DR. W. E. BARNES & SON, Car GE 2 S T S, NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST., AtttNTOWN, PA. • The attention of lb° Oilman of Allentown and Lehigh county Is respectfully Invited to this establishment. Every tg i gatigli . k c o o p o timir c o .t i•elass Drug Store will ho found for solo here, at the lowest Prides. Our stook to largo arid . PURE DR UGEland MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFP&ALCOHOL; PURE T O ILE T A R TI C LES LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSIIES,'FANOY nnd TOILET ARTICLES. • A FULL LINE OF ALL.TIIE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RESTORATIVES Lorimmirtg, , Potash and Concentrated . Lye for soap making. Washing o, Cloves and Spices of all kinds. Coal Oil, Sperm, Lard ' hero. We Ll n r a nc ' e " l b rir & r o t j et ' 3l.. w 1 44 ' 14 1 1X a ' airoodt bo s re r t t 4 . d nn export. . Paints, Olin,arnislies ' lams and rutty. rainters and chases. We keep a tuf t line of paints, etc.. of the best • dell kinds, Constantly on hand o large stock of Soda ash, Soda, Baking Eidda, Cream Tartar, Porn Popper, Cinnamon Ond Lubricating Oils for machinery, end a thousand end hire the largest line of Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder B cored physician consequently a perfect flt Is gunranteed. builders aro invited to our store before making their pur " A I M Pr YgNil w Nto ' =c l .lu. " f i tg • for the real 1U Choicest grades of Teas at about hair the price charged by o Vlnced. Physician.. and Country Merchants supplied:at th tinier attention to the Wholesale Branch of the busluese. as we feel confident we will be able to give Antlßlnctlon pot to. Quotations (or specified quantities funiehed on applic. aPr 211-ly Ricatcro. ESTABLISHED 1851. J. REYNOLDS & ON., N. W. COO. 13111 4 Pitnrnr HTLIEETti PHILADELPHIA, PA 8010 Manufacturers of llto celobrated WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, ORATE DAR RESTS. AM' WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR Then° lINATIMA ore mado of Heavy Wrought-Iron, well riveted together, the only Nero prevention against the ca nape of Me or hind. Tinny are coolly managed, without any dampern. Tito Patent Radiator avoids the uno and annoyancen of drums, and in permanently attached to the Beater. Thin In the !next durable, simple, economical and popular Heating Apparatus ever o ff ered far sale. They are Ili guaranteed. • COOKING RANGES, fur Hayti and Pam PORTABLE HEATERS, LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES. SLAT'. MANTELS, REGISTERS AND 'ENTILATOIta. =I NEW FLAT-TM' REATINeI RANGE air Sand fur our Illantrated Pamphlet RAND'S AIR TIGHT GAS 'BURNING 11EA'11ER, WARRANTED THE BEST SELF FEEDING EVAPORATOR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. RAND PERKINS AND CO., =I I=l =I EMI= Also agents fur Um Cylehrnted Magee Patent lleaters, Ranges and Stoves NO. 124 NORTH SIXTH STRHET, I=l I= EMIZEI Coat anb Lumbcr. R EIBIOVAL! SMITH & OSMUN'S COAL AND WOOD YARD ! The 1010. Coal and Wood Yard - ham brim removed to fit •gat end of the Jordan Bridge. SOUTH SIDE, triter° wit be conatantly kept a One and full supply of Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, selected from the beet mines lu the country OUR COAL la under cover—and It In la the Interest of every ono to purchase DRY AND SCREENED COAL ItirA large stock of ell kinds of good Wood coustantly on hand, and delivered to all parts of the city at the lowest market pric e DRANeIIY . ARD.—A brooch yard tokept at Lehi gh Valley Depot, known not tlao former " yardofL r eutsaud Becker. sirorim IS THE PEOPLE'S COAL YARD. la. Our Coal Is selected from the beat Toluca In the Lehigh region, and knowing this to ho (hornet and that It will Klee perfect satlefertlun, there Is no Me In Offering to refund t he money. All wo tick lo • OW. Ordure token at Deal]- . er's ilia store. FRANKLIN SMITH. WILLIAM OHMIC July Nth COAL CONSUMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! P. H. STELTZ Hereby Inform the citizens of Allentown, and the poll Ile In general, that ho la prepared to fernlab all klnd• of COA L , hom hi. well clocked Yard, formerly 11. Outh & nt the Lehigh Basin. in the City of Alleutown, where ho will constantly keep on hand n supply of all kinds of Coal, at the very lowest . ,Fraot prices. Hit Mil ill nice an clea n ,n from the ye hest mines, and in quality nuperior to any offered in Ai salami. Ile will tell Coal by tho CAR LOAD, at.very small pro. Eta, as he intend, to do baldness upon the principle of •. Quick Sales and Small Profit." Give him a call, and upon wi l l deliver opens Judge for yourselves. He will deliver Coal co il to any part of the City upon orders being loft at the Yard, or Weinsholutor.. store POWDER AGENCY. Also, Agent for Lehlsh county for the '• Lenin Powder Compan y. Ylalni d r,7l,l " Pord R all V, r o " r e t :or deliver AnpVlie'gr Powder In kegs and canister., Pose, dm., at any point and In any quantity. The name at retail nt Ouo and cut. a ry store of B. Welfe rt r, No. 90 East Hamilton wool. rders by mall promptly tilled. MEM REMOVAL. TREKLER & BROTHERS, LUMBER, Henb~twnonnee to thole friends and r:My: thi" boy NEW YARD, our the corner of Tenth and Hamilton streets. formerly .stapled by Brans. & Miller. as • Lumber Yard , where they will conitantly keep 011 band a largo and seasoned stock of LUMBER, ouch u all Mods of Plllll, BRIILOCK. CKE CHEST NIFLATH T,_P % OPLAR, BIIINCILES PIT% dm In fact everything usually kept by the trade. /WAN kinds of lumber cut to order at Uteri notice Thankful for put favors we trust our friends. ae well lie the public In general, will give us a call at our New lard where we will tine our beet endeavors to render sat isfaction. both as regards quality and prices. Cut Zg6S4 WHOLESALE AIM RETAIL idled Staten Tea Company of Now York, and aro sellieg the hot &atom for an inferior quality. Try It mod be con ., lowest market prices. We Intend hereafter to pay poe tical,e will god It to their interest to give no a trial order in quality and price. Orders by mail promptly attended .lion. Respectfully, W. E. BARNES & SON. 110 - ORTII PENNSYL-04, VANIA RAILROAD. for Philadolphla take Lehigh Valloy & thooptehanna Railroad. Train. palming, take close connection with tho trains of N. P. lebeni, and arriro in Philadelphia at RIO% Pammengera and Lehigh Allentown la It. It. at Beth . . . to., 2 and 5 21 p. in. Passengers for Doylestown take 0 20 a. m., 12 C 0 and 3 amt. from Dethielieni aud make connection at Lansdale, can return to Allentown tho came evening. AU Paaaenger trains connect at Barks Street, Philadel phia With 2.1 and 611, streets City Passenger NallwaY. Iteturniug, leave the depot. Northwest corner Barks and American streets, Philadelphia, at 7 45 and 9 45 a. m., 1 45 and 5 00 p. m. [Four Through Trains Bally, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger trains leave the depot Northwest corner Berke and American streets, Philadelphia, For Bethlehem at 745 end 045 a. in, and 1 45 and sp. m. •• Duylestsivn at 845 a. m., 233 n'ud 4 15 p. m. Lansdale at 0 Nip. m. Fort Washington at 10 45 a. m., and 11 33 p. m. Trains fur Philadelphia. Leave Bethlehem at 0 20 a. tn., 12 05 and 3 00 p tn. • • Dityleitutvn at 030 a. to., 310 and 305 p. m. • • Lansdale nt 10 a. m •• Fort Washington at 30 00 a, tn. and 2NIp. m. •• • Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 00 a. tn. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 31 WI ELLISCLARK, Agent. CATASAUQUA FOOELSVILLE It. R. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. -' fler JANUARY 18, MO, Paasenger aqua & Fogelxville Railroad will run ho Lehigh Valley Railroad and Emit 1' and a a 1 all I ith t , ax fu 0.41 0.00 0.55 7.00 7.05 7.10 7.10 7.5 • *Flag Stallone. CONNECTIONS • • . The morning train west leaven Catassuqua on the arrival of the L. V. It. R. Local Passenger train from Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown and connects at Al-Burtls with a train on the East Pennsylvania It. it. for Reading, Pottsville. Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and ciao with a train for Allentown Bethlehem, Easton and New York. Tho morning train Bast connects at AI-Burtis with train on E. P. It. It. from Allentown and at Batsman. • • • . . . . . . glut with train. on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mauch Chunk, Wilkeo-Barro, Scranton, Philadelphia nud Now York, and with tho Lehigh & flumtnehmina It. It, for Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia and Now York. The lon P. M, train Wort connecto at Al.Burti• with a train on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Phlladelpilln. The Evening train East leaven Al-Burns on the arrival an train from Allentown And of n train making connec tions at Reading with trains from Philndelphia, Harris burg, Pottsville, Inc., and connects with local passenger trainn the L. V. It. R. at Catasauqua for Allentown, Bethle o hem and Easton. Persona wishing logo to Allentown can take the morn ag train Went to Al-Burtls, arrive at Allentown SAO a m, ad return by a train on the East Pennsylvania IL It. roving Allentown at.4.31P. M. C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. IEIEI Doci•11) MORRIS S ESSEX RAILROAD. On and after MONDA X, MAY 10. 1808, until further, no :e, Pax/tenger Trains will run as follow.: Expren, Mall. Express. A. M. P. M. P. M. 700 12 50 5 SO 7 33 130 6 15 7 51 159. ' 645 825 248 730 D RI 328 800 955 420 900 10 30 501 940 GOING WEST. Mall. Enna... Expres.. A. Id. A.M. I'. Id, Leave New York, 8 00 r 30 4 00 •• Newark. li 40 12 10 440 `• Morristown, 945 110 533 Dover, 101.5 140 600 Hackettstown, 10 AS 2 21 _0 42 • • Washington, 11 20 248 702 Arrive of Easton, 11 22 8 7:0 7 35 WESTWARD.—The mail train leaving New York at 800 a to connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna & Weiltern liallroud at Washington for Brent Bend and Intermediate Etations, and with the Lehigh & titusinehanua Railroad at aston fur all station. on that road. The Express leaving New York at 11 30a In connect. with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Easton for all stations on that road. The Express leaving Now York at 4 03 p niconnect.with the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad at Wash ington for Beranton nod intermediate stations and with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Easton for Bethlehem, East l'enu Junction, Heading and Ilcrrisburg. 8. SCHOCH, Aas't Sup't. K. A. HENRY', Gen'l Pan.. Agent. my 21-tf Leavo Eamtoo, •• lYasliinaton, •• Ilackettmlowu •• Dover, " !Warr'Mown, Newark, Duo at New York, ... ~~~~ SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS OF PASSENGER TRAINS, N 0.13 , Way and Mixed leaves Rending at O. a. m. arrives at Allentown. at O. a. m., rims daily except Sun days, stopping at all Stations betweenitending and Allen I= town. No. 5, Mall Train, leaves Reading 10.60 a. m., arrives at Allentown 12.ft5 ; at New York 3.50 p. wt. No. 7, Foot Moll, leaven Heading 4.50 p. m., arrive. at Allentowns. C. 51 at New York 9.40, p. m. Non. 5 and 7, run daily, except Sunday, stopping at all Way Stations !ochre. Reading and Now York. .4.30, a. to. .7.441, a. m. ..2.10, p. to. .12.55, a. ro. . 9.43, a. m. 6 00, a.' Tn. These trains run through Iron Pittsburg to New York without change of care, stopping at Lyons, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Junction, Clinton, Whito liouse, Sommerville, Bound Brook, Plainfield and Elizabeth. The 4.30 a. no., train rugs daily, except Sunday. and Monday. The 2.10 p. to. train runs daily except Sunday.. The 7.03 a. m. and 12,55 a. to. trains run dully. West bound trains leave Now York at the foot of Liberty street an follows •. Leans New York. Arrive at Reading. 19.00, no, Mail. No. 6. 6.03, p. m. 9.00, a In Fxprese Train 1.43, p. m. 5.01, p. m Samosa Train 10.10, p. m. 8.00, p. to • Express Train 12.53, a. in. The 12. Tn. Train, from Now York, stops at all Stations between Now York and Reading, leaving Allentown at 4.20, p. m., arriving at Beading at 43,011 p. ro., running dolly, except Sundays. The 8.0), p. in. Train, from New York, rune daily stop ping at Elisabeth, Plainfield, Sommerville, Junction, Easton aud Bethlehem, arriving at Allentown at 11.37. P. Tn., passing Lyons at 12.22, o. m., arriving at Reading at 12.53 a. m. The3.l6 p. Tn., train from Now York, tuna po sydai, except Sunday/I, leaving Allentown, at 8.02, p. m., i Ly ons, at D. 38 p. To., arriving nt Beading at 10.10, p. tn. Thu 9.00 a. Tn. train from Now York, runs daily, except Sundays, leaving Allentown, at 1221, p. Tn., passing "y -ens. at 1.14; p. m., arriving at Beading, at 1.42, P. Tn. Mall No. 10 Leaves Allentown, at 7.13, a , m., arriving at Rending, a 9.03 a. in.. Mall No. 0, !waves Allentown at 4.10, p. Tn., arriving at Bending, at 0.01, p. m. Local Accommodation 12!4 leaves Allentown, at 4.30, p. Tn., arriving at Beading, at ' till., p. Trains Nos. 10, 0. and ,n daily, A llentow n. stopping ut all Cations between Reading and Passengers ore requested to purchase tickets before en• tering the curs, as twenty-fire cents extra will be charged and collected en the train from all who pay the fare to the Conductor. COMMUTATION TICKETS, Leave Rending nt 11==4!=fM good for Prenty-xlz Trip., at 23 per cent. d,scount between . any points desired. MILEXCIE TICKET BOOKS, for 2,0rl nillem, good between all polnta on thl • or the Phil adelphlu & Rending It. It., or the Heading & Columbia It It., Itt 1r12.51) each fur fundltea and arms. good for the holder only, for three, air, nine and twelve mouth., at reduced rater. P. DI, ERMENTROUT, General Ticket Agent. MEI Grorcrios, Proi3lsiono, Scr. ►nIJE BIGHT PLACE TO BUY. CORNER 01 , TENTII AND HAMILTON EITREETH la the plaeo to buy all Muds of PROVISIONS, • APPLES, PEACHES °MANORS AND LEMONS POTATOES, SALT, Ale°, 01l kludii Of IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT, =2 PEARS, PRUNES, RAISINS, CHERRIES, &c., Always on hand a good assortment of the best quality of GROCERIES of all descriptions. Do not miss the plane. corner of Tenth and Hamilton, to buy good things at reasonable prices. ang 231 f N. YENSTERMACEIER. VINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. All the leading styles on hood or trade to measure Prices Axed LOW natmus on Btastrated Price Llet with instruction for self-meuurement cent on receipt of Poet Orden address. Wit. P. BARTLETT, sus 1847 3~ai[roa . litr. . LOCAL SCHEDULE train In cull 'rum EUMM CATASAIIQUA. •MICKLEYS. SEIPLES. • .JORDAN BRIDGE. GUTH'S. WA LIMIT'S. CHAPMAN'S. TREXLERTOWN, BREINIGSVILLK FARMINGTON. .SPR I NG CREEK. AL-BURTIB. COMMENCING MONDAY. APRIL 33tb, ISQ). =I SEASON TICKETS E. FENSTERMACHER, ALLENTOWN, PA., &c., &c., At cheep prices, inch •e MEM Boot 'Rafter. PS South Blith drool, above Cheataut Philadelphia Sire goof Safeo. H ERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) Awarded the Pero Medals at World's Fair, London, World's Fair, Now York, Exposition Universelie, l'oxis. FARREL, HERRING & CO HARVEY GILLAI CUSS. MATHRIVB. 010. W. Mums. 629 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA nEnnizro, FARREL & FINEMAN. NEW YORK HERRING & CO., CHICAGO HERRING, FARREL & CO., NEW ORLEANS apr 14 Life Inottraitre A IIIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. I=l3 1.33 0.15 0 .06 .06 0.02 5.53 5.50 5.40 =1 GM= Income 1868 The American—ls now one of the Oldest Companies In the I=! Tile Amer:con—lssues policies on ALL desirable plans The Americau—Makes ALL pollcle. non-forfeitable. The American—llan no unnecoseark rentrlctlona on travel 1= The Anterinau—Declateu Dividend, mutually at the end of the Drat year. Tho Amorlcau—Puys all lows promptly IVIIERE CAN YOU FIND GREATER ADVANTAGES? WM. J. ROMIG, M. D., Agent, I= MEM K 4 c,• . EIANKERS, No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CLOYERNMiNT SSiCURITIES, STOCK,COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Aocoanta of Dank,. Firma. aad ludirldualo rocri,ed. oubjest to chock at sight. INTETIEBE ALLOWED ON BALANCES. qENERAIAENTS, FOR Oo t PENNS A Y N LVANIA . 1; k, 7 k721V 116 S 7 ' l* pre ... , OF THE6\ ...„ i t lir Eltisti om. jfAll°' Of ME ntel UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. rule NATIONAL fart: INstltt,sNCE COMPANY Is a vorpo v rittlim ly ehtirh •reti b sjn ,Act Of Congress, I%p -:we i.,1 Ju with a CASH P!TAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID 1...1.Prel term+ ufrerot to Agents Ind SoIMOOS, who IttPlll at our Wilco. Full rtle , rnr• tub•, hull on nlipllentlnn at onromCO, hnot..l lu ti e he..oud !Iwo . of our Bank Inn Home, whet, Cif.nuef 010 l Parnillklebt. fully Illeseribin the adyunbago , u::r4.l by lit Company. :nay be bud. E. W. CLAltii ,le CO., .V... :Li &flak Third St. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager, Charles W. Cooper nd Velson Weiser, Allentown Na Urinal Bank. Agents for Lehigh & Carbon Counties, Pa. Sprrtacleo. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE GLASSES. &e. 8 - ,,A.lr:AaeZnignol24:4'2,7.;`°.?"`"'"d'of•V CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Having devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle buelnegg fur there last few yeare, I find that my business In that line hag Increased so much that !have de termined to'mako It a SPECIALITY. There la no article manufactured In which there le no much deception ttrac• tired an there le le Spectacle Glasse.. Know_ lug that the public have been frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have is superior article of Slane., stud charging exorbitant price. for them, thereby Refacing upon the pa cesetting and infirmiting of age, 1 base taken pales to ea tact &large and complete assortment of the finest nod beet Glasses ever manufactured, thus affording all person. needing Spectacles an opportunity of purchasing at ma monablo price.. Persons haring any dielculty In being •utted elsewhere will do well to give me a call, no I feel confident that no one will fall to be suited. Remember the old stand, No. ZI Kest Hamilton Ntreet, opposite the Her man Reformed Church, Allentown, Pa. len .M -'o&f UNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS! LAZARUS & MORRIS' EZIZEED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLABSEB The large and Increasing ►►le■ of these SUPERIOR GLASSES Is a sure proof of their usefolness, We were satisfied that they would be appreciated here as elsewhere, and that the reality of the advantages offered to wearers of our beauti ful lenses, viz.: the ease and comfort, the ensured and readily ascertained Improvement of the eight, and the belliaat assistance they (IVO in all eases, were In them selves so apparent on trial, that the result could not be otherwise than It ha., to the almost general adoption of our CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES by the residents of this locality. With a full knowledge of the value of the assertion, we claim that they are the most perfect optical aids ever man ufactured. To those needles Spectacles, we afford at all times au opportunity of procuring the best and most desi rable. FELLER & BRO., BILVIIIIMITIN AND 311WILVAS, NO. 37 WEST ITAILELTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. PA.. "lave always an hand a full ano li tkat, inultable for every difficulty Wet ake occasion to notify the public t we employ on peddlers, and to caution them against tit -tending to have our goods (oriole. pr 21.te NO CURE, NO PAY! . • • . . DR. H. D. LONGAKER, Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, nt Philadel phia, has been in successful practice for a narober of years In various parte of thn United Staten; will promptly at. tend to all branches of his profession at big rooms, Rost elite of 81.11 h erect. bet. Hamilton and IFatnut ALLENTOWN, PA. No Patent Medicines oro need or recommended; the rem; edies admiointered aro those which will not break down the constitution, but renovate the system from all Injuries It bee sustained front mlueral medicines, and leavo tile s hea" g o tilliTlVBK, ' ll r ltNVllls7B . , DYSPEPSIA, and Oldie..en of the Lungs, Throat, Stomach, and Liv er, tritlch yearly carry thousands to untimly graves, can undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY .ABERRATION, that state of alienation and weakness of the mind which renders persons incapable ef enjoying the ploaner. of per forming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, In any form or condition, chronic or acute, waramtedsur able. Epile or failing sicknesn, and chronic or /anti hero cases o f FE MALE FEMALE DISEASES speedily and radically removed; Salt Rheum, Skin ineen. (of yearn' standin every descried° if Ulceration D s. Piles and Scrofulous g) eases, warranted cared or no pay. Ail'. Particular attention given to Private disease, of every description of both coxes. Lodi. Kettering from any complaint Incidental to their sex, eau conceit the doctor with reentrance of relief. Cancer cured, and Tumors of all kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Diseases of the EYE AND EAR, enceesfully and effectually removed or no charge made. I str ati ;-' Dc I;oonag.7,lll,gtglsciot.vdnuy.,ll3l°,yrndifmti: Mae sent with proper directions to any part of tan county. Orrice: East aide of Sixth street, between timeline :tend Walnut, Allentown, Par DR. HUTCHINSON'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER Is the best Worm Medicine for removing the small neat worms (ruin children, without making tho child sick. as other worm medicines do, It will also remove the tapo worm and tho stomach worm. IT IS AS PLEASANT TO TAKE AS CANDY. NO MEDICINE TO BE GIVEN AFTER IT. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. BOLDLY ALL DEVOOI94IAND COUNTRY DEALERS, De sure and see you get Dr. Hutch Saxon's Vegetable Worm Destroyer. Soo that each box is wrapped lo a yet. low wrapper. If your druggist ehould yot hoes It ask him to get it for feu. JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN; AGENTS, ape 21-IT Philadelphia. E= Secrotary NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. SHEET Z' S CELEBRATED BITTER•CORDIAL. This medical preparation Is now offered to the public as • reliable substitute for the many worthless compound. which now flood the tnarket. It In purely vegetable,com posed of various herbs, gathered from ca great storehouse of nature and selected with the utmost care. It l• not fO. commended as n ouro all, but by tin direct and salutary in. (Nonce upon (ho heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach and bowels ; Rots both as a preventive nod cure'for many of the diseases to which there organs are guided. It Is • reliable fatally medicine and eau be taken by either Infant or adult with the samabenelicial result% It is a certain, Er."Z`c2l d t atZby remedy e f av D n i e7: onp)VITZVIT- Io g x, Hick Ileallache:L P . sl' ior Chills and Fevers of nil Made kb, far better , and safer thou quinine without any of its pernicious effects. It crouton an appetite, prove. a powerful digester of fond and will counteract tho effects of liquor Inn few minutes. Prepared by • JACOB SCHUTZ, BOLE PROPRIETOR, H. N. Cor, Fifth and Race, Philadelphia. onovl7 SOLD BY ALL DRIB:10[8M $l.llB, =1.20. 1VI"GUI RE'S SPANISIII HAIR DRESSER. fur promoting the growth, beautifying the hair and rendering It sort and glossy. No ether Coln pound pewee°s the peculiar proportion which no exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The use of thin oil an a hair dresser has been universal in every sec tion of the country in the Spanish Blain for centuries. No preparation of art conld give that elegant luxuriance and abundance of hair which have no often boon the admiration of travelers In Spain This ell In highly and delicately perfumed, forming an article unrivaled in excellence and upon which the Spanish people for many years have not the seal of enduring approval. Allentown. Pe MEXICAN IVILD PLOWER SHAMPOO LOTION. For removing dandruff and court from tho head, whitening and perfuming the akin. Thin article Is entirely different from anything of the kind ever offered in thin country and la warranted free from all POiROIIOIIB substance.. This valuable lotion NVna aced by the Emperor Maximillian and Empress 'Eharlotas of Mexico, and universally used by Mexicans for three hundred yearn. As a wash for the head it is cooling, cleansing and refreshing. When thus used it at once relieves headache. dicOUIRE'S WILD FLOTVERS FOR THE TEETH. All those who are In favor of white tooth and a pleasant and perfumed breath should at once use IllcGuiro'n Wild Flowers for the Teeth. All these preparationeare put up In the moat elegant and ornamental manner. We make no exception in saying that they are an ornament to a lady's toilet table, nod nano can be complete without them. Warrantedsatinfactery or money refunded. Dealers will bear this lu mind. Bold by all reapectablo druggists in the United States and Caned.. Address orders to RICTIARD McfIUIRIL DEPOT AND MANUFACTORY, No. 20 North Second St., Philadelphia, Pa e dept 8 •S" . : ---: 1 b 4 k'' , kr - - o e-1 4 • V: 2 1 - 4- : 1.1 . ... 4..,.i. , - 1,- • iks,—...- A _ - ---aiiimor HONE SEWING MACHINE EDWARD DESHLER, AGENT, M EAST lIAMILTON STREET, neessailcsa Henry Lob, Jr. Boot end Shoo Manufacturer. John Farr, Seaton & Dankel, '• Miller, Schreiber & Co., Merchant knead. & Kelm, Wm. 11. Aluey, Preaident Second National Bank, Dr. B. F. Jacoby, Dentist. J. S. Dillinger, Attorney-At-Law, Thos. B, Metzger, R. Clay Ilameroly, May-DJ ly, LADIES' GOODS. Tho now Idyl°. aro already received at Ladies' Trimming Store. The fashions aro pretty. Ladles, call and Roo thorn. Hoop Skirt. Are cheaper than la cheap thnes-30 spring.. well made, al all alliPrillke at 73. mar 24-ti REMOVAL OF TILE -" TEMPLE OF FASHION:" GRAND OPENING OF SPRING FASHIONS. MON DAY. DIAIICB bit, For the hotter convenience of her patrons. Mrs. M. A. Binder has removed her DEM TRIAIMINGS AND PAPER PATTERN STORE to the N. W. Comoro( Elelenth and Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Dress and Cloak Making. Dresses made to fit wither,e and elegance. The finest ansortmeut of Ladles' Dross and Cloak Trimmings in the city_ott,the lowest price.. Orders 7itritnes.d at , rd h ill " V ' ell i s k tlA r als% r Vinti l ,co r w .. el L rra ' n Fancy woods. Pinking and armories. Calling and Fit ting. A perfect system of Dross Cutting taught. Price 1460, with chat I, Pstterns sent by Mail or Entire.s to pots of the Unlon, Do not forgot our new location. N . W Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, Philadelphia. mar S, .o)—am LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS • AND PAPER PATTERNS. J. a MAXWELL IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, SOUTH BAST Coiner ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Mc, Offers the balsam of kis stock of tho best makes of Cor. seta at tho following sriry . low prices : Genuine Wiwi/ Corsets, s]; regular price, 13 and lid. Fine French Snapped Corsets, $1 i• regular price, kil and eL Flue French Gray Snapped Comets, 75c.; regular mice, 11. Ho alas cdlx attention to Ills stock of novollics in LADIES' DRESS AND COAT TRIMMINGS. Comprielne orerythlngnew and dedrablo In that line Inlho will be found a full assortment of elegantly trimmed PA. PER PATTERNS, every one of which is now, for Ladles, Misses, and Chi Wren's Garments, of every description ; for sale, Trimmed or Plain, Gorily or lu sets, Wholesale and Retail. patterrullsont by Mall or Eipross to any part of the United Stales. An easy system of Dross Calling taught, and Chute for sale. • • Small fancy orders and Pinking and 06ffering executed at a taw hours' notice. Customers gain one or two prat. over Mooe of any other establishment, in better quality or lower prices, by dealing at tho SOUTHAAST Corner ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. •nr7l.3m ittebicfnaL EMU= jot tic Latfieo. Aiwa). on Larnl and for ealo by Calassuqua. MRS. M. A. G. GULDIN'S EIMMEM PATTERN DEPARTMENT Otiotbiliff. G REAT, ATTRACTION I NEW FIRM/ NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! GRAND BPRINO AND MIMED OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN & CO., Successors to Metzger m Osmun BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMEIt'S BUILDING, NO. 43 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA We would Inform the citizen. of Allentown and the sur rounding fur country that we are prepared with largo stock of goods SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, offer them toilet public nt maxonnble pricee. Toth.° boy their Clothing ready-made, they are prepared to r BAIIUAINS. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ODDER I COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and mode lu the latest style, and by the best workman OUR STOCK OP CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASHMERES, Is larger thou It has boon before, and we Intend to toll at very SMALL PROFITS, and give our eustorooru the tame st of our low purchases. Groat quantltlea and varieties of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything In the line of, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS.' MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON lIAND. do or abDon't ov for e get t hen Nu. 43 Haat Hamilton street, third n pla c e stret. T. °own, JACOB H. Scuola., mar 24-1( Carpcto nub @U moth. 7 • J. STEIVAUT DEPUY, - 2.S3SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE SPRUCE, 4 PHILADELPHIA. Now offers an unosnal assortment of CARPETS, i t OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, MATTING% o &e., &e., at very reduced prim, to his:friends nod the public. mar 31-3ra it RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, &C. S. C. FOULK Ha. resumed (ho CARPET BUSINESS At No. 19 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA.' (below Market.) •• With a splendid agiortment of CARPETS, which will IA gold at.a very small advance. Also, now style Carpets, Brussels patterns, at AO aud 02,k canto. The best goods for the price over offered. apr 11-SM TuE CARPET AND , OIL CLOTH EMPORIUM OF E. S. SHIMER & CO., NOB. 5 AND 7 WEST HAMILTON ST ALLENTOWN PA REPLEN (SHED In all Its latest varieties, styles and patterns. PRICES REDUCED! Wo keep for male all the following popular makes BODY BRUSSELS, LS FRANK ENGLISH, FRANK BIOELOR, IS FRANK HARTFORD, ENGLISII TAPESTRY, CROSSLEY'S TAPESTRY, • EITODDAIIT TAPESTRY SMITH TAPESTRY, HARTFORD & LOWELL, extra 9 PIP. IMPERIAL, mare. 3 ply, • MEDIUM SUPERFINE, 3 ply, SMITH TAPESTRY INGRAIN, PHILA. SUPERFINE do., PHILADELPHIA FINE INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA COMMON INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA WOOL INGRAIN, do. WINDOW SHADES! CURTAINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, STYLE AND PRICE. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS Ann WINDOW SHADES. P. ROIICM, JR., oats especial sUention of Iforimkeep. era and Merchants to his stock of CARPETS. This spring the style. of beauty and richness of design exceed any former season. Also, I invite especial attention to my largo stock of Oil Cloths, Window , Shades.Cocos,Cane and Canton Matting.; Rag and Hemp Carpets, very cheap. Call and examine. PIIINF,AB HOUGH, Jn., NO. ME NORTH SECOND STREET, 4 doors aboyo Noble, mall, 'Si-3m Phlladelphla. JAS. Its. OHNE, SON & CO., CHESTNUT ST. BELOW SEVENTH, FSILADELPHIA.! NEW CARPETINGS. We .ball open on the let of Aprll, our entire Spring Da. portatioa of NEW CARPETING% FRENCH St ENGLISH AXMINSTER, CROSSLEY'S VELVETS AND TAPESTRIES. ENGLISH BRUSSELS Of the Wed styles and ditferenemakes. A few bales of English and Scotch Three-Plies and Ingrains. With a too assortmeat of OIL CLOTHS AND DRUGGETS • CANTON MATTINGS, WHITE AND RED CIIECK AND FANCY MATTINOS OF NEW VARIETIES. JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., CHESTNIITST. BELOW 7TH. PHILADELPHIA. apr14.2111 1 1 9 lambing anb Pampa. GAS FIXTURES. ADDIS & ROBERTS, Id . PLEA/BRIM AND GAS FITTERS, NO. IE6 WEST HAMILTON STREET, =1 (GEORGE HAAB' NEW BUILDING). ALLENTOWN • All Muds Him.s Pl:lures aline bent makers, Hydrants Hydraulic Lift aud•Force Pomp.. DEEP WELL PUMPS, Bath Tub., Water Meets Circulating Boilers, &c., &e. Special attention c o untr y . t pulling lIP Portable Gas' Work. In town or country. All work warranted. apr 7-ly pumps! PUMPS! wood, rusty use,. neither ggit: Celebrated Cucumber rump, made of wild cucumber wood entirety taffetas. dursto/8 and retipble. Not a woodenicle, but the 'rood old•fashlonad Pump, made by machinery, and, thereforeraising perfect and accurate In all Ile pa , sing an equal amount of water. and costing Ins than half the money. Easily arranged so an to be non•freestag. and In construction so simple that any one ran put ft upand keep !tin repair. Atter thorough trial It Is acknowledged to be the NAST AND CAN AP RAT. Twelve feet of tub. log with each pump, fro° of charge. Deal" erg supplied at lowest matinfaniums rain. Yoe circulars, price ite.;call or ad dress brIAI3. G. BLATOIILEY, No, 024 711,3111 T Sr. between oth and 7th and Market and Arch rhlledelphle, Pw Sr/OEIWe WANTED. . Ciotbing. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED AT MY (ALT.I.:NTOIOt, PA.,) CLOTHING STORER large Int of very Ono am] good goal) ty perfect fitting ready made clothlog from Om Pldladel polo AUCTIONS, which I will sell arty mita on the duller °beeper then any other Atom In AlMown. GOOD QUALITY Satinet Conk, at V.OO •• Cassimero Coats, All Wool at,_ 4.50 •• •• Black Cloth Costa. • • at •11.f.0 • • Cannitnero Vents, •• at LEO • • • • Cannitotro Ventn, • • at 2310 • • •• Pants. at 1.(0 • • • • Mob+, at 2.21 • •• • • Cannitnere Pants, at . • 3.00 •• Cansimero Block . Pantn, at 3.20 •• Whole lls from • .5.(X) to 512.00 • The b e a t advice I can g i ve you In to call and exandoo my stock before yon buy tinny here. The reason why I can sell my clothing nay coats an the dollar cheaper than any other store In Allentown is ho tness I have two stores and I am countantly myself In Philadelphia with ready Ea= CASH to buy them at AUCTION A. I am permanently established In the Wholesale Notion and Clothing business at No. le North 3111 street. Philadelphia. I would call the attention of country mer chants to my large and extensive stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. FRANKLIN KNA.IISF3. litato ttitb Cap o. REMOVAL. .ANEWALT & BROTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP STORE (Nearly opposite Ilagenbach's Hotel,) S. Z. COB. EIGHTH AND HAMILTON BTB., We would hereby announce to our numerous friends and . tWens, as well as the public In general, that we have est removed to our new building southeast corner of lghth and Hamilton Streets, specially erected to meet the wants of our large and i'ucreasing trade, where we have now greatly replenished our stock lu all that per tain. to the Spring and Summer Trade, to an Inspection of which everybody Is invited. The latest and most fash• tenable styles of SILK HATS, CASSIMERE HATS, SOFT HATS, STRAW HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS,SHAKEII HOODS, LADIES' SUN DOWNS, In endless variety. which cannot fall to please all, at prices propose ha sustain time within the Lur eght years. We to tho reputation wo heretofore enjoyed of selling a better class of goods, more of thorn.' and al lqwer prices, than any other house In Allentown. Feeling thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to In, we will endeavor in the future, as In the pant, to please all—furnishing choice goods at the very lament p Oar (Mr wholesale deportment, to which sea Invite all coon. tmr merchants, is full and complete, and styles suitable to all sections, and the Inducements offered will ho equal to "kj= v'i ll l lli bonne t o gteca a nd rgml oar sock bor.ru porches lag, us we chorus nothing for showing goods. ANEWALT & BROTIIER, Now Dullatug, Corner of Eighth and Hamilton Streets, (NEXT 00011 to M. O. YOUNG is CO. 'll HARDWARE STORE.) ALLINTOWN, March 2116, atttro aub 3cinclr.g. TN CONSEQUENCE OF 'FINE DISAS -1 trona ere, which lu January last destroyed thairatora and It. contents, J. E. CALDWELL & CO., Itv i ttdgalo t t r er o 3;cially to their order in Europa and In NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOODS Which are now opened and ready for c x minatlon.. VERY' F7KE PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every tenement with the now improvement ) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH BRONZES, GROUPS AND FIGURES, GORIUM MUM .° COMB . FINE'ELECTRO WARES BEST STERLING SILVER WARE. WATCHEB, JEWELRY, &c., &o MODBRA TB •PRICES For the present et 819 CHESTNUT STREET, FRANKLIN KNAUSS ALI;ENTOWN, PA 11-3 m •pr JEWELERS, Entirely new Naw destgni ♦ fall assortment at very PIELLADELPHLL march 1.4%1•1ym Vrofessional Qr a rti . AMES N.' !SIERT; ATTORNEY AT LAW. Calm with IL Albright, Exp. No. CO East I mullion street, .Allentown, rit. (Special Attention Elven to collections.) twirl7-ly 'WEI G. NCIIIVARTZ. ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Knauss' building, Sixth and Hamilton Streeta, opposite the American Hotel, Allentown. non . Ens Halt and Clamant, spoken. Collections in Lehigh, adjacent counties promptly attended to. may cIEOUGE O. RUPP, ATTORNEY VA AT LAW. Office, with lion. John D. Stile& Mien town, raL • IV.D. LECIEENBACH, AT7'olt. • NET AT LAW, (formerly practiced in Carbon county). Oilier, No. —Ewa tlamlldm etrceq second floor, licorly opposite the Court House, Allentotru,ru. May be opmmited in dm German language. SAMITEI. A. Brim ATTORNEY AT LAW. Miro with P Wyckoff, °moan° the Eagle Hotel. Hotel. ALLENTOWN PA: LEMGIII VALLEY FIRE INNER. ANCE COMPANY, ALLENTOWN. l'A. 011Ico over Second National Back. losaurea property nitainat loss by ire ou the 'dock mutual plan. C. S. Doan, Prea't. J. S. DlLLtatteu. Sect ' y. 11EAUTIFIVL LIFE LIKE PI C. TURES. CARTES DR VISITEB, $2 PER DOZER reglnterel B. W. BURCAW, ALLEN TN ROPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Odle° with 11. Kuntz, Dig.. Slatlngton, Lehigh L county. Pa. Collection. In Lehigh Northampton and Carbon count!. promptly attended to. may Dl•ly 10EMMA FORREST,. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. Went Hamil ton xtreet. Allentown, Pc inn 144 f Jlll. "OLIVER, ATTOIRNET AT U • LAW, Alleutowu, Ps. Office, North Fifth street, below the Court Muse, 11.1111-'oB.a - DUNK S BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Ps. Office, No. Si E. Hamilton street. C. M. Rung. Unat It-'lll4ll P. A. IL BALowix. J. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -12 J • ALLENTOWN, PA. °Mee, No. 60 East lismllton street. AliiiMan be enusulted to (terms,. jam 14..'1354f R CLAY INA ra ElifiLlr, ATTORNEY A.A., • AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, I'A. Jan 14-'OB4P ricuomAs B. NIETZGER ATTOB. NRY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ofileer„No. G 2 Eno Hamilton otroot. may W-'l3B ELIAS MERTZ, ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, S 5 West Hamilton St., Allentown, PB. EDWIN ALIBILIGIIT, ATTORNEY LENTiffV I iI A , tho courUlgrgi-IV., -virmiLmm. IL BORDEN, Avrron NEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. °Oleo. Cor nor of Hamilton Wool and Law Alloy, !oath skin. ALLEN TOWN, PA. fob. 20-tf . E DWARD HARVEY* ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offico, with lion. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, PA. may lay JOUR RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oilier, N. H. Corner Oth and Hamilton Btreoln ALLEN., TOWN, PAL. May I.ly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY LENTO AT LAW. oMcc, oppodlto te.Court Rouse, AL WN. PA. may I.ly EORGE R. SCUALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Lace. Vint door Om Law AL -NTOWN, PA. , may 26-am Tit C. MUNSBERGER ATTORNEY A.A. • AT LAW. Office. with John 11. Oliver. nth EL, rear of the Court House. ALLENTOWN. I'A. nor. 21.17 T ElI SHOVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. °nice, N. W. Corner oth and Ham!lien Laredo., ticcond poor. Particular atten- tion paid to the settlement of Decedent Mated, Cuilee. Lions mado &a !an Mr • YID. C. C. H. GULDIN. SURGEON E-1 DENTIST. °Mee, over Mtn. AL A. O. Ou Trimming Store, No. 34 Emit llopillon street, ALLEN TOWN PA. jinancial. MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK. • Tho Macungie Saving. Bank (nearly opposite the Allen. town National Bank) receives money on Deposit in any sums. on interest of d er cent. per annum. • Deposits may bo withdrawn partly or wholly at any limo during the year for which Interest will bo allowed according to the time the same may have remained. Government Bonds are taken, for which the highest pro. returns and accrued Interest will be allowed. Money loaned not at desirable rates at all times. TRCEITHES : Benj. Fogel, Geo. D. Shall, John 11. angel, David Scholl, Wm. Herbst , M. D. John It. &hall. Daniel Cinder, Wm. B. Fl, • Reuastiaz,, WM. C. LICIITENWALNER. Cashier. BENJAMIN FOGEL, Prmlident. KIUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK, (Organized under Mato Charter in ism ) MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, sad Spar cent. tn. toren' will be allowed. For ehorter periods special ratee will be pal& Also money loaned out on FAVORABLE TERMS. Sold Rank fs located In tho Iterztone Roue. In the borough of Kutztown, .101 IN fi. FOOEL, Proaldeut, EDWARD ROTTIMITI2II6, M. D., Caehler, Tnograzuc F. J, Slough M. D., J. D, Wanner, Req., David Fitter. 11. 11. Schwartz, Req. % W. 11, Fogel, . Daniel Clear. Rlchard4. - Knerr,_ Joule Miller, r0y1241 John H. Fogel, Eon. ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU TION, (Organized under State Chador In 1800.) Money received on Farwell, and 6 per cent. interest al lowed for ono year. For shorter periods special rotas will be paid. ' . ALSO, Moans Lotman oug OX FAVOR/07LX FIRM& Banking House—HAMILTON STREET, kaid.way be tween the Court House and American Hotel, opposite aide. Allentown, Pa. WILLIAM IL AlNEY,_ , President JACOB El. DILLINOE4, Cublex. EL= Charles S Busfi,.. John D Stiles, ChrisUan Pretz. Francis C Samuels. <Norge Probst. . Bimini Sell, Deal .1 liagenbaoh, Nathan Neter, William 11 Alum , . mar 91 THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD IS VINISLIED VIM` MORTGAGE BONDS Cl= UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS DOII.MIT . AND SOLD DEHAYEN & BRO., BANTERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENTS 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPIIIA Its 11)-(19 .4%; all Paper anb Stationerg. 01.0191INGtver ' OUR STOCK OF . • .. • WALL PAPERS:. AT COST, . At the Book and Stationery Store. Bco sl Wed Bozollion street. below Eighth. cost. Is the time tit %tar mom: papered et 6 , 41 . 3 Di s 9 . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN • nooxs. STATIONERY. BLANK BOONS, &O. CIRCE. .LATINO LIBRARY I containing the West mad beat publl- cation', agent for Me eelebraied IIIgADBIMIC PIANOS • We b..° the bid, fargest and &espial otOek of goods In tl4s line. In Wain County. . . No. 31 Welt Ifomillon Stroet,bilow Eighth, NorIA (id*. • as att
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers