F"= - 7 Cati4s3. , THIS thoroughly nogtjjf tobsrtiarticle knownfrourgarrhet in the Bead and Platitekei:.nhatr:beitt - ,fottCl , excellent remedy in many Cases of Sore Eyes.... Degraele has bun removed by it;'hndßin riny bee often boon grand .timproyed by Ite use • It le fragr; n% add agrionbWarid Gives „immediate Relief to the dull hetrry pdl4a ORudedthy thecdn,:r•ol the bead. Tho sensations after urine, It ere dulightfu. and invigoraf,ieg. It ?pens and purges out all u 'a Mntetiong. li/11PB:1,40,14o gland ' 5,,-and styes r healthy action to the parts uheoted. amore thell, rhiriSt Tears' ' *foals and nee of Dr:kar•hall'irCatarth and 2764 i. ache Snuff, has proved its great value' for all tht common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher then ever before. It is recommended byteany of the beat physicians, and Is need with great sine as and satisfactiOn ever where. READ TIIE OF. WHOLESALE, Dauoaisys I:7 1854. • • The underaignad, having for many years boen abquainted with Dr. Mars/Ws Catarrak and Head. aohe Snuff, and sold 'tin our wholesale trade, cheer fully etato, that we, believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations, given of it for the care of Catarrhal Affections, and that it ill decided. ly the but article we have ever known for all com mon diecases of Head. Burr A Perry, Bodonißarnes k Park, N. York Reed, Austen A CO., " A. B. AD. Bands, " Brown, Lamson A. C 0.," Stephen Paul A Co., Reed, Butler A Co., " brae! Minor A Co., " Beth W. Powle, " M'Keseon A Robbins " Wilson,Peirbank & Cot" A; L. Scovill A Co., " Henahaw,Rdmand 1;130 " M;Word, Most, A Co. " B. H. Hay, Portland; Me Bosh A 0310, Aillf`For sale by all Draggiets. Try it; April 3, 1866. The Great English Remedy. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Preparedfnott a Prateription Clarke,JLD Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable Median* is unfailiqgin the our. of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the conidtntion is subject It moderates all excess and re, oyes all obstructions, and a speedy ours may u. retied on. • TO MARRIED LADIES it tg artioularly suited. •ft will, in a short time, br re on the monthly period,with regularity. Each bottle, price Gne Della!, bears tho Govern. cent Siamp of Groat Britain, to. prevent counter feits. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in tho Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics,' and Whites, theme Pill, will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerftil -reme dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any hurtfulto the oonstitution. Pundit-actions in tho pamphlet around each peek which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. sale Agent for the United States a Canada, JDB MOSBS, 27 Cortlandt Street, New York. N. 8.-24.011-' and d postage stamps enclosed to sty authorised Agent, will ensure a battle, contain.. rig 50 Pills, by, return mail.. [AprilS-ly HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.—This is the most delightfuland_extraordinary arti cle ever discovered. It changes the son-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of 'ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the dietingue appeakeinco so Invitiniiin the city belle of faihiln. It removes tan, treaties; pimples and roughness from the shin, lekvinethe complextbn fresh. transparent and smooth!{ • It oontalna no.ma terinl injurious to tho skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. . It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere.. Retail price, 60 ate. Prepared by W. 11...111/LOAN, Troy, ki. Y. Address all orders to DI:SIAS BARNES 41. 00 , New York Eept.28,!05.1y. • Tp pousumPTIVElB. Tho advertiier, having boon restored to health in a few weeks by-a simple remedy; after having suffered for several years with a severe lung alley tion, and that dread diF.Oll9O, nnx ions to make known tub's fellovi-sufferva the moan of °We. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (fine of chirgo,) with the direc tions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find a Bette tune fur Consumption, Attain/a, Bronchitis, 001/ . 08, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The oily chject of the adverti.mr in sending tho proscription is to benefit tho afflicted, and spread information 'which ho conceives to be in valmoolo, and ho hopes every sufferor will try his .aute4, as it witl coat thou'acthing, and way prom a • lowing. Partici wishing the proserip.ion, rune, by re turn mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. an2-1y) 8-T-1860-5. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They arc an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers:" They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera v orbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Ileatirteho. They tire the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhausted miture's great re storer. They aro made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, anti are taken with the pleasure of a beverage; without re gard to age or time of day. Particularly recommend ed to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant.— Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only genuine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. IL DRAKE 4 CO., 21 Park Row, New York. ly— September 28, FREDERICK INSTITUTE. FOR rotr.rm .7i E. «WU ROrs. TE FALL TERM of this InstitMien will cora mance on Monday, July Stith, 1/3013. tieveu teachers are employed. Professor Longburst, of Cambridge University, England, has charge of the Classical Department. For circulars containing the full particulars ad dress Rov. P. T. HOOVER, Principal, —OR— A. PRINCE SUPPLEE, Avondale Prindral, FREDERICK, Moutgomery Co., Pa. July Mb, MG SEGARS! SEGARS I I • 34,000 No.l. • • • THE stihscriber, at Emus, offers fur sale 31,1100 good bogeys, oueyear and a half old, put up in boxes lOU ouch, superbly labeled. The segara are pronounced excellent by competent judgno. The manufacturer being a cripple, he cannot take samples around to exhibit, he therefore would invite buyers to call and examine his stock before purchas ing elsewhere, or send orderz. julyl7-tf ] • • • JESSE •ZELLNER, Empuz, Pa. . . Teacher► Wanted. 9 Thiehors are wanted to teach publics schools in Washington township; for five months., begin ning in October next. salariea paid by the Board, from $27 to $lO per mouth. Applicants examined before the Board by tho, County .Surieriutendent, nt David Peter:. near Slatington, on flitastlay, Aug. ust 2nd, tit 9. A. M. For further part eulars apply to I'. SIIENToN, Slatington P. 0. —3t Ily 17,..1860 AUDI I N ISTR ATOWS NOTE; E. tiro is heroby given that this undersigned has taken out lottors or Admiedur.ltion In the ustato ut PETER MOYiHI , decoesed, late or Lynn itWo e:lp, Lehigh. county f therefore. all portions whu are indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereor,end saoh who ha. e any legal chains against said estate will present them -well euthentlcattil :or settlement within the above specified time. July 10-sw] - R. J. MOYER, Ad na' or. • Gross' Palace of Art Photographs " Oil, Walcr Colors, India Ink 2r Plain, from Allnlaturon up to Lifo Slap. Cord 3 f 2 por down Over Frank Kninia2 etnro, corcer of Gib and IL•m• ilton atm to, Allentown• Mar. 20, Itsoll. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEA D,— preferred by all practical Painters! Try it! and you will bati•o no other, Manufactured only . by ZIEGLER & • WUOLEILL3 DRUG, PAINT and GLASS DU4EIUI, sn3o-131 No. 187 North Third &reef. Pbili/elphia PAUL B4LLET. TINDERTAKER & - FURNISHER Seventh Street, both Wainut, West Side, .44LEsT•;)wpr,. A. Aprllll,lB6s' o:7Don't bale si good none to los r dollar ft Beritlis idnhpost, • , 113 4 141 1 1. i ;00 . WSI ON, ! II C 6 :I of tta ' Ikeda 6 th l StS f ~e , ALLENTOWN -, PA ' . :Drugs, Clieiffibitts lEEE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE • • Is known' 10 Allentown. - .- • ... • . 'BARNES SON'S DRUG STORE. Is known throughotif Lehigh county. ' BARN ES A SON'S ; DRAM STORE : • Is the place to get pure Drugs. BARNES A SON'S DDIDG.,BTORE Is the place to get flue and fresh Drugs. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE • Is the place to get cheap tings. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE, Is the place to get good and reliable Medicines. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE .. • " Is the place to get+preseriptions•coMpOundedt BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Perfumery anti rancy Articles. BARNES SON'S DRUG STORE • Is the place to get any•genuine Patent Medicines. BARNES h SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Dye Stuffs. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got Trusses, Supporters Shoulder Braces. BARNES h SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to got pure Wines and Liquors for , Medical Purposes. 123:1 BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE • ' Is the place to get Paints and . Oils. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Window Glass and Putty. BARNES Jr. SON'S DRUG STORE Is the pia' 6 to get the best Varnishes. BARNES A SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place for country merchants to obtain BARNES & SON'S DREG. STORE Is the plate for Physicians to obtain supplies BARNES &SOWS 'bTORE Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants . • to obtain their supplies of Kerosene Oil, Sal Soda, Concentrated Lyx, Pure - Ground Spices, Matches, St roh, Shoe Blacking, Bicarb. Soda, Salaratus, Alcohol, Lard and Whale Vil,Nent'a. Foot Oil,CastiloSoap, Indigo, Bath Bricks,' Stove Lusire, White Chalk, Cream Tartar, Ref'd Saltpetre, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Ref'd Borax, Camphor, ' Sweet Oil, Black Ink, Essences, Ac., &0., &0., ; RS de Barrie' ..4 , ts's Drug Store—You can bay your Cattle Powders At Dames & Son's Drug Store—You can buy Lu bricating 01le, for Machinery. 411 Borneo it Son's Drug Storr—You eau buy Potash and Soda Ash. & Solis Drug S r turctou can buy relict- Ale Family bledicineq At Burnes & Sots's , Drug Store—Will be found a full aupply of all articles need in the - 'PAINTING BUSINESS • At BARNES & SON'S DRUG :41 cd STORE is the place to find all U. the pop9lar Patent Medicines 14 and Hair Restoratives of the 114 : 2 day. Wisharts Pine Tree Tar o r. Cordird,llirter's WOlll Cakeip o ai Reinhold's Extract Bitchy Dr. *, .5 Rose's Family Medicines, Ay- 1:1 etc Cherry Pectorial,Sarstipa rillu and Pills, Dr. Jayne's at a tMedicines, Maitland's German Pk g Bitters, Wood. Hair Restora- ‘ ,l CS I tire, Sterling's Anibrosia,Mer- I 04 chant's Gargling Oil, etc. I 44si We would call attention to the tact that we are constantly receiving Treat guuth , from Philadelphia and other inarkae, and we are able to (A/MP ETE WITH ANY 0 ['POSIT CON Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon till,. house, we hope, through the favor of a discrim inating public, to merit a continuance of the same. our endeavors shall always be PLEASE ALL, and to furnish E t ktr% guttiqta at Law Etvicot july2,l-tf.] BARNES & SON. GoBio SIIESTINT BAUGH'S 2=l.Ath. - vv - 'Jac:ow - in Sutler-Phosphate of Lime r i gp, l7 After more than twelve years of constant use, this highly ea , centrated mauure had attained a Ride spread reputation as a Substitute for Pernvian.Guano. Ruing found active in i s operation, and of great du rability. It does not exhaust the soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly 'novo the high popular value of this manure, and establish the feet of its being relied non by a wide circle of agriculturists to supply all wants in the davetiou of manures for every crop. MGM & Sole Manufacturers & Proprietors, Office, NO. 20, South Mime Avenue, 4, PHILADELrIIIA. Price $6O per 2000 lbs.; Cash. JEST PUBLISHED, the 13th edition of our new pamphlet, "How to Maintaia the Fertility of Ameri can Varrhe and Plantations,'—furniehed free upon application to tie or our Agente. • • BAUD it SONS, 20 South Delaware avenue. PIIILADELMILL. July 21, 186 d. —3tn OREFIELD Egli MaiFACTIIIIIII COMPLY, ftT a meeting of the Stockholders of the Ordkid , Woolen .Manufaeturing Company, held on Sat urday the 21st, of July, lt , ed. The following per ions were appointed in their respective boroughs and townships to solicit the subscription cra/ ck, to wit: AllemNTll.- ,—J.-.E. Newhard, Win. II: umer. Honorer Township .— Edward Kern,' erman M. Fetter. Sr Villl'y Township.—Martiu KetumerE, Fred. Yu'a: t. • Upper Sutteoli Townehip.— lieblnger. • I:;.per Milford Township.—ltettbui Strih ChM Den.. Lower .‘lticungie Townsiiiv.—Johu llnailen. Hen ry Lain*. Upper Muciingie Towindiii..••• John Fogel, Schmidt. South Whitehall Township.—Charles 15'eaver, Jo seph Itommel. North Whiteho:l Towaship.—Benjantin Gemmel, Hiram Ilalliet. Wnshingtou Townellip.—c. Peter, Abe/Amin Neff, Pet..r 0111,2. Township.—Fplartim Singer, Ratnitel Lynn Township.—Jacob Kern, Dr. Saylor. Bowhill Weisenburg Townships.—Natimn Biery, Ain Culbertson, Jonas Ettinger, Benjamin Weida. 'the Committees Appointed are requested to report' progress to the Treamirer, Wm. 11. Blumer, on the Mc (lay of August next. PBTER• GROSS, President. PUBLIC SALE PERSONAL PiIIOPERTY. IV' ILL he Fold at Public Sale, on Stahl%ly, the Y V I Stlt day of August next, at tho house of Sam uel Ilciberger, late of Upper Macungie township, Le high county, lleocubtid, the•fullowing personal prop erty, to wit • 1 cow, 2 shoats, one and two horse wagon with body, 1 truck wagon, 2 plows, 1 harrow, bay ladders andholstors,2 Betts of yanked harness,new,2 setts of plow harness, carriage harness, collars and bridles,• cheek-line, full sett of shoemaker's tools, grain ons dle and sayth, beds and bedsteads, 1 cooking stove, small parlor stove with pipe, log and other mbaine, tuts", stenners, and various other articles too Unmet* aue to mention. CM Uendltlear laid* Stumm anti huottriatito_yes bp jrly 1144% NOWIN nal/L1101) 6upplica —Val. Wearer. Al'valuta' -OF ;k.tl - T . -zeft - ItJkiliclOip 6 TO BE, AWARDED BY TUB UNION COUNTY AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETY, AT 'THEIR Fifteenth Annual Exhibition, TO BE HELD AT ALLENTOWN; On the ISth,,lOth, 20th and 21st days of September, 'so. . No.I.,—FIELD CROPS. For the be J acres of Wheat Second best Third best Best 3 acres Rye Second best Third beet Bost acre of Barley Second beet Third best Beat 3 acres of Corn Hocond best Third best Bast 3 acres of Oats Second best Third best Beg half acre of potatoes Beet half acre of Chinese Sugar Cane Second best Third boot Best 'acre of Clover seed Bost acre of Timothy Seed Boat quarter acre of Tobacco Second beet Third bent Committee. Daniel Harlecher, Daniel IL Bastian and Robert Dube. No. 2.-110IteOg9 ♦ND MULES. Mass I.—Heavy Draught and Fatty. Sock. Best Stallion between 4 and 12 years Second best Third beet Beet Brood mare Second beet Third beet Beet Colt under 8 months Second best Third beet Beet horn colt between 2 and 4 years Second beet Third best Bost Horse Solt between 1 and 2 yetre Second best 'Mid best. • Best Mare Colt.betivden 2 and 4 years Second best • Third best . . • Boat Mare Colt between 1 ant 2 years Second best Third best. • Best Pair Farm Horses Second best Third best Best pair Pair Mules Second best Third best Diploma Cbinmittee.—Enoif Erdman, Jacob Malin° and David Donner. Class —Heavy Draught, Blooded. Best Stallion, between 4 and 12 'years Second best Third best •, Best Mare Second best • Third beet Best Horse Colt between 2 and 4 years Second best Third best Beat Mare Colt between 2 and 4 years Second best ' Third best Best Colt under 2 years Second beet Third beet Best Colt under S months Second hest _ Third beet Diploma • Couunittee.—Jacob Shipe, Sn., Edward Seider and Peter Wickert, Jr. Clan 111.—Roculetent. Best Stallion between 4 and 12 years Sceond beet Third best Best Horse between 4 and 12 years Second best " .Third best Best Brood Mare between 4 and 12 years Second best Third heat Beat Pair of Horses Second best. Third best Best Saddle Horse Second lAC9t, Third brat Best Sucking Boric Colt Second beet Third best Best Sucking Mare Colt Second beet Third brat Family and all horses not entered for heavy draught. or under Class IV, for speed, shall be co t' red in this class. All meritorious horses not re ceiving a Premium as per schedule shall be award ed a diploma. Committee.—Oven Bitting, Reuben Scheid) , and Jacob Cooper. Clam I V.—Speed 1. Sto aionc—Opon to Lehigh and adjoining counties. Best trotting Stallion between .5 and 12 re. 12 Second best 6 All merltorioue Stallions receiving no Premiums, shall Wiwi) awarded a Diploma. 2. Open to rill ii-rsee to the county owned for 3 mouths prior to day of trial and that have never gone fur money. Best trotting llorze $l5 Second best 8 Best Pacing Horse 10 • Second beet 5 Cornmittoe.—Dr. T. U.. Martin, Robert Yost•and Edward Schreiber. The Judges shall not award any premium to any horse entered under Cass I or 2,,under head of speed, that ie spavined, ringboned or blind. No. 3 —HORN CATTLE:. Clan L—Durhom. Bent B ull 3 yore old and npwarde $lO Second bent 6 Third best Diploma Best Bull from 1 to 3 years $8 Second bent 4 Third best Diploma •Best Bull between 6 and 12 months $4 Second bent 2 Best Cow '3 years and 'trim's& $lO Second beet 6 Third best . Diploma Best Heftier 1 to 3 years 5 Second beet 3 Third best Diploma Bent Ileitror between 6 and 12 months $2 Second best 1 Per crossing of the above breed with devon, the ono half the above Premiums. Committee:—John Sorts, Jr.; Thos. B. Weidner and Milton Apple. Claes ll.,—Dovon—Pressiums as Class I Committee.—Peter Wyckoff, David Mertz and William Gruvdr. Class 111.—Nalies Sleek. Best Bull 3 years old and upwards $0 Second beet 4 Third best Diploma. Best Bull from 1 t 0,3 years $5 Second•best 3 Third best Diploma Best Bull between G and 12 months 2' Second best, Best Cow 3 years old and upwards Second best. Third Loot Beet Peiffer from 1 to 3 years Second best Third be st Diploma Best Rafter between U and 12 months • 1 Second Best Diploma Counittee.—llenry B. Person, Ilenry Riegel and Solomon Grimmer. CM.. I V.—Alderney Catie. Best Bull 3 years anl upwards $lO fi ecso n a best 5 Best Bull from 1 to'3 years 8 Second best 4 Best Bull between 6 and 12 montbe 2 Second beet 1 Beet Cow 3 years and upwarde 10 Second beet , 5 Beet Beltler under 3 years Second beet Beet Heifer between 6 and 12 mouths 2 Second beet 1 Committee.—Tinsley Jetere, Robert Steckel and David Hilbert. Olams V.—Swesp Stake Open te all Breeds and Competitors Best Bull 3 yearn and upwards Second bent Third beet Beet Bull under 3 years Second beet Third best Best Cow 3 yearn and upwards Second beet, • Third best • Beet Bull Culf under 12 months Second Lent Third beet Best Halter under 3 years Second best , Third best Bost Single Steer under 5 year corn Ica Second best Third beet Beet Pair of &acre still led Second beet Third beet • • • Diplom& 04immittee....Aaron Lore., Reuben (disk an dDa• Ail nem' tsetathimicati :IFo. till CoVititeiii. All *W. use toistliw II Wu Om eat "a' pate with-wit :other, ,To be-P*4 t-- 1 4, b 7 th• good paritakififritiiietil of !hie; Wid;b* &CAM , ' ity to fatten and is it cgood foitneer ; Bd, maims qualities; 4th, size; . f.tb,,givepremiums to on animal until you are fully a siti that it will pro duce good stock. : -To thin end; udgea shouloi be , satildled in. regard t 9 this stook: of aged Indio And . cows; • The animal that palises' these qualitiiiiin the greatestperfeotlop shonlai draw the Premium wheth er it be ' - flurhariti X/evon; Ayo r sidre,, Heinfo ' 4, 'AI.: derney, tirade, tir Native. •• Class EL—Steers and Oxen, Bent corn fed Steer, weighing,2,ooo or over :120 lleut'Pair Working oxen Second beat Beat Pair Steers, corn fed Sooond best • Committee.—Joseph Weaver, Isaac Hartman, John Kramer, No. 4.--Swntc. Tor tho best Boar over 2 years Second best , Diploma 5 Third boat ' I Diploma Bost Boar nix to twelve months old 4 Second best • 2 Diploma 3 Third beet Diploma Beet Boar Pig from two to ex months old 4 Second best . 2 Diploma Third best Beat Breeding Sow over 2yeare old Second bast Best Breeding Sow 1 and 2 year. Second best Diploma 3 Diploma 3 Third boat ' Best Sow 6 to twelve months old Second beet Third beet Diploma Best lot of Pigs between 2 find 0 months old - 3 Diploma 3 Second best Third best Beet fed hog not still fad Second best Diploma Third beet In this °tette the judges will take into considera tion the different Breeds and award thew ao oordingly alio, award dieeretionary premiums in all eases where they are satisfied that premiutne should be awarded and not provided for in the above list. • Committer.--Jeese M. Line, Peter Wenner, Peter Lanz. Diploma 6 No. s.—Snazr. For Best Cotswold Buck Crossed II Badewell Of Crossed ge Southdown it Crossed Native Beet Pen of two or moro Lambs Second best Diplome 8 Diploma 4 Dip. and 1 3 Dip. and 1 Diploma 4 Third best . Diploma Moat Pen of t hree or more Ewes 4 Second beet ' 2 Third bed Diploma Commiotee.—Aaron Creasman, Tilghman Biery, Tilghman Kline. Nu 6 —GRAIN. SEED AND FLI.Ua. For bed bushel of White Wheat $2 14 Rod Wheat not Mediterranean 2 « it 2 Diploma 4 Diploma 8 Diploma a Diplome. lu ft " Buckwheat Meal 2 ft IS " Corn Meal 2 Committoe.—Henry Burger, Ephraim Grim, Mil ton Berger. No. 7.—FARMING IMPLZIISNTIL—Casa I. Beet 5 horse team full rigged Dip. and $5 " 6 Mule Team full rigged Dip. and 5 " 2 Iloree Plow Dip. and 2 Second beet Dip. and 1 Diploma 6 Diploma 0 Diploma Diploma Third bent Beet Cultivator " • Harrow • Dip. and 2 " Roller Dip. and 4 " drain Drill Dip. and 3 Second heat 1 Best Mowing and Reaping Machine Dip. and 5 u Cornsheller (horse power) Dip. and 2 Threshing 5 whine. Dip. and 4 0 Sweep Horse Power Dip. and 3 Second bent Best Endless Chain Horse Power 2 Diploma Farm Wagon for two horee9 Dip. and 3 Second beet 1 Diploma 10 Third beat Beet Four Iloree Wagon Second best Diplomik 6 Best Horse Rake Second best 13ext Cart lliplorna 6 Committee.—Edward Beck, Joseph Witanan Chas Brader. Diploma No. 7 .—PARAING IMPLZMENTB.-- Class 11. Beet Corn Sheller hand power Dip. and 31 " Hay and Straw Cutter • Dip. and 1 Corn Stalk Cutter Dip. and 1 " Half dozen Rakes Diploma • • running Mill Dip. and 3 " Grain Cradle Dip. and 1 " Day Fork Diploma ‘• . Manure Fork Diploma Committee.—Jonas Mink, Daniel Kline, Jacob J. Ueberroth. NJ. S.— MAN UFACTURED AILTICLBS...—CIads 1. Best Two Horee Carriage Dip.and 310 Second beet 5 Best One Horea . Corriagelo Second beet I Beet Sett Double Carriage names Dip. and 8 Second beet 3 Boat Single Carriage Harness Hip. and 3 Second beet 2 Best Display of Finished Leather Dip. and 3 Second beet .11 Best Display of Boots and Shoes Dip. and 2 Second beet Best Display of Hats and Caps Dip. and 2 Second beet 1 Diploma 3 Diploma Best Display of Clothing Dip. and 3 Second best I Cominittce.—Otren W. Foust, Joseph Kramer, Frederick Wunder. No. S.—MANUFACTURED ARTICILII:•471288 11. Beat Display of Cabinet Ware, six or more articles Dip. and $8 Second boa 4 Best Display of Stores not less than three Dip. and 5 Second beet 3 Best display of Chairs. Dip. and 6 Second best 2 Best display of Cedar Ware Dip. and 2 " i• of Iron Casting. Dip and 5 " " of Edged Toole Dip. and . 5 " " of Tin Ware 2 " Churn 2 " Washing Machine •Dip. and 1 " Display of Manufact'd Tobacco Dip. and 2 Second beet 2 Beet Display of Candles Dip. and 5 Second beet 2 Committee.. James Weller, Tiighmtm Stattler,Si mon Schweitzer. No. B:—MANIIIPACTURICD Al7lCLlB.—Ckas 111. Beet Piece Cassimere Dip. and $2 " •Cassinet Dip. and 2 " Line...) , Dip. and 2 " Lot Woolen Stocking', Dtp. and 2 " Lot Woolen Mitts and Gloves Dip. and 2 " Ingrain Car t Dip. and .3 " Rag Carpet ' 7 Dip. and 2 Committed.—Aarun Erdman, Jacob Jacoby, 'Hen ry Weineheimer. No. B—MaNUPAOTUAND ArrlcLsll.-- 0 lad, I r Exhibited by Manufacturer.: . Beat Piece Cumin:ten • $7 " " Tweed 4 A " Flannel • 4 . 7 pair Blankets . 5 " piece Fatinett 4 .• . Limey 2 " " Carr et 3 ' " " Coverlets • 2 " best pattern Balmoral Marts a " dozenair Stockings 3 " 6 lb. Woolen Yarn 2 For each of second beet Diploma Committee.—Rufue Kreider, George W. Mated, Aaron Troxell. Diplomft 4 9 Best Bushel of Mercer Potatoes Dip. and $1 Second best • Diploma Best Blue Eye Potatoes 1 Secod best Diploma Best Halifax Potatoes 1 Second beet Diploma Best of any other variety 1 Second best Diploma Best Sweet Potatoes 1 •• Bushel of Turnips • 1 Ruta Bags Dip. and 1 .1 14 Sugar Beets Dip. and 1 Best half peck Bunch Beans I " half bushel Field Beans . Dip and 1 " half peck Pole. BUM 1 • " half peck Lima Beans 1 " peek of Tothatoes 1 -' Onions 1 " Bed Beets " Parsnip. I . " Carrots 1 , " Cabbage nut less than six heads . 1 •• Oyster Plants not loss than six 1 ~ Squashes not less than six 1 6 , Cantelopcs not less than six • 1 •• Watermelons, not less than six • 1 6 , Pumpkins not less than six 1 •• Celery not less than twelve stalks • 1 •• Cucumbers not lees than twenty-live 1 " Display of Vegetables 2 Secnnd best 1 Committee.—Horatio T. Herzog, John Erdman, John Y. Bechtel. Resolved, That In all cases where Premiums not exceeding $1 aro awarded for Agricultural or Horti cultural productions, a Copy toilful Asserfans 4914- culturiet, or souls other agricultural Journal, in Huti , OA or German, for the current year, shall be sub scribed for by the society, and tent to the person en titled to the Premium, . - No. 100.-Pouvpalf. . . . * si t 'IN& ot,V)ill, lipodiii • • , if Ma Ppm* . . -. • Diploma 8 Diptgmi l Diploma 3 Diploma 9 Diploma. Diploma 6 Diploma 10 Diploma 8 Y.. 3 Diploma 8 Diploma 5 Diploma California Wheat Mediterranean Wheat Rye Flint Corn Yellow tlourd Corn Oats half bushel of Flat Seed 1 peek of Cloverseed 1 Orchard Grass Seed 1 barrel of White Wheat Flour 3 hundred If 2 ll.ye Flour Diploma Dip. find 2 . _ Diploma Dip. and 2 Dip. and 3 No. 9.—VZOtTABLEIS ._,...." . Malaya . . _ . 2 • "'''''D"cirkings• - • '-' ''' ''''''"•• -• •• • ' 2 #1 Jersey Blues ' .? •! 14 */ 2 " Poland!! ". ,flames . , • - • 2 .4.' a • •'; 4 Leghorn ' 2 ,o. - Native or Mixed ' 1 • a . Best Lot of Mow!. not less than eight 1 ## Best Pair of Capons • 1 " Turkeys • ' • 1 #4 Ducks 1 .. . Pigeons 1 and Largest Variety of Poultry raised by the competitor . Is Setiond best variety • 1 The committee in this class may award discretion ary premiums for the best of either of the font:wing and a diploma for the second best, to wit: Chittagongs, Shanghac, Cochin China,Great Ma lay, Shakebag, Great Java Fowl, Wild Indian Game, Yankee (lame,English Raven, Dorkiugs, (bolder lands, Black Spanish, White Spanish, Bavarian, Spangled Polish, Black Polish, White Polish, Gold en Pheasant, Silver Pheasant, Bolton Grays or Cre ole Fowl, Frizzled Fowl, Dominique, African Bant am, Silver Bantam, Scabright Bantam, Bankiva Jangle, Persian, Fire backed Jungle Fowl, Sonnorat Jungle Fowl and Spanis I Game. Committee.—Henry Roth, Chas. Ruhe, sr., Boas Hausman. No. 11.-.-I)IANT AND HONEY Best Butter, not loss than 5 lbs Dip. and $2 Second best 1 Third Best Diploma Best Dutch Cheese not Isiti s !lutn slb Dip. and 1 Best Pressed Cheese 1 Best Specimen Honey Dip. and I Second best 1 Best Apple Butter 1 The method of making Butter and cheese to be stated in miting by each competitor. Committeo.—C. W. Cooper, Esq., Rey. Joseph Dubs, Dr. C. F. Dickenshied. • No. 12.—Fatur. • Best specimen of Apples " and most numerous variety " specimen of Pears " and most numerous variety " speciinen of Peaches " and most numerous variety " display of plums " peek of Quinces " uisplay of Isabella Grapes ". display of Catawba " display of Fruit Second beet For each second best of the above Committee.—C. B. Heintz, Rev. A. J. G. Dube, Theopbilue Ilurlecher. No 13 —HOWE MANUFACTURE. Best Woolen Yarn dip. and $2 " Knit Eitookings 2 ", Knit Gloves or Mittens . 2 " Silk llod Quilt 2 " Cotton Quilt ' 2 " Woolen Coverlet 2 " Pair Blankets 2 " display Bud Clothing 2 1 Wo yards Flannel 2 " five yards Flax Linen 2 " five yards Linen Towelling. 2 " five yards Tow Cloth 1.50 " .five dozen Linen Yarn 1:50 " five ". Tow Yarn 1.60 ' " five lbs. Tow 1.60 " Chambray ' 2 " five pounds of Ilatchlod Flax 2 ‘f fleece of Wool 5 " five pounds of Wool S " for second best of each of the abovo . .1 Committee.—Reuben Btahler, Mrs. John Y. Bech tel, Mrs. Joshua Stahler, Mrs. Abner Wint. N 0.14 LADIES' Woatt. Best display of Embroidery s2 " display of other Needle Work 2 " Worsted Work 2 " Crochet Work 2 " display of Knitted work 2 " display of Bead Work 2 " display of Bair Work . 2 " display at Millinery Work 2 For second beat of the above 1 Committee.—David 0-6aylor, Miss Loulea Grim, Miss Ellen Harlacher, Mrs. Thomas Jacoby. No. 15.—NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. Best display of Natural Flowers and Plants $2 4' design of Cut Flowers " Boquet " Collection of Roses in Po!s Collection f bahlice in Puts China Astore 44 Verbinas Petunias 44 Heliotropes . Hydranwons ‘• Geraniums Fuscheia Oleander display of Artificial Flowers 1 display of Wax Flowers 44 2 For second beet of the above Committee.—Dr. Theodore Yeager, Mre. Mary Kramer, Mrs. Stephen Kiechel, Mre. Elizabeth Rot rock N 0.16.— HOME DEPARTMENT. Beet Loaf White Bread 1 " Loaf of Rye Bread 1 " Pound Cake • I " Sponge Cake 1 " Plain Cake 1 specimen of Preserves I " specimen of Fruit Jolly . 1 " specimen of Pickles 1 " Display of Preserves 1 " Jollies 1 " Pickles . ' 1 • " Can of Lard .2 Second best 1 Beet five lbs. Bees Wax 1 Second best .50 Best bottle of any kind home made Wine 1 Second best .50 Best Jar of Preserved Fruit 1 Second best .50 Best half Gallon Sugar Cane Molasses 2 For the second beet of each of the above .50 Best Hams cured by exhibi or 2 "• Dry Beef '• .. , 2 For second best of each of the above .50 jar-Discretionary Premiums may be awarded . for meritorious articles under this head, and not enumer ated in the above list. Committee.—Natban Weiler, Mrs. Isaac Hartman, Mrs. Enos Erdman, Mrs. Edward Kern. No 17.-11.11sceutNEous ARTICLES. Best display of Oil Paintings Second oast Beet display of drawings Second best Beet Statuary Second best Best Daguerrotypes Second best Beet Ambrot'pes Second best Beet Piano Forte Second best Best Display of other Musical Instruments Second beet Committee.-13. Weise, (Bethlehem,) M. L. 'toffee, R. E. Wright, Esq. No. 18.—NoN EMISIXRASZD ARTICLICS The Committee on this class will use their own judgement in awarding such premiums as they think suitable. Committee.—Dewoes J. Martin, 'Gen. P. Weil, E. J. Moore, Esq. No. 19.—LADIES' RIDING AND DRIVING. Best and moat graceful riding . $lO Second best. Best and moat •' driving with two horses 5 41 41 44 " it one horse 5 No premiums will be awarded for riding or driv ing unless three competitors enter the list, each lady to be attended by a gentleman as an escort, and no racing will be allowed. Committee.—Dr. Henry J. Grim, Samuel Lewis, Jr., Augustus Dankel. No. 20.—Ptcarma Mates Beet Ploughman Second beet Third beet Fourth best Best pair of Plough Horses Second best Third best The trial is to take place at 10 o'clock A. M., on the last day of the Fair. Connnittee.—Stephen Medici. John arose, David Shit:. No. 2.l.—Ortsq, ~IET.LL9~ IC Beat display and quality of Iron Ore Diploma Zinc Ore . Diploma 4* - Slate Diploma .. • .. Limestone Diploma " - lire and puree . lain Clay Diploma " '• Pig Iron Diploma " " Wrought Iron Diploma ' '• " Iron Axles Diploma Slate 3lantles, Tables, Ac., Diploma " •' of Rooting and School Slates Diploma Best and greatest collection of all the Min. era's found iu Lehigh County $lO This collection to be the property of the Society. All the artiu'ca in the above list to be the produce of Lehigh County. Committee.—Levi Line, Samuel Mello'', Joseph Lewis. . . COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS William H. Blamer, Joeeph Stip, Jacob Andeese, Phaon Albright, John McLean, Thomas Steckel, An drew Morey, Thomas ]unfit, Thomas Jacoby, Ed ward Kern, Charles Solder, C. W. Dannehauer, Hen ry. Gabriel, Jeremiah Roth, Rouben Seifert, David Weida, Solomon Kline, (miller) Abner H. Wint. July 17th, 1860. • NOTICE. OFFICU OF TOR TUOMAB IRON CO., llokendauqua, July 11, 1856. THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Thomas Iron Company, for the election of Di rectors, and for the transaction of other appropriate brininess, will he held at the office of the Company, at Hokondanque, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Anon at 10 o'cdoek, A. Al. • . Polli opal) from 11 S. 11..t4 7. KW/OUT, beet, 111:10 1 CREN4v R LIFEIIIINENEL This preparation istineqaaled as a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted or lout t functions. The aged should be oertain it make the Biokrene a household god, inasmuoh as it will render them youthful in feeling and in strength, and erable them to live over again the day of their pris lay. It not only exhilarates but strengthens, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to ti:ose who have been reduced to a condition of servility, self-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impotency of any. human organ, this superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. DZOZILENE cures Impotency, General Debility, Nervous Ines putty, Dyspepsia, Depression, Loss of appetite, Low dpirite, Weakness of the Organs of Generation, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, hmaoiation. It has • most delightful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous system: and all who are in any way prostrated by nervous disabilities, are earnestly ad• viscid to seek a cure 1u this moat excellent and tine. quelled preparation. Persons who, by imprudence, have lost their nat ural vigor, will find a speedy and pennanent cure in the BIOZRENZI. The Feeble, the Languid, the Digit&log, the Old should give this - valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totally different from all other articles for the same purposes. To Fenicass —This preparation is invaluable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it will restore tat wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a i , rund tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia withthe first dose. A brief persistenno in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree o perfect health and banish 11)spopsia forever. One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for $5. /1411• Sold in Allentown by Lewis dohmidt Co.,' and Druggists generally. dent ny express anywhere, by addressing NUTDRINGS A 11ILLYER, Proprietors, 31 Day threat, New York. November 1,18115.1 y \ew York Prire Curt For July 28. Corrected weekly by J. h. HELFRICH, PRODUCE COMMIrostIoN onalcuithl . No. 92 Barclay Smut, NEW YORE. SLIT L oft. N.Y State, Tubs, fair to g, od, per lb. 32 to 36 7. Y Sta.e tube, choice, " 87 to 40 Orange and Sussex. pails, " 40 to 46 Western Reserve, choice, " 28 to Bt iorth'u. Penna., goo to choice, " 85 to 88 N. Y. State Welsh Tubs, " 81 to 85 N.Y. Stato FirkinsPrime for Shipping, " Ito to 40 enna., in Pals and Tubs Store Peaked 26 to 80 Western Reserve, White and Mixed, " 22 to 20 (MEESE. Factory choice and fancy new, " 181 to 19 " good " 17 to 18 N. Y. State, diary, " 15 to .17 Skim milk, or poor, " b to 1u EGGS. Jersey A Penna.psoked in chaff, per dos. 28 to 29 Jersey& Penna. packed in on% 28 to 29 N. Y. State, packed, in good order, " 27 to ;28 Ohio, packed—by express, 'to count, " 26 to 28 BEANS. slarrow,choloe,full sised, per bush 82 lbs 2.60 to 2.75 Kidney, ohoice,full elaed, " " 2.50 to 2.76 Mediums, choice, 2.00 to 2.15 Mixed loth and common, " 50 to 1.00 DRIED FRUIT. ~ Apples—N. Y. State, choice, per. lb ' . 19 to 20 Apples—Jersey and Pennsylvania, " 171 to 18} 1 BEESWAX. 1 Pure . • per lb. 40 to 41 SEEDS per bush. 56 lbs. 3.00 to 8.20 per lb. 10 to 11 TALLOW. Flozeoea, Clover, In good Barrels, per lb. Itl to 12 POULTRY. Ducks alive, Alive Geese, Spring Chickens, per pair r wing Chickens, small Fowls, Turkeys EGGS.—The receipts during the part few days have been large and the defeand light, stock bus been accumulating and prices are declining. Should the receipts continue large during thecoming weeks, prices will fall still more. BUTTER.—Tho receipts of choice continues scarce, lower grades aro more plenty and prices a ittle easier. Report .of Borough Auditors. tIN account of Jonathan Reichard, Treaeurer of the tr Borough of Allentown, !'or the year ending March 27th, 1866: DR.• Balance in hands of Treasurer Loans Borough Tax for 1864, D. W. Luhr, col lector in 1u11..... 90 31 Borough Tax for 1865, J. M. Ruho, co!. 8,308 OU Bounty Tax for 1861, Goorgu Buser, col lector in full 42 33 " J. M. Roil°, col., 357 20 " Dan. Brown, col., •44 60 Bounty Tax for 1565, J. M. Billie, (mi.,- 5,174 00 " Dan Brown, col., 7,852 00 " C. W. Eckert, col., 9,530 00 • /I " G. J. Esser, col , 3,134 55 $l5 Contributions for Bounty, Wm. H. Ainey, Treimurer Floes of C. Kline, Burgess Warrants House and Shop Rent Licenses Water Stock Dividend • Contributions for Good Will Steamer... 2 " " Young America Hose Carriage • Contributions for Lamp Poets Repairing on Lamp Poet, Win. Fry T. Good, for half of East Wall of Town Hall C. Kline for CLaire Interest on Loans • 81,981 44 Loans Paid Bounty Paid to Volunteers E. b'enstermaoher, btreot Commissioner Jacob Bchlauoh, Hiram Zeliner, Jacob Schultz., State, - County and School Tax for 188 b.. State Treasurer for 'lax on Loan Right of Way . C. Kline, for money paid " Burgess' Salary Coal. Juryfor opening Flout Street E. Forrest for professional services... Borough Engineer Allentown Water Company Borough AUditors Warrants Printing and Stationery Lumber Good will Stearn Engine Hose Coal Oil Allen Gas Company Miscellaneous Police Officers dead Will Engineer's Salary Treasurer's Salary " Commission of per cent. on $28,234 77 Bounty Taz received Secretary Cross Walks Ground Repairs to Engine Houseicrire Appara atus, and expenses of purchasing steamers 479 85 Miscellaneous Repairs 248 54 Balance In handy of Treasurer 5,546 45 Total We, the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough of Allentown, hereby certify that we have audited and adjusted the account of Jonathan Reichard, Esq., Treasurer of skid Borough, for 1865, and that we find a balance in his hands of five thousand five hundred and forty-six dollars and forty-five cents, ($5,546 45). Witness our hands and seals this 9th day of July, A. D., 1806. WALTER H. BEIP, ABIEL HEILMAN, Auditor.. MAHLON U. BTERY, - July 17, 181 H, Application for 1 In the matter of the application In the Court of of John G. Wink, et al, for a Common Pleas of charter of incorporation of the Lehigh County,of "Ballieteville Cemetery Aeon- April term, 1860. elation." And now ; May 28th, 1866, the said instrument of writing having been presented to the Court, and pe rused and examined 'by them, and the objeots, arti otos and conditi(ns therein set forth and contained appearing la • ful and not it jurions to the communi ty, it is directed that the said writing be flied in the office Of,4be Prothonotary, and that notice be insert ed in one nowstlaper printed in Lehigh county for at least three weeks, setting forth that an applica tion has been made to this Court to grant the char ter oficoorioration prayed for, and that the Court will set on e application at the neat terra. p order of the Court, julo/114.2 319111110, Proth'y. 111111TOWI 1100 K SUR, T.T. RHOADS, Agents No. 31 West Hamilton Street, • • AT the Store of tho subscriber will be kept dew stently on hand, at the very lowest prim, In the moat elegant and also in common binding. ALL KINDS OF SOiIOOL BOOKS. Boob as complete stria of Sander's Reading and Spellingalooks,, 44 MCO affies ' " Id If Greenleaf's Arithmetical, Algebras, Monteith's Geography, Colton's Mitchell's Geography and Atlas. Brown's Grammars, Weld's Grammar and Geometry, ' Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " , Mental " Specimen Copy Books, Potter & Ilammond'e Books. ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inkstands, Sand foxes, Writing • Sand, Steel Pens, Ciollls, Lead Pet cils, B,ates and Pencile,Slate Hub• bets. Pen Holders, Gold Pons. and Pencils, • Drawing Pencils, Gum- Rubbers. reeling TI ax. Water Colors, Tape Measuroe,lndelible Ink,Pneket liniveS, Collar Ptris,Lrochet Needler,Tootbrieks" Also a spl:ndid Int of Pocket Book., inane% every kind des red—all of the very best otus/itj M s at the lowest prices. Alan a large selection of ENG LIS AND GERMAN BIBLES, restamenfh, Reformed and Lutheran Liturgies, asl well as a.i kit de of Hymn at.d Pester Hooke Also ali kinds of Alu,to Books; such as the Gold en Chain. , andav e•ohool Boil, No 1 and 2, Ds). School Bell, bra I.a,p mmauk d W e ber.. Herman I bomb Nome ittuks. All kinds of Foreign Books Such M. Latin ttt , o km Books Latin Oratnniats; Greek emu:Man. Hui lion's iknttion'a Comm 40. SVAID.A.T . 80/100L BOOZIL A full aseortmeitt of i.utiday School Books, in. eluding 'ell the pubite..iittna, tit the American Treat , mety. the ...mortoon -and ty -cool 4 'Union" and the "Pennsylvania titbits tnets." Particularly dues he wigs' to say nut be Indi splendid Libra/lei and Reward Tickets on halo, suets.se Imre 'met been kept on sale in this town before. BLANK BOOKS. He has a splendid lot, and or the iery beet gnat. 11. They are of all sises,,,aud can be obtained flai or half-bound. MEMORANDUM ,80010. No one will deny that he has the most splendid assortment of Memorandum Books of every desoriso don on hand, that can be found many plea* except Now York and Philadolphin. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS The largest etock of Photograph Albums that hay over been seen in Allentown, can be foundat Eboada' Cheap Book Store. To describe'them la impoulblit —they moat be seen, and if so, every oat will at once eay that they are the 111011IBT and marmot they over saw. At the same place there are also ever 800 Photographs, and also trames and a splendid aseertment of large Pictures for sale. Over 200 different patterns of Wall .Paper and Borders are also at this Cheap Book titore, as troll as hundreds of other ante as too numerous to mutts don. A very largo varioty of WINDOW 'CURTAINS. Over 200 different patterns. A large variety of Hair Brushes. Tooth Brashly, and Combs of every dosoription. By strict mtontion to his business, low prices and . good goods, he hopes to merit his share of pnbllo patronago, which he will always keep in grataftal. rememberance. T. V. RELOADS, A g 't. April 24, 1988 . —4l' per pair 1.25 to 1.75 per pair 2.00 to 3 00 1.00 to 1.25 50 to 75 per lb. 24 to 26 2f. to 27 Consult Your Interest. In Buying Goods! Metzger & Osman Have Just opened at their • T AIL 0 RIN G ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 33 EAR` HAMILTON STREET, ALL.p,ProWN, PA.. THEIR SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, $°,813 57 71,265 68 VESTINGS, 803., &0., which will be Blade up to Order, ji BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN, et the Ilhorteet notion. It - g LAM- Eg ii nvrmlizma GEITLEMENS ' NISEI 6111115 SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. • QaU and Exassins. 4,095 00 26 00 43 02 150 50 106 00 396 OU 2,500 00 250 00 10 00 8 00 127 75 18 50 8116,447 08 .. 89,225 09 07b 00 4 70 lEE9 226 20 etc.. etc.. oto., eto. Our stock is much heavier and better assorted tk 277 52 66 00 173 68 _ . EVEIL BEFORE: Don't forget the place, No. 88 EastMaadltem MMe next door to the "Independent Republlkanorr METZGER & OBMAL rfasuas Menace, late of the firm of Troxellfl Metzger: TILEIMIAP.OIIIIAW, lately bead outlay at tM eatatoo Hahment of Troxell & Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8. 1865 10 00 37 67 2 00 00 114 00 12 00 20 00 33 16 20 00 40 00 00 85 44 01 234 14 3,000 00 1,600 00 120 31 :00 00 228 00 1,525 .50 2U 67 76 00 Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, when, if they would ere the Great trench Rom. edy. 131. 17 75 00 248 98 272 10 , CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS , Prepared by Forumfere & Dupont, No. 214 Roe Lombard, Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delemon°, Chief Physician of the Respitel dilator& on Lariboisiere a fair trial, they would And . ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to ' Health and Strength. It is used in the practise of many eminent French physfolans, with .uallbrut success, and highly recommended as the only peal: ' titre and Speoille Remedy for all persona spliming, • from General or Sexual Debility, all deraugionags of the Nervou Pones, Melancholy, Spermatorrhou• or Seminal Emissions, all Weak arising from Sexual Expenses, or youthful Indlscretioas.*Leas of Muscular digargy, Physical Prostration,Nervesu. nese, Weak pine, Lowness of Splints, Distuess of Vision,Dysterlos, Pains in ,41Beok aid yid." Impot 0 ney, &a. ' No language can convey an adequate idea of tair immediate a nd almost suirseulous change It Oliell” alone to the debilitated and lehatterint system. In feet, it stand") 'unrivalled as an unfailing eine Of Min • maladipp above mentioned. Buffer no more, but use The Great french less: dy ; it will effect *score titers all others All, iii although a powerful remedy, contains steatites butll.., ful to the most delicate constitution. • ' Pamphlets. rontainlog full particulars 'ats4 Lions for using, in English, Frei* Vali sal German, accompany each box, and also • t beet" any address when reoneited. • Prim one dollar per box; 'IX byxsul for ihre 44' 110,447 08 CO Charter. Bold by tall Annulate tlu.ougloot it will be gent by mall, meanly sealed Cron all o vatlm, by enclosing apeollkd prim, to any atill* ised agenu. • Bauer' 401 494 1 2mik%fiaist'aild ItoadroWW, Propri.ncire , iszeliiive Agent. for • aiseilase 0/11; OAR G. MOSIII3 A CO.. ft Uourtlanylt 8t:; .:TL '6 Aikuthorised - Arms tbr 8O I Beildtkess t *DW. T. USTIIIII6.. • THE -.CHEAL---:,;;.- WAI4L PAPER S BRUSHES! BRUSHES! ! IS TIT LATU? STYLLII, WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Oassimeres, • ' Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, .. Cheapest Handkerchief., Cheapest Hosiery, - Ch apest Gloves. Cheapest Umbrellas, LIFE-NETIF-STRIMIL LE-IBLIFSTILIBM DR. JUAN pELAMARRWB 4., r f r•I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers