iRM irr'it4i4fiT 0 J AB. K. BUICON, • 88 Southßisap gtylkish 1 • h agent for the follonViikluellelibMitilidt Appleton's New American Cyclopedia-18 Vole. 11 Ewer, of st e k ni ga tm*Vol. " Dictionary Lelia Vert FrankMooni--.9 " Wuhin n 4166*Urt 112 - 4 " Cooper's c.t4. Xerivale & ilibbon's Rome. _ Macaulay's Worim Y TIT/ ^ ' " Trey DiationaryaSeA .-} rteAnftrALWinfeatdril , ' Daneroll'lllnited S,lopi-- 11 Vols. : t r., I furnieeall 'initainic,ll,'llir 111 1104%11M v v.,: vaia Libraries, at ilholualwriewn A'SMl:Enrfid , of any Books wanted, with a statup,Ar prices, Irhieh will be sent by return mail: • • ' • tk;pl-2m TO TRAVELLESS'•GUIDE. Lehigh Valley -Railroatic On and after Monday t Aey i 2ll7,l 2 T l6 , Pas pager Trains oft e. i rki gh ValToy•ltifirea CIMNIPMSY will run in coliit 41(10hlifiti r Oti iievetral rot& rthoolPg to Wilkeabliii ;In* Yotlfand'PhllidelPhleLas rfol lows : DOW N/PA R A gniT 1 Rcr7., 4 ! 0. .41 ,. ,:: , STATIONS. , s , . No.l. mil. 5. N o. :' a o: . v.' Leave '''' '" ' 'A: 21: A .M.. ,P. M. A.M. Wilkes Barre, 'B . OO ' 1.15" Whits Whits Haven - 9:30 - 2.00 Tannery •`-' , 8 .06- ••• t ... Hickory " 1486 Rule-'• '.•! , f : • • 9.44 3.16 • 1 ., mo n u rimi:-.;:': -.. '., , 951 8.22 2 • , ROpkporMc , , ;1. 1,.,• ‘; ; 10.00, ~13.31. ir, Shenandoah,2.lo 0 Mitheney City, • 2.15 ~ Andentiedi 7 ,-,- 200 '''' A. Jeanesville ,c,,,:;•:; ". • Beaver Meadolt r :...,\ '• , 236 . . . Weatherly t 1 .. 4 ....i' - 8,24 ;.. 9.20 Penn Haven 6, , ,..,:;‘,‘ -- ..• MU: ..; 103 . ~., Blench Chunk \ 4.30 ',:: 10;47 -- ..' 1.21 f ~,----,, ' Lehighton 5 ,', l 4,40 ~ 10.57 •., .11 . 2.. , Perryville f' 11 .4146 :- . '!. Al - --. 44 Lehigh Oak C 6 4 01 - '' ; 4.56 Slatington ' t t .... • - , 11107 : ' 11.20 ;.:: 5,02 I 1 Rockdale i si !' --Sal' •,• -- ' ' 4.13 • : "-- Laury's ;. : 627 - : : ~ 5.23 Whitehall i„ ' :16.84 '... . • ~ ;" 5.30 Copley ,/, 6.98 . 11.42 - 5.34 Hokendanq ' , 6.42 ;' - . ' i.; 5.38 ',_ _ Oatesanqua , A d t 46 -,., 1147, .• '5.42 , Allen Verna a'' 6.54 ;., ' : 1 5.50 \, Allentown I ' /00 ; , 1 .:: 5.55 1.10 Bethlehem.- i 1 .151 •; 12.13, 7 ;.:, 6.16 3.20 lfreemanstit't.. ,L6,.23' .. , • : 624 -a ‘ i Beaton, i„Si,':'' '6:44 %•''' 'WO 6.45'4 42240 Philadelphia, 9.20 2.35 8.45 r''•'• York / •, 1 , 10,10 . 4.10 • 10.46 6.00 No: 5.--Leaves lsonlehem go. 12.40; Preemans burg 12.49..; Banton 1.15; New York 5.20. UP OR WESTWARD TRAINS. arenons. No. S. No. 6. No.lo. No. 2. No. 4. Leave A. M. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. New York. 7.00 12.00 4.00 9.00 8.00 Philadelphia, 7.30 5.16 Heston 9.47 3.25 7.40 11.54 11.24 Freemensbnrg 10.07 3.49 8.06 Bethlehem 10.20 4.00 8.15 12.21 11.53 Allentown • 10.37 4.15 8.30 12.34 12.04 Allentown Furnace 4.20 8.34 . Catasanqua 10.47 . 4.28 8.42 1 Hokendenve 10.53 4.33 8.47 91 Coplay , 10.67 4.38 8.61 io, Whitehall , -11.02 4.48 8.66 . - Laury's 11.10 4.50 9.04 - !..,..° Rockdale . 11.19 6.00 9.14 ~ • , I." Eilatingtori -.. • 11.21 .5.12 9.26 ••' .. . 1 Lehigh Clap .11.36 6.18 9.31 Perryville 11.48 5.33 9.45 d. Lehighton 11.65 6.39 9.50 SO Mau& Chnnk .• 12.05. 5.50 10.00 Pain Haven • 12.32 6.13 Weathorky • , • 12.54 Beaver Meadow 1.24 . Amarillo " 1.89 Audenried, 1.44 Mahanoy Oily, ' ' 1.45 , Shenandoah, , ;.1.40 Rockport. :. ,v .' 12.49 ' 4.87 Mud Run. 1.02 6.46 • Hickory Rut 1.07 6.62 Tannery • [ ,1.17, 7.Q1 White Haven 1.23 7.07 Ar Wilkes Barre, 240 8.95 ... CONNECTIONS: ' Centralia Woad of New Jersey—Ali up and down halms oonnutnt, 'Easton with the trains of the Con tral liadlreed of Jersey to and from New York. North,Penneylvapia.Railroad.—Down trains No. 1,5, endl u atpdop,. trains Nos. 2 and 8, conneot at Bethlehem with • trains for Philadelphia. Trains from Philadelphia uncut at Bethlehem with , down train'Ne. 7„and with up°trains Nos. 8 and 10: East Pennsylvania Itailroad.—Down trains Nos. 1 and.A,,sudwp trains Nos. 2, 4,6 and 8, connect at Allentown wittCtraina for Reading and Harrieburg. Trains:from Harrleburg and Reading connect at Al lentown with all down trains. Belvidere DislieWare Bollroad.--Down trains Nos. 1, 11 and 5 connect at Phillipsburg with trdins for Philaddlptital ) from Philadelphia; connect at Phillipsburg with up , trains Nos. 2 and 10, and trains from Belvidere connect with up trains Nos. 8 and 8 . Catatiltai Ittilfroado—Down,train No. 7 and , up train No. 8 connect at Qnakako Junction, with trains of the Catudissa Railroad. Huleton Rallroad.--,Down• trains Nos. 5 and 7, and op train No. 8 connect witktrains of the Basle ton Relhead. - is Lehigh and Susquehanna Rallroad•—Down train? Nos. 5 and 7, and up trains Nos. 6 and 8, connect at White - Havett, With train!, of the Lehigh and Sus quehanna Railroad to anCfrom. Wilkesbarre. No ehangkef ears between .Wilkesbarre , and New York on up train No.B and down train N 0.4. No Osage between. Wilkesbarre and Philadelphia on up train No y and dovin train Na. 5. • ' R. H. SAYRE, Sept. & Rug augB-'115., READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, Jude 11th, 1866. g,REAt TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH 41 and North.Weet for Philadelphia, New Tuk, Reading, TOttiriddle,.Taniaqua; 'Ashland, TAhanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Col umbia, Le., Ake. Trains lasysillarilsburg for New York, as follows : At 3.00, 8.10 and 9 pa A. M,l and 2.10 and 9.15 P. Mi s ikunaisslingwith,elmilar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Rill Road, and arriving at New York at 6.00 and 10.11,0 at np t , ~antl .4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 . p. m -- 131s0RIISAWCAecOtripanying the 8.00 a. , and 9.- , . 16 14 a , WILOOtIi ehange. Arista ariliburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama gni Mlnersville, Ashland, Pine Grove,:Allentown andPhiladelgihla, At 8.10 a.m., and 2.10 and 4.10 p. m., topp i nr at Lebanob and principal Ste. ti0n5.1.14 1 ,0 'V.v., train, making coneeetions for Philadelphia end . COltiesbia only. For Potts- Schuylkill Heron end .Auburn, via Schuylkill 01 44. 1 S F OVIllibilnria Raproad, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 V. ra. .4 1 4 1 4rti1a6 ; Leare.NeWYOrkist 7.00 and 0.00 a.m., 111.60iiben and 8.00 p,ir.'; , Philadelphla at 8.15 a.m., and 8.30 p.m.,Way passenger Train leaves Phila delphia at 1.3 a at., returning from Reading at 6.80 p. in., stopping at.all f ti , 101113 ; Pottsville at 8.45 a. in..; .Ashland 6 00 and 11.30 a. m. and 1.05 p. in.; Tamaqua at 9.46 a. in. and 1.- 00and855p.m. Leave l',9 l t4ville, for ITarrii . btreff,'vls Schuylkill fi and ttsquehanna - Railit'ead; et 7,00 a. in. Reading Accommodation Train ;- Leaves Reading at 6410 returning from Philadelphia at 6 00 otroltzmibia'Rallroad trains leave Reading at 6 41 m.,12.05 neon and 6.15 p m., for Ephrata, Litla, Lancaster, Colratbla, dp. • •• • - . On Sundays: leave New York afB 00 p in, Phil adelphia. 00 ant and 815 pm , the 8,00. a in train running only to Reeding. Pottsvi;le 800 a in, Ts magitil:3o,'isin;,Hstudshurg 0,05 a - ns and. Reading at 133 a. in., ancl4.lo a in. for Harrisburg, and S pero ;New 1%41r and 4.25 p, m. for Pbila- A l Fltea_ttitton. Mileage, Season, School and .E.r. et:trefoil TieketslO and from all pilots, at reduced . • Baggage ,checked through • 80 ,pounan allowed . eacliVaasodger. A. NICOLL% General Superintendent. t -11t10,11:4L-Pa., June 35th. 1866. Ea4•'Plills.Ylvania -113,11 roado Mr SOMMER' ARRANGEMENTS Commencing Monday, May. 2let, 1866. C DIRIFOT TO NEw YORK AND PITTSBURG WITHOUT CIIAGA Fr MAINS, kayo Allentown daily (Sundays except- JL ody at 't.oo and' 10.30 A. , 141., and at 12.35, 4.15 '44411.4 , 4 P.M. The 10.30 A. M., make direct eon neetions at Ilarriehurg,,for ,Chamborsburg, G pp, agers to„prpl points pn flit) Cumberland Valley Rail roaslPlCortlfirti Central ltailroad;llorth tind-Southa 0) 11 ,bekrul 0 oil region. , The 10.30 A. M., 12.35 and 11.- 0 4d,r.,: , era ,tho, Western' Express trains, direct Onus il a,Pi, t tsluitii without olutuge of oars. Tho 5c ,7).111) A. . train stops at all stations of this road, and make connections at Reading for Pottsville ? I,,Pess,C3intoniT'stastpia and "Anoints Intlmpkohuyl. -ilailpeesl regions ; for Philad'elphie. and all poin;t4 on 'athe , l,l3lilladelPhim and. Reading Eiiilrekd, also' for 1111artiehurg, Qhapipershurg, Unge,rstorn, York, Get, .l.tiktlarsoftte oil reenn,WilliainSporf, and the West. Lin0..4.1A,r, lob whin oops cut 4 1 ?.(lone,, treats Ifasbneasting,,witli trains for Pot ville; Co mbia. .-Xphrata, -Litis._Laneaster, llarrisbitig;` An. 'Thb alsldaklP.Att.v Ingry.,,leav i ta daily (Sundays inoluiled l Berriehurg, and the 'West. ~ 1 ' ''," ~il ' el' ierlifested *blittristtes their tickets,. ter , % 5' li* Mir dike, ae • blabir Tare. will .11e a ,4t,,', ,' 01a , 111 '','. 5: % etyie 41116 1 kt Kai ill milt° wn °Moe Or a l 1. .." Vali 'lold4lirrit ibiplinelpaletaihnao4, e U 116140111 and Reicexik Lebanon Valer o , =laprailroade,weet. North-licit •Ind ind.bej gVirOtkiprh IS art b r _-y -yr,~~,.~~ uu• , 4 ~..37,i.,. Three DatikamitpA.. . . e .. • 4444104 . 4 04* CIABBBSGERB for nu. # 41011,181.1E14N/it,Ve B. 4 L trails painting Allentntim'aeB.o9'i. in.,14:92 noon, and 5.55 p. m., make 'dope connection with 49.4aine of N. P. R. R. at bethlettem, and arrive In rPtatdolobia at 9.30 a. m., 3.80 and 8.40 p. in., reltitodttCelv. , . Paesengere for Doylestown take 8 25 a. M. train thorn ttothlohom un i muko cone octlon at lams - laic 'Pod ran roturn to Allentown the .ii me availing. 411 Pamonger Tralne toxeoptS untie y Traina,) con .act at Botka street, Philadelphia, with sth and 6th 'tttroet City Paeronger itrtilway., • RETURNII 9 O. . , • Leave i.heneti Depot, Third street, above Thom?. Philadelphia at 1.80 e. m., and 6.14. p. M., arriv ing in Ailentotrwat 10.31 a. m., and 8.3044 in., re speetiveli ' LOCAL BCABDIILI64 • ' Three thienigi Trainipaily) Bundayorartegedl Pruaenger' alns leave the new Depot, Third atitit;.Philitdelphia. IP ...orthlehetn, at 1.30 a. in., 8.30 p.: in.;,:and 6 15 P.M. t ' For ylestowiVat &MS aq nii i ratid-2.80,44 5 ,p.,m.: For Dansdale it 6.115 p. m. , : ; • • , For FOrt Washington at 11 p.m. ~ • TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA.; • ' Leave! Bethlehem at 6.25 a. m. 12.25 noon and . .. , &save Doylestola fir tf .40 'ELm:,;II.I2, slid' s'sci p: ni. , • . Leal' , " Lansdale at 6.00 a. ni.,. Fort Fashington, at 2.15 p.m..1,0.50 a. in. Pare—Allentown to Philadelphia, .. .. . .. $1 85 ELLIS ,CLARK, Agent. aug6.'66. : ' ' • • • ' • REMOVAL t ' DEsHLEirs \ 'II.AT, CAP & NOTION . \ ESTABLISHMENT. 48 bu b li c zg ra t,Nas ed t i t i o a lr to D n F l it t E ro Y et, PETER'S t - j Opposite the .Conri Home, *biro can now be found the latest, moat elegant and fashionable styles of EATS AND CAPE. ~ 1 Also baa boon added ,a • ' , Gents' Furnishing Goods 'DEPARTMENT ! With a full line of NEW GOODS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSUIRTS, OVERS[IIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, DECK TIES, GLOVES, • eta., etc.,' do. COME ONE COME ALL !! and ape for yourselves, tho beautlful assortment el goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will sell goods 95 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OF THE CITIES. New goods received daily from the manufacturers and for.saltAtlio,lorest.ioss...... [feb2o.t. suassi, 01;. , UNDNRI I , c s 1. ,;;;;. 001, ,I*4i And Piiiipittre'vtirrnyth fvutrtnr. 3C - C) 3E O N X 40 RULES 2.HE HOUR. Bats Caps & Straw Goods, SPRING STYLES. Christ & Sauer's, A' No. 15 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd Yellows' Hall, have on hand the largest assortment of Oats and Cap„ , spring and summer styles, ever seen in Allentown, comprieing every style and quality. from five dollars down to fifty cents, and each that will become old and young. Their stook of Cape is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low prices. To convince the pub 7 lie of what is said, it may be well to state that they have BORTY-ON6 different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting his taste. giffr- Messrs. Christ & Elinor!' direct attention to the fact that they aro the only Ilisnurscrortana of flats in Allentown. STRAW GOODEL-A beautiful assortment of straw hats, for men and boys, will be kept constantly on hand during the season, to which we invite public attention. Give us a call. • Atilt. Country Merchants would do well to give nO a call, as we will wholesale them Hats and Caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. • Allentown, August B—tf Music! Music!! Music!! • . SLIEET MUSIC DEPOT!!, Alarge supply on hand—it we have not got the plan) you want, wo can get it for you in a few days if you will, leave the nano of tho piece with Istsraircriow Boots for all kinds of Instruraetits constantly on hand at roust's Varioty Store. HMS ! VEINS 1 ERIS I 1 At all prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, Bows; Resin, Plank *ski paper, at FOUST'S Varie ty Store. STAMPING - I'SPAMPING Done at Short nottoo—'resolving new psttbrni3 <On dtantly. Call and see tl4e patterns at Foust's Varie ty Store. '2VOTIO.NS!' NOTIONS! 1 :NOTIONTSH liandkerehiefe,.llosierY, Gloves, Threads, Sowing Silk, Pine, Needlei, Combs Braids, and Itoop•Skirts. Call in—it rays to gn round thecorner to Foust's Va riety Store. BASKETS I BASKET'S`! BASKETS ! , Marketßaskets, Dinner Baskets, Traveling Bas kets; Cake Baskets, Card -Baskets, Fruit' 'Baskets, ,Fanny Baskets, at Fouet's Variety Store. WHERE IS FOUST'S VARIETY STORE? 'Sixth Serest, Sixth Street; Sixth Street, . , • Sixth Street, Four doOrs from Hamilton, in One of the rooms un der Col. Good's (American) Hotel. , [may22-6m Dr. P. R. PALM , LATE SURGEON IN . THE UNITED STATES ARMY, mould announce to the (Att une of Allentown and 'vleinity, thathe is contin uing the practice of Medicine in ALLENToWN, on Eighth Street, above Haninton, first house above Liehtenwallner & tio'l store. Raving bad the hon or to belong to the OPERATING CORPEC. ne the bat tles of Fredericksburg,Chaneollorsville, Franklin's crossing, &O. and having had charge of envenaL has had much experience in all, the details of SUBMIT and the treatment of diseasee cenerally. The. Doctor is, regular graduate of the alarmism( MEDICAL CoLLIIGE of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine during the pest eight een years. Having had much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, be would especdrilly solicit the patronageof those' who may be afilitded with diseases of that important organ. , Raving re stored theajght of many who have been BLIND yon TEARS. r 110,WoUld alio.' millet; the attention of those suffering from chronic dieetisee, such ai Dnorey, (for whieb.he has in almost infallablq remedy,) Diseases; ' 'of the KIDNEYS, REEDUATOINI, NEURALGIA, CURONI 'IO COMMA, DIARRIICIA. and PYBENTART ; (WhlCh he professee to cure in lose than half the time rerltiired by ordinary Tomediee,i Craven, orrns, or enlarge ment of the neck, name, Melamine or Constimption in children, Stoic ILBADACO6, TAPS WORN, MILAN 0170LIA, &norms, or King's evil, EPILIPIT 2 or falling eidlineel4PUTAlD BORE TUBOAT, TETTEB,D/B EABEe,PEonLiAn TO YENALISS; also &RUMS of the Liver; Lunge and Heart. Raving now practiced medicine here for over two yearty the Doctor is able and milling to refer .to per sone in this plate who have been cured by him of master the'di sessile specified. All calls from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or night.. Medicines Medicines flunishod to all patients, which be pre. pares himself, as be will use none but the very best. Reterenees s Ilia foster pa tient,. 4 1.11ontown. May 29, 1888 J STEWART DEPUY, . , . '253 S. 2D STREET, ABOVE SPRUCE, i where to sell our ttirMovrai $2O Sewing PIIILADELPHIA, . BATILOW'S ifiIDIGOiILUE• S I . SOO ..; . • Machines. Three new kinds. Undir and upper fccd. WOUI.D respectfuilly inform hie !customers and PUT UP AT "' . - • • ' Warranted five years. Above salary or large com , . . others he is now selling from !moot the largest ~W , l ' l : l2llE4fr i k k i l ll'B ' 3?1:-"1131-115T9R, missions paid. The ONLY 'machines sold In the 'Uni ted States for less. thaw $4O, which arOilly licensed. atvlbest assortraerA of ..; :..' • , . • • bil Iloive; lflieeleiollll,l' Miaow, Grover rb Baker, ging. PAR - 0 31 0 " -'' • - —'•., , . .. ' , . PLIMADELPHIA. er 4. Co4' anal 'Be &Wader. • Attothercheap may inns -:-. '.' iIitOLOTIIIIt_... ' • _!: . . ' . "• , ?Will color more ; Water than tour times the same are 4afripywarete and the , teller or tiler aro liable or 0 :WiNDOW • 611ADES.: .• ' ~ ~, ...... quantity of ordinary Indigo. . , . ' arreo,,flhe 'Mid IftepriemOneat. Circulate free. Ad '''''' ' '''''Z'' ,, i !i''• ,' 3.,11 .: it •:, . 0 a ''' 4 3 ,14 4' , 1t i ., It Is warranted to glee waif/action, and is totalled heel,' or cal slain Shaw d Clark, .Biddefbrd, Maine, that he has had on hated toe matij'tart* sod at re. at the same price es the Imitations and inforlor ar- or Ohical l e, Ilb Mind plias'''. Ileptilliiitafailisa Ohm . • [taajtalfia Damn br 19y VMS'S - A .R... 44, ...-• I I. • , A .. i . cAll e , 1t 00 '-' owsloy' , 7- l ' • "4. ;•4il• " ~.', i : - . ; 1' . 4i4c, q z • , r '' 7r4insN il lif , ' ! ~, ;4-4 , 4-,ih t • .:, .. 'A"• ' ' ty CIIEAV i '0 ,; : ‘ , .....,,q,..,_, ,, ,,i4 , 1-r,_ vE ityleittioa,',*(rits - ;..- At ttt L,QviEati:_Natc.kl Car Loads of Drl Goods REIM fili.ilpr A f.:6olioiber As G?leap, as riders the War ~dIVOA.T BARGAINS IN M. IT S S i3LEAbiIBD and UNBLEACHED: .'.', .Calicoes:..gfid:,GifiglOsims l LOTS .111L14 Ut ZOO OCOULIO% It MP at Before the WAR! SUCH AS DLACIC SILKS, FANCY SILKS • DELAINES, 'REM, ALFACCAS; EMBRES CLOTIL WOOL DE LAINES, MOUS. DE LAINES, &c. MI MS GOODS ! HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS FILES OF SHAWLS V StittWlLS V CLOTHS. qmstatus. FOR MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, At the Lowest liiOires. Having no time to enumerate, but simply say that a great many goods aro sold now for a good deal less than they can be produced. All the.above goods we aro able to sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than our neighbors, as we sell for cash and buy for eaSh. All we ask is to give us'a call and you will leave satisfied. NO TROUSDD TO BROW GOODS I MILLER SCHREIBER & CO., No. 10 East Hamilton street, One Door Below the Pint Nitilonal Bank, ALLENTOWN, PA. Sept., 11, 1866. —ly Consult Your Interest In Buying . Goods! Metzger & Osman Have just opened at their T AIL °RIND ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET. .ALLENTOWN, PA., THEIR SPRING STOCK OF CASSIMERES, , VESTINCS, &0., s ix which will be Made up to Order, 131 Tllll LATEST STYLES, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN. at the shortest notice. alzau.niapit ctlrov[mutim, MITLEMBIS' 111 NIS& 01111 S WLD CUEAPER THAN EVER Cal/ and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, • Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs,, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery, Cheapest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas, etc., eta., ote., etc. Our stock' le mach heavier and better assorted than EVER BEFORE . • Don't forget the plane, No. 33 East Hamilton etr., next door co the "Independent Republikaner." 11111TZgER. A OSMAN. NATHAN MITTZGIII,IOAO of the Arm of Tronall Metzger. TILGHMAN QIIMAN, lately head autteT at the cstat- Ilshruent of Troxell A Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8, 1866 • A NEW OPENING GRIM AVE' & R ENINGER, HENED A NEW STORE! At No. 9 W. Hamilton St., FOUR DOORS ABOVE TILE EAGLE HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA. NIVIIERE they will oiler for sale at the very low est prices, a full line of merchandise. Fall And Winter Goo 4, Such as Ladies' and Men's Wear, Plain" and Figured Doluins, Merinos, All Wool Detains, Shepherds Prints. Balmorals, Cheeks, Tickings, Jeans, White Goods, Silks. Cloths, Cassimercs, Satinetts, Flannels, and Shirtings, Gloves, Shirts and Drawers Mullins, Bosoms. Collars, Sm., &e. CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS. An assortment of Carpets, Ingrain and Stair Car pets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths and Window Shades. GROCERIES. Such as Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Tea, Bunch and Keg Raisins, Cheese, Salt, coarse and fine, etc., etc., etc. All the above goods we will sell at the very lowest prices for CASIi or COUNTRY PRODUCE. All we ask' is from our old friends and the !labile in gen eral, to give us a call and examine our. stock before making their purchases elsewhere. Remember the old tirm. Loct2-tf] GRIM RENINtIER. Geo. K. Reeder, MERCIIIKT ThILOR I No 15 East Hamilton Street, Next eon to John 11. Moser Drug Store vvllEktE be keeps constantly on hand a full 'as sortment of ready.mado clothing, ouch as. _ . COATS, VESTS, PANTS &o. also GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, which for , • Workmanship, Quality and Prices, aro not surpassed in t• mn. A largo and well select! ad stook of IgtO.Rin au) gaig}gillarkaab always on hand. , . , Clothing made to order on abort notice, and a , . .0001 :FIT OILARABItEII . Call and e intuit% our stock. April 10, 'OO-Iy] 0 F.O. K. REEDER. Erz it4RNEPtti SOW, Cor., of Hafttton 46th Stati ALLENTOWN, A., DT43 I # I3 R , ,!av I JI Drm s &, 'Chemicals 'Palntc: wEcor.,Esiim /Lisp =TAIL.' BARNES as SON'S DRUG STORE . Is known in Allentown. BARNES di SON'S DRUG'STOR ' E; ' la known througbenaelilet county.. BARNES SOWS DRUGSTORE — " , .Is to gertrireDrugti, BARNES . SON'S DRUGSTORE — Is the place to got fine'ind fruit Drugs' BARNES , SON'S . DRRQ STORE Is'the place to got cheap Drugs. BARNES & SON'S bItUG STORE e Is the place to got good and reliable Medicines. BARNES 4 SONS DRUG STORE Is the place to get presoriptiOns compounded BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE Is' the place to get Perfumery and Fanoy Articles. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE Is the, place to get any genuine Patent Medicines. BARNES A SON'S DRUG' STORE theplaie to get Dye Stuffs. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE I Is the place to get Trusses, Supporters Shoulder • • • • Braces BARNES A, SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get pure Wines and Liquors for Medical PurposOs. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Paints and Oils. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Window Glass and Putty. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get the best Varnishes. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place for country merchants to obtain supplies. BARNES th SON'S DRUG STORE Ie the Place for Phydoiane to obtain soppliee SAMS 6, SO DRUG STORE Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants to obtain their supplies of Kerosene Oil, Sal Soda, Concentrated Lye, Bare Ground Spices, Matches, Starch, Shoe Blacking, Bicarb. Soda, Salaratus, Alcohol, Lard and Whale, Oil,Neat's Foot Oil,Castile Soap, Indigo, Bath Bricks, Stove Lustre, White Chalk, Cream Tartar, • Ref'd Saltpetre, •Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Ref'd Borax, Camphor, Sweet Oil, Black Ink, Essences, Ac., he., be., ==l PARRS ! At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You Gan buy your Cattle Powders. At Barnes di d'on's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating Oils, for Machinery. At Barnes & Son's Drug Stere—You can buy Potash and-Boda Ash, At Barnes ifs Son's Drug Store—You can buy relic ble Family Medicines. At Barnes & Son'. Drug Store—Will be found a full supply of all articles used in the PAINTING BUSINESS. .4 At BARNES SON'S DRUG CO STORE is tho plane to find all 9? the popular Patent Medicines and Bair Restoratives of the t day. Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cordial,Hunter's Worm Cakes, • nembold's Extract Buchu, Dr. o „ Rose's Family Modioincs, Ay- 10 O er's Cherry Pootorial,Sarsapa rilla and Pills, Dr. Jayne's Medicines, Iloofiand's German Bitters, Woods Bair Resters- . 4 " 8 Rf five, Sterling's A rabrosia,Mor t y - oh an Vs Gargling Oil, eta. We would call attention to the fact that wo are constantly receiving fresh goods from Philadelphia and other markets, and we arc able to COMPETE WITH ANY OPPOSITION. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon this house, we hope, through the favor of it disarm inating public, to merit a continuance of the same. Our endeavors shall always bo to PLEASE ALL, and to furnish Rum Adidas got Low Fetatba july24-tf.] BARNES & SON. lIIGAIEIL MEI AIL ATTRACTIONS. NEW FALL' GOODS AL3wm. isisxa 33.1:133313EL 3311.061.„ (LA.TE• HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. .7 WEST:" HAMILTON STRBE2 ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respectfully inform the oltt en of Lehigh ocunty that they have just formed a co-parnership aS above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stook of WINTER GOODS, FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA dnd are now offering then at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. DRY GOODS CONI3IBTINQ OT TUB LAMP EMILIO QV Fignredand Plain Alpacas, Figured and PAW All Wool pc Lulus SHEPHERD PLAIDS, . BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, ' IRISH POPLINS, , , WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheelings, Checks, • G;ngkarns, • . Bedticks, • Flannels, cEe„ Sh. . tpherd Plaid Balmitrals, • Black .Clt:th t Casitmeres, , Corduroy, • Cotionades, Kentucky Jeana, Drills, LADIE3 CLOAKING, Middlesaz Cloths, .Re))pellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS 51E 411 511 tt l CE .11 A full line of Cloths, Casaimerea, Sattinetts and Vcatings, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se lected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY GR, , O CEREEIB. . as4csinm, , : SALT, &o • Which we will dispose of at the very lowoit cash prices. AU kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the higkest market ,prises allowed. • Friona% &wake. to your Intoreati far we feel aittialled that re can suit your iesraa well as your rousse.' Don't forget - the !place, No.' 7 West Ifamilton I limit, eeeopd,dnor abcyri th t n Eagl e,Dotel. Returninttlitinke for the patronage received in the past, and 'hope that by it continuous effort to amen odato their friends aqd,, customers, and in noose quance, of ttie,ltargenose Old meriety of their stook, to merit and 'receive is onntinuanee" of the entiport and goad will 'of the people. li.'A.l3unin, • Alledtown, July 18. TRERINVINSIENT fs, IN ALLENTOWNI; tHE FAMOLICHORSE AT THE - f s' . CHEAP CASH S T O R 1 E ~ ,, 4 , • •, 1/ 4 % .,„:, .....\ ------- -)"\-, ‘ •- .., 3 , . • •.--„ •5.....-- ----.._.,-----_—_, _.. LET 'LOOSE! T au , peoiao . .eit. last aro'dmvincialthat thcro iq nothingpito buying at a - "VLSIL , 6 1 4111lifi AU whoio motto is unani moualy agrood to ccallllupon LL Et Rea - !tom who bavoihst opened theft: immense stook ' • i Fall and Winter Goods, COMPRISING OF MERINOES, • REPPS ALPAcCAS • MOIfAIRS, DELATNES, . sovismants, WOOL DE LAINES, ac., Ac., Ac., . , all of which wore seleoted with the greatest care, and aro therefore all the most beautiful shades, and at such astonishing Wu , prices that noleody can help but buy—Call and examine them. . • aomestroia Qsao,as MUSLINS, TICKING S, do., do., de. from 10 to 20 per cent. cheaper than their neighbors. Some aro boasting of 19 cent Calicoes, de., but call, and seo OURS, which aro STILL cuadran- 7 and prettier styles were nower brought to this town, FLANNELS 1 FLANNELS I OF EVERY COLOR AND QUALITY. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. cheaper than can be bought anywhere else is this part of the State: Clothing made to Order, tu. WARRANTED TO FIT OR NO SALE. 4;e:a .. They have also always on hand a fresh supply of Groceries and Provisions. Everybod y seems ,particularly well pleased with their TEA, which they sell 25 to 30 cents per pound cheaper than any store in MI county.. CASH PAID FOR BUTTER. CALL EARLY MIA Exordia% their Stoat. NO TROIIBLN TO SHOW 000115 ! REMEMBER TIIE PLACE, Tag Cheap Cosh Store BURDGE & JONES, No. 9 East Street ' 3 doors below Ike Allen -Souse: N. 13.—We were under.a great inconvenienco last Spring, owing to the enlarging and improving of the store room, weitnnw, that a.great many left :in disgust' on account of the crowding, ditst and dirt, and not receiving the proper attention. Slat. the room is now larger and heautifally fixed, anti hav ing a unmber of now clerk's, We aro now able to re ceive and please all. • [Sept-17.-1y AN OLD STAND! NEW PitiaRROET/Nta 5.0 00 0 New Customers THE undersigned wish to inform the public that A. they have purohased.the well known orocery dr., Provision Store, formerly kept by Glossier Sc. do., on SEVENTIrST.; a few doors' above the ALLENTOWN BANK, where they intiltolto keep'eonstantly on hand a fresh stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Their stook edueists of SUGARS, COBBBIE , , CURRANTS, STARCH, BEANS, • MOLASSES, DRIED CHERRIES, &o. DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Dried Beef, Shoulders & Hams, T) AS AID EP ICUS, OP TUB ,VARIOUSKINDS. AND THE BEST LIVE POULTRY ALWAYS ON HAND, The do not take time to enumerate, but invite all to give them a trial, for they feel satisfied that they can sell their stock at a price that will bo satisfacto ry to all • • topll-t1 J RESTORE ' YOUR" SIGHT ! DR. J. SUPRENS. & CO.'S. _. PATEN.' CORNEA RESTORERs, ' Or, RESTORERSpa. THE EYESIGHT. They will Restore Impaired Sight, and Pretest* it to the Latiet Period of Life. , gaßoTeo4l3 I'm - NA:m=6 rEnsiztm. - . if .?;:',e The most eminent Physic ? .' .... , • t bins, Oculists, Divines, and '1 .• • . 7 , the most prominent, men 'of ofi e • , .I.'•' our country, recommend the ' e ' use of the CORNEA. RESTOR ERS r r Preabyopia,tur Far or ' ". Long.Slghtednese,or every - person who wears spectacles from old ago ; Dimness of Vise . . 'on.'or Blurring ; Overworked' yes ; Asthenopia, or Weak yea ; Epiphora, or Watery,. yea ; Pain. in the Eyeball i .manrcida, or Obscurity of 'talon; Photophobia, or In lenume of Light ; Weakness ..,t the Retina and Optic Nerve; Myodesopia, •or Specks or Veving. • bailie"! before the 7elT - ; OPhtiitilinie, or Inflame cation of Skit Eye end Eye. AP; Cataract Eyes ; Herniae is, is, or •.-Partial Blindness ; linking of the Myeball, and mperfect Vision from, the Torts of Inflammation, do. They can .... __ -a by any one with a certainty of success!, and without the least fear of injury to the eye. More thafi.d,ooo certificatps of cures are exhibited at our office. Cure guaranteed in every case when applied according to the directions inclosed in each box, or the money will be re. funded. Write for a!Circtdar --wet gratis. Aildicaa, ,DI I L',STEPHENS tkglicij. pctillata. M. 0: 8cce926.) Bain Cokrs • air PIT. a: firrtrrrata'ac .0o: . InventeB and patatted a MYOPIA. or CORNEA FLAT TENER, for the rum of NEAR-SIGHTERNEI3B. which has prows a groat success. Write for • Mauler. • Principal Office: August 14, 1866 EMWORN& LEAMEIV,. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN M1N1311311-4"IICnIWAIEIL. :PLATED , GOODS, ' • C. L.,lloamsi 404 Arch Strcoti PIIILADELPIIIA. vtiosE in wiint•nf BIL' - ..... 4 '''" '. -='..., i • $ VEII, or SILVEIt VLATED ik t r• i '. '.. ail '' WARE, will. fipd it.inuoit t0'1'.. t .,5' • ,--„.., flak advitithgo by's±,ieftlii %l g ei. 1111-:v Out: atoro before making toir i \ . -....:i'' "riurobasee. Otirlang ottite=' ' 4 ., :=....• , rience in the manufacture of v the aboo kitul of goods enablec tut to• defy oompoti- thin., ' C I ;ER MILLS FRUIT PRESSES, 'AP. Vito keep no gouda but tbopo mblelt nra of Ma Prat , l'Lli, PARSERS &c., for sale by - clam all of our own mike, end will be sold nt redua. 11 LANDRETIt ti, BOW, 21 A 23 8. 6th at,, ottpr.lon, fjelyB.lo fluili 4.1 tti] botitson hltititit and Chcotattti Phila. . MEI BIICIL AS CALICOES, CHECKS, BUT AND WAITED. B4ISINS, QUALITIES Giv'e um a Call, TROXELLA BUTZ VSB No:840 Broadway, Now York MANUFACTURERS, .♦RD roor , -8 `.6, iilcbriuptioii o eta:, blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and 4* bast out -14'dirietuse on any part of it. No organ is free faun its attacks, nor is there One 'which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or. unhealthy food, im pure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Hi who says, "I will visit the iniquities of th fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in,. the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed . tubercles; in the . glands, sVrelgs ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor rupfion, which gendera thd blood, . depresses: the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only , suffer scrofulous com plaints, but they fume far less potter to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers perish by :disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are' still. rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which &- ciliates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, . 'lnd, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are, aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persona are invaded by this lurking in-. fection, and their health is Undermined by it: To cleanse it from the system we must'renovate the blood. by in alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food , and exercise. Such a redicine wo supply AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the moat effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise' for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE and SKIN DISEASES, BT. ANTHONY'S Finn, ROSH, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAIN B and Bons, TMORS. TF.TTER and SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, RIIIHRIATISM, SYPHILITIC and Mencontan DIS EASES! DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING 1 , 11015 VITIA TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. The "popular belief 1 in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, i for scrofula s a degeneration of the blond. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to puay and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. -sPA."4`' 3EI R's Ague Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY CURL OF Intermittent revery or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Priodical Headache, or indeed tog and revermy indeed for the whole class or d originat. bag in biller)! derangement, caused b)' the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This " CURB" expels the miasmatic poison of Fuvrti, AND Ultra from the systent; and prevents the do • eelopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is net only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class . of complaints, but also•,the cheapest. The large quantity ?Ne supply for a dollar bnngs it within the reach of etery body ; and in bilious districts, where rivits AND Akins prevails, every body should • • have it and use it freely both for cure and protec— tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any, , other ever 'discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine Or mineral,. consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu ' • tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is' not alone the, consequence of the xokilismatio poison. A great variety of disor dereitiiiie from its 'irritation, among Which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Painful Affection's if the-Spleen, Hyster ics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis. and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type; or become periodical. This ‘. Duna" expels the poison from the blood,and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the tnalarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily While exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the eystem,'and cannot Accumulate in Sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will over suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the priltection • this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. MR d CO., Lowell, Maas. All our Remedies aro for sale by ' all the Druggists in Allentolin..! and by Druggists and dealers everywhere. ' At 'Wholes's'. 14 J. M. MARIE A CO:A Philadelphia. • October 24. MEIIEO, MUICOI 530,000,000 L 0 AN REPUBLIC OF MEXICO• Twenty-year Coupon Bonds in was of $lO , $lOO $6OO, and $l.OOO. Interest Seven . Per Cent. Payable in the City of New York. •' . Principal and Interest Payable in ,G 1 OLD. 810,000,009 to be Sold at SIXTY CB* on the BOMB, In U. S. Currency, thus yielding en interest 'of TWELVE PER CENT, IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold, - THE FIRkIT -YEAII,'S INTEREST ALANADY , ';PROVIDED. ; ; The Most Desirable Investment,ever .OFFERED. • . . . Immehse tracts 'of MINING 'andAGRIOULTU RAL lands.; Sixty '.per cent, of PORT DUES, IM POSTS ,arid ,TA'ABEI t .Stat nt - Tateaulipas and Ban Luis Pesti:lSi; and Ilia Plighted'falttiof the said States and the general Government ore all pledged,for the redemption of theso ponds and pay- moot of i n ,eras. TUE SECURITY IS AMPLE. • $3O in U. 13. Currency will buy a 7 per ct. Gold Bond . • 860 in U. s. Currency will buy a 7 per coat Geld' Bond of $lOO. • , $3OO in U. B. 'Citirenqi *ill buy a 7 per cent (kid Bond of $5OO. $6OO in lt; S. Currency will buy a 7 por oont..Gold Bonder $l, OOO . Let every lover of Republican - Institutions buy at least ONB BOND. • , . Ciroulars forwarded and sttbscrlptiorn received by JOHN W. CORLIBSd< 00;, and T. N:TIPFT, Nin'aneiaf Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. ' 1515...Subsoriptlons also received by Banks and I Bankers generally throughout the United States. I November 7, 1865. ' ly 628. HOOP SKIRTS. • noriumw."ClMlN 31161.1ral" every respect first class, and embrace , a complete assortment fur Ladies, Misses, and Children, of the newest styles, every length and siz es of waist. • Our Skirts, wherever known, are more universally popular than any others before the public. They re tain their shape better. are lighter, more elastic, , more durable, and really cheapor,than any other Hoop Skirt iu the market. The springs and fasten pigs are warranted perfect. Every lady should try them! They are now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the country, and at Witulm-, SALP; and RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Boom • No. 728 Arch St., below 7th, Philadelphits. • Ask for lIOPKIN'S "owN itxxx,"- 7 boy nolother. CAUTION.—Nono genuine unless stamped on each Kid Pat--"Hopkin's Hoop Skirt ManufaMMY, NO 62$ Arch St., ,Philadelphia." ' ' Also, constantly on hand u, full lino of New York miado Skirts, at very low prices ' TERMS tar September 4th EOM 4csar.arT9 .NvA.mzwla=.: .BE I I, trxtbl .. u) . ca : ip .A.cmrresß. September 11. . • • Ili THE CITY OP NBW Os'? Of a highly respectable eitisen, well klidern Mercantile community, by A ir I Dlt. 3. IL BOREN° • 11111 GREAT LUNG DOCTOR OP ,PIIUdipA: • • • °Frio' N. Y. & GALINA : LOAD !Oak!: ' • No- 38 Nassau St-, New York, done IcISISO: _ r!, _ . _ Dr: J- li- Schnook—Dear Sir : for ever lifteem ,, ,. years I have been troubled with a very • cough, and usually two . r three 1:u ea a . yen', ~0 0 , acre or les. hemorrhage, which t• gait el% ~.!. 0 , a „at few years, has kept me thin'in fie,', end t.l . weak to do business of any hind without aufferisg- In August last I had a very severe hemorrhage, and, according to the judgment of a good New lock physician, I was classed as b yond tbit reach of Medicine; and was advised to b 3 prepared, sofas , as , property matters were concerned, to leave ibis world • c , at short , notioe. The physician (and my ge0.4., friends) said that the first cold I took meet prove fatal- Early in January I took a severe . ooldyandi • , fortunately was occupying rooms at N0. , 32 BOND.. .., STRERT, directly over your officei I. think ghost the 16th of January I procured A.' 'bottle. of your • "Pulmonic Syrup and oommencedtaking Whitely- My feat and limbs were very 011101i.sWollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death *earned to atatossl. pony ray cold; I sent for my fermar.physiolltas ' Wed stated to him that I was taking year medicine', and after showing them to him, andhaving , tinned 'of theth An:, he replied: "You elan Ulm them if • .yen like, they will do you no I:IRMO, .14 said. a Yon 'know what I told you last semmero and 'may - . the same now, if you have any business to elegem), • . do not put it off.". lie said to other friends that ho " oottid i see to hope for me," and!my • friends and relatitimp concluded my time bad some;. ,At thin ' Meal was taking freely of your medicine, but had . not seen you. The doctor called few times, and found me (much to his surprise, he said,). itoprov , ing, and ho could not understand why.! My feitle was increasing in your medicines; and I had a wish' to have you examine my case, and see whatyou had to say. When you first came to my room and made the examination, you gave me but little encourage ment, but on the contrary, expressed sad' doubts off - ' tay ever being helped out of my then. seeming dif 110111,1os. The second time that you called, finding 'me still gaining, von gave me oneouragement,s :-y log, "my symptoms were improving; the Pulmey ie Syrup, Sea-weed Tonle and Mandrake Pills hoe acted like a charm." My circulation; my cougad my appetite, all began to improve, and I souk,. walk about rev room a little. -You visited me neald ly every Tuesday, and found me improving, anr told me not to go out of my room until the first dad '- . of May. I took no cold while under ,your treaty. moot, my appette became fi rst-ratei itnit} your , told , ' me to oat everything I wished of R Xiottktiolvi, na ture, end to exercise about the roput, RA ,FOllOl3 as. i • ~ poss i ble . I followed your advice, atir!lttrthe' al prieo of my old physician and friondk , l seem mu ch' better than I have boon for geterat,Ydersi and qreathe bettor then I ever expected a parson cvultl , I.; with one lung, the loft being completely '4140 Kir I feel vet,' grateful to you, and essisEislf year 8,11. vice and medicines invalu able. ,::i., , '," I :11l ;:' 'i: ' Yours, truly, T. S. EIIIMIXION .0u . . DD. SCDENCK—Dear Sir :—Abottt t wooyeara, Mgt, , I was taken with a very troublisamo'cobet and a pain in my breast; seven or eight months ' peeved, . away without my doing anything for myself . 'Then" I applied to a physician, who attended use for about thrt a months without rendering me any lei:. • ' vice. I also obtained the advice and treatment of a physician in one of our hospitals, and also had the advice and treatment of two ether phisleialltr, but all to no purpose. During this long apace of ' time I was nearly dead; several 'times my Mendel came to see mo and witness my exit into the spied- , world. I was confined to ray, tied two month. at one time. My breathing was exceedingly .short.--- I rove up several timer all hopes of getting better; and as regarding getting well, that was; entirely out of the question. And to think this day lam w•it and hearty t I was advieed , by some of my friends to try DR. Senesces Medicines. I aqoordingly bought bottle afier bottle. until I reached the ninth; then 1 fmnd a decided change in my comb for the better. .I'aufferod severely from palpitation of the , heart, and: , two weeks. after I commenced taking your medicine this difficulty ceased. , When Whit, went to Dr. Solsnok's . of fi ce it was with difficulty that I could get up into hisreception • ... room, I was so weak and so swelled; my L akin was . as sallow as though I bad the Jamaica ; I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. De. Schenck, afterexamining , Me, said both my lunge were affected, and gave ma , but little belie ; but his medicines. in about, two, ..., -weeks; took right bold of sae is It seemed to go•right . through•my whole . system: The Pnlmonia Syrup, Sea-Wood Tonic and Mandrake Pills, ail took right. hold in the right place: The Piths brought away - great quantities of bile and slices ;.the Syrun leim ened the matter - in my lunge, which came off very free; the Sea Weed. Tonic gave Malin appellte,andl everything doomed to taste good. • . • To show What emit:power the medicines have its purifYing my system; and te ahoW , how bad I vas. diseased, besides all the bile that passed my bow , - els, and thegreat quentitleal4f .pliipgie Ara matter I expectorated, I'brOlidttditli ovetirr-large boils, asul...xp vutt that would continue to gather n for about six' '- weeks, end I had at one limo over tw -five boils. I:hove nothing of the kind now,'and.fe like au other person , altogether... I opn..eafely,sa that I -WINO not enjoyed such health, for, live yea rs aldo • now, and • cannot praise you and year me 'nin es enough. -May pod abundantly.bless and pr.. erie• . you: is the sincere desire of one whit h as bee so. wndorfully relieved through:your agen cy; an if any ono desires to know with regard to tho .truth- • fulness of this report, if they will call upon• any of My friend's, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, near Thompson street, Wow .Cladwalader,.Philadelphiny they will be Toffs:AV:satisfied •with timialidity of the case. Yours, witirconoh respect' , . , . . MARY SCIINAIDT.. ,The above case, as described, is perfoodicorrect. I knowitto be true. . Yours, ,., T. BAiliiLlglt,.,,, " ''-''' "-- .-Paetai of Mateo& M. ILlClatirrili: OF THE Xew Rat mules oxr: truce oven, 13.A.wrz..a0 v '.lo G MI PR7a territory elm. ntb.- roe torius, Maio with stamp, elqrt, Q.AgAnthA OTHERB, , 4 Obednut fill, Philp., Pt i I 134.01161«1re1vi0.e• , DR. sgfilquigs bo ,proferlonnlly. et - his prinoipaiffioe ! sStlif tf,c ti orner of Commerce, Philadelphia every Saturday,:fiens '9A.: M. untili4W.CM4,..NZS2'.'ldond) litreof,Aew Pork, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3; No. 38 Sommer Street, Roston 'Mite, every Wednesday, from 9 - to 3, and °Very other Priday 108. Baltimore 'Street; Baltimore'' Md. All advice free,•but for a tholoigh• examinntlon 'of the langs, with his Respiremeter, the charge ia three dollar". Price of,Alio Pfilmenio Syrno - nnd Sea-Weed Ton ic each , . $1 . 40 per Lteith r zi.s7, so : sit &amt. dandiskowPills,-2fceents„ - FOR SAVE BY ALL DRUGGISTS is DEALERS. January 30, 1800-Iy—No. 3. ' „.. CO tionoOti: I ; iste - how Restored: poLliehed, a New Edition . of - . . CIEILYERWIILVS CEILEPRATED Exeay on the radical cure (without medicine) , of Spormatorrlicee, or Seminal Weakness; Involtinta ry Seminal Leese., Impotency;er Mental and Physi cal Incapacity; Impediments to .7iferriage, oto ; also Consumption, Epilepsy' and Pits induced by self-In dulgence or sexual extravagance. • . , "I.l4„..Pride, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. " The celebrated author' admirable essay, elearly ileinonstrates,from.e. thirty years, successful practice, that:the alarming censooPienoes agog-Anise, , may. be radically cure' without the 'dangerous use cif internal 'medicine or the YtipPllcation 'of tho pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and Offoctual. by means of , whibh every sufferer, no matter what his.condition may ho, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically., • tts..This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every mari,in , the land. Sent, underseal,.insplain Envelope, to any ad drese, post/mid, on receipt of six omits, or two posh stainpsi, ;Address ; the Publishers, ' CHAS. J. C., RUNE IS CO., 127 BOwery, Now York.' Post Office Bbx 4586' • , • M'CINLEY POWDER. . .", •, . ':.i Cisree : Meow of the Throat and . ' ' ' •'' '-' • Monetized Pietate,• Swelling of - • , •.. • ~ • s , .- the Tonsilo.Conha. Coldo,Sore Throng, QoPialaiod D:ptheria, Clergenian'e • • . ' Soo' Throat,: Oat.srrh, -.::. • • .: :.. :. : - of iho:klore and bran * Ist.' It is aped jic operioiing upon tho mucuona membrineh 4 the nose and threat, and lie io ease Asa tieett intinen to fait: 2d. It Acts locally,. may be easily applied to the palatO and tonsils in such quantity as to give it time to act, and being very light, penetrates, by inhale thin, those portions of the nasal and bronchial or gans, which other remedies cannot reach. dote nol;ttot..on thin puree of the akin, nor - oda Aligeet.ion•or thq,,otomiteh in .the least, while syrups, losenges and expectoranta often nause ate and frequentli deiange, the stomach. .1111. Out-door business miry be attended to with- Out risk nr appriohenelen, beneficial effects being greatly firenuitfld •eicoroiBo and freoh sir. bthl'ln•a few 'minutes it will arrest the most aii noying.coingh or trouhleaomo flowing, from the nose. fith..., It will pause,* sore throat or hearseneas, if taken eftcr,expoeure or public speaking. See circa litre • Depot 694 Breadtoev,•N. Y. • - J. THOMPSON GILL, Agent, 311 Walnut Bt., Phil& , Pa. • —3m Oct. ott. - INVEINTOREV: OFFICEBi D!.13, V I. U & A'N S, CiOL'ENdINEttIiC & PATENT'SOLICITORS, • No.' 435 Wainui , street, Philaa'a. Patents eolleitialLL;Coneulteltiona on Ungineering D relighting and Sketches, Diodela and iduchinstip., ,44,1,11 kinds y f tns and skilfully attended. to. See 'mat nttentinn, givin' to REJISOTED °MRCS and 'Authentic, eoplesof 11:lob ernente &obi Patent Ottio. procured. , yoareelvee useless trouble, tray oiling expenses, ow there is no Actual mint Ao eT •popa interview ~•frAti no. ,Alibusinoss with e N, ees can, be transacted in . writing. For fur itricrniation:dirsofas shoe/441th ,stamp for cfrinslar iilthiliferendes.. January R.llOlll. ; -Im Ea $9O A MONTIII.-- , AGENTEC.wanted for on. _eta.fitr*FiefOntit Tat. Addropo O.So OARETy 47111 , 111,1 E 2 I=2I=III=IZEMM GI MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers