At Pgisttr. TEDLISEED EVERT WEDEMAT aT ROBERT IREDELL, JR TERMS, $2.00' A YEAR IN ADVANCE No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not reedy° their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by Bending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send ns their old address as well as the now. THE CITY Prize Fight.—Wo learn that a little "mill" took place In the First Ward last Saturday. Where were the police? 4 Strong Man.:—Wo congratulate our friend Haines, of the Democrat, upon his strength. Re drew a car load of coal In the Columbia Gift Die tribUtion. Redocering.—Milton Lehr, who was so so.. verely Injured by a train of' coal cars passing over him at the East Penn. junction several months since, is about the streets once more. . Resignation and Appointment. Samuel D. Lehr hue resigned the Assessorship of the Fifth Ward and Councils have appointed F. Z. Heebner, Esq., to fill thO vacancy. Entered upon his Duties.—David K. Die fenderfer the newly appointed postmaster, assum ed the duties of the office last Monday. Frank Good, who has been employed as clerk in the post omce for'a number of years has been retain ed and will be assisted by Reuben Lelsenring. deeident. -- On Thursday evening, Mr. —, from Friedensville, while driving a buggy containing himself and two ladies, drove upon the wall of Jordan bridge and upset the carriage. The whole party were thrown out and one of the ladies was so badly injured that she had to be taken to a hotel. Notice to flubsersZers.—Our subscribers are requested to remember that we have purchased the subscription books of Tux REGISTER office and set tlement of all back as well as advance subscriptions must be made at,this office. We have authorized no one to colic& for us. We give this notice, not as a dun, although money Is always acceptable, but for the purpose of having our subscribers pay their Indebtedness into the right hands when they are ready to settle up. • ' • • A Some Concern. The importance and popularity of life insurance is growing daily In this country. Few are their umfadays who have not taken out a policy in some company. But the rates charged by regular companies are too high, the premium Is too large for many a man to pay out at one time, and to meet the wants of this class the Mutual Benefit Society of Pennsylvania was formed, with its principal office at Allentown. Its officers are all men of high etanding, and will contribute their efforts to insuring its success. No fear need be felt of mismanagement bore. It is purely mutual, the stockholders vote at all eleC lions and they can have the affairs of the society under their immediate supervision. Brary man of family, whether piressing a family or not, should send to William 11. Deshler, Secretary, for circular. A Beaut(ful Publica . tiott.—We have received from the great NOV York tailors, Messrs. Devlin & Co., corner of Broadway and Gmnd,streets and Broadway, corner of Warren street, a neat publi cation issued by them, entitled "The Coming Bea son." It is beautifUlly printed, on tinted paper, displays unusual artistic taste and is an emblem of the enterprise of this great firm. The first page contains "The Pet Bear," illustrated by a fine wood engraving; and "Curious Item of History." The second page starts with the proprietors' salu tatory, and runs through the other pages with in teresting sketches; articled on dress and fashion, and concludes with diagrams for self-measure ment to aid you In sending to this enterprising house for the latest styles. Two of the pages are princi pally taken np with views of their two palatial edl fices,and throughout the number !s one of which the greatest publisher might feel proud. Send for one, it will cost you nothing, and when you visit New York you will have a place to go to where yon will be made welcome. For further informs- Moir we advise the reader to glance at their adver tisement In another colunni. The Firemen's Parade.—As previously an nounced, the parade of the Allentown Fire depart ment took place 'last Monday. The weather was most favorable and the display reflects credit upon our city and those who bad the matter in charge. The lino formed on Seventh street, right resting on Centre Square, and moved In the following order : Felice Force. Chief Engineer and Assistants. Mayor and City Couaells in carriages. Delegation of Amertca Bose Co. Drum Corps. America Hose ; Indian and Goddess of Liberty on the carriage. They had 42 men In line dressed Lt red shirts, black pants and New York fire hats. Old Lehigh Hand Engine, drawn by six black horses. The engine was decorated in fine style. Ringgold Band, of Reading, 22 men. Delegation of Good Will Fire Co. Good Will Hose ; 30 men dressed in bine shirts, black pants and Now York fire hats. Good Will Track drawn by two black horses. Good Will Steamer drawn by eight white homes. Delegation of Columbia Fire Co. Zionsville Brass Baud, lkmen. Columbia Hose; 40 men, in red shirts, black pants and New York fire hats. Columbia Steamer, drawn by six. black horses. One of the moat attractive features in the parade was the Ringgold Band, of Reading, which had been engaged by the Good Will Fire Company. This is generally acknowledged the best parade band in the State and their excel lent performance of the most difficult music, in the parade on Monday, fully sustained their well earned reputation. In the evening the band dis coursed sweet and delicious music to ebchanted hearers at the American Hotel and as piece after piece was concluded the audience showed their ap preciation by continued applause. Reading may well be proud of this organization. Decoration beautiSd ceremony of decorating the graves of our fallen heroes, took place in this city on Saturday afternoon, In accord ance with the programme announced in last week's Register. • A committee of ladie s :s, consisting of Miss Fannie Bacher, Miss Schwartz, Miss liamersly, Mies Saeger, Mrs. Good and Mrs. Clewell and several gentlemen, went to the 6th ward and decorated the graves of the soldiers lying in the Catholic graveyard, and returned in time to join the pro cession which was being formed under the charge of Jan. B.Hamersly, Marshal, and the aids as previ ously announced. The Drum Corps on the extreme right, inraished martial music, being the best the committee of arrangements were elle to procure. Next to the Drum Corps came the Allen Zouaves, in I uniform, commanded by Capt. S. D. Lehr, wh h gave the procession a military cast, follow ed the committee of arrangements, clergy and M yor and city councils: following them came the II le girls bearing wreathe•and flowers, making a ost beautiful and affecting appearance, by far the most imposing feature of the parade. Ladies also bearing flowers followed the little girls. Citi zens and soldiera brought up the rear. The 'pro. cession having arrived at the Union Cemetery, the ceremonies were commenced by a very beautiful and appropriate hymn, sung by the audience and led by Professor Herman and choir. After a prayer by the Rev. J. F. Crouch, Wm. J. Romig ad dressed the audience, followed by Rev. W. R. Orin with au eloquent appeal for the soldiers, relating some of the hardships and privations endured by them while in the field, bringing tears to the eyes of many of the bearers. Rev. J. W. Wood de livered an eloquent and able address, showing the necessity of maintaining the government with an army and the results of the late war, proving that the principles sustained and won were worth the price la treasure and blood paid for them. Rev. N. S. Strum:berm delivered a prayer in German, after which another hymn, being sung, the little girls were divided in small squads, and send in different directions over the several Cemeteries, the graves having been previously marked with small Hags. The Drum Corps played a dirge in the meantime. After the decoration bad been finished the line was again fornied and proecededto Centre Square and dismissed. On their Musele.—Two American citizens of African descent engaged In a little Osticuff last Monday tnornlng and were arrested and taken be fore the Mayor. After paying a line they were 'discharged. More Honor to Allentoton:—We notice that the press In different parts of the country, speaks very complimentary of our townsman, Dr. A. J. Laubach, who is extensively engaged In the prep aration of two popular medicines, one Dr. Lan bach'e Eclectic Liniment, and the other, Golden Seal Expectoral Tonle. It gives us pleasure to see that these remedies, are appreciated, inasinuch as the public rarely has the benefit of family medLerrinviutred by a physician of his acquire mentsbud skill. The doctor Is a member of the Alumni of the Long Island Hospital Medical Col lege and of the Medical Department of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Common &loot Examination . .—Tho annu al examliiatlon of the Secondary, Grammar and High Schools will take place as follows:, First Section—Female Secondary, (advanced) taught by Miss E. J. Haines, June Ist. Female Secondary, taughtby Miss A. F. Swartz, June 11th. Male Secondary;taught by Mr. J. 0. MMUS, June Bth. Section Second—Female Secondary, taught by Miss A. C. Schwartz, Juno 17th. Female Secondary, taught by Miss L. A. Sick- Icy, June 18th. Third Section—Female Secondary, taught by Miss S. C. Woodring, June 2nd. Female Secondary, taught by Miss C. S. Boas, Juno 16th. Male Secondary, taught by Mr. M. N. 'Bern hard, Juno 14th. Fourth S Won—Male Secondary, taught by Mr. H. G. Paff, June Sth. Female Secondary, taught by Miss. T. A. Reich ard, Banc 10th. Fifth Section—Male Secondary, taught by Mr. J. S. Whitney, Juno 17th. Male Secondary, taught by Mr. A. Thomas, Juno 21st. Stith Section—Male Secondary, taugbt by Mr. M. Ault, Juno 9tb. Female Secondary, taught by Mice A. E. Stein, Juno 3rd. Female Secondary, taught by Mr. H. F. Mar atelier, June 15th. Male Ommmar, June 22d and 234. Female Grammar, Juno 24th and 25th. • Female High, June 28th and 29th. Male High, June 80th. The oxercisea will commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., except In the Male High School, where they will commence at 9 o'clock, a. m. Parents and friends of the Common School cause are cordially invited to attend. Inasmuch as promotion to higher grades of schools depend upon their examinations, parents will find it to their Interest to see to it that their children undergo the usual examination. R. K. BusnuLE, Supt. THE COITNTY REDucrunr.—We learn that on and after June let the tare on the Morrie and Ease.% Railroad will be materially reduced. NEW Poem.—Post No. 182, G. A. R., was Instituted in Bethlehem last week. Seventeen charter members were initiated, officers were in stalled and the Post Is now in efficient working order. OBITUARY.—The wife of Robert H. Sayre, Esq., Superintendeht of the Lehigh Valley Rail road, died at Bethlehem on Monday. Mr. Sayre had intended leaving for Europe on Tuesday in company with lion. Asa Packer and David Thomas, Esq. COUNTY SUPERYNTENDENTB.—The follow ing are the newly elected County Superintendents in Lehigh and neighboring counties: Lehigh, E. J. Young, salary, $lBOO per annum ; Montgomery, Abel Rambo, $l2OO ; Northampton, 'William N: Walker, $1000; Bucks, Stephen T. Kirk, $lOOO ; Carbon, R. F. liofford, $1000; Berke, David P. Brunner, $1125. Dnownno.—On Tuesday week a man nam ed Dennis Cleary, who worked at the Saucon Fur nace, In Hellertown, was drowned In the Delaware Canal, be tween lUegelsville and Durham. It ap pears the man wasaery much Intoxicated and In attempting to get on a passing boat fell into th 6 canal and sunk to rise no more, before any body could get to him. ' HOICENDATIQUA. The First Piesbyterian Church of Rokendauqua are erecting a handsome house of worship, upon a commanding site, and expect in a short than to have It ready for dedica tion. They have extended a very cordial call to the Rev. James A. Little of New York City, who has entered upon his pastoral labors at Roken dauqua with many tokens already of appreciation and encouragement. THE old freight depot of the North Penn Railroad Company at Bethlehem is rapidly disap pearing. Workmen are ballasting for a number of coal sidings, capable of holding GOO to 800 coal care. They occupy the site of the old freight de pot. The road which rune under the track of the Lehigh Valley Railroad to the river has been raised by the North Penn company and made much easier of travel. REAL REITATE.—Dr. Charles Meyer has pur chased George Miller's lot near the depot, In Mil- Mrstown, for $9OO, which be expects to Improve by the erection of a three story building 42 by 63 feet. Peter Weikel sold a house and lot of ground sit uate on the northwest corner of Seventh and Chew streets, to Mr. Christian Straub, .;:f Bath, for $8,500. Mrs. Elisabeth Weber has purchased A. Bootle's store house, Hamilton street ■car Second, for $7,500. She also BO Mr. Bootle a frame dwell ing on Ridge Road for $l5OO. REPORT OP Coat transported over tho Le high Valley Railroad, for the week ending May 22, 1869, compared with same time last year : For Week. For Tear. Total Mahanoy 70 17 124,699 01 Beryor Meadow... 798 60 168,456 13 " Mauch Chunk 124 04 " Upper Lehigh 7,506 16 " Hazleton 406 11 490,830 11 " Wyoming .996 17 185,194 09 2,172 11 989,811 14 -...48,156 04 085,733 16 Ontnel total Bamo ttmo 180 .45,603,05 82,419 07 Decrease LEHIGH VALLEY IRON TILADE.—Pig iron transported by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. for the week ending May 33,1880 From Carbon iron Co Lehigh Valley Iron Co. Thomas Iron Co Lehigh Crane Iron Co Allentown Iron Co. Roberts Iron C 0.... Glendon Iron C 0... Bethlehem Iron Co. Other Bhippers Total SABBATH B011001.8.—ii: meeting of the Ex ecutive Committee of the Lehigh County Sunday School Association was held on Friday evening last, at the rooms of the First National Bank. The President T. 11. Moyer, opened the meeting with prayer and explained the object of the meet ing. On motion, the President was authorized to ap point Delegates to the Convention of the Pennsyl vania State Sabbath School Association, tobe held at Williamsport on the let, Ed and Sd of June. The delegates appointed were: Messrs. Oliver Williams, W. J. Hozwortb, A. J. Breinig and L. Emtnens. On motion of Mr. James Wilson, the 'executive committee instructed the delegates, at their discre tion, to extend the hospitality of Allentown to the State Association for the convention of 1870. ' On motion of Mr. W. J. troxworth, the Presi deot, Secretary nod Trelladrer were appointed a committee to call upon the aunday schools of the county for funds to further the came of the Assts. elation. On motion of Mr. A..T. Brelnig, the correspond tog secretary was authorised to Issue a circular to thb Vice Presidents of the Association, setting forth claims for a more thorough organization, and for this purpose each . Vico President be re quested to secure a complete list of the Sunday Schools In full organisation In theirrespective dis tricts. COLUMBIA GIFT ENTERPRISE. OFFICIAL RESULD ' OF• THE DRAWING. 11824 %dos. children's stockings. 5753 Box Cigars, No. 12. 14838 Two pairs women's stockings 13705 Children's carriage 7801 parasol.. 18120 act knives and forks. 13110 oil painting. 4707 dusting brush. • 270 doz. corn brooms. 11611 lidoz. boxes boot polish. 9990 3 pre. gent's half hose 8431 parlor mat No. 2 17108 horse blanket 12496 picture Autumn" 8580 cane seat rocking chair 3535 sliver butter dish 14355 gent's satchel 7788 flute 10991 sleigh 6675 sewing machine No. 2 11665 brass bound trunk 5709 3 pre. gent's half hose • 4078 ornamental coverlet 63 piece muslin . 19943 box cigars 14186 self-rocking cradle 18135 sewing machine No 4 839 gingham umbrella 11911 fancy table brush 2150 shawl No 9 11992 box cigars 1615 trotting buggy 6679 2 pre women's stockings 12981 pair silver butter knives 3273 8 pairs gent's half hose 2439 blanket shawl 4676 2 pairs ladles' white hose 12638 what-not 13547 10 five dollar greenbacks 2088 box cigars • 7121 piece muslin • 6405 corn planter 12034 piece muslin 2590 Webster's Dictionary 16372 barrel flour 1460 ornamented coverlet 6520 child's shoes 10875 handsome driving whip 13486 chromo 6901 %doz. silver forks 1308 Rio coffee, 25 lbs. 12828 2 pair ladies' white hose 820 French lace veil 8349 ladles' kid gloves 13122 china dinner set 9816 riding bridle 7582 women's stockings 9468 pair child's shoes 10558 Brooke's School Manual 10855 sewing machine 2154 %doz. white hose 4893 meerschaum cigar holder 2689 coverlet 15607 top buggy 1669 %doz. boot polish 18718 pearl handle knife 6467 carriage whip 6999 ornamented coverlet 8009 ladies toilet 9659 book, history of U t 3 17087 pocket book 4947 kerosene lamp 7679 3 doz corn brooms 17403 gold car-ringsand pin 6463 set squirrel furs 6025 clothes wringer 1814 silver call bell 6412 skates 10048 piece muslin • 4380 silver castor 11927 gent's fur collar 7297 gent's gold ring 18603 beaver cloth overcoat to order 18323 kid gloves 17738 ladles' hose 8212 2 pocket books 15123 parlor cludis • 11274 guitar 13848 ladies' triad es 9012 parlo- dint 8944 white coverlet 3296 alpacca dress pattern 16978 HOUSE AND LOT 15016 1 ton of coal 10272 1 mouth penmanship at Business College 6558 1 doz half hose 4366 1 Juniatta stove 10543 $lOO greenbacks 3002 table brush 15084 sausage cutter and Bluffer 3309 five $lO greenbacks 16839 china tea sett 17863 double barrel shot gun 1552 children's carriage 8561 1 picture, "Spring" 10200 ornamented coverlet 9679 set chairs • 11090 lounge 9080 1 pair children'sshoes 1370 children's carriage 13228 parasol 3917 25 yards rag carpet 0693 3,4 doz brooms 587 Buckeye reaper and mower 7748 1 pair kid gloves 10661 5 quires note paper ~5196 $5 greenbacks • 4146 1 pearl handle razor 18637 $5 greenbacks 11760 $l5OO IN GREENBACKS 13396 clothes ringer 7129 box segars 13508 $l5 greenbacks 2750 1 doz half hose 14409 large family bible 8817 corn sheller 9537 boy's sleigh 5141 grain drill 1242 children's carriage 15637 3 pair gents' half hose 18064 sowing machine 18300 1 box segars. 13262 large parlor lamp 13705 chlidren's carriage 18481 pair white woolen blankets 10888 $5 greenbacks 4698 picture "Bummer" 11798 $2O greenbacks 12447 pair gum boots 16424 pocket wallet 3668 white coverlet 0057 box Begets 6820 piece bleached muslin 2468 barrel of apples 13113 marble top dressing bureau 17608 2 counting house rulers 3373 ladles' satchel 19066 silk parasol 19393 ladles' fan 14751 silver mounted rifles 3820 wheelbarrow 14011 treadle horse-power 4494 photograph album 18894 lc doz chlldrens ' white hose 16355 box segars 2395 9 camel hair paint brushes 19860 3 doz Dobbin's electric boot pollsA 17820 spy glass 645 2 yellow pocket hooks 7583 threshing machine 5867 $2O greenbacks 1121 gross blacking 15080 wash tub 7286 hoop skirt 7833 gents' pocket book 14450 gents' fur collar 19169 clock 8542 stove "Lehigh" . 12177 silver castor 2868 gents' fur collar 2830 chamber set 10321 pair misses' gaiters 15725 extension dining table 17406 50 pounds white sugar 16404 350 greenbacks 13757 silk dress pattern 19297 brick trowel 15092 gents' American sliver WAWA 4795 3 pair women's blue mixed stockings 16857 book case and bureau combined 17831 children's carriage 18068 wash tab 6453 Marseilles quilt 3383 history of the rebellion 9539 double dusting brush. 14035 month penmanship in Allentown Bus. Col. 13830 single silver minuted harness 15451 ladies' work box 15050 castor 8112 gents' cane 19926 Caddy plug tobacco 3183 pair children's shoes 18941 $5OO GREENBACKS 1160 kid No 1 mackerel 16780 'Slur ba m 4240 odor team 9899 PIANO, valued at $7OO • 7120 Boger bolder 19589 balmoral skirt 19387 sliver hunting case watch 7765 violin and bow • 6865 gents pocket book 4696 years 'subscription to GodeY's magazine 6791 3 gross fine cut tobacco 7307 3 pair gents' half boss 18182 silk umbrella 15893 2 pair ladies' white hose 12444 set sable far 5129 Marseilles quilt 2289 doe fancy wineglasses - • 2218 3 pair gents' half hose 2611 3 " 10707 gents' pocket book 4369 piece unbleached muslin 12255 3 pair gents' half hose 14683 pair gents' French calf skin boots 17172 11 fe • • • 18752 piece unbleached muslin 16957 gents' satchel 15775 window brush ' 8841 suit of clothes to order 2229 box segars 10287 hoop skirt 14108 pair misses' gums 15441 pair men's brogans 8562 map of Lehigh county 1250 plow 10898 pleture"Winter" 4160 chrome picture • 19518 black Bilk hat • 13787 gents' skates 8039 children's carriage 13063 piece unbleached muslin 241 life membership Lehigh Co Ag Society 188 hoop skirt 479 tete.a.tete 16149 =tendon fishing pole 3859 gents' pocketbook Tone. ....210 —.570 ....740.890 17434 gents' riding saddle 4095 piece bleached muslin 561 parlor clock • • 5466 sliver ice pitcher 15075 patent egg whip 1080dax sad Irons .7815 School Laws of Fauna 15116 bird cage 161335 boys' sled 7990 gilt mirror 9975 3 pair gents' half hose 4114 cocoa file 19232 box photograph album 17833 boy's suit to order 8684 share lifuhleuberg College 891 china tea set 14897 don half hose 8067 35 yards brussels carpet 8339 plasterer's trowel 549 plow 10749 settee 14340 wash stand 4983 gents' heavy gold chain 13655 gents' pocket book 14150 pair ottomans 10380 harrow 14418 bedstead 18002 marble top centre tab's 11092 3 pair gents' half hose 6065 pair window shades 8401 pair ladles' gaiters 15032 clothes wringer 5106 large accordcon 8873 stove Morning Glory 18830 walnut Immo looking glass 10556 pair ladies' gaiters 19518 yi gross fine cut tobacco 12476 815 greenbacks 2414 3.4 don silver forks 17074 pair white woolen blankets 11711 piece bleached muslin 10686 - chromo picture 8954 ladies' riding whip 14136 wash bowl and pitcher 401 % doz Dobbin's electric boot polish 12237 common rocking chair 3851 pair gold sleeve battons 19658 825 greenbacks • 10125 34 cord wood -25861 gents pocket-book 11732 t 4 doz. silver forks 7394 union carpet sweeper 10001 gents pocket-book 7118 1 set cottage furniture 1837 1 concertina • 6540 1 gents pocket-bole • 10048 pair ladles a tippers .1.01C7 rocking Chair 134:313 meerschaum pipe 11E843;5 greenbacks 17990 bon cigars 1345 ladle. gold watch KIM set chain 7(I41 hoop Kidd 15152 cane scat chair. Mk* hat-rack 5310 boys sled ' • .11Fri0 pocket book WA gold pen and pencil an sliver tobacco box I 0247 0119 lidos shawl silver tea spoons 6120 rocking Call trunk 17202 iddos stockings 11070 box solar. CM sewing machine 6/190 pair kid gloves 14723 sheepskin mat (194.9 revolver 10465 strap sliver bells 139.303 pair gents half bone 6274 box seem 16769 5 nutrun nolo paper 10705 box seam., • 11304 box spears 9412 silver goblet • • 0770 box agars , 9917 Font pocket book 'lOOlB • • gross tobacco CM months penmanship Allonlown Business Col 0710 2 pair ladies hose .11110 pocket book !11425 piece bleached muslin DM pair opera glasses 12114 fair childrens gums 17230 10 greenbacks 1640 ay fork • 10(.000,3C0 greenbacks 6E67 spirit level 4719 $l l ll greenbacks 17734 cot chairs 1)103 gent& pocket book 18933 white coverlet 141823 Parasol 2111 pair children shoos V 1 34 dor silver forks 14645 stove Barley Sheaf 31117 Pawn. , 14379 6 quires note paper 1732 mouth harmonica 4 2 / 4 white coverlet 1.1124 camp chair 1696060 lbs floor 14474 piece bleached muslin 11868 gold watch 6238 lap blanket 19684 patent bay rake 12700 set harness 14207:1 pair women stockings 1648 6 quires note paper 6849 cocoa life 11493 book 1140 box cigars BM box cigars 965 mouth harmonica 4870 2 ladi paires aatc ladleshel home =i • 8146 cildren's 14460 n ext spice boxes carriage 47G8 pair Arctic over-shoes 11476 flour pair 3179 pair boots to order Malvin!. cane KIM .150 greenbacks 14933 !sot carpenter tools 151g1 1 cord wood 11790 3 pair gents half hose 7861 white coverlet 4163 car load of coal 19799 2 pelt. Indies white hose 9973 book. U history 13446.0 t buggy wheels I1X1)3 seated earring° 11644 gents pocket book 4276 !tides tablespoons 17517 gree.b." 16857 pair gilt vases 870 piece red gtnnel • 030 dining table '16601 Heed buffalo robe 11011 pat ent fork 119907 greenbacke PIM • pocket books 110733 eweeplug brash 7021 ch'us rockluguheir 10036 rug 13 , rri 410 greenbacks 98801 greenback. 001 fodder cutter 1M1574 meemberine pipe 6370 SAS greenback• 8268 albs knitting yarn 13719 piece calico ,7803 email eweeplug beech APPOINTED ABBEOBOII.—TRAIIC M. Cassel of Slatlngton, has been appointed Assistant Assessor for the Second Internal Revenue Collection Dis trict of Lehigh County. `7 LAST WERE experienced the most rapid growing weather we ever remember. Its effect was partic ularly noticeable upon the corn, which shot up from the ground as if by magic. NEW SCHEDDLE.—The Summer . arrange ment for passenger trains on the North Pennsyl vania Railroad went Into effect on Tuesday. The afternoon down train, via Lehigh and Susque hanna Railroad, leaves Allentown at 2.07 instead of 2.27, and Bethlehem at 2:25, arriving in Phila delphia at 4:45. If the company had made it ar rive in the city 15 minutes earlier, which they could have done without subjecting the passengers to the dangers of very fast running, it would have been much more satisfactory to their patrons. EVERY REPUBLICAN throughout tho county should send us all the items of Interest occurring in his particular neighborhood. With this assis tance from our friends, we can build up a paper that will be taken in every household, and our sphere of usefulness will be enlarged. Where we are unable to get the news In any otherr,firay, we are willing to pay for lt. , We ask this from the young men. To their exertions the people look for the power which will revolutionize the county politically ; and as they arc the ones to be bone fitted more materially than any others, we ask them to lend us a hand. The Lucky Ones.—The following are the names of a few of the lucky ones in the Columbia Gift Enterprises with the prizes they drew : Mouse and Lot. valued .t $l6OO, Joseph Ruch, Upper Macungie. Max), Daniel Starer, near Mertatown, Berke co. Plano, Frank Chambers. Mt. Bethel, Northampton co. PI O, Ephraim Fink, .boo dealer, Allentown. Three Seated Carriage, Reuben Oyer, Northampton co. Trotting Yugo , . Wm. U. Blamer. Allentown. Sewing Machine, No. 1, Mn. Ph►on Bran., AllentoWn. Sleigh, Albert Santee (residence not known.) Set of Sable Furs, O. L. Smith, Mount Bethel, North ampton eo. Marble Top Draining Bureau. Aaron Ile., Mt. Bethel, Northampton co. 1065 Greenbacks, Tiesslor i Frittenbach, Mt Bethel, Northampton co. Bedstead (value $5O), Judd, Nelson, MI. Bethel. North ampton co. Fodder Cutter, Francis Nandor, Allentown. Stove (Barley Sheaf), Amanda Runkle. Allentown. Stove (Juniata), John Beller, Allentown. Car Load of Coal, C. F. Haines, Allentown. Corn Planter, Enoch Newhart, Allentown. China Dinner Sot, ler: Ile.. Mt. Bethel. Northampton, county. Extension Fishing Rod, T. D. Leleenring, Allentown. Silver mounted Rifle, Alfred Roster,. Richmond, North• ampton co, Ilat Rack, Thom. Steckel, Allentown. 3{ dor. Silver Forks. Leopold Heru. Allentown. ' Shawl, No. 2, Jame. Bock, Allentown. Cottage Furniture, Francis Jacoby. Upper Macungie. 601 b.. White Sugar, Tilghman Kleckner, Allentown. $l5O in greenback., Mre. John L. Hoffman, Allentown. Strap Silver Bolls, Jesse Jacobi ( SAUC.O. $25 Greenbacks, Nary Reek, Allentown. • $lO Greenback., John Knecht, Allentown. Buckeye Mower and Reaper. Alfred Unrzann7( South . Whitehall. 23 yds. ,Rug carpet, A. J. Herman, Mazatawny. OD In greenbacks, C. R. Stauffer, Lehighton. Lounge. Edward Gerndt, Lower Macungie,. Gent.. riding saddle, Mn. L. Snyder, Salsburg. Sot gold mounted Limo., Chart. Frill, Reading, • Three seated carriage. Reuben Oyer, Upper Mt. Bethel. Sewing Machine, Catharine Tygh, Milleratown. MISCELLANEOI3B.—The State Sunday School Convention commenced its annum sessions at Wil !Weapon yesterday. A fire broke out under the roof of the zinc works In South Bethlehem. It was extinguished, fortu nately, before any serious damage was done. Last week an anonymous; notice threatening death to any miner who descended a shaft to work WOO found posted at ono of the principal mines near Scranton, Pa. A wild and most unreason able panic rapidly spread among the miners. In all but four mines the men refused to work. Mr. Frank Chambers, of Mt. Bethel, who drew the handsome piano in the Columbia Gift Enter prise, has sold tho instrument to the Company. The Catasauqua School Board Ws Increased the salaries of teachers 25 per cent. The male teachers get from 6750 to 61,000 per year, and Miss Smlth, assisant in the High School, gels $500: The pig Iron product of Great Britain In 1868 was 4,800,000 tons; the United States, 1,603,000, Pennsylvania furnishing 925,665 of this amount. The Odd Fellows' parade at. Quakertown on Monday attracted a large concourse of people to pat thrifty town. John Malbarg has entered Into partnershlp.with Frank Weil, and they will hereafter carry on the furniture business at 52 West Hamilton street, under the firm name of Maiburg et Well. Monday was tho hottest day of the season. In the evening the sultry weather was relieved by a heavy thunder storm, and heaven's artillery did Its best In honoring the departure of Spring by a long continued salute. The strike of the coal miners has thrown thous• sands of men besides themselves out of employ ment. The poor must suffer to benefit th . q, rich. Over three thousand boatmen have been discharged by the Lehigh Coal and NavigatlonCo. Railroad bands have been compelled to give upthelr trains. machinists have been discharged from the shops, and all this to keep up the price of coal. OUR NEIGHBORS NORTHAMPTON COUNTY EASTON, PA., JUDO 1, 1860 —The Farmers' and Mechanics' Institute Fair, of Northampton will commence on Tuesday, September 14, and will continue four days. —The Franklin Literary Society of LaFay ette College gave their anniversary entertainment on Tuesday evening. It proved two things First, that the great need of the College is a suit able room, larger than Jenks' Hall, to hold such meetings in; second, that Easton appreciates Its students and honors them with its presence in• overflowing numbers. I will not make compari sons where all did so well, but will only add that the singing was especially fine. —The graves of deceased soldiers were dec orated on Saturday. There was a fine parade ; an address was delivered by Rev. Dr. Edgar, and other Interesting exercises closed the day. Nearly 200 graves were decorated. —We are getting ready for the grand Ma sonic display in Philadelphia. on June 15. A great many will attend from Easton, and the Command cry here is holding two meetings neckly to initiate those who have made application for membership In order to participate. —The Excelsior Cornet Band has been manipulating a lottery scheme during the past year, and on Thursday brought it to a close by a drawing and a ball. The whole thing is now played out and we hope this vicinity will never be cursed with another lottery or gift ball. —The Fair nod Festival of the Southwark boys opens to-day and promises to be a grand sue- —The Roy. M. A. Dopey will preach in the Lewisburg Presbyterian church during the cute. men —Religious circles are much excited at pres ent over the reported resignation of the gifted pastor of one of the hugest churches In this place, And his refusal to make known the cause of this unlooked-for step; also over the ,ruinor that an other pastor who, 11::e Paul and the Pope, Is a bachelor, has been entangled by a hansome widow who has made hlm change his mind. —The Episcopalians have pulled clown their barn of a building, and are building a greater and much finer one to accotnmodate the numbers and tho taste of the " brethering." —The charter of Peace and Plenty Lodge, I. 0. of 0. F., has been restored and It will recom mence under very favorable prospects. —A wedding in fashionable circles is to come off on Thursday. The bride is one of our fairest daughters—and Easton can boast In that lbw—tie groom halls from classic New Jersey. The wed ding Is to be select—and . a grand reception will Immediately follow —which a large number of friends will attend. • • —Hausman, the*Parisian Prefect, has over 1000 snuff-boxes. Ife-must be up to, snuff and should set up a tobacconist's shop. —The famous London Beefsteak Club has gone up, aged 135 years. Cause—beef has gone up—we suppose. —Ex-rebel General Wheeler says he intends - - _ hereafter to devote his energies to agriculture. Would that multitudes of our young men now loafing, yore to wheel around and fall Into the same ranks. —" Bears are still prowling around Massa chusetts and are occasionally killed." how many lives have they 7 Both Bulls and Bears are fre quently slaughtered in New York. —New Jersey has DB working Lodges of ancient and accepted Masons, with 7729 masters, 175 fellciw crafts and 211 entered apprentices. They lost by death last year 79, or not quite one cr cent., which proves that they are a healthy .ody of mem —Pennsylvania has 215 lodges and 22,405 'miners of tie same order. Dr.LAWARE. =2 —A battalion will take •place at Kline's Corner, Longswamp township, 1!6 miles from Topton Station, on the East Penna. Railroad, on BaterdaY, June 19th. A number of military com hanies and Brass "ands have beef Invited. A orse race and a foot race will come of during the day. lIONTOONIERT COUNTY —They have a rich list of aspirants for polit -101 favors from the Democracy in Montgomery. Out of fourteen names we notice but two who are capable of tilling the positions for which they ask, Jacob V. Gotwals and Billy Beale, alias the Gov ernor, formerly dog tax assessor, are candidates for nominations for Assembly. —The citizens of Norristown aro discussing the subject of removing the market lnise ' which now occupies one of the best sites In the borough for private residences. It is said that enough money could be realized from the sale of the old structure to erect a modern-shaped building which would better supply the purpose for whirl, the present dilapidated concer ails intended. —The Norristown papers complain of the frequency of false alarms of fire'in that town. —The Norristown Cornet Band has. been re-organized and entertains the citizens by playing, in the public square. —The musically inclined citizens of Potts: town have •organized another brass and string band with the modern title of " Velocipede" thus making four organizations of the kind in that plaice. —Norristown had another fire on Thursday morning. —An oil well has been discovered in Marl, borough township. —The announcement that the Hon. Daniel M. Smyser, of Norristown, had been appointed by Gov. Geary Associate Law Judge for the Mont gomery and Bucks district, was premature. No such appointment has yet been made, though every day expected and desired by the Republicans of the district. Henry P. Boss, Esq.; of Doylestown y has been nominated by the Democrats of the d's trict.for the s- me place, to be voted for nt ' Cie election in October ne •t. , —The Montgo mery and East Pennsylvania Agricultural Sec ety have fixed on Saturday, June 12th, 1808, as the time fer holding their spring Fair for the 'display of agricultural Implements, machinery and all kinds of stock, nt their grounds In Norristown. CITY NOTICES Ono thousand Pianos of Haines ,C; Brother, New York, were sold In one year. Not only are they the cheapest piano in the market, ranging from $375 to $5OO, but have given universal satisfaction throughout thercountry. Only forsztle at C. F. Hcrrman'e Music stop, 7th and Walnut. Linderman d; Sore' Gold 3fedal Cycloyd and Square Pianos are considered by the most pronii neat musicians in the country a first-class instru ment In regard to durability, fullness and bril , liancy of tone. They sell Quo hundred Dollars lower than either Chiekering's or Steinway's ; are 'ln every respect us good, if not superior to these, and are warranted for 5 years. Number of refer ences lu affirmation of the above can be given from citizens of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining Counties. Como and examine them at C. F. Herr mann's Music store, ith and Walnut. Sheet Male, Books, 3lnsie Port Folios, Strings or anything belonging to a regular Music Store can be had cheaper than anywhere else, itt C. F Herrmann's Music store, ear. 7th and Wohnu streets, Allentown. We call the Special Attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. Couarer, Jones & Co., of Philadelphia, which we publish in anoth er column. Few things contribute more to the comfort of a household or the ornamentation of a House, Church, Hall, &c., than good lights, and beautiful lamps and chandeliers. Their "Meri dian Burner," of which Mr. Coulter is the inven tor, excels In safety, strength and brillhuMy any thing of the kind in the market. They also keep on band a large assortment of new style Iron Bronze Gas Fixtures. Also, a variety nfportables and Bronze Figures. Our friends who visit the city will'and theirs one of the largest, best tar nished, and most attractive stores. Remember the No. 702 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Many a man with his mind fully made. up to Insure "some day," Is yet.ldeferring the matter from one cause or another, with little Idea of the great risk he Is running of defeating his design by his delay. - Leaving out of account the fact that ho may die at any time, the risks he runs, of acci dents, of disease which would put him beyond availing himself of the advantages of life Insur ance, ought not to he lost sight of. To-day yon are a first-class risk, and can Insure your life on the most favorable rote and for almost any amount, but to-morrow you may be so injured by disease or accident, as to be such a risk as no sound com pany will assume. The time to insure is immedi atcly ; and the Company to insure you is "The American Life Insurance CoMpany, of Philadel phia." BUSINESS NOTICES Great Oaksfrom Little Acorns Groir.—Ten years Ago, two little acorns—eply $2500 each—wen, planted at the corner of Stith and Market Streets. Untiring Indus trg. enterprise and honesty cultivated and developed them and to=day the great Oak Hall with Its thouiands of custo mer. and more than a million of dollars of yearly business L the outgrowlittf such mall beginnings. The brandies of this "Oak" are far-spreading and shady. Men from all parts of the State find protection and refreshment under It and all share with the proprietors the numberless little acorns of profit and advantage thit grow upon It now. The Malaria of Spring.—Evorybody should now be on their guard against tho great danger of disease aris ing from !notorious causes, Favor and Anne prevails to an alarming extent every Suring In nearly all parts of the country. and Many persons are easily predisposed to it on account of . sumo Imprudence during the winter mouths. Indeed, verininch of the sickness wo notice intim Eipring of the year may be traced to rouses which were engendered In the "cold term.' Dot whether the rouse Iles hidden In the system or not, It is certain that disedso will develop Itself at the Oral opportunity. hence no ono should hesitate for a moment to net about combating and overthrowing It. To accomplish thin purpose mithing In no anoint and reli able an MISIILER'S lIERB BITTERS. It Is a ponitivo antidato for any mnlarionn or poisoned atmosphere, and a certain protection against every morbid Influent° which produces disease. Wo nay in all candor to our readers that they should give heed to our advice on thin subject. 117 to Says No, it Cannot be Done.—Well you It I. false. lino Wolcott's ANNIHILATOR. Plot bottles $)1, In white wrappers, or send to Dr. Wolcott, 170 Chatham Square, N. Y.,/1,3 for slx pints, neat free of express charges; or OHO pint of Wolcott's rAix PAINT, If you suffer any pain. Mr. Schatz: I have used the limns I obtained from you and find them to Beall they ore rocommeuded to ho. found one hottlo to afford nm considerable relief, I fool no though I cannot do very well without them under my present atate of health. P. Musto u, No. 144 South Sixth St.; Philadelphia. Pastor Baptist Pastiyunir Church. n ai e lrarilEETZ'S standing adrerf /semen f in. An '}iivalitable Preparation.—The attention of our readers In directed to the ad vertisement,of Dr. L. Q. C, Wishart Pine Treo Tar Cordial, for the cure of Consump tion of the Lungs, etc. Thin Invaluable preparation tom met with ouch an increnned demand during the past years, the proprlMor has found it necessary to Increase the Nell ties for manufacturing, and has now one of the largest Laboratories In Philadelphia, and ' han recently removed hio IlltieNr01)111 to the largo and commodious attire, No. 2 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Soma .of the largest Patent Medicine (lenient In the United Staten nay the de timed fur Winhart • n Pine Tree Tar Cordial in greater at the preient time thou any other Patent Idodiclue In this coon- More Economical, Remarkable Certainty of Prompt action, In roeL every qOO4 quality le tommnieed for Mr, S. A. ALLEN'S Improved (new al yle) Hale Re glider or Dretdng, (in one bottle. I Every Drogglet cello it. PH. Ono Sereluta, Salt Rheum, Skin and Pentair Distaste, Warta rib if cured.—Set 'SALIMIeIIy Tow:satin., Lehigh Co., Oct. 31, 1611 S. It 1,1 with a grateful feeling that I feel able to make the following staternolit for tire benefit of those wltu aro suffer. lug from Scrofula and other Chronic Discusses. My wife bad been suffering for several yearn from tumors or swelling's on, her neck which after a limo would gather and duscharge matter, bearing a running sore. Shit had been treated for more than a year by most eminent physi cians Without receiving any permanent benefit, her disease becoming worse, until she had flare of these running sores on her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. D. Lottgaker, under whose treatment she commenced to improve very fast, the sores on her neck to heal, and Aii her Unpleasant and dis agreeable symptoms gradually to disappear, Until her health was restored, which was In about four months. I feel perfectly jugillesi, after having tried the treatment of other physicians in recomtnending all those who aro suffer ing front Scrofula or Chronic Diseases to Dr. hougaker fur 1111• Ii Ira] treatment, with a firm belief that they will be .sat !stied, benefited Mid cured thereby, ns cry wits Ilan been. [dinned,) JAMES DARNER. Dr. if. D. Longaker's otter' Is ou the East side of Sixth street, between lininllton and Walnut. Itili•nturrn. Allentown has an extensive china and glassware establishment where as great a variety and as low prices eon be fouial as la the larger. cities. We refer to the 11G,i* store of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton street. „financial aitb Conncrcilu. ALLENTOWN 3IARKETS, MAY 19. Corrtrt,rl rrtry ,cerk by Wrinshetwer ,t Newhard. Wheat Floor, nor MA. Wheat, Per baalle/.• • Rye. .. ..... „....„ Fl3OOOll, " Tillillthy.Sed, p, 1,0:41...1 3 00, Clover Seed, " S Oa, Wheat Floor. Per cwl oal, telling. Eye, " 1 CO, Corn Meal. " 3 A " Butter, per would 35, pa4loir. loa, Tallow, " . '"' " • Ilaul, ' • Ego: per dozen 31, Potatoes, p. bombe! SO, 11 Dried Apple, per bushel 3 10, • • Dried Peach., " 6OD PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. MONIkA V, MAT 24.—The receipts of Reef Cattle this week were I 4711 head. The market was characterized by ex treme holiness and depression, and at the close prices fell all. without. Ipiwever, effecting sup 1.11.40 in the de- Stand ; .1. were made at 1110 fur choice; 1909 N c for good, tic for fair, and s(4th, lb, gross, for common. • COWA AND CALVER were fairly active at 1111071, and Springers at d3'o 0. Receipts, 160 bead. Sugge.—Prtee were well suHtalued, hot the volume of Intsiness was light; sales at the Park and Avenue Yards at .x!1(9 gross. Receipts, 15,101. lions attracted but little attention, and prices declined; sal. at the. 1111101111nd AVelluo yards at 812 60@13 for slap and 133)14 for corn fed. Receipts; 4,00 a head. D Sr,tw.—Doring - the past week 618 loads of Hay, end 47 of Straw were weighed and soldat the gar. mere' Market. Wo quote prime Timotity.llay 11 100 lbs at 3kll 40; Uledllllll nl S 1 11X3)1 2); tuleriur nl +1 110111 and Straw at Al 7ilgl 71. NEW YORE PRICE CURRENT For May 2241, lad). Corrected weekly by J. 11. Hel frich, Produce Commission Merchant, No. it Barclay St., New YOrk. fl ßUTTEß.—Orauge and Sussex County Pails, choice ; Cheinfogo Del. and Cettaraftsrus Co's pails, choice, II 4aga 'Do. fair to good, 3, - .0.1), Common White, 306,31. Susquehanna Co. palls, choice, 4(042. Do.. fair to good, 3:41f. Do. COlOlO 011 White, 31034. ID N. Y. State Dairies, choice cad fancy. €4 D 31, 0., fair to good, 9kik2.4. Do., common, a'o2l. N. Y. State tubs, choice, 3...€040. Do., fair to good, N. Y. Slate \Wish tubs, choice, ftßal. North Penna. tubs, choice, 2.43.30. D 0.,. fair to god. 21027, Western, good to choice, 2.l(iiPN N. Y. Stole Tubs ,choice, •51(5,2. Do., fair to good, Do., Gunmen. Whitt., 34034. DO., Welsh tubs, good to chuieff, Receipts for the y.% week foot up nearly is,23nrack.q. ro increase of about packages from last week. 'I he demand for Prime State Yellow has been fair, but the re ceipts have Leer leo heavy to allow 1 olden. to keep up prices. The feeling being that prices were more likely to 101111.0110 rise, receivers were all anxious to sell and the consequence Is, that prices are to-day from U n to 3 cents less than a week ago, White and streaked pacges nod In ferior qualities 111 . 0 very hard to sell, find we not daring to keep them, have to take the best offers we can get. Fancy Palls are still selling at 43 to 4.1 coots, but those firicus are extreme, and are not safe tar sh.ppers to calcu late off, as Orange Co. palls will undoubtediy be down to 40 cents before our next. CHEESE.—New factory choke aml fancy, 214.(1)=.4. Do fair to good, Half. N. Y. State Dairy good to choice 1 .1 . 1 packed In chaff, 711 dos. 21022. Jersey and Penna. w well packed In outs, 218= N. F. State, well packed, good ardor, ..11021, Oblound Western, good order, 2 . :€121. RHOS—Receipts for the pant week foot up 13 612 bbls. or a decrease of over 4,000bb1... front laid week. This falling cif 1u receipts and Hof demand <outlook/ft active has caused an inlyunce iff prices of from 3 to 4 cents during the past felv days, should receipts toil ,ii still more during the coining week prices will further adv nor,. Would advise all who InIVO held their stock back to let It now come forward gradually. BEA NS. —Marrow 010114 , new, 11 bosh. C 2 lbs, 4102-53 Kidney, choice, new, Tlediums, choice, now, 2.21q2.30, Fe, choice, Do., fair to good, 2,2'002.40. lots 111111 Colllllloll,' 7701.00. 1) MEI) FittliT—Appi.., Prim, State, V hush, 15015311 Do., Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania, 14012- AP 6 Va Son.hern, 1 . 4 - 014. 2.lg..24.llaspherries, 44 0. Cherries, pitted. 40.343. Ho., Pits In t . Putie uffpeoled,ll(79l7 Peaches peeled, 2103 u, BE ESW AX. —Pit reV lb, 44040, SEP:nth—not need, el bash. 1.5g,x, 2.50(12.E4 1 , Clover. I: VIVI:LOW-1u good barrels. 1.1 lb, 11(31144. FOULI'/I Y,—Lucks alive, '44 pair, .ti@ii.Ltl, 00030 alive. V pair, Turkeys..? g. WWI (~Iflckenif. Reenters, 14616. Sprg thickens, large. V pr., 571.4.1 Do.,' small (Slat IW. Chickens Jersey mud Beek. co., choice V lb, 2,4ra1l State and Fa. choice. 23g0'23; poor to good, i ce, Western, good io choice, 216 . 0134, Do., poor to choice, Icoal. Turkeys, Jersey and Dockh eo. choir...if:CZ, State tool Fa. choice 21alhl, fair co goo, ) , 2 Western. fair to 'cliulce 206211 Ducks, fair 10 eIIOILV, 10.6792.1;111. MAPLE SUOMl—Choice small and fancy cakes, now, 1 , 1.1(611./. Fair to good, 11013. Largo Cakes. good, 11.1fifielTrr acid Dark, } l . ( 2l l . l latilials or full came On the side of every package, that WO may know who It from, and also mark the contents on the side of every package, that we may know what each routalus without °pealing eon). Intekllgo 10 1111 d lice kind the customer WILIAM, and send full invoice by 10 011. Tho undersigned respectfully inform his friends and shippers throughout the country, that he Is stlll at the old stand, U 2 Barclay street, and Is not In auy Way con nected will. the so•called firm of Helfrich, Hilbert di Co., and is threforo not rexpousiblo for 1111 y goods consigd to sold firm. Respectfully, J. 11. HELFRICneH. IflarriagrO. DIET.'E—GRAFF.—On the 23d Inst., by the Rev. W. G. ?donning, Mr. Charles Dletze, to Miss Theresla Graf, both from Lehigh Co. McDONALD—CLAUI39.—On tho 20th by the same, Mr. John McDonald, to Miss Clara Clause, both from Allentown. . . . MONROE—WARM! N.—On the 24th of April, Ly the Rev. Henry B. To .ruseml, nt the pautorage of the Phillipsburgh Presbyterian church, Thomas Monroe, of Ifuntertion county, N. J., to Miss Jane Warman of Bloomsburg, N. J. ' APOAR—MINION.—On the 27th of February, by the same, Mr. Jacob M. Apgar, of Little York, N. J.,to Miss Amantla Elke Milan, of HatMody N. J. . _ . HECKLER—IHARTMAN.--On the 97th of May, by the Rev. M. N. Downing, Mr. Henry A. Heckler to Miss Alice J.llartman, both of this city. Dratliz REICITARD.—In Rittersville, on the 20th ult., Lydia, widow of the late George Reichard, aged 73 years,2 mouths and 3 days. BUT.—On the 30th inst., in this city, Florence Estella Anchellar, daughter of Ilarrlson W. and Annie E. Butz, aged 3 years, •Il mouths and 20 days. BERND.—In this city, on the 20th Inst., Edwin Charies,,soo orJesse and Flauna Bernd, aged 4 years and 0 months. • ICRAMEIL—In this city, on Monday evening, John Kramer, aged 37 years. " If men or women could but find the fabled fountain which is said to health, and. strength, and beauty with what eagerness they would rush to drink Its writers." It is found lu the 13. T,--4860•—X. The sale gibe PLANTATION Driveller's withoutw precedent in the history of the world. They are nt once the most speedy, strengthening life-restorer ever discovered. It requires but n single trial' to understand this. " Imported OeY Nebo. abbertiornteitto. DISTRICT COURT OF THE IL S. FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNA. • in Me molter of Granot/le Gernert, a Rankrupt: Notleo le hereby givou that in purnuance of au order.of said Court, a tneetlog of Mn creditors of said bankrupt will be hold at the office of George N. Corson, ono of the Registers of Bankruptcy for aald District, at the American HOWL In tho Coy of Allentown , tho 17th of June, A. D. ISA at 9 o'clock a. ra, for the p mono. named In the 27th, Section of the Act of Congress entitled An Act to estah• Itch a uniform ardentof bankruptcy throughout, the United States," approved March 2,1031 Jane 2-31 EDWARD BECK, Assignee, G AN FIXTURES AND KEROSENE LAMPS A lIIIHAT VARIETY OW 118 W 9TTLI29. MERIDIAN BURNER, Safest and Rest ht (ho market. It gives the largest light of any burner made. COULTER, JONES t.f7, CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 702 ARCH. ST., PRILAbA. Sday I M • - - Fm -NKS 715 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA.. je2.Bm THE WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY OF PENNA., Principal 00Ieo, Alloutown, PA OFFICERS: JOIIN C, ANRWALT, PRIMMEST. D Wm. I!. ESHLER, SECRETARY. • MARTIN SEIPLE, TRRASURER. Board of Dlrecfprg—John C. Anolvolt; Wm. H. Doh lor, Martin Solplo, Dr. Z. F. Laßoche, Dr, A. Upputomor, Georg° Salplo, Ephraim J. Kuala., Chorloo H. Helot, C. 11. M. Sell, Lowle C. Huber, Wen. 11.5. Dross, Peter J. H. Romig. This Sudety Is virtually a Life Insurance Company on a plan by which a person of the smallest means can procure its protection to Ills family In case of his death. It does nut accumulate millions of dollars of the mem• berm' money, as do other Life Insurance Companies, but each member can retain bin money until called for in tho case of the dee h of any member. There is no possibility of this Society failing no the funds are all In the hands of the members themselves, and the Society is pare) y mutual. Members have a right to vote at all election.. for officers. • • WRY BECOME A MEMBER. It In no snore the moral duty of a man to provide the daily bread for Ills family white he lives, than It is tor ro. vide agalust their being left penniless In tho event ohis death. A POLICY IN THIS SOCIETY is the CIIEAPEST and SAFEST modo of making cortuin provision for ouch it calamity YOUNO MEN are an liable to take leave of lifo as the old. Death in uncertain. We ask you, thoreforo, to con sider the CHEAPNESS and SAFETY of Insuring' In thin Company, and be assured that In ca.o of death you will leave behind you a blessing to a widowed mother or de pendent Meter. (live the reconsider yr thought, send to the Secretary for our circular, its cheapness and we era suro you will at once take out a Policy. NTT`RAIrgAr'L - WW- SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Passenger. for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley It. 11 I train. passing Allentown at 511 rt. in.. It 43 a. m. and 5 60 p. in_ and arrive in Philadelphia at I) a. in., R 2 10 p, in. and 825 p. m., also Labials and Sea ueliatasa ailroad Amin at 2 07 p. in. and arrive in Philadelphia at 441' p, Passengers for Doylestown take trains leaving Beth. lehem at (I ill a. ra: and 12 03 p. m. LOCAL SCHEDULE. • [Four Through Traluslially, Sunday. Excepted.] Passenger trains learn the depot Northwest corner Perks and American streets, Philadelphia, For Allentown at 745 and 43 a. in„ and 115 and sp. m. Doylestawn at 811 a. us., 245 and 4 L 5 p. tu. '• Fart Washington at 1 43, hi 43 a. in., and II 53 p. ru. " Abington nt 115, 315, 520 and Bp. ne " Lansdale at 0 21p. m. WO 00, Kello4l I I 40, paying Troll. for Philadelphia. Leave Bethlehem at 6 2) a. m., 12 03, 2 2) and 0 03 p. • Doylestown at 630 a. tn., 310 and.s 03 p. tn. Lansdale at 0 10 a. m Port Washington at. 30. 043 11, DI. Aod 233 p. m Ablugton at 2 03, 4 03, 6 10 Audi? 00p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 00 p. at. Doylestown 1 30 a. m. Abington 8 00 Leave Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0 311 a. 10. •" for Doylestown at 2 (10p. m. for Abington at 8 00 p. at. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 51 83, ELLIS CLARK, Agent. CARPETS. . • REDUCTION IN PRICES. SELLINO AT LOW FIOURES TO SEDUCE STOCK CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. E. H. GODSUALK & Co., 723 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, SUMMER DRESS GOODS. "BEE HIV E," DRY GOODS STORE, PHILADELPHIA ON MONDAY, MAY 810 T, 1809, 500 PIECES, SILK FIGURED GRENADINES, (The balance of in Importation) AT 87% CENTS PER YARD ComSo Import FIFTY-FIVE CENTS The. Goods are .a.nable and Great Bargelux J. W. PROCTOR & ,CO., THE "BEE HIVE," NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA mar2l-3m ANEW' BOOK FOR AGENTS t nr CATOQQIQQ Q. 1:1RECI1Ell .d lIAQQIET IILECIIIIII THE AMERICAN WOMAN'I3,NOME; • Or, Principles of fliknectle Science. Beings guide bi.geounnt (cal, Healthful, Renut(ful, and Christian Homes. Well printed; prorunely illustrated; handsomely bound. A Work that will rind Its way Into every hounehoid In the land. Sold only through Agent, by subscription. Ezelualee territory and liberal discounts given. A splendid bookfor Intly cancan/rm. Agents wanted In every town and county. Send for descripti•e circular to CHAS. S. O SHIMS & CO., Publisher.. Itay It•lal • HS Chestnut St., Philadelphia.. • PROF. HAMILTON'S NlDlaAteo {STOP} COUGH CAtINY! Made from extracts prey In Vico° TIIAT , — a certain and effective remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore COUGiI Throat, Asthma, Dronchitia and Caw aumption. Those who try—Always use It—cure their Colds and avoid con. aumptlon and an early grave. Price,' only 12 mute. One million sold annually, and sold every where and by all &trailers In Allentown. 1feb1743m.,,, Bilrgllhis Can 1)0 illtil In apen.2l/1 PIIILADELPIIIA MEM POPULAR We shall OPEN 25,000 YARDS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers