11=1; yonetrgt, itriCiffict cheap as passible. 1 4 1 I n g rtZtrllt The ippiklioo ij; I.lPinT*.ti.il)o3r It le to pour-PER. . SONAL Internet to On:eider tho follow - inh'facte : hero le organised in Phil `— .. a an litmenso 1,1116 T and . 4 01:18TObtafis o atatro n _ terlals are !)qui47, 11, W, RECTfrom thalami Aii3C37 Ran and Rur.orieati xusn ufaeturers; 'and ' eon.: siderablo is saved. Full prices are paid to work men, no as to ensure sub stantial and handsome garments; the. salesinsn and' clerks are such that customers can fully rely upon them, and every ef fort is made to please aLd suit patrons, so as to HEM' as well as make custom. Tho result of combined in. dustry, system and close application of all the em ployees, has seen ed a 'model .eistablishment, a SUPERlORsfileoieloth log, and VERY MODER ATE prices. %his House is located at .the CORNER of SIXTH cT., and ex tends from MARKET TO .N INOR STREETB and is now the most %extensive concern ei the kind in Philadel , . phis. You are asked to patronizoanden coura . ge this en have, let—Gent's We —Gent's Reody•mad CLOIIIiNG. 2d— Spee'al heporluien for Youths' and . Boys' Clothing . 3d—Custom Depentment to wake to Ordrr 4th— Gent's Furnishing Goods in Large Variety. W/INAIdIiKER & BROViN, OAK HALL, B. B. Cor.ph & Market, PHILADELPHIA. ,`lt will be woll worth a visit, whether you wont to buyoor not. 'or samples sent by moil or express when de sired. [oet23-3m AQ=NTB WA.="MI2O. 1 LELIILTIaiI TUC' . t;t MAC Ati SE t Fully Pity from /50 to Sy° tratod Clroulam oaten. PA, If) r I9 7IIOIIIERS, _ 4 Chestnut Bt., Phila.. _ _ 211 Pusan Kt., tateite, O. JLC3-.MIJTS WI►NTS3D. Nov. 27 FARMER AND HOUSEKEEPER WS-II FOR STIPP JOINTS —Silt brine is said -to ho the best wash for stiff joints in horses. •4 is' also good for hard hoof, as it attracts moisture, and thus keeps the hoof soft. It can be easily tried by any farmer. Is water convenient to your yards and stables for winter use? If not, in remember. ; since ()Nilo miles of snowy travel you and your trock have done, supply it now—bring down the spring from the hill-side, dig a well, or force up part of the stream below with the hydraulic ram. How TO Dims POULTRY.—To do this Won• dell's Poultry Guide gives us this advice : "Take a knife and sever the artery of jugu lar top, in the neck, or take an axe and Out the head off, lot it bleed so as to draw all the fever from the fowl in case it have any. Dip the body in boiling uuter, then pick quick, when -through douse the fowl in hot water again, then throw it into a tub of cold water, let it remain three or four minutes, this will make it swell out plump, and will keep twen ty-four hours longer than if it was not thrown in the cold water." ROASTING AND FRYING MrArs.--The Eng lish are acknowledged to be the best meats cooks in the,_world. They never allow any water or broth in the part where the meat is. The roast, from Jima to time, is basted with the drippings from the fat. In frying a steak or muttun•ohop, the pan should become thor oughly heated before placing the meat in it, Which' should previously have been s asoned with pepper and salt. The latter should not bo appLed till just before cooking, as it has a tendency to harden. The steak or chop ehculd - be turned constantly until it' is done brown. Mulching trees is a matter of importance. and should.gonerally be done'in the fall. It serves as a great protection in winter, as well as manure to the roots. Mulching in the spring, or summer, has a' tendency to keep the roots growing too late in the fall,and thus prevent the fruit, ripening in season. The proper time for mulching fruit trees, vines, canes, crahfubs, is in the fall when the wood is ripe or nearly so. Apple or pear seeds may also be planted in the fall, in the ground, or in boxes filled with earth. • They will grow if planted in the spring, but will not succeed as well.—Rural Amer, Our farmers should plant apple seeds and rai9e young trees, got the seeds from a sound native apple and plant in rows about three feet apart In this way fruit can 'be grown that will thrive well on our soil and stand the °nitrite. It is a well known fact that young trees or grafts brought from ether states do not produce healthy fruit. CURING PORK /p correspon dent ut the Atnericim ' Farmer, Rochester, says; The management of pork and hams. though brought under the same head, is es sentially and wholly different. We will 'be gin in the very important item of curing barns A bright, siveetly•flavored ham may at all times bo obtained with a littlb care Weigh 1i pounds of ham to one pound of salt, and 1 ounce of saltpetre finely pulverized ; rub them with this in some vessel until well in corporated: teen lay the hams on a shelf, or if inure eouvenient, in a barrel, placing on th-rn the surplus salt; in a few days rub again, and it necessary again, until they have taken i a I the malt, when they are ready for smoking, which should be dune before the flies make their appearance in the spring, and until they are quite dark, or utmost black wren they mutt be taken* down, and sewed up in a ulose filing cloth or bag, with . a paper doubled several thicknesses on the flesh 'tide. Then lie closely, and/hang up and give two tr three colts of whitewash They may then rhang in the garret all sum mer, or in any dry place. By observing tine method they can, be kept any length of time, unless they prove so excellent that you eat them very 50011. Pork, though derived from the same ani- mal, is fan entirely different taste, and re qui.es.different management. Iu these days of double refinement, it will bo thought quite we supp o se, to give much attention to e curing of park, and ospeoi ally. to advocate thit eating of it. But where ie there a family. in the days of flies and heat, who do not turn pith disgust from all kinds of fresh meat, and opert i vrith pride a well-kept and well tilled pork b'arial, and if any meat is required, pre fer it from these. Nay, say not that may do for farmers. We one() know a very delicate invalida young lady—fur Whom kindness and love had gleamed from this source, when all others prove unavailing,. Broiled and pre p red in a peoulier manner by dipping in wa tery it 'becomes a very . delicate dish. .Thii mantle/id curing pork to very simple—a lay or ortork, and a layer of salt, (coarse/ is the WA) then a strung brine (that will bear 440 to all -up the barrel. ,The r op ••c may be boiled and scummed, an ool up with that. It is of impo nee that the brine should ho turned off in the spring, or before warm weather:—as it will become " somewhat bloody—boiled arid rtplaoed 'lliijisital-:ticiiicOit i , - ,.. J • That land which brothers' love unites ' Permits all men this much to know, That oft amidst their mystic rites • They represent with solemn show • flow his great building was begun And finished by King Solomon. With due respect to thought so grand, We may full modesty recall That but few buildings in nor land Arc better prlied than Tower We have good stylo Cassimere suite to match. as low as • Finest French Cassimero suits to match upto And all the intervening grades. We have good all-wool Black roils, as low as Finest Bloom French Cloth and Cossi. . It. suer° suits up to ' wr h 7:4 in,tervening grades plot° 5t04.72,14‘e5t., best assorted, and roost corn- Philadelphla,.... q %„;ll:tethe' and Boys' Clothing in qua Ripe, adapted to the wantW.Oitti make and fit—cempriet.M b il the city in sty e, styles,sizes and or than tho lowest o sewhere, or their de * d 't ...o ...ven low. Half way between BENNETT & to ue& Yuan and Town BALL, SIXTH Sts. 518 Market Street, =II GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nary n. o ue Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef loots of youthful indiscretion, will, for tho sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. an2.ly] 14 1 VICRY young lady and gentleman in the United Li States can hoar something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of oh.trge.) by address ing tho undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged willoblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. ,CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weoka by a simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a sovere lung alley Lion, and that dread disease, ConsumJtion—is aux ions to make known to his fellow•suffera•a the mean of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of oharge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Bung CURB fur Consumption, Asthma, Bronchia's, Cough., Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object .of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try his •essedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a • liming. Parties wishing the proserlption, rosy, 14 re turn mail, will please address Rev . . EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. an2-Ity] The Great English Remedy. EEI 5 7.-- • terri given. oote. /or tory term, Dior zttli tiansp, either IZAgentati CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, If. D Physician Extraonlinaryla the Queen This invaluable medicine is unfailing in .:he cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the Minh itution ie subject. ft moderates all excess and reur.ivos all 4bstructions, from whatever cauoo, and a speedy cure may oe retied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it ts Particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the inenthly period with regularity. In all oases of Sez sous and dpinal Affections, Paine in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powerful rome. dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any. thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around saoh Rack age, which should be carefully preserved. -3m SOLD DT ♦LL DaVOOISTN. PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE SPECIAL NOTICE. It is the fate of every valwible Medicine ea be COUNTERFEITED. Be ea uDout, therefore, and see that the lettere "T. tf.: M." are blown in the Bottle, and 'that each wrapper bears the Fac Similes of the oby nature. of I. U. BALD WIN & 00 , and JOB 110- ,3EB. Without which, none are Genuine. N. B.—One dollar, with Eighteen cents for Post age, enuloAed to any authorised Agent, or to the Sole Agent for the United States and Br' h Do minions, JOB MOSES, 2Z, Cortlnndt Street, New York, will insure if bottle containing LO pills, by return seollely sealed from all observation. april3.yr] THIS PEERMASONRY. lIRRORS OF YOUTH STRANGE, BUT TRUE. TO CONSUMPTIVE EI PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Dr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. tHIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catairh, Cold in the Head and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy in many cares of Sere Eyes.— Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearin has often bean green., improved by its use. It is fragrant atAl agreeabbi, and Gives Immekrate Relief to the dull heavy polas eausei by diseases of the head. Tho sensations after u3;ng it are delightfu. and invigorating. It opens and purges out all structions, strengthens the glands, and gives healthy action to thOparts affected. Wore then Thirty 'Tears' of sale and use of Dr. Marshall'. Catarrh and Read• ache Snuff, has proved its great value for all thi common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used with great suer as and satisfaction everywhere.t • ' • • , -11e1D 'AZ GERTIPICATEB 07 WHOLUALB DRUGQIBTB 11.1.1854. The undersigned, having for tgany years been acquainted with Dr. Marlin: Catorroh and Head war Snuff, and cold it In our wholesale trade, cheer flatly te, that wo believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendttions given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is doodled. ly the best article we have ever known for all com mon diseases of the Read. Burr 4 Perry, Boston Barnes & Park, N. York Reed, Aueton & Co., " A. B. &D. Sands, " Brown, Lamson & C 0.," Stephen Paul & Co., " Reed, Butler & Co., " Israel Minor & l 0., Seth W. Fowls, " WResson & Robbins Wilson,Fairbank & Co." A. b. &oval & Co., " Renshaw,Rdmand Co " M.Ward, Close & Co." H. H. Day, Portland, Me. Bush & Cale, /I `For sale by all Dr April 3. 1866. 2111:2Ze LIFE--11EALTIF-STRENTIL LIFE-HALTII-STROGTII, 1111--IIEALTII--STRENTII, Hundreds and thousands annually die premature. ly, when, it they would give tho Great Freuoh Rem edy. • DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Ferenclore A Dupont, No. 2 1 4 Rue Lombard, Paris, from the prescription of. Dr. Juan De smarm Chief Physiolan of the Hospital du Nord Lariboisiere a fair trial, they would find itumedi• ate relief, end, in a abort time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. it is used in th- practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform AUCOISSN, kid highly recommended as &hit only posi tive and Speollia Remedy ler all persona suffering from General or 'Sexual webility, all derangements of the Nervort Forces, Melancholy, Si ennatorrbrea or Seminal HIDIS6IIIIP, all Weaknesses arising from .iexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions. Loss of Muscular Energy, Phyeical Prostration. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spinte, Dimn , ss of Vision, hysterics, Pains in the Bark and Limbo, Impotency, Ac. , - No language can eonvoy an adequate idea of the haute lista and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the debilitated and shattered system. In fret, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing mire of the i r .lnaladies above mentioned.. Suffer no more, but use The Great Vrench Reme dy' it will effect a cure where , alt others tail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt ful to the must delicate constitution. Pamphlets, containing full particulars and direc tions fur using, in English, French, Spanish and German, accompany each box, and also sent free to any address alien requested. Primo one dollar per box i di boxes for five dol lars. Sold by ull Druggists throughout tho world; or will be sent by arenrely sealed from all obser vation, by enolosl 'specified prieo, to any author ized agents. ito .., • Beware of Llornearfeila and imitation/. Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS OAR 0. NOSES & CO.. 27 Courtlandt St N. Y. Authorized Agents for Allentown, BARNES .A SON; Bethlehem, BDW. T. MEYERS. [epr2-ly $9O A MONTH!—AOENTB wanted for ILK en drily nett artilikiNjut out. Addrere 0. T 0 A REY. City iluildioa. 110,1doford. Me. lutenlo.,4 BECTION r, iT?; 135 7 1 1 3° . Cl . l c la ^ 1 . • litAlThipute riu4 iiiitute for 6 ilomel• • • . 0. ,• A . _ Ttmoo Pipe aril aprriPproSi of littoral roots, hating • the' bower " to - Wax ihp seerrelons,of the llyeir ctiVotialls lb blue i t ee mercury, LPlWACrlithipt - 0 0 4111i1g lar;Or hosollispresable or • dangerous egrets which often follow the use of the inner. •• • El /ta tel blVoue dLiordon them Plll.l may bt. urea kith oonflduncr limy promote tbo dleelmultr. of v11!nt4..1 td olmtruz-tiona th; F,.., wteCb nro :Lo tlium of L'l EICHENCIi/r! 11 N DIIAK t. l'ii,Ld hack need/tan; and all d!porders of the Liver, Indicated by sallow skin, extled tongue, canvasses, drowainen, and a general feeling of vete:law and laseitudo, showing that the liver la In a torpid or °helmeted condition. In short, those rain may be used with Baran. too in all caeca when a purgative or alterative medicine la Foqulrod.- - P:ime isle tor '`llr. S.chenclea Mandrake KIN" and obst , reo that Inc two Illainews of the Doctor are on the lloveretnen: statnp—one when In the last gage of Coneatuglion, and the other In Ida present health.' Sold by alt Drugg:ets and dealers ?rice f , ..5 cents per box. Princ.pal Milne, No.lB North nth Sired, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Armes Barnes di Co., Oark Row. New York; 11. 5. Dance, 108 Dahl. eor .."‘• inclinnore, Md. • John D. Park, N. E. • r • Wer & T Yrelant tit., Cincinnati, Ohio; crhi g a g o, c o llig 4 i rn lee Wabash Avenue , . el Second and Vine Ste., St. te,Z,Zolkweel, corner 14th is tith $1.5 00 50 00 22 00 55 00 g4A COUGH, A COLD, OR ri fAIG-14 IAL SORE THROAT, EQUIRES 4 R 0 0' AND SHOULDIMMEDIATE ATTENTION, DE CHECKED. Ir ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of the Lungs, A COUGHS Permanent Throat Dis- AND 0 c 2, ease, or Consnmp- OLI) tion IS OFTEN 'ARE RESULT IiROWYS BRONCHIAL TROCHES, HAVING A DIRECT INFLITENCE TO THE PARTS, GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF For Bronchitis, asthma, Catarrh, Consmnp. five and Throat Diseases, TROCHES ADE USED WITH ALWAYS HOOD SUCCESS SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trachea usertil in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommentiod and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true !vont, and having peeved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new locali ties in various parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other art icles. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches." and do nut take any of the worthless imitations that may be offered. Sold everywhere. [nov2o-6tn Music ! Music!! Music!! SHEET MUSIC DEPOT!! Alarge supply on hand—it wo have not gni the piece you want, we can get it for you inn few tlnya if you wilt leave the name of the piece with INsTilucrion Boons for all kinds of Instruments constantly on hand at Foust's Viviety Store. ITEM VIOLAS ! VIOLINS 1 At all prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, Bowe, Rosin, Blank Music paper, at I'ot:sr's Varie ty Store. STAMPING! S TAMPING ! ! Done at short notice—receiving new patterns con etanUy. Call and see the patterns atyouet's Varie ty Store. NOTIONS! NOTIONS! I NO TIO VS! ! Handkerchiets,Mosiery, Gloves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pins, N °dies, Combs Braids, and Hoop Skirtl. Call in—it pays to go round thocoruer to Foust's Va riety Store. BASKETS! BASKETS! BASKETS ! ! Market Baskets. Dinner Baskets,, Traveling Bas kets, Cake Baskete,, Card Baskets, Fruit Baskets, Fancy Baskets, at Foust's Variety Store. WHERE IS FOUST'S VARIETY STORE? ' Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Four doors from Hamilton, in one of the rooms un der Col. Good's (American) Hotel. [may22-11m A UDITOR'S NOTICE in the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County. n the matter of the Account of Augustus W. Reber, I. Administrator of the estate of Benneville Reber. Into of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, de ceased. And now, November 9th, 18t16,. on motion of Messrs. Oliver and Runk, the Court appointed E. J. More, Esq., as auditor, to audit and, if necessary, to resettle the said account, and report distribution. From the Records, Teste.—Ueo. W.II.I.IITZELL, Clerk. The auditor almve named will attend to the du ties of his appointment, on Tuesday. the Ilth day of Deeember, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Allentown, wbere all parties interested arc required to attend n0v20,3w) E J MORE, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County. n the meter of the account of Joshua Stabler, Ad '. ministrator, with the will annexed of John Med ici., late of Lehigh county, deceased. And now, November Uth, 181113, tho Court, on mo tion of Mr. Runk, appoint E. J. More, Esq., to audit and resettle the said account, and make distribution according to law. From the Records, Teste.--(1 EO. W. HARTZELL, Clerk The auditor above named will attend to the du ties of his appointment on Tuesday, the ith of Do comber, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, at his office, in the borough of Allentavn, where all parties in torestod are required to iittend. • . nov2o 3w E. J. .310R11, Auditor. DRUG STORE FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST STANDS IN EASTON, PA. A large store, well stocked, and doing a good bu siness A first-rate opportunity for either one or two active men to make money. A wholesale as well as a retail business can be done. Address • "DBUUDIST," Box 16, —nov2y•2w Easton, Pa. MEI ADMINISTRATORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the underelned huving maw out letters of Administration with the Will annexed, upon the estate of Leonora Wolf, likto of tho borough of Allentown, deceased, therefore all persons who are indebted to said estate, are request ed to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof. and such who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them, well •authenticated, for settlement within the above specified time. FREDERICK WOLFsj Admirers. WILLIAM WOLF, 101TOOLENS I WOOLENS ! ! Nov. 13 WE hare on hand, and aro constantly receiving, all the desirable Myles of men's wear and boys' wear, which No are selling at prices that defy competition. GUTII it KERN, No. 12 E. Hamilton t nov2o•tf F RENCH LANGUAGE AU persons desirous of learning French in sta. inen.h. can address Pitor It LEHPIXASEIE, South lictblebern, or, in Allentown, American Hotel, every Tuesday anti Saturday mornings of each week. November 20. . bw— MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Essay 01 121 Warning and Instruction for Young Men! Al so, Diseases and Abuses which prostrate the vital powers, with sure means of relief. ant free of charge in pealed letter envelopes. Address' DR. J. 13RLLIN 110 U llTON,lloward f ssociation, Phil adelphia, Pa. April 24, 1866 ly MOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Hu ber Brothers have Fold their stook of uterehan disc to Edward Italie, and therefore request all those who are indebted to the firm of Huber, Dillingor & Co.. or ]luber Bros., to make settlement within four weeks from date. [oot3o-4w Correded IVeckly by Weineheimer, 21'eschard &-Co WheatPlour,V% bb1.14.00 Rye Chop, *0 1001ba. 2.25 Corn Meal, V bbl. 5.25 Wheat,') bushel, 2.80 Rye, " 1.50 Corn, ~ 1.0, Oats, " 12th .'0 Olovesseid, " 700 11mothys- • d," 430 Dlexso.:, " 300 D 4 . Apples!. 3,60 ,4 ' eaolies," 3 60 Sixth Street, Eggs, VI dozen, „ 3o Butter, lb. 4O Lard, ” llama, 'S 16 Bacon a' 1$ Beeswax, $0 40 Potatoes,V boobs) 65 Beans, " 2,00 'Balt, . " 1.25 Elalt,in jacks, 8.20 Boy, per ton, 15 60 fltraw. 9.$ 0 AY$ CAN AL • ,DABLIC S AIM •Or " • " • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, . IT I L be Oold at ToMlo sale, on Saturday, the Bth o December, still teoloek In the forenoon, on the, rimieee t the fOltirrlnedeserfbad Real Relate, No. that certain lot rind Tannery Stand, situato - in Washington township, Lehigh co., boandod.by lands liri liata Boa, Nathan flex, and J. d ventnining 2'l acre!' and 84 perche..llloll. •.I . 1( . 24 ; a ,0u45 ::..tve best meadow, 2 acres tipp!c , !lit. INO laming lan.l. The 1111FloVVIlletit..111;•• • ton t•I tw., ; , 1 * (INI: DIV E tl house, 20 by 25 feet, with node-mid-a . half story kitchen attached, 20 by 20 feet. ASr tile barn 40 by 45 feet, a frame tanner shop, 21 by 41 feet, bark shed, 28 by 36 feet, a shoe maker shop, 13 by 17 feet, and a log stable, 15 by 30 feet, and'other nut-buildings No. 2,--a-A tract of clear land, situate in same township, bounded by lands of Joel Moss, Nathan Rex, Elms Snyder, and Joseph Rex, containing 3 acres and 101 perches, more or less. No. 3.—A tract f clear land, adjoining, at ono corner, to tract No 2, bounded by lands of Jo seph Rex, Jonas Bloss, and Elias r nyder, contain ing 6 acres and 24 porches, more or 'ert No. 4.—A tract of clear land, slai ieln same township, bounded by lands of Joel Bi.s3, William Rex, David Peter and Paul Rex, containing 7 acres and 30 perches, more or less. No. tract of Woodland, situate in same township, adjoining lands of Paul Rex, orge Rex, Folomon Bost and Joel Bloss, containing 2 acres and 43 porebea. more or Ices Tho above being the property, of Charles Bach man undor.a writ of Dome.tio Attachment. • LEIV.Ii C. MITII, ALEXANDER PETER, Trustees Nov 20. "/".EL GERMAN, Jn M M lgo" AT PRIVATE BALE. HE undersigned offers at private sale the follow ing valuable Real Estate, to wit: No. I.—All that certain lot of ground, situ ate in South Whitehall township, Lehigh co, near the borough of Allentown. bounded by lands of E. Grim, Samuel Seider and Daniel Mohr, containing five acres, more or less. The land is of the very hest in the neighborhood, enclosed in good new fen oes One half is in grass, and the other half is sow ed in grain,. No. 2.—A valuable meariow, situate in Sal isbury township, said county, near the Water Com pany's Mill, at Allentown, containing 21 acres. This is ono of the best meadows to be found in the coun ty. No. I—The undivided half of a lot of ground, situate in the borough of Allentown, on Linden St., between oth and 10th ets., bounded by lots of Jesse drim, Abraham Worma.., a public alley, and said Linden street. Containing in depth 23 feet, on which is erected a good barn. All of the above property is very valOable. and . worthy the attention of those desirous of purchasing. The price and terms will be made reasonable Should the same not be sold by the ..tith or , Decem ber, (2d 'Christmas) it will be offered at public sale at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the hotel of B. J. llagenbuch, in Allentown. Terms and conditiems made known by —nov2o ti WILLIAM GRIM. P RIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE RFAL ESPATE THE subscriber will sell at private sale the follow ing valuable real estate, to wit : No. I,—All that certain lot of ground situated on the east side of Seve :th street, between Gorden and Liberty, in till borough of - Allentown, bounded on the North by a lot of Edward Snip, on the East by a public al ey, and the South by lot No. 2, containing to front 20 feet, and in depth 230 feet, on which is erected a NEW TWO STO..Y BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with brick kitchen r, attached, also a brick stable. vs • No. 2.—A lot of ground situated in the same place, bounded on the North by lot No. I, on the East by ;in alley, on the South by a lot of Levi Kuhns, con taining in front, on Seventh street, 20 feet, and in depth 230 feet, on which is erected a NE.: TWO S ORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with summer kitchen Both .ots are in good fences and p anted with fruit trees and shrubbery, and the houses well finished. For terms apply at Schuman's Store, corner of 7th Aid Gorden streets. It. do J. zCHUMAN November 20, 1966. A. GRAND DISCOVERY IN • SPORTING AND MINING POWDER. HE subscribers, after a number of years of prac tice in Manufacturing and Experimenting ivith all the different kinds of powder in the United States do hereby certify that they have nut found anything equal to the powder manufactured by the Smith Rand Powder Co., New York. We will warrant it to be the stronger, cleanest and host ofany in the mar.et, either English or American. In the recent trials of arms before the Examining Board, at Washington, this Powder gave far greater penetration, range, and uniformity than any other.— And at the Wilubleton Rifle Meeting, in England, with this Powder,an Enfield Rifle,altered to breech loader, won the first prize of two hundred and fifty dollars. Experienced aportr men aro requested to test this powder, of which wo keep a large supply on hand, both of sporting and mining. EMANUEL & SON, nov2o.Bt] Cataeauqtia, Pa. FOR RENT A RARE CHANCE 1 TILE =nytlersville lintel stand. in South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, which always had a good Tr run et' enstom, is to be rented pri- - vately, together with another dwelling heave, two shops, suitable for machinists or coachmakers, and a blacksmith-shop. 1 he wholecan be rented togeth er or separate y. An enterprising man can do a good business there. Thu terms will be made reasonab'e anti easy. For particulars apply to George Snyder, iu Allentown, or to the undersigned on the premises. JOHN SYYDEIt Nov. 13. —3w Auditors' Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County • In the mn k tter of the nocount of Jonathan Knorr, Owen Knorr and Moses Heilman, Adm'rs of Andrew Knorr, late of the township of Lowhili, deed. Now, Oct., 1, 1888, on motion of Mr. llolbon, the Court appointed Elieha Forrest, Esq., as auditor to audit, and if necessary re-settle the said account and report dietribution.• From the records, Teete.—GEo. W. Murmur, Clerk. 0 14 ` , The auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, the 28th day of November ' at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, at hie (Ake, in thu borough of Allentown, where all parties interested are required to attend. ELISIIA FORREST. Auditor. Public Notice. Milton Roeder In the Court of Cora. Pleas, vs. of Lehigh Co , of Sept. Term Henry Williams. No. Domestic Attachment. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed Trustees by the Court un der the above writ of Domestic attachment. All persons, therefore, who are indebted to, or have in their possession any property belonging to said de fendant, aro notified to make payment, and deliver the said property to the undersigned, and alljri•edi tors of said defendant will present their respective accounts or demands to the same. CM lIENRY B. PERSON, ) CHARLES B. WEBER, 't Trueoed HENRY YEAGER, J Nov. dth ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having canon out lettere of Administration ill the estate of JESSE. M. YOUNG, deceased, late of Allentown Borough, Lehigh County, therefore all persons who are indebted to said estate. aro requested to make payment wi - hiu six weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any legal claims against said estate. will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. Al !claims to he presented to Mary Ann Young, at Allentown. BOLOMON M. YOUNG, I Acimitsietrafori MAKI ANN YOUNG. —6lv Oot. la. • DIVIDEND. ALLENTOWN NATIONAL. BANK, t Allentown, Nov. 0, 1906. J A somi-aunual dividend of 5 per cent., clear of all taxes. out of the profits of the past six mouths. Is due and payahte to the stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and alter the 15tk inet. 13y order of the Board, \ CHAS. IV) ...c(1!1T1t, Cashier. nov6.3w] Dissolution Notice. OTICE is hereby given that the co•pnrtnership / 1 11 heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm of A. F. KOONS CO , engaged in the Mercantile business, in Allentown, Lehigh county, was dissolved by mutual consent 'on Nov. fith, 1866. . A F. KOONS, J W. KOONS, nov6-4w] W. H. DIEHL. Dividend Notice. • - THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK of Allentown, • Ilse dee'ared a seml.annual dividend of five per tent., now payableto the etoekho'dere. ilovl3-3m]. F. E. SAIIVELS, Cab BE PURCHASED, New:-Nork Priee Current Nor November 24th. Correlated weekly by • J. Neurnicii.. PRODUCE COMMISSION .MERCHA NT, !No . 92 Barclay Street, 11 - 11 V K • ucirEtt. .i., , i, :o' g c.d. per tsl Y ,-st • if,.? • tt..ire. " o ip I Mau ge un i N., -CON p.i r, " 4 1, to •Vo Western }itemise, 'oho ce, 20 to North'o. Penna., goo] to choke, " 34 to 40 N. Y. edam Welsh lubs. " nil to 35 N.Y.State FirkinsPrinsefor Shipping, " 30 to 37 Penna. State Western common, 18 ts 10 do Rolls good to choice, . 32 to 34 Western fair to good, 20 to 24 N Y. State dairies good to chola/4 31 to 32 Ponna Rolls good to ch'ico in cloth 30 to 32 Penna. fair to good 26 to 21 }rectory choice and limey new, " 18 to 101 " good " 18 to 151 N. Y.State, diary, " 13 to 15 aim milk, or poor, 7 to 11 EGOS. Jersey k Penno.pseked in shaft, ',ardor. 30 to 40 Jersey& Penna. pocked in osis, " 39 to 40 N. Y. State, pocked, in good order, " 32 to , 39 Ohio, packet—by Lx, Toss, to count, " 38 to 39 eggs Litred 30 to 33 DEANS Vi nrrnw,cliv. i c e , f u I 1 sizo.l, per bosh 621ba 3 00 to 3.75 Kidney, ehoicejt:llosed, " " 300 to 3.5 Modiume, elm!ce, 2 75 to 3 00 Mixed lota and common, " 1.00 to 2.0 i DRIED FRUIT Apples—Jetsey and Pennsylvania, " 10 to 113 Apples—Sneed " 14 to 1: kalea--•ow Southern " 10 to Ili Illookberrles New, . " 26 to 2t , 'll ,, tdrawriee do " 42 to 4t ,neert.. ta.t.,4 N " :0 to bt do ptt 4W, Peaches annealed aid " 7 t.) 0 do peeled, do ' " 17 to 2 , App•oa —Primo State, • ~ Mt to 11 , Dried plums, 12 4 to 13 an GREEN FRUITS. 1 0 40 Apples, Western per bbl. 5.00 to 560 do munition " 3.00 to 4 50 BEE ;WAX Pure SEEDS, per both. 56 lbs. 2.90 to 3.2° per lb In to 151, TALLOW. Flaxeeed Clover, In good Barrels, . POULTRY Molts alive, pct. pair 1 00 to 1.25 Alive Geese, per pair 2.50 to 32h Poe-Is, per lb. 15 to 10 Turkeys " lb to 10 Spring elti,lten.ls to 17 . . POI./ L Chi' DIIES3ED-Cltikets ..t. foe lr 19 to 2v " cote. 10 to 10 Turkeys, , per lb. 21 to 2:1 " erumon " 18 to 20 l'lu.tits 18 to 25 GJese 16 to 10 GAME—Rai bits per pair 45 to 50 T Quail, per pnir 41 to 45 Partridges pur pair. 1.00 to 1.2. Piyenen alive, " 45 to to P ;goon e dead, " 25 to 30 CiiESTNUTS per lie.th. 600 to 11. ,, 1 , III.lhOlRY• NUTS per bath. :Leo to 8,95 RU.1,1, or 1104/ N UTS L5O to 2.00 W iiLNII I'S, doll, 40 to 50 , 11 /5: hY CLOVER. in mass bnaes choice 40 to 15 do BLCKWILEAT por bush. 30 to 85 CALVES, drossed choler:, per lb. 17 to 18 do Lir to good, " 15 to 18 Buokwhottt.g ur, cwt. 11.58 to 4 00 BUTTER —Tins been very dull during the post week Receipts have averaged 2,200 to 2,300 pack ages per day, and most of it has gone in store Pri ecz have declined 3 to 5 cents per _pound on State, and even at these prices there are few or no buyers The bottom seems to bo out of the butter market -- Prices are very much unsettled and nominal and the tendency is still downward EOUS.—Rcouipts are light and the demand good .quotations. POULTRY.—Receipts have not been very large Prices have improved a little since our last. We look for still hi ;her prices fur all Choice stood that is here in time for Thanksgiving. CHEESE —Stock on hand is largo and prices nominal. KEYSTONE STATE Normal School, liutztown, Berks Co., Pa. frlu, Institu ion having been officially recognized I by the authorities of the State of Pennsylvania, as the "Normal School for the counties of 'lurks, -chuylkill and Lehigh," is now open for the recep tion of Students. The Normal School building is beautifully located upon high grannd, in Maxatawny township, Berks. county. Pa surrounded with and to the extent of 10 mires, but a quarter of a mile from the thriving vi lago of Kutztown, and distant midway between Al entowri and Reading, about two miles from Lyons Station, on the .East Penn. R. R. There are three principal courses of instruction : Tho Normal Elementary, the Normal Scientific, and the' Normal Classical. A Preparatory course has also been instituted, which is deeig; cd for the ben efit of those who wish to pursue the study of the or dinary English branches while iu the model School, teachers arc afforded every opportunity for acquiring a practical knowledge of the art of Teaching Spe cial attention is given to the study of Vocal and lu strumentßlM attic, Drawing and Painting. ttudents from a distance must stop at Lyons Sta: tion, E P. R. it., at which point three trains arrive from Now Yur , three front Philadclubia, and three from PittCburg. From this Station students will be conveyed to the school in umuibune I which connect with the principal trains. The Winter Session will begin on MONDAY, OC I OBER 2211, 1000. Students are received at any time. For tuition, boarding, fuel, light and washing, the expenses wilt not exdeed $5O per quarter. For further particulars address ' n it6ET HIVIIE STATE NOMIAL SellOOL," Kutztown, Borks county, Pa., LOUIS K. lIOTTENSTEIN, Pres't of the Board of Trustees. DAVID D. DOTTIIIISTEIN, Sec (oet23-3m SNGT 0 N FORGE AND FARM at pri vate bale.—A valuable WATEII PowEn, with farm-attaehed, on the Brandywine; coven Miles north of Downingtown. The Brandywine and Waynes burg Railroad. passes through the property, and within a few yards of the works, which connects with the Pennsylvania and Chester Valley It. It.at Down ingtown For mannfacturing purposes the Power cannot be excelled ; twenty-one feet, bead and fall. with a large dam, now used for driving a forge with four large wheels. A good location rot: a Rolling Mill, Cotton Mill, Paper Miil, or Anthracite Furnace. One hundred and fitty-three acres of bind, part in Wood and the remainder in Farm Land. Tao itu provements are a large Stone Mansion and 'seven Tenements, one of them large, and need as a Board- lug MouSe. The buildings are supplied with a fomi lain of pring tt flier The Power can be sod with a portion of the land, A large deposit of Magnetic Ore on the Property. This is a most desirab'e property, and will be sold on moderate terms, as the parties are anxious to close their business. A part of the purchase money can lay in the property. For particulars inquire on the promises, or address CORNOO dr McILVAIN, • ocit3o4o Wallace P 0., Cheater county, Pa AN EFFECTUAL WORM MEDICINE Di - tow:es V2IIIIIrtIOE COMFITS, Or Worm losengee. Much sickness, undoubted y with children and adu te, attributed to other causes is occasioned by worms. Tho •` Vcrmifuge Comitts," although effectual iu destroying worms, can do no possible injury to the most delicate child. This val uable combination has been successfully used by phy sicians, and found to bo safe and sure in eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Children having Worms require immediate alien• tion, as neglect of the trouble often pauses prolonged sickness. -6w• Symptoms of Worms in Children aro often over looked. Worms in the stomach and bowels cause ir ritation, which can bo removed only by the use of a sure remedy. The combination of ingredients used in making Brown's "Vermifugo Comlits" is such as to.give the bestpossible effect with safely. CURTIS BltOWN; Proprietors ' New York.— So d by all dealers in motliokke, at 25 etc. a box. May 22 1866.. —1 year FO .7EL 79 L 3EI CHEAP AND DESIRABLE FARMS In Delaware and Mary'and, from $5 to $5O per Acre. These farms ley between the Delaware and Chesa peake Bay; convenient to mills,. stores, scheo e, 'churches, .tc. They aro easy to on tiv;ite, and with ess utbor than farms in the Northern States, and are adapted to grain, grass, fruit, J. Fish and oysters abound in the rivers; game of all hinds in abund ance. During the past three years, hundreds of the Northern farmers have sett cilia these States on ac count of the low price of :and anti the easy cu tiva tion and low taxes Persona desiring to visit farms in these States can do so by applying to or address ing the undersigned. Cata'ogues sent gratis to any address. Aso Farms in Bucks and Montgomery unties, and Coal, Timber and Ore Land for sal& • r • OEO. R. KRESSLit novl3-3m) 144 South Fourth Street, Phi PURE LES ERTY:WEirrE LEAD will do more and better work at a given Coat, than alky other! Try it! Nanufaotnred only by ZIEGLER & MUTH, Wnotweaut Dana, Rainy and Gtaaa DnaLune. itn3o-ly No. 137 North Third Street. Phileibe AT THE "FRIEDENBBOTE" Di t. LEON'S ' CELIBIATIO PRIPAIATIOIS. TOR PROTECTION. OF MEDICAL INIRNOR. lA. Z.Z1013 Electric Hair Renewer. It. ettre It •i r.. 14,3 Hair itP Original odor It Ps•, uiul ufe ttvon the Pvt:re I r imam I;.at , •ly erre , t , It itee „Net It radically cures Dandruff and Humors. It keeps the scalp healthy, clean and cool. It is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Dress ing. It restores ' Cultivates and Beautifies tho It makes lisaoh Hair flexible and Lustrous. Dr..Leon 9 a Electric "fair Renewer has en joyed a high local-reputation for many ,years, Its wonderful restorative and invigorating properties are well khown to the Medical Faculty of-Plikladel phia. being fully satisfied of the merits of Dr. Leon's EMMA.. flair ItoncivefTlre have procured exclusive ownership and nro detertnined that every household in our land shall have opportunity to reap its bene fits., Dr. Leon's leant Remedy. A most delightful and efiimucious cure for the var ious ills to which infants and young children art subject. INVALUABLE FOR TEETH!' G CHILDREN . It softens the gums, abates inflamation, invigoratei the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and is sure and speedy cure for Vatic, Cramp, and Paine A met excellent preparation for children of a reet• leas and fretful halnt and in a citeee of ce. Viimitte9, or other inward g, ief, it giver immediate ease. Used for more than half a century in the private practice of one of the most eminent physicians of Phi ado phia In now placing this article within the reach oral our cnuntrymen, we would remark that we know ii to be a Remedy of unriva :ad exec lenee anti I hat it has proved in thousands of cases, as wears rose ved loin millions, a priceless boon. orders r‘st"c' by druggists everywhere Address al • ZlEtiMiemt. .s t sHITIII, (sue Vropritu,",, 137 North Third St , Philadaptat, per lb. Dto 90 SILVER'S WASH POWDER per 1b.1014 to Ilk Saves Time. Labor and Money. Slakes washing a pastime and Monday n festival. Vo .1 every ahem Try it Lnovl3-'46 ly Pitj VV' : This is an article for washing without rubbing, ex eept in very dirty places, which will require u very slight rub, and unlike other preparations uttered fm a like purpose, will not tot the GLO 111 RS, but will leave them wu ITE R than to divary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It r; moves grease spots as if by magiAtid soft ens the dirt by soaking, so that the rinsing will in in ordinary eases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chem ical science, anti upon a process peculiar to itself. which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use Me more than a year, and has proved itself a. uni versal favorite wherever it has been used. Among the advantages claimed are the following, Viz : It eaves all the expense of soap usually used on cotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.— With one quarter dm time and labor usually requir ed it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much su perior to any other mode. No Water required except to moisten the powder. Dirctitiuns with each package. And can be rea•lily appreciated by n single trial. The cost of mashing for a family of live or six per sona will not exceed TIMM:. CENTS. The manufacturers of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to rho public which have rotted the cloth, or fail, d in removing the dirt, but know ng the intrinsic excell ence of thin article, jhey 'confidently prJelaim it as being adopted to intet a demand which has long ex isted,and which has heretofore remained uneupplied. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 200 Broadway, Boston. Also, manufacturers of Family Dye Colors.. For sale by tiro .ere and Dealers. [00t,16-3m PHILADELPHIA CANCER HOSPITAL. —Professor It. H. Ii LINE, Principal Physi cian and Surgeon to the Philadelphia Cancer Hos pital, Office No. 531 Arch Street, is dai y making as. tonishing and almost miraculous cures of Cancer by the most scientific and lately approved remedies known to the civilized world, among which are his great Cancer Antidotes, wonderful treatments that operate specifically upon the Cancer and all cancer one affections, antidoting hil iug and destroying the Cancer, every particle root and fibre belonging to ii or to them without pain or the ueo of the knife, without caustic imamg and burning medicines, with out the loss of We d, or in the least affectitig the mound flesh. Nu other treatment should ever ho used, No other persons haee three antidotes. To invoidigato these treatments ' to see p Limits under treatment, and to examine the terrible specimens thus removed, call and ore or address x.ll. KLINE, M. D., Hier, No. 931 ARCH St., Phi a P. 0. Box, 1171. For particulars Bend for a circular [norla-ly Ilse a largo Stook of fine WATC.IIES, • JEWELRY, SILVER-WAIiE --AND Si IN Ell PLATED WAIU, Suitable for. Holiday and Bridal PRESENTS! Nov. tlth rivEni EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN t No. 737 WALNUT Sr. PHILADELPHIA, by the Colton Dentoi Asoloenstion, the oriiiinutort of Ni trees Oxide Une for that purpose. More thatfrh;rty•s,v.n hundred perrons haverign ed our certificate scroll to that eifeut during the past year. The list can be seen at our taco Come t head °Harlem It is ur speciality, us tvo do no other dental work, and we Lever fail. At ur (Alice in Cooper Institute, Now York, we have extracted to ;tit for over 11,000 persons, during the past year. We are the only parties who make speciality of the use of the and we ittimMite it to the moot drd,citeant f,sbie and ifreer have h•nl 'la archival with It. Office 737- Walnut Street, Philadelphia. BARLOW'S IP/DIGO BLUE. PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, . No. 223 NnRTU SzcoNo STREET, PIIIIADELPILLA. Will eolor more water than four [hues the dame quantity of ordinary Indigo. It warranted to give malefaction, and is retailed tbo sumo price as the Itaitath no and interior at- Inov2o-nin EAGLE HOTEL -227 North Third Street, Beityttn Race and Vine, • PIIILADELPHIA. THE subscribers respectfully info m the public generall that they have been keeping the above well-known Ilotsl for the last two years, and it is their intention to make it a home, superior to any in the city, of the same class, whiel they be lieve will render general satisfaction to all who may pats nise them. The hones is located In the centre of business,and contains One Hundred and Twenty Rooms, lo ea cil iated to accommodate over Two Hundred Guests. Charges, $2.00 per day. n013.6w] RIEHL a. DOUGHERTY, Proprietor, PER YEAR! We want agents every sl.soo teller() to roll onr IMPROVED $2O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Underand upper feed. War Anted tire years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the Uni ted States for lees than *4O, which arejuity licensed by Bowe, Wheeler ID Wilson, Grocer if: Baker, Sing er & Ca., and finchelder. All otherchenp machines are infringements and the seller or neer aro liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars Jree. Ad. cress, or call upon Shaw .k Clark, Biddeford, Blaine, or Chicago, Th. Deoeinher 19. TREES I TREES!! TREES 111 uy your trees of P. Lau: at Clatasauqua, whore you can get every variety of choice fruit and orris. .al tree,. s • see echelon Whites, and ;.• • 1 11"1.1111111111111 4P. LAU grow. Also, Buokeyo Remember qui Nurseries. Dot. oth. El= I" b,1.....0,u..1. .A.u.ey kti, LOUU BENRY HARPER, NO. 520 ARCH STREET, =I 0. 1 one year old Clinton Grape vines:, iithiiilswe to bn: BOOK STORE OF •I+•[-~•<..::..:.r..: Great lllinery Rita iishraent I NO 904 Slt. Phila. , MADABIOI§ELLE KEOGR, AIIZLI 4 VER DRPARLY, Raying rebuilt and greatly enlarged her piano of baldness, has now on band an entire new snort went of the very best styles of FRENCH MILLINERY , Thiough her numerous agents in Paris, l'ho Is en. ' Alett pi e6t,,t in ncivanou of other oltablistipion's vry iut,ht Eurtilmin baylta in • RO:\ NETS, READ DRESSES, FEATHERS, CAPS, RIBBONS, FRAMES, etc., etc. TOE .54 LES ROOMS Aro constantly stooltod with tho; choicest. good., and thoso sending orders can ho accommodated at the short et no:ice. TILE MOURNING' DEPARTMENT In thrroughly organized, and has been made • speciality in the listablinbuient. THE IVHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Offers great inducements to Milliners, who can at any thou be fund:heti with pattern bonnets of the very latest styleE, prior to their being exposed at retail. N. 11 —French, English and German spoken Novvittllvr 11, 11•lili clump El% g... 1.01 '8 COIVIMERCIAL COLLEGE, 637 CloCntlitit re I. Owner ot, Seventh, Pill LA DELPILIA. ED tfal TEMA' FOR LI 1 SIXESS LIFE. Practical Instruction in .1' k k,epii g, to ail its 'ranches, l'c nutachip, plain and °main ntal, calculatiw•c, Ittn+n.e:is Papers and Custom, ,:ounercial law Telegraphing, I 6 STITDP.N IS IN A ITEN DANCE LAST YEAR. Catalogues mailed gra , is application. Albin) a S. 11. LIU ILNi EN A CO. Sept. A. —,3m 14a. WHITE HALL 4 DRY GOODS STORE, No. 4 tit Borth SECOND Street, PIIIEADVI Just opened, with a sp'endid New stook of • F—REIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Consisting of LADIES' WEAR,—Silks, Shawls, Dress Goode, White Coeds Noti os. Velvets, etc. e , c. CEN,TLEAENS' 1 VEA Cassimires, •attinetts, Vestinw, Muslius, Flannels, Blankets, v 4 .4 etc. 11 —Just opened n fine lot of European CVIvrAvA ssuSLINS AND LACES. J. MV ,, voN lIAUY do BRO ; (Sue.. .1 4 t; N.T Y, p h agY ' ) i hilud Nor 4-31111 AVM. MENCLiE walk arch Street, Phliadelph a, I)'tIOI.EI, ALE AND RETAIL. DEALERS IN Berlin Zephyrs, Ethbruide.iwi, Fine 'Knit Goods, ete., pereonnlly. loeted in Europe. omestic Zephyrs, iiermautown WOOLS, CaoHimero YARNS, eat Latoet Sty loin Ladle? Drees' and Cloak TRIMMINGS. Buttura,'Drup Frtng.t?,.Lnee2, , Shanl Borders etc \\ h u la Embroidered BANDS, eta The goods being all carefully selected; unr Whole. sale Department offers great inducements to the TRADE. [eepll.Bn ME WALL PAPERS NEW FALL STYLES! BOWEL!, & TIOURKE2 FbA,REEt tiANJORQS, WINDOW SHADES, Connnt of FOURTH and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. N. ll.—Alerayn on hand a Large Stook of LINEN and OIL SIIADVS, Augukt 23, MI6 ARPEI'S AND OIL CLOTHS. duet received at low pricer, and will continue to receive during the Pall from Europe, a full mot t. omit of the New styles of English Tapestry, Brus sels, Three-ply; Ingrain ' Entry and Stair Carpets.— Also; all widths of oil clothe, wtNia(aw sRAPZBa In new colors. Coco and Canticle • ILEA TM TA , O D RAG CARPETS, N. B.—A discount wade In FURNISHINO Cll URCIIES. PIIINEAS ROUGH Jr., Jr, CO. No. 508 N. Sec. et., below Buttonwood, Philadelphia. Sop. 25th. ' - Sin NOVELTIES IN Wedding and Visiting Cards. • Ty B LATEST EioNaorke.ND PARIS MIMEO. I NITIALS F tamped on paper and envelopes In colorg FREE . OF CHARGE FINE STATIONERY FL EtQS,KINS & Q 0.9 Importing Stationers and Card Engravers. 9EI Arch St., Philadelphia. ~ZOT-Orderi. by mail will receive promptattention. Sept 25th. SAMUEI. RITTER. WIIOI.ESAI.6 31ANII FACTI:IItIt OF -2m LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. AtiarALl. W 0111: atARANTEED.'IS6 NOUTII TIIIRD STREET, PIIIL'A Juno 12, 1566 VMS' r, PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS, 100.7 0111.11 PING AND WAVING LADIES' HAIG. ' Heat Required in Using Them. A SF: your storekeeper for them—if be (loos nut a keep them, write to tho Manufacturer, E. hint, Sixth Street and Colu.nbia Avenue, Philadelphia. September 25th. —dm NE wO6 ()DS! AT LOW FIGURES. we would call the attention of the public to our stook of Dry Goode, which is complete en every De. pertinent, AND ENTIRELY NEW. • Consequently pereons buying from no need not be afraid of getting old goods. Wo have NO OLD TRASHY GOODS, to aCyortise at greatly reduced prices, but bare adopted the quick tale and small profit principle, and are fully determined not to be undersold GUTH & KERN, nov2o. tf.] No. 12 Eaet Hamilton street. C SOMERS & SON; e FINE CLOTHING, 625 CHESTNUT and 618 JAYNE SW., PHIL., Have now on hnnd elegant NEW STYLES of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING. Also a very large stook of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN piece GOODS to select from for measure work. All gar ments warranted well made and superb fits. 00t23-11m] G A. HAINE 4 , Superintendent JSTEWART DEPUY, .253 S. 2D STREET, ABOVE BP11.1)0P, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD respeetfunly Inform hie customers and VV othors ho is now selling from one of tho barged and beat assortment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, • WINDOW SHADES; of AC., v. MEI that be has had on band for many years, and et int. limed priers. isept9s-Bmf-Bme PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, WISOLRSALIT Duca, PAINT and OLABB 101)-1 71 No IST North Third Fltrwat Philigamtlsla. PHILADELPHIA = AND -AT & co. -flm 1866 --lat -1313)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers