ifire Vroof Safeo. HERRING'S PATENT FIRE AND: BURGLAR PROOF SAFES (WITII DRY PILLING.) Awarded Ow Medals at World's Ynir. London Viforld's Yak, New York, Exposition Uniseeseile, Paris FARREL, HERRING & CO HARVEY USUAL, 010. 111TEns. w 29 011 ES'I'N (IT ST RE ET, PLULADELPHIA HERRING, 'FARREL & SHERMAN, NEW YORK lIERCINO Si CO CIIICA6OI HERRIN°. FARREL & CO:. NEW ORLEANS .414 Lifr fitsttraltrr . 4k tkikß ir . :,.. , t S,7 6 I3ANKER, 4'b No. 35 PHILA D EL P HIA TREET, COYERNMiia as SiCURITIES, STOCK,GOLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Are.lants of Brat., Eirlll4, I..div 'duals nit:cited. subject to check at rght. = 4EN ERAC Ag.ENTS, FOR c oo . 7 z tsINS A YMANIt4 fr k, RN OF THE 11 , 1E1,44 6 )5+1 1 °"" OF THE ' l ttet63 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. N 1,1•111,4 I. 1.11'1: ItnNl•K COUVANY Is It I.v opt,lttl Act of Congrexv, 11.1 rA Joly i 1+.g.w111, 0 CA';!I APITAL. 11.000,000, FULL PAID. al loran.. 1l11•re.1 to Agent', tool wlso swas sovits II so I t . sso!s• .t ..,r tool 11111 ..• 111.1 tin :.1.1.11.,00e11 :111 our ollice. 1.11,1t.41-• 1...$ 110UNC, when.i ll, I' oss s. 1110 Ookifilal liy 11... ow 11011. I:. W. t It II .t CO.. ,V 44. :L Math 'l%Oll .s 7 B. S. RUSSELL, Manager, CharloG.W. Coop.. oil Noloon Weiner. Allyn town N Ilona! Bunk. Agento for I,lllgll S CurbouCouutles. Pa. TH E WIDOWS• AND ORPHANS MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY OF PENN A Priurapal Office, Alleolowa, Ps. Orrucana JOHN V. ANEWALT, WIC It. DESHLER, SECIIIITARY: MARTIN SHIPLE, Tneasunita. Board fti . Mrectong—John C. anowelt, Wm. 11. Bosh ler. Martha Scipio, Dr. Z. F. Laßoche. Dr. A. (Ircasemer ()Gorge Selple. Ephraim J. Knathol, Charles K. Hetet. C B. il. LOW'S C. Huber, Wm. ILI. Cruse, Peter J II Romig, Thin Society is virtually a tiro Innn fatten Company ou ft plan by piaci, n person of the smallest means can procure Its protection to his futility In case of him death. It does not accumulate tnilllons of dollars of the mem bers' money, as do other Life Insurance Companion, but each member can retain his money until called, for tu the • • •• • • CAW, of the death of only otoonloor. There to un potoolloility of title Society Off cc the Null ore all It. the baude of the members then...Alyea. and tit Society isp•rely Amnon!. Member , . have n right to cot at all electiutog foe oillcere, WHY BECOME A MEMBER It is no mare the mural duty of a Titan to provide tho daily Woad for him fondly while he liven, thou it in to pro •lde against their Mona left penollemm in the eventf his death. A POLICY IN Till b SOCIETY to tho CIIEA PEST and SAFEST mode of tanking a certain provision fur ouch a calamity y. 'MEN are an liable to lake leave of life am tho old. Death be uncertalu. We ask you, therefore, to con sider the CHEAPNESS and SAFETY of insuring in this Company, and be [immured that lu came of death yon will leave behlud you a blearing ton widowed mother or de• pendent mister. Dive the subject your thought, mead to the Secretary fur our circular, connider Its cheap.ss nod wo are sure you will at once take out a leolicY NSEIIICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA, South East Cor. Fourth and Walnut Streets !acorn° 1938. THE AMERICAN offers low rates of premium. It offers more lama.co for the same money thou other company. • It Is iiolllo COMr.y. Its Policies aro all oun-forrellable. • • . . It pay. life-policies at death, or at the age of 80 years. On the reduclug•promium plan the Insured pays his tar cot premium the And year—which Is the same as paid o the mutuabordleary•life•plun—and ouch subsequent yea It lo less uud lens; mid at te eud of twenty yecome paid up and thereafter pe h rmaueut claim en the earn Co mpany On the return premium the tenured Is credited an neatly with all ho line paid to the Company, so that hi Insurance costs only the Interest nu the amounts paid In. Ou the Income-producingpints, the tenured may rends 10 per cent. uu the amount of bin policy. = V.! =l5l WM. J. ROMIG, M. Agent, =I MEE Spectatlo SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! • EYE GLASSES, &c. A large and cornpfelo Spectacle., Eye Olaa.e., cl g or .. a 914 lmrt of all kind. of CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 211. EAST HAMILTON STREET I= !laving devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle bualuess for these last few Iran,. 1 And that my business to that line has increased so muck that de termined to make it • SPECIALITY. There Is no article manufactured In which there Is so much deception nano' ticed on there is In Spectacle (flosses. Knowing that the public have beau frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have • superior article of telneses, and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby tratAcing upon the ne cessities and Infirmities of age, I have taken, Paine to at , - trot a large and complete easurtmeut of the finest and best Olassee ever mnoulactered, thee affording all persons needing Spectacle' , an opportunity of purehaeiog at rea sonable price.. Person having any digiculty In being suited elsewhere will do well to give me • call. ma I De/ conildeut that no one will fail to besulted. Remember the old stand, No. Yt East liatelltou street, opposite the Oar mau Reformed Church. Allentown l'a. Ran ff:l-.Giqf JJEANES, • Pm:m(llamEn (Late or Phllatlelphls,) has taken the Galle'. No. 11 EAST HAMILTON 13THEET, Formerly occupied by 11. P. Lamereux. where persona eau yet FIRST-CLASS - PICTURES biked at REASONA BLE PRICES. Atrial I. all that Is needed to galley army ow,. COME ON El COME ALIO Myatt want Photographs. Cartes de Finites. Vignette.. Photo Mlanderes, m types, Melaalotypes, Ferrotypes, eta. 0 Ire en a trial. J. 3BANES. - B.ly Jun Successor to R. V. Lsmareax. DR. W. E. BARNES & SON, 32) R - CT G 0- I ST S, NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, .PA The nttentiou of lie citizens of Allentown and Lehigh sanely Is respectfully Invited to this establishment. Every lhio usually kept lu n first•elass Drug Store will be found for sato here, at the lowest prices. Our Mock to Jorge and well selected, mm 1,401311 of PURR DRUID? cod MEDICINES CHEMIDA LR, DYE STUFFS, ALCOHOL, PURE WINES and LIgUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE, PERFUMER SOAPS, BRUSHES, FAlNnsncl TOILET ARTICLES. PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES LINIMENTS, iST., of all kinds. Constantly on hand a large stock of Soda asb, Soda, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar, Pure Pepper, Cinnamon and Lubricating Oils for machinery, and a thousand and o have the largest line of Trusses, Supporters and guaranteed. micro, physician. consequoutly a perfect at Is builders aro Invited to our Fiore before making their per quality tat prices an low as the lowest. TEAS! TEAS I—We have the agency for the Great tit choicest grades of Teas at about half the price charged by ot winced. Phyitlclaus and Country Merchants euppliedgat lb ticular nitration to the Wholesale Branch of the business. as we feel confident wo will be able to give malefaction but to. Quotations for specified quantities furnished on apnlie apr 5-ly 311eatero. EtaLISIIF D . 1851. J. REYNOLDS & SON. THIRTEENTH dc . FILBERT STREETH PHILADELPHIA, PA Solo Ilanufacturera of the celebrated WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT,. GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, VROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR Them II Hainan no llindo of Heavy Wrought-Iron. well riveted together, the only sure prevention against tho ea. D cape of Oas or ust. They are eerily managed, without any dampers. The Patent Itudintor avoids the um and annoyances of drums, end Is permanently attached to the Heater. Thin is the moat durable, simple, economical and popular Heating ApPleratie ever Offered for sale. They are all guaranteed. COOICINO RANOES, fur Hotels nod Franißro. PORTABLE, HEATERS LATROBE BEATERS, LOW DOWN BRATF:S, SLATE MANTELS, ISTERS AND VENTILATORS =I NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE giirSend ror our Illustrated Pamphlet RANIVW AMERICAN AIR-TIGHT HEATING AND COOKING RANGE. We Invite extualualleu and warrant every Rouge which we net to give entire satisfactiuu. Alto, manufacturing dealers to LOW GRATES, And Agerbi, fur the Celebrated MAGEE PAT ENT 11. EATERS RANGES AND STOVES AND, PERKINS AND CO NO. 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PIIILADELPIIIL, PA dead for descriptive Circular. sop. leowlv. Boot fliaitcro REMOVAL YOUNG & LENTZ'S WTIOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE SI.IIP, 11.10. 24 HAS BEEN REMOVED TO THE R. W. Corner of HAMILTON and SIXTH 87'S. where they aro now prepared to receive their patron The WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT LAMENT STOCK OF 000DS IN' THIS VICINITY A great quaullty of Um work beteg of tholr owu teak° and the Waage front thu bort tunaufactirere lit the country. TILE RETAIL ,DEPARTMENT Will he conducted ex heretofore. I= FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND 8110 ES FOR. GENTLEMEN. I=2 ♦ll the leading styles on hand or made to roe Pekes axed LOW FIOMIREI onlolanda! Prieo Mel wit► ultimatums for helf•meanuromeut wall on receipt of Po Oelce address OE= A GOOD TILING. Important to Housekeepers, lintels, Banks, Offices, A.< TILE PATENT WIRE ADJUSTABLE IVINDOW SCREEN, Olvo ventilation and light, FLIES, MUBQUITOI3 AND OTHER INEFTB THE ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SORBED CO., 023 MARKET BT., PRILAD'A Yor sale by Dealers ha Ilamso.Yaralsblng 0001 h. inns 284 m warranted to keep all kinds of Walk Preparations of Pratt and Tomatoes, without Wing alr.tlght, fora penal • owl. It Is a patented artlele to prepare food, and_ im healthy, no patent, would be granted.. P_rloe do uoatt. ti'Vur w " " l e " n il th fiIArrORNSTO. L 4 anu ae rued only by June 911.9 at 196 N. Beeono 81., Yid alpha. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A FULL LINE OF ALL . THE POPULAR ORATE BAR RESTS, ♦nu spr 11.17 REGISTERS, VENTILATORS NOS. qs AND 40, =1:1321 Juno 90•'69 WM. F. BARTLETT itt South Sixth xtroet, above Mesta 1=2322113 WILL WIT ANY WINDOW Screen from view and exclude =I Pohub and Concentrated Lyo for soap making. Woo'dug , Cloves and Spices of all kind... Coal 011, Spersn, Lard .41 other ankles which cannot ha OROMernieli tier,'. We men. P aints , city. The. goods ore applied by nu expert- Paints, 011 s, Veralnlieft, Ohm and Polly. Polnlern and banes. We keep • full line of polntx, etc,. of the boot • tatted States Tea Company of Now York, and are selling the her dealers, for an Inferior quality. Try It and be con , o lowest market prices. We Intend hereafter topay par. , Dealers will find It to their Interval to give us a trial order la quality andprice. Orders by mull promptly attended alien. Respectfully, W. E. BARNES Jk. BON. Itailroabs. NORTIII VANIA RAILROAD. =1 Pantongera for Philadelphia tako Lehigh Valley R. R. train, panning Allentown at 5 45 n. nt., 11 410. in. and 5 50 p. tn., and arrivo la Philadelphia at 13 a. tn., 2 10 P. In. and 8 21 p. tn., also Lehigh and tinaquelottina - Railroad train at 2 07 p. In. and arrive la Philadelphia tit 4 45 p. m. Pamneugern for lloylentown Mho trains leaving Beth. lehom at 0 '2oa. m. and 12 01 p. m. LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Four Through Traluxll), Sundiey• Excepted.) PRIINCLIgOr train. leave the depot Northwest corner Limits nd American streeta, Philadelphia, For Allentown at 7 45 and 9 4.5 •. m„ and 1 47 and 5 p. m. Ithyleatswu at 8 47 a. in.. 2 4.1 and 4 15 p. in. Fort Waabington at 1 45, 10 45 a. m., and II 30 p. m. 5 " Abington at 1 15, 3 15, 2O and Bp. m. " Lansdale at 0919. m. =! Bethlehem at 0 20 n. m., 12 01,2 2.3 and 0 21 p. Doylestown of 020 a. 01., 3 10 null 0 Ri p. m. Lansdule nt 610 n. to • Fort Wnslaington nt ft 30, ft 40 n tn. null 223 p. in " Abington at 2 (11, 403, tt 10 nude (Up. in. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Bethlehem for PlilholelPitht ttt 4 00 p. In. • • DoyleAlown 130 a. m. .• ' Abington ' 810 , Philadelphia for Bethlehem alb 30 a. In. • • for Doylestown of 200 p. m. for Abington tit 8 CO p. tn. • .—Alleutown to Philadelphin. 61 81 : ELLIS CLARE, Agent. CATASAUQUA ANDOs i gm t ga I , OIIIELSVILLE, R. li. EMI WINTER ARRANGEMENT. after JANUARY IS, 19.11, Passenger %aqua k logelsvllle Railroad will run' the Lehigh Valley Railroad and Rust I' Mow.: Cats with . d as I'd CMEGM CATARAUQUA •MICKLKYR. 00 0.4, 01 0.00 10 0.61 10 7.00 20 7.03 23 7.10, Mt= •JORDAN BRIDGE. GUTH'S. WA CHAPMAN'S. THLEHTOWN, RHEINIUSVILLIL FARMINGTON. •SPRINUCHEEK. AL-BURTIS. 7.18' 7.28 co 7.34 0) 7.40 •Flag Stalk... CONNECTIONS • • . The morning train went 101tV. Cn Strifllttan 011(110 arrival of tho L. V. R. It. Local Passenger train from Kasten. Bethlehem, and Allentown and connects at AI-Hurtle with a train on the East Pennsylvania H. R. fur Reading, Pottsville, Hnrrisburg and Philadelphia, and also with a train fur Allentown Bethlehem, Easton nod New York. The morning train Bast connects at AI-hurtle with trainn E. P. It. It. from Allentown ull at Catniutu gun wi o th trains on the Lehigh Valley Rail n road fur Mauch Chunk, Wilkes-Barre Scranton, Philadelphia and New York, and with the Lehigh & Susquehanna It. It. for Bethlehem, Easton Philadelphia and Now York. The 200 1~ . M. train West connects nt Al-Burtls with a • . train on the Ertel Perm. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Ilarriehurg and Philadelphia. The Evening train East leaver AI-Mirth, on the arrival of a train from Allentown And of u train making connec tions at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris.. burg, Pottsville, Ike., end connects with local pasvenger train on the L. V. 11.11. at Cutasunque fur Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Pereon• wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn ing train West to AI-limns. arrive at Allentown 8:40a to, and return by a train on tho East Pennsylvania It. 11.1 leaving Allentown at 4.:31P. AI. C. W. CHAPMAN, Dory-41 Supt. and Enginear. Matches anb 3rbuiru. G UAND OPENING OP A NEW JEWELRY STORE. J. It. WEI= begs kayo to Inform the ellitmat of Atka town and •vialully that ho hat opened a um JEWELRY BTORE at NO. 30 WEST lIPIII.TON STREET, • Whore he will kiwi) howl nu wisorlmout of CLOCKS, NVATCII awl JEWELRY at prices to the watcluog and jewelry carofully npalrcd. t. Weber being au ciperleuced :Lad careful ioecbaulc, prctfully uska llto patrounge of (Ue Ilc. July ••ma j. It. WEBER ESTAIII.INIIED IN 1851. REMOVAL. fa JACOB HARLEY, EWELER ) • Invitee him petrol. mud the public uenertilly, to Lim New Store, No. ITJO CHESTNUT Si. PIII LA DELPHIA, where they will lied law and well uelerted Klock of DIA MONDS, WATCH hS, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVER sad PLATED WARE, nt Moderato Yclce . I I y repn I JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinde made to order. july 14.1.50 TN CONSEQUENCE OF THE MlNAS trous fire. which In January last destroyed their store and Its contents. J. E. CALDAVELL & CO., JEWELERS, Have hod made egrieclally to their order lu Europe and lu America. au mutely NEW S'T'OCK OF CHOICE GOODS Which are:uuw opened uud ready for examlualluu. VERY PINE PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every movement with the new Improvement,) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH§ i &likely now BRONZES, GROUPS AND FIGURES, GOUHAM 2.IANUrO CO.'S FINE ELECTRO WARE BEST STERLING SILVER IPA RE. I=l WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., &c =I 'MODERATE PRIORS For the pro.ut •t 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE AT CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. T 3 East Hamilton street, opposite the German Re formed Church. Just received from Now York and Phil adelphia, all the latest stylos' GOLD WATCHES. 0 Ile has the largest and best assortment of Oold Watches, and at lower prices than can be found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES. Ile has a larger and better assortment of Silver Watches than ran be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. Ile has (ho largest and best assortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY, . ajrililladl.grA,Vhbaltgn"brPfregatlV." of SILVER AND PLATED WARE. it. h " "N l ig ida gf' t l tattiN m l . AAter-e°eTngllnhntrc o be s CLOCKS. • A larger assortment thaa at any other establishment MELODEONS. • ib t splendid as of Prince's Melodeons, the best in ACCORDEONS. A splendid essorturnt.of kinds of Accordeous, e l e=t t : gic!tinr has l ately Stiedis Mat.' and is of anything outside the large elites. He has a targeratock of fastionable goods Inlds line than all others In Lshigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above tilt and Res. ICELLER ac 11110TIIEB, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST ALLIMTOWN. PA. CLOCKS, v o i j o , ll; y erktod i sit=n o tio t t o, nsizer and price.. from GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, than can be found In any other store to the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE, of every deactiptlon. • *a-Watches repaired on Short Notice. coal anti Luntbri. ELLIN P. MOORE 1t CO., LUMBER MERC A N'l'S, NO. 620 BEACH ST., =I I= Deole. kinds of CAI{ BUILDERS', CABINET MAKERS' A UNDERTAKERS' LIT '2ll A full aa.•orluu•al of seasoned 123132 112EMM! Alwayloo hnud Purl!cubit. rttleull. raid to mitirPl.g. R E 31 0 V A I. I S NI I 9 1 1 - 1 M--; :11 1' N ' S COAL AND WOOD YARD The above Conl and Wood Yard boa been removed to Ili.' rant end of the Jordan Bridge, SOUTH SIDE, where n 111 be constantly kept a floe end tall or Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, selected from the beet tallies 111 the con ntry OUR COAL Is under cover—and It Is to the Interest of every sue to Purchase DRY AND SCREENED COAL Atz-A huge stock or oil kinds of good Wood eonatoollY on hand, and delivered to all party of the city at the lowest market pp iron. D h \'alley Depot, known brooch rrrtV; boil nt "relrshtitietl Hecker. AOTTIIIB IS THEPEOPLE'S COAT. YARD. - Fa Our Cool In selected from the bout mitten In the Lehigh region and knowing thin to be the fact nod that it will give perfor entiefaction, there is tot use In offering to refund the money.. All we ask In o trial, Orders token of Desh ler's lutt‘store. FRANKLIN SMITH, WILLIAM OSMUN. jUiY 10th COAL CON fIiMERS. LOOK TO POUR INTEREST! train in con P. 11. STELTZ Hereby f Inornol the citizens of leownl the pal, lc lu general, that htoe la preparedfur nt , nish all :too kholc tf 0.91 61 6 11 0.05 6. at 5.158 5.50 5.10 C 0 A T, • front his well stocked Yard, for 11. (loth h Co.'., Ilt the Lehigh Basin, In the City of Allentown, where be will constantly keep on hand n supply of nil kinds of Coal, at the very lowest unaket prices. hi., COili Is uko nud clean, from the very best net, and in itinillty superior to any offered In Al lelltOW O. IN IT 111 sell Coal by 030 CAR LOAD, nt very email pro fits, an ho lutunds to do Liminess upon the principle of " Quick Sales and fimull Profits." (live him n call, and upon comparing pricesyou can judge for yourselves. • Ile will deliver Coal upon enll f or your of the City upon orders being loft at the Yard, or Vi el csbeliner's store POWDER AGENCY Also, Agent for Lehigh mainly for the •• labia Powder Company." Prepared at all Claes 1.. ibliver superior ?inning and Blasting Powder, Sporting. Potrilnr. llortlag Powder lu kegs anal canisters. FIIMP, any pond and n any quautlt. at retai l tho Gun and Cut ry store of It. F. Welferix, N. :at East Hamilton street. tilers by mall promptly tilled. mar 31-tf P. 11. STELTZ. REMOVAL. TREXLER BROTHERS, =1 LUMBEII, Hereby anuounre to their friend,. a n d patrol. that they hare Jun rumored from their old Mum! to their NEW YARD, near the corner of Tenth and Hamilton streets, formerly occupied by Brum. in Muller, au a Lumber Yard, where they .wll an 1 rousttly kep eou hand a large and - seasoned Mock of LUMBER, .uch as all kinds of PINE, HEMLOCK, eIIEsTNI"f PtIPLAG SHINGLES, Pllai ETA, LATIN, dre. In fact everything usually kept by Ito trade. 4a"7 - All kinds of lumber cut to order at short notice Thankful for past favors, wo trust our friend., as wolf tbo public In general, will giVolllle a call at ntr New Yard, 'whore we will use our best endeavor , to render Nat sfactlun, both no regards quality and price, (ct 2.ghS•tf cagricultural. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME STANDARD WARRANTED We offer to fartnerA, the 1. rtme t fall XV:141111. HAUG II 'S RAW BONE SUPER PIIOSPII ATE of LIME 1,4 being highly improved. Ilnuoit HAW BONI: St'l•i:lt /.1111APIIATIt Ix, 00 It+ 1101110 Indicates, prepared by di...lying how Bone,. in till of Vitriol—that 1., Bout,. that have not been deprived of their organic matter—the greaxe and gltio—by burning or baking. It, therefore, present,. to the one of the farmer all the valuable provenly.. of IluW ii. 1.11 in II highly cunren• traced form—rendering it at once quick In action and very rinatent. JigirFarmers are recoinmended to purchase of the dealer elated In their neighborhood. In sections whore no dealer yet established, the Phosphate may ho procured directly om the undersigned. BAUGH & SONS, OFFICE, NO. 20 ROUTH DELAWARE AV IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! CALIFORNIA AND OREOON SEED WHEAT AGENCY r3Vo furalmla Fan.rx with the BEST SEED .WHE4T IN THE WOULD 'erfectly free from Intlectlfortu or other Impurities: grown fromAUSTRALIAN ood CIIILI Sec& ylelillon. on march 1.-'OO-IYm good son SIXTY BUSHELS TO TILE ACHE BS POUNDS.TO TIIE MEASURED BUSHEL Tho Hart; of Wheat, when ;nature, are usually oloyoo or welvo turbos lung. • *if - Put up And xecurely (led and sealed In linen bags, nd scut by mall free to nil parts of ( h o country, ou re elpt of price. SAMPLES 10 CTS. EACH 1 DACE 50e. and .1 EACH Or lu larger quantities at raasouahlo rates 111=1:1 CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, ablo-'CO-If BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE, HENRY BOWER, Chemist, Kuper-Phosphate of Lino, Atnonia and Potash WAIIRANTED DIME PROM ADULTERATION. Thb Manure contains all the elements toproduce larg crepe et all kinds, and Is highly recommended by all Who need It, also by distlurnished chemists who have, by an alysls, tested Its qualities. racked In Yap of MINI. each. • DIXON, SHAIIPLEBB & CO., 89 South Water and 40 South Delaware Ay., For sale by WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 79 South Street, Baltimore, Rd. For thronnailon, address leery Dower, feblit.'ooll7 CHERRY, CHESTNUT, :ma coOD PINE. EME itpDE MARK , I= July 21.9 m =I And weighing 1931:11] CALIFORNIA r=l MEE= ima= AGENTB, pIuirDELPHIA. fecbtrinal. .... . ..... TIKE MlSSlfsittll4lol INIWIIEkt AC- Wally curet. Cour, ttnd Scrofultom dlsewoot of the Sklo.• Soo Report In 1.. I. 3ledlrol Society, and AinteMelllA of Physicloom In circular, molt free oo application to . CHAS. A. DUISOIN. lloovral Atoolt, P.O. Box IS . .!Poorl Street. New York. Jo). 7-311. IMIIIMIiIIiI I)II. iI. D. I,t t I IC i Umlaute of tla• rat verAlti ..1 PeoaKylvanla, at Philadl phia, linm Levu in Nocre+sra I prartlyo for a numb, af year.; Vari. tatrt• or tiall‘•4l State 4; promptly at tend 11/ ni l branch, 011114 prate:LA..l at his rom+, =1 =I Ku l'atant Lrdlrlllrti urn anal! or recoritairallatl; Ilan rein edit, atliaialhtered are thotat wlJeh will ;lot town a Vie cnal:1;1;1.m, law reno Vale Ilia ay main halo all lalarit. It Ina..u.liuw dtoiat ntlaat . al Inas'a healthy and lawiantly vaned amalltlan. (7011.I'li;N, 1/1111'1A, and all ili-aas , s Ilia and 1.1, an, wlotalt *early carry tlaataanil , to withal y ran undoubtedly la• rated. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that Attila of alienation and Wl.llrlllol of on. 'oho tr bleb renders veni. incapable or eajoylita t lir plea:, re-o. r rotating Ilir dude,. of life. Rumu)t4k'rlsm ANI) PARALYSIS, In tiny form or condition, ehronleor orate, It - art - 1,0 , 5t eur• Litilepey. or (tilling sichne., :mot chronic or .holy born .11 , 4, , of FlittAttlt DISEASES .iteetttly and ratlirally removed; Solt Montt°, Skin Inettitsen (of yettrs' standing) every tle+erlptitt ttleersttlnns. Ito nit Serofttionv eaves, warrnnted eared or rt.. Inn y. fro-Partiettlar attention .liVell 1.1 tilt,,,et or every detterintion of LMIII , I sintering tram any ettinpluint invittental to their Rex, elm rotentit the dora.r iv ill. 11 . 4.11r1111, of Cone, cured, nut! Tnntors of all hind+ removed tvithout the knife or drawing Itloott. Disen.ten of the EYE AND EAR, oi nuemfitlly elfentrially removed or no clinrile made. 44- Din r. Lonike 'm r will wake 010110 ;my dbitance If de- Wired ; con lie nildresmill by lett, feinilidentially)and tacil. Wine sent ‘vitli proper nay port tlie county, °prim:: East side of Sixth street, b1.i1V1 . 1 . 11 Hamilton and Walnut, Allentown, Inn. DO. HUTCHINSON'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTI 10Y ER Is the best Worm 31eilichie for retnor the s sett wort. from children, trithout flit, chilli sick, it other worm medicines It trill 1&O relllOVe lire tap I,corm sod the stomach burnt. =I NO MEDICINE TO DE OIrEN AFTER IT. PRICE 21 CENTS A BOX I= Bo pure and see you. get Dr. Hutchlupines Vegetublo Worm Deptroyer. See that each hoz it wrapped lu yel low wrapper. If yuur druggist should gut ilaVO it uok him to get it for you. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY .& COWDEN MEE . . . N ATunos' G TrA i r ESTOIt SHEET Z' S CELEBRATED B I '1"I' E CORDIAL Thl. medical preparal.lll Ix lIIIW °tiered to the public ur it reliable substitute h.,. the !witty wortliksme pound. which now hoed the market. It lo purely vegetab mu le,com- Pottti v n riotat barb.,1:111111 . 11•1 from the great mtorelionte emendedd Neleeted tvitli the utn,lol rare. It it not re a• a care ail, bat by Ito direct and lutititary iii- Mien, ,on the 111 . 11/I, liver, lung. %munch and botvelt ; acts bh •it preventive and cnre . for 11111117 of the 111.•11,1 ,4 Whirl,.lllll.l . Org.lllB .101• Ct. rellitille family medicine and Catl 111. 1111,11 by either infant or adult with the saute benclicial retaltt. It it a certain, prompt andxpeedv remedy for Dlarrioun, ytentery, Bowel byspep•lsi s Lolvilett of Spirit+, ',Mat hias, Sick headache, ,vO. For Chilit 11 1111 Fi•VerSlof ail Wad. it It for better a 1111 .afer 1111111 1011111 W tritlitut any or Ili peruiclout etferis. It rreatet itil appetite, proveo I powerful dlizetter of f I 111111 will counteract the effect. u liquor lit It lbw minutes. Ihvpitred by JACtlli SCIIEETZ, SOLE N. ir Cor. I4fth and Race, 5(11.1) ItY ALL I I I II(IGISTS. Air'GUIRE'N SPANISH HAIR 13 , ..d.mtEssEit, for promoting the growth beautifying the hair and rendering it soft and glossy. No other coni• pound possesses the peculiar properties width so exactly suit the various conditions of Um human hair. The uso of this oil as a hair dres.er has been mil cersal la every sec• lion of the country In the Spanish Main for centuries. No preparation of art could give that elegant luxuriance and abundance of hair whirl: 'MVO no often I I the admiration of travelers in Spain this oil is highly and delicately perfumed. forming an °Allen unrivaled la °Kronen, and upon Which the Spanish people for utility yours have sot the seal of enduring approval. MEMEED .11 EX WAN WI 1,11 FLOWER 811.1 M P0(1 LOTIOS, For removing dandra liana .rurf from the bend, whitening sunl pert'. ming the skin. Thin article Is entirely thiferent front anything Orli. kind ever offered in this country and Is warranted free from nil Pll6OllOll/1 tstuces. Thin VSOlllOlll' 1.1.11/ WWI used by the Enitterer Ylanhalllian and Emmet. liharietta Id Wake. and universally used try 1511,1.111 A for three hundred Yenr , Asa wt.!. far the head it Is once Cilk eleanning and refreshing. When lion used It at relieves headnalin. MeGUIRWS HIED FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All those who are in favor of white teeth anda pleasant and perfumed breath should at once use WU nire's Wild Flowers for the Teeth. All these preparations are put up In the most elegant nod ornamental ornament ake no eseeptiou in saying Chia they are au tonlady's toilet table, and notie ran In'complete withonbthetn. Warranted satisfactory or any refunded. Dealers will Vol this In mind. Sold by all respectable druggists in the Staten and Canadas. Address ord... to RICHARD AlaillltE. llSper AND SIANrEACTORT. No. 26 North Second St., Philadelphia, Pr . e nest S Vlumbing aub Vump. GAs rixTunEs. ADDIS & ROBERTS, 2. • _7 PLUMBERS .1 ti FITTERS NO. 1 WEST HAMILTON STREET, IMEIZE (GEORGE (HAAS' NEW BUILDING), ALLENTOWN x u x and II ydruullrltm+ Lft krcelup DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bulb TOM. Water 'CI...Ls Circulating llollero, &v., & Special attention given toputting up Portable (1. Works In town or country. All work warranted. t= pumptv rium PS 2 For pure nr 4ter use, neither hod taking wood, runty Iron, nor poixon lead, but tho Celebrated Cucumber Pump, 111101. of wild CIICIIIIII. I wood, entirely tasteless, durable mad ref table. Not a wooden rticle, oar good old- fashlnued Pump, s by machinery, and, therefore, perfect and accurate In all its parts, raising au equal amotint of water, nd costing less than half the-motley. Easily arranged so as to he nun-freezing, and In construction so simple that nny one ran put it up amikeep it in repair. After thorough trial It Is acknowledged to be the BEAT AND CIIKAPRAT. Twelve fret of lull ing with each pump, manufacturersf car Deal. etPPlled at lowest rates. For s circulars, Price lists,. Ac., call or ad .1""61IAB. G. BLATCIILEY, No. ON Fzi,TIERT Sr. ela•eeu oth and 7th toul r tl i ttr a tAll v aa Al;c a l . t q;-AGENTS WANTED. GAS FIXTURES AND KEROSENE LAMPS. A ORHAT VARIETY OP NEW STYLE). MERIDIAN BURNER, Safest and neat ha the market. It gives tho largest 118 of any burner made.• COULTER, JONES & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 702 ARCH BT., THILADA. Je2.ly • ebucational. • URSINUS COLLEGE, Late Pinola:la Seminary, FREELAND, MONTOOMERY CO., PA. Vail term of the Academie Department opens MONDAY AUOUHT 2J, IRD. For Catalogues whim.. the Prinelka July 14-61 A. 11. FETTEROLF. A. M. IDENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COL. .1. LEOIL—Tho Fall cession will commence MONDAY, SEPTEMBER OM, 1866 Torino moderato. YorCAlnlogueo addreiol the Prenideol M J. I'. SHERMAN, A. ~ Motit'y. Cot, Ps. July 21-tn A LLENTOWN FEMALE COLLEG ALLENTOWN, PA. THE THIRD ANNUAL SESSION WILL , DEOIN ON MONDAY THE ilni OF SEPTEMBE TILE COLLEGE edifice, In process of erection. will be ready for occupation at ma opening of Its session. It will have ample accommodatluaa for a largo number of stu dents from abroad. TILE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION 1111 1 = 1 2 1 1W I VAX=1::e==gitrgel i t ! ere employed. TERMS FOR BOARDERS. Board Tuition, furnished rooms, light and fuel, per year, 1e.60.00 Yor urthor Information, Address July 41-2 m Rev. W. It lIOFFORD. Cor. Sixth and Hadrillon Stn., Allentown, Pa I HAVErsT I - wet:l4 , En AT MY . • (AI.I.I:NTOW,C, PA .) CLOTHING STOIII-In large lot of very lbw and Rood nuttll ty porhict fitting ready Made clothing train the rhiladol AUCTIONS, I will spit filly evialm oil the dollar cheaper (Malmo' tote to Allvtown. 0001) QUALITY Satinet Pants, at lane • •• Cir.:dawn. Cont. MI Wool nt 4.t " Mack Cloth Coats, '' nt 5.60 •• " Passlatere Vert., •• at 1./Al •• " Cassiatere • Vests, •' nt Mb • ' " fonts, at 1.20 •• •• Pant,at 21 •• •• Passintete Pont, .2. of 3.00 " Casslatere Black Pants, at tl.rta Whole cults from 0.1.00 to 412.03 The brst advice I eat] nlve you lota call and examine my stork before you buy elsewhere. The retroat why I ran sell toy clothing fifty rents OU the dollar cheaper than any other stern to Mleattown Is ii, Collr , o I h lo ave two stores mat lam raw:tautly myself 11l Pilililddidlill wlth ready CAST y Autvrios 1.0 vi b, 1.111111 •li lila No. 152 North Third Street, Philadelphia. As I am peranently established In the Wholesale Notion nod Clot Linn el No. ra North :Ira /Orel, Philadelphia. I would call the ethaxtlon of country mer chants hi ley large a n d exteaslvo mock of good. Wore parchaslog cl,ewhere. FRANKLIN KNAUSS. Groccritz, Probifsions, &T. Tut: iuGuT PLACE TO nifY. E. FEICSyEIt3INcIIEI2, CONNEII OF 'TENTH AND HAMILTON STREETS he 1.1 to Inky all kiel of PROVISIONS, APPLr.S, PEACHES ORANOES AND LEMONB Ako, or 1')IIIET) FRUIT, • aach as PEARS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHERRIES, Lc Alwuys on hand a good nssottokoot of the best quality of GROCLIIIN of all dt,erholoo, Do not tub. tho pingo. corner of Tooth nod 'longhorn, to buy good things ut rouNonablo prices. [tug Ira ...... ..... VV DOLL. TB7ll lP ret!cn:i:ec„:l l[7, nt S r A t 1 7 V y.c D r cent. Inquire la " THIS O.INICe.. judo D-tt WANTED. ---A. LOAN OF $10;000. by the SChUili Uktrict. For kmrticuletra ,pply to tie C MINI:, Preut. Doan] Cuu, J. S. DILLINIikt, Secretary. MEM FOUR. TI ACHERS WANTED. Application from tearbOrx will bo received by Om Board .41.411001 Directoro of tilatington Mohler up to Au &mot lxt, ISW. Length of term, night month, DAVI II lel ENN I. Prooldent. W. 11. Otdn, Socrotary. I July 21.11.• VTAINTED.—AGEN'rIi FOR PROF. v Laws of Business. With full Directioue und'Fornis Lic all Traimactions lu every State, by TIMED. MOH PAlBioxii, L. L. D., Professor of Law , In Harvard University. .A.Nuiv Boon von EVERYBODY. Explaining overt' kind of contract and legal obligation, and showing how to &MY and OXECIDO them. Timid ghest and best au that By In the land. Send for our liberal toms; also for CO., Patent Bible Prospectus. Sent free. PARMELEE - 4k CO., Philadelphia, ta. July 7.3.0 NOTICE. --- 4K TEACHERS ARE u•voted la the otrn School rlrict, far rho term of ten moult. commencing September let, ISA for the following schools: I Mel, High School. I Female High School. Mn le un molar School. :1 Fennalo fir:ninon:lr SCIIOOI4. I Advanced Male Secondary. :Id Ward. 6 Male Secondary, note In each Ward. 7 Female Secondary, ono In each Ward except Sixth, Ix {chid, there are two. 10 Advanced 61ale Prituary. one the 2.1 and 1.1, and two in each of the other Wards. 7 Advanced. Female Primary, two in the 4th, and one In each of tine other Ward, 6 Male Primary, ono in each W 111.4 except the lot, 5 Female Primary, 0110 In each Ward except the let. I Mixed Prlnnary, in the let Ward. AM the !monde uchools and all tom nude echoolo below the grade of Secondary will be placed 111 charge of female teachers; for the others male teachers will Inn employed. Application. for any of the grades below the Grammar 80110111/1 MlOll 1110110 1110 SOClVillry of the respective Ward Board of Direct.... Applications for the Grammar and High Schook may he math, to either of the under.. 'l s: l 7, l l . lcatite will be examined by the City Superintendent! Itt rho Fourth Wart building—for Primary . tiranl64 au the 4th day Augost, fur the Secondary and grammar the Oth, and for Mu 11101 SCIIUOI2. UOlllOl3lll, commencing at 8 o'clock A. PI, on each day. C. 71. Board of Controllers. J, S. 'Mut:man, Sect`y. MI, of Controllers. Alleutown. Pa., July 13, IBA jy2lntd A GENTS WANTED FOR cluotuEßLlat's FOR TIE PEOPLE, . coSTAIRusu • Pull Instructions and PlRCileal ii FormH, adapted to ovary KIWI . Of tho United States Dar. • There is no hooka( (bottled which w intake rank with or authenticity, lo t telltienco, and contpletenees."- 84 rigs . ?! ge l .Sfirlr . l . l 10110 1 1/K n o ' i lhoklud published for many yours. It is prepared by an able PRACTICAL, LAW lElt of twouty-Eve years experience, and Is Dal what everybody needs for dotty use. • H Pi highly reCtinirwided by tonna eminent Jll4fiel. Inst eps. flan Chief VuBlicertudotherJudges of Nana chutelts. and the • CAW J 1141106 'Una entire Bench of UOllttecticta. Sold only by Snbseription. AGENTS WANTED EVERY - WHERE. Scud for Circulars. . • 0. D. CASE & CO.; Publishers. Ilan; Colin. t No, 1 Spruce St., Now York; Gluelonati, O.; anaChictoto. HI. CAUTION.. . . . • Au old IntrAthok; Ilshed many' y , ears ago, bas.,lttst beentaattly re-issne s'' a now IMO :" without overf• suitable revision oft obsolete statetnonts, Do not con found that work w ith lIAMDZILLIN'e LAW-1100X Yon Till P/Wrlal. i Julyll-11n G EORGE IVENNER; FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION & SHIPPING MERCHANT No. Sla South Water St., Chicago, 111: -rartieular attention gi , ten to Eaetern shipmeate.. REFERENCES: 0. W:Butts & Bro., Chicago; Saeger & 8r0. , , Allentown, Caahlor West.st., Now Yorlit Ilushong & Bro., Bank ion (Hr.((Rankpfonuol ers, Read ing. l'a.; B. 0. Unangst, Bolltlehom, Pa.; John Hoffer, Harrisburg, Pa. ; John Fah.tock, Millway, Lancanier county, Pll. j Joseph licluley, Sweetland' Centre, lowa. aug 21.1 y Clothing FRANKLIN KNAM,,'S I= Cc., &c., At cln•np prices, Knell SIN 111= EM=l EZlantrb 10111 \ eU, iprofpszional eZarbo - • TAMEN N. BIERT. ATTORNEY AT •J LAW. Mika% with E. Albright, Esq. No. Mt Hank Hamilton otreet, Allentown, Po. (Spoaalatteotn even to collectione.) Marl.74yio ELI G. NCIIWARTZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Know.' and itch Strecin, 0w...a1t0 the AlllrriCall Ilotei, Allentown, anti . (Imam, epokau. Collectioun lu Lehigh& adjacent .11110144 promptly Attended to. may EORGE H. RUPP, ATTORNEY .T AT LAW. Oflke, with lion. John D. Stiles, Allen• town, Po. IAT ATICOR. conuty). No. ealtrlTtrirl il lU r stgrCe i c2nTlllTr i ! ..),11.11e the 11011, , e, Allentown, ra. May bi.rull,lllcti m the (Ivritlali Inttttnoge. `AM UEL A. MITE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with P. Wyckoff, oppoelte the Eagle Howl, ALLENTOWN, PA. VALLEY FIRE INNER- L ANTE COMPANY. ALLENTOWN, PA. OMee over Second National Bank. Mauro, property mthast lox. by 11re on Ole .itock mutual plan. C. tl. EMI, Won't. .1. S. DILLI]11IIk• Seel y. BEAITTIFUL LIFE LIKE P WILES. Et= All 11.•mtllo , .. regiderol, S. W. BURCAW, ALLEN TOWN, PA. DROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • itmo with It. Kantr Esri., Slatingten, Lehigh county, P a. Collections In Lehigh, Northampton and Carbon counties promptly attended to. may 2.1-ly --- ELISHA FORREST, A TTOR NE Y AND CO U :tiI:I,LOIt AT LAW, So. West Hainll. ton street, Allentown; Pu. juu 14-tf ER, T OLIVER, ATTORNEY AT ti • L. w, mfrntown, Pa. Me. North. Fi ft h totreet, below the Court Homo,. jetult-'l3B-tt TRUNK at BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS 11 AND (7011N8ELLOR8 AT LAW, Allentown, P. Office, N0..11 E. Hamilton stteet. C. M. Rum Unti 14-'66-tr] F. A. R. BALDWIN. J. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. 110 &Lk nomMoo etreel. 4a1•Coo be cimsulted 111 liormao. 141114. W-if - - R CLAY , lIAMERSLY A. , ATTORNEY 1.1, • AT LAW CAT ASAUQUA. P Pin 11.'68-tf MIIO3IAS B. lIIETZGER. NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. OltloO. No. 62 Ewa Hamilton tOrect. may :5,-'641 E LIAS niEnTz. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, A.GENT FOR THE SALE Or REAL ESTATE, Al Wert Hamilton lit., Allentown. Pa. 'VI/111N A LIM IGIIT, ATWORN EN A. 1.4 AT LAW, eight (loon, above the Court Ilium, AL LENTOWN, Lehigh county, Pa. fob 13-'Ol3-ly WIL LIAM li. NOWDEN, ATTOR NEY AND COUNtiELLON AT LAW. O men, Cor ner of Illoolltou mime( and Law Alley. mouth Ode. ALLEN. TOWN. PA. fob. 204( EIEWAItD ATTORNEY AT LAW. (blue, wide Hula. Samuel A. Bridges. ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-ly TOIIN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, to Office N. E. Corner 611. nod Hamilton Street. ALLEN TOWN, l A. .ay A _ DAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0111 co, oppuntto tht , Cuurt Holt. AL LE TOWN. IA. , may. eItIORGE B. SEWALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mike, 111 ilJor allure Law Alloy. AL• LEN TOWN, PA. may 2,0 m A IICNS BG N BCER A.TTOREV r!..Tit” T c l ;,gia m .„7 . AlDritUll ( 1 1 4"• Fmllll- LE'lf SMOYER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLENTOWN, PA. °nice, N. W. Corner Sth and Ilatailton Sireetm, Second door. Particular atten tion raid to the aettlemeat or Docedrat notatea, mudo &c Jan O..Pr DR. C. C. U. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. 0111ce. over Mrs. DI. A. 0. Oulalle_a Trlittt t ig i.e,.t No. 3.1 DIA lbonlltuu street, ALLEN• TOWN I Gros. roN DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated the ausesthelle use of nitrous okido gas, ad minister It Its thu most upprovell manner, do no-AM thitsg but EXTRACT TEETH, and they oortulal do that WITHOUT PAIN, 5013,000 patients (malt See their signatures at the OFFICE, No. 77 WALNUT STREET below Eighth, Philedelphla• Juno 91.1 y ginanciat. ~ E ,,,, M0 ,, VAL. R THE MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK Ilas been removed to their building recently secured by Purchtoo, on HAMILTON STREET, (North .tae)..onn gionr nhnve Siegfried it Co's. Hardware St e. where the business of the Intuit Wilt he earned ou or heretofore. .031 .- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. &1. DAVID SCIIALL, President W. C. IdeggiNgiVALlNgg. Cuellar. my 20.3 m KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANE, (Organized under State Charter In 16W. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT. nud Epee cont. in. Wrest will ho allowed. For shorter periods special rats. will ho paid. Also mousy loaned out on FAVORABLE TERMS. Bald Book is located In tho Keystone House, In the borough of Kutztown. JOBE FOGEL, President. EIIWAILIO 110TTENNTEllf, U. D., Cashier. Timarr.gs: F.. 1, Slough 51. D., J. D. Wautter, East., Dar Id Flster. 11. 11. dehwaris, NV. D. Fogel, Daulel Clatter, . 02.tr Ittol . tttrd k ju n i eg, u. Foie, J s u or, , ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU TION. (Orunulred under State Charter hi IW.) Itoney received on Depoett, and 6 per rout. tutored al• lowed for one year. For shorter portals special rates will be pithl. ALSO. Mu BT LOAXIOD OUT OX FAVORABLE TERM. Banking llouto-11.1MILTON STREET, mitt-way he• tureen tho Court Hours and American Hotel, opposite olde. Allentown, Pu. WILLIAM 11. AlNEYPrealdoul JACOB B. DILLINOBI , L Cushier. QM= Clsorles A B b, John D Stiles, Christian Wets, YratselsC &allude, Cuomo Probst, • Samuel Sell, ile"i " . "" 4 " 111 1 116 11 Airs ' e l y 4 . "h" P'ter. mar 91 TILE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD IS FINISHED FIRBT MORTGAGE BONDS IZZEM UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS DOUGIIT AND BOLD DEHAVEN &BRO., HANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS 40 SOUTH THIRD BIiIIEFfT,, PHILADELPHIA May 10 -CO 715 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. 3e2441m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers