E AN lilt toIif'JTUAL WitßM MEDICINE. }bottles Vaaiiiruea Comma, • Or Worn &maw% Much sloknewt, undoubtod y With children and Lido U, attnbuted to other causes Is occasioned by worms. The" Versarfuge Pow /e," although effectual in destroying worms, can do no possible Injury to the most delicate child. This vat __ tud__42;_____,ocubiptukiptingsoeflultd kV-IdgF ,, " o life and sure in aradjoating • 14 ill oVE4l: ( i ) t iC Itietkvairt;i;iikaitifeatt3n -- on as neg 110 V • trouble often CILIUM ero/041g04 . ..rj e MI OS Of _ l'ilglanphilispn:fifto-dlloil over. gab mach abd bowel! cause can be rein Nepnly by the nee, of n Ile aItrIVISMI te b ri t Ai t r G' f o i nt hi ff t r e e ' lr i d a n st s e i r to givatitaibloiiibie.efri l mt with safety. „ imaTIS.A A II QWN. ,Prrprietorr, New York.— all &Me mediam 8, at 25 dr. a box. g i n 22 ) 1 4114 Eti.Ltlio' LAD& . • , Valley Railroad. -pelt ectob to rao:Df itti& lifter Monday. May 2lat, 1866, Passenget W r i ttirtilt i 1 h V Yißailroad CnaP an T will nwitlte syornl roads running t toWilke i sbarre, New York and Phil tdelphia, as fo tOikiiili OR i1..4P - WAR b TRAINS. OTATIOXIs ' ' No. 1. N0..5. No.'. No. 9 Leaf/4;1;47 e• A'. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. Wilf6kTirte; . ' ' 800 1.15 onmeat.z ! . , 9.30 3.00 ~ t.:tftin.67.-1 -: 9.86 . 3.06 " el Hickory Run . , , 9.45 8.15 P . Mud Run 951 3.22 S RockM : , : : .20.00 8.31 p. Shanathltia2;; '' '' 2.10 a ' Mahanoy City, 2.15 • 'Aaad, 200 4 : 1 lii , - • 2.15 4's ~: ., teauer Meadow . 2.85 „1 ' eitlieffy 6.25 8.20 • rinitliaven , ' 10.24 863 4. 4 •Sentati.Ohenili: ,, ' - 4.80 10.47 4.25 ''.2 .-7,rstoin , .1, 4.40 10.57 4.86 3 smell e 4.46 4.41 Pi Lehigh Gap " 6.01 4:56 Blatington 6.07 11.20 6,02 Rookdala 5.17 5.13 Lanry'a 5 27 5.23 Whitehall 5.94 5.90 Copia) , • 6.88 11.42 5.84 Holtandanquit 6.42 5.98 Ostasaligno 6.46 11.47 6.42 Allen Furnace 5.54 5.50 Allinteith 6.00 11.57 5.55 1.10 I:4l3athlehem 8.15 12.19 6.15 1.20 pesaaaaltherg 6.23 6 24 isaaten I . . . 8.44 12.43 6.45 2.00 Philicl4l44, 9.20 2.35 8.45 .New York, 10 10 4.10 10.45 6.00 No. s.—Leaves Bethlehem at 12.40 ; Proemial burg 12.49 ; Easton 1.15; New York 5.20. UP OR WESTWARD TRAINS 17a71.61 , 11. No. 9. NO. 6. No.lo. No. 2. N 0.4. Leave A. M. M. P. Id. A. M. P. M. ""7iNdeiTl34, ' 7.00 12.00 4.00 9.00 8.00 aliPlillatlel t phll;" 7.30 615 • Easton'' ' 9.47• 3.25 7.40 11.54 11.24 giVeSistblihsbtirs 10 07 8.49 8.06 k• War= 10.20 4.00 8.16 12.25 11 -3 5 1111 " ttiww , 10.87 4.15 8.30 12.85 12..4 3 ff Allenfiiwnl k driate, 4 . 20 134 ea .. Cattalitiqulth 10.47 4.28 8.42 CI Illikehdlintini 10.58 4.38 8.47 1 :-:: t Copia; . 10.57 4.38 8.51 P. - Whitehall 11.02 4.48 8.66 • ,' :- , . 11.10 4.50 9.04 .P. i• .0 .' 11.19 500 9.14 , 0.... , :r. on , , '11.2) 5.12 9.25 1 F . air'' 11.86 5.18 9.31 ft., firkir ~ ,s • F 11.46 . 6.33 9.45 4. 04 Lib tOd ‘' t ' o 11.66 6.89 9.50 PA lifits °Mink 12 Q 5 550 10.00 tch e r y ol}l. - . ;. • ..., Atm 6.13 Resift Blaadow 1.24 . Jes vill2h .;)' .., 1.39 • Au enrhid; 1.44 1.1314144630:1114, 2.45 • tifillitidoith, . 1.50 f,°turf .4., : . 12.53 6.37 Ol tf Run 1.02 646 it sti t e .a ry ßU T. • 1 1. .0 1 7 7 6 7 ..6 0 2 1 White Haven 123 7.57 At .W4kva Barre 2.51) 8.85 • • CONNECTIONS: "s9lhintialltallroad of New Jersey-All up and down trains connect at Easton with the trains of the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey to and from New York. North Pennsylvania Railroad.-D .wn trains No. I.lft4tlid 7. aosd ot• trains Nos. 2 and 8, connect at Bethyehem with: trains for Philadelphia. Trains from Philadelphia connect at Bethlehem with down train No: 7 and with up trains Nos. 8 and 111. , illitirPinetrblstania Railroad -Down trains Nos. 1 and b. and up trains Nos. 2, 4,6 and 8, connect at Allegtmpru with trains for Reading and Harrisburg TAMS from llarrishurg and Reading ocnnect at Al lentown with' all down Ital.'s: Bad - tete Delaware Railroad.-Down trains Nos 1, 8 and 6 connect at Phillips'ourg with trains for Philadelphia. Trains (tom V Philadelphia connect al Phillipshurggylth up trains Nos. 2 and 10, and Vtfilniffrotit'llelvidere connect with up train. Not. 6 and %, ~,,,,,,,,, • atlro -',-, . • 011W4ilitirlfad.-Don train No. 7 and up train No. 8 connects, Quakake Junction, with trains Of the Cats trim Railroad. Haaleton Rallroati-Vown trains Noe. 5 and 7, and op train No. 8 connect with trains of the Basle ton Railroad. - - • , , Lehigh ttnd SOaqu ehanna Railroad•-Down trains Nos 5 an 4 r o piidup trains Nos. 6 and 8, contact at White Haven, with trains of the tohigh and Sus ..oltlehanna ..Railroad to and film Wilkesbarre. No change of earl between Wilkesbarre and New York ontnp tnin.No:Sand down train No 7. No change between Wilkosbarre and Philadelphia on up train No. 8 and-down train N 3. h. i'• f p-: . ! •, i 4: H. SAYRE, Supt. & ling ang8415.; • .. , - ;• - - . 1 4f4D.ING itAIL ROAD. '" SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, ; I',. ~? '' :1 'June 11th, 1866. fIHEAT TRUNK LINE PROM THE NORTH ~,apd.North-Weat for Philadelphia, Now Y rk, liiiitittig,. Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allaatowtt,•Easton, Ephrata, LiUs, Lancaster, Col. amble: A,0.,' Att. ~I‘...Trainitiava Harrisburg for New York, as follows : At 3.0043,49;and.9 05 A. M.. and 2.10 and 9.15 P. M. Bp similar Trains on the Pennsyl vs . Road, sind.arriging at New York at 6.00 ail • iii: in., and '4:10, 5.20 and 10 45 p. m.-- Sleaping.Oate accompanying the 3.00 a. m , and 9.- Im., trains!, without change. lityava j layrieburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama likiktrOille; Ashland. Pine Grove, Allentown hiladelphia;at 8.10 a.m., and 2.10 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal Wry Eta done; th 054.1 1 .1"; to o train making connections for Philadeiptlis aitd Columbia only. For Potts ville; Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 i tittlialiti: Leave New York at 7.00 and 9.00 a.m., 11 B.OO MT ; passenger inhi Philadelphia T n i n a l a o t av B el a ' itt. Phila delphia, at,7,39.a. tn., returning from Reading it 6.30 P. in;,'Stopping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 a m. and 245 p. ra. ; Ashland 6 00 and 11 30 a. in. and 1 .05 p. in.; Tamaqua at 9.45 a. m. and 1.- 00 and 8 55 p. to. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Bohuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, at 7,00 a. in. Reading Accommodation Train ; Leaves Reading . at 6 00 a co., returning from Philadelphia at 5 00 p m. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 6 45 a. m.,•12.05 noon and 6.15 p m., for Ephrata, Ms, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: leave .New York at 8 00 p at, Phil. adelphia 8 00 a . m and 8 15 pm, the 8,00 a m train running only to Reading. Pottsville 800 a in, Ta maqua 7 30, a M. Harrisburg 9 05 a in and Reading at 133 a. m . and 730 a m. for Harrisburg, and 111'.4106:m. for New IN,rk and 4.25 p. m. for Phila delphia., OnniAutation, Mileage, Beason, School and Ex cursi,qn. Ticket' ,to and from all points, at reduced TINII , gage•' ,l ßag checked through; 80 pounds allowed nut Passenger. . 13: A. NICOLL% • ,Generat Superintendent. Residli4;l4l., Jl2llO 25th. 1886. East Pennsylvania Railroad Itu xspipiLi - ii"'''SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Commencing Mob day. Moy 21st, 1866. IiCT „1"0 - 1141! YORK AND nTTBDUDG WITHOUT .i9)'!fji,slt4ioE OF CADE: leave Allentown daily (Sundays except y pt 7.00 and 10.30 A. M., and at 12.35, 4.16 itsnk 1.44 P. The 10.30 A. M., make direct con nebtbilne at (Harrisburg, for Chambersburg, Hagers town aril points on the Cumberland Valley Rail road., Norther.: Central Railroad, North and South, nn ell iegies. The 10.30 A. M., 12.15 and 11.- 4VT. M:, are the Western Express trains, direot thrditerte Pittsburg without change of cars. The s`od'` ('M, train stops et nll stations of this road titt itiate'•eonnections at Reading for Pottsville; t4it tlint Tamaqua and all points In the Sehuyl- 12111`ttent're tuns ; fur, Philadelphia and all points on. tßis,."PhilacClPhla and Rending Railroad, also for rhardbersburg, Hagerstown, York, Get- Villerethe'6ll region;AVilliauasport, and the West. P. M: train stops at all stations, connects it giiiding, with - trains for Pottsville, Columbia. Ephrata, MHz, . Lancaster,. Harrisburg, de. The 11:irP.'11., train leaves dally (Sundays included% !be - Reading, Harrisburg, and the'West. passengers are requested o p-robase their nabob; b. re- entering the care, as higher fare will be obarged ph the earl: to Tionsts.. for 'tele at the Allentown °Moe for all On MI soad,and the principal elation' oh the idialidpida 'sad ,Iteadlnpb Lebanon 17allem and 111,11k11„f u tralle Wan k tiprth.treet and le OiNSOLIII !tier, 6 dupl. :grMMWM gmem NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD -ihree Daily Bairn: Allentown to Philadelehi g),21385NG811.13 for Philadelphia take L. V. R. h L traits passing Allentown at. 13.00 a. m., 12.01,. 1106201a5tr2;65 maks close eiinneetion with the *Ming of 61; 818. ft.risi Bethlehem, and arrive In PhUadelohtatt•o.2o dr t, 2.80 and 8.40 p. m., iwpsmetlvely.., Mittingertl for D4leaktms - take 6 . 26 train 14411.16ethlobetkali 2 snake contactor) e 0 'end sat rettin io Allentown the lame eiai,ing. All Passenger Train's (except Sundr y Trains,) con• soot at gins argot; Philadelphia, with bib and itrept Ong' Ptispengei Rallrtay. itETURNiI4O Leave thesterir Depot, Third street, above Thom? ton, Philadelphia at 7.80 a. tn., and 5.15 p. m., arriv 'ng in Al!Wotan at 10.31 a.m., and 8.80 p. m., re epeotively. LOOAL SCHEDULE. three Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Pareenper • trains leave the new Depot, Thit, street, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.80 a. m., 9.30 p. m., an. • I b P. M. For Doylestown at 8.35 a. m., and 2.30,4.16 p. m. For Lansdale at Mb p. m. For Fort Washington at 1.1 p. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA.. Leave .Betblehem at 6.25 a. m. 12 25 noon and i 15 p. m. Leave Doylestown at 6.40 a. m., 3.15, and 5 BO Leave Lansdale at 6.00 a. Fort Washington, at 2.15 p. m., 10.50 a. m. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, $1 8b SLLIS CLARK, Agent. 140-'65 REMOVAL DESI6III,EIVS HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISH %1 ENT SAS been removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on East Hamilton Street, Opposite the Court House, Where can now be found the latest, most elegiint and fashionable styli's of HATS AND CAPS. Also has been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a full line of NEW GOODS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, • OVERSHIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES. GLOVES, etc., etc., etc. COME ONE! COME ALL!! and see for yourselves, the beautiful assortment of goods, before , purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can skis. fy all that I can and will sail goods ?5 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OF THE CITIES. New goods received daily from the manufacturers and for sale at the lowest rates. ffeb2o t. STAND FROM l. NDER ! GOLD 144 ! And Prospe is of still Further Decline ! l=" 49. 1%1" I CD I • X" AL. IV X CD I RULES 211 E I.IOIIR. Hats Caps & Straw Goods. SPRING STYLES. Christ & Sauer ' s, itNo 15 Watt IT imtiton street opposite , the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand th,, largest assortment of line a and Can, spring and summer styles, ever scan in Allentown, comprising every style and quality from five dollars down to fit ty cents, and sum that will bPcome old and young. Their stock of Caps is the largest in Allentown, Ind at extremely 'ow price', To convince the pub is of what is said. it may be well to state that the) have roars-ONE different styles. Surely enough to give a prrson a chance of cutting his ta. to. per Messra. Christ & mien direct attention to .he few that they are the only MAtturecvuumna of 'date in Allentown. STRAW Gilol.lB.—A beautiful assor t ment of straw hats, for ,nee and boys. will be keptoonstantly on. hand during the season. to which we invit . public attention. Give us a call. *M. Country Merchants would do well to give UP a call, as wo will wholesale them Hats and Caps cheaper than they can get them in the city. Allent.wo, August B—tf Music ! Music!! Music!! SHEET MUSIC DEPOT!! Alarge supply on hand—if we have not gni the piece you want, we can get it for you in a few cloys if you will leave the name of the piece with US. lasrnucrioN Bootta fur all kinds of Instruments constantly on hand at Foust's Variety Store. VIOLINS 1 VIOLINS 1 VIOLINS 11 At all prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, Bows, Rosin, Blank Music paper, at Fousr's Varie ty Store. STAMPING! STAMPING !! Done at short notice—receiving now patterns con stantly. Call and see the patterns at Foust's Varie ty Store. • NOTIONS! NOTIONS! 1 NOTIONTS! 1 Handkerchiefs ' Hosiery , . Gloves, Threads, Sowing Silk, Pins, Nredles, Combs Braids, and Hoop Skirts. Call in—it pays to go round thocorner to Foust's Va riety Store. BASKETS! BASKETS! BASKETS!! Market Baskets. Dinner Baskets, Traveling Bas kets. Cako Baskets, Card Baskets, Fruit Baskets, Fancy Baskets, at Foust's Variety Store. WHERE IR FOUST'S VARIETY STORE? Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Four doors from Hamilton, in one of the rooms un der Col. Good's (American) Hotel. [may22-em Itliery & Mertz HAVE JUST OPENED A Boot & Shoe Store, At No. 85 West Hamilton St., TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, WIIERE they will keep constantly on hand a well assorted stook of all kinds of ileqo-IAVe Boots qqa Roes, of Eastern City and home-manufacture, which they will sell dIIEAPER than the same can be bought elsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CASH. They invite all to call and examine their stock be• fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that customers can suit themselves, both as to prim and quality. Al, kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REP sIRIN fit receive prompt attention. They employ none but tho best workmen and aro therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any other o•tablishmont. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of linnet Ca , f and Patent I.ea•her Boots. 'Shoemakers can be supplied with stock and findings, at reasonable prices. J. S. BIERY, May 8, 1886 REMOVAL I J. F. ,Bohlinger's 800 and SHOE STORE JAS been' rommri d to Bast Hamil -1 ton street, opposite the Otrman Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where he keeps constantly on hand. ..f his own manufacture. and elan of. Philadelphia. New York rod k aslant maoulacture, a I wise stock of Pools eta -hoes, which he is disposed to offer to the pal lio at . email advat oe above cost. He also will make to .rder all kinds of fine %talc for L-dies and Ohild.en, tavieg competent workmonetipecially in that branch. F. , eling,datermloed to make it an object for persons a want ot A GOOD A ItTIOLI4 to call and ezaniine 'or themselves and learn his pricer, which will be ta lotY as any other home in town or country. Measured work and repairing promptly attended romrlo-Ef 1 3. F. TIORI.TNORTI. ;90 A MONTIII—AOENTB wanted fbr .._ first nab nrcitimiust. oat. Addn3in 0. T. eAIIIII4 Qtly Mile* %Wad ) ?* ( 410114, GOLD REDFCED FROM smaco uvci• ..7 - CottOti - Reddeed7:' "pH) 38 Ots. per POtfM"D. Goods Greatly Reduced, „, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE Burdge & Jones. GOODS that sold one year ago at 85 cents per lard, are now'selling at 26 cents per yard. .rints that sold for 62 cents,for 18 cents per yard. Be Labia at Prices Before the War at 25 Cents per Yard• GI- XL CO CIELELISI33 AT PRIORS THAT ASTONISH THE PEOPLE Dress Goods ! An shades of Wool 'De Lathes, Figured Silks, of all shades, French Percales, beautiful styles, Chal 'ins, Common De lesions, ho. Mens' and Boys' Wear! Large stock of Moths; Cs ssimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottonades, ho., suitahle for Mena' and Boys' wear SPRING BALMORALS ! • SPRING SHAWLS ! HOOP SKIRTS I Carpets : Carpets PARLOR CARPETS, BED ROOM CARPETS, HEMP CARPETS. STAIR CARPETS, HOME MADE CARPETS, all bought at the recent Auction sales at greatly re duced prices. DOMESTIC GOODS !. ' FLANNELS, DIUbLINS, TIMINGS, • CIiEOKS. SHEETINOS, PRINTS, &c., &0., Scc Doing a Cash Business only, they aro thereby enabled to sell goods at much lower prices that, their neighbors that st.II goods on Credit and have heavy losses by bad book accounts They aro do• termined to sell goods at low prices notwithstand ing the high prices the other stores are asking for their goods. anainatszin TUE PLACE, THE Cheap Cosh Store BURDGE & JONES, No. 9 East Eamilton Street, 3 doors below the Allen Rouse. April 17, UM. AUGUST, 1860. POPULAR PRICES! ?OR TH MAR TRADE AT THU i►oPULA R STORE MAL Irill, A_ BIM ALLENTOO,N, PA. Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH For Cash and Approved Credit! GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES! Big Drop in Gold. Whether temporary or permanent, deponent sal b not. W ith gold from $2 90 uown to $1.27, aal cotton 39 conte a pound. STANDARD GOODS are now selling at a heavy loss to the manufacturers bat this is neither hero nor there, for. KRAMER, Is bound to keep time to the music, and continue as heretofore, ' To luead the Trade ARD LIEDC4MI2OIM DEFY COMPETITION From April 3d, I shall offer a oomplets line of Ladies Seasonable Dress Goods, being petfeetly ALIVE with everything in this .ino that is FRESH, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, in abort as usual for Style, Variety and Lowness of Price. shall and can net be surpassed STAPLE GOODS? A 'fall line of all the choice brands of blanched and unbleached muelins, shootings, &0.,-and every thing that belongs to housekeepers in this line at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES ! I give no quotation .4' prices, bnt will sell you far LESS MONEY hen you can get the same goods elsewhere. Shawls, Cloaks, Basques, /Mantillas. Cloths, Casaimeres. Twedds. &G. This department hoe received special attention thi3 spring and comprising the newest and most de sirable spring stoles, adopted to tho taste of the aged, middle aged, .•loring America," and children, and will be sold at present Gold Standard Prices. Also the CHOI( EST LIN E of GROC iRIEE and at Fleet) that will ocominoa ono and all that Kramer•'s Is fIIE Great Place of Interest for persons wishing to select from the moat oxten sive and reliable stook of goods and at TIM LOWEST MARKET PRICES An examination is all I ask, knowing that I can of• fer inducements that cannot be surpassed by any reliable house in town. Al. J. I{ RAMEIt, Op , elite the EAGLE HOTEL. KEEP AN EYE ON THIS! COME AND FOLLOW THE CROWDI Great Rush —TO THE— "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE! —FOR— PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS I. Having just received an immense ste k at a low price, we venture to say that we can sell the cheap est albums that have yet been offered for sale in this section. Come one come all, and examine our stock as it defies competition. Remember that now is the time to buy acheap es the assortment is large and good, at the Friedensbote Rook store of E. D. EFISENRING .1: CO. aug.2l-tf] S. B. MERTZ. -1y RAPP'S GOLD PEN; 'The Best En the *arid:. MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE No. 23 East Hamilton St. TIME Pens hate acquired so wide a reputation for their superiority ng to render them the most popular pen made. Where once used no other pen . will be bad. punl2.3moe. PURE LIP ti RTY WHITE LE 041 will do more and better work at a given Cott, than any other I Try it I Manufactured only by ZIEULER it SMITH, IffnottioaLti pane PAM and Ot,Aus theAusne. *50.10 m north Third Atteet, Philid's FROM AND SOLD ee., In great variety THE CELEBRATED FOR SALE AT MEI lir 311E7 NIP THIS VAT ;':g1110 . . I/ Loow , s . NETW 'FIRM t' ,123:17 X331301Xt. Xll 2 l 08., ' (LATE !itiBER 4 DILLINqER,) No. 7 REST HAMILTON STREE2, ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respeetittllv inform the oiti en of Lehigh county that they have just formed a co•parnershlp as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stock of SUMMER GOODS, FROM NEW YORK AND, PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. DRY GOODS! CONSISTING OF TIIE LATEST STYLES Ol Figured and Plain Alpaca . Figured and Plain all Waal De Laines SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, • White Counterpanes, • Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Checks, Gingham., Bedticks, Flannels, &0,, Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, •• Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, LADIES GLOAKISG, Plain Colors, Middlesex Clothe, Reppellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. '3 2 liS 4go ris 1111 2TI 2 CN E 2 gt. A Dill line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts and Vestings, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se lected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, BALT, Which we will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest! fir WO feel satisfied that we OKI BUR your TAEITeB as well as your PURIM& Don't forget the place, No. 7 West Hamilton street, second door abcve the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received in the past, and hope that by a continuous eiD,rt to accom odate their friends an 4 customers, and in 'conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support And good will of the people. A. A. finnan, C. L. Hunan. Allentown, July 18, —t 1:133 B OWEN'S FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. CONSTANTIX on hand and daily arriving a large and choico assortment of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, to which the attention of the public is respectfully requested. Ponx; DRIED APPLES, SUGARS, HAMS, " , PEACHES, GREEN COFFEE, SHOULDER, 6 ' CHERRIES, . ROASTED " DRIED BEEP, COOKING PRUNES, MOLASSES, SMO'D TONIVE ZANTE CURRANTS, SYRUPS, MACKEREL, PLUMS, CHEESE, COD FISH, FRESII.FRUITS, SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COARSE SALT, FINE SALT. • TEA®' A largo assortnient of choice flavored Green and Black Teas, superior to anything in the ,market. IPIO .11li C, Ginger, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace CROCERIES, An elegant curiety always .on baud , composed in part.of CANNED FRUIT, SALAD OIL, SARDINES, CATSUPS, SAUCES,. CHOCOLATE, VEIOOLLION, MACARONI, PEARL BARLEY T0_8:,,19C0! C“If.ARS!! Constantly in reccipt.of a largo variety of FRESH CRACKERS. ' WHEAT FLOUR! • RYE FLOUR!! .Come and buy! Come and buy! BROOMS, 'BRUSHES; ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And everything usually found in a first-class GROCERY HOUSE. %.511... PRODUCE BOUGHT AV" All goods warranted as represented W. S. BOWEN, Sn Allentown, May 15, 1865.-1 y Dr. P. R. PALM, LATE SURGEON IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, would announce to the citi• tens of Allentown and vicinity, that he is contin uing the practice of Medicine in ALLENTOWN. OU Eighth Street, above Hamilton, first bowl° above Liubtenwalluor & Co's store. flaying had the hon. or to belong to the OPER&TING Cones at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chancelloreville, Franklin's crossing. the, and having had charge of earinoi ilospiroce, be has had much experience in all the details of Sunozity and the treatment of disease, onnrally. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia. and has been practicing medicine during the past eight. een years. Having had much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would espeeiall) solicit the patronageof those who may be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. Having ta ttered the eight if many who have been BLIND ron rasa& Ho would also solicit the attentiona those +uttering from chronic disease*, such as DROPSY, (for which ho has an aisnost infallable remedy,) Disease- if the KIDNEYS. ittIEURIATISII. NEURALGIA. OBRON 10 COMM. DIARRUOLA and DYSENTERY, (which he orof. acs to cure in lees than half the time required by rdinary remedies„, Guava', GOITRE, or enlarge ment of the neck, PILES. MARAMIUS or Consumption in children, NICE OZADAOI/E, TAPE WORM. MILAN enema, Sottorutat, or Krag's evil, EPILEPIIt. ar falling eiekness,',PurßlD Sons THROAT, Tartan, Do i:ANIS PECULIAR TO F ; also diseases of the Liver, Lungs mid Heart. Having now practiced medicine here for over two years, the Doctor is able and willing to refer to per sons in this place who have been cured by him of mostof the discuses specified. All calls from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or night. Medicines furnished to all patients, which he pre pa:es himself, as he will use none but the very best. References: Hie former patients, 411ontelarn. May 29 18,6 Geo. K. Reeder, No 15 East Hamilton Street, Door to John B. Moter's :Drag Store WHERE ho keeps constantly on hand a fall ma aortment of ready-made clothing, much as COATS, VESTS. PANTS dco. also GENTLEMEN'S FURNISSING GOODS of all kinds, which for Workmanship, Quality and Prices, are not Gauntlet(' In town. A large and well select! «d stock of azci always on band. Clothing made to order on short node+, end a 1100 D . FIT GUARANTEED. Call and aiming our stock. April 10,'66-Iy] GEO. K. RIEDER. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, 7 - preferred by all practical Painters i Try RI and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & BMITH, truot'Jkaaasi Dana, Mutt and 041111 Dsatissa, 082.43 Ito. 111 Third Otintlikti 11111111111115 ESTABLISIMEITI NEW FIRM. -Frerhimer-Brosi. o. e Snimu,t.) 5 West Hamilton Street ALLENTOWN, r' IVezt Door to the I:4'e' 14(4;4 Shiiner's Mammoth Store LIVE INSTITUTION Money Saved BY BUYING AT SHIMER 9 S STORE, Filled Stacks Bigh with Goods at PAN IC) ..1P 3EL XCi MEI Our entire Stuck has been MARKED DOWN the lowest notch, we defy competition. WE STUDY TO PLEASE every one, old and young, rich and , poor, wo en deavor to keep a well selected stock of DRY GOODS, OR MERLES, QUEENSWARE, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTO, PROVISIONS SALT, FISH, de. de., to give bargains to all those who may favor us with their custom, not only , for sixty days or a given time, but wilt always continue to sell our goods at the very lowest possible prices. We do not pretend to say that our at stem is strictly Clash, but guaran tee our prices to be as lots as any others who are boasting of selling the cheapeit, in consequence of doing business entirely upon cash principle. Strangers follow the standard customers of the well known old stand, and you will all in turn be with courtesy waited on and supplied with tho cheap.. est Goods. ' De sure you are right, mingle in the crowd, then come ahead to POILMMILIL MOREL where you •can be best suited with the most goods for the least money, with both durable and fashion -ble goods. LADIES' Dress Goods Department ! Unusually complete with rich and elegant goods as well as the cheaper styles, it comprising Dlaok and Colored Silks, Plad and Figured Wool Do Leine,, Merinoes, Plain, Figured and carded Mohair, • American De banes,: Coburgs, Alpacoas, Reppe, Poplins, Scotch and Union ete., ate., etc., ete INIOUJELNING GOODS , Wool De!nines, Merinoes. Rapp, Poplin, Mo hair Goods, Bombazines, Alpac ens, Canton Cloth, Delaines, Coburg Prints, &o. Crape and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Long Thib+3t and Blanket Shawls, handkerchiefs, Hosiery !. and China. &c. eingbanes, Flannels, - : " MAHN • ' ' Tiekinge, • Diapers,. Cheats, Linens, • BOEOMB and White Goode. &e., lte CLOAKS AND GLOAKIKO CLOTH Of every dasoription, styles, quality, colon an prices. SHAWLS: SHAWLS ! ! Squa•e and long Brocha, Blankets, Thibet ant Plaid Shawls. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prices, and all Mare. The s.Silver Skirt: This skirt is more durable, more elastic, more graceful, and will keep its shape and retain its place better than any other Skirt. The Steel Springs be• ing covered with a fine plated wire, in place of a cotton cove ring, will not wear off or become soiled. and the whole skirt may lie washed without injury .ir fear of rusting and will be as good as new. CARPETS AND OiL CLOTH, A very lull stuck, new and rich designs. QUEENWAIIIh. • A full ussortmont, cheap. WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAINS Of every discrlption. Groceries, Fish and Provisi ns At the lowest prices' comprising a fall line on& articles, usual.y kept in a first class Grocery Depart ment. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton and dairy salt by the sack and bushel. ' Country Produce. All kinds o: Country Produce taken in exchange, and the highest prices paid for. GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call will secure advantages that will be certainly lost in delay. . We are thankful to our old customers for past (a vert', and solicit a continuants, .f the same, and as many new ones, who will favor us with their patron. age, we will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courtesy and punctuality. Remember the well known old stand late RIM. INGE tt 3 SEIIIIIER, No. 5 West damn , on Street, Allentown, Pa. SLIMIER BROS. A FEW WORDS ABOUT AIL - ILT311( Nig Great Western Remedy ! Tms remedy Is now perporming tbe moat derful aurae. It (lures Rbeumatlsm, Chills and Pavers, General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Slok Headache, &a., &o. In all wee a sensible relief is gun ranteed fp from five to ten minutes, and a PERFECT CURE in from six to twelve days. Never has it yet failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated. The Curative Properties of the Great Western Remedy ire truly wonderful. Whole pages of tes timonials from influential citizens might be given to the public, but we deem it to be superfluous, as you may readily find persons of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease dispelline and health promotion qualities of the Great Western Remedy. AARON DAVIS, Discoverer and manufacturer, 325 Broad St., Newark,J. The Great Western Remedy may be obtained of all established Druggists throughout the country. W. 13 Barnes & Son, Druggists Allentown, whole oils Agents: [April 3, 'all tim SILVER AND PLATED GOODS 'LOST SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP, AT TIIE 4-111 NE W STORE, lIN ' 104 .Arch Street,• 4re., PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned. (late of the famous Rogers Bros. Manufacturing Company,) respectfully announce that they have opened a new and bonutitu store.cor the sale of SILVER and PLATED WARE, at 704 Arch Street.. Our long experience 06 manufacturers will enable us to.keep nothing but tirst.class O ods and those who may pa•ronitc our store will find, our plated-gcuds far superior to any imported, and our customers may rely on the goods being precisely what, tliey are represented to be. July:l-1)6-1y] BOWMAN Jr, LEONARD. Banks i Dinmore & Co. DM aL___ 'pt. Dormant and Parable . PLATFORM SCALES HD PATENT BEAMS N. W. COHNIR OP 16th St, & Penns. Avenue, Philad's. 1%0. 96, 1865. -ly Gars , 'lllaleiloaa agood Horde to eoiitA 'dollar fotaidikro Llnittlytti. • '•• DIM Succespors to A. B. D k CO., ManufacturersofPatoo Btxn(lord glgail.iv, PVITABLII ►OR WEIGH LOCKS, R. R. TRACKS, & DEPOTS. COAL. HAY. AND LIVE, STOCK. Alm), ell' the -.mire INIIIIME Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is ft , cP 1 *.. 6 14r.at14-extrCt 5tr444 1 ,04130141g1ea so combined With . Who.' substances of still greater- iTteiatlve Owen Milo afford an effect tire . antidote for the diseasis Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which Kill accomplish their cure rang prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow. citizens. How completely this compound w ill do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : SCROFULA aim SCROITLOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE{ DISEASES, 'ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD READ, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AI4 PECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEU. RALOIA On MO DOULOUREUX, DEBILITY, DYS. 'RPM AND INDIOBSTION, ERYSIPELAS, Rose on Sr. ANTHONY'S Fins, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OP THY BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. 'Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, erup tions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob. structed and sluggish in the vents; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt," people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else., - . • riming late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of- Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been fraudi upon theiiek, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Ireae, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and hai become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. An we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend. ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED DT DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Pries t S 1 per Bottle s Six Bottle■ for 50. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral • has won for itself such a renown for the cure oil every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the. best it ever has, been, and that it may he relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been 'found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Ton TOO CO= OV Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Shin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teeter, Tumors as Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill; and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient'in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents par Box; Five bales for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis pur AUEIUCAN ALM ANAr. in which they • are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put . off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. . Demand AYER'S, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by all t,.. Luupgi.t. n. Allentown. and by Druggis , and dealers everywhere. At Wholesale by J. hi MARiti & 00., Philadelphia. , October 24. —ly MEXICO, MEXICO! $30,90(5,600 LO AN I OF TUE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon Bonds in Sums of 00, $lOO 000, and $1 000. Interest Seven Per Cent. Payable in the City of New York. Principal an 1 Literal Payable in GOLD 810,000 , 00010 be sold at SIXTY CENTS on the DUMB, in U. S. Currency, thus ye/aiding an interest of TWELVE PEN CENT, IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PEIL CENT IN CURRENCY, at the present rato of premium on gold, run FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The Most Desirable Investment 'ever OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lands ; hi.sty per cent, of PORT DUES, IM. PO'/TS and TAXES, in the Stet of Tamaalipti, and San Luis postal; and the plighted faith of Op. said States and tho general Government are all pledged for tho redemption of those Bonds and pay ment of interest THE SECURITY IS AMPLE. $3O in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per ct. Gold Bond of $5O: $6O in U. . Currendy will buy a 7 per dint Gold Bond of $lOO. $3OO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. 0 , In Bond of $5OO. 000 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of $l,OOO. Lot every lover of Republican Institutione buy a , least ONE BOND. Circulars forw'arded ani subscriptions recolvec by JOHN W. COB LIES & CO., and J. N. TUFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 57 Bronuway, N. Y. taySubscriptions also received by Bunke and Bankers generally throughout the United States., NJvember 7, 1885, . ESTEk'S COTTAGE ORGANS ARE not only unexcelled, but they are absolutely unequaled, by any other . Reed instrument hi the country. Designed expreeely for Churches and Schools, they are tonna to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only by E. M. DRIIOE, No. 18 North SEVENTH Stroot, PEULADSLIIIIA _gar- Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a com plete assortment of the PERFECT MELODEONS September • • —ly NAUSE 41 JORDAN'S PAPER WAREHOUSE WHOLESALE ANWLVETAIL DEALERS IN PAPER BAG S, PrEnts„ Mtwara Straw, And Englsh Gliszed HARDWARE PAPERS. No. 10 Decatur MEG, Phila. ()enflamely on hand It large verinty cd . all kltide papers nhlth rce oHat at the LOWEBt Plttalilat tilidellat 1 Me. SCH NECK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, POR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL; M=! If yon havt"r" 'ißY TIIEM. Tli 7HEM. It yt u Ttel drotety, Tit Y 'IIIIN. It'you are low epirlied, TRY THEM. IS you have a sick headache. TRY THEM. If•you have taken a drop too mnob, TAKE A FULL DOSE. Thy uuly cost 25 cents a box. • . . TRY. THEM. Blue Mese, and other preparations of Mercury, actually produce more suffering and death than the diseases which they profess to cure. And yet this corrosive mineral so denounced by the allopathic doctors, is press ribettbx them almost universally in Liver Complaint, Consumption of Lungs, AO. THE •MANDRAKH PILLS are coulpolod entire'y of roots and herbs, obtained from the great, storehouse of Nature, and their sal utary effects 'will appear as soon as the medicine is brought to the test of a fair experience. Senesces MANDRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stop:tack ; but when given for Dyspepsia, it may be proNer to use them In con nection with SCHENCK% SEAWEED TONIC.— By this judicious treatment the digestive faculties Aro speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst oases of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver Is the largest inter nal organ of the body, that to it Is assigned the im portant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and hat when it is diseased or inactive the whole body suffers sympathetically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful cheeps in the general health, 'and effect curia whioh nay ap pear to be almost miraculous. Headache-Of long continuance, severe paltis in the aide, breast and , houlders, aching of the limbs, a feeling of general weakness and wretchedness, and other alarming and distressing symptoms, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression, mental sine lety, languor, lethargy. and depression of spirit. which unfit a men for themanagement of business and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved !by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Da. .Elonarica rr . Dear..Sl! Jake pleasure in sending yell a certificate in addition to many you nave n 'ready received from suffering huomnitY.- I can seemly find language sufficiently•atrong t mut my heartfelt gratification of the won er • 1 Aires your MANDRAXE PILLS and SEA E I lONlC.have effected in the entire ewe of one of , he moat stubborn cases of the affection of the liver. For three years I suffered beyond demolition; all my friends, as well as myself, came to : the conch'. sion that my time in this life wee short. Furth was he terrible condition to whisk I was redneed that •Ifc to mo bad bow me a harden; my whole system was in a state of ibtlamation ; I could not eat, I could not sleep; my whole body was 'filled with pain ; swelling would arise in my wr at and ankles, rendering them totally useless On several con ,dans I was attached w th a rush of blood to the head, which would fell me to the ground, and I would be carries away for dead. I applied to sev •ral eminent physicians of our city, who adminis tered all the medicines ghat. they 'thought would reach my ca.e, but of de 'avail. ' One of them said he could do no mote forme, and advised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Sot relishing the horrid trash I declinedlo take it. Accident' put your advertisrment in niy bands. I milled on you ; you examined me and told me the,na ure of my disease. You then ordered me the Pills Ind Tonic with an 'observance of 'diet;pledgingyour word that in one wesk I wrild find myself another man.' I followed yokar ddriee, and, as you predict .ld. an astonishing cure wee effected. I continued your Pills and To .io femme time, and Dow thank tiodjur his goodness, end - yolar valuable medicine, fam once more restored to perfect health. I must earnestly recommend those who are suffering from Erection of the liver to give sour Pills and Tonle a fit trial; and a cure will be effected. 1 have tent Sulny ;Arsons to you. and• they have all,beep.uttreds 4ny information my fellow.citizens may teemre will be freely givenhy the aubsOralmr, at his reildence„ So. 812. Fedetal street, between Bth street and Par ,yunk road CIIMILLB JOHNSON, SE Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer. Dn. SCHENCK, will be professionally table prin. Apia dila°. No. 15 North Bth etreet, corner of Com ,ferce, Philadelphia. every Saturday, from 9 a. m., 4' p. m. ; - N0.32 Bond street, New York, every fuesday,from 7 to 8 ; No. 88 Summer Street, Bos ton. Moos every Wednesday, from 9to 3 and ITIIM 'y other Friday at 10a Baltimore street, Baltimore, Hd. All advice free, but for a thorough 'zombis. •ion of the lunge with his Hespiroinoter the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pnlmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each SI 50 per bottle or $7 50 per bait dosen. Slandrake Pills, 2b cents per box. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers. T 'PAR 2 PAC ..rl.O HOTEL, 17t, 174 & 176 GREENWICH ST, k u MI .RC WM or BROADWAY,) Between Con' tlandt and Dey Sta g New York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Proprietor THE PACIFIC HOTEL Is well and widely known to thettaireling:publio. The location is espec ially euitablo to merchants and business men; it is in close pro.: mity to the business part of the city, —is on the highway of Souther - 1 and Western trav el—and adjacent to all tho principal Railroad and iteamtmat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over SO& guests; It is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful; and the table generously provided with every delicacy of the +eason. The subscriber, who for the past few years, bee own he lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends ro identity, himself thoroughly with the interests of his donee. With long experionoe as. hotel-keeper, 'le trued, by moderate charges and a liberal polioy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pula° Betel JOHN PATTEN, Jr. —ly New York, Sept. 1!. MANHOOD: How Lost, how Restored "O a f • published . a , New Edition of • CULVEIIWELL'fi CELEBRATED ESBAT on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhaea, or Seminal Weakness, Involunta ry Bonilla' Losse', Bripoten. y, or Mental and Physi• ..al Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits induced by self-In dulgence or sexual extravagance. - tqt,..Price, in a scaled envelope, only 6 cents. ho celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, that the t. tanning consequences of self-abuse may be r .dically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of tho minting out a mode of cure at once simple, aortal and effectual. by means of .which every sufferer, no matter what his condition tpay be, may cure bimee f cheaply, privately, and radically., This Lecture should he in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal,in a plain Envelope ,' to any ad dress, polo paid; on receipt of six cents, or two post itamps. Address the publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE k CO., . . 127 Bowery, New York. Pest Moe Box 4686. —july3l-Iy.l . RUPTURE t ROPTUFtEt LATEST ISIrROVED TRUSSES AND . BRACHS, AT Dr.,C. A. Voorhies & Co's . DRUG STORE, No. 45 Northampton Street, Poston, Pa 1 f N order to enjoy the advantages of wearing a Truss, , it chould'ho accurately fitted to thoparts by ono who understands the nature of rupture. A poor Truss, or a Truss badly fitted often does more harm than good, in consequence of which, particu lar attention is paid to the fitting o! those who de sro it. Female Abdominal Supporters and Elas tic Stockings on hand, Spinal and Clubfoot Appa ratus furnished on application. A private office and regular attendance. July 10, 1800. IN 7113 c. TOES' OFFICES, D'EPINEUIL & EVANS, CIVIL ENOINEIIPB & PATENT SOLICITORS, No. 435 Walnut street, Philad'a. Patents solicited—Consultations on Engineering Dringhtins and Sketcher , Models and fdeobiner, of all binder at LDS 'end skilfially attended to. Spe cial attention given to REJECTED • 0/181113 and INTERPEIt 100E8. Authentie Copies *tall Doo (manta from Patent Cifiee procured. NAIL Sava yourselves useless trouble and Amy,- ailing expenses, as tbere le no ,actual need .oi per sonal interview with us. All baldness with these ()floes can be transacted in writing, For lurther information direct as above, with stamp *named, for circular with warmness. January q. 48611, 07118tro you Mural es, or ittiontostlant. Don t go groaning and aufsting abbe you eat be Mind bj Mari Ilia ote% 3 GO co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers