jc Ylti2ilo2 laristfr. NM POI4I.IIND RVCRT WED,III.IDAT IT • ROBERT TREDELL, JR TERMS, $2.00. A YEAR IN ADVANCE No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. .;% Onilithseribers who do. not tneeive their paper's regularly will confer a great favor upon ua by speng )NiorAtcothlß office Babeeribere about removing will please send us their old address as well no the near MR CITY .kainance.—A just complaint is made by roany.of our citizens agninit the habit of stopping off the water in the main pipes for several hours to make an attachment. As It Interferer very much with culinary• operations, we hope plumbers Will bea little more notice In their operations. The ,Quidetpi Time on Record. —One of the most noteworthy feats In brick-pinking woo per , formed nt Keck's brick yard, In the First Ward, last U:ecli. A was titled with 120,000 bricks In twenty-live hours, and they were burned in four nights, three days and a half. Mr. Keck knows • hivii to mish things and turns' out sonic of the best bricks in the market. Bra? Estate.—Andrew Herman sold a lot of ground situate on Seventh street, between Gordon and Chew streets, 20 feet front by 120 feet in depth, ; to John Wonderiy, for $OOO. 11. T. Kleckner, Esq., sold a lot of ground 81 by 200 feet, situate on Ridge Road, between Turner , and Chew streets, to Francis S. Kemerer, for $1925. ' New Terms.—Malenbeeg (College com m m com menced its winter ter on Wedn4day last, with large accession of new students. Lehigh Uni versity commenced yesterday week. Allentown Pernale College commenced on 31Onday last. The !liew buildings of this institution provide excellent accommodations for the students and It is now one of the most attractive and thorough schools in The Nor International llfoney Order ,y4;- . . • ' !Mi.—The - new International :Ifouey Order System, by which money may be transmitted by post office Order to foreign countries, went into effect on the I.d. Owing to 'the fact that Switzerland is the only country which has acceded to the terms of this system, orders can as yet be sent to that Atm try alone, not exceeding 550 in a single order. Postmaster Diefenderfer has received the necessa ry blanks from Washington. Accident.—On Thursday afternoon as a girl by the name of Alice Smith who had In charge Me Freddy, son of Mr. 0. A. Grlder, wan walk ing through the Fifth Ward School House, regard less of her chnrge,the little fellow fell through otie bf the holes cut In the third floor for in heater and fell to the floor below when, after striking, lie rolled through the hole made for the same purpose and went down to the first floor. The distance he fell lean twenty-elght feet and strange to say the little fellow was not much injured.—Noes. Dedication.—On Sunday, the 12th inst., the Methodist Episcopal church of this place, situated on Linden street below Sixth, will be dedicated. The dedicatory sermon in the morning will be •preached by the Rev. Dr. Dashlell, President of Dickinson College, and in the evening by the Rev. Dr. Nelson, President Wyoming Seminary. .Thls church edifice has been entirely remodeled and finished In the most approved style. The fresco ing and furniture are beautiful and chaste. The !Albite Is cordially Invited to be present and bear the eminent divines whose services have been en gaged for tho occasion. Killed by jumping from a Traia.-‘-Gottlieb Horne, a resident of the Fifth Ward, lu Jumping off the Western Express train, on the Lehigh Val. ley Railroad, a short distance below the East Penn. Junction, on Sunday morning, was thrown violently upon the tract:, inflicting. wounds from which he died, as Is . supposed, almost instantly. Ile was horribly bruised about the head and shoulders. The Coroner held an Inquest and the Jury rendered a verdict iu accordance with the above facts. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. Slight Fires.—On Saturday evening, a coal oil lamp Was upset In the residence of Mr. Wertey, on Linden street above Fourth. The flame was cone =ideated to the carpet, which was saturated with the oil, and was extinguished with great difficulty, but before any serious damage was done. The alarm at live o'clock, on Sunday afternoon, was caused by tire In the stable of Levl Fenster timelier, on Tenth street. It was the result of •carelessness on the part of several boys who were smoking in the stable. The tire was soon extin guished and the services of the firemen were not required. Cigars Seized.—U. S. Revenue Assessor Rhoads seized a quantity of cigars la , a wagou at Ilagenbuch's llotel, on Saturday, fur a violation of The Revenue Laws. It appears that Seth Schell, of Milford, brought the cigars there ou Saturday and theti proceeded to the Collector's Office to pur chase the necessary stamps. In the meantime Assentor Rhoads 'isited the place, and as the wagon was not a lieensedmutpufactory, and The cigars were unstamped,Mmliscated the whole stock Upon the Intercession of friends Mr. Rhoads was satisfied that Mr. Schell was willing to comply with all thC requirements a the law and tliat there was no intention of fraud on his part, and there fore released the cigars. .Cigar manufacturers should aVold all trouble I),}' posting themselves upon the laws. • Court Pruceettingx.--The September Tenn of Quarter Sessions commepeed on Monday. Judge Longaker and Associates Fry and Lamy on the Bench. After an able charge from the Judge, the Grand Jury retired to their room and selected Owen L. Schreiber, Foreman. The follow lug cases were up: • In the matter of the application of the Indepen dent School District agt. Whitehall: township. Application and nil proceedings withilmtrii. Com. agt. Joint Melltnnt, Nolte prolopai entered. Cora. ngt. Pauline Kressly; charge assault and istrery. Continued to next sessions. •Cetn. agt. Nit:Canna, charge anbault find battery on oath of Ferdinand Eberhart. De- foldout plead guilty nud entered into a recogui lallee' in $l6O to keep the peace, to leave the county for thirty days. County to pay the costs. Cont. stgt. henry E. Schilling, charge F. and B. ou oath of Sarah Weaver., Grand Jury returned a , true bill. Not yet tried. Com. agt. Sarah McGinley, charge assault and battery on oath of Catharine Ferry. True 1)111 found. Not yet tried. Com. act. Esau Schantz. Com. agt. Charles, Merkel. Charge, desertion and support, on oath of Angelina Merkle. De fendant directed to pay the costs, and entered Into hail in the sum of $5OO to keep the peace for the period of three years. Com. agt. Joseph Ruddier.. Charge, netting li quor without license. A true bill found and at tachnient airarded against defendant. Coma ugt. same. Charge, selling liquor on Sunday. A true bill found. Com.' agt.'ltudolph Chaise. Charge, desertion ou oath of,Amanda Clangs. Defendant sentenced to pay costs and cuter Into recognizance in $3OO, conditioned to pay all weekly to the sold Amanda • Clause. Corn. iigt. Jelin Itehrig. Charge, ceiling liquor without Beeline. "True bill" found. Defendant [plead guilty, unit benteneeill to pay a line of *5O .and costa. COM. agt. Christian Ne!shier. Charge, deser 'thin.. Defendant sentenced to pay the costs and .enter into a reenguizanee to pay Sarah tielshler, ihis wife, the aunt of four dollars weekly. Com. age. John Klnslnger. Charge, selling opior'Without license. True bill found, and bench 'Warrant against Defendant imurded. ' Coin. agt. John Conics, David Mdell, Edw. 'KutiPploihnrger anti Wllloughby Fensteriunelier. i •Charge, assault and battery on oath of Andrew Wirtz.' True bill found ugalust all except Fenster pincher. Prarfai.—E. Fenstermacithr, at the stoic career .of fOW and 4antlltoti street, Akontown, Is rocelv ihig every day largo foto of Lino pcati.es and It ten ting thorn obeaper . thaii anY other Alorg. eept 8-3 t. PARADE OF THE ALLENTOWN ! FIRE DEPAI,TMENT. RECEPTION OF THE CONGRESS lIOSE. . On Monday morning the Congress hose Com pany of Chestnut Hill visited our city and were the'guesta of the America Hose Company. They arrived In the train due here nt 10:45 and were escorted into the city by delegations from the varl- ens . companies of Allentown. At two o'clock the line of parade was formed on Seventh street, and marched in the fallowing order : Pollee. Marshals. Ri . figgold Cornet Band qj Refuting This band is acknowledged to be one of the beet lu the Btute. Their splendid eacention of the moat beautiful and difficult selections won the phiudits of the people wherever they appeared. Their gay and attractive uniform added much to their ap pearance. The Good Will Fire Company • This company made a large turnout of mem bers, dressed In blue shirts, black bats and black pants. They had their carriage In line and made a line display. The City Cornet _Dam!. This baud, though recently organized, performed good music, and Is an honor to the city. It In pro gressing rapidly and deserves every encourage! , meat from our citizens. Columbiti Cumptiv This organization looked well. The members wore red hats, red shirts mind black pants., They drew their carriage and their magnificent steamer was drawn by four beautiful, spirited horses. Band. Congress Hoge of Method Hill The strangers were dressed In red Nhlrta t red oil cloth caps and black pants. They had their car riage along and on It were two small hors In the company's uniform and their pet poodle. Allentown Drum Corps. This corps of drummers is one of the most pro ficient In this section. They furnish splendid marching music. Amain( ROSE' C11111)11111y. Thls company entertained the Congress, and they Imre 'Mown themselves capable of doing It In the right way.• They brought up the rear. Their uniform consisted of black hats, red shirts Alla black pants, and their carriage was decorated with the National colors 1111 d evergreens. THE COUNTY lAIIIENBE.—On the ferns of George Zininier luau, in Upper Macungie, was raised a potato vine seven feet and a half long. AGRICULTURAL MEETINU.—AUCIIIiOII is asked to the call for a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Lehigh County Agricultural So ciety, to hit held on the 20th Inst. THE LtmntElt BlismEss.—A meeting of parties Interested lu the lumber business was held at Williamsport, Pa., ou Wednesday, and It was decided that but one half the usual stock of logs be manufactured on the West Branch of the Sus quehanna for next year. A LARUE EXCURSION.—ProbabIy the larg est excursion of the season having Mauch Chunk as au objective point, Is announced in -the New Jersey exchanges. The train will leave Hoboken, vla Morris and Essex Railroad, early on Wednes day, September 15th, 'stopping at all stations. The programme includes the tour of the Switch back, and a grand Now Jersey dance at tile Man sion House riud Ritter's Hall, returning on the 16th. FAIR AT REnnEnsnuno.—Tho sixth annual exhibition at Rehrersburg, Berke county, will be held on Saptember 91st, 22d, 23d and 24th. I're; whims from $l.OO to $50.00 will be awarded. On Wednesday and Thursday the horse races will take place: Family tickets, 81.00; for one pertain dur ing the fair 50 cents ; single tickets, 25 cents. The Brownsville Ringgold Band will be present lu their new uniform. FoUNTAIN 111 LL. —Several elegant mansions are being built on Fountain 11111, South Bethlehem. That of Dr. Lindermamof Mauch Clad:, to worthy of especial notice. Mr. Ferriday's mansion Is almost tluis lied, and makes a beautiful appear ance. That section of our borough Is already very beautiful, and is improving rapidly and eon 7 stantly.—Conservatice. DEATH FUOM AN UNWISE OPERATION.- Lewis Rothrock, of Locust Volley, who was suf fering from a causer, secured the services of a quack doctor of Philadelphia. The would-he phy sician said he could cure the disease, and ou the 30th of August administered chloroform to Mr. Rothrock for the purpose of removing the cancer, but the patient being too weak to stand the opera tion died while under Its effects. Ile was only twenAlx years of age. HOUSE STOLEN.—A dark bay hock:, live years old, and between fourteen and fifteen hands high, was stolen front the stable of Henry A. Mil ler, in Ruseombnumor township, dear Blandon station, on Sunday night, and also a Balling top buggy and harness. Suspicion attaches to an un known man traveling the road who stopped ut the hot se on the evening before the horse was taken and asked for lodging. A reward is offered for the detection of the thief and the recovery of the property.—Reading Journal. REPUBLICAN Mass MEETING.—The Ifepuh licaus of Lowhill and adjoining townships, and all others in favor of economy in our National and State Governments, of Reform in the management of our county finances, of the success of ilterubli can principles as enunciated in our State and County Platforms,'and are in favor of the re-elec tion of Gov. John W. Geary, are Invited to assem ble in mass meeting at the public house of Edwin Seibert, in Lowhill township, on Friday evening, September 17th, at seven o'clock. James S. fiery, .Esq., will address the meeting ill English, and William D. Luckenbach, Esq., In the. German gunge. ImPoltTaNT To Itrariti , mus AND COMPOUN- Di3ts or SPIIDTS.—By a regulation of the Reven ue Department Just promulgated, " whenever any rectifier proposes to empty any Spirits for the pur pose of rectifying, purifying, refining, re-distilling or compounding the same, he shall file with the Collector a notice or statement, giring the number of casks or packages, the Sc rial number of each, the nuutber'of wine and proof gallons In each, the kind of stamps and serial numbers of each,, the particular name of such spirits :is known to the trade, the proof, by whom produced, the district where produced, by whom inspected, and the date of Inspection. A GRAND Pic-tin.—Wushington Union Sunday School, of- Salisbury, will hold Its an nual ple-nie, on Saturday, Septemlier 11, 1869, n Moser's Wood, at the foot of the Lehigh Moon talus, near Philadelphia public road. No hucksters ure allowed as the ode-tile will and its own refresh ments. Rev. \V. R. llotford will deliver an ad dress suitable for the occasion. All friends -of Sunday Schools and the cotnuntuity In general are invited to attend. hltli PACIFIC EXPRESS—PAST TIIIH.—The new Pacific Express Train which 'was put on from New York to San Francisco on Monday week, and which in to be run through from New York to Harrisburg, a distance of one huudred and eighty miles, in live hours, passing Allentown every evening, is the fastest train that travels .this part of the country, making thirty-six tulles au hour including ail stoppages. The Easton Fees Press states that this train traVeled from Alleidown to Easton on Tuesday night at the rate of a mile a minute: The same train several nights ago ran from Harrisburg to Reading, , u distance of 54 ' wilco, in 62 minutes, including a stoppage at Leh- THE AIWANCE.-Tlll6 journal, which - Dr. Bushnell renounces "one of the ablest, best, and most outspoken religious papers now published," enters upon Its third volume this week, and cele brutes the event by several marked improvements. It appears In a new dress of type, begins the reg ular publication of Bev. henry Ward Beecher's Sermons, and adds several new mantes to its list of contributors, among them that of lion. Henry Wilson of Massachusetts, who In the current num ber discusses the problem* of Chinese intigmtieu from the standpoint of Christian statesmanship. The publication of Beecher's Sermons in the Ad vance will prove au tultnimble feature of an al rmidy admlritble paper, and attract mauyreaders. The Advance Is published ut V. 50 per year by the Advance Company, f? 5 Lombard Block. Chicago. 'nu; vr111.: KING DESTR HON orrilE ALLEN TOWN IRON WORKS. OVER ONE THOUSAND MEN TIIROWN OUT OF ENIPLOYMENI .1 OC/7/ENT A T FIRE , )VER $3()(),Imp) On Tuesday morning, about one O'clock, tire broke out in tile Allentown Iron Works, situated hi the Sixth Ward, nod superintended by Samuel Lewis, Esq. The works were among the must cx teunlve In this country, giving employment to about nix hundred betide, and were owiled princi pally by stockholders residing In Philadelphia, Mr. Lewis, the Superintendent, owning probably more stock than ally other individual. They !onsinted of four Immense stacks, four large east houses, three coal houses, store house, engine houses Iliad other building necessary for the carrying on of the heavy business of the furnace. The the originated in the waste room of the engine house attached to Rack No. 3, and Is supposed to have caught from the lamp of the engineer. The lire then Commit s ideated to the engine house and quickly spread to each of the engine and east houses, involving in one sheet of Mime the whole tunas of buildings and presenting a night fearful to look upon. The seething, hissing noise of 'escaping steam and rushing of hot air, the white flame mid nttlpharou s clouds of Smoke formed 0 seethe appalling :is it was grand, and outrivalling any seethe ever pre sented to 'atrium gaze of modern pandemonium. As the noble structure surrender.' piece by piece, as If a willing captive to the lire demon, and as tile. laborers crowded round new their daily bread, the sustenance of their families, taken from Omni 11l a twinkling, it was a sad and awe-inspiring speetablc. What had taken man months and years to do, even the might• machinery which had seemed almost omnipotent in Its power and had triumphed over nature's obstacles no Mug, was In a few hours piled In a heap of black, smoulder ing ruins by the relentless clement. • The tire companies of our eity were slow ill getting on the ground owing to the great distance, the hilly streets and Olt lateness of the hour. but when they arrived the firemen went, to work with a will and labored heroically, and succeeded in saving one of the cast louses and two other of the buildings. While they were lit work a sad acci dent happened caused by the falling of the roof of one of the cast houses. Several pei . sons were in the building, and William Seaulin, all engineer at the Furnace, and who resides in the Fifth Ward, had Ids blioulder blade broken. Foar or dee others tillntailled slight Injuries by the falling - of tubers. The loe to the Allentown iron Work- , will amount to about $300,000, which is folly covered by insurance The saddest part of the conflagration is the throwing oat of employ- mint of over one thousand hands. Six hundred hands were employed in the furnace and these, as well as about four hundred who were employed at the mines, will nearly all be compelled to cease work on account of the stoppage of operations .tt the Furnace. As there were upwards of 4150,000 paid out lu wages every mouth the loss to our illy will be very severely felt. The chilling of the stacks and the suspension of operations will involve another loss that cannot be estimated. Hopes were enter tained yesterday that two of the stacks could again be put in op tratlon last night, and to effect this object laborers were gathered front every quarter, front Hokendauqua, Catasauqua and Bethlehem, and wherever else they could be ob tained. If they are successful these stacks can be saved from the disaster resulting from chilling, aud will besides give employment to a large ntn»- her of the hands. Ti; FREENwattuito FuRNAcE.—The fur nace company at Freetnansburg have line pros pects for the sale of all stock on hand, as the de veloptueuts required have been made, and a New York party has signified the Intention to take the balance of stock and commence the erection of the furnace at once. We learn that the projectors have been prospecting for the , thitterals necessary lu the manufacture of Iron, and succeeded In find ing large quantities of Iron ore 11111 Hint:tone within a short distance of the land upon which the works are to be erected. Our friends have our best wishes for success, and the people of that place will no doubt be soon aroused to the fuel that manufactures are the life nod staff of any LAFAYETTE COLLEUE.—The improvements and additions to the old building has added won derfully to Its appearance, and much to Its conve niences. - The new Mansard roof and square totv er give Ira truly .grand and classic appearance at a distance, which its elevated position very• lib erally allows. The entire line of College build ings, the dwellings of the professors and latardlutz houses, the observatory and ehemleal institute, are all good and substantial, and Itchy In ~tyle, adding greatly to the beauty and ornament of the College grounds, and the plateau of College 11111. —Easton Argus. LOCAL. ITEMS.—We trill always reel our- Wives under obligations to our friends ill every Section of the county who semi us any items of local hacrest. If a man sells a farm, raises a large crop, or hands a new barn, or does anything to improve his neighborhood, We leant to WO/IW' it. Anything the neighbors talk iihnot,.Chowever trilling, IS what we want. Can't a friend in each township appoint himself a coalmine,' of one to ECM' Ile local news 1 Some may hesitatettintut as suming the duty because they don't feel that they can write for the newspapers. Don't let this deter you. Scud us the facts and toe will pill t loon in shape. Cows Kit.t.t:7t.-I[earn• Ruth hail seven cows killed near Alburtis, on the East Pennsylva nia Railroad, on Wednesday night. Mr. Ruth was In the habit of keeping his cows penned up In the barn yard over night and it is supposed some one let them out on this occasion and drove t hem upon the track. Three suspialous-looking Individuals were secs about the glare during Wednesday and it Is supposed In the neighborhood 1 hat these were the men who &rove the cows Out, and that their object was first to throw the express train from the track and then rob the express ear. ON VIII Britt;.otit•:.—This week we add to our lint another large instaliinent of nt•w sub scribers. Since we took Bald oftithl paper welave increased the subscription list TWENTY-FIVE per cent. We can honestly say that no better adver tising medium eau be found in the Lehigh Valley. Besides our circulation throughout the eitunty of Lehigh we have an extensive list In Bethlehem and South Bethlehem, and in the townships of. Nort hampton bordering on the Lehigh River. Philadel phia merchants turd manufacturers will derive a perceptible benefit by using our columns to adver tise their business. Our paper circulates among that clams whose patronage is worth solidi intr. CHILD RE'SCUED FROM THE Ror•tont ot• Waus—Thursday a week, a child of a Mr. Miller, living about a mile and a half front Nazareth, fell to the bottonrof a well, a distance of thirty feet. The cries of the child attracted Its Mother, who, with great presence of !Mud, directed the little one to cling? into "the old oaken bucket, which hung In the well." The little two-year old did an it was directed, and the mother drew her child safely from the well—the most preciously laden bucket which was ever drawn by her or ituy one else (rum its dark depths. The feellege. of that mother, as she drew her little Innocent child from tho well, may better be Imagined than described. !range to say the only hurt the child reeelved, was a slight bruise on the side of the face.—Esth- Wein Times. - REPORT 0? COAL transported over the Le high Valley Railroad, for the week ending Aug. 28, 1860, compared with same time hut year : YYhh For Week. For rear. Total Mahan y 17,648 14 275,632 10 " Beaver Mead0*...16,183 11 277,944 14 " Maech Chunk 160 15 " Upper Lehigh 8,581 11 Hazleton 9,131 00 669,788 16 Wybmlng 14,149 11 289,103 13 50,119. 1 Graud total fiam . e time 1838 ......... 13 1,533,704 02 2,49 , WI Increase. Drercape VALLEY IRON 1 1 10.13E., -Pig ,iron ranbported by the Lehigh Valley Railroad 00. for the week ending Aug. 2,8 1869: From Carbon Iron Co heltlgh Valley Iron Co Thomas Iron Co Lehigh Crane Iron Co.. Allentown Iron Co Roberts Iron Co Glendon Iron Cd Bethlehem Iron Co Other Shippers ..... .... BM COMPLETION OF THE Ltauatt VALLEY RAIL . EOAD TO WAVERLT.—Upon the'completlon of the Lehigh Valley Railroad to Wavtrly the first pas senger train run over the new auction contained a party of excursionists, among whom were Wm. 11. Sayre, Cushier of the road, and %He; H. Stanley Goodwin, Asst. Gen. Superintendent; Charles Hartshorn, Vice President, wife. and child; the Executive Confinittee of the Lehigh Valley Rail road; V. Plolet. of Wysox, Bradford county; W. A. Ingham; Edward Roberts. The time of the party was abundantly taken uplin inspection of the works along the line, observiitlon of the vari ous points of interest, Mulatto intrault of pleasure. Mr. Stutz accompanied the pleastre:seekers On far as Tunkhantwek. In a week it is expected that trains will run through to Waterly, and the Le ; high Valley will havedirect coninamication to the great lakes. The value of the tiiidertaliltig cuu unl he set forth In a mere local paragraph ; but It will soon be felt through this urea; outlet for the industry of the Lehigh and Wyomng valleys. PyusEcrriNG CARELEss F.4tmEits.—The West Chester Itepribtiont states tliut during the session of the Legislature of DM; through the influence ollr Partner,' ChM In Chister county, a bill was passed applicable alone try that county, making It a pemul Aimee for " atc3person or per -80116, owning or possessing, or occupying or hold ing land or lands, in the county of ;heater, to al low either or any of the following %seeds to mature seed on land owned or occupied by him ur them, viz: The COllllllOll mullen, the moth mullet), wild carrot, Catradian thistle, horse nettle and ox-eyed daisy ; any person owning, occupying, or holding had upon which sold weeds, or ether of them, shall be found with matured need, stall be deemed soul taken as maintaining a nuisance, and shall he subject to such penalties as are low, by law, imposed." Railroad companies We alms made liable to the statue provisions. The two first eases that have occurred under the law, took place before Justice Whitehead, at West Chester, a few days ago. Mr. Ferlivand Wood made complaint against John Ortlep, for allowing or-eyed daisies, and other noxious weds to mature on his property. lie us held to bail iu the sum of tkioo, to answer the charge. Subsequently Ort lep tootle complaint against Wood, for the same offence, and lte was likewise held toanswer. Both parties reside in the township of Londonderry. I . lSCEl.LANEou:• : —Counterfelters bare been lu Wlllie:ibavre pugging $lO and $2O note& A couple of them have been arrested. 'Elie Eagle Hook and Ladder Co., of Wilkes barre, have received a new truck, and the housing of it was made the occasion for a parade of the lire department. The Soldiers' Monument at Norristown Wild completed bet Wednesday. It l a beautiful piece of sculpture. The September term of the Sucks County Court will commence at Doylestown on Monday, the thirteenth of September. Philosophers proclaim that closing the , eyes makes the sense of bearing more acute. One df our wits suggests that this accounts for the, many eyes that close in our churches on Sundays: The Managers of the DoylestoWn Agricultural and Medi:toles' Institute, arc busily at work per feetQ strrangements for the next Fair, which will commence there on the first Tuesday in October. The East Pennsylvania Synod of the Lutheran Church will hold Its twenty-eighth annual conven tion In Lebanon, on the -oth of Sitptember. The North Penn. Company have removed the old platform at the freight depot in Quakertown, and erected a new one, four feet wider and twenty feet longer. Professor Kerl, the author of Kerl's Grammars, and Professor o..horn of Lafayette College, will deliver addressed before the Teachers' 'militate, which will cOnvene at Doylestown in October. W. W. Selfridge, Esti., of Bethlehem, has been sworn into the °Mee of assistant assessor of the new Fifth Division of the Nlth District. Ou 3londay next an express train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will commenee to make regular trips to Waverly. Conductor Desmond will have charge or the traid, with Conductor 011111111110 ue his alternate. Bethlehem In In a bad way about special taxes. The people don't like to pay them and the borough authorities nay they can't carry on the contem plated Improvement without them. 1 town meeting wan held ou Wednenday night lusttu COO elder the subject. A remlutlon wan adopted authorizing Council to lay special tax of one-third of one per cent. to pay balance duo 4111 steam fire cogine and hone purchased by the borough. The report of the Finance Committee Wits ordered to be 11111461 ml three tline:4, so flint the people may know what has been done and just what is Wa )( • N )11S I=lll —Tile Republicans ill . Heading have entered actively 11110 tlic . caliva,, Sea• clubs liner beta' fanned which slime a ileteraliantion tapas!, tillage:. —Gal(l:mink's )laid and American Girl will trot nt the coinhoz fair of the licrk, County Agri cithuntl Society. —•.\ little girl 11 years of ital., (laughter of Charles Ritter, livery ~tattle keeper In Reading, was run over by the down tuorithia exprerd trait' on the Reading: Railroad, 111 Friday last, and —NV tn. S. Biel:ley, it carpenter at Heading, died ,taltlettly ou Taewlay of last weak, of MI at tack of palsy. —William B. Wagner and George P. Spayd entered Into the proprietorship of the Mansion liotNe, at Readiox. on the tind Seplemhcr.• —The Editors of the Heading Di . ..pateh har been arrested and held In $5OO hail on the charge of Iliad against Alexander P. Tuthill. The article objected to, It Is alleged, reflected upon the plain tiff's honesty in his connection with the \Vilnalig ton nod Birdslioro Railroad. —Trains commenced running on• the ('ole broclidale Railroad on Monday last. Trains leave Bovertown of 7:25, a. w., and 12, noon. • MONTOONnatT COVNTI. —Several houses In Norristown were titter ed by burglar, 4,11 Thuroday night. —.ls Charles Childs wns driving across the railroad at Pottstown,im Saturday week, his wagon was struck ht'a loinimotive and he was thrown iir twentystive feet against a telegraph pole, where lie Was (MIMI in an !mound ble eundition. Hopi.% of Ills recovery me enter tainea. —)lesscs. Snyder & Yocum, the former of Lower Providence and the latter or the Trappe, have conjointly purchased the doily and weekly Irepibia Spy. Union Cornet Bond of Freeland, has recently been reorganized and they have built for themselves a. baud house. —linlcon Feller°ll; of Freeland, NM If for tune In Ids newly dlseovered bed of Iron paint. —There arc live boroughs in Montgomery nounty—Nortistimn ' Pottstown, Conshohocken Itfizeport and North Wales. C 1" .NOT I( ES it ill' ale, eqtrbaparilia, porter and mineral wa ter have become more popular •than ally other Jeveragre manufactured In this vicinity. It In for Hale at nearly every bar In the comity and at hin brewery. Tkonuthy Sred.--100 bushels of the best Timothy seed Is for sale at the very lowest market price, at the store of E. Fensterinaelier, earlier of Tenth and llanillton streets, Allentown. Sept 6-3 w Life Innteetitire.—Malty a widow and orphan hue had great reason to be grateful that the advan tages of Life Insurance were Understood nud em braced by the husband and father; awl tunny an other widow or orphan has bad :instal bitterly to regret that the advantages of Life Insurance were not understood or at least not embraced . by the husband and father. In which class would be your widow or child In ease of your death 'I Are you insured', If not, get u volley at once in THE AMEIHCAN.LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Dr. Wm..T. Rotnlg, Is agent for thi. minty.. • FEE= 55.014 14 11T3431NE,SS I NOTICES I'ttlua • Internal and Exteronl, Blind, Ille 01l tin g, notion C. Lippincott, suceetwor to 1 - nmens ptintlyely. perfectly anti Dermnuen tl l • I nitgOnt linnet, Jr., Carpeting.% $(... 308 North 2d St, Tinhorn. pal"•, O R ' l gF r . I° """ neui "' r "‘"c1", by Rend ■dr. lu thin 6331.. PLIEOHISFELi woulttthi writ I n ea u. , McCANDLE99 • M. D. • tiAlllntterT., Pill I.A IV A, lA., •... Ryre Fouykli Areb, !a•h6 chu roter pot gvex not lhmrv:md or Ow 1..• 1111tro. thin toll.. Bet• ."11 ' 41"Dbl a.r wl ' "T^l pets" rood . A "nli" Th 1 •`r roof thlw .0(40 , 1 3113013 1 . /into..., witrraiiht not tt, ter , tr. (doodle u,shi, We 11,.14 - ke rlet,,le to igtotr4l.lo 0400 In till rn.ee• roll. Bend odd, lektte. 1,- Toni. ...115 .....990 _.310 -410 - -110 - 205 • . . . . 'Read advertiscanctit of Thomas 111111 lu this Is-• \ , , • A roll assortment of goods In ills lino in 0t.n... at! for , s;- ortit• !al resson'ablo price. ; Give him a roll. , • 11411'. Vegetable Wilton Hair Renewer Is 1,, - d\tA PA /4 unluer.ulfsvorite Cro routoring gray hair 1. , Its CAPES & origins! color. mid un!!‘ing Ind!' gr , OVo!!! !hick • ..:CAPS: EMI Clothes.—You inubtti't Imagine that be ratt.o they taultyfashloimble Ullll.llPg at (lab linil and salt the veriest •• dandy" with the style' add finish or their clothiug, they do not har . e anything Plaits and genteel for elderly persons and nom of plainer taste. tip truth In Piet the revenge. Wannainker Brown gine special at tention to contort its Makin, at, ;twit stork and yon CM, get there n real with a Fig reline. er u ,pole ut broadtail Plitilaloona or anything else you prefer 11.1 as nen a• the styles and patterns that are nibs! fashienaidy warn. &•rVIt ht. Sall .I?hctua,. Skin-uud, Female 11',orrtsti fed ettrnl.—Seo. t t•AI It loot ti I : Ilet. 31, It 11. 19{11. grut , 4)ll feeling that t 1. , make tit.. following taut...tent for the betietlt %vb.. :tr....llfet - log front tterefttht nutl other Chronir 31). Lad been ..ttrerittg for ...v.q.:11 your,. frotn minr,. 1.0 swellings on her neck whirl, after a time would glither anII discharge matter, lensing aing atm, She had been treated for'niore rind, a year inost phyai• ria. itithout reeelving any pet:pita,l Lenrtlt, her diseabt beroming nurse, until elm bad ol thew running ann., en her neck, ult... I employed Pr. H. P. joingaker, under wl trenim.•nt •10, mounneneed to improve Very fin., the Korea on her nerk b. heal, and all her unpleasant :mil dia. agreeable amnia... gradually to disappear, until her health wits rostnred, NV hiril W.l, 111 about four unnitha. feel perfectly instilled, after having tried the treatment of other physician. In recOmniending nil tints.• w ttre antlers Ing from Sereifilla ur Chronic Diseases to tie. hotigaker fair medival treatment, with n linabellef that they will 1....... bided, benefited nod mired thereby, aM my wire inn 1..... JAMES lia Dr. It. D. Longisker'a eine,• is on the Enat aide of Sixth ;meet, between Hamilton and Wiliam, Allentown. Science AdrallCol.—As 80011 as an article pur porting to be of utility has boon tostca. , and Its merits ‘1.1r.0..1 by nubile opinion, unprincipled partios endeavor to replenish their depleted purses by counterfeiting. and substituting a spurious for the genuine article. Fame time since, mercury, in the illsgolso of pills. powders, the., was given for all discuses of the stomach anti liver, while qui. nine was freely administered for the chills. At length HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS 11131 k its advent, and all entire new system of healing was inalignrated. The beneficial effects of this valuable preparation were at once acknowledged. and mineral poisons sutfered to sink boo that obscurity to which nu enlightened age has con signed them. There bravo beeu many spuriou. Bitters paltned upon the community, which, after trial, have been found perfectly worthless, while nosTETTER•s has proved a blessing to tholoands, who owe 1.1 II their restoration to health. For many yearn we have watelond the ateady.progres of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH HITTERS in public li,ttliort• and Its beneficent etteCtii an a cord arising front the stomach, of a morbid nature, and tee are free to say that it can be relied upon a. n rennin relief and remedy. Its proprietors hove nude the above propara- Hon, after 'years of careful study and sitting, end urn' now reapituf the reward claimed by this valuable specific, and which they so richly merit. It is theonly prepara tion of the kind that Is reliable in nil rases. am t t it there fore demands the attention of tine afflicted. We would Invite the attention et' our Mewl.. nett the ' I'lllolle, le ear large 'dock of CARPETS, which ha , . been , nelucted with great cert., alai la which WO have added all TIIE REG LSTI...'II 1 or the new all choice TA PES'PIIT, IIItI'SSEI.S, THREE PIA' and I,,Ntilt.Wi CARPETS. abet nil the ut.w.ittal va .. ' rleil Style.. of entry tied .lair calla+ , F U R TH F, cA Ai pAlc, s 0 F 1869 . ‘,ll, CLOTH freto 2 It. to IS rt. wide—cut to n, room+ a uny .lro . WISlif.W SHADES la veal varlety, (reeled Mel rllllll ....... y . betel, ' I . lWilll neat Cantais .Ifrolling.w. -Itroge. .Ibitt4, Stair Rollo. Drityydx, ,C.r.. ~ Y . r., ; ; ; ;V, All will be ...01.1 at the 1aw...4 rate, Call ...I..x.thila.. 1 ,,- • ') *V....: our otock. • It • '...t.P11ti4.• THOMAS C. LIPPINC.Irr, ciacce.....r to PIIINEAS 111/COIL Ja. ,g.:::.5.:4z...„,,.444-4.4..:. • ...t.0.111.1 . _ 511, N. '2.1 St.. abv. Nl.blo, u....t aide, Pfdlit. .. . . . .','‘''', ... 1.. P • ir 4 "......... , • pENNSNLVAN IA .IND NEW YOUR . .. •• . . CANAL AND 1t.111.110.k1. CO'S • ••• / • Fa order to further the dbetrothottlott of Repot, Ileum hfeits kind to old In strengthening the Repub. Emu party In Lehigh county, we will send TILE LEHIGH REGISTER till after the OCTOBER 91 1-2 PElt- CENT: The Rana! of tido Company. 1.15 mlleo long, and the Railroad '(the Punie length, extending from %ILea...re to Waverly, on tho Erie Rallwto beim:principally owned by the Erhigh Valley Rallroad Confintoy, will open In connection therewith au haute... and profitable trade ,norlhward from the Coal region.. to NVeotern and Southern Seer York and the great Lake.. Malty at Lehigh Valley Railroad Company 'a Office, Si,. ALN CT STRIA:I. I . l.llndelfiltht. CHAR LEti C. LONGSTRETII, oep e.ll Treaattrer Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. ginancial anti Conuncrciak. MASON as 4',I,IIPBELL, ELECTION, Including the October 20th, to ally :oldreex, Free of Ptikttge, for FORTY CENTS 100 cuplim to MuveruL poet °Mee. = C.,rrowl.rf every tree), ?Ay Weill,?trine, Neirlifirrl. Wheat Flour, Ill•rbbl Wheat, 11•• r Rye. (•••rh. • " oat, Timothy Seed, per lP•I•el Cloer Sped. •• W he v at Flour, Cunt !teal. .• Per.Vound Lard. H . um. • Epp., per •Inten l'auttue per lt‘lall Dried Apia... per 1a1.1...1. I•eachra • • = For September .4th, lob. l'ortected weekly hY J• I:. (rich, Produce Coninoto.lon )1,4.h:t0t, No. .r 2 St., Sew York. 111"1"I'E1t.—Orauge t Su••es Co. Vail• • good 1,. el/.6.e, C m hen:g., Pol. nod eo11arnil , l•I' ,,• .1 , 11•. rh , .tre, lb. 416444 11... bow to g I, :, 0 4,00. bottotn• white, :10(411.Swopp•linow, pail, choice, 0,7 , 10. Do.. fwr 1. , good, :111,4 11 110., toliption 101111 e, 301441. N. 1. Sti.le Ito., fair to good, 'l l 4(o:'.'\ 1%1111110111 kllllll, 11111• S. Stab. WeINIt 4,1 , 1,1 le ire, :1.161.0, N. Y. Stow nrlttn. rhinro, yellow for •iiippltix Po,, low to god, .T 10,37. Weptern, choice, ellow :10. (4 , 42. Do., I• , :r It I. 24 , ,1P• 1.,. 101111111 , 11 IntJ Cooking Illitt.•r, 24,121 Northern Pa. rit.tire, 3,14)42. poor to g 270'01. Ea•tern I bale inlet and .i t k:11.....N . 434 0.1., .•... r goo 211,1. ger,..pt. for the !Iv., %reel: foot op about i:,240 I , ..rhage• a derrea•ewf lord THe• ply of,drietly ha. Peen lii-tithro.nt for the demand ttie a•t ea do) la c , lille . 'itteace nd• y,,,,red :Ito . Per m ntpl firm. J I grade. lin ve 1it.0,..0i it. lt •triell) lb.. bolk of the .4,1. or .Tao-, eon .. N:,110 p• it too 111.11 1111111.111111111311111 , 11A• 111111,111.11 1,11.01(1kt/111111% 11,1, ) 11111111/1110,1111110, liliSE — Nea .11o:round .m.O. . lair to good. 1 , 1413'1,. N• gOOO 11(115',. g.", .11,711. N. 1..1.11' •L Itled. ElifiS. —Jerre,. and Penna, w f1111 1 10.111111.11111r...,110, Jer.ey mml Penna. a oil pa,.....1,,, 0. mme, w.. 11 . J7tat ,. . tOillil .11111 %V ..... I order, ..11,CJ:. nit. it.o.llola hat ran exl:einely Loin the ps,•l Yew tiny, otal the demandan. , 0.1.• , 11) nilvoneed, tOlll .011111,1 10013) 11 y still 1111,via.1 tendency. N'otild Aid, 1.,. -Iplop.••• to Itori„ a• fa•l po••ible. 110.1j0j.- - Ylort ctn...., nl. bnaut. .;a0,,J.7.1 Kidney, chow, new, .1..1Vg.j.:3.. .pg.te lo•p . 10,113.2..J,1. Peg, chow., 1/01'. ..... J.. 1101 1 .20. 3110 ed 1..1.111111 COlllll/011, 7.'4,11.1u. 11111E11 r—Avrk. yhn,h. Ytlll Jer•ey . , nilti l'enn•ylvanw, Appw• .1-4011111,11. 141411. ./1114Ckberr.7, • I:atrlobet.t...•, 1,11,1 0 11. 168,6 Poach. , preleol. l'earg, *c• bill„ lyjar. 3.ikg,P4.111, tlgowing, II GEsw A N. —Pure, 431 - ,04. miEos—riax boo, .51 ihn 51. 414.1.10'. 11'.(4.13. A1,1.1111'-11, II I barrel.. 1/. h.. Ili, 0 . 1. V.-1/Itrk• pail, 7.1,j,1../". aloe 3 / 4 1 pair, ..1.J0t0.3 30. Alivo To,itoyg. tr, Do., Iloo•tet, 1100,13. ,prww, Cotogen• large per lout. .56, Jun. •ni.ol. . • . Le...tuber nod m. Joni .00,01. ot 111d11 01 vvrt y patet.ng ar e, that', know Ito a1.1r.., nu 1l ul•o mark 010 Cl/1110110t 101 110 .Ide ot er) 1/111,0110 . • that MP may know wind ...telt cofita.P. w:tho 4 n 1 opeolo ',very package 1,111,01 the 1,0,0 the I'o-.0/11111 W/11.1/.. 1001 11elld 101 l 110014, l , ) 1,10,1. The underlined would re•p , et: .II) and mlllpper• ttiroggliont the r.osatry, that he i• Al.ll At the old sista. IrJ Ilateltt) •trert, h,lid lw ipoiap nal‘l moor ,cacti wall .Ite ... , •ralletl firm of 116.1 ft .tli; gad ia 004010 rrepo.ibit. Aul .41 Inn,. Ite.pertfolly, J. It. itlirri - . , ago,. p. ~ -,... Lee:. 3 •iiii'l, a 111.1 . 111 1i. , ..ti, :111..p1i . 41 lei ow LEITH—IIUBEIL—On the :Bat of August, at dull)' a uat• 01 1am:11.... sees Gt the reeldenee of the bride's parenti, by the Rev. --.------•----^*-----.-- Mr. Zeigler, Mr. Allen Leith, of Leithsville, Lower' . A I, m E.iis•ricAll'Olt•ti A: Corf UV. daueon, to Mike t2lern )luber, davgltter. of Jinj. , Not , re IK hereby give°. Jott tiee 0 ,,,jr,..1 4 . ,...,1 h.. ' !tuber of Upper Saucon. • lea... eat bate, of :0101011.031100 in 11, 1:,,..N... 1 Jule u, STOVER—BEA N.—On the 14th of August, hy V.';/rj .. ',.":r'' ';',''!,:,',., d ,:, 1 ,r 1 ";:' 1t1 " . 1 . :?a:.„1, 1 , 1 '2111 .. . the Rev. R. B. Metier, Mr J.teob L. Stover, of. tan. arN mlllO4Oll No mak.. p.ly WI :,, 11i; II .i s 0 et:. f rt. 111 Kilitnervllle, to )Ilan Ilannah'Bestn, of Richland.' fliviel.• , i;r1, , 1 .0.. 1 „ ,, 0d. n l/ 0. ' l. , ' .01 O.eNI rlito. STUCKERT—SCHAFFER. — 7 Ou the :kith of t i t, ;',! t *1 i ,'.'„;,'!„`,':.Xj;',.r„'', 1 1,1'!,';;;;; 1 :.`,:2;;;!:.'..,.".it . :,'!" . '" 4,0 ' , Auguut, by the Rev. N. S. Strassburger, Mr. John .11f. Lu re 1 . 11,111131 AN 0001/, A,101111;s00a. Sleeken to Miss Margaret B. Schaeffer, both of ' • ' '- Hanover. Trtil'.l.ltl.ll4lll3) IN (Nth. ROLLS—SCRAEFFER.—On the sth holt., by '" the Rev. 8. K. Brobat, Mr. Smile' IL Wolfe to Miss Frederika Schaeffer, both of this city, -of attis !Pint Snit, W.,10t tiod Fancy ti0...1, olt • s Pry dr•crii. WOOMUNG.—On the 2d hist., in this elty, 'i1'•:,','i,,T,1,',..V,',1,1;';,';!'1L,',', ' ,. d . ). ' i i ! 5 i ,:;! .1 „"...:11i i ,f ' .7: 1 2..;;;', Mary, wife Of Ferdluand Wootlring, aged 8 1 Yenn, • alYa•al aho :mint bill (NW . not; Phan oa.plaara. 'ern{ , . and .11... 2 months and 2 days, .. , rimo simui,efsansed in look like 11.. W. At., il..t10111 . • . .. . AlapAraal. Ilairtaala, &r.. claallia.a.al ~r r, , . 1,..1. li,llme.. BABBA MAN.-1n llanover towunhip, on Friday eloitit...l i r ,1)..d i.• lama. HI, nu, 441 .. 1 . .111 :Mil 1.."1. 111 evening , last, Lucy daughter of Milton nod Mary a.. la aarl.,'lritaaakallaai a.1...44 how. .en lallin bilYelalllan, aged 10 months and 8 dup. - GRO.MAN.—On the sth of Augubt, In Doyles- T O O. 114)ItNEMCN I town,llaufialf Gillman, aged' 72 yearn and.l3 days. • SAY LOR.—On the 10th of August, at Rich- lIIT N Ell's . i MI'lLl i V El) 1101:SE-ti Ilk 1E! lundtown, Samuel, son of Zechariah and Deborah Saylor, aged 6 years, gnrontbs' and' 27 '<Myr — ROTIIIIOCK.—Ou dm '3oth of August, lif Lo- cast Valley, Lewla Rothrtick, aged 26 yeare, 3 '....5i . :.. 1 .. v,:st.. .... islottes to than Oa— ..f 1101 , .. ,4 11...• ill mouths mad 8 Jaye:, ; , ' which tt lalialaiettrv.l {abate wltlatatat eAllaa• l• favataaaaral ••• tlaa. KEIBEII.—Ou Uri let 08epteilth ,er In this city, hoof, Rua to Oak WM. , the 0....,1,..aring elther hltstrPor.ltal AIIII, son of Edwitiand 2;llr.abeth lridser, aged Itt, . es.- II .1. , lattlar/saral lay menu. Of rearm.. Tlalea int pro Sinai month andl days: . , relator an a Ili•W .11,1, for ..trviiglltottitig the ..11.H., Rod - ~ . sittarltltig ii to file COrileil Pi,,' t o re firmly dam lams 1,. Nctu abberti,scutnlts alte. 111.1 1 . 101 enNily Ise el;tioge.l .0 0" to hove •lirP or doll • • eulks. or WW, Ify rellioVlng Ilse hoe er plate. end •ttbsti• A GItICULTUBAL;,3II4:TING .... toting another. no•tqlog of the Executive Comiolcieb of the County Agricultitrol goriety vet II be• lie .1' elf it IN it.l the WM dayof eIEPTE.IIIIbit hest, et 1 o'eloeti P. •Ni.. ut the office of the guerclary. In the city Of Allentown. for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee of Ar reugiqueute,•&c., for nestagmael rule, Alt Inenthers of raid Committee eye requested to attend. AT onier tit HIRAM J. SClnermet lANT/.. President. .1111 , W — JaAwr itestltte.' Ay: ..'r 1...) sop pi LEST PILES !. OR HEM OfiIIoIOMATIDIORB .earn pa Ign Torei fora or Torelsel, V). 11R5.410, .11111 per lisislred. Send Iny pnre-Ind and onigra VIM( ..r , l'sp. and rape, I'lllld l' RILL M RCll asa'''. ' '144 CIIE bet...Midst:ld. I\ 1111%, Markel • 1.1111.. thELI ire-MI I. ITS It CII3II'AN lI:''UNIFoRMS pp . l 'ILIA, e der. 10 ..r• • S as ax DICA'r lON OF _3 MERIT. We renni' the mind greivtio of IllaneYir , 4T. , 11•••/I lIITTERA 111 pnloloe toeteeo. II ,4 the ttrentlea 11.4 Wattle. 11. , trial non nont by u 1 Intelligent Jun)', the peettle, ‘111:1111111.0. Yerillet dent onto . Born:ital. (be lon.tt hod tonal .teeetelde otar , noel in many in.ril.k. or the conntotr, Ile. nett, I.oll.tbli mmt. o ar, I li inn 0.111,0 th, uul reliderma ,11.• ttyttot, twee( ntbllll.l till , eg. ballthann Item 1114` lvater .111 1.1 , 11111(qi VI. 111 . Char 1101111111th. di-ou-0, Feet, mod Apar. An rentelly bin tioln th.rder Dent - n(l . } Ii11713:a Ir n. ,~ootil. tono`Vtnt fly, snot atnalin tvitleatt n while bar Dinenettin, IlibbotPen EA-. end all ether thnlenlties :11 r•i. Item diner. demd oa, on slatetrity et the 10l I, It 1,1111 an',.voloilt er, po , ifir. . 0 1 , "•1)' • DEM TII .1: I'll., Phittl'ot. Livrlcs..ur•Aivs lE EF E,tx.r Itl.ll JL anti run— 111.11t•ri 110 wiling. DS •i . lllllly 1m1..4a1.• I y 1j,11,),11),V.%1 . \VIIEN, .r. 1 , 1Q"I' 4:OOND v1•01:1:1'. AlloVE , 11:1T1i, • PlITI.A1)111,P1r1.1. I sow tttlet:. 11 ottlittonl to , torttitottt tti 1".11:1'1:1'.:, I t a t .011, /1,0 ivixo,m• qII.IIIES, MA'l"ll:Nlis, .• &h., Sm., m ‘4•15. rt•tlut.t•ol prit.e, to hi.. frienttl. and ti Ow itttlt,llr. . /4-3 n, 4) 10 • 1111" " L 1( ) . T11:99/611"..r :11/.1 1 . ,' Tutor pat rem lug /1. //I.llav/I nu Imnikt great vurie.o. or ST9CIiIN.i of /91 /11,71191../14. 4tl/49, GERMANTOWN, I.:UItEK.I ANI) GERNIAN W1.00.111e uad r.kall . eltatut a 4 any [tonne lit Ink City A' —ollr GERMAN BALMORAL YARN a Sl'E CI ht.Tl:: 89-4.1:4` annort oral. ar 1108rERY, StIIRTS AND DRAWERS, and full, recHnr inlolo,;erp throe ! , •• ' • . THOMAS 1111 H), 210 Poplar 'SI-, ahoy,. 24, I'lliksra. IMIZEI • FOW Will:U...4'MM HUED HOGS AND FOWLS, wutriat 86ED WIFEAT. and other WARM HEEDS, from lichee Bzi•EntAißllTAe. Falol,l,llan. Po• ITIVo and lloughlon'lleartllonsi and Treltd• wet lilSennlrd lVhlto Wlfrat+- Ftvnah (11.1 Red Clot prplorqraw Deartleil•3l . r4ltorraurau, awl German • Aollorkr the two totarlinst, hardhoo and stout • pr due vs N% heals that can ha rocowaroalled fur goueral oulllvatlau. Price, $.l epuotobs of any kind by mot po , ,C paid. for $l. • 'Pts'outy other varivile. of 'll. heat, hurley and Oats, of mall yvar's Importation. too 1 flails'. Fixyrrlm nrnlyd Farm Jonrnerl ; brand cud snt srrihr It: Only tux. per your; thy most .884111 Journal printed. Adair, ~s • • " • I. El.. A. DEITZ, Chnhibernbarei,Pa. The Earll4,l, Ilarthe, t. and mom 18 , 8181 . 11Ve Red WLet Ix IL. French Chaff. so 8.41 - - It VETS ANI) OIL SE VEN P.Eli ( 'ENT. )NDS; LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD CO. I= ATTORN E S AND SOLICITORS, .410 00 ...11111g. 13U, paying. I=l=l I=l 3,111, .. 1 111, 3141, INI. 3IINERA.L AND TOWER LANDS =ME I=l [ . ..M/o.IIS, "1%140 0 . W. CANNIEI.I.. ••1 Now Var THIE EMPIRE 31ETILAI, LIP;: INSURANcI.: .I:\U TRU,T ( , A p iTAI I= I= A Alt4.S 111,11. .%111111iAA F. 311,1 , 1..11% 1{.•11101. Flit Ei t 11...1.1;r00, 1%401 ,;. kknk...g• •lua:1 a u.... 1 ../I “nal 11 , .•r rvot. •111 41.1,1) . I/ 11,11,4 Una I; mill. fa, NIX Palvtilln. Weill ' All I.—art , . , •.I , i.s‘ arain.• tot .1/141 1..111.011 Nk•!II. ala DI: I (;:(10L)N 1,.1 I= I= 1)E.\1.1.:1t , . IN THE 1:1:ITElt Dlil EXPF:N I=llffil= i;otio, 1.1.11{1.1: 1/.131A.:K 11;,11.11:4 lII= I= I= iLA li:'. FANCY 111" IisTAII.IsII3IK.NT .1. & W. JONES, sp, 43?Neorth xtrrd. n,ure rtiMwhlll 1111= STATE. AND nit; Hors Ynr any forth, Inform:6'l.m, addre. GOVERNOR'S CA NG ' PAM CAPES. AN!. '4EPf LY I= I=l (.1,10,S 411 =I MIME! ❑I:SLLY S. Pa c Saks. P 1 RI IC SALE OF IRON WORKS ; FARMING, LIMESTONE A; TIMBER LAM) The tintlornlgned.will offer at Public kale on TllUltk- DAY, Iho 13,1 day of HIiITEMUNit, I 8 , t 12 o'clock 1111011. nt the Hampton Furnace, to tipper Milford, I,cliligh 1•0111/ 3.. the following ifencribini.pruporty, Tit: THE HAMPTON.FURNAUE ,•, ~.,P roperty, altuate 3 ladle. front Mlllera• a station 011 thr Last Pout Railroad, s'" co.:10011g ce acres laud, 40 acre. of (Odell . ,• •••• lanai hold, and In scarcely ei1 . 0110.1 la .N . mik ferttlity, here,. 01,11101 a laud, • ' nud the nal/Wine .Iproill land. The x IS tun 3,r a ce...ta t , 0,i[1011•1 It., last' 0nini..3111114011 1101160. .I.wr oin kllolo.n, Spring llotwo, 3 Tenant M 1.., 3 luck arc as amid ne MI, largo Barn nearly WO., COI, .Ilarge St Ode., a large nail new CoWSlal.llo. Walton SllO.l, Sly, en . .. never- holing .print of water, pump at the (1111111 n water at the barn which has Oscar tailed. uti Shade choirs collectlon of( each, Plum nail Pear TreoA, excellent garden coutatuing Straw llouseberrlow, (trains., etc. Also an Orchard with yoling 14101 choice Apple Trees. The Furnace Stuck and [linkling. are hi good condition; the ntachinury can bu placed la running order in n OW daytt. A atilwlattilal Dino was Millifow yeara ago, which hoots nutlicient water for running the I unlace at all +Can... Oro Can 100 1.11 n few wile., and a sufficient nap Timber . can always he obtained. The metal insaulactured hero wa• always of superitor quality, and need extenalvely for heavy .WlllllllO. and per wheelc• No. 2. Adjoi 1111 l g the Furnace Property soul:tins II acre. 1 . 24 percho. land, (Jr. at are two large 1.1100.0.0n0 bluarritst, with tin,, IW.. T he..,T quarries are luexhaustable, and the Lune Is 'I the estqua Ilty. 11.11111 d I.llllt. Were sills MA' W .11 ' 110 OIY Idea into two tract., 101 that tato quarry will 4/1141111,41:11 . Sti. Jotu..No. land .N 44. 4, nod contains 5 art., laud. Tito improvements are it I . story lane s , 111.4 V 4.1.1111, 21101 . 4 , amble' haul, dad a C...trait) . of Apple :eel Peat Ao. 4. Ailnelnina os. I, 3 out! 4. conittins 2 act 'Toe 0110111-0 W Frani.. and Slol/10, Llll 1,...•11.411 .11./ 1, .. 44,41 : 1 ". a. . Ait. Adlottlata No.. I and 4 tool laud of J 41113..1411 044 :411111111. 1,11111111• .ere. it w 1111'11 41114 " 'lllll is di 11 logli state out conic:Won, the baiduce la peollt 1.10.1. rl.B. 111 , an. a Wory Noun 11. inn, 1i 0113111.0 10.11., 0101 'Free, o. Also +notate tdiper 41.40 rd, lanai nualli lauds", Peter tieltry and chart, it.alleitnerger, ou lull, 4 acres 13110,011, lat.& 1.011 ..f which to tuea• dow and foot arable laud. 1 :n 111.:1 14.111.4 tiara. J • 44 MY, W4ll. I'lV. No. 7. Is a tract el yinthet iamb situate itt Ilersford, county, :oliouting lauds of Etetch Shalir naval Soya,. 0.0.11011111 a acres IS perche., on it is vac y Mute oat:. Chestnut and Illekory Timber, gate(o 1111111,1111. 111 It coma...it troll Ore, 50... Also 111 Ilereford, alerts I,lllll) . ..l.ljoinini lands of Christian 11.111tarit twid • lleury Fox, la a tract ol Sproul land of 17 years growth, and contall. 2) ttereillffiperchei. On hin traol on. also 11131C311 , 14 of ConlaUlltlif 11131Olutle orig. • Ao. 9. IN a tract or Sproul laud 415 yours growth, situ. te ht Lower hlucuugte, Lehigh tumuli, uoljotulug lauds of JaCiPil 1311111111'r 1111.10011 . 1 . 14, uud romluu. It tler.l. 42 porch. laud. Yo. 10. lo a tract of Sprout land at 3 years growth, Nita ate lu Upper Milford, adjoining lauds of Levi Monte::.: anal others, and contain. n tureen 4 patellas laud. • No. 11. fog a tract of amble land, tu a high state Of eulti• nation, adjoining lauda tat Peter Waiter, John Jordan RIO o public rood leading trim gliinwarayallo to Emma, awl commies 3 acres 2 perches land. Parties desiring to view the abort, tract. of laud will Please call on tho undarsigaled, or those Wishing tutor.... Theaddaenei hint at Shawano, illo, Lohlgia county. The following PERSONAL PROPERTY will aim, be sold 10 the same time, vin: Duo sit patent chilled Iron sales, with combination lock, 40 Oldiesbulb, bulb, 34 Inched wide and 2G lathe. deep. Ono or Davis' "double boon" ore acaloo weighing 8 tont Won), war. ranted. A beam scale, weighing one Lou (neat and gross w nigh M. Millie power, nearly new, sellable roe pu.upwg Water at are beds; 5 heavy wagons and extra wheels, set heavy wheels, not bound and well seasoned; orend co cLial Leda, u lot or heavy crowbars, 1)s lona 3 inch tire, made of arcoul instal; a lot of new Ore baskets, stove, ale /ace deals, settee, chairs, aboutbuahels charcoal undo variety of other articles. Conditions mud° known oil the day oNalo by If. 51. 81(151UND. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. • Will to sold at •Publlc Salo ou SATURDAY, SEPTEM BER 18th,IIMIB, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the public house ,if Hoary Frey, ha Shown/fills, Linuoyer towunhlp, North ampton Co., Pa , the following real estate, Limit: No. 1. A certain tract ox piece of land situate In Itatioyer tuwashlp. Northammou Co., on the west side of the pub lic rued leading front Bethlehem to Odeuwelder' tavern, about three union north of Bethlehem, bounded by laud. of Reuben Shun:, Daniel °changer auduthers, coutainiug 25 ACRES AND 52 PERCHES, Be ono salm more ur less. The Improvements thereon nra an two-story double FRAAIE DWELLINU with Michell and chambers attached, a olio - story frame dwelling bowie, frame barn, wagon shed, corn noun., bog stables, and other out-buildings. There aro itino two cisterus fur %eater 011 the premises, together with variety uf trust tree., etc., it belug the homestead of the lute JOll3l Miller, deceased. So. 2, Being a let or piece of laud, also situated lu Ileu• cer tow n ship, In said comity, east siide of the pub lic road lending from Hlucuorsvllle to Bath and about one-. fourth of a untie trent littoenersville, bounded by lauds of sods" diluter, o r ender mud others, coutaluing acres perches, mur less. The truprovemeuts are a une• story log dwellittg house, frame barn, cligtolrli and mindn orchard, etc. No. 3, Doing it tract or piece of arable laud, also lu said township, ou the west sale oi the public road leading fro. tu 3n aud une-hailf math uf the turtner place, bounded by lands of Daulel Suytter and others, cusitamiug acres strict measure. Beteg Eno real ...tate uf dotal 31iller, deceased, lulu of tho tuwuship aunt county aforesaid. Teri. 1111 the du) and place of sad, , mid duo atteudauco given by NATHAN 3IILLER, -Utter, tine Will anuezod. WILLIAM tt •etloneer• attlide ORPHANS' counT SALE Ily lit puriutuireii ur 1111 enter 111•11041 0111 or tire Orptutte.' Court of the comity or Lehigh. there will tut • pied to Public Sale, ou TUESDAY, THE STII DAY OF OCTOBER, At '2 o'clock it the afternoon, nnt llii• Allen House nu Al. I'ulnN u, Pa., in cartiont loviiiininge and lot 00 grouull i II ilk the uppartaluntneen, nationted Illa oast tilde of Said Sot ninth street, nu AII,IIIOITII. counily, ha 1. located 4 door. tooth or the Allen Houma, mot is kuuudld wall lia a lot of Or. 'l'. I'. Vennincr, 'milli ky . tut on Peter Welk la, riontuttniont iu flout •I In omit 30 nod of equal w until Ia lil.l/111 1.1 1 . 0111011 Alley nil 1011. 111, cl , lllll saloon, with ilWatlnnna a 0,1,1..1. anal loratoill Is •untnailii nor a tosiouvr• Wan, nnunt ur run ...linty lie eilovatted onto a C 11,1•1,111•.• private tennolvince, an It 1,1011111.• all the tandem inal,rolia 111.11tX reunited 111 d wet long boas... Sand Intorno an Net trout I.) ina, depth. A largo Iratnit• atnnlilo uud anirronau tio• lot along nalinvln rain 0..1111) lie rat roil nolo n lilt all ion; 11..1111.. 'rm. net is nn lint 1111.1 •1111111 , 1), etc. Ili•ing ..1 1'1.,1,01111 n'. !kilt,. it. g.s..t. I.) 1.. J. :1.)) . 11.)1(1 1 .1. 1.. 11A1.1.11:1'. 11) Ow 1%4101 - W I: JI:1,1:1.1., 1'1,.16. .Itlans vl• pCIII.IC 11.1VItE 81-\ PL'ItN.(CE:-• 4.1 \ lIA It11•1:or.:!: i 1 t;......., , Alll.l, 111,,1, •e, le u Dui. A. I'. ?Ig g e..a. - I. .11 -All I:1..11, MI, ALt 1 I ) • ....tit.. 11.1: h.ll . ; • Vail 1114. ‘ll . l 114.111.` 0.1,14 111.•1".11,14 .11 run lent 1,11.11,0.04 • Ow ~.• '') t li K 11,11 ,14. I MI .111141.,•11,111 11 ,1“ I.) 1.• /.11e1.0., Ati..1“.•%1, 11.. .1. ~I, .1 5ue.µ..14,11. , C 0,161.••11 - ill It , iu.1.1: I.:e ..,.• I,) • 1 1.1.1 i. I.i it, II : : o Ili. ITEM t. 3 ~~J1•..1i . I ak 1..L1/.:1.P111.t :,': l VoLtID) .Ir.. tr•m•ellgilly M .tor 6. .1 11014. e.pts ..•48tm It11111"Sri, liEtiVE, II AN III: h:111 . 1111:1'. , . AND 131ITATIoN LACE FlLlNlik;:i. UC Ii LE: 4.6 SATIN lit =I GENTS' FURNISHING GOOPS tI per rr.l. thou any, ollmr Nprcr In (ODDS DAILY RECEIVED Front New Pori .11111 / 1 / 1 /18 111. 11. 11111 AllOllll/.1 l'IlE CENTUAL l'Altli H1111:1 vol..real, .tritrod nwl other (7ttll atul ...milli.. 1,4.wr purelifi4lng el.mt her,. 14:111.01.1)NALiNG .“:1-:1“. ii.coiton st., twi. 1 , 41 , 1 %Vara c~cL,tuirii • El: 't't t gla 0 4 1. '`• DoLLAus,,,,7• rent. 116.01 re at Til IS OFFICE. I/ 41 ! 1.0. V. OF by the Alloid..b . ll School I , LltlL . til tt *PPIY th' . Itl'N IL I.b•Li. 1....1/11.1.1 MISSO • • VIVP V l'or!oil'• I.uw. 0!1ia..ue , .. With ;.111 utol hh,to. to. •.1 T4.311.1“1.111 , 1u.,c07 S lat .,, hl Tit nqrg. 11.1$ PAit-oN, 1.. nt hail 41 . ikw.eld Ilttlrrrail>'. .1 Nrw Boos; lon 1.1741 0..11, Ir., 1..0,11.11, every kind .f contract iii legal 611114:0,.. lIMV 41nISV 01.1 I,l , etlil. thou. , 1 , ,ite.11 , 1 , 1 thority lit the Inoth Sraol for 1411 t .\ I ..111 "Or HI, .1 nor Patoill Bade Phi1i.11..11.b14, fitly 7.31 N EMI ; ~,i, , s% •la I=
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