walk itto 00 (lie down track helms' ryvllle, on the Lehigh Vnil..y Railroad, tool ineinn a down cunt nititro.oking they t‘tepped on to the tip track u. nvoitl it. At the tiame moment the tip es pre.. eOlllO II Ing .nlOll2, and the I.,eonottii irlik.tle -.lnk heti tilt tl= Ivtirning to the men, Init. ,tippos it.;t: it to . to the doivn whistle, or el., not notirit_ it tn. tilt. the expro, tipon them bet tro theY looked round. and then it wm, too late. flue next install( Ow lo,onlotivc war) upon thcin they I‘cry hurled over the eintentliment. Tin- full tune nit r• lifiy feet; and nit of them. named littitlay, was instantly other One had his leg very badly broken and iva, other nerion,,ly injured. The injured man; with 111 , dead companion, %vat, taken on to Ittlictli Chunk by the express train. KSTATE eorreewa 11-1 of potpertles rrl., ullt r,01,1 by Marlin 6. minerer, Esq., and the price obtained therefor. They are ttit mitt d on Chew street between Eight h and Ninth. and tt ere late the real estate of Shafer : One lot .10 feet hr 110, to C. awl I. D. Martin, for 1,:l.:1110 tits.n lot adjoining the:l l, olT 116 feet front by Ill) deep, to Kistler :111,1 for 5g,1150. Adjoining the last named. 'to \V. Ilotlinan, for Stloo. Twenty feet front to F. .1. Newhard, for 5 1 100, 4111 , 1101 4111jOilling ,110 , 1111i101,10n, to lirnitnnht MOW, for ;',1i7,11. The corner lot,liat ingiltirty feet front. was -old to Philip Her for itmit,), Mr. Kentztoror Ita<shtcr todd a it Oil Eiollll -Incl. het wT. , 11 Clnov and Gordon. twooty tilt front by two lintolred and thirty feet I{rirti. for i 411;:.. • P 1111 1 .04 1 ,31 CITY 11.11.1.,—The Allen town pees has agitated tl:c question of a city Hall for some time, alai wo are glad to bear R rumour that a movement Is on foot to erect one. This rumor is not inure titan a rumor find there for,• h , tint entitled to very mach consideration, but. us stmws show the direction of the wind, Fo rumors are indications of the trend of pope- i tar opinion. It will be II good thing for our city it' this rumor should be well founded. A large hall for public purposes has long been needed and tie would 'unit hove plenty of oemipation for one If It were 'once ereefed. The lecture of Olive Logan, %%Welt is shortly to take place, will cer tainly test the capabilities of the Court llotte6 for holding an Mlentnwn audience, assembled al a. literary entertainment. -The Drummer tiny of Shiloh which, In the nature of things. Is ...ore to draw ft large crowd, will beyord question prove that for nnyttaing In the nature of it spectacle, the neennanothitions of the Court House arc quite hp suflictent. Wt. F.ltall be glad to report at an early date, that Dm lultatory steps have helm taken to give [ls a new City Anil. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESD ON hand at all times, Indiert . ready-tnade under garments. Fuvh as lurked. embroidered and plain tddrt4. elottill.ei, bight dresses, &c.. at Mrs. Gal ditro. So. };;tit Hamilton Flreel.—:lds•.-"t. bvst of Itnlian violin strings, violins, gultaro. Ilutes. etc.. or any other article ls,longing in4trunirtly, tan be i5nr....10 cheaper than anywhere else, at C. f'. I I,.rrnisas'. mn.oe Suture. Allentown, l'a.—Arfr. (!iii•Lti• PAhl.ott single reed 5 o,•taVv Organ at !.<93. A double reed ortran with 5 -tops. at .1:10. A powerful organ whit 7,tops tit at F. ilt.l7lllllllll ' S. earlier of 7th and AVM -11111.—..1/7e. VIGILANT Derr: CiitIVANY. —Thi4 itrosper• 011:, Conip.tity Inteonting organfzed and ol I tloubtle,s he in It prsitiou to render effi cient .ert lee in the event or it; it every rilleC,i rnuuun VALLEY SIIIPMENTS.—BIIsiiir ,, sis very good between this elty and Philadelphia and New York. Every day telegrams rive received calling for care. But earn arc short, 1111.1 Vll9lllOl cannot be found to supply the demand. LEIIIOII 'VALLEY HAII,ROAD.—Thu (Mai trains on this road present a very sintmlar appear anion. Some of them have gone throat:it with only one car attached and the a vertge is front live to ten. aim renult of the strike in vyry mulekly apparent In the coal trttille on this road. • The 2.lth antitial Conlerenee or the (Atwell of United Brethren. embracing the Lebanon and Ilrarisburg Districts, and repreenting an tlggre gate membership of between :LOOO anti (1,000, tnct at Reading yesterday. itkhop Weaver prc..idlo•L, and Bkhop Glosidireimer occupying the chair as The Conferew c alll probably n•ntaln in yes , ion until Tue-lity nt\ t. l'-t: nlToltu , o.—lt Is 1,1:01414 4 crtitaularian WhO died Ole 0111 N - day that hr icarlli'll to ttheefillt the flue of iO, but nbandoned it at Q . :. hay feu; di.roverial that It mail , his !laud n little un steady. 1114 nerves imprrweii. lie said. 5 etc much after that. Our readers who have reaelol tlm age of r.i; should hear Oil= fiet in mind. Cii:i.kanivrioN.—Priiiiiy evening. linniveri.ary or the Wirth of Mr....10,,,than TreXIVI . way I . l.lo. l ralt'd at 11 , r r , IIII2IIVC, ill Ihul overr .1 very pleiiiienit evening wit , .pent by hoar, with ninny good for the kind 11,-1 and hoetca who knit they departed. .1 CMPINI: 31.‘TI•II IN .1 LLENToIv N.—A jump ing match f 4. crime oil 111 Mit•1110,111 011 011 1 PM II 111,4., 110 NVCCII ( . 11111 . 1 1 3turri, Nathan. The inateh i. the catt-e tall: tilionv=t the "I.,rtiii.4 fratcrnilp lii 110, eity. and 111 1 1 1' looked to tt ilh a aneat deal of in tereq I t untie al-o. 1109100 a aide. and the tout, ilnt ran joint, the flight-4 ti ill riarli valitahle " GOLDEN NS chw:lb—Au .Nlahatna man writes to II Mobile paper that he intends to celebrate his _olden wetl(linv, If he and his wife live, on the Nth of February. 1 , 71. o n o that hi will invite the "Binnop :old clergy. and General Robert E. Lec and Admiral Raphael Semmes and their respective famine," to attend. lint he hantn to know what a golden wedding in. and, after saying that the whole •‘ in a blaze of cNeitement •• im the subject, he wants a little licitt on it. SIEGFRTED I si bfidge it will remeinfweed tens biNVII down by the gale lust fall and repales.were commenced upon It, which repairs were ~topped by the freshet in °Moller and emnpletely swept away. Work will bo-eotnnu•uced npnit It ill ft few weeks and it Is hoped that it trill he finished by the time the new bridge over the Little Lehigh is e.:u•tcd, u, the contract has been warded to Messrs. Sol. Butz K Son of title city. We under-hand this bridge is to 6r retrudc.l one hund issl and ility-six feet.• ilrriii.EHENT TimEs .‘Nr, 'tits: i3ECISTER.— Th, plagiari , ui of tire Bithlehein Toe, are a Ittle in, li ivo no oikiectioa to help ing our neighhor filling lip its enlionin , , provided we get credit for it, but n, he take, whole and prints them verb Olin from the column, of the llegiite,, we think ennonon looo,ty ;o lio, hilt to say where he get them. W, nre in kneed to make (hi, rein trk tiFe we ,00 the greater inuni,, or him t0c.,1 relite I to =note paper or other. awl ire think o all alike. • grofv , quite eloquent oil the advantage toiler val ley, a ii.fw County will lie. , Of route _' • ..,,.,. in ie to lie the Count' ‘eai f and all the nun eroft- ad vantage, that are toil to the world generally unit the Lehigh Valley in particular from sue!' a I-lin:ohm are -et forili in i;loa•iug term. i•:astma and lin Court alon=e arc p trtlenlarly derhled. and (lie im•ouct•nicni ,ituation Court Ito' DEpAirrunr; ptuiNt At.l.fiNTows.—Mrs. I). N. F, ' , ter left town on Friday and will not retur before going to the West, when; it 14 the intention of Mr. Virgi' to locale. Mt,. Foster, during her short .itay in our city' mad, mute friencl, and her deport ure wit"i very sincirely regretted till who had the pleasure of bar aegnaintance. • Quite IL levee tea, held at her r Abknee tutu day, au i the uniner,ins toll. rs •' Farew, inutile quite a little crowd. Faster stays in town for "ionic week. , yet, and is selling oil' Iris gov , o, :it t h e New York Starr ati per ailvertkement. 1 )Vil LrztrEn.—The letter frn•n uur ~,,,itontlent at Van . 8uren..11.1:.. itultliOted In Tut: lientsvett out the- very inter- Onr. thanks Ire due to him for the graphic de.eritttien cfltcc lll ) , wild Piaci , which are rend by sn many of hit fi In .1I- It nine.,. The dander, or tire in the •• staktit— .tto.. tit ,erthett. and the nvonnnt of rcliginns atIIIIIILL thv (.11(iCtilWF tiring 1 , 1,111111 cm ly forn.i ,clf-ticw,ing crertion, errit a few di - voted tutu n art. nialiing, to carry tlic of the religion to lhal twilight-al tact'. See rr nP Drseur.T."—(lov. Brigham Young, In his message to the "Honorable Senate and House of Representatives' of the State of Descr coagratulatcs them that in spite 'of entrtmo logical ravages the crops have afforded their pop ulation enough to eat, that the manufActurea of the State are increasing, that their schools are in a highly prosperous condition, and that "we (Brigham, probably,) arc entirely nut of drM.' • He notices that the Pacific. Railway has been Coln phied sitter their last assembling, and claims con siderable credit for the citizens of Deseret for grit ding sevci'al hundred miles of that road; and the construction of a branch to their capital.• lie deco urn, howevar, :OlVert to the fact that several hundred citizens of Deseret have by himself been swindled out of their wages lit this railroad work. lie presumes that they will adopt and sanction the 13 NV , W bleb have been enaeted by the Legislative Assembly 01 the Territmy of Utah. that they may be ca lid in the State of Deseret, the inference be ing that the laws ,„re goal fell nothing otherwise. The message closes whh a species of oat,' do, to. Whatever rongrcss etreets will he for thi•lr high est good, and with a little pious bunromb he sub , ~eribes himself Brigham Young.— Teiha.e. IN( LNDIMIIHM.—For tollle time riwit there have twen quite n number of tires In our city.-- 'furough tiro promptitude and energy of our eltl zutc they have not been ta' n ....Wilts nature. and In morn imitane,. the aid of our efficient Fire De I. Tortment was ',tot called to extinguish them. The Immunity that .\llemown ha, long eelnved from the ravages of tire, mull the late , disustroas lire at the Allentown Iron Works, has been so remarka ble :to to excite special attention. Th.' recurrence of these ineiplent conflagration; I. rendered all the more'uotievaltle by this fart, and we are coins polled to suspect that they are not mused by !mei dent altogether. If tlwy are the result of deftign and we have the •‘ fire Mend" amoag LIA, It be : hooves every citizen to keep a bright lookout for the villain. (aline experience shows to be peculiarly epidemic and once started it spreads with fearful rapidity. It is a singular coincidence that the Easton pa pers ate eomplaining of this same thing at the same lime and the late disastrous fire in that bur cmgh, by which so much property Was destroyed, is supposed to have been the work of an incendia ry. No crime is more terrible, to be rampant among us, titan this—none more liable to be at tended with.horrible results and as, apart from the motive of gain, it can only be committed from motives of hatred or reyenge, It marks the perpe trator as the vilest of his species. A crowded part of our city needs more protection and we are glad to see the work of efficiently organizing the Fire Depatimentlhere progressing. SLEICIIING A(IAIN.-Bnow fell (luring Sun..; 81:1.1.1N0 Off whiter goods at (tort and below cost, day night and Monday morning to the depth of . hose, leggings, socks, hoods, gloves, &c., to make fonr or live inches, which made good blelghing. plaice for spring goods, at Mrs. Goldin'?, 34 East street.—Ade.-3t. REv. J. Ir. Deans.—Rev J. 11. pubins, of ; . • — Trinity Reformed Church. Pottntown, recently ; Fin E.—on 3londay ev about seven declined an urgent and tin:minimal invitation from o'clock, fire wantliscovere t a m ing, harn of Dr. Jon.hn the eri a,kt a ry ..r a pronthamt church. ~, pm,. I Romig, situated on Fourth ntrect alion'e (1 o mug% va. t to heeome Hair leo-t..r. al 0 ranch 111.41 - Fortunatel tile barn wan an holitted one and the cr saktry then he al pre,ent reed erg. 1,1111,1111 gs on Fifth Aired were protected from the Atowern of sparks by the snew, with which they r outur l'itlEß OF BUCKS CO.—Aolln Jain o S., were covered. A high wind prevailed and had it the present c o urt crier of linens county, will by . not been for the "beautiful Snow. •' en evten , ive !he first day of April nem. have occupied that conflagration might hove resulted, :IA there was position for forty year,, that being n longer time no ,N.ailatfla water suflicient to lave prevented it. than liar; ever been .-erven nsmourt crier by any ♦ll that could he clone was done by the Ilre de i:tit in the United States. pa . rtment and they ore entitled to great credit for • their exertions. It Peons to be certain that this APPOINTNIENTS u THE (h (irony hai. 1110dt:the following iippoint ;nem. true• "g" / " h ke w " rk or "" i""'" 1 . 1 "q• " urinal 10-, 111111013 M, 10 mint of which. for : Alex. P. cole-bnry, ilarher ; Dr. Thomasßee , l, Bark Inspector ; :11 ' eut "" e ' imir la "wen"' he ke "" * "" ee. • •• John Q. aintiodn, Grain Mii,t,trer , I HIEVEN .\T W.\ I.IIERT I 4 T.VrION.--fht Fri beck. Wi t loty In , psetor ; dolin Health , Inc night the higlmr of the robber's poi ; .Tarot F. Fry.- In-peel or of Dolnezfir fi/S4Oll were practiced at IN albert Station. The ; Hobert Cartsi.P. 11. ti v ar 1401111011011 into pater this hardest method of i.i - 91tIng n licins itiwnyi). work most I.)E.ATH 01 , .%N• 40LliTZE , IDENTor Po't"r , rowN. 4neee ,, fally In the dark and in mantra pliers roti.town, on Saturday last, at the ripe old they tnnnmee to get 11, ronui, liar l} au) of eighty-four, died 1)1.. (;serge The ;tumuli' of booty at Waibent Station on Fri fOrinf`rly 0 practicing - phyiieilo al that plare, and any tii,ht aumunts to a romparativnly one of t h e olde , t inhabitant-, (Me of the eomparrd with the ri.lt. At the how , -of .% man remaining members . of tim da, Henninger. !hey oMaineil ate, It -hi rt and. Dr. Buskirk saw the place of his residence increase th e outer ',in, in ..ome degree provided for, from 11151gnilleanre to Importunes. nod opill t h ey t re k .• into the , inoke house a Ikwalt Kuhns useful part totiongi its citizens. and ;tole all *ansagi and 1101nr. Effort lla , NEW J crnict AL 1)1 , ruic r. —At the meeting made to discover the thiev s hat Ilia, far of the Allentown Bar, reported In the CHRONICLE `l"'Y lore El 11=1! last weck, a jonnniticc was appointed consisting Ti it(r. „..yrit.roml„ . . . of John IL Oliver. Es t ., chairman Edward , HMV,. srhinh Iltlord 1•1111 , 103111 , 11 t. (Or a IttErZe 101111- Harvey. Esq., Secretary ; Robert E. Wright. John h er , men. :ire :homed in the boromth of Royer- Rupp. Wm. 11...1 iney and Evan Holbert, Esquiroa. roomy, Ilrr. 1, =hipped from thence We hear that a •d e l e ,..ation heave Allentown to- in Vett 1:Irtro 911:111tiCo , to Phienivville :mrl Read- day for ilavris . .urgi, to ° Pr ° '''' Mr. l ' tnem " d '' Colebrook dale Railroad. At the:iv Im (Matich Chunk) hill for the formation of a nett men „„ ,„.„beds row , l ar v .e ly ern. district, con,6ting of a new ,ti, tr i e L, ,onaisilug of played. ml,l tiro have 1)(4'11 Carbon and Northampton counties. .teCordinir lately erceteil. Tim ic" o hii fiviv feet to the resolution purred nt the Ineetint% the deb' thick shows that ore of the richest quality %veil ttatirm 1%111 endeavor to get a Judicial Ili-girt nigh created consisting . of Lehigh and Carbon. Tnr of 45 M•usii.ies ond riot- north-east try :.iontli-w.'st. first resolution of the meeting to oppose Mr. Leo- . The employ, or Sir. 1- a tie Eckert. of Ire idiue, cord's bill was carried olio o unno.iiy.tott the sei• net aluiltilm: it perpendicular shaft, .-truel. the aria eight I,stow t he ,urnt,:md t.c for, owystruck 6nt 2 . mony opponent.= DEATII 01 , el. 1) ClTlZEN•—fdnet,i I, the fo , ,r xvall pa,. a I lirotiali I olof fire uld~•st and 1110 , t respected citizen ni'llerks,:cmlity, Ihirlc r in thicken --. Mr. Herman Untsted, died, at 111 , n, for nny one , who t Produc t:Dion un Saturday last. Mr. Uni,t(ll Of ("111 . SI: , (0. to s Lit 110yeri , urn awl Wits sixty-eight years of age mid lied been di far I remarkable wnriz,i. about six months. From Lis sixteenth yette hs : ;,„, \\:,;,;;;‘, hod 'welt entumed ill mercantile persuits, and ; The p„,(1;;;; I(; . o,llll, 4 b etter , his Icu~ life all uclit v. energetic Billy Lick. still eat's. , mush'. r a nk Lill, in town. 1111th of busintms. The athdrs of Union tmouahip jw e h a v e h ear d it j, th intent i n n of Jatne, had ever occupied much of his attention and. on j son tj,,e; up „ yord„t, o f the prl tLat account 010" e, his 1 "s" will he deeply f e lt ho let pr, in the Jail. lie hie fellow eitiitabJ. AL the thee of his death he (sidin,,.,) the app lfe n Uon for m jja ,..rh.hp, (Wm engaged In the coal hu t :h a , „ nt h bcadei parlloll but tlecairt:, Ile totally ntil.lpprelivilded Its keeping ail holel, sea, running canal boats. Al- .ay, In 1,1 tits tiilLrlvltticr in Lvayseourteoteyillitble and considerate :t., ~ends- bitt-rly c,undabe of the partiality man of the old school he trill be inn!: rertielob,l':(l I, Luc t. How r. Ile very j il(,tl MILT' innately wii,llllll p h- t-nn m an ,11,1,1 i, to b/. lo Cfree. there eall ho 110 11 , .1.011 111111 in custody. .1 letter in ni•qu.llll • • I 111 •:01)11111; TILTON • :-. LEI IT ILE AT x' (oEN_ , .\;”i . this morning from a citizen " Who refused to sign the petition," demands R nAt'ora.-Thfio lore Tilton, Esq., of the New Yorlf publlen tion tie names of those who obtained his re- Idepenth at, lectures for the Presbyterian t hurch Mansfield. wc understand, has left the city of ilokendannua,ou Tuesday evening,Mnrch 15th in the Town mall c iu „ ,rniqua. No one who and it he never returns, it will he it good thing for the c..anounity, but I here is no reasonable ground •aan be present at this lecture should he op to hors that the result. of his late breach of the immunity of hearing this remarkable man. Ills pew, will be of much avail in deterring hint from name has become a 111111S0101l1 word all over stir Um e..e:ini—ion of offences in the future. country. Dv nature fin extreme radical, lie has -- been prominent in all the great agitations of the ; past 1l flees pears. Brought tu, at the reel of Henry Ward Beecher, he seems to have Caught all the flee and eloquence or that great divine. Re fill'e the beard had grown upon his lace he had thrown himself with all the Impetuosity of his impetuous nature into the great anti-slavery agl MBE ycn ro. he IMCAIIIC /IS6oela led WWI Henry Wn To and e 1 1 hie; it li.• 1 1.111 to fi( neva. Soda le -1,AI:1; 4 ., it t j.. ',et 0 t‘ 1,1, 1, r. t presllllllat ion of it , citizen- in te.zaril eityl-111. ill . , 1110111.111- 01 thr 1 . 11,1 1)1 . 111T. So far order I, .e.nrerned, it bltinnor re4ponsiltle editor. IThdee hi, ear,. It ha- , all the adva,11.,./ , - n ki n dly (111,.11'd innniCipaljt) V;I . OIVn into its present INLmninth proportion,. and can wail desire, end flint -eying a areal deal is te - e, the mart ttidclr eirenlated relitzinies paver for Genes,. l'erintp , there-nice ',Clue:ll.h, W 1,1,11 in t h e world. lieeently he has elven the, aid of it 1311ored in the day , of ('alvin. a MIII lerttlilllol. his vie'oron9 pen and fiery eloquence to the eauqe trnnld n o t he much out ofplaeo ;,1 pee , ent. The or wrenalr.: enfrnneld,emenl. lie hilts houn so 0 1.1. e .ts of I=2 Ptotiotti not: when. ,portly after, Beecher retired from the management of th it paper, ire proprie- tor , . with o:mtered him the pn eran.itierlng it , . nre not molly, ton ore .41 tihnot Ihr ton it that. although you eon milli front end Ito end inn quar ler of :in hour, you must hove foil ticn tlaytt to -eel; them oin. There von have 1110 Cathedral of St. Peter_ mode-1 looking t.t rtieture of the lent - 111h cult 'try. ihe -.Tie. of Ca I V lit peen 01 I lig: 0111 trAeodiunir, rootoinitio the geologlea I colt ion of Soto,atird, the 10-,11 plants or 111,110:n1mo our] lJeea ndnllu. .and other -tout :et ale generally found in ma+r ol•,ant There is a Picture gallery. the Ina-iv notll, - t ii,tittition, in which he :toted th ou i t t.tweral 111 , rarie, onflining logeiller over 11:1.00t1 _ . prominently before the public for sn malty years that those AVIIO do lint hunt• him will be surprised to hear that he in mill upon the nanny side of lIMIES .11 I I United Brolli,n trmferenre ye,torday 1111'1011g% report , eery iwei‘ed from tint and F.Leond rcading. Irv. T. R. Vivi:ern) .. . PreF.ldent of thi• Lehntion C'ollez4. nt Atinvill. , ...re-ruled a length) this nittelt irtlit4l:oll izeitt.a it. Verily. the, the in' li 'rho t,f prt ;;;•11 Nu- Ist:ad, and the foil , t‘viltg . I%,•rtt fat ttraltly : S:ttlint.l 'Etter. Saintt; I V. Moll ti .1. If.; v. thorh..l. li. Flthitier. .1. 11. Ilitzel. )for tit 11;;;;;:no. The vat, (.I . Th , ,nm- ,:t t.t.it rend it; ;t Cot:unlit,. .k , olimiiiilkatioit 1 . . , : td iron, th, ),or. , or the Hart Ponn- 3 1vitnin .tml IF(1% I MI, UF 111 . :111 Eli F F4F4Ferniali ClFFifF • i . l . lle, inFit - 1. r ma- - ui ,,, e4luclitly tnhtn up It llm• altrriumm S. ...49F1 and LIII . IIeNS orL , :anized, in eluding all Ole thalami ticld, oflahor iu lee 6tale of renie+ylvania,east of the Allettle ny Mount and in the State of ltaryloiel. the efirrnoonthe . ‘..l.lination of theitionti told ..1111.1111 or 1111111'41'1 , Wil , COlll (i,:11111 a number Nvrre faxonthly, The roll ten, rtdlyd. and .1 nuniber of minister.. elerlyd I helm' 1211:1 rcr , In Ilte•nt.w ennfer,nre. .1.11. I)ouffliorty teas of the 11.,‘• 1: rruuw ( . .0111 . 1.1 . 1 . 411,. :11111 EX-. 111‘11oll 1111110100 d 111111 11eV. .1, , r!.., Variant, other litaiine.,n ttinee trit- trati.atutt.il daring the day. There trill he tirraelling at %lon', Church and the ittterlit.iti Chapel cct rt evening during the laminae/we of the col/feri/re. a Welt \till nrol , uhlt• remain in e,sion until Tue ,, day tiexi. The 1.111 . 111:1t1.11 of set eral elder,. will be performed Lp 131 , 110 it ‘Vra. , ver on llonday morning 'vol. rut !O n ' „ h~ , •4. 'lleadt,,;) rEi. Charles W. Ihyant, ,if 13osten, WWIS. killed on Tuesday by falling down htair6. At Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday, the Lu zern,: Poirder Mills tern• burned awl the losi is estimated at FS.OOO. The late Billiard Champion of England, Roberts, has challenged the world. The stakt.6 ore tO be from .160 lb thon a and if to come off within two 11101101 n. The Baggage 31asti.rg and Brake , nian' , Mainal Lila As.oelation, hold their nnnunl meet log at Cro,hy'a Mush. Mall. in Chieligo, on the 6th nad CAI' or May next. . The Nets York Herold ndss : '• V hen shall we him justice in our city 1 — That is a que,tion hard to an,wer, but.if ever the time 4muld mane, there will ba a whole•nle hanglatt or 'herlll ? . iinlifit,i. aldermen and that kind of atalelv, Captain Char E. Turd, formerly emu. man.lim.t . Company E, 47th Regiment l'enniyl - VolnnteeN, hint heel% eleeled t'hh•l' Engineer of the En•ton Fire FlepArtmenf. Dime Saving Fund, of Slatinuton, which has beenlll operation abont'a year. show. , 11111111 ,, - takabie Signs of pro4perlty. They have declared it dividend of three per cent., besides paving all the extraordinary cxpense, of the first year.. Un der the gentlemanly direction of the cashier, Mr. Sehnackenberg, the people of Slatington have all the accommodations there which would be afford ed then, by a National Bank. The local of the Doylestown Dimocrot, in the account of his Interview with '` May, the mur derer," i-n)s that he (May) boasted of the com mission of the most dreadfdl crimes—murder•, arsons. robberies, counterfeltings and seductions. May, having been found guilty of murder In the second degree, has been sentenced to twelve years Imprisonment, and we trust for the sake of the public generally. Inc will serve out the COI term. Surely there can be no ground for nti nppliratiou for such n man's pardon. - When tot much more than a bay In UNITLD BRETintEN CoNFEREst I They nee havin4 antelope lunche- in fiend Mr. Shaffer, of Pottsville, bus been ap• pointed englneCr of the Stony Creek Railroad, to run from Norristown to Lansdale, and the route will be decided upon and ground broken nt onee.-- Mr. Monkey has entered on Ids ditties IN a police officer In the Firet Ward 4 In place of flatcar enrtwrlght, whn twoglgned. SWITZERLAND eller fr an Allentouian— .tu .1, merle:in tetvof Gene vn—lls ern, It 4 Colleges 'i . il4. /;real Watch Ilan ufaell ories. hrNrx A. Sy. irzEici.t :io, v = 1 ,,, 1 . 111111C:11 4.1,1,1 ll,' I 0,1,1,i. 1111.1121 linen from I6e Lake, inillo.111,: orioearonce; from other point, it the revers,. .1 .4,011 through like a Hip threugh the pane , urNmi, tuld th.• ludien n: make their a pp. ara t ns. at every turn. lie -t niggles for ludepetch nc. tt it h the Dukes of , T hit :11 the movemoa , , the failades at the close..ti the eighteenth ten tiny and with these the sanecran affair In the ost l!1:01. in 1002, when an old woman with a sattee -I:,n knocked down a Savoyard soldier, are the mot 4 memorable Instances in the history of Ge neva. The borough aristocracy, sensible of the predomiliatinp, , influence it et.erelsed while acting a, ,cantors and magistrates of the Republic in former days, will not concede without murmur t o the aspiring demands of tpc lower classes wham, Ic—t sensible of their rights tri citizens of a frt, State. are actuated by a spirit of equality. now and tin It make line of their power in an !manila hle wanner. e the tin- that 11. ,11, freplelil 41111trrehi, Infil n 1,111,,4 iu W 1,11,1 0 ,1. ,litler..act shave late. leetc‘er, disappeared :ml tie citie.eno t,o its 1 , I , n I, nu- .d'apporent \'~~ll •iir~ uu~ , riJicnl,J Ih Ull Uuti~u~• (on. va, hy that ,1,11,, o r powdt rviothlic. and I',lll tii 111Irt , 11 , 1'; culled n of ft -1,111 in 1 , 11111,11,1 . oftt l itrr. Yct i 1 t hon• , Vtl• in it that rt . litill.i- pl r:it, the roii. oYt hc 1111 d the 11.11111 . or Genova ,•imeeted tt ilh Ile. Engli,li revolution 111 .1.111 . tilne of t'luu•le- 1., with t h e Frciit.ll I , vtiltitloll and r veil with Attitl.l - ‘iill' for independent,. Hence emanated tlio, d.wirin,- from trhiehn 2,i'vat part of F:urope derive their form ef taith and who will not admit that the birth place of thom! religions .Itnt.rie:., cal', ht• trnccd thrtutult our puritan 'lith o' to the :Tots wh,ro lIINt forty,' or tht,mittloylobratr,, on the "hove- of th!, upon the Le 1.... id hell,. rli allti it; proximity to the valley Or mon. 10, Gr h"vti ha , of htt..yoar: he , olit, n r,1.,1,7v.Ptvi =MEI The,is 1 , (111,11 ,., uo 1 , 111 , 1 . of it+ sire In Europe that can of sn many met. mu' zni..• the name~ of Fitithon of Lefort he adviser of l'eter the Great, or Vrehrr. the minister of XVI, of t+:11-_ lloticts, Lae Iluber, the biographer of the hoe and ants, the In - itatikt Devattdolle, of . Mal -1.1 tie Pan. and Ilelohm, Lismondi the, interim and ninny more. Ataring the living 11141 stein net as Necker, the geologist, D , In hire the elietnist, the botanist, Tlrrnndnlle and.liocqlei : , and the a-- (row - liner l'iantamour, Gosidecs-the author of the Li-tore of the roforrnation. IYAtitilgne and many other+, distinguished for the in literary nut 5 , 1 , .11- title nequirilnents. Ittileva can anfcly br called the intellectual me- troubles were Juitreommeneing (referring to the tropolis of Switzerland and the ;mutest for Intel. Territorial Bill) ; and another,' that if an Indian leetual i-uprentney between it and %Mich Is an Wl' ' , were to own n foot of lend In the infernal regions, ' equal one. The only rit al she may some day the whites would try to cheat him out of It." 11. find, will he her .l -ter city whieh In , ;Hot D. If. Mlekle, accompanied' by Major Harlan the 111.4 turn years has made rapid snide, towards a nd c on, of Sentlyvllle, left for their homes on the n promincitt'po,ition in the literary world. lit n online dey; and started•an hour ahead of OH; but, conversation whieh I haul with one o f the leading n s they had several thousand 'dollars with them, prote . s...trs, Mr. Zink, ll"ltrJilltuarY; I Wit "tit I and not wishing to travel 'ln the Indian country however, that never FO mneh as at present did her 1 under those circumstances without being aecom 'educational interests need the as.istence of foreign panted by Marshals, they proceeded about a mile force., since her native professors at the evade. and waited until we Joined them. At half-past mien grew weaker every year. This scents to he I two to halt was made ou the 'bark of Brusbey the case all over Switzerland, eiTeelltlTY the tier- ~,,Creek, and a hasty dinner, consisting of crackers .nmn part of It. The more eminent writers ECM • and buffalo meat, was taken. Seven o'clock in to be growing feeble, that if , to 411 Y, the works of the evening found too forty miles from Perryville, the best men net 111 . to make no', Impression upon and as some of our party, as well as,pur horses, the world beyond her mountains, were very tired, we put up for the night, A short in this season of the y e ar. when the streams of thine after starting on the following morning we Y MARCH 9, 1870. the traveling - world are eddied at Paris, Berlin, and in the Italian cities, the business men and keepers of hotels and boarding-houses In Switzerlund gen erally prepare themselves for the sunshine In which they make their hay; a moment whifft generally breaks upon them about the middle of June and lasts till the beginning of October. No where can thoy be more active In getting ready for what, they call the "belle shison — than here in Geneva. (louses arc repaired and repainted, show cases cleansed and replenished. Bootblacks wild beggars are commencing to brush up their Old nooks mid earners ; cab men already begin M uni, monsieur." Little handbills and big tourers flutter like stranded humanity upon the street fw ners, while the policemen, in their huge Napde ons, take up their positions upon 'the sidewalks like sacred lightbrinses upon the outskirts of ran nicipal authority. The nude feather, however, is the waiter. I can hardly glee a delinition of the " waiter." I am certain he is more than a black frock coat, well greased head of hair, parted in the middle,• and napkin in hand. Ile is a human maeldne..th slowed with the five senses, but whose very i` la voila, monsieur." betrays the presence of a sitith Covetousness. this whole being moves to t h e tune of •• Give, give.'' flow he tries to please you, that is. if you respond ; and then the depth and sweetness of his smiles depend upon how mach You give. Of the 15,000 inhabitants who live MA do" in GPII,`VII about 15,000 are foreigners, so I lint It re sembh =sn meriean city. Comparatively speik leg, the popnlation has . drereaSPll. The rinse s ' made by decree of the Government gaVe the fact that out of the 01.11 0 1 Inhabitants of the Conlon. :14,:151 were females, a disproportion which Is said to be rvrn gin:Wl' at present. The reason; for this are mint knots a, lint It is supposed to be owing, in a great measure to the continual introduction of machinery in the workshops (watch mannfac tories), which throws young 111011 om. of employ mom, and etimpels them to Seek their bread else: where. From the manufactory of watches. Ge neva derivrs her main 'commercial prosperity. As many as ;000 persons—men, women and child ' ren. in and are 'Geneva, earn their subsistence by it. II is ~ , Innmed that in prosperous years UP many a; 100.000 watches. are made. consuming I 75.00 ono,"is of gold. 50nO maths 44 silver,,and precious ;tones to the amount of a million of franc- ; a.O ranee tact indeed ' In 1557 the first wide!' was brought. to Greets. and to-day every tw,;lfili of ore is a watch -tor,. 1 wond,rfnl effect its ticking must have bad upon the Lienevese, for 10-day its,sints to be perpetuated in their aurae ' tern, are the greatest people to live on tick I ever saw. As dtoicaaf ns It would be to buy n I lic,e genuine gold watch in New York, su ditilettit ~,111,1 it h.' I a (tire an imitation one hero. A branch of indostry productive of so great an ad vantarts to tielics a. neeessarily demands a nafe cu.; rd again-t fraud. he governmt nt Iran there fcre appointed a committee of master workmen to inspeet each workshop and the materia l s employed and any fraud in punished with the ut mast severity of the law. The prices of silver watches early from 'went v francs (1(.00) to eighty franen (010) and gold watcht s from ri sty Iranian to form hun dred francs. A w ;Itch for four lourriml francs, whale included, is of the heavy gold hunting-cane, and is guaranteed for ten years, as I hear. Even the watches for twenty franca are guaranteed for one scar. The manufacture of musical boxes in another profitable hranch of Industry. These find great favor with Engllsinnur .111,1 Americans hence every sign or advertisement publishing these instruments for bale IhMerally conelnd , with " English spoken. — Thls season the Geneve, have enjoyed truly great Variety of weather. 'Four days ago the lake' was itllve with Water crafts vont:lining pleasure seek ers, while the shores' were lined is ith fishermen; angling. Yesterday we had a rain storm. and In the evening it hailed and thundered, while t reday we have four Inches of snow, with the thermome ter at zero. lint- this is nothing', compared to what citizen or a -m a ll village sir the Mrs of Savoy told ine to-day. Ile said that in the 'nurse or Iwo mantle- the weather Lod cluing. d so often that the 11 , 1 , 11 . it, the barometer, in rising and• sinking Iron; •-nrhine to ra in, then to changcal.lii, actually . ~ ,11 But I don't believe thin; al hott,l; t h e 1,1 , 1111 citric' of the weather here might :rin i ndu ce me to do on, NVlth the 4 , x(i.litioti of the eltiqlwilt tchlrh the front create , : thrrv• I. timidity: nhn:ee , •t• of im erea, : al An I will Sit) adieu. .t% (11.1,11.:STONIAN I .tRIRANNAhi "~ til'ltltN. ARK., Feb. '.!3,1, 1870 •)ly"last ,vos written of Perryville. AI the re quest or 11. Miokie wt. gave up our meditated trip to the Chickesaw Nation, and rtinutincti until utter Ilie p ; ,ym, f it of the Indian. by ( :tptain llo yubity. It is etudontary for Indians to have a •• big drunk — upon such occasion , . but the - press rue, of several Marlluils intimidated then), and fearing it would re.ult in a trip to Van (Wren, they did not follow e,.:1111ple of their brothers itt Tishaningo, who drank " whisky, heap," but kept their intoxicating drinks lila. Monday, the ith inst., was the day appointed for the payment, and be the time "Tenn-hat -tubby, iyerkertabity, Allarmontubby," and the re-t of the Tubhys had drawn their annuity the last rays • - •1 the -nn gibled tile top of the mountains. • ('ol. John MeCurtain passed through Perryville on his way home, and remained with us a few lays. During the late war he had charge of an independent Confederate Choctaw Regiment. and the inhuman deeds committed by his men will ever be remembered by those Unionists, who were so 1111r011111ille a, to 1101 intri their hands. The Choctaws were very tienhous of electing him their Principal Chit 1. but "Jack" couldn't see it. On Saturday evening ser v ice= were held in ain atutinished log cabin, and curiosity to Sec in what manner the Choetaws worshiped their Maker, WaB not the least tooth e that induced us to attend. The I tlallln ntetiilll , 4l in feirllleVery direction, and when •erVic. n commenced the cabin wan crowded. .1 f w oho railed to o , ,tain sent, , . -at on the groihid )the column b t ingAvithout a door) and the minis ter's stand uas In the centre of the room. The crams eon delivered in the Choctaw language Iby the Rey. R. Jackson, followed by a few explan atory rematlis in English by Rev. Israel Folsom. The audience wan very attentive, and behaved it. a manner worthy the Imitation of many who live in 'a hold of civilization. After benediction It was announced that there would lie preaehing on the following lay, and to; the Choctaws have very fete opportunities of attending wot•ship, those from a distance, not wishing to miss such a glorious op y, remained itt town diming the night. 541 . 11112 eelllpt in the nm•roundlng woods, others luund plaees its the store rooms, while a few slept hpcorcred (In the galls was bolls hl the forenoon and afternoon. In the evening is very able sermon was delivered by Rev. Folsom, in "Choctaw tad English. After singing a few Choctaw hymns, the congregation ,•• • s ninsed and they went on their lont•ney home, •• Lewis Miller, of Fort Smith, who renutlMA with us mall after the payment of the Indians, and,who had quite tt sum of money iu his poSsesslon, In tended to return Icy way of Fort Gibson. Some .r the Indian, were Informed of his intentions,. and thinking he would leave in the night, they picketed the road for several nights In naccessina, undoubtedly with the intention of murdering and robbing him, but he sent his effects with the mall agent, ai'id started for Fnrt Gibson on hint Wed nesday. It was our intention to start back on the following day, but n Norther sprung up d nring the uighd, and continued blowing all day Thursday, C 111111101111,: us to wait until Friday morning. Before starting, however, we arrested a Choctaw for violation of the Intercourse Law. Tie had frequently triode threats that if a Marshal were to fool around him he would blow his brains net; lad we name 111,1111 him unaware,. lie resisted nt first, bin the siglit of a navy-six brought him mills senses. Some of the Indians were rather indig nant at his arrest. One remarked that their were visited by another Norther, which continued all day. We arrived at fir. Burke's at 3 P. M., and not wishing to go to the next stopping place, which was sixteen miles farther, we consented to remain with him. Marshal Brown and I ware ordered to subpamit an old darkey known as Doctor Jerry, who was said to be living a few miles from there. After Milowing a trail way for a number of miles we succeeded in finding him In a little log cabin in the dull solitudes of the mountains. After tell ing him our business, and requesting him to meet us on the following day, we returned to Dr. Burke. , . In the evening the future of Lincoln Territory was talked over. From all accounts most of the prominent men in the Choctaw nation sanction the coerce Government has pursued. Many of the Italians, who were strongly opposed to sectionizlng, are now in favor of it: Mee seekers will be very seater, as there are bit few 41tnations that will pay. Our Journey from Dr. B.'n IV LIS devoid of interest, We arrived here on Nt outlay afternoon, and tun& the happy recipient of several enpies of the Ramerrat, which it always a wolcome mer,senger. O. S. ottentino ix iiivited to card in ihia iaevc of 31.0 Thom. lltoti,r, 000 k Co.-611 Cloth., Wham. Allades. h.. &o. Marx re getable S;eiliOn Thar lieneller, the inn:t 1,•!..ti0n ng , Sold by all araggld, Mill) tnlf Park.—Tine am park . of Phlladcl phta, It a matter of Interest, as it is a real credit to not only that city, but our entire Spate. It In PO extensive and beautiful and coonskins ic ninny objects of Interest, that :t will well repay a Osit. Wanamaker 4, Brown, oho great clothing men, hate Irritant a One pocket map of the Park, which gives u very correct idea of Ito extent auti laying out, hod many very Interesting felon in r•ferene to it. By &unplug them line or by calling at thoir Oak (lull Buildings when tins t la town, yolk ono obtain n ropy, free of char¢.•. MANy A MAN needy only nu encouraging word from his wife to Induce bin to in.tue his Ilfe. Why withhold that word, when the beneat In all for yourself t show worldly WitidOM in this thing, as In othiwa, by Inducing your husband to Innre I& life in the AMERICAN, NOW. A cot 4:11. COLD OR SORE r , i3Or , Immediate nlamien, tt% t viten an 1ncur:.131.2 Lung AP W 4 / j, Inv, It. N. s pRoN(11/.1r, TROCIIES BRONCHIA . 7 ,,i rollrf. .;. r .Z:p " itNritti.l A T N . II!t M o1'r Velve have suothtutt SINGERS rod UTINAC :tl,l.4trengthett the rube. "wing to the, gaud r..ptitittlott ttmli.pttlartty of tile Tr,.. toulty trorthle. 'ln rhettp ionlOtione ore qr, .nbiel , am, gem , fur n o mf.w. Ite our.. not AIN mioNciii.u. 'rnocriEs =lll H ORNEMEN, ATTENTION READ THE FOLLOWING ! Ti invalulible Liniment hi ...id by Drungba , tind ' , toren Whuleintin by JA3IN WIiI.I.S, Ili I:. nor. id nth and Spring Garden St..Philndelphia. %ale iu Allentown by L. Sell NtIDT CO.. F.a.t Demi ou Irnst Philadel ph ia. itni/ 3fa rk, 17, Isar . I .1. O. WLlA.s:— lt iiving Ivied Dr. Felix IL I.lultnent for ?Train, brithaiii, swelling.. gall, chide, .tte., 1 unhesitatingly pronounce it the beat lo bane ..VOl . rut would net be %Odium It , o /1111 . C....3d,, 11.. I I:, my dot, Toll may send 11110 half Alarriagcs LEWIS—KEIPER.—On the 15th of February, to this eity, by the Rev. W. IL Mennig, Mt% Lewis to }lles ) L ug• E.. 1. Keiper. LABOLD—WEBER.—On thr 96th ult., by the same, Mr. Charh, Labobl to Mb.laline Weber, both or thi> city. ifinanual anti Coinnarrial —PoHaven & Urn.. Ilankor. ni,d DeAer, in Ouvurnmen 44,5, Philndotrlih, n•rort folhm tug quotation... irotta t l Slv ICI't6CII6 1.1 ta111.1'; ' 13.,,(f/.1/:1 goo: 11 , ,a112 19 0.112' • • ..y..ar niter cant. t•y 10 , 1 t1 111 ortf l pontl t 1' tl • 13 to 115 (*rm; Partite It. 11 1.1 M. 11....1 F,ll ititi. Ptte.lle It. It u 7 l'ltlffn t'artlle Lana 111 ant 15 ..jid op 1,11.1111 . ; .. t rml -fold dott . tt to 115; G0v..., Wt ak rII dap n. tt.o fa 11.4 .11.1.ENToW:i MAIO: ET, 11 . .11111'AI:1i 0. 1.70. r •r , er tr, rrk W. I, 4,, i Ne ,e/1 rt t INEM Flu.. p , r bbl Whopi. por ...... Timothy p.1'1,11..110 Cloy, I o. " Wilt'. rh. t Corn Meal. Buttor, per 1,111, I Lard. • .. wt " E gg , Arpl.., 1.-1,01 SF6• rl,lltENl' Jll. 1,70. Conwl ,, l ir••••kly i.y J Bout, INo. V 2 8. - cloy I=4. For F.ldunt y ich, Produi Now York. 111:TTED. tta, ..I c , :111,..a 1',,. tlloll' , , lola111.:O. ltd. ittOl (;311:11,11.11N Co • pt pull choirs, lks4 - 142: l'air to go,al..kaa:l7, Common '2 , 121, !ins 410dt41, fair to rood. lt•1o4:'t;41 Common. '2.l‘n do. N. V. State F.rkies ~, : , yellow :4111.:0; fair, mood 11Is11 , 11d. t 0,111111.1. N. T. S.. 43; hut - to good, ll0a)35: r0i0nt01t.240 , 26. N. V. Mato W 41.1. tole. choice, :rids 44. common ill good, 43.4':143.4':43.4':1,.,1,01/..., 511 , 137: lair to good, \\', t, an ll,oe-v0ri10ia , ... , 12..); fatal" good , a la; m ore paclssi to 140 Pl. Not Do at lt t l'a, tut, deuce, 44g.12; 1 to good, 11 , 11 , Cloth,choice 2,., - 424; p o or gmsl, 111 - DrEll-11oempts during Ili , 1 1 .1• L hu't np nt all)* I.24l.lo,lisek,wars, decrea, uettaly 1,1) , , , packages ((OM last week. Ime and fancy glades tot stale hotter Lave milts! lot,, during rho past week. all other grader Lave bean . hoavy not Pivoting the Int) ca. Thu toelitd; throughout the market now Is that Pelee. have reached bottom. nd Mete Is a o /Ohl pl ospect til flour!flour! to ./,,,, ,', grades do a ing a hula Nit., during the coming two weeks. Plow ei or We Wenhl net advised.. ta).1111,11011011 Laea homer, but to lot como now a 1.11, vs. ha) , a lively de• 11111 , 1. inctor) rho!tr, tool fancy. 174,17' .5 fair to good,' 1 , 11417. N. T. State thiry good to rinds... lafial7; poo - a to Y: Ito .10174 hic7e•l. Ethos.—.lease) and Deana, hell p1e.1,.1 lu ellsll. it dor• 27(! , 3 1 . Jersey aml Potaa. well Ptit 1,11 In 0.0., 2:04 , 15; S V. Suite well packed, good ord. illtioltml Westarn.ios. ntf 126',a; 7'.. Limod, 41 EotlS—ltectipts have continued Leave, and the datmouil though fair has led been so afraid to otl stocl, ti k as 111.1 It arrheil ; still prices have advanced •ipee our last. and are to-day t pry with a .trond 01 141 aad Lent laupus 111,7 WettiloOttl/1) . , W 1101.1.110 1, all I`Xpeet t/10 CollnlllllPlioll 10 Merest, largely. 31 , 04 a It.• that tor. rived the past week are Injure I li) the ft e•t. Eh , have Ilotquotations by 2to 1 els. at to:,; lot, and tt hou sold to ,-,,rust it,, 11::,i1 leli) bony)'.. DEANS. —3lact ow choke. pew. 2.20a02.41) 14iduoy. choice, 2.:41(d..2.1 0 Nelllol,. choice, 1.5d6111.7.1. Dim, choice. 2.1.14 - i.2.10; Ima to good, IS, \115,d and worn. n, 7.1e1:4.00. l'ritne State. id lonslp 155;1 , 11; Jersey, Ohio and Peon-yl,ll, Amnon Suntiodu new, 7(a)s. Blackhorrte4, Da.pherates, 210 , 2 4 . Chet tios.pllted, new, 22fit.21; put: In, 1647. Peaches un• itttaled, 'tell, 503112. Peaches ported, now, 17(a.at. FDlTu.—pples, 311xia1 lots. 11 lad.. 444)4 r.u. Do, Selectml, 4 5,45 lt ,11'11.3 SEEDS—CIoy...It...4 It. mime:eft, Fle.x••ed 2 fir:. 111. • 114:ESIVAX.—llare, d7Ctas. Duck. ;Wye, 'r' pall 1 2:55.1.77. "c 1 pair, 1. 1 .50tifi.r.1. PODIA 111" lIIIES , I4I.I—Tot keys, rholre, .11 11,, 2:1411.1)1, l'olllllloll CO Viol. it. 14. 2 .2. Chicken, choice, 3.15 . .22; com mon to good, li4dlu. 1.0111t110,1 to rlsttleo, 16112.11 A:llE—Rabbit, 1 1 r , c„„).„.„.,. :t (O. Pucks. I 2.11.11 ot , . Darks, Teal, ti:ttif.7l. ti A3lE—Wtk drop toot:Wow. for tituttl: Drou. e . taidgos tual VOlll,Oll, as the sal" of them will al...01.11cl) cease after this month. oven at rotall. Calm, P. PO:X. 1),,, poor to good, 124%01 Shipper.: ot calves will bear lu mind 1i,,, On tort, ard Pad of calvos have to 1,0 cut toll tot the ktiett tt.tl Olt htnd f.-'t at the gamble to kneo joint, and no head .litun or ears to be 101 l on the calves. In ...Ding calves in till. market Ivo have to allow front one to three pooml . s on ouch calf, tots. Illy shin 110111 , 111,1ttl nkl. aro Is-it on. and therefore it Is tu shipper.' I 01000 , 1 to (OLIO,' LL, ludore shipping. Leave calve.llaf Intalets In Ile• es Ivy., mei do not sow the boforo .I.lplung• TALtim—D, good Imard.l. l"-1. Ncb3 Abinrtisrments pußLic bi• Platt 1/ 11011il . r t , holt .11/y or IA 11C 11, al 1 / o ' clock. noon, a I dot ro.illoaco ul the ..olt.criher. Llitttor cent pot {l,l 11.11 Ip, tho lollow tett l'A 1131 STUCK. to wit t l'ho lino Ivetnltle Jauktont Nl/1/itl l ll. LANA IL ).otra oltl thi. Sin lag: two nore, oo . : null th0 . 2,-5_74 . ! tither year, old, both wait 131: etroutt two• It r. , Is aeon, with Lady: 1 cpring watioltior two h0e..., lowtµ y 111111 1.11 lky. hot • 110Idet anti bohttero. 11c1/1 nearly ; whe,l lw - rote, 'locke t/ow, Fred eau,. 0111111 f 1 . 41'11 Pat.{ 11111 la for K, tar corn lit Ow rob; an Alcatt lola/ tor terultht rakc or ,ditec lutakilett; Iktrnek, koveral 111111 store, clic., kitchen dro , /o / r. [oat/tiler IVIIII /1 1111,10 v:, holy of other ante!, too unit/croon to htentlou. Coutlltlettawitolc /mot:dunce glv.•11 by I !nal 4..1/4w W/Tr Si AN• - F 4 :3 r f : 11.N10111. NORMAL INSTI. srlfool. Fon BOTH SEXE'S Nvpr.k.. lII , C , IIIIII O IIre 01. MONDAY, MAR:iI 1.870. .\ II the brat/flit , 01 Au Englloh. Cualniai•rial ur Arromplinhed Etlad aro thorou4NtY mum), 'wad !Or rataltaiiu.. I'.A. M., • Prlnr , pal. CarTur-villu. Ilact x Cu., Pr. I= ISTEItNAL PILES OR lIEIIOIt. TUMORS and EXTERNAL. BLIND, 111 EEDI NI; and patiltly, pfetly per. ma ra t (THEP it Plaint judo, tlatoter,erc a dor ...idle, by W. A IdefIANDLESS, IT. U., K'l'., I'llll. Alr A. l'A., Who can refer yell louver r• I/ .//o oar/ f the beet 01 Phillndelpbbt. vvlo have Lein cured. A mac lien ore/ea.-a volra no a elorintly In thiwillarriar without tt failure, lellrert/a/ a care all cue?? feb . Z.bly R. LEIGH'S " DIPRQVED HARD RUBBER TRUSS Will retain and cure the most difficult ruptures. lloPer• vions to laulmillte. Fur ch.aulinens and durabilitY it ha• no equal. The lightest Truss ever etude. Supporters. Elaette 11011, ntockluge, huspeosories, all Snide of Truest.. Bracer, elyrinime. and all other mechanical rem. cities. Ladles attended to by Ilrr. 14.1 0 11. Office, ITIU Chestnut • street, neat door to the oerner Thirteenth street, Ph lop stairs), ma "7 ! ., 1 ilps RE= I= Netm S bfurt isitunnto. 14 CHOICE BUILDING 'LOTS' AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at private 14'1014 choice Building Lots. beautifully situate These village of t e chHokendaua, 1,11101 county, Penne . l ot, will be sold eap prices, verying from CZ to 4100 and on very easy terms. which will by an inducement to any man with small mean. to secure for himself a home. Chances like these are seldom to be met with, as tho village of ilokendanqua is rapidly increasing in population, which makes real estate inure valuable every year. For terms and particu• Mrs apply to 8. 11. Peter mar it liokendanqua, Lehigh Co,. 1 1 a. PRIVATE SALE rho otolevelgned ofleraat tlhritem4:l: the followlor real entate. to int: LOT OF GROUND, litillllll,lllltho cl ll ugo ai ❑okendanqua, Lehigh connly nboilt ONE ACRE, MORE OR LEGS Thr i..t lo well planted with nil kinds of FRUIT TREKS, 111111 und,•r good reon•x, Th” Itnprov . sponts thereon i ”re "NE AN I) HALF fiTOlt s ' B W kit ' l l i V U ß ll t . ) bl a 110USE..L , by 24, and a I RADII. J.) u tu,,,,,outt. out. two warns high, both hot.. baying I/ buildings. Thorn is also lOU the premixes a good FRAME a r %IMF.. 16)05, all in gaud h•' ..d i l . .iri, R ia:7 011;y. For part wain, °lmb,. of llokendsuuus. NEW CARPETINGS WO /11 . 0 LLUNV opening a full line di POREIUN AND DOMES O CARPET/), OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS OF ALL ORADEB WII4I WO Aro 01'0014 . 1a greatly reducod pr cr. (corn 11.4 t Nr,1% ,0 11. LEEDOM, SHAW, Sz, STEWART, 635 MARKET ST., PHILAD'A inn 19-Ita G 11 EAT AUCTION SALE DRI GOODS. . RARE CHANCE TO BUT BARGAINS! GOODS ArysT BE SOLD. PlilUE RUT LITTLE QIIJECT TUESDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M.. TUESDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. 31. AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE. AT FOST.EIt'S NEW YORK STORE. All kinds of gouda, from a spool of 0.00 to it silk dress. Auction! nenTIoX ACC'fION !! ! Wo proton° to cell overythiug. Wo expect to locomoney. Wo are willing to sacrifice our good, They must ho cold. We leave for the We'd inn few dept. Dry (hook at Auction. Dry (foods nt what yell hid for them. Dry (loads lit your own price. Di y almost itiVen sway COIIIII prepared to buy largely. Come troll pour pocket full of money. Come early, collie often and keep Cooling. Sal4l 111C01a..., C.ll day next It'uolt, etnlllnettclog I'UtSDA Y. MARCH 8111, at 2 o'clock. Two males each day, 1 Inc etteruouu at 2 o'clock, .d in the eyentint at o', o'clock. Special atteution to Wilmot, and one-half of the store reserved exclusively fur thew accommudatiou. FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE, 19 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLEZITOWN, PA Tn.. POTTER. JA3O.-1 £.llOPg. 0. C. Weeucns Sun•. K. W 01000.1.. GEOIOI Fonsa THOMAS POTTER, SON llir CO, MASIMeTrREIth Ot OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Floor OIL CLOTHS; Enamelled linsllna, Drilla and TaNo OIL. C.I.0111S; kfitlioganr, Rosewood, Oak •nd Marble OIL CLOTHS ; Stair Oat Clothe and Carrtoge e!orpelo. s 1 1 1 ' .1rEg 11,11.11)CLoSrd?, d fibadloY, I :l lVan d ES P :f u s c l Y l Ind.. 118 ARCH St., below FIFTII, PIIILA'DA. mar 9.lmw - • FOR N:II.F A good ten-rootn throe-story BRICK DWELLINU lllit'sk:. 22 by 32 le.:, with 0 two...tory brick dwell-a inn :Witched. atoned on SIXTH St., above CHEW, :iiitert trout by 'IV feet deep Planted with a variety of the bent FRUIT TREES. Nall be bold cheap and ter,. mod. , P0..0.-lonhriven at once. Apply to T. C. IiIiktNAIIEN. . wt th,, Alletdown China Store. 37 Elvd !lomat. St., Allel:Reveal TRIAL. LIST FOR APRIL 'man 1970. eutononclim WEDNESDAY, APRIL P, rinsT 1. hell anti Wile vs. Alnhluu Luther. Fr. 'l,-.47lli.biflhvols.tr",".7a4D.::; 4 lli„b,•r& Merriti. 4. Peter Diary vs. John , gobs.. .1. E. upetiheinter v.. Holborn Stettin, .1. Jelin M. Kalil, Si Co. v.. Enos Wel.. q. \ l) .4l l 7li i i!i u n ' e t 4n s itli T v itl'it'VtliVetno'gelrrt" Cowpox r. It. Nutlet Kith. no. Pluton Diehl mid Wile. to. Churl. gitler v.. John Grano et oh., Truatees of the It. .14,1:n d lf. : gt.il . t . r ' h t - t u . h i t ' ' r ( a 3 nlt t lru li Pl i r " :l;;n uud Joseph An. drew, 12. r. Jordan & Brother vx. Ott & Bowman. Itenben Ebert. on. George M. Sella [hummer. 21. N:11114111 Mohr vs. Frederick Leh:dutch. SECOND WEEK Commencing April 11. 1. Thomas Lolsor vs. E. J. More and EVan 2. So.nnu Reese and Amanda Newhard. Jacob Hhniciaa. 2. Smith & Ilunsicker Joseph 4. AllentOWil Iron Company vs Edward U. Knott. 2 11. Di•infmis V, Welch A Co. 0. SUMP Vs. Ito dge & Co. Poteroin & Carpenter vs. Trerler & • Ssme v. Daniel Herman. 1). Sllllll . as. 81111 1 / 1 1 4. & .101,” tlohll,lll no. W. B. Powell & bon. 11. James flange Vs. harles om. 12. John Week Vs. were Charles C Mertz an M d Clinch , . K. lirmit-s. 1.1. 1.0 royotte Lentz v.. Charles D. Feller et 01. 11. Same vs. Same. Nior. , l A 1111111 P • 1 11.Joneo. k Town. Id. Thomas 'film.. vs. Timothy Dohahne 17 Henri Doting vs. Ali-sander Usk and Jacob Mllloi. IS. tibleon Andre:. vt Deo. Nettinoysir and Conrad Ream. It. D. D. Jones os. Thoinas Kern, Jr. Wm. 11. llotrinan• assign. of Tilghman Kelulmed on. T h 'rhotoas Iron Cotspany. 21. Thomas Mahon vs. Patrick and Michael Cunningham. 22. Joh itlielileinan vs. The Thomas Iron Company• 22. Allentown Iron Company vs. /11.111111 ellllll.lllloll and 'rhomos Sel.lof, adrurs. of J.. lloffinan. dee'd. 24. ilideon Andreas vs. (leo. Netunoyer abtl Conrad Seem. 310...0. Wleand On. JllB/413 lathier 01 al. Sum , vs. Pet. liable et al. W 27, Illlant L. Fegely vs. George 11. Sloth. 211. Levi Ileac no. Same. • .10110 IL Oliver, 111111. of Reliant: and TI1.1111•011 Chid, • Clnirl , W. Rauch Os. Henry Miller and Win. Shall. 31. .henry Miller and William Scholl Vs. Charles Henri, 32, .10101 }Coq,. Jr. vs. Nathan Andre.. 22. Win. I'. by his next IrlPutl George Blank 1 1 / 3 ., TrAusue. THIRD WEEK, I'olurneuclug April lb. 1. Solenion Buts and bons v., Janos Cole. • Ilorueo Hnlllet Vs. William Nlbsch and Wit's. :1. Vein. Deo 'abed, by his neat friend Tilghman /Dime 4. .1 00, 3101111. und V. ~. Edward y. 2. Eli omiiitit vs. 'Chime. 0.1111411 nod Helier. On., Sheen Benjamin tiernort. 7 Sumo v.. Willoughby Dernert and Benjamin llenaml S. Eli 11 i. Oman v.. John. 11. bionic'. o. Prier It. Weaver v.. ()outgo Blank and Owen Ohl. 10. C Lougnerker. 11.1111111e0 In bankruptcy or (4.0. 1.. It oh, vs. F. Deshler. 11. lieur}}'Ymlth V, W. 111.... 12, Theodore flerkotl'or vs. Jii.eph Andreas, LI. Charles H. Antrim v.. Henry U. Person and !teary Lerwick . 11. W 1115.01 vs. 'John Weber. 2higaislouit sehuoider Osman and Jaa.Stuart. lit Adam and W.lO vs. Miller Osman and Wife. 17. w Jol R. Morris... Anthony Dorman. IS. Wt 11.310 51111. and Wife vs. Ju.eph Miller. • pt, It. btoniet vs. ED Hoffman. 0 wald vs. Anthony I)ounati. 1:1 uud Wife vs. Samuel Newhard and Wife. • 111.14.1 & Bro. on. Jcaula .1. Lleberroth. 21. Natl.'. It vs. Candy Lochridge and The Lehigh Crane Iron Coilm.Y• 21. mop, & Miller es. lieliller & Shelly. 112. Patrick Metier. vs. Edward Kommiller sad John A. Wicket - titan. • 20. Swan vs, John Shilling. 27. 11. r. Adams, ,1,41) of !Naar 11. Ford vs. Wm. 11. Krii.s. Iloury C. Longneckor. assign. in buukruptcy at Dee. L. Ruin. vs. Win. Krlll mid Tilghman W. !Clam'. 2". M. A. Saylor vs. Mmes W. Sawyer et al. ;ei. Chri.tinn Snyder, guardian of Mewl.. lilluthluat, lute iltinser vs. Elizabeth Any widow of 1 1111011.41 I.llyder. J. 1.. & W lioffinnu v.. Edwin Shaffer. :2. Prior iorsro of C. 11. Kramer, wh was in• dor., of H. nd U. Kramer vs. Tilghman W. Kramer a nil W. I'. C. Kramer. Ai. . I. ill Company vs. Nobl Jr.. assignßhoda.ee of the Lehigh Rolling Me & Ulantcb .. • ';' •.. e.,,2 ,000 A YEAR AND EXPEN St to Agouta to eel' the celebrated WILSON SEWING MACHINES. The bent machine In tba wot Id. Sfllch oilke on both side., Ottt Maculal. to t Mast r. For further tirtlotlnt , , addren•2.s N. Nh St., Philtel'a, Pn. b NM. SIOO A "°N.rn A .AND E%PENSES to Agouti., Wool) the CELEBRATED IIINK• LEY KNITTING MACHINE, for family use. dimplo, evorythint{. Circular arid vamplo ..t or hion, N,1,10.,,4, No. .25 N. Ninth ht., a. felt nato Ti . $lO,OOO. :1!.. 11 ,11. 1 ...7.7r A p . 51`1 1 0 1 .•!11 ‘ ..tr1 4 1 F F0r Pu„lg ril tr. .M. RUNK, p.m Cou. J. S. INOEII. firereinrY• MEI • - NVANTED.--TIIIIEE TNIOUNAND v DOLLAR' , On Ilr•t.rlx•• sneurlly. Internal 7 per ['Olt. 111 , 111 ire :it THIN OFFICE. innel , lf • . . ..., . T WARRANTS WANTED OF WAR Ill' 1419 AND „MEXICAN WAR fiO;F:ION (NAM, SToClili. 601.11, GOVgRNATRNT old ocher BONIN BOUGHT awl MOLTO. .)I.I.ECTIONS promptly mode on all point, DEPONViII RECEIVED. No pnlw m be ' , ward to ..erv. , the Intur.o4+ of do , tvlio Inv or u. with th.lr htmlnett. JoIIN H. RUSHTON L CO.. Bunke. and Broker, N0..10 douth 34 M.. MINT BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR sTRuGGLEB AND TRIU3fPI(S OF P. T. BARNUM. WILII - ILS NV HIMSELF. IN ONE LAMON OrTAVO VOLVI/111 4 , PA.:A-PRINTED IN ENOLISII ANN OBIOIAR • • . . . —!+.3 Si. coANT Futi,l"Atic Egfinas ittne. It embrace. Fools' YEAR. liceoLtreTlONs ol ills Bur Lire, ns a Alerclitint. Manlier, Bunker. Lecturer and eheerthan. and it yea accounts et his Imprianttreent. his Failure, his nuccesetut EUTOPeilll Tours, sad with II Isturlcal and Personal Iterundocences. replete irlth lin. Dior, Anecdotes and Entertaining Narrative. No boat published CO accrptable to all class. , Ever,' One graat H. A r eal. are sell Ins (re AO lc 100 • week. We u. extra erms. Our Illustrated Catalogue and Term A spots sent free. P2-.14 J. B. BURR & CO.. Publishers. Mutton], A cconneoNs, toN CERT!! XL. Jew. Parr', N a , b. land pt C. V. W 0114.110. litnre. a. 116 H. Hi .
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