E2=l!! Yost must have CLOTHOO, Yon want, First, to got a good article: Ton then want It as cheap as"Pbuthle. Thus to natural and right, onoughi The question 1., where to tuy It is to your PER SONAL interest to consider the follow ing facts: - There is organised in Phil adelphia artlennienea es tablishment to &NW ',MST CLASS CLOTHING, and, to make it eheaper,than CUSTOMARY; The ma terials are ;bereght • DI RECT from the bestAteer- Jean and Eitpeah .mari ufacturers, kind thus.cen aidemble Is' saved. 'Fall prices are paid to work men, so as to ensure sub atantial and 'handsome garments; the salesmen and clerks are Ouch that customers can 'fully rely upon them, and everY ef fort is made to please and suit patrons, so aa to arer as well as make •cuttom. The result of combined in dustry, system' and, close application of all the em ployees, has secured a model establishment, a SUPERIOR style oi cloth ing, and VERY MODER ATE pricea This House re located at the CORNER of SIXTH bT i and ex tends from MAOKET TO MIMI. STREETS. and is now the most extensive' concern of the kind in Philadel phia. ' You are asked to patroniseand en. courage this en • torprise., We have, .. . Ist—Gent's Readkutdc CLOTHING. 2d— Special Department for Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Rd—Custom Department to maim to Ordl! Alth-r- Gent's Furnishing Goods in Largo Variety. WANAMAKKEt 8; BROWN, OAK HALL, E. E. Con 6th .3; Market, PHILADELPHIA. ORP•It wlllbe well worth a vieit, whetter ycu want to buy allot. "gifr•Stimplee eent by mail or emintee when de sired. [oet23.3in' QPRINGTON FORGE AND•FARM at pri vate Sale.—l-A valuable' WATER rowan, with farm attached, on the Brandywine, seven miles north of Downingtown. The Brandywine and Waynes burg Railroad passes through the property, and within a few yards of the works, which connects with the Pennsylvania and Chester Valley It. /Let Down ingtown: 'For manufacturing purposes the Power cannot be•excelled ; twenty-one feet, head and fall, with a large dam, now used for driving a forgo with four largo wheels. A good location for a Rolling Mill, Cotton Mill,.Paper Mill, or Anthracite Furnace. Ono hundred and fifty-three acres of land, part in Wood•and the remainder in Farm Land. The im proveinents arc a large Stone Mansion and seven Teneritentil, one of them large, and need as a Board ing House.' The buildings are supplied with a foun tain or Spting Water. • The Power can be sold with a portion of the land. A large deposit of Magnetio Ore on the Property: This js a Most desirable property, and will be sold on moderate' tams, ai3 the parties are • anxious to close their business. A part of the purchase money can lay in the troperty. For particulars inquire on the promises, or address oet3o-4t) CORNOG tr. McILVAIN, Wallace P. 0 , Chester county, Pa Public Notice. 1 Milton Roeder In the Coat of Com . Pleas, • vs. • of Lehigh Co .of Sept. Term Henry Williams. No. Domestio Attachment. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed Trustees by the Court un der the above writ of Domestic attachment. All pertains, therefore, who are indebted to, or have in their possession any Property belonging to said do fendant, arc potitled to make payment, and deliver the said property to the undersigned, and all credi tors of said defendant will present their respectiie accounts or demands to the same. HENRY B. PERSON, CHARLES"B. WEBER, 1 Trustees HENRY YEAGER,' Nov. 6th 1131030". MEI .111 W 1110 —AT— lawfer. Fr. SteckePs, • No. 20, Easilicimilton., A cheap lot of Flannels. Red Flannels at 25 cts. Shirting - Flivanels ' full line, such as Plaids, Rob dray, Blue, Scarlet, Trenton Plaids, &c., &0., Wool is low, therefore Cloths and Cassimeres are low. Call and See the Piles. FARMER AND HOUSEKEEPER CORN PUDDING.—Grato one dozen ears uj corn. Add to this three eggs well beaten, a ittle salt, an ounce of Ulmer, and:fiour enough lo make a very thin batter. Bake the whole to a pudding dish. WASH FOR STIFF JOINTS...—SaIt brine ie said to be the best wash for stiff joints in horses. It is also good for hard hoof, as it attracts moisture, and thus keeps the hoof soft. It can be easily tried by any farmer. DIARRI10:1 IN . CATTLE.—A correspondent of the Prairie farmer cures in this way : Take half of a pail of bran and pour boiling water on it and cover with thioh cloth until nearly cool, then strain and give the tea to tho aftl.o ted animal. Two or three doses is very sure to cure and do no hurt. HOTCU Poven.L-Ohop very floe three parte green tomatoes and one part oniuns,with more or less of garden popper•pods and salt; let it stand twelve hours, then put in a jar and cov er with Vinegar. Excellent with meats in winter. TOMATO CROUT.—Piok the last green toma thee before frost, , and:ohop yery fine with any desired quantity of green pepp . eis, al!apice, cloves, and cinnamon. Paoli in jare and set in a 000 l place until it soura,weetriOnity be cooked like cabbage erout, or eatitg alp!, MOLAFS6I3 CAKE--SOiT GINCIICKOin,"MO ?assert Cake:—llalf cup cream/Ulf app sour milk, one cup molasses, one teaspoon"Valera tali. one tablespoon ginger, or other flavoring, a little sa't, and flour to make the whole rath er soft. It is light and good. Soft Ginger Cake :—One cup sweet milk, one cup molass es, one tablespoon butter or melted lard, one teaspoon soda, two teaspponfuls cream of tar tar, flavor withl ginger of any other apige. BREAD GRIDDLE Caites.—(good way to use stale bread.) Crumb the bread and add sour milk enough to soften it, and let it stand over night. , Then mash fine with a spoon, add a beaten egg and a teaspoonful of soda for each quart, with flour enough to make the batter considerably thicker than for common griddle cakes. As last as baked, put on a plate over a basin of hot water, coy ering them closely with a largo bowl or other dish. This keeps them warm and melt% • KEEPING AND Sampan Corrsc.—For one pound of Coffee, take one egg and beat it well. When the coffee, is nicely browned, and 601 enougivitut to cook the egg; pour the egt over it, stirring it twil every kernel is coated as with'a vartash:and ldt it stand a few minutes in a warm place until it dries. This will pre vent the escape of all aroma, is not affected by moistirki and the egg 'helps settle the coffee when it is .ground and steeped.— American rioutiuriat. A iIiNT To lii,cmaasecas.--Ilousekeeping is busioese, and Alio beet of butanes!. pro.. vi one gees throush with a liberal appren -I,i ship under pleasant supervision. Those , lir o undertake to teach housekeeping should in gontle; g o od-natured. forbearing and tor. giving --should have a place for everything and everYthing in its place- 7 should have Bur %Solent discernment to discover wheu the work - is becoming buithensome to the young limbs, should lighten labor with pleasant chat—and ~:ahoulil be guided by a tulden.rule—"make the 4010,11140404 owns ~a s. tic° . 46°321 lIMIN "3trto Oiliorman, did yon know • Thin) wero falrigo In this land 7! "Bleak your heart, you don't tell wtotio t" 1 • Why, yes, for law kfeShand, Ila p'nlog to take a moonlight walk, Pa , dancing round a Mullen ataik, • So e ladies, looking quite sweetly, 'though they wore su very Milan, Anil their beaux dressed up so neatly Al thoro who deal at Tower Hall!" Our stock of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing is the fullest and most complete in Philadelphia. Prices are lower and nearer those of ofd times than for several years. 1 Half way between • . BENNETT &CO, PIPTII and • Townn.ll 4 u,L, SIXTH Ste. 518 Market Street, ERIIOIIIS OP YOUTH. A. GEI4TI..SMAN Who suffered for years from Nerv end Debility, Premature Decay, an& 111 the ef fects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sate of suf fering humanity, send free . tro all who need it, the re cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured:: Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can, do so by addressing •JOIIN B. OGDIDN, • No. 18 Chamber street, N. Y. ant-19] STRANGE, tiIIT TRUE. to VERY young lady and gentleman in the United 1.2 Stites can boar something very much to their advantige by return mail (free of charge.) by addresi lug the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, . • THOS. F. CHAPMAN, • 831 'Broadway, N. Y. . . TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by . e simple remedy, after having suffered for reverel years with a revere 'ling Mho Lion,and that dread disease, Consumption—is anti iontto make known to his fello*-seeren the mean of cure. To ill who aehir6 it, be will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Bunn cone for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the proscription is to benefit the agitated, and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and be hopes every sufferer will try his -mad?, as it will cost thorn nothing, and may prove a . leasing. • ' Parties wishing. the proscription, imam, by re turn mail, will please address ' Rev. EDWARD A.'WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. ant-Iy] The Great -English Remedy. Osotgarato By ROYAL LETTERS PATENT, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS* Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, H. I) Phial:tints Extraordinary to the Queen. This itivaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to whiob the constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, from whatever cause, and a speedy cure may ne relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES His particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the munthly period with regularity. In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight ex ertion; Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will afoot a Cure when all other means havefailed ; and although a powerful reme dy, do not contain iron, Caloiliel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around sear pack age, which should be carefully preserved. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $1 Pea BOTTLE. SPECIAL NOTICE. " Die the fate of every catu,sbie Medicine .to be COUNTRIWEITED. Be cautions, therefore, and see that the letters "T. A. " are blown" in the Route, and that each wrapper bear, the Fac Similes of the ei4- naturea of I. 0. BALDWIN tit SO , and JOB 4fo= SEE. Without which, none are Genuine. N. B.—One dollar, with Eighteen cents for Post age, enclosed to any authorised Agent, or to the Sole Agent for the United States and British Do minions, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt Street, New York, will insure a bottle containing 50 pills, by religrn mail, gamely sealed from all observation.. aptil3-yr] Mr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. THIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the beet article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Read and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy In many cases of Sore Ryer.— Deafness boo been removed by it, and Hearing has otten_been greatly improved by Its use. It is fragrant and agreeable, and • Gives Immediate Relief -Ow to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. The sensations after using it are delightfa. and invigorating. It opone and purges out all,olt tart:Lotions, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. Wore then Thirty Tears' ofsale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head fiche :Muff, has proved its great value for all the common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It to recommended by many of the beet physiolane, and le need with great moot es and satisfaction wierywhere. ' REtD THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE . Drtuacuers IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrah and Head ache Snuff, and sold it in our wholesale trade, obeer tally hate, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided ly the best article we have over known for all com mon diseaces of the Head. Burr & Perry, Boston Barnes & Park, N. York Reed, Austou & Co., " A. B. &D. Sands, " Brown; Lawson & Co., " Stephen Paul & Co., " Reed, BUtler & Co:, " Israel Minor k Co., " Seth W. Rode, " liPlCesson &Robbins " Wilson,Pairbank & Co." A. L. Soovlll 4 Co., " Bensbaw,Edmand Co " M.Ward, Close & Co." H. H. /lay, Portland, Me. Bush & Gale, ,`For sale by all Druggiots. Try it. &prill. BM. LIFE-IEII3II---STREIGTH, lIIE-NALTII--STREIOTII, IM--111ALTil---STBINGTiI, gundreds and thousands annually die premature.. ly, when, if they would give the Great French Item. edy. DR. JUAN•DELAMARR&'B CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Faranoiere k Dupont, No. 2141 Rue .Lombard, Paris, from the prescript . ..On of Dr. Juan De'amarre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord on Lariboisiere a fair trial, they would find Immedi ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is need in thq practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform sitcom, and highly recommended as the only posi dve and Specific Remedy for all persons suffering from General or Sexual Debility, all derangements of the !Verson. Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrhom or Seminal Emission,, all Weaknesses arising from Sexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions. Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spints, Dimness of Vision, by/Refine, Pains in the Hack and Limbs, Impotency, Lo. No language can convey an adequate Idea of the home Hate and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing oure of the maladies above mentioned. Buffer no more, but nee The Great French Reme dy ; it will effect a cure where all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt ful to the most delicate constitution. Pamphlets. containing full particulars and direc tions fur using, in English, French, Spanish and . German, accompany each box, and also sent free to any address when requested. Price one dollar par-box; six boxes for Ave dol lars. Sold by till Druggists throughout the world; or will be sent by mail, securely sealed from all ;Amer. cation, by enclosing specified prloe, to any author ised agents. Beware of Counter/sits and Imitation, Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OE OAR G. MOSES A CO.. rt Courtlandt St., N. Y. Authorised Agents for Allentown, BARNES SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MEYERS. [spr2-ly ALLIII3 ZOVI7N 331aR.11.13T1L Corroded lireobly by Wehotheimor i Noro/lard & Co Whist g lour,* bb1.15.00 Bye Chop, lil 100 lbs. 5.110 Coro Meal, 111 bbl. • ' 6 95 Wheat,* boatel, • 1.00 Km a 1.50 Cora, • „ 1:45 Oats, " 5Th . 4 4$ CO 4, 11 l 7.00 Timothy...a," 450 Flaxseed, " 500 Odd Apples t “ 5.60 " Peaeles," 5.00 BA.IBLEIS. Beggs, * dotes, 30 •Butter, VI m. 40 Lard,• •• " 30 Hams, " 20 Bacon " 16 Beeswax," 40 Potatoee,ll bushel 80 Bear 1, 1 ' 2.00 Salt, " -1.25 Salt,in packs, 8.20 Hay,per ton, 16 60 Straw, " 1.00 1=12=!1 FALL • DRESS COoDs Now Opening AT KRAMER'S 'ME MINE STINE. MILLINS, Calicoe nd Flannels, CHEAP _TS:RA_MER'S REMEMBER THAT KRAMER'S CORNER TOILE RAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING The Cheapest Store IN ALLENTOWN rro KRAMER'S Allentown, Pa., FOR DRY GOODS! AT CHEAP PRICES. AT SHINIER'S MAMMOTH STOINIE They have now for Sale 6756 yards Calico, good dark Fell and Winter styles, at 11, 12, 14, 10 and 18 cents per yard. 5000 yards Mwdins I& Meet ings, from 11 to 24 cents per yard. 2000 yards Ginghams, very Uheap. 2000 yards Merinoes, all cob ors, from $l.OO to $1.25, 5000 yards Dress Goods, all colors and figures, different styles, cheap. A Full Line Of Cloth, Cass'. mer, Satinet, Jeans &c., all at the lowest New York prices. 5000 yards Flannels, very cheap, all colors and figures. 1000 yds. Tickings & Checks, all prices. All kinds of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Provisions, at the LoWest Prices. August 28, 1860. ' —tt Lion Hall Clothing Store. Great Inducements OFFERED In Ready-made CLOTHING. 500 Overcoats, 500 Dress & Business Coats, .1000 Pants, 1000 Vests, WILL BE BOLD AT A BARGAIN AT Breinig & Leh's Lion Hall CLOTHING STORE. IMPORTANT. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST EMI AND MOST Complete Assortment -OF-- SCHOOL BOOKS Ever offered for safe in this section, can IA Nona at the 66 .1FrIedensbote" Book Stoies ff3MaWg; That if you want any kind of a Book, the place to buy it is at the "FRIEDENSBOTE" , BOOR STORE. BLANK BOOKS Of every description suitable for - all kinds of busi ness.. DIARIES FOR 1867 Of all styles and prices ALL PEOPLE Should hoar in mind that if they 'want anything n tho lino of Books, Stationery, &c., To purohnoo thorn at E. D. Leisenring & Co's,, No. 19 E. Hamilton St., ALLENTOWN, PA. Oct. 30, 1800, • WANTED.—E. Fonstermacher & Son, at the corner of 10th and Hamilton ate , wish to purchase 1000 bushels of Clovereoed, for which the highest market price will be paid. They also wish to inform the public that they have for sale several superior varieties of potatoes, such as Michigan White Sprouts, Buolieyo,,fdonitor, and other good kinds. . Not3l-6t--. AN EFFECTUAL WORM MEDICINE Baows'a VIIRMI7I7OII Comma, Or Worms Lounges. Muoh sickness, undoubted y with ohildren and adults, attributed to other causes is occasioned by worms. The" Verwifogs Oossitts,"l although effectual in destroying worms, can do no possible injury to the most delicate child. This val uable combination has been successfully used by phy sicians, and found to be safe and sure in eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Children having Wormi require immediate atten/. Lion, as neglect of the trouble,often causes prolonged sickness. Symptoms of Worms In Children are often over- Looked. Worms in the stomach and bowels cause ir ritation, whioh can be removed only by the are of a sure remedy. The combination of ingredients used in making Brown's "Vermifuge Comfftsmis irk& as to give the best possible effect with safety. CURTIS d BROWN, Proprietors, New York.— Sold by all dealers in medleines, at 25 cas k s box. . . . May 22 1866. year AT CM lif '.. * 19 -.. . • 7 -, .; 4 0 • WL, 1 Hamilton St ,'' 0 li t N ' arr vOIInaIciBLACEBUTI 401111, ' ' Anent own.:Pa.;- RAVE OPENED A NEW r. : ' ,' ,L ~--.... ..,,..-7'": . . '7 H AVID W Pittiß E M'"._'' CID R3lll A ND Cow offer to all in want of anything in their JOIL line, a good and well selected stook, and of the best manufaetories. They have a large, new and superlor.stook of everything usually kept in a Hard ware Store, which they are determined to sell as cheap as can bo boughl anywhere else. Toia ®7 every Deacriektt. For Mechanics of all Kinds. STEEL, OILS, IRON, PAINTS, GLASS, NAILS, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, SCREWS, BOLTS HINGES, LOCKS, SCOOP SHOVELS, SHOVELS ) SPADES, farming Impliments, They would call the attention of Farmer" tcrtheir new and well eolooted dock of everything pertain ing to their line. Cutlery of all Kinds, SUCH AS Knives, Forkoi, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Pocket Knives, Give them weal' and coo 1t they haiT what you want. If thiv have not thoy will get it for you without delay. They charge nothing for showing goods, and hope by attention to the wants of those needing goods in their lino of burliness, to secure a fair share of public patronage. FRANKLIN BERM, AARON MOSSER. Late of the firm of Ilersoh, Solgfried & Co.] PUBLIC SALE -OF A VALUABLE FARM.' WILL be sold at Public Salo, on Friday, the 16th of November next, at 1 o'clock in the after noon, on the premises, the following described valu able real estate, to wit:— A VALUABLE FABli situated in Upper Milford township, Lehigh county, near Etriaus, ad joining lands of Elias Weandt, Jonas Troxler, Elias Knauss, Francis Schwartz, Charles Kemmerer, and the East Penn Railroad Company, containing 135 Acres and 27 Perches. About five acres thereof is Woodland, six acres mea dow, and the balance of the very beet limestone farm land. The improvements thereon consist of a dou ble two-story Oil BRICK DWELLING lIOCSE, 9.9 36 feet by 26 feet, with n'dining room and -= kitchen, 16 by 36 feet attached, with a double porch along said dining room and kitchen, Swiss barn 93 by 42 feet, as good as new, 'wagon - shed, carriage house, horse power shed, wash house, ha- e oven; sheep stable, pig-sty, chicken house, corn crib and other necessary out-buildings. The buildings are nearly all now and in an excel lent condition; a well at the house and near the barn, *ith never failing water.. A stream of water runs through the land, and ono stream passes near the building, and with a little outlay can be ta ken into the building, or barn. A valuable orchard with grafted apple and very choice fruit trees are on the premises, being a young orchard, planted four years ago, and in a flourishing condition. Around the house are also choice fruit trees, such as pears, plums, peaches, and a largo variety of grapes, now bearing. The East Penn Railroad passes near the above property, and is on ,y ono mile from the Remus De pot, and the land abounds in Iron Ore and Lime atone The above property is ono of the most desir• able in Lehigh county, near Post Office, Churches, School Hommel and Stores. Persons wishing to seo the property can call on the subscriber in Allentown who will take them out. Part of purchase money may remain. Tho conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by E W. TREELER Ann/aux ZIECIENPUBS, Auctioneer. October 31 Dissolution. Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, under the firm of J. t W. P. KRUM, in Lynri town ship, Lehigh county, engaged. in the Mercantile bu siness, was dissolved by mutual consent on Sept., let, 1886, All persons who are indebted to the said firm aro requested to make settlement at the old stand as soon as possible, and all those having claims are requested to present them at the same place. JAMES KRUM. W. P. KRUM. THE BUSINESS WILL be .continued at the old stand by James Krum, where ho will keep a full assortment of all kinds of goods in that line, at the lowekt pri ces; and ',he tenders his sincere thanks for the pa tronage already. bestowed upon him, and hopes for a continuance of the same, and especially the old customers to continue their patronage, and ho will strive to give them full artisfaction. oct2 Ow] JAMES KRUM. dam N3EI W COAL BARD I TEE "undersigned have opened a New , Coal Yard in the FIRST WARD, on North side of Damn ton Street, between Third and Jordan Bridge. They will keep constantly on hand a full assort= meat of . All kinds of Coal for family use and manufacturing purposes. The coal will be kept DRY under a shed, and thorough ly CLEANED for family use, and delivered to any part of the town. Our coal is of thoDEST QUAL ITY, and will be sold as sheep as can be bought anywhere else in town Give us a call. RS..Orders can be left at Ilegenbuch's Hotel. - 0ct.24-3m) S. 8 L BUTZ. IviIIREES 1 TREES! 1 TREES!!! uy your trees of P. Lanz at Catasauquii, where you can get'avery variety of ohoien fruit and orna mental trees. 2000 No. 1 one year old Clinton Grape vines; grown in the open air, cheap. Also, Garnet Chili, Cusco, Jackson Whites, and Buckeye Potatoes. Remember that the place to buy is at the Cabman. qua Nurseries. P. LAUX. Oct. 9th. —2m ADMINMILATOWS' NOTICE.---Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having taken out letters of Administration in the estate of JESSE M. YOUNG, deoeased, late of Allentown Borough, Lehigh County, therefore all persons who aro indebted to said estate. aro requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any legal claims against said estate, will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. Al lolaims to bo presented to Mary Ann Young, at Allentown. SOLOMON M. YOUNG, Adminiaratora MARY ANN YOUNG. J Oct. 16 OURS! SEGARS!! .34,000 No. 1.. THE subscriber, et Humus, offers fur sale 34,000 good eegare, one year and a half old, put up in boxes 100 each, superbly labeled. The segars are pronounced excellent by competent judges. . The manufacturer being a cripple, he cannot take samples around to exhibit, be therefore would Invite buyers to call and examine his stoek before purchas ing elsewhere, or send orders. nlyl7-tf] JESSE ZELLNER, Emaus, Pa. PRIVATE. SALE —OF— Store Goods: IHE undersigned offers at private sale his entire look of merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods ' , Grooeries, Queensware, Hardware, Hollow!, La. The stook is well selected, and will be sold on may terms. The stand can be rented, and is the beat in that section of the county. For further particulars inquire of P. G. SHELLY, , oet3o-3t Vera Crux, Lehigh co , ' OTICE.--Notiee is literobv given that Hu- N Der Brothers have sold till; stook Of merohari 4ise to Edward Rube, and therefore request all Hume who are indebted to the Arm of Huber, Winger Co. or Huber Bros., to makereettlement within four vets from date. root3o-4w--- NOW IS, ,YOUR I ' ' Stoietil Stowed 14Viveiii • TIN WARE! TIN WARE! I WILLEM G. HITTER, Dealer in Stoves, and .Manufactu rer of Tin and Copper Ware, RETunNs thanks for the very liberal pat. ronage heretofore extended to him, and at the same time would announce to the citizens of Lehigh county and the 'public in general, that ho has remov ed his Store to N 0.77 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN; PA., a few doors east of Snyder'e Black Bear note], where ho has greatly inareased his stock and enlarged his manufacturing abilities, and now has on hand, for the fall and winter season, STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, including the Excelsior Cooking Stove, which is in every respect superior to any Stove now in market; Fire Board Heaters for warming from two or three rooms; Hot Air Furnaces for heating entire houses, and Ranges—in short, all kinds of Cooking, Parlor, Bas-Ttoonl and Of:. Also HOLLOW WARE, all kinds and sizes, lined and enamelled ; Brass Ket tles, and all kinds of castings for repairing Stoves., Cylinders, Fire bricks, Coal Kettles, Bhovels, ho. TIN AND COPPER WARE . of all kinds and descriptions, made of the beet ma terials, Boilers with copper, Japanned ware, cte. In short everything in the Tin and Copper Ware lino that may be needed in a family, all of his own manufac ture, and at prices, lower than any other town estab lishment can afford to sal. Como and inspect pri l cos before you purchase elsewhere. Having for many years been the foreman in the establishment of the Into Maj. Ettinger, deo'd., may be taken as an evidence that he is thoroughly con versant with the business, and that his work can be excelled by no one Spoonm, &c. TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING promptly executed ,and in the best and most work manlike manner, and at the lowest possible prices. - i'snEL.Old Stores, Casting, Pewter, Copper and Tin aken in exchange at the highest prices. Allentown, Aug. 21. ! —3m —Sept: 4. ly Normal School, Kutztown, Merits Co., Pa. !pus Institu ion having been officially recognized 1. by the'authoritics of the State of Pennsylvania, as the "Normal School for the counties of Berke, Schuylkill and Lehigh," is now open for tho recep tion of Students. The Normal School building is beautifully located upon high ground, in Maxatawny township, Berko county, Pa, surrounded with land to the extent of 10 acres, but a quarter of a mile from the thriving village of Kutztown, and distant midway between Allentown and Reading, about two miles from Lyons Station, on the East Penn. R. It. There aro three principal courses of instruction : The Normal Elementary, the Normal Scientific, and the Normal Classical. A Preparatory course has also been instituted, which is &sighed for the ben efit of those who wish to pursii'e the study of the or dinary English brunches, while in the model school, teachers are afforded every opportunity for acquiring . a practical knowledge of the art of Teaohing • Spe cial attention is given to the study of Voca and In strumental Music, Drawing and Painting. students from a distam•e must stop at Lyons Sta tion, E P. It. It., at which point ihree trains arrive from New York, three from Philadelphia, and three from Pittsburg. From this Station students will be conveyed to the school in omnibuses which connect with the principal trains. The Winter Session will begin on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22(1, 1806. Students are received at any time. For tuition, boarding, fuel, light and trashing, the expenses will not exdeed $5O per quarter. For further particulars address "KEYSTONE STATE NORMAL SEROOI," Kutztown, Burks county, Pa., LOUIS K. lIOTTENSTEIN, Pree't. of the Board of Trustees. DAVID 11. HOTTENSTEIN, See. (oct23-3m READ and REFLECT ! THE undersigned respectfully invite the attention of the public to their NEW STORE., NO. 12 EAST HAMILTON STREET. It affords thorn great pleasure to state that if you favor them with a call you will at once perceive that they have one of the • Best Lighted Rooms in Town, and that they are not afraid to give you the 'benefit of the light, consequently, by buying from them, you can SEE what you get, and will not be compelled to buy in the dark, not knowing what you have until you get home, which is too frequently the case. Our stook you will find complete in every depart ment. We are constantly adding the newest and choicest styles. It consists of DRESS GOODS, plain and fancy, SHAWLS, the largest assortment in town. PRINTS and MUSLINS; FLANNELS anti WOOLEN GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS & EMBROIDERIES, HOUr..E FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS • LADIES' CLOAKING, ZEPHYR WOOLEN YARN, . _ HOSIERY, - • - Carpets, Oil Cloth and Window Shades! All of which th'ey guarantee to sell at the very lowest prices for CASH. • GOTH &-KERN HIRAM . THOS. S. KERN. =I AUDITORS' REPORT on account of the euparvigore of Hanover township, for bounty and porcapitn tax:for'the year 1865: Nl'bola amount of duplicate, Amt. collected by 11. W. F. Eber- By "Dieter, Outstanding by Dieter to Eber- bard, Outstanding by Eberhard. Account of O. Ritter, Treasurer Caeh ree'd per Amend. No. 1, Eberhard and Dieter, D. Dieter, H. W. F. Eberhard, Percapita tax, Balance as per Autl're report 1,585 07 Interest on above for 1 year, 95 10 2l recruits at $475, 9,975 00 Discount and stamps at Allen- town Dank, 354 57 Tho Pam° at Catasauqua Bank, 14t 20 Sohall and Stiles, 35 00 Albright, 15 00 Kitten' expenses, 29 24 Paid for printing, 28 75 . . Amount brought down, 12,263 93 R Mellon, serving notices, 5 00 per cent dbecnt on 2,133 52 106 67 T. B Metzger, 10 00 G. B. Schell, Auditors' POOP, Clerks' Fees, -8w Bal., in favor of Treasurer, $1,675 66 We the undirsigned Auditor.' of Hanover town ship, having been duly sworn according to law, and, having met, the Treasurer of said township, on the 24th day of ()doh& 1860, and having examined his vouchers, do report% e above statement of amount as true and.correet, in testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hand seals, and the day and date 1 above written, JO I N J. TREXLEII, SAMUEL KEIPER, Auditor* J. WM. REIM:UST. 0at30.3t1 The Allentown qhovel Factory REBIOVIO TO CATASAtNIJA ! • THE undersigned would respectfully Inform the public that be has purchased tho Allentown Shovel Factory from B. P. Boyer, and has removed it to'Catasauqua, whore he intends to keep on hand all kinds of 'SHOVELS HOES &C.., All those in want of anything in this line would do well to call at this factory; where they eon &was End a good assortment on hand, at the vetyi feweet prizes. All orders promptly attended tow ;,,t oetle-lim] ' • G. W. BOUGH. • flee Stoves. KEYSTONE STATE $7,044 77 981 02 531 60 1,070 00 -- $9,028 08 500 00 3,587 24 052 20 3,000 00 2,707 00 $12,422 10 10,748 44 NetfiroilTFTurrento VorNoverdirt4F4orridedliNk/7 by J..1f.. PieLiftliCkg • IYEIODUCEI COMMIIB*I6III 1111)1111131ANT No. P 2 Biro* Street, • , :VEW TORK. .. . . StiTiFeTt. N.Y. Late, T0'...,1ii.r to 0 .1, per lh P 5 to 40 'N. Y 11. I . .I . ahs .1) •lee. " 42 so 44 , r,,,, go ao• 8 ,rx. p. iP. " ; 110 ts, 53 ;Pau,: n ~. sa.V , e, choice " 20 t.. 32 North'', r'. nna , goo to choice, " 3d to 4? .Y. ',two Wetkh tubs " 24 to 39 N.Y. State FirkiersPrimo for Shipping, " 40 to 42 Penna., in Pails and Tube litoro Packed 28 to 34 Penna., Pails ad Tubs, packed, common, 12 to 24 do Bolls good to choice, 32 to 35. Western fair to good, 29 to 26 N. Y. State dairies good to ehoioo, 85 to 42 CHEESE. .• • Factory choice and fanoy new, " 16 to 161 " good': " 15 to 151 N. Y. State, diary, " 14 to 16 Skim milk, or poor, " 7 to 13 EGGS. Jersey .2 Pennapackea In chaff, per dos. 37 to 38 Jersey& Penna. packed in oats, " 87 to 88 N. Y. State, packed, in good order, " 86 to 37 Ohio, packed—by express, to count, " 36 to 363 BEANS. Marrow,ohoioe,full sized, per bush 62Ibs 2.76 - Co 8.00 Kidney, chotoe,full sized, " '" 9.00 to 3.36 Mediums, choice, It . 2.30 to 275 Mixed lota and common,. " 50 to 1.00 DRIED FRUIT. ' Apples—N. Y. State, choice, per. lb. 11 to 12 Apples —Jetsey and Pennsylvania, " 16 to 111 Apples—Slioed. .. " 14 to 16 Apple,—New Southern 4 10 'to . 114 Blackberries New, ' " : 26 to 28 Bayberries do . " ' 42 to 45 Cherries pitted NeW, " 60 to 55 do pits In do " 6to 8 Peaches unpeeled old " 17 to 21 do peeled, do, " 2 , 0 to 35 Apples—Prime State, ' ' ' 14 to 123 Dried idame, . 35 to 4to Apples, Wentern do common Pure Flaxeoed, Clover, In good Barrels, POULTRY Ducks alive, Alive Geese, pring Chickens, small Fowls, Turkeys, yeting Turkey, old Spring chicken, POULTRY DRESSED—Chickene & fowla IN Turkeys, GAME—Ratbita Quail, Partridges . per pair 100 .. CHESTNUTS. per bush. 750 1., S HICKORY NUTS per bush. 3.00 io 3.5 , lIJNEY GLOVE. In class boxes choice 35 to 36 do BLCKWFIEAT per bush. 25t0 80 CALVES, dressed choice, per lb. 19 to 21 do fair to'good, " . 18 to 18 Buckwheat flour, owt. 3.75 to 4 75 BUTTER.—Thorn has been very little change in the Butter market since our last. Strictly fine is demanded at prices quoted, While lower grades are dull, With heavy stock on the market, CIIEESB.—The stook is heavy and prices a little easier than last week. EGGlB.—The receipts have continued very light during the last week and prices have advanced 2 to 3 cents per doz. [ T , . ••1 I . OOW • : 4, -s, • _ A,.. ~...„...., .......: Patented. Iday 29, 1866, This is an article for washing without rubbing, ex cept in vary dirty places; which will require a very slight rub,.and unlike .other preparations.aiired for a like purpose, tat/. not rut the OLUTLIES, but will leave them WOMB than otdinary-methods, without the usual wear and tear. • 'lt removes grease spots as if by magic. and soft ohs the dirt by soaking, so that the rinsing will in in ordinary cases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chem ical science, and upon a process peculiar to Itself, which Is scoured by Lettere Patent. It has been in use for more than a year, and has proved itself a uni-. versa' favorite wherever it has been used. Among the advantages claimed are the following, vie : It saves all tho expense of soap usually used on cotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear atol toar. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.— With one quarter the time and labor usually requir ed it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much su perior to any other mode. No waiter required except to moisten the powder. Directions with tiaoh package. And can he readily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing for a family of five or six per sons will not exceed THREE CENTS. The manufacturers of this powder aro aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowmg the intrinsic excell ence of this article, they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long ex isted, and which has heretofore remained unsupplied. Manufactured by ~ HOWE & STEVFNB, 260 Broadway; Boßton. Also manufacturers of Family Dya Colors. For salmi Grocers and Dealers. . - [ootl6-3m IF YOU WANT' TO PRESERVE. YOUR, tilaoalF , ~.: . ~.. USE. 1 MEINILGOO4 ;IMPROVED: • INSEED OIL AND THE • . LEHIGH METALLIC PAINT! Iv4OU WANT A PAINT WHIM POSEBBES BOTH Beauty. Durability, and a Preserver of Wood • USE Pure Premizun White Lead, OR Pure. Challenge White Lead, OR Pure Anchor White Lead.' Dn. D. E. BREINIG, well known in this commu nity as a practical manufacturer of PAINT, will guarantee all articles in this lino to bepure, and what they are recommended. . [sei..ll-ly $9,628 08 BIGELOW & HOLMES, 202 Fulton St., New York, MANUFACTURERS OF BR. S Omproved lareaced QR. ALSO, LEHIGH METALLIC PAINT, SO MEWL, WHITE LEADS, FRENCH and AMERICAN ZINC% COLORS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. • September 11, 1886, —ly A GENTS WANTED $10,748 44 $12,233 93 1 50 30 00 5 00 "WOMEN OF THE WAR." Agents Will find this a book of real merit and in trinsic value—subjeet now—intensely interesting and exciting—no work ever attracted and engaged the public mind like this. Everybody wants It, and' thousands will purchase' it as soon as an opportunity is afforded them. Read what Agents say of it 'Ono experienced Agent writes: It is the easiest and pleasantest Book to eel' ho ever canvassed for; and says people are delighted with it, the Ladies es pecially. Another says: "Women of the War" is the book of the season Another, 187 orders in four %Ea One reports 17 orders the first day of canvassing. Intelligent, active males or fema'es will find the sale of this work a pleasant and lucrative employ 7 Mont. This book has no competitor—it comes fresh and now to the people. Tho territory is glean and clear. Agents understand the advantages in this particular. For full particulars send for cireular. Address 8.8. SCRANTON A CO , oct23-it] 126 Asylum fit., Hartford, Conn. CSOMERS & SON, e • • FINE OLOT.HING, • 1325 CHESTNUT and 618 JAYNE STS., PHIL., Hays now on hand elegant NEW STYLES of /ALL and WINTER CLOTHING. Alto &vary larpi stook of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN Ammo GOODS to wawa fr ont for 111 • manta waftlitad well inn& WM as •", ` 'tiot2lWhar ' G. A. HAMS, uporiodowloitt. GREEN FRUITS. per bbl. 4.50 to 500 " 9.00 to 4 00 BEESWAX perlb. 89 to 4 SEEDS. per bush. b 6 lbs. 2.90 to 3 ..4 . per lb 11111 to TALLOW per lb. 11 to 2 per pair 1 00 to t 25 per pair 2.00 to 3 • 1 82 t- • per lb.' 17 t. • t. 19 1.. II 20 U. 8t per lb. , .• 22 per pair 50 per pair 40 For Frank Moore's New Work, 7 'CL 0 T asEk 14.41 PRDWieLPHOL •0411tAttit8 FINE CLOT 317 ROC KRILL & WILE ON, BROWN STONE CLOTHING II;LL, 603 and 605 Chestnut avant, PHILADELPHIA Theoholoost stook of 12EADY•MADE CLOTHING; FALL AND WO ICTER Ever offered to purchaser!, compiising 4 6, NLWXST AND )(OPT APPROVED STICHIIII. Cuistotn "...bar:anent. ' • Our newly fitted np Custom Deportment for Ome tlemen, Youths and Boys, now ponOilir amain leleotodstook of Foreign and Dom:idle 'fitiodEW "" which we are prepared to maketo 'meet, in the be manner, and at reasonable prices. Dope Department. We have on hand 'he largest and beat stock of Ready.hiade Boys' Clothing in the Clly. Partials ler attention paid to the making of Boy? Clothing to order. QM ~. ~ :: Aril 1 1416 1 Mill - ill - I 5 h.: .1 i . -Id! gi ' 11111 1 1i: q - II 4 s P.' 1 ..-- I N . - 4 • A - 'ILATLEMEN,' TOUPIN, AD BUYS, elothiOg (,) order, by sending their. )ensure, ns per dingritin. will helve their oral*. rurnptly ettendedlo. -aTI-FACTION AND .‘ u D Frf.GUANANTIFD,' Samples send go, cu t ,, part of 'he Un Sta W: Brown Stunt f; ail 1,11'; Chesio . ht PHILADELPHIA' Oct. 2rd CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE; 03T Chestnut street, 'Corner 'of Sevenik PHILADELPHIA. EDUCATION FOR BUSIMRSS LIFBr r . . Practical Instruction in Book-keeping, in all iie briinehes, Penmanship, plain and ornameptal,lifir-, , canine calculations, Busiuess Papers and Custotits, Cotiunercial law Telegraphing, &c., 716 STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE LAST Catalogues mailed gratis on application. • ' •' Addro-s S. 11. CRITTBNDEN & CO;. , ; Sept. 28. —3m • ESTABLISHED 'IN 1810. F.A.'~7'~7.~ DYEING .ESTABLISHMENT.•;, T ,t W. JONES, No. 482 North Front St., ibOir• • •J • Callowhill, Philadelphia, dye Bliks,Woolen Fancy. Goods of every description. , Their anterldr style of of dyeing Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garmentsie widely known. Crape and Merino Shawls elblitlid' to look like new, also Gentlemen's apparel; earth*: ' b.c., cleaned and re-dyed. Kid Gloves cleatiodier re-dyed to look like new. Call and look at our Work before going elsewhere; J. e W. JONES. September 18, 1888 BIENCILE dr 8R0.,. • Ab. 801 Jrch Street, .PhilladekMieli WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Berlin Zephyrs . : Embroideriei, Fine Knit Goode, etc., personally ' looted in purope. Voineslic; Zephyrs,,: Germantown ivOOLS, Cassimere" TARNS,' act.' Lat.:44'4oles in Ladies', Dreie and Mak' .TRIM , " • , . BottonfrADrap Fririgeff, Laces; Shawl 13Orden et*: bite Embroidered 'BANDS, etc • r Tho goods being all earefulty,eeleated, One tvholi. sale Department offers greftt indneemen's to the' TRADE. (140/7313 C4.II,PgiTSL AITD , 01LCL0T46,,. , t . ) duet tsiutvsd at low prices . will c , and ontinue to receive; during the ]all from EnroPe, a'inlittasost. markt of, the New styles of English Tapestry, Ilrns. sale, Thi Intrain, Entry and Stair Carpetay..• Also, all widths at , oil cloths, . • WONDOW f' In new colors. Coon and Cantitte• • -••• • • 4 . 41/Airr 11210 EV RAG CARPETS; an:, ',•• • N. 8.--A ,disecunt: 'pad In PPR ISVIEBIt CRUltellES. ' " ' • ` ' ' ' , PIIINEAS" ROUGE A r• ' Nu. 508 N. 800. st., below Buttonwood,: ' Pi. 4 0 1 4,111 Se 'sth ' ilol4. . NOVELTIES TN v ► . -::► and Vi iting Cards THE LATEST , , ...1.1.; •; ;.) ddbIITTL*III4:, NITIALS stomped on pitier In 4 onvOoposlin colors FREE OF CHARGE: FINE STATIONERY Et. HOOKERS & 04104., Importing Stationers and Card Esglavareq. - 013 Arch Bt., Philadelphia. Orders by mail will receive promptattentiON Sept- 25th. SAMUEL M. RITTER. WHOLESALE HANUFACTIMEW OE LADLES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S, - 0 Shoes and pUp _ _ altl, ll , SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. SerALL WORK GUARANTEED:Iag 121 NORTH THIRD;STRZEZIPiIIed; June 12, 1866. --.6ni PEAFNESB, BLINDNESS A: CATARRH, Treated with the utmost success, ;by .1. laws, ~ °oculist and Aurlet, (formerli Of Leyderi, Hot land,) No. bl 9 Pine Street, Philadelphia. TristlinC nlals, from the most tellable sources lathe city aad country can batmen at his offioe. The inediewl facul ty aro invited to accompany their patinas, &she has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL ETU insert ed without pain. No charge for examination. Sep. 18, 1866 PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS' FOR ORIMPING- AND WAVING ,LAIIISN' HAIR. • No gent Required in Using I**: SK your storekeeper for thcm-11 he flO •Rot L . keep them, write to the 3tuiuthaturer, Sixth street and Columbia Avenue, Phys4dphudi .September 25th. ' • • IifARNIAGE AND CELIBACY * aia ifoley:o1 ill Warning and Inttinotion for Tenn, Meat M ap, Messes and Ainieee whielf prostrate M. vital power., with me mewed' relief.' Fent' free 14 in sailed letter envelfopor. !Oho MIL BEL HOIIONTOW Ainoakdo*Plin. idaPhis• Pa. !: Str - 7grnfiraho will do - iiiore., sad betteraps , Wllllo,t , 7 Waal 217 -.,M • • - Z Din* Pan , 4141. • r t ' ha. I. =1 =I -AT En MAW DWI IMMI ISM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers