Yetigl2' gegifiter. rustavitso EVERT WAD:IESDAT AV ROBERT IREDELL, JR TERMS: . $2.00 A 'YEAR IN ADVANCE. No paper discontinued until all urearages urn paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not succire their papers regularly will confer a great favor um us by sending word to this office., Bubseribers about removing will please scud us their old address as well as the new COUNTY , COMMITTEE MEETING. The Republican County Executive Commit- tee of Lehigh is requested to meet at the Eagle Hotel, in Allentown, .on Saturday, August 7th, 1869, at, 1 o'clock, P. M. Business of importance will be brought before the meeting. The following Is the Standing Committee of Le high County Allentown, Ist Ward, John G. Schimpf. 2d " Wm. 11, Alney. " 3d " Joseph Hecker. 4th " 0. R. Hoffman. " . sth " Alvin P. &liner. oth " Daniel Brown. Borough of Catitsatiqua, Wm.. IL Lqubach. Coplay, David Kline. - Emus, Dr. E. F. Bteoel. siillerstown ' A. Singmaster. Slatiugtou, D. D. Jones. Whitehall 0. L. Schreiber. South Whitehall, B. K. Weaver. North Whitehall, Dr. I. N. E. Shoemaker. Washington ' Lewis C. Smith. Heidelberg, Wilson K. Peter. Lynn, James H. Smith. Asher Fatzluger. Welscnburg, Levi Werly. Upper Macungie, Wm. A. Breinig. Lower Macungie, James Weller. Upper Milford, Dr. Sigmund. . Lower Milford, Isaac Krauss. Salmon,' Jos: 'Wittman. Salisbury, Harrison Bortz.. Hanover, Charles Colver. Committee at Largeames W. Buller, John H. Oliver, Geo. Helsel, Edward Rohe, T. V. Rhoads. By order of CEO. BEISEL, Chairman E. F. STECKEL, Secretary. THE CITY New black.—The Thomas Iron Company arc erecting a new furnace stack and engine house In addition to their already extensive works. Those Bittere.—The proprietor of the great Japanese illtters must be a genuine Tycoon judg ing from the English he writes. Broke Ha Leq.—A little son of Mr. Cramp soy, aged only two years, while playing in his fathers' house, In the Sixth Ward, on Wednesday, fell over a spittoon and brokells leg. Dr. Charles Martin attended to the Injury. Alurybie Dog Poisoned.—On Wednesday evening, a valuable setter dog, belonging to Dr. La Roche, was poisoned by some wretch. The dog died the next morning. lie was valued at $lOO, and the Doctor had previously been offered $B5 for him. Anniravary Sermon.—Rev. Wm. R. Grits; rector of Grace Church, (Episcopal), will preach the anniversary sermon of the Junior Order of American Mechanics, at that church, corner of Fifth and Linden, on Sunday evening next, at 7,!,' .o'clock. Why Can't Ire dace them betel—Tile Com mittee on Police, of Reading Councils, hits entered Into a contract with T. T. Markland, of Philadel phia, to supply name plates of the cast iron varie ty for two hundred of the street lamps of that city. 111 Allentown any devices to designate the names of the streets are very scarce and we recommend Councils to adopt some uniform plan, such as is now In use In New York and Philadelphia. A Young Rascal.—The News say a lad by the name of Cook, only thirteen years old, was ar rested on Saturday, charged with having stolen a quantity of silver coin belonging to Peter Claws, of South Whitehall township. After being cap tured he took the officer to a spot on the outskirts of the city, and after diligent search the officer due np two silver dollars, eoveral American and Spanish quarters, and a German piece.. The lad was committed to jail in default 01*( 4 500 ball. Attempted Swindle.—One day last week a man called upon Nathan Peter, who keeps a truck stand next door below the Allen House, and re quested the loan of no, offering to give a poll watch for security. When told by Mr. Peter that ho had but twelve dollars about him, the stranger .said he would consult with a sick brother for whom the money was Intended, and he left. He soon returned, however, and offered to accept the $lO, but Mr. Peter refused to risk being swindled. The worthlessness of the watch was afterwards proved by the fellow offering to sell It for $O. Real Estate Sake.—Messrs. Pretz S Weirs• hemmer have sold a vacant lot of ground situate on the North side of Union street between Fourth and New streets, to Louis C. Moore, for $2400. N anion Domes sold to Thomas Mohr nod B. Bore w n lot of ground CO feet front by 150 feet In dept , situate east of the Lehigh Iron Works In e f_al 1 sbury township, for $360. Nathan Berner sold a vacant lot of ground 60 IL front, at the Lehigh Furnace in Salisbury township, to Godfrey Peter, for $360. Mr. Peter Intends to erect three houses upon this lot during =CM Caleb Rinker sold a house and lot of ground, situate ou New street between Liberty and Allen streets, to Mr. George A. Frey for $l,OOO. The Pic-Nic of the Lehigh Sicnyerbttml.— Ott.Thursday the Lehigh Baengerbuud gave a pie nie is the Ennuis Woods. Early In the day prep arations were going forward in front of Leopold Kern's brewery, that Is, wagons were driven up, folks got in and then got out, and then got In again. The nag was brought out stud swung and twisted and finally landed In a carriage. The Al lentonm Cornet Band played a piece, then mounted wagon', and all was In readiness to depart for the scene of the day'a festivities. At this Juncture, the band wagon, which bad been scut In by the Emus Ringgold Band, arrived, and with it more confusion. The Allentown Baud accepted the courtesies of their brethren of ElllalaS and took their places In the baud wagon. The procession then moved up Hamilton street, to the music of the Allentown Band and finally arrived on the grounds at EMILUB in good order. Here everybody gave themselves "up to enjoyment: At 2 o'clock. the Emus Band, in full uniform, and playing Inspiriting music, arrived in the woods accompa nied by their friends. The scene was now one of Jollltpand festivity. They danced, they sang, they " getrunken," and they " gespielt," and they all enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. Thu committee of arrangements spared no efforts to make the pie-ale a success and the whole thing may be summed up as a jolly good time. New dfitil Arrangement—On Thursday last the new mil arrangement for Allentown went into effect. We now have three malls to Phila delphia, at 5, 10:45 a. m., and 5 p. m., and the same number to Netv,Yotk. ,The folloWingb: the arrangement: I=l Mauch Chunk, Stallone on L. V.: R. IL, North, New York, Philadclphia,'• Philadelphia, (through mall),. Western, 11:00 Stations on L. V. R. R and N.J. Cen tral R. R., East, 11:00 Tunkhannock and North, Westeru,...l2:2o Stations on L. V. IL R. (North) West, (through), via E. P. R. II West, (way), on E. Penn R. R ' Easton. and Stations ou Lehigh Val ley ROL, East, • _ TIME Or CII.WelI:(1.1-11•IL;—: A. M. :A. M. P. M. New York, (through) Easq::: 5:00 10:45 5:00 Philadelphia, (through) South and West, 5:00 '10:45 5:00 Philadelphia, and way oti N. P. R. It., Stations on Lehigh Valley and N. J. Central It. IL, East,.:. 5:00 10:45 Mauch Chunk and North West.lo:oo Tunkhartnock 10:00 Stations on L. V.ll. R. North.10:00 West, (through), 10:45 West, (way), via E. P. R. R..10:45 Rehrersburg route, Mon. Wed. Frl. Kutztown " " " " N. Whitehall " u " '‘‘ Orefield " " " Sat, Accidents. Jacob iidlnen was severely bruised about the body by the scaffolding at the new Jail giving way and fntling upon Min, on Monday morning Ho Is doing as well as enn be expected. On Monday Morning, says the Nara, a sad acci dent occurred at one of the furnaces in ilfa lower part of the city. While Jacob Loldig, one of the employees, residing In the tint Ward, was at work, a lingo piece of .coal fell upon his arni, mangling it terribly. The sufferer Is a mon of family and deserving of the sympathies of the com munity. A yonmr boy named Thomas Gibbons, residing in the First Ward was kicked on the leg by,a horse about eight days ago and on Monday lock jaw set In, from the effects of which he died on Monday. THE COUNTY 8T01.1.1.7 PROPERTY RECOVERED. Dr. Meyer, of 51111erstOwn, lan week recovered his stolen horse at. Bethlehem. The buggy was found at Coopersburg. ImrnovEatusTs.—The Copley Cement Com pany are erecting two additional' kilns at their works, on the west bank of the .Lehigh, between Copley and PAINFUL ACCIDENT.—Our friend 11. W. Harper, elate manufacturer at Berlineville, North ampton county, had the end of hie helt thumb cut off in a circular saw last week. • GRAND EXClMSlON.—Conductor •Jennings will make an excursion from Harrisburg, Reading and Allentown, on Wednesday, August 25th. Tickets from Allentown and good to return In three days, $3.0. A rare chance to visit the Me tropolis. ACCIDENTH.—A Mall had his toes cut elf by attempting to Jump on a car while the train was in motion, last Saturday, at the Slatington depot of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad. A man had his arm badly bruised by being emighrbetween the bumpers while coupling some cars at the same place, on Tuesday of last week. GERMAN PREI3I.I ASSOCIATION.—The next meeting of the German Press Association will be held at Town Hail, Bethlehem, on Thursday, the 10th-of August, at 2 . o'cloek, P. M. Besides the editors and publishers of German papers, the clergy, teachers, and all friends ofGerman eduea- lino are Invited to attend. DIILITAItY ENCAMPMENT.-PVC hear that a committee of the Washington Grays, of Philadel phia, Is negotiating for the use of Laurel Hill for a few weeks, for camping purposes. The spot is near Whitehall Station, and of pic-nie fame, and if the Grays succeeded In effecting a lease they will have one of the most picturesque places in the State. TERRIBLE RESULT OP PLAY/NO Wl= Pow- DEII.-one day last week, a young lad by the name of Jacoby, residing at t3oldersville, filled one of his trowsers pockets with powder and then applied match to it. The powder Ignited, set Ms clothes hi flames, and the boy immediately Jumped Into the river to quench them, but be was so horribly burned that nothing but death could put au end to his agonizing sufferings. DROWNED.—A lad named John Cook, whose parents residerat Newark, N. J., met his death in a singular manner near Bethlehem. It appears that ho was engaged in driving a vicious end stubborn mule, when, by some mishap, one of his feet wits caught is a coil of towline, by which he was thrown Into the river. It being rather dark, the other boatmen did not discover his dis appearance for some time. A few hours after wards his lifeless body was found floating near the bank of the river. IhrrEntumax DitiviNo PARK.—On Satur day last a large number of persons were in atten dance at the park and the horses brought upon the course - were In a splendid condition. The first race was a trot, best two in three, to harness be tween the following: S. Mellon, b. g. George Dan. Rudolph, Blue Dick 1, 1 Time-3:14 ; 9:12. Pacing match, best two in three, to harness. 11. C. Eck, h. in. Mack Nag 1, 1 E. 11. Gangway, g. no name. 0 , 2 Time-2:57; 2:49. Trotting match, best two In three, to harness. 11. C. Eck, b. g. Slasher 2,1, 1 S. Mellose,'g. in. no name 1,2, 2 Time-3:00 ; 3:08 I 3:00. SIEOFRIED . B BRIDUE.At, a meeting of the Stockholders of Siegfried's Bridge 230 shares were voted to rebuild the bridge Immediately, and 70 to the contrary. No doubt the holders of the 70 shares, who are opposed to rebuilding will Fell out to Sonic more enterprising men, and the re-eon struetion of the little bridge will be Commenced this Fall. The Company was originally formed and the first bridge erected on the present site In 1828. The flood of 1849, carried away half of it and damaged the remaining part to such an ex- tent that the whole had to be rebuilt anew. The terrific flood of June 4th, 1862, carried the struc ture away for a second time, and now for a third time it lies an entire wreck—the work of an angry howl of JEolus. Between the combined elements the bridge Las certainly had a hard disputed exist ence. HOMES AND FORTUNEIi IN THE BOUNDLENS WEST AND BUNNY BoUTH, is a book for every citi zen of the United States. It describes the clintate, scenery, soils, crops,"raining operations, railroads, schools, religious advantages, wages, cost of liv ing, unsold government lands, prices of lands, in- dueemouts for settlers, how to obtain titles, oppor tunnies for making; money, etc., In all the West ern and Southern States, and lu nil the Territories, Including Alaska. It embraces n. mass of new, Interesting and valuable Information, of immense service to every missend especially so to emignints. There are 600 pages, printed In beautiful type, handsomely bound, contains 16 well executed en gravings representing some of the most beautiful scenes of American landscape and places of inter est, and has In addition county maps of the States and Territories It describes's. Among the special ties is a complete history of the Pacific Railroad ; Utah and the Mormons, etc. It Is a great addi tion to the library, and an evidence of Its great popularity Is shown in the fact that in . Allentown alone, In less than three weeks, over one hundred copies have been sold. If T. Morris, of Allen town, is the agent, for Lehigh County. Agents are wanted. KUTZTOWN ANFAIItS.—WC copy the follow lug Hems from a letter to the Reading Jom•nnl, dated July 29th :—The Reformed Sunday School of this place Intend to have an „excursion to Womeladorf, on August 28th. Rev. G. F. Spleker, Pastor of the Lutheran congregation of this place, was elected pastor of Moselem Church, in Richmond township, In this county. A little girl aged t3years, the daughter of Oew•alt S. Kutz, fell from a mowing machine on which she was playing, and broke her leg. On Sunday morning.the funeral of John Btoudt took place. This young man was a native of Maxutawny township. Some time do he left this place and went to Cumberland' City, Maryland, and was there 'engaged 'ass carpenter. Re was accustomed to rise very early ha the morning and take a bath lu the Potomac River, which Is about 15 feet deep at that place. On Sunday -morning, July 18th, he again resorted to the place with one companion. Mr. Btoudt jumped luto the water first, but was followed hy,itis companion who out swam him. The companion after he had swam some distance happened to look hack, when be saw that Mr. litoudt was drowning, and before help could be given Ito had sunk to the bottont corpse. Ho was bronght home by his relatives and burled in Fairview Cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. G. F. fipleker, who delivered an interesting and appropriate ser mon. The deceased was a metnber of the order of Junior Sons, and largo bodies were present at his funeral front Fleetwood and Hamburg. The church was tilled with people and many could not gain admission. Iu the afternoon a daughter of Mr. Ulrich Miller was also Interred in Fairview Cemetery. The funeral services were performed by Rev. Q. F. Bpicker who delivered a very im presslve funeral address at the house of the pa. rents. , • A. M. P. M. . 6:15 0:15 . 6:15 .11:00 .11:00 12:30 12:30 12:30 6:00' . The Fair house being now linisbed;thebuilding committee are at work in makinh largo yard around tbo wigwam. - TIGEbEIiT AT KtrtzTowx.---On Sunday night week do unknown thief entered the sleeping apartment of a son of Mr. Alphine Steinberger, hotel keeper at Kutztown, and ritfed the pocket of the occupant of about twenty dollars. • • dAml. MEETING OF THE EVANGELICAL As 130CIATION.—A district camp meeting will be bold In the grove of Mr. Wm. Steuben, at Ilanoverville, Northampton county, about five miles north of Bethlehem, and within a mile of Santee's station, on the Lehigh and Lackawanna Railroad. It will commence on the 10th of August neat, and con tinue for eight or tell days. DISTRESSING AND FA•r.u. ACCIDENT.—Miss Barbara Greth, 93 years of age, who resided with her nephew, Richard Holftnaster, at 517 Bingo man street, Reading, fell out of the second story window of the premises about 9 o'clock on Satur day evening last; sustainiag such severe Injuries that she died within about an hour after the acci dent.—Reading 7711 . 1c31. CONDUCTOR TERRY ' S EXCURSION took place on Thursday last, according to previous annonuce ment. Notwithstanding the iMMelise number go ing with the Temperance folks, Terry had a big crowd, numbering over six hundred of both sexes and of every age. The train numbered eleven cars, all well filled, and arrived at the foot of Mount Pisgah after a little more than an hour's run from Allentown.. Dere the excursionists were transferred to the little ears of the Switch-back, were drawn up the inclined plane, anti the romance and beauty of the monntains were enjoyed to their fullest extent. The party returned here all safe between 7 and 8 o'clock the same evening. IlEvEsetf.—The following are the collections of Internal Revenue for Lehigh County for the month of July, 1869, collected by T. C. Yaeger, Deputy Collector, oth District, Pennsylvania:— Spirits Tobacco and Cigar Fermented Liquors Banks and Bankers Gross Receipts Sales Other special taxe Income MEM =I MlZ= Tidal ;mount collected YOUTHFUL DniciturioN.—We leUrn from The Poildowu Ledger that on Wednesday week, Mrs. George Bickel, of l'ottsgrove township, met With a singular and very serious accident. She went into one of the upper rooms of the house to cut a ham, taking a large butcher knife with her for that purpose, mail In passing through an Open &Mr, a gale of Nvind blew it suddenly against her left arm, in the hand of which she held the knife, forcing It across the right i u •m and penetrating the flesh above the wrist. The blood from the wound flowed copiously, and the holy fell to the floor in a swoon. Tilt: only person present was the little girl, who, although terribly frightened, procured a piece of rope and bound the arm tight ly up, causing the flow of blood to cease. A phy sician was summoned, who found that two arter ies had been severed, and gave it as his opinion that but for the thoughtfulness of the child death would have ensued In it short time. S TATE TEACIIEWS ASSOCIATION.—The au mil meeting willbe held this year In Greensburg, August 10th, 11th, and 12th. The programme presents a variety of interesting topics. These Exercises will be interspersed during the day and evening with Vocal and Instrumental Music, and select Readings by distinguished ElocutiOnists. Ladles will be entertained free of expense at Greensburg, and the hotel rates for Gentlemen will be from $l.OO to $l.lO per day. Members of the Association will receive passes to return home free of charge ou the following Railroads :—Pennsyl vaults Central, Phila. & Reading . , Delaware, Lack awanna 6.; Pittsburg, East Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley, Lackawittma and Bloomsburg, North Pennsylvania, Northern Central, Lehigh & Sus quehanna. Excursion tickets will be issued on the Catawtssa, and the Pittsburgh A: Connelsville R. It. No efforts will be Spared by the Executive and the Local Committee to make the meeting a success. It is hoped that teachers will turn out in large numbers from every county In the State. Thu time Is auspicious. Never was a greater in terest manifested in the cause of education than at present. Teachers and all who are Interested in the work are cordially Invited to attend the Teachers' Association. ItErma OF COAL transported over the Le high Valley Railroad, for the week coding - July !-1 180, compared with same time last year : For. Week. File Vl,ll. .I'otl/1 Nlnluisloy 15,000 11 107,605 1 " 11cayer '4leadow.. 12,424 13 215,813 (I " Mauch Chunk - - 96 Illi 150 I " Upper Lehigh 208 09 . 8,119 II " Hazleton... ......... ..24,148 07 572,492 0 •• Wyoming 11,518 16 269,430 0: Grand total ........... ....... 63,326 02 1,1:123,611 1)9 Sa MC time 1808..:........ 20,005 06 1,415,770 18 17,720 14) lEEE MEM Lk:111011 VALLEY IRON TRADE. —Pig iron transported by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. for the week ending July *24, 180 : • From Carbon Iron Co Lehigh Valley Iron Co Thomas Iron Co Lehigh Crane Iran CO.. Allentown Iron Co Roberts Iron Co Glendon Iron Co Bethlehem Iron Co Other Shippers MMI EcoNomizE 1lux n •: MANumin.—There is excellent sense In a brief article In the last issue of liaugh's slimelod of Oa I•in•m, advising farmers to make aud save as much home manure as possi ble. It says that it should be husbanded with the most Jealous care of every limner. The fact Is, no man who pretends to a knowledge of farming,, should be ignorani of the fact, that whatever merit concentrated manures may posses., tliey do not exceed in value the products of the barn yard, wiled those products are properly eared fur. It Is 1114 our purpose In this, to enter Into 161 elab orate disquisition In regard to the management of stable manatee, an the stilled is too extensive fur a single essay. All we propose •to 4io is to urge upon farmers generally, the vast itnportance of avoiding all leaks and wastes from their manure heaps. Where it Is possible, these heaps should he under roof. Where this is impnteticable, the next best thing Is to see that finch arrangements are made as will. secure every drop of the twine front the cow and other stables, and to prevent the overflows from heavy rains, which always carry (Arno large a proportion of the most valuable ingredients. These suggestions, we are aware, are only general, but their common sense charm , ter wilt recommend them to the careful considera tion of every farmer who desires to make his call ing profitable. FarntCrs, economi z e your home manures. When you have saved and applied every particle of them, there will still be demand for all the concentraied fertilizers manufheturers are capable of furnishing. 'TEMPERAWE—TIM STAyE CON VENTION— MEETING AT THE SQUARE—)ixEURSION TO 11AL NUTPORT.-011 iredlE:bday evelling last the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania held Its quarterly sessions in tile hall of Jordan Division of this city. The: proceedings wcreof a private nature. Twenty-two members of the subordinate Divisions In this county were initiated luto the Gmnd Lodge. la the evening an Immense meeting wan held In the tiquare, a stand having been erected in the southwest corner for the speakers and tousle. The meeting wan called to order by the,President, G. 'I4.P. She'cross, prayer was offered by Rev. Richard Walker, after which the President deliv, Bred a brief but powerful address. He was fol lowed by Ron. E. G. Lee, of Philadelphia, and Rev. 11'. C. Best. The City Cornet Band dis coursed sweet music during the evening, mud the whole affair redounds to the credit of the enter prise of Jordan Division. Oh Thursday an excursion, gotten up under the auspices of Jordan Division, was made to Intl nutport. A long train well tilled With passengers left the Lehigh Valley Depot at 9 o'clock, and took in passengers along the route, arriving at IValnutport at 10. A large train from tip the valley had already arrived there, and the number ou the Island amounted to between two and three thousand. Everything passed off in the 'most pleasant manner and all expressed themselves de lighted with the plc-nic. Tait Bum ActAnc- - -PnttaltAfibm tzoltiife Emmet:P.-On Saturday next the Prerogative ofihe Bun Is to be Interfered with by Luna. The (Neut. Is taken by Susan B. Anthony ct , Co., as, a tri umph of woman's rights, but the friends of old Sol need have no fears for the ultimate result, for thosb fellows whir have the management of things celestial, the astronomers, assure us, that be will again shine forth In all his glory and that his authority as King of day will not again be inter fered with, at least not In this ccutury. A total eclipse of the sun is a rare event. We are told by tudtbnUmers of Washington that "no total eclipse of the Sun has been visible in any considerable portion 131 - this country since 1834, and none will be visible after this year during the present century." Thus it appears that more per sons living lu the United States have had a view of Niagara Falls, or of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, or of the Natural Bridge of Virginia, than have ever witnessed the grand astronomical phenomenon of a total eclipse of the sun. And by far the greater portion of the people In the United States will be unable to witness the great total eclipse of this year, forth, most parts of the country the eclipse Is onlipartial, though unusually large. In this county and Its vicinity about five-sixths of the sun's disk will be obscured. As far as Lehigh county is concerned, we are glad of it. Wo can't afford to waste any of our light. In fact we want more of it, for many people go on voting the Dem ocratie ticket and electing the Democratic county ticket, year after year, without any regard to eclipses, the march of Time or any of those little events which change the rule of Nations as well as the seasons. They ignore altogether the pro gress of civilization, except that they all have, somehow or other, fallen Into the habit °cloaking money. Well, the world wasn't made In a day, and we have hopes that: time may be given some of them before they shut their eyes In their last sleep to see that they owe all the blessings that they have received to God and their country, and that they may band down to their children, along with their fortunes, the admonition "De true to your country." But the eclipse. No alarm need be felt about that. It is sure to be a success. Seats will be provided .$3,78.3 :12 . S 008 48 432 18 1,663 S 3 72 b 3 3,997 50 9,023 77 23,130 24 433 02 .113 65 46 36 10 free and everybody can have a front one. Opera glasses can be substituted by smoked glasses and we might here take occasion to remind our Demo cratic friends that they need not save them till neat October as the total eclipse of Judge Packer can be seen with the naked eye, for the object Is not a brilliant body, and the Republican party ap pear:, to their diseased eyesight very black. A number of star-gazers will go South and West .+47,0 6:3 to take a look at the eclipse next Saturday. We hare not heard of any one from this section taking a trip for that purpose. Its track Is only 140 miles wide from South to North and extends through North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, lowa, etc. We being In the north of that belt will see one-sixth of the suit, at the thne of its total eclipse in that region; the southern edge appearing. It would be a good time to go In a baloon to the moon as she can sel dom be seen ill the day time, and a day Journey would be snore pleasant and involve less danger nf alighting upon a star. MiscELLANEous.—.l blue flannel lady has ost a coat In Allentown. What nest? The laying of the corner stone for the new Catholic church, In this city, is announced to take place on Sandy, the lt2th of September. The Bishop of Philithelphla will afliclate. 13. Frank Morey, of Willlamsbin:g, llppc Mount Bethel, graduated al the State Normal School at Millersville, Pa. The Allentown Iron Company has declared a ivldend of five per vent. tulaine Dressler, for ninny year's conueete %rift the medical department. of the Bethlehem Yonne; Ladles' Seminary, died on Saturday night, the '24111 lust., of dropsy, after an Illness of some EMI Rev. J. B. Rath, of Bethlehem, has received a cull from a Lutheran congregation In Albany, N. Y., hut declined accepting the same. .1. Whit Wood, of the Easton Free Puma, has been appointed a 'member of the State Central Committee for Northampton county. Brown Jr Keller's Jewelry Store at Stroudsburg was robbed of from $l5O to £'2oo worth of jewelry on Sunday night last. No clue to the robbers has yet been had. Thu intelligence bus reached Easton of the death of Miss Pardee, one of the daughters of A. Pardee, Esq., of Ilazleton. She was In the eotopany of Dr. Cattell. Her death was caused by typhoid fe- There is to be another excursion to Maneli Chunk and the Switch-back on the ligh of August. A fanner with a load of hay in Newark the other day, was unable to make his horse go. Har ing flagellated the animal till he was tired, he took a wisp of hay, and haring set lire to It, placed It under the animal's tail. The latter went, a n d so did the entire load of hay, which caught the awd was entirely consumed. A German tramper topped at a tavern in Leb anon county a few days since, and was somewhat obtelve to the landlord, who ordered him out of the house. As he was leaving he drew a knife and cut the hotel keeper across the abdomen, pro ducing so serious a gash that the bowels protrud ed front the wound, which will probably prove fa tal. The wretch was immediately seemed, taken to Lebanon, and lodged In jail to answer for the offence. I= roue. -DO The Contrail Railroad Company will soon abol ish the practice of selling commutation tickets, and will substitute packages, to he good until used. Stephen T. Kirk, County Superintendent .:of Burks, while driving along Twelfth' street, Phila delphia, accompanied by a lady, met with a runa way accident, was thrown out and his leg lens so badly broken that. Mr. 11: 11. }lough has been ap pointed to perform the duties of lad • office during , his Illness. The lady, fortunately, was not hurt. Godshalk, of the Bethlehem Timex, Is a poet. The Executive Committee of the Bucks County Teachers' Institute have decided Yo commence the . next annual SC9SiOII of this association ou Monday afternoon, the 25th of October. It is intended to secure the Services of some of the ablest instructors in the country. Judge Chapman declined to grant 0 charter to the Freeland 1101 l Assochttion, at the village of that name, over 111 Ntoutgotnery, for the rell6oll that the Act of Assembly does not confer ou the Courts the right to grant charters for touch 'pur poses. _ _ The Sellersville Lodge of the I. 0. ofO. F. have their hall nearly completed ; and Intend having it dedicated with Imposing ceremonies. Wednesday evening, August 4, " Tangle-talon," a poem, by P. Sir K. Mr. George N. Corson, of Norristown, will be recited by the author, at 605 Arch street, Philadelphia. The Board of School Directors, of Upper, .Verion, Montgomery county, have increased the salaries of each of their teachers *5O a year. The Zinc Works In South Bethlehem have not been suspended as was reported. LAVA PETTE COLLEGE COMMEXCEMEXT. EASTON, Ally 30, 1869. Easton usually gives one week to the College. Nothing else In thought or talked of. Last week we were, s'urfulted with College. On pabbAth, July 25, Rev. Dr. Eckerd preached the Baccalau reate sermon from Reb. XII, 1,2, to a crowded utullenee in the Brainerd Presbyterian church. A rellgons conference was held In the afternoon In the chapel. lathe evening Rev. C. IL Kellogg,. or New York; preached the sermon (Luke XXIV,. 45, 4S vv) before the Brainerd Evangelleal , Soelety. On Monday, the examination of the students wits concluded. In the evening the Senior class had .a pleasant reunion hi the. College Campus. A poem wivn . read, a history . recited, a,prophecy delivered—an address at the Tree made, and a Farewell given by members of the class—with songs and instrumental music, making It one of the pleasanteid . featureS of this commencement. •On Tuesday, the Washington and Franklin Literary Soeleties.beld their reunions. In the af ternoon n meeting of •the Alumni was held in Jenks' Hall: In the evening Ex-Gov. Pollock delivered an oration before a very crowded audience, to theldt entry Societies. Ills subject was "The Charac teristics of Our Age, and its Demands upon the American Scholar." The Commencement Exercises of Wednesday morning began at 0 o'clock. Geo. E. Jones, of-Faunettshurgh, Pa., delivered the Latin Salutatory. It was the best delivered Lailll ,oration wd bt•or UAL Ho Boomed to bo ihlniElng In the language he was speaking. Tiprins D. Logan, of Pittsburgh, Pa., followed'. ,"Ttitb Ambition" was well dellvored; bathe mat tot'. Was of ono average merit. Robt. E., James, of Bunbury, spoke of tho "prophets of Freedom." It should rather have *en the "Fororunbers of Freedom" or the "Seed Planters of Freedom." 11'. Me IVrlght,'Of Pittsburgh, chose "Tota Nat ure lu Mlnlmls" in which he spoke of tulerescopl cal Investigations and the results. F. W. Stewart tried to show that the Fine Arts were against the Spirit of the Age. The house was so crowded and hot at this Juno-, Lure that we went out to take a breath of fresh air,. during which time A. Clarkeem Fulton, of Ch ante- . ford, proved that "Humanity Sweeps Onward." R. A. Belting described the "Ilitra of Nature." Jas. C. Russel, of Bedford, Pa., gave us speci mens of "Original Thinking." 11. D. McKnight, of Pittsburgh, delivered the capacities of i'Unde veloped Genius," which is a subject that,ought to be exploded along with the old theory of "Latent Heat," for there is no such thing as genius Unde veloped. Genital to deiytuped capacity. _ . At this period, reinvigorated, we entered agida and heard Silas' W. DeWitt, of Harmony, N. J., prove that "Modern Civilization was the Child of. Antiquity." James 11. Smith then wittily spoke of the " Fab.c (gold washed) Civilization of To-day. George E. Jones was then presented- with the Fowler prize, consisting of a set of Bacon's works and Cyclopedia of American LiterMure, for pro ficiency in the English language. J. J. Hardy, of the Sophomore class, received a gold medal for mathematical excellency. Then came the master's orations. The first by Rev. Leighton W. Eckard, subject—" The Ilidden Source of Progress." Divine revelation is the foundation °Oat' true progress in the world's history. J. Whit Wood, in "Has 'Attune," gave Sallie hard blows at the habit of sonic Colleges in giving honorary degrees too freely. He denounced the whole custom and also partial courses In College as derogatory to true scholarship. " Well pre pared",should be the true motto of the graduate. We arc afraid that Mr. Wood's oration did . not overly please some anxious souls who were hun gering for a D. D., and instead of bread only got a stone. The valedictorian, W. Q. Scott, Washington, D. C.,"gave us his views of " The Weather" in which the barometer and thermometer were glorified at the expense of suffering humanity. In the fare well addresses Mr. Scott cut his pork rather "fat," we think, announcing a near and we think false psychological doctrine, that the spirit of the Presi dent of the College (now absent in Europe) was hovering over them and present with them, all of which Is sophomoric bosh ; for the the Doctor no doubt has need of his spirit where he Is. How ever, it was a taking speech. The Trustees and Professors were delighted with It. It was Dow one o'clock and the n litd.ence belug hungry we marched In procession, headed by the band, to the Alumni dinner. The ladies of Eas ton surpassed themselves in their efforts this year. Ex-Gov. Pollock presided at the table It wan 4 o'clock before the toasts and speeches were all over. In the evening the grand levee and recep tion was held at the hospitable mansion of Prof. Dr. Trnill Green. I wish I had time to describe the scene. lit addition to this, there were quite a untidier of farewell parties given to the students. Never has Easton given more evident tokens of her student population. Prof. Copple, President of Lehigh University, : who was present, declared that lie had never wit ne;sed a finer commencement in his life.. The dinner scene was beautiful. I heard three strangers from a distance say. that they had never witnessed so many fair ladies collected together anywhere. But then Easton eau rank any town in the Union hi the beauty and grace of her wo- Thus Is ended the 84th commencement of 1. Fayette College ( )I.YI ..NElCriinoils ==i9 —On Thursday week a jury ask.sstul the damages done to the premises, of Mahlon 11. Focht, In Douglass toy/11.14, by the running of the Colebrookdale Railroad through his property, Ikt the num of *%450. —On Thursday evening last, as Mr. Elias Gehret, a huckster, residing in !termitic, was driving home from Reading, in Compauy with another man, with a two horse team, the horses took fright when within about two miles from Beravllle, and rattawa.y. The two men tried to hold theta but the lines broke. Thu man who win: with Mr. Gehret sueeeed.l In getting off be hind in safety, bat the latter junipino ' out in front, struck upon his head lit the mat, breaking his neck and being instantly killed. lie was about 45 years of age, and leaves of four child ren.—Reiufiail 'f lints. —The annual session or tIM State Camp of the Order of Sons of America will convene at Reading, Pa., August loth, Ilth and 12th. Over fifty camps have accepted the Invitation to partic ipate, and the State Camp will appear for the first time in their Hell and gorgeous regalia. This Order is fraternal, benelleial, literary and patriot ic, and Is increasing rapidly In all sections attic country. • NOUTHANIPTON COUNTY EASTON, PA.., Augu,t 2, 180 —A Presbyterian church was dedicated to the worship of Rod on. July Vti., ut Mt. Bethel . , this county. Rev. Thomas McCanly, of liolten daimon, preached the sermon and Rev. Robert FOreSlllllll, of Lower Mt. Bethel, delivered the dedicatory prayer. A large audience was present anti under the efforts of the Pastor, Rev. William B. Darrach, the remaining debt; $OOO, was entire ly removed. '—There is to be a camp meeting it Hanover rine, about tire miles north of Bethlehem, vont mencing August liltit. —Sixteen hundred ear loads of coal are passing daily over the Lehigh Valley Railroad. —The hydrant water of Easton is filthy. Cholera morbute is raging among those trio) drink It. It affords a good excuse for whisky suckers to wet their whlittles. The poor water drinkers are 411 a sad ease. The saliion-keepers are engaging extra hands to concoct palatable drinks. 'rite rimier Is current to-day that the reservoir lies heel, examined mud several dead children have been found. —The Presbyterian church at Illoatusbury, Ilan called Rev. 11.11. Scutt to be their itu,stur ; but we'iltt ore to hay they will notauteceed to tanking . their call heard. DELAwnitu. • I==il —A mad dog, n few MVP. millet', bit four . lads, in Upper Providence township, sons Of Isaac Yerkes, Joseph Brunner, Dania' D. Bechtel, and Mr. Dunbar. They are under 'the tiratutent of Dr. Frey. of Sk(pima:ollc, the celebrated hydro phobia doctor. —One day labt.week Mr. and Mrs., Johu Cusselherry; of Pottstown, met with n rtuutwny occident. Mr. Casselberry esenped with slight bruises, but his wife was very seriously lo!ured. —The alders and abetters of the late slavehold era' relbilion will hold their annual preparatory meeting at Norristown, on Tuesday, August ltith the second day of August Court. Dr. Acker, who expects to he the Member of Congress from this District sometime during the present century•, will speak his annual piece. —The regular term of Court for Montgom ery county, will commence at Norrlstowa, on Mon day, August 16th, continuing one week. —On Friday afternoon a man called at the dry goods store of C.ll. Totem, Maio btreeti above , Swede, Norristown, and purchased a few yards of eassimere, giving In payment a twenty dolla r green back. A few minutes.after ho had gone from, the , 'store the note' Was discovered to he. Counterfeit,' whereupon be was arrested end brought before Burgess Allebaugh, who, after a hearing, commit ted him to fall In default of .M 0 bail. —Camp No. 121, Patriotic Order Nona of America, was Instituted at North :Wales on Tues.' day of last week, by G. West Blake, State rresi dent, assisted by Camps No. 6 and 43. The Nor ristown herald says Abe following Delegates have been elected from thin several Camps In this coun ty, so far as beard from, to the Convention Of the Order, to be held at. Heading on the 10th of Au gust s—Camp No. 6, Norrtstomn—J. Calvin Scholl, Jonas H. Dettre ; Comp 110. 33, Norristown—J. S. Weeber, J. R. Stephens t Comp .Yo. 02, Poildown. —D. Auchenbach, T.ll. Danehnwer ; Camp 110. 114, Nouder's Sodhoi—Dr. J. E. Bowman, F. Hen dricks. The new French Cable 'Meetly connects • France with this country. Foster's New 'YOrk Store . at Allentown, just ns truly connects that place with the great Metropolis and gives to Its Citizens all the advantages that even the New York market affords to bum of Dry Goods, Fancy Goody pad Carpets.. • T pa that the ale and porter manufactured by Wise Is hothe-mitde awl parc, Is sulllclent to cause those whousethe article to call for no other For sale at almost every bar In the county. CIPY XOTICES, FM You at:knowledge the Wisdom of hating your .10i8C . and stable and barn insured. In facts pee. Foal ti co eider you, and you would look upon ,youmelveg.aLlittle less than a tool were you to begfect so • plain' a precaution. Bit you don't Mak. , of Insuring your life, though; as Is easily proved by' statistics, your life Is risked (vit times where your house or barn Is endangered once. Thai's a fact, and Dr. William J. Rdmig; the ,agent of " The American Life Insurance Co., of Philadelphia," can prove it, to you. rho Auto. of Scoilte.—Tho manager of a late theatie company asked one of Ills men If lie were able to do the "landlord" In the "Barber of Be vine." "Oh yes," he replied, "I've done every Landlord In New Jersey, and I'll bet I can do him, but I know the man to do the barber would be 'Fancy Mil de Tauber,' at No. 82 West Ihunllton street, Allentown. Ile can do the best shaving, hair cutting nail shatnpoonlng ever known In Le high county." Win. W. Abel's, 32 West Thamll ton - street Allentown: - • • At Ole Dry Goods Emporium of Schreiber Bros., can be found all kinds of goods. Such no blench a-and unbleached .Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Blue Checks, Linen Table Diapers, all kinds of Linen for blles . 'and gentswear, Flannels, White Goods, Lawns, black and colored Silks, Shawls, Marseilles Quilts, Dress Goods of all descriptions, Parasols, Sack Loops, Fans, A:c. All these goods will be disposed of at ruinous prices to make room for Fall trade. Give them a call and you will leave with great bargains. St. Allentsmn has nn extenslve china and ghisswure utablislonent where as great a variety and as low prices can he found as in the larger Ml6.' We refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40 \Vest lonlittoWstreet. Sheet :triode, Books, Music Port - Folios+, Strings or anything belonging to a regular Music Store can be had cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F Herrmann's Music store, cor. 7th and Wallin streets, Allentown. " One tit,itotatul Pianos, of Haines & Brother, New Yolk, were sold In one year. ' NOt only aro they the cheapest piano in the market, ranging, from $375 to ssoo,but have given universalsatisfaction throughout the country. Only for sale at C. F. lierrount's Music store, 7th and Walnut. Linticeinan Gold Medal ryeloyd and Sgoa a Pionos are vonsidered by the most proud neni musicians In the cou n try n first-class Instru ment In regard to durability, fullness and bril liancy of tone. They sell One Hundred Dollars lower than either ridekering's or Steinway's; are In ev e ry respect ns good, If not superior to thosei and are warranted for 5 years. Number of refer ences In affirmation of the above can lie given from citizens of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining Counties. Come and examine them at C. F. Herr mom's Mush. store, 7th and Walnut. I VUSINESS NOTICES T (:rent ifedietel Jib:take of fernier days Wu:: an tatter neglect of .asitary pr. cattalo., No efficient means were adopted Cr. the ptevention +lca ne Sow , erago IA as OH he", draiun, we. lardy at. tviel/h . ,1 Iho von (try. Ilrap- or ' , WA wer.. loft to rot In the Piddle str.s•ts, nod dom.-Ole (*auntie..., the great an -11.1..te 61,1i1.• was ' , Wily ...Oct:l.d 1., not now. NViso lan +, plolaultaropie in•tiottions, anal a vigilant sanitary police, ha V., lea great th , evil. N.e nil. Pie, nsier.trioN helped muo rially to 1,,,ne the rat,w of mortality. it it nnl teo notch to say that ry.N+ or . Tilel•SAN t••‘,111‘• sick ness ha unhealthy 51,411114 In v....i.glietire haVIIIN ATM , 81,1T13134 IN AIIVANVE hi It foUr.i. Of aSTETTk:It'S STO3INCII BITTERS. Thin pure and vegetable tank and alterative comprinen the extract+ and ,Issialeen of a variety of trots and. herb+, renowned for their strengthening, ..othing, vitalizing and purifying propert len. The-nimetileinal aguhtm ere incorporated with .nirlt slmolidely tree front the acrid matrn] which de file+ more or leen, till 'the liquorta of commerce, and their .1100 , 1 Is di ff used through the whale frame by t 111.4 yet Ills rialinlel etimulnat. The recall is nuch a condition of the ea renders it till beet Impel-10i.a to the eXte ilor cannon of disease, such it, damp, fogantildett th.llµ itf temperature,. &e. Strength, and 'the perfect 1 . 11(11- litrily "lull the function, of the laffily, urn the hest +Me, gourd+ aualunt Mt...011.0e poison nod the etfectm of no w holesomo water, and HOSTETTER'S BITTERS ore the loo+l strengthening and regulating medicine ut prenent ktton n. }or tlyspetstlit and 'billounnettn they ore at 01.1,• AII4OI.IITE. DELANI till Selitetz I hove used the BITTEIN I oldafue. from you amlflud them to bean they 1111• recommended to In 1 Mend one bottle to afford' me cottolderuble row, I I.• 1 flu though I caunht de very well Without thl i. uml, prewet etute . of • It. M I:01.11:, No. 11l Soullotirth it., Pastor Ind; Cheryl air It. oil B . .rteoadhsy melat i ti .1011,1 r ve,7 te 111 u. . Se:vo , f , !or, .4011 111., ' , ea, Ski„ into! I.:;,ta Irll7/ "tr f•,•• I= It I , h ill, a utnteritl feeling and I (col able to utak. , Sih f..littit tug eintentind tor Wu luuteilt of illtuot h hot aro suffer inn fret. Serefitht 10.1 .... My wlh land 1.1,11 ~111. . .1. : 11,. ire Si'Verill yours (nun ttitnorti 0 su o)))nce nu her nevi:, it !debt:tiler a Owe %lambd gall.. and nuttier, leaving a running sore. She but beendreated for mere than a year Ity taunt el11111 ,• 11) clans it illtent revel V ilig !my peril...nit benefit, her ilbiettsi betanniug hots, mull she hail five of the. , running sore, au her tterk, h tutu I vtitployed lit. 11. D. bongaker, nude , Inee ittedltnent she rortuneneeil to improve very find, lit Mlllcrl 1111 her eel: it heal, and all her unpltUtstdd and din ugreedble of attain grtithuilly lu digaldirtw, null) Ittb health has rostored, which ivw. in about fits aweigh., feel perfectly after having tried Om (remittent it giber tillysielans In reeetuntouttling all those whoure buffer inn front Set "ruin or ?:111,11/le to Ur. I,ougukey ft, , ittetlittaliveutincui, with u firm 1,1 . 111 . 1 Ihul they will he not )died, benefited and tuned ihetehy, ii. tuy tutu , I ..... tt (signed./ JAMES UAII (lilt. lie. 11. li. °lll, i. ~ II the East nide of Sixth ..tdretti, between Hamilton and NVallutt. -Allentown. Will any preparation re, , tore the hair tolls orig foal rotor ',al sot Ildur.• It? Yr. ! Ilall's V0it..1..1510 SI cilles lisle Itov•wt.r.' "I:00,1, /teller, Bed."—\le Wanatuaker Drown early in the:r 11111,111,1 , thanongtrattal the ,applying peapie with L I elothlug at I , IW And every year they have twitted ta the ex eellentatoi" their eiwilitaittad ,alttraettal 1n,,, the 'Skald Ithartte, Thi+ w.ork .till taa, op at link Halt. the garment, v l awlag "goml, 1.141,, Lent, " tho prfren , P • lolv. , l , aver. have+l Rot the //./.—This la Round advice, e,pecially, itivc it la refer...o , lo medicine ' and In order to leara which Iii"" the hest." let merit ite tloi test. Thu titeyleatt tuarket II led with all sorts of vile aud tteratt. nostritta., 1111 d 6011'4110n of Inman, live , . are con stantly played ha jeopardy lay theta. But there are yens 'oral really Inyaliiablentedlnlnal preparatrinan whirl. en.," flintily In the land ought to p i eiaiiiis at all tittles. Foremost tinning theta Is 311S111.1lit'S 11E1[11 lIITTEItS, which hair folly e•ta1.161...1 11. rialto a the taii.t einellellllll. rag' 114..1 ~pint for purlfylag the bland and ermine/diner di,- arl.lng from a disordered taiintaelt, liver, kidneys, rte. It is used Itt malty hospital., asylums, di.p,fisatiirlea, and recommended by a largo number of ackuowledivil leaders of the medical proles. alon, anal has eimitatirtill an 'tauten. , field solely int the Manual'. of what It rata do and has dime in prey, atlitirt cited:lug and caring Evvrylatily should a... It for Italine.klott. Dyspepsia, Ferrer and Ago , . and cittalilititfl- generally: Klilitey ilhoiase.,, complaint. &r. Evs yorrirs, BOYS' it-Clllll SPItI.I SNIP Sl . lOll. (11 . 11 AdmIIITMENT Ix nom full eigirt compl• le, I cr lar, ere die tteeir.ebtr, kind and a!e. EVEIIT ONE VAN Sit AVITI:11. frt.. Ike ..114,ek—we Imre Ike Ilirrrr NI yle"tof rot, odopbtllnoll te.fee, /I- ChldiJig 11111( pe.ferefol by lotin vI, via irrll n . • the Infect avid lllllBt fnehinitable •. . • 01'11 1..% mar ',M.'. 1,11161rS un i.Ak..pai oil( limes n J. nwrortinrilt. no O(41 till run l.e Jilbd nil more or( o II (Play 01 . 11 1•, .11.1VAVI1 MAX. MAUI: rtoll , AOl, hfiriotg plercliftme d (tulip./ of lair, xi'"? the dl. el b4c to Irtrogrom, met' ;OM' , nirifa;lrx Ire FM re tid.ol4l,lo . :ti. 10'It 111:00/ 1,11 Cll.Ol 1:X111,11,10.T, WC hate WI lati ' dehte t.l prorill,fotr, 011. 11,110Wiyi 11111111.1.1 h. petvittil ellAblell;rit. make op Itoaft.! atom!'lt Medi . 1 rhll4lo not pay op. Oub 11.1:Abv•MAb1; amp,rior fn any . other. Atm* oPltenaly•Matte in l'h haletpla lit, blip ona rasa k ifs arellfttealfrona linen as bygarsairaats mod , to ombr 00ilirherr, 17,11 air as well made tassel equal Lt retry respert , anale,Onaeh rheajor. •S Veiny II iiiii oftsetarrat liv 4 roo Il rN SOM. ANtI Tifor4ll.::l;4. they ran t.; 'stela cheaper 11.111 when rands up sringly; Got Pa. the 0ft.010140441i.01 of those !rho prefer tre hare also A CerTroll DI:PAILT)O.NT TO LARK Cr TO alll , hll, irith choke seleatti stare of, ilea goods, eoaeolltelleg all stylestioid mita ft I; .torelgo and Dossoctle, tchtettlettlbe - tototi op to laeasOro ly com'petrial °natives-lame/4 (//1/14a.itott irorkm. isa (salvia equal COVii belt. • 81.1:11.11. /10.1 11,01ATIV oorgarairnis torjwied by nolK, libattall bp Au,. Alljprties gooront4:eit tower than the latpeet.eleewhere,:qsad full eatteloettou onidronleoVerery, pore/truer, or • the sale eancetid and money refunded. A PAM TUTU MI. WIT LAX. . • Half way betweine Fifth and • ) fleMeeirrt & Co., T It OWa 11•Lah • Sixth mtrtel. $ . Mel 7sl err.. PUILADCI.ruIA AND= lluoAliWAT, Nut Loin! 4 1 • ' VIM RVGISTER FOR THE CAMPAIGN OF 18(;9 4 4,V,4-4!, ..141VA t• .• (. I • ii,orthir to further the dkseminittion of Itepub- Heim Ideas and to aid In alrengtheulng the Repub lican party In Lehigh county, we will scud TILE LEHIGH REGISTER till after the OCTOBER ELECTIOIsr, Including the IFIBIIO of October 200 i, o nny address, Frei? of Pokage, fuJ FORTY CENTS. 100 'copies to several post orneen jrinanrial aub Conunerriai ALLENTOWN MARKETS, JULY at. Corrrrird tear) wad , NI Wrioshrimer 4t Nriolooret. Wheal Flour, Per 1.1,1., AM PP, reillior. WbraL per bushel I 2.1, pay!PP• Eye, +Ct. „ Corp. , „ T Fla im othy e I, perb.liel Clover Seed, .• Wheat Flour pee ctrl.,.. Itye, Coro Meal. " Butler, per ..... Lord, Tallow, •• Eggs; per loren Potatoes, per bushel r:ii, • • Dried Apple.. Ince liindlei 3 in, • • Dried Peaches " NEW YORK PRICE CURRENT For July 3lsl, NIL ' Corrected weekly by J. It. Rel. (rich, Pro.ince illionloission 31..r010011, No. 102. Ilarelay St., New York. IDlT'PElL—Phemingo, Del. and Call.trantros Co's palls, choice, 711,, .42014 i Do. fair to good, :41.11. Coin 111 l .0 white, lligy3.l. Soso...Minna Co. palls, choice, .1-1015. Do.._ fair to good, 40013. Do:, emonion bottoms Waite 30(iii33. N. It . 50010 Tubs choke yellow 41043 Do., dile to good, :liziT4o. CUPPIPM loopplipt, Wliiip 2,46 - 531 N. Y. State Welsh tubs, good to choice, 34(5338. N. Y. Stale Firklug choice, yellow for shipping :51(114. Do., fair to good, :Wry:Ll. West.•rn, Firkin. choice, yellow •21.031. Do., lair to i., I, .2A(eiibl. Do., common 111.1 WhICO. 1801.4, Receipts diiring the past weok foot up 0,213 Paeknges, or a decrease of 2,2.10 packages from lost week. The de mand for strictly flue pulls has been lively and lu some fu stances we have crowded the extreme price of N.M. for fro (111 edge. The malority still palls are coming)n at 45c. should receipts fall off morn the Week prime, pails will noil.ealltedly go at Ctle. Lower grade,' • have not been eifecteil to any advance. CHEESE.—New factory choice and limey, 1.3015ly: Do. fair to good, 13.,.gt4 , .,. N. V. Slate Dairy good to Oliolco laffill-Py. Do„ poor',, good tgrol2. N. 1. 111315 skim med, 3616. Eli (Di. —Jersey not )'eturn. welLpackoil In Chill; it doz. MO:M. Jersey and Penna. well packed in oats, 131611:31. N. Y. Stale, well packed, gaol tailor, 2403 . 11. Ohio anti Western, good ord.•r, 2:k.11 - 21. Receipts have been free during the past week, and tho deinauil lieing light prices have declined about one Noll per. doz. )hest of the stock runs poor, evidently limo)test. Pens or egg,. hive beet, found in the harvest gelds as ly usually tho rate, and have been pocked will candling; the consequence Is that most all marks Olen near by JOP• soy cud Pas. have to be sold lIINII of ,mil OW loon to lI•111 being very heavy. BLANS.—Morrow choice__ polr, ?bush. Mt lbs, ..3.119 it El.lney, choice, new, 2.gMed.6.1. Alodiums, deice, new, 2...302.:11. Pen,choice, IL Do., fair to good, 2.lo)2.'bl.hlixesl lots /lull etIOMPIO, 77Q1,15. FRUIT:Z.—Rod PM! White Correia.. per lb lOR II; Black Currant.? lb 12(105; Whortloberries gi bushel •2,10139.1)1; Lawton Mali:berries in quart boxes .411121 Whirl Black berries il bushel 1.30(ig2.00. DRIED FRUlT—Apples Prime State, 71 bosh. 1316g1-1 Do., Jersuy. Ohio nod Pentisylvania, illogl3. Apples Similiern, 10011. Blackberries, a . .Rospberries, (To . Cherries, pitted, Oil . l•miclies mule:fled, .1(a.11 Peaches peeled 1.56•31. Mig.'—`l“ — .`,."er:,:i.t 11:, , ,a1re1i,„, ~ oz. , 7,1. chiv er, Eau. TALLOW—Po good barrels, 71 1., 1 tai!..,, po tl lam. —Duck w ... alive liiqr, .3 1 y1, 1:1. 11o.• ti ‘ ."';g'tiL:'"oZ?."' F'.k". Do., pe r ,e1,,1. .? 4 ;,&hret,;% birge pair, 1.1)43,! 25. Us., small, 1316Y7.3. Remember and mark your Initials or will name on the nide ..f every package, that wo may know n le. it is Dein, and also intuit We commit:. ..11 the able "reVery porkage, that we limy know what ki nd h e without opening o‘very packag.. to god the kind the ciudotner woos, :Pia nend full invoice bp mull. 'I'I,, , undersigned would respectfully Inform ills frieuds cud +lliPPurn throllgliont the couittry, that he is iltal at the old stand 102 Barclay sweet, and 14 Mil PI any way. con nctd with :he so-called lino of Reif. Joh, Hilbert ,V. Co., Rod is threttore Piot re+ponsible for any gaods e , 01.411111.41 to mabl Ilan. Resp..etfolly. J. 11. HELFRICH. Itlarriagcs SCIINEIDEIt—BAUMAN.—On tlw 17th of June, by the Rev. Win. ft. Mennig, Mr. Samuel Schneider to Miss Enter Bauman, both of Ham burg, Herbs county. 110TTENSTEIN—SCHEREIL -00 the Itith of June, by the same, Mr. Lewis Ilottenstein to Mb. Ellatitut Scherer, both of Allentown. •URICII—KNAPPENBERGER.—On the tt:Stl of June, by the same, Mr. Samuel Urieh to Mies Anna C. Ktuippenberger, both of Allentown. FISIIER—KIIILLIPS.—On July 111th, by the Rev. Henry B. Townsend, I. Charles Fisher, of Albany, N. Y., to Ellen Elizabeth Phillips, of Phillipsburith, N. J. MILLER—ROSEBERRY. — On July tr2d by the Rev. 11. 11. Townsend', at the residence of the bride's mother, Prof. Henry J. Miller to Mien Fanny C. Roseberry, 1111 of Phillipsburgh, N..J. WEIBERLY ROTGENBURGER.— On the 20111 inst., by the Rev. Mr. Menulg, Mr. Gottlieb Weiberly to Mrs. Anna Rothenburger, both of this city. HORNBECK—DIEM)..—On the thnii of July, by the Rev. J. F. Faint, Mr. !Ivory J. itoraheek to Miss Leanna Diehl, both of this city. lIEWARD—SW AIL—On the Nth of .duly, In Catasauqua, by the Rev. J. D. Schindel, Mr. John F. Steward, of. Whitehall; to Miss Caroline E. Swab, of Catasauqua. WEAVER—SCIIWARTZ.—On the 29th nil., nt the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. F. Crouch, Mr. Daniel Weaver to Mies Rebecca L. Schwartz, both of OM: city. PEPPEIS—BORTZ.—On the Mull of July, by the Rev. 8. K. Brolna, Mr. Charles 0. Peppel ho Miss Susanna Bartz, both of this city DEIIOS • •MILDERBERGER. — In Catasauquo, on the 23d of July, George M ...I.derlierger, aged 61 years, 5 months and 4 days. JORDAN.—On the 9d of July, in Itiehland. at the house of her Mother-in-law, Mr. Henry Kuchnle, Margaret Jordon, of Phibulolphlo. aged 44 years, 5 1110110 R and Ili love. BEIPEL.,—OnAhn 16th of 'July, In Ricbinutlt of cholera Infimtuin ' Henry Benjamin, son of Aaron and Elizabeth Selple, aged 9 monthe and 96 days. Xriu Ibbcrti.scntotts R. A. 1 . 11.111111 T.• 11. OTTO. 11. Sl. ortii. 11. W 1111.1.1.11 F 'Mt E ItT. irrrt) .c: 3111.11,E1t, lANEFACTIIIIERS AND DEALERS IN L ti M I E It wlLLlAwpoirr. MILL oN FIB F: Err W. F. CHAN F., CHEAP STOitt ott un• rAp..i.ifolly mid ..xamlutt m y 0 1,. E .1, a Cheap G0.,414, roliAAlng RIBBONS, CORSETS. ,11001.-SKIRTS' . KID lIIMVES, HANDKERCHIEF'S, REAL AND 1)11VAVIoN LAVE , . LACE COLLARS. (ILK N. SATIN l'ItI31)11 NOS FANCV A RTICLI:S. GEN'N' IIOODS At •_kt per emit. 1044 thao ally other Sure In Alkotowo. GOODS DAILY RECEIVED New York awl I.l.llaaell.hla Atwtiong. TE CEN L TRA PARK SlllB7', white, colored, odrlp U ed null nth, wtyleA. Call 100 l examine before lot relo Or n t t e llS w l e IM . ,I( En, as:l-31it Ilatnillmi St., bet. ~ e cond and Eir,l Ward NOTICE.—AT A 31EETINc; or Tait: Board of Controller+ of the robin Cemetery heid oq Ulu :A of A naint, the followlua rendullimic were : I. That all crack uud ld 11.11111,11...retk01,14.41 before the taut of Aimint, to clique , their boo of all plank, t 1 .14,1,. RIO! "the In rune 1111, 10 OrgleClO.l Tr11140e• will clean the lon eliarge 4,lleOzle of doing Um ow tier. thereof. It That it lo foriddilmi lu the futon" to Plant herbage or Planta which might .moor in adjacent lon. If thin rule io not complied with the irrinteliii will clean Out the alum, Y. Vimitoro atilt 01 When. euteritig the cemetery , with carrittaial W will not be ttlniter W illoott prior key, and they are naulre,l to keen the ( tin tol gown locbtol niter they ore ivied. A violatiou of law will lei By Order Of Ilio Board, utigiVit] =9 r S a IG P E b E Ii S I ' p lyo H I A X T 4 N ! IDA t . l A L n otysT2+ at Id 11c1.d.4 t .1. M., 1.11 that VALtJ ABI,E MI LL of Wm. NI. 164tja.r.. mide 111 I.Vou lowooMp, LlhiQll county, moml.liorfor a A sToN FA' itiST All LI, With 6,,,rllrgirx of niOut.u, the louctoltiery 6 Athlell 011 lirdy 11 , •It . and con4Etllll.4 all MO bent teVl , llllllllllllVe went.. • The WATER POWER I. NEVER FAILINtI. Al., It SAW MILL With Um sumo wider WS, Th.,MITI 1. bet WWII thou 'Pi tulles front the Blue Itl PO dge. and tho water power IF thu nearest to said mountain. A tract or:15 acres and en perishes. more or less, of eas..l - laud belongs to the above 111111 property. Alto, acres nudit7 parched of Wood land situate ou paid mountain, In said iewllshil , and sonnly.. Further Information ran Inc buil by aing li' W. D. Luckenlierb, nt Allentown; Pa., nr Samu pp el ly 3. •Kbdier, 01 kinegersvllle, Lehlgit Co., Pa. Conditions will ho made known at .ale by • NA3IPEL J. RISTLKII, W. P. LIICKENLIACII, Assignees or Wlll. M. K ist ler, CUM ERRORS OF'YOUTIT.—,A gentleman who our fared for year* (rout Nes, nog Debility. Premature Decal end sit ttio effects of youthful Indlacretitin, the oak.) of Suffering humanity, send free to all who need It. the recipe and dlruellott for making the simple remedy by whlah he wit+ cured. • Suffered wishing to profit by the advertlorr i o eaperlettro eau do on by adilnimilus, In perfect CllofiliellfV. .101 INTI. OODElti. No. 42 Cedar al. Now York. 8 00, • II ill • • 1 , ? ,ing IBECEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers