Veatero. EXTABLISHED 1851 e J. REYNOLDS' & SON. THIRTEENTH & FILBERT STREETS PIIILADBLPHIA, PA. Bola Manufacturer. of the celebrated WROUGHT-IRON,: AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER,. WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, OE4TE BAR RESTS, AND WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR • Theo. Ifiaveas are made of Heavy WrOUght•krOn, well riveted together, the only sureprevention mann the mi me of Oa. or Dust. They are easily managed, without any damper.. The Patent Radiator avoids tint two and annoyances of drums, and Is permanently attached to the Beater. This Is the most durable, sitnple, econotnical and popular Healing Apparatus over otforod for sale. They ars all guaranteed.. COOKING RANGES, for Hotels uutl Famine.. PORTABLE HEATERS] LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS AND VENTILATORY We are alno Manufacturing • NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE Sir Hood for our Illuatratml Pamphlet RAND'SJAIR TIGHT GAS BURNING E A 'l l , E R, WARRANTEt THE BEST SELF FEEDING EVAPORATOR SATISFACTION G VARA STEED 11 4 . 1 / 2 :\ .1,NI)c() 1=11!EMII =ME I= MEEM Alec agent. , for thy Ct.lo)r:tit:Ll Magee Patent Heaters, Ranges and Stoves NO. IN NORTH SIXTH STREET. PH IL AIIELPHI A, P.% SEND lOU 1:11:M.A11 13:17111E Vlumbinff anb Cdas irixturcs: GAS FIXTURES: ADDIS & ROBERTS, 4;(.. • ..t0„0 , •! PLUMBERS AX)) (MS FITTERS, • _ NO. 180 WEST HAMILTON STREET, =I (GEORGE lIAAS' NEW IMILDING), ALLENT9WN li Nl.lLll l l i cl e tt i i) ., f ,, o „, ll . s i l l 'l r ;c2 , 7l . l't , f n t . l o ty , , , •;; ; l l, l , sl l iken o , II y rant.. DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Tuba, Water Closet. Circulating 11011er., S:c., Spacial illtelition given to putting up (lag Works In town or country. All work warranted. ape 7-13, GAS FIXTURES ANO KEROSENE LAMPS A 0 111 , AT . V•RIFTT OP 'OW PITTI.” MERIDIAN B URNER, infest awl IleAt in tin. uiarkrt• It u nnn iLe Inrue+l Hunt for y burniT COULTER, JONES & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 702 ARCH ST., I'IIILADA. 11E1 Spertaclrs SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES !! EYE GLAEINES. &e. 1341t2::,°11;;;WIftg.ft:17.1:711'4""kh"""`V . CIIAS. S. TIASSEY'S, • NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. Slaving devoted a great deil of rare and attention to the Spectacle Luciusss for these lent few years, I and that my business in that lino has Increased so much that !hare de termined to m•ko It a SPECIALITY. There Is no article manufactured lu which there Is arc 111111,11 dOet.pilou puree. Steed all there la In Spectacle Ginning. KI/OW log that the public have bleu frequently humbugged by parties Pre• Sanding to tll', superior article, of GIIINSON. nod charging exorbitant prism for them, thereby trellising upon the no. mettles and Infirrailleg of age, I have taken pains to co. lett a large and complete assurtmeat of the finest and boot tilaggee over manulactured, thug affording all persons needing Spectacle, nu opportunity or porrloodoir nit rea sonable price.. Persona having nay diniettity being suited elsewhere will do well to give Ina a call. ay I lap' confident that no one wilt fall to he stilted. Remember the old stand, No. VS East Hamilton street, opposito the Ger. man Reformed Church, Allentown Cu. juu READ THIS! OE LAZA.ROS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED PERF EC TED SPECYP.A.CL ES AND EYE-GLASSES ORE OP THE FIRM WILL BE AT THE STORE OF THEIR AGENTS, Ilessne: KELLER BROS., Jewelers, • Allentown, l'a., TWO DAYS ONLY, MONDAY AND TVESDAY AUGUST :JO AND 31, 1869, He attends' for the purpose ofesskting Bros. la FITTING TIIE AYE IN Di EFICII LT ()It UNU SUAL GASES. Those suffering front Impaired or diseased a vision are r.013111.11d0d 10 avail themselves of this op portunity. Oar Spectacles and Eye-Cllasses are ackoutrledged to be the most perfect assistance to sight ever manufactured, and can always bo relied upon as affording perfect ease and comfort while strengthening nod preservly the Eyes most thoroughly. .. 1113 We take occasion to notify the Public that we ent• vano pedlars. and to caution them against those pre• lug to have our goods for sale. au2.3-tf JJEANES. . a PHOTOCIIIAPIIEN, att.' of Phlladelphla, ) has taken the Gallery No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, • . IP,Es r erl n plat by R. P. Lameroux. where per Fg. st VI LASS PICTUR E S taken et REAdONA am RIC • A trial is all that Is needed to satiety every .M.CON ONE! COME ALL! If you waut Photographs, de Niles. Vignettes, Photo Alligator., Metros 77" Melanlotypes, Ferrotypes, etc. Olve ns a toga • • J. JEANFR. . 13 4 1 •11 . • Srlocessor toil, P. Laraereur eyi:-T7A, A o•Nit°l _ HOVE SEWING ItE4I.EIIINE tawny. on hand and f?i EDWARD NO, Si EAST Neill/I:TON rSTREET. • Henry Loh. Jr.. Boot and Shoo Muouracturer. John Forr. • " •• Seaton & Donkel, " Miller. tichrelber & Co.. Merchant 'Milo.. Rhoads & Kelm, Wm. H. &lacy, President Second Notional B•ok, Dr. B. F. Jacoby, Doutnit. J. S. DlBlnger, num B. Metal/or, K. Cloy Ilamoraly, May-2411y. LADIES' GOODS. TLT uew alyloc aro already received at MIIB. M. A. G. GULDIN'S Ladles' Trimming Store. The fashions are pretty. Ladles. call sod see them. Hoop Skirts aro cheaper than In oheap time. 3O spring., well Made. gt CO; 00 eprimpt at $1 73, mar 24-tr TilE.3lllTfArMltiven r ltlOST RE• - W. J. EVERkIT, 50 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, Below Arch, Philadelphia, (late Arra McClenachan'a) Truest., Pernaln Buppurtera, Brace., Elastic Bella, Moak - Lorreet Pet:eat adjoctmeota. Lady at• tendanta JonoW-ly WHEELER di WILSON'S FAMILY IMPROVED MMUS SEWING MACHINES. 15ZEI I= ' There ,voro lu Lehigh county In about 10monthe over l(10 =schleps sold. This shows the popularity and success of this Machine. We will givo everybody • Machine on trial—freeof charge—and make thu payments to suit. Machluss sold ut the Cush price—on monthly p•yintouts of All kinds of Thread, Silk, mid Machine material kept and Stitching done to ortior nt the onire. . MEI mall Paper anb Statiantrg. LARGEST STOCK of - • WALL PAPERS. WOoD HANOINCIS DECORATIONS Ever offered ht this catunmity. Them, to, to prepared to otter WHOLESALE a n d RETAIL at CITY PRICES. Upwards of LWOWpie,. In stock embraclug ill styles sultablo for PALACE. HALL. or COTTAUE. FRESCO PAINTING SIGN PAINTING, GILD ING ANI) GRAINING Ex.,..trd I.y best•o,.— :.fliets al short notice. ANTHONY•OOTII. Pity . 2.1.20 t • Nos. 0 and II Main St., Bethlehem. Pu. scuoL,tics, .vrirEgrrioN z PUPILS, PARENT:, AND ALL OTHERS WllO NEED BOOKS OR , STATIONERY Are luvlled to call at No. .1.5 West Hamilton Street. (Walk er's old stood.) four doors below Eighth Street. whore you will dud a large uud complete stuck df all kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS used lu this county, at the lowest cash prlcoe- A full line of LATIN, (11111E1i, UERMAN mud FRENCH books fur Colleges Acudetotes told 5C11.14, always on Laud, at the 101 l esl rules. A tall assortment of Stationery, Blank Books, Men.. madams, Pocket Boobs, Combs, Albums, Pictures, Slur eoseopes and Vi•ws, Window Paper. dte., sold at the very lowest cANII prices. English and Herman Pocket mud family Bibles. Prayer Book. awl Ilyttat Books, lLii stock or Stlscellattoous Books Is Prose and Poetry, utal Sunday School Books. All the re• quaotes or Sunday Schools always ou hood at Phlladel. Villa Prices. We are closing out our stock of WALL PAYEE at omit. Aural for the solo of 1 BRADBURI"S CELEBRATED PIANOS. Please give toe a call when you wish to purchase.; ' E. MOSS, • • nu 18-1111) Ilumihotl SL , ItelowEighth. Allentown, Pa. =I =1 NTORTIII PENNSYL-awal i giu , , VANIA RAILROAD. I'asrrn2era for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. R. trains pasning Allentowu at a 45 a. m., II 43 a. m. ud 330 p. m. and arrive lu Philadelphia at 9 a. m., 2 10 p. m. and 825 p. In., also Lehigh mid tiusquelminta Railroad tralo at 207 p. tn. and arrive lu Phlladalphla at 445 p. m• Paeseniters fur Duylestolvit taka trains lear'la2 Beth. Whom at 0 191 a. m. and 12 OP p. m. LOCAL SCIIIIDULII • [Four Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Passengor Indus leave, the depot, North west corder Berk mid American strsets, Philattrilphi•, - For Alleutown at 7 43 and h 43 in. no,, and 1 42 and 5 p. m. ••• Doyirstawn nt 843 a. In., 2 43 and 113 p. in. Fort Washington at I 43, 10 45 it. to., and 11 31)p. m. Abingto at 1 13, 8 13,' 5 133 and 8 p. m. • Lansdale n at 'AI p. in. . Leave Bethlehem at 0 21a. in., 12 03, 2 ^t and 8 03 p. Dityleetown at 0 21 a. tn., 3 10 and d 03 p. ra. Lanadale at 0 10 a. in " Fort Waahlugtun at 8 21. 13 43 a, in. and 223 p. m 11 •Liingtou at 2 U 3, 4 03, U. 1U and 9 00p. at. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Bethlehem fur Philadelphia at 4 p. no. Deybottown . 1 30 a. la. " Abington 800 Learn Philadelphia (or Bethlehein at it ilt) a. m. 11 for Doyientotrit itt 2 OU p. (or Abington at 8 03 p. to. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, $1 HI, ELLIS CLARK, Aloud. ANDa;z .i„. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after JAMMU' IS, Paesenger the Cutaanuqua & Fogelevillo Italimed will run Own with the Lehlghltalloy Railroad and Rest I rued, an folluara: 6.45 a.:O 655 7.00 7.55 7.10 7.10 7.26, •Flag CONNECTIONS. The morning train west leaves Cataa•uqua on the arrival of the L. V. R. It. Local Padaengar tral• tram Easton, Bethlehem, nod Allentown and connect. at Al.liurtia with a train uu the Eoet Pennsylvania R. It, for Re a ding, Pettit stile, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and alai) pith a train for Allentown Bethlehem, Easton and New York. The morning tra in East connects at Al-Bunts with train on E. P. R. R. from Allentownand at Catasau qua with train. on the Lehigh Valley limil a road for Mauch Chunk, Wllkos•liarre, Scranton, Philadelphia and New York, and with the Lehigh & th.quehann• R. It. for B T h e2o m P N. o a n, nP Wead e c ph n a can B all w -Yurkla with a train on the East Penn. Itailroud for Reading, Pott.vllle, Il.rrisburg and Plill•delphin. atTe Evening Allen t o w n leave. AI-Borth. on the arrival of train from e mid of a train making connec tions at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris burg, Pottsville, Ste., and connects with local passenger train on the L. V. 11. It. al Calllllll.lqUlL fur Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Persona wishing logo to Allentown can. take the morn ing train Went to AI-Hurtle, arrive at Allentown 8:40• m, and return by a train on the East Penuaylvania E. R. leaving Allentown at 1.1.0 P. N. C. W. CHAPMAN, Decs-Iyl Supt. and Engineer. JAMES N. EARLE 4: SONS, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURE S PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, CHRODIO-LITHOGRAPHS, European and American—an Isumoure areortment • We Unger. ' only authorized wholesale and retell dealers In the Groupe. In this State, and sell all of them at the manufacturer I rates. • Circulars sent on application, RARLES' GALLERIES, 8160heetnut Bt., Flitted's, Pa. ■uBS-lm goy the Labito. =l= & CIPiz s 4 , PP, -- 0 ME= 12E1111113 . . . . A DOI,PIt ZWANZIO, Agent, N. WI 5t., (13oblen'• Sull,llllEo ALLENTOWN, PA Liaitroatio SIMMER AItRANCIEIERNT. 1=213 trail. on In oonnec- Nnan. Stall. ammo CATAMAUQUA •MICKLIrS. lEatil2l auru•a. WA1.111012.11. (311ArMAN'S. TREK LERTOWN, IIItEINWSVILLE. FARMINOTON. •SPItINO CREEK. LOOKING GLASSES, T 111; and clnaplot Mont elegant style. FINE ENGRAVINGS, The newest publications ROGER'S GROUPES, DR. SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAA. ID IR, - CT G- 0- I S S NO. 1.4:. EAST ,lIAMELTON ST., The attention of the Athens of Allentown and Lehigh county Is reApe trolly Invited to Oil. rotahll.lnarnt. Eve, thins penally kept In liflr t•clasm Drug Store will he found for oak here at the loweet price, Our clock to lent , unit selected, censietlor o f PURR DRUGS and MED/C/NS:I, enEmp - L4 Ls; I)r F.' 8 T rPF,B, heollor,, PURR 11 , LVEN .1,,,t I,lil t'4).8,8 FOR JIRDICI.V.I.I. USE. PRR PURER 1, 804 PS, 11817811 E , and 2'011,87' AR TIVI.F.S. • A FULL LINE.' OF ,ALL TILE 1 PULAIt PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR . RESTOR4 /YES LINIMENTS, of all kinds. Constantly on hand a large stack of Soda ash. Potash :tool 7ootooton i rated Lye for tont, oohing. Washing Soda flaking Soda • Cream Tartar.. Pure PePPer, (nonunion, Cloves uno Spires of all kinds. Coal Oil. Sperm, Is and Lubricating Oilsr machinery. and a thousand and ono other art tin which cannot ho enumerated here. W., hare the I t line 0 Trims.. Buppotlrre nod Shoulder limners In the lip. These good. are applied hy an exile d ). ui eared physician 120111. qetly It perfect fit le guaranteed, Paint, 111. V.111.111-o. Glass and Putty. Painter., mod builders are Invited t our store before making their purchase.. tt o 'keep a fool! line of paint., etc_ of the best quality at prices sei low ae the lowest. TEAS! TEAS I—Wa have the agency for the Great Coiled State. 'eu Cmoopany oil New York, and ern sellinff the choicest grades of Teas it about half the prier charged by other tlealero, for on inferior quality. Try It anti be eon• cloned. Physician• and'Country Merchants supplied at the lonics[ IJINIkeI itrlcr.. We Intend hereafter to pay par ticular attention to the Wholesele Branch of the buslneom. Derder s w i t find It 1.. their interest to ‘lvn tin n Inn] .order se we feel confident we will be able to glee Pllttlnllkellolt 1111 In quality p o d pet,. fiedar s l i , i i ,,,il p roin pity „t 0,„[..,1 to. Quotations for specified Itllatilltlet furnished on npplivollloll. , llo ,, peclflllly, spr 2S•ly i W. E. BARNES .3o SOS. —.. Ic_. 1-1. 1:2, LIFE INSURANCE 'COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1825 BENJ. CHICKENING, Secretary liividends l'nid Anuttally. on Hie Contrilottion Plan. from to 711 An Annual Payment Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pny Premium when due, but is continued in force under the Massachusetts Law of April, 1861 One Annual Payment will continue the Polley In form 2 years and a (lays Two " Payments" " 4 44 143 Three " The BERK 111 RE was the FIRST COMPANY in the United States to make ALL br its policies NON-FORFEITABLE. ASSETS ANNUAL INCOME All Endowment and Llntnett raymiit..C.lfelleles nee entitled ton " PA l' NON-FORFEIT ABLE POLICY," itfter One Annual Pr,lnlinn lins been paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODEL Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Countie s , Allentown ebucationat P . ENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COL LEO 6.--The Fall %cranium will cuminenco MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6TR, 1869 'Forms moderate. For Cataloguee ad drtioo tho Prelatical .1. P. SHERMAN, A. id., July 21•2 m ' Collegeville, Moot' g. Co., Pa. ALLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEGE I=! THE THIRD ANNUAL SESSION I=l MONDAY THE 6.rit OF SEPTEMBER THE COLLEGE edifice, In ?rococo of ereclloa, will be ready for occupation at the opening of Ile cosclon. It will !MVP ample accarnmodalloue for a largo number of etu• dente from abroad. = Itt dl,tded Icto three Lpartmente : the I' Imery, Aeademlc •d ColledMte. Light e:perieocad sud competent leocL in •mplo7ed. TERMS POE BOARDERS f10ar ., 411 Tullio., furnished rooms, light and fuel, per " Arl; Mgr lufkirmatiou, address • July 11.2 m Rue. R lIOFFORD. 6.23 6.13 t 11 6.03 6.02 2.00 0.60 0.40 BELLEVUE. ATTLEBORO, BUCKS CO., PA The next eehool year of this Inelßute for young Ladle* gem:mm.ol MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Oth Address the Principal.. 'augll-1m 6 TIli n t: A 111 :4 1 0 1. 4 "; 10 1 6 tlf LECT FAM ILA An English, Classical, :Mathematical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, I=l AT POTTSTOWN. MONTGOMERY COUNTY.,PENNA The First Tenn of the Ninetmuth Annual Seselun Rllt commence on WEDMISDAY. the Bth day of SKPTEMI.IF:It next. Pupils recelYedat time. Par Circular o od. dress REV. OLO. F. MILLER, A. A!.. Principal. • I= MIX. DRS.—Helga, Schaeffer. Mann. Krauth. tides; Muhleburg.-Stinver— flutter, Stork, Conrad, Boutber ger, Wyle, Starlet, Murphy. Crulkehank, etr. liONS.—Judge Ludlow. Leonard Myers, •M. Thayer. Beni. M. Boyer. Jacob 8. Yost. theater Clymer, John Klllluser, etc. SEQB.—Jamcs E. Caldwell, Junes L. Claghot . uC: S. Brom_ T. C. Wood, Harvey Bancroft. Theo. . 8 0a.., C. P. Norton, L. L. °not. 8. Oro.. Fry, Miller & Derr, Charles Watutinachsr, James, Kent, Haute° & Co., etc. auultkly 715 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Jet-Ant 1)117SFI ELI), A 55. I'. F. PLUNKETT, PN:Went .T4COII L. OREENE, Asst-Seey 1 ) (.1' EXAMPLE AT AGE :35 329 WALNTJ/ISTREET R li II 0 1 t 0.. • YOUNG' & LENTrz's BOOT AND SHOE srou S. W. Curlier qf 1L1.171117 . 0.t and SlXrir vahere they are n o w prepared to receive their patron., Tan WHOLESALE DEPA RTMENT ==3l ♦ g reat qunntlty of the work being of their own lank., nod thy balance from the beet tolumfurtill,F , in the roontry. Tl6 4 llTsrAli, DEPARTMENT Will he roluluel;i1 as heretofore FINE CUSTOM ,lADE ROOTS AND SHOES lOU GENTLEMEN. I= All the lending styles on band or made to metuturo • Prices fitted LOW 1 , 1(11'llES un Illottritted Price List with In.trort In. for .t•lf-ineuxuroment 'tent on receipt of Pont 1=!!! A GOOD THING. Importeme fo IloitNektepers, Hotel,. Banks. Qffle,g, fie THE PATENT WIRE ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREEN, WILL YIT ANY WINDOW ctive yentlitithig gild light, FLIES, MUSQUITOS AND OTHER INSECTS THE ADJUSTABLE irtsnoW SCREEN CO.. 023 MARKET BT., PIIILAD'A For wile by Dealers lu llowio•Furulebliig Goode. Juue 31.9 m NORNY'S TASTELESS , 1 R u, . ...,z ~v .„. , -RRE,E.IiIII,IQ p-oviii6iif egammted t,, keep all Muds of Fruit. Preparations of Bruit and Tomato., without being air.tight, for a Peaug %quart. It is a patented article to prepare food. and 00 less healthy, nu patent would be grauted. Pjjtoo GU Conte a Padnage. For bale by all t e prhier, revers, cod Manufactured only by ZAN h e OUNY it CO., one it gm WIN. Second ~.PhiladelPhis• kLLEN97OW.N, l'A Charter Perpetual • 7 Ct EVERY POLICY hi Hued hp thih Company since April A. 11.1S(11, is NON-FoRFEITABLE, and so e.,-pre.sril in flu. ME Pl.'2.)11,01111 C,OO,I►OU W. H. GRAVES Ceneral Agent and Attorney for Penna lioot .11:1alter5 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I= Nos. 38 AND .10, I=l =I I=! =I glebichlal TIIE PIISSINQUOI .1'0WI)Elt Ac. tually core, Cancer sold Serpfuloto illmenAeo of (ho Skin. See llorport to L. I. AledleoloSorletP, cod /natio:mite oY Plisoteintie lo rirrolnr, April free on K14 , 11(.11011 to 1:11A5. A. 1/111015. tienecal Agent, P.O. lion I , ll'earl Street. New York. a.• Int) . 7-:lnt • 'To1) . 01111121.:, No) I'AV 1)1i. 11. 1). 1,()N(; A 111,0110a0.4t110 V:lvor-11y 1 1 0101%)..1v.0110. 1 1 13110101- 000. 10,10,0 10 41111.0 , :ill 1.1.00i0.0101.0 111111/10T reor4 in V 1.1.14 m, of thy 10101 1. , :1.1111100110% 01'111+ 7:•111 obit. Sf.rlll 0/,/ 11'0/00f I=E! No .o . roconntioatlial; rein aro tlioxr NV Mal Will not ...ilk dn.!, Ili , . rt...M.10n, lint ronoisall• system front all injurion It fro. /OW,. It In a porlin.ily cored faun:lllmi. IfTliiN i IIY'I • lil'SL1. till al! tlo. hung., Tlii.nii i :nil . or. which Sea Myr> . thou...tot. to rt.:tinily toa% on, ran inoloobtoolly bo cored. MELANCHOLY A IiEHHA 'MON, that ,anto of alienation and cel alroeme or the mind which Invitlinble or enjoying the I.ll.a.tirieir r forming the dull. , of lire, ANI) PARALYSIS, 111101 N form or tionilltion, vitriolic or matt., warranted ritr• Epilepsy. or falling 50i1:n..44. nod iiiirotile or stub born 1 . .1.4 of FENIALF:nisE.‘,:Es .p... 111, and riiiiirally Ithoolo, Skin Diseases Of years' 1.1,1 , ry deurriptin Illrerations. Stiroinions witrritntoil mired iir ;my. 41- l'orliettinr uttention vision to private illseases of every description of both Ladles solitiring from y eionplaint Incidental to their SIX. Call Cl/11RWL Slip dont,, with toisurianre of Cnnrrr road, nud Toinot... or nll kmd. removed without the knif,• or 111 . 11Witilt 1,14m11. Dki.a.tuft of the EYE AN!) nuro..•fally and ulfortually removed or no anal , . .04 - Dr. Liiiigal:cr %Anti. auY .iktaarte if au mirud eau boaddrusseil by lutterlyoufbleallallylaud na4l - 14.'111 With proper illreution+ I. any part ,If ila.caunty. Ea,..t Milli , of Sixth .trout, bottyuva Mulligan and Walnut, AlleatuNvn, Pa. Da. AI UT( 'I I tifiON'S VEGETABLE \l' ( )1-n1 I)ES7'I YY-1•,1 I. the. Iro,llVolla 31,11..in0 SIIIIIII `WM wort. from !thou, 'mai ilt:t the ellllllsick, as ollwr 1111.11 II 1111 i ;11 , 0 rellio, lino Mlle It nrniand the I= .117:71101.VE Tai 1115' (11 . 1'EN .11.'7'15'11 IT. PRICE 'Si CENTS A BOX IIr”11, :111ii •••i• 3 , 1 111 . . 11‘111 . 1611.011 . .• W.lll D0...1,ya, onoll box wraltltt'd It 'll rupp..r. II yOtttr ?lot Int,n Itn. , k lo got It lot oil. JOHNSON, 1101.1,0 WAY COWDEN MEDI N'T'A T l'lt E'S G n EAT nTo It ER S.II EETZ'S crLEBHATED 13 1 r 1"1‘ I . ] () I) IA 1, ,rhicit 000 Itoml tho toarltot. It I, tottoly vottotable,rout: I. of vuroots 100 to, tottlionol rronitho gun[ storehouse 14.0110 allti 111,11.. ~t rare. It I% re -11111111.1.1.111• n cur. , all. but by it- .11,01:m11 ,rtlutury 11p.111 or. !ti.llloy, littpt, 01001001 01011.01,1- I.oi it 0. a t... 0.001•17 o um! 4000 for tautly of Ow ‘11t . 0•1, th 00• ..I.,tt. ore .011.00. t. It ir r01.0!•10 ooolootto 004 t rt.oo lyeitlivr infant or tolttlt vltl. tbo• •anto brootivtol n•-all.. It Yt r , " Tj ' t Ings. Ilotoloolo 1".1111. tool 't•vorr. limb it i 1.0107 tot oto t 100: .1110000 of It 4. I ppelito, ;on ot C311101:Irt ly, li/.• Iliolor o. lOAV by J Aeoll SCIII-3.17., $4.1.E l'lto 11'. ft a 1,1 leace, I= , H BR Eh, linir a 1 retiiliThig •iilt We t i l.r ? ,l l4 " it ' Pllllllll 1111,41,0.1,4 mil exactly tlii• Or 11/0 Iniumn of LIM oil as In hair Inn, it:lli/in - Nal in overy iwci thin iiftiniciiiintry in the for prrparattl..ll ar(e.... in 11,1 v.. tltlnt 1.1”1:11111 luxurlanc.. and of traveler . It, Spain 'HO. IX 111161 V 111111 111.111 . 1lieb perium..4l, excellenco and trimts which the :51,1110.41 poople for Mull)' years huve nii ..f etultiriltg tki.proval. EIMIE=Ei For removing dandruff and i.eurf from the lienil, tellitening and perfuming the /Min. Thin until° 1.. entirely ilitterent train anything or the kind ever iittered In thin country and Is warranted free train till pniniitionn 1111 1 / 1 111111(11,11. This valuable lotion w lined by 1111 1 1:itipen, 31axiinillinn and Maxie., 111111 1/01vermalli nstil by Mexican+ far (hero hiwidred year+. An a wank for the halal it in ea. linc, eleannind awl retrenhinit• When thin lined it at ioice Indic+ en MeaFIRE'S WILD FLUIFERS FOI: THE TEED!!. awl port allied broach should at oat, uao !4lt t linlre'K lr'hittortt for 1111' Troth. All the, proparatiotpx are put up In the rlegant and ornatneatal 1111111110 r. Wl' !oak eno exreptiaa ,taytng that ilium aro an aroatnnut ta lady ' s tollot 11111 i none call la. rotaplote without thorn. IVarranhal ratklart.mry or money n411°111,1. bantam NVIII !war thl. In mind. sow by 101 rr•portablo tlruggisto In the United 31111 ( . 111.111,. Atkin. order. , to DEPOT AND MANI•PAR . ToIIT, No . :2(; x„,•ti„cerwal l'hiladelphia, Pr rill os: LATEST DINV4IcEIiIi IN 311:1111' ...e.,,, 1-•,-;l'i':4'4' 1. A , 1:1' .f , . • 168 iii is it . ; ..' \ f, , •'!.: As Z 1 k14,:-. . • MEI The vreat difficulty a hie!, phynielans have been labor ing for centurieu to 0ver,...n0 , lotn at length been obviated. Vegetable Cathartic and aftecative more efficient than an). mineral preparation of 1110 SUMP clam, and au agre eabe to she tio , te ordinary candy, in new offered to the nick in the (aria of it Lorena, Ihr. EllAs3lrs WlNsLoll"s 1.1 VP!! AND Sift/NISCH LOZEIVIIIi Ix thy point importuat 1111'111(111111 111,1•11 Y that modern elf wintry ham prolloreti. It (N.M.,. two 1,0111111- 0111 extract,. ' perfectit• hartnlesk theinnelves, but em bodying all the retneff lal propertbot of mercury, and ien tined In th, plea, , atit form to ~uper,oule and Intuit'', (ruin genernl now, the 111111.'011S pilln and polio. , of Nvitich that titngeronn ex,•itant im the :login ingredient. Nbore 1.111111 11NE TIItiCSA EXPERI)IENTS Ivor , • made by the in ventor of this. peerienn remedy before it O us brought to bin pr,•nent hllllO 01 perfection. rhe 1.0.,0, in hat - miens in itn operation. :Ind although the Medicinal itv•te of its cura• rive component,. ham been extingulnlied by chemicalart, their virtu., remain ns artive and potent as ever. In I ys.. pryteeitt. 1111 betteette...t.e, i pal i Sick or S'errouv ilrttreeti. null the Irregnffirit lex to which the feebler rex are aulueet, the I.orenger trill be found In finitely more effective than any of the horrible and din. gm.tlng conipoutoln nxualiy alluilulutered midi cares. Sr an antlbillous specific and general aperimit, they have 110 01111111 either among advertooal preparation', or the preparation,. of the tegniar phaffinacommit. Ir ea 111,11A:ill:ED 11111 t 110 0111 , 11.110 ham oure tried Dn. Caxam Whint.ntr's I,tv tat ANI1S11131A1•11 1.1111:Nill: trill crier esga in lake et pore. idler pettriler..tore . lottrght. or pill. %Vitellesale Agent, JOHN F. , lu. 0, College Place, :Sew York. • ' J)atnts, Oils, KREMINITZ . WHITE LEXJ), ZINC, AND COLOR WORKS. We mitieffurinre it Chemically Turn CARBONATE OF LEA u. 1:1111393 Also, MunufacturerN, litty.lers nud Denlern lu 1111 grad. , 1111t1 gonlition of LEAD atilt RISC PAINTS, OOI.• ORS, &v. Mole 31 oho facto: ers of the celebrated Parma omit SYRIAN gitEEN, with wore Brilliancy, lb.:toilful Shade of Color, iludy nod Durability thou any ether Omen in the market. Salo 31anufacturcri. of MelC..t: Co.'s celebrated JAPAN DUI'EP., very thin, light lo color, free of sedi ment, and very wool:. Dealerx 111.0 111 OHM, Turpentine,- Varnl.ll,, Into, low, 111111 all goal,. wt. - rattled an repro...awed 31cli.NIGIIT S.: CO., Mantilla:l rers, Importers, Mal IVllolesale Dealers, = I=l Groceries, Probizions, THE RIGHT PLACE TO HEY. E. FENSTERMA.CIIER, CORNER. OF TENTH AND HAMILTON STREETS, ALLENTOWN, I'A., I. the plat,' tti buy oil kin& of • Pll OVISIO .N , &C., At citron prices, such an APPLES, PEACHES' mi l/RANGES AND LESIONS POTATOE7I, SALT, • Algid, nu klndn or IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT, • . such as PEARS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHERRIES, dm., Olt i tiMl n ti4 l Ttdl o tl%Mt,47lV. '" li t olu t rint i anllX corner of Tenth And Ilomllton, to boy good thingr pt reasonabin price.. anctlllf E. VENSTERMACHER. SEEM =I =3 MESI r/LILADEI.I . IIIA. Canull-Lit o.llattling I ILI, YE JUST ItE('Eil TED AT MT -I:ti.:Te lot of vury quail ty our: el•rthutg from thv phin AU C ION S , whlrh I 111 fifty rent...llllw thpllar I . ..hea per other now,. Alletown. GOOD Ql'..ll.ll'Y Stitlin.t Coat-, 111 tte2.lX l • • C.o.linoto, Ow., .II at I Gt • • Jilltrk (I,tL Cum.. " nt 5,10 • • • enAsitarrotVekt. , , •' nt 1.:$0 •• l'aspintere Vent, " at . 4.50 " Pant, " at 1.21) • •Punt, • 4111 •• Black 3..111 WItoli• front to +l2, tf) Tho lo•A :nlyicr I I.:111 yon I. to call and eXitioloo :sty stork liofore yon buy nlio•xyliere. rite ronoon why I con ~al lily clothing oily re n. on Ilto dollar Onion, than oily other .tore In AllontoMt rim. , Inive two .toroo nrol I ain ron.tantly nty.rlf In really CA thorn at M'CTION. FRANKLIN KNAUSS As I am pioanaucully onlabllalicil In the Whototal Notion Roll Clothing let.hte , t. tit No. 1.72 North Inl ntreet Philattlelpitie. 1 n null ca II Ow :mention of country flier chants to lily largo awl cgtioi-i co stork of goads Inifor , purcha•lng el,ru F'IANICLIN KNAUSS. agricultural BAUGH'S HAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OP 11ME TRADE MARK STANDARD WARRANTF,D we offer to (armor , . the ILL.ent NIL ...on. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUL'EI: ATE or LIME u.r being highly Improved.,111 . , it.lW PII0 , PIIATI: is, t$ its name ldirati , t. Prepared by di..olriug Ilolr Bones In old of Boni- , that 11:1VI. /10t been deprived of their iirganir waiter—the giviow and glue—by burning or baking. It, therefore, pcii•ent , to the it-e of Mei:trio, rii? the valuable propertiem of Unto Iluue. in a highly colleen trated form—Y.4El4 , ring It at Duet' ntuirk ill action null very 48-Farine, hr.' recommended to purchase II the deal.' located In their nelchborhued. I u eerthous Neherouodeale In yeteetabliehril, the I'l.l,4 , h:ice may he procured direct] from the ue11er,14....1. 11ArGII & EONS, I=l OFFICE, NO. 20 SOUTH DELAWARE AV I= pronTANT TO FARMERS! CALIFoRNIA AND OREGON SEE]) 'WHEAT AG-172.,;CY We (II ruieh Formers %vial filo BEST. SEED WHEAT IN TIIE WORLD Perrot:oy freo from In•retifto to or other hopuritys grown from AVSTIZALINN told CHILI tj , oci. Yhthhoitt I= = = POUNDS TO TIIE MEASURED BUSHEL The Bars of What, when mature, are usually doyen o WOIVO Inches lung. ilfi- 'Put up mot iirrniely tloil taut rivaled in Ilion bttg nil mint by 1111lli tiro to all north of tho country, on re celpt of Priee• -.... • . ~,,..,..,..... . GEE= SAUPLES lii ("rs. EMI! !BAGS :ex. and +I EACI I= IMEME CA T./TORS/A AND onEGay SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FHA NCISCO, I'AbIFOUNIA B ow E R COMPLETE 'AEA N =I HENRY BOWER, Chemist, pirmApr.i ! l.lllA FIE EE Super-I'll , 4llocl' Lime, Amonia and Potash NV ARRA :VITA) FREE Flto3l ADULTERATION. This Nlanure contains nil the Clements tit produce lorg crops or nill kinds, and I. highly recommended 141.11 whit acrd It, also by dlstlngulohnal 0114111.1 M a hu [ince, try an otyrts, tr.lyd Its qualities. fueled In 'lags of attlllen. each. DIXON, SHARPLY:SS & CO., EISESI 30 South Water and 40 South Delaware Av., =2 For lisle. by WILLIAM REYNOLDS. South Street. Baltimnre, Md, For Inforinntion, uddremn Henry Bower. rbiladelphin. feb tiENIS MILLER, ' , mll:nix MILLER /L WARM. Dealer la • LEATHER, HARNESS, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, ETC., ETC., = illiir•The best materials nt the lowest prices. - rys 3m Vrofcsoional Cubs . . . TAMEN N. MERV, ATTORNEY AT .1 LA W. Clike. with E. Albright. Eau.. Ku. OD Bad II Mai to wet. AII en town, N. (Specl4 gttention given I rollerildnP.l • marl7-ly 1 1 -1 1.1 . NCIIicARTZ. ATTORNEY —I AT LAW, Kn.lo' building, Sixth and Hemillon tiro Atnericon Hotel, Allentown, nun . Ensile!, nod 0..1111111 xpoken. Collection+ in Lehigh& n.1101,011l c.nmtm., iirotoptly attended to. may f 1 EORGE 11. RUPP, ATTORNEY Jr AT LAW. mike. with Ilon l John D. Mem, Allen• town, l'n. E). LITKENdAtIi, Arron • NEI' AT LAW, .(fortnerly.praetirod to Carbon clm() I. Ottive, Nu. —Esod. linUilitonstmet, second door, ocucly opposite Ito Court House, Allentown,Pa. Hq th, Germ. litnatnage. L A UEL A. BUTZ, ATTORNEY AT (nun. with P. Wyckoff, oppoxlle the Eagle How:, AI,I,ENTOW:s, PA. EllilGlll VALLEY FIRE - 11NSUlt• JLA ANCKILOMPANY, ALLP.NTOWN, PAL Office over Second Notbood Bonk. In.uree properly ngninet lone by Oro on the hbLek 11111lInti I,lnn. C. S. Yt•eu, Pree't. J. s. DlLL:youn. Sect 7., TzEII"IIFUL LIFE LIKE I' IC- A" TURES. Ok: VISITES. 2 PER DOZEN. npgativt... W. lIV AI lICAW, AMN TOWN, PA. DROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Mire with 11. Kuntz, Eng., Rlatlngton, Lehigh e ttttt Ay, Pa. rolloo 111 lone In 1,01, Northampton and Carlam counties promptly attended. to. may 33-ly LISHA FORREST, ATTORNEY 12.4 AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. tun .tart, Alluntown, 11.1( IF. OLIVER, ATTORNEV. AT J• LAW, Allentown, Ibt. Ofllee, North Fifth Parent, below the Cuotlllollse. ittnl4-'014( 'DUNK at BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS. AA , AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,' Alleutows, 0 filer, No. :4 E.' llnzollton ntrert. C. M. Rum [Din 11-'08.4() F. A. R. BALDWIN. EJ. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, a ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. SO East Hamilton alreol. Sir Can be .1114lli tett In German. janl4.'6l4l' RCLAY HA MERSLY, ATTORNEY • AT LAW, CATASAPQVA, PA. j•tll4.'oY-tf THOMAS; B. :111 . ET1BEB ATTOR• NEI' AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. Office, No. 171 En+t Hamilton ntrret. may /t•'ti - LILIAN MERTZ, ALDERMAN, SURVEYttIi AND CoNVEYANCED, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF HEAL ESTATE, SI West II:1mM, St., Allentown, I. 171)WIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY 14 AT LAW, eight do,,rx above the Court Iluuse, AL• 1,0 TOWN, Lehigh mnut Y. l's. fob 13-.611.1y WILLIAM H. SOWDEN. ATTOR NEY AND COCNSELLOR AT LAW. ()Moo, Cor uerof lino:Mon otrort tool hnw ',walk:Mi, ALLEN TOWN, PA. fob. 71U-lt. t'I)WARI) HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01110., ,‘ lion. Samuel A. Bridgs, ALLENTOWN, MUT hir TOI N !Uri", .ATTO RN Ell AT LAW, . _ I. ( urn, bth w - Sell , ALLEN may A DA M WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY -LA. AT LAW. OMm, oppwate the .rourt !loupe, AL LENTO W N. PA. may 1-17 irIEORGE B. NCHALIL ATTORNEY NA AT LAW. attire. Fires door above La* Allorr,AL LENTOWN, PA. my Mesa 'LT C. 111 NISBERGEIi TOR L. • AT LAW. Office, With .141111Lff , 011yar;Iti rear of lbc,court AffLIIII3WOAO,I4Ir. • EVII. • SNIOY ER, ALMIEVINEY 1 A—A-LAW, AI.I.}:NTOWN, ,I . A. 041 e, N. W. Con call Ilnuillion StroolN , geennalllibr:" nirtlevilar ntlelll - pull to the ..etlielllrnt of Dereidept .cAtikton. flow , Intole • . ion 6-1 r D R. C. C. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Ogle*, !Ives - Mrs. M. A. O. Ouldln • • Trimming Stare, N. :4 Erml llundlcon rOrrt, ALLEN TOWN DA. COL'CON ).EN TA L ASSOCIATION t lei glnnted the tfitai`htbetle tine of nllllllln oxide gun, ad toldistor it In the mostnpproyed muffler, do no- . thing Ind EXTRACT TEETH, and theyeertninll , 44... do that ,WITIIOUT PAIN, so 13,0CP pntlente teddy, Nee their eignatures nt the OFFICE, No, 737 WALNUT STREET below Eighth. Philadelphia. june 23.1 y Stoat anb i,umber ELLIS P. ADORE, E Co, 113113 ER -IERCILkNTS, O. 620 BEACH ST., BETWEEN tatr.eN AND COAT 1,1 BT. PIT 1 LA DELI' lIIA Ihmlerrs lu nll klud. of CAR BUILDERS', CABINET BAKERS' A UNDERTAKERS' LU - NIBER A full ur4ortmout of.,ra,oned IMES/ MEE MEM Alway. ou hand Ihvtlenlur titteutlon paid. to o,llllTitt R E :11 0 V A L ! SM [•11H & OSMUN'S COAL. AND WOOD YARD above Coal and Wend Yard h. been removed t eaot end of the Jordan Bridge, SOUTH SIDE, where *III he constantly kept a fine and full munnlY ef MEE Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, elected from the best mince In the country OUR COAL le under cover—nnd It Is to tho derept of *Tory one to porch.° Dili' AND SCREENED COAL txxrket rrire :. .61tD —A branch yard le kept at the Lehigh itIIAVU an the furmer yard.of Loots and Hecker. • IS TiII:PEOPLE'S COAL YARD. - lii* Our Coal In nelettqd from the bent tninee In tho Lehigh region, and knowing thin to be the fact and that it will orlon erfect malefaction, them in no use In offering to refund the :floury. All we .k Is n trial. Orders taken at Dash ler'n lint wore. FRANKLIN M3IITII lOth COAL CONSEMEnS,. LOOK TO YOUR INTBREST P. 11. STELTZ Hereby Inforow the fill rpo Alleo r trt,xle t i u „ d ..p o tt 11r to geoernl, that be torvpared to fu loth COA L , from his Nvell stocked Yard, formerly IL Oath & C..'s. at the Lehigh Ilsoln, to the City of Allentown, where he will onninntly keep on hand a fall supply of all k ludo of Coal , ,t the very lowest market prices. Ills coal is nice and clean, front the very bent misses, and in quality superior to any offered In Allentown. Ile will sell Coal by the CAlt LOAD, at very smallpro. alts, an he Intends to do business upon the principle uf •. Quick Hall,. and Small Prollto.' r Give him • call, and upon cmporlng prices Yon ...dna gn for Yourselves. will deliver Coal upon rail to any part of the City upon orili•rx being left at the Yard, or Weinshelmer's Moro POWDER AGENCY Alen, Agent for tehlalt county for the " Ladiu Powder Cmpany." Prepared al all sporting deliver auperior Mining and Illasting.Powder, Powder, Sporting Powder in kegs hind canlstere, Font *O., at any point 11.101 it any quantity. The woo at retl at the Quo and ent ry store of 11. F. Welferts, No. 18 East Hamilton Arcot. 'dere by It till promptly flied, hoar :11.11 REMOVAL. TREXLEIt &,BROTHERS, =I LUMBER, gr,TV'A,:ri=k‘,',7l7rt i ih f el 1 ::111.ta n o d d l'o•hr::17 that Y NEW YARD, near the corner of Tenth and Hamilton alreeta, formerly occupied by Braumn & 31111,. no a Lumber Yard, where they will conmantly keep on baud a large and seasoned stock of LUMBER, ouch pa all bird. of PINE, lIEMLOI,Ii6CIIF.STNUT,POPLAR, SIIINGLEA, KETO, LATHS, krt. In foci .oerythlng usually kept by the trade,' - Saran blade of lumber cot to order at ehort notice Thankful for past fayors, WE trust our friends, as well yard publ i c t g ;ltltie7 , T, 6:::rde`aloag t•V'r•e"nudre N , 1 17, .r.,ti..bOth roaarus quality and price.. [oet 2l I. •. rwmar. B. OTTO. U.N. OTTO. MILLI* FILBERT, OTTO & MILLER, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA MILL ON CAN FFI AL CE AT WERT TUBM nY vA ILLvNARD STREET. O W. F.;CRANE, uncs. 4,.0c CHESTNUT, mud GOOD I'llil 11E0:1 WILLIAM OSMUN P. 11. I3TELT7r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers