El I MATZ Clem—Whites of fifteen egg, 1 lest sugar, one lb: flour, eix ounces butter • teaspoonful soda: eeaeoniintlollboliFili i :PONDS Oaxx.—Threp ,egge one cu sugar, • tablespoonfuls eatir.erea;il,l oho 1:Il tea• onful soda, ono uitltort4tiky i pr ltityt• OOD CooKire.—Threo and a halnlipEM ' lour- cups sugar,-one larip ouffeepup of er. one ff aocOrdthliraluildme 01(1(120 , nino cope flour. 4 'MOVING SOURINAND'PROM6I ?Jail& OuSeD • Or TIM 11AIR.-•..;Seat a yol of an a pint , of oleinxii ter l ,4, and afterward wall)/ w th ead warm r. rc t F . (4 DDLE OAKBB.—One g il l 4 half teaspoonful salt, one tot fo - water, ona..cup ,00rp_meal, pne_anda cups rye mail i"Chicileeb ?ibis ght for next moriattigAmvat I.te . „popoon-, Isaleratus. X nottrijahi.) . ' • Net. 110 :8 . B.—Fa .! . : , . : ... :t .. : k . . pestered viithitjuiipinie bash' that' 'p u' • can keep.itri;le pasteire. -- LThiti — Ctin".be died, Itteittid, t by - tering d liole in' dhoti' :nd tying them together with a piece. of 0. Home cann%t jump, such bi the state , with their earl'. ilibiotted,Cf)K.:lLlP.::: zzavgrtralltscuty.—,Stirfol4leoft water. 1 brown flour together', it in — batter: - a thicker than for est or griddle cn s. These 48 v baked in the oastirotr br d l 4B ens. , he pane on the statleAti luta, l Ad vatic.' . ate a Bfooo and .dip thelmen , full of tr, and bake in a (Mk- ',oller,:-7Rural Ruhr. - . • --- " . - ' ' • REP vs. BORERB.—A :New Tempshire. er has diseoveresl T !that• his terohorA, ill Ai hie sheep were pastured wts free from s, and other noxious inseits,\ and-very y, while an adjoining efeflerdAn whio.f. beep were allowed, was liOither thrifty exempt from these borersand insects.— 1 inks the Presenee and oiler.o,t the.bbP o l l • off the insects. . ... ' . ... •IV TO COOL WATER.—It is desired to cool r fur drinkipg.ittworni weather, .tind ice of be. obtained for this purpose, let it be, in an unglazed earthened ware pitcher. .ped around with two or three folds of Att cotton;olOtkketPt constantly wet The y of cooling water in this manner is the ption of heat froze it, by the eveporatios e moisture in the gottcm oloth—expansio : oes - cold, conipreeition heat.. BUTTER MAKERS.-- As this is the Bell Bo. d year when 'those engaged in .the dal .ess are much troubled by a small karma to housekeepers) getting in the r and cream. I offer the lollowing aim. a .fficaoiousvemedy for the reniovalbf I: e .yanoe. Take, the leaves of the el.' r , (very common in most localities,) , d them in several p:acetalioutyour ... lk or vault, - renowing them aa.they bee. me nd wilted.' You will find yourself ri, of agreeable vexation, at but small expense .. 0 and. trouble. • Try it l* .. . . Up IN CALvism—Anorrespnciont of the 1 Arncrican *Jaye: —"Iwill. give your ern the tient& of a remedy, that I have tired for 35 yeare, i and never know it to If,your golves.are in a pen for fattening scour on now Milk, or initpt milk, before they aio three . years Take some yellovii dirt from some poor of land, give tt to therii, and You will seen ow they will eat it. Thie is my remedy a simple one, hut it will effect a euro AM . LINT 011 A PLUMB —A correspond of. the_Busion Gultiratur states that he has very successful in removing or prevent the black knot, by burying iron turning o earth and then promptly cutting oil lever of the black knot may appear. Ile ks that driving nails in the ground be h the tree will aneivrer the same purpose e iron turnings. - Thie is probably a rem Tone of bristles ' for which many, thou s of dollars would gladly be paid by brush ufacturers, aro annually wasted through the United States. Here is a chance for 'er'e boys to"do good and make money." °never a hog is filanghtered. pick out I.llt , ties, tie them in a bunob,,,the butt-ends all %sly, and sell them to the country store est, who will find u ready markoLtertbom h; city, refl. BEvEnAcc.—Here is a reeipe for ; ginger beer, a very - wholesome and mg stmunerhercrage : Put twogal.ons Wittol into, a pot upon. the fire, pdd to uncles of good ginger, bruised, and two of white or brown sugar. Let all this a boil, and Onntinue boiling for about, come hallo hatiit , r TheMekitri the liquor and pour it into jar or tull, along with ono sliced lem on so half an 0111300 of cream of tart Ar. When naafi') cold, put in a teacupful of yeast, to cause ho liquor to work. The •tocer is now made; and utter it hoe worked for two days, strain it, and bottle for uso: Tio down the corks firmly. .. . • • RAIPUERRY VINBOAR.—Every hounekeoper should ,endeavor to have_at least'a small quan tity of this delightful ~bpserage. In Oases of f ever s it is inoispensible, and will oftee quiet. and vroothe when nothing else-will. Put, two quarts of red raeo , erries, nano arid fresh; into a jar, and p. , tii -, •r them a quart - of good-vine gar. L :o• :;nlllll77enty four hours. . [ Strain through 1 titit , ,,.l i,,,.:. Pour SIAS liquid over two mur.• iiiiiirii •i' • rr9sli berriett, tind. again let it, eh . A tw , m , .., -- or hoars; 'Strain again. Allow. th "1' ty c ,- :. ' '!oaf or good whits su gar to avvy pit.' . ... Stir well into the . Liquid, put into ~ •• , or, cover I3 i 0343%; Mid` sot to stand in a 1.. .1 . oi t,.,iling water to bo kept Wiling for at .;I 'r,;rAin it. and bot tle rend for us , . : 1 , , . ta , ,,e.p, , nful to a titn 3 l 3 - . for of a d water i t i t , 1 , 11 , Bit Bee}l 9 ,_- : , .-, ~ r j ntl pit to soak. , :.er of using it: over ni tliArtart \‘l,l:. :.cane .- In-the moinin boll- nlow':, in iii ,ty of water ; when ,PO4. '..ihat. :•.tu v.,,. queeze ono he tween imb nod flp,- , •••• ,•• , through a °W anda , Havo a atone,;,,i . I,er Aeop dish*; ,place in•the bottom filet, . ,,ttle salt, a piece o f ijutter `the si2c of a walnut, a teaspoon of sugar, &Hid e black peppe r ; pour in the beans, eover with wator„p:ace a rover on the dish' and bake three or .lour hours. Should ft water dry away, add more !rota time, to tint . This is good for . those that don't like pot . 1 Pix - Ottwor.—An excellent pie crust may 6 ; bad') by ta.king. alsouta quart, of broad spy go ,in the morning litifore t y , .ti bake, add the to iono.henten,elzg, nearly ti tossup of Mi melted nt- tor, own ft ur ; knead a little d set, n a !warm. Waco to rise . When light '4lllO bo j ' kneaded , over; and does nut need to be very stiff ; the', roll out like any nip crust. A lit , tle butter sprind on they upper erupt, that fold ed down and rolled again stakes it flaky. If th f i . pie') *arc Inn& of unem.kod appko• the eras! will i be titueb lighter, to stand a.half hour -or so alter being, riled-. 'before putting in the • oven . Less to,ter wit ecirery well. BY.E; AND CAR , ' . 3. trAicas. BL"V. 'p:ortilet•atid dorlot formerly of J..oydon 110112nd, to locate at No 10 P1:011 Street, 01111LADM.PIIIA.whera .troono looted with ilisoesoo of the EYB or'l l / 1 11, 11l be blintifiettly treatA - and.cur,i, if curable. . B inorirtiid tr tbAu 4 lot No charges motto tar crattileellnlit e foal ftiebity is invited, sa ha hue rto' p. ret it . tdn nr ire iicoont.• " ' 421. . •ivr artitzzi.# . 4\ ;..,._ ~.` .t.b.orth of . Juno, by Rev. 1. Ic•Aer;.Aki,...t.,, In. .r to Mies Hannah Ernet,ls4l' 4118'iiilititiPg. the I tlih •ef June, by a l ( . 6 nVir.. George a to Mies Annie Ritter '.' .. - .2 ll . °lttiw lirednesany morning,the'S '' '....•9• 44, in Al ,--• it the residence el tho b l •*e.flithe4. by the . 'S.. Potter, Col.' Weil ' ... - 1; ngdeeker to otY . J . ; bewle,dadghti er d : muel Lewis Eeq. re gob., of Juno. by tut ' .. J...Ytner, Mr. tofu, to Mhis Sneuth. r, bop/ 0 - maos,- ' ~,',.',. 4 •.F:1 ' •;'. f ,' i ' , 41) .30 10011 a44 980 9 42i Btll of Juno, '"! • 9414 wi; ON r • mtEtttft PROD 0 A 01 kfli WiIANT No. , 8ar,1ay;84946,0 c r• liuTF6lff' 4.11: 1 -6t4a, Tube, fair to.g o od, poplb" 21 to .14 T7l3 . ta:b 'tube, tholoai - 1 • 1 1. 35 to 37 urauffil i StURIOX, paLs,. oBsto 40 I . • v.,. 36 19 . ; ea stiTio -- dhoiotrf - 27 td 110 1 NwVo.,P9nna. r gooo,tookloloe, • " ~32, to 86 vt`f.'Btiitur Vithh•Talst " 1, " 38 ; N.l(.l3tatalrlTkloagriott for Shippag, " 84 to no 01 3 44. , ;fri itrAitn. ertalin j"; 18 ; 0.'12 °stern osta ; Matto an 'Maud, "" '2O to '22 Patopprpeir fancy 181 t o 19 , 4di to 18 N. .1 Mir V 4 14..1 15 to 17 Skim milk, di 5 to 18 ,a: .;7.14 -BOOS. ": - Jersey & Ponno.pacted in chaff, per doz. 24 to 25 Koomt e n , q; .. r2 4 ,t t o r ei.LTy 9 41 b 2 43ii -Ixarall,c4olce,i;ll sized, par bill& 0; lbe 2.80 Fo cbotbojall staod, " 2.80 i0'2.60* Modiante, cbo!ce, " • ' l l.Bo+to 2 00 Mixed lots and common, " • -: V- 1 60 to 1.00 DRIED FRUIT. 9holoo.per. 1b..18, 1b . ." 0 A les —Jetrbrata Pennsyllettie; 10 1.0 o' 12i Raspberries, blank. 45 to 4s Blookberries,, ' '• ' H 85 to 88 Wficirtieberrles, - • 15 to 15 Cherriesaittetl, 48 to 50 ,Oherrlisip)te in; ". 13 to 8 Nachos, peeler; " ' '••• '2O to 30 Plpoits, • " 25 to_ 30 Pori - • ' ' per lb.'4o' to 041 t 6. - Amon& 'Elasits4, '/ • '•L b 114. 3.0 D to 3.20 (Itloyer, per lb. 10 to • -11 TiLLOW. •• 1p good Bar/ i els, per lb. 12 to 123 • Dam 3 nitro ° per p air ] I 'to 175 _ _ - • Mivis 664, per pair 2.00 to 3 00 Spring Wakens, per Pair 60 to 100 per lb. 21 to 23 Turkeys , 1 . '23 to 25 EGOS—Tho rocoipts from Canada and the West have been largo and with a moderate demand, pri ces hhvo declined from Ito 2 eta. per dozen. Many Eggs have come in had orderi.that buyers now in sist on haying "lose off" Ita do not think they will go any lower, o reaction is quite likely, _ V UTTEIII",-Tho; receipts aro not heayy,, the, /k -m:lna Cory 'light; emeept Tori itriktly A' No. 1 Conl-: mon grades and Store Paoked'i "soiling slow atPri• cos quoted. CHEESE—The reeeiPts have been from five to ton - lhousand 'boxes per day during tho petit week; mach of it came bad order badly heated and soft ened from eipostio in transit, which makes it very difficult to sell of satisfactory pribeS. READING RAIL ROAD. fiREAT .A I RONK LINE PROM TOE N0n.711 U end N'oit4-.Wout for Phillidelphin New York, Readmit, T7ll3saCilii% ' Aohlor:d, ToManim, Allentown, Banton, EplimAte, Litiz, Lancaster, -COl fte.; AM.• ".' • Trains !save Harrisburg fotagew York, hs follows: At 3.00 8.10 and 9.05 A. AL. and. 2.10 and 9..15 p. H., connecting with , imiltr Trains:on the PeontY,4 vania Rail Road; and nrrlyingat :1 1 loW , Yorlt at 0.00, and 10 10 a. m , and 4.19, .5.20 and• 10•45,p:;rn Sleeping Curs accompanying On 3.00 a. m ,and 0.- 15 p m., trains, without obango. • • . Leave Harrisburg for Reading; Pottaville, Tama,' qua, inereville, Ashland, Pine trove , Allentfani. and Philadalphia,.at 8 10 a. m„ and 2,10 and 4.10 p. m., rtopping it Lebanon and prinelpal Wry Sut dons • the 4.19,p. train making conneciiiigne for Philndelphia and Cohritbia rno Potts ville. Bohittlkill given. one Aulnirn, ela•Schuylklll and Su,q•teiltanita Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 8.20 . , • Roturning Leave geti York at 700 and 0.00 a.m.; 12 ell noon arid 8.08 p ut.; PhiladelPhia'et 8.15 a. ra And ?.30 p: m; Way passenger Train leaves Phila delphia at . 2.30 a. m., returning flout Reading et 630 p. al„, stopping at all Stations.; ,Pottavillo at 8 45'a m. and. 2.45 p. Aeblen ..8 00 and 11 30 a in. ard. '.05 p.-to.; ; Xamaqua at 8.45 m. and 1.- 00 and 8 55 p. ai. Leave .Pottsville i for Perrisberg, via Schuylkill and -tulttebanna flaili , ad, at 7,00 a. in., Reading fieootainedati.,n Tinto; Leaves Reading at 6 00 4 m., returning, finin Philadolphia'at 5 00 ColumMa'Railrettit'trainit , leave Reading at 8 45 a. in., 12'05 neon andB.lsp. m.;fur Ephrata, Liti x Lancaster, Columbia, ke. • ' On finfidays Wave Raw-York at 800 to m, Phil adelphia- '8 009 tll and B'ls p m, the 8,00,a m train running‘ordy to:Rending. l'ottavillo.B 00 n en, Ta maqua 7 -0, a m. Ilarrh.burg 0,054 Ul And Reading at 1 33 a. in oind 7 ;'.O a m., tot: Marrie:ug, and 10.52 a..m. for New Ygra and 4.25 p.m. for Philo detpleia. lic•mmutation,lon.n, Benson, School ant Et: cnreion Tiokots to one. from oil points, at iedoord rate., • •i Illagrige eheeked -thrOugh • 90 pountle allowed each eakietwager. G. A. NICOIAG, • (liberal SuperiuteOdent. Reading, Pa., June 251 h. 1816. The 4th of July. THE FIRST, NATIOAAL SOLDIERS?. UNION , . . • • T n meeting 11014 in" Limier Ault, 'last • Friday eysking,ronolyed to ectelirato our National on niversary on tlio •• • The celebration will take place in Sterner'svioadS, on the ro Catasanqlta.. ' ''t Cloud slie - akErettiagood mnile• h'i're bean el:411Z. ed for the oecasibti.'.•ltetresliteents ef , all kinds can be lutd'oiiftlie -round. The puhllo--rda.dima included Infltadi o.lmpioeeny Tina jotn.in e:Olobiating our groat... - - NA'TIONAL ,BIRTHDAY The hok, , hovo ofrered to furnish eatables lbr, the ociaa itoe, la Which alp the ladies will have an okier tun ity Ro liart7pipkto- • The ebldfors feel truly grate ful to theta in thus Vidtinteering their Services, and for the iiatriottsfq bey haVe manifested. • • Coagt.Trot:—Stilt, Here, Lieut. Jas. liam- Mersly, SValter Viiittlyk6; *.'C. Nagel, henry horn. 'beak, GeorgO'llOpler,'D, K. pielonderfee. Jun0'2 1 8t14,4800,-' . _ O.,QtR Ree,eived Repoait . ion winen CEILTIVICAVES war., IBSUlip. • BEARING INTERESTIN GOLD E. W. MARK •& cts., liankera. • No.3b SOUTiI Titinv. gTßlXT, Jnn0 . q6,18 , 30.--1110 • •-• , - MANUFACTURERS DEPOT, yTALLEADLE and grey Iron Castinga, Nnehine ry apt _Hardware, Trunkmaltertt Tools, and supplica Bunenialteis ,and ljladdlers tools, Carriage Caatinge,Wino•a Speltes, IlLbs, Axles Ails., Twist Drilla and Patent Chucks: ' [jun2o-3m NatteaAto and Groy Erna, Nundry and Machine Shop EAUIITOY, MeWHORTER and BROBNCSTS., rM At:w AES, Shaping hines, Drills, Foot, Drop, IJ Sere', and Hand Prepi , e, on hand and made to order. 811111.11:: 83 CENTRE STREET • juu26-3m.], NEW YORK. , . A PICTURE FOR EVERY ONE. • OPLENDID STEEL., ENGRAVINGS AND FIRST CLASS LiTUOGRAPHS forwarded by - Mail or Express to all parts of tho United States. Being"among the largest • MolesoliDealers In Engravings in the eountry—our hutilities aro superior in giving the public's greater vaihty of eubJeeteto seleetTrom than can be obtain ed from other houses. ' - • Rota is the tittle to Embellish your Roureo:. No llordo complete without boilable pietutollodgro• ,v4uctrio r ,our • Ponspites- CVarogy.-37. Rage! —l. which contains a deseriptivollot Sfimchyreture, with priceputiched....dl a i e T4tirilatllNVAlltaid. ski Nig' 'Ad treee,,,.. :% 4 . , pERRED. ~ n a .graver.,t P i* Nagsalrßt, New Voila - , , iugh lifo E burg, N,ar,bvActst • s VI. • Elf= • (it tea* - Per ism 80. - Corrooted weekly by CHEESE lIBESWAX. SU,MMEit ARRANGEMENTS, _ June - ilth, 1866. s z4 l \ . \. l4 e ttEWARK, No. ,•OS. ,Csp!tifre 61treeti xonh. BARNETT'S NEWARK, N. J. fitkp t4t3 • There is a proverb vridoh decatmes--., G i tot s godirAF, denlVemießo . Ach ?r. c is ;,,Le' Is 11143 a donkey, grarei whOjettra '^' Barofsolii.in weight distresOng, And 11.thavhilo thethungry brute On thistles is condemned to feed. fu.eh:folly shop, amkbuy a suit ; i lrlm Tawortifalloylientrer you need. ° tifnen'T item _ _ Er! Light Caisitnto Witd;(ll)lth, 41/lara, -Rrajt . #'Bte, Duck and Linen Sack Coats. ' •' Oattimere. White app{ goNrsq Rtsek-Skile• tQ Vette. . Light Cateiisstail. ctigi Vorotpfl,Rskanci tsp. kinds of /Alen Pants. At/kinds:o Seasonable Clothit uj You the' and Boys' inlatge,sappiy,,at she irsetiprices poisible. . • , • . , TowEn.HALL,.Zio.S _ 4B Stuset A • /3ENNETT .% CO. 41.506 l er i ßot i la lt Ztinio n ktr;T l D llC 4 r tfgg t Machines.' Throe new kinds. tinder and tipper feed. Wakrantedi nye :yearsi:4.6borm n aty pr large-oeta missions paid. • The ONINT, machines sold In'the'Uni led States for loss than s4o;whieh atefully licintreci by How, Wheeler & 114 ton, Otoes44l: tfyikpr, Sing er ct. and lla.AflUl Ateatllatotibag are infringements and the seller or user aro - ant4e to, arrest, find anpl imprisonment. Circulate free. Ad !rem or call tipon-ptiavr Dif i ldeford, . . , or Chicag4, D.cootabpr 19 • TOI.O i To attempt to enumerate ANoDyNE L. ,I ma s O nifoitt'rNults of the Anodyne 'ln easef Nildaigits,.aotildtheu Ne , coos Headache, Tooth ,anti: Ear 'Ache. spfnal' Complaints, St. Vitus Dance, Hysteric! -11rercious Debility, Lon of Sleep, Patti/in Men..iin ation, and th- most - satiable teitimonials in• my possession,to which all7are invited tb Inspect, would exhaust time and pad - Cabo:kid which a confidence to test will perfectly justify. ASTELIKA; • • Now deolared purely a nervous complaint, le per fectly relieved in most violent attacks With 'dolor of3b to 4b deem , each half hour. [toilet and sleep will follow the soaond, or thlid dose. Bold by all wholesale a d retail dealers in,medicine . JOHN L. HUNNEWELL, Proprietor, Practical Cheraiet, Commercial Wharf, Caton, Mass. Physioians, or Dealers supplied in Bulk. main and full Testimonials to this Great "Vane .De uelopment sent on demand. " Sold by all dealers in Allentown, PI:), fay 15' 8-T-1860-5. DRAk WS PLANTATION BITTERS.' They purify, strengthen and invigorate., . • Theypreate a healthy appetite. They aro an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects Cldissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent. miasmotio and intermittent fevers. 'They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cute Dyspepsia and constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera orbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great re storer. They aro made of purcr.fit. Croix Rum, the celebrated Colidays.' Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without re gard to age or time of day. Particularly recommend ed to delicate persons requiring a, gentle stimulant.— Sold by all Gypoors, Druggists, Hotel', and Saloons. Only ge6uine when Cork is covered by our private U. Sig tamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles: • - P. 11. DRAKE& CO., 21 Park Row, New York. Iy— September 211, AGUE DE MAGNOLIA.- A tOllOl • a . delight ! The ladies' treasure and gentleman's boon! The "sweeten thing" and largest quantity. vlanufaeturod from the rich Southern Magnolia.— Used for bathing the face and person, to render the kin tort and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing..te. It overcomes the unploacant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, ao It cures nervous headache and allays intiama ion. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the Mu. It yields a subdued and lasting porfumo. . It cures mosquotu bites and stiugs of insects. It contains no material injurious to tbo skin. . Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singers. It ill what every lady have. Sold ( veryi.bere. Try the Magnolia Water once and yea will use no ..ther Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilot Water after- DEMAS BARNES & CO., Props., Exclusive Agents, N. V. —ly Oct '115: Dr. MaRSLIALL'S Catarrh Snuff. plus Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the I best article) known for curing the Catarrh, Cold en the Head and Ileadach.e. It has been found an tabellent remedy in many oases of Sore Estes.— Deafness boa been removed by it, and Hearing has often bean grentl . . improved by its use. It is fragrant aLd agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. Tho sensations after ueing it are - delightfu. and invigorating. It opens and purges put all vu atruoticns, strongthena the glands, and gives healthy action to the parts affected. . Moro then Thirty Tears' of solo and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Heart. achd Sate, has proved its great value for all tbt common diseaaes of tho•head, and at this momen stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the beet physicians, and, is used with great sues as and satisfaction ovary Whe re. READ TILE CERTIFICATES OP WHOLES/MI DRUGGIsTB IN 1854. . The undersigned, having for many years bees acquainted with Dr. Harehall'e Catarrah and Head ache Sauff, and sold ilia our wholesale trade, cheer fully t tut°, that .we believe it to be equal, in every iospect, to tbo recommenditions given of it for the euro of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided. ly the best article we have ever known for all com mon diseases of the lload. • Burr .t Perry, Dostorqßarnos do Pork, N. York Road, Atutton ,k Co., " A. B. AD. Sande, " Brown, Paulson Ot C 0.," qaphen Paul k Co., " Reed, Batter A Co., " Israel Elinor dd Vo., " Seth W. Fowlo, " ..11'Keetion A Rabbi: Wilson,Pairbank .4 Co." Elenshnf,Rdtnand Co " A. L. Boovill & Co., " N.Ward, Close & Co." Bush di Gale, gglas. Try it. 11. 11. Uiy, Portland, Me. ry - por solo by all Dr April 3, 1880. ERRORS OF YOUTH I GENTLEMAN who suffered fox:years from Nerr -11. ens Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, Will, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the re-' cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was ourod. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. an2-Iy] THE MASON & 11A NJ LIN CABINET A ORGANS, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, for SSO to $BOO each.— FIFTY-ONE GOLD or lITLVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue free. Address, MASON A; HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, Now York. . Sept. 12 STRANGE, RUT TRUE. EVERY young lady and gentleman in the United States can hoar something very much to their advantage by return mail (free orchargo.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged willoblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICE "Great Oaks ?tom Little Acorns Grow." The worst diseases known to the human rase spring from causes ao small us to almost defy detection. The volumes of seientific lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elabo rate those facts. Thou guard yourselves while you may. The small niosple on the skin is a tell-talc and indicator of disease. It may fade and die away from the surface one body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. MAO OHM'S DILLIOUS,•DYSPEPTIO and DIARRHEA PILLS ouro where all others fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and, all abrasions of the skin, Mao atmett SaLvn is infallible. Sold by J. MACIOIRL, 43 Fulton street, New York, and all Druggists, at 25 oents per boa . blecl2.ly ALISa3NTOWN i'orreered_lVeekly by WeinAboimer, 21olobard & ArboatFlony, • bb1.14.00 Rye Chop, 11 100 11.8. 2 25 'Toro &foal, bbl. • 5.25 WhRO4,lO bush.), 2.50 Rye, -al• , '1.25 Corn; .• 9 • 1.00 (Hite, 112 n) .71, (11.5 d, ' 8.00 ThltotktBised, 4l 800 Thuiseolvl , ! , 4e , too Dried Appler, 4 ' , • 8,50 , 44 Paaohei, 4o ••• 8.60 :6• *rants wanted,,to W4l SIX NEW iNVBN ,OOO 1 . 10514 of .groat ulna to famillOol all writ.proti. ,send n coats and gat ID plQa, or 3 onto mid int SObasiurand s. satple thattl, laiqu.bo ztrAAllllll3lO3% lgowiatolbui _ !E--11111.111-LSTIBER STIBIGTIL 4., 4 , % „ V.,llttnlreda and !bourn:lde ennnellitilli premature. ly, rrhe:,, it they *NrottA givethe Greer Frozen ttem edy., , DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'a. . - GELEBAATED, SPV.CIFIC PILLS Prepared by Paratioiero k Litrpont,,Eo:i,24,Ruo Lombard, Paris, from the,preseriptioi of Dr. Juan De Alio, inlet Phyeician of Ufa litit.pital du Nord on Lariboialere stair trial, they would humedi• ato relief, and, in a short time,,be; fully restored to -Health and Strength.: It brazed in th .practice of 'Marty eminent French :phyeicians, with uniform totems, and highly recommended. as the, only -pont tiro and Speciflo Remedy for all persons suffering from General 'or Serail Debility t all derangemonbi of the Nerved Forces, lideleneholyr Spermatorrhosa or Seminal Emissions; ali•Weaknesac: arising from Sexual Ramses, or youthful Indiscretions.. Loss of .111usottlar Energy; Physical Prostration,. Nervous nese, Reek Spine, L04111e138 of Spin% Dimnees of Vision, tiyateries ; Pains •in the Beek and Limbs, Impotency; &a. . • NO tanguago can.cobvey , an adequate idea of the. Immo Sate' and almost miraenlous.obange,.it occa sions to the debilitated and shattered syskom. In feat, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing uuro of the Maladies above mentioned. Suffer no more: but uso The Great Preneh Reme dy ; it will,effoct a cure .wLero all others fail, and althoqgh a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt 111 to the most delicate conatitwion... CM Pamphlets. eontaining.full particulars And'diree thins for using. in English, Preach, 'Spanish non neeompany eosin box,mad also sent froo to t,,y address when requested. 7 , Prioo one dollar per box; six boxes 4hr five dol lars.- Sold by nil Druggists throughout the world; or. will be sent by moil, securely eealed from all ooser ration. by enoloeing specified price, to any author ised agents. Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS CAR 4. MOSES A C0..27 Courtlendt St., N. Y. At/Hie/Ned Agents for Allontown,.BAßNES di ;ON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. METERS. [epr2-ly [he Great Enilish..Remedy , I 7) CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared frorn a prescriplion of dir t. Clarke, X. 1) Physician Extraordinary to the Queen This invaluable medicine is unfailing in iho cure ,f all thoso painful and dangerous diseases to which the eon•iitution is subject. It moderates oil exoess and ro oves all obetruotione, and a speedy cure may oi taloa on. TO MARRIED LADIES -1m artieularly suited. It will, in a short time, br•sit on the monthly period with regunrity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern nent Stamp of Groat Britain, to prevent counter toile. In all caeca of Nervous and Spinal Affection', Pains in tho 13aok and Limbs. Fatiguo on "light ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, !blearing, and White". thew) Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powerful romp -ay, do not contain iron, nalomel, antimony, or any hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet ground each pack which should be (morally preserved. Sold by all Druggists. Bala Agenifor the United Stotts h Canada, - - - • • N. 8.—51.00 and 0 postage ntkittipe enalosod to a.ty authorisod Agent, will ensure a bottle, contain. tag 60 Pills, by ratan' mall. [April3-ly ph. advertiser, having been restored to health in I a few weeks by a 'Ample remedy, after having offered for several years with a e• voro lung after cion, and that dread disimee,•Censum aux i•aus to maim known to hie fellow•euffure•s Cue moan mire. To all who desire it, he will mond a onpy of the urescriptiun used (free of ch , rge.) with the dircr tions for preparing and using the sumo, which the 3 viii trod a s na CUM?. for Consumption, Asthma. Branchleio. Coughs, Colds, and all ;Thrust and Luug, (Teething: Thu ;sly object of the advertiser in outing the prescription is to benetit tho ;Afflicted, And spread Itifuramtion which ho con; elves te•hc ii valuable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try 1 s -emody, as it Will cost them nothing, and may prove a • tossing. ' Partied wishing tho proscription, Vim', by re turn mail, will pleasiiesliress itivr... - ODWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Rings Co., N. Y. nn2-Iy3 II AGA N'S M AQN OLIA. BALM.—Thi il is the most delightful and extraordinary arti cle ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and bands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the di/fragile appearance so inviting in the city belle of faalibu. It reuviven tan, freckles pimples and roughness from the akin, leaving the complexion treeb transparent and smooth. It contains no ma t rial injurious to the akin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should Nava. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 50 eta. Prepared by W. E. EAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DENI 4.9. BARNES & CO., Now York. Sept. 28.'65-17. PPLICATIONS for the advanced and primary schools for Slatington district will'ESS received by the undersigned. Applicants will he examined by the County Superintendent, at Slatington, on the 12th of July next. AI. K UNTZ, ;.‘ec'y. Slatington,.June 20,'00. , —3 t A PPLICATIONS for tho advanced and primary 41 wheels for llokendauqua district will homely ed by the undersigned„..._Applicants will be examin ed by tho County Superintendent, at lloitendauqua, on the 16th day of J noat. E. MICKLEY, Sco'y. llokondatielua, Jund26; 1860. THE examination of teachers for Weisenburg School kistriet, will take place at Hynemans ville, at thO public house of J. A. Ettinger, on Sat urday, July 2 4 th, 1860: :Twelve teachers arc want ed, term five months, salary according to the grade of certificate of applicants, from $27.00 - tri $35.00 per mouth. By ordercf the Board, jun26-3.w.] J. A. ETTINGER; Bect'y. UZI Teachers Wanted. , - TILE Cony Superintendent will hold an ca/min i ation, on the 14th day of July, for the purpose o fexamining teachers for tho Millerstown School Dis trict. Ono male teaeheriS wanted ; term six months, salary tatty dollars per month. By Order of Board, Wm. B. Erdman, Pres't. junl2-3t J. F.M. Shit:feet, Sea'y ASTED, ono or two men, in Allentown andvi- T V deity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to soil Wacistoor.h's Water proof Arnica Healing Plaster, tho but and cheapest Court Plcustor in the ma'kot. From .$5 to $lO per day can be made. Address, wits. 25 cents for sample and full information. A. P. BEI,- CIIER, Box 45, Philtulelphia, Pa. N. B.—All agents and peddlers would find it to thole interest to answer the above. Apr. 17-3 mo Ilia AGENTS WAN TED to canvas for "The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln." "Tho Great One Volume -War History," and "Life and Death in Rebel Prisons," Any ono can sell these works, they are so interesting every body wants to read them, so valuable every ono needs them, and so oheap all oan buy them. The services of disabled soldiers are especially solicited. Send for our terms, decidedly the best offered, and boxes and packing free. P. GARRETT k CO. junl2-Im] ' 702 Chestnut St., Phila. ------- - _ A GENTS WANTED. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS, OP TO6 REBELLION: Pairiotio, Political, Romantic, Awn roue and Tra kieal; • Splendidly pustratedwitla.ayer 300.• fine Portrait, ,• .7 . 1 - 4 , N 1 bevutim Eta g itytid.. . •- - - - - . TITIB wOrk ter - genial hunier,'Vmder pathos, start ling intiresOstid•att.raetlve.beauty h ttands peerless Sggs, dozen, 25 and alone among all its competitors. The Valiant Butter, / 1 9 ib. . 1 24 and Brave hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic, Lard, " .25 the Witty and Marvellous, tho Tender and Pathetic. thug, " 20 The Roll of Panto' aria Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, Baena .1 16 Scout, Bivouac and Siege; Startling. Surprises; Beeswax, 40 Wonderful Escapee. Famous Words and Deeds'of PotateekV.basks,l,26 Woman, and the whole Panorama of the War are Beans, 20 0 here thrillingly portriyed in O. masterly manner, at Salt, " .1.10 once historical and romantio, rendering it the most 84410 peeks, ,?„7:, ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has traYi Piz Onpl, dalled forth. , Rtraw, . 8.60 ' Disabled Officers and soldiers, teaehork, energetic ,men, ind :1114filsarit of profitable 'employ ment, will find this. Mb' ha *home to make Money (her offered. Bend fist eiredlars ;and rip .ouktlnpa. .Aildreos, NATIONAL PUBLIELIIINO•00,,I . , . . • • • No: 407 Minor Stroo4,, . 1,140141.0 ;:tiOlsdo)ph4o, 7ch.c.l -Beware of Clounterfeits . .and Imitcsciont SIR JAMES CLARICE'S JOB M0R".03, 27 Cortland( Btroot. Now York. TO CONBI3/11P.T:LVEIS IN ANTS. 2 Teachers Wanted. 2 Teachers Wanted. 12 Teachers Wanted. DISABLED MEN, ATTENTION ! ron out NEW AND BEADTIEUL WORK, TUE PICTORIAL BOOS OF EtinarritEDlMEl PAWS 02.60 :71 I 'o 11331.:*96. =ZI Cotton Redaced • • FR•JIVI , , - $l.BO to 38 Otos. per POTTAID. Goods Greatly Reduca IN PRICES AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE OP , Burdge & Jones. GOODS that sold ono your ago at 85 oonta per yard, are now palling at 25 cents per yard. Prints thatsold for 62 cents,for 18 cents per yard. Do Baines at Prices Before the War at 2 Cents per :Bard. CA- 3FIL. CIO C:11131 2 11. X KISS AT PHIOHS THAT ASTONISH THE PEOPL Dress Ajoods All shades of Wool Do Lefties, Figured Bilks, of all abades, French Percales, beautiful styles, Choi lies, Common Do Lalnes, &o. Mens' and Boys' Wear ! Large stook o7olothA , Onesimeres, Trteeds;Jearis, Oott.nailes, suitable for, Mena' and Boys' weal SPRING BALMORALS I SPRING SHAWLS HOOP SKIRTS I Carpets : Carpets : PARLOR CARPETS, - - BED ROOM CARPETS, IIEMP CA li pErs, STAIR U A RPETS, HOME MADE CARPETS, all bought at the recent Auction salve at greatly ro duced prices. DO M ESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS / •MUSLINS, 110 KINGS, CIIECK.S, • SkIEETINGS, PRINTS, &e., '&c., Doing a Cash Business only, they are therob enabled to soil goutls at much lower price!, tha, their neighbors that sell goods on Credit and have heavy losses by bad book accounts They are de torminod to sell goods at low prices notwith- teed t, g the high pricee the tither stores aro asking fur their goods. REIMEMBEIR TUfl PLaOEI, TUE Cheap Cash Store BURDGE & JONES, No. 9 Last . Llamilton Street, 3 doors below thl Allen Etonse. April 17, 1806. -tf B OWEN'S • FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND P3EirdSION STORE NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. CONSTANTLY on hand and daily arriving a large and choice assortment of Staple and Fancy OROCEMES, to which the attention of the public .s respectfully requested. Puna, Dnien APPLES, SUGARS, HAMS, " PEACHES, GREEN COFFEE, SHOULDER, " CHERRIES, ROASTED DRIED BEEF, COOKING Pau:ins, MOLASSES, SMO'D TONG'E ZANTE CURRANTS, SYRUPS, MACKEREL, PLUMS, Canaan, CoD FISH, PRESM FRUITS, SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COARSE SALT, FINE SALT. r at l .-11.4 2lik_ IWO • A large assortment of choice flavored Green and Black Teas, superior to anything in tho market. MO ME'!" ItE 411 311 MINN Ginger, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace. CROCERIES, An elzgant variety rilvraye on hand, composed in part of CANNED FRUIT, SALAD OIL, SA'RDINEB, CATREPS, SAUCER, CriocoLerr, VERMILLION, MACARONI, PEARL BARLEY TOBACCO! CIGARS!!. Constantly in receipt of a large variety of FRESH CRACKERS. . WHEAT FLOUR! , RYE FLOUR!! Come and buy! Come and buy! BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in atlrst-class GROCERY HOUSE. PRODUCE •BOUGHT ;„A...0" All goods warranted as represented. • W. S. BOWEN, BR. Allentown, May 15, 1865.-1 y IA I SO RRE R "Ay LIFE-REJUIT.NATML This preparation in uncqualott 0/3 a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted or inert functions. Tho aged should bo certain to make the Blokrone a household god, inasmuch as it will render thorn youthful in feeling and in strength, and eaablo them to live ovor again the day of their odd in.) lay. It not only exhilarates but streugtheus, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to those who have boon reduced to a condition of servility, spit-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary_sicknoss. No mattor what the cause of the impotency of any huinan organ, this superb preparation. will remove tbQ effect at once and forever. 13ZOIMELENE • cures IMpotormy, General. Debility, Nervous Inca. paolty, D 3 eyepoia, Depression, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Weakness of the Organs of Generation, Imbecility, Mental Indoletwo, itmaolation. It has a most delightful, desirable and novel effect upon the nervous systeui :, and all who are in any way prostrated by nervous disabilities, are earnestly ad vised to seek a cure in this most excellent and nne• quailed preparation. Persons who, by imprudence, have lost their nat ural vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cure in the BIOERENEI. Tho Noble, the Languid, the Dispalrlng. the Old should give thla valuable discovery a trial; it will be found totally different from all caller articles for tho some purposes. To "maim—This preparstion is inyaluable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it will restore toe wasted strength with vronderinl perusinenee: ' It is also a .r.ind tonio, and will give roger it Dyspepsia with toe first dose. A brief periostetio6 in its use will renovate the stotnaoh to :a degree perfect health and banish tkispepsia forever. Onellar per bottle. or six bottles for SO. 3`.sold in Allentown by Lewis Schmidt • Co., and Druggists generally. • sent I y express anywhere, by addressing .I.l.l.lTunlisl OS A. lIILLYEit, Proprietors, 21 Day Street, New York. Nirrember 1 s 18115-1 y AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO CANYABB YOR THE GREAT BOON. OD 1860, " Mt 3EP 553 C, xx 7' A tour of its Battle-fields and Ruined Cities; a Journey through the desolated Staten, and talks with the people. • BY 3 T. TROWBRIDGE. From peraonal observations and experience during months of Southern travel. The Author bas had letters of introduction from men in high standing, to the head of all Government departments in the South, cavil and military. What ever is known by these men of the sufferings of tho past, present condition of things, as well as plans forAtto future, will be made known in this book.— The great popularity of the author, and intense in. terest in the subject, 'combine to make this by Car the greatest soiling book before the public, while outcry liberal indueoments precept' a rare chance for Agents to make money. ',ler-circulars and. tenet, address the • I AMERICAN PUBLIEIMITO AGENCY, itinsti.llo* t: Chestnut Street, PhilP4‘lphls. •.. . • SMIL".Z.V2brZTE . Frum . . . • . . / ..V. hiIOADS, Agent, • o. 31 West Hamilton St. eet, a • ore of the Subscriber will be kept con .4 stantly hand, at the very lowest prices, in the most elegant and also in common binding. k A i LL lawns OF SCHOOL BOOKS, ' stiss.elomplete series of :ander% Reading and Spelling Books, " McGuffies' " If Greenleaf's Arithmetics, 41 Algebras, Monteith's Geography, . Colton's ' " Mitchell's Geography and Atlas, ' Brown's Grammars, • Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " Mental " Specimen Cupy Berle, Potter -& liummond's .Books, • . ALL KINDS OF EXBROISE BOOKS. Ail kinds of Inks, inkstands, Sand Boxes. Writing sand, Steel Pens, Quills, Lead Pelicas, tilatos and Ponoila,Slatc Rub berg, Pen Holders, Geld Pens. . and • Pencils, Drawing Pencils, Gum- Rubbers, Sealing Wax, Water Colors TapiOdefulares,lndelible Ink,Pocket Knives, Collar Pins,Lrochet NeedlesaToothpicks,ato. . Also a splendid lot of Pooket Books, including every kind des'red—ull of the very hest (polity an 4. the lowest prime ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, reenutents, Reformed and Lutheran Liturgic!, 11. , lad as a.I hirtla of Hymn and 'Prater (woks Alto ali kinds of Sfurio Bootle; such as the Gold en Chain. , undav nchool Bell, No 1 and I. pds School Bell, choral Harp 1 also biusuk • Weber% dertnan Church Music Books. All kinds of Foreign Books Snob as Latin Reading Books. Latin grammars, Greek Grammars. Bullion's, Anthon's rat.ars, .te. surenalr SOUOOL 110080. A full assortment of r , unday 6cli•ml Books, in- eluding all the publioetions at the American Trto oiety. the American 'und.y t. '• Union" ant• to "Pennsylvania Bible -oeiety." Particular dues he wish to say thdt ho hat splendid bierarir .ad Harvard Tickets on hen , sued as bay() slink/ .nun kept on sale in this town btf tro. BLANK B)OICS. lie has a !pits dI d lui, and of too very hoot qua' , y. They ere of all blew, aid eau by ub :masa ful r half bound. MENIORANDII LI BOOK Q. Nn ono will deny that Le has toe count iplendi• isportnuent of Memorandum ktuokr of ov.•ry deperip •ton on hand, that can be found ut uny plucu tzeupt New York and Philadolphia ALBUMS I ALBUMS I The largest stook of Phougraph Alhoixte that has over been scan in Allentown, can bo found ut II hoods' Cheap Book Store. To do.cribe them is impossible —they most be seen. and if so, ovary one will at anon say that they era the FICEnT an 4 cuseparr they ever saw. At the same place there aro e'en over 600 Photographs, and also tra nos and a splendid aasurtmont of largo Pictures far sale.' NIV ALL. PAPER Over 200 different patterns of Will Paper .and 1- larders are also at this Cheap 80.,K Hto•e ne wi I •s huudrede of other artiees too Due moue to m n- v.ry lirgo variety of WINDOW CURTAINS or 2010 ditterent p..tterrlf. IIE I largo vitre.y .1i slivr Bruebes. BrusheF d d ncriprn n. 13y strict e•teuti•m to hie businees low prices and goad goods, he hopes to m.rit his antra of puhito patronage, wilioh he will always keep in grateful rememberanee. T. V. RI.IIJADS, Ag't, April 24, 1808 JULY, 1860. POPULAR PRICES! FOfl THE PODDIAR TRADE AT THE POPULAR STORE ME. NEIL MAE NE JUL. ALLENTOWN, PA. Immense . Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH For Cash and Approved Credit GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES! Big Drop in Gold, Whothor temporary or permanent deponent said', not. With gold from $2 90 down t0.51.27,and cotton 30 cents a pound. STANDARD GOODS are now selitng at a heavy 101,11 to the manufacturers bat this is neither here nor there, for KRAMER, Is bound to heap time to the statute, and uuntinuo as heretofore, To kAe.ad the Trade ant capas anovntingsn TIIAT DEFY. COiIIPETI fION ! From April 3d, label] offer a complete line of Ladies Seasonable Dress Goods, being Petfeatly ALIVE with everything in thia Ant that I. 710P , 111, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, b abort at usual lbr Style, Variety and Lowness of. Price. shall and can not be aurpaseed. STAPLE GOODS ? • A fall lino of an the choice brands of bloachs• and unbleached mu tins, eheetirw, Go., and every thing thatbolongs to hoututaeopers in this line at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES ! I give no quotation of priam . bnt will Bell you for LESS MONEY then you oan get the acme goods ebearharo. Shawls, Cloaks. Sacques, Mantillas. Cloths, CaSsimeres, Tweeds. &c. This deportment 'has !armload spootal t.outi"ri thin spring and comprising the n. west and wont eo sin.li o spring eying, adopted to the taste (lithe aged, .cidd o aged. 'Young America," and children, tutu will be sold pt present Gold Standard Prices. • AIFO the CHM ET LIN Eof 10 J and at piece that will ecwivieoe one and all their Great Place or interest •or persons wishing to select from the most exten 01110 and reliable stook of goods and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An examination to all I ask, knowing that I can of fer inducements that cannot be surpassed by any sellable house in town. • M. J. REAMER, ()prolate the EAGLE INTEL. RAPP'S GOLD PEN; The Boat k the Ikerlds FOR SALE AT MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE No. 28 East Miamilton St. lizsr, Pene have acquired eo wide a reputation T for their superiority as to render them the most popular pen made, Where onto need no other pen will be had. nutfl2.Bmos, MIME Alen a largo selection of AND SOLD &a, in great variety. I-ramer's IS •:11111 THE CELEBRATED AlliniiliC IMMO, MEI NEW.VIRM. Shinier Bros,. (LATE tif.NINpiERA L'; I ETHER No. 5 ilhitliami:too Street' A L L ENT° Next Door to the Eagle Hold Shimer's Mammotli Store LIVE IN gTITIITION ! Money Savecl. .13Y BUYING AT' ---1 SIMMER'S STORE, Filled Stacks High with Goods at ..E.A2VD4 3LC,' Our 'entire Stock has been MARKED DOWN ho lowest noteli, wo defy competition. WE STUDY TO PLEASE ;very one, oJd and . young, rich and poor, w• ea. loavor to keep a vre.l enlacing stock of .ltY 00008, 011,CERISS, • QUEENS W Rlll, CAIWETINGS, • OIL CLOTII; • • PROVISIONS SALT, FISH, de. do., to give bargains to all those who may favor us with their custom, not only for sixty days or a given time, but wilt always continuo Co sell our, goods et the very lowest possible pries. 'We do not pretena to say that our at stem is strictly Cash, out gonna. tea our ,prices to be as low as any others whd are boasting of selling the cheapest, in consequence of doing business entirely upon cash principle. Strangers follow the standard customers of the well known old stand, and you will all in turn be eitb courtesy waited on and supplied with the cheap. at Goode. lie sure you ate right, mingle in the t-owd, than come ahead to " , EIZZINZEIRS POPULAR STORE. ellen you can bo , boot suited with thimoot. goods ~ ‘ r the leant munch- with buch.durablna.ud'fassleste Ws gouda. LADIES'. Dress Goods Department!' Unusually complete with rioh.and elegant goods as well as the cheaper etyltra, it comprising Black and Colored Silks, , Pla d and Figured Wool • Do beines, Mariners, Plain, Figured and carded mohair, American Di Labia, Cobra, Alpanear, • . eppa, Poplins, Scotch and Union Pielda, eta., etc., etc., ete. YI.OU 4 LING GOODS, Wool Delaines, Merinoes. Repps, Poplin, Mc hair Goode, Bombazines, Alpao. Cps, Canton Cloth, Delaines, Coburg Prints, &a. Crape and Love Veils, grape Collars, Square and Long Thibet and Blanket Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves, &a. Gingham'', Blannolo, Tiehinne, Diaper!, Ghent's, CLOAKS AiVD CLOMIIia CLOTS , Of every disoription, kyles, 'quatity, colors as pricea SHAWLS: SHAWLS' Sipa o and long Brocha, Blankets, Thibet ani Plaid Shawls. CM BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prim, and all sing. The 'Sliver Skirt: This skirt in more durable, more eland°, mere gracteni, and will keep ite ehape and retain its place hotter than any other Skirt. The Steel Springs be ing covered with a fine plated wire, in place of cotton covering will not wear off or become soiled. and the whole ;:k•rt may be washed without injut7 r fear of rusting and will be as good as new. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, A very NU stook, now awl rich designs QUik.IEN.sWARE A full useortmont, cheap. WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAINS Of ovory clisoription. Groceries, Fish and Provisions tt the lowest prices, comprising a full line of all articles usually kept in a first Cialla Grocery Depart. mont. SALT—Ground Livorpooli Ashton and dairy salt by the sack and bushel., Country Produce. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange s and the highest prices paid for., , GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call will secure advantage/ that will be certainly toot in delay. We are thankful to our old cultomers for past fa vors, and solicit a continuanoo .f the same, and all many new onus, who will favor us with their patron age, we will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courtesy and punctuality. • Remember the well known old stand late MIN INGER tr, SRIMER, No. 5 West damilton Street ' , tilentown, Pa. , SUMER BROS. Geo. K. Reeder . , MERCBANT TAILOR I No . J 5 East Hamilton Street,' xt boor 'to Jolla B. !bier's - Drat Bleb aßtiS,b9 beeps eonstantly on band a. full•ae- YY of ready.made clothing, artelair• COATS, VESTS t PANTS &a. .kleo GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH;NOt . amtwar.r kindo, wniab f.r . ' - Workmanship, 'Quality and Prices, ire not 'urn:madin torn.,. A large and wellseleetf .'d stock • , a. ED /8 4§ll§/§ [JUNI/Ma always on band.. , • Clothing made to order orreihort notice, and a 000 D .FIT .BIJARANTEBD. Call and exathing our stook. April 10,'80-1y) " GEO - . R. RESTED. 4 ijo, TUE GREAT ClaIISIB: Of Hr au Misery, Jugs ?oldie/god in &Sea/EA . /ingslope. Me. 6 Oita A lecture ou the Nature, Treatment and Radical 'ore 6f ':•perinotorri ma - or &initial Weakness, is. meed by aelf•Ann e ; Involuntary Emissions, Dna Janney, Nervous Debility, and Imp-d!mente Wort-lege generally"; Consumption, Epilepsy and pits; centai and stoat Incapacity, • e. By ItOBEkT J. CULVEAWELL, M. D., Author'd 'he ' Green Rook," do. The worid : renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own 'etperients that the awful consequenees of cell-Abuse unly'bei effectual; removed without medicine, and without dangerous to goal operations, boogies; instruments, rings or cordials. pointing out a a ode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferers no matter what hie condition may be, may cure bits. self cheaply, privately and radically. TAfe firahux will prove a boon to thousands and tkousands. Sent under seal, to any address, ins plainosaliidi envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two portage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J. O..ICLINE A C 0.,• • 127 Bowery, New York Poet Moe Box 45110: Bob. 13. '4l6—ly • SAMUEL M. 'RITTER, • WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER Or . LADIES', MGM! AND O*IDDItENit3 Shoes and Uppers, .SUITABLE FOR COUNTETZETAUATRAM , - key'ALL WORIV 017 ARAITTEED-"Gla 127 xoßTiz Tlllltb IfiRRET, PRIVAA June 12,-1666; • '-,41n! ini ..,, , _ Linens, • Boom end White Goods, Le.. Sip
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers