NclicA Iltgistcr. PI . III.IAIIF.D EVERY WISMINADAY lIT 11011E11'1' FRED ELL, JR TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE No paper discontinued until all arearages are except at the option of the publishers. • Our subscribers who do not leeeixe their papers . regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending wont to this ottice. Subscribers about removing will pleitse send um their old address as well as the new. THE CITY Renioval The publication office of Tiiß Lioittoi Rtto t%Tidtt lies beta removed to the Register Stationery Store, first floor, Hamilton street two doors above Sixth, in the building formerly ovenpledhy Young A; Lentz. I), i r Ift at We return our thanks to Charles Kline. Emi., for some choler cute of venison. The deer was shot by Mr. Kline near Hazleton. Pb, , cab , A pair of pet grey squirrels, male and fe male, with the cage, will be sold cheap, apply at the itEctsTgb Oceicg.—Ade. Early Closing The merchants or this cil have agrettl to (dose their plates . of husiuet•e on and after 'Monday next at 7 it'eloek, except tar Saturday evenings, when they will keep open in. heretofore. • chrixtniam Ifolidar Christmas is near at hand and preparations wre being made for the holidays. Those who wl6ll to reap it harvest should advertime extensively and NliW i> the 11111 e. to do it. Temperance Meeting B. Chive will deliver it public lec tore ill the Presbyterian on Thursday evening, Deeemlt•r :11. Subject Temperance The public• I, earnestly requested to attend. Beady for Trace! The bridge over the Jordan at Gordon street, ivhich is being manstructed in the plane attic one washed away by the lent tlood, is now sufficiently near completion to allow wagons to pass over It. Steamer Repaired The Good Will Steamer, whieh lots under gone extensive alterations and repairs at the man ufactory, at Seneca Falls, N. Y., Is expected home this week. Dissolution of Co-portooeship. The firm of S: & L. Butz lots been dissolved, sod the business will hereafter be carried on by L. Butz & Co. The individuals composing the new firm arc L. E. Bale, Jonas Koch and F. Blitz. • Alientorn has an extensive china and glassware estab lishment where 'as great a variety and as low prices ran be found an In the larger cities. We refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40 W.At Hamilton street.—ads. Outfits for Congaing Houses, papers of every kind, droning materials, sta tionery for ladles, penknives, SeinnOr6, razors and pocket books can be found hi variety at leedell's Stationery Store, in building formerly ocenpled by Young k Lentz.—Ada. ,lother Salmrduy Nigh( Row. ()nicer Tice, of the Sixth Ward, was so bad ly hraten while attempting to quell Is diStUrballee is hiS district, that he is now confined to bed. Six of the outlaws were arrested and punished, ay cording to the enormity of their share itu the of fence, by line or imprisonment. MO( r y of a Tilt lin Saturday night somebody broke into and rubbed the money drawer of Mr. Ilelfrich, who Heaps a confectionery and fruit stand at the corner of Sixth and Ilamilton street,. The booty obtained amounted to one dollar and forty cents is rollllle, Iti•„t Ext,te Chm,yes Food &Htthe, Iteal Estate Agents, Itave sold two lots on Eighth street, in the Grnhli midis tion to the city of Allentown, to G. M. S. Minns vilt of New York, UM` lot Oil 1101111 Ninth street to David Fisher and :mother on the rattle street to Ito,a Fry; Gerold. mformed synod. The General Synod of the Sermon Reform ed uhareh gill meet in the Crn Street Church, Philadelphia, on the gllll inst. There will be a large number• of delegates in :Ittendance front part, , of the country, and mutters of Import ance to the church are to be brought before the body for eou,ideration. The delegate, front the d o ,,,,nonati,ms of oh: c ity Lire Item,. S. Strass.. burger, S. C•G. Wagner and W. It. Maori'. 771.tooktoyinilly Doty. The day Wan (thserved here by tt suspension or ioloo,s and services in the several churches. Many of ofir citizens went away from 'lame to c u t their turkey. flood ardor generally prevailed. in the evening a large party was given by the lady of one of our most prominent citizens, which was attended by the ,Illr or the city. brilliant wed dir.g was also a theme of general conversation amote . .; the fair sex, but as we do not, publish a sensation paper we refrala from dilating upon the beauty of the bride, the extedt or her wardrobe, the style of her dress and the other a ecteras. 4 Splendid Piano Lindernuin & 5011 . 6 (bold 711etlfil C'yeloid etio Square Pianos rank tut - mg the finest Instruments •iu the country.' 'Their • brilliancy and fullness of tone is not surpassed by a concert graiiii piano at double the price. More instru Incubi of this celebrated make hare been so Allentown, Lehigh tiajoining counties the nny other manufcture. They can he used ninny vrars amt not become airy, ns most other pianos do, in only a few years. Conic and exatnlnclhe at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Serent and : Waln • peseerating the Sanctuary We had th o ught the day of religious perse entioni; had gone by, butt here in the enlightened eity of Allentown, out Saturday night last, an at tempt. was made to burn the German Liitheran Church on South Eighth-wheel, Ly piling benches upon ,iiine'condouitible material and then ceiling lire to the heap. Lueltily the dames refused to ao their work•. Ott the n a me night the charity hoe liethe church wUe lirohen imen and mlibe this Mr the second time. The imitter sin IRA hat) the hands or n dctective Temp, r.uir• Meat IT ztt 'the (,our( II One.of the entertainments presente.' to our citizens on Thanir.:giving Evening was n public Temperance Meeting at the Court lioase, held under the auspices of Jordan Division, No. :NU, bons of Temperance. The lam, tens welt tilled and the assemblage was presided over by Hey. J. W. NVood. After prayer by Rev. Richard Walker, the President addressed the meeting.. urging upon the Clergy particularly the linportante of total tili,tineniie and appealing to the people to follow that example. lie said that !addle opinion Marie proteelS t h e blu e • saloon and other places where liquor is sold, and that that same public opinion is able to:dudish the tratile. Public opinion is the great power of the land, anti as it is but the com bination of the opinions of individlials, everybody, however• humble, tins his influence in making up the Whole. There are throe hundred and forty places m tire United Stales where traffic in liquor I- forbidden by law, and in those places the duties Sheritts are :until! inito.rd. Mr. Wood contin ued in a very itrgunientative address and was ro - 1,,w,1 by tier'. J. F. This stmtirer said It U , true the thing nceiled to further the good is the power of public opinion, but they want the expression of this opinion without fetters nr emmiublon. In accomplishing this the cause maiiing rapid progress throughout the State. Ile thought the Legislature should be petitioned by men and 'women. too, (acumen also have the right to petition) for a law emilowerlng the people of rash word Lind towo,tilit, to decide by a majority of thr e e voting whether the sale of liquors In their respective districts should be allowed or not. The srealisr, in very eimptent terms, ‘yairned the young Ladies iitialust the attentions of tipplers and fre- nnenter6 of th.: dram e‘hops, depleting the mlieriee of wedded We with lin Inebriate. The meeting eve enlivened l) made 'from the City Corhet Hand. Another meeting of the wine kind will be held o» New year's Evening. A Nord Entertainment The Fakir. of Ava in Legerdemain and John W. Whiston In his original Impersonations, will glee three more entertainments In the Court Holler, commencing to-night. Presents are dis tributed among the audience each evening, Lecture. Ili lion. M.• D. Wilber will .ah•er his popular lecture entitled "From the Sierra Nevada to the Alps," in the Court House, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 30, for the benefit of Unity Council, No. 33, J. 0. U. A. Admission, thirty -live cents ; rer served seats, fifty cents. Tickets can be purchased at the book stores of Hold. Iredell, Jr., E. D. storing & Co., and at the cigar stand of F.. Read, Americium lintel. Something to Think About. It is rumored around Philadelphia that, when the Perk'omen Railroad Is completed to Emana, passengers will be ruu from Allentown to Philadelphia one hour quicker than they are now taken down the North Pennsylvania. We do not believe it can be done, but certain it is there will be great competition in point of time, and the business men of our city- will profit therefrom. The time of express trains on the Reading Rail road from Philadelphia to Norristown Is now Ilfty minutes. We do not know the enact distance from here to Norristown by that route, but it cannot possibly be less then fifty miles, and under the most favorable conditions It will take at least an hour and a quarter to run that distance without , making stops, which we don't presume the amount of patronage to be derived would warrant. This would make the total time to Philadelphia. two hours and live minutes. The fastest time from here to Philadelphia by way of the North Penn sylvania Railroad is two hours and a half, width could be reduced by very fan running to two hours, but the situation of depots in Philadelphia is in favor of the Rending liond. Besides the gain in time to our merchants who do business to Philadelphia and the reduction In freights, there are so many other advantages •which would accrue to the benefit of our city that we are surpilsed our citizens have not brought a great deal of energy, inilueiwe and capital to In oue the early completion of the Peri:Jo:nen Rail road. Its construction will inevitably improve that section of our county through which It passes, start Industrial enterprlses, improve farms and erect thriving villages where there are now only taverns or stores, and must necessarily create more purchasers of merchandize and their natural place for "shopping" would be Allentown. Then the people who now reside in the lower end, having easy access to our city, would be more fres q cent visitors, and tilers would be an Immense gain from that fuel. Altogether, the subject is worthy of thought. TIIE COUNTY I.OISONOUB RUBBER An eminent physician says that the white übber used for nursing-bottles and Infants' toys, very poisonous,' causing sore ntouth, skin erup ions, decayed teeth, eplual elin'attlre and death. n Europe the sale of It is prohibited by law. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTB. • per cent. Au election for officers of the new military coish pony of Pottstoirn has been held by the Burgess of that town with the following result :—Cap lain, John 'W. Arms; Fleet Lieutenant, M. E. William ; Second Lieutenant, \Vol. Levenguntl. The weather is the subject of more scribbling just now, than any other topic, and it is curious to note the diffet - ence of opinion with which the prospect of a hot or cold winter is regarded. Some writers prophesy nu exceedingly cold and protract ed winter. We do, too, but we assure our. readers that we do so for the express purpose of keeping our feet front being frosted, for as sure as we write on Tuesday that the snow has all disap peared, we awake Wednesday morning to see our paper earried through banks of snow, which have been thrown mound promiscuously during the night by the clerk. of the weather, just to show the people we know nothing about the weather. NVe don't believe the clerk la on our chic. Money must be getting very plenty. At any rate collections come in better. if we send Out tlOO worth of bills, now, we are nave of having 610 returned In payment. Tio• Friedennbute says that the next generation, besides having to letr for the beautiful prison which Is now the dwelling place of Lehigh Coolly eliminate, will have to build another one. It is said the sandstone cost $35,000, or 028.000 More than limestone would Intro cost, and besides be ing very expensive is very liable to crumble away. Curiosity preservers ehould i at once secure a pho tograph of the striteture to show their,grand children what a beautiful prison we had in 18fi0. 'the annual report of the managers or the Nor ristown Railroad for the past year shows that the company ran t 25,291 trains over their road during the year and carried :1,755,380 passengers. The receipts show an increase of $65,087.98 over the won't - oil .‘ssEssmt.NTs. pi-olio's year. Dividends declared, ten per vent. Carried to contingent ttecumit, 1 , 123,560.89. An important question which may, it( some The cost of repairing the damages to the canal time, Lea precedent for some of the - Borough u of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company will thorities of this county, has recently been de tan not reach sl°,ooo. In the Montgomery Comity Courts. It waS Friday night witnessed a tragic gale accont- whether the 'Town Council of the. Borough of puttied by it heavy rain. The mountain streallis Pottstown have authority under their charter to and rivillels were turned into rushing torrents and .anger a valuation of taxable property In said bur the larger sae:tine were full to the brink. The ough, with a view to taxation for borough purpo- Lehigh River rose live feet. see irrespective of the valuation placed on such The North P lvan ennsyia Railroad l'omPitity ex- j property by the assessors for State and county ',vet to have two additional heavy freight loco purposes. 't ire rase was decided negatively by motives put 111,011 their road before the end of this his Donor .lodge t'llitittlian, in a very able and ex- mouth, nuking live added to their rolling stock tended op inion, the conclusion of which, we ettpv within two months. All their freight and coal from the Norristown In : trains he been doubled to accommodate the lit . But the question In have this case Is nO . l whether the rate has lwen raised. 11 is whether l'outtells crease of trade. have authority to make the valuation. I take it, I George 11. Reinhart, 28 }'ears of age, employed as the Assessors are elected by the voters of the as foreman at the l'ittsgrove talllS of D. Webster borough, they are intended to have smite- Davis, in short distance west of the Borough' of thing to do Its the agents of the people of the bor ough In their municipal rclaions. Why shoillti Pottstown, was-instantly killed by being caught not the valuation they make ice a basis of taxation ist the machinery while in motion, on Tuesday for borough, as well as State or county pm-noses t ti I f . I k loin lig o t act w . ee • Why introduce the tommally of two distinct vain atious of the same property by two different bod ies acting Independently of each other. The ope rations of the tax laws should harmonize—they 'fine ease of Elizabeth P. Drill, Levititt P. should be uniform—anti this appears to have been Reiff. and Susan P. Rea against Charles P. Reiti the design of the Legislature. Unless the valua tion made by the Assessors becomes the basis of was tried In the Montgomery County Courts, be taxation for all purposes, nothing but conflict and fore Judge Chapman, last week, anti we coneider dissatisfaction will follow." • lt of great importance not only to citizens of I.e 'CEACIIER AND TE.x'r 1100 g. high county, but to the farmers of the entire State. Cutler the will of John Relit, into of Whitpain 111 old limes telehing was nearly all oral, for want of the text-book. In latter days, the art towunhip, deceased, his widow became tenant fur life of a farm In sold township. She leased it from of printing has so cheapened and multipliedtext year to year to her three daughters, who were and other books, that we have run into the ex 1 1 - plaintiffs in this suit. Before the expiration of the treinc of almost entirely eupereeding oral Marne last year Mrs. Reiff died. At lint time there was (lon by the use of the book, not only in the t he a quantity of nteadow timothy and clover grass of tbe pupil, but also of the teacher. In fact, the standing on the premises, which the executors great prevailing error of present methods of teach sold at a public mile. •The plaintiffs vial:nett it as ing, Is to put the books Into the hands of the pupil o part or thc emblements belonging tu the widow. and expect hint to teach himself out of it ; and till; passed to them hy the lensc. Thin leads to another and an tonally injurious error o "" " I ' kb f permittlug the teacher to teach from the book„ i "' "ffi : w ', '" bm‘ught I v or the ree"ser,... of, d'unag" bust:Luca by toe lessees by reason o. lac trespass - and not front the own knowledge of the subject of defendant in tithing mud verging away the 0705 embraced In the book. We all decry the assertlot : Mal the practice of Many, that any, educated per. ! promuderly, mud the rise ranted 111 , 0110 re question of MININti—A VAIXAIII.E INVENTION. , son may tench; and hence the seliools are infests I law as to whether timothy' and clover grass are ell , L1 1, 1: , 1 , 1 ., ll , ne .efi br , o , l,. e • e t il- , ;l , ,r , 'LL h t i i i i e ttt e nbe ,r rs . of ot i b l er pro- ' part of the emblentents or wity-going crops. The 'fie have hail laid upon our table a piece of marble:about four inches long aunt nn Inch in di- fe'Ssional teachers(a 0,111;g tip be n f ' or ' e m i t i . i ) la t ns 'e , hook ; Choir s atneter, a perfect cylinder, Its shies as smooth as in intuit, conin bis lesson of leaching out or i t I charged tan jury that by the etistom of Pt•unsyl though It had been turned. It is a piece of a core us t'l°sel). as t ute Pultil did his lesson of study, I vania a tenant from year to year is entitled to the -cut Out of solid marble while drilling with the .I .' l l . l h eg r, " , li g " - e ' i tl' r "t i l e 7r o u r g ,t l , ‘ , l i s' . e : ' , ' , t i'd the „,, m) , 1 wig-going crops—tint Is, the crops pissed in the Diamond Drill. This apparatus .is dolly Coming and we are glad to see that some in high atithorl: I fall to inc gathered the following season, and that • this includeil corn Wheat rre liar potatoes, cur., 11110 More fragment use for drilling find will in time ty have set their faces against it. se hundreds of thousands of dollars in prospect- ti, W 1 141 , 1 1 7 expressing ourexultation at the action of I but that meadow grass, tieing a natural gt-ass, , was Inch fur minerals. It consists of a gas Otte of anyl tan s y' l 'l e l e s s i oTI s 'n , 1711:171 fowl of : c ' s ‘ t g in ' t i t i lt sbt°l-Ittne'S. not Included in that denomination, null also, that desired length, upon the end of which small, thou by the (carter to the pupil while engaged In I timothy and clover could nut Ile classed with corn. valuable block diamonds have been east In bru t es. study, we neglected to express joy and thanks for I grain, liar, etc., hemline they were nut annuals lair exclusion of the book from the hands of the ' 1 ant, were only put in as incidental to other - crops This plpe is rhea revolved rapidly by a steam en .aeller; before the class, "except In orthography, gins mud, as the rough surface of the rock wear. etymology and reading:" in which branches oeca- I —that, not being: gathered against the policy of t tot so lung a time after away the brass, the diamonds continence to cut, sional reference to the book is unavoidable. The i being Sowed, It WOlllll be and Instead of the refuse coming up in dust, an in one reform, however', is - so plainly productive I law to postpone the reinainder 1101 1 until I ,l ,, t t l i : t e e o ,l ll: , e , :' , „ 1 1 1 , , i i , t i., t ) 14 1 o rt f. ta i t , l i t: t r h of ro t i m i r f. se i I i t e ito i k e,s f o o i r , ! were gathereth the ease of ortlisiory drills, the solid rock Nunes up through the pipe and the operator Is enabled hats been well awl carefully ;Gulled In the Pre- to see the exact depth and quality of the minerals I settee and by tine odd of the teacher, hire one will nod rook through which the drill bores. The In- liti'nuevcuts Illt , h ;,:r " fi r l ' )A , ln g `! t ,lie text-b ooth 36 yentor of this apparatus dia not kn o w of what init)litt ' . r' 'file e t e ' fi n i Y rt i n i s g ?t r re ie l " n r s i e n itt i r t ut ' lt ' l n e o i t to n t ( t ' l ' IT; value his Invention wk,ulll be to the mining re- parcel of a true eystein of teaching, which will gions. It Was intended itterelV for boring for (Al, sooner or later bring the mind of the learner into but It will be seen that It is milell More 1'31110,1e l' i l , l ' l ' L l ! i t i l ,, ( ,. l ",", t ,, : :, ( ll itl r:.. t , i , n i e i i . ,', " ( . l l :iip t , i ,, n , e i t ,',V . r .b , e a r l t l ' c l , ' ,, d In prospeLling for iron ore, slate,llllirble, cool, etc. between them the hard lext-book,;lth Its l abstrae: Instead of the Imimmee Millis spent ill mining lit lions mini its bald outlines and lifeless 'definitions. search of furriers mud nothing the risk of losing a , 1 ,. ..t ,.1 1 ,. .... 1, 1 : 1 , 1 i te i1 7: . i.5 i r5 t t .1 0 , i , , , t 0 1 k as ilt )i t i lt t xi i n , r ( o o f the ent i lr i e fortune In the search, by drilling with Lille Milelible 1,,,11. 1 .,,,,,b1e; ;ou t r i g 1,11; 0 ,,,i,1,,y.:1 isnioriin,r',„.i. the toe the character of the underlying roek'inity be 'weer- b, able which Modern art and convenience have talned at a emaparatlyely small expenditure. Its . given Inn the schools. It has its place and Its Ilse. em. t, we are Informed, is not much more than nix , I , h i t , t u t e ln ie t , t r li - I , c , e , m i m s I ,e t. , t .ll l:: ; t i !I n c , I i t , i , o n d i s t o ir f e tlejn i s: r i : locit'tor hundred dollars, though the company possessing help a lazy teacher to darken the minds commit the right to manufacture ft charge nix thousand ed to him to be enllghtetwil try tile mind and his t dollars for a machine. But ; we believe, the coin- Inowledge. We know not how these refot•ms'are suceeeding Pally hires out the apparatils and the cost It thus • . In Philadelphia ; but e we do know something of lessened. We speak of this Invention More pars hliman :13:t1rr h is'fotinqiin the great hotly of the Ocularly because WO (WOE It of inestimable value teachers. This rallies Its to foresee oppokition in to this community, nod believe that Its Introdue.: i t i ll ' a " t K i e u t t ir e o r p • cr l l.:a " r e f i l l s b u e 'l l e l x e i t i t i l i t ' t i ri d l ' Ilan l i l o „ I V:d e tloninto our iron ore and slate regions will be at, their magnificent action in the preitilsce 4 a l tair I ria . l. tended with highly beneficial results. --Potosi/tea:do School Journal. • It is said that Mr. Wickersham, Superintend ent of Public Schools In this Stale, Is going to urge upon the county commissioners of each county, the necessity of their supplying offices for the County Superintendents. lie Bays, that the Commission ers " have full power to do so, dOes not admit of a doubt, and the spirit of the statute concerning their duty to provide rooms for other officers would, at least, Justify them, if its force Is not more binding, in providing one for the County Superintendent." TUE FASHIONS FOR LADIES. The following Into of gossip on what ladies will he allowed to wear this season may be worth reading. If they are not, why don't read them Walking suits of black velvet or velveteen are very fashionable, and already extensively seen on Fifth Avenue, New York. Strings to new fashionable bonnets are tied under the chin, so the ladles are no longer to go about with their heads In harness. ' Very narrow skirts are triumphant, cut walking length, and flounced inevitably. Longdresses are reserved exclusively for evening wear. The absurd length of the train Is entirely dis carded ; and a demi-train, or train of one yard in extent, is 'now considered quite sufficient. The styles for children's suits do not differ very much front those worn by ladles, being elaborate ly trinuned and of rich material. The Scotch plaids make pretty suits for boys under four or ❑ve years, and very fashionable for girls, particu larly when made In the Highland style. At this season children should be warmly clothed ; woolen materials are very much reduced in price, and the present style of dress reqffires bitt a small quantity. WRITING 11AN61111.1.14 We yesterday saw pinned up in it public place, says the Bethlehem Times, two small slips of paper, on which public announcements were ulnae; There arc two printing Mikes in this town, at which printing is done cheaply and well. We do not say that these miserably penurious people shall . patronize our establishment particularly, but hope, for the sake of their own respectability and the reputation of the town, 'when they have public announcements to make, they will get them printed xoniewliere. If they are to poor too pay for printing, and they will make confession and demonstrate the fact to us, we will print for them free, gratis, for nothing. The old fossils who write their handbills, after the fashion of the earlier centuries, nreinformcd that we arc well into the nineteenth century, tmd that advertising and printing go hand in hand together to make the success of business men who will take Mon by the hand. , . We feel the name entapansion for similar people of our ow•n cite, and make the same generous oiler to them. If the writing on much seropn were only legible it would not be so bail, but such Moro glyphliqi as generally ornament such poAers would distress the most learned student to decipher. I= tran,ported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week ending N0v.13, ISO, compared with same time lent year Far \V .k. For Teur. Tott! NI:0141110y 11,507 17 402,334 IS .‘! Bearer Meadow-15,809 00 378,417 01 " Munch Chunk . 22,07 827,03 " Upper Lehigh 8,581 II Hazleton ..............16,1r4 11 724,431 10 " Wyoming 14,643 16 454,105 11 Grand total Same time 1668 EMI= VALLEY IRON TRADE I'ig iron transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. for the week endlog Nov. 6, 1869. From . Tons. Carbon Iron Co Lehigh Valley Iron Co, Thomas Iron C 0... , ... Lehigh Crane Iron Co.. Allentown Iron Co Roberts Iron Co Glendon Iron Co Lehigh Iron Company Bethlehem Iron Co Other Shippers ME THE LEHIGH REGI4EII, ALLENTO .._ . . CHEAP PARLOR (MOANS. COPY BOORS FOR PCROOLS. A Angle reed 5 octave organ at $OO. A Potter &Hammond's system ofpeurnanship double reed organ with 5 stops, at $l5O. A can be had at the LEHIGH Ittaitivren Stationery powerful organ with 7 atolls at *ISO, at C. F. Herr- ! Store corner of 7th and Walnut.—Aar, WISE'S BREWERY.Francis Smith, a boy, living at (lath's Sta- This establishment is in full operation and tiOa, Wan BO badly burned on Thanksgiving Day It is astonishing to see the great increase which th at lie ` lied the 'erne day. . ... _. __ _ has taken place in Wise's manufactures. Ills ale, , LARGE STOCK (IF porter, sarsaparilla and mineral water are said to sheet music, instructors, blank books, music bellie best In the State.—Mv. paper and cards at C.F. Herrmann's Music Store, THE lIEST 01? Allentown. -aide. Italian violin strings, violins, guitars, flutes, • BEATY DANIAOES.• • etc., or any other artlele belonging to umileal The Schuylkill Navigation Company have iitruments, can be bought cheaper that' anywhere' inAltuted suit against the city of Philadelphia for else, at C. F. Iterrniatin'a Music Store, Allentown, half ti million of dollars for damages, which they alleged they suffered by the city using the water COMMITTED tiVICIDE. . during the drought last glimmer, thereby prevent- William , ' Ochry, residing near Gnthsviiie, to the navigation of the river. Over one hundred this col(iity, committedty, suicide by hanging him- boatmen, whose "cannier;" Were ltdd up at Fair eel flnli s own barn. Diseased war about forty mount locks during the same period, have likewise years old, A and leaves a wife and one child. Ni . commenced snit for damagts In 13111118 from $lOO cause is assigned for the rash net. to $5OO each. • • • DEDICATION OF A NEW CDUEcit. • cDANCE ot"rIDE. The new Lutheran and Relocated Church In another column will be round the time tu Slatlegion will be dedicated on Salmi:My n ua table of the North Pennsylvania 'Railroad Which Buadoy, (he 25th and 26th of December (Clact.t- went into effeet on Monday. The moil Important mas) next. Four ministers front abroad are (glances are: the train which formerly tell Plilla peeted to be present anti participate in the exer- delphia at 7:15, a. m., now leaves nt 8, inahing vises. Addresses will be delivered In English and uo Mops below Fort Washington, and arriving Cerinan. Services will commence each day at 10 here, at the same time as before. The 2:25 down a, M . / 2o'clock, p. mu mut 7 o'clock, p. t train from Bethlehem,nalos two more ,tora, Fort tat. The public is cordially invited to attend. By AVashlngton and Old York Road, anal arrives hr order of the Connell of that Church. Philadelphia at 1:40 instead of 4,15, , us before. u)•• IN'rEßEs'r TO imitsEmEN In :mother column will be found the adver tisement of Ur. Matechkes' Prussian Liniment. , The following process for preserving, or We have had no experience in using this li niment, " calming" e, w " glee " " t a late " telling " r the New York Fitriners'Club. When two or three and therefore do not know what Its par,k,,i.r dozes eggs :ire obtained front the nests, place them merits are, but We 110 !MOW fir.WenS,oolo is th e . in a dish and pour scalding Water over them, and wholesale agent, and we also know that if It wen: i not one of the very hest articles of the kind in the. I Immediately turn It MI. 'flits process is repeated three times, by which Means the albhmen is fixed market he would not be spending a fortune lit Its 1 that it is I or coagulated, the poreS of the shells closed, and introduction. \l'c feel safe in saying 1 the egg, as It. Were, canned In Its ,own coverlng• perfectly reliable and will create for ItSelf an ex- Isive sale. it is for sale b}•b}• L. Schmidt A•. Co. I The eggs thus prepared are then pocked in salt, AN with the apex downward, and they tire said to keep 1 1 e,rfeetly fresh for many mouth,. A TI(111171.1 lIONOIt AND 110NORAI11.1.: A( W. C. Stuever, A. 31., son of Prof. Stuever, was lately elcrted tutor In the Preparatory Departs I moot of Pennsylvania College, at Gettysburg, at I a salary of $.lOO. Ile hail searcely accepted the lositlon when he was offered the Latin Tutorsidp In the Lehigh * University, at a salary of 41,000, with the favorable prospect of becoming a full professor at $3,000 per annum. Ilut as lie IS ac tuated by a high sense of honor he declined the oiler from Lehigh University, and fulfils his en gagement with Pennsylvania College.— Ere/range. ENTIIIIPIIDiIi OF THE READINO RAILROAD The compreesed gas cylinder used by the Reading Railroad Company for lighting their ears for the last three or four yearn, says the Reading Times, is just being adopted by the Penwylvania Central and other roads, and they are making a great fuss about it. The Reading Road, however, is still ahead, for they now worm their passenger cars by hot air generated by an air-tight stove tinder the body of the ear, which works admirably, and prevents all danger of burning the car in ease of accident. In a year or two we may expect to see this Improvement also adopted by less enter- prisiOg roads. The Reacting Road has also had in operation for several years a chain of signal stations—watch honors by day, and light-houses by night, within sight of each other, throughout their entire length of road, by 111Call8 of which engineers are notified of danger or apprised that all Is right by appro priate signals. As a safe-guard against accident they are Invaluable, and have made the road one of the safest for travel in the United States, not withstanding the heavy and continuous freight trade of the line. Ilere again the Reading is in advance of all other roads. The credit of these improvements is flue to the able Superintendent and Master Machinist of the road—G. A. Nicolls and J. E. Woollen, Esqs. The funeral of this esteemed citizen, says the Reading Ga.rette, took place from his residenee, in the borough of Kutztown, Tuesday of last • week. The remains were interred in the Fairview Cente- tery. The funeral services were conducted at the house by the Revs. lllnterleituer and Spleker, and at the cemetery and church by ! the Revs. J. San. Ilermanu.and McCauley, of the German I Reformed Church. The text of Revs. Hermann and McCauley is to be found in Genesis, chapter xlvlii, v. 21 : And Israel said unto Joseph, Be hold, I die ; but God shall be with you, and bring' you again unto the land of your fathers." 'rhe sermons were forcible and eloquent. The funeral cortege consisted of the Medical Society of Betts county, choir of the Church, the family and relatives of the deceased, his friends, and the Professors and pupils of the Kutztown Normal School. The procession was several squares In length, and everything showed the un feigned regret oPthe people at the loss of one so we ll wort hy of the re-peel and esteem of ill good citizens. Dr. Willther leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. They pare the heartfelt sympa thy or his many friends in Betts county and else where.. .68,036 11 1,023,887 14 72,301 13 2,463,017 13 11,547 02 260,695 15 aoo 720 740 .150 _C6 El UM CUM.:RAI. OP DU. C. 11. WANNER BURNED TO DEATH now To ritEsEuvE Ecwi =I Peter SeMunger escaped from Norristown prison on Friday week, butt was sulmuquently lured and returned to his old quarteruu. Allentown bile a debating society which Is in volved in the Iliscuselon of the subject whether a Iloic‘c burns up or 110WII. We hope a solution of the problem will not lie arrived at, as whichever way It Is decided society will be In danger of being turned mislde down. A terrible accident happened at Barto's iron ore mines, at Mount Pleasant, Berks county, on the 111th inet. Frank, a miner, after having been drawn to the top of the mine, lost his hold on the rope, anti was prCeipitaiVd to the bottom of the shaft, a distance of ninety feet. When assistance was sent hint be was ';till alive, but he expired ■bout fifteen minutes:ate,. he was again hauled up. The Doylestown National Bank has declared a senii.annual dividend of 10 per cent., the Partnere' National Bank of Backe county, at Bristol, S per cent. and the Firet National Bank of Newtown, 4 CpUNTI" STELA; COMPANY The Pottsville Journal notices some title specimens of steel, knantifactured under n new process, which was patented ia March, last, by Messrs. A. I r . 'Thomas !Uhl Winilllll Parkinson of Schuclkill count. It is made of Anthrucite Pig Metal, with the use of anthracite coal as a fuel. Eighty per cent. of No.e2 Foundry Iron is pal Into She Puddling Furnace or Converter and 20 percent. of Lcaderldil linty Magnetic Ore from York coun ty, 'which partakes of the character of the ores front which the celebrated NVoots Steel is 'node in 'lndia. This Is the only ore In the. lire of which they have been successful In making a good . artiele of stud. They are now turning out about two tons of steel In twenty-rota hours, lit fling gold, in IMO Ptiddling Furnace. 4tlr. A. L. Thomas, who is President and Super intendent of the Company, le in negotiation for lhe, Mould Carbon Roiling Mill; the capacity of whielt will give four piddling furnaces, end turn out from 7!' to S iOllB in twenty-four bouts, anal N, WEDNESDA which they are now using to roll out the steel In gots Into merchantable bars, to be used for various purposes, such as carriage tires, springs, axles, soles, and nearly all purposes for which steel is now used. We do not Profess to be good Judges of the quality of metals, but we ate assured that it can be used for all purposes for 'Which steel is need, except for such as require the best quality of east steel in their manufacture. The most important features connected with this discovery, adds the Journal, arc that it can be made cheaper than any steel now manufactured In this country—and It Is the first time' that good steel ims been made with the use of anthracite coal as a fuel In the puddling furnace. It Is only about six weeks since the experiments were com menced, and if the general product of the steel turned out should prove to be of as good a quality as the specimens exhibited to us, and conic up to the expectations of Mr. Thomaii, it will create a revolution In the steel manufacture of the country,. and Its progress will be watched with great Inter est. Mr. Thollllol proposes designating his pro duct lathe " American Wootz Steel." CLINICAL UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2'2, Vial Prim? h eddl :—Your comments upon my com munlcation of last week are so wantonly unjust and untrue, as to demand a reply. As regards the ' alley& outrage of which the papers have been fremiiao, I shall endeavor to give you a true out line. The charges are these—first, the male stu dents are charged with stamping and hissing at the ladies In the hospital, spitting upon their dresses, firing paper balls at them ; seconalwith having formed in line in front of the hopital alter the lecture, compelling the ladies to take the road way, and third—with having formed a mock pro cesslon,following them to their collegejecring and hooting at them the whole distance. Now, does It look possible, that in this enlight ened country of ours, that a company of young men,from the first families in the different States, besides many from foreign countries, could be found so utterly depraved or barbarous ns to beep such indignities upon woman whom we all so dearly love i Never! Need I say, then, that those charges arc as false as are the hearts of those who manufactured and circulated them I The first charge has already been proved false by the state meot of Professor Hunt, the hospital so rgeon, pub lished in one of the city ;dallies last week. The second is untrue, 110 line having been formed out- I side the hospital. A few of the students stood near the sidewalk and tipped their hate as the ladies passed but no insults nor jeering remarks were made. NOW for the third and last charge. :rile s.lloElltfl of the University always go from the hos pital, up Eighth to Chestnut and lip Chestnut the University on Ninth, and on this occasion the same course was pursued, the ladies being ahead. Nothing followed them but their immakiest, alc oved Imaginations. Not one-bnlf of the stu- . uits know or nice where the Female College is nutted. These statements can lie substantiated, necessary, by the Professors at the hospital awl e students present. Now the object in creating and eirculating these s are self-evident to the observing and This Female Medical College is as yet infancy, and until this coMmotion was raised mparatively unknown. 'What better and r plan could they adopt to advertise their . ......ion than the one pursued. Every paper ,roughout the country has taken IL up and while ...ey severely reprimanded the ionic students for offenses originating only bithe diseased Imagina tion of the faculty of the Female College, they at the same time gave the Female College a &canna' extensive pliff. What othe'r object could they have had in view in purchasiug tickets to our clinical They have a hospitall of their own where they can see all the demonstration necessary and where We are not ad: milted. They claim only to treat diseases of their own sex and yet they want to crowd in with us at our surgical clinics. Shame on Wm. They are a disgrace to their sex. We must either remain nervy front the clinics or submit to the presence of women at operations disgusting to omit alone and utterly intolerable where both sexes ore present. We claim too natieh modesty for the latter, conse quently we accept the former until a change is ef fected. The faculties of the University and Jeffe rson College, heartily endorsed oar conclusion and are engaged in ascertaining what can be done, so hat we hope in a - short time to be rid of what is low ate intolerable 11111SUECe. .ESCULANUS. OEr correspondent asks a good ;ahoy questions above that probably he could better answer we could. MS remark, upon the subject of !male doctors being a disgrace to their sex. ien better unsaid. The ‘• clinic fracas - has Mil won n good many (dumb; for female phy,icians, and parents and Imp ,and; hove if these young men could be guilty of the actions ascribed to them, whether they have respect enough. for the "fair sex" to attend feuntlEs in sickness, and whether female doctors are not lie coming a neee,,lty. The proceedings of the stu dents shire that "fatal" Saturday strike us as of more Importance to themselves than to the people. If all the students in every medical college should follow suit and refuse to attend clinical lectures for the next live years, and no diplomas should ha granted within that time, we believe there would still he physicians enough for the people. For, It Is a belief fast gaining ground among out most experienced physicians, that, as a people, we are too much ulven to taking medicine for every little complaint, and that medicine destroys nearly as many lives as disease. MURDER 111.1: ATROCITY-TM REI: 11'T' It)t1:•T tII TIII: iol I= Nov. quiel , titrilk ri•.111 it- rah,a.] S G om ardll,. Ow latt , r a boy ell or i‘selve of :IR , . Th.• ku.owu aml re, t odeb.,ll,p :11l it, maid lout will ;,obit ltd: bool tlidit gi,ntily. INZo. .eorierted weekly I, J IC. 'lel. ait •ix :del .. .Co:lock the v Me " .1 “" . • N.. ' 2 •otulootly •eatool ill Ow tb1.1.• eajoyla, their nt"rr & Co. good b. choke, 1 after a bard day'. work t lo• farm. All otioe.bll w . - tuo ,ver.. they of tloe lool"uodlud bat' 4"di.:4l; n lair to oto-Y.l. r . 3041; 11. Thinking of nothing lout the work .1 tin• 111.,,v, ...mod, 274.30 . i. N. V. Stale Firkins tohoint,_ yellow zierglitni `WU 11 . 01 . 1. 1.111 , 11y0 , N . v, to goo d , head and liedatitly I. 3lr•. l'orglotal I. but 110 t fatally, idol the villalli•—bor the. , ‘vet.e t „ . tole, i..—.prioug lona lottelou kapp..ll.•l 10.0 Iplood chow , . ;boor too U. 0.001. lboll• Ito Clollbeloodre veillooutly Ow , at *int ~ that ,h•iii.,tch. , l the i 7 . lotitpl, du,. the pit..t week foot up 13, WO Park it/su . .. to t1...1 w.annu. der] Oa,' of about piookave- front lint week. T 1101.1411 (ter pert...trialua their bloobly doe.l the tor... the roorellot.. hay.. Lille. -Ir. too improvement to ‘ 1 " o h""-e fete" "eu' owing all the iibooop lit Ili.' lieu.... iituouldolou . 1 . 1 - " , ebu are druoly 1i0,..r• loo.,vlovel tobteet .trougly PaY• u•oind dollar., which iv+ hi edits and grreltlairk., relo , ot•ked esett 'bolder., utitke I , beeptheir eito.p for all kind,. .. , noting Ike loofa) . they could honkie the tioileop.they 1 1 : 1 ' ir..[Oio4/.:.—Noo‘r litet..rop choice and fiowy, 17 , 01i15, fair iberatoly •ei to look to dots rup their tr•we.. Placiag lint 17. N. Y. • •ido• lop •itle. they piled on top or doom all the In g oil 14,145. N. I'. stiite I chain , :Ina hi &hog wl,,At 0 , 41' -- Jer•op 1' tun. ‘,..11 parked hi rhalf. 7 1 dot. 11/.•il . 1.11111 , 011. Striking it n0.d(.1., oite of the e , tiled.. dko.ll. Jet , ...p :tool Penna. troll parked oat-, 47diekl. Illy to We srhole. But, that. Ileop xv ...Id• arked •eo,l .rile Ohio and oli•co,ere.ll.3 • ono. toolablor, would by tterideut in t,' egg. ate light, mid yell, , lit our the h. ''' . in the I'erghlal., lb.' made ,a hoi.h ..r2n,- (rem Ib" " I "" Roluv, Medium., iloolre,.2.Ull.eiCal, e loot out., fectly I tudead of blazing up :tool 1•011, tolsoire. '2:eal lair Coed. Mixed lode toolumion •tt "ping 11 . 0.1 "' d ' 111:1E1, rhyr , —Appl, Prime Slate. 14.1onelt. 11012 i t i t , di ti t the iougloloorl I that J et ,. mod Ponn•plynitia, oid.lo. Apple, Southern I. Intl boon 1. urn.,, up its sits ',ling by au 11. Illar'.l.ero 31732. . . •• • pitted. new, pitt• pli n k 0, It nlt..ollldelt..l Mitt .Pli 11, . t0.,10.1,t00, Pouch., peeled.tholi,l l l a nd largo • dluni....or ynt•rys,—.., ',tole, Al 1x...1 blob. 4:1 7,1, In, hick nerd Irotit (be ,nun. , ' toil rent. , lu 11111 lob] :1 11, 111:L'iW IS V, .1 X. —Pitre •.41 .tort rea the trod auto.. 'date e,II IN 1 0 11. ll „ r i c v p:lir. - „. 1. been./ A. all load itt,‘ , . on Ike tot tie. o I 2.utui .1 uO. for tulles uroutol over) , oni. aro, italubul ith e l arfaldeed of Llo. nl w h irk I.d •le ouo•Perloodra ..... I. L. r, n 111.14, C 010.11.111 f 114111.1., truth .11.1•1. 111,1 whirl', lout tor the timely p lo. •is to Oaolann,:onl nevvrli.tve bre TI:. oononanit ~ 1 3011..1, and k %vital 1. , pith hl,. „„,Ilul 1n..0 111 1111111 i. 11/ . 0 n %joint., finekol 0..1,1 all , 01.. tarn, •• • ,•„,,,,• old anti I'ollllli CII, nr ta,lan vver !II t,rry homy ribN, •Itt I).,•ir feelitig• of r•orrn‘ , tor Iltt• thrro trim ...vei, boeti oil malt/ tholr career by Ike hand. ~,, :111 Ver pound. trill, a little .111:01"relaii 1101111 ~the. ., py. !hely 1:b r: .I Itoawr " 1 ```", "" 4 .. ""Y " . " r ‘ . Ih " '"' at I;•'.L r tlvr. day.. It, ttrt-'lll,ttik.givittg,tt, bad wit .tt ..... t who had r.,mmittrd vl..vd.) thtty w ttotti tot rttt wry . . but at wt.. re-tea up.P. two Aini•ter•looking' W , "t " t. h.. had b. , . itt , h. 71T. g thi. gr.0.t.1 1 (I..”.tht. alt.l ..talt , ...1 in time it hnntledly . .l,•-ratell ,. .l to the depu:ontt.l by tout.)' P. , or .•, 'I t0..1 fr.”. the 1..3.. nirt int of inquiry a-rerhunod 'hut two Ver..ou• m'w , r• or the wool:, which have• to lie polil kw. We lout; ro, oot ig hich hi- gave lead taken tlty night en Wo, Ito tr,;•ii to Altoona to liotorcopi' her utul mark full of the trill., they gun. , that far. every package, that We Ilia) I xe, nt t o tulppoxe thato weght to Adieu wh. , every Not long attar t t.. 1 II :any., u. • II go I. from, NVIIOIII.I'III. , .1111.• oil 01.11.P1. that II) thr lorat.thot of a t..logralu notiounring . I to krt.', tltltitt• a• 11•••.10 humin•dr• and the latrtlr• uo.•1. they \Ver.. brolight thi. hy 11) gvt• 1111.‘ell up, or uot got lotorn• 0. 11.1 do' , " had lu,•u lurk 111 g “h.,0, Mark ILr Ilia ootr.l.oaa Ito of 1“...,5• I, hat earl. foot twa and aakt. 1.. 11,1 ,h,• hihd t 1... atilt 1111 part ill greelibnen.. I.y matt lor 't• pr asootol.a. I LotiO Line Th e of the tuoto.y t.. r v urnal.l 11. Vato.ou Saddle. 170 , taunter, o loot, It thought, ‘ 3. , I 44°1 . they ita,n,bllo irturn f..r it after Ow .xcitetaant athaol• .1111 "II 41... a vcr. The turn atogimnot... llieh,.ry bo•lool, I 7.".f.r.2 names arr t 'lir or oft I 1,1• alia• Nloare. Tlo. latter O.IIV icted lirro about B oa t, o L of Fl„,. Lr yea r• anmi for larceny and ned war In tin n•uneutiary lin.lonb. mg Int- e • rv l...lna g...fg,41`, I=l W EN N EIt—STOUIE—On the 14th Int.t., by the MN. N. S. Stras,hun4er, Mr. Franklin Wenner to Miss Murtha Sunul, both or Allentown. GERI! A RT—LEISENRING.—On the lath Inst. • by the same Mr. George 11. Gerhart, of Betide- A father's anxiety hi. unprovided family, hem, to M IF:01Mo A. Lekenrlng t of Allentown. oßen easts a cloud over his whole life. Tlu clout linITM A N—MI•CIINFM.---011 the 2001 by the e Mr. ('hint, .11ollnian to Miss Jose 'night he easily lifted by a policy of Life Inthranee • Otitle Krichner, hot!' of Whitehall, Lehigh to. hi the A M ERIC,\ N LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA CITY `;(Y1'I('.I•:s Gems at I tydell'A and StallonviN Gorr Fine pen-knives awl razons at Iredell'h Soul: anti \ Stationery Store. . . SN I' I)l , .ll,—ttu the 21th lust., In Salisbury, 7 1 / 4 e Immense Intdness done by Ito( gum!. A: John Fratililln, ,(111 of Jallle6 W. and Mary C. Wit.stlN, enablas 0...01 o, .ay lo goutkaa!“ ~ lia lit ,• vat Snyder, aced 1 year, 2 months and 25 days. of WWII. n% WOhi, Chow renlilvill It! II oily, amt user " , ERDNI A N.—ln Millerstown, of scarlet fever, on eat mit (1.46,4 cheaper and la•tier Gino any other b0a.... the 12th of November, Anna Mary, and on the Clotho, (or every aceaslau denary material, inal.! In the i 151.11, Hattie Dell, only children of Dr. William IL ciaaee.t ..tyl , , sail at the 1t0v..,-1 price., et tb , liovat ! and flute Fo. Frdtnan, aged respectively 3 years, 4 mon a tian or . IIIICIIII lA. & WILSON, I months and 21 days, and 2 years, 3 months aml ,k,1,,,,d 110 Chentlall 011 , 01. minniemida. 14 days. , NOVEMBER BUSINESS NOTICES Trimmed with silk or with •elect ; quilted or phalli ornamented wlth,.tilalterated beamed stitching, or oliaririse, there are no enter garments so treat and so sat isfactory, as the elegant overcoats of ROCKIIILL & WILSON, (treat Brown iii and IAZ Chestnut. Street, Philadelphia. The Universal Cry," What shall I buy for Holl day Presents' can be answered brat by Pongra St Co., St. MU Hammer St.. Boston, who have no itatamme rant• ely of Holiday and useful articles, such as all kludx of rattey Doges. Writing Desks, Move Doves, Albums is Morocco nod ant and Velvet binilings,real Morocco Shop ping Bags, Furnished Iteticules, Sliver Plated Ware, and Cutlery of all descriptions, Jewelry imitations of the lat est styles of solid gold, which cannot In distinguished from the real. Se., he., and hundreds of the latest itml maxi ontertniulug stooks. Their stock contains almost everything necessary to supply the wants and gratify the tastes of eilerybeily, and they claim that their superior facilities for haying these goods onables them to *ell at vary much nod, the minder prices paid for much articles. They want Agents everywhere, to whom they offer most liberal inducements. We roll aitlqllll.lll to tholr advertise ment hr another fOlll3lllll. The shivering evcilluga olour cliangeable climate remind toll" that thry lnthlua conifortAble to 14 ear. For combat, elegAilre, reonouty, thore I. ',thing t.e ooar 111, Ih , • lbw, .übstantinl gamma.. or ROCK lIILL & WILSON, 1103 and Ch.-dud Street. Philadelphia, The trial or one bottle of Ilall's Vegetable Si- Ose ill 1.11. , ,v lenofichilelDet tipoit Ilk.. hair awl S , Yof ult., Salt /Metter, Strut and Fr fon le Iltaretxexa roml , ere red toslinPutittl: — SaL.uu itY Tows:Dor, Lehigh Co., Oct. 31, bill. It in Wilk t grateful feeling that 1 feel able to make the follow rug statement for the benefit of those who are suffer. lug from Scrofula and other Chronic Diseases. Nly wiro Lad linen suffering for several year. from tumor. or 1 , 11, olli.rgs ou her neck bu !deli alter, time would gather and dkuloirge matter, leaving a mooring bore. She had herrn treated fro morn Diana year Icy tarot emineut phyal• corns without receiving any permanent benefit, her dissise bersonlort worse, until robe !tad five of these running core, uu lor neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. lerugaker, uuder whose treatment she commenced to Improve very fast, the sores CI u her neck to heal, cud all her 111100:1.1A and dis agreeable symptoms gradually to divioilmar, until her itertirit w. restored, athlete wan la about four moral.. I feel perfeetly justified, after having tried the treatment of ether Irlry-iclans In recoerrimudlng all those who., sutler lung tram Scrofula or Chronic Dine:Lace to Dr. hougliker for mvliCnl treatment, with a firm belief that they will be sol i-n...1, benefited and rutted thereby, as my wife has linen. [ Signed, ] JANIES DARNER. Ire. 11. D. Idoissiter 's ern. , i• err the Lot vide of Math ~.reel. between ilortilturn and \Valour. Alleatown. Lt eleolAge eOffioun of (hie Issue will lie rolttol it 1 , 11, resolved by us I'l'lllll our ft lend, Mr. Watttuaker, of it , golelonted elothing ern, of NValialnaker wit. We tie. Ill.uny of linblishing it, and very gladly .leek the is ortl 111 refel . l . lll . l • to his great sale. '' It ts an ill ttlud that Moto. 1111 0111,1/ y gaud, '• they say; and 1 , n• is 'moth, illit-tratiou of the '.1.1 P III IV OIII . If hued limes hare luado I 111•111.••• dull this Fall, thvy hilt 11, 1111111'11, Ill:tile ll` 1//1• opportunity of gelling a good suit of elutlien, at loa•I, nl tutu ii lii, NI'III I IIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIII. Wo lel,V 1011113 - goo.l tello‘v sell„ has tutu outfit.; u ILII..11i• 11 lIVIIIII . IIII 1111 , ,V 1111 1 . 1 ., or a lunch needed pair of pants or eta, 11 . 1111 0.• I• Ile thought Ito couldn't ulroril it. All such will go right for Walmtuaker's, and lay lu a stock for the next few years. Wa• tutor that the sal , is In. t o udod to la. -burp and gulch. liet Ihe rhaueo 14 0110 or that 111,1 "1111111 1 111, " :11111 'ele 111 , 11 not nay word to our readors ghoul being it , geed 0 1 1 1, ' rust 11 good Lehigh county luau for severing a good ilargaiu holm. a elnelro . lapy of es still l" , uleinorlos t•I sale 111.1 Fall, mid if litt. Is to, be like that, it's 1/0.11 . 111:4 twit ileum . ' to us, huh's', it yhe 10l Was Await, St It rout. they hn re Imr 111 . 11 t iN Hu". ii to ier o Bittern eure whole Showor, . .totiich it to riot Vert Ow feo,l Into a ereani-like ~ .110•111nid rolled rill' air. 'Chit I. etfertoil partly by theticiiiiii of a .olvent, rani,' the gootelejitler, tri,nti, ..,11k1.•• :rl , lll the r.iiiill2. the .toolach, and partly by 1 orliminral movement Meattt bleb rhouar, w.•to, the lon all- Th e I . l'olll the •10111:101 it., the deo. delimit, or entrain, to the bowel., here It I. .tilijeeteil to the action of the bile, and the null Won+ portion of It 'retiverred into it fluid ralloil i`hyle. which orenionlly 1,10.1i1. N.ov, it h , evident that if. the vrout vellt, the uirgrir juiroo, wounioooluro . ol it •iglickoot ningot ity, or if 1111.1tte. digit, action of the og , •111:11 . 11 tittt Moo floe pron . ,-n tliur Nth," will he lout Ininerfrelly tor, forunal. it k also olrar goat if lion Ilvo . r.- which_ playa nrh an ingoortallt Pad .111 changing the nourishing por tion oof the sllym itiloo the Material "1 Mo o Hood, no coon ito•grol, or Ile ally onnalural rouditino, tho ,grrond tiro. .v u ill 001 In• thoroughly aeo . .,inplioolgol. The riroll of the en, toll., y ta olyaoprlngot,sollllllll . ati`a 'fin' eeei , whirl. tiorkirrEics DITTEns operate 111 -nolo MI. - they invlunrato the roollular bran , of the stomach, which avoolvem the cantie julro o , thool . eloy In-ming Mt amigo , aufllcieney of lire num te 1,111. Pirtuly Iii•NOIVI . lion (0,1, They .ti... act 111 , 111 tha of the—toinarh, riitroolont a t . ..ligation of goo toierlianlo o nl 11101 rinent tioore,nary to reduce thu food to It Itttootto t tletnt , ma., They wino art .tion . iflrally uPooto the liver, .t..ugth : ening it, nod ,oto r minting It to ptoolitor all angle and refit. lig .apply of toile, far the purpose al converting the nolo trititois partirle. of gin Chyme and chple, and pr o mm, ht. pa , ,:taf• the bowel. 14 ilia nettles. , dentin. In Mk liosTurrrArs BITTERS cute olyalortnoiot and Ural . roolaplaitit. The ex 1. pltiln, shuffle, piil phir,ol: :tool lel, financial anti Commcrcial 1.1.1:NTO \VN I.IItI<ETS. NI. VI:111Elt. 1 rz,ry reek Weitirh , Netehord \Vitro Fkur, ptfrlaa Wlwat. p•rb,,•••10,••• .• oat-, • WILL.Lit F1 , LL,. 1. , Ll ,l L•• 31. a;. Itiot.L . , toLLLL.I latra. ..... 11.LILL. P.'" .\ b. 11.1 NEw CrIZILENT Ilarriagrs Dratio, , 1869. Net 33 AtibertiOcntentO. 1. TO MO OWNERS, AND THOSE HAV CHARGE OF HORSES AND CATTLE. Dn. FELIX 11. MATBCIIKEB, I'RUSSIAN LINIMENT, Rae proved its great healing and soothing qualities In the cure of the most troublesome affections to which the Horse Is subject. Sprain., Swellings, Stiffneas of the Jolnta and Tendons, Scratches, Bruises. Halls and Chafes, produced by the Mime., Foot Hot In Sheep, Oargot or Swelled Ud der In Cattle, Ithentnatistn, Holum y, Nail In the Foot, he. l'ut up In l'lnt Bottles. Price &Led.' For Sale by all respectable Druggiats and Sloe-keepers lb ron 'limit the country. Wholes•lekir JA ES O. WELLS, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Spring Harden Ste., l'hilad'a. For sale by L. SCHMIDT & CO,. East Hamilton St.. Allentown. A NPLENDID AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER, DON'T DELAY, SEND AT ONCE THE LEADING AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL I= FREE FOR ONE YEAR Tao AMERICAN STOCK 111101A1.. - 11 firet•class monthly, containing '32 'ergo double column pages devoted to Farm ing and Stock Breeding, containing regular departments for tau Practical Farmer, Dair Stock Browder, Wool Brower, and Poultry Kasper, &c yman, , &c. Illustrated with numerous flue Engravings and bound In handsomely tinted covers. Partners will find thin monthly a very ellt • clout aid lu nit the departments of Farming and Stuck Breeding. It hue u Veterinary Department under the charge of one of the ablest Professors lu the United States, 'Rho answers through the locusat.„free of chortle, all quentitinn relating to Sick, I iajnrod or Dineened Horses, Cottle, Sheep, Swine or Poultry. Thus every Subscriber lons a Horne and Cattle Doctor/res. We are now prepared to offer the American Mork Jour. and as afrre gift for one year,'“o all one sobmoribero (tor renewals) to Tug Lemon Idols alt whu shall ettbscribe Immediately and pay in advance, 'This in a rare opportu• nity which the intelligenttoeople of our section will no donbt duly appreciate. Bend inr snioncriptions at once and secure The Sfur k Journa l free for a year. nue 24.fltn ROUT. !BEDELL, JR., Allentown, Pa. 'VIERS! FERN!! FE'RNTS! A 2 Kb gun! Esrey Fors of ()really 11, offered Prirer. sub.crit..r. No. M North Second Street, Philadel phia, between Market mid Arch Street, respertfuliV In• forms the public that he has the inrgest 111111 moot general avnortment of nil kinds of Fancy Furs In the city, haying Imported them myself ; consi.ting of the land Mink, linds out) tiny Sable, Russinn guile, Siberian Squlrryl, hr., &c, All'uf wide!, ho In manttfurturlng and trimming In the Inc.! anti latent styles. Persons in is not of good and cheap Furs, are reoviertfully invited to rail and mopply them selves with a better and cheaper :km1,14.11101, can W. bought el. , w hero fur the snide money. Country Merchants will iind it to their advantage to call before laying in their mock olf Earn. ,JOHN DAVIS, 31 North Record Street, between Altaic et and Arch Strerty. oti 24.1 m OLI) FIRE AItNIS WANTED. 81,,,,rw.c.,thine. awl 'Slim Iltino"ii 16 Shot Carlilntiit told Itltlem, Spencer ettrltltitiis um' little., Nuvy NAM', Artn7 I', 14 , 61166 t on Army or Navy ristolo. Smith sr Wes.tat',. And 6 Slott Revolving 14.1 01 + Ituvlott Any of Ilse have arinx lit ally quantity from it arm nornrtl, Other new, itticontl hand or broken, eau tutu it liberal rit.thitareltaxer uddrtstslog 624.2 i CHARLES A. WILSON, it:limey CR/. N. J. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Dry/mote Coot.' helifyh Coootgl. In the mutter or the account of Sterile Ketanieter suit Kroner, Executors of the Estate of Reuben Deft, tete of the City of All mown, deceased. And now, November eth, IstP, the Court appoint William It. ()lace, Auditor, to mold and if necessary resettle eniii account .11 tanks. distributioo. From the Records, Test,' —U. W. HARTZELL, Clerk. The Auditor elem. named will upend to the duties of 11eeppointment et the law "Alice of Levi Sin oyor, Es i ,t in the CUT 14 Allentowa, on W.1111,111p, the Val duy of . 11••• Dirernext, at to o'clock inthe foremost:l, when end where all persons interested Piny attend If they tlitik proper. WI LLIA 31 11. ULACE, nov 21.3t.4 oak., . . f ilx d iirs. No. 21 H. ilicarrit ST., ricirt'TO SUIT THE TIMES. IfICII FARCE AND TOILET (100118. A meguilicent astiortmeut, unsurpassed for variety, ele gance of style, or lee moderation In ph., Eitio French Flowers for Jardiniere, rich lieloimien mud Chola Toilet Sete end N'excii,Parislan Bustle sold Statuettes, tat Inonnied Card Receivers and Flower..holdera, 8010, Chitin, Lava, Pullen Marble, Breese and colt tit loomd, Inch Paris and Vienna Fens, flue sets Voicitulte and Etencli Jewelry, (neer end if and Holders, Writing Desks; Glove, Handkerchief and Work Duxes. Di ...sing Caere, Tablets, Paper Cutter, SILK, HIND lIA3I AND ALPACA I.3IIIIIELLAS, CANES, &c., With is thousandother articles lestibracing all thatlx tie w desireble fur bridal, birtioiny or holitiuy presents, no po•rior In itnelity 111111 healcrate is. price. II • DIXON, Nn. 21 8. EIGHTH Street, between llerket mei Chestnut, east slit', Philatielphin. no 24.2 in (j 0 IIE.tR ILON. M.l). WILBER, CO U HOUSE, Al, LENTO N, TUESDAY EN"NG, NOV. :30, 1869, ' FROM THE SIERRA NEVADA TO Idr. Willow Is a resident or Pougliki epode, N. Y., a mail or scholarly iamb..tents, and n Ira val,•r of great experl• ever. Ills lecture will, therefore, be full of luatructlon mud ontertalutorat, and we as.iiiro our tripods that rhos „ who ;Mead will wit regret If. The Lector , • w ill he alreu for the benefit of Junior Cirder 14 A. N. Admission, 3.5 cows; Reserved Seats, .10 cents. fly order of _ /FRE ONE-DOLLAIL STORE °ET- A- large assortment of Iklll. reach (Mod. for each, embracing Lnenkpc, Woric, IJ DrPnkill g Itoges, In great variety., Fa.. Loather Bags, l'ock•t lloolog; Parlan, Lava, Iloilo:Mau and China Vas., and Ornammits; Umbrella., Jewelry, he., for (tine Dollar and 1e... Call anal examitie for yourselves. 11. DIXON, No. '2l S. El(111T11 Strum, heist yen Market and Cliestutit, cant nide, Philadelphia. no 21.3 in sin 00 xo.lllol[. I 40, pay,ivg. Norii PEN 70i SY ir VANIA RAILROAD. wisTint ARRANOEMENT Mkt.•.Narrs far Philadelphia take le•hiNh Valley It. It. tralus pmadua All6 . o{o,l'llM d ula. at., 11 45 a. ta. and 5 7+p. sad arrive la Philadelphia at a. a..l 215 p. at. and ult.', P. and ladtigh S.llllOlllllllll train al 2 p. m. and arrive la Philathdphia at 440 pr s. Pa....eagett far\vl lake Intim. leavinu 8401- ithelli at a :Net. at. and 2 25 p. tn. LOCAL 4 I . 4 k, MN{ 4 , -. p t?lng C Fn. 7`litong6 Trains Daily, Sunday. lizenpU•d• i'annengnr train. ve .Inpni,Norll.%vest e"ruer And Amnrienn k'urAllonnwu at r w and 11 co n. in„ and 115 and 5 p. to. •. Doylvmn,vr ar n 41n. in., 2 4.1 and 4 15 p. in. .• FOrt104111111:1'Ill a 7 31 t , lo 4 5 a, atal p . Abloginn nt 1 15, :1151und p. nt p.m. • Tulhu fnr Leave Bethlehem al .1 21 11. 19.,•11 111, 2 25 :kutl Ii 101'. in. " Deyle.tewa 9111 :51 245 nail 5 111 p. in. •• Lai,dale tlti 109, uI " Fart W. 1110141.04 la 8 :11, 945 a, in. and! 21p. ni • • Abington 91 2 05, U lii and $ 251'. 111. ON DA 1 • 14. • - 1... n v.• Ilellilelo9o for Philaddl9hia al 4 111 p. •• Dovievlon oi Leave Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 30 a. In, • • ter Dey le.low it at 2 00 9. iii. Fare—.slll•olols - n 101 1' 11 ti1.1 4 :1141 5 :1..511.K. Anent. 1, • .1, 1,1, 1, . 1(1 ; • • 1.1 ; • • ' j' 0 '..'4 V ... ' • rtj S EASON A ••;I'ECI .\ 1;11E9 BLUE AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, PAISLEY AND BROCHA SHAWLS, BLANKET SHANVLS W ATER PROOF, FOR sun's, WIIITE AND CutORED BLANKKTS, 4 Etithriteing the most 0( . 11111 ' llete stork of pry (-km(ls 111, POPULAR LuNV PRICES It will lie to your intereht to walinltir Joy stork before purchasing el•g7liere i ROG ERS' GROUPLci ._. 1 • I, w., "Ow only authorised 1.1101.46. -; .A. . J. Kli,..AmLii, ~..Lv....:,:i,g,...1....,.,,:.,R.,....., ,, , , , ,,. ........, ,A ,"., , 1",te,: I .), I Irculari ..but utv.PrlVßAttou. E A - 10.41.:5' GALLERIES, $lO CHESTNUT STREET, EOM T HE ALL'S." 13 II 6500.135 REPPS, &V., CC., &<, Respectfully, "OLD CORNER." got Sale ttnb 'aro Let. 420 BURIAL LOTS FOR SALE.... The undersigned offer for eels 423 new Ceuta• tary lots Immediately adjoining the Union Cemetery, on Tooth Ntreet. The lotto will be sold by subscription. and immediately after the whole number are disposed of they Will be award ed by lot la the Ramo manner as In the organization of the Union Association. Plate or plans of the premiums can be seen st our office. my 12 01/01) & RUM. TO LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE will be given nu the Easton Blida Quarry, shoaled In Plainfield townnhlP, Northampton county, Pa. near Stalker/OWD. it ropalats of number one Oat-vein: blue, never -fading elate, qual to the well-known Chap man Slate, with • full? gt power and desi r ousing of pumping and hoisting machines. Parana' of 11‘ opportunity of thin kind will plea,. examine for them navel,, and apply to Reuben Koch, litarkertewn P. 0. mar !I, 41-1 0. L. SCHREIBER, Prealdent FOUR 111UNDR 1D FARMS FOR SALE, ranging In price from 6Sto 050 per Rote, accord to Improvement. , location kc. (lucid .oil, genial clim a t e Rod near markets. These (acme are situated in of and Maryland, some in the immediate vicinity of Wash ington and others from 20 to 30 miles distant from the Cap. ital. Address or call D. GANOWERD43B Mutsachu. setts Avenue near Sixth •treet Washington, D. C. ExT*„.ll'g'f,:s„.ll."L,LeTire S EA L "- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, '69 EAtate, to wit: A MESSUAGE AND TRACT OF LAND, shortie 00 o r noar the public road leading from Heiney• mousellle to Kutslowu u maid i ACRES and PERCHES. I adjoining lands p now or late g of 13.j113111L1 Winner, DPVId K. liottenatoin. Jonas Christ man. and others. The Improvements thereon connint of • LOD HOUSE AND DARN. The premlnen were lately In the occupancy of the U . ow Joseph Siegfried and aro a portion of the Dante of John Saeger. Into of Lehigh Courtly. demted. Tenon and conditions made known at the male and at tendoure given by SAMUEL J. KISTLER. Executor of John Swim. deed OltrilANS' COURT SALE, Ily virtue of an order of the Orphan.' Court of Lehigh County. will be cold ut Public Sale.. the premiere, ou unquiet., eu NATIIRDAY. DECEMBER llth, (WILLIAM o o'clock I'. 51. all that valuable real estate of HAP, dereaae'd, coneletlng of two adjoining tract. of land the whole containing 12 acre , and 12 perch.. more or Dee, situate in Heidelberg townehip, Lehigh couuty, utter the village of Oermaneville. ((HOU SE pweut thereon ~ conalet of a two...glory LOU with kitchen at• Weatherboarded, and email In hem togeth r with other outbuilding , The laud Isall earelleut arin llaud o portion of which le good meadow. A tiret•chui APPLE ORCHARD and other fruit trees altouud ou the ProPerW. • Terme toot continuum velMe v ri l ial . e . Pale by nor 17-41 8 .”‘IIAN, Ada r. SECOND ADJOURNED KEW SALE. Will he sold nt Public Hale, on the premlres, lo Lyns towunhip, Lehigh county, Po., 011 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4,.'69, At 10 o'clock A. M., all that VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY of Wm. M. /Mater. Bankrupt: situate In Lyon town .111 p, Lehigh County, coostmtlug of• STONE GRIST NULL, with roar peke of Stollen, the machinery of which It eu tirely new end conelitutee ell the beat and moat recent Int movement, The WATER POWER le never ratline. lib°, SAW MILL, with the own° water power. This Is not more than miles from the Blue Ridge. sad the water power Is the nearest In Maid 111013utalo. A tract of 3I acres and 115 perches, more or less, of ox. relied farming land belongs In the above Orlst 11111 Prof. ery• Also. utract of WOODLAND, eoulaluluup acres and 97 perches situate on chiot of said mountain, In said townslifp and connty, h will he sold IN LOTS OF 2 ACRES, MORE OR LESS Further information can bo bad by applying to W. D. Luckenbucli, at Allentown, Pa., or Samuel .1. KiWier, at aurger.villa, Lehigh county, Pa. Turn. and condition. will ,o toad. known at sale by W. I). LUCKE:OACR, SAMIIEL J. KISTLER, Anhignor. of Wm. M. Klaiber, Bankrupt. IMMIO QM JOHN t. NTAHBtt'JJ, MANUFACTORY-11 OF LADIES' FANCY FU RS, 826 ARCH STREET, =I A Inrgo wo,ortment, neweKt lowtoit priers, cud 01l Iit'AIIANTEED to be us rnprencoted. LADIES' FANCY FERN. JOHN FAREIHA, 718 ARCH ST., Middle of the Block, bet. 7th and gth Ht., Hough Hide, PHILADELPHIA. Imd Dealer P in all la nds a nd an quality of FANCY FURS 100141,11 W k catboat:me' e e l !Nu t l a lL n p i %VA' forda La;;, E MP OR I UM, known FUR 14 and having ,Imported a very large and !splendid assortment of mr ;;FZ:s4'o e m ai ffrZto k d i m u j: k. ! l f t r k :s o pe r : and have had them made up by the 11111 l st ektllfnl ! workmen, I would respectfully Invite toy friends of Lehigh end adjacent Counties, to call 1111 , 1 ecomillno my very large and beautifulassortmut of Fancy Furs, for Ladle. , and Children. lam determined to sell at as low prices as any other respectable House In this city. All Furs Wot routed. !No initrermuNim to fort +ales. • eat eh St., Philadelphia • / /' "- V, FORS![commusicvrtoN.] M FURS! CHEAP AND GOOD. Where there are so Many Fur Scree as there are lu the city of Philadelphia it I. difficult for the uninitiated w de• teriniue where to buy. Thuec who aro Yawed lu lber dif• ferent qualities of Fare, however. know where to go, and those readers of dila paper, who are not acquainted with • the v anions grades of Furs, we would advise theta to go to au establishment of the best reputation, where they eau purchase with the greatest confidence. nod b.. satisfled that limy are honestly dealt with. We know of no Letter or noire reliable store than that of Mesa.. JOSEPH ROSEN llAt'ft & CO., No. MO Arch Street, Philo s being their new location, where we aro confident front their long experience In the Fur business, that perilous ran got good Fara and the worth of their money. Their New Shiro is the centre of attractlou on account of the g 1 light lu which they show off all their gouda. gli-nia Sof urifoge Mew dr, no bus (nras. - GA The most fashionable Furs this season will he the Miuk Sable, and this le the most sot viceable Fur; alid they have th me in verb.. sly lee and qualities ' , and for prices to it all ; and +lueo lady dots test What to bay a good cut of Furs every .eu.ton, Is very ...millet to know where to go and tel good Furs. Tu ;We the silky htlellola and darkness and elegance of finish of all their Furs will well repay • visit to this in, tablishment, and all their Furs are warranted ge II represrsitril. A Mink Sable Set curds from $l5 to ttli, end some eery rum ;lark sets bring • little nigher ; but (rota $3O to t}l will buy an escolleut dark set. and those sets last a lady (rum eight to fifteen years. Then there la the Huth...Hay Sable. the Siberian Inv ir• rel. ltuyul Ermine. lierman 'Fitch and Chluchllll told La dies' Hoods, and other high and law-Priced 'Fare in end' less varieties, Remember the moue of JOSSIIIIIIO6IIIOIAIII & and the number .510 Arch Street, between .sth mad 6th, aouth elde, I'hitod s. P. 6.—Fors repaired and altered Into the present N.l;- 1.1, Oct. 0-4tol Lueruist: TO YOUNG MEN. Jusl Published in u Sealed Ilnetlnpe, Pries tido. A 1.1 . 1 . CAN OM RK NATVIIIC, T.:A . IIIEI , IT AND 11•DICAL cure 0 of Spernuttor l rhunt, or Ketnlnal Weakneen. luv Otto tary Erobeiltine, Sexual Debility and ItttliedinW i aia to Mit , raltlaElf."‘Onilln and hr., by 11011111tT J.Clr ' l 3 ., 3 rat* El. 1!, nether of tie •• twit Book," he. The world troom tool anther, in thin ndmlrablr InctUre, clearly prove. from bin en it experience that the awful roteielpience. of belt -alluxe may rouneved without medicine, end without deugereue tursind otie.ra tine, bdrunienta , rings or cordial., Pointitig out 11 mode of cure at 001 certain atitireffeetual, hy which en orl culfTir i no matter what bin condition tilArila,itoy %V 1 I f f. I.4lV.l'Vrlfit)'Aullrtr A I N DS AN It TilOrriAN DS. Sentunder not it tattle envelope, tallY tioxfjetbl, receipt or sin Cents, or two post rt • nltqw• Al s o, Dr. Culverweir "Marriage (bolde r Pcle , 6i .• Add ream the Putillidiere, CHAS. J. C. h LINK & CO., jy2l-ly 127 flowery, Now York, 0. Ilan 4, (814. iIItI7I3)ING Bk wATEIt. rowEit. X_A Self.Mutinforturod Pocket Kuhr. und Hcbmoreg eau be ['emu! W. C. C. Wulfertee, No. 3 Conk Ilntuillnn •troet. N. 11ftioro. Butch.. KulVerl and Scboiors grodud by w loo,‘ or and owl° nn good a. now. •oy 1.1.1 y WATSON'S cL EEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF • , SAF ES. ESTABLISHED IN 18IS • THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IS PIIIh.ADIII,PIII.I 11;1:1"Ar"ontilt:ZIF4eltri,hinNti'iriplu).°11.2.‘' . Priv , . from 15 to 111 per c.t. luWer 111111 r motor.. Nemoo moot for 111rylit i v . ta s r,r z ic11. 3 1 ,7t r i . Late of lintmo kWattpott. Matmfeeturers, 01 , 1 7.0 m NO. SIX. Foorth PlitladolPlatt. ACCORDEONN, ir ON CERT I NAN les*, Ilnr Vlollu String+, of the bowl go .nty to be tool of C. F. Wolforti ',Stor, No. MIL Hamilton JAREN N. EARLE & NONNI. IMPORTERS AND MANUFAC'rUREIN LOOKING GLASSES, The Lett chf.P..t. PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, Mu.t yle.. CIIROMO-LITHOGRAPHS, 1.111,01..111110 Alnrrleou — u• iM 11101 . 1 .,•66011131[411. FINE ENGRAVINGS, TL , • twive.t publientioug. YliIL AD L',I 4 PII IA,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers