ffinanct al. TNCREANE OF CAPITAL. TILE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF : , 'l 4 MV N. raid up Capital, Authorized Capital, TI o Directors of this Bank realizing the. Incronzo of Loudness in (ho city tad community. no well no the contin ued demand and necemelly for 111111 . 0111111kIng , i :.11 , it111. 1.10,0 Tivaito4gulti,),.(Apitra trir r rck at or h o nk from The enbzeription hooks for thle reawe urn now open at thohnnkingllolll4o. rind oil pennon , de , drouz o { ercnring .etack are invited 1:0 make appilentioll at once: The aullecript lone are to le , paid In the following install ments. viz: 10 per cont. 4:n any of enlocription. ohi" " lath day of February next. " lot ' April next. • ' T i orlilitlirr o i l nfo f:n 14 I p rolorrr,p ).‘t 10Y. -0.40 0 T. 11. MO I hit, Cashier. W. 11. Borman, 'President. lIIIV 17-If MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK, betweeh 7th null Sth Street. ALLEN 7'o Ir , r.I None)' taken au tlepoall al all thurn and lu nay soma from oua dollar upward, for which SIX. PER CENT. INTEREST etch! be rah!. Deposits may be withdrawn et any tint, Persona at , Worm of mending money to any port of do United Stoles -ortlunedae, will have their matters Promptly nttentied to and without any risk on their Port. (told, Silver, Ituouone, Bondsend I Min. earttritlem LuucLh DAVID Sl'll 11.1. Preeldent. LtenTaxwebtavn, Vesitier , COP 9!.t.tt I3ANKING..IIIOESE OF GOOD & RUM FIRST DOOR WEST OF lIIE FIRST RATIONAL. DANK ALLENTOWN, I'A In order to afford all persons nu' opportunity (IHweve small their menus) to deposit inoney 10 moodier amount than what are Cow received by the Teriee• Der/Obileele of this elti, we hate concluded to RECEIVE DEPOSITS IN SUMS FROM ONE DOLLAR UV TO FIVE THOUSAND and allow Internal for the mime at lite rate of mix per cent. per annum, Interest to lie calettlated Iron, the trot and Ilftennth.days of each month, subsequent to auch deposit. Interest will be made nip ou all Deptettin remaining with us, half Yottrly, to wit .• Oa the lent days of April and October, and will be paid to depositor, drone days if not drawn they will go to their rretill”od lie compounded. No luetrent will be culcolatoti on ports of a dol lar, No 'tont a 0 01111 Ono: Vivo Retires con be withdraWn 11011,01 It Ito to close n necount. Esery Depositor will be furnished with n De n positTlook containing the condition , open which tb, Deposits are received, and nomoney will ho received unto.. book be potsented and an entry made at the litho of making the de maim. thttnil Sams over the necessary expenses of Ind; v Iglus lo and funditen that aro liable to be Wasted air needlessly expended, miry, If deposited, produce lu time iuoowns that will nurprlneany w one ho ban given no blood to tliti subject. A doposlt of 111.00 per week,continued one year will amunuount to it. 52 Ni two years tititi : three yearn tidnl 03 ; four yearn toe years $ . 2.92 lit, tool ton years Saki Ott. • It ronottenl . a+ it nab, con•enlent and proatable depository to Fixerittors, Adminlstrutors. ris• sli( trees, Collectors. Agents. out rail Public 001cors, wnother for titotutotlven or their trust loud, to voluntary &petaled or Its,oclutlone, mod indeed to nil classes of our Knowing tartarniTri • ei sense of ,ectulty to Depositors necesoutry to the ottultintent of nueet-ot this we Int. In addition moor ewe individual renponslbility, (which Is northe filet IWlncomiututed Savings liners) on and delivered to W. COUniT, CUPilliOr of Al loutowu National Bunk , and Tilchinan 11. Moyer, ettolder of tat National Dan k, Ibutd of indemnity (Willi opprov ed security) In the 'turn of Twenty WI, Thouxund Dollare, to Ite held lay them in ti tist tor the special security of our Deponiturs. Thbt loot will plat. tts folly equal rim re- Kurds to surety a to any Depository in thin L' Ve buy. ,ell tool oxeltamze all Issues of Government Bonds, exeruto order.; lot the luau cite and sale of all Ilr , t clitieosevorilles. and a ttollatr Isami on Heal Estate on nail rointal, , tonn Advotwes tirade le our &niers .tt all Omen on approved voila twit liet mienTu.. EDWARD RUMP.. KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK, (org:tnir.llllltkr Slate (Intl 4•r iu ISO). ) nEcr.ivrA , . N utul t;Per euut lu o•rv.l will Lr alluu rd. Fn perttul , ./uPelul rates Will he paid. toutouy r.% v.,}c ABLE TEII3IIS. Suitt Bunk ts 1: , )..t0u , l U. rc, itt the borough ut I: utrtutt-u, .11111\ 11. F.tiEl., Probldent. EMVAltlo 31. 11. ruNluur. Tnc• I'. .1. 51 ,, i411 31. 11., .1. 11 F.` , l 11. •I Z, • 11,Lni.•11 1 1.1,• 111(.11.11,1 .1. Kheir, .10111111. rog.l. MAVINCS INsTurt (I.A I Mono rce..iveql G erht. luteL i ,wod 1.. r one year, Ft, hinter Val.! , xpecitdrAte, OEM AI,11:310N r•Voll.1111./. TERII 11.1:lug Ilon.-1.1.0111.T0N sTREKT, wiJ va7 b. live.. the Cuurt awl x.L3I Hotel, ald I=liiii NVII.I.IAM M. A INEY, JAColl DILLIN.iEIt, CAbIL Charles S Thigh, Jehil li Slil,l. Christian Preis, Fllll • Cti.o, Ilrergii Prolit, s.isiorl sell, y ilenj J INi:enlist.lt, Natlulu Pei, William II Amer TIES GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD =I FIRST MORTGAGE BON DS UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT AND SOLD DEH AN T EN & 1380., BANKERS AND DEALERS IX GOYERNMENTS 40 BOUTII THIRD STREET, 3'yIIi.ADE~.PIUA~ ANY 17•Ql jirc Vroof s:,afro .... HERRING'S =1 FIRE AND BURGLAR 111,00 t SAFES .(WITII DRY FILLING.) A w ard ed the Prire MedAls Fair, Loodos World's Valr, New York, Expomtiou l'arlr FARREL, IIER 1 NCI CO HARVEY OILI.III, CUM.. MATIIIIIWS. OCO. MYllld. r 0,9 CTIESTN ITT sir RE ET, PIIILAD ELPII I A. lIIIRRINO. TIRREL & SlialtMAN. !I FM YORK lIETIRINO &CO CIIICAOO HEREIN°, PARItEL & C 0.,. NEW ORLEANS 1014 FOR RENT.L:SEVERAL CON VENl ent room., Allotted la a favorable location. Solna fathom suited for lawyers offices or broth... occupallons. apply at the office of THE LEIIIOII REGISTER, ,Allen- ,fFor tbt 31Labic, FALL A1%1113 IN I 1..!1t ASHIONS. RIES. M. A. BIN DER Las lost forty...l . from Pork noI Loutivu with the latest designs. Personally solected from tho groutos lOsts, thy nomt el;•;;001Omm lo Ito secor l ml Park. LACES, RIBBONS, VELVETS. BRIDAL VEILS, FLOW ERS. SINE JEWELRY, tool TR113101) PAPER • PATTERNS. 'PRESS atal CLt)AIO RARING. • Exclosivo :moot for Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system fur cottlmi dresses, P. aoilte+, bloom., etc. N. W. l.or. ELEVENTH awl CIIIISTN Is:ts., err 21-I.M; • • T $150,000. $500,000. • _ o . ' • '' `-,' -',, , ' f : SEWING P ss- li ‘ 1 Fl i ll Machine! .„,:... THE lIEST IN THE WORLD The only one that makes more than Ono stitch, and sews inure thou mot way, Dank wards and Forwards ,y Mood turning your goods. Does all kinds or work, tight and Heavy. They lire sold 114 cheap as othor machines awl worranted he good. Call and set] thorn at MTS. T. W. grower's Millinery Store, No. All East Ilaullitou street, second door below American Hotel. seluls Wm. F. AVOLLE, HWE SEWING MACHINE II Al ways on baud and for ,th. by EvWvAxn uESII'LEJ., AGENT NO. Id r.A6T II AMI I,ToN STREET, Henry Leh, Jr., Boot and Itlarmfacturer. Jolla Farr, Soattm Unul:sl, " Atillr.r,. Schroth, St 314.'1,11:1nt Inib,re. It & ury.Kelm, \l'm.. U. At Pr,rotdrnl Second Nittlonttl Un. li. F. jilcby, .1. g.Att..rnry-at•t , a‘r rhos. It. ! , letrv...r. It. (Ity Ilaincr.ly ly rpHE CHEAPEST AND MOST RE LIABLE TRUSS STOW: In Ow do,. W. .1. EV ER Err, 50 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, Below Arelt, I'lilindrl OAP. Mrs. IlleCleuncllan's Trusses, I'l4llllle Stlppor , rs. Braros, Elaslir Belts, Stock lugs. Lowest prices. •leiCet Lady ut temlnuts jlinetbly WHEELER A WILSON'S FAMILY IMPROVED NOISELESS SEWING 111ACHINES. . 6 0,1 t prel L S O4, 10;i•inTil 11:4•1. •• iI.. 1 r In 10,111, ..verl.l V.• • • S• I )i• d) 'M.IOIIIIO 011 .••••••i•• ••• ..1 11 , .• •• • lit — .1101 , 0:id) ',Stilt 111 , 01. . .111Mn."1.L.•11:11 h. .! .13,t1t. 711) ,, t., PA. .i6N1)1717,1 v 11,1.1. N.A.. tt . • I .1 NNI'AII.I7 II t'. • •. run itt 'rt. It, I. ... =EI 1'A1%4:451'01'5, in, 15 11,111 'NI I1'IZI.4:1-0,. 10.10 0.15 00111.0,5. 10.10 0.11 •.1111:1 , AN I:I:I 1,014. 1 .!:"..5, ‘2 ' :;,,-.! 0:0'011'0. 7.10 t V .\l,ll[llll - S. 1 7,N 011,‘I'MAN , 0 .'5O TI:L. X 1.1:1:1' , ,WN, " , 0.1:0 5.40 0 1 ' I 011EINIf0 4 v4Lti, • . 4 .1 0 1 , 5 liM I 740'0115. , 01 . 01 N .; enEOll. 0.21 5:3,, m.- !wiry's. , 0.91 6.91 OE 400 x.:11 {.I , 74 1 • I'lag Stnti 'll.•t , h:h h t' 0 r•,....11,,hq hit thh ari :Val ht 111•. I. V. I:. id I. •1..' I tl,lll ft .1n Ea.ton. t1t1.1..•1 , 1. I 'I. :,1 , 1 - at with a 1,1.1 hn 11, I t.d. anla E. 'C.A . Ih.ditllihh, 1.,111, . :plita, and :Va. with a Tlh•I at with train I:. 11.•••.: hh, :did :it rnta , :ii, 11, Alt, ••Il 1110 Vii Munch hill:, \V •• I: i••. I.llit and dh I w Ow 1.. :call t; I:. It. for 11 , 1liklihsw 1 . 1.11."1 , :Odd and Nth,. furl:. 2.0 t I'. \\'l „, it la ths vale ii ain 1 1 ..111. H. 1111,1111 Itrading. Potldodlio, • • . ‘ll-1,11,,,11..1 l'h 1. , .I.• 1 1 , 1,, 1 1'11.• Es „., : ti:,ig 1.3,, 1,,,,, Al.llulti. on the arrival g tr... 1. , .\ 11. Ig..ss, .g.,.1 ~ I a 11,113log,1,11“; c.wwc n- 111 11, . mg svith twill, 1 roill l'hilatlelphla,'llarrh“ rg, 1..1-silk, N., :tl.l r.gliwets. with loral sugoenger :sill ~ath.• I. V. It. 11. Id 11wia,agtittit for Allentosvu, ethlehato and I:a.ton. Pas AOli Nvi-Ititta to it to .111tttomt can talto tho man ti train Wept I All•ltut tart,. at Allentown ~.10 la ott morn lty a train ton sl u t Coq Penta.ylvattitt It. It. raving Anat.. it at 1.20 P. llea.l-Iv C. , `I Ny , . pt. and Ettaincer. . 66 9111 E HILL" SELECT FAMILY IIoARDINU tiellooL An English, Classical, Mathematical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, ,Colt YOUN , ; 31Eli AND rtIYS! AT POI"FSTOWN, 3InNTWIMERY COP NTT, PENNA. The First 'Form of the iltedeenth Annan! Se,t•don wIl commence oh WEDNESDAY, the hth day of sErrnainin , nett. pupil. received atany time. For Pitt:alarm all dress REV. GLO. F. MILLER, A. M.. Prluelp al. REV. DRS.—Mews, Schnettor, Moon, Krouth, Seism, Mehlenbrg. She ver, Hotter, Stork, Conrad, Bomber ger, Wyk., Slerrel, 31orphy, Crulkshook. ‘•tc. • lIONS. hole° Itny ir,Ltollo ~, nen! Myers, M. IN..' Theyor, Benj. er, Joi'ob S. Wester Clymer, John ete• ESQS.—Jmnom E. Culdwoll, Chighorn, C. S (1 rote. 'l'. C. Wo v ,01, lint vy li, Boggs ('. F. Norton,. 1,. 1.. Ilea pt, S. lino-. Fry, )ltiler & Derr Chnrlen NV/MUM:WIWI . , .1.11/11 , , Kent, Santee & g Co.. vte no IS-It ESTAIILISIIEI) IN ltilo. MANUFACTURERS OF 'HIE FINEST CI:ADES OF SILYEiI wikitEs V.'.• IIi.• SOY , mornr..l..ly. Ily ‘,.•1111.t. ;tIL.I \Val :.2 . 1...1.• I.y T 13.1.• 31arle 111.• ill..11.1 . “1,1111 ,, •• II Thoy r.• ••.: .1,1 , a 1...., allii 1 . 11 . 111 . 11 1111d:011 , 1'1 ill ..1,111111) . t,llllllll,frti. 'Very dtel'Euld.or f'utlery In great variety. NI requited. N. I:. ('..r. NINTH ttml CUESTNUT STS SIEVES 693 MARKET STREET; PHILADELPHIA Ma NITILLIAII PRA("11 V CAI. ITlttl Elt. na:.r,\•n Lad line Furn. ..f MI.-1110 II Bay Sable, Mick 5a1d..,1 1 1.1..11111a. .1-II nit lr.,n ciLericn squirro, Fitch,.ll—. a nine °lL:pile , ' Savors. In Pent, 01 'Whin. and lunch A..trarltan, which l am .0.111 m: tll3ll :Inv ..ilier W lhe clly. illie /1.1,01‘111,11 1:41110, Whit.. Yon, hile Ire• land Bony cc, :Ma 111.1115,1 lion Wrive. kr. WM. 1 10 Arch Pl., Philadelphia. TiOalf, A :fiNTDCIUODS AND BUILD- The tiuderAgurd is prepared to co - ntruct f, furnishing SASH, BLINDS, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES: SHUTTERS. •: And all kind• nt building lumber Agent for HOPE SLATE COMPANY'S LEIROII SLATE Ora. left at tho EA 0 LE 110 TEL 1110 recolvo'PromPl attention. Punt ottico THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 EMI= ailnabS In= =EMI eburationat MEM= MEAD & ROBBINS, 9urc.,—,.1“ J,•Ln 11, CUTLF,iIIY =EI NV 11 E CT, 0 11, MANU FA CTU RED BY SELLERS • TigOTIIERs, =En Whole,.ln and retail dealer In Iln • CELEBRATED CUCUMBER PUMP Wit. 11. BERLIN, Quakertown, Ducks Co.. PA. sep 22-11, oct V. 'CO CLOTHING ALL GRADES AND PRICES, READY-MADE AND MADE to ORDER We offer an unparalleled variety of Clothing for the Autumn and Winter Trade, incl WINTER OVERCOATS, from $l5 to $50.1 BUSINESS SUITS, from $2O to $45 FALL OVERCOATS, from $l2 to $35. PEA JACKETS, from $l2 to $3O !Our entire Sto . elt is inanufactur d es) • • T., lln our Custom Department we have all the latest flibries of the Domestic aria Foreign markets, and employ •• none but the most artistic Cutters. FURNISHING GOODS in great variety. The celebrated AMERICAN YOKE SHIRT a specinit) ANEWALT & BROTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP STORE (Nearly opposite Hagenbuch's Hotel,) SOUTH EAST CORNER EIGHTH AND HAMILTON STREETS, ALbENTOWN, PENNA. We would hereby announce to our numerous friends and patrons, or well as the public to general, that we have justremoved to n or new building, southeast corner of F.lghth and Hamilton Streets, specially erected to meet the want.. o f r large and increasing trade. where we have now greatly replenished oar stock In all that pertains to the Fall and Winter Trade, to all inspection of which everybody to (netted. me late s t an d most r a o doaa bi.,.. ty k,„ of SILK HA TS, CASSIMERE HATS, SOFT IL4TS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS AND POLAR ROBES, I it endless variety, %ditch cannot fall to please all, at prices lower than at any time within the lost eight years. We propose to sushi in the reputation we huge heretofore enjoyed of ?felling a better clans of goods, noire of them. and at lower prices, I tom au, other house In Allentown. Feeling thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to is, w,• gill wuhmror t o the fat um., In the past, to please all—furnishing choice goods at the very lowest Prices. t r wholesale department, to which we lay Ito all eimotry merchants, Is full and complete, and email'. styles salt. abld nil sec allkl the inducements offered will Is, equal 10 any exclusive jobbing !loose Milo. city. /go - Pions,' call and examine our stock before purcla,lua. t an wa charge nothing fur nhowlug goods. ANEWALT New Building, Cur, Eighth and ITandltornti., :Vert door to M. S. Youy l'o's Hardware Store DR. W. E. BARNES SON , E AND 11.E1'AII, TT C+ S r"1" 7 NO. 14 EAST 11A I L'r( )N . ST A I.I,EN'I'( /-.\\ N, I':\'. • 'no Ittlonllon of the flil7ollP of Alloaldivn owl 1.. filch r.oltit p I-T.—p..01011) Iqvlt.4l v• thi ng nana ily kept Inn litont.glann Drug ' , to, ill he lantlf.a . -.1, , lin, null selerietl, Cwllminting of P 11111: 11R VOS and 311:1111!1NES, 011 E .111,..11,5. A P 7''l7-'s, A iv, FUJI ,11E1)10INAI , I'SE. SOAPS, 1 .1 : I',SIIES, PAN , 1 ...Id T1.'1,1;5. A FULL. LINE 011 e ALL 'l'll I`OIIII.AIL I'ATENT MEDICINES, I [All I?ESTORATII7;S LINIM NYS, of an kind.. Cot...tautly m0...1 a 'aria...lova of soda a.ll, Potash mid C. 0.5 . ,. 1..1..1 f Soda, Iluklog Smla, Ere,wilTntlar, ttiltwit%., Cloves una .l i ii and tularivallag Oil. for aineldnery, :ma a tliou.and and oto. other ..vtiele• which 1. e 1.111.1. W.• hay,. tho Sapp...rt. , and altoultlor Bravo+ 101110 ray. The.° .11.1.1 ...I by ..Naol 1. „ vena l a n,..n.gt Paint., .111. i 1 . 0,11 1..1.1. aliti 11110,1..1 , are itivl.4l to our tom before making their 'Hach:i.e.. Wk. Gill 1(10 . .P 1 01'11..1 , -1 quality at a• law the TEAS! TEAS !—We hnh, the nueueg fir areal State- Tea Cotupaay or N. iv . at.... e10a....t grade........, , at about Ina the price elnirgoil lay .1111, dealer., for nu 111‘.1 . 11,1' till.lllly. T 1) it .111 d l'hyrdcla... , and Country Mortisaud..uprlled tit 11... loive.t We wt... par - I I I tleulur titivation to the W1...1...a1e Brand, of the ba•at...s. Dealer. trill Mid it to In,. v., to 11 , 11111:11..r.lal a. a Wi• iv,ll he able ta give ..a11.r0vt...1. lnt/ iu nnality and mi t ., I,)' a,t, to. tittotatious for minnalludquatititi... tarnished on nl,Plication, Ire, \V, E. IZNIIS 1 •, ,\. apt 1-1_ i H I LIFE INSURANCE, CO.MPA NY, INCORPORATED 1851 BENJ. CHICKERrNO, Secretary Dividends Paid Annually, on the Contribution Plan, from 29 to 70 Annual Payment Life Polley is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium whet due, but is continued in force under the Messachueetth Law of April, 1801 One Annual Payment will continue the Polley In force 4 2 yearn and 3 days Two I ° Paytlientn " lt ti 12 ' fliree " 0 «. 27 w The BERICSIIIIIE wag is RIRSP COMPANY I Use United States to nftli! ALL of its policies NONTOIWEITABLE ASSETS ANNUAL INCOME All F.cdownient and Limited Payment Life Politica arc entitled ton " PA 11)-U I' NON-FORFEIT AISLE POLICY," after One Annual Premium ban been raid PHILADELPHIA BPO.NCH' OFFIGE,. W. - H. YODEL.' Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Allentown. & BROTHER, parrsFI . ELD, MASS T. F. PLUNKETT, President Per cent EXAMPLE AT AGE 35 Company's Bull ding, Bißbi Max 339 WALNUT STREET te Charter Perpetual JACOB L. GREENE, Asst-Sec'y A nun ruro for Dysentery, Diarrhrea, Celle, nml Griping Pains. It regulates the Bow. ale, quiets Restlessness, allays Inflammation, and promotes Healthy rest. It softens the Gums, mid rendern Teething reef. Im 2r ,t .4 . IMPERIAL OINT- M ENT for Coln. Iltnet., ErlipthaN, he, EVERY POLICY is I uovur ha rearkAted. 101 l by DruggiAte. stied b'. tlikltpail sincv..\ pril A. 1). Isnl, is No N.p( )IZPEITAIII.I,„ Itlid qo: expro'sgcti in nit' MEE 1,2.)11,000 :ioo,ooo W. H. GRAVES, General Agent, and Attorney for Penne TI I t: o s EXTENS' VE STOCK ELEGANT CLOTHING MEN AND 11pYS UNITED STATES. Ming many Noveliles. 3r) N CSC. 4 0 CO • I 1 I ponr.o:v.: MEI= , .I.l:iNt, \ I' •., l'I;11. \i ,. .1, 1111. .t ni. gum:mt. e a rare lit - b.:11 BIM nurcil S;sovs EGE'TAIILE ()11A1 ES'l'l I( )1' 1..1: In th hest wan, /..1/lail 1,111114 fr.all children, IWO:11114 OW kotill.l. WOl.lll 111,111C11...1. 110. It 11 . 111 r1•1.1.,0 Wol . llllllld the Ittotaaelt iTis AS PLEASANT To TANI: AS CA:i NO lEDICINE TO PE /11.-W A ITER IT. 2 CENTS A BOX 01.11111' .11.1.111[1,:ulmT 4 AND Col . N:ri, 10:01.1 1.1.1 i•ltrii and moo vrt V ~ labia Warm la a yet. low It yam . drat:lli-I sle.ould 11.4 ha,. hark him it.•t it ral you. JOIINS()N, HOLLOWAY kV, COWDEN MEE rpIZL LATENT DISCOVERY IN mEturATIoN. -- , p,i.--3 -2-- - ,•=i,:,:-- ~ . ol• -4,- '47) .- i x ~,e. ...41.,t, ME .• .1 . 1111 . 111tY pity-lei:ln- hp,. 1.4...0 ,t 0,1, to ..VOI 1 . 0110, La. , ill 101101 11 berllol,,lat 1. till Cathartic and all , ratsvo. 111 , 11 ..111conl th A l i 11, I pfeparaliou 11( glg t.. 1 1 , 1.. 1,-1.. u• •Prtlinnry ‘ , ll..yed I h.. , .1i•1t Iho f.. 1 .111 ol a 1,..1 AS)I \V I , 1.1 V E .\\II I • I.IIZENca: lib, 1,11'•'x111:11 Med 14 • 11, I 11”,11) . lllnll o l , ch. ,ni-try 1'11 , , )) 0,""I. It poll, lv rut .• all the volitotii:l I propet , i , - 11,,- plea•atil 1•• •111., -Oil , all , / Xll ll r., ,111. tl x.. 110111 1.• 11111 111 \l„n•.iN 1'; 'l'll i.1',.% N' II 4 tit,' th, pvcrlo— it 11'0., hi•ought nd :1 ...mth I It , 4,00.11, a 11 , ha , 1.4 0l•01/110.111.11 01 1 cl/1 , 111;111 11l 0 ,0,, VINO , lb fo • .1 tholll..gularill. , Nyl l 1,1 t 0 lho )till he round v 4 1..11. ,hL Aa/..111.11 0, 0111 Iley 1::• 1 "" :" ' gt I'rl,il • .l 11.1 1.1. n. , 01,.. I, tills ow, slit I 1.. .1a0,.1,.11.1, 11 1.Z1,111 . ..1 , 's c Plar , , 1:"I I:. a1t . .2:.• I fikr 11ED-1;1,o:soh,. IN.L, • All •,•2. .\ C4J:TAIt 11,.,11.1,11 ! ..1, N. N. Oh My! 4.h My! ' 1,, ~ 4 1- ";II I, ill MC Fur eat, 11111.1•, 1:1 iltl Son t,'Ne er/S , • S" .1; LA7K 11 , 11: 8.11, b 01.1) ALL TILE 1/111.*OGISTS IN ALLENTOWN. SEND FOR CIRCULARS cp.atirS G :4,774 4 s ~ s, / 0 ~,...0 6 40 4 S '- iff M.- 4,Art,...c c., •G i.TriB;`IIORK, EARTH - C. ww o:s 4 BROADWAY, P ADEL pHIN 613 MARR ET 51, EM t1443"2" 4 : 19 . ocioANENT A Tincture of rare healing herbs, mold in bottles only, at $l. or $5 dressG Doz. Sent to any ad , on receipt of money ! , and Guaranteed, ~ `~~ ~~ /~ i~Qe i ~S~~ ~ M ~ tN ,~ 0/ 4,,0 , .1' r A Genuine Family Medi. r tine prepared for the Cure , of Dyspepsia,. Biliousness, Colic, Fever &Ague, &c. Iten• / courage. Digestion, cures Heart. burn, purifies the Blood, & regulates he Liver, See Circular, fold by Tlntagistm. IR S RELIEF._ A ('(UGH. COL 1) 08 SOlt .L.X. I:.AT v.. 1111111,11:It.' 31,1111,1. :I. 111. g. ( k' QMI4" C b • BRoNONIAL. 14190 ft• WM= illly ror 810.1111'144, CAT.t C”,-1 . 3t1 . 11,1: 11:1,•11 SINtiEIIS 1.11;1.11' t•. , war :Ina ntirligthon Ow vice, „11x1; tti I hi. I relltltll iOll 5 . . 4 OW c 11. •, B.:my /i.,,rtint.g. II rr. I 1 , 441 r, fplll , l for Jootloiiiy. Ito .111,11: 111ZONVN'S 1111UNTIIIAW -TROCHES I=l lIEV I VA ia I I •111.,rii.011 Lncluc Pawed tho ••01.1 11,,p0 (' y;,1,1," Itllll.lllt , l•F CIII,II , AliclitOSVll :1.1111 , Vuhlle g...•ral. Om MO' n .rorlor n , :orttonnt of C.,1,1-tllla of St.,. nit , l Nut 111'4Ili ST.% IN 311. N E ,. • I.•tt A:‘11 A. A. a. , , I , ••r 1110 E:tglo I:, H ..tit l t, 2. 0 w Vitt attoutiv.ll. , ill .1 Ilke t •list 1,1 tun IMIMMEIMMO nt the . ' Oil !tope Coal Yard 11.11 Ron Street, t , ,rner ur I.oltlgli Valley R L. W. Komi oct27 au2s-ly , FIRE-PLACE HEATER, FOR .IA - MES 11. :BUSH'S, NO. 26 EAST HAMILTON ST MEM lii• 1.44.0., 1..4 1 I.t.P N.ITI Slt IP toRS mill WIN - 1: 4. 4.11t1114114,11 cuparity Ln hurl T w Es . 1 . 4 it• it 11. 11 . Rs : at a 441' but Erdiv STS PER 11.1 T. 1'11.4 most 14.trITel and cht..Tful llentcr =ME I Ilairo revoive.l l'onr l'ilie lila,. Pretuinins at Ili,' No York Stow 111111 othor Fair+. Al^ni. the II mat SILVI: :ill.:l).‘l,;Lt 11,.. Fair .11 . liii• American I nsiltiwe lola full env of NI, Yorli, liiinl. I'llov :vie l'oroi tool linrioir, only Ono Eire being r nolo} to lio ailo ilo Imgt ho iieioion. Tliey iii i i rr o Ventilator. 1i •I the Apartment. 'Finn,' ego be 111 1 ,1 . . 1 1 e ii.o. from thou, 'Eller , ono be no Clinker or Slog to ii iit ril. Tin,. 1i... , ,vill remain for II:1r, W 4110111 11111 1 11011 Tin,' 1ii,,..mti, , ,. 1...,,,,i 1 ..., 1 /111 1 11 Fir, 'rho . II I'll nutlet lloolot , ~,,a yet poi (telly adapted to nil ‘veathor. 'Eliot' ate the inoit Economical Stoves niol En wive. ever mad, The Enrioiro will lionit, teithifactorli Loth MI tipper itiol ii latter Ilion, witliont additional In, Eight Size.: of the iillovoiii and 'Flinn. Site,. of the Earl Furnaces. Tim argot to.,orinient Of ordinary stoves, for park , miaborA,toren and onlirc, al all Wol. lho be,lpallerno of improved cook Stily,l on hat ad far sale at prlros M salt Om elrcumglancon or eve 1a.,. Agent for the Cook Stove; rail and so ALL WORK DONE IN THE BEST MANNER Ar r;N rs, STOVES, TINWARE, AND (;.\S FIXTURES E STABLISHED 1851 J. REYNOLDS & SON iSiii c i .DEmurti es G• leleanlists,Pro LAS*. CO 114 n[SIN:ESS ALLENTOWN, l'A E. E. DON•CffIY -ly Flatters. THE PLACE THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE A ',LENTO - 11'X, PA DI PEOVEI) ORTEIsiTAL SE BURNING COAL STOVES and PARLOR FURNACES, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING .d to PI:0311"11,1, anti =II GAS FIXTURES rig ty of pattrrn• and prices = JAAI ES: BUS] I, I=l No. 26 Auyt Hamilton Strut, =I FILI;EIa ST IZEET., I= Solo Manufacture, or the relebrAtea WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER \mit PATENT DPST Senr.EN =I WHOUGIITARON RADIAMOIi ,:--,,..1,_ .x,. --_, -.:_-_ _....___,.._,,,, ~t.., a ____ ~.. : . 4 7i r 1., ~,. ~ , l iaL , ,, iTN•ply, '', \ , 1 /ty ' , Piult." ,AV" N 1 . ---m& iL ri'. Co' :. ri- ,. . ',- ,i.,_ _, r :i..,„,,, tot .r, ~ , ~A; c c lot ',......----.: . ,04, "..--1 t ''N '........01.'.:1:k5t0 . 41. ..„..1ii i... .,..; ;1 , 44 : , ''' 041 ~-f:',4°-!:.& MA T/ '-- I - i 4rdhci----:0-Witrtj10; __ -1.::: gt,.-0` [.....,,_ ~..... ..; ...„;-,;,.. - -- -- -.".- , :-:-7- - 1,;0,12, - , 'Ft 4 n - ',I ".- ---...--- ~_ ThY, Il r.l:1 • .1 , ..f 11 , 41 v y Wr . .11,14- 11,1, t tl.• ne 111 - Tl.. 141 ..4111 .. ily f 4 1 . 1.• 411.11, ty.1.1- it-. .. 41111111-, 4.11.1 i...1.,1114.11.,41y t 1..• t...-t °pular nab,. 4C.1 gtutr,oitt, CoONINII Ilt,tol+ Alta Flon PoIITAIII.E HEATERS] HEATEns, • DowN GitATE.4, SLATE MANTELS, IiEHISTERS Aso VENTILATORS li!IIIIIII=111 NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE 47i - 5. , 1 for our Illzt•trat.,ll'aturillot HOUSEKEEPERS 1.)0 YOU WANT A COOK STOVE . That 14 beautiful and ettAly controlled by on , nu' Boy "THEM 1. That bas the largest Oven amVioLiys 'd. That Is In qm nionl Ect.inalcal, Buy "THE TI3ILIS 1.. That Im the II eav o, t In the muk;t :,, rit E TIMES =I bold uuly by JAMES 11. 'SUSI Qrarl)rts ailb Oil Cloth. C ARE'I'S I" AND OIL CLOTHS tvouldltn nttenllon r onr (rig ndN n Publl, oar ...lock of 1:.11:1'ETS, ,vhlelk In .nl.nand ..nro, and no whlnh try bar, ad Iln• HM n T V and r!o ve A BILI'nSELS, 1'1.1" and INtl HAIN C.IIZI . I:TS: al-.1 all tho !Inn' rled ogentry and mall . 011. CLOTH 11.1.'11,T , IN It. tvni nv •I/... WI N DoW ,lI.VVES In givat s.ktl.•ly, (v.:4,A :Ina II mod-. C,r,itoou Rer fp, .11 , 111 s. S • All %, 111 Ow owe:4 ralvA. Call anti LIPPINCO'I"I' 501.c. , ..0r I'll I\ ll'6ll, .1 RICII ELEGANT cmu'ETs, OIL CLOTHS, Cc S. C. FO C! L K =I cAuvErr 11USINESS AT '1 . 9 S. SECOND ST., PITILADELPHIA (11.•twcon MA11:01:Lnd Si-.,) With a fill] it-soffinvni ..f VI:IXEy. I;I:I'S . SELS, TIIIIEE 1.1. V IN(MAIN 0.1 .vi:NETI.% (*.%1:1.1.T5,1.1.1 el•alL, ' y THE CARPET AND OIL CLOTH E. S. SI-lIMEIt & CO NOS. 5 AND 7 WEST HAMILTON ST I= REP LEN «l ED It .1,- P 111 CF.'S 1)1 EI)UC r.Tular 1101)17 PRANK ENti FRANK MG I:L.IZ, 5111.151: nAivrronD, ENGLISH I'APF:S'YRY, CROSSLEY'S TAPESTRY, sToDDART T..IPESTRY SMITH TAPESTRY; HAUT ro RD & LOWELL, cxtra 3 ply, IMPERIAL, extra 3 ply, MEDIPM SUPERFINE, 3 ply, S3IITH TAPESTRY INORAIN, PHILA. SUPERFINE do., • PHILADELPHIA FINE INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA COMMON INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA WOOL INGRAIN, do. WINDOW SHADES e 'tI7RTAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. STYLE AND PRICE , 1869. MIISIEM VIM Cl IEAPEST, I; AUT I F L AND MOST DURABLE 1, 0 T 11 1 N , (EYSTO:N E HALL i )j IjIJI 14 I .t,kcLovrittNi; th.•ir no.th, CO 1. VA, 11.1 . r.lt.titillitt to MEN'S WE It 1 Fon LESS MONEY, t.. 1111 ). _Yu Sh, q , .1.()TIIIN(; Dl'.. 'lO 1/1t1)1:11: 11,.•,.1 1.,1:to ,•,,rt • t.... 1... ri :nl.. up the ..111,1%,i• , 11 td . (:1 , ..01;(F. K. ItEEI)E11, A%-11: 1.. • %% •PiziNo o•..•:v th, I.:1 - ST( IN 1 I No. 21 We,l llitmilton Street •T t" thr Gcrnlan Itorormra ('IL ALLEN 11A. tm.•nt of flf.n.' Forza-101w I:“N 11.11.1,11:1' y 1.2,1 EAT virrnlrnos: NEW ! NEW G OD,s7 CLOT IHNG! CLOTHING! 1:1t.\:C1) AND SUMMER opENi,a. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN & CO., . Sttecr.nrf to Net:ger & Osin,,,, BARGAINS • AT TIT" 4REAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM NO. 113 EAST HAMILTON STREET, '.Pr would inform the Hit,. of Allentown hhd the sur lundlidt country that we are prepared with n large stork r good!. for • FALL AND WINTER WEAR, lel elf, tle:nt le the public at n.. 011040110 ,, 'P.. then eeh° buy their I'loolllg ready-toude, they are prepared t tier BAILUAINS. WHOLE SUITS DUDE TO ORDER ! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut awl 10.1.• lit 60 , 11110,4 +tyle, 11111.1 Iti tilt: L. -+l xvorlonen or It STocic oF CLOTIIINCi, CLOTHS ND CASSINIMIES, I,I.I . IZMTN, It ittl I.lv t.tin •• CUFFS, COLlAltti, 0 I.: N S 17 SIS 11 1 G a,I,II'IIII.DEEN'S IMIMfffiMIDEM;iI thy• T Lt Li , • _ k 't,',l .. -- - Inloc„, i ~-, -..- i ~ •_- ---'-: _ _ ,, i,,,' ,, , , r,:(40., 1 j - i t l i t ir,jog2;:sor, - .Ntig rlwilW4:r-,tt r.ivg,,f9l i , ls* V,' 1'1,i , 1 1;4 li',s 1 i' ,5 ' 11 V 4 tP I I ,i . i l- 6 . " . 1i1, 1 1 .1 t . '11tH 4 , 4 2L. E?oY ' 1 3 i e - aHILH''i 1 - I ,iti l 4r l ipt,fi, 1 4''' , 11-Q piti l ;,.) , '-', tc 5 ; (-i - --rz. 'N 1 -, T b'. o .lo\l;(..fftl r e.6y'; `, - " - 1t1.•:... ,!, I : , L : 4 . fl ' I, •••• 1 A - -T "7":114:t ' 1 - __,.. z.f, ,..,..,., , ,„_,.. 4. ,_,........ „.... -•' - ; Co'. ,C'irtlt and Ilittoillon S. Allentown, P, I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ,VT Mii (A I i rvrou s, P t ) ,R7lll NO STORE a large let Ofvory tine I..rfect fittiog ready leade clothlug (Nun the Nulad AUCTIONS, , hid, I w ill ~,q1 fifty coulA ou the duller cheap, than nnY her nture lu Allauwo. GOOD QUALITY kattnet coatg, at V... 00 " enesitnere Coats, All Wool at .1. AO • . .• Black Cloth Cantu. at .All .. • ` Caseiniere VONIN, •• at t.to • • • • caggintero Vests, • • nt2.1,0 • • • • Pautv, at LAO Pants, at 2.2.5 .. • " Ca...haat . ° Pant,. at 3.01 Caasintere Black Pants. nt 3..k1 Whole gulls. front • 4,1.041 to 02. eir The best advice I co n Kiva you is to call and oxatalno uty stock before you buy elsowhere. The r. , allou why I can sell my clothing fifty cents on the dollar cheaper „tarot othar stora in Allentown is be anw I have two and I mu constantly myself In Philadelphia With ready Boy "TIIETIMBN I=l ty them at AUCTION. • FRANKLIN KNAUSS =ET Apt I Kin pormtmently r.ulLli.Led lu 001 Wiloiv mot Clotllll,g ba,ltooo,tt No. North :lot Philadelphia. I wolll.l roil 010:L1.1.10.ot of cottotry chant-to toy 1411: , Mid exteu.ivo of hit totrch.o.Out • loAvio•ro. rizANK.LIN coNsiionocKEN 13()11.1•At AND COI L,NY( )itKS J 011 N WOOD, .1R TURF, Fhi7l: AND CYLLVDER 11011,:ERS, PATH IND NMI If 1.11:1'1.7,177.Va 11011.1.7 RS All kinds of Wrought Iron Coils Tuyers for Fur nitre,. las. Slack ran Wheel harrows, and everything lu Ilia Boller nod Olivet Iron Ilse Al., oil kook of frou and Steel Forging , . and Mario:tall work, Stlnern"fools of all kinds, such us Whem !Dirket , . Picks, Drills )lallet, Sledges, Having a liiain Ilaroiner and net of tools of t inn and skilled wo c rkmen, I flatter myself that I eau nol work with promptness 1/1111 dispatch, all of width NV in In WUrralltt`d to b.. . Patching llutlere, and repairing generally, bt a r i l , c r tly 7-1 a , tandotl to. Clothing NA CI E l'A'N'l ~, VESTS I=ll =II ALLENTOWN, PA. An.lev,ythin, Eno of UZI= I= Li I ll:twilton third =NEM -,-,. ~, E CASH ftirchanirs =I 13roff55ional earbs. .... ...... .... _ TA mrES . N. 1111Eltl, ATFOR El' AT ./ ' LAW. No. 211 Ennt door of Lion Hall, Allentown, (Special nlt.ninu ni.ol.l,ll.nnions.) inurrily • M - 11.1 G. SCII W turz. xrroit 'Ai EY I.AW. Inatn.s' building.Xth nna Hamilton Street+, .W1..111 . illf • AMeriCllll 11.1 tel, 'Allentown, Penna. lingi..ll and German .poken. C 011,11.... in Li•high and adjacent r•motiom promptly itttopl...l to. I IMBUE 111. RIEE, lbo RN ATTOEY AT LAW. W How o D. Allen twn. Pa. _ I. Al"r(loit .tr). N, 1 ,. t r e'....‘iii. " . ' 1 ` ,.: 1 .:!; 1„ .) .„,1 ( 11`, 1 ',1 I otbil,“to the C ourt licanw, Allentowti,nt. y itt 111.• Q.% 111:11 , .1. A. ilt"rz., ATTORNEY AT LAW. Milm with wyruoir, oppomlte the Eitt:lo 11a.•% ALLENT,.WN, .EII11:11 VALI.EIi FIRE INSEIt ..I-1 IANCE rtIMPANI, Serroul Nsttlorml Ilnnk. In•tiren im.perty . twitiimt. loxs by , 11...ith.,010ck 11111111111 rim, (:. S. Itr., Pros ' t S 1111.1.1Noirit. Sert y. - Ir=lllllllEMEill E .%II'rES DE V !SITES•• 4'2 l'Elt 111/ZEN. MI ti \\*. ALLEN T.iWN, T-1 . lltrElt. V11"10 Y I{NE Al' LANS'. II II )', 114 1. , huh I, \l~llllnll Pt"tl 11111 Carl.° pr.151,0Y 1 - 4 11.115111.1, FORILEST. VI"I'ORNEY ND rur N, I:1.1...11 AT I.AW, in I , tront. Allotov.n. l'H. jilt, 11.1 r - - - T 11. 1/1.1 VEII. .t'1'•1'O11V El' AT th.• I BALDWIN. .1111 . 01CNEIN AND A'P LAW, Allonbovn, •... Al E. Hamill. , M. (inn 11-•ro•til F. A. IL llAl.l,tx. • J. 3lllibitE,.tl"roitNin• AT LAW, , ALLEN Tows, l'.. 0111,, N...51.:3.1 Cu'Calt iit 6,11.11. 331111-'6,lr 1 - 1 CIAV 113311EIRSLY. vrroitNEv AT hAW, cATAsArtly.‘, THom AS B. M ETZIG ER .11"11'0U• SNP Nl' LAW. N LI,ENT.IwN, l'A. Itior MEIL'I'Z..II.IIII . II{I II . I N. srIIVEYon AND coNVEVANCEIL Ac:ENT FOR.TIIE '6ALE 01 HEAL EsT.vrr., N . , w,•-i Hamm.. 1/WIN ATT4)l{Nliv AT I.A‘V, viaht 41.... rs I'..unA Al.• :NT , . N, romity, reb • wH. SOIVDEN. vi"rott NEI' AND C,It'ASELL‘OI:•AT LAW. 11111,, i'..r rof 11.1111.1,treet :ld Law Alley, smith 24,104%1.1,EN 'II)WN. I.A. DAVA IC 11 11 A ItN" ATTODNEV AT LAW. Mice, eith Iton. SIOIIIIII A. Midges, AI.i.ENTiIWN, PA. tony 1.17 - • • Til . lO l llll , N 111."1"1', AvrouNEv, AT LA*, _ Corm, mid Hamilton mi•veniayts ALIA.N• A DAM WOOLEiER, ATTOR %Ei' _cv AT LAW. Office, opporillo the Court Ho use. I.ly Al, I.ENToWN, PA. may EORGE B. SCIIALL A'rrOIRSEY 31 AT LAW. 0111 co, Find door AO, La A w lky. Al ENTOWN, PA. y - • • TT C. lICNSITERGER ATTORNEV TT AT LAW. 0111 co, with John 11. Oliver, Fifth St., rvar of the Court 11./uNg, ALLENTOWN, PA. Apr. .2.1•1 y TEVI S3IIAVEIt, AlrrolltNli.li AT J LAW. ALLF:NT"WN, PA. "like, N. NV. ('....n..r 6111:1.1 Sit'vet+, Ilovr. 11.11.1 1.1 !he notlleinent of llvred , n,P.M ,- tionsumilo .illll6-1v . _ IMH. C. C. H. GULDIN. SURGEON DENTit.T. Oillre, over Mrs. M. A. G. Gailu's Trimming . Sin', Ns. 31 East Ihkmilton street. ALLEN TOWN PA. --• CO 1.11) I).EN'TAL ASSOCTA'I'ION Orlainated tha num-411 , 0r lire of Isitrons oxide gaq, 10- ,111111 st, It in illi• 11)/r1 ,, ,41 ! annum', do tio tlking b E ot X1'11.1 , "1"I'Mr11. iln,l thry rt•ltalttly.„, it d„ Ill;lt wiTliovT ,••• 111441 . -ianalarott at iIIa..FFICE, :37 STIZI.A7I' hal..tt . Eighth, 1.1111,1,1p1t1a. agricultural iiirrAsi"ro - FARMERS! CALIFDRNIA AND DULNION 'WHEAT AGENCY \V furnl-11 Farmer. with the ST Fern WHEAT IN THE WORLD •rf..ctly fr.r fnnn. 11,evt 11 . .4 ..r other Impuri Eli. an d (.1111.1 ylO,llOll. 1111 SI STY UrsIIELS Tel TuE ACRE 1111=1 I . I , I • NDS To 'rm.: mEAstlicED TL.• Err. or Wito:11, wilcu water., nre u.ttally eli•von ti.•.l vutl I , v fo, to :ill 111:11, 06' =lll s . kmpixs CTS. E. I ll.t S ..de. and .0 EACII RN LI .1 XI) OR SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, MEM Bo w E It 'S comPLETE MANURE, I= HENRY BOWER, Chemist, PIIITATMI.I . I II A lEEE Super-l'hophae of Lime, Anionia rind WARRANTED FREE FROM ADDLTERATIoN This 3tonaro contains the eirtacats to praduco Inca rolls of all kinds, awl in highly ref:0n...11...1 by ail A, b distintraished elnanists bon I.y te.ttsi i y t. qualities. l'acked Bags of .20.111.5. twit. DIXON, SIIAIiPLESS 6.: (20., Eli= 39 South Water and 40 South Delaware Av., I= Fr sato 11 , WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 71 ,O, Allmon., Md. For Inforinatioti, Lithlres.4 11..0ry 11 , ,vvr • Itllitololpftlrt. f010i11...42...iy ... _ FARMERS AND FEEDERS • \VIII con. itatil -tspply of freAll ground 131 ladling antl short, Corn and Oiltm. unit, • EXTRA FAMILY AND RAKERS' FLOUR, • 1111.41. 1860. I'IIIEADELPIIII.I.. 1%69. WALL PAPERS. 11(11V I=llll PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDoW SII ADES, sALEs Ro om:, an.l 31. A ItKET Pt.. ,- I'll l LA P E 1.1.111 Factory, ror. Ly_thud anti S.tu,ota NEW v EV Eltl" DAY, or (Wit OWN MAKE. oct •t. sTEEL, U I'll OLST WINDOW SHADE & BEDDING STORE, No. •16 North Ninth Street, I= W I NDOW SHADES, With 11xlitt , t- conipletr, tr,iii ti.2.11i a pair, tip Itt 011' IittLLAND AT ALI. PRICE,. ,11.11)Li 01 , ANY ST171.110.A1c1)(.01.01t 31A1 , 11T 0 011 STORE t!..ki ADES MADE AND LETTERED. LACE AND DRAPERY CuI:TAINS. ALL KINDS OF WINDOW. DRAPERY PATENT MOSQUITO CANOPIES. GILT, Rosnwoot) AND WALNUT CORNICES. CURTAIN LI.INIIS, TASSELS, CORD, Ao. FURNIT.URE STRIPS CUT AND M. STAIR, AND VESTIBULE RODS. FruNrrunc itExplior.sTEßED AND A'AIINISHEIL Curpoin mid Matting!,put duow ,tul n. new, 'nude, altered and UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT WHOLESALE A NEW THING. SILK FINISUED WINDOW SHADES: octrMy MB= .W3l. U. Two'As & co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers