PARMER AND HOUSEKEEPER FACTS WORTII REV COPM 0," in the Philadelphia Saturday Jvening, Post, gives the following facts worth remembering : It is worth while, for all farmers every where, to remember that thorough culture is bettor than three mortgages on their farm. That an offensive war against weeds, is five times less expensive ti - an a drifensi ve one. That goi 1 lens. 8 always pay better than lawsuits with neighbors. That bay is a gre..t deal che.ip• r in the summer, than purchased in Ow wiuttr That a horse who lays his ears back and looks lightning when any one approaches him, is vicious; Don't buy him. That scrimping the feed of fattening hogs, is a waste of grain. That over fed fowls won't lay eggs. Thtit educating children is money lent at a hundred per cent. • That one evening spent at home 'n study, is more profitable than ten lounging about country taverns. That cows should always be milked regu• larly and clean. That it is the duty of every man take some good, reliable, entertaining paper, and pay fat it promptly—of course—for inaanee, the "Lehigh Register." PEELING ONIONS.—In peolina ouione, pu a large needle in the mouth, half in and bal out. '1 ho needle attracts the oily juice of th , bulb, and any number may be peeled withou affecting the ej es. Offensive breath is cured vegy easily, and the mouth entirely disinfected, by washing the month with a solution of chlorinated limo. Carbo ligni (Charcoal) is an other die infeotant for tho mouth• STRAWBERRY DUMPLINGS.—Cruet to be mad. the same es direcird for short-cake ; roll hai en inch thick ; put about a gill of ries for each dumpling. Bake, steam, ur boi half an hour. STRAWBERRY PlES.—Line your pie dish with cruet made in the usual manner; fill the die Ii with good ripe strawberries of medium size ; sprinkle on &little fl tar, and sugar in pro- portion to the acidity of the berries. STRW BERRY JAIL— For every pound of straw berries take of a pound of Hug, r The ber ries should be meshed in a preserving kettle, and the sugar thoroughly mixed with then'. Boil from twenty minutes to halt an hour, stirring constantly. How to got a beautiful, clear, white earn pinion, and a brilliant appearance of the skin. —Prepare a wash out of benzoic acid and wa• ter. This is harmless, while the much vaunt ed nostrum of tho stores contain more or lest of white lead, a highly dangerous preparation To REIVIVE NRECTA.—At the monthly meet ing of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society on Wednesday last Dr. [fall said that coal oii and water, with a small quantity of potash mixed, was a•good article to renzave insects from vegetables. If this is so, it is a valuable fact ; on the other hand if the mixture kills the plant it should be known as boon as palm ble. RIDDING THE HOUSE or RED ANTlL—Greas , a plate with hog's laid and set it whore ih antM are troublesome ; they will desert the sugar bowl for the lard. Place a lew stick,. arout d the plate for tho'ants to climb up on Occasionally turn the plate bottom up over a fire, where there is no smoke, anti the ants will drip off in the fire. Reset the plate, and in a few repetitions you will eatob ail the ants. They will trouble nothing •else lard is accessible.—Ainertean .Agriculturiat To KEEP BIRDS OUT OP CHERRY TREES.— The tuituvring is a remedy to, prevout birds from carrying off cherries: Put emit in a box. wade of strips of boards, and place the box in the tree. The strips should be placed just far enough apart so as nut to allow "puss!' to es• cape, and yet render her perfectly visible As mien as the birds sec the box with the cat inside, they will immediately fig away and not return to the tree. To PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES WITHOUT SU ClAR.—Put.the fruit in the preserving kettk, and, if very dry, add a little water to prevent burning. Buil about three minutes. or just long enough to be sure the whole mass is tho roughly heated—not cooked. Dip into cans, filling them completely ; seal quickly and set in a cool place. (Glass jars cootain;ng frUit should be kept in a dark place or covercd with dark•colored paper.) Open, and add sugar several hours befjru using. A CONVENIENT . REMEDY.—A young lady while in tho country some years ago stopped on a rusty rail, which ran through her shoe and foot. The infiamation and pain well-, of course, very great, and lockjaw was apprehended. A friend of the family, how• ever, recommended the applies tion of a beet, taken fresh from the garden and pounded fine to the wound. It was done, and the effect was very, beneficial. Soon the intimation began to subside, and by keeping on the bruised beet, and changing it for a fresh ono as its virtue seemed to become impaired. a a speedy cure was "effected.. Simple but et feetnal remedieii like this should be known to every one. Special Notices. Tho Orator Crushed A smart young man (as records teach) Ono day was making a stump speech, His hearers standing all around hmm : lVith words that high and grandly rose, Ho charged upon his party's foes ' As if no king could confound him— Till a rude voice was heard to shout, "So highfaluting you'd not be, ' Young man, if you could only see How your pants are all busted out!" Ah, then his pride had a cruel fall—' Then ho washed he had dealt at Tower Hall We nave:— All wool Fancy Cassimero Pante, an low ai......54 00 •I/ 14 u Vests, " —„, 200 All-wool black Cameimero Pants, no low a 5........ 0, 00 " " Cloth Vesta, ' - 4 00 All-wool Fancy Casshnero Suits, to match 14 00 0, Black cults 20 00 Advancing from these rate• wo have goods of all grades, up to the very finest fabrics, at prices reduc ed in proportion—bun's. Youth's and Boys. Thou sands have found within the past few weeks that we aro aotua ly selling good: sorvieenb o goods at the 'prices named TOWER HALL, No. blB Market Street, BENNETT I CO. ' TOLU ' To attempt to enumerate On ANOIDYVF. I manifold results of the Anodyne in eases of Neuralgia. Gout, /then saal'•m, Nervous Headache, Tooth and Ear Ache. Spinal Coa:ptuente, St. Vitus Dance, Hysteria. Rll-00 UM Debility, Lots of Sleep, Pains in Jlensitm ation, and Mit most testimonials in m 3. possession,to which all ore invited to inspect, would exhaust out , and patience, and which a oonfldenci to test wi'l perfectly justify. ASTHMA. Now declared purely a nervous complaint, is per. foot.) , relievel in twist violent attacks with doset 0f45 to •15 drops milt half hour. Relief and sleet: will follow the monad, or third dope. Sold by ell whole4ale a-.(1 retail dealers in medicine. JOIIN 1,. 1111N,N EWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist, Coaducrcial Wharf, Boston, Mass. Physicians, or Dealers supplied in Bulk. Fur. mull and full Testimonials to this Great 'Mine De velopment sent en &wand. 6014 by ad dealers in Allentown, Pa, Noy 15. The Great English Remedy, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepcired from a prrreription of Sir J. Clarke, N. D Phyeic la II extraordinary to the Queen This to vaivable medicine is unfailiqg in ate once of all thoso p ainful and datmerouv diseases to which the cowl ituiou•is subject. • It moderates ull exams and ra .oven all obstructions, and a speedy cure may us re led on. • TO MARRIED LADIES it IS t oracularly spited. It will, in a short time, br.og on too monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, vriee Ono Dollar, bears the Oovern. mixt Stamp of (heat Britain, to provont counter foits. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in tho Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other moons have failed; and although a p)worful romo dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any hurtful to the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet around tool pack. which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. fide Agent for the United States 4 Canada, . r JOB 6108 SS, 27 Oostkindt Street, New York. EL 8,4100 And 6 Postage stamps enelosed to any authorised Agent, will ensure a bottle, contain. jog 60 Plll4 by return moll. 2:USJO ERRORS Or YOUTH I GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from lim n. ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suf. faring humanity send free to all who heed it, the ro cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was ourod r Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JO UN B. OGDEN, Igo. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. nn:-Iy] VIE MASON ,& II A %JUIN CABINET • • ORIA.NS, f,rty tlitfarrut Nitylos, adapted rn raorotl and toeular Imola, !or Salo to $6OO 6:,05. FIFIT-O.NE GOLD or *MYER MEDALS, os othar first promiuwe awardod thorn. ' Illustrated Catalogue froo. Addross, MASON k HAMLIN, Boston, or 'MASON 118.0 FLIERS, Now York. Bala. 12. $ 1500. PER YEAR! Wo want agents every where to sell our inpnovEn $2O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or largo com missions paid. Thu ONLY machines sold In tho Uni ted States for less than $4O, Which aro fully .licensed 4y Ho we, Wheeler .0 Wilson, Grover et- Baker, Sing er Va., and Bachelder. Ail other cheap machines aro Infringements and the seller or neer are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. A.(l Bass, or call upon Shaw ,t Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, DI. December 19 STRA'NGEI, BUT TAUS. LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United LA States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant; THOS. F. CHAPMAN, . 831 Broadway, N. Y. Dr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. f Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be thr 1 beet article known for curing the Catarrh, Cord in the fiend and Headache. It has boon found LH. , xcollent remedy in Many oa,ee of Sore eyes Deafneee has been removed by it, and hearing her often bean greatl, Improved by its use. It is fragrant aml agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of th head The seasations after using it aredelightfu ind invigorating. •It opens and purges out all Lo. structbms, strengthens the glands, and gives healthy action to the parts affected More then Thirty Tears' )f sale and use of Dr. Afarehoit'e Catarrh and Henn sae Snuff, has proved its groat value for all common diseases of the head, and at this moms': +tends higher than ever before. [tie recommended by many of the host physician, Ind is used with great euoo es and satisfactiot everywhere. RECD THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGOIsTO IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years bee, tcquainted with Dr Marshall's Catorrah and Heaa ache Snuff, and dOili it in uur wholesale trade, cheer ruby .tt•te, that we believe it to be equal, in ever. respect, to the recommentlttions given of it for tb. cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided y the beet article wo have over known for all oom• non disease!) of the [lead. Burr & Perry, Bostonlßarnes & Park. N. Yori teed. Austen & Co., " B. &D. n !a, " Brown, letinaan & C 0.," qtepben Pau. Co., " teed, Butler & Co., ran] Minor & 0., " 400 W. Pelvic', U'Kesaon tt Robbins " Mileon,Pairbank & Co." A. L. Eieovill & Co., " lenabarr,Bdwand aCo H.Ward, Close & Co." t. H Hiy, Portland, :kle flesh & Gale, IZift•For sale by all Druggiate. Try it. April 9, MO, Liru--BEALTE--Sitigrit LIFE--11E9LTE-STOBill, 11/2--IIEALTI-STMGE, Hundreds and thousands annually die promatnro ly, whoa, it they would give the Great French Rem edy. DR. JUAN DELIMARRE'S CELEB3ATED SPECIFIC PILLS Proparod by Faranciere A Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Palle, from tho prescription of Dr. Juan De mature, Chiof Physician of the ilospital du Nord eu Lariboisiore a fair trial, they would fled itnmedi. ate relict, and, in a short limo, bo fully restored to Ilealth and Sirongtb, It is used in th r practice of many eminent "Frorleh—phyficians, with uniform ' , nooses, and highly rocommeaded as the only posi tive nod..tipecific Rowdy for all parsecs suffering from Genoral,or Sexual Liability, all darangeinenth of the Nervou Forces. filldnucholy, Stan nratorrbrea or nominal Emissians, all Wooknotdoss arising from •lerual Excuses, or youthful indiscretions. Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Prost-atiun. Nervous. noes, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, hysterics, Pains in the Buck and Limbs, Impotency, lc. No ianguago can convoy an adequate idea of the immoliato and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the dobilitavd and shattered system. In fiat, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing curo of the maladies above' mentioned. Sutfor no more, but use The Groat Frencb.Reme dv ; it will effect a cure Oster° all others fail, and although a poweiful remedy, contains nothing hurt. ful to the moot delicate constitution. Pamphlets, containing full particulars and direc tions for.using, In English, French, Spanish and German, auctompany aeon box, and also sent free to any address when requested. Pries one dollar per box; six boxes for five dol lars. Sold by nil Druggists threuebout the world; or will be pont by moil, securely sealed from all °neer vation. by enclosing spooiflod price, to any author ,sed agents.. Bemire of oountorfaiti and Imitations Proprietors' eaolusive.Agents for America; OS CAR D. Nin:•Es A CO. 27 Courtlendt Bt., N. Y. Au horizad Agate for Allemowa. BARNES & TON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. IVIO.YeCHS. TO CONSUARPTtVFIS rho advertiser, haying been restored to health in 1 a low weeks by a simple remedy, after having uiTered fir several years with u ssvere lung Orr and that dread disease, Csnsutia ition—is arx ' , US to make known to his follow•maifurbos too moan if cure, To all who &sire it, he will send a copy of the presoription used (free of oh trge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a af'tilt CURIII for Consumpion, Asthma, lirmichitio,Coughs, Cold.. and all Throat and Lung %notions. The only objeCt of the advertiver in 'ending the prescription into benefit the abated, And spread information which ho I , OIVeiVIIB to be in valuable, and he hopes every sofforci• will try his emedv, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove is leasing. pontes wishing filo - presuription, rums, by re turn mail, will please address Nall HOWARD A. WILSON, Willlomohure. Kings Co., N. Y. 4n2-4] • H AGAN'S MAitiNULIA is the moat delightful and extraordinary am le ever diecovered. It changes the sun-burnt too , ind hands to a pearly satin texture of raviehin, alauty. imparting the marble purity of youth, as he doitingue appearance eo inviting in the city belle f raahi.n . It removes tan, freckles pimples and roughness from the thin, leaving the complexitn. troth transparent and suanoth. It contains no ma. rial injurious to the skin.' Patronised by Actresse, Opera Singers It is what every lady should tam Sold everywhere. Retail price. 30 eta. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DIMAS iIARNE3 & 00., New York. Sept. 26,115-Iy. a-T-1.860--24 DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. Th. , ,y are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overeame effects of dissipation anti late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmetie mid intermittent fevers. Thry purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and canstipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera r °rims. They mare Liver Complaint anti Nervous Headache. They are the best hitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great vo sterer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum ' the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without re gard to age or time ofdey. Particularly reemumend ed to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all (tracers, Druggists, Rotela anti Saloons. Only genuine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. 11. DRAKE & CO, 21 Park Raw, New York. September 2tl, -I, LI3 SPECIAL NOTICE. "Great Oak's from LilVe Acorn.? Grow." The worst diseases ;mown to the human race spring Irma enures so moan as to almost defy detection. Tho volatiles of scientific lore that all the tabled and 'shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elabo: r:tte these fuels. Then guard yourselves while you may. The small. t l / 4 "'nion . de on the shin ill a toll-tale and indicator of dieos.e. It may fade and die away from the aurae° acne body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final eloee.. BILLIOCS, DYSPEPTIC and Diannut& PILLS cure where all others fall. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all &brimstone of dal skin, antes SALVE is infallible. Sold by J. Brasatiti., 43 Funco 6 tltet's brow T04)141401 Doges% 203 e -1y nts 004142 New =York Price Current, 1* or jute 16, Corrected wookly by J. R. HELFRICH, PRODUCE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. • • BUTTER. N.Y. State. Tubs. fair to g. od, . per lb. SS to 28 N. Y Sta.°, tubs choice, " 3:; to 3a '+ra.,gv Sa:sex, pile , " '5 to 38 N. Y. State, Tubs, no.v, " 30 to 40 Wesrern Reserve, chblco, " 37 to 3U Nortb'n. Penna., goo 4 to oholco, " 82 to 30 N. Y. State Welsh Tubs. " LO to 33 N.Y.StateFirkinaPrimoftrShlppini, " 33 to 36 Penns Ohio and Western, common 18 to 22 Weatorn Reserve, White and Mixed," 20 to 22 CHEESE. Factory eboloo and fancy now, " 181 to 193 " gdod " 16 to Di N. Y.State, diary, " 10 to lb Skim milk, " 0 to 18 1:01 Jorsey & Penna.paolied in chaff, par doe. 20 to- .80 Jor.ey& Poona packed in °ate, " 29 to 1 , () N. Y. State, packed, in good order, " 28 to 29 Ohio, paok.ii—by oxi.reue, to count, " 28 to 21, BEANS. Nlstrow,oboico,toll sisud, per bush 62 lbs 2.30 to 2.50 Kidney, otiolco,full sisad, " " 2.30 to 2.50 Mediums, c nolo°, 1.86 to 2 00 Mixed lots and common, " .50 to 1.00 15X1 DRIED FRUIT. Apples—N. Y. State, oboiee, par. lb. 17 to 19 Apples—Jersey and Pennsylvania, " 16 to I 7 Raspberries, black, " 45 to 48 Blackberries, " 35 to 88 Wbortleberries, " 15 to 18 .Thorries, pitted, " 48 to 59 (Marries, pits in, " Bto 8 Peaches, peeled, " 24 to ill Pluuis, " 25 to 30 Pure Flamed, 'lover, In good Barrels, par lb. It to 12 POULTRY. • ./uolts alive, per pair 1 25 to 1 75 live Goes°, por pair 2.00 to 3 ilt Spr , ng Chickens, per pair 62 to 15. Ilwiel, per lb. 20 to 2 rur•teys " 21 to 2. BUG 8 — . The receipts continued light during th mat week, and prices reached 80 cte.. for prim. uarks.—To-day the stock is larger and prices les :irm, should •kygg+ MTh, in more freely prides wt ' all as rapidly as May have gone up. !JUT rhat..—The receipts have been free dolly, ••to week. The demand fur prime for Fhippiug Wa 4.tod, wo this k b atom has reeehed now, end n. I .tibt Butter 'il sell more lively. THE CELEBRATED RAPP'S GOLD PEN; The Red in tits_ WartC. FOR SALE AT MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE NO. 23 East Hamilton St. 11E8E Pens have acquired so wide a reputation for their superiority as to render them the mos popular pen made. Where once used no other pm. will be had. Ljunl2-3mos. SAMUEL M. RITTER. EEO WHOLESALE MANEFACTERER OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. AI.L WORK GUARANTEED.'"tiI 127 FORTH THIRD STREET, PHIL'A. June 12, 18134. ESTE I.'S CO C'PAG.k; ARE not only unexcelled, but they are absolutel unequaled, by any other Reed Instrument ii :ho country. Designed oxpresly for Churches an• ichoole, they are found to be equally well adaptc. to the parlor and drawing room. For sale only 13.‘ E. M. BRUCE, No. IS North SEVENTH Street, Pnuanstents. Skillr•Also, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a corn ipcle assortment of the PERFECT MELODEON September 213, ADMINISTRATOR'S NoTEJE. 0- tine is hereby given that the undersigned have taken out letters of Administration in tho estate of ANIANDAS TitEXLER, deceaeed, late Allen town, Lehigh county ; therefore alt persona who tro indebted to said estate, aro requested to make payment within six wacky from tho date bereof,ant such who ha-o any legal claims against said estate will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above npecified time. SARAEI TILISXLEIt LEWIS L. SemnOrr, I Adm' re .nay22-olie] History of the 104th, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, By W. W. 11. Davis, LATE COLONEL, VILL SOON BE READY FOR THE PRESS AGENTS ARE WANTED To canvass for subscribers in every township in Bucks county, and in the adjoining townships of the counties of Montgomery, Northampton, Lehigh, Berke and Philadelphia. The work will only bo sold by subscription. Agents can make severadollars a day canvassing Juno 5, I:Stid--siwj I`4 XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tak e. out letters Testamentary On the estate of Ja cob Ritz, dee'd, Allentown, Lehigh County ; there. fore, all persons who aro indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof; and 811011 who have any legal claims against said estate will present them well authenti cated for settlement within the above specified time. mayls-fivvf EDW. SCHERER, Ex'ur. NOTIC E. nE Executive Committee of "The Lehigh Coun ty Agricultural Society resolved at its last meeting to hold the next Annual Exhibition, ou tho 180, 19th, 20th and 21st days of September next, on account of the State Fair which will be held at Easton, Pa., on the same days fixed by the last annual meeting of this society for its exhibi tion. Ounl2-3t) JOSHUA STAIILER. Sec'y - - Allentown Water Company. ALLENTOWN, May 30, 1830. FHE board of mansgers haw) this day declared a I dividend of 3 per cent, payable on or after tht 15th day of June, at the First National Bank of Al lentown, where each stockoolder will please to pre sent his or her stock certificates. The managers are also desirous of redeeming $4,- 000 of their mortgage bonds ' and invite persons holding such bonds who wish to have the cosh for the same, to pr..ectit them to the .9ceretary of the company, at the First National Bank of Allentown. junb-3t] W. 11. BLU.VRIt. Sooty. Agricultural Meeting. THE Executive Committee of "The Lehigh Coun ty Agricultural Society" will meet on Friday, June 22nd, at 1 o'clock I'. M., at the Allen House, in the borough of Allentown, for the purpose of re ceiving the report of the ommittce who was ap pointed at a former meeting to make a schedule of premiums, he., and to make other arrangements for next fair. All members of said committee are re spectfully invited to attend. By order of 0. L. SCHREIBEP., Preet. Attest: JO3I.IIJA STutLr u, Soc'y. [junl2-3w CEDAR CAMPHOR Fur one agvit,.t moth iu Clothing. Best. lie ad vantages' —t Moloney Economy; imparts meet odor to the c lothes. and sure to hat through twelve months. Every Drnggist has it. BARRIS & siIIAPSIAN. Boston. Mass. ALLIIWZOWN ZIMAZULEITEL rorreafed Weekly by ` Wei Wheat Flour, $5 bbl. 14.00 Rye Chop, IA LOU 114, 2.25 Corn Meal, ril bbl. 5.25 Wheat,'li bushel, 2.75 Ryei, de 1 25 floral' pp ,95 Oats, " 321+ .7u Oloverseed, " 500 Cemothyseed, l * 300 Itlazseed, " 2.00 Oiled Apples," 3.50 " Readies." . 2.50 o:7Don't lobe a good Horse m lave a dollar for BmllL'a .1 4 iniment. it El= BEE WAX. - per lb. 40 to 42 MOS. per bash. 56 lbs. 2.60 to 3.00 per lb. 10 to 11 TALLOW. T 11 E BEE shcimer, , .Newhard & Co Egutt gs r , IA dozen, 20 , B el 9, lb. 24 Lard, 0 25 flame, " ' 20 Bacon " 10 Beeswax," 10 Potatoes,* bashes 1 2b Beans, " 20.0 Salt, 4 ' 1.10 Balt, In sack,, p. 76 Hay, per ton, 15.00 Straw. " 8.00 W A vrs. Teachers Wanted. DE County Superintendent will hold an examin ntion, on the 14th day of July, for the purpose of examining teachers tor the Millerstown School Dis trict. One male teacher is wanted ; term six months, salary tiny dollars per month. By Order of Board, Wm. B. grdinan, Pres't. junl2-3t J. F. M. ShifFert, Sco'y DIdABLEID AILN, ATTEINTiuN ! IA; ANTED, ono or two mon, in Allentown and vi- YV ci ity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell Wacisisordes IVater proof Arnica Ifealiny the beet and cheapost Court Plaster In the market. From $.5 to $lO per day can be made. Address, wits. 25 cents for sample and full information A. F. BEL CHER, Box 4a, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All agents and peddlers would find it to their interest to answer the above. Apr. 17-3 mo AGENTS WANTED to canvas for "The Life and Public Servioes of Abraham Lincoln." "The Groat Ono Volume War History," and "Life and Death in Rebel Prisons," Any olio can sell these works, they are so interesting every body wants to read them, so valuable every one needs them, and so cheap all can buy them. The services of disabled soldiers are especially solicited. Bond for our terms, decidedly the best offered, and boxes and packing free. P. GARRETT .4 CO., juul2-Im] 702 Chestnut St., Phila. -- • - ------- 10 Teachers Wanted FOR the Catneauqun Schools. Ono for the High School, 2 for Urammar Schools, 1 for Seconda ry, 5 for Primary. Applications should be sent to tho undersigned Appucants will be examined by the County Super intendant, at the high school building, on .the las Saturday in June. By order of the Board, Catueauqua Juno 12-3tJ 111.11. HORN, Sco'y. WANTED, AGENTS.—S7S to $2OO PER MONTH for gentlemen and $35 to $75 for ladies,everywhere, to introduce tho Celebrated Com mon ense Family Sewing Machine, improved and permuted. It will hem, full, stitch, quilt, bind, braid And embroider beau Bully. Price only $2O, making ho elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted I r three years. We pay the above wages, or a commies on, trom , which twice that abbot can be made. Ad- Areas, with stamp; or call on C. BOWERS ,t CO., , ialesroolus No -05 South FIFTH Street, Philadel phia, Pa. All letters answa d promptly, with cir culars and terms. —. ayhl). m AGENTS WANTED. TOR OUR NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, TM?. PICTORIAL BOOK OP ANECDOTES AND INCIDENT OF THE 7t6DELLION:• Heroic, Patriotic, I olitaral, Runiantic, Humorous atm Tragical, Splendidly Illustrated. with over 300 fine Portraits and beautiful Engravings. THIS work for genial humor, tender pkthos, start ing interest, and attractivd beauty, stands peerless and alone among all its competitors. The Valiant lad Bravo hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Pathetic. :lie Roll of Fame and Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, scout, Bivouac and Siege; Startling Surprises; iVonderiul Escapes. Famous Words rind Deeds of Woman, and the whole Panorama of the War are mere thrillingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at mnce historical and romantic, rendering it the most iwple, brilliant and readable book that the war has :tilled forth. Disabled officers and soli •re, teachers, energetic •out men, and all in want of profitable ediploy tient, will find this the best chance to make money ver offered. Send for circulars and see our terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISIIINU CO., No. 50; Minor Street, uns-lin] Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ro CINVASq POO. 111 K GitEAT BOOK OP 18fle, Q M " A tour of its Battle-fields and Ruined Cities; a Tourney through the desolated States, and talks with he people. BY J. T. 711m.VDRIDOE From personal observationsond experience during months of Southern travel. The Author has had letters of introduction from men in high standing, to the head of all Government lepartments in the South, civil and military. What over is known by these men of the &.tiflcrings of the past. present condition of things, as well as plans ;or the future, will be made known in this book.— rho great popularity of the author, and intense in fere,t in the subject, combine to make this to far the greatest selling book beibro thepublic, while our very liberal inducements present a rare chance for Agents to make money. • For circulars and terms, address the AMERICAN PUBLISHING AGENCY, junes-lm] 702 Chestnut Street, Ph ladelphia. Dr. P. R. PALM, LATE SURGEON IN TUE UNITED STATES ARMY, would announce to the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity, that he is contin, uing the practice of Medicine in ALLENTOWN, OW Eighth Sire, t, above /fatal/ton, first house above; uichtenvra;laer o'sstore. Having hod the rto belong to the OPERATING Cones at the bat-. :lcs of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsvillo, Franklin's 3rossing, Sc. and having had charge of SEVERAL dos errets, 1:15 has had much experience in all the letails of Li URGER!' and the treatment of diseases ;enerrilly. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE Of Philadelphia, and has been practicing medicine during the pest eiyht am years. Having bad much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would especially iolicit the patronage of those who may be afilietea with diseases of that important organ. Having re •tored the sight many who have been OWED POE raans. He would also solicit the attention of those +uttering from chronic diseases, such as Duopssr, (for which he has an almost infallable remedy,) Diseases f the KIDNEYS. IttISUILTISM, NEURALGIA, CHRON ,O COUGHS, DLSRIIHCICA and DYSISNTARY, (which he morasses to cure in lees than half the time required )), • rdinary remedies, ' liaevet, Gervais, or enlarge nent of the neck, Puma, Manama us or Consumption in children, SICK HEADACHE. TAPE Wonu, IHELAN• UHOLIA, SCROFULA, or King's evil, EPILEPSY. or 'ailing sickness,;P Bram SORE Tunes; 'Ferran, Dm- Clang PECULIAR TO PKII•LES j also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart, Having now practiced medicine here for over tw. years, the Doctor is aUe and willing to refer to per .one in this place who have been cured by him of molter the diseases specified. , All calls from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or nigLt. Medicines furnished to all patients, which be pre. pe:es himself, as he will use none but the very best. References: His former patients, itlltintown. May 29 IMO SIZE 03EVELAT C4U Of Human Misery. Juot Pubeishod in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 Cie A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical lure of Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Weakness, In bleed by Self•Abuie ; Involuntary Emissions, Im. totem, Nervous Debility, and Imp-diments to vlarriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy and Pits ; dental and Physical Incapacity, c. B) ()BERT J. CULVERWELL, /XL D., Author co he " &eon Rook," do. The world-renowned author, in this ndmirabli .ecture, clearly proves from his own experienot hat the awful consequences of Pelt-Abuse may bi (rectum ly removed without medicine, aid without oingerous scagtest operations. ironies, instruments it•gs or cordials, pointing out a node of cure at Ilea certain and effectual, by which every sufferer o matter what his condition may be, may cure bun if clearly, privately and radietlly. Thia lector, Nil prove a boon to thousande and thrleands. Sou: under seal to any address, in a pinto, Foaled VlllOl , O. on the receipt of six cents, or two poetagt amp. by addreaviug CHAS. J C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, Now York Poet Office Box 4522, R.•b TO ALL BOOK BUYERS! TAS. K. SIMON, eJ 33 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, agent for the following vvluai to books : Appleton's New American Cyclopedia-10 Vols. " History of the Rebelhon—l largo Vol. ' " Dictionary of Mechanics-2 Vols. Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore-9 " Washington Irving's Works, •22 " Cooper's Novels Dickens' Works. Morivale & Gibbon's Rome. Maeauley's Works. Pro's Dictionary of •Arte and Manufactures. Bancroft's United States-8 Vuls. &c., &c., I furnish all Books publiShed, for public and pri vate Libraries, at wholesale prices. Send a list of uuy Books wanted, with a stamp; for prices, which will be sent by return mail. [may 22-0 m • Catasauqua Petroleum Comp'y. T A E stockhoiders of tho "Catasauqua Petroleum Company" are hereby notified to attend a meet ing at the Law Office of the undersigned, in the bo rough of Catasauqua, on Saturday; Juno Nth, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purposo of electing a board of Directors for the enstnng year. It. CLAY lIAMERSLY, See'y. NOTICE. NOTICE is herebygiven to all dealirs who are re quired to take out lloense from the County Treasury that the same must be taken On or before the 10th of July next, otherwise they will be col lected by due prooe4 Of law. I.IP/14701; Raton...nD Liwt• Otb 3 tialeN clduaty Ttctiv. GOLD REDUCED $?.80 to $1.43. Cotton Uedaced FR.JAI $l.BO to 38 Cie per POUND. Goods Greatly Reduced IN 'PRICES CHEAP CASH STORE OF , Burdge & Jones. GOODS that 'mid one year ngq at 85 cents per yard, aro now selling at 25 cents per yard. Prints that sold for 62 cents,for 18 cents per yap d. Bo Laines at Price.! Before the War at 25 Cents ptr Yard. .lEL co C 1 Z.JE 4.T PRICES TEAT ASTONL,II THE PEOPL Dress Goods ! MI ebndee•of Wool Do WHOM, Figu.ed Bilks, 0 ,badoe, French Perealoa, bauutifui aty'ea, Chat 'h o e, Common Do Leine'', ho. Mens' and Boys' Wear ! Large stook of Cloths, Oneehneres, Tweed'', Jeans Cottonades, 'to , suitanle for Mena' and Boye' weal SPRING BALMORALS I SPRING SHAWLS I HOOP 6KIRTS I Carpets : Carpels:: PARLOR CARPETS, JAI) ROOM CARPETS, HEMP CALIPE l'S. STAIR (; A RPE PS, DOME MADE CARPETS, ,II bought at the recent AUCCiOI:I lama at greatly ro .tueed prices. DOMESTIC GOODS! FLANNELS, MUL , LINS, IIcKINGS, CHECKS, SIIEETINGS, NUN I'S, &c., Doing a Oath Business only, they are thereb) enabled to sell goods at muoh lower prices thou heir neighbors that tail pods on Credit add 'have heavy loosen by hod boon accounts. They aro de iermined to sell goods at low prioee nntwtth•tand g the high prices the other stores are asking fur their goods.. R.ELV/121W111/32. TUE PLACID, Cheap Cash Store BURDGE & JONES, ../V:). 9 East Hamilton AStrrr . 3 doors below the Allen House. April 17, IHiid. —if BOWEN'S FIRST CLASS ORNERY 1110 PiLVISIOII STORE. NO. It EAST lIAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. PA. CONSTANTLY On hand and daily arriving a large and choice assortment of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, to which the attention of the public is respectfully requested. 'ortn, DRIED A PPLUS. " PEACHES, " MUIR, SHOULDER, . . DRIED Brace, COOKING l'itusr,3, MOLASSES, S3lo'n TONWE %ANTI: CURRANTS, SYrtupg, MACKnnEL, I'Lvms, - CHEEsu, Col) Fisit, FVESII FRUITS, SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COARSE. SALT, FINE SALT. '3ll` 31E AIL @MO Is A large assortment of choice flavored Green and lack Teas, superior to anything in the market. "la IRE 43 g 40ivgat, Allepice, Cinnamon, Cloven, Nutmegs, Mace. R. ®C7EI3ILT 30 Et I On elegant variety always on hand, annpneed in tart of ANNED FRUIT, SALAD OIL, SARDINES,, ATSUPS, SAUCES, CHOCOLATE, WErnimmoN, MACARONI, PEARL DARLEY TOBACCO! CIGARS!! Constantly in receipt of a largo - variety of FRESH CRACKERS. WHEAT FLOUR! RYE FLOUR!! Como and buy! Come and buy! BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in a first-elm GROCERY HOUSE. "ta-PRODUCE BOUGHT LiM , " All goods warranted as represented. W. S. BOWEN, Sit. Allentown, May 15, 1965.-1 y SO KREiv it ' 7 OR II 14i $_11'10:1E1 I hte prom:v.:atoll le unequaltd ue a it. juvenator and Restorer of waited or inert functions. The aged should be certain to make the Biokrone a household god, inasmuch as it will render them youthful In feeling nod in strength, and eoablo theta to live over again the day of their oris .t,, ay. It out only exhilarated but strengthens, and is really an invaluable blessing, especially to those who have been mimed to a condition of servility, self-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary sickness. No matter what the cause of the impotency of aoy human organ. this superb preparation will remove the effect at once and forever. EDI DIOSERENE cures Impotency, General Debility, Nervous Inca pacity, 'pepsin, Depression, Loon of Appetite, Low 'Spirit!, Weakness of the Organs of Generation, luibecility, Mental Indolenoe, Emaciation. It bat a most delightful, desirable and novel alert upon the nervous system : and all who are in any wok prostrated by nervous disaEillitlet, ore earnestly iid nisei to seek a cure in this most excellent and line• quelled preparation. • Persons who, by imprudence, have lost their nat ural vigor, will find a speedy and permanent cure in the BIOEB. ENE. Tho Veable, the Languid, the Dispairlng,. the Old should give this valuable diet:every a Rini; it will ho found totally Moron. from all other articles fur the some purposes. To Psomfss —This preparation is invaluable in nervous weakness of all klnds, as it will restore tot. wasted strength with wonderful pertnanonee. It is also a "rand [anis, and will give relief in Dyspepsia with too first dose. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree o perfect health and [welsh Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for $5. iy3-Ssld in Allentown by Lewis 'Schmidt • Co., and Druggiots generally. Sent ty express anywhere, by addressing 1.1U.1:011N OS Proprietors, 21. Coy Street, New York. November 1, 1865•ly BITTER WINE OF 'IRON An exquisite impregnation of dry Spanish Wine with the activity of l ansaya Bark, end the most energetic of all the ferruginous salts, t. irate of Mag. note Oxide of Iron. It has a vinous flavor, very grateful to the palate, is without chalybcote tastes, and will not discolor the teeth. It excites languid appetite, gives zest to feed, im proves digestion, Increases the strength, steadies the eirculation, takes elf muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, gives firmness and precision to the act! ne of the nervous system, with power to op ; dum fatigue and resist disease. HAG N ITIt ATE of IRON is new and peculiar, differing from the ordinary Soluble Citrate, in containing an equivalent of Prot °alto of In ti, in place of tho Ammonia. It is neutral, tasteless, without astringency, as prompt and energetic as the Ch orido, and unlike that, induces no local inflam matory action or headache. C4IIBAYA BARK is pre:eminent among veg etable tonics, has no equal as a strength= or restor ative, nor rival as an anti periodic. Retail+ in $1 b. $2 bottles, Quetta and Gallons for dispensing.. 0.8. HUBBELL, Apothecary, 1410 Chesnut Street, istij 2:l4litit4 tp FROM AT TILE EIDE SroAns, Ii BEEN Corrrc, 11.)A,TED THE CHEAP RENTOWN LOX SIDE. _ Aro ; • T. V. RHOADS, Agent No. 31 West Hamilton St. eet, A T the Store of the Fub so riber will he kept en etantly no hand, at the very lowed !.rices, the moat elegant and a eo in common bind'ng. ALL KINT)S OF SCHOOL BOOKS, Such ua complete soricror Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, " sic(' iireetileare Arithmetic°, Algebras, Nlntiteith' . ° Geography, lion'e M:tehell's Geography and Atlas, Brow tep. Uramn u tre, Weld's Grammar and G..ometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " Mental Specimen Copy Books, Putter & ilammond'e Buokn, ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. ill kinds of Inks, Inkstands, Bond Bnns, Writing baud, titeel Pons, Qoills, Load Pei oils, timtes and Peues,Slato Rub. ben, Pen Ilo'dart, Gold Pone. and • Pencils, Drawing Pencils Gum. Rubbers, reeling t% 'Water Colors, Tope Measures,lncial I. Ink,Pookot Knives, CollarPins,t.rorbet Need' ~Tootnt loks,eto Also a Ft 1 ndid 1. , t of Pocket 1104 p, it ctudica very kind dee red—all of the vote• bi.t q "1-3, ILL t the , Ilwont prices. Al n NTT..nil •rind or' ENG I ISII AND GERMAN BIBLES. faxtawouta, Hernrnied and Lutheran Li;ur.ier, a 41/ a. al air da Hymn and Pravor. alma al. kinds of ,Itu,qo Books; such au thu Go:d CDILID. undue •atitiol Butt, Nu I and 2, fi Sehool Ball, . tiara Harp-; also culauk s Wober i liurtnan I hurch Music Ail kinds of Fcreign Books. Such as Luau lira tug Hooks Latin grammar iircek Grammars BuHinted. Anthou'm mere , at surnmir SCUOOL BOONS. A full assortment of :-unday School Books, it - eluding ell the publications et the American Trse Society, the American Suud.y JOL.OO/ ''Unian" the "Pennsylvania Bible z•ooiety," Particularly dues he wish to say that he has splendid Libreria. and Reward Tickets on haw, soca eat have never oven kept on sale in this town before. K BIOKS. Ile has a Ppl en lid lot. and of tee very beet (pal y. Tbey are of all nieee , and can bu ob:aineu fu r half bound. MEHORMIDIIN BOOKS. Ni one will luny that be bee tho Lana aplendb issortinent of Memorandum Hooke of every defierip ion On hand, that eau bu found Litany place excel, Now York and Philadelphia. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS I The largest stock of Plint,graph Albums that ha everbeen seen to Allentown, can be fund at Rhoad• Cheap Book Store. To describe thorn le imporfrihl. —they must be seen. and it en, every one will a 'taco any that they are , the PlOgisT anti CEIZAPKIIII thty over maw. At the same place there ate also eves 100 Photographs, and elan mutes and a splendid asaurtment of Iwo Pictures fur Cale. %WALL. PAPER: Over 200 d.ff-rent patterns of Wall Paper an Borders aro also at this Cheap Book Store as wet 38 hundreds of other artic es tee nun erous to um n tit n. A very largo variety of IVINDOW CURTAIN:3 User 20U different patterns. EIRV6IIE.:! 81?U•C7IES1 ! A large vatlefy of Hoer Brushes. Twoh Brusher and Combs of every ibscription. By strict, artemtion. to hi. I.usiness. low prices am good goutle, ho hopes to mom his of put li. patronage, which ho will alway= keep in grate(ti ren emboranre. T. V. Rill/ADS, Ag't. April 24, MB THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD OIL MAGGIEL'S NILS AND SALVE. Those Life giving rouiootee are now, for it o f..tu me. given publicly to the world For over 11 (pm or of a century of private practice tht; u those Life-giving Reim been umil watt* tho groiitest stICOWIR. T1..1 mission is nut only to proven, disease, but to sin- Choy search out tho swim; maladies by which ti ~stiont is suffering,lll2ti re-invigerntos the failin, system To the aged aud iufiral at few doses of /1080 valuable PILL d will prove to he A VERY 81111111 GF YilllTill Gar In ovary mum they add now life and vitality, ind rostoro the waning energloq to th.qr pristine state. To the young and middle-aged, thcv wilt prove most invaluahlo, as n ready. specifio. anu sterling modieine. Dora is a drain real.s„ii, rhea ronoe-de-Loon sought for three hundred 3o re ag.. and never foritid He looked for a fountain that mould restore the old to vigs r end make 3ntrli ev9l An Eternal Spring. [t,wst.f lor t 6:gni "r:o.t ne t A ) id stiuvr, in ouu ud tlyatoo., tpuu ugw alti , It la ir. THESE vAMOUS REMEDIES D 1..) I4U d ght ..n 1, .lel and h •Id &mule. that Wight Winn' h er the aged and [ha young. Let mina I/tiring. hen, hut ainte Liu favorable opportunity that effete. When taken leo preteribed— FAR BRIM DISORDERS nothing car. be more productive of cure than thest almost magic L ildeuce le felt at once ; and the usual concomitants .1 this moat dietresalne disease aro removed. Theme remedies are mad. from the purebt VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not Larm the most delicate female, any can bo given with guud Octet is praaoribod dines to tho youngest babe. • for cCh utaneous oorbers tnd all eruptions of the shin, the SALVE is moe. t valu,ible. it does not heal externally alone, be penetrates with the most searching effects to thi very rout ul the evil I DR. MIGGIEL'S PIUS Invariably cure the following Diaeases a.tuwa, Bowel eomplidote,, . Coubba, Oolda, Cheat Meant, ()advancers, Dyepepsio, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, . headache, Indigestion, Influenza, inflammatlon, Inward Weakness, LUIRI.IOOI of npirita, LiverCompunni Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt - Rheum, Scalds, Skin Disease., Nor lc x.—Nono genuine without the engr: v ed trot:warn around math pot or box, signed LI DR, MAUGIRL, 43 Futon et., New York, to coon. terfeit aboab Is felony. 'ilefff•Suld by all respectable Dealers In Medicine, throughout the United btatea and Cattedus—at 2i cents per box or pot. December 12, 1835. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 223 Ni ern SECOND STUEET, PHILADELPHIA. Will color more .crater than four times the creme quantity of ordinary Indigo. Iris warranted to give eariajoeisow, and ip retailed et the same price as the Lattations and inferior er '^lie• [marl On Sfin A ?iONT11!-4UENTS w•nteil for six en. U V Wily sew arttars,just out. Address 0. T. DAUM Cl 7 Bttlldingr Ber.l4(Ordb Ma Reolikly iffillPllBlll NEW FIRM. Shinier Bros: (LATE RENIVERSI, : 4 111131rE No. 5 West Hami4on - Street A LLENAW N, PA:- • Next Door to tlte Eagle Hotel Shimer's rilammAh Store LIVE IN STIfUTION ! Toney Saved I,i I'ING 4.1 9 IE Filtc.i 3tacki tAigh with GuLAB at 1:2 :4 . 1_ X CI .1111.81 It ...ttLir, HMI b1t134 11 11%1% ED DOWN to , 10W ,Pt ..UtVll. btu Ilitty o, WE Si VIA' I'LEASE )yery ono, old luta rioh and poor, we ell. leAvor to -cup a ure.l tlulerted Mork 0f,.. JRY 0000 R, QUHENSW 4 Re, OIL cLora, SALT, FISH, Lo. Ao., o give bargains to all those who may favor us with heir custom, not only for sixty days or a given ime, but wilt always ointiuue to sell our goods at he very lowest possiblo prices. We do not prstend o say that our e• stem is strictly Cash, out guaratt en our prices to he as low as any others who are oeßtine of selling the cheapest, in consequence of loing bodiless ••ntireiy upon cash principle. Strangers fobitiv the standard custioniera of the knowu o d stand. sad y.. 0 will all to turn be lib couriev3 wane.' ut. and suppiied with th cheap •t goods. fie ' , urn you a•u right, mingle in the ••owd, then corns alleml to SEEM atts P3?azlft. :Tam!. hero you 11114 no herr su rrd wlfh toe most goods , he woo tu..uuy, datable end lesidury. Ole go .de. LADIES' . Dress bolds Dep aimed Unusually complete with rich and elegant goods is wall as the dumper styles, it comprising dlaok and Colored Silks, Plaid and Figured Wool De Laines, Marianas, Plain, Figured and carded Mohair, • American De Leine', Coburgs, Alpaca's, Itepps, Poplins, Icaotch and "(Mon etc., etc., etc., etc. 110 U ctbi - IN a GOODS, Wool Merinoes. Repps, Poplin, Mo. Lair Goods, Bombazines, Alpao eau. ('''' • '' Detainee. 110 n , &e. Crape and Loire Veils, Crape Collars, Square and L Thibot and Blanket Shawle, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves, &v. • Gingham', Flannels, Diapers, Mischa, • Linens, Bosoms and White riondft. kr., is MAKI AND CU/Mill amass Of every diseription, styles, quality, esters a 12121 SHAWLS: SHAWLS' ! ; qu a e and long Brooha, Blanket", Thibat and Plaid Shawl". BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prince, anti all PIZPIL . The Nilver skirt: This skirt is more durable, more elastic, wore •rara•ul, and will keep its shopa and retain its place atter no), other skirt. The iiteel Springs be. nit eovert d with a floe plated wire. to place or a e..vering, will not wear off or become soiled, tel the whole sn rt may ho wadied without injury r fear of rusting and will be as good as new. CARPETS ANA OIL. CLOTH, A very full st,ok, new and r;4311 designs. E a WARE A run midortment, cheep v.I.NDow UTADEB AND cuuraos Of every diecription. Groceries, Fish and ProvisidliCiii At the lowest prices, nomprising a full Hue I articles usual.) , ' , opt in a first class Grocery Depart i' "`" meet. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Milton and daily salt by tho sack and bushel. Country Produce. All kinds na Ununtry Prnduna taken in exchange And the hivhttt price. psid fns. . GREENI3.ICICS NEVER REFUSED . An oast) otli will .ouure Itilvontagea that .will•bst e.toltily not in delay iVe are thansius to nor nld oustortirre 1;4. vast fa, .. vor., Uud selltOt a cont.i.uatie. tAho same, at a s usny new (mad. whit will favor us with their : ...e, ne will entituv , .r u•must to treat them with nouttury and lut c u h y. • IteinutUtier the swell k,•osn old stand late BIN. NUNtt a BiILAI hat, No. 6 West Lismilien Street, Pa. 8 it Di ER BROld: Allentown Collegiate Institute-* 1111111nralliM Chartered hi the 6tate with ati the poteBl4 and • prinikos of a COLLEGE, ..t- s :!'" ,' :n \vim, open its next session on TUESDAY, April 3, 1804. The course of instructinn embraces all the branch. cot an English .and Mathematical education,r. with the Gorman, Fr nob, Latin and Greek lati .tuages. Pupils will be received in every depart. , neat of study. &mu five years of age and upward, .nd prepared for Cull. g.i, BUIII7IOBII, or Teaching, or gaduuted with the deities of A. B. The Military Depurtm-nt is furnished with:a ..omplete supply of tou•ketA and accoutrements! for. 3fuutry it ill. and 'a Battery of six brats' field - di•ces is expected for a lilley practice. Pupil* tll enj ty to best advantages lie every department instruction, under teachers ful y competent for heir position. THE YOUNG LADIES' DEPARTMENT Al t present new attractions and superior advents es A ball for clothing and n. cult of three con nucleating rooms, strictly private newly papered ' sell warmed and ventilated, and supplied with • ,daoo, dressing tables, and new cherry ottani of the nest approved patterns, afford the most plea ant .ccommodations for tudy. A Lady Teacher, fully^ :apatite of giving instruction in all the common and higher English branches, A .gebra, Geometry, Chem. Istry. Geology, Botany, Rhetoric, English Litersti to a and.Nataral Philosophy, has been seottredand will enter upon her duties with the highest reo.ta. r r inundations. 1 Superior or partunities are ffered for instrnetio ;11 Vocal and Instrumental Mmio, Latin, Greek, terman and French Nag ages. Ornamental Leather '4 1' Nark, Wax. Fruit and P.owers Pre w!vg, Lair; Work, Ao., Ac. Young Ladies. upon the oomph: 1,,n of n prescribed course of study, will receive a Di .1 ma. a the Primary Department for little girls sue. lent relaxation from study will be afforded by , dessant variation mai ,ysteutatio exercise. For Circular. - address Rev. M .L. ROPPORD, President. 1 1"antown. 2f —t LOVE ANDMATRIMONY.—Ladies tin& gentlemen, Jr you wish to marry, address the to signed, who will send you, ithout money and , without price, valuable information that will enable . :ou to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of ago, wealth or beauty. This information will Cost you nothing, anti if you wish to marry,.,l will chi* oily assist you. Al letters strictly ceutilential. 7 ,, t The desired information sent by return mail, and not ; ;;„ reward asked. Address SARAH R. LABIBERT L . • preenvoint, Kings Co., New I=l juns-30 oJ, tei,vnrd Depuy, - • AQ 2 3 S. sEvON D BPRUtig P would rerpeoilaily inform ht t 0 .. ono...mote and other,. that be te now se.libtlitt ~,;from ore of the largest ard beat assorta i sats of% ' st CARPETS. OIL CLOTAtt s et. Window Shade. do . thlt ba had on head itagn7 j o no i!lttl9elet • GE AERIES, OARPRTINGS, PROVISIONS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers