TO ♦LL BOOS BUYERS! TAB. K. SIMON, spesaikelhotiAbritineh-littreelyntiasiAphise , --.. is agent for flitrilbilm,vputbMokr : Appleton's Iref s AtS.itilcin Oyo o ehla--16 Vole. , "vol. ; 1:110,01 11 ),:rty nk ooro-- " v a ff WuhingtmOntmorarivkl " Cooped 444+01'.: MelrinrltoyoO, • Maosuleylosip „„ • trre'r Dioti Vol 4ttot) Mtfifiracttires. Danorofee tates-- e r s " .T;3 l ::: ritump, fur &teen, whia will bo•oent b return mail. [imp I -2tn %AtNYIKtitiERB I, GUIDR.t Lehigh a VAlley Railroad, BUMMER tARRANGIMENTS-1868 On and after Monday, May 21st, 1860, Passenger Pilote i g i ortiN i ttil=lrgtd in e!r7tig iirtipskarri,por • York and idelptqa, as fol. low ay , a • • .DOWN OR EASTWARD•TRAINS: rams& No. 1. No. 5. No. 7. No. 9. Leave •‘ - .' ,. -tIM Mi‘. AA& ' .P. M. A. M. Wake. Rarrl..-.• • ..1 • • 8. 00 MS. Sidittgßaeca... ~. •.• ~ . 9.30 8.00 Tannery • 9.36 9.06 to Hickoy. Rap , • . , 9.45 . 2.15 o Ma mga , 1, - ) ',. E)2 iw.::: ,I. 0.61 , 0.t2 - i Bowe. 10.00 3.31 a , Ohinariddali, a 2.10 a Mahanoy City, 2.15 o ~ Andenried; ~,,,, . , , 200 6. Jeaneeville 2.16 ..;,,. t</.l..sfelidow ' . 2.35 4 'i x . 525 3.20 . 11;11171 7 1give1s . ' I ' 10.24 3.63 .g Mauch Chunk 4.30 .10.47 4.25 '9 Lehighton 1.40 10.67 4.35 2 Per 17013•1: 4.48 4.41 g''' Lehigh _1 • ,6.01 446 7 Malin e 6.07 11.20 5;02 . . t > Rookd ..,a • • 6.17 - 6.18 • Lamy 't••••. 697 : .., .. _6.22 '. , Wh , 11.. k ' 15:34 '- /..'. -' 6.30 Co .1 ? < % .: 'cm , 71 1 42 1 15:84 H.• • . mina ~ 5.42. .' - ' '' " E..38 . '. 0 •Oa ' t. :5.46 Fj 1 . 4 7 5.4' • terns e ‘: 5.54 -, 5.5,0. A . 1 ~-1., 6.00 • ,11.57 5.56 1.10 Be' m ; 6.15 12.13 5 .15 • 1.20 ..7' 3 . 6.23 :. 624 Bee .• ~ . , , ' 6.44 .12.43 1 6.45 2.00 7 Phil . eio is ' 9.20 :--- 2.35 8.45 New dr • ' 1 " 10.10 , ';.• 4.10 10.45 16.00 No 6. i Leaves Bethldhtk. at 12.40;.'Freemans bur ',• ' ; Olastoit 435 f' New York 6.29. ' . ' . 011 Ni.4oTittiiiD TRILI.N3I : • .-Sl*Nii. B.MO. 6. N0.101iNd.,3., NII. 4. GISTS 'A. M. M. P. M. 'A. M. P. M. New ire,ek•l'li 'ii " 7.00 12.00 4.00 9.00 8.00 Elb e i d W*l at 7.80 5.16 aatoir',, ~ • 9.47 3.25 7.40 11.54 11.24 bialtiduirg 10 07 3.49 8.08 Bethlehem 80.20 4.00 8.15 12.24 11.63 AlletitiPliel ` 10.37 4.15 8.30 12.35 12.04 AllentoThßurnace 4.20 8.34 m Catimanqua 10 .47' 4.28 8.42 ' ti Hokesdauque '10.53 4.33 8.47 .2 CAspLby 10.67 4.38 8.51 F.. Whitehall 11.02 4.48 8.66 • Iminlen . . 11.10, 4.60 9.04 C 1 Rockdale 1149 6.00 9.14 74 Blatington 11.21 6.12 9.25 Lehigh Gap ; : 11.86 5.18 9.81 =ills 11.48 6.33 9.45 ton' 11.55 5.39 9.50 Manch Chunk .12.05 5.60 10.00 Pain Haven 12.32 6.13 Wisathorly : . 12.54 Beaver Meadow 1.24 JOahlliiile 1.81/ Att.d.etriltd, 1.44 Mahanoy City, 1.45 Shenandoah, 1.50 9(1245,8 :0:37. • ' Nist/ It On • 1.02 6.46 Hickory Rut 1.07 6.52 • Tannery 1.17 7.01 White Haven 1.23 7.07 'Ar Wilk,a,Dfule. 2.50 8.15 CONNECTIONS: Ceti* Railroad of New Jersey—All up and down trilha connect at Easton with the trains of tho Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey to and from New York. North Pennsylvania Railroad.—Down trains No. 1; 5, and 74andoxp traits 'Not '2' and 8, connect at Bethlehem with trains for 'Philadelphia. Trains frourpititadiliPtitt 6 9nn OP at, Hethlehatel with down trait.7ll24 audAsitir up trait s Noe. 8 'and 10. Tangsylvmaist Raiiroad.—.Down trains Nos. Ilindi's,and up tra ns Nos. 2, 9,6 and 8, connect at Allentown with tra i ns for Reading and Harrisburg. Tllllblg7ottraavriabnrjrand Reading connect at Al lentown with all down trains. ` , Del , ridere Delaware Railroad.—Down trains Nos. 1; Wind 5 connect a; Phillipsburg with trains for Phillidelphht Trains from Philadelphia connect at Phillipsburg with up trains Nos. 2 and 10, and connect with up trains Nos. 6 and 8. atawleza• litailroad.—Down train No. 7 and up train No. 8 connect at Quakake Junction, with trains of the Catawiasa Railroad. Hazleton. Railroad.—Down trains Noe. 5 and 7, and op train No. 8 connect with trains of the Hazle ton Railroad. Lehigh and Susquehanna Rai'rook—Down trains Nos. b andl, and up trains Nos. 6 and 8, connect at Wititiliawen,.with trains of the Lehigh and Sus quehanna Railroad to and from Wilkesbarre. No 4bangleof ears between Wilkesbarre and New York on, pp trein'No. 8 and down train No. 't. No change hatgletirWilkesbarre and Philadelphia on up train NOcCand down train Na. b. R. H. SAYRE, Supt. & Eng augS' RBADING RAIL ROAD. '" - SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS,. -.; Nita llth, 1866. f . • Gw"h.1734 LINE FOM THE NOR an ortk-Wese for 'Phila n delphia, New YTH Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Hasten, Ephrata, Lltis, Lancaster, Col umbhades.-,,410. , • • ; . • Trait/sleeve Harrlebtrig forNesi York, as follows At am, 8410 and 9 05 and. 2.10 and 9.15 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Rail Road, and arriving at Now York at 6.00 and. 18.10 us, ort.i . :and:4,lo; 4.20 and . 10,46 - p. m.— fileipingrests aocrompanying the 8.00 a. m , and 9.- /61S. to., bailie without change. Leave. Harrlabnrg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Mineraville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a.m., and 2.10 and 4.10 p.ig.'Otopping ahebanou Wry, Sta tham; the 4.'10 p. m., train making connections for Philarielphba and. Columbia only. For Potts- Sehuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and fidaquahanna Railroad,loave Harrisburg at 8.20 p. m. Returning ::LorireZfewTorkat 7.00 and 9.00 a.m., 32.00 noon and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a. . and ILIUS•p:ni.. Way passenger Train leaver; Phila delphia ;147.30 m., returning from Reading at LIO4. m., 00014 at . Stations; Pottsville at 8.45...a0 pi and 2.45 p..m. ; Ashland 6 00 and 11,30 a. m. and 1.05 p. m.; Tamaqua at 9.45 a. m. and 1.- 00 and 8156tyr, r • -. • • Leave rPottavilie . 'foie Harrisburg, via Schuylkill end Susquehanna Railroad, at 7,00 a. m. Rearling Acoosomodation Train; Leaves Reading at 600 a rektialng from Philadelphii at 500 p m. Railroad train, leave Reading at 6 45 a. m.; 12.05 noon and 6.15 p m., for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Col amble, Ac. On Suadays :, leave Now York at 8 00 p m, ia Phil arielPh , 8,00 a m and 8 15 P m, the 8,00 a m train rnattitig only to Reading. Pottsville 800 a m, Ta maqua 7 30, a m. Harrisburg 9,05 a m and Reading at 1 33 a. ra . and 7.30 a m., .for, Harrisburg, and 10 52 a. m. for New Y.,rk and 4:25 p. m. for Phila delphia.;.t, ;; • . • • • Cometidation,Atilerige,‘ Season, Scheel and Ex cursion Tickets to:and from all points, at reduced - Bag ger Checked 'through •• 80 pounds' allowed each Passenger. U. A. NICOLLB, • General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., June 25th, 1866. East Piennsylvania Railroad, 1 816 Elt 4 Aßlt .„Vittso44Kripit*Ori . day, May 218 t, 1866. DIRECT,TO* PIMA YOUR AND PITTSBURG 'WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. TRAINS leave Allentown daily (Sundays except ed) at 7.00 and 10.30 A. M., and at 12.35, 4.15 and 11.44 P. M. The 10.30 A. M., make direct con nections at Harrisburg, for Chambereburg, Hagers town .and *int' on the Cumberland Valley Rail road, Northern Contra! Railroad, North and South, all,oolo9l 4 iiebn. The 10,30 , A. M., )2.35 and 11,- 44 7 1:341.; are'-tiro Vestaiii - Express trains; direct thtllfiflt to Pittsburg I‘ll4llt phange of care, The 7.00 A. lii:train stops at all stations of this road, and mat* oonneetione at Reading for Pottsville, Port Olintop, k nynagna,arl all points in ,the Schuyl kill otiktiegrions ; or Philadelphia and all points on ths'Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, also for Mmriphurg, Chamberabulg, Hagerstown, York, Get-. thk rigion; Williamsport, and the West:: Tlitv 4,15 P. M., train steps at all etlitioini; connects. at : Mitading,• with trains for Pottsville, Colunibla. Erthtlitiq l Lids, Lancaster; Harriebiirv, Au. - The 1 Ll* P. kf,, train leaves daily (Sundays inoludoill forßeiding, Harrisburg, anti the West. • • 'PWengatii are' requested o porchaso' their tickets befOreenteriag• the 'care, as higher fare will 'be °big:god/m . lWe ears. Tickets for sale at the Allentown oboe for all p intl43 l ; an ropo i nd tr u e prtt e c i i 3 p a it t l o sta i t l i s o l iwn an th c e p i P E N . o n rth-weet and T" lin er' # MM7 . I . `r= I MVTIW7:II CC . . ostrzaLni4.4l.7,:aftgd,:etti trains passing AUentown at 6.00 a. 1n.,12.02' 60 0 0 0 2 44. 6402h:111.rntalts closi-comiation with the trains 44. k 1i.,8,, A 14 eA flethlehentcand arrive; in Philadalhlitil ii 0 .2011 rat.; 2.110 in 4 1.4 4r. m., feinhativ•iwer. ir.i , Te.ll( 0.,, • :. 1-1,11t0)!:.1 Passengers for ,Doylestown take 0 24,. a. m. train from tiethliiitieli% lin i rnakiFobniiention'it Lansdale and can return to Allontown the mile evening. . , , All Passenger Trains (except Stands y Trains,)oon neat at Berke street, Philadelphia, with sth and 6th street City Passenger Railway, RETURNING. Leave the new Depot, Third street, above Thom?.. son, Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., and 5.16 p. m.,arriv fng in Allentown at 10.31 a. in., and 8.30 p. m., re spectively. • LOCAL SCIIIIIDULE. Three Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger trains leave the new Depot, Third street, Philadelphia. • • •• For Dethlehr, at 7.30 a. m., 3.30 p. m., and 5 15 P. M. ' For Doyleatowrra.3s a. m.,and...2:30 - , - 4 - 315p. m. For Lansdale at 6 \15 p. in. • • Fox Fort Wishington at 11 p- m 4 ' TRAINS FOR PULADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 8.15 a. m. 12.25 noon and 6.15 p. m. • Leave Doylestown a 8.40 a. tn., 845, and 520 P. Leave : lamellate at 8.00 a. n.. sort Washington ' at 2.15 p.' m., 10.50 a. m. Vare—Allentownto Philadelphia, ... . . $1 815 BLLIS °LABE, Agent. augB:Bs. REMOVAL I DESHLER'S HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISHMENT HAS been removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on East Hamilton Street, Opposite the Court House, Where can now be found tbo latest, most ologan and fashionable styles of HATS AND CAPS. Also has been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a fall lino of *EW GOODS, mob as HANDKERCHIEFS,. SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSUIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, • etc., • etc., eto. COME ONE! COME ALL !! and Bee for yourselves, the beaut:ful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will sell goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OF THE CITIES. H New goods received daily from the manufacturers and for aale at the lowest rates. ffcb2o.t. STAND FROM UNDER ! GOLD 144 2 • dndhoped" of. still-Fartim, Decline! , . ... .•....17..A.Ate" .1C;C:11 , , .. . ' .• 3P'.4,7AT *:CI I,' ' r R U.LES .1•11,5:- .1: 10 11 , 1? . : • ~ Hats Caps & Stiatrfaciods. SPRING STYLES. Christ & Sauer's, ' No. 15 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the largest assortment of Hats and Cap„ spring and summer styles, ever seen in Allentown, comprising every style and quality. from five dollars down to fifty cents, and such that will become old and young. Their stook of oaps is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low pricer. To convince the pub lio of what is said, it may be well to state that they have WORTY.ONE different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting his tel to. AR' Messrs. Christ & Salters direct attention to the fact that they are the only MANUFACTURERS of Hats in Allentown. STRAW GOODS.—A beautiful assortment of straw hats, for men and boys, will be kept constantly on hand during the season, to which we invite public attention. Give us a mill. tfia.. Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them Hats and Cape cheaper then they can got them in the city. Allentown, August B—tf Music ! Music ! U Music! SHEET MUSIC DEPOT!! Alarge supply on hand — it we have not got the piece you want, wo can got it for you in a few cloys if you will loavo the name of tho piece with INSTRUCTION DOORS for all kinds of Initruments constantly on hand at Foust's Variety Store.. VIOLIN 1 VIOLIIIS 1 VIOLIN 11 At all prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs Bows, Rosin, Blank Muslo paper, at rousr's Varie ;ty Store. ' STAMPING 1 STAMPING !! IDone at short notice--robeivink mow patteirne con scantly. Call and see the patterns at Foust's Vatic ty Store. NOTIONS! NOTIONS! 1 NOTIONS! 1! Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Threads, Sowing Slik, Plhs, Needles, Combs Braid!, and Hoop Skirts. 'Call in—At pays to go - routid tlidaorner fo Youst's Va. rioty Store. BASKETS! BASKETS BAS} ETSI Market Baskets, Dinner Baskets, Traveling Bas ,kets, Cake Baskets, Card Buskets,,Fruit Baskets, Fancy Baskets, at Foust's Variety Store. WHERE Is FOUEIT'S VARIETY STORE? • Sixth Street, Sixth Stropt, Four doors from Hamilton, in ono of the rooms un der Col. Good's (American) Hotel. . [mity22-6m Dr. P. R. PALM, •LATE SURGEON IN THE UNITED -Li STATES ARMY, would announce to tho citi zens of Allentown and vicinity, that he is contin uing the practice of Medicine in ALLENTOWN on Eighth Street, above Hamilton, fi rst house above Lich tenwallner & Co's:store. Having bad the hon or to belong to the OPERATING CORPS at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Ohancolipriville, Franklin's 'crossing, &c., end having had charge - of snvEnsu floarrrsm, be has had much experience in all the details of Summar and the treatment of discuses generally. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the Jsirsoutsou fannuist Clotaltan of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine' during thb past eight een years. Having had much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would espeolally Solioitthe patroriageof those who mpy be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. Having re stored the sight of many who have been Bunn von YEARS. He would also solicit the attention of those suffering from chronic diseases, such se DROPSY, (for Which he has an almost in fellable remedy ' ) Diseases of the KIDNEYS, REIVIUNIATIBIt_, NEURALGIA, 011110 - -0 COUGHS. Disunnals and DTSIINTART, (which be professes to cure in less then half the time required by ordinary remedies,) G, Doman i or enlarge tnent of the neck, PILES, MARABIIOB or tgonsumption in children, Sion Haeosoun, TAPS WORN, MILAN OUOLIA, SCROFULA, or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or failing siekness,;Poismo Sons Tunes., Torn:4lM,- RAMIS NA:LIAR TO FINALES; also MIMES of the Liver, Lungs and Heart. , Having now practiced medicine here for over two years, the Doctor is able and willing to refer to per sons in this place who have been cured by him of ;nested the diseases specified. All calls from town or county will r calve prompt attentiont by day or night. • Medicines furnished to all patients, blob hem pares himself, as he will use none but the very best. References: His/braes patients. klientown. My 20 UK J STEWART DEPUY, * 259 8.2 D STREET, ABOVE SPRUCE, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD respeetfullly inform his customers and lfif others ha is now selling from ono of tho largest rind best assortment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ' WINDOW SHADES, AC., &C., &C., .that l be has bad on hand for many , years, and at re duced Leept23.3mf4lms Good News for ALL. EAV RU SH': 011 :DAY . ODS iffiiiB44o* . t:i . 4 . N At thei„Lovote Gar Load's of Dry Goods AT Miller, Schfeiberlr. Co's GREAT, ZMPORIU As Cheap as 'Before the War ,• GREAT BARGAINS IN k • LOTS Or FULL taaliSait ACQUI,44 BLACK,SILES, FANCY SILKS biERINOES, DELAINES, REPPS, ALPACCAS, EMBRES CLOTH, HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS SHAWLS E SWAMI CLOTHS. GANMEIRES. Raving no time to enumerate, but simply say that a great many goods aro sold now for a good deal less than they can bo iioduced. All tho abovo goods wo aro able to sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than our neighbors, as we sell for clash and buy for cash. All wo ask is to give us a call and you will leave satisfied. MILLER SCHREIBER & CO., No. 10 East Hamilton Street, Consult Your Interest In Buying. Goods. Metzger & Osman Streat,.. Sixth Strec IMIS rd^l P. NIT_TSLIN'S BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED. Calicoes and Ginghams I AN CHEAP as Before the WAR! CEIREIM WOOL DE LAINES, MOUS. DE LAINES, &c WRITH GOODS PILES OF • FOR MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, At the Lowest Figures. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS ! One Door Below the First National Bank, ALLENTOWN, l'A. Sept.,,ll, MO, Have ju'at opened at their TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET.. i ALLENTOWN, P 4 THEIi SPRING STOOK OF CLOT S, CASSIMERES, VESTINCS, &0., &0., ..ja which will be Made up to Order, 1 IN TUB LATEST STYLES, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN, at the shortest notice. [llk.AD'7-112A,La 61101111ilEBD HD BENTIIMF.NS' FUNISME GOOD BOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Oati and Examtne. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coate, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Clothe, Cheapest Cassimeros, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery, Cheapest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas oto., eto., etc., oto. Our stook is much heavier and better assorted than EVER BEFORE • Don't forget the place, No. 33 East Hamilton etr., next door to the "Independent Republikaner. METZGER & OSMAN. NATUAN MILTSCHEIt, late of the firm of Troxell & Metzger. TILOTIIIAN OMAN, lately head clatter at the Walt liahment of Troxell & Metzger. Allentcan. Ang. 8, 18115 'NIT STIES IN ALLENTOWN! JUST OPENED Lawler & Steckel. At LION HALL 20 Boat lleMiltOn 'Street HAVE opened a raw DRY (MODS and GRO. ChatY store. All of their stock le new and fresh, and has been purchased for oath at the pros sot reduoed pricer, wbich will enable ttiens, to sell at greatly reduced rates. Among their Dress Goods will be found some of the latest and most fashions ble etyles, comprising Silks, ' Mohair Leno, Lano Voyage, . Grenadine,. Lone Melange, All Wool Delnius, ' Amures, Melange, Plain and Figured Poplins. Bradley's Improved Duplex Hoop Skirt. Also a full line of 2113111WE1 Consisting in part of Cassimoros, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans. Cottonades, &o Domestic Goods, Such as Tiokings, Flannels, Shootings, Prints, Check, &a., &a. Terms are CASH! tes..COUNTRY PRODUCE token in exchange for goods. Wu. R. Woman, April 17, 1866 Geo. K. Reeder, No 15 East Hamilton Street, Next Door to John Mozer's Drug store WHERE he keeps constantly on hand a full as sortment of ready-made clothing, such u , COATS, VESTS, PANTS also 'GENTLEMEN'S FUENISDING GOODS 'of all kinds, which for Workmanship, Quality and Prices, are not surpassed in town. A large and weliseleolf ad stook of bIZE)(thI.Q[ITIEM2Et always on hand. Olothing made to order on abort notioe, and a 8008 FIT QII:ARANTEEII Oall and examing our stook. s April lti,• ORO. K. RUM: on. PURE LIR ERTY WHITE LEAD, The Whitest, the most (hirable and the most °mom teal. Try it ,l Manufactured only by Ziegler & Wholesale Drug, Paint & glass Pellicle, jahBo-Iy] No. 187 N. Third St., BARNES & SON, :, - ofttamittoTrBri3tirft if Al7lltignirONV& RA,' -;.; 44,A DIIALERS or cxl• • T" Dr* Chemicals & NVlECEsitfir! c eftm RATAIt. . ; BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE • . . • • ~••le 'known in Allentown. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is known throughout Lehigh county. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE - . lithe,place to got pure Drugs. BARNES A SON'S DII,IO:STORE - • Is get tine and freeh Drags BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE le the Plaireltnireecheati Drugs. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get good and reliable Medialride. BARNES '& SON'S DRUGSTORE Is the place, to get presCriptions compounded BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE Ts.tho pimp get,Perftnuory and,l:aney Artioles BARNES & Bolvs •pittrird i tOlit •• • • • Is the platai'to,get Soy gpnuillb Pakent i lifedioines. BARNES dc SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Dye Stuffs. BARNES A; SON'S DRUG STORE `. i~T'av>F' Is the place to. get Trueeee,.Supporters Shouhler " • Drafts BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. BARNES & SON'S - DRUG STORE Is the place to get Paints and Oils. BARNES di SON'S DRUG STORE • Is the place to get Window Glass and Putty. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get the best Varnishes. BARNES do ,SON • Is the place for country merchants to obtain supplies. BARNES dt SON'S DRUG STORE • Is the place for Plays'dangle obtain supplies BARNES & SOWS DR,T/G STORE Is the place, for Sthrelloepere And Country Merchants to obtain their supplies of. Kerosene Oil, Sal Soda,• Concentrated Lye, Pure Oround Spices, Matches; Starch, Shoo Blacking, Blcarb. Soda, Salaratus, Alcohol, Lard and Whale Oil,Nent's Foot Oil,CastileSoap, Indigo, Bathßrieks, Stove Lustre, , White Chalk, Cream • Tartar, Ref'd Saltpetre, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Ref'd Borax, camphor, Sweet Oil, Black Ihk, Esienebs, tec., &e., &e., EMI At Barnes tf; Son's Drug Store—You can buy your Cattle Powders. At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating Oile, for Machinery. At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You can buy Potash and Soda Ash, At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—You can buy relia ble Family Medicines. At Barnes 4. Son's Drug Store—Will be found a full supply of all articles Used in the ; PAINTING BUSINESS 011 At BARNES SON'S DRUG STORE Is tho place to find all the popular Patent Medicines and Hair Restoratives of the day. Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cordial,Hunter's Worm Cakes, Bomb°ld's Extract Bacilli, Dr. To 7, Rose's Family Medicines, Ay .7, or's Cherry Pcotorial,Sarsapa mc rills and Pills, Dr. Jayno's Medicines, Hoolland's German Bitters, Woods Hair Restora tie tive, Sterling's Ambrosia,llier- Ol chant's Gargling Oil, etc. We would 'call attention to the fact th constantly receiving fresh goods from Phi and other markets, and we aro able to COMPETE WITH. ANY OPPOSITION. Thankful for Om liberal patronage bestowed upon this house, we hope, through the favor of a discrim inating public, to merit a continuance of the same. Our endeavors shall always bo to PLEASE ALL, and to furnish Pura ikEttidaa at Lave Prii@as ju1y2.44.1 BARNES & SON. ATTRACTIONS. NEW FALL GOODS ! cma.xJa_a.a.mam 15.M311 ! Ercr33311114., 333E1 (LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. 7 WEST HAMILTON STREEI, Would respectfully Inform the olti en of Lehigh county that they have just formed a 00-parnerehlp as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stock of WINTER GOODS, FROM NEW YORK AND. PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. DRY GOODS! CONSISTING OF TUE LATEST STYLES OF Figured and Plain Alpaen WA aPalula SHEPHERD PLAIDS. • BLACK SILKS,' SUMMER• SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Shadings, Checks, Gingham:, Bedticka, • Flannels, &c„ S7upherd Plaid Balmoral:, • Black Cloth, Cassimeres, • Ve Corduroy, Cotionades, Kentucky Jean*, Drills, Rah Colori, Middlesex Cloths, Reppellanis, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. 31E 1111 1 7111 1E Lt IE 9 V 7 CA IR. A fhill line of Cloths, Cashmeres, Ihttinetts and Vesting!, all kinds and prices, which ' will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se lected hock of all kinds of CROCKERY, WU. 11. STECKIL. -ly GROCERIES, MACKEREL, ; SALT, Ro Which we will dispose of at the eery lowest cash , prises. All kinds of Country Produce taken In exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest! tor wo feel satisfied that we can snit your TAMS 51 well as your PURIM Don't forget the place, No. 7 West Hamilton street, second door abcre the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received In the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to imam ! . odate their friends and customers, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stook; to merit and receive a continuance of the support end good will of the people, A. A. Bonin, Allentown, July 18, EE Q, Fwherift sello S e e v w e Tr Y tg - Machines. Three now kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted• five years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The wear machines sold in the Uni ted States for less than $4O, which are/any Mewed by Bowe, Wheeler lb Wilson, Grover it-taker, Sag er st. Co., and Bads:der. AUothercheap machines are infringements and the seller or user aro liable se, arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. Ad- Bess, or call upon Shaw a Clark, Biddefbrd, Maine, or Chicago, 11l ' December === FAY' , ui 4. Rs C e--21 ;AP iri. via 14 ALLENTOWN, PA. LADIES CLOAKIA:C, ENDOIg IL U 1 MT HE FANkr- nhtIRISAIORSt 011210 OAST SIMS 'Pr,r _ LET LOOSE! T"people at last aro convinced that there is nothing like baying at a "CA SR STORE 1" . . AU whosQ motto is "ECONOMY,".hava unani monsly agreed to call upon BUIRIDGE di ZONES, who have just opened their immense stock of . Fall . and . Winter Goods, MERINOESr----- • - - REPPS ALPACCAS • MOHAIRS,% DELAINES, CASHMERES, ' WOOL DE LATHES, &c., &v., &c., all of which were selected with the greateqt care, and are therefore all the moot beautiful Shades, and at such astenishinq low prices that nobody can help but buy—call and examine them. WtMESTIV G00,D4 MUBLINS, TICKINGS, from 10 to 20 per cent. cheaper thnn their neighbors. Some aro boaeting of 10 cent Calicoes, am, but call and see nuns, which are STILL clinAmtn—and prettier styles were never brongbt to this town; FLANNELS I FLANNELS I ,01 DyERY COLOR AND QUALITY. ; Cloths, Cassimefes and Vestlfigs. cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in this " part of the State. Clothing made to Order, 'taik. WARRANTED TO PIT OR NO SALE...w,' They have also always on hand a fresh supply of Groceries and Provisions. Everybod y seems particularly ,well pleased with their TEA, which they sell 25 to 30 cents per pound cheaper than any store in the county. CASH PAID FOR - BUTTER. CAI.I. EARLY Artco 'Ekarrtiho thotr Stwk. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 000113 ! REMEMBER THE PLACE, THE , • Cheap Cash Store OF BURDGE & JONES, EHo. 9 East Llamillcn Street, mi 3 doors below the Allen Nurse. i + : gi. N. B.—We were under a great inconvetiience last lal CP Spring, owing to the enlarging and improving of the store room, we know that a great many left In M disgust on account of the crowding, duet and dirt, and not receiving the proper attention. Brit the room le now larger and beautifully fixed, and hav ing a number of new clerks, we arc now able to re ceive and please all. [Sept. 17.—1 y AN OLD STAND! laulelphia NEW REIQPRIZTQRS 50,0 0 0 New Customers THE undersigned wish to inform the public.that they have purchased the well known Grocery & Provision Store, formerly kept by Gossler . CO., on SEVENTH ST., a few doors above the ALLENTOWN BANK, where they intend to keep constantly on hand a fresh stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Their stock consists of SUGARS, RAISINS, COFFEE, CURRANTS, STARCH, BEANS, MOLASSES, DRIED CHERRIES,- DR4ID APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Dried Beef, Shoulders & Hams. THAIS NI) SPICES, OF THE VARIOUS .KENDS , ABB THE BEST QUALITIES. LIVE POULTRY ALWAYS ON HAND Tho do not take time to enumerate, but invites all to give them a trial, for they feel satisfied that .they can sell their stook at a price that will be satisfacto ry to all. sopll4f 3 RESTORE YOUR SIGHT! DR. J. STEPHENS lc CO.'s PATENT CORNEA itEsTOJIEtts, Or, RESTORERS OF THE EYESIGHT TAey tb U Ruford Unpaired 61,9 Wand 'hiscrve it to as Latest Period trZIETh. SPECTACLES - RENDERED lISELEgy. 2 The moat eminfmt Phyale . T r A lane, Oduliate, -Divines, and the most prominent man of V our country, recommend the "-' A:0 4 use of the CORNEA lI,EJ3TOR , 7, - ERS for Preabyopia, or Far or : , Long-Sightedness or every . person who wea rs spectacles from old ago ; Dimness of Vie • ion, or Bhirring ; Overworked Eyes ; Asthenopla, or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes • Pain in the Eyeball"; Amarosie, or Obscurity of • Vision ; Photophobis, or In tolerance of Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic Nerve; Myodesopia, or Specks or I • Moving bodies before' the Eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eye and Eye lids ; Cataract Eyes ; Hernia pis, or Partial Blindness ; 41. Sinking of the Eyeball, and /nrperfect Vision from the effects of Inflammation, !ire. They can be used by any one with a certainty of success, and without the least fear of injury to the eye. More than 8,000 certificates of cures are exhibited at our office. Cure guaranteed in every case when applied according to the directions inclosed its each box, or the money will bo re funded. Irrils for a firm/or—sent gratis. Address, Dr J. STEPHENS At CO., Oculists. P. O. Bat 926.) gir Dn. J. STEPHENS It Co. have Invented and patented a lIIYOPIA or CORNEA FLAT TENER, for the cure of NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS. which has proved a great aucceats Write for a Circular. Principal Office : August 14, 1860 11ChWIMN & LEANittEtIA WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN MINIM 311_4 -1 1117 - 31E1 lEilt. SILVER PLATED GOODS, . , C. L. Milli& -if , . 4 THOSE in want of SIL- • ..., ""'.---'-'" • ' VER - or SILVER PLATED` . 41.1- ~,WA RE will find it much to 7 ...,7 111 . • , tt-... t • their -advantage by visiting Ite sx . ..- Our store before making their , ' . l ' -.;:s: ' • purohases. Our long expo- 4,,, ' .=. • -ricnce in the manufacture of • the above kind of goods enables us ti defy competi tion. We keep no goods but those which are of the first class, all of our own make, and gill bo sold at reduc ed prices. nulyB-ly o:7Don'l Imm a good Home to sate a dollar I for Sinitt's Liniment. •., .P - i ' ati comrnismo or BUCII A 8 CALICOES, CHECKS, ao., Ace., Ice BUT AND W&NTED). Gtve us a COIL TROXELL & BUTZ ÜBE No. 840 Broadway, Now York MANUFACTURERS, 704 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. Scrofula, or King's Evil , is a constitutional disease a corruption of ths ;Alai iv: r atad.poor,. licing cireulslo, it whole and may bdtstiout m disease on any part pi' it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one, which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taitit is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, imPtire air, filth and filthy habits, the depresstrig vices, and, above all, by : the venereal infection. :What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "1 will visit the iniqUities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints; but" they have, far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbersperish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family hosts origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous_; , their persons aro invaded by this lurking in-t fection, and their health is undermined by it.' To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER' S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the moat effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every- Where prevailing and fatal malady. It is corn. bined from the most active remedirds that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for The cure, of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as rauirivis and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S Finn, ROSE, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAINB and BOILS 'J, ,MOfS, TErrEn and SALT RHEUM, SCALD RBAD, RINGWORM, RIIHUMATISM, SYPII ILITIO and MBILCUBIAL D IS EASES! DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COUPLAINTS AItIBINO PROM VITIA TED OIL In unE Ihkon. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound ,health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. AY " 3EI It ' S Ague Cure, FOR TILE SPEEDY CURE OP Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious ViCadache, and Bilious Peters; indeed for the whole class of di originat gag in billowy derangement, caused by the Malaria of Miasmatic Countries. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Conn" expels. tho miasmatic poison of Faxon AND Aous from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity wo supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where FEvint AND Aeon prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great suporionty of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is that it contains no Quinine or mineral,. consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious e ff ects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they,had never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Painful Afftetion of the Spleen, Ilyster sc., Pain in the Botoels, Colic, Paralysis and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " Conn" expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures. them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protee. tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr./ C. AYER s. CO., Lowell, Masa. All our Remedies aro for solo by all the Druggists in Allentown. and by Druggists and dealers everywhere. At Wholesale by J. M. MARES A 00., Philadelphia. Oetober 24. 0 —ly MEXICO, MEXICO! $30,000,000 LO&N OF THE ; REPUBLIC OF MEXICO Twentiqcar Coupon Bonds in tuns of 00, $1 000, and $l.OOO. Interest Seven Per Cent. Payable the City of New York Principal and Interest Payable in GOLD. $10,000,000 to be Sold at MT! CMOS on the • DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an intereet of TWELVE PER DENTIN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT IN CURRENCY, at the proem rate of promium'on gold, • ' • CUE PILOT YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The Moat Desirable Investment ever OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lands ; Sixty per cent, of PORT DUES, IM POnTS Auld TAXES, in the Suit- of Tamaulipas and San Luis Postosi; and the plighted faith of the said States and the general Government are all pledged fur the redemption of those Bonds and pay ment of in,eirest TILE SECURITY IS AMPLE. 00 In U. S. Currenoy will buy a 7 per ot. Gold Bond of $5O. $6O in U. Currency will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bbnd of $lOO. $3OO in U.S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Geld Bond of $5OO. $BOO in U. B. Comm will buys 7 por cent. Gold Bond of $1,000: Lot every lover of Rernlblioan Institution' buy at leant ONE BOND Circulars forwarded and subenriptiors received by JOHN W. OORLIES & 00., and J. N. TIRFT, nuncio! Agent of the Republic of Mesh)°, 57 Broadway, N. Y. 1751111.Subsoriptions also-rereived• by Banka.and Bankers generally throughout the United States. November 7, 1855, —ly 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628 NOPEENS' "OWN DIMES I" New Fall Style, ! ARE in every respect first class, and embrace a complete assortment fur Ladies, Aliases, and Children, of the newest stylts • every length . and sir es of waist: Our Skirl*, wherever known, are more universally popular than any others before the public. They re tain their shape better. are lighter, More elastic, more durable, and really cheaper, than any other (loop Skirt in the market. The , springs and fasten pigs ore warranted perfect. Every lady should try them! They are now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the country, and nt PALE and RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room No. 728 Arch St., below 7th, Philadelphia. Ask for lIOPKIN'S '‘owx MAKlE,"—buy no other. MEI CAUTION.—None genuine unless stamped on each Kid Pat—"llopkin's hoop Skirt lilanutaotory, No 628 Arch - St., Philadelphia." Also, eonktantly on hand a full lino of Now York made Shirts, at very low prices. TERMS MIT CASH September 4th. .A.GEITTS •Vi.T.A.TS'X'3I37: 11/1.1110.11-•111"r SEI • . G3rACr ES. Folly In • • territory given. Pay from *so to IWO A • onth. Tor Lana, Ina& grated elroulam, ,• • • - with stomp, either °cis ' p r : BOTHERS, r 9 Agents, • • • 4 Chestnut Bt.. Phila.. • 111 Basalt Bt. T 41•441,11. September 11. CIDER MILLS, FRUIT PRESSES, AP PLE, for sale by D. LANDRETII k BON, 21 IA 23 S. Bth angl4-13n) between Market and Cheetnut, PhDs& SCHNECK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL! It your bowels are costive, THY THEM., If you have worm:m. l,m . y ,ritots. your breath is be i. If ycu feel drowsy, TRY THEM. If you are low spirited, TRY THEM. If you have a doh headache. TRY THEM. If you havo taken a drop too mob, TAKE A FULL DOSE. They only ooet 25 cents s box. TRY TAB A. Blue Mass, an other preparations of Mercury, actually produc more Buffeting and death than the diseases which hey profess to cure. • And yet this corrosive mine al so denounced by the allopathie doctors, is prescribed by them almost universally In Livor Complaint, Consumption of Lungs, AC. • THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and barbs, obtained from the great storehouse of Nature, and their sal utary effects will appear as soon as the medicine is brought to the test of a fair expeilenee., ficannothe MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach; but when given for Dyspepsia, it may be proper to use them in con nection with SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC, By this judicious treatment the digestive faculties ire speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst cases of indigestion may be mired. . When we reflect that the liver la the largest inter nal organ of the body, that to it is.assigoed the im portant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympathetically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operation, of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and effect cures. widish may ap.. pear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs. a feeling of general weakness and wretchedness, and other alarmlog and distressing symptoms, indicative. of impeefeet, or disordered action of the neer, ite . splaedllitemovidi by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or. sour eruntatdonas, Old that indescribable feeling of opPresbion, pods' Au.. lay, languor, lethargy , and. depissiihnr, dr spirits which unfit a mm for the Waited:neat Of business and the enjoyment of life,fare,: . s) relieved ,by this use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAK Dn. SCHIPCIL—Dear SiO• ke pleasure In sending you a certificate hi 'aidditien to many you have n (ready received from sufferfrig.humanity. I can scarcely find language ertfficiOntly dtrong to ex press my heartfelt gratttleatthin of, the eronderfig cures your MANDRAKE PILIA and DRAWEE TONIC have effected in the entire cure ,of one of the most stubborn cases of the affection of tlie'liver. For three years'l suffered beyond desceirtion ; eli my frinls, as well as myself, Mille to the conclu sion that my time in this life was short. Snob wee the terrible condition to which Fires rearmed that life to me had become a burden; my wholo system was in a state of inflamation ; I could not eat, I could not sleep; my whole body was filled with pain ; swelling would arise in my wr at and anklet, rendering them totally useless On several occa sions I-was attacked - with a rush of blood to the head, which would fell mo to the ground, and, would be carried away for dead. I applied to say e-al eminent physicians of our city, who admlnlt ored all the medicines that 'they thought would reach my case, but of no avail. • One of them said he could do no more for me, and advised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver.oll. Not relishing the horrid Arnett I declined to take it Accident put your advertisement in my hands. I called on you ; you examined me and told me the na ture of my disease. You then ordered me the Pills and Tonic with an observance of diet, pledging your word that in ono week I weld find myself another man. I followed your advice, end, as yon predict- ed, an astonishing cure was effected. I continued your Pills and. oole for some timo, and now thank God for his goodness, and your. valuable medicine, lam once more restored to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend these who are suffering from affection of the liver to give your Pills and Tonic is: fair trial, and a cure will be effected. i have sent many persona to you, and they have all been cured Any information my follow.oltisees may require will IA freely given by the subscriber, at hie residence, No. 812 Federal street, between Bth street end Pas syunk road CHARLES JOHNSON, En., Formerly Printers' Itlk Manufacturer. Da. SCHENCK will be professionally at his prin. civil OMNI; No. 15 North oth street, sorrier of Com merce, Philadelphia. every Saturday, from 9 a. M., until 4.,p, tn.; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 8;, No. 38 Bummer street, Bos.. ton, Mess.,every ,Weinesday, from 9 to 8, and eve ry other riday of 109 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough examina tion of the lunge with his ltespiromoter the charge is three (loners. 1 rice of the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonle, each $1 50 per bottle or $7.50 per half dozen. Mandrolte.Pills, 25 cents nor box. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers. - January 8, 1858-2 MANHOOD:"How Loet, how Restored. r QQ Jual.published, a New Edition of CtLVERIVELL'Ef CELEBRATED ESSAY •• sm on the radical cure (without medicine) of Sporinatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, Involunta ry &Mina) Losse., Impotency, or Mental and Phyla. dal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, eta; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fita indneedhy dulgencii or sexual extravagance. ts.Priee, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years sucoessful practice, that tho alarming eonsequences of solf-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous aloof internal medicine or the application of tho knife.= Pointing out a mode of cure at once. simple, certain, and effectual, by means of whioh every sufferer, no matter'what his eondition may be, may aura himself cheaply,,privately, and radically. This Lecture should ho in the hands of every youth and every MR In the land. Sent, under seal,-in oplain Envelope, to any ad dross,.post-pai[j, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., . 127 BoWery, New York. Post Moe 80x'45813. july:11-1y.] A pitir 4 , Cures Uleers of the Throat and • ' Skingated . Palate, Swelling of ' the Toneile,Cought, Colde,Sora Throat, Quincy, Managers, : 191ptheria,, 0/ergyanan's • bore Throat, Catarrh , ' ofthe NOI6 and bron- ' Atha , let. It hi `speeifle, 'operating upon the minnows membranes of the nose and throat, and in no eau Aar been stnnuni to Ail. 2d. It nets locally, may ho easily applied to the palate and tonsils in such quantity as to give it time to act, and being very light, penetrates, by inhala lion,, those' portions of the nasal and bronchial or gans, ivisiels other remedies cannot roach. 3d. It does not act on the pores of the skin, nor 'will it affect digestion Or the stomach in the least, while syrupis, lozenges and expectorants often nause ate and frequently derange the stomach. 4th. Out-door business may be attended to with out 'risk or apprehension, its beneficial effects being greatly prOmoted by exercise and (tests air. bth. In a few minutes it will arrest the most an noying cough or troublesome flowing from the nose.. . 6 th. It will preveNt sore,. thruster hoarseness, It taken afterexposure or publio speaking. 800 ciron 'ars. Oct 9th D'EPINEUIL & EVANS, CIVIL EROIEI6IOB iNG PATENT SOLICITORS; No. 435 Walnut street. Philad's. Patents solleited—Consnitatione on Engineering Dranghting and Sketches, Modals and Machinery of all kinds tuna and akilfully attended to. Spe cial attention given to REJSOTED OASES and INTERFSREN OBS. Authentic Copies of all Doe natant,' from Patent Office procured. N. 13.—Save yourselves useless trouble and trav elling expenses, as there is no actual need tor per- Ronal interview with tut. All busbies' with these (Aces can be transacted in writing. For further information direct aa above, with stamp enclosed, for circular with references. January D, 1111111. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. • • PUT 'UP 'AT WILTBERGEWS: DRUG STORE, No. 223 • Noorn SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wtll color 'mein water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. It is. warranted to give aatiafaation, and is retailed at the saws priee as the futitudous and lutirtar ar t elm roisyB4rie ONE PRICE ONLY. • PURE ' LIE RTY 'WHITE LEAD will do more and better work at a given Coat; thin any other! Try it! Manufactured only,by ZIEGLER k SMITH; WIIOLEBALE DRuo, PAIINT and GLANS DZALIIIti. Jan3o-ly No. OW North Third Street. Phllad's -2m Ira AMONTIII— AGENTS woad fit, Biz ow: UV tires wow artioloodast out.. Addria O. GASEM bls nolldls&4446lbrll t ika. 040111.111, M 'CINLEY POWDER. Piro' 89.1 Broadway N. Y. J. THOMPSON GILL, Agont, 311 Walnut St., Phila, Pia; —3m INVENTORS' OPFICEIS, CM ISEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers