1 ... AN j: Ai f yr:, ' 11° ,3 1 110T ffi I PE , s ~_•« IF: :flit l :,,- ': ; F 'MO INvittr : -* - - ---, v.,....— , •• : • j. I i ' 151 *a ; .-.41-,... F .::...t....- 7 -11 Or Worn %, . • oh . ri , ntfidt with children an, adu•to, attributed to of , .. cause .# 569 L occasioned by Worms. •' . • • , ‘,04,,0 10 :. ,121111 o," Three Dally Trains Allentotol o liladeTphi although ,offeatual in ,'`` . _,,,, ",-,,• •• don DASSENGEIt i,i • 1 ~, •,, L. :, .1 possible Injury to the mo. . V,,,,,,, 7 ' 11 ...N 'C' . val. L trains pass ,'%. i' l l '. c a etl . .t! ' • 4 1 „„ noble combination has been `',„.‘ — ' l7 ` l. , Itl: :IV- boon, and 5.6.• .. 1. . / 1 " ' , . ~ , r , ~ , e Malawi, and found to bo sty ir"/_... _ 41 .4**,'4 . 1 9, — ,._. the trains of N. P. R. It. at Dothichem and arrive worms, so hurtful to child .. • :•,:..... 7 -.7 1- ',..! -.,.,.''''''-' in Phihniolphtsent , ll4o.a: rtr., 2.'80 and 8:40 Pliti.;"'• Children having Wi rm illiiiiiedilliflatim- res pectively. . tion, as neglect of the trouble o (stimulates felelotiged Pas4engertv foteitiyb4ltowrr , take!.6 06. tt. In. train 131* " 1 " / ' ' fi t I's(' ... • •- --. ~ Ito thlobtnil mid snak; :ecnecotion Itt P Lillieltie ie. Symptoms glipARI Chk e n are oflOever- ~,,,d n return to :Allentown the smite evening. looked. Wor neat dumb an botvoltic ante) ie. Al assenger Trains (edooPtSund Ey Train ec,) oon ritation, which can.lm„removp,Lopig „hrtho use-of a coot at Berim street, Philadelptuniwith trtlx• Mid- 6th . euro remedy. The othhhinittlai tottngredients•used itroot City Passongor Rail IrtlYi. ' ' ' ' in.making amwtOstlittrailfuge.Cteallts" is such as , ,'RETURNING. . ' • • to givo the bbs,bwirselldsoeffubtwith4nfoty. , ~. CUR'fIS .VI3.IOITHI, Pr o prietors, Now. "1”,0rk.-- , , Leah theta* Depot, 'l%lrd - street, above Thom? on, Philadelphia at 7.80 a. tn.", and 5.16 p. tn., arriv -86 d•hy all delltlFEtiftyPd,i o lurf) itt.‘ 23 °hi'. 114)° ' ' '''' , ' pgin Allentown -at 10.31 rt. M., end 8.210'p.m., re- May 22 1866. —4' • Yeat." epeo 1 1 y. • LOCAL SOUBDULEts• s , ,-•- *••• Threi Through 'Trains Daily; fluttayo MiCApt#s4.] Pareangor trains• leteve the •ntrw Depot, Third street; Philadelphia. ... ; . • - • t _ For) Bethlehem, at 7.86 a. m.,, 8.80 p. in., tine 515 P. Id. ' . • . ~- . . FQD Doylestown at 5.35 a.,ra.,and 2.30,4,15 p. in. For Lansdale at 6.15 p. m. • ‘ , For,Fort 'Washington at 11 p.m. TRAINS ,EOR,PIIILADIMPIIIA. . . Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 a. m. 12.55 noon and 11.15 p. m. Leave, Doylestown at 6.40 a. m., 3.15, and 5.30 p. m. Leave Lansdalo a t 0.00 n: tti.r '..7' n" -.`•' " " Fort Washington, at 2,15 p. m. 1 . 0.5 . 6 . a. in. Faro—Allontown. ' to Philadelphia, ....• i .. !81 . 81 ELLIS OLARK,;Agord. '1 lt &IPE I VINit.,, - (11111) Lehigh Valley Railroad, • 'Mali . _ _ r 4 0 ; _a.v ro : ILI: , a- r• ..r ::.4 ; •:4 a SUMMER ARRAI , I4EMES•I 4 B I -1 800 . On and after Monday, , May 21st, 1868, Passenger Trains of the Lehigh Vail t..,V•Railhlird Comport!, will run in connection with thot several:roads running to Wilkosbarro, New York and Phil tdelphia, as fol lows : DOWN OR EASTWARP,TR44NS. N9‘ , 5 1 •;. ! No. 7. No, 9 Leavel l l. ,A. M., P. M, Wilkes BariFtf," „, ' 1 9. - 09 • 1.15' • ' • Whits Haven •••• ' " • -COO ••, 00 Tannery " • 4.66' , 5.06 ' • Hickory Run . • 0.45 ' 3.10 Mud Run 9.51 '8.22 Rockport 10.00 8.31 Shenandoah, 2. 10 Mahanoy, City, I' • 2.15'• : _ „__., Andenried, '"•• ' '2OO ‘ Jeanesville i '' • 2.15' • Beaver Mettathf"O` ll ' • - 2.35 • 'As Weatherly. 8.25 - • 3.20 m Penn Haverr"' . •4`` ,_ 10:24" "93 .5 • Mauch ChM * 1.,; " : 4•280 "• 10;42 4.25 14 '' Lehighton •" " 10.57 4.35 Parryville ,K1..14146 • i 441 • Its Lehigh Gott a 4.58 Slatington ' ; '1,54 . 11:20 '5,02' Rookdale ,933 Laury's ,:5,27 . ' , . 5.23 Whitehall ft:34 , 5.30 'Ooplay - 5.98 1E42 5.34 Hokendanqua 5 42 5.38 Oatasauqua 810016 fr,•,'l l l.of 5.41 , Allen Furnace 5. 4 ' ' 5.80 Allentown 0 1"''''''''6:08 •11.5 T • 5.55 1.10 Bethlehem • •'"11.15 12.13 6.15 1.20 Freomansburg .137atesii . '6 24 • Easton 9.44 12.43 6.45 2.00 Philadelichre 2.31 9.45 New York,'"''' "I,p' try " 1 4.10 10.45 6.00 No. 5.-4eupit 33othletiem at ,12.40 ; rroolnans barg 12.49 i s g#A9gr 1.154 . New . orl 540: UP 4 1911 , WBSTWARD•TRAINS. .. . STATIONft No. S. NO; 6. No.lo. No. 2. 14. 4. Leave A. ne, ct. 21. , 7;. P. M. A. M. -P., U. Now York,..la:-- ' , :15740,12.00 4.00 9.00. 8.0.0 PhiladelphLYl ;.-;.1..ti,.7.19 - • : 5.15 Easton 9.47 3.25 7.40 11.550 11.24 Proomandrarg 11).07. , 349 T SAO ; - -. ;-. Bethlehem , 113.20 '' - '4'.00 - 8.15 12;21 -' 11.68 Allentown 4. ..A 011 1 , 10M '4.lb . •8.30 12.35 12.04 Allentown Fnitiihe 7 . 7 " . - 4.20 8:34 • co Cataeauqurilv , dio 07e.47':' 428 ~ 8.42 • l' Hokendeuqua 10.53 4.33 8.47 . .e. Copley fOa Ma -8.51 , ;•. ~ ... i.•,- . .. Whitehall 110 C r, ' ite,46 •••• '8.56 :. •-,, ' „ l., , Laury'a it il 1..,..11;111 , .4.60 9.114. . .2 .... Reekdale "shath.i4lll.l9,r , 5 , 00 9.14, . P., Blatington 4 ,l .iire , •111t21 . 6.12. 9.25 . 1 , Lehigh Gape 111 n 11.36 .6vlB .9.31 . . '''' Perryville osaoceril .48 . 5.33 9.45 • 4. Lehighton ot,-.10 .Th',41.65 fag .9.50 e.....p4 Mauch 0hu11e.a..., .12:05 5.60. 10.00 1. . Peen Haven 12.32 6.13 Wcathaly , 12.51, .. Beaver Meadow Lt. 4 , ,,..,, ' .. .. Jeanaville , 1.39 Audanried,'" ''';9:'44 ~. Mahanoy dioc ' . 1.45 • . Shenandoalo"' l- ' 1.60 Rockportl2,s3 8.37 ~„ Mud Run ':' '. ' 1.02' . 0.46 Hickory Rut 1.07 6.52 Tannery 1.17 .7.01 . . White Haven • ~,,,- 1.23 7.57 At Wilkes' Wire , 2.3 0 ' 8.15 ;;(: CN,I.FECTIONS UontralWoad of New Jersey—All up and down trains ogniNtitaat Eru/ton with the trains of the Can tu! Railrond.of Now Jorsoy to and from Now York. North Peljuasylvinia Railroad —D•twa trains No. 1,5, ttnd 7,.atad up trains Nos. 2 and 8, connect at Bethiehem with trakqs for Philidelphia. Trains from Philadelphia itonneot at Bethlehem with down train No. 7 and with up trains Norf. 8 and 10. East Ponpsylania Railroad.—Down trains Nos. 1 and 5, atil Irlips. Nos. 2,4, 8 and 8, connect at Allentown wit h trains for Roadirtlrand llarrisbui4 Trains from Ilmillturz pad Reading comect at Al lentown with allanwn'tfafaa.' Belvidero Delaware Railroad.—Down trains Nos. 1, 3 and 5 emmectott Phillips'eurg with trains for PhiladelphiltalTrilns 'Philadelphia connect at Phillipsburg with up trains Nos. 2 an. 10, and trains from Betvidcro connect with up trains Ms. 6 and 8. ••?.- Catawissa Railroad.—Down train N0.,7 and up train No. 8 connookat.Quakalto Junction, with trains of the CatawiAtiHaH,road...,, Hazleton rtiiiiroad.-1/OWn trains Nos. 5 and 7, and up train No. 86Onneot with trains of the Lazio. ton Railroat Lehigh a Husquetoptua Railroad--Down trains Non. 5 and d 'tip trains Nos. 6 and 8, connect at White Haven, with trains of the 1 ehigh and Sus quehanna Railro4 to and from Willtosbarre: No change of cars betwebn' Willtesbarre and New York on up train No. 8 and down train No. 7. No change between Wilkosbarro and Philadelphia on up train No. 8 and dowartrain Na. 5. - • SAYRE, Supt. & Igng augcB2Bs. • • . RELitiIiN4".RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, Junc 1.86 c). G . EAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and North. West for Philadelphia, Now Y Reading, Potosillo, Tamaqua, Ashland, I,..banou, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Col: umbia, Ao., Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, us follows : At 8.00. 8.10 and 9 05 A.;31., and 2.10 and 9.15 I' . M., connecting with similar Trains.ou tho'PonnFyl vault& Rail Road, and arrlvidgat i Now York of 0.00, and 10.10 a. m., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 m.— Sleeping Oars accompanying the 8.00 a. m', and 9.- 15 p. m., trains, withodt diinge. Leave Harrisburg far Heading, Pottsvlllo, Tama. qua, Minersyttlitfi,Aehland;Pine °rove,. Allentown I and Philadolphia,..at. 8 10 a. m , and 2.10 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Lobarten and principal Wry Eta clone; the 4,04). uL, train making connections for - thilliMbia only. Far Potts ville, Haven' mad Auburn, v ia Schuyl kill and Susquehanna:Railroad, Isavo Harrisburg at 3.20 P. In. Returning: Leavb'NeW , York at 7.00 and 0.110 rt.ru4 12.00 noon,aod B.oo:p4n,;:ritiladelphia 6k.8.15 and 3.30 p. m. "Wappaasonger Train leaves Phila delphia at %Maki m:,"returning from Reading at .6.30 p. m.,iletepping at all . . Citations; Pottsville at 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m. ; Aahl:in 16 00 and 11 F.O and &dap, zet.•;%Tamaqua at 0.45 a. in. and 1.- and 8.55 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and gurquehanna-Railroad,.ut 7,00 a. in. Reading Accombirfaitlett ,Train ; Leaves Beading at 600 a m.,*retiOnitnil 1104 .rhilipielphiti at - 5 00, pm Colnnaula Railroill trains. hay.) Reading it 6 45 a.m., 12.05 noon iiiitPs:ls M.;lifir Ephrata Litt, Lancaster, Oolunirm, be., . On Sundays : Moe ) Netr.york nt 801 adelphia 800 a Watidl u kti, pro; ate 3,oo,ittu train ! running only to Reading. Pottsville a 00 a in, Ta magni 7 30g a_sa, Harrinhurg 9,05 n na and Reading at 1 33 a. ut,,,,a,nd 7.311 a M. for Harrisburg, and 10 52 a. m. for New York and 4.25 p. m. fur Phila.' delphia. Oommulgion,,Ailleage, Season., School and Ex cursion TWititigtp ntid fropa 'pollattl, at redneeif rater. „ . Baggegi,ohochad . through 80' pounds'allowed • each Passeng,ei. O . A. NICOLE'S, General Superintendent. Readintr”re,,,3, - .orm 25th. 1866. • East ,allroad, I . 1 12 1, , suApvtt'AititANaEidErrts..• • comfisoneirag.Tilonday,slio 214, 1866. • Dinol. rti - EzV / LYORIC Attll PITTIIIII3IIO 4rlllllol. t:r r ?ClikSiOr °Aug.- .. TRATNBIaW Allerilelin (Sundays except ed) n y i , i .110,anit 1 1.11,35,A,151.„,ang, at 124.5; 1 1..15 . . and 11.44 ;X.,' ThR.1,114,11,A, "gl y lnalte direct oOni Deadens al t . timi.shurg,jrer;Clial9bersiplfg,llagers: town and.pouKka,uh - cd r inherland road, Norther Galli-at llidith and South, and . tho 10.30 A. 47'14.6'7'5 and 11.- 41 P. M., 11 418 ~,ptern through to, litupfg . urithinlt Chaps° Of cars. T . hs 7.00 A. K. rrild' oinr at (ill elattioniiOCtlite road and ru..ko .r , go i tiopo r. gertoatling'for Port Clintt w ,ggrtild all pointy in t l'hls.Belittyr 7 kill coal r f,Tv rtilladelphill;and all 011 the Plana e a'a d "Itja'dideiTaßron.f lifdti for , , 1 Harrisburg, lalamberphurg,ll,ogerstolyo; Y ork, Het:: tyeburg, tHo it it glon,lVillinlnspott, And the \Veg. A Tho 4.15 t i l iti St,,,.tcaln ttps at all gations, connects at Readid trans foi' PdXteville . diebturabla... Ephrata, A •1 4 ali t ensteit, Tfarrfebiiii, "Se.' The " 11.44. P. 1 4`trtiln-lbaires daily (Flundays ineliidedv• for Reading, Harrisburg, and the . West. Passengers ardilkeittetstell l o p trehostothelittokete before entiltOnvAllto , eats:: as. Waller, fare, will be charged on Hie.llliis?. •,o+ • . Tieketakfidllaksta Alto. Mierdowd offal dos all points onsitialmottl,andAlkdiprblolpalllttloasust , tbp. Phila elphis Cad Reading, Lebanon Valley, and is c apsyirmi* railroads, Walt, Northorestr and 00104 0 1fIlltiPV 1112.06 / 0 114011514 En4'r, iNek, • • ICIG~..G~L•~'V'~3:~•' - ~'.'SSRt.`~~::iS:a."7~~'l+. alig/ 1- '.9, R. ' R. SEVEN GREAT BLESSINGS ECURED TO TSL :1144AN BACE R. BY ONE DOTTIE OF RADWAY'S E A 1) - Y,Ity LA Ky. Ist.—lf suddenly P oised with pain or sielcness, kb . ° use of RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will Safford ISIMEDIATE' , EASE and ) .. Iterniiriate the threatened disease. . ... 0d..--If suffering from any, acute - , inflematory, nMiralgie, rheumatic, miasmatic cr other disease, Whether Rheumatism or Neuralgia, Cholera Merlins,. Diarrhcha, Bilious Odle; Teter' nrid'Ague,'Weak iu the Limbh,`Baelt,Lsgs',lStraine, Brttises. Burns, or ,nny Pain or Inflrceity, Radtecry'p Ready Relief will quickly cure without eau-• less of time, change- of (Sot, et the use of 'etliel'medietres. subject to Headaches, Soot Taste in the NrcliSF;DiesitioseaSiekneen at Sternlieb, MelabohOlj, Fits, Triethaet.e; Less of Appetite General-Debility, Coldeese of the extremities, bwollea Jointsi Ner vousness, Restlestnes , Difficult Breathing, Asthma, Sore Tbrodt; Coughs, COlds,.-IRIMA se ; Diptberia Croup, Inflammation of the Bowels, Stomach, Kid neys, or Bladder, Railway's B ea dy R o lla • wi ll of.. ford immediate ease, and quickly auto thetomplaint, 4th.—Robbing. tfieWpine.—lf afflicted with Spinel difficultied Or with Diabetes, Incontinence' of Urine, irritation of the Bladder; Paralysis of the Spinettir or the Bludfer, Sluggishness of the Kidnees, ktu• chorrhos , Whites, Flour lilting, Falling of tle „Womb, and other• uterine diffinulties, Radvray's Aloofly Relief rubbed the entire length of the spine for ten or twenty iniatites,l.wiee a day, will cure the worst, eases. We have over 1000 well and au thenticated cases viboro Radwaya Ready Relief, by this m. thod of application, has 'effected permanent and speedy Me& sth.—All who, by exposure to bixl service, eith er Military, or naval, eatery:lie; or by the use of mercury, hive contracted painful diseases, and those suffering ftom Rheumatism in any form, pains in tho joints or limbs. Palsy or Paralysis, Weakness, Coldness in the Fortremitiori, end all piiinb nod aches, lameness, antiother infirmities will be quick ly oared by the use 'el Radivny's Ready Relief. oth.—lf t he community s thre ,toned with any infectious disease—either Small Pox, Yellow Fever, Typhus or Typhoid Fevers, Railway's Ready Relief is the. best disetifeetant to tho world, and a sure preventive, to those who use it, against attacks of those maladies. In cases of Inflammation of the Bowels, Bilious Colic, Painters' Colic, or any active inflammatory disease, the Ready Relief will imme diately afford ease and c -mfcqt, It possesses mark ed advantages over all preparations of opium, mor phine, veratrine, and other opiates and, narcotics. It lulls pain, by imparting strength and vigor to the system, and arousing the vital energies ton health ful action, instead of paralysing the perceptive fac• utiles, :lad making them insensil to to poi . Let those who would live and enjoy health use Iltieltoa.VE Ready Relief. iiit.•+-To•all who are sick and in pains, use the lle.l , cf:' It can do no harm, and will surely do good. Persons who aro weak. nervous and deuilitated, teaspoonful of the Ready Belief inn wino-glass of water will do you more good than all the Bitters in the Arid—keep you stomach clean and healthy, youe breath sweet, your,nervcs strouF, your spirits. happy, your cppetito good, abil•yOur digestion reg ular. A done taken at Bedtime will insure calm and pleasant weep. This Itotuedy is truly a Family medicine. It can be used with the positive asz unmet, of doing goad in all eases where pain or uneasiness exist. • It is the cheapose medie•no in tha world. • One fifty cent bottle contains more , medieino, ns wall as being a superior medicine, than sue dollar's worth of the ordinary pain -Hers, liniments, dc., of the day. Ono fifty cent bottle of Radway's•Ready Hefei will do more good, and can bo used for more pur poses, than ton dollars expended for any other med icine in use. READ WEAT ?A S. WSSTOOTT SAYF•, PIVEDUNDRED THOUSAND OTHERS SAY AN EXPERIENCED NURSE Ok' IVINCLIESTER--READ "Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pills do rut family more good than all the physic and doctors wo have hail for years. If I have the headache I tube It tdway's Ready Relief 'and one bottle of the I ills—in un hour I am all right; if phin in my bowels, Itadwny's Ready. Relief gives me ease and comfort ; if rhoumat bin I use the Relief;'if sore throat or horseness, I ace the Relief; if neulragic pains shoot about my Indy, retop them with the Relict: if I catch cold, I take the Relief; it tooth ache, or earache, or facoaeho, I apply the Relief in n few momenta the most severe pains are lulled. If my children fall and bruise or . .otherwize hurt themselves, the Relief removes traitkond discol oration of the skin; If they burn or sealdttlacui• solves, the Relief takes out the .lire and relieves them train anguish. I could not sleep .without bottle of 'Whitey's Ready Relief within my roach; so with the Pills, the very moment my stomach or bowels aro out °Corder. one of Itadway's lilt.; is all that I require to restore my system to , order and regttlarity." SOLD It Y ALL DRI.'tIOISIW, - AND ,s.r.No. t iIIAILEN LANE. August 1, 130. _ --ly SILVER AND PLATED !GOODS MOST SUPERI It ,170I3101.ANSIIIP, 2... , AT THE • 4 ...,..,,,,..,. to S k , AU, 70 4 arch Sired, \...e.1. 4 1 I ''' NILLADELi'IIIA. .iFli • The undersigned. (late of the famous Rogers Bros. Manufacturing Company,)respeutfullyannonnce that they havt opened a new and beautilu store for the sale of SILVER and PLATED WARE, at 704 Arch Stmt. Our lung experience as manufacturers will enable us to keep nothing but firSt-elass G ode and those who . mity pturonin our store will find, our plated goods far superior to any imported, and our cuetOthers may rely on the goods being precisely what they are represented to be. • - July BOWMAN A. LEONARD. MANUFACTURERS DEPOT, No. 85 Centre Street, mow. YORK. MALLEABLE rind Grey Iron Castings, Mnebine- IT.I ry and Hardware, Trindunakers".rools, and supplies Shoemakers Ond'Saddlers tonlF, Carriage Cahtings, Whee s, Spokes, nubs, Axles die., Twist DrillsAind Patent Chunks. ' ' Un.1120-3in oAniiETT'S gattetakta add 01 - qty Crcttt Foundpy and Machine Shop, -11A:MILTON; 111cIVIIORTER niul BIMEN STS., NEWARK, N. J. • • A:TIIES, ! Shaping Manhines, Drills, Foot, Drop, Snrew PrOFS , e, , m hand and milli to .order?'' STORX lib ClilaltE STREET I ._ I'DIV YIPILIC. - • PuYVE • WLUTE LLAI).` t6ill do more: and better.:worh at n•gleen .Cost, than any,othert Try 'Mantlfactured only by:..• •. " • ' ZIEuLEit & 13M I-1 1 1;;“ Nthcirie.sAmo Dnistr;Viftsri•o4atiilliv:Votitkisi ij'!;!-kIY J :7 Don't lose n good nom to o.aVO o dollar Ipr Pir-i11.46 THE S ME:I MRS. WESTCOTT, =I inimn NEWA,EM NSPMPTIVES, .111/1 , 1 ! • .• O , ii,EAD ; *}IAT DR. SCHENCK IS DOINEI4.r tat. J.II IMITENCK. • ssa:-1 1 Ttibi i V E a dt duty t f Owo 58N6 4 !.44 lit OAM peering under the (Massie' 'knoW,n ;as' • mption and Liver Complaint. to let them knew what great benefit; I hove rem trod from your Pot: 010010 Sirup and lioartood Irate iu so short atime. y,tlie blessing of (Jodie lin . enfold the this, fah.' Dr.,Schepolt, I will now inako my . etatemont to you, as followst—About eighteen month's ago I was attacked with'it torero' cough, and it sottldd on my tango; L conltthoefetain anythlng I ato, mid rut' fsred with ovoning thyme and night, sweats. kwatt vtpy mush reduced. '.'T whites Of icy eyes were vary. yollofr ; likewiSe my skin; my hppctito all gone and unable to 'digest what I did i3at ;:bowolti swollen, irregulel'airidicoitive. I was vary low spirited, , and had such violent, spells ot coughing when kjaid (him oftlight and when I aros. in the morning that thOy:Would.lkit Mip or'two hours. I then would okhaelited, and was on ,tirely.unahle oti - MY left Ado,' I cannot do ,coribelny:wretched suff..rtng es I would wiot, to do„ EVOry organ in*my body waa'discased or deranged. Such was my situation at this Hine, and I was con fined' to my. bed from the last of Foliruary, - 18fi9, to Juito.'lBo2, not Otto to sit up. I had the best of medioal attendance' the whole of the time. My thisa so very.bad that it raokod me very much. r a time raliod a. large ,q ou utity of Alt iek, yel. low, olfensivo mattor, sometimes with blood, and it :was generally aocoragardod by nausea and a forted and till& coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly . ' would havo sharp, shooting pains in my left side and heart,.night,..ewastegand fIOX.OtIOSEt all thrOugh my whole °host ; had. niaohlttward toyer, pain, in my book and under my slouldcr blades and in:the motto!' airy baCk; and at times so Bovine that it would throw mo into spasms. alfrOMSrtibialoian gavelne up to die. Otherta bath, and -tho.best of them,,but they could do nothing for me,and.ot that Unto I. was nothing but skin and bones. I then,was in-the western part of Missouri. In Juno last we left there far the East, and in August last wesaame to New York, and I was so reduced that I could on ,ly walk a little with my husband's. holp. After a had been hero a short time the salt water .breeze mode me feel much batter for a time, and then I tad again to call a physician for.aid. We had four °flaw best phy,sicians of Now York on the diseases ofitho lunge, the doctors of all kinds, but of no.avail. They said I was past cure, and that my lungs were too far gone 'for any ono to our. me. Bat at. this ~limo I was onlay.fectahout the house not able to do much of anything. In November WWl...grew ^Worse, and the consomption diarrbea sot in and last. ed about sight meld. 'WO had tried 'ell ritid every thing that I could grAsp at liko a dying person for my diseases—oonsuraption and liver complaint— .but of no avail. Io January, 1863. I was brought down again' et my. hod, and rao•not expected to live the night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other frlends',, and they alisgave me up to die. At this time every one who saw mu did not think I would over leave. my bed n Jiving woman. Tho first night I wis at tackcisd with spasms, mad was deranged moat of the tim . A triend, Mrs. Ilarris, - eihner to 'ace me the hut of the Week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it nas an account of a groat cure 'potter:hod by Dr. Schenck. She read it to mo, and it Was so much like my diskfiso that I asked my husband to go and toe him for me. At this limo I..bpd ,given up all lopes of over getting well again, nisei itendo thy peter' with Glod,to he ready whenever ho calledlor .On the 27th of January, 1863, my husbrind called on Dr. tichenclr,32.,Bond,strectliew Ydrk, and stat ed to bins thy 'ease, 'With' a reaneat'llir to' and see me, which hit: did, and txachined't me with therespiron.eter. When ho' was about to.go I asked him if ho could cure coo ? Ills reply was : "I can not tell, both lunge uro diseased, land the bronchial tubes are affected on both sides." And yet beset:m ad to think there were lungs enough left to effect , a .sure if tho .diarrhea could he stopppd. , lle said in order to do this, ho would have to give moMap:la:die Pills in small doses at first, to carry off the morbid matter, 'tend then, with astritigenta, ho hoped to' obecls it which ho did, but the constant coughing, night sweats, and diarrhea had prostrated me so that ho was afraid my vital' po wars whin too much, prostrated over to rally, and yet ho seemed to think. if I could live to got enough Palmonlo Syrup through my system to cause expectoration, thorn wore lungs enough left to recover. Ile wished me to try the Pulmonio Syrup and f-eaweed Tonic at once, saying it would do me no hdtm, if it did urn no good, Tho first wec , r It seemod to give mo :strength, no that on Sunday after I sat up in hod and ide boatty•for a stole woman; but, the next weak I lost all hopon and wished my husband cot to give rue any more modicine. But the doctor had warned him of this, and when the medicine, was eloaring tut the system it made them feel:somewhat metiers, and to porsevcrq ; earl ho inskted, on my taking It ; and now I feel tho benefit of it. For af ter eight days I begun to gain my strength, end, with the exception of a cold that took mo imult some, I havo been gaining strength et body, my cough is going away, and all my pains aro gone; no sore ness. of tho body; my bowels are regular, and my , reath is sweet, and I thank Q (I ant I am now go ing about. and Fe 7 and read as well as ever I could. I have taken t ixtcau bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good appetite and rest well atnight ; my cough does not trouble ma in getting up or lying dean. I would new a.y to :he afflicted with consumption or liver eon:ph:int, that Dr. eatreas is no lunbug. You :an rely on what ho says. Delay no! ; it is Ilang:lrmis to trifi.s with theso dievases. If you would be cured. go at, oncel and any ono working to know the facts as herein stated cats call at my residence, 117 West Ilouston atret;./Flow York city. _ _ NES. MARY F. FA P.LDW. Wa the urttlersigned, residents of New York, are acquainted with Mrs. Far aid know her state ment to be true We also know that she .used Dr. 'client les PUIIIIGE ic Syrup and neaweetl Tonic, and have reason to believe that to this medicine oho owes her preservation from a premature grave. B. PARLOIY, 117 West Houston et. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich et. Mits. EUGENE UNDEBBILL,e76 Greenwich st. AUGUSTA UNDERHILL. Oat Greenwich st. A. F. HARRIS, 117 West ll'ouston st. EMILY (11 OVER, 1,17 West Houston at. J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl. M. A. LEIGHTON, 453 Broadway. Mos. BENJ. CLAPP. 19 Amity pl. I mu well acquainted with hl re. Mary P. Parlor?, and with her husband, Mr It. Farlow, they having. r r Ofaw months past, attended at my church, and I am convinecd that any etatement which they might make may be relied on as trite. JOUN DOW LING D., D., Pastor of Bedford St. Bsptist Church, N. Y. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his principal oftice No. )5 North Sixth street, calmer of Com merce, Philndelphio,every Saturday, from it A. M. until 4 P. M., No. 32 Lord street. New York, every Tuorday,from 9 to 3 ; No. 33 Summar street, Boston, Muse,,, every weilac,olly, gem 0 to 3, mad every other:llia:l at 198 Baltimore itreet, Baltimore, Md, All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the fungs.iyith his Respiremeter, the charge is three I dollars. , ' Pike of thoYulmoulc Syrup luill..Seltweed Tonic, o.tell $1 50 perbottlei,sor $7 50 per liolfclozen. bian drulio Pills, 25 cents per ltex. 'Poi solo by all Druggists and Vuoloirs. January EnXICO, _MUNN $30,000,000 L OF TIl i P • REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twenty-year Coupon oiids iu SlllllB Of $50,;100 $lOO, mid $lOOO. Interest Seven' Per •Cient. Payable in • the City of New York. Principal awl Merest Payable in GOLD. 310,000,000 to be Solt of SIXTY, CENTS on the DOLLAR, • in U. B.* Currency, thus yielding an interest of TWELVE PER CENT,IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER. CENT IN CURRENCY, at the piosent rate of premium on gold, rni FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The Most Desirable Investment ever OFFERED. Immense traole of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lands ; Sixty per cent, of PORT DUES, IM POTS and TAXES, in the Stat of 'Tamaulipas mud Sau Luis Pontosl i and the plighted faith of the laid Staten and the general Government aro all pledged far the redeuvtuin of thee° Bonds and pay ment of Interest VIE SECURITY IS AMPLE. fa() in U. S. Curreney. will buy a 7 per ot. Gold •• Bond of $5O. EMI in U. ze.' Currency, will buy n 7 per cent Gold Bond of $lOO. MO in U.S. fluirency will buy a 7 per cent. Gcld Bond of'sso3. • " • ' 5000 in U. f urreney will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of Si CON ' • • ' Lot every lover of Republican Institutions buy at lcAetONti.BoNp. Circulars forwarded and t•ulwriptions received by • •JOIII I I W. COBLIES A 110., nod J, N. TIF•Pr, Financial Agent of the Republic of Menfeec.ls7 ilioaowny, N. Y. Subseriptraine also received by hanks and Bankers 'generally throughout tie United States. NT 3veinher 7,1 F nfi,a , • • —ly THE-GELEBRATED-- LAPP'S G.6.lll)'''PEN • !h ,W.e'dt . rt . Um - WQrLib . . FOR iALE AT • POSSET„S JEWELRY STORE . . 23 East mitvanotopi St: rttkuipE Thitio , imitcanehirtioaraohorido n. reputation I far their superiority tio to randor them the moat Populor pen motto, V(14oro Quoo untl no other pen IV4/1149 upa, • U 01244064 ,• iipsisr .3ED imp ~ ti 1,,, b 777 -, .t,,,...,.. . • i•• .F. - • T ----• , I i. ,! i o•giar 7 ,, eV 1.. littg . it lit 1. ' t . ~;,• , • .1 4 tu litilou I 9i.6.•• ..—.:•••• , ,ct ILL 11:1!litirs - • : -II ~:i 4 , f. , 4:, ~ ~ , •.j) , I I'7 • .H: . . ,r, :!'; . ' ~ rrW 11111.111 - - ,G 11) . , J ...L. L 0 0 K rti iA T, „V.'S NE - NAT FIRM I mrcri4.7st—tirla (LATE HUBER &*DILiaNGER,) No. 7 :REST _HAMILTON STREE2, AiLENTOWN, PA.. . . Would respectfully inform tho citi en of Lehigh eounty that - tbilj , :bavo just formed, a co-parnership, as aboto, and that they liave siist 'Unpacked a fresh' stock of SUIEVIER GOODS, FROM , ' ; iNVIr YOUK AND PEIILADELPIIIA And arc now offering theneat MO` , LOWEST NcARKET PRICES.: , Dit'f* GOODS . ,! CONSIO' i LNQ SF THE'LATEBT EiTYLER OF Figured and Plifu,Alpacoo,, , .; • Fignred ll* lypoi Da l hiflett` SHEPIIERD. PLAIDS, ; • • BLACK SILKS,... • .1 - • • SUMMER SILKS, nusrr WUI PCODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Checks, Gingharns, Bedticks, . , Flannels, (ke„ S'lapherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Ve Corduroy, Cottonades, :4 Keititileky Brills, ' AAIKa OLOAKItG, Colors, Middlesex Cloths Beppellanis, and PLAIDS O 1 VARIOUS COLORS. A full lin,e of Clothe, Cass Saynotts and Vostings, all kink . ant . l ,pcießei, l 7 I !9h Sill. be, sold cheap. ~ . .IP4e have Constantly on hand a largd . orid well se. looted stock of all kinds of CFI 0 C*3EIRY, • C.4-..80CE1R1E113,. . ~• .. • MA:CICtREL, &O Which we WlLl.dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. • . • All kinds of Country Prodebe take'n in exchange for goods, and the MOM market prim allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest ! for we foci satisfied that we can suit your TAEITI:S as well as your Pumas. Don't forgot the place, No. 7 West Ilatnilton street, second door above the•Eogle Hotel. Returning thankft for the patronage received in fhb past, and hope that by a continuous effort to :teem.' °date their friends and oustotneri, and 'in conse quence of the largeness and vericty of their siimlri In merit and receive a.coutLnuanco of cupport and good will of the people. A. A. llyncrt, O. L. Rungn. Allentown, July 19. Important Notice FROM M. G. BROWN, No. 410 Arch Snot, Phila. FROM a life of stody, ohservatien, and illMllexporien i re, and yearn of practical appli cation of try ' Nonphysical Discovery" on thousands of diseased men. women and children, I have justly mime to the conclusion flint every fami ly in the lnndt who wish to get rid of amine and hoep It at bay, mnet have my Metnphysiell Ittosov ery always on hand. It is a certain preventative ngainst disease. It also: treats and idestrnytt tbs. cause of disease, consequently the Each die, be ginning with Deafness, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, with every disease Man, woman or child is heir to. It in the only safeguard against Cholera. 'D. cleanses every cower of the fluorin body, hsrilenc the flesh, and purifies the blood. In consequence ol the above facts, I twice this day retidoed • tho price, so no to leave no hairier in the way of tha cll.:cased. The package consist of three bottles, ono used for the Eyes. one for the Ears, and one for the Scalp.— Those three work in conjunction, passinglnto the system by absorption , thus killing the very root i f the disease, which is• in a clietitle locality in the head. , • lily Metaphysical Diecovery ts'packed Ina neat wooden case, and will be despatched to any part et the world on receipt of the price, whielrevill be; from this 25th day of November, sold aL$4 per package, or three packages $lO. - • Celebrated Poor Richard's Cyc, Water.' Large size, $1 per bottle, oreirbottles Ike 85: Pmall size 60 etc., Fcalp Renovator $l, or six bottles for ss. Tlie medicines can be obtained through your drug gists, or at thci Depot, No. 410 Arch street. The following letter is wee oL the malty which 1 receive daily atzny : different (Aces .-- REMARKABLE CURE, —Catarrh, ,f.c. Mns. eIIEIVIT rt, residing at N. C 2 Allen street Beaton, soya : •. I have been troubled for four years with sore throat 'Pon two years .I aulTered w . ..tie ca tarrh and greatdizziness in my head, altact3t.eaus log me to fall: I fitrered greatly ivith::estbanu, it being hereditary in the family. I was dist ared all over. I could not go where there was any dust.,',l had great pains in my head and net*. I haviailf tared touch with cold feet: 'llia' htineS iu mylneell wore drawn out of place with the asthma, and my throat IC okod like raw - beef After [Titbit% to va rious physibiaus aud -obtaining-1 1 A relief, I applied to Alta. M. U. Itioirtl;bY nlatse medicines I hove been f.l) much benefited that I am now like another woman. Formerly. the least tiltposttire jade me cold; I could nut go to the door with my head uncovered without an attack of the asthma. My asthma is now entirely gone. My eatartli hoe wholly disappeared.: I felt weak and languid for litany years, so thatl wan ablution to myself. The coldness of my feet has disappeared, and I feel general (imolai:on through try entire system, cum log me to Le, ac formerly, full of strength anti viva city, and Can attend, to household duties us well So ever rind in.my We." . It la the mil* a ifegnard againstdisease, Including 01101,;ERA. It cleanses every sewer of the la uulin body, hardens the flesh, and purities the blood. . Tho Calibrated POOR RICHARD'S LYE WA TEtt is the key which opens the door to.the health of both mind and body. Let all use it morning and night. L. Solimidt & Co., Allentown, Pa., Sole Agents for Lehigh county. December 12. 1865. ISM A FEW WORDS ABOUT 3i31D.Z32k_.-NIKT_IIE!!fti; Great Western Reniedy ! T n IS remedy is DOW perporruing Um moat derful cures. It cures Rheumatism, Chills and Foyers, General Debility, Kidney romplaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Bicit Ileatinebe, In all cases a sensible relief is gu , ranteed in from tire to ton minutes, and a PERFkiIT CURE in from sis to twelve days. Never has it yet failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far mere than we have promised or the afflicted appliaant anticipated Tho Curative Properties of the `Great Western Remedy aro truly wonderful. Whole' pages of tee. titnonitils f:ern influential citizens might be givoo to the public, Lut we dorm it to be superfluous, as you may readily find persons o f your own acquaint- Irmo in every part of tho country, who will testify to the ()Dense dispellinv and health promotion qualities of the Groat Western Remedy. AARON DAVIg, Discoverer and manufac turer, 825 Broad St., Newark, N. J. . _ The Great Western Remedy .may be obtained of all ettnblished Druggists throughout tho country. W. L Burnes Si Son, Druggiets„Allentown; whole sale Agents. . [April 3, !MS Oni ) INVENTORS! ' OVTICES, .D PINE EVAN,B, CIVIL ENGINEED & PATTIa Sommong, No. 435 Walnut street, Philad'a. Patents' eolioltod--=Consdltationa on Enginocitag, Draughting'Abd'Slipt.Clort , ,' Medi;la, and Btacbinor, of th kinibt and,olll.bliar nitenaed to. Sne-• dal it.etittou ivon.:tti.;ll..l.7lloTHl? cAs its and INTRItFERE Cbillei l weenie from Polka ONce litocured. N. B.—t3ave yourselves useless trouble ellingexpenses, as there itheo.uttual at joar 04:rail ititesview with us. All butipetiklitittt:libesa cflistea.oitir c 'be transacted in writibiti ,Vprlifitrhlsipv infornuitiOn direct aa above, wlO4 *lattip for circular with refaranoQll 4alaaa7 9, P PAL2I •P. • 4 .4 4 it 4S P ii i.7 Vag E SUIT ..‘,STATEEIV.It Iknuot.Alloritiwia)itgl a tlal oltri -ning,Abe prattle° o oto n o, ta, igaroww, on 'Eighth Street, above Hamilton; t heel° abovo Liobtenwallnyrk, qe'set(m3 t , bad, the hip or to bolonA I d Vie) oWrt.vrtaiS,' CMitto "tit , the tuti, tles of Frcderiokaburg r ch.incelvrrEviiio.,Vran4lin': crossing, &c.; , and htlying kat( char ;o of novanit, iiOBPITALB,IIII.baa luafiluch 'nOrilisitemirr mit the, details of Sundae* aptl, the troattnont of diseases. generally. Itfil 0 etoiTdalYge ithi d STIDWIIRBON MEDICAL Com,zez of.Plilladelphia, and lies been practicing modielpe,duripg the past eight. een years, Having had =Mb ;liiperlen co Italie treat ment of diseases of tho EYE, ha would especially solicit the patrenageof those who may be afflicted with discaeos.of thlit important organ. Having re stored the sight of many, who have been BLIND YOU mins.- 'Ho would also sollott the attention of thoso sufieringifrom:chronie diseases, such as DROPBY, (for wisioh ho has an almost infallable remedy,) Ellseases of quit'Kumays, EIIEUMATIBIt, NI2RALEIA, CITRON- To 00 . 1M1118, DIARIMICSA and DYSENTAUY, (which ho 'profostes to cure in less than half the time required by ordinary romedies,', GRAVEL, GOITRE, or enlarge ment of the Emelt, FtLEa, Slaneestus or Consumption in 'philtirott, SICK HEADACHE, TAPE WOMI, 'MEDAN. 011 OLIA, Sonortma, or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or failings Sone Tnnoter TBTTER, Dm- RARER PrOtrman TO FEMALES; also diseases of the Liveirtungs and Heart. - Having now practiced medicine bore for over two years, the Dooter itiabfe and tailing to refer to per sons In this' place who have boon eurbd:by him of moetof the diseases specified. All calls from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or night. Medicines arnisind to all patients, which be pro ps:es hinascy,,a3.l3o,cfillFl4Vlnone,bilt theYer.rbest. References :'l7lifornser patients. Atlontown, May 29, HAI?, Ayer's Sarsapailla A-compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual .illterative that can be made. It is a' concentrated - extract of Para Sarsaparilla, Vo cothbined with other substancei "'of still 'greater alterative power as to afford an (dice. tive antidote for the diseases Saisaparilla ja itetiuted to cure. It i§' believe& that 'Such it remedy is' wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complainte,,aud that onewhielt will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to,this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. ,Ilow completely. this eignpound will • do it has been proven by experiment on many .of the worst case to be found of the following complaints : :,-fi1011.0111.1.§. AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, 'ERUPTIONS ABTVERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES,' BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT REEIBifi SCALD HEAD, SyplilLlS AND SYPIIILITIO Ar FECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEG. B.ALGIA OE Tic DOULOUREUX DEBILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, iILYSIPELAS, ROSE OR ST. ANTIIONY:B FIRE, and indeed the,whole. class of cemPleilit§ Arising frorii"lmemurt TILE BLOOD. . • , - (1 Compo - und'Udlr be f oun a grewpro motor. of 'health, when 'taken - in ihe'spring, to . expel , the foul burners which fester in the blood at thiieseiton of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nippea .in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare tbemselves froth the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tins through the natural channels of the body art - alterative medicine. Cleanse out the Vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; , nleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it Whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better 'health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Xeop the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great m uchinery of life is disordered or overthrown. , 1 1 Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing, these ends. But the world has been , egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be .concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsajarilla, or any thing else. • During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, mail the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wo call this compound Sarsaparilla, end intend to supply such ti reinedy as shall rescue the nano from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. An we think we have ground for believing it has .virtues which are• irresistible by the ordinary rim of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure. their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. , • PREPARED EV DR. S. C. AYER. & CO. • LOWELL, MASS. Price, el por Bottle 3 Six Itottlos for v. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itneli such a:renown for tho cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint. that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quAlity is kept np. toThe beat it ever - has been, and that it may be relied qn to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Costirenese, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentimy, Rut Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, EriVions and &Wu Diseases, Live,: Complaint, Dropsy, 'fetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, nra Dinner Pill, and fbr Purifying the Blood. ' They are sugar-coated, so that the most Bohai tire can take them pleasantly, and they ore the best aperient in the world , for all the purposes of a family physic. Pclao 25 cents por Boit ; 'Fivo inree for $l.OO. Greet numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and' eminent personages, 'have lent their names to certify the unparalleled u sefillness of these. remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named sir nish gratis our AMERICAN ALM ANAL in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make niece. profit on. Demand AYER'S, and take no others. - The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. .. . All cur remedies are for sale by nll thn Druggist.; in Allontown..nnd by, Deu ggis and dealers everywhere. At.Wholosale by J. M MARIE Jr CO., Phibrdolphia. October 24.—1 Y • • PACIFIC HOTEL, CO 170, 172, 174 & 176 GREENWICH ST, (o:qn BQUAIT , E WEST OF HIPATIWAYO Between Courtl4o4 and, Dey Sls., l'Vew. York TIM PACIFIC ROTEL is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is espec ially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in close pros mity to the business part of the city, —is on the highway of Soutiaorl and Western trav el—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat deputa. The NMIla has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnirha, and•possemos every modern improvement fur the comfort mad entertain ment of Ito inmates. The roma are opaelouo and well ventilated; provided with goo and water; the attendance is prompt and rospeotful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the • season. .Tho subscriber, who for. tho:puet few years', has boon tho lessee, is now solo proprietor, and intends to identity himself thoroughli , with the interests of his honeo. With long exp.:ricotta as a hptel-keopor, he trusts, by uaodoroto charges and a liberal policy, to maintain tbo favorable rcputatiou of tho Pacific Hotel. ' • JOHN PATTEN, Jr. Now 'York, Sept. 12. —ly Banks, Dinniore tic Cq. Successors to A, B, DAVIS Qt CO., Manufacturers of Patent Standard .AMFORIII SCAMS , oAND rPATEHf. , BENS: ' 42 , 4 d or , Nth' St. & Penuq, 4vonliel TP/Olqd'oe prt. 80, 1 111 . 0. .47 Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ron Tun cunn Or JOHN PATT2N, Jr., Propriotor. POITABLII FOR W.E,J,,ili L 0 DMA It. R. TRACES, , di DEPOTS. COAL, II AY, AND LIVE STOCK. Aleo, all the yellow . 6 • Dormaht and Portable Pim? i;,41,1jp Tirt iii3FEwA J 11..i.pcker., Bros, J .: L is i tTE RENIHGR ST: SHIM ER ) No. 5 West Hamilton Street ALLENTOWN, l'A. •"Next Door to the Eagle Hotel Shimer's IVlammoth Store LIVE INSTITUTION money Saved ity BUYING AT S HEUER'S STORE,. • Filled Stacks High with Goods at 1 2 '131..1J 1 2 " RIC, MISES Our entire Stook has boon MARKED DOWN the lowan notch, we defy competition. • WE STUDY TO; LEASE every one, old and young, rich: and poor, we en deayor to keep a well solocted stock of DRY , GOODS, • GROCERIES, ' QUERNSWARR, ' CARPETING S, OIL lOLOTII, . ' •• PROVISIONS , . SALT, nBl3, Ac. to eve bargains to all those wise. may favor us with their custom, not only for sixty days or a even . time, but will always continue; to sell our goods at the very lowest possibio prices. We do not pretend to say that our system is strictly Cash, bat gtiaran-' too our prison to be as low as any others who are boasting of selling the cheapest, in consetto9oo -doing business entirely upon cash principle. • Strangers follow the standard customers of the well known old stand, and:you will all in turn be with courtesy waited on and ;applied with the cheap- Aet , Goode. no Imo you are. right, Mingle in the ereerd, then come ahead to .smittantins Posuraux swat. ;Whore you can be boat suited with the most goods for the least money, with bosh durablo and fashion. ab,lo goads.. . -• EMI • LADLES'.: Dress 4gods Departrnentl • to teually 'ooinpfeta with rich and elegant goods •s well es the cheaper styles, it oomprislng Black and Colored Silks, Pla , d and Figured Noel! • Do Lathes, Merinoes, Plain, Figured and •• • • , carded Mohair, American Do Lainos,: . Cuburgs, Alpaocas, Rapp's, Poplins, Scotch and • • Union I •• • , IVIOUR WING' '..a001:110, Wool DelaineS,'Morinues.Repps, Poplin, 1110 , hair Goods, Bombazines, Alpae cad, Canton Cloth, Delaines... Coburg Prieto, &e. Crape and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Lung Thibet and Blanket h awls, Hand korai) lefs,ilosiery and Gloves, &e: Gingbarns, . Flannels, Tia Lings, Djapers, Linens, Bombs 1.70 White Goal, 14.5., do • CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTH Of every discriptina, styles, quality, 001073 an , • ' SHAWLS! SHAWLS' e and long Bmehn Blankets, Thibet. and Plaid Shawls. • . BALMORAL AND 11001 3 SKIRTS At cry reduced prices, and nil eizcs. The Silver This skirt is more durable, more elastic, wore gracetni, and will keep its shape and retain its place better than any other Sbitt. Tho Steel Springs be. ing covered with a fine plated wire. In 'place of a cotton covering, will not wear off or become soiled, and 'the wholo skirt may be washed without injury nr four of rusting, and will ho as good as now. CARPETS AND OiL CLOTH, A limy Rill :tuck, new raid rich dosigns A full vi,thatlitiarit, clap. • IVIN DOW SHADES 214 ND O:sRTAINS Groceries; Fish and Pro v isions the low,st prier', rompriaing a full lino of all uettal y lel,t in a first eluas Groeorypopart- ICIOTi t. SA LT- —0 round Li verpooli, Ashton. and' dairy salt by the each and bushel. Country Produce. All hinds of Lintintry Prinitioo-talualunsehanc, end the highest prices paid for. GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call it ill secure advantages that will Le certainly lost in,dolny. ....IVe are thankful to cur old customers for past fa- Mrs, and E I lei t a continuance .1 the same, or d am teeny new cats. who will favor us with their patron ilcte, we will endeavor our utmost to trent them with courtesy and punctuality. Remember the well known old stand late REY. INGER d; SIIISIER, No. 5 West II:mil:on Street, Allentown, Pa. ' Sit IMER RHOS. B 0 ~,, EN ' S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, CONSTANTLY cn hand and daily. arriving. a Inrec and choice assortment of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, to which •the attention of the puhlio In respectfully requerted, Poitic. " GREEN COFFEE, Suet:Let:a, " CLIK.RRIES, Romina: ." DRIED BEEF. i.:001C.1N(; PRUNES, MOLASSES, Tosa:u ZAN IT. CURRAN S, SYRUPS, MACKERLI, PLUMS, CHEESE, Con FISH, FRESH rftVITS, SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COARSE SALT, ' FIVE SALT. r - JEE" 311131 IRAP ;Am A largo assortment•orchoice i 'flit'vhied dree b n Lind Black Teas, superior to anything in the market. Mal 3E— 31r. moo Ginger, Allspice, Cin ton, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace GROCERIES, An elegant, variti, always un hand, Jon:posed in Cart of ANNED FRUIT, SALAD On, , SARDINES, CATSUPS, SANCES, CHOCOLATE, VEItMILLION, MACARONI, PEARL BARLEY • TOBACCO! CIGARS!! Coistantly in receipt of a largo variety of FRESH CRACKERS. WHEAT 'FLOUR! RYE FLOUR H Come and buy! Come and buy! BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in a first-class GROCERY HOUSE. tal... PRODUCE BOUGIIT. *NAitr• All goods warranted tie represented. . W. S. BOWEN, Sn. Allentown, May 15, 1585.—1 y • Geo. K. Reeder, MERCIUKT HIM! No 15 East Hamilton Street; Next , Doot to John 'IL Moser's Drug Store virssEßE ho heaps oor.stantly on hand a full w ill'• J ointment of ready-mado olotbiug,.eutl as COATS, .VESTS, PANTS &a. also. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS of all' Ends, wallah. for . 112 D • Workmanship, quality and Prices, are not surpatiocd In town. A largo and well's°looti ad stools of • . agarriM ZED IBLIF:g3111111 fII 111. always on band. _ • Clothing made to order on abort notice, Bad "VAIIAN TEED. • 4'ailt7ML...cz, retn., eta., eta., elf qu - k.IFiN,,Av-A1.”.; Of cvorY lIL T CI.SS 6, NO. 11 EAST lI`AMILTON'I3titE.ET, .ALLI:srowN, PA. • = 'e 9P) 111M - DUQED; .f. t..twij 8121.80 PrCP Cotton Reduced FROM . $ll. 80 to 38 Ots. per POEM= Goods Greatly ) Reduced PRiCIES CHEAP CASH STORE Burdge Bz. Jones: , GOODP tha . g gold one year a k pi at 85 onto pee yard, are now.aelling,at 26 cents per yard. Pints that sold for 62 cents,for 18 cents per yard. • re !genes at Prices Before the War. at 25 Cents per Yard.: , • ca•xt.coct3El33.X.llllS ATTItICES THEN *STONISU TUE, PEOPLE Dress Goods ! Alf abodes of Wool De Laines, Figured 8111ra, of all abodes, French Percales, beautiful styles, (Mol lies, Common - Do Lemnos, &c. '.hens', and Boys' Wear ! Large - stoolt of Cloths, CassimoreeiVirunds, Jeans, thyttonadce, ho., suitable for Alone sad Bop' vtedt SPRING SALAMI:MI.BI • . SPRING-SHAWLS 1.. • ". HOOP SHIRTS ! • CarpetS : Carpets:: PARLOR:CARPETS, . BED ROOM CARPETS, BEMP CARPETS, • STAIR 4jARPET9,, • . . . . . ROME MADE CARPETS, • alfboujpt at tho rodent Auction sales at grbatly re dhead gins. DOMESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS, I!¢I3SLINS, TIMINGS, OILECKS, MEETINGS, PRINTS, 63 cto . . Doing a Cash Business only, they uro thereby enabled to sell goods at mush lower prices than their neighbors that sell goods on Credit and bayo heavy losses by bad bobg aocOunts. They ar6 de• termined to sell goods at ldw prices notwithstand irg the high Trims the other stores are rushing for their goods. RIIIKUMBEIR TU PLACA VIE Cheap C o sh. Stole OF • ' BURDGE & JONES, No. 9 fast ROWlton Street, 3 doors below the Allen House. April 17, 1886. JULY, 1866. POPULAR PRICES! !Ell THE ?OMAR Tint AT THE VOPILILAR STORE MILIEU& _AIL ISM NE Alto ALLENTOWN, PA. Immense Attractions ! Goods Purchased For CASH For Cash andOproved Credit 1 GREAT DEULIgE-4111110ES! Big Drop. in Gold, Whether temporary or permanont, deponent aaidi not. Witli gold from 4,2 90 down to $1.27, and cotton 39 canto a pound. 'are now•sellingnt a hehvy loss to the muuufaoturora but this is neither hero nor thorn, for KRA.MER, Is bound to hasp time tq the musiv, and continue es heretofore, To Lead. the Trade au) 0PP14,2 [IOJDMIAMEIM DEFY COMPETITION ! From April 33, I shall offer a complets lino of Ladies Seaeonable Dress Gauls, being perfectly ALIVII with everything In this that le FREISLI,MIOICIsI and ATTRAOTIVBrin short as urual for . Style, Variety and Lowness of Price. shall and can not ho surpassed. STAPLE GOODS ? A' full Hue of all the choice brands of bleached and unbleached aluiline, sheeting?, &0., and every thing thatbelonge to housekeepers in this line at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES ! I give no quotation 4' prices, but will sell you for LESS MONEY than you can get the same goods elsewhere. Shawls, Cloaks, Samples, Mantillas, c ,in great yiriely. Cloths, Cassimere3; Twdeds, This department has received speelql attention this spring and comprising the nerrestnEd moat de sirable spring styles, adopted to the taste Of the aged, middle aged, “Young America," end children, and pill bo sold at present - ALSO the CHOICEST LIN Eof GROCERIES! and at pricce that will eenvipoe One and all that : Great Place of Interest for persona wishing to select from the mcat exten give and reliable stock of voda and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An examination is all I ask, knowing tbnt I can of fer inducements that cannot be surpassed by any house in town. M. J. KRAMER, Opoosite the EAGLE iIUTIOL. Music ! Music ! Music!! S lIEET USI 0 DEPOT!! on hand—it we have not got Atarge supply the piece yon want, we can get it for you inn tow tris if you wil, leave the name of the piece with 118. • ItisTnuarioN BOOKS for all kinds of Instruments constantly on hand at Foust's VaTioty Store.' VIOLINS I VIOLINS I VIOLINS! ! At' all prices. Violin Strings, Vail Pieces, Pegs, BOWS, Rosin, Illnak Music paper, at Fouar's Varie ty Store. STAMPING 1 S TAMPING !! Dono at short notice—reaching now patterns Con stantly. Call and seo the patterns at FuusCs Varie ty Store. NOTIONS! NO TIONS! NOTIO VS! ! ! Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Threads, Sowing Silk, Pins, N,Odles, Ootubs Braids, and Hoop:Skirts. Call in—it pay's to 'gh ioWdd the corner to Foust's Va riety Store. ' BASKETS! BASKETS BAST TStil .... I market. gittioA (MA40.114..4014., 4vohng al- We, Cake Buftitete, .Curit liadrate, Fruit paeitute, Fituarßasketei l'ortail'e Variety Store. ' " WHERE la FotitreaAttiiiitt4rois • 6 . l4'ot.re'et, _ 14404. t t •,. ' • Sixth stree • • • RVEDEB.t >,: , , ~ES ~~~; iltedfor alx en /Wren 0. T. Wit 014144 y Four doore from Hamilton, in one of the room un• dot 001 4 OvitVe (American) goto, fraey2/.40 , ritosl AT THE AND SOLD STANDARD GOODS am Gold Standard. Prices. Kramer's Is Tnn 1:13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers