IM lIPORTF.D A\D 110410.1-411 ti CAR 'lt 45: 1 : kr, „, luisT - new , On . ) InviirlEt I 11"`trifle. AN IMIF I N;;E f. 41 Icrt • Rains 3in4 i • American- 0,71 d Etirap3ai, t i na(iF t iht At Ibt ed IP Vefi 'Utz ACC UNIT Tilk; DECLINE - (49 cycl - s.; r - J. F. x ,.11., : , 911 9n NE ?Jr d . Chttanit 13j. alp*; %lout wil*Pr • 14ea . - _ R . T. 11111 . 31 . 1 tt 11EPLitlED- ri _ C A -11. ,P. E T N.. 0 F. ftivi R. 14 1 .1-1 • Etigl ell It .% 11, , ,,r,•••• , 0-1,5"itt.:19 4 • • Fuse E .glish Brussel. Crcosiey'4 T Lupe' jai ,T,,ree Ivy ri•irpnt, .T' F nr I.l_ru•u Curyw I-EV.l4;lin B:IU iSV.L ROY I I' P V •1{.,.T.1' ?!11 fl ‘11.5 EMMIMUMM IZEM . . . • . - -Fr •J'" Will rk.l ItED 0 11 r: AND F.t.N. 1 , 51 Al' I•I N • . • • . A P'TIN ENGltifill. OIL CLO rds, March Miile r,„ Sch !Tiber .& Cr 22 vr N w'yoliK NJ. 1) Fast 11 Laiittrn Street EN'I f.W A. A•o new re.wiv ne, thr4• I/11. .STI,I"IC RAE Ail Still I Gl W . llO a C, WV .0100 01. 25 s 5 t iter Mt le t t. th1W ; 001 a 0 1 101401 1 . .. r. al.l ..rd n v orrp ea to gtiro •.'. tin adv .at 4..ur • i t,ctw.. caticH A ses. We 801114:61. 'ohMe.i thotvor.y holor in A11..i town..o)l , •otter,,l4oiM , and inure "ft W din widn fm.i. 61' W flit vie Aft • ootoo and r for iSOter toot, re w,,6 lowet.ted to t , publio It inittlrac i livo Ho I 4.ototttount • ron.istif)e iii part of FiS7 Fli-ZNGH ERIN3ES ti4.„.41.0111 . Nht colors MUATN DE . LAINE3, U NlithsL PLA LDS in ,d'itmd Sn. c dch Phil All Waal Da L _thin AN I) rail oti , b . o a:4l* A grin! riri.ery 4,1 1. rites', 116z.,.' and Clikidrun . Sil4lVLi„ BILMOR &! Tn I.l4ltinn to the above wti tut :uuud tun lur k ept MA/ k of Brovr” ..,4 Musl'ing; 16mo. , • . Woe E' ; • Cassiu'h-ree, F. d i . 41 in tillnt. - ”vi CI it Olathe. (lasr , o;mnr, and trl on o,ls .iyo ehe.looir an I+t •n .r no no.y,toin otrore I o y °oh 'envoi.. i-lotu , n in 1,.%5n. RI ,r, you trill Btr - riu.:d- 'at prier. rh o'l 4 ir:voli,r,lllV +1.11•ft , ..4 v tit) 1 , omit Ire '11" it.ol Milani. Whei. y. r•n filly t.. 13 I. t.Ol In w t'l tNs , 47.1 on, up dt the 3c,14,4 sio. 45 I , ;.+[ .. ts et. ‘T , Lithllt o 9411 rth.f Stilt 0 .T,.. tw at „ T i er c\ o eird'a !LI( 0- 1% A Etinci J UST, o .)- t-,NE D uttts4 ck. l• 1.1 , 110 N .11 1,14.,.N0• 10 E.:;sl t r l 4; 1/ . 1..2.1 a at, u 0) . lASI/ V olliru All o ih 'a 11.1.w1d1. hovba• a parg , na.. f,r .•11 a, *Lir p au tc.111,61 1,11 a /1 1 ..• 1.114 8. to Ut . ipihatl) r.3aanicl; rafro. olg Ihwr ,14/A7' 1 - 30—t ass Ca 00 11 d.s wilThe ru, d soul tali./ Au..l LILIaL ta.111.,11. p9,pl,lll;bg 'Moho r Irma, "Lo . , I , V y ge. t.Tetapiin.., • frent Wiling... A I 'W4 , ,,1 Dalaius, Ainurpp. M. lungu t 1 0 1311, anal Fitfu , Pri 1),i) ex Ito qv !•kltl. • - A 1 1 4 .. fa - 11410 MON 9. VIIi7 .1049.19 L, copal/tins, iu pun of q48443/eXPP. 'l set (14. Jrara. ISE Damps*lc GOOdl, Zuwi gs, M= 112EI • . n ,„-,...Terms are: CASH! I!l!"..cou.thy pautweb.; tnkvn in exalting ko .; Air wirlpl, , - rii I 7,.184 I .11,E AT •11 au. now is iil.•• 11111,; 10 15114131 Y.Ogil Ulll LI rrLE cm CAN ALI. I 0 V F.,. .gin in tte 83011, STOItE ui;n4 ;I . that opOunO!..11 AV a I . 'Pnpe v, ; , been nice rcd. Villa alswit34l hAvr t.l t.r. 01 .11t. • s ra,rgoat. 'Finest. Chorpest 4nd ..1 boo ei eke uf .W . 41 -T-117-0 3E' IL: 3 11f1 il In nee fors litty r g your, lope, fit I hPrIS 0. a" largo n,o...rt•et ti..rth !bro. time, fENiItP:M other J llevr wtit.ta lint e LW, a.l iii tot le r 0,.. ff•te, f.r .31p. A . l WO p'op'e to nottm rm.) Far fo . Ihettirtilve P. {f•v rhor t• i v tnr ta.w 4 inu Frnnl Keep netghli, t 4; y ut , 4}teiolA or ell people, tt.nt the Ono:, it rho 1.'03 1,11.r0 in att er/oho. ft y the LI opd rbeapotit Nv.,1 6 L k),4,l:tyit •a; the "FRI E Dr4.N23 110 TE" 1300 lc - Ls , TOR E inCi. • or l y e • • MBE I 1t:1.Y..v , L t lS T.) vt iii.d qmo re nod I.4!te . r.mork qt 4 given Coat th at! L ,ostny othoT: Try ' auufneturrii Z. Et ;1,1 . It -.t,"%:.'Tri.114 Wool A ALP. PRITO P. 'ii Awl fii AFF PFAI Fro' isa3o-4 My? at .)f43141' 1 4 1 ektrovt, . • AN EPTECFAiTAygrITICIifE,RWINifi.rI, Dow ttiimpPnaii*•;C e o . • - • P / skitnesi: *Pit ohildrenj and lulu to, attributed to otber,exases lit-occasioned by worms. Thu.-4'44v?) ilthough effintunl in .iestrohng, j ,wofinsiointi4lo no T uebibieiinlury to the mast delinute (Add.; Th.diral. 3.0111; coMbinat ion has been s'ffiiiffeestuly used by plis soI found to be safe r ijia:a firaollostlnk Sdirraff.fl, c hi Inv . . 4 . -hil.l:, n W selleire iniensiltnisnitel im, ns negl‘ot ut the trouble often rinfigrierwiiAnd +1 C t Ffp. • m 'tome of, Wq n ichildrent. are o r Q.. over kokfid. %forma n the litomaeh - and bowels thrtildir , rtation, which can yfr, reraLived,pwly, dinjhg nuid of u Arenpied„t. The ojimbitiatitin Of lit tirdientb 'neva 'it franking Brfain's "VarmiWrge Comiltre'il4suob as give tho best,possiblo effect with safoty..• Cu hi IS, h BltOrvll. Proprietors,. Now York.— .0 i 9 I 1 i 1 modiein 8,, et 25,etif.,a box. • 22 ltina. ' • • - -1 year. EMI DOWN OR RASTWARP fi l . . rArlowa:, ;' IME 1: ;11(K6. ' No..". .N o , 9 •.+e ; •,, A, .51.•. 4, N. P. 51. A. 5. I'l keel Barre, 8 00 1 15 ' . 11iitti , . .$;:.11 3'6o • Pinner; . 4/.16 -. 3.08 el ... .•... 1106 V. 44 3.15 II•ad Rod 0 1 8 22 •,rkport 1 , ..00. 3.01 k . • I.nonoorth. 8 'than• y oPy, • 2.15 • c 2 0 I'" ' .2. ,o,o,orilir • . • 2,15 •L" • '.lvorbloutiow2.3s " In .1:. .. . atberly 4 , . - 8.25 3.20 4. , OTID Hd,oett, '111. 9 4 353 .F.• ..i.t.1...4.061: 480 1..-7 426 oightdu 4.40 11.07 . 4:45 I ,r ) vide 4.415 4 41 0. 'high t4..p b 01 4 56 ntii.gfuu 607 • 11.20 6,02 .ok4 ,10 •5 17 b 13 ,urVl, ' .`6 27 b 23 "••altet•all • 5•34 . b 0 .i...) 534 11.42 15.34 • 1. Itominuque, • •5 12 5.48 ailapilym ' 546 11.47 • i.67: 4 " lem,' 8 uroacs 5.54 b.t 0 !lull own. .. , , .o.oe It 57 5.55 llt ,Ithlehein :. , 6.15 1.2 13 . 11 15 I.:1 tewatn3burg ' - 11 .8 624 ' 6.44 12 43 045 201 0 ;0 2:11 815 1010 4..0 1045' 611 ~balfa+.l and Checked binrrir,g, 0311111 V1611..061, Pine, Cottonndm &,• Sheetinge. !lON. Cheek. Le., ite 'Wu H. STI CKICI Lt.x WADE. Lela gu Valley tiaisoak EP • ..11.114.—.1110 U 4 MILK 0 1 Ai`i— 1 8 fi °4 On uudiuftur Munriny,: ,, itly-Pitat 18134, Pim:lenge rains ut th Lehigh V. II iv ,Ijoitr: nd Otttiiiihwy atr tu in ounneotkn tho — Fccirtl tr . rw. •ow York end Phil tJulenitt, ns lui Atl ,toso , • 1411)hi Y Fivht..h..ll ; eroo ; •yr,. 12.14; I i.t. a 1.15; Vont D. 20. VP Vit h E.Y7 }V &RD 1 ItAiA , A. Nu, 8. N 0 0. 41.10. C. 4. .2. Nu. 4 a % 10, 1. - .. 7i. A. A. p. 1 700 11 110 4 0.1 9.00 8.01 7 0 . 5.05 9 7 325 7.44 11.51 11.24 reewanal rog 111.07 --3.49 8.110 n 4 tblehew 100'2 . .10 . 8 lb 12 21 11 ..: 'kimonoll • 137 8.80 12.05 12..4 qeutown Furnace 4 210 8.84 .t oduqun IQ 47 428 842 .i nkondauqua 10.53 4.33 847 f: pin ) - 11 , 57 4.31 8.41 ii: 1.'40101 . 111.11 4.44 848• Aur3'n ' •11.10 4.0 U 9.04 IC ..ek4ale 11 lie 500 9.14 p-- otlngton 11.2 0 . b. 12 9.25 tr. . nlligh tlnp , , 11..6 . 5 . 1 b 0.31 •c. ...rryvlle - 11 48 5.33 p. 45 c: tc eloghton 11_o5 . '..39 1..50. 14; Inudh ()hunk 12 05 5 5.1 10.00 ..ton Haven 12 32 1.13 . vedth..dly 12104 .011 V ur At endow 1.24 s.•nnvillo 1 an ' ' • u In!.r1.11, 1.44 ldhanov Oily, 145 . . , 4 ondu Wall, 11.511, delinort 12.5!1 877 Inn Run 1 1 2 A- ii ;/V k•iry RUE 107 4.2 . .unary 1.17 7.1-1 . 'fin. oneen 1:3 7. 7 1 W.ltee Barre. 2 5 00 8.45 C g. 0 1$10.101'1019S; , - MEM= ow Vol k. '1..11.1001a, t3ehtral Kniquad Of NPW Jersey—All up and CIAIVI • lint, °umlaut at Budtork 'Prim rho MM.. 'of the ecru. 4,1 *'..att....4 id Ntlt, *11,180:t th •rol from coo Yorr. N PAnn,ylv Om Ito ton 1 —D wn trust d N.. a In. V -it It up tr 2 mtit 8. Nut.uot a. uta'ohu.o wi h trains f Ph let. phi'. 'Frain- "in No id. i t in,d•eidiiieot art It, Lb . ham with dow. , 8111 401 7 4 .1 vt.h np trains. Nus. 13 .1 .d 111. Ca-t rum u.ylvuuia Railr .nd —Down rrntnx Nor. 5 and minis Nos. 2, .1, 6 and I 3 a .I.DeCE .•• ittqli. Y7ll With tr i h i tlr Held tag and tlarrisourk rain , troll . 11 110 11,trirt..1.1tra tid ttuis.lll% u,unoct at Al tlqWll 'rams. ! 'II 1/.1.'14 tbdawara It . trains 1 ~,t1 5 e mneet ‘1 , 1 , h 'routs f ' H 1 4 ,1.001;1. Prams tr..,. Phil .dolphi E Phdlip..huN wit., up trains N 2 and no. naive trout Liu videre u. Ducat with up trams NI.S. Cninwinnk Itni Down t• 10P No. 7 111 d 111 rAn N... 8 uonne..l n (.1.4.k ,kui,uotiou, %rid' tram .1 to.. Cur eViI•PR II!. I ' II . 3 , .11,11 1 H•ii r.,nd own e Non. h and 7 p rain N .. 8 ‘onLevt , votli trulue of thu I az o Huciond, I,nhigu and Au , q tehonpa ital • raa.l.-I)..wn tsn' , h and 7 a u up r and A, c-rairl 11,0;eli with tr i n"t hn ! e• ign at 41 •or t..h ,nvot Hal ran I to and If :O .n .r. 41' iv , tut tlilke,nntrA •Ad hen V, up rn 8"oial down tr“t4. N. 7 N.. rh. to !noon nt 11 nn t , re , 1,(1. I .11 aOh Av. 01,1 8 end d swat un N' S. R. B. -AY et 1.,:1upt: . & +qt. -.4 lIEZE ...ttl•t PE ~ ASi V INIA gIiAVVEAUtage te filkti, : tra. to Ph eludeoplo an,:i.{..tuNl4 . kith tot ithillidt:lpnia take 1.. I, n. train,. ',mooing Alleitow' 0.011 a. in., 12.1; and 1.60 p. w., wake lure 0 ,, 141 , 00.1%) ,, en r 0118 zir. P. It. IL at Ratelloineat, and urn.. ' , nil ,'l.l , bit at 30.20 . a..ut..:*2 80' and 8 40 p. :simnitv ...enger, for take It 25. a. in 'no' tb 41111 tuttkr mum eatiot• 41 Walt , le aim retort' Al. Allintiorn theaaukt evening . All Pationnitto Ira'ue l exeepthunilt.) Iran:woo°. ,at at tierkt attain,. rtiliadniphtm, aith sth and 8: 'eat tilt) Pmeilenge , '.save tbellell Depot. fhird Attest. above Thom u, Philadelphurat 7.80 'n, and 5.16 p. w. , arrt‘ it In Allentown in 10 31 a. in., and 8.30 p. In., r. owntlaaly. LOCAL .40!IIMITLE 'bre, Tbrougb Trains Dilly, Sundays Eiteeptme ✓a .gem w mint leave the new Depot, Tb r treat; Philadelphia. For Ilttblehetu. at 7.30 it. at., 8.30 p. m., an b P. $.• • . or thryloithwn , at 8.95 a. m., and 2.30;4.15 p. Fur Lanedaie w 6.1 b p. in. For Fort Weabiugtou at 1 t .1. 12. IRATNS Plll/-ADELPITTA. Leave Leiblel em pt ft.:s u m. 17.15 auto mu lb p. m. Leave Doylestown at IS.4P a. m., 3.15, and 5 mi LOlll7O TsinPdale nt RAC a t Fort Wnshington, at 2 In p. m , 10.50 ta. m. rare--Allentown to Philadelt.mb,. .... $1 8 1111,1.18 11LARK,Aatent. ❑~B'R5 REIOING itAIL -It D U It IC ARI ASi ; E S TS, April 23d, 1566, .111P14T 71111 K I INK Puo.4 THE Nnit.T.! '.ll and Sorb Wes for'a. Vet. rk 40,4 Puttoviile fountqua. Ashland, L. bun L. lie. town. R.. (.0 , itO ,L. - Train. loom° for Nro ,. York, OP f •Ilnw , • • .t s.uo 7 JO and 905 A. M. and 21.0 ay 0 9 211 no . mina a iitt noilor T...ins. nth• P. tin• 1 11,611 Ito HI Ord 1 . '117..1 at NLita V ilt /11 , 5 41 ~ 111 fill 3la onel 10 p m Q 1 .1 ng.o to noo. , nipan h0..4 OU 4. to and 9.'40 ~ trail r ut Loot.. 11041 g I.r It onWnQ, Polti. , ille T..tiii 1 1 11 Lr. ., l'n, fto4i.l o ti0..,70. t lon ow i.. 1 phis nt 740 a in ~ I i 2110 2110 ..nd ), to . fottoOl Lat fm , 0 , 1011 ond prnoiol I V, st. ii, 'bo+9 2u p intin 11:11010,1 nn o' , 00 COI n..,. laii. for Ile TAO Philoarli.hl, FOr• iHr lia..unlkllllla‘cn on tinhorn Rehilylk Su q u honna 14.11111.14.1 ILavu flat; iobtargat 4 '1 It -tnrr Inn I es.vii 4 Vet, Y: lit ill' (LIM 2 no.oon no .1 9.11 , , p :Ph .1,. illhin S n 111 nn 11.. n 4 , 11 2 Ji p. n... I 1 n 0011 .1 5 p. .; Tom, .n. II 111 al 11. m. nod Jnn .1,1 55s r. n. • C., re P—rts6l . l , r Prri-Ini•••• Sus ) rlivilut I 11,Tlitiir nd l it 7 up u . mo lj ••111.g •u ...lop]: n I • nye,. INwir rwurning from w 5 ni • • 1 reline lenve ‘Tntpling nt • pv•t d v.fl 1/91 In; POT ita, Li•ig LaPenstt na• • . • ,. • a. , dote.: leto,. N. yr Tnrlt ni it :in P tr,,Pbtl .init LI. fit 0 to tn the a nn •• in tr 4 i. • Itor•liw n , iv to Re -dit; -. • T . gill•hao'7 4 .o at' lit rrI•I;13.1/ It (IN It r , p•nt Hr. din 1 . 7 , 8 r1 In u tlat•ophartt. Pt II itittrti Pi Ter Nett 4.26.0 in h;i; ; 1 . 11 ; 14 ): • Pro , e Ev •••1 •iialioip to and ire in all potato, at tidar• n rate , . , it gcgr . 654,4 , ed thYrkugh • 80 p•r101.: eilowt d .p. h '..kinie g-r. • C. 1 rs VOW ti • , "fm. , • ` l 3l , otaitrUdialt,; atifAint Pa n Apll 104 8 0;01 Pin Pgs=ad P4ri SU 1131 E ,ARRANGEMENTS Commeneinp SAM 40.1'..tiiry ;2i 4, 1,g1);- DIRECT TO NEW YORK AND PITTBEUTIVWITHOUT 43114 C AEII ;4 t. 7 RAINS I !:. eave Allentm. (SonAtiy a except' -----••• 711 ..:illy 0o) at 7.00 and 10.:l0 A. M., and at .12.3', 4.1 and 11.44 P. M. Thelit.3o A. M.,:make direct con. Acctions at Harrisburg, for Chanthersburg,llAgers town iind points on the Cumberland Valley Rail :owl', Norther Central Rhilroad, North and J3outh, 44n.1 the oil region. '--Tbe-10.30-A.M412.: 1 5 attd 'P. M., are the Western Express t trairts, direct hrough to Pittsburg without change of cars. Th. .01) A. M. train Rope at all stations of this road, to.l m ke conriebtions' at Reading.for Rdttaville. • Port Clinton, Tamaqua and all pointsin the Schuyl kill coal regions ; for Philadelphia arid' ll points on he Philadelphia- and ,lina4lng Railroad, ,Also' fiJr Ilarriaburg, ChartiVershitig r illigerstrianacrk, Oct.. .vslirg, the oil region, Willintnap_ort i and the'West. The 4.15 P. train steps at all stations; conneott a Reading,' with trains, for Pottsville. Cohpnbia, Ephrata, Lancaster , Harrisburg; A.,. Th. 11.44 . P. IC'tittin.:lealks (laity (Snhdnyainaludedl for Reading, Harrisburg, and the West. Passengers are requested' o p rehaso their. thatete 'Wore etitering ,the.. oars, as . higher fars. will bt Misread on the Oars: • Tto&ets for sale at the AllebteWn offiee for al' points on this roachand the principal stations on tin Phila elphia and`lqading, Lebanon Valley, and Peensylvania tailreads; IVest, North-west awl scutir_erest. rjuns.o4] C. STOLZ. Etig'r. h Supt. tte R. R. SEVEN GREAT BLESSINGS icunii Ti) THE RIINAN RACL BY ONE BOTTLE OF RADWAI '3 IC v I. F. ou••dun v r tad wtiti pain or ttickner t• tow ol ti Y t• F wt .r.t I tiMEtt,irtic., 6ASE and .gt<rwrurste tr. therittle. 2d. It , mircrit.g tri.tu ritiy ncUt., it LI traitor) • uiragio arid/111C 1 °thou raltiir It h. U.aull NW." Pit morimi 1.1.1., ti.tur nbd Al.111:1 lelet.k• 011/1 thu Legb, :••• air titi. I till 111 I. firawy. /(oa/0//y . l hiefedb 1 , (11/ Uk.N Cute 1.1.0,011010 t boll 00111 g ~t tllLtl,l3olllisti of drag, tol the ti,t pi ither medic °r. • 11.011 j et to Ileadavhcs, Sour Taste in tt.. •-teeth, ouns, A 11.141 0h0.... I , 1 . 0. tU e 0. f.oe- ni A . upetite liehehll DeWitt, its alit eXtretlll•cen. r•Wol uu •11.111t1i, • hues, hesties•eun &Alit , re.abit Is, 'lobate Co.,gue, Om., I 11. to. z.., :tiptherie, roof., kit mina. ion ul the Boa thr, Do 10.011, K•••• op, or Wait ter,'n beads 111.111.1 will 1,1• f .t 1 tne.e•oitatet-tit.o Hon e..e t , the e4. 0 1,1e t , 'p. ~e —lll,lll Cued with •I•plu • fit u ties ... Ntti•pi utter, I cuittmenue of I riot ,lioatio,, of thelfuiddtr Vainly rln of the rtpinc.., r the Iliad or. ...ihrg•si•bene of thu huke r, Liu hot rhce , n hires, t. !rut Ali un ka.tug of t , ewe, laid t thtr uterine uiff3 °linter. hii.iwaty . item') heliet rut hod the ,ongth of 111. riot. , er 101 , or 1u001) 11.1.1.tne, to ire II 11b), wit. 1:1111 lie Wan' 01•.00. we huts over 101 1 0 *WI WWI ...- ...m1.0.11.311 darer ramie itmluu)'c by Inn In Medi ot uppimmitm, hue effected reimallet.l eu en ' -All *ha. by exposure to ht rd •r military, or net nl, othere.h.e, or by the u. o uoiTury, b t u Conti .01..11.311•1111 and thir ittleriog trout ititeuw..thiu w utty form, punts it • j outs or hullo.. Paley or Puralyris, %enkness, 0 0W:tens to the h:a'retuitirti, and oil poi; .. 11111 cow.. lateenetu else other off !Mims, will he quick. 3 cured t. 3 toe use f tittaway's lituoy ri h —lf the community r tare to ed with any ottootious divenso—rither Jwull.Pua. Yellow Fevet, ry ph u, or 'l3 phold rev. it:olWaty 'a II eaily Bell. I • tee bust thseutuuteni in the world. taid a cure r , .%eittire, to atom. who it, oga ottookel mire tn In 11111. J. of lothilutoutioli of .th, Odle, P.111•1ere' , ....11c. or uliy 1101.11,‘ d ininintory d6eittiti. tne tteudy lteliet will *tutu, ewe undo whit t, It piniutaireti nava , tagiis • ear at priiiiiiiratione , .11 111.11 11Ilid, Vtrtillille,llllii oilier opiates and narcotic-. L tint pain, by inipart nig r.trutigth arid vigor to tb.. ',tient, and nr Otte Olio! unergiut• a ht'at inuteed nit thin pereuptive rani titles, and tanking' thew iiineuvii le to pati.Let • inn) ho w old live and enjoy outiliti Rad ic yr y '. Heady Batt). 7in i 0 nil who mre sink and in pains, We the noir/ tint in, h.trul, and will deg ~,, .11111011+ who sr, weak, nervous at d u.tspiiiiiitul .hu Ready Relief in a wino gonss of •ater will do you nano gond Ilion all the ti Inn world— , keep stunnieh o'iian land h .out breath oveut, bur net 'it d strong, y.ur upipettie gaud, end your digia.tion retz• Mir. A ittniu Liken tit bediitoo win sn, , u.e calm env cep !'his heineetWiP truly a Family inelinine. It cat if U:4111 with the p4i , itivu senor taut lit dining goon etioos where pain or entnenielltenw .alai • It inn thin ehioilnert Ilion," no in ill , world. On. .1116 y mint now° a-;uit.!". !Dorn us wall n I-nit g a initinernor nue linnalr i thoin olio 'lees wort' "ir the Untlitinay pniii-kiern, liniments, eu., inf . it 01,0 lily cent bottle of ilarlirpty's Ready Rethr vi Ido guntit g t, ttia.l 1141 tin TO Isl.l -mot 11101 TOII dollttrb • ziiuude•t Int ur y othur mud -MO It B Wn A r 4I N - . '(TT'c ,VE HUN Uttml) I.olr-teIN I/ 0 fliLlta MR.I. %VHS oire I. XPRIIIMN Ist. *4ll. MK or W (Mean:n-41e,, WILT .11P. ..Y V. ur Ith 111111 It' eulait ire Tiltsdo • u nt ilk uo,ru 40111 1 11.11 411 .111 y U j l j .lu obd it. t o I h • had fir !Irate. If t have ill.. headaehr lir itadivai Ile-tit end oho It 'lle of il -1 le— In on h ix-1 net till 'teat II pain in tr %vele, Haile; it eaily .11.eltut Ott'. tee Lei.« Hit alitort ; it r eifthai.rie I USE` the 1 - 'l5 le it Sol , r Of or tior.e'e la, the He '&4'; if 1 1 0 1 1 0 11 W,, lIS Sll.O / 111 1 1 my 111 t t 11l with 1 1 t 1 1e' j .1 I ell eh ell if. 1 1.k9 11111 Hrli , 1; i until (WO C 'e or f ieeeelle I eve 3 t fee to 'wet' 111.. 1 1 .tVrrr 1.111110 r• IU Ir iu3 ei f-111 and hruiee Or oliterollrO ves. the Ile 1. - i reararre it I hell. Anil 'lie,. al oh of the ; I In.rhs i1t. , ;•014.1.1:th• 13, ‘t.s. thr kr•iof t' 8 flu nut' r. ir.. to fr vi h. I o.u , d'r.nt shout tt eot Itrud Hw itf within m% react, wilt b .b•• I.ery an..uin• t u.N .4...tuneb .e'm et. ..u, or or.ter .PllO Of 1 4111114 , 11'n tltn inY o. I r.tpuret to my oyotelo tO order ot, cu ”ri ,SULK Dr At t t Ir 7 G6IRTS! .no AT AU. 87 MAIDEN LAN, !liinst T. 18,f, Conu.t Your iliterot In. Buying Goods! Metzger & Osman nava lu4t opened at .hei , • r A ILOR MO ISRMVIT. NO.' 33 E! 3r HAMI uroN sTEHET,. A uxivrowv, PA THEIR SPRINT: STO K OF CLOTHS, CASSIME.RES, V ESTINCS, &a., bra., winch will be 1 Made up to Order, IN "FIR L. , TILBI . PITTIAN, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN. at the ohorremt 11.41,06 Br? a D'Y “tl3 Ft I.b LIT Til ~ too GBl1 1 03fill'S i 6ULD Lai EA VEH I b Lt.. Vat' W E Chenpe,.% Contn. 1;•.•1:4, • Chen pe , f, roam. Clie,,pes Oven(111+; Clivatoi.t • Cheap kr tliikkkklllierCS, Chrilk6o-t rt., CI" pest'llopm...ln Chen Iwo N.ekties. . . • Cheat l'MlftS. • 01.1 . 111. e-t (Ai. wive!' II 'WT.?. . 1111.1.1 U acre Chrlitivrt Ushltrelt;is ett: , Nln • tl l lf , Oar stock le tnnob baaoler and briar mortal tn,.. • , . EVI; IC It E 114' )CC . Don't forget Mu prune. Au.. 13 bait tliumnutt sir .ext door to tho "Indepondeu, Itopublikaner." MHTZUEtt dUtiMAN.. $1.171A8 tito Of the arm of froxoll TdOtzßor. rtimitsiat , Oen AN; lately bead nutter et the .!tat i.hutent ..f Troxsa A Mntvw. An, R b SHt A ,Tr i Altfai I Ug l y Dnlll , Us l as44vlvitl, E4colv.i; •ylCiT i b m i4 .ll 7:B o A n.T t • . Ij:tie r rip wi a• ih ss j ov . j :# •••/ • iii:;Aaghty,teopectal;he INerorotllgevuumully, by , ' • , .1. lb tp if, 5.c.4c4 0 ' 4 11 E GREAT LUNG : bblidt Crptor N. Y. 414 LS NA LEAP CO.} ',.1,04,28 . C1,aa au St ~Diew,l .I,pue I, 1415. Hr. 11. Schenek— Dear Sir: Fur over dittos !wire I have been truaii ed with a; very sev-rt• .!.ugh feud usually two t.r three times a year witl. owe or loan hemarthlgo, 14:,,ther.: for, thl; ,tt few yeare hint kept me thin fn filish - a - hd" t ,e4k to do bullocks ni wry tind-witount suffering- Atigust last 1 had a' very - .tease hem tad, according to thrjuagmentni it good New Teti , ' was o Belted as 'b,yond the reach of nedioine, and 'weibtadvised SO hb prapered.ito Jar a. uroperty =Atols ware oonnortied. to iwite title world it short nottoth Tad phyliolerittaald (any Root friends) esid that the ilret , aoldlitooklmust prove ;',ltal; Early inlanuary ttook • srtilnotely was , illiptink; Mtu,me it'llwi 82 BONI! Tit EST, direotly ovar your - Mike- T•think.abou.. `he !kV/ Of JiitiZiff '1 pro - mired 'biatte Syrup alosfBdtanienotitl 'taking ttireel • 14,yteat and linaii`iirerate'ry Moot, Essditaa; and A i • , Iterayinjtoins,or edpebdy death antmed uccom Rani my cold;* :I pent for tby: rutin tr physicist,. and ',tared to him that I was taking your medicinal• itid'after showing theld•tohire, Mid •tan,, , .1 them &M. be reFi!led'i toe' thin take Miele y like,;ths7 IN% di. 'y au .i•o bartz,..! •He s :id u know whet 1 - tt•td youloat Ittuutier at d.l or.) to 80310 now. If .ton ouye any. u , iliess to More u, I nor put it IA" ttetintd ro whtir f lends.thet h could :11 •e# h r hope for' Sill." dna •troy friends at, ` .eta WEIS do, h uded my tune bad corny; !. At th, Inc 1 woe raking freely oryour medicine, hu ha o,t seenyou' ; The r d•ieter tailed ' v iew • limes. an. -nod iue (touch to Ots'Aur he unprot ne, and bu (mu cl not undiWatend why. My tap, e.. increa in% in your medicines. EPA I hada wit have -nu «stamina tii) tiasii.lud *ea what.) uu to say. 1•V be ,y a first oaths to my room a d man ne eat loot on. y u hut bttleeittrOWßAr but on the coot ill. (repressed. ed doubts ow over brine helped our or my thin-seeming dd icu tie.. The remind tine that yi u culled. fi ne -.11 g.tifilue Von lA, tt-oln pneuutnge,oent.nn In) iyinpt on, w re imp , o‘ Wit; the Pulmot ~• syruo. -ea.weed top o and andrake Pills he" trod like it ',harm.", Ofealation; my enug iy app.dite a:I htk in to litiptive. end mak .6.0 in Nom a lute Y o u ve t ted to p n i l ., ev• Tunis! in , and felted - ms ins:m.l4 no• to go nut rny snow until it. fir t tlw., way. I iipig fin cola while "unit.? 'idle urea t, my alibi 1r h cain ark-tate, and y ato in• to eat eve•ythltipt i"• Pt. a etaltitl , tis re. aid to. it.eol . .in ith y.,60 toga Winn follniOd ynut ach° and to Ito ,r of tay - t.lil u.hsn ut a and Olen& i!ertd .ttnr than I have been for Feveed yowls. ai ireathe better that, 1 ever eXpeete I 1 pireen vith on lung, the left Ong votiloletnly dried Of e•r vri v g r.Ne U I to you. 'mu a.nridtr veer Ire and Midicines invaluable DR. S . CIII.IIeR --Pen'. Sir : At nut tfam YORT• ale R‘lll. tak In "with a v trOVb ea tne . riouh .1 it air in tnv hmart ; raven or .'g .t u o vvitv w•thont wy riointtanythin4 f rmy•elf. 'lll oppli-ri to a I kiyalehit., 'iabo tint !Acid me t hut tl rre n ontl.e rri daring me any , rt irr. I alto chtninoll the idit feu trvoim nt phi Al(11011 in ore t.f tur hswpite s and ai•o bn h e advice and treatment of two niher 1 het. c , •l'.. of nil to no purpoist !luring lb's long stoics "o I was nanny dead; sever I t mils Inv triune "'MO VI 1”.0 the and winless y exit into the spin y rl.l. I tans cot II ml I. ttly h d two months 1. no time My ,hre. , hipir t•ce, dingiy hod. t give up several time all h p sof getting.lietti : toil 11. , regording ge Ong well, that. w .s est , re.y ,f the one , ' on. And I till It 'hi- day t nut w nd 'tenth • I we. advised by some of In, friend, ... try Dn. scrtencieii Medirinini T H•Tor•linel , I,,u g ht bottle of so bottle. urttlf teach d Ft e 'hen I fund Ft deel led charge in my c ugh fiw letter. I suffered severe's from 1,110111 i• n t' he rt, end two with. titer I elm:affianced takin von , medicine this dilifilliry pentad' 'Oho') T Orst welt} •o 11 - r. Sotieriell's dn.(' it we mith dithrd4y that T mold get np into hi rt eeptio noon, I *rip •fl Week nhd el. strolled; my w • is PNlioW no , Itnneh I hot the jau••dlre : I f-lt duP envy and slesp'esit lir Schenck, otterexaminin TIO, said both my lung. Were.ffeated. Al d reVe m. litslo hi ; hut his meilicires in about to. .reek P. teeli rigl t h Id ..r. met it 1.1111. ed to go HO.. , hr. ugh my whole system rho Pultromlit -vrut won. N'oed T o on err, Vlantitinhe Pil s a.l took riot• hold in the • igh' Tho Pi le hr' ught or nonntities of hie ; the Sires oi P. •nrit the mattes in I loge, which r.ime if err, i c e t the tipg-Werol Toile gore me anapmi ,•,st nvoiphin.• Po. tn d n tn , lo good To et ow what great Doer the medicines here i atityinr ni .17 -tern +and to 'how how had leease , l. het•ldee 4,1 the h•le that pa.eed aly .t,tl the grunt quantities of 1.11 egni .nll matt.- [ ext. etaratad I ',Nato not ail hai • hit would eintinuo I. g.•ther rind-r n for .h..u• ei• I.T. I had at one rtnetiver'tnen6•ll e f h a e a rathing at t 1 a t ind now; and tool 111 co nn ober perron altogetple I eau f o o'y Foy that 1 avo n..t enjnyerl Orb health tot fl;;« anti Ontmot pralita*:oni aroi your intullota, . rnoirh. May 11 , ri Au-dat. ly h in, mow). v. u! 1. the sineere arpire .f ono who Tta b..en .0 •eliet thr yolir Rvenry ; and w the df)Pires to know with re. and .o trutt foiropo of thit , r p .rt if they Wilt call upon any nY f or upon tn.% No 4 firlden Plane.. e.. l'hotniosne hflaw w.ilt Philtidelphin y will hr eerleroy unlit fird with the validity t , he ease. Y ,u•e, with euneh re ;awl MAHY ' 0 lINT'IDT. The oh re enre, on de.e•ihrd iB te. , feetit e r. - re know it tbe true. Y ore, T B Harter of linneoek M. h. ( bout SCIrIvN^TC u-11 hn prnfevntnnrelv nt hi tli ..r h ' 4 lxth gtreet. e4•Tn. .f ritte•tn.rer di - nhin. mint* frot 9 N. 14 unt I 4 I '. 'II.; Vn, 32 gnnd !.trf•er. . . - rk ov.ry Tue."' k rr o, a t• N:o r n , treo. notann Moak. overy i'Vedr i o. r b ro -t enni t. viol ever. , isilie-P;;...rv. 10 . 308 'lAl,impro • ire. Md 411 a Iri e free. till for n thorouw vtitil notion f the lorgi 'will) hie Itaqdroma p , hil-ge l th.” &Ware. Pro , . o. ehe o.llm. oio -pier, nod ea. W •orl To. • 0...'h V.O O Ter botic, or $1 pur htf d• ht. dr .PP Plll4 S'rent. x 'All :•• A Li , . I Y 41.1. 1/11 1 1 . 1 - 1414 r 1;: & DE %LED I If ••• 8. • fililCol TuE tiEI"U BUG ()F-NIEXtCo I w ntme r Co. pno llopds In vnms o 00, $lOl 6,Uo t uiid $1 oitereat 4even rer t..ent. Payable b. the City of New Itt.rk. I,,P,ess r tr, GO/ 10 le old 1..‘1% I T G.NTA on WI iL LIAR, II urrenoy, tuu> > uoting an interert ;WM VE PEn • ENT.l%oOulhur -EVIINThb: Eh unto L LN eUhRh.NLY, at the prosen. rate teutietn on gold til klbt•T 1 EAR°=. PoTFRESI ALREAbI PRt•VII EU • The Most Desirable. Investment eve* CFFEEI D. Immense tracts of .til'.tat, and A GRICUI L. lands sixty per o nt; of PUNT itUh.. lb) '0 • I'S and T.XE'. iu ihe Etat Of 'lumen 11. ad Sun Lui Pbut.•ei;. nud he pltgh ed tuitu of tb ei•l Suttee and the general trovernit eot are If .edged tor •he r d 'mutton of these blonds nod pu) nata of interest THE SECEIIII'Y IS AMPLE to -in U ••• • Ufltb(l.) nut buy u 7 per et. Go Rend of $5O. ;.b. to 11. . 'urrenoy will buy a 7 par cent 0...• II I ?Sine. ;:lon in U • currency will I. uy a 7 per cent. G t. Woad ••f ss' 11 . ; .00 in IT. S urrenoy will buy a 7 percent. 001. I ut twit. er every . lover of ttet.ublican Tostitutiona buy lomat UN•lt 130 • U. . Circulars forwer•led . and•rlptinna receive y JIG+ G W. l l'o l ' 1E • A 'O, and J N. TlbrT, ;'•nuoctn• Agent of he Itepubli nt mt a•aa 57 Broa,.v.ay. N Y. ulso r eiriVed Ga. Ito un 'others aenaral•y throughout the United states. N .tetather 7. 1 ' 63 . - 1 E3TE - r4Ge ORGANS no Loy unerteelied, bur they ate'ebeulately 3 nnequafed, by any nther Rood tnoinnuient in ho entinir.. Iresigneri Churquie and ohm's. they are 'nand to no equally well adapted o thw •parlor ead!dratrlng ronta. r sale u sly b, • • R. M. RH uck. Nn. 19 North •tEVRNTIL Street. PetLetrt.eal.. Or. Alen, BRADRUHIPS PIA\O4, sad onn‘ nom aelettment the NCR!? COT MOLOIMON 41.rtnonitwr 211.'45. AN %rill' GE . NT1..4114 • 1D ACT. :op_ Rimy lir W • rnitir tM.I I. itte , alloa. fer Youpg , 3ft p! *an.Plarla , •and , Lasas whkh woo a ir,th;. vl al powdir.• 5 ,, a.; • utsellpf. •?..ap of in' smiled I'l rav •topeo. 4.lreor VP. T ARTLTA IfOUUIITIL f Lluward ornoialloa,.Pllll - Pa. • ifrO Sir iedelle Iffil 1T SUMIRICOODS r LOOK 111% ' , ll' US:, r, w 3arr3l is 33 .1=1.:›15 0 , (LATE HUBER . . ikIDILLINGEIIO No. 7 11°E. S7' SZBEE2 ALIIENTOWN 4 PA. , 'Walla Inspection's Infer& 'the chi en of Letdai 'minty that they have just rotund a eo parnershii and that thttl . haye:Suit nnpaohed s feat melt or,. : , - SUPIIM e _g , FI- . COODSi NIEW VORICANp PfIIbADFAPHIA And are-nmeoffe:rin . g tts'i4 Pe LO Jv EST AlAltgET PRICES. DRY 'GOODS! 1.7 . 1(03 . TI:16 LATMT 13TYLZ8 07 -• ?igured and Pioln Mims. . • aud Pala la Wool . Do Leine , iIiEPIIEKU`PLAW I, BLACK NILKS, , , bUMMKR, SILKS, ' 1R1.611 POYLT,NS., - • wintg 000Dt.. trhite Counterpanes. Liden and (lotion Sheeting., . Cliccket, , . • GpsithUtni, • . Ean nets, &c,, 'hey) era Plaid Bailin", f.l • Black Cloth. Cacifiniered. • VccOeti tut. . • Corduroy, Cott. n Was. ..fie,nuckt i Jeana • . Dr,llB, LADIE3 CLOAKING, l'itzen Cob chiles= Goths, 'ppelloyeß v anti. ' PLA(Dtir OF VARIOL - T6 COLORS. T. F. BHELI)ON 3 iM in fiD OP W 1.2 11, foil nun uf cubsaurreis. :tatt.h utte ai 'ing:, ail kiuda and prices, which will' be so Me have conatvirly oh hand a aro, and well '• levied touch ut all MALI of ROCKERY, • Wh'oh wo will disposa of at the very leavat ca rt. 1514. ; All kinds of eountry Proutien tattho. in ..xehao. r goo3e. cud tho.histhred market piieee.ol/awed. Friends, &wake to your' Intoreat I r we feel .vatipfleil that we can eat your TAIITIIS oil your PUItAISF. I , trwat.-she._place. No.. 7_ Wert Hamlin treat, neuon,i,door obi .a the I.lairle Hotel. iteturning [batiks fur t. e pitronuge received Intl act, and hone that by a continnou - s rff rt to aeon tote their frhoole, en • eustomors, end in cone. .ornee: of the litra tries.. mind variety of ttLeir rock, t 'antnud roauive ii continuation of allpport, ~tad wilt of the people, A. A Pin it .1.113 por tan r, lv otice '... 4 .' 6 "" 11 "..% lt it OM a life soroly; otoervutinn Ado 1155 1 kperit nee, anti tears of practical quo cation of ay ftletapha sham Di:covety . trou•stitil of diyea.oeol wen women and chi•dret 1 have justly (knit to the o nolußiton that. every &tut in the laud, who Itsir• to get rid of disease at • tap it at hay. s,tgtlatemy Niatitta ys•a .1 Piton , ry atwaya on hand. It is a certain prekon•rtrta gable doseo an If BtBo treats and &strop, ti .use at olt,euee, conseq.anotly the .-fl. at.. die ft nning with Deafness. Catarrh. Itheumovioqn, Ne. a gin, with every disca-0 wan, woman ur child air to. is ilia only Safegnard against Cholera. 1 loses every s. we: 4of the hum. o b. dv, hardeo It 11• sh, and purities the blond. In c..ns. on nee ne shove foots. I have this day reduced the pm , . as to leave no harrier in the way of th.• di east The package cot Fist of three bottles. IMO Hat() I. o n Eyes title fur the Ears, and one tar-the Soatp. • hope three work in con•utor ion, into t ~,o; m by Ottawa in , Or , killing the very root it settee. Mad' Ili' in a 'poodle locality.. in ti ad. by Metephy.ienl bieenverr . fs peeked in a no, e.i e, and oil , In despatched to an.,, part • • e war d a recent f the p.i e. ahi h will he. fr..? at. 25. h dny f Novo ra••er, void at $4 per p,,ckaig. r throe packages $ 0 ' - 'etetwated Poor litehttrii's Eye Writer 1.014 '2, $1 per h , .ttlt•,.nrets liattlett„tor $5 `mall a a o •e 1p BelieVattur $l, lir nits h• itis tor $5 - he Feedlot 1.5 can be alitatued thrnugh area I+le, tor et Ins Depot, Nit 410 41.. h (11.2 tell wing Lars is ime of the many which locive daily at my . d &rent tibias EM 41 , K NBl t li I ItttiC • EAdrarli A. ham, rPr Hs C coy' , • reaming at iva, fid Avert stn. ratlll save: •1 have b. en it. used Par four yew Oh sore 'h.. at. F.l. two. ye-rot I:differed wto r rrh food real tilst....ers ito triN head almost anu gme to tell 1 suffered g.ea It with Madman g hated to ry th the lee O. I ea- die aced :ea. I ellelLl z 41.1 g • there there wa• ant du 4.. ad roar pales it, icy head a ti neck " I hll,l se •ed much with ot t feet, he bodes I my tota ere dr,,wn out of place wi h the otlehlr•ki and u iron to alum like r. w •etaf Alter applyi. gto v. A Fr; WOtit , 'S Al OUT ' Mb AIL- 7 1[7 - .III_MN , ';reat Western Remedy 111 k re moll 1 now p rpurtu'ug the ipuut wu deiful curie. L curet. eutnatimi. end F.VerP neutral nubility. K duey tupluiutti, Dyspepuiu. • Nt urn • • 'zi.k ttu . ami.ftz.zaierslisf.El4; U.ROCEIRLEIB. Mat. KEREL, bALT, & FROM IW. G. B OWN', .. No. 410 Arch Sreet, Philo, u pbsrioiana HI.O ohtni ing 19na11• pp Mil to Mrs M. ti Priiarn, by who., mrdioani twin been so much neortitint that I now 111• n •ther wiiinan' •.P .rtuerey the least expiogire ma% rn cul•1 ; I cnu d DOI xo to the door w 1 b my bra .iooNeind wlib..ut an attack,. ot the asthm, •ntma is o• w rrittraly ti one. My oat•.nb b ' , holly disappeared 1 fat wrote end languid r. •iiiny years. so :bat I . Was a lurden to myi-a t Tt • oldness of m* Mat be. dis.ippeured and I fret ( areal c iro4hBt thr.•ugh n y on , tre system caw g me p; . ne, es formerly, fu 'of atteitgoh and vivt antfoaa ',vend to household dutoto Bo Well to vor 011 toy life It io the only, o feousrd against disease. Includic 110 LEK A. I els moo- vier sewer of the h oth. bordeno the tl oh. and purifies .he blood. The 4 e.ehrotod POOR h 1011 A R C's IYF, WA it the key %bleb opens tie door to the beat noth mind and body. Let all use it morning an fight. Schmidt h Co., Allentown, Pa., Sole Agent r Lehigh county 1111to•inottet 12. 18115. In all cases a ainnible relief I! , gu ra•leed in fret lye to ten un. utue, told a l'Elt RN 11' CUlt , .. in fret to twelve .111. a. • rver ha. It yet tailed in ot.• inotenee to ere , niti•igh far teo.e that...yr • ~sve uroutirtnil or he nfElhoed appltenot antieqpntrti the Curett , re Pe". tt•ep of the .Great %Venter. , eteedy are truly twouilerful.' ub to pages tee ttneeiule , 111 mullet citizen. , tomh• he give , o Ihe,publie., ur we del in it to b• vispr p, e ue. ee• v. , u upty readi y lied nets me ot your oat; tog vane. , ttee in every toot of the euu ,, trY abut Neb. M. the dktue• diepef h, i and beullb m ,tlut quehttee 41 . 1 the (.1 eut.Wel*.ttr. Rae edy • • A ABON Itt,V(, , • • Ulteeserienila inootirt‘Uuter,, • t.2syir Mt, e.l J . ' Thn o , ent Weatern Itetned3 [env Le b•iiend al , ebtehlthhuct Itruggisti , througt.nut the c. un•ry E 8 roes & dun, Utuggists Atleutimo. eh.‘te ogle Agnion r 441 I ' M 1 tin INVEI TOES` 'OFFICES, D VI PINE II 11. At it VA NI , civil ENOINIKAPS & PATIMT titiLICITioRN No. 435 Walnut street. khilad'a. Patents ppiolted —l3onsouritione on Nog unarms, Drangbittp end Pl.s.t. fir), Pd..dels and Murblnet. f all klt.dc MADIN end ettl.fol y Attended:to., . tip. , stet nt notion given to 10.Jc 011:D alp , ktri..lllo4V.S. Aniben. lo Coploo 411110c4 dAetitp Intaihitemintilel procured • N D —Pave youraptveicuerters trouft'e and tray. ettlent • zp , l3-en, orrq is no p, Mai nerd or per- It terrine, With UM.' All by topic :wino 'PP. , . ..15;01ke.on yp ti.oneeted In verl.lop I P..r 4 0 ,1 14 fivreat as .b.v.; stiqp irpolosed, terolloul~rith,ieffm!pt.,4, - 4 , Jitutuall, ites.•-' - 4 " t Dishes! Millie, i• _ : , z ' v.-. .• • 7.....!::Zt; i ' • 4 01:, f';'; n .01 0 1 C 6, aOra st 4 1Et 9 4, IN ALL ..T crl7l77‘r • . I NQ. 79 .WEST: litl.lYElL`Nag 'StritigNr# . NEXT DOOR TO TIP OLATI. iIE&A AIOTEIat An Entire New Esinblistitent tor ithe Peoloi DISHES 1 01S11111 DISOISI = There is nothing, like Dishes—that is, when there i!i:scom N etwgoed •CHINA,GLASS , IAL&RE' - 'O. citoott2a. A CARD.—: I would respeotfully announce to the ,cittsees, Vlentown, I f ebnth rid tdjuiuir o unties. that I have just opened a new entre In the PLOW! " of ,tmitineni.., My took embrwee a fell and compete uesortmeat,Ol the : 'newest and best tatteran Cli•SOp 1 lines and Crockery Wures. • , • :, , . 1 . 4, J. • • • I - louse,keeperg Zemgm I keep the best imported White Clianite Wire, fi,tured and plain also, a lull assoitiftinV if cowmen Win e, Edged, Yellow aud atekiughnnt wares. oEutbiA AND GLASS WARE.. . VUITE CHINA SETTS, EDGED CHINA SETTS, ANII CHINA SETTS, 3 ELGIAN 014aSsW ARE. BOHEMIAN CI L ASS% A RP, A MER ICA N GLASSWARE; ORNAMENTAL. TOILET SETTS, ~ KEEGAN E • LAMPS, cnimi4sY3 AND , %flogs. Frilit Jars Fruit eitthw Clll4:At' AND GOOD llnuvekeepero, nod those about COMMeI cirtg, who deidre to penthatte good an& rhenti re, i reepeettu. y to call end exemibe my astortmtat,—no trouble to shows strand au mow, net:winery ply were will be uurelully peeked. It IMF .4% alO Vir 14 r Vie PO. 79 Nat liaancton Stied • Allentown, July 18,1815-Iyl dyer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to he the most effectual ~ilteratire that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of l'ara Sarsaparilla. so combined with othsr substances, of still greater Alterative power. es to afford an effee. tire antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is,believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer front Strummis complaints, and that one which trill accomplish their cure must prove of immenSe. service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. Ilow completely this compound will do it has been proven by exnerimmt on many of the worst cases to be found of the tolloiving complaints: SCROPULA AND SCDOPULOWI CDHPILAINK F...,UPTIONS AND RHUPTITH'DISHASH ig ULCEILS 141.014.111g4. I. I tIHOLIS. SALT RIIHILDU SUALD lIISAD, SYPHILIS AND SIITIIILITIO Av- VHCTIONI. MintoulttAr, Duntaan;, ititOTA 't ' lto 0061.0011 HUN. -DIDHLITY. Dvi- PsP,SI,\ AND INiHODiTION, EILYSIPI:TAS. BANS on El. ANTHONY'S nag, mid indxd th?, whole ClO.ll of complaints arisins from Imvuniry up Tile 111.0011. . This emnpound will be found a great, pro moter of health, when taken in the spring', to expel the foal lininors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the tithass ly expulsion of Swim - many : rinkling,disorders are nipped in the bu.l. Multitudes can, ti the aid of this remedy, spare theinselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, throiigh which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions ' if' not assisted to do this through the natural clianiiels of the body by an afienitive medicine. Cleanse: tint the vitiated blood whenever pciii find its impuritie& bursting through the skin in pimples. eisiptimii, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feeling.; will tell you when. Even where no partieular disorder is felt, people enjoy better--health. and live !ringer ; for cleansing the blood. Kee p the blood healthy. and all is Well ; but.with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting „health. Sooner or • later something must go wrong, anit the great machinery of life la disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla his, end deseives , mueb, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by prepamtion4 Air it, pertly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is 'claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, containig little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla; or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large-bottles, pretending,to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla: for out dollar. kitait of these hail been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa ride, but often no curative properties whatev er: 11: moo, bitter and pain fill disappointment Ito followed the use of the various extmebt of Sarsaparilla wide!' flood the market, until the name itself is ju Sly despised, nod has become sytionymoti withaigl cheat. Still Iva cull this - canipaund Eitir;sai le, and intend to simply siSeli a reniedy . tisehall rescue , tho mune from the lead' of ofiloany .whiChar t ts' upon it. Ant: we think eve have ground (or believing it has virtues which are irresistib s t , by the ordinary. run of the diseases it i s intends ed to cure. In ortd-r to secure their complete, etadieetioo from system. thel remedy should be judiciously taken utteOrding to directions on the bottle. C L. I' 1111i1R PIiEPAIIED nY DD. C. AYEII . to, Price, $1 • flyer's' Pectoral • , has writ ter '.itaelf 1 1 It MomSn ( f M ir the Furs of every variety of Throit'utul 1..114 . wept t, thut it is entirely unnecessary for us' 1.3, recount Um evidence of it 4 virtue+. wherever it has been ems played. As it has long been in conetaut•ttie throughout title section. we need uhtdo more Met assure the people its quality is kept up to the heat it ever has been. and that ft may be relied on to do fur their relief all it has over been found to dig' Ayer's Cathartic Pi ll s, son Tat Casa or Cottirenesa, Jaundice, k/spepsita, .Indlyestitm. kisenier!), ?but Stomach, Ilrystpekii; Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions mid San Diseases, Liver einnplisine,-Ilkopsy, Dace,. Tumors a n d Halt Rheum . , Worms, Gout. tilletrtirgiat 'as a Linde,' Pill, and for Parifyinyllie : They are antinr•cnated, so that the.moat Kenai tiTe can take them plengantiv, arta they moat, the beat aperient in The world' fora l the purposes of a family physic. Pries 23 cleats per Pox; -rive boxes far 01.02. Great nutnbers orelergymon. Physic inns, State-. men. and emineutt persoungos„ have ,lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness oftheed remedies, butt muspace hero Avillz.not. titer:nit the insertion of them. The Attente below named filr• nish gratis our Au F: al (14 - A htt P4:4:an in which they ere given ; %lath also roll descriptions of the 'Move complaints. and the treotinetit•thit'Should be fol lowed fur their eurn. • • • • Do not be pot off by unprineipled deniers with other prepornt'ons they make more - prollt Dematul.Avm*tittoll .take no others. 'The Sick wont the bestiglil there's for thetm And they should have it. All our yomedles are for solo by • di, t r • ,f) a nd de.tntr. , ever }, hero At Who.olitiato J I. 4 Phi . .thaphia. • . • - - Oatobor —I) Vr...71. Nast Ilumuton street. in the. Iffiettnnont u der the office of Pr. IVilkiarn , J Itblne4. • ALLENTOWN, PA . . . . A lot, of splitidid Poitfolioe, ..surtitlaltigly ton "ea l . t of atot,tono . ry. • tto lot ot hooka at/amble for 110LIDttY PREs 4NTS.."! .v .• ' A lot of Games. Chessmen, c heekerooarla, ao , A lot of Novel!' and Other Boas Chia e the time to P u heal be for, tellies, weekliw, ..d montolloo, from Jenuty .1, 181:6. ; All order. will he Attended to by lightning fail , , ed epee& . , He hue oleo on ., hand • lot ''of Needles. liotttiom oodles, Crotchets. eta. , • Call an 1 examine our stook before puteho.inhe eowh• re.. n it oPith-rt • 4:110!0"3.! •-• SOlllerN.; 41 011•. Fine •►• r'fi- 4 i 181,17 0111,0 1 1 Prpg , A=3 , O , :TTIPir rigareJ.• -pock ntre er i 1- , oarit ty an'biltla Z4:000111 '•*dan! prplopoy Ativorbsttv ' ' mor,hitim orsailttoilift4 3" 1.!01.1404111.1 !NM LOWELL ELWIN B2EGER, Agent. : tt• ZTgi. Music!! Bitisic!! St blU$lO DEPOIII • Aalure , limp vnn build I' WP lIIIVP Tito got the loco you want, we can gut it for you in a Jew .3 , 0 ii•ou wil leave the name of the piece with . np..' ';'•, .ftlstnravwri Boons for all kinds of Instrnmcnts 0 •nrantlY q hand at F.lust's Va. icty S ore. . . V 1013 1 ., I . VILIIS I TILINS I I" , • , :A t all prioty # lrioliii S rings, Toil P:1301 a, Pegg:- • Dews, Itoeill , Blitili ,Itueio piper, at FOUST ' S VO rm. ty Store.. • rAIIP I !S r )11'1 Ni; 1: Done at short nerice—receivint new patterns am etaatly. Cabana see the patterns at F4.ust", Varia ty eture. N') I /NM I IVC,I/().V%! AO fr)V'! l f llandlcorehhts, Deming, Gloves, Threads,. Sewing •, SDK, Pins, N elles , Copts Braids, and liohp Call in—it imp to gn rouild,theeo.ner to Foust's Vs riety Store IS tSICKTS I B VIKE N 1 8 tSK.Eri !!. •• Itfarltatipastkets. Dinner Baskets, T evrling Ens. kets. Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, 1 4 ruit, Baskets, Finbj? Patiket's, at Nest's Variety Store.. II ERE Is t e )tf , fis Vs,Mini' STORE r Sixth St!mut, • Sixth Street, Shit! Street, Sixth Street, Fault floors from [(antilten, in one of the mane un-, der Co . doetre (American) ELM. [may22-6nn • Dr. P.R. PALM , ATE SHltlitON IN TH E !TEO 'I a STATES eißSllt,'.WOuld announce to Nit oat tens of Allentown add vicinity, that he iumintin glint Be practice d' Medicine in Abtenrowo on Eipith alike - Wasiak/it. first iodine uh, ve: L•141110OWN Ider d , hiltore. flawing had the tbs ..ze to belong to the iSensvind Cottps at the butt *solf Fri:derlckebtitt Chanctillereville. Franklin's .:r. Ong. de., and lining had charge of Raveast. bas.briameti experience in all the, lataile oftiottoittlir cu 00 treatment of diseased lennrully The Doetwit , a regular graduate of tie forrannuo Dlinfaat, Ctit o ips uf Philadelphia. 1 61.1 tiMi been tirom•fot'n• oiesoinii during the•pauriipit..! eervyaars Raving h daubhezperienceintbe count of (11. : •I i filrE. he would a proiallry fsoficit Chi- itietronage , Itlase woo ,may be afilieted) • with,,,, nupirtaui organ. , : t • 4tored the tight .f many who have been maim ref ramie. would vied oillgt.the attention of sheet i: .uttering from chronic &imps?, ouch ea CisePuT, • which he hat an 411/1013 remedy,ylAseasei of the Ktoneto 'l4naultsfisn, NICUPALOIA, 10 COUGOS. DIAR/D0:14 . ‘ profenues to COM in lest thaulh'alf the time requireco by rdinary remedies, ' tiaayUL, Herrn', or enlarge men! of t4e neek..Pm'ati..lllasoism ire or Illonsuisptio. in•obildren. f• 106 41141:1/101R:.Te.P. Wenn. hlpbus camas, Bcaorobe, 'et itines evil, EPILKPSY _ falling sickness:Y[7.mM 'toes Tntioat, TIITTIR. Di IMMIX P111:11ILIAR TO FIC11111,111 . ; MOO diseases of tl (Aver, Lunge and Heart, ' Having new practiced medicine hero for ova, ti yeare, the Dinner ft etude :and witlitsu to refer .to pi •',' .one in thi,piste •wh,, have been cured by him, --I inost of the &agates specified. Ali calla from town or county will receive prom day or nigl ti • • tfodiolnae furnished to all pcflinste; which he ps• Puma. fib:omM, On be will use none but the gory be • References: Ilia inenueniiiienta. illieninven N• e di.n I 'TA . ' ..kit).4...g.i.ii, 170 i I7L 174. .81 - 176 1i1EE114 . 14111 St f ViNl4 14411•11116 WviT UI Ofluei•Pr'. • 1 1,, Bawer, duurtiapat aid ' • . JON 4 • PA , T 1p • N 3 r rt tor It •• • 1111 E Pit- 4 0 :4 widely lou t , . a .to tan irevetiug patilin,.. t+ othalou Welt , " .' It Iv Killable to ta.tebantp It , ineee wen; 0 1 ' :a 010,4 r.x may to the built; pert of tat) OP 1 ' —ietin to o highway Of s o uthe r t end Western co' el—end a .j cent to all the prineiPl Kailioad Al '...i -t h eta..t.a: dept . & The Paattle bas liberal ageota.nealti'M fqff„, , 300 guests; It to we - I fu.xii.•hud, and pel:ea'na '"', '? uimarti ithprovetuent loy the a u* fi,rt d ui an , ll'i :ro:. LauP,l Of its intnetco. 'The r00m.% are ei• , n.nui l . t.'..' . eull ventilated; provided with gB6 and Vittlerl i , - i:' , '' tn , ndiancte is pri:mpt uid re peetfol; and tilt' . • , lionct.uely pruitded. will% every delittatcy .salon, . . . . l'ha .übae.lber. who•for the plat few years.. has , roes the testes. to now awe proprietor. and intends Identi >r hicansif tborbogily mite the ioterto.te of hi.honee. With long experience Re e hotto-keeper, ,e by urodlrare rinarior4 and a 'throat Polio's , . "lotion the favorable IN potation or the Jollh P .'rrEN —I w liwil • , V '2 •• c- reat ' . Bargains • FRE I. S. GOVERN IENT pro relino th tr' i u4l se anti rutteroutnerars stook ,of !biotite mid nu, 8 at low r trim l D•tn't he afraid to oi because t ma:ly are eweenttol, apreintal. and oho,. wn i. esisylsit 'toy the tiorie. and Olen tiny As ..r twoltotdea of • . . . _ • . • :411TW8 LINIMENT - • . ' and nee ee urine I. a d % a eau awn.* Ivoqr arvlr... o'v.. tree hot 'a will effret • rare, anion of airy lunget Indira. Toe le the bort cure for q peen, ever known.— No Ri•mirl t.r mem' ..n nerd ..1 . . . ..ttnitlee f,honte I hue herir pruira bite one nit • .Pi &et things to Fart and give ralit.E.6o4Nrwtio. .{.. y 81.11..4 with bruin .ii.iii or . Veura7ten p Ina, or p...n• m.0....W0rd by n. rr-rv , rll.n or exposure. I alwa} 6 he hid wholesale and rdtell .tt the ? li tiro': ..1 re.. f D.. W K. R irflell 4 ilent.Wll ; W. W S friligr. INthlehemi J 8. Lewin t eteveugas, i or of h • Pr prietur. A 1.,.. OP "A"". 8 7 i n kc DinmorO &. 4.4l su t'ttti:oe Sv. hlanufsOil erp , ,f Nu it lt,.ndnrd . ceb);sll.- coiv4sut W•F I lit 1.0 • It K. TH to a IbElor ',CO A 1,. .II AND WIVES • - !tino; Ali um and PortnVe deectriptiati's Vir • Wrwat NiA111111141alti• Ally tatlt .namixor N.. I ltitlf Si & Pfiku PEI Foriatalcik prefernA by ppprao 10u:silli bayrtifi AlEfll4 g; PointOtt !. ' Mann( MlLPflatuis:Dqvg. liaial"A*3loo,tenk EOM C ,:ad ; !.; -.:T ^. t' l . DIE WM ME MEE rentle a. w smrrli, • AVOIAIII. ISM *AV • mid ife
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers