MMI L 08T OAF PREMOUJIMB LERIGII - dOVlrrt AGRIUITURAL -SOCIETY, AT THEIR Fiteenth Annual Exhibition, • TO DE HELD AT. , M.LINTOWN, Oil the I.Sth, 1914, 20th and 21st days of Septennber, 'OO. No. 1.-- Ft MD CROPS.. For the best 3 acres of Wheat Semnd best Third beet Best 3 acres, Rye Second best ' Third best • Best acre of Barley Second best • Third best Beet 9 acres of Corn • SooOnd best Third beet Best 3 acres of Oats Second beet Third best Best half acre of potatoes Best half acre of Chinese Sugar Cane. Seerwil best Third best Beat acre of Clover seed Best acre of Timothy Seed Best quarter acre of Tobacco Second best Third best Diploma Committee.—Daniel llarleelser, Daniel 11. Bastian • id Robert Dube. No. .—HOIIBISI AND MULES. Class !.—Henry Draught and Nattve Stook. Best Stallion between 4 and 12 years Second best Third best B !et Brood mare ^ Se ond be.! Third best Best Colt under S months Second best Third best Best horse colt between 2 and 4 years Second best Thi d beet Best Horse Colt between 1 and 2 years Second best Third best Best Mare Colt between 2 and 4 years Second best Third best Best Mare Colt between 1 and 2 years Second best Third best Best Pair Farm Horses Second best Third best Best Pair Mules , Second best Third best Diploma Committee.—Enos Erdman, Jacob Richline and David Donner. Clive, ll—Heavy Draught. Blooded. Best Stallion, between 4 and 12 years Second licit Third beet Beet Mare Second bt et Third best Best Bores Colt between 2 and 4 years Second best Third beet Best Mare Colt between 2 and 4 years Second beet Third' best Best Colt under 2 yearn Second best Third best. Best Colt under 8 months Se -end beet Third best Diploma Committee.—Jacob Sbipe, Sn., Edward-. Seidel and Peter Wickert, Jr. Class 111. —Roadatea, Best. Stallion between 4 and 12 }ears Second beet Third beet Best Horse between 4 and 12 years Sec.ind best " Third best Blst Brood Mare between 4 and 12 years Sec and best Third beet Beet Pair of Horses Second beet Third beet Beet Saddle Morse Second best Third best Best Sucking Morse Colt Second best Third beet Best Sucking Mara Colt Sec and beat Third bat Diploma Family and all horses not 'entered for Leavy draught or under Class IV, for speed, shall be oa t• red in this class. All meriturlstt. torero not re. ceiviug a Pr mium as per schedule shall be award ed a dploma. Committee.—Owen Bitting, Reuben Scheidy and Jacob Cooper. Clump IV—Sped 1. Sin /ions. Open to Lehigh and adjoining counties. Best trotting Stallion between 5 and 12 yrs. 12 Second best 6 All meritorious Stallions receiving no Premiums, shall have awarded a Diploma. 2. Open to all h roes in the county owned for 3 mouths prior to day of trial and that have never gone for money. nest trotting Horse $l5 Seeimil best 8 Best Pacing Horse 10 Second best Committee.—Dr. T. H. Martin, Robert Yost and Edward Schreiber. ' The Judg s shall not award any premium to any horse'entered under Class 1 or 2,under•hcad of speed, that is spavined, ringboncd or blind. No. 3 —II,IIN CATTLE. Class I. —Durham. Best Bull 3 years old and upwards Second best Third best Best Bull from 1 to 3 years Second best Third best Best Bull between 6 and 12 months Second best Best Cow 3 years and upwards Second best Third best Bust Heider 1 to 3 years Second best Third best Best Heider between 6 and 12 months Second best For ()roping of the above breed with devon, the ono half the above Premiums. Cointuittee.—John Bortz, Jr., Thos. B. Weidner and Milton Apple. Chu. II —Dcvon—Prrm'ema as Cara I Committee..-Peter Wyckoff., David Mertz and William Gruver. C 1.4811 111 —.Native Stock. Bost Bull 3 yearn old and upwards Second twat, Third h. et Bust Bull from 1 to 3 years Sou nd best Third beet Bast Bull between 6 and 12 months Second best Boa Cow 3 years old and upwards So and beet Third best Bost . oilier from 1 to 3 years Second beet Third beet Diploma Bost Heiner between 6 and 12 months 1 &mud Beat Diploma Committee.—llenry B. Person, Usury Riegel and Solomon Grimmer. Croes /V —Alderney Cottle. Best Bull 3 years and upwards $lO &Toad best 5 Best Bu I from 1 to 3 years 8 SeJonl beet 4 B •st Bull between 6 and 12 months So •ond best 1 Bost Cow 3 years and upwards 10 Second be t z Best Hoiffer under 3 years Second last Best Deiffer betweon 6 and 12 months So.,ond beet - C rrinsitte..—Tineley Jetere, Robert Steckel and David Gilbert. Claes V. —.Sweep 81,4 e opon to all Breeds and Competitors Bast Bull 3 years and upwards Stmontl beet Turd hest Best Bull under 3 years Smond best Third best • 834 Cow 3 years and upwards Second best Third best. B •st Bull Calf under 12 months Second twat liar I best Best Mirror under 3 years Second best Third best Bust Single Steer under 5 year corn fed 'S.s3onil best Third best Bost Pair of Steers still fed Second best - - - Third beat Diploma Committee.--Aaron Dorm!, Reuben Gliok and Da , Yld Kos. 1% OTRVOTIeN O l'n ?I$ COllllllllllll MI breeds dome teistim in this slur and dom. pete with each other. To be judged, by the good points of symmetry of frame ; 2nd, by the abil ity to fatten and'is it a good handler ; 3d, milking qualities; 4th, else; bth, give no premiums to an rink& vinti you are fully 'Mafia that it will pro duce good stock. To this end the Judges should be satisfied 'in regard - to the stock of aged bulls and COWS. The animal that passes those qualities in the greatestpee et ion should draw the Premium, wheth er it bo - Durham, Devou, Ayorahire, llereford, Al derney, Grade, or Native. • Mtge Vl—Steers and Oxen , • lra fed Steer, weighing nOOO or But. l'air Working oxen Be.tant best ilea Pair Stem, corn fed Second best Committee.—Joeoph Weaver, Lissa Hartman, John Kramer. No. 4.*.qwitin. For the boot Boar over 2 yearn Second Wt. Third best Bost Boar six to twelve months old second best Third best Diploma Best Boar Pig from two to six months old 4 Second best . 2 Diploma Diploma 3 inplema Third best Best breeding Sow over 2 years old Second best Best Breeding Sow 1 and 2 years Second best Diploma Diploma Third best Best Sow 6 to twelve months old Second best - - - - [bird beet Diploma Best lot of Pigs between 2 and 6 months old . Second best 1.50 Diploma Third best Best fod hog not still fed Second best Third beet Diploma In this class the judges will take into considera tion the different Breeds and award thepremiums cc eordingly ;. also, award discretionary premiums in all caeca where they aro satisfied that premiums should bo awarded and not provided for in theabove 3 i list romtmlittee.—Jesse M. Line, Peter Wenner, Peter Lanz. Diploma No. s.—Snzgr. For Best Cotswold Buck Crossed Badewell di Crossed If Southdown Crossed Native Best Pen of two or more Lambs Second best Diploma 1111 Diploma Dip. and 1 3 Dip. and 1 Diploma 4 Third best Ifeat Pon of three or'more Ewes Second best Third best . Diploma Cohnnittee.—Aaron Creasman, Tilghman 'fiery, Tilghman Kline. No. 6.—GnAIN. SFED AND FLOUR. For beet bushel of White Wheat $2 Diploma I ~ Red Wheat, not Mediterranean California Wheat 2 Diploma 4 Diploma aa Mediterranean Wheat 1: " e ft Bye ] if Flint Corn l " ' Yellow Gourd Corn / II .11 Oate ' l 61 half bushel of Flax Seed 1 II " peck of Cloverseed l a " Orchard Grass Seed 1 If barrel of Whi o Wheat Flour IS a hundred " 2 a a " Rye Flour 2 ‘. " . " Buckwheat Meal " Corn Meal 2 Committee.—Henry Burger, Ephraim Grim, Mil un Borger. Diploma Diploma a Diplomn 6 4 :V3 Diplomp Ni 7 - FAB lIING IMPLE3(ENTS.— C4IB3 I. Best 5 limo team full rigged Dip. and V. " 6 Mule Team full rig g ed Dip. and b " 2 Hors- 11,w Dip. and 9econd best Dip. and 1 Diploma 'bird best - Diplome test Cultivator Dip. and 2 ' / HarrowDli and 2 Roller Dip. and 4 :,/:,'"" Grain Drill Dip. ai.d 5 tlecouil beet ' 1 Best Mowing and Reaping Machine Dip. and 5 Cornsheller (horse power) Dip. and 2 " Threshing Machine Dip. and 5 If Sweep Horre Power Dip. and S Second beet 2 Best Endless Ch in Horse Power 2 Farm Wagon for two horses Dip. and P Second best. 1 I' bird beet . Diploma Best Four Horse Wagon Dip. and 4 Second beet 2 Diploma Diploma .0 Diploma Best Horse Rake Second beet Rest Cart Committee.—Edreard Beck, Joseph Witman Chas Broder. Diploma Diploma Isbi 7 —FARmiNolarmirsTe.--Class Best Corn Sheller hand power Dip and $1 " May and Straw Cutter Dip. and 1 " Corn Stalk Cutter Dip. and " Half dozen Rakes Diploma ' Fanning Mill Dip. and " Grain Cradle Dip. and 1 " Hay Fork Diploma " Manure Fork Diploma Committee.--Jonas Mink, Daniel Kline, Jacob J. Ucberroth. N•.. 8 —)MANUFACTURED ARTICLES —Masq I Best Two Horse Carriage Dip.and $lO Second beet • 6 Best One Horse Carriage 10 Second best Beet Sett Double Carriage Harness Dip. and G Second best Beet Single Carriage Harness Second best Best Display of Finished Leather , Dip. and 3 Second best ~ 2 Best Display of Boots and Shoes Dip. and 2 Second best 1 Bust Display of Hate and Cups Dip. and 2 Second beet Best Display , of Clothing Dip. and Second beet 1 Committee.—Owen W. Foust, Joseph Kramer, Frederick Wunder. r\ . s . I 8 —MANUFACTURED ARTICLES.....C/S3B II BC - A - Display of Cabinet Ware, six or more articles Second bee Best Display of Stores not less than three Second best Best display of Chairs Second beet Best display of Cedar Ware " of Iron Castings Or hedged Toole " of Tin Ware " Churn 11 Washing machine Dip. and " Display of Manufact'd Tobacco Dip. and 2 Second best 2 Beet Display of Candies Dip. and 5 Second best 2 Committee.--James Weiler, Tilghman Stattler,Si mon Schweitzer. No R -MANUFACTURED ARTICLES.— CMS 111. Beet Piece Caseiruere Dip. and $2 Cassino.% Dip. end 2 Line y Dip. and 2 . 1 Lot Woolen Stockings Dip and 2 " Lot Woolen Mitts and Gloves Dip and 2 " Ingrain Carpet ,Dip. and 3 " Rag Carpet Dip. and 2 Committee.—Aaren Erdman, Jacob Jacoby, Hen ry Weinsheimer. No. 8-N1 tNUFACTURED ARTICLES:. C/ClBB /V Exhibited by Manufacturers : Best Piece Caesitnere $7 tt " Tweed • 4 11 Flannel 4 7 pair Blankets 5 11 piece atinett 4 11 Linsey 2 " " Car et 3 " Cocerlo s 2 11 best pattern Balmoral Skirts 8 11 dozen pair Stockings lb. 'B'oolen Yarn 2 For each of second best Diploma Committee.—Rufus Kreider, George W. thrtzel Aaron Troxell. Diploma Diploma SS Diploma $ i Diploma Diploma $2 Diploma. $5 Diploma Diploma No 9 —VEGETABLES, Best Bushel of Mercer Potatoes Second best Best Blue Eye Potatoes Secod best di 'test Halifax Potatoes Second best Bee of any other variety Second best Best Sweet Potatoes . 4 Bushel of Turnips Rota Baga 11 Sugar Beets Best hal peck Bunch Beans 4• half bushel Field Beans " half peek Pole Beans " half peck Lima Beans ;' peak of Tomatoes ' Onions " Bed Beets " Parsnips . " Carrots " Cabbage not less than six Maeda " 0, eter Plants not less than six " Squashes not less than six 44 Cantelopes not less thap six Watermelons, not less than six " Pumpkins not less than nix Celery not less than twelve stalks 44 Cucumbers not less than twenty-Ave 41 Display of Vegetables Seo•nd best Committeo.- 7 11oratio T. Herzog, John Erdman John Y. Beehtel. Rea 'ly i. t hat in all cases where Premiums not exceeding 31 are awardad for Agricultural or Horti cultural productions. a ropy of the At. eriena Agri. eatarist or some other grioultural journal. in Lng glish or German, for the current year, shall bo sub scribed for by the society, and sent to tho person en titled to the Premium. No, 10,...P0t VTR-. • I Mtt t i Vr ol i t dle , AMlsh l'°lllls./3° Diploma Diplgma Diploma Diploma Diploma 5 Diploma ", ' Vilnis • gi•• • Doritings • " • , Jorgey .1 Polanda " Games " Leghorn a Native or' Mixiid Best Lot of Fowl. notless than eight.. I Best Pair . of Capons . 1 " Turkeys 1 Ducks 1 11 Pigeono 1 and Largest Variety or Poultry raised by the competitor " 3 Second i:eet variety 1 The committee in this class may award diicrotiou ary premiums for the best of either of the fo.lowing and a diploma for the second boat, to wit: Chittagongs, Shanghae, Cochin China, Great Ma lay, Shakebag, Great Java Fowl, Wild Indian Game, Yankee Game, English Raven, Dorking!, Guelder lauds, Black Spanish, White Spanish, Bavarian, Spangled Polish, Blaok Polish, White Polish, Gold en Pheasant, Silver Phoasant, Bolton Grays or Cre ole Fowl. Frierled Fowl, Dominique, African Bant am, Silver Bantam, Scabright Bantam, Banloiva Jungle, Persian, Fire backedJunglo Fowl, Sonnorat Jungle Fowl and Spania Game. Committee.—llenry Roth, Chas. Rube, sr., Boas Hausman. MOE I. Diploma 4 Diploma 6 Na. 11.—DIARY AND riONEY, Beet Batter, not less than 5 lbs Dip. and $2 Second best Third Beet Diploma Best Dutch Chccso not lea than & 11)3 Dip. and 1 Beet Preasod Cheese 1 Diploma a Beet Specimen Honey S cond best Best Apple Butter The method of making Butter and cheese to be stated in NVI Ring by each competitor. Committee.—C. W. Cooper, Esq., Rev. Joseph Dubs, Dr. C. R. Dieltenshied. Diploma L Best specimen of Apples " and most numerous variety " specimen of Pears " and most numerous variety " specimen of Peaches " and most numerous variety " display of plums " peek of Quinces " display of Isabella Grapes " display of Catawba d splay at Fruit Second beet For each second best of the above Committee.—C. B. Mintz, Rev. A. J. G. Dubs, Theophilus Unanchor. No. 13 —llOll5 MANUFACTURE. Best Woolen Yarn " Kuit Stockings " Knit Gloves or Mittens " Silk Bed Quilt " Cotton Quilt " Woolen Coverlet " Pair Blankets " display Bed Clothing " five yards Flannel " five yards Flax Linen " five yardi Linen Towelling " fire yards Tow Cloth " five dozen Linen Yarn " five " Tow Yarn " five lbs. Tow " Chambray " five pounds of ITatchled Flax " fleece of Wool Diploma five pounds of Wool " for second best of cash f the above 1 Committee.—Reuben Stabler, Mrs. John Y. Beeb e], Mrs. Joshua Stabler, Airs. Abner Wint. No 14 LADSEB' WORK. Best display of Embroidery " display of other Needle Work " W rsied IV.irk " Crochet IVork ‘• display of Knitted work " disp ay of Bead Work • .‘ disp ay of lla.r Wurk " display at 31illinery Work For second best of the a Jove Cotninittee.—Daeid 0. Saylor, Miss T Grim, Miss Ellen Ilarlacher, Airs. Thomas Ji oby VII 15. —NATURAL AND AN3IFICI s kr. ivEuti. Best display of Natural Flowers and Plains $2 design or Cut Flowers 1 Buquet Collection of Roses in Po's 2 salon f Dnhlies in Pots 2 t. China Astors Verbinas 1 Petunias 1 Heliotropes 1 Ilyd, angions 1 tleraniutzs 1 Fuschsia If Oleander 1 " display of Artificial Flowers 1 display of Wax Flowers 1 For second best of the above .11u Committee.—Dr. Theodore Yeager, Mrs. Mary Kramer, Mrs. Stephen Riechel, Mrs. Elizabeth Rut rock Coll, Dip. and 3 1 No 1 6.-I.IOMIL DEPARTMENT. Best Loaf White Bread " Loa. of Bye Bread 1 " Pound Cake • " Sponge Cake 1 " Plain Cake " specimen of Preserves 1 specimen of Fruit Jelly, 1 " specimen of Pickles 1 " Display of Preserves " Jellies 1 " Pickles 1 " Can of Lard `econd best Best live lbs. Bees Wax 1 Second beit .51 , Best bottle of any kind home made Wine Second beat .511 Best Jar of Preserved Fruit, 1 Second best .50 Best! half Gallon Sugar Cane Molasses 2 For the second best of each of the above Beet Hams cured by exhibi or 2 " Dry Beef ' For second best of each of the above .50 fie-Discrotionary Premiums may be awarded fo: ine - rito ious a• ticks under this head, and not enumer ated in the above list. Committee.—Nathan Weiler, Mrs. Isaac Hartman, Mrs. Enos Erdman, Mrs. Edward Kern. . No. 17.—M IaCEIAANBUtIii ARTICLES. Beet display of Oil Paintings Second best Best display of drawings Second best Best Statuary Second best Best Daguerrotypee Second best Best Ambrotypes Second beet. Best Piano Forte Second beet Best Display of other Musical Instruments Second best Committee.—S. Weiss, (Bethlehem,) M. L. Hoffert It. E. Wright, Esq. Dip,and 3 Dip. and $8 4 Dip. and .5.; Dip. and 5 Dip. and 2 Dip and Dip. and 5 2 No. 18.—Nov ENUMERATED ARTICLES The Committee on this class will use their own judgement in awarding such premiums as they think suitable. C•iinmittee.—Dewees J. Martin, Geo. P. Weil, E. J. Moore, Esq. No. 19.—LAms:s . RIDING AND DRIVING. Best and most graceful riding sl.l' Second best Best and most " driving with two horses b " '• ono horse b No premiums will bo awarded for riding or driv ing unless three competitors enter the list, each lad 3 to be attended by a gentleman as an escort, and sit racing will be alto.. ed. Committeo.—Dr. Henry J. Grim, Samuel Lewis Jr., Augustus Daukel. No. 20.—PLOWING MATCH. Best Ploughman Second best " Third best Fourth best Beet pair of Plough Horses Second best Third best The trial is to take place at 9 o'clock A. N., o the last day of the Fair. Committee.—Stephen Kiechel John Gross, Davi Shitz. Bost display and quality of Iron Oro Diploma • Zinc Oro Diploma 14 // Slate Diploma II Lhnestone Diploma 41 11 11 fire and porce lain Clay Diploma 11 II Pis Iron Diploma 11 11 Wrought Iron Diploma Iron Axles Diploma 41 II Slate Alai/ties, Tables, &e., , Diploma • n of Routing and School Slates Diploma Beat and greatest colleetion of all the IIIM• era a found in Lehigh County $lO This eulleotion to he the property of the Society. 1 All the artlo es iu the above hat to be the produce of Lehigh County. Committee.—Levi Line, Samuel Blellose, Joseph Lewis. Dip. and $.l Diploma Diploma Diploma 1 Diploma Dip. and Dip. and Dip and COMMITTEE Or ARE 4 NGEMENTS William 11. Blamer, Joseph Seip, Jacob Andreas, Phaon Albright, John v clean, Thomas Steckel, An drew Morey, Thomas Youth, Thomas Jacoby, Ed ward Kern, Charles Seider, C. W. Dannehauer. Hen ry Gabriel, Jeremiah Roth. Reuben Seifert, David Weida, Solomon Kline, (miler) Abner H. Wint. July 17th, 1866. —lt GOAIA RecAtvcd QClEtedeg FOR 'WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED BEARING INTEREST N GOLD E. W. CLARK & CO., nkels. No. :lb SOUTH T 1114.1) &RUST) PHILADELPHIA June 26, 1880,-Im] ' OMlion you Neutral:lo qr Maumeelmo. tinsis grooolog and dials. tbrqugh Or win gas sus bs s 4 by Naives kisuosat, Dip. anti i 1 No. 12.—Fooir. dip. and $2 No. 21.—Ones, METALS, t4C 12 Teachers Wanted. FEE examination of teachers for Weisenburg .1 1 School Distr,ct, will take place tit Ilyuemans vile, at the public house of J. A. Ettinger, on Sat urday, July 2 th, Twelve teachers are want ed, term five months, salary according to the grade of certificate of applicants, from 227.00 to $35.00 per month. By order of the Board, jun2o-3;w] J. A. ETTINGER, Seery. DISABLED MEN, ATTENTION! 1117 ANTED, ono or two men, in Allentown and vi v V ci .ity, who have lost either en arm or leg, to sell Wadesoor , h'e Water proof Arnica Healing Plaster, the best and cheopet Court Plaster in the ma ket. From $5 to $lO per day can be made. Address, wit!. 25 cen , s for arumple and full information. A. P. 1110, , - CHER, Box 45, Philadelphia, Pa. N. 8.--All agents rind peddlers would find it to their interest to ansiver the above. Apr. l7—fitno QtrAhT.ERLY, ST &TEMP.:NT OP VIE Allentown National Ban/c. MONDAY, JULY 2, 1960 ASSETS: Dills Discounted U. d. Bonds deposited for tAreulation.. 200.090 ub suspense • 0,814 19 ' Dno by National Banks 82 h 9 Oa Duo by othor Banks and Deplore 17,090 7I Coin 19,498 uu Legal Tenders 28,0157 00 , lomportad Interest Notes... ......... ...... 511,100 00 Notes of other National Banks 13,050 00 Notes ofstate Banks ' .1,183 011 Obeelts on other Banks 2,418 24 Item% ROVOGItIO Scamps & Froo. tional Vu reney. ' 9,923 68 Banking House nod other heal Estate. 14,180 60 Furniture and Fixtures 2,621 bU 5,831 118 currant Expenses 309 51 raxna and Yoatuge ]59 26 LIABILITIES. Capital Stook iurplus rund Ind.vtdual Dopnoun CirouWhin (Ailontuwu Notinuol) tiirculation ‘otute) Duo to Nattunal Banks... ....... Duo to flanks and Bankers....... Unpaid Dondund4 Uibouunt, Pr. tic uud Load, buhu.•ga and lutateet $7110,624 IU Flworn and subscribed to as a correm sweruen suture me, July 2nd, 1 , 611. (signori , L CULVER. Nornry Quii it 1E It 1.): ItErvitt OF THE NATIONAL BAhK tiF OA.TASAIIQUA. JULY 8, 1888. ttE UE Votes end Dills Uncounted.... ..... votes to Dirotuote 11 8. Bond& deposited Jar circulation o.her Bonds U. . eon:wound interest nines join and legal condor notes.— urret•oy. Cash items ~ t ie from 441 buuhp......, .hue from bankers over draft 5...... ... tout Estate exes paid urrent 'expou 2 I espouse 1.51 1.511 1.50 1.50 LIABILITIE 4 .ati.atta o r ulotiun rate eir.•ulation... Imo to National Bunko duo to boutter - , uu lud victual d.•posit,. upuid Div.dentio ...... u ...... .• •• tote. out stud Ettulutugr. erAt and lode 1, M. II Horn, Cashier of the National nank et ataauuqua, certify that the above titan moot is cur Oct to cue best of my knowledge and belief. M. LL. HOttN, Cashier. Affirmed before me this 3d day of July, 1686. It. CLOY Lida. , itsmr, J. P. Applcaticn for C carter. n the matter of the npplicationl In the Court of of John G. ittt ink, et al. for af t Common Pleas of charter of incorporation of the , Lehigh County,of ullailiettiville Cemetery Aseol April term, elation." And now, May 28th, 1888, the said instrument 01 writing haying been presented to the Court, and pe rused and examined by them, and the • bjects, arti cles and contlitit ns therein net forth and contained Appearing la ful and not it jurious to the communi y, it is directed that the said writing bo filed in the Ake of the Prothonotary, and that notice be insert 'd in o e newspaper 'printed in Lehigh county for at least three weeks, vetting forth that an applica ion has been made to this Court to grant the char ter of it,corporation prayed for, and that the Court will act on the application at the next term. By order of the Court, j ttlylo4w) ESAI: S REJIRIG, Proth'y. • ICE CREAM, Mead, Confectionery &c. pIIE undersigned, in addition to a full stock of I. Candies, Fruits, Toys Sm., at his store, No. 27 West Hamilton Street, a few doors below the Patri ot office, has opened a new Csoarn , Sakpath le will ahrnys have on hand the choicest kinds o Creams, well flavored, and wild serve to order to Tamil es, parties, hotels &c., in the hest sty 0. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. ulylo-31n] HENRY OTT. IDM IN isTRATOR'S NOII.I • tied is hereby given that the undersigned ba, ikon out letter., of Administration in the estate of 'INTER MOYEN, demised, lato of Lynn town hip, Lehigh (minty ; therefore ell persons whi. re indebted to said estate, are requested to make nymunt within six week,' from the date uoh who ha a any legal claims against said estate vill present them well authenticated ior settlement within the above epeeified time itaylo-Rw] B. J. MOYER, Ades'or. RUPTURE E RUPTURE V • D TLATEST IMPROVE RUSSES AND MAGES, AT Dr. C. A. Voorhies & Co's DItUGi STORE, Vo. 45 Northampton Street, Easton, Pa, N order to enjoy the advantages of wearing a L Truss, it should be accurately fitted to the parts .y one who understands the nature of rupturo. A door Trues, or a Truss badly fitted often does snore aarm than good, in consequence of which, particu ar attention is paid to the fitting o those who de. ro it. Female Abdominal Supporters and Elas ic Stockings on band, Spinal and Clubfoot Appa •atus furnished on application. • A private office and regular attendance. July 111, 1866. Notice to Teachers. ll persons applying for schools in the Allentown schom district, are to pr sent themselves at tie xamination of the County Superintendent, to Is ield in the 3d ward school house, on tho 25th inst. "hose who taught in the district last session, holding woirneion , .ll certificates, need not present themselves or examination. B. lIAI'SMAN. ulylo-3t) Secretary of the Board of Controllers rile great English Remedy SIR JAMES CLARKE'S IELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared front a prescription of Sir J. Clarke t 2ll. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invasidable modiuiuo is unfaili,g in :he ours f all those painful and dangerous diseases to which •.he connitntion is subject It moderates all excess ',nd re.i ores all obstruction'', and kepeedy cure nay o. :bled on. •TO MARRIED LADIES • itis particularly suited. It will, in a short time, br rg on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, prim) One Dollar, bears the Govern. ant Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counter• alto. In all cases of gerveus and Spinal Affections, 'altos in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ox. irtion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Vhites, these Pills will effect a care when all.thet means have failed; and although a powerful route. dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any. thing hurtful to the constitution. Fall directions in the pamphlet around mufti pack. which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Dravida. Sale Agent for the United States . Canada, JOB 9.108h15, 97 Cortlandt Street, New York. A. IL-91.00 and el postage stamps enclosed to any authorited Agent, Will ensure a bottlei contain. tog 50 pill,, by return mall. [AprilB-ly L9ll Mokitl—Aktaituti wonted for elk re. ig,BIN mei urt(theLilietOli 14 44411111 0. T, iti 011,y 2121141nd► lh dila/ . 1 $4 (dtill•ly 1 hie remit emu is unequaled as a Rejuvenator ,n‘l lie:darer of traqud or inert functions. The aged should hu certain to make the Bioltrene hou•ubold inasmuch na it will renc:cr them youthful in fueiin,.; and iu strength, and eettble there to live over again the clay of their prix vs! ..Iy. Ii not only exhilarates hut strengthens, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to those who have heart reduced to is condition of servility, solf-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter whist the cause of tho Impotency of any human organ. this import) preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. 3132COMERZIZIM cures Impotency, General Debility, Nervous Ines paeity, try spepsia, Depression, Lona of Appetite imw cioirits, Weakness of the Organs of Generation, Imbecility, Mental Indolence, kmaelation. It ha, a most delightful, desirable and novel otlect upon the nervous system : and all who nro in any way pro.trated by nervous dim:Militia-, aro earnestly ad cisei to seek a cure to this most excellent and tine , quelled preparation. Persons who, by imprudenso, have lost their net- Ural vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cure in the $3:8,168 51 Tho Fooble, tho Languid, the Disyairing,the Old should give this valuable disouvory a trial; it will be found totally different from all othor articles for riheaamo purposes. To Amulee —Thin preparation is invaluable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as tt will restore too wasted atrongth with wonderful permanence. It is also a nand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia with too first done. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree a perfect health and Mulish D 3 spepia. forever. Ono Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for Sfi, gals Sold in Allentown by Lewis Schmidt A Co., and Druggists generally. soot I.y express anywhere, by addressing dr, 1111,LYER, Proprietors, 21 Loy Street, New York. November 1,1865.1 y $7. , 9 874 19 $200,000 00 30,279 71. 300,543 2'i 150,260 mo ...... 28,124 111 41 906 28 • 1,887 12 2,2D3 32 .... 3,909 9, Hundreds and thowo.nds annually dio premature. I y, who&., it they vir.uLd give the Groat Fituoh Lim - ody. .. $755 8 8 05 .. 27 180 5r .. 180 000 00 6./00 1/11 . 8:.4110 • a 20,074 110 GELEBAATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Faronciere e. Dupont, No. 2'4 nu. Lombard, Paris from the pre , cription of Dr. Jmro UCINIMITre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord , u Lard o siere a tair Hid, they won d find irutotdi• de relit f, end, in a short time, be bull}, restored t Health and N , reneth. Lt is _soul in th ,,, practice of many eminent French physioiti, s. with uniforu •uccess, and highly recommended at , tho only poet 'ire and b•pecific Etetnely for all persons buffering from Honore, or Scoll , ll all derangement oldie Nrrveu Forces, filelonelp , ly, Aueimaturrt ,r seminal Nanissi die, all %I eattnes-em arising trim 'usual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions. Li es t o qmcular Energy, Phybical Prost-ation Nerv, u•• .mess, Weak Spine, Lowness of spirits Dhoti bs el Vision, hysterics, Pains in the Bach and Limbs Impotency, &c. No ,a, gulign can eonvey nn ad , quote Idea of the mane liato and almost mit,,, , tiloun change it ucca -ions to tho debilitated and shattered ileum). Io it stands unrivalled as an unfailing cure of tho nsaladios above mentioned. .offer no more, Mit use The Great French Rome lv ; it will effect a cure wtere all others fail, and t'though a Tom arta! remedy, contains nothing hurt- MI to the most delicate constitution. 235 tit 2,7:18 7; 26,1161 6a • 201.1 tr, ...... 4 M. 8,70 p 00 IU4 ...... 12 bt. $Jb9,6 4 6 5 $lBO,BllO OP 134 11.55 1.8 22,137 011 18 321 *.:6 sid7 190,799 3 ...... 3,54 N 3u 33 b 4 997 27 2,127 b 8589,948 t. 3 Pamphlets. containing full particulars and (Eros ions fur usiux, in English, French, Spanish nod tiorman, accompany each box, and also sent free to any address u ben requested. Prioo ono' dollar pur box ; six boxes for five dol lars. sold by ull Druggists throughout the world; or will be sent by me ii, securely sealed fn m ell o eer• 'nation, by enclosing specified price, to any author zed agents. Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS :AIt 0. MOcES .4 CO.. 27 Courtlandt St., N. Y. Awhorind Agents for Allentown, BARN ES DON; Bethlehem, BOW. T. MEYERS. Catarrh Snuff. in the head and Headache. It 1. - as boon found nu 'torment remedy in many oases of Sore Eyes.— Deafness has boon removed by it, end Hearing bap /IMP boon greatl improved by ita uso. It is fragrant at.d agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head The eeasatiens after using it aro delightfu. Ind invigorating. It opens and purges out nil tieltruotions , itructions, strengthens the glands, aid gives a healthy action to tho parte affected. of emir and use of Dr. Marahali's Catarrh and Heart. quite Snuff, has proved its great value fur all tbt common diseases of the head, and at this moment itende higher than ever befuro. It is recommended by many of the bust physicians, and is used with great suco se and satiefaution everywhere. lie ill THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, huving for tunny yours been acquainted with Dr. Marsha/re Catarrah and Head lac Snuff, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer alay that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to tho recommend ttions given ofit for the •urc of Catarrhal Atfectices, and that it is decided 'y the best article we have ever known for all cum •non diseases of the Head. Ilarr & Perry, Doston'Dernea & Park, N. York Reed. Aunten dc Co., " !A. D. .t D. Sande, " drown, Lamson & C 0.," 1- tophon Patti & Co., " Reed, Butler 4; Co., " ilerael Minor dr,, 4etb W. Ft ado, " :WKeeenn & Rubbing " enlron,Fairbank & Co." iA. L. Deovill & Co., " denabaw, Edmond s Co" !% . I.Ward, Close & Co." I. B H iy, Portland. Me Illeah & Delo, aar • For elle by all LraggLts. Try it. April 3 ISM 13 For July 7. Cortuotod nobly by J. k.E.LFRICH. PRODUCE cootommoN MERCHANT, No. 92 Barclay &rent, NLW YORK. .ouTrEn. Stato,lubs, fair to gtod, per lb. 32 to 36 V. Y ,Sta.o tubs, (Ids°, " 87 to 40 kirungu and t3,..isox. pits, " 40 to 'l5 V. owe, Tubs, nuv, " 30 to 40 astern lit:servo, obu:co, " 28 to Aurth'u. Poona:, gnu .to choice, " 35 to 38 Y. btalo Welsh Luba " bl to State 1.10E11:lama° for Shipping, " 3. , to 40 t'uunu Chi° and %$ fistula, CUIIIIOOII " 27 to 80 Nostorn ttestavo, tt bite and onxed, " 22 to 2 CIISE'E. eactory cboico and lousy now, " 19 to 20 " gaud " 17 to It V. Y. SWIM, diary, " 16 to 1. Attui sui.k, " 5 to lb Jersey k Ponno.pncliod in chaff, per dos. 29 to 30 .er.oya. Vanua. pool:oil in 0..58, 2O to 2 , 3 N. Y. dude, packed, in good order, " 28 to 2V Obto, puoitutt—by osproti, to count, " 28 to 29 ittIONRE/V i t 0R 1 ;ICTSJIII:Dill BIORREINZI. LICE-- RTII--STENGTiI, I.IE--EEALE-STPEEfiI, DR. JIMN DEL VMARRE'S Beware of Counierfcita and Imitation'? Dr. MARSHALL S lIIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itoolf to bo th, best article known fur curing the Catarrh, Cold More then Thirty 'rears' Arm ioik Price Current. BOGS BEANS. %19rrow,oholoo,full elsod, por bush 82166 2.50 to 2.7 b Kidney, chotoo,tull mod, " 2.60 to 2.70 loclittme, cbotoo, 2.06 to 2.16 taxed tow mut common, " 60 to I.OU DRUID FRUIT i pples —N. Y. State, choice, per. lb. 18 to 19 Apples—Jamey und Pennsylvania, " ' 185 to 175 naapoarrtao, black, " do to 4a ,Ilackberrloa, " 36 to 1.8 ' Albortlobarrles, " 1b to 16 • Marko, pitied, " 48 to 60 • :harries, ptte in, a 6to 8 Peaches, peeled, " 20 to Bo Plume," ' 25 to 3t) BEESWAX. Pure per lb. 40 to 41 SEEDS. por bash. 50 lbs. 3.00 to 8 20 par lb. 10 to 11 TALLOW. Fla:reed, Jlovor, In good Barrela o POULTRY Ducks alive, 'live Geone, Spring Chickens, per pair Fowls, Turkeys El:MS.—The receipts have been very light during the fore part of the week. Prices have run up t 30 cis., to-day the receipts are most plenty and pricees not as firm; should the 'receipts be free during the coming week prices will deo me: ' BUTTER. -1.10 receipts of 0110i66 are very light and prices firm atquotations, Common grades arc dull at prices quoted. ca'pobol 100 ft gobil Heim to sa►o 9 dallaY 4131 DlliVol4lni9nt, IRENTOWI BOON SLOE T. V, RHO, US, Agent, No. 31 West Hamilton St] eet, A 'D,the Store orals subscriber will he kept con• stantly on bond, at the very lowest Cf3h, ho most mogant and a so in common binding. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL ROOKS, Snob as complete smite of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, W 401 " al MeCluffies' " II . is Greenitara Arithmetics, Algebras, Montsith's Geography, Colton's Ss • M,tenei o's 0 elgraiphy and Atlas, Brown's Grammars,- Weld's Orannimr and Geometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " Mental Specimen Copy Bonita, Potter & ilammond's Books, ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inkstands, S ind Boxes, Wrltini Sand, Steel Pens, Quills, Loud Pet cols, Slates and PeuePs.Slati. Rub bers, Pen Iloldurs, Gold Pons. and Pen oils, Drawing Pencils ' Gum ubhers, Sealing Max, Water Colors, Tape Measures,lndel.lile Inti,Pooket Knives, Collar Pins,t,rocibet Needleejeottipicks,et, Also a splendid lot of Pocket Books, ineiudinp every kind des'red—all of the very hot coi.lay an, ak t the lowest prices. Als , . a Way, of ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, festntneuts, 'Reformed and Lutheran Liturgies, a. vial lid n.l kir dd of tlyten and Prater hooks Also al. kinds of Vu•io Bootie; such as the Goid Chain. -undav School Bell, Nu 1 and 2, 1)', Sohool Bell. 'h,.ral Carp; also Stnauk a Weber' Burman I Introit Music, Cooks. All kinds of Foreign Books Such butiu lien iu¢ Books Larlo thamtu.,r Ur❑uk Cirotntuarg Bunion's Anthnn's m•ur. r sucenaw s6ttools. D00K.3. A full athontui,ot of z'uoday Fehool Hooka, - u lies all the ei thu Atncricsn To v e.ety. the stnerienn •und .y 0 01 • cite "PennsylVilDhl iSi 1110 OUittl ." Pit•to ular , lites he wish to say chit tie ii.te splendid LID nal. .nd Reward Tickets on han t suel rts have uevt ..uen kept en vela in ihis wive her•,re. BLANK BOOKS. He has a splendid lot, and of tba very heat q•is y. They are of all SiZeti, m. 41 eau ho ub owed ful r half. h•ion.l. N t 000 wt l douy that be has the wont Fplandi. esourtment of Monlorandoin llookr• of ev..ry de,crit, lon on hand, that r u n he found at any plain excep Now fork and Pho-d ALBUMS ! ALBUMS The largest stucit of Puougraph A ihums that has ever teen sec. in Allentown, can bo found at It hoods' •'heap Book S ore. to de•cribo tnotn Ia —they must bo soon. ant if so, every ono will at .000 say that they are the 1710IteT end Cillterista they over sir,. At the same place thorn are also over 000 Photographs, al .d use [canoe and a dplentlid assortment of I .rzo Pictures for sale. '4% riklAIL PAPER : Over 200 d Q rent patterns of Wall Paper and Burdere are Lusa ai this Cheap newt 'to•o a. well as hundred' of other urtic ea too nun arena to m. n th n. A very largo variety of WINDOW CURTAINS. IN or 200 different patterns. lIIIV.sIIEsI BRUSHES,' • A large variety Ut Flair Brushes. Tooth Brushes and Combs of every d.scriptinn. By strict intention to his business, low prices and good goods, be hopes to unlit his share of public putr outgo, which he will always hoop in grateful ren emberstice. T. V. RIIUADd, Ag't, April 24, 1066 POPULAR PRICES! ?ill THE PIPHIAR TRADE POPULAR STORE AWL Int _AIL 10.11 E ME MU, ALLENTOWN, PA. Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH For Cash and Approved Cralit • GREAT BECIINE 1N PRICES! 13icr . Drop in Gold. .t= Whether temporary or permanent 311 i .1 not. With gold trom $2 00 octavo to $L 27, cotton 39 cants a pound. ore now selhug at a heavy lose to the manufacturers but this is neither hire tier there, for Is bound t asap tswo to Ih4 music, and outlaw as hurotufure, To ii.ead the Trade 251 D DEFY COMPEI moN ! From April 3i, I shall offer a complete lino of Ladies' Seasonable Dress Goods being pa Neely ALIV I with everything In this ini that Ia FnE 01101015 and ATTRACTIVE, II short ns must for Style. Variety and Lowness of Price. shad and eau nut be surpassed A full lino of all the choice brands of bleacher and unbleached L1111•IlUP, sbeetings, to., and ovary thing that belongs 10 huuealteepera in this line at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES ! I give no quotation prieoe, but will mall you for LESS MONEY than you can get tho Lamle goods clamber& Shawls, Clioa ks. Sacgnas, 'AM =Ulla% Cloths, Cassimeres, Twecls. &c. This department Min received . special attention this spring and cumpris ma tho newestand moat de sirable spring stylea,adopted to the taste of the aged, middle aged, "Young America," and children, and will be sold at present Also the. CHOIC ET LINEof GROG 4 3RIEE and at prices that will aorivinoa ono and all that Great Place of Interest nor persons wishing to 'elect from the molt °sten etre and reliable crook of ituode and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An examination it all I ask, knotting that I can of fer ioduoements that cannot be outputted by any reliable house in tonn. M. J. KRAMER, Op. mite the EAOLE HOTEL. • per lb. lla ki 12 per pair 1.25 to 1 45 THE CELEBRATED RAPP'S GOLD PEN; The Eteat it the Weft It FOR SALE AT MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE No. 23 East Hamilton St. T H E B the e ir ns eu h rgl e atra ir s e l d o C r o ond i e d rll!em mf ge ta mt tatigrt t i ‘ ti o n , niet . e. Where once used floinciltaiim per pair 2.00 to 9 0 60 to It 0 par lb. 2:3 to 24 24 to 26 IHE CHEAP ' • • .• • .... . - - .-r MEKORANDIJA BOOK‘,. JULY, 1806. AT IHE AND SOLD STANDARD GOODS K._RA.M_.EP,,, VIE srA.pLE GOODS? &a yin groat variety Gold Standard Prices. Kramer's I 3 TLS lEEE EITHP111811; I NEW FIRM. Shinier Bros, LATE RENINGR & SHIMER.) No. 5 West Hamilton Street ALLENTOWN, PA. Next Door to the Eagle Hotel 3himer's Mammoth Store LIVE INSTITUTION I Money Saved • BY BUYING AT 111 9 S . STORE , Filled Stacks high with Goods at. tests IV IC3 R. XC) MIES Our entire Stock has boon MA IttiED DOWN • he lowest notch, wo defy competition. WE STUDY TO PLEASE very one, old and young, rioh and poor, we el. Mayor to keep a wed selei.ted stock of IltY .000os, OR ./CERIES, . . QUEENSW ARE, OARPIsiTINGS, OIL OLOPtI, . PROVISIONS SALT. FISH, Ac. Ac., . • n give bargains to all those who may favor no with stir contain, not only for sixty days or a given. ma, hut will always o intinuo to mill our goodo at' to very lowest possible prices. We do not pretend . say that our s ~tom is strictly Cash, ut goaran so our prices to ho as low as any others who are ~ i nntiniz Of stilling the oneopm.t, in consequenoe of tin, bunions}, entirely upon each prionipie. < 4l . mir o ncern f.ti ow thu standard customers of yell known o d stand, and y , u wilfal. in White iith courtesy waited ou and nopplied with th eneap- At Hoods. no sum vou are right, mingle in the —nail, then coma attend to • • SECt [VIERS POPUL /LB. STORE. shore you can ho hest suited with the mollt, goods the least moony, with ti,osh durable and (elution blo gouda. A_DTES' ► ress Gods Dcp triment ! 9ii.unfiv complete with rioh to I aleprit goods well ae th'e • 'Rower btyies, it cumprimig lack and Ceiored • Pia .d and F. 'gum(' Wool Du Luined. Nlerinoes, Plato, Figured and carded Mohair, Amurioun De Woes, Cuburge, A Tacos., Ruppe, PopHari' • /ketch and truion ,Igildi eta., ate., etc., etc. Le. NIN a- GOODS. %%Tool Drlttino., Morinoeo. Roppe, Poplin, Si hair GoodN, aanhazines. Alpac. cad. (1,11)t..” 0101. b, • Dolainee, Co . buro. &o. Crape and L.)vo Voila, Crape ' Connie, Struve and Long Thibot and Blanket bhawio, llandkerchiofs, Bindery . - and Glow . &o. • " • 0 ingbanis, Flannuls, Muslin, Tick ings, 'Diapers, • • Choclis, Linens, Bosoms and White Goods, d", Li CLOAKS AND CLOAKING CLOTS Of every disoription, styles, gustily, colors an prices. SHAWLS:. SHAWLS' qua e and long Brooke, Blankets, Thibet and 'laid Shawls. I= BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prices, and all sizes. The Silver Skirt: This skirt is more durable, more elastici wore Lcraceiul, and will keep its shape and retain its place , mttor than any other Skirt. The Stool Springs be tog covered with a fine plated wire, in place of a" cation covering. will not wear off or become 101104 and the whole sktrt may. Lo washed without injury , r fear of rusting and will be as good as new. CARPETS AND OiL CLOTH, A very full Meek, new and rich QIUt,IEN-4i!+W . A It A full assortment, obeap. WINDOW SLIADES SND CURtAtiS or awry are fr non I i Groceries, Fish and ProvisiSts at the lowest 'pricer, notaprising a run line of all intake usual y i.ept in a iirotclaas U ovary Doparli wont. • 8/LT—Ornund Liverpool, Milton and dah daj ,. .,s,2he a,clt and bushel. wountry Product% All kinds o Counto, Produce taken in exchange, and the blithest prices paid for. • • • GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call will secure advantages that WM bill certainly fort in delay. We are thankful to our old customers lor pittfit enc., and solicit a cont.ouance the sante' a u many now ones, who will favor us with their patron .e. we will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courteey and puncluality Remember the well known old stand late. MN DM EN I SIIIIIER, No. b Wert damn on Street, tlidionwe. Pa. BttlM Ea BRAS. Co[: ilt Your !utak In Buying. Goods! Metzger & Osman have met opened at their TA IL °RIND ESTABLISHMENT. NO. 33 ELST EumwroN STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., "THEIR SPRING STORK OP CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINCS, &0., &0., which will be Made up to Order, TM TUE LATSEIT sTYLr.s, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN . at tho ebortoet notice. ilaßifiFliiiiiir;Oi. SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER, Oall and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, • ' Cheapest Cloths, *: 01 '; Cheapest Cassimeres, .- , Cheapest Shirts, ," Cheapest Collars, , Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest HandheraMetis, Cheapest Hosiery.% Ch apest Oldves, 4 Cheapest Bpabiaßas, eta., etc., ata., eta. / Oar stock is much heavier and better Assorted than EVE:: BEFORE: Don't forget the place, No. 88 East Hamilton dry nest door w the ' , lndependent Itenubllkaneets lizrzoka, I onkel/. NATIIAN Manama, late of the Erm•of Troia & Metzger. TILGHMAN ORMAN, lately head cutter at Mai (stab. Itahment of Troxell & Metzger. allmorma. Aug. 8. 1885 PURE LIBERTY Vt' H ITE LEAP.Z.; preferred by all praotioal Painters int it? and you will have no other, .-maniitioturod ow? by ZIEGLER & sMII'II.. Whotictut Duty Perlis dab Brian 0510.14 No. 10I' North Third ihrhot Philihrptud =I El B El Gil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers