IS EOM "lou Y;id A CLOTHING. You want, First, to get a good article. You then want It as cheap as possible. This is natural and tight enough. The (watt ion is, where tot uy t It is to your PER SONAL interest , to consider the follow ing facts: There is organ; zed inTbil adclphia an immense es tablishment to make newt crass CLOTHING and to make it cheaper than CUSTOMARY. • The MR. terials are . bought: Dr- RECT from the best Artier lean and European man• ufacturers, and thus con siderable is saved. Full lirloca. ; Fe paid to, work .ton, sq as to, onsure.sub stantial , and bandit:me garments; the . salesman Fla '4/00 a are 'such that customers can , fully. rely, ,upon Chem, every ef fort is made please arid holt paironii,noaS to Kent. o .wellits' make - custom. The result ofeembined in dustry, system and close application of till the em ployees, has scan-ed a model establishment, a SUPERIOR'styIe of el oth ing;and VERY 'MODER. tATE , prices. This House is located • at • the 'CORNER' of ST, and es - - ;: s< r tondo from. MARKS? t• , ',SIzNOR :STREETS, nor the most' :r, , eatensive - concern of r itthe kind 7 iii Philndel o • Tido,: ; • . Yeu:aro asked to •: • • • - p:ntri)nlie and on eourh t e this en have,, :I • CLOIIIINO. 2d--Bprelal Department . tor,ouths' and Boys' Clothing. ild—k•Coetom Deiltulm eat to hake to Ordrr. 11th— Cent's Tarnishing •Coeds in large • " Variety. IVANANALER do BROWN, OAK HALL, 6th Market, P.IIILADELP.I.IIA. 'lf will be well worth 11, visit; whether you want to buy or not. Samples sent by wild! or express when de etre& L00t23-3m SRRINGTON FORGE AND FARM at pri• veto Salo.—A valuable WATER rowan, with farm attached, on the Brandywine ' seven miles north of-Downingtown.' Tho Brandywine and Waynes burg Railroad passes through the property, and within a -few yards of the works, which connects with the Pennsylvania and Chester Valley R. R. at Down ingtown. • For manufacturing purposes the Power cannot bo excelled ; twenty-one feet, head and fall, with a large 'dam, now used for driving a forgo with four largo wheels. A good location for a Rolling *ill, Cotton Mill, Paper Mill, or Anthraoite'Furnace. OtObhundretl and fltty-threo acres of land, ,part in Wood-and the remainder in Farin Land. The im provementi, are a largo Stone Mansion and seven Tenements, ono of them large; And used as a Board ing:Douse.. Tho buildings are supplied with a foun tain of iipring Water. Tho Power can be sold with *portion of the land. A largo deposit of Magnetic Ore onthe Property. -Tbis,is a west desirable property, nod will be sold on -tinnleratir terms, as the parties are anxious to olose their business. A part of the purchase money qau lay in the property. For particulars inquire on therprvinises, or address CORNOG .t, MiILVAIN, Wallace P. 0 , Chester county, Pu 0ck34.4 ] 'FARMER AND HOUSEKEEPER To CLEAN LAM? CIIINNEYB.—WIIOII the Chimneys of lamps become foul, or covered with n white crust, that can neither be wash ed off' nor removed in the usual way, rub*the ineide 'with whiting ,and strong vinegar, and then rinse with clean water, and wipe them perfectly dry. 13ACT AND MITES FOR ANDIALS.--A mixture of wood ashes and salt, three parts of the for ono of the latter, constitutes an excell ent mixture for all domestic animals. Its al kaleeettpt and saline qualities 'are both eon genial to the animal t system and when used in .. proper quanives, and at proper times, are highly promotive of health. Arelirs.—Take firm, well-flavored apples, snob as pippins, &o. • Pare, quarter and boil until tender, but not so long as to break in pieces. -Then add as much sugar as will sweeten to taste, and let the whole boil up mute or twice.. Fill the cans or jars, and seal as above. Fewartieles for winter desert or the tea-table will be found more delicate.— , Jut few clans. . QUINCES AND Nets.-Take good preserv ipg•pears, peel and quarter them, and boil in a.amall quantity of water until tender.— Take about one-fourth the quantity of quip ces,'and do them in the same way. Then'put both together, with as much sugar as will sweeten to taste, into a preserving kettle, and let them boil fur three co. four minutes While boiling hot, pour lute the cans or jars and eenl. STEWED APPLEB.—Apples kept over for winter lose.,theic,perfeot,flavori.and the Bum mer luidry Of 'stewed applee' is rarely anjoy cid during the winter or spring. WhilOspples tete plenty and in fine flavor, satrn ; ,thOtd with sugar and seal them up. Thep:jilt spicy and delidious at eliristronseibiln -Sep tember. A cheaper or more fpfiadtecitrtiote for the taa-tohle oan scarcely be found How T 3 KEEP MEAT PRltinl—A Sure Thing. —Simply immerse in buttermilk. This will keep it fur several days, when the milk el outd be changed, fresh milk substituted. In this way, beet, veal, &a., can be kept fur weeks— and it will be as sweet and fresh at the end .of that time as when first put in. Our butch er furnish6.l us with the receipt. Tho whole Aeighborhood is now saving its meat in this ' way. It , is equally efficacious in the hottest weather. STRAW AMONG CLIVER Putting straw among ',lover is an English practice. The straw absorbs the jukes from the clover, and arrests alt tendency to injurious fermentation. The hay is tweeter, and cattle eat the straw with avidity. If you have a heavy crop of clo ver, that is a little green, put thin layers of bright straw between the layers of hay, and there will ,he t.o danger. BACIIKLOILV PONE.—Stir well together one quart sweet milk or sour, with soda, two ta blespoonfuls lard, two eggs, tour teacups white corn meal, or enough to make a moderate stiff batter, , B.eko in a boat , in a quick oven. Reasriuu .AND FRYING MCATA —The English are acknowledged to bef the beet meat cooks in tho world. They never allow any water or broth in the pan where the moat is. The roast, from time to time, is posted with the drippings from the fat. In frying a steak Or mutton-chop, the pan should become thorough ly heated ban.° placing the meat in it, which should previously have been seasoned with pepper and salt. The latter should not be applied till just before the cooking, as it has a tendency to harden. The steak or chop should be turned constantly until it is done brown. To V-paswt NO a It MB LAM Da.—A correspond. cut orihe Scoitish Fanner, gives his experi emmpu the effects of the application of nitro genous and phosphatic) manures, and sums up as follows : Ist. That top dressing grass land with arti ficial manures pays. • 2d.. That the general results of experiments on top•dressing grass land, aro borne out on a Is the limestone formation. 4 ;~Thpt for,ifinianent improvement of pee-. tures, superphosphate of lime is bettor adapt ed than guano. dth.Aftlit i in proportion to the coarseness of herbap,the peroeutoge of phosphatic manures ehoula message, and eke versa. 5Th. That f:om the effects which I have ob served; it Would appear that not only did the stiheYphltiphttp . indtreptly chealt thegrowth of die flrier sd'r litti thatit directly impeded their growth. and evidently disagreed with them almost fruits 0414,0)4441w agrplloation. I , 4 Notid •11 rd .-.-.-. o • . r. •ii., +s i at ' un gii Stye- A4 l on, ,snug nverited . . oiritithingof oc.Onisn eitylotahead ; Hirißnen, fronts are orname n ted • fl O Wlth uristoni worked in gold thread, 'Now, those who pine in - Cupid's fetters Might thus, to prove their constant flame, Eeeh on hie boson! wear the letter,' 'Of his bewitching fair otte's'onthe ! ' .Ilitt , thosolor true good taste who mill, • Should view the styles at Tower Hall. Oar:M:Mk of Mori's; Youth's and Boys' Clothing iS the Wrest and most complete In Philadelph ia. Pilau ale lower and nearer .those of old tinges than for several years. Half tray:between BENNETT dr:oo., • Filalt and. Towtrit Emu,' . ,SIXTH Ste.'. fop Market'Street, n,iif. I= GEN,TLEVAN who sabred for years front Nerv- Pk • one Debilityl•Pierriatnre Decay, and all the of feats of youtlifitl indlstiretionorill, for the sake ofsuf tering humanity send free to all who • need-it; -the'rc eine • and 'directions for making the simple remedy by which he wae:eured.• • Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do So. by addeessing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, 1,1,!Y., EMI nut-Iy] LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United X 4 States can, hear something very much, to their advantage by rsturn mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will not noticing this card. All others will plea's() address their Obedient'servant, •I• :TIIOS. F..CIIAPMAN, • , .831, Broadway, N. Y. GIJE iC AGN OLIA.-A toilet . delight! \The ladies' treasure andgentleman's boon! ,The "swestest,th trig" and largest quantity. Manufaptured from the rich Southern Magnolla.4-. Used for,bathing thp, face and person, to render the skin s'oft itud . fresit, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, At): , it bier:rooms the unpleasant' odor o' It ynn:l6m redness, tan, blotches, Ironies nerVouslicadache and allays inflame' ion. it cools,'lfofteru And'adds delicacy, to the skin. It,ylelds a'Subaned and lasting perfume. ' It cures mosquot•ibites nod stings of insects. -It contains nn material Injurious to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singirs, It iswhat'every lady should have. Sold everytobere. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water after wards. DEMAS BARNES A CO., Props., Exclusive Agents, N. Y. —ly The advertiser, .having been restornd to health In few weeks by a sim'plo remedy; after having suffered for severe) .years with a severe lung dice tion r end.tha k t k ilreed disease, ,Clonsum ' ption—is nog sous to.inake nowt} to his fellorr4sUffems tbe.ntean . . of. cure. •' ' To all who'desireit, be will rend a copy of the prescription used (free of Oharge,) with the direc- Conti for Preparing and tieing the sathe,vshieh 'they will find. a !EMI, .cuni'for ;Consumption,'a, Bronchial, Coughs,. dada, and-all Throat and Lung Affections. The only ,object of the advertiser In sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread inforniation which he ebricoives to be in valuable, and be hopes every' sufferer will try his " 8 ' 310 4, to it will cost them nothing, and may prove a . tossing. Parties wishing the prescription, rasa, by re turn mail, will please address Rev. HOWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, trine Co., N. Y. an2-Iy] The Great English Remedy. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Preparetifrom a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, X. D Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. . This invaluable medioine is unfailing in :he cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which tho subject. It Modorates all excess and removes all obstructions, from'whatever cause, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES Hie particularly suited. It will, in a short time, brir g on the mcnthly period with regularity. In all. oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, .Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful reme dy, do not contain lion, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. -Pull directions in the pamphlet around each pack age, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD DY ALL DM:MIRIAM PRIOR $1 PER BOTTLE SPECIAL NOTICE. It is the fate of.every valuable Medicine to be COI,4TERVEITED. Be Caution,. therefore, and see that the letters "T. 31" are blown in the Bottle, and that each wrapper bears the Foe Siatilea of th e sig natures of 1. U. BALD WIN & CO ' and JOB .MO SEs'. Without which, none are Genuine. N. B.—One dollar, with Eighteen cents for Poet age, enclosed to any authorized Agent, or to the Sole Agent for the Unitel States and British Do minions, ' .JOB MOSES,. 27 Cortlandt Street, New YcirlY, will insure a bottle containing 60 pills, by return securely sealed from all observation. • april3-yr] Catarrh Snuff. FflB Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the I. best article known for curing the Catarrh, Odd in the Read and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy in many •CaPOB of Sore Eyes.— Deafness has been removed by it; and Hearing has often bean greatly improved by its use. It Is fragrant and agreeable, and to the dull heavy pubs caused by diseases of the head. The'se2sations after using it are delightfu. and invigorating. It opens and purges out all eb.. situations, strengthens the glands, and gives, sc healthy action to the parts affeoted. More then Thirty 'Tears' of sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache Snuff, has proved its great value for all the common diseases of the head, SCR at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the beet physicians, and is need with great meccas and satisfaction everywbete. REID TUE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Marshall's Ootarrah and Head. ache Snuff, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer fully e We, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendetions given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided ly the beet article we have ever known for all com mon diseases of the Head. Burr & Perry; Bostonitlarnes di Park, N. York Rood, Auiton Co., " A. B. AD. Bands, " Brown, Lsndson A Co., " itophon Paul A Co., " Reed, Butler A Co., " jam' Minor & Co., " Seth. W. Fowlo, !Sl*Kesson & Robbins " Wilson,Fairbank A Co." 4. L. Soovill & Co., Elonshaw,Edmand 11. 0o" M.Ward, Close & Co. " B. H. Ray, Portland, Me. Bush & Oslo, 'For sale by all Druggias. Try it. April 3. 1833. ly— ti ; ERRORS, OF TOMB. ' STRANGE, BUT TRUE. Oct. '65: TO CONSUMPTIVES PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTER 3 I'ATE:4T SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Dr. MARSHALL'S Ximediate Relief o , ,a.DiLl'Aufi COAL "YA.RD iMIE undersigned have opened a Now Cpal Yard in the FIRST WARD, uu North side of Hamil ton Street, between Third and Jordan Bridge. They will keep voustnutly ou hand a full assort ment of All kinds of Coal fur family sue and manufacturing purposes. Thu coal will be kept DRY under a shed, and thorough ly CLEANED fur family use, and delivered to any part of the town Our coal is of the BEST QUAL ITY, and will be eu d its cheap as can be bought anywhere else in town Dive tin a call. ,gay,Orders con be left at itagenhuch's lintel. uct2S-llmj 8. 8 L BUTZ. PRIVATE SALE -OF Store Goods. IIIE undersigned offers at private sale his entire sock of merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswnro , dardware, Notions, .to. The 'stock is well selected, and will he sold on easy terms. Thu stand can be rented, and is the best in that section of the county. For further particulars inquire of P. G /MELLY, Vera erns, Lehigh eo , oct:to•3t WANTED.—E. renstermacher & Sou, at V the corner of lOth and .11amilton sts , wish to purchase 1000 bushels of Cluverseed, for which the highest market price will be paid. . ' lthey also wish to informtbepublic that theyketim for sale several superior varieties of potatoes, such as Michigan White Sprouts, Buckeye, Monitor, and other goo d kinds. [00.31-ot-- ATOTlcE.—Notice is hereby given that lin -4.1 her Brothers hake sold their 'lonic of meridian dise to rlßilwaril Ridley shit therefore request all those who arc Indebted to the firm of iltibtr, Dillinger Co., or Huber Bros., to make settlement Within four weeks front ditto: Leo 11041,•. 4ti ft 0 H IgE± ir 'DRESSGOODS Now Opening AT Et E it 9 S QAtE Paiteig MO MIJSLINS, Calicoes and Flannels, CHEAP AT .KR.A.mER's REMEMBER THAT KRAMER'S CORNER STORE . HAS THE REPUTATION OF BEING The Cheapest Store IN ALLENTOWN lIIE GO TO KRAMER'S Allentown, Pa., FOR DRY GOODS! AT CHEAP PRICES. AT 'SHINIER'S. MAMMOTH alroaßE They have now for Sale 6756 yards Calico, good dark Fall and Winter styles, at 11, 1204, 16 and 18 cents per yard. 5000 yards 11.1uslins dit Sheet lags, from 11 to 24 cents per yard. • ' 2009 yards Ginghants, very Cheap. 2000' yards . illerluoies, all eol • ore, from $l.OO to $1.25. 5000 yards Dress Goods, all colors and figures, different styles, cheap. A. Full, Line of Cloth, Cassi nier, Satinet, Jeans Ao., all at the lowest New York prices. 5000 yards Flannels,• very cheap, all colors and figures. •• 1000 yds. Tickings dir Checks, all prices. All kinds of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Provisions, at the Lowest Prices. August 28, 1860. • Lion Hall , • Clothing Store. Great Inducements OFFERED In Ready-made CLOTHING. 500 OvercWs, 500 Dress & Business Coats, 1000 Pants 1000 Vests, WILL DE SOLD AT A BAItUAIN AT Breinig & Leh's Lion Hall ammo STOI. 1,111--HALTIF-STREETII, ,111E-HEALTESTIMEII, Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, when, if they would give the Great French Hem edy. CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Parameter° & Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, Chief Physioian of the Hospital du Nord on Laribeisiere a fair trial, they would find immedi ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is used in the practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform sucoess,.and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Specific. Remedy, for all persons suffering from General or Sexual Debility, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrhma or Seminal HMIs/310OP, all Weaknesses arising from Sexual Exoesaes, or youthful indiscretions. Lois of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, ea of Vision, Isysterles, Pains in the Deck and Limbs, Impotency, ho. No language can convey an adequate idea of the Immo Hate and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands unrivalled se an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned. Suffer no more, but uso,The Oreat French Reme dy ; It will effect a cure where all others fall, and although'a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt ful to Out most delicate constitution. Pemphlets, containing full particulars and direc tions for tieing, in English, French, Spanish and Clertnan, aeoompany earn box, and also sent free to any address wben requested. Prioo one dollar par box; six boxes for Ilvo dol lars. Sold by all Druggists througbout tberworldi, or will be sent by mall, securely sealed from all obsei vation, by enclosing specified price, to any author ised agents. Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS OAR 0. MOSES /X CO.. S 7 Courtlandt St., N.. Y. Authorised Agents for Allentown, BARNES & SON; Bethlehem; EDW. T. MEYERS. [opr2-]y Or Worm Lozenges. Mush sickness, undoubted.y with ohildren and adults, attributed to other-causes is occasioned by worms. The "Verna/Up Omni ll4" although effectual in destroying worms, can do no possible injury to the moat delicate child. This val uable combination has boon successfully used by phy sicians, and found to be Info and sure In eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Children having Worme require immediate atten tion, tus neglect of the trouble often causes prolonged elekneee. Symptoms of Wormi in Children are often over looked. Wonne in the stomach and bowels cause ir ritation, which can be removed only by the use of a sure remedy. The combination of ingredients used in making Brown's "Verntifuge Comfits" is such as to give the beet pusclble effect with safety. CURTIS A. hItOWN , Pruprietero, New York.- 0....,11,y all tloalnrs In medicine. ) At Il' dirt n ban. NV year , , 4 ~, ~.. :. '4 t ; ;". • ; :......',..1 1. f . : ; ; A t,, fii r 0 V :f.'!..• i.',1!...3 .4 ' ' 4 $ DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Beware of Counterfeits and Imitationo AN EFFECTUAL WORM MEDICINE BROWN'S VaRIIIPUGE COMFITS, 13:MMZ ,„el e , ,,irsk.f m , ul. . 1 0 ' i " -.) 1 4i1 0 q 70,,,,i , . W: . Haitilton . Sty': 0 NnXT D oon TO BLACK MAK HOTEL, . Allentown, Pa.; HAVE OI'ENEb A NEI% • -, t A - . • ----",......-, - _•, v NNW 'Mr .11EIL 31E3 EA A ND now offer to all in Want of anything in their lino' a good.and well selected stock, and of the best manufactories., They have a large, new and superior stook of everything usually kept in a 'Hard ware Store, which they are determined to sell as cheap as can be bought anYwhore oho. T 4 4/08 a eIVON POSCeittttiattit For Mechanics of all Kinds. IRON, STEEL, PAINTS, OILS, ' GLASS, NAILS, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, SCREWS, BOLTS HINGES, LOCKS, SCOOP SHOVELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, Farming Impliments, They would call the attention of Farmers to their new and well selected stock of everything pertain ing to their line. Cutlery of all Kinds, SUCH AS Knives, Forks, • A ‘ PANE ASSORTMEDIT OP Pocket Knives, Give them a call and See if they have - what you want. If they have not they will get it for you without delay. They charge nothing for showing goods, and hope by attention to the wants of those needing goods in their lino of business, to secure a fair share of publio patronage. FRANKLIN HERSH, AARON MOSSNR. Late of the firm of Hersch,,Seigfried & Co.] —Sept. 4. ly Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partuership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of J.. 1. W. P KRUM, in Lynn town ship, Lehigh county, engaged in the Mercantile•bu siness, was dissolved by mutual consent on Sept., let, 1866, All persons who are indebted to the said firm arc requested to make settlement at the old shrill us soon as possible, and all those having claims tire requested to -present them at the same place. JAMES KRUM. W. P. KRUM. • THE BUSINESS WILL be continued at the old stand by James Krum; where he will keep a full assortment of all kinds of goods in that line,- at•the lowest pri ces; and he tenders -tsls sincere • tlmnles for the pa tronage already bestowed upon him,- and hopes for a continuance of the Caine, and ,especially invites the old customers to continue their patronage, and he will strive to give them full ertiefaation. • oct2Bw] JAMES KRUM. Auditors' Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County . In the matter of the account of Jonas Kemmerer and Nat. Kemmerer, Administrators of the Estate of Andrew Kemmerer, late.of Reidclburg township, Lehigh county, Pa. Now, Sept. 11, 1866, the Court appoint Samuel J. Kistler Seq., as auditor to audit,and if necessary re settle the said account and report distribution. Prom the records, Teste.—GEo. W. HAnT7.81.1., Clerk. "*- The auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Wednesday, 61st of October, at it o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Peter Miller, in Saegersvillo Heidelburg township Lehigh county' where all parties interested are re quired to attend. S. J. KISTLEII, Auditor. Penna. Collegiate Institute. REV. M. L. Ilorportn, A. M., PRINCIPAL. ..Allentown, Pd. T 1 1 .13 next session of this Institution will open Bop tember 4t h with new and increased opportuni ticifor instruction on all the branches of a common and higherEnglielj education; •Greek,.:Latin, Ger man, Frenelf,lMasiei Military Drill, !Book - keeping, by single iind'double Entry, &c.,"&c. A ' , .IE.LEGRIPIIIO DEPARTMENT . in charge of an experienced instructor with a com plete set. of -apparatus, will be added to.the former tultlantages - of the Distitutiou, affording Pupils a' full course,of instruction in Telegraphing, the general principles' of electricity and 'magnetism, the adjust ment-of Instrument+, combination of circuits, batter ies, location' di breakS, escapes, The Young Ladies' Department offers n course of instruction in English Mathematical Scientific Stud ies, Greek, Latin German, French,'Musie, Ornament al Wax Fruit and FloWers, Hair work, Paintibg, eto., equal to 'ho beet schools in the State. August 13,1866. TESI`A.M. TARY NOTICE. Notimi is hereby given that letters testamentary. upon the estate of William S. Marx, late of the Borough of county, Pa.. deceased; havelmeri granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make Payment within4six, weeks from the date hereof;. and those hairiMe artirlegid chains against the same, will pre sent them, well authenticated for settlement within said period to F. A. It Baldwin, at his office, N 0.54 E.llamilton street, Allentown, Pa. , JOSEPIIINE W .MARY, Reer.r.. Sept. 25th. r —6w . M. RUN K. F. A. R. BALDWI N BUNK &BALDWIN. • Montoya at Law. • AVING associated themselves together iu the H practice of law, at the office formerly in the oc cupancy of WM. S. MARX, deceased, will attend to the unfinished business of the late firm of Marx & Runk, and of Wm. S. Marx,. deed. Any inquiries relative to said business, address to' them, either in person or by letter, will receive prompt attention.— Office, 54 E. Hamilton St., Allentown Pa. [sepll-3m TREES I TREES I I TREES II I . uy your trace of P. Laux at Catasaugua, where you ran get every variety of choice fruit and orna mental trees. • 2000 No. 1 one year old Clinton Grape vines, grown in the open air, cheap. Also, Garnet Chili, Cusco, Jackson Whites, and Buckeye Potatomi. Remember that the place to buy is at theCatusau qua Nurseries. P. LAUX. Oct. Oth. . , „ •: —2m ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned having taken out letters of Administration in the estate of JESSE M. YOUNG, deceased, late of Allentown Borough, Lehigh County, therefore'all persons ;Who are indebted to said estate. are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and emit who have any legal claim against said estate, will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. Al Maims to be presented to Mary Ann Young, at Allentown. SOLOMON M. YOUNG, } Administrators MARY ANN YOUNG. Oct. 16 • fiIiGARS I • • 34,000 No.l. THE subscriber, at Emnus, offers for sale :11,000 good gagers, one year and a half old, put up in boxes 100 each, Superbly labeled. The segars are pronoUnced tqeelleut by competentjudges. The Manufeeturer Wilk a cripple, be canner take samples around to exhibit, he therefore would invite buyers to call and examine his stock before purchas ing elsewhere, or send tz. 119r6. ulyl7-tf] JESSE ZELLNER, Emaus, NOISELESS SI,A.TES t NOISELESS SLAT.ES!! tidttr,, CHEAP, and warrdnted saperlOr to any other in use. For eale by Booksellers generally. Inquire for Fierces,Pagent Stages, and examine for yourselves. oet2-Im] I. NEWTON PIERCE CO.. , • Solo Manufacturers, 427 N. 'LIBOR., Phila. F.I 1'1+,4 Corrected Weekly ky Wei Misfit Flour,* bb1.16.00 Ryoohop,,tl 100Iba. 2.33 Corn Meal, bbl. 5.25 WhoatOgi bushel, 3.0+1 Rye. " 1.60 C0rn,"1.15 Otte, " 321 b " 10 '7 00 Titnothroe+.l," 450 Plumed, t , 3.00 Dried Applety torah /n 0.0 . a NOW t,1.4. YOUR ..; TIME ! TIN . .WARE I TIN .WARE.! WILLIAM G. RIMER,' Dealer in Stoves, and Illanufactu-' rer of Tin and .Comer Ware, RETURNS thanks for the very liberal pat-. renege heretofore atended to him, and at the same time would announce to the citizens of Lehigh county had the public in general, that he hail remov ed his 6tore to, " No. 77 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., . . „ . a feW doors cast of Snyder'e Black Boar hotel, where he has greatly increased hie stook and enlarged his manufacturing abilities, and now has on hand, for the fall and winter season, STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, including the Excelsior Cooking Stove, which is in every respect superior to any Stove now in market; Fire Board Heaters fur warming from two or three rooms; Hot Air Furnaces for heating entire houses, and Ranges—in short, all kinds of Cooking, Parlor, eat-Boom and Of- Also HOLLOW WARE , all kinds and sizes, lined and enamelled ; time Ket tles, and all kinds of castings for repairing Stoves, Cylinders, Fire bricks, Coal Kettles, Shovels, &e.' TIN AND COPPER WARE of all kinds and descriptionsi,made of the be - st ma terials, Boilers with copper, Japanned ware, &e. In shortoverything in the 'fin and Copper Ware line that may ho needed in a family, all of his own manufac ture, and at prices lower than any other town estab lishment can afford to sell. Como and inspect pri ces before you purchase elsewhere. Having for many years been the foreman in the establishment of the late Maj. Ettinger, deo'd., may be taken as an evidence that he is thoroughly con versant with the business, and-that his work can be excelled by no ono Spoons, dice. TIN ROOFING "AND SPOUTING promptly executed and in the best and nii-At ivork manlike manner, and at the lowest possible prices. '1.7r,i..01d Stores, Casting, Pewter, Copper nod Tin taken in exchange'at the highest pliers. Allentown, Aug. 21 A NEW OPENING! NEW STORE! At No. 9 W. Hamilton St., FOUR DOORS ABOVE THE EAGLE HOTEL, WHERE Eprtilcu n full In r e ft u frr ale f i s nere a h t the ano very low- Fall and Winter Goods, Such as Ladies' and Men's Wear, Plain and Shirting% Gloves, Shirts and Drawers . Aluslins, Bosoms, Collars, &e., &e. .CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS. An assortment of Carpets, Ingrain and Stair Car pets, Floor and TAM Oil Cloths and Window Shades. GROCERIES, Such as Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Tea, Bunch and Keg Raisins, Cheese, Salt, coarse' and line, etc., etc., etc. ==== riceB for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. All we ask hi from our old friends and the public in gen eral, to give us a call and examine our stock before making their purchases elsewhere. Remember the old firm. [oet2-tf] GRIM & RENINGER. READ and REFLECT! HE undersigned respectfully invite the attentior of the public to their NEW STORE 1 NO. 12 EAST HAMILTON STREET. It affords them great pleasure to state that if you favor them with a call you will at once perceive that they have une,of.the , Best Lighted Robins in Town, and that they are not afraid to give you the benefit of the light, consequently, by buying from thew, you can SEE what you get, and will not be compelled to buy in the dark, nut knowing what you have until you get home, which is too frequently the case. Our stook you will find complete in every depart ment. We are constantly adding the newest and choicest styles. It consists of . „ DRESS GOODS, plain and fancy; . sirAwl.s, the largest assortment, in town. . '• 'PRINTS-and . MUSLINS, FLANNELS and WOOLEN GOODS, • YANKEE NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS'kEMBROIDERIES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS LADIES' CLOAKIN6 ' ZEPHYR WOOLtti YARN, • • HOSIERY, Clinglik Olt Chilli and Window Shades! All of which they guarantee to sell at the very lowest prices for GASH. OIUTH & KERN. 11111 AM GUTII. THOS. S. KERN. Normal School, Kutztown, Berks Co., Pa. THIS Inntitu ion having been officially recognizet by the authorities of fhe State of Pennsylvunia as the "Normal School for the counties of Berks Schuylkill and Lehigh,'l 16 now open for tho feecp two of Students: . _ • The Normal School building is benutifuliy upon high - ground, in Maxatawny township, Derks county, Pa, surrounded with land to the extent of 10 acres, but a quarter of a mile' from the thriving 'vi loge of Kutztown, and distant midway between Allentown and Reading, about twomiles from Lyons Station, on the East Penn. R. It. There are three principal courns of instruction : The NCorial Elementary, the Normal Scientific, and the Normal . .Classical. A Frepqratory course has also been instituted, which is designed fur the ben efit of those who wish to pursue the study of the or dinary English branches, while in the model school, teachers are afforded every opportunity for acquiring a practical knowledge of the art of Teaching Spe cial attention is given to the study of Vocal and In strumental Music, Drawing and Painting. t tudents from a distance must stop at Lyons Sta tion, E P. It. It., at which point three trains arrive from Now Yorir, three from Philadelphia, and three from Pittsburg. From this Station students will be conveyed to the school in omnibuses which connect with the principal trains. The Winter Session will begin on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22d, 1866. Students aro received at any time. -Ow For tuition ' boarding., fuel, light and washing, the expenses will not exdeed $5O per quarter. For further particulars address The. Allentown Shovel Factory, REMOVED TO CATASAUQUA.!.. TILE undersigned would respectfully inform ale public that he has purchased the Allentown Shovel Factory from B. F. Boyer, and has removed it to Catasauqua, where he intends to keep on hand all kinds of , • SHOVE • LS HOES &C. All those in want of anythin in this line would do well to'call at this factory, ere they can a`ways find a good assortment on h d, at the very lowest prices. All orders promptlya nded too. octl6-3m] . .. • (1.1 V., BOUGH. 211 heioser. Newhard do Co Eggn a lp dem, •30 Butter,* lb. 40 Lard, " *32 Hates, 'S • • 10, Batton )1) Beeswax,"' 40, Potatoes,* bushoo. 80 Beans, 4'4 1,00 salt, " 1.21$ Oalt,in lecke, 8,,10 nar, p•P tub, 18 00 by 8000. ASteYnß an y Clt ° lfi n e ° l 1 W 001 $ 1 t Tic The Presidents, Treasniers and Cashiers nf'S - Baniti indorse the circular. Sent free with samples,,. Ad dress the American Stencil Works, Springtield,Ver• nseuti . auly 81 Stn. • . Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! lice Stoves. GRIM & RENINGER. HAVE OPENED A ALLENTOWN, PA, Figured Delains, Merinos, All W uol Delains, Shepherds Plaids, Prints, Baltuorals, " Cheek., Tiekings, Jenne, White Goods, Silks. Cloths, Cassinteres, Satinetts, Flannels, and KEYSTONE STATE VklrONE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL," .Kutztown, Barka eauuty, Pa, LOUIS K. HOTTENSTEIN, Pres't. of ttio Board or Trustees.' ' DAVID 11. HOTTENSTEIN, Sco (0ut2.11-3m' Ml=M=g= 7 7 7 7 . , ti Neverlcitkil,l66:trutrat; • • • ,••„,r.• . • ; for October !till. Corrected rii>ekly HELFRICHip '.; PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT No 0 2 Barclay Street, irE TV YORK. N.Y tate, rt. ,0•Idi per lb. RI to 40 N Y :Ana, Tubs ia,.ire. urns gt , rod tiu,rex pii P, " 60 to b 3 Westo.n tt. servo, °twice, " 30 to 32 North'o. P. nns., good to choice, " 38 to 4: N. Y. Stato Welsh Tubs, N• Y. State Pirkineftime for Shipping, " 40 to 42 Penne., In Palle and Tuba Store Pocked 28 to 35 Penna., PaiLs ad Tube, paoked, common, 19 to 24 Western fair to good, 23 to 26 N. Y. Stabs dairies good tooboloo, 85 to 42 Factory choino and fancy now, ' " In to 17 " good " 15 to 16 N. Y. State, diary, " 16 to 16i Skim milk, or poor, \- " 7 to 14 EGGS. Jersey £ Penna.paoked in chaff, per dos. 34 to 36 Jimmy& Penna. packed in oats, " 84 to 35 N. Y. State, packed, in good order, " 32 to 83 Ohio, packed—by express, to count, " 81 to 83 • BEANS. Marrowoboloe,full sized, per bush 62 lbs 2.50 to 2.75 Kidney, obome,full sired, " " 2.50 to 3.00 Mediums, choice, 2.15 to 2.30 Mixed lots end common, " 50 to EOO , DRIED FRUIT. Apples—N. Y. State, choice, • par. lb. 11 to 12 Apples —Jersey and rounsylvania, " 10 to 114 Apples—Sliced 14 to lb Apples—New Southern " 10 to 11 Blaoliberries New, •" 26 to 28 Raspberries do " 42 to 45 Cherries pitted New, " 50 to 55 do pits in do " 6to 8 Peaches uopeoled , old " 17 to 21 do peeled, do Apples—Prime State, Dried GAELN FRUITS. Apples, Western do common Pure Flamed, Clover, In good Barrels, per lb. 11 4 to 12 POULTRY. Ducks alive, Alive Gene, . . . Spring Chickens, pec pair 1 00 to 1.25 pring Chickens, small " 02 to 87 Fowla„ per lb: 17 to 10 Turkeys, young .. 19 to 20 Torbay's old .. 20 to 22 _.. . ... Spring, chicken. 10 to 2 POULTRY DRESSED -Chlukons fow Is 20 to 24 --.lin Turkeys, per lb. 22 to 25 GAME—ltut bits per pair 95 to 50 Quail, per pair 40 to 45 CHESTNUTS • per bush, to 7.50 HICKORY NUTS per bush. 2.75 to 3.00 II.)R BY CLOVER In class boxes choice 33. to 36 do BUCKWHEAT per bush. 2&to 30 CALVES, dressed choice, per lb. 19 to 21 do fair to good, " 78 to 18 Buckwheat flour, owt. 3.50 to 4 00 EGOS.—The receipts are light and the deMand good. BUTTER.—The- receipts have been a little heav ier during the past week then the previous week, and prices aro growing weaker with no prospect of a rally. The demand for a little strictly line for home trade is good, but anything short of choice is very slow POIATII,I7,—As the weather ili growing cooler, would advise all Poultry shippers to send their Chickenb and Turkdys dressed. Patented May 29, 1866.. This is an article for washing without rubbing, hi cent in very dirty places, which will require a very sligherub, and unlike other preparations offered fur a like purpose, loin not.rot the CLOTHES, but will leave them wurrnit than et (Unary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease sputa as it' by magic. and soft ens the dirt by soaking, so that the rinsing will in in ordinary cases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chem ical Belence, and upon a process peculiar to itself, which is secured by . Letters Patent. It has been in 118 C fur more than a year, and has proved itself& uni versal favorite wherever it has been used. Among the advantages claimed are the following, vie: It saves all the expense of soap usually • used on cotton and linen goods. It eaves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.— With one quarter the time and labor usuallyrequir ed it imparts a beaUtiftd gloss and lustre, much su perior to any other mode. Nu water required except to moisten the powder. Directions with each package. And can be readily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing for a family of live or six per- Sons will not exceed TUREE CENTS. The manufacturers of this powder are aware that maWY:tideliiis compounds have been introduced to the pufillenhich hive rotted the cloth, or;failed in removing the tirt, but knowing the intrinsic excell ence of this article, they confidentlyproclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long ex isted, and which has heretofore remained unsupplicd. Manufactured by HOWE A STEVENS, 200 Broadway, Boston. Also, manufacturers of Family Dye Colors. For .sale by Grocers and Dealers.: :t00t16731u IF' YOU WANT TO FRESERVE YOUR EMOR USE BREINIG'S IMPROVED LINSEED OIL LEHIGH METALLIC PAINT! 1i • YOU WANT A PAINT n un a PONES:Mg Burn Beauty. Disrabllity, and a Preserver of Wood Pure Premium White Lead, Pure Challenge White. Lead, Pure Anchor White Lead. Du. D. E. lIREINIG, well known in this emnum; nity as a practical manufacturer of PAINT, will guarantee all articles in this lino to be pure, mill what they are recommended. -IY BICELOW 4S, HOLEMES, 202 Fulton St., Nov York, = "13 itEINIG'S knpimvoct kittatiod LEHICH METALLIC PAINT, SO PARTS IVIIITB LRAM MINCE and AMERICAN ZINGS, COLORS ,OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. September 11, DM, '—ly A GENTS WANTED For Frank Mooro'o Now Work, "WOMEN OF THE WAR." Agents will find this a book of real merit and in trinsic value—subject new—lntensely interesting and exalting—no work over attracted an 4 engaged the public mind like this. Everybody wants It, and thousands Wi.l purchase it as soon as an opportunity Is afforded them. Read what Agents say of it Ono experienced Agent writes: It le the easiest and pleasantest Book to sell he ever canvassed for; and sap people arc delighted with it, the Ladles es pecially. . . Another says : "Women of the War" is the book of the season Another, 137 orders in four days One reports 17 orders the first day of canvassing. Intelligent, active males or females will find the sale of this work a peasant and lucrative employ ment. This book has nb competitor—it comes fresh and now to the people. The territory is clean and o'car. Agents undetstand the advantages in this particular. For full particulars send for circular. Address S. S. SCRANTON * CO oat23-4t] 120 Asylum St., Hanford, Cond. C SOMERS 3; SON, FINE CLOTH LNG, 625 CHESTNUT and 618 JAYNE STS., PHIL., Have .now on hand elegant NEW STYLES of FALL and. WINTER CLOTHING Alto II very large stook Of FRENCH, ENOLISII and AMERICAN piece GOODS to select from for measure work All gar ments warrontock y(all made end 8 uperb4,l4. uot28.01o) Ui Ai UAINES 1 Otpirditen}lnt. • • •, tiIITTRR " 42 to . 4 1 " 84 to 39 inIEBBE NO to 36 113 to 123 35 to 90 per bbl. 5.00 to 560 ' 800 to 400 BEESWAX par lb.' 39 to 41 SEEDS. per bomb. 5 p 5 lbs. 2,9 31 0, to to 3.00 er lb 1 15 TALLOW. par pair 1 00 to 1.26 per pair, 2.00 to 3 00 AND THE EMI IMIM ' „ musEAT 1 .1 . M P'l"ii• 1,1 , cLoTHING„'IOIsc, PHILAD LOMA. -T- BARGAINS FINE CLOTHING ROCKHILL BROWN STONE .OLOTHIN4 HALL, 603 and 605 ,Chestnut *MINN: PII~LADE , • Ready-Made Clothinir 1,410 fr The choicest stock .of • READY-MADE CLOTHING, FALL ARP WtNTEIt *MAC Ever otTerod to purchasers, eilmprieink NEMO? AND MOST APPROUDITYL2II. • Custom De partment. va.. f Our newly fitted np Custom Depertment tot Chi: tlemen, Youths and Boys, now contains is itititlai r selected stook of . Foreign and Domestic GOodS,:ic which we are prepared to make to order, in'thlsilie manner, and at reasonable prices. • '•''' Boys' Department. We have on hand li) largest and: 40:r= Ready. Made Boys' Clothing in the Ciiy.., lar attention paid to tho making of Boys' ?••• o order Itza. 1 4 z. 11.11 41 1 0 f. 4%31 W I 1;3 • 11E41 a0..1 14145 '.s. kE4 GENTLEMEN, YOUTHS, AND BOYS ? ," \Visiting, clothing made to order, by Sanding ittifk measure, ns per diagram, Will. have their 0r:4,0 promptly-attended to. BATISFACTION AND A GOOD, PIT OUARANTIIII)4. Sompleo sent to troy United Stole. ROCKIIILL ct WILSON, . .' Brown Stone Cl°Ming Hall, 603 and 6(N5 Cheatispt Street, PHILADELPHIA Oct. 2ril E YRE & LANDELL, • •,.:1 t FOURTH AND ARCH' STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. have now completed their iinirtloretneat offering on the beft tof Terml4:.';',” •. Full Stock ofFalllDry Finn Stock of SHAWLS, : Fine Stock of SILKS. Fine Stock of DRESS GOODS, 6 ..o l Pf Fine Stook of WOOLLENS., Finn Stock of STAPLE' 'OttIODS.'," Fine StoCk'ofFAXCir GOODS, ale. 'ast..New and Dealrable4deda dagy,i`e4oll , o9 . 4l Sold at Small nth - mind .; Sept. 25th. • • • • CRITTENDEN'S. • " COMMERCIAL 'COLLEGE,:,, 037 Chestnut • Street, Corbett' bir ; 'th, PHILADELPHIA: „ f : : A. EDUCATION' FOB BUSINESS Lim," Practical Instruction in Book-keeping, in ill4te branches, Penmanship, plain and ornamedtal r Ale;•1 cantile calculations, Bustneag Pipers and , Onativisii Commercial law, Telegraphing, he„- 716 STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR: Catalogues mailed gratis on application. ',.." Addre:s S. IL ORIV.VENDEI it:005, 3 Sept. 26. lISTABLISHED IN li3lo. 3E'.ELMTC)Ir DYEING ESTABLISHMENT::. r . W. JONES, No. 432.:North Front St . ,. above I . Callowhill, Philadelphia, dye Sillat,Wipoletilind. Valley Goods of ovory description. Their t etepidlo'r style of dyeing Ladies' and Gentlemen'aGirMinltsilli: widely known. Crape and Merino Shairfotteinsit to look like new, also Gentlemen's apparel, Cutting, &0., cleaned and re-dyed. Kid Gloves °Wined or re-dyed to look like new. Cell and look at onr,arcirk before, September 18, 1866. .1%). 804 .Irch Streit; iiiii(ailei444o WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TN ' 1 ." 1 • , Z Berlin eplcrsTrisr 'EmbroldelleH o Fine knit flood/;'etc., pereonally • looted in Europe. ' ';'' • -Id I, Tr Domestic , Zephy Germantown WOOLS, Cassiniero. , VARNS,:.;eO44I . Latest Styles in Lidice-Dress and TRIMMINGS: . Buttons Prop Fringes; Lacis,.Blmwl Border's atm. . 1 111itte Embroidered BANDS, eto The goods being all carefully seieotad, °dr What.; sale Department offers great' indooetaetre to -thor TRADE. . . CARPETS AND OIL Just received at low - prices, and will coattails :egi receive, during the Full, from Europe, aMI assinti.. mont of the hew styles of English Tapestry, Wald , sels,, Three-ply, Ingrain, Entry and Stair. Carpets*. Also, all widths of oil cloths, . . • : WIRD O 72N SHADES,: In new colors. Coco and Cantina • RAG CARPETS, Ac., I N. 11.—A discount made in pultsiontiti .cinmains. • • PIIINEAS HOUGH .14., A CO.! No. 508 N. Sec; et., below ButtonWtfoC' Philadelphia. Sep. 13th. NOVATIES ; Ite ' aVtddiag and Vioiting garb, THE LATEST ' ' LONDON ADM DANIS SWII/61101:` .INTALS etuutped on paper and ,envolopes.ig FREE OF CHARGE. f . FINE STATIONERY ROSKDINS , . .Importing Stationers , and Card Engnmers. 913 Arch SL;'Phihtdelpfila. Air Orders by mall will receive promptattentlonil Sept. 25th. --am SAMUEL it. RI , mmotEHA I.E IiAIiUOACTURER LADIES', DIISSES' AND CIIILDREIVE Shoes and Uppes ,. SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL naafi. r serALL WORK MUARANTEEDMige 121 NORTH TRIRD.ATIIRRT,,PRIP.A. ' :i Juno 12, 1808. • . . pEAFNESS, BLINDNESS & CATARRH;' Treated with the Utmost emcees, by J. Lwow ( . D., Occalist and Attest, (formerly of Leyden, HO-. u n do No. 519 Vino Street, Philadelphia. ITestisoe, nimbi, from the most reliable sources In the et, ilmi country clan be seen &this omoe. The osodk4 OvA ty are invited to accompany their pationtip l ob 4 sal no secrete in his practice. AIIITIPICIAL ET/41 =WI., ed without pain. No charge for examination.,, , , , Sep. 18, 1866. , 1 . .:, ...rlit 4 2( 4, ..• , 1 3JARRIAOE AND. CHPBANY. jait: „ 4l iu. mimin g ...d Tiletruotion reqa!ing , . .1. ao, Dlototoos. and Abusoa which ; proOtti, ' powers, with sure moans orrellet 'Bait ' ' charge In sealed letter envelopes. eddies DB. J. ; SIELLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Anotdation ii r ,dolphin Pa. Morn 114 1 lip . . U E I A Ile. it.: MB i• \ r iti f! ! ' l ' I` ,•• lIM El ;; .; Ir, 7-20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers