n• PIAS T OLASS RIOOERY AND POWISION STORE. NO kiAAvTlfAytivros ; sTim,glT,. ALLIINTOWIc PA. CONSTAI4II:I' oh liana and i aily ' iiiriving a largo and choice assortment- 01,Stapla .and..Faney GROORltrtiVioliihieh the attention . of the public is respeetfull.Tlequested. • , %JAIIED 'Art , t.ts;' Syn Ans, "' MAIM, t',i tODES,:i : (IREEN COrrI:E, SHOULDF:R, •QIIERRIES. • I.I6ASTED DRIED BEEF, COOKINO PRUNES, Mot.ApsEs, SHOED Ttomi k eZA:crn CI'IRLINTS, MACKEREL, PLCI(I.4. _ . VREESE. COD Flair, FRESH Fat-Irs, So.tes, Satmeet It 4' , OIL, Vokrini BALTi PINE SALT.. r at i 310`.. A large assortment or chei. , e flavored Green and Blnek..tee.e, superior to anythfog in thb market. IP' 11 ]11:1 NMP 9 Ginger, allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace. CER S 9 Art elegant -- . variety "always on baud, composed in part of - CANNIIIiTIII3II., SALAD OIL, SARDINES, • CATBUPB. SAUCES, CnocoLaTn, VERMILLION,. IlAcAnoxi, PEARL BARLEY TOBACCO! CIGARS!! Conetantly,in redoipt of a largo variety of FRESH CRACKERS. WHEAT FLOUR! RYE FLOUR!! Come and buy! Come and buy! BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in a first-olass GROCERY HOUSE. 'ls.. PRODUCE BOUGHT. AU goods warranted as represented. W. S. BOWEN, Sn. Allentown, May 15, 1865.-1 y Miller, Schreiber & Co, Tli NEW YORK STORE, No. 10 &Let Hamilton Street, ALLEM U WN,. PA.. • Are now row& ng their NEW STOCK of SITE AB SOM I I Gollli, whion they nave nought ut 25 to 50 per cont., IC, than they oiu d 13..a4ht for and are now prow ad to give their Nitta nets the 11 , IV intiaos of our LOW PURCHASES. We Belt (}nods cheaper than any hole° in Allen eowo. sail notter Golds and more of them W.: doe'. Wien to boast of what we do, only 00019 and set for yourselves. Never before was presented to du publio such an attractive and elognn t asslrtinent o Idittr.S.., GOODS. Conofeting in part of FINE FRENCH ERINOES, ageorted and light colors. c "'MUSLIN -DE LAINES, tNiON PLAIDS in *Mooed and Scotch Plaids All Wool Der Lanes AND Mourning , Goods. igre'sit 'Variety of L .dlee', Minos' and Children's WOOLEN SHAWLS, BALMORALS, &c. ilitiMtion to the above will bo foand the larg. sat stork of Brown and ' Bleached Muslim, Tiokings, Denims, Striped and • Checked Shirting, Canton Flan,.ele, Prints, Gingham, Woolen Flannels, Cassimeres, and Cloth Ever shown In Allentown Our Cloths, Casslmoref. and Flannels are cherrper and scpurior to anything offered at ary other establishment in town. Come where you can get Goode at prices that ensure a ready and satisfactory sale. Our stock i eomplete and offers groat inducements. When you sins ready to buy, fall In with the crowd and bring up at the Store No. 35 East Hamilton Street. BfiLLER, SCHREIBER A CO. January 2. 1866. —t Itivf sTanz ALLEATOWN! 4UST OPENED -Lawler & Steckel, At 1,101 11111, , No. 20 East 11, , miltan Vert II" E opened a row t.OOLa-, and HItU ()HELY attire. All of their stack is new tin fresh, and bee be.° purchame.l for at the p e• out real:load:prim., which wil' el able thew to au et greatly reduced rates. Ainong their Dress Goods will beletind 'eome of the !shot and mum. fashions •Isle Wise, comprising Bilks, illoha'r Len°, Lana Voyage. Lirenadinn, 8 . 2 Leon Melange, A I Wool Delaiue, ~; ' Amuree, 51..lande, Plain and Floored Poplins. Bradley's Improved Duplex Sloop Skirt. A oo a full line of 21E,31111%Tv a Iva - La-R, • Consisting in part of easslmerek • Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans. :9 Domestic Goods, uoh ne Ticktrigs, `‘ Flannels, Shootings, ' Prints, Cheek, &0., &e. ..: Terms are CASH! PRODUCE taken in exchange for golds. Wx. R. LAWelin, April 17, 1864 REMEMBER • That now is the Time TO. IMPROVE YOIIIIIIOIISP 'j!WITIH LITTLE MONEY YOU OAN ALL DO an. Go to the "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE su 4 pgroh,so some of that splendid Wall Paper, which Lan just been redoived. We always have o bend one of the Largest, Finest, Cheapest and hsst seleoted et/mks of WAIL/Li 3F . Jek:k . M.rt. In this section. Buying your paper at a place wher, there is a large nassortment. is worth three time. the prloo - yon pay at other places where there a. only a.dosen patterns of fur sale. All we' ask is for the people to come and see to ' We charge nothkg for showine good eipplt before your neighbors, your friends nu. 11 Int!iple, that the place and the only place in th‘ oa ;ft_Ultion to boy the fi nest and cheapest assortment p WALL PAPER le 'at the .nJ "TRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORB LcIRIENPIIkIC & CO. vggx94LlE b.RTY 40, LEAD A, fr.will do more and botior work at a given Cost. that any other! Try it! lfanufnotared only liy ZIEGLER & WHOLESALE Drum, PAINT and GLASS DEALERS No. 37 North Third Street. Philior ARRI •GE +N D . climuAry. an rzFily of t .4111 Warning and Instruction fcr Toting Men! 41 41,j:1111 . 0W i}nd buses which prostrate the vita' powers, - with sure means of relief. eat free o charge In Settled letter envelopes. ddress ,r O BIEILLIN,.IIOIXIIIIO.I, Iloword sanoiation. Plot a„;4 10 /0 1111 /Pa' A Fri) 24, 1866 1j EPPECTUAL WOR3IIIEDIOME lITIOWN'S V3111111170i CORITB, Or Worm Lozenges. Much sickness, undoubtedly, with children end adults, attributed to other gaups. is occaelonid bylvorms. Verfaiu ger Comps!' althoukb eflepttiel in, destroying worms, poisible injury to the most delicate child. Thie val uable combination has been successfully used by phy sicians, and founCto be sarcludeure in eradicating worms, so burlap children. , Children having , Vr. , tlSill require immediate atten tion, as neglect of the trouble *am causes prolonged sickness. - - bym,,toms of Wining in Children aro often over looked. Worms in the stomach and bowels eau=.) ir ritation, which can ho removed only by the use of a -arc remedy.. The combination of ingredients used in making Brown's "Vormifugo Comfits•" is ench•as to,give the beet possible effect with safety. CURTIS et BROWN, Proprietors, New York.— So tl by all dealers in medicines, at 25 etc. a box. May 22 MO. —1 year. TRAVELLEItS' (3, 11)0. Leh igli Valley littiiroad, 1 4_ 4 :1 1 11 ~., • „FA,: bUNIMER ARRANGIEMENTS-18613 On and after Monday, May 2lat, 1886, Passenger ['rains of the Lehigh Volley Railroad Company will -on in connection with the P over al roads running o Wilke:burn, Now York and Pnil.tdolphin, as fol l.tws : DOWN OR EASTWARD TRAINJ ATIONFI. enVO Ti Ices Barron ‘s • tioven 0.30 8.00 Tannery ' 9.38 3.08 el I. , .st ury Run 9.45 835 Nud Run 911 822 i. cock port . 10.90 8.31. a: horn - m.looh. 2.10 _ e InUuuny City, ,udonrietip caneaville ;carer Meadow 2.35' ..e Voatborly 8.25 3.20 a ?onn Guyon 10.24 353 1F! 4nuon Chunk 4.80 10.47 4.25. ..obighton 4.40 10.57 4.36 ~,, Perryville 9.46 9.41 1... .obigh Gap 5.01 ' 4.56 ilatington 6.07 11.20 6,02 , tockdalo 5.17 5 13 l,aury'e 5.27 5.23 Whitehall 5.34 6.30 oplay 5.38 11.42 6.34 Inkondauqua 5.42 5.38 • 'atasauqua 5.46 11.47 5.4 Ilan Furnace 5.54' . 5.50 tllentotru 6.011 11 57 5.55 1.10 'otblohato 6.15 12.13 6 15 1.20 reamanaburg —3 . 624 asroc, 6.44 12.43 6.45 2.00 'hilvlolohia, 9.20 23i 8.46 1 , 31 V York, 10.10 4.10 10.45 _ 600 No. 5.--lelevas Bothlaliona at 12.40 ; Freemaaa hurg 12.49 ; Easton 1.15 ; Now York 5.20. UP OR WESTWARD TRAINS STATIONS. No. S. No. 6. No.lo. No. 2. No. 4. ,911V0 A. M. M. P. 29. A. M. P. M. Vow Yo•k, 700 12.00 4.00 9.00 ti.oo Philadelphia, 7.30 5.15 raatou 9.47 3.25 7.40 11,59 11.24 ifrooniansturg 10 07 3.49 8.06 3othlehom 10.20 9.00 8.15 12.24 11.65 kllentown 10.37 4.15 8.30 12.35 12.04 s.llontown Furnace 4.20 8.34 l'.'.' i:lataasuqua 10.47 4.28 8.42 = ,=, .lokondaugua 10.53 4.33 8.17 Joplay 10.57 4.38 8.51 :17: P. Whitehall 11.02 4.13 8.50 ['nary's 11.10 4.50 9.04 ..'?.' Rockdale 11.19 5,00 9.14 5, slatington 11.21 5.12 9.25 Ts' Lehigh Gap 11.36 5.18 9.31 • F'arryvPlo 11.48 5.33 9.45 Lehighton 11.55 5.39 0.50 i 4 l•s4 Alauah Chunk 12.05 550 10.00 Porto .ilaven 12.32 6.13 .Venthvriy Beaver Meadow Joansvilio ‘udenrietl, Slahunoy City, • 1.45 Saonandonb, 1.50 ttockport 12.53 0.17 ktua Run hliokory Rur. 1.07 6.53 tannory White ifaven 1.13 7.07 4.1 7iVilkoa Barre, 2.50 8.35 CONN ECTIONS Central Irmilroad'of New Jersey—All up and drawl rains connect at Easton with the trains of the Cen ral Railroad of New Jeremy to and from New York. North Pennsylvania Railroad —D wn trains No. , 5, Intl 7, mid up trains NO9. 2 and 8, connect at tothlehem with trams 1 • or Philadelphia. Train, rom Philadelphia connect at Bethiehoni with down rain No. 7 and with up trains Nos. 8 mad In. East.Pannsylvanla ltailr rad —Down trains Not. land 5, and up trains Nl/3. 2, .1, 6 and 8, eminent al tiloutown with trains .for Rea iang and Parrishure. Crains from Harrisburg and Rooting ca nnuct ut Al .entowu with all down trains: Belvidere Delaware ltaailroad.—Down trains Nes I, 3 and 5 connect it Phillipsburg with trains fin Philadelphia. Trains tram Yltibtdolphin connec• t Phillipsburg with up trains Nos. 2 and tO, an,i trains from Rolvidare connect witti up trams Naas. 6 a ad 8. Catawissa Railroad.—Down train No. 7 andup train No. 8 connect at Quakalto Junction, with train: if the CatawiEta Railroad. Hazleton RaProuel.—llown trains Nos 5 and 7 and aap 'rain No. 8 connect with trains of the Have ton Railroad. Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad.—Dolin train N. 0.. 5 and 7, aid up trains Nos. 8 and 8, auntie.- ,t White Raven. with trAus of he coign and Su.t luehanna Railroad to and fr. to Wilkesh.irre. Nn hange of ears betweon Wilho>barre and New Yori. .n up train No 8 and down train No 7. No changt .etween Wilahsharre and Philadelphia ou up tri, o. 8 and dawn tia‘n Na. 5. U. ;AY tt M, Stint. 31. t..a ttEADING RAIL ROAD "SIMMER AlthA E ENT6, June 11th, 1860. , ' '1 Eli K I.IN 1 , 1t051 Nonn, '3l" and North West for Phila let tibia, Now Y 41. Co• .d•ng, Pottsville. Tamaqua, d, , I tentown. Easton, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Cot ambit &0., fritin4lollVo Harrieburg for Neer Yqrk, op follow. : t.t. 0.00. 8.10 and 9115 A. M.. end 2 10 aid 9 5 1 0.. connecting with hailer Truing 4.n eh.. Kerley!. vania Rail Raid, and arriving at Now York ut 6 0 ,, •.d 10111 a to, and 4 in, 5.21 and 10 45 p. m— leeping C re licompp,al3lu4 , ho 0.00 a. m , and 9.- 5 p in.. traits. without change. eave Ilarri_burg f r Reeding, Pottsville, Trawl tin), Minere.vil.e, Abllsaod. PI6O °rove, A.lentowt od Philadt Iphiu. at 8 10 a in , end 2 10 and 4 ilt m , .topoinr at Lotiation and principal Wt .one; the 4 ID p. m , train mAing ounneetiutta fu hileitelphic and Columbia on.y. lrcr tile. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sehttyl hid ad 611 , qt/tab/Ina' Railroad, leave flarrisburg at 8.2 e p m. Cottonadeß, &e Returning : Leave Now York at 7 00 and 0.00 0. to 21.0 noon and 8.00 p. m.; Phila.b ]phis nt 8.15 a. m , and 3.30 p. in. Way passenger Lain leaves Phila. tit labia at 7.30 n. in., returning from Reading at 0 30 p. m., mopping at all Stations; Pottsville m 345 0 in. and 2.45 p. tn. ; Ashlutd 11 00 and 11 311 a. in. ard 1.05 p. tn.; Tamaqua at 0.45 a. in. and 1 - in) and 8.55 p. no. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Elm quehanna Railroad, at 7,00 a. in. Wading Accommodation Train ; Loaves Heading at 11 00 u In., returning from Philadelphia at 5 00 pm. Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading nt 0 45 a. in., 12.05 noon and 0.15 p. in., for Ephrata, Litiz. Lancaster, Columbia, he. On Sundays : Mavis New York at 8 00 p In, Phil.' adelphia 8 00 a m and 3 15 p in, the 8,00 a m train running only to Reading. Pottavltie 800 a in, Ta- maqua 7 : 1 0, n in, Harrisburg 0,05 n m and Reading at 1 33 n. in., and 7 30 a in., for LlarriEburg, and I 0 52 a. In. fur Now Y.Jrk and 4.25 p. m. for Phila delphia. Wu. R. STECKEL. Commutation, ikf Hauge, Season, School and Ex union Tickets to and from all points, at reducer IEiM Baggage checked through • tO pound° allowed each Pasnengor. • G. A. NICOLLS, Oonernt Suportnteudent. Reading, Po., Juno 25th, 18110. East Pennsylvania Railroad, SU3IMER ARRANGEMENTS. Commencing Alm day. ..V,g 214. 1566 DIRECT To NEW YORK AND PITTSBURG WITLIOVT CLIANGE OF CARS. RAIN'S leave Allentown daily (Sundays except ed) at 7.1111 and 10.30 A. M., and at I L.J. , 4.1 and 11.14 P. Nl. The I II.:10 A. N., mike direct con 'tedious at :Harrisburg, fur Cltnibersburg, Hagers town and points on the Cumberland Valley Rail road, Norther Central Railroad, North and South. and the oil region. The I 0.3‘: A. M., and IL- I, P. N., aro the Western Express trains, dirce: through to Pittsburg ivithout change of cars. TM .01 A. train stops at all stations of this road tud m ke connections at Reading for Pottsville. Port Clinton, Tamaqua and all points in the Selanyl :till coal regions ; tor Philadelphia and all points to - PlilLatlelphia and Reading Railroad, also to Ilarrisburg, , Chambersburg, II ugerstown, York, Get. ysburg, the oil region, Williamsport, and the West. l'ho 4.1 h I'. AL, train stops at all stations, connect: it Reading, with trains ter Pottsville, Columhia 'phrata, I itis, Lancaster, Harrisburg, .te. The 11.11 P. Nr., train leaves daily (Sunday's Included' Mr Rending, Harrisburg, and the IVest. Passmigers are requested o p rchase their ticket, mfore entering the cars, as higher faro will M harged on the ears. Tiesets for solo at the Allentown office for al mints on this road,and tho principal stations on Go Phila elphia and Reading, Lebanon Valley, an. 'ennsylvania railroads ' West, North:west an. South-west. [juns-003 C. STOLZ, Eng'r. & Supt No. 1. No. b. No. No. 11 A. M. A. 51. P. M. A. 5.1 8 00 2.15 2 08 2.15 ;E' IBM BEI DT 1.112 6.46 1.17 7.01 NORTITEDINSYLVANIA RAILROAE- Three Dailr4.. in 2," Alkhicuni..toPhika elph.(a PASSEliiiititt for Philadelphia talc; L. It: i t . trains passing Allentown :at 6.00 a. in.,12.02 noon, and 6.55 makci clOse connection with the trainfOrs7: P.:ll4ra. at.,ll3otbleberai and mite in PhiladiOphla ati 9.20 #.40 . an441m. t wee rospecti*Oljr,.. . , Passe - a - gel; toi beilesten4 a: train Cron/ Bothlahqw•and wake cant ea,:tion tit Lancdail and cau rettitn to Allentown the 1111/10 evening. All Passenger Trains (except Sundr.y Traina,)con neat at Berko street, Philadelphia, with sth and 6th Arcot City Paffenger RETURNING Leave the now Divot, Third street, above Thomp son, Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., and 5.15 p. m., arriv ing in Allentown at 10.31 a. in., and 8.30 p. m., ro speetlvoly. . _ _ LOCAL SCIIEDITLE. Throe, Tbrough Trains Daily, Sunday& Exceptod.l Passongor trains leave the new Depot, Third Area, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.80 n, m., 8.30 p, in., and 615 P. M. For Doylestown at 9.35 a. m., and 2.30,4.15 p. m. For Lansdale at 0.15 p. m. For Fort Washington at 11 p. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at o.2Lia. m. 12.25 noon and 5.15 p. tn. Leave Doylestown at 8.40 n. tn., 3.15, and 5.80 p.m. Lenvo Lansdale at 8.00 a. Fort Washington, at 2 15 p. 10.50 a. m. Faro—Allentown to Philadelphia, $1 8o ELLIS•CLARK, Agent. , u,.,•8•'8,15 R. I. SEVEN GREAT BLESSINGS SECURED TO THE HUMAN RACE BY ONE BOTTLE OF RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. suddenly peized with pain or sieknestt, the use of RADWAY'S READY h ELIEF will Aford IMMEDIATE EASE and exterminate the threatened dieeaso. 2d.- If suffering from any acute, inflamntory, nquralgie rialutuutio, tmasunitio t i other disease whether Rheumatism co. Neuralgia, Cholera Morbus, lliarrhma, Bilious olio, Fever and Ague, IN eak oess in the Limbs, Bock, Legs, &rmns, Bruises. ;turns, or nu.v Pain or It:lint:my, Radiony'a Ready Relief will quickly cure too patient, without ocea- Among less •of time, charge of diet, of the use of other medictres. 3.1.—1 f subject to. Headaches, Sour Taste in the Sleuth, Dizziness, Sickness at Stomach, Melancholy, efts, l'octhao..o, Loss of Appetite Qeneral Debility, Coldness of tho extremities, bwolion Joints, Ner• 'countess, Rostlessnos , Difficult Breathing, Asthma Sore 'T'Arout, Coughs, Colds, It.lluor za, Diptheria, Broup,leflaintuation of the Bowels, Stomach, Kid neys, or Bladdor, Radwav's Beady Relief will ef fort' immediate ease, and quickly curs the co..nplatnt. 4 th.—lttibbiwi the Spine.—lt afflicted with Spinal diflkultios or with Di , •boles, Incontioonee of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder, Paralysis of the Spincter or the Bled.'or, Sluggishness of tho liidnele, Lein chorrhco , Whites, Fleur Albus, Falling of tko Womb, and ether uterine difficulties, Midway's Ready Relief rubbed the entire length of the spine for ten or twenty minutes, twice a day, will cure the worst Cases. We have over 10110 well end au thenticated eases where Radway's Iteat'y Relief, by this in Ruud of application, has effected permanent and speedy cures. 0 II who, by exposuro to hi rd service, eith er military, or naval, otherwise, or by the use of mercury, h o contracted painful diseases, and those 'offering from Ithoumatit tu in any form, pains in the joints or limbs. Palsy or Paralysis, Wonknoss, Coldness in the Extremities, and all pains and aches, lameness, and other infirmities, will he quick ly cared by the use cf Radway's Ready Relief. Pith —lf the community e thro Ito ed with any infectious disease—either Small Pox, Yellow Fever, typhus or Typhoid Fevers, Radway's Really Relict .8 the beet disenfeerant in the world, and a sure preventive, to those who use it, against attacks of 'hero maladies. In Wes of Inflammation of the Bowels, Bilious Colic, Painters' Colic, or any active inflaintostory disease, the Beady Relief will lame liately afford ease and o talon, It possesses mark ed advantages over at preuurations of opium, mor phine, veratrine, awl other opiates and narcotics. It lulls pain, by imparting strength and vigor to the , ystem, and arousing the vital energies to a health. ful action, instead of paral,sing the perceptive lac attics, and making them insensil le to pal . Let hose who would live and orjoy health use Radway's Htndy Relief. 7th.—To all who are sick and in pains, use the /letiof. It oan do no harm, sod will surely do good. Poisons who are weak, nervous and debilitated, n onspuontul of ho Ready Relief in a wino-glass of water rill do you morn gond than all the Bitters in the world—keep you titotnach clenn and healthy, your breath, tweet, your nerves btrong, yorr spirite nappy, your uppeti.e good, and your thge:tion reg ular. A dose token at bedtime will insure calm and ploasant steep This Remedy in truly tuFamily medicine. It can oe used with the posit:Re as:uranco of doing good in all CIIP3B where pain or uneaFincsq exist It is the cheapen tutlic , ne in the world. One Illty cent bottle contains more medicine, as.well os Iluiug a superior medicine, than one dollar's worth of the ordinary pain-kiers, liniments, so., of tht day. One fifty cent 'bottle of .thitltvay's Ready .Relies will do tunic good, and can ho used for more per. oases, than ton dollars rxpeuded fur any other wed .eine in Übe. 'READ WHAT MRS. IV , ;STC,'OTT SAYS. LVE 11UNDR6D 9110119 AND OTHERD SAY THE SAW.: MRS. WESI'COTT, EXPERIENCED rlva,st: OP Tit,CRICETER—REAI, I= "Your Ready Relief and Regulating Pills dd out flu ily more good than all the phy,ic and th.et. h it had for years. If I have the headache 1 die Itadway'e Ready Relief and one lidtm of tilt ills—in an hour 1 am all right; it pain in my 'towel-, Rada , .y's Ready Relief gives We mono and •omfort ; if r eu cat ton I UFO the Hemet; if Fort' or gat or hor,e , o-r, I use the Relief ;if neutragie oa t na 811011 t eb•mt thy body, I stop them with the !lobo'; if I catch mod, I tutu the Relit t; it tohth mho, or ear ,ono;. or faceitche, I apply t. o a few moutenrs the most severe pains ore lulled. if my children fall and bruise or otherwise hurt , hetuse.ves, the He tot removes al pout and diacol motion of the ; ii they burn or scald thun• elves, the Iteliet tufts out tie fire and relieves hem frau] angui.h. I could not sleep without a little el Bad Wl*'s Ready Relief within my reach; o with the Fills, the very moment my btouluch ut vr..•out of order. Ono of 'I , adway's r ills is all hut I require to restore my system to order tine re , ' m'atity." SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, AND AT No. 87 MAIDEN LANE. Aupugt 1, 1805. —ly CUE lii3XMAT Ca US. ropi.,t._;.? . Of Human Misery. .hart Publiahod in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 Cl. A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical 'lure ut Spormatorrhtea or Seminal Weahneas, in duced by Sulf•Abufe ; Involuntary Emissions, Itn ,mency, Nervous Debility, 'and Imp-diutente to ‘larriago generally ' • Consumption, Epilepsy and rite; Mental and 111 .2.sical Incapacity, By :iOBEBT J. CULVEItWELL, 111. D., Author of m ho..Green Hook,' ke. Tho world-renowned author, in this admirable bectu . ro, clearly proves from his own experienet• hot the awful consequences of Felt-Abuse may be ffectuady removed without medicine, and without iangcrous Fulgkal operations, boogies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a n ode of• cure at 'rico certain and effectual, by which every sufferer. .0 matter what his condition may he, may curo him elf privately and radically. This lectstre mill prove a boon to thoußande tow? ilaonsandx. Son: under seal, to any address,: in in plain, sealed •tivelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage aampe, by addressing CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO., 127 'Bowery, New York Poet Office fox 4586 Fith. 1: y A. W. ativovir, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, Slalingtan Pa. iINDERTAKES the Ann'ysis of Ores, Clam Coals, Limestone, Soils, or tiny ‘ind f minerals ,vhatever, at reasonable charges. Persons wishing ,reviously to aseertain the charge, may tel a small , ample by mail, or describe as nearly us they can, ,m 1 will recdre a prompt rep'y. [july:.l-am THE CELEBRATED . RAPP'S GOLD PEN; Tho But in they WQrActl,, FOR SALE AT MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE No. 23 East Hamilton St. lIESE Pees have acquired so wide a reputation for their superiority ns to render them the most .epulnr pen made. Where once used no other pen yin he had. Ljunl2-3mos. Haw. Neuralgia' or, ilhoortaitisto. hm 'f \ go groaning and offering through life hen you can be cured by Swith'e Liniment: SCIINEOK I B-,MA&DRAN-B , PIL- , • FOR LiVI4OOMPLAIth • A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL'. If yopr.bowola aro costive, . • TRY' TREM. '• If you have worms, TRY THEM. If your breath k bail, • !TRY THEM If yc u foql drowsy; TRY THEM If you nro low spirited, TRY THEM If you have a flick boodaclo. TRY THEM. If you have taken a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOSE They only cost 25cent; a Lox. 7 TRY TIlElf Blue Masts, rind other preparations of Mercury, actually produce more suffering and death than the diseases which tliey profess to cure. And yet th•s corrosive mineral se denounced by the allopathic doctors, is prescribed by them almost universally in Liver Complaint. Consumption of Lungs, Ac. THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entire'y of roots and herbs, obtained from the grout storehouse of Nature, nod their sal utary effedts call apt oar as soon as the medicine is brought to the test of a fair experience. SCHENCK s MANDRAKE PILLS do not product any nausea or sickness og. the stomach I but wilco given for Dyspepsia, it may bo proper to .use them in con nection with SOH ENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC.— Ily this Judicious treatment the digestive faculties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst oases of indigestion may by cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest inter nal organ of the body, that to it is assigned the Ma portant duty of ti,tering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders ' and that when it is disonsed or inactive the whole body Hullers sympathetically, it im oot surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, awl effect cures which may ap pear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbs. a feeling of general weakness nod wretchedness and other alarming and distressing symptoms, indisathe of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily removed by the use of SCH ENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. Costivenesri, piles, bitter or sour eructations, and that indescribable feeling of oppression, mental anx iety, languor, lethargy. and depression of spirits which unfit a mon for the management of business and the eojoyinent of life. aro relieved by the ueo of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. R. Da. SCHHFCK.—De , r Sit : I take pleasure in sending you a certißate in addition to many you have already received from suffering humanity. 1 can scarcely find language sufficiently strong to ex press my heartfelt gratification of the wonderful cures your MANDRAKE PILLS and sEA WEE TONTO have acme,' in tle entire cure of one of the most stubborn oases of tile affection of the liver. For three years I suffered beyond desmii tion ; all my friends, as well as myself, came to too conclu sion that my time in this lifo wits short. Such was the terrible condition to which I was reduced that hfo to me had become a burden ; my whole system was in a state of inflamation^; I could not eat t 'l could not-sleep; my whole body was filled with pain ; swelling would arise in my wr et end tnkles, rendering them totally useless On several occa sions I was attacked with a rush of blood to the head, which would fell mo to the ground, and I would be carried away for dead. I applied to sev eral eminent physicians of our city, who adminis tered all-the medicines that they thought would reach my da,e, but of no avail. One of them said he could do no more fir me, and advised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash 'I declined to tote it. Accident put your advertisement in my haeds. I called on you ; you examined me and told me the na curio of my disease. You then ordered me the Pills and Tonic with an observance of diet, pledging your word that in one week I w uld find myself another man. I followed your advice. and, as you prettier ed, an astonishing cure was Effected. I continued your Pills and Tovie for some time, and now thank tied for his goodness, and your valuable medioine lam once more restored to perfect hoolth. I must earnestly recommend those whoare suffering from nffection of the liver to give vcrirVills and Tonic a fair trial, and a cure wilt be effected. T have sent many persons to von. and they have nll been cured Any information my fellow:citizens may require wit be freely given by the subscriber, at his residence. No. 812 Federal street, between Bth stree' and Pas syunk road ell A RL . 8 JOHNSON. 88., Fdrmerly Printers' Init Manufacturer. Dn. P . OIIENCK will be professionally st hitt prin. nipol (like. No. 15 Korth 6th street. corner of Com tneree, Philadelphia. every soturdiey. from 0 a. to., mill 4 p. m. ; N 0.82 Bond Street, New York, eve.) Tuesday, from 7 to Y, ; No. 88 Summer street, Bos ton, Muss , every Wednesday, fri m 9 to 3 and eve ry other Friday at 10s Bs Itimoru street, Baltimore Md. All advice free, but for a thoroueh exHlAles don of the lunge with his ticapirum tor the charge is !IMO dollars. Price ot the Pulmonie Syrup and Peaweed Tonic, each $1 fot per bottle or $7 50 per halt dozen. Mandrake Pills. 25 cents per l.ux. For Nab by all Druggist, and Dealers. January 8. 1866 2 —ty Man, MUICO! $30,000,000 10 N OF UTE' REPUBLIC OF MEXICO isvintvicar Coupon boils in Sums ol $5O, $lOO $5OO, and $1 000. Interest Seven Per Cent. Payable in the City of New York. Principal and Interest .Payabie in GOLD 810,00,000 to be sold nt SIXTY CENTS on the DOME, in U. S. Currency, than pelding an interest of LW ELVE PER CENT. IN OOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER Ct. AN c IN OURRENUY, at the present rate ot premium em . gold, VISE littAT YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The Most Desirable Investment eves OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINI.NO and AGRICULTU RAL lands ; sixty per cent, of PORT DIMS, IM POSTS and TAXES, in the Etat ot Tarnaulipa. and San Luis Puntusi ; and die plighted faith of the acid Swum and the •geuerai Government aro all pledged for the ridemptien of these Bonds and pay. meat of interest TILE SECURITY IS AMPLE. $3O in U S. Currency will buy. a 7 per et. Gold Bond of $5O. . • $6O in U. Currency Will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of $lOO. • $3OO in U.S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. 0 Id Bond of Ssao. $BOO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of $l,OllO. Loa every lover of Republican Institutions buy at least ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and .uhsnriptions received by JOAN W. COILLIES A CO., and J. N. TIPSY, Financial Agent of tho Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. %,.....Subscriptions also received by Banks and Ilanhira generally throughout the United States. N3vember 7. I.Bh. —ly SILVER AND PLATED GOODS -; 4_ MOST SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP, .: 4 -. 'rt.., - . AT TIII: ~ A ( ‘,. 3V Y: 40 - g NEW STORE, Wa • '' No. 701 ,Irch Street, r -.'N • . 1 -itiel . "-. PHILADELPHIA. • - The undersigned. (lath of the fatuous Roger- Bros. Meitufact ark; Company,)respeetfullyanneunec that they have opened a new and beautitn , store for the sale of SILVER and PLATED WARE, at Arch Street. Our long experience es manufacturers will enable us to keep nuthing.hut Bret-glass those who may pa conies our store will 11.nd..tour plated geode far smarior to any imported, and our customers may 'rely 'on the goods being precisely what they are represented to be. july3.-'66-1y) BOWMAN LEONARD. BAHLOVY'S IiNDIO CLUE• rUT UP •-k 5 , • WILTBERGER'S DRUG SIORE, No. 223 Nlifall SEC. .1%1) :•TILEET, PHILADELPHIA. enlor ronre Kntur thee lout times the rpme quantity of er.fleery liolko warrant, d to dive nod in nulled ot the Hata° prke no the haltatloaa inferinr. voles. G,Q EtocAiveol on, D,e,EpaqiA, FOR IV IIICII CERTIPIC TER WILL TIE ISSUED. BEARING INTERESTIN GOLD E. W. CLARK & CO., Bankers. No. 35 SOUTII TIMID STREET, PUII..6E:LURIA. • Juno 20, 181'0.—Im) . a:7E11111'f lONP a good Horse to say° a dolls' lirr Omte...'e Liniment. • •'* MEE 1 . 111,VR htl THIS WAY I KEW SUMMER GOODS LOOK IN ,t ,us: NEW FIRM ! Mc rq 133E131. MIELiCOI9., (LATE HUBER. & DILLINGER,) No. 7 13'ES7' STREE7; ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respectfully inform the citi on of Lehigh county thdt Choy havo just formed n co-parnership as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stork of SUMMER GOODS, FROM NEW LORI{ AND 'PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. DRY . GOODS! CUNHINTINO OF THE LATEBT BTYLEB.OF Figured and Plain Alpaca& • • Figured and Plain all Wool Da WWI SHEPHERD PLAIDS. BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, • White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheeting's, Checks, Gingham, Bedt,:cks, Flannels, &c,, Shepherd Plaid Balmorais, Black Cloth, Cassinteres, Tramline, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, LADIES CLOAKING, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, Reppellants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS 3NETlrrtaiLtiil ll 2220 A full line of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts anti Postings, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se- Jetted stock of all kinds of • CROCKERY, ' GROCERIES, MACKEREL, BALT, &o Which wo will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange lot goods, and the highest market prices a llowea. Friends, Awake to your Interest for we feel satisfied that we can suit yens TASTES as well as your Puns Es. Don't forget the place ! No. 7 West Hamilton itreet, secopil door abtPoThe'Eagle Hotel. Returnink thanks forte patronage received in the past, and liope that by if continuous effort to accom odate their friends and customers, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support and good will of the people. • A. A. Ilungn, 0. L. Allentown. July 18, —t Important Notice FROM M. G. BROWN, No. 410 Arch sreet, Phila It ROM a life of-study, observation, and. 6 1Airxperienee, and years of practical appli cation of my • 51e , aphyslcal Dl , coveryl' n eu-and. oldiseased men women end children, l have justly mho totho conclusion that every fami y in the land, who with to got rid of disease ono :cep it at bay, must have my al otap, ysicil Dl , cov ry always on hand. it is a certain' preveutattv, igninet disease. It also treats and destroys tlo qause of disease, consequently the effccts die, he liening with Deafness, Catarrh, Rheumatism. Neu. :algia, with every disease man, woman or child i: unit. to. . It 'is the only safeguard against Cholera. It .leanees every sewer of the human body, hardens he lleth, and purifies the In consequence 0! he above fails, I have thi, day reduced the price, as to leave no harrier in iho way of the di,eased 'the package cot,sist of three bottles, one usrd 1 . 01 nn Eyes. ono for the Lars. ar.d one tor the Scalp.— Moto throo work in coniunc;ion, probing into flit :ysttn by absorptio , thus killing the very root I e d sca6o, which is iu a Epecitio locality in thr nottd. Ni y Metaphysical . Discovery is pocked in a neat wow!en ca e, and, will he desnateheil to nay part of , ! tie oor it oi receipt off he price, which will be; tram hi• '2,s'h day of Novi - tither, sold at $4 per package. 01 . threo packages $lO ceiebrated Poor Richard's Fyo Water. Large rm. $1 per bottle, or R ta.l).,ttleB for $5. small fliZ. nil iteta)v tit or $l, or six hottlus for ss.—L ho medic'. es con be obtained through your nrug gi,ts, or nt the Depot, No 410 Arch stioet. The following' letter Is line of the raapy which . ] receive daily at My different offices t— ItEMAItKABLE CURE. —Catarrh, Asthma,. &o Mns. COP-EVER, residing at No. 112 Allen street . Boston, nays : •` I have been troubled for four years with sore throat. Por two years I suffered w.th en .rrh and ;:reat dizziness in my head, almost cans log me to fall. I suffered greatly with asthma, i. ')etng hereditary in the family. I was din mod all over. I could not go Whore there was any dust. I had crest pains in my head and neck. I have But tered touch with cold feet. Ilm bones in my neck core drawn out of place with the asthma, and ea 3 throat It iked like raw beef After applying to Wa rm's physieinns and obtaining no relief, Ifinally applied to Mrs. hi. G. Brown, by whose niedieines have been so much benefited that lam now another woman Formerly the least exposure gay.: the cold ; I could not go to the door with my head uncovered without an attack of thcs esti:rim. My asthma is now entirely gone. My catarrh has wholly disappeared. I felt weak and languid for 'may years, so that I was aburden to myself. The ...Iciness of my feet has disappeared, and I feel a general eiroulaV on through my entire system, cans. tug me to be, as formerly, fu'l of strength and viva city, and can attend to household duties as well as over I did io my life." It is the only s.feguard against disease, Including CHOLERA. It 010fltIFOR every Fewer of the heman hotly, hardens the flesh, and purifies the blood. The Celebrated POOll. RICHARD'S LYE WA- TE is the key Which opens the door to the health of both mind and body. Let all use it morning and night. sa. Schmidt A: Co., Allentown, Pa., Solo Agents for Lehigh county. December 12, 1855. A FEW WORDS ABOUT MID 2111L - Illir 311F,11W , Great Western Remedy ! remedy is now perporruing the most Won t derful tiaras. It cures Reenmatiam, Chills and Fevers, General Debility, Koiney r omplaintß, Dyspepsia Neuralgia, Sick Headache, dm., die. In all caves a sensible relief ie gu rental.' in from dye to ton minutes, and a l'EllF NOT CURE in from siz to twelve days. Never has it yet tailed in on. solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated' The Curative Pr, pi vies of the Great Wester . Remedy are truly wonderful. W kilt+ pages of les timonials frum influential citizen,: migh. he giver to the public, but we deem it to bu impel Minus, a. yea may readily find persons of yOur own arqualot• thee in every part of the couoiry, who will ,eerily to the disease dispelling. and health promatiot qualities of the Great Western Remedy. . AARON DAVIS, Discoverer and manufacturer, 426 Braun St., Newark, C: J. • The Great Western Reined) may he ..b•ained aii established' Druggists ihrimehnut the mail ry W. E B .rows . Son, Druggists Allentown. who'e e A gen IP. [April 3. '. R 'lt. INVE ' TOES' OFFICES, D EI'INE 11 I I. & . EV AN S. ENoiNE,EI . 6 & PA'l,4lsT SIPIICIT64IB, No: 435 Walnut street, Itilad'a. Pnt..ofti solieited —o , iiir , l.llllitiurtm on Engineering roughtit g end 0.0., iti.dele and , } fleebiuer, f ittt stkim an d. At fnl'y attended to: Bpe .der at entont given to Itl Je°TEI) ()ASKS and c us. . AutOon . , in VutliFB of all Doc tatentaimtu Patent O ffi ce prantired. - 'N it •abvnyntirefivnte tionleps trouble and tray. ailing • sprip.ap, ee ti.ore ix no In tual need .orparr .t •.l it terview with Ile. All Int.ines, with these Meer cvn be transacted in writing. For further tnOtrmetion direct an above, with stamp °palmed, ,nie circular v ith refettmess,„ 9; nee. Bishes4 , kishes4,l)ishes • • . .. .. . , . • • m , . •• • • i f...... 4 : • -,, • c. : .. r ss e r • ..• I r 4 :, . . ft :,. E.. 1 . • 1 ‘ 11 Al ~ ~ t i . • ' , . . I k 1 • 1 , •• • • L.A. .ui l. , JAI • ../,,a, .. .111,,,X.. L1 . .•.6.04 . .c.vl ' .. • . . . . - ' 79 W EST .STRadr, NEXT DOOR TO THE BLAOK.BE4II,..agrEL: An Entire New Establishment for the People). NO. There is nothing like Dishes—that is, when there is something good in them. A CARD.—I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties, that I have just opened a new store ih the above line of business. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of the newest and hest patterni in China, Glass rind Crockery Wares. I keep tho best imported White Granite Ware, figured 'and plain ; also, a lull assortment of common White,.Edged. Yellow and 'Rockingham wares. CHINA AV.."). GLASS WARE. . . . , WHITE CHINA SETTS, EDGED CHINA SETTS, • AND CHINA SETTS. BELGIAN GLASSWARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS%S ARE, AMERICAN GLASSWARE, Housekeepers, and those about commencing, who desire to purchase goOd and cheap ware, I respectfully invite to call and examine my assortment,—no trouble to show it—and , in all oases necessary my ware will be carefully packed. Allentown, July 18, 1865-Iyl Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS. PI3IPLE,S, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF FECTIONS, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY,3,TEU PALMA OR Tte DouLoortr.ux, DEBILITY, DYS.. PEPSIA AND INDIOESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Rosa OR ST. ANTHONY'S Finn, and indeed the Whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY or THE BLOOD. Thii‘ compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring; to expel the foul humorg which fester in the blood nt that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; ' cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelingii will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well;, but with this pabulum of disordered, there can be no 'lasting health. Scioner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthroWn. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously decciVed by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to' give n quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not, only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. hence, bitter and'painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with impchtdon and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the. name. from the load. of obloquy which rests • upOn'it. AM; rue think' we have gronud for believiag it'has virtues which are irresistible. by the Ordinary rtiri of the; diseases it is intend.: ed to cure. In order-to moire . their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. . . PREPATILD 111? DR. 3. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Pelee, $i per Bottle ; Six Bottles for @IL Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such n'renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughdut this section, wo need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up tp the best it ever has been; and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, 70U Tun MLLE 07 'Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver •Co»iplaint, Dropsy, Totter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gent, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tlve..can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic., Pilo 25 cents per Box; rivo boxes for 211.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space hero will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AnnuicAN ALMANAC hi which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not he put olf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make. more profit on. Demand Mmes, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies arc for sale by .411 • mil by o , usalst 4 and • deatera ever% whilyo • At WhoWaal° by J M. MARIS Jr.. CO., Phi °amber 24. Geo. K. Reeder, Milinifiti TAHARI No 15 East Hamilton Street, Nat Dom to John B. Movr's Brag Store. WElko he into annoy on hand a full =- sortniEnt of fli Illy -Inn (10 CI ?ADZ, h as CO 1 IS. VESTS PANTS , tic o 4iBo GEN fLE%llits'S GOODq of kind, eft toh f r Work Willa:up, Quality and Prices, not .oip a., ato 1, awn. A lar go s ulid nailnulcott 41 stock 01 E15•52k.T.138.A?..5.J111 DI OA always u n hand. Clothin g mad.) to order on short natio), and ti GOOD FIT GUARANTIET. Call and exhalin g our stools . April 10 'MC- 1%1 P(") K. REIMPR. PI I ItE I.llth•ii UM ;14E ‘l.) The IVliitest. the most aural& and the must econom ical. Try it l Manufluiturcil ouly by Zteglei dlt Smith, CG holesale Diet!, Point & Gloss Pealer juoBB-1)]. . No. 187 N. Third St. ) Philada COI :Ur!: ;"- <1"1(1 - 1. 111/11Er -111-1/ 136 h- 31 EC" 11 4 111 1 1 0 1 , 5- 2":": '4",:i• ilt•ri •'•,-• • • DISHES, DISHES! DISHES! CHINA, GLASS WARE. & CROCKERY, Housekeepers R, e'rxiebert ORNAMENTAL TOILET SETTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, Fruit Jars ! Fruit Jars ! CHEAP AND GOOD. !! VI :3 LTA 9 7 CHIMNEYS' AND WICKS RICZEARD VI7.A.LREIR, No. 79 West Hamilton Street Music! Music!! Music!! SHEET MUSIC •DEPOT!! lame supply on hand—it we have not got the piece you want, we can get it for you inn, .ye if you will leave the name of the piece with rNSTIWCTION BOOKS ha all kinds of Instruments constantly on band at Fumes Variety Store. VIE 1 VIOLINS ! At all prices. Violin Strings, Tail Pieces, Pen Bows. Rosin, Mink Mash, papa, nt Pauses Varie ty ,Storc. STAMPING 1 STAMPING II Done at short notice—receiving new patterns con stantly. Call and see the patterns at Fount's Varie ty Store.. NOTIONS/NCTIONS! 1 NO TIO VS 11 1 Handkeroliief., Hosiery, Moves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pins, - N ,olles, Combs Braids, and ilooir Skirts. Call in--it risy, to go round theeorner to Foust's Va riety Store. BASKETS! BASKETS BASKETS!! Alarlietliasket3. Dinner Baskets, Traveling Bag. keit, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Fruit Baskoteil Fancy Baskets, at. Fouses Variety Store. WRignr. TS FOUST'S VARIETY STORE' r r.ixth Street. - . Straw, Sixth Street, Four .100r.4 from Hamilton, in one of the rooms un der Col. tiooil'.l. (American) Hotel. [may22-0m Dr. P. R. PALM, LATE SURGEON IN TILE UNITED STATES ARMY, would announce to the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity; that he is eoritin ning the practice of Medicine in ALLENTOWN, on' Eighth Street, abode Hamilton, first house above leichtentvalluer A co'sstore. Having bad the bon. er IO belong to the OPERATING CORPS 'at the bat ties of.Predericksburg, Chancolloreville, Franklin's crossing, ..bc. and having had, °barge .pf szvenat. ' HOSPITALS 1:e 1133 had much oxperience•inlalidlie details of SenaettY and the treatment of diseases generally. The Doctor is a regalar graduate of the JeFrnitsos ZI EDICAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine during the past eight. eon years. flaying badnoucti experience in the treat ment of diseases or.tho EYE, he would e.proially solicit the patronagoof those who may bo afflicted with Wilmot, of that important organ. Having re stored the sight of many who have been 'BLIND row YEARS. HO.WORId ItiSo solicit the attention those suffering from chronic diseases, such as DROPSY, (for which he has on almost infallableremedy,) of the KIDNEYS, ItIIISUSIATISII, NEURALGIA. CIIItelt• TO COUGHS, DTARRIDEA ands IIYSENTARY, (Whiebla professes to cure in less than half the time required by . rdinnry renualies,i 0 RAVEL, GOITRE, or enlarge. mont of tho neck, hum, Matta:olas or Consumption in 'children, Slog If eanactie. TAPE WORN, Maw enema, SCIterULA, or King's evil, • EPILEPSY, or falling sickness:yel - we SORE THROAT TETTIIR,DIS• .RAFIES PECULIAR TO . FEtIALDS ; Rl5O Leases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart, Having now practiced tnedicine bore for °vertu% years, the Doctor is able and loillino to refer to -per sons in thi.. place who have been cured by him of ruoetof the diseases specified. All calls from town oreaunty will receive prompt attention by day or 'light. Medicines furnished to all patients, which be pre. parea himself, tie be will use none but the very best. References : Ills Avner. patients. Allentown. May 29 19nfi PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 173, 174 & 176 GREENWICH ST, (OM: BQUARL WCST OF 411.0#DWAY,) Bohm Courtlan,* a ,id Dey Sts.,..New York JOHN PATTER, Jr.. Proprietor TRH PACIFIC trrEi. is well and widely known to the traveling public. Tho location is epee ia'ly suitable to merchants and business men; it Is in oloso prox mity to the businesspar_t o. the city, —is on the highway at Souther l and Western trav el—and adj ,cons to all the principal Railroad and Stentunnat depots. The Nellie Las liberal aecotnmodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas end water; the attendance is prompt and respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicaoy - 6f the season. • Tho stabsoliber, who for the post few years, has boon the lebiee, is now solo,propeietor, end Intanda to identity himself thoroughly with the interests of his honso. With long niperionotraa a botetekeeplr, ho trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pacific Ilotol. JOIIN PATTEN, Jr. Now York, Sept. 12. • —ly ttEWA\ ECK MANUFACTURERS DEPOT, No. 5 , 4 Gentre Street, ,YORK.' I'ALLEADLE and are) , Iron Castings, Machine ry and hardware., Trunkmakers' To.ds, and supplies Shoemakers and Satin I's tools, Carriage Cuptiugs, When 8, Spokes, Hobs, Axle!! Twist Drills and Patent Chucks. ' ' 0up213-3m BARNETT'S Matreat/Co and Grey Cron Foundry nnd Nlachine Slll, bIe,II'IIOIITFII ni.d BRUIN STS:, NEWARK, N. J. ATUES, Shaping Maohiacm, Drills, Foot, Drop, 14 1 Bair awl Hand Prose a, • n hand and made to "'Ennis: OS CENTRE STREET Jun26-3m.) NEW IMRE, II Sixth Street, IEII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers