1866. PHILADELPHIA. 1866 WALL PAPERS I I NEW FALL STYLES! HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF RARER HANGtN_IGS, Mil WINDOW SHADES, COUNER of FO . I.7RTg and MARKET Siver!,;, PHILADELPHIA. N. IL—Alsraye on hand a Large Stock of LINEN and OIL SHADES, August 23, 1866 Agricultural Meeting. meeting of the Executive Committee of the Le ".'high county Agricultural Society, will be held on:TlSUriday the oth dny of September next, at one otelockl•P. M., at•the office ofJoshua Stabler, No. 39 East•lininlitci street, in the borough of Allentown, for the:purpose of roce,iving the report of the Com rnittcoof Arrangements and to transact other busi nese relating•tcntlso next Annual Exhibition. All members of sai,d .i.lomusitteu are reepeetfully invited to,atteru . • 1 •• '• • By order of , O. L. SCIIREPIER, Pre.% Jo Slit!): STA lILEII, &coy. • ayg2S-2w) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Noticd is hereby given that the undersigned having oat 'tatters of Administration in the estate of ''Daniel' Rettistnith, deceased, late of Washington. township, Lehigh County, therefore all persons who are indehted to. raid estate. are requested to make payment isithin six weeks from the date hereof, and . such who halo any legal claims against said estate, IWiltpresent them well authenticated for settlenent the above specified time. JAMES KUNTZ, Adm'r Au4ust 28 1888. —Ber ANTED—AGENTS. • rib to $2OO pet month for Gentlemen ' and $35 to ' $75 for Ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Common • Betio Family Sewing Machine, improved anA,per • feeted." It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind 'braid, Cinbrolder beautifully 7 —price only s2o—making the eln;tio lock stitch, and fully warranted for three yhttre. - Wepay the above wages, or a commission, front which twice that amount can be made. Address • or'Cill on C. BOWERS dt CO., Office No. 235 South fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. August 28th, 1800, Allentown 'Post Office. ..F ETTERS remaining unolaimed in the Post Office at Allontown‘lßato of Pennsylvania, up to the 27th day of August, 1866 . • • Miss Pinkey Brooks, Elizabeth H. Smith, Mri J. Abbey, E. & P. Bittner, • 'Valentine Friese, Mr. Fitzgerald, Jonas Hoffman; Chas. Johnson, J. L. - Rocns. Wm. F. Miller, James McMullen, Thomas Reeder, Jordan Union Daughters of Temperance, John O'lteily. .„: / ...To obtain any of these letters, the applicant most call for advertised letters, give the date of the list, and pay one cent for advertising. jarTf not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Lotter Office. • Bellevue Female Institute. ,THE Fall and Winter Term of this healthfully and J. beautifully located HOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Will commence 10th mo. let., 1866, and close 4th mo. 12th, 1866. For further information apply for circular to ISRAEL J. GRAHAM, 1 Principals. JANE P. GEAHAPti, • J Aug. 28th. —lm Y•attrie Ladioa t tnatiituto. —OF— Hatboro, Penn'a. .I.S..AULES NORTH OF PHILADELPHIA. .::REV. GEORGE HAND, A. M., Principal. In successful operation for 12 years. Reopens with enlarged facilities, September 10th, 1800. SEXI FOR CIRCUL4RS. Aug. 28. 1800. —4w FEMAILE eiaLLEGE, Bordentown, N. 3. Pleasantly situated, on the .Delaware River, 30 miles north of Philadelphia. Board and tuitiop. $208.00 per year. PALL TERM COMMENCES SEPT. 18; 1860. For Catalogue containing particulars, address Rev. JOHN 11. BRAKELY, A. M., President. aug2B-11v) DEDICATION. _ _ iIyILL 414-I.lqtlFeatral to the Service .. ;..ura:ty.:thel.Sth and Sunday the gth'onNtp - ber, the church of the United Brathien in Christ, on the cernor of 9th and Linden etc., oir which occasion Bishop ylosehronner, of Virginitlewill preach in English, and several others from abroad, in Oermun. The public are cordially invited to be present, and participate in the solemn devotion; The Commi ttee. Teacher Wanted. A MALE TEACHER for the Emus Grammar School is wanted. Application to be made to Dr. N. Steckel, Secretary of the Emcee School Board. School to open on October first. aug2B 7 tfJ By order of the Board. FARMER AND HOUSEKEEPER POJti cooled quickly, unless sealed, will keep much longer than if cooled slow. Milkmen cool their milk quickly in order to haro it keep. Musty Bottles or jars aro sweetened with lye or dissolved soda ; allow it to remain in a short time, then scald and dry them. They will not must if a little salt is put in, or what is better, if cleaned and dried when net in use. To PREVENT Rusr.—When stoves are not in ,use, oil them with sweet oil (all grocers keep it), when again used it will burn off with scarce ly any smell. Coal.souttles should•be cleaned and oiled inside and out with "boiled-linseed oil," obtained at any paint-shop. " SALLY lam; —A quarter of a pound of but ter, a pound of flour, two eggs, salt to taste, ball a gill of y east, milk to make a soft dough. Cut up the butter and warm it in a little milk; when the milk is lukewarm stir it into the flour with the eggs beaten light, and the yeast. Bu ter your cake mould, and set it near the fire to rise. When perfectly light bake it in moderate oven. It is always eaten hot. Comma Ilmrs.—Nover bring fat to the ta ble ; owlets can be made more fisky by being placed in the oven as soon as done ; make broth every other day in summer, and the quicker it cools the longer it will keep; grease a paper with •butter and place it over meat that is being baked ; to render pork and veal healthy they should always be overdone •, fish food is healthy and not stimulating, and high seasoned food is unhealthy and but food stim ulating —Prof Blot. A CIIARTRF.USE OP APPLEd AND six ounces of rice, with a stick of cinnamon, in milk gnat it is thiok, stirring in a spoonful of rose water or orange flower water. Pare ten or twelve apples—golden pippins aro the best-scoop out the core, and fill up the Mice with raspberry jam. Border a deep dish With paste ; put in the apples, leaving a space be tween, and fill it, up with rice. Brush the whole over with the yoke of an egg, and sift sugar thickly over it; form a pattern on tops with sweetmeats, and bake it for ono hour in a quick oven. TOMATOES FOR SUPPER. 7 —FOW people know bow to prepare unoloked tomatoes in the way adopted in my family, and ineolnpurably better than any mode I have ever tasted, By this mode they are very desirable for supper or breakfast: For a family of half a dezcn Der• sons, taketix eggs , fotg . of them herd, die. solve th e yolks with Vinegar kllnioloot, add about three teaspoons of mustard and mash as soon Of; possible ; then add the two remaining eggs, (raw) yolk and white, stir well; Then add salal'oil to make altogether sauce suffiui . ant to cover the tomatoes well • add plenty o salt and oliyaune pepper, and heat thoroughly until itotrosts. Skin and and cut the tomat oes a full fourth of an inch thick, and pour the sauce over, and you have a dish fit for a Pres .• • a little'troublesomo to prepare, yet tinted oaten hy people who ore blessed with polaks,to enjoy good things, they will be r / ro nounced to be far superior to any other ruode of preparation. .superior use them eonstancly in this way Jor these meals. For.dinner th,oynre tha imst tifonfel,but• they should always be s tra‘p,94lie fto d i te,table.-- G'ertna niacin Telegrap. • GINGER CAKE9.--51ix I tb. of novo. and fb of loaf sugar. Rub into it 3 lb. n( butter, two oFESP) well beaten, and 1 ca. of rzlngla• ground flpf Beat all well tegothor, r:,!( out t he dough to tho third of an hut thlolt.vhi out the asked ) Iltztl bike Mom, On Sundny evening last, by the Rev. A. J. Dubs, Capt., Wm.•Kleckner, latent' the, 47th Regt., I'. V., to Miss Jane Moyer, all of this place. On August 18th, by A. K. Wittman, Justice of the Peace, Mr. William Williams, of Allentown, to Cath erine Williams, of New York: On Aug. 4th, by the Rev. • J. G. Dubs, 11r. Samuel Heintzleman to Mies Catherine Polly/eller, both of Lynn. • On Aug. 12th, by the 9ame, Mr. Outdid) Benner. of North Whitehall, to Mis,v . Synin , Kressly, of lici - dleburg. On Aug..lllth by.lhasnmc. Mr. Edwin Selioeider, ui Washington,lo Miss! Hannah It. Reese; of burg. - On the same day, •by the same. Mr. John Evans, of Heidelberg, to Miss Flora Schneider, of Washing ton. On the same dny, by the same, Mr. Samuel Kunk el, of Slatington, to Miss Ellami ea Lintz, of Washing , On the some day, by the same, Mr. Lewis P. Trox ell, of North Whitehall, to Miss Larah Ann Stephen, of South Whitehall. OEM On July 22nd,•by the - Rev. o'. Leopold, Mr. Lewis Schaffer, of Lowhill; to Miss Rosa Brunner, of Wei senburg. On July 20th, by the same, Mr. Ogden Lewis, to Mien Mary A. Schwander, both'ol' South Whitehall. On the same day, by same, Mr. Harrison Young, of Allentewm to Mine Helene. Miller, of Outhsville. On August 11t1f, by the same, Mr. Solorcion G. Mil ler to Miss Sarah A. Miller, both of Macungie. On Aug, 12th, by the same, Mr. Cyrus KUntz to Miss Sally Scherer, both of South Whitehall. • On Aug. Mb, by the same, Mr. Francis Erdel, of Catatiattipio, to Miss Kitty Ann Reinhard, of South Whitehall. . . On Aug.loth, hy the Hanle, Mr-Tilghman Wagner, of Allentown, to Mire Snrah Albright..of S. White hall. On August 2801, by Rer. N.'S; Stritssburger, Mr. Edwin Kress to Mies Amandlt Glick, both of Allen town. On August 11, by the. Rev. Joshua ]eager, Mr. Struhn to Miss Mariann Lacy, both.of Sal isbury. • ' . On August; 26th, 11 the same, Mr. John Weumeier Of Millerstown,.to Miss Mary J. Fritz, of Maoungie. On August 26th, by the same, Mr. Peter Leiter to Miss Sarah E. Nagle, both or Salisbury. On August 16th, by Rev. 31'm O. Mennig, Mr. John Schleicher, of Catasauryna, to Miss Bertha Richter, of Allentown. On August 17th, by the same, Mr. Daniel Deily, 'to Miss Saranda Adler, both of Allentown. MI On the 20th of August, in Allentown, Stephen Lentz, aged 69 years. On the 26th of August, iu Allentown, Daniel Bei sel, aged 74 ytars. On Aug. 150, in Allentown, Elizabeth, widow of the late Jacob BaSt, aged 78 years, 7 months and 3 dare. On July 25th, in Mononaldsville, Ohio, Elizabeth, widow of the Into Henry Keck, formerly of Lehigh county, aged 84 years, 10 months and 2 days. On Aug. 18th, in Bethlehem, Mr. Henry Ritter, a resident of this place, .aged about 55 years. • August 18th in Alb ntewn, Agnes Jerina, daugh ter of Chas. W. and Elizabeth March, aged 2 months and one day. Aug. 21, in Hanover, Enos Paul, sun of Josiah and Matilda Cinder, aged 11 months and 2 days. On the sth of ugust, in Lower Milford, John George Klein, aged 82 years, 2 months and 15 days. On the 7th of August, in Lower Saucon, Margo tette. Derr, aged 80 years and 15 days. On the 26th of July, in Lower Macungie, Levi Siegfried; aged 26 years. • On Aug. 7th, in Upper Saucon, Jacob Ilillegas, aged 51 years. On August 13, in Hanover, Johanna Ott, aged 98 years. T. GOOD, P. M On August 20th, in Upper Saueon, Amanda M. Yaeger, aged 6 years. On August 20th, in Allentown, Sarah C. Young, aged 7 years. ALLEmour --- Corrected Weekly by -- IVei Wheat Flour, .* bb1.14.00 Rye Chop, p 100 lbs. 2.25 Qom Meal, V 3 bbl. 5.25 Wheat, /9. bushel, 2.50 Rye, " 1.30 Oorn, k 1.05 Oats, !• • 321 h . I 'o Oloverseed, " 5.00 Timothyseed," 450 Flaxseed, " 3.00 Dried Apples," 3.50 " Peaches," 3.50 Special Notices. The Anti•blockade Proclamation ion Max, in your most weak of courts, May have your fullest swing, But when you go to blockade ports, It's quite another thing. Your telling us where we shan't go Is what we won't. obey, For, if we were to please you so, • You would get worse each day. Men's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing. TOWER HALL, No. 518 Market Street, BENNETT J; CO Catarrh Snuff. THIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Bead and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy In many eases of Sore Eyes.— Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearing has often bean greed , improved by its use. It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to tho dull heavy pains caused by •diseases of the head. The sensations after using it ore delightfu. and, invigorating. It opens and purges out all 01, struotions, stronithons tho glands, and gives n healthy action to the parts affected.. more then Thirty Hears' of sale and use of Dr. Ma raLall's Catarrh and Bata. ache Siiiifi; has proved' its groat value for all lb( common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, andi is used with great moo - se and satisfaction everywhere. READ THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Harahan's Catarrals and Head ache Snuff, and sold it in onr wholesale trade, cheer fully state, that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided. ly tho best article we have ever known for nil com mon diseases of the Head. Burr & Perry, Bosiontliarnos & Park, N. York Read, Auston•& Co., " lA. 11..4 D. Sands, " Brown, Lamson t C 0.," 'Stephen .Paul & Co., " Bead, Sutler & Co., " ;Israel Minor dr, Co., " ictb W. Porte, " i3PlCasson & Robbins " Wilson,Fairbank & Co." A. L. Scovill & Co., " lionshow,Edmand & Co" .M.Word, Close & Co. " U. 11. Hey, Portland, Mo.lßush dr, Gale, jPor salo by all Druggl.te. Try it April 3, 1886 Che Great English Remedy. CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared front a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, N. .1) Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in ehe cure if all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the coriiiitution is subject. It moderatos all excess and ro eves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may or re'ied on. TO. MARRIED LADIES itis particularly suited. It will, in a short time, br,ng on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern ,,ant Stamp of Groat Britain, to prevent counter feits. In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites. theso Pills will effort a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful reme dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any. thing hurtful to the constitution. Fulldireotlons in the pamphlet around each pack which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. Solo Agent for the United states Canada, JOE MOSES, 37 Oortlandt Street, New York. N. 8.—51.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to &icy authorised Agent, will anon° a bottle, contain ng 50 Pills, by return mail. (AprilB-ly GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nerv -11., ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef feats 'of youthfulLidisereGon, will, fur the sake of suf feilnihunmity; mend Tree to all who need it, the re ollio am), 411reo0ops for making the simple remedy by which ha ivas ented. l Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's e.xperienee, ear do so by addressing ••• - • .• • • 'TO lIN' 11.'0G DEN, ard-ly] • • No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United Staten can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the underrigned . Time° haring learn of being humbuged willublign by not noticing thin mud. AS othqrn will Ocoee 'Wive their oheditmt corVant i TIM). r. citArm.v, tit BrAdwryi it, It NZAILRXED. D I 11 11. IVIARIEETS. eheimer, Newhard & Co Eggs,l dozen, 24 Butter, tel 4 lb. 34 Lard, " • 25 Hams, " 25 Bacon " 18 Beoswax, " 40 Potiitoes,%l blahs) 80 Beans, " 2.00 Salt, " 1.20 Salt,in sacks, 3.26 Hay, per ton, 15.05 Straw, " 8.00 Dr. MARSHALL'S SIR JAMES CLARKE'S ERRORS OF YOUTH STRANGE, BUT TRUE. TO CONSIIMPTVIES . , The advertiser, having'been restored to health In 1 a few weeks , by is simple remedy, aftet, havlag suffered fur several years with a severe lung affeo Lion, nn4 •hat dread disease, Consumption—is anx ions to make known to his fellow-sufferei the mean of at re. To Al who desire it, he will send a copy of the proscription used (free of oharge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a suns' mina for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Ire( ti9ne. The only object of .the advertiser In %, tiding the prescription is to benefi t the .atilioted, and spread information which he coneelva to be in valuable, and he hopes , every sufferer will try his -eutedy, as it will oast them nothing, and may prove a leasing._ Parties wishing the proaoription, rani, by re turn mail, will please address nay. EDWARD A. WILSON, ant-Iy] Williamsburg, Kings 00.,N. Y. S-T-1860-5. DRAK El' El PLANTATION BITTERS . They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite.. They aro an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent 1111(19MCli0 and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of-tho, stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and constipation, They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Livgr Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and aro exhausted nature's great re storer. They aro made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and. are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without re gard to ago or time of day. Particularly recommend ed to delieato.persons requiring a gentle stimulant.— Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Ilottls and Saloons. Only genuine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE Ja CO., 21 Park Itow, New York. September 26, Iy— HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.—This is the most delightful and extraordinary arti cle over discovered. It changes tho sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distinsweappearanae so invitingin the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh. transparent and smooth. It contains no ma terial injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Bold everywhere. Retell price, 50 ote. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS BARNES % 00, New York. THE' MASON. & LIN CABINET ORGANS, forty diiorcnt styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for SSO to $BOO each.— FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded thorn. Illustrated Catalogue free. Address, MASON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Sept. 12. . y New York Price Current. For August 27. Corroded weekly by J. R. HELFRICH,-' PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. BUTTER.. N.Y. State, Tube, fair to grod; per lb. 85 to 40 N. Y. State tubs, choice, " 43 to 45 Orange and Sussex, pails, " 60 to 55 Western Roserve, choice, " 33 to 35 North'n. Penna., good to choice, " 83 to 35 N. Y. State Welsh Tubs, " 41 to 42 N.Y. Suite FirkinsPvime for Shipping, " 43 to 45 Penun., in Pails and Tube Storo Packed 28 to 35 Western Reserve, White and Mixed, " 22 to 25 CIIEESE Factory choice and fancy new, " 18 to 1R " good . " 17 to 173 N. Y.State, diary, " lela to 11i skim milk, or poor, " 7 to 14 EGGS. Jersey .4 Ponna.paeked in chaff t peryloz. 28 to 30 Jersey& Penna. packed in oats, " 27 to 25 N. Y. State, packed, in good order, " 27 to 28 Ohio, packed—by express, to count, " 26 to 27 BEANS. Marrow,ohoice,full sized, per bush 02 lbs 2.50 to 2.00 Kidney, chome,full sited, " " 2.20 to 2.4 U Mediums, choice, (4 1.75 to 1 96 Mixed lots and common, " 50 to 1.00 DRIED FRUIT. Apples—N. Y. State, °hots*, per. !bin to 181 Apples —Joisey and Pennsylvania, " 10} to 17 Apples—Sliced " 20 to 21 Blackberries New, - " 29 to 30 Hagpherries do . ' " 12 to 45 Cherries pitted New, " 46 to 50 do pits in do " 8 to 12 Peaehos unpeeled old " 16 to 18 do pealed, do " 20 to 80 GREEN FRUITS. • Apples, do onmmou Pears, 801 l Convion BEESWAX Pare Flaxseed Clover, per bush. 58 lbs. 3.45 to 3.45 per lb' .11 to 123 TALLOW. In good Barrels, por lb. to 121 POULTRY. Ducks alive, per pairl.oo to 1.50 Alive aces°, per pair 2.00 to 3 00 Spring Chickens, per pair 02 to 1.0 , 1 • pring .Cbickons, small o 60 to •75 Fowls,per lb. 22, to 21 Turkeys " 24 to BUTTEB.--(With the Excepts on or tine lots,) the receipts are more than the requiremen). Tho effect has heon'the Market on Butter of medium and low grades. Good butter sells readily at our quota tions ; but it is with extreme difficulty that sales arc made, excopt it be of nice, fine, yellow, ll•esh made Butter. EGGS. —The receipts have been unusually heavy this meek, Ri naturally priers ruled lower. , We do not anticipate any change for the better for the coin ing week. RESTORE YOUR SIGHT ! S E DR. J. STEPHEN'S S CO.'S PATENT CORNEA RESTORERS Or, RESTORERS OF•THEEYE.4IOHT. They wilt Restore impaired Sig/d, and .Preserve it to the Latest !Wind of Life. SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. The most eminent Physic , tans, °enlists, Divines, and 4 1 the most prominent men of 7 .. .0 our country, recommend the , use of the CORNEA It.E.WOII.- - ERS for Preshyopla, or Far or Eoug-Sightedness, or every person who wears spectacles • --- from old age ; Dimness of Vis ion, or Blurting ; Overworked Eyes ; Aethenopia, or Weak Eyes ; Epiphom, or Watery Eyes ; Pain in the Eyeball ; Amatirosis, or Obscurity of Vision ; thotophObia, or. In tdierance of Light ; Weakness of the Retina and Optic Nerve; klyodesopia, or Specks or Moving bodies before the Eyes ; Oplithalmid, or Inflam mation of tiro Eye and Eye lids ; Cataract 'Eyes ; Hemio pla. or Partial Blindness ; Slaking of the Eyeball, and Imperfect Vision from the effects of Inflammation, tke, *Bed by any one with a certainty vithout the least fear of injury to the eye. More titan 0,05) certificates of cures are exhibited at our office. Cure guaranteed In every case when applied according to the directions • inclosed in each box, or the money will be re funded. Write jar a C'ireitlar—sent gratis. Address, Dr. J. STEPHENS & CO., Oculists, (P. 0. Box 926.) For sale et Rushton's Faintly Drug Store, No. 10 Astor House, corner of Barclay Street and Broadway, New York. Jitar Dn. J. STEPHENS & CO. have invented and patented a MYOPIA or CORNEA FLAT TENER, for the cure of NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS, which has proved a great success. Write for a ()uvular. • August 14, 1005. —lyr ME NOTICE. THE yearly meeting of the Stockholders of the Lehigh Water Gap Bridge Co., (for tho election of officers, &c.,) will be held on Monday, Sent. 1, 1866, at 1 o'eloek P. M., at the public house of C. Reese, Esq., Lehigh Gap. 'lho Company's Transfer Bock will he closed from Sept. Ist to Sept. 6th, inclusive: IL J. HANKEE, —augl4-311 Treasurer L. W. O. Bridge Co. WANTED.—In a popular Dry Goodm , EH lablishment in Philadelphia, an energetic young man•posiessing a knowledge of business as salesman in the Wholesale Department. Apply or address with reference, CURWEN STODDARD BROTHER. No's• 450 452 ,15 454 North Second street above Willow, Philadelphia. . • ,',, / . ir:47o - //,••• I • P/ ' e '' I //' e . CP / . , ige • ' 4 •ge Pie( /; • 401W/wadi 01 , 41 , 44 Q C / • il e fttay(fte; - '` /millet lON 16116 L per bbl. 3.50 to 4.50 1.50 to 2.60 " - 5.5010 0.50 " 3.0& to 4.00 per lb. 38 to 39 SEEDS -aug 14th, 3t MEM BARNES ' & SON, Cor., of Hatrilltott &'6th Sts., ALLENTOWN, PA., DEALERS IN Drugs, Chemicals & Paints, WHOLESALE AND R BAR EA Jr, SON'S DltliG STORE Is known in Allentown BARNES /IL SON'S DRUG STORE. Is known throughout tohigh county BARNES dc SON'S DRUU STORE , Is the place to got pure Drugs DATINtiS SIA'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got fine and fresh Drugs BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get cheap Drugs BARNES h SON'S DRUG STORE: Is the place to get good and reliable Medicines BARNES it; SON'S DRUG STORE )Ts the placo to got proscriptions compounded BARNES d; SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Perfuniery,and Fancy Articles BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to getany genuine Patent Medicines BARNES 4: SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get bye Stuffs. BARNES h SONS DRUG STORE Is the place to get Trusses, Supporters Shoulder BARNES Sc SON'S DRUG STORE Is tho placo td get puro Wines and 'Liquors for Me . dical Purposes. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE is tho place to got Paints and Oils. BARNES dc, SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Window Glass and Putty. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got the host Varnishes. BARNES 1 SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place for country morchants to obtain BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place for Physicians to obtain supplies BARNES & SOWS DRUG STORE Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants • to obtain their supplies of Kerosene Oil, Sal Soda, Concentrated Lye, Pure Ground Spices, Matches, &gra, Shoe Blacking, Bicarb. Soda, Salaratue, Alcohol, Lard and Whale Oil,Neat's Foot Oil,Castile Soap, Indigo, Bath Bricks, Stove Lustre, White Chalk, Cream Tartar, Ref 'd Saltpetre, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Ref'd Borax, Camphor, Sweet Oil, Black Ink, Essences, Se., Ace., oo= FARMEIIS At Barna & &We Drug Store—You can buy your Cattle i'owitere At Barnes d Son's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating Oils, for Machinery. At Barnes & Rona Drug Store—You can buy Potash and soda Ash, At Barnes & Son'ti Drug Store—You eau buy relia- ble Family Medicines At Barnes & Son's Drug Store—Will' be found a full supply of all articles used in the PAINTING BUSINESS. v• At BARNES ,t: SON'S DRUG' , . IN. STORE is the place to find all I .7 1 . 40 the popular Patent Medicines "''' 1 4 , and hair Restoratives of the zilE I day. Wisharts Pine Tree Taro4l 1 , Cordiabnunter's Worm Cakes, py. 0' m i Reinhold's Extract Buchu, Dr. ' 0 •;.; 4 11 loTs, I Ruse's Family Medioinet,l, Ay- p 0 41'' er's Cherry Peetorial,Sarsapa • rills and . Pills, Dr : , Jayne's Z oMedieine., lloolland ti German P.l , 1 Bitters, Woods Bair Restora- oi 15 tive,Sterling Anihrosia,Mor- eel 11 4 chant's Gargling, Oil, etc. r. Vo would call attention to the fact that wo aro constantly receiving fresh goods from Philadelphia and other markets, and wc.are able to COMPETE WITH ANY OPPOSITION Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon this house, Vll3 hope, through the favor of a discrim inating public, to merit a continuance of the same. Our ondeavors shall always be to •PLEASE ALL, and to furnish Ruive AstiiO4, at UM Rr t kOa july24tf.f BARNES & SON. PEItIVIAN OHIO SUBSTITUTE! RI!MGR'S 3ELZILIiNT 3EtC).MT3EI Super-Phosphate of Lime! ? BA DE MARK ':.j I'. After more than twelve years of constant use, this highly co wen trate(' manure has attained a wide spread reputation as a Substitute for Peruvian Guano. Being fecund active in its operation, andof great du rability. It does not exhaust the soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish the fact of its being relied upon by a wide circle of agriculturists to supply all wants in the direction of manures for every crop. BAUGH' & SONS, Sole Manufacturers arc Proprietors, Office, NO. 20, South Delftware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. Price $56 per 2000 lbs., Cash, JUST PUBLISHED, the Elth edition of our now pamphlet, "How to Maintain the Fertility of Anteri can Farms and Planlations,"—fitrnishod free upon application to us or our Agents. BAUGH. t SONS, .20 South Delaware avenue, PHILADELPHIA. July 21, istio. —3m NEWtcßik MANUFACTURERS DEPOT, No. 85 Centro fitreet, NEW YORK. UALLEABLE and Grey Iron Castings, Machine ry and Hardware, Trunkmakers' Tools, and supplies Shoemakers and Saddlers tools, Carriage Castings, Whee's, Spokes, Hubs, Axles he., Twist Drills and Patent Chucks. . Dun26-3m BARUETT'S Mafttb,to and Gray tom Foundry and Machine Shop, lIARILTON, McWIIORTEIt an() BRUHN STS., NEWARK, 1 ATHES, Shaping Machines, Drills, Foot, Drop, iJ Scrow and Hand Pressen, on hand and made to order. STORE: t 35 CENTRE STREET jun26-!itn.) NEW YORK. S AMUEL M. RITTER. ' WHOLESALE MASUFACTUHER OF - LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. ArATAL VOILIC GUARANTEEIWIEti 727 NORTH THIRD STREET,THIL'A. Juno 12, 1206. —Cm PURE' LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— The'Whltest, the most durable and the most econom-+ Ical.'Trylt ! Manufactured only by Ziegler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass' Dealer!' jno3o-10 No. 737 N. Third St., 'Ailed!' MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Essay of Warning and Instruction fer Young Menl Al so, Diseases and Aimee .which prostrato the vital powers, with sure therms of relief. Font frre of charge In sealed letter r.drelopen. is &Irene J. fign i tti •llottnittnN ) ittownnt A Hue latioa r Vhll. ROlOlllOl K. Atfil tdon.l,v OR LIFE-REJUVENATOR. This preparation is unevaled as a Rejuvenator ond iteitaror of wasted or limit functions. The ild ho certain tt make the'Diokeano a heucebold god, inasmuch as it will render them youthful in feeling and in strength,and arable them to live dvei iiirain the dafertheir pris . inc ioy. It not only exhilarates but strengthaus, and is really an invaluable blessing, espocially to those who have been reduced to a condition of servility, self-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impoteheY of any human organ, this superb preparation will, remove tho effect at once and forever. • . cures Impotency, General Debility, Nervous Inca paolty, Dyspepsia, Depreision, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, ‘Veaknoss of the Organs oLgeneration, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, Einaofalion. It has kunst delightful, desirable and novel olfoct upon the nervous system : and all who are in any way prostrated by nortous disabilities, are earnestly ad. vised to seek a cure in this most excellent and une• quailed preparation.. Poraona who, by imprudonco, havo lost their nal= ural vigor, will find a apOody and pornianont ouro in the • BIOXIELENE. The Feeble, tho .Lnaguld; the Dlspairlng, the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial; it will bo found totally different from all other articles for the sumo purposes. ro. Porn a lea. —This preparation is invaluable in nervous weakness of all kinds; as it' will restore tie wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a"rand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia with the first dose. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree o perfect health and.bunish Dyspepsia foreior. One Dollar 'per bottle, or six bottles for $5. od'•` Sold in Allentown by Lewis Schmidt 4 Co., and Druggists generally. Seat by express anywhere, by addressing IIUfLatINGS do lIILLYEII, Proprietors, 21 Doy Street, New York. November 1,186551 y Brace, supplice LIFEEALTII--STREIGri LIPEARLTRATREIGIII, lITHEALTIFSTqIGrII, 'Hundreds and thousantla'ahnually die premature ly, when, if they would give the Great Frtuch Rem edy. DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S GELEERATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Faranpiere .s Dupont, No. 2.!4 Rue Lombard, Paris; from the prescription of Dr. Juan De'atnarro, Chief Physician of tho Hospital du Nord ou Lariboisiore a fair trial, they would find hauled', ato relief, and, In a short limo, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is csed in till practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform success, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Specific .Itemody for all persona suffering from General or Sexual Debility, all derangements of the Neryou Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrinea or Seminal Emissions, all Weaknesses ariainialiom Sexual Excesses, or youthfuL indiscretions. Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous. 'piss, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, Dimness of Vision„ Dysterics," Pains in the Bank and Limbs Impotency, &c. No language can convoy an adequate idea of the immo unto and almost miraculous change it °cert.: sions to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned,' Suffer no more, but use Who Great French Reme dy; it will effect a cure where all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt. ful to the most delicate constitution. Pamphlets, containing full partioulara .and.direc tions for using, in English, French, Spanish and Gorman, accompany each box, and ulso soot free to any address whon requested. Prico ono dollar per box ; six boxes for fivo dol lars. • Sold by ullDruggiate thr tuithout the world; or will be sent by mail, securely scaled from all miser station, by enclosing specified price, to any author ized agents. Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. Propriotorb' exclusive:Agents for America, OS CAR G. MOSES rt C0..27 Courtlandt St., N. Y. Authorized Agents for Allentown, BARNES A SON ;. Bethlehem, EDW. T. 111. EYERS. [apr2•ly NOW IS YOUR TIME ! Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! TIN WARE! TIN WARE! ! WILLIAM! G. BITTEIL Dialer in 'Stoves, and Ma2uriczctu- rer.of Tin and :Qopper,.Ware, RETURN h B , thanks t fo t r , the i v t er i n i libernr t the mule'ti r l ' Ni g •e c tih t l i t L ut ° llo ° l ' l ° llc L e x t ' e n t ' ll e t. citizen; and of L ' o ' high county and the inthlie iu general, that ho has remov ed his Store to No. 77 WEST ILIMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA,, a low doors east of Snyder's Blhelc Boar hotel, where he has greatly increased his atoelc , and enlarged his manutoeturing abilities, and now has on hand for the fall and' wintor scaiton, • STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, including the Excelsior Cooking Stove. which is in every respect superior to any Stove now in market; Fire Board'Heaters for warming from two Or three rooms; Hot Air Furnaces for heating entire houses, and Ranges—in short, all kinds of Cooking, Parlor, Dal-acorn and Of- Aleop HOLLOW WARE • all kinds and sizes, lined and enamelled; Brats Ket tles. and all kinds of castings for repairing Stoves, Cylinders, Fire bricks, Coal Kettles. Shovels, die. TIN AND COPPER WAVLE of all kinds and descriptions, made of the best 111.a terials, Boilers with copper. Japanned ware, In Short everything in the Tin and Copper Ware lino that may be needed in a tinnily, all of his own manufac ture, and at prices lower than any other town estab lishment can afford to sea. Come and:inspect pri ces before you pnreha,te elsewhere. Having for many years been the fitretnan in the establishment of the late Maj. Ettinger, dee'd., may be taken 3an evidence that he is thoroughly con versant with the business, and that his work can be excelled by no one. TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING promptly oxecutul and in the be,t and most work manlike manlier. and at the lowest possible primes. Casting. Pewter, Copper and Tin taken in exehange . at the highest wires. Allentown, Aug. 21. ' —3m Orl►lnans' Court; Sale, B • y VIRTUE and in pursuance of an order Issu e d out of the Orphan's Court or the County of Le high, there will be exposed to politic sale, on Satur day the Ist day-of September next, at I o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises . , a certain messuage tenement and but ofgronml with the appurtenances, situate iu the Borough of Catasattqua, in the county of Lehigh, aforesaid, bounded on the cast by a lot of 11. D. Yeager, on the west by lot of David Williams, on the south by a public alley and on the north by Bridge, street; containing ill frontwm said Bridge street 60 feet and in depth 186 feet. The hnprovementS thereon consist of a double two story frame dwelling house, 411 by 20 feet, n frame dwelling house ] s by 20, and a frame shop 20 by 30, There is a variety of choice fruit trees on the lot. Being the Heal lishte ofJohn A. Wilson, dee'd., late ol' the borough and county aforesaid. Terms on the day and at the place of sale and due attendance given by JOHN HUNTER. 1 Ad,,;• r „ L. W. LONO, f By Orde• of the Court-01:0. WAIARTZEL, Clerk. August 7, IStld. —:lw SEUARS !! 34,000 No. 1. [HE subscriber, at Entails, offers for sale :1.1,001) good segars, one year and a half old, pet up in box.cu 100 mb, superbly labeled. The ecgar!i are pronounced excellent by competent judges.. Theimintifacturer being a cripple. be cannot take samples around to exhibit, he therefore would invite buyers to call and examine his stock before parches ingehiewhere, or send orders. julyl7-tf JESSE ZELLNER, Eutaw, Pa. E PENSION TO WIDOWS • I-. idows arc now untitled to an increased Pension per month for each child of the soldier under 16 yeurs'of age. To be obtained upon application in • person or by letter, to thu Alilitary and Naval Agency, No. 427 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. • ••• JOS. E. DEVITT J CO. August 14, 1867. —lm $2OOO A YEAR undo by any ono with sl3 Stencil Toolg. No experience necessa- The PrePidents, Treneurerx and Clishiere of l Danko inilerne the eireitlitr6 few) with maniples. Ad -0,2,4 th,„km r rivar +10ing119,11.1 ) Vet .itity 01 um fice Stoves. THE CHEAP ALLENTOWN BOOK STOL T. V. RHOADS, Agent, No. 31 Wost Hamilton Stieet, AT the Moro of tho subscribor will be kept con. stantly on hadd, at the very lowest prices, in the most ologant and also in common binding. ALL . KINDS OF &WOOL BOOKS, Such as complete series of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, • • Wile " • MeGuffies' " t Greenleara Arithmatica, " Algol4as, Monteith's Geography, Colton's Mitchell's Geography and Atlas, aratainar4-4.,, : --- • Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brouk's Nortnal-Arlthtnetic,. " . Mental It Specimen OoPy - Bookit, Potter & Hammond's Books, : ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inkstands, Sind coxes. Writing sand; Steel Pori, Quills, Lend Per alls, • ti•stos and Poncils,Slate Rub bers,. Pen folders, Gold Pena. and Pencils, • Drawing Pencils, Gum- • Rubbers, sealing Wax, Water • Colors, Tope Measures,lndelible Ink,Pocket Knives, Cellar Pins,troebet Needies,Tootbricks,oto. Also . a spHndid' lot of Pocket Books, including every kind deered— ! alt of the very ,best quality anu at the lowest prices. Also a large selection of. ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, Testaments, Reformed and Lutboran Liturgies, as well as all kinds of Hymn nod Prayer Books Also all kinds of Music Books; such as the Gold. en Chain, Sunday School .No. I and 2, Day School Bell, choral Harp; also Smauk's Weber's German Church Music Books. All kinds of Foreign Books. Such as Latin Rea ling Books, Latin Grammars, Greek Grammars, Bullion's, Anthon'a QuiFats, SUNDELV SCHOOL MOONS. • A full assortment of Sunday School Books, in cluding oil tho publications 01 the American Tract Socioty,lho American Sunday School "Union" and the "Pennsylvania Bible Sudety." Particularly' does he wish to say that ho has splendid Libraries and Roward Tickots on hand, EUC:I as have ncvor boon kept on sale in this town. before. BLANK BOOKS. • 110 has a splendid lot, and of the very best qual ity. They aro of all sizes, and con be obtained full or half.baund. MENEORANDUK BOOKS. No one will deny that he has the most splendid assortment of Memorandam.Bonlis or ovary descrip tion oh hand, that can bd founit at any place except Now York and Phi/adalptda. ALBUMS I ALBUMS The largest stock of Phot3gfaph Albums that bee over been seenin Allentown,,can ho found-atll.hoade' Cheap Book. Store., To describe them lip impossible —they !Mast be seen; and if se, evefy ono will at once say that they are the NICLIFIT and CUEAPEST they ever saw. At the same place thero aro also over .Photographs, and also frames and a splendid tifsertnuint of large Pictures for safe. %W ALL PAPER : Over 200, different patterns of Wail Paper and Borders alio also au this Cheap Book Store, as well as hundrods of other tulle es too numerous to men tion. A very largo variety of WINDOW CURTAINS Over 200 different patterns. BRUSHES!" BRUSHES! ! A large variety of flair Bruins. Tooth Brushes, and Combs of every description. By strict a'tontion to his business, low prices and good goods, he hopes to merit hie slin) of public patronage, which ho will always keep in gratoful romemberanco. T. V. RIIOADS, April 21, 1588 —t.f J.A.QRSON'S WASHING- COMPOUND! I.IE undersigned tyishea to announce to the,pdhlie that ha has taken the•Ageney of this valuable eohipountVand now offers FAMILY lITOHTS for sale. Thin flOmponiid . bas in many places almost universally come into use, resulting in a Treat • • reat Saving, of,Labor and Time, • end iirOving far less• destructive to Welding apparel, (lien the obi mode of waShing. By thin method the Finest Linens, Laces, Cambrics etc.. can be readily and easily clemied with very little trouble. No need of rubbing the chin oir your hands and tearing the clothes to pieces. It will wash in hard and ,oft weer. Clothes need boiling bat a few minutes, and but very little it' any rubbing with the hands; thus ovoid their, wear on the wash-board. It refinoven Paint, Ureasc, or steins of all kinds. It does not injure the color. . It i$ not only better than ordinary soap, but much cheaper, Bice it a trial and you will use nothing. else. It positively will not injure the elothes,,as many have given it 0 f,tir trial for several yeare, and it speaks for itself. The compound cannot be ttharp ulien every pound of ingredient: , requires SO gallons of water. _.:;_'ler" Persons who have used it desiring to net as sub-agents among. their neighbors and friends, by making application to me will he rinthorized to do and receive a commission of 10 per cent. 4 artLy sli fcg , a Family Right. B. MARTENS, Ag't., • Allentown, Pa. Penna. Collegiate Institute. Itcv. M. L. IL,realtD; A. X, PRINCIPAT A llentoen, rrnEnext sc riva of this institution will open Sep tentber 41.11, with Iler7 Lind increased opportuni ties for instruction on all the branches of a er , :inmon and higher English (Attention ; Breek, Latin, Ger- Man, French. M116h . , Military Drill, Book- keeping. by single and double Entry, .te.. A TELD:RAPIIIr DEPARTMENT . . in charge of an cx . pericticed instructor with a com plete rot of append Us, will he added to the former advantages ot the institution, affording pupils a full course of instruction in Telegraphing, the general principles of electricity and magnetism, the adjust ment of Instruments, combination of circuits, hatter ies,docation of breaks, escapes, &c. • The Young Ludies' Department offers a course of instruetion in English 'Mathematical &dental° Stud ies, Oreck. Latin Berman, French, Music, Ornament al Wax Fruit end Flowers,linir work, ntinting., etc., equal to the,best MalOOli in the State. August 14,186(1. —3w FX TRA BOUNTY TO • NVIDOIVS! FATIIERS ! MOTIIERS AND .M.I.NOIt CIIILDItEN! Bounty Bill just passed gives till soldiers who en listed for three years, since April 10,1061, and serv ed their full term of service, or were discharged be- Mre the expiration of said term of service en account of wounds received in the line of duty, and received One hundred Dollars Bounty and no more, arc now entitled to an extra bounty of ONE DEMMER DOL LARS. 'Widows, Fathers, Mothers, and Minor child ren of deceased soldiers who enlisted for three yens as above, and died in the service or from disease M. wounds contracted in the service and line of duty, are entitled to the above extra Oxr.llu;innym DOL LARS. ...%-.14..T0 he obtained uptin application in perFon or by letter to the Military and Naval Agency, No 427 Walnut Bt., Philadelphia. _ _ JOtiEPII E. DEVITT gis CO. August lith, 18130 N O T.ICE. NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas, of Lehigh county, to incorporate "The Lehigh Mason io Library Association"' and that said Court will act upon said appliCation at its next term, and if no sufficient reason nu shown to the contrary, will grout the charter of ineorpgration rayed for. By the Court—lisxi.in /4311t10, Prothonotary. Aug. 21, HIM . —3w. Olt BOUNTY, PENSION, INCREASE Or PENSIONS, AND ARREARS OF PAY, )b - i 'ltiZlll MONEY,'or for the prosecution ofaziy claim whatever against the National Government, or that iif any State, arising out of the late war, or any pre vious one, e4pectulty that of 1812, all persons would do'wellto apply to thu Military and Naval Agency of JOSEPH E,EVITT ,L CO., No. 427 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. All iaformationand ativico given free of charge. August 7, MIS. 3ts. CIDER MILLS, FRUIT PRESSES, AP PLR PASSERS %to., for tale by b. tANDIttrII & EON, 2i h 28 8, fitii qt;dl4:lthi bntirevnhet nntl1(110 ; PhIIK; Miller, Schreiber it' Coo l - -AT THE NEW YORK: STOK E, No. 10 East Hamilton Street, ALLENTOWN, PA., Are now ?miring their MOW 8T 6Z of • l e ANIIIVAIII. Milli- I I ). whion deo,. have bought at 25 tolo per cent, 1000 than they could bo bought for, and aup Rol! propar. ad to give their customers the advantages of out LOW PURCIIIIII. We soll^Goodk.oheaper than any bonito in Alta. town ' sell better GOods and don't wish to bonite.of What we do, only come and see for yourselves. ' , lover before was preheated to the public, such an attractive an i elegant auortment of DR ES GOODS Consliting in pad of FINE, FEENCIi assorted and light colors._ , .1 MUSLIN DE LADIES, .; UNION PLAIDS in Ohocod and Scotch Plaids All Wool Do Laines:: AND • Mourning Goods, A groat varlet:) , of L idles', Misses' and Ohl WOOLEN SHAWLS, BALMORALS, • &e. • . to addition to tho above will be found the Wk. ost stork of Brown and Bleached Mueline, • Tiokinge, Denims, Striped and Checked Shirting, Canton Flannel', • Prints, • Gingham, Woolen Flannels, • Cassirneres, and Cloth • Ever shown in Allentown Our Cloths. Cullman' and Flannels aro cheaper and superior to. Anything offered at ary other establishment in town. Como whore you can get Goods at. Oleos that ensure ,a randy and satiefaotory Bale. Our. stook to complete and offers groat iniluoemente. .Wheit jos am ready to buy, tan in 'with' thqozowd azd.bring up at the Store Is; o. 35 East Ili Mltifin Stmt. M ILLER, • SCHREIBER x.OO. January 2, 1836. wt MW STORI IN ALLENTOWN!: JUST OPENED Liver &Stecke' At LION HALL, No, 20 east Hullltiut Met HAVE opened a new DRY GOODS and CFRO ORRY store. All of their stock le nIW rind fresh, and has boon purchased for oash at the ent reduced prim./ which will enable them to 11 at greatly reduced rates. Among their Dress Goods will be found some of the latest and most fasidaas. blo styles, comprising . T: Silks, Mohair Leno, Leno Voyage, Grenadine, • " Lono Melange, All Wool Dahlias, •r. Amuros, Melange, , Plain and Figured Poplins. Bradley's Improved Duplex Hoop SWUM Also a full line of !IVILMILDVISSI Consisting in part of .• Cassimeres, Tweeds, - ) Kentucky ' ' "0644:Titans Ate. , • Domestic ..Goods, nail as Tiokings, Flannels, V . Sheetiggs, • `• • Pio*, dtc4 - 4e. . , Terms are CASH I" 'tai.cOUNTRY • PRODUCE taken in exchange for gowle. • ' • e Wm. R. LAWNITI, April 17, Consult Your Interest In Buying 'oo6dtili Metzger & Osman Hove just opened at their TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT; NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STR,pET,; ALLEArtoWN, THEIR SPRING STOOK- OP • CLOTHS, cAsstmEtoo VESTINCS, &0.,• &0., which will be 11, Made up to Order, 1 IA TUE LATEST STYLES, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN. at the shortest notice. Lin ADV=MLIDE (BILTRMEIIMB.* NM HITHER' 11111811110 SOLD CHEAPER TUAN EVER. Call and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coate, Cheapest Vests, ' Cheapest Pants, , , Cheapest Overalls, • Cheapest Cloths,. Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs * Cheapest Hosiery, Ch , apeet Gloves, Cheapest Umbrsllss, ato., etc., eta; etti. Our dock isnutelt heavier and better usorted this • EVER BEFORE-1, Don't forget the place, No. 88 But Hamilton att l p next door to the "Independent Reptiblikanzar.“ • METZGER it OBMAN. NATnAn the arm Of Vault Metzger. -• • TILGHMAN OSMAN, lately head anger at Ms WA. lishment of Troxell dc Metzger. Allonto.in. Aug. 8, 1865 Application for Charter. In the matter of the application) ' In the Court of John Swartz et al, for a I Common Pleaaof charter of Incorporation of the - Lehigh ccatnty;if "Union Beneficial Society" of 'April term. tho First Ward, Allentown. . .. An now, August 2, 1866, the' ktild Instrument of writing having been presented to the Conticanla perused anti examined by them, and the objects, sr tides and conditions therein set forth 'Taring lawful aucl not injurious to the community , tle di rected that the said writing be filed ii the officio or the Prothenotry of the Court of Common Pleas oflo• high county, and that notice be given in one news paper published it Lehigh oounty for at least this. weeks, setting foith that an application has bsai4t made to this court to grant tho. charter of incorpor ation prayed for, and that the court will act Oa (b. application at the September term ~_, y order of the Court—EBAIAR listlitto; Clerk: August 7, 1800. ' . DMINISTRA.TOR'S NOTlon.,4fts tioo is hereby given that the underslgsioChilill taken out letters of Administration-in thirostati . of HENRY 11101RITZS, deo'd (lite oflirailddifoli township, Lehigh county; Utensil porsooeirlio are indebted,to said estate, • roguestoll payment within six weekaltoni thrkilataboroalollii such who have any legal claims against said settle will present them well authenticated for settlantoot within the above specified time. auv2l-6wl, HARRISON RENRITZH, FICURNIP SEED, km onbp, of our own J r growth, irdrninted, for redo by D. LANDRETIL k SON, 21 k 3 &sock bettors:l Markot and Obeetndijilnnu:, ..• • /ME , WlL,R.iSszczau ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers