- ir V X 33 1130- II DE 4 ,1 .' ,- 'ligivfet It StedeN,..?.. No. 20. East Hamilton.,. A ellesplot of Flannels. Red Flannels at 25 ate. Shirting - Flannels ' a full line, such as Rob Roy, Blue, Elearlet, Trenton Amide, Woo' is low, therefore elolliq and Cassiineres are low. • Call and See the Piles. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Le4igh Valley Railroad. 4 acsalsam . 115014,,w SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS-186 3 . On and after Monday, May 41st, 1866, Passenger Trains of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company will run in connection with tho several roads running to Wilkesbarro, Now York and Philadelphia, as fol lows : DOWN 01? EASTWARD TRAMS STATIONS. . . No. 1. No. 5. No.'. No. 9 . Leave A. M. A. Id. P. 161. A. M. Wilketi Barre, 8 00 1.15 Whila Havea 9.30 3.00 Tannery 9.36 3.06 to Hickory Run 9.45 3.15 o Mud Run 9.51 3.22 Rockport 10.00 3.31 •••' a, Shenandoah, 2.10 Mahanoy City, 2.15 2 Audonrled, . 2 00 Jettnesville 2.15 2.^ Beaver Meadow 2.35 . 4 Weatherly 8 25 3.20 o Penn Haven 10.24 3 53 2 Mauch Chunk 4.30 10.47 4.26 ."..., Lehighton 4.40 10.57 4.35 ~.• , • Perryville 4.46 4.41 1•4 Lehigh Gap 5.01 4.68 Blatington 5.07 11.20 5,02 .Rockdale 5.17 5.13 Laury'e 5 27 5.23 Whitehall 5.34 5.30 Copley 5.38 ' 11.42 6.34 • Hokondatique, 5.42 . 5.38 Catattartque 5.46 1137 5.42 Allen Fureaoo 5.54 5.50 o Allentown 6.110 11.57 5.55 1.10 Bethlehem 6.15 12.13 6.15 1.20 Preemanaburg o.n 6 24 Easton, 6.44 12.43 0.45 2.00 Philadelphia, 9.20 2.33 8.45 New York, 10.10 4.10 16.45 6.:00 No. 5.-Loavos Bethlehem .e. 12.40 j Freemana bur•l., • 12.49 , • Easton 1-t‘' ; New York 5.20. up or, vi-ASTWARD TRAINS. ary ..„..s. No. 8. No. 6. No.lo. No. 2. No. 4. ....ye A. 13). M. P. M. A. M. P. M. New Yo k, 700 12.00 4.00 9.00 8.00 Philadelphia, 7.30 5.16 Easton 9.47 8.25 7.40 11 61 11.24 Proemansburg 10 07 3.49 8.06 Bethlehem 10.20 4.00 8.15 12.24 11.63 Allentown 10 37 4.15 •• 8.30 12.35 .12.04 Allentown Furnace 4.20 8.34 co ... Cats:moue 10.47 4.28 8.42 ) 3 Hokendauque 10.63 4.33 8.47 1?. Copley 10.57 4.38 8.51 :•••-, ' Whitehall 11.02 4.43. 8.56 ... • Laury'a 11.10 4.50 9.04 . S. Rockdale 11.19 5.00 9.14 )... Slatington 11.2) 5.12 9.25 'l,7° Lehigh Gap 11.36 518 9.31 -,:: Perryville 11.48 5.33 9.45 c:. Lehighton 11.65 5.39 9.50 tCu Mauch Chunk 12.05 550 10.00 Poen Haven 12.32 6.13. Weatherly 12.54 Beaver Meadow 1.24 Seanaville 1.39 ( V I Audenricd. • 1.44 Mahanoy City, 1.45 Shenandoah, 1.50 Rockport 12.63 6.37 Mad Run 1.02 6.46 Hickory Rut 1.07 6.52 Tannery • 1.17 7.01 mai, Haven 1.23 7.t7 At Wilkes Barre, 2.50 8.35 . CONNECTIONS: Central Railroad of New Jersey—All up and down trains connect at Easton with the trains of tho Con trol Railroad of Now Jersey to and from New York. North Pennsylvania Railroad —Dawn traits No. 1,5, and 7, and up trains Nos. 2 and 8, connect at Bethlehem with trains for Philadelphia. Trains from Philadelphia connect at Bethlehem with down train No. 7 and with up trains Nos. 9 and 10. East Pennsylvania Railroad.—Down trains Nos. 1 and 5, and up trains Nos. 2,4, 6 and 8, eonnoccat Allentown with trains for Readiqg and Harrisburg Trains from Harrisburg and Reading ecnnoot at Al. lentown with all down trains. Belvidere Delaware ltallrond.---Down trains Nos. 1, 3 and 5 connect •at Phi llipsLurg with trains fir Philadelphia. Trains from Philadelphia connect at Phillipsburg with up trains NO9. 2 and 10, and trains from Belvidero connect with up trains Nt s. 6 and 8. Ontawisea Railroad.—Down train No. 7 and up train No, 8 connect at Qartkake Junction, wish irdin, of the Catarvissa Railroad. Hazleton Railroad.—Down trains Nos. 5 and 7, and np train No. 8 connect with trains of the Hazle ton Railroad. • Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad.—Down trains Nos. 5 and 7, and up trains Nos. 6 and 8, connect at White Rayon, with trains of tho Lehigh and Sus quehanna. Railroad to and from Wilitesharre. No change of cars between Wilkesbarre and Now York on up train No. 8 and down train No. 7. No change between Wilkesharre and Philadelphia on up train No. 8 and dawn train NJ. 5. R. H. SAYRE, Supt.,r Eng sugB-'B5 READING RAIL ROAD. IS UM bl lilt AltltA NG E M ENTS, June 11th, 1866. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and North• West for Philadelphia, Now Y Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland, Ltbanon, Allentown, Easton, EphrJta, Litiz, Lancaster, Col ombia, Ao., Trains leave Harriaburg for Now York, as follows : At 3.00. 8.10 and 9 o's A. M., and 2.10 and 9.15 P. M., eonnectidg with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Rail Road, and arriving at Now Ynrk at 6.00 and 10.10 a. in., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 p. in Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 a. m , and 'J.- 15 p in., trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville., Tama qua, Minerevillo, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, nt 8.10 a. in., and 2.10 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal Wl' y Ste tione; the 4.10 p. tu., train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Potts. Schuylkill Unveil ant Auburn, via Schuylkill ,ml Cu•q , r:h _ anua Railroa.l. have Harrisburg at 3.20 p. m. Returning : Lonva Now York at 7 00 and 0.00 n.m., 12.00 noon and 8.00 p. tn.; Philadt Iphin nt 8.15 a. tn., and 3.30 p. tn. Way pas,:enger Train loaves Ph;la delnhia at 7.30 n. m., returning from Rending at 0.30 p. m., stopping at all stations; Pottsvire at 8 45 a m. and 2 45 p. tn.; A,hl in - 1 ti 00 and 11 ::0 a m. nrd 1 .05 p. tn.; Tatauqua at 9 45 a. tn. and I - 00 and 8 55 p. m. Loavo Pottsvillo fyr Ilarrisburcy, via Schuylkill and SuFryuebanna Itailr,avl, at 7,00 a. in. Beading AccominodAtirn Train; !Alves Bowline at 6 00 u m., roturning horn Philadelphia at s'oo p m. ColnmLin trlins learn Reading nt 6 45 a, m., 12.05 noon and 6.15 p m., for Ppbrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, On Sundays: leave Now York at 8 60 p in, Phil •dolphin 8 00 a in and 3 15 pm, the 8.00 II m train running only to Re Ming. Pottsvi le BMt n in. Ta maqua 7 0, n ro, Harrisburg 0 05 a ta and Reading at 1 33 n. m . and 7.' , 0 a in., for Ilarrieburg. and 10 52 a. in. for New Y.r. and 4 25 p. in. for Phila delphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced rates. BuggAgo chocked through • Lift pound , . allowed each Yassong , :r. 0. A. NICOLAS, nonoroi Suporintondont. . Rattling, Pa., June 25th, ISRE, East Pennsylvania Railroad. iginAlgrammm SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Commencing - 21for,dtry,'May, 21st, 18G6 DIRECT TO 'NEIV YORK AND PITTSBURG WITHOUT I= TTRAINS leave Allentown daily (Sundays except- JI ed) at 7.00 and 10.30 A. M.. and at 12.35, .1.15 and 11.4.1 I'. M. The 10.30 A. 31., make direct con necti ens at Harrisburg, fur Chambersburg, Hagers town and points on toe Cumberland Valley Rail road, Northern Central Railroad, North and South, and the oil region. The 10.31 l A. M., 12.35 and 11.- 44 P. M., are the Western Express trains. direct: through to Pittsburg without change of cars.- The 7.00 A. M. train stops at all stations of this road, and m ho connections at Reading for Pottsville, Port Clinton, Tamaqua rind all points in the Schuyl kill coal regions ;• for Philadelphia and all points on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, also for Harrisburg, Chambersburg, Hagerstown, York, Get tysburg, the oil region, Williamsport, and the West. '4,-Tho 4.15 P. 51., train stops at all stations, connects ')lkt , Jicitding, with trains for Pottsville, Columbia. akihsata, Litit, Lancaster, 'Harrisburg, Sc. The 11:44 P. M., train leaves daily (Sundays included' for Reading, Harrisburg, and the West. 'Passengers are requested o prrelinse their tickets before -entering- the oars, as higher fare will be charged on the cars. Tickets for sale at the Allentown office for all 'points on this road,and the principal stations on the Philo 'elphia and Reading, Lebanon Valley, and Pennsylvania railroads West, North-west and South-west. fjunii-ON] ' O. STOLZ. Eng'r. R Supli .41ER 8R0 4 3 DETER -AT - . 019 1 1 t Daily 7ka int..41.11e Novo tallililladeph DASSENGERB for Philadelphia teko L. V. R. R L 'trains pining Allentown at 6:00 a. m.,13.112 noon, and 5.55 p. m., make close connection with the trains of N. P. R. R. at Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadelphia at 9.20 a. m., 2.30 and 8.40 p. respectively. Passengers for Doylostown take 6 25 a. tn. train from Bothlohem an] make conr action at Lana laic and can return to Allentown tko - 4n tic °Toning. All Passenger Trains f except Sandi , y Trains,),ieri aect at Berke Arcot, Philadelphia, with sth „ad Gth drew City Patmeoger Railway. RETURNING Leave the now Depot, Third street, above Thomp son, Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., and 5.15 p. m., arriv 'ng in Allentown at 10.31 a. in., and 8.30 p. m., re spectively. LOCAL SCHEDULE. Ehroo Throtigh Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger traine leave the new Depot, ,Third street, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.30 a. in., 8.30 p. m., and 15 P. M. For Doylestown at 8.35 a. m.,and 2.30,4.15 p. re. For Lansdale at 0.15 p. in. For Fort Washington at 11 p m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leavo Both'ahem at 6.25 a. m. 12.25. noon and 1.15 p. m. Leave Doylestown at 6.40 a. m., 3.15, and 5 30 p. to. Lonvn Latina&le nt 8.00 a. m. Fort Washington, at 2.15 p. m., 10.50 a. in. Pare—Allentown to Philadelphia, $1 85 ELLIS CLARK, Agont. lug:8-'115 REMOVAL ! • DESHLER'S HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISH Lt ENT HAS been removed to No. 51 East Hamilton &root, first door below the • A MERICAN HOTEL. When, can now bo found the latest, ta O EL elegant and fashionablo styles of NATE; ALC D P?„ • Alan bee neen added a Gents' Funkhing Giuuds DEPARTMENT ! With a fall lino of NEW GOODS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES; • GLOVES, *etc., etc., etc. COME ONE COME ALL ! and see for yourselves, the beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take groat pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will soil goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OF TEE CITIES. Now goods received dully from the manutacturers and for sale at the lowest rates. Ifeb2o•t. STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD I_4o And Prospe is of still Farther Decline! l=" N 1:' CI 2 ROLES 1 11 E lIOCR. Hats, Caps and Furs, SPRING STYLES. Christ & Sauer's, No. 15 West Hamilton street opposite .the Odd Follows' Hall, have on band the 4•••""r - N; largest lassortmont of Hats and Cap„ • • ' spring and summer styles, evor seen in Allentown, comprising ecory stylo and quality. from five dollars down to fifty coute, and sucn that will ttconto old and young. Their stock of Caps is tho largest in Allentown, and at extromely low prices. To convince tho pub lic of what is said, it may bo well to state that flop have FORTY-ONE different styles. Suroly enough to given p , roon a chance of suiting his ta , s to. p/r• Messrs. Christ Salters (Elect attention to the filet that tboy are the only MANUFACTURERS of flats in Allentown. Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them lints and Caps cheaper than they can get thorn in tho city. Allentown, August B—tf Dr. P. R. PALM, LATE SURGEON IN THE UNITED 'STATES ARMY, would announce to the cid tens of Allentown and vicinity, that ho is contin uing the practice of Medicine in ALLENrowN ,on Eighth Street, above Ilarnilfort, first house above Lichtenwalloor 4 eo's store. Having hail the hon or to belong to the OPERATING CORM; at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Franklin's •frossing, he., and having had charge of SEVERAL 110B1'ITALS, ho has had muoh experience in all the details of Sutfaituv and the treatment of diseases 4onerally. The Doctor is a.regular graduate of the JEFFERSON MEDICAL Cottsae of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine daring the past eight een years. Having had Much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the ,EYE, ho would osproially solicit the patronageofd,hose who may he afflicted with diseases of that important organ. Having re stored tho sight of many who have boon BLIND Fon yen Rs. Ile would :lie° solicit the attention of those aifflting from chronic diseasca, such as DROPSY, (for which he has an almost infallable remody,) Diseases of the KIDNEYS, ItIIIM3IATIBM ; NEURALGIA, CHRON IC COllOllB, DIARRIICKA and DYRENTARY, (whiph he professes to core in less than half the time required by r rdipary retuedies,;(l RAVEL, Gonne or enlarge ment of the neck, l'iLes, NIA RASE OR or donsumption in rhildron. SICK II EADACR E. TAPE WORM, MELAN CRoLIA, SCItorUbA, or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or sickness,:Ftritin SORE Tnnosv, TETTER, dASCS VECCLIAR TO FEMALES; nilo ditIORSOR of the Liver, Lungs and Ilrart. Having now practiced medicine here for over two years, the Doctor is aide and willing to refer to per sons in this place v. ho have been cured by him of most of the diseases specified. All calls from town or county will receive prompt Mention by day or nigtt. Medicines furnished to all patients, which ho pre pa:es himself, as he will use none but the very best. ileferonces : liis former notiatita. kllentown. May r 9 1M.6. iy— SPECIAL NOTICE Reduction ! Reduction!! AT SHIMEWS 11 A offa sTO Two doors above the Eagle Hotel. T M' offer for sale their entire new stock of DRESS GOODS at greatly reduced prices, such as, 1)r0,1 O,IOIIS in great variety. Shawls, Brocha, Thibets and Blanket Shawls. Balmorals and Hoop Skirts. Printe, Shectings, Check and Tiekings. Flannels of every quality, color and style, • very low. Men's and Boys' wear. Such 31c Cloth, Cassimere. D,eter's Brown Dineey, Ikea were; Undershirts and Knit Jackets. Carpets and Oil Cloth. Alntl assortment of Groceries. Country produce taken in exchange. Greenbacks never refused. Remember the place, follow the crowd, de'ay not and eAll early, we guarantee it to your advantage. SWAIM BROS. CALL AND SEE B. SCIIIADT 9 8 WUOLESALE AND RETAIL • VARIETY STORE, opposite the German Reformed Church, and next, door to Leisenring k Co's. Book Store. Constant y on hand a largo stuck of the best. York State App es, Oranges Lomas, Figs, ao. Nuts 001 1 1 kinds. .1 'argil variety of French, common and Christ mas can d ies. A large assortment of PatentChina,lVa.x4pnag mon dos A so, a sp'endid , •t • 0 hrist La. s tf ier toys from one een . •• • • BI • kiwisof ' to'd at tho : ces. 7 . j .; Ziri. 21 Etta rect. n0v134 NEVER 'lO BE UNDERSOLD 8c ' b ib tO G 4' 4rW. Hamilton" St., NEXT DOOR TO BLACK BEAR HOTEL al Allentown, P a . HAVE OPENED A NEW A~. DII A '3llC 4WD ARIL ND now, offer to nil in want of anything in their line, a good and well selected stock, and of the best manufactories. They have a large, new and superior stock of everything usually kept in a Hard ware Store, which they are determined to sell as cheap as can be bought anywhere else. Tsasata sat" szvory Qesmiptisaro. For Mechanics of all Kinds. STEEL, OILS, IRON, PAINTS, GLASS, NAILS, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, SCREWS, DOLTS HINGES, LOCKS, SCOOP SHOVELS, • SHOVELS, • SPADES, Farm►.ng . Impliments, They would call the attention of Farmers to their new and well selected stock of everything pertain ing to their lino. ClitierY of All „KindS, dUCII AS likialves, . Forks, A FINE ASSORTMENT OP Pocket Knives, Give them a call and see if they have what you want. If they have not they will get it for you without delay. They charge nothing for allowing goods, and hope by attention to the wants of those uccding goods in their lino of boldness, to secure a fair share of public patronage. FRANKLIN HERSH, AARON MOSSER. Late of the firm of Hermit, Seigfried Co.] . —Sept. •4. ly Good News for ALL. GREAT RUSH 1 OR CHEAP DRY GOODS EVERYTHING DOWN At th LONEST tiliatCh t Car Loads of Dry Goods Miller, Schreiber & Co's &REM EMPORIUM v As Cheap as Before the War GREAT BARGAINS IN M - USLIN - S! BLEACHED and UNBLEACHEB. Calicoes and Ginghains LOTS.or FULL o , , ? slizau ovvsatt, As CHEAP as Beton Ate WAR ! MOM BLACK SILKS, FANCY SILKS I , dERINOES, DELAINES, MIFFS, ALPACCAS, EMBRES CLOTH,• WOOL DE LAINES, MOUS. DE LAINES, VITEXT E GOODS!. HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS PILES OP atil AWLS:, V SHANka CLOTHS. CASSMEMES, &C., FOR MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, At the Lowest Figures'. Having no time to enumerate, but simply say that 0 great many goods are sold now for a good deal less than they can be produced. All the above goods we are able to sell from 10 to 15per cent. less than our neighbors, as .we sell for cash and buy for cash. All we ask is to give us a call and you will leave satisfied. . • NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS! MILLER SCHREIBER & CO., No. 10 East Hamilton Street, One Door Below the First National Bank A LLENTOWN, PA. Sept, 11,18G6. A NEW OPENING! GRIM & RENINGER. HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE! At No. 9 W. Hamilton St., FOUR DOORS ABOVE THE EAGLE HOTEL, ALLENTOTVN, PA. WITERE they will offer for sale at the very low est prices, a full lino of morahandiae. Fall and Winter Goods, Such no Ladies' and Meri's Wenr, Plain and Figured Delains, Merinos. All Wool Ddlains, Shepherds Plaids, Prints. Ea'morals, Checks, Tickings, J cans, White Goods, Silks. Cloths, Cassimeres, Sutinelts, Flannels, and Shirtings, Gloves, Shirts and Drawers Musline, Bosoms, Collars, &0., &e. CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS. An assortment of Carpets, Ingrain . and Stair Car pets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths and 14 mdow Shades GROCERIES. Such as Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Tea, Bunch and Keg Raisins, Cheese, Salt, course and fine. etc., etc., etc. All the above - goods we will sell at the very lowest prices for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. All we ask is from our old friends and the !labile in gen eral, to give us a cull and examine our stock before making their purchases elsewhere. Remember the old firm. [oel2-ifj GRIM S RENINGER. Geo. . Reeder, MERCHANT TAILOR! No 15 East Bamilton Street, Ntxt Door to John D. %Wit Drag Store VXIIIESE he keeps constantly on hand a full as- TV sortraent of roady-made clothing, such as • COATS, VESTS, PANTS &o. also GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODSot all kinds, which for WoFkranrnhip, Quality and Prices, cul t irot earpaiistA lnt•iwn. A large and well salooti ocatock ct always on hand. Clothing made to order on short notion, and a 8008 FIT 611:ARANTEED. Call and °rattling our stuck. April 10,'66-Iy] GEO. K. REEDER. NOW OFFER THEIR lad= STOOK BARNES & SON, Con, tieliarnilion & 6th Sts., ALLENTOWN, PA., DruO, Chemicals & Paints, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BARNES S SON'S DRUG STORE Is known in Allentown. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE • Is known througbout, Lehigh county. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got pure Drugs. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get tine and fresh Drugs BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get cheap Drugs. • BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get good and reliable Medicines. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got prasorrptione compounded BARNES A: SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Perfumery and Fancy Articles BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get any genuine Patent Medicines. 'BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Dye Stuffs. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Trusses, Supporters Shouldori BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE r e t he place to got pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. BARNES h SON'S DRUG STORE h the place to get Paints and Oils. BARNES .t SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Window Glass and Putty. BARNES do SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got the best Varnishes. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place for southy merchants to obtain Spoons, ae. BARNES SON'S DRUG STORE tho placo for Physicians to obtain supplies BARNES & SOW'S' DRUG STORE Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants to obtain their supplies of Kerosene Oil, Sal Bode, Concentrated Lye, Pure Ground Spices, Matches, Stsrch, Shoe Blacking, Blend). Soda,Salaratus, Alcohol, Lard and Whale Oil,Neat's Foot OlLCastile Soap, Indigo, Bath Bricks, Stove Lustre, White Chalk, Cream Tartar, Ref'd Saltpetre, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Ref'd Borax,. Camphor, Sweet Oil, Black Ink, Essences Se., Se., Sc., At Barnes dr Son's Drug Store—You can buy your Cattle Powders. At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating Oile, for Machinery. At Barnes & Son'. Drug Store—You can buy Potash and Soda Ash, At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You can buy relic ble Family Medicines. At Parses & Son's Drug Store—Will be found a full supply of all articles used in the PAINTING BUSINESS At BARNES & SON'S DRUG Yirl STORE is the place to find all Pm the popular Patent Medicine's and Bair Restoratives of the day. Wisharte Pine Trim Tar r Cordial,Hunter's Worm Cakes, llembold's Extract Iluehu, Dr. Rose's Family Medicines, fly er's Cherry Pectorinl,Sarsapa, rutin and Pills, Dr. Jayne's Medicines, Hoofland's Gorman Bitters, Woods Hair Restora tivo, Sterling's Ambrosia,Mer chant's Gargling Oil, etc. Wo would call attention to the fact th constantly receiving fresh goods from Phi and other markets, and we are able to COMPETE WITH ANY OPPOSITION. I Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon this house, we hope, through the favor of a discrim inating public, to merit a continuance of the some. Our endeavors shall always be to PLEASE ALL, and to furnish Pure Aviide,a Lim Rricea iuls24-tf.] BARNES d; SON. ATTRACTIONS. NEW FALL GOODS ! Ci.a. XJ Ms .41L.N J 1 Si ill 3EI ! MEX7331E1.11. 33.P1 Ogg., (LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. 7 IT'ES7' HAMILTON STREE2, Would respectfully , Inform the cid en of Lehigh county that they have just formed a co-parnership as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stock of WINTER COODS, • FROM NEW YORK AN.D PUMA DELPHIA And are now offering them at the LO WEST 'MARKET PRICES. 1211 DRY' GOODS! CONSISTING Or LATEST STYLES Or Figured and Plain Alpaca', Figured and Plain all Wool De Lathes SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK SILKS, SUIIISI ER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS,, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Checks, G. wiharns, Betilicks, Flannels, &o„ Shepherd Plaid Balmoral', -A Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, • Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, LADIE3 GLOAKISC, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, Reppellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. 5 [rir lb ECI I RI &dB. A full line of Cloths, Casslames, Sattinetts and Vesting., all kinds and prices, which will bo sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a 'arge and well se looted stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACK.EREL, BALT, &o Which we will dispose of et the very lowest oath prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest storks, prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest ! for we fool satisfied that wo can suit your ...arras es well as your roans. Don't forget the place, No. 7 West Hamilton street, second door abcoe the Eagle Hotel. , Returning thank. for the patronage received in the past, and hope that by &continuous effort to accom odate their friends and customers, and In conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support and good will of the people. A. A. Hunan, C. L. Hone% Allentown, July 18, PURE LIBERTY WHITE L ss ilkir,— The Whitest, the most durable and the most 'Menem tool. Try it I Manufactured only by Ziegler de Smith, Wholesale Drug, Wei & Glass Dealers, janBo-Isl No. ,1'37 N. Third St., OF DRESS GOODS, BWAWLS, BALERS ,IN I=l At* RS ! V- WC_ _IIE 251L_ r-JIE" ALLENTOWN, PA. =mom IMI pilitiolllls lICETIMENT IN ALLENTOWN, PA. THE FAMOUS HORSE CHEAP CASH . STORE Pw . .gird• • LET LOOSE! TIIT people at last are convinced that there is nothing like buying at a • "'CASH STORE A❑ whose motto is "ECONOIka," hero unani mously agreed to call upon - BURDGE • dr . JONES, who have just . opened their Immonso stock of ran and Winter Goods, MERINOES, A LPACCAS DELAINES, CASHMERES, WOOL DE LAINES, kc., &c., &c., all of which were selected with the greatest care, and are therefore all the most beautiful 'shades, and at such astonishing low prices that nobody can help but buy—call tind examine them. IVOMESTte Call/QUIS t MUSLIN TICRINOS, supplies &o. from 10 to :leper cent. cheaper than their neighbors. Some are boasting of 19 cent Calicoes, I tc., but call and See Suns, which ore STILL CHEAPL:II—and prettier styles mere never brought to this town, FLANNELS 1 FLANNELS 1 OF EVERY COLOR AND QUALITY. Cloths, Cassimeres,and Vestings, cheaper than can be bought anywhere oleo in thin part of the State. Clothing made to Order, mt.. WARRANTED TO FIT OR NO SALE. ..01 They have also always on hand a fresh supply of Groceries and Provisions. Everybod y seems particularly well pleased with their TEA, which they sell 25 to 30 cents per pound cheaper than any store in the county. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER. CALL EARLY And ExarnErte their Steek. NO TROUBLE..TO SHOW MUMS! REMEMBER TIIE PLACE, THE Cheap Cagh Store OF BURDGE. & JONES, N. 9 East Bamilton Street, 3 doors below the Allen grouse. N. B.—We were under a great inconvenience last Spring, owing to the enlarging and improving of the store room, wo know that a great many left in disgust on account of the crowding, dust and dirt, and not receiving the proper attention. But. the room is now larger and beautifully fixed, and hav ing a number of new clerks, we are now able to re ceive and please all. • [Sept. 17.—1 y Ell H AN OLD STAND! at wo are iladulphia Nj EW ElitioaßEttETQßS 50,0 0 0 New Customers WANTED. THE undersigned w ish to inform the public that they have purchased the well known Grocery dr Provision Store, formerly kept by GoesMr & Co., on SEVENTH ST., a few doors above the ALLENTOWN BANK, where they intend to keep constantly on hand a fresh stook of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Their stock consists of . • SUGARS, COFFEE STARCH, DIOLASSEIB, DRIED CHERRIES, &o. DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Dried Beef, Shoulders & Hams. TEAS AND SPICES, OF THE VARIOUS BINDS AlfD TILE BEST LIVE POULTRY ALWAYS ON HAND The do not take time to enumerate, but invite all to give them a trial, for they feel satisfied that they can sell their stock at a price that will be eatiNfacto• ry to all. Give us a Cull TROXELL k nuTz' sera I-tr I RESTORE YOUR SIGHT! DIL J. STEPHENS A: CO.'S PATENT CORNEA RESTORERS, Or, RESTORERS OF TUE EYE:WHIT. They will Restore Impairs Sited, and Preterve tt to the Laird l'eriod Lif. SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. ,dik ; ,' The, most eminent Physic. tans, Oculists, Divines, and '25 the most prominent men of "11,,,q our country, recommend the • • use of the CORNEA RESTOR . ERS for Presbyopia, or Far or . Long-Sighteduess, or every person who wears spectacles from old ago ; Dimness of Vis ion, or Blurring ; Overworked Eyes ; Asthonopia, • or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes ; Pain in the Eyeball ; Amanroals, or Obscurity of Vision ; Photophobia, or In tolerance of Light ; Weakness of the Retina and Optic Nerve; lilyodesopla, or Specks or Moving bodies before the Eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Milani mation of the Eye and Eye lids ; Cataract Eyes ; Hotulo pia, or Partial Blindness ; Sinking of the Eyeball, and Imperfect Vision from the effects of Inflammation, &a, Th used by any one with a certainty of at.., and without the least fear of Injury to the eye. More than 5,000 certificates of cures are exhibited at our °ince. Cure guaranteed in every case when applied according to the directions im•losed in each box ' or the money ivill .be re funded. ;Write for a Circular—rent sprats. • • Address, Dr J. STEPHENS .5: CO., Oculists, IP. 0. Bolt 926.) mar rin. J. firEintrass k Co. have Inventria anti patented a MYOPIA or CORNEA FLAT TENER, for the cure of NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS. which has proad a great bIICL:CaF 4 Write tot a curculim Principal Whoa : • N 0.140 Broadway, Now Turk: August 14, 1886. • -Iyr 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. Norsnwro "OWN ALINE l" Mew Fall Styles 1 A in every respect first Ow, and embrace a complete neeortment fur Ladies, Slivers, and Children, of the newest etyles, every length and lie n of waist. Our Skirts, wherever known, aro more universally popular than any cohere before the public. They re tain their shape better, aro lighter, moro elastic, more durable, and really cheaper, than any other floop Skirt in the market. The springs and fasten- Inge are warranted perfect.' Every lady should try them! They aro now being extensively eold by Meichants, throughout the country, and at WHOLE SALE and RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room No. 728 Arch St., below 7th, Philadelphia. Ask for lIOPIUN'S "own itsEE,"—b:iy no other. ceoriox.—Nono genuine unless eta.Lped on each Kid Pat—"Ropkin's lloon Skirt Manufactory, No 828 Arch St., Philadelphia." Also, constantly on hand a full line of New York made Skirts, at very low prices. TERNS NET CASH. , ONE PRICE ONLY. September Ob. FLARNBLSi SHEETING'S, • cogs, 117 r- AT THE REPPS, MORAIRS, MEM CALICOES, CAECKS, BUT /NEI RAISINS, CURRANTS, BEANS, QUALITIES AT40412.1t; IN THWDITY OF NEW ~ YORK, Of a highly wirpaisbl• eiltlsen, well known Mercantile community, thy DR. J. H. B'o extro-K • THE GREAT LUNG DOOTOR OF - PHILAWA OPTIC' N.Y. A GAMMA LIIAD Co., I No- 28 Nelsen New Yoik, June 1, 1865- Dr- J- H. Sobenek—Dear Sir: For over fifteen yours I have been troubled with a very severe cough, and usually two or three Sines a year with more or less hemorrhage, which together, for the last few years, has kept me thin in 'flesh and tto weak to do business of any Find without suffering- In August last I had a very aevere hemorrhage, and, according to the judgment of a good New York physician, I was claimed ne b yond the reach of medicine, and was advised to be prepsred, no far us property matters were concerned, to leaveithis world at abort notice. The physician (and my good, 'friends)-said that the first cold I took most prov e fatal- Early In January I took a severe cold, a nd fortunately was occupying rooms at No. $2 "" fa il th r ' o d f ir j ec a t n iy u n o ry ve r r p y r o o u e r are in d e a °- bottle thi n k about a :o ° u u ; the Pulmouio Syrup and commenced taking It freely- My feet and limbs were very much swollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death seemed to accom pany my cold; I sent for my former physician, and stated to him that I was taking your medicines, and after showing them to him, and having tasted of them, do:, be replied: "You can take them if yon like, they will do you no harm:" Ho said, "You know what I told you last summer, and Iraq the same now, if you have any business to close up, do not put it off." Ile said to other friends that he "could see ho hope for me," and my friends and relations concluded toy time bad come; At this time I was taking freely of your medicine, but bad not seen you. The doctor called a few times, and found me (much to bis surprise, he said,) improv ing, and ho could not understand why. My faith was increasing in your medicines, and Iliad a wish to have you examine my case, and see whatyon had to say. When you first came to my room and made the examination, you gave ma but little encourage ment, but on the contrary, expressed *ad doubts of my ever being helped out of my then seeming dif- Peri ties. The second time that you called, finding me still gaining, you gave me encouragement, a :-y log, my symptoms were improving; the Palmy ic Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills bon acted like a charm." My circulation, my cougad my appetite. all began to improve, and I cool:, walk about in • room a little. You visited ma neald ly every Tuesday, and found me improving, anr told me not to go out of my room until the first dad of May. I teak no cold while under your treaty meet, my appolhe became first-rate, and ycu told me to oat everything I wished of a nutritious na ture, and to exercise about the room as much as possible. I followed your advice, and to the sur prise of my old physician and Irienda, I aecta much better than I have been for several years, and ((math° better than I ever expected n . person could with one lung, the left Icing completely dried up. I feel very grateful to you, end consider your ad vice and medicines invaluable. Yours, truly, T. F. SHELDON. DR. Sonencx—Deer Sir :—About two years ago I was taken with a very troubles•Ote cough and a pain in my breast; men or eight menthe passed away without my doing anything for myself. Then I applied to a physician, who attended me for about thus months without rendering me any ser vice: I also obtained the advice and treatment of a physician in one of our hospitals, and also had the advice and treatment of two other physicians, but all to no purpose. During this long space of time I was nearly dead; several times my friends came to see me and witness my exit into the spirit. world. I was confined to my bed two months at one time. My breething was exceedingly .short.— I gave up several time, all hopes of getting better; and as regarding getting well, that was entirely out of the question. And to think this day lam w , it and hearty ! I was adv i sed by some of my friends to try Da. SCIIENCK'S Medicines. I accordingly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth; then 1 f mad a decided change in my cough for the bettor. I suffered severely from palpitation of the ho,,rt, and two weeks after I commenced taking your medicine this difficulty ceased. • When /Arta went to Dr. Schenck's office it was with difficulty that I could get up into hisreception room, I was so weak and so swelled; my skin was as sallow no though I had the jaundice; I felt dull, heave and eleepless Dr. Schenck, afterexamining me, said both my lungs were affected, and gave me but little hope ; but his medicines. In about two weeks, took right hold of me : it seemed to go right through my whole system. The Pulmonie Syrup, Sea-Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pill., all took right hold in the right place. Tho Pills brought away great quantities of ,bilo and slime ; the Syrian loos ened the matter in my lungs, which came off very free; the Elea Weed Tonic gave me an appetite,aod everything seemed to taste good. To show what great power the medicines have in purifying my system, and to show how bad I was diseased, besides all the bile that passed my bow. els, Ind the great quantities of phlegm and matter I expectorated, I broke out all ovor in large boils, that would c - ntinno to gather and run for about six weeks, and I bad at ono time over twenty-ilvo boils. I.have nothing of the kind now, and feel like an other person altogether. I can safely say that I have not enjoyed such health for five years as I dc now, niad cannot praise you and your medicines enough. May God abuadatuly Mess and preserve you! is the sincere desire of one who has been so wonderfully relieved through your agency; and if any ens desires to know with regard to the truth fulness of this report, if they will call upon any of my friends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Thompson Street, below Cadwsdadet, they will bo perfectly stab fled with the validity of the case. Yours, with mach respect, The above IMF 6; ea donctibed, le perfeetlycorrecL I know It to bo true. Yours, T. B. MILLER, Pastor of Hancock M. E. Church. DR. SCHENCK will be profeedionely at hie principal office, No. 15 North Nixth Street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M.; No. 32 Bond Street, New Fork, every Tuesday, from 0 to 3; No. 38 Summer Street, Boston Mass., every Nednesday, from '9 to 3, and every other Friday at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Alla.lviae free, but for a thorough Oartmintaton of the lungs, with hie Respirometer, the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmt nio Syrun nail Bea. Weed each $1.50 per bottle, or $7,50 per half doaen. Mandrake Pills, 26 cents per box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS h DEALERS. January 80, 1808-Iy—No. 3. CHEROKEE PILLS, Or Female Regulator, Cure Bun/roue, Iteoseeies wad AGOG ifenstruation, Green Bickaww,Nervous ondSphsal Aje factions, Patna its the Back, aira fleadacha, Giddiness, and all dl.. uses that spring from irregularity, by removing the cause and all the effects that twine from It. They are perfectly safe in all cases, as oepi when forbidden by direc tions, and are easy to administer as they aro nicely sugar writes& They ebould be in the bands of every Malden, Wife, and Mother in the land. . Ladles can address us in peeing confidence, and elate their com plaints in _1 we treat all Female Complaints, and prepare Medicines suitable for all &awes to which they ire subject—Thirty-two page pamphlet, In a sealed envelope, free. The Cherokee Pills are sold by all druggists at $1 .per box, or six boxes for 0; or they are sent by mall, free of postage, in an ordinary letter free from observation, by addrcsaing the sole proprietor. Dr. W. B. 1133BRIbr o 97 Walker Elt, N. Y. N. D.—Cherokee Pills No. 2 Aro prepared tot special eases, when milder medicines fall ; thews are sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of $i Ms price of each boo. Du. WRIOWE'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, Essence or Life, Corot General Debility, Weak ./ • • nese Ituaterice its Females, l'olPitatiott elf Me Heart and all Nervous Diseam. It re. - stores new life and vigor Co the • . • " 4 thd Ph/nix roe. aged causing the hot blood of nth to contra the veins, res. rams animate m oontoting the .roone of m era, d oes lion,removing Impotency and Mir Elixir valuers- Debility, vetiofinil. Narainiag vie Ma wrens and and full vigor, thus Droving a overcome (Weave. • perfect "Elimir of Loos," to moving Sterility and Barrenness in both sexes. To tire young, middle-aged, and aged, there is no greater. boon than this "Elixir of Lira" It_gives a new, lease of life, causing th e weak and debilitated te, have renewed strength and vigor, and the enPre system to thrill-with joy and pleasure. one bottle ES; three bottles sb; sent uy express to any address. Our medicines are sold and recommended by all respisctable druggists in every part cd the eistised globe•, some unprindpled dealers, however, tty to deceive their enstomeraby selling cheap and worth- , loss compounds in order to make money. Be not deceived—sak for those medicines and take no' others. If the druggist does not keep them, write to us, and we will send them by express, canathily. r ked acoiv fra le eett?mrawoibtaherfrlitleotteri2:ll °• please regard to' toy disease with rlillehattelreadkear medicines, ontl lets, or Whim, to the sole proprietor, Dr. W. B. 11138 WIN, 87 Welker Elt., No To INVENTORS' orncEs, D'EPINEUIL & EVANS - • CIVIL E+ I' & PATENT SOLICITORS • No. 495 Walnut street, Philad's. . • Patents solleited—Conanijationa on Engineering Draughting and Sketches, Wdels and. fdaehiner, of all kinds XAms and shillttliarded to. Spe cial attention given to REJ D 0 fl INTERFERENCES. Authende opi all 1. uments from Patent Office procured. N. 11.-13 ave yourselves males' trouble and t ine , tilling expenses, as there is no actual need ior per sonal interview with us. All bubiness with thee' °Sloes can he transacted in writing. For Nether information direct as above, with stamp enclosed, tbr eirenlar with referenoes. Immiary 0, lAA& • I 0 :13 - AND OABBIMEREB. &0., FINE CLOTHING- ROCKRILL BROWN STONE MOTHING HALL,: 603 and 605 Oliestant Bernet, PHILADELPHIA. FALL &NO WONTER Our newly fitted np Custom Department for Gen tlemen, Youths and Boys, now contains ts canton selected stock of Foreign and Domesic Goode, which we are prepared to make 1.0 order, in the beet manner, and at rearionable priebe. We Imo on hand the largest and beet stock of Ready-Made Boys' Clothing in the Oily. Particu lar attention paid to the making of Boys' Clothing to order GENTLEMEN, YOUTHS, AND BOYS, Wishing clothing made to order, by lendins tbelr measure, as per diagram, will .have Heir (rulers promptly attended to. ' OATISFACTION AND A GOOD PIT °GARAY/TAM II? YOU WANT TO PRESgEtVg YOUR ROOF USE BREINIGYS IMPROVED LINSEED OIL AND THE LEHIGH METALLIC PAINT! IF TOU WANT A PAINT mann POSESBES DOTH . Beauty. Durability, and a Preserver of Wood USE Pure Premium White Lead, OR Pure Challenge White Lead, OR Pure Anchor White Lead Dn. D. E. BREINIG, well known in this commu nity as a practical manufacturer of PAINT, will guarantee all artioles in this lino to bepure, and what they arc recommended. niA ASV ROLM= 202 Fulton St, New York, MANUFACTURERS OP • BREINIG'S Unpaved Lingood ALSO, LEHIGH IVIETALLIG PAINT, 80 PalitTS ArETIII., WHIN WADS, FRENCH and AMERICAN ZINC& COLORS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS.' Sopteuiber 11 0 1866, —l, MARY SCIINAIDT M'CINLEY POWDER - . "- Cures Ulcers' of the Throat mid Elongated • Palate, Bundling of the Tanaka:los*. Colt:is o gon" Throat, Quincy, Hoarsiett o D;ptheria, Uteruntan't Sore Throat, catarrh of the Note and bran. , , ~ chino. . .' Int. It is speajfe, operating upon theinueuoue membranes of the nose and throat, is No ease Ass been known to MI. 2d. It acts locally, may be e ily applied to the palate and tonsils in snob quantity as to give it time to ant, and being very light,' penetrates, by inhala tion, those portions of the nasal and bronchial 'or gans, whinit other remedies cannot reach. . • :Id. It does not net on the pores of the akin, nor will it affect digestion or the stomach in the least, while syrups, lozenges and expectorants often noun nto and frequently derange the stomach. 4th. Out-door business may be attended to with out risk or apprehension, its beneficial effeets being greatly promoted by exorcise anii frost( air. 5(11. In a few minutes it will arrest tho most an noying cough or troublesome flowing from the nose. Oth. It will p•eveot sore throat or hoarseness, if taken after exposure or public speaking See circu lars. . Oet. Utli for Ladies' and Child ren's Wear in the City. Also, a Eno assortment of Genes Fur Gloves and eolith. . I am enabled to dispose of my stooc at very rms. sonablw prices, and I would therefore solioit a call from my friends of Lehigh county and vioinity Remember the name, number and street! _IM•I have no Partner, nor connection with my other Store in nolo&1phla .. Nov. 6th. lisaWMAlO & LEsatfttEßt MANUFACTURERS,' • • AND . . SyLIOLESALE & RETAIL DAALERS IN =L - 117A+3 MIL . ' THOSE in want of SIL "‘ VEIL Or SILVER PLATED k 7: WARE will find it much to •-- their advantage by visiting' our store before making their • = purchases. Our long expo rZ.Z. rienco in the manufacture of , the atm e kind of goods enables us to defy eompe tion. '• • . • We keep no goods but those which are of the first class, all of our own make, and will be sold at rodeo, _ od prices. 11" It mho = l.ll T GV 11 / 13 K CLOTHING HOUS REZIOULMLPHIAr BARGAINS Ready-Made C7othing Department. The choicest stock of . READY•MADE CLOTHING, Ever offered to purehaaere, comprising ell the NEWEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES. Cutitom .Department. Boys' Department. iitah 'lti "el l 1 °f le2 .1 1d... • 3 33 al td, 1 1 1 111 .1 ...ht4 „.p -3 5 -1 " g 4: l gi 0. 4 Samples sent to any part of the United States ROCKIIILL WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, 603 and 605 Cheetnnt Street, PRILA.DELPHIA. Oct. 2rd. —4ett. Depot 6D4 Brvureitocm, N. •Y. J. IHOMPSON GILL, Agent, I Walnut St., Phila . , Pci. —3m LADIES' FANCY FURS JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Established P UR Manufactory, No. 718 Arch Street; Above Seventh, Have now In rtore of my own Importation A Manufacture one of the largest and most beau- Ifni selections of FANCY FURS, JOHN FAREIRA, Nb. 118 .freh bleed. above I= SILVER PLATED GOODS, 904 Arch Street, PMIADELPHIA. , . ""cr lho. 2. -4m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers