/Si VOLUME XX. tfic fetigt Pgister Is pi/Mailed every Tuesday Morning. Moe:—No. 20 limit Hamilton Street. (Lion Hall.) IL MOSS &. rOWILMEIT' s Editors and -Proprietors. TIMIS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Per A.-nnilm, }!No deviation made from our published bras, and no paper discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, except 'Lithe option of the publishers. RATES OF, ADVERTISING 8 times.. 8 lathe. 6 intim. 1 yr. One Square $1.50 , $B.OO $5.00 $B.OO Two a 8.00 5:00 8.00 12.00 Three as ' 4.50 7.00 . 10.00 , 15.00 1111" Twelve lines (Minion) constitute a square. Longer advertisoments in proportion,with a reason able deduction to those adtert6ing by the year. Professional Cards per year - $B.OO Administrators' and Auditors 'notices • - 8.00 jar Displayed advertisements will be charged for • the apace they occupy. lasi.Resolutions, Tributes of Respect, and Obit- Lary notices will be charged 75 cents per square. les.Bueiness notices in the Local Department 211 cents par line. ' • . IPILAUZI i',OkIERBV • OT ALL KINDS, executed in the BEST STYLE, at the shortest no tice, and at the LOWEST PRICES. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. OLIVER Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. ISS:OFFICE removed to North Fifth Street, op posite the Presbyterian Church, and next door to the Court House. t f feb6r3m R. CLAY HAMERSLY, Attorney at Law, CATASAUQUA, LEUIGH COUNTY, PENNA. March 6, 1866. —l, JACOB S. DILLINGER, Attorney at Law, Corner of East Hamilton St. and Law .4lley, ALLENTOWN, PA. April 15, 1866 P. WYCKOFF, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE on the south aide of Hamilton street, Ego doors weseof Milton J. Kramer's atom, and op pulite the Eagle Hotel. [aul9-641 EDWIN ALBRIUHT, Attorney at Law, MORT DCORR /WIVE THE COURT Homm, ALLENTOJVN, LEHIGH CO., PA Feb. 13, 1860.4 y - ELISHA FORREST, , Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. Feb. 20, 1866. WILLIAM H. SOWDEN. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office East Him!lion Street, 2 doors above Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. Feb. 20, 1866.-1 y EDWARD HARVEY, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. Osnew with Ron Samuel A. Bridges. [mayl-ly JOHN RUPP, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LLENTOWN, PA. OFIPIOE with A. Woolever, Esq•, opposite the Court Rouse. Can bO consulted in German. [mayl-ly ADAbf WOOLEVEt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. °pries oppoelte the Court Rouse. [meyl-ly T HOMAS B. METZGER, ‘r .. ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN, PA. Orrtca : No. 62 East Hamilton street May 29, 1866. JOHN. D. STILES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE: Second door above do Court House. Many 29, 1805. —onx EORGE 13. SOIIALL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. °MCI: First tloor above Law Alley May 20, 1860. GUI4DIN & GItEASEMER, MO/BletV . lloWas Oboe : No. 46 East Hamilton Strad, Allentown, Pa. One door bolow m Guth k Co's. store. — Aug B, 1865. ly PAUL BALLIET. UNDERTAKER & FURNISHER, Seventh Street, below Walnut, Weat Side, ALLENTOWN, PA April 11,1865 BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE PICTURES. Cartes de Visites, $2 per Dozen. ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. S. W. BURL AW, No. 7 East Hamilton St. ALLE'NTOW.N, PA Allentown, Sept. 13. .EAGLE HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Bettoecn Race and Vine, PHILADELPHIA To first Masa 001, located in the cantor loC busineal, with ample and excellent accom modations.' It. S. MEHL, Proprietor. January 33,1866. —l7 S. P. Newhard, WITH Seiple & Shimer, WROLESALE GROCERS, Teas and spices. ALSO ALL KINDS 01 0 OIL. OpOahe the (ALLEN BOUSE,) apr3 3m] ALLENTOWN. PA. DR. H. £ GRIM, LATE SURGEON IN-onunr, Fiasr Bata., FIRST Div., Firm A. C. la AVM returned to Allentown, is pow ready to 1.1 mourns the praotice of Me profession at No 76 West liatoiltortgroet) nearly opposite the Black ~!., • .(spelO4lk , • + . . t . .• , - • ," - ;•-, ' ' ' '--, r r, • ; ; ; i ,''' ; • N ' . .---1 IA . (~.. r .... 41 , .;',, • 4 (-__.,„ i . . t .... . . A . 1 .... I . .. .. i i . I i . .... . . I . • • .. • I .k ___..l. r Viltoß D. giol)teßivqlrieh, V. lIONOSOPAYIIIC PUYSICIAN, . • AillitEliSTOWN,, PA., rAICSS this mode of informing the people of the surrounding neighborhood, that he has boated himself Near T. Keenly's Hotel, Nillersfown, where he Is ready to serve the people either day or night. taprio-ly E. G. Gerhard ' Co.; Cloths, Cassimeres, VESTIN9S, ITALIANS, &C„. NO. 333 CHESTNU e STREET, Up Stairs, PHILADELPHIA. January SO, 1866 —6m • Gross' Palace of Art Photographs IN Oil, Water Colors, India Ink or Plain, from Miniatures up to Life Size. Cards $2 per dozen. Over Frank Knauss' store, corner of 6th and 'Ham ilton streets, Allentown. Mar. 20, We. WA.TCEIf:S & JEWELRY JEWELRY STORE, SPLENDIDA STOOK OF GOODS SUITABLE Bridal or Birthday Presents. Now is the time to make your purchases. The stook is entirely now. LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. We have the finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches ever brought in this city. We h avo the largest stook that has ever bean brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated Ameri can Watch, and all styles I f English and Swiss Watches suitable fur 'adios and boys. • We exceed in quantity and vanety of the la'est styles. Now and beautiful styles of Ladies' full sots Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, Ladles' and Gents' rum GOLD OILAINIL Genes' Sliver Mans. Gents' Scarf Pins, Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very large variety of Silver Thimbles, Nook laces, Belt Buckles, Charms, Rings of rare and beautiful designs, and ids° the Plain Bing suitable for engagements, and a large variety of other things too uumerous to mention. GOLD PENS We have a verylarge assortment. Also Gold and Silver Bolden?" of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. ELEGANT SILVER WARE. In his line our Stock exc. eds in quantity and variety of styles, anything over offered for sale in this city, and cannot fail to please the most fastidious. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKETS, CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, 4ILVER PITCHEAS, CREAM. CUPS. SYRUP CANS, -Om -nm CM IMI DEALER! IN ,I ...1 , I ' I. 1 , JOBBERS OF NICHES! WATCHES! KELLER & BR() OF SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY. SALT CELLARS, • GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS; BUTTER' KNIVES, TEA. DESSERT AND TABLE. SPOONS, Etc. SOLD AND SILVER. SPECTACLES, we have a very large assortment; persons cannot fail to suit themselves, and all of the most fashion able styles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest assortment rf Clocks that has ever been offered here for sale. Persons desir ing a good Clock, cannot help but suit themse:ves. All new and all of the latest styles. We have also a large assortment of. FANCY °GODS too numerous to mention. ILIIPAIRING. All kinds of Watches, Clocks d Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted KELLER A BRO. Remember the Place, Newhard's Old Stand, No. 37 West Hamilton street, Allentown,Pa. F. KELLER. S. S. KELLER. devs-ly • v 244441304 VICKSI YAWS! Clocks! Clocks! ilifEM I $15,000 WORTH OF Cloeks,'Watehes & Jewelry, T 0 BE SOLD at the LOWEST CASH PRICE i. rho largest and hest selected assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, in Lehigh' county, is to be found at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST RAMILTON STREET, Allentown pa. We have no desire to boast, and we speak ad visedly when we soy that our stook is larger and more complete than all the Jewelry establishments in be county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment .f WATCHES* • JEWELRY, Comprising Ladies' GoPSER WARE. HUNTING WATCHES. GENTS' GOLD dc SILVER HUNTING Imtritan Bz. &gilt intro, GOLD, SILVER dr, PLATED CHAINS, SILVER AND PLATED SPOONS, BORES, NAPKIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, ego., With an endless variety of tho latoot etylo of Jewelry Also, a largo and complete assortment of ' SPECTILOLXII3, in Gold, Silver. Steel and Plated oasao. We dealt% to call attention to our gook of MELODEONS. We have constantly on hand a full assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S Celebrated Malodeone, of else's suitable for churches or parlors. N. B.—Particular attention paid to t:Je Repairing of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work war ranted. We. desire to inform parties living in the country, that any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will be promptly attended to. 111 A S. S. 141 ASSET, No. 29 East Hamilton street, A LLIPNTOWIII Pa.' . dah'6s-1 v 1866 PHILADELPHIA. - 1866 Wall Papers! Wall Papers 11 HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURRRS OF 1: " I'APBB NAMING AND WINDOW SHADES! Comnr of FOURTH and MARKET (Wean., PHILADELPHIA. B.—Alwayo In Storo a Tarp Nook of LIMP Md OIL SHADIIIIh , • toistlQ lm Published Weekly by Moss & Forrest. P Terms : $2.00 per Annum. 11.11MININIMINIEmmor LENTOWN, ,PA., TUESDAY MOANING, JUNE12,,1866. OE! FURNI 1 URE Ii : CABINET .WARE ROOM op\ John , Miniburg, IN -ALLENTOWN, LEHIOII COUNTY. JOHN MALBIMG takos this' mothod to inform his fri aids, customers, and the - public in general, that be is aow carrying on the businesion hie own sooount. :a :as building, NO 52 WEST HAMILTON STREET, opposite il agentuch t s Hotel, whore he is n ow pro-- pa e t to th.:_sfy ell I who may give him a call. His preseat stook 1° not to be surpassed, and consists in part of Lae following articles: Bureaus, Side Boards, Pier, Centre, Card, 'Dining, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and :Sofa Tables, Par lor Tables, Sam, Piano Stools, Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety, and in general every article which is kept in a well regulated establishment. He manufactures also every variety of Furniture to order,After the latest style and every article sold by him must bo as represented, and must be satis factory. House-keepers and especially young .persons in tending to engage in keeping house, should not neg lect to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he fools satisfied that he can offer bargains that can not be surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received he is very thankful, and will still endeavor through lib eral prices and fair dealings to increase the same. Ofr•Don't forget.the place, No. 52 West llama ' ton Street, where you can call and satisfy yonreelt of the truth which is heroin JO tated. HN MALBURG. Allentown, July 2. 1855. 19 COULD & CO.'S celebrated Furniture El i tablishment removed from Second and Race strcetd to tho et leodid NEW DEPOT, Nos. 37 and 39 North Second street, (opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia, where they purpose selling for one year. at about cost, elegant Furni ture, at fabulously lots price.. Also, at their Ninth and Market streets branch, where they are selling equally low, being about to enlarge the promisee. GOULD Jr, CO.'S Furniture Depots. Nos. 37 and 39 N. Bucond street, and corner Ninth and M kerstreets, Philadelphia. March 27, 1863-3 m IMPORTANT NEWS: lIEDIBACM, HELFRICH & CO., CANTMERS 8D MMUS, No. 28 West Namilton Street. ALLEN 2 0 WN, THE undersigned take this method of informing Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a full supply of FURNITURE ;SUCH AS Bureaus, Sideboards, • Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot at 4 Sofa Tables, Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, Washstands, &0., &0., &0., &o. and in general every article which is kept in their lino of business. House-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind of hunhure to order at the shortest notice. 17NDEB.TAILING will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffins ; also Collins covered with cloth. 11. F. limo - m.oa, SOL. HELFRICH. OEO. HEIMBAOLL Jan. 3, MIS 19 800 US AND SHOES NEW Boot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New tore atid Aiew Goods. 11 AVING just taken the extensive 1-/ store room in Itan's Building, next door to the Allen House, would respectfully invite the attention of the people of Al lentown and surrounding country, to their large, varied, and well made up stock of They will sell you a better article in tt.e way of BOOTS AND SHOES, for less money than you can buy them for elsewhere.' Tho moat sceptical can bo satisfied by an exami nation of the stock they offer for sale. Their NI anufacturing Department being under the supervision of one or the firm, wbo has had much experience in the business, they are confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION can bo given in every instance where work of any description is o-dered. There is nothing in the lino of wear for the feet that cannot be found at this BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS: Infant Shoes, all Styles, from .10 eta. to $2 per • pair. Children's Shoes, all Styles, from 25 eta, to $2 per psi^ liliesus' Shoes, all styles, from 75 cte to $2.50 per pair. Youths' Shoes, all styles, from CO oto. to $3 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from, 75 eta, to $4 per pair. Ladies' Shoes, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. (lents' Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 t 6 $4.50 per pair. 4 ' Youths' Boots, all styles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles, from $2 to $5 per pair. Mena' Boots, all styles, from $3.50 to $l5 per pair. Country Merchants and Dealers Sup plied at City Jobbing Rates. tail-Th - nriffiblici - itur invited to give a call before purchneee are male cleowhore. J. e. ODIStitlElll/311, WALTER U. SEIP. April 17, 1888 —ly REMOVAL I" J. F. Sohlinger's 800 U and SHOE STORE li7AS been removed to Rost Handl- R.l ton street, opposite'the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where he keeps oonetently on hand, of his 'own manufaCtire, and also of Philadelphia, New York and Eastern manufacture, a large stock of Boole and Shoes, which ha is disposed to offer to the public at a small advance above cost. He also will make to order all kinds of line week for . Ladies and Childish, having competent workmen especially in that branch. Feeling determined to make it an object for persons In wool of A GOOD ARTICLE to call and examine for themselves and learn his priees, *blob will be as low al any other house in town or country. Idtainted work and malting pram ti anandld raptlo4l 3e le 101111411031111 TO THE GREAT Furniture. ODENHEIMER & SEW BOOTS AND SHOES. Will! H. Seip HAS OPENED nis Boob, SHOE, , HAT AND CAP STORE, AT NO. 35 EAST HAMILTON ST., A DIOINING RERNAIIEN'S Cllltl ibip Da. na Btore ' where he offers to all who will give him e call, the very best and most fashionabld goods everoffered to the old • sons of Allentown, at the following low cash prices: Men's calf boots, tine, $5 00 to $9 00 " kip, double solo, 0 76 Boys ohilds' boots, ' 175 " 476 Men's glovo Kid, Conn's, As. 260 " 675 " " Bal. shoes 190 " 800 Hen's, women's, boy's and misses glove kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 675 Women's glove kid, very floe, 826 " 575 " fine goat Morocco bale., 250 " 400 " men's motoo:o and calf 1 75 " 250 shoes, " common shoes, 150 " 250 Misses' and child's shoes, • 26 " 180 Men's,. women's, misses', boy's and • child's slippers, 25 " 100 No •auction goods in my store, but from the best manafactories.-lalso have all kinds of EATS, CA I'B and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at.tho lowest cash prices. Call and see for yourselves. I WILLIAM 11. BBIP. 1 April 17. —ly fiery & Mertz HAVE JUST OPENED A Boot & Shoe Store, At No. 85 West Hamilton St., TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH' WHERE they will keep constantly on hand a well assorted stook of all kinds of ile44-TAVe 0018 ana shoes, of Eastern, City and home-manufacture, which they will sell CHEAPER than the same can be bought elsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CASH. They invite all to call and eiamine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that customers can suit thenisolves, both as to price and quality. Ali kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING receive prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and are therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by an i other establishment. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of French Calf and Patent Leather Boots. Shoemakers can be supplied with stock and findings, at reasonable prices. J. S. Bruer, S. E. Mims. ➢fay 8, 1868 —ly REMOVAL DESHLEtr's HAT,' CAP & NOTION ESTABLISHMENT HAS been removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on East Hamilton Street, • ' • Opposite the Court House, Where can now be found the latest, most elegant and fashionable styles of HATS AND CAPS. Also bag been added a Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a fuil line of NEW GOODS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSEIIRTS, UMBRELLAS, BLUSTERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK• TIES, CLOVES, etc., etc., etc. COME ONE I COME ALL I and see for yourselves, the beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing ny goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will sell goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANT OTHER • HOUSE OUTSIDE OF TUE CITIES. Kew goods received daily from . the manufacturers and for - sale at the lowest rates. (feta() - . STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD 144! And Prest)ls of still NOR? Decline I 3E O .afiL. N I CI i X' _EL TXGI i • RULES ?.HE HOUR. o Hats Caps Bx, Straw Goods, SPRING STYLES. Christ & Sauer's, jitNo. 15 West Hamilton street opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the largest assortment of Hats and Cap„ spring and summer styles, ever seen in Allentown, comprising every style and quality. from five dollars down to fifty cents, and such that will become old and young. Their stock of Caps is the largest in 'Allentown, and at extremely low pricer." To convince the pub lic of what is said, it may be well to state that they have FORTY•ONE different styles. Surely enough to give a person' a chance of suiting his taste. Ass- Messrs. Christ A eauers direst attention to the fact that tboy are the only Masurecrunaus of Hats in Allentown. STRAW Boone.—A beautiful assortment of etre w hats, for man and hop, will be kept constantly on hand during the season, to which wo invite public attention. Give us a call. Ma. Country Merchants would do well to give us a call, as we will wholesale them flats and Caps cheaper than they can get them In the city. Allentown, August B—tf CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS! HOUGH, Jn , 4% CO., would Invite the atte P tion of buyers to the large stock of NEW SPRING STYLES OF CARPETS ! Consisting of Tapestry, Brussels, Three-ply, In grain, Entry, Stair and Rag Carpets. Also Oil Cloths, tram gto 6 yards wide. Window Shades in great variety, Canton and Coco Matting, Rugs, Matte, &0., &a. P. HOUGH, Jn., It CO., 1508 NORTH SECOND Street nbv. NOBLE: Branch Store, S. W., Cor.. 8 and Spring Gardtri Streets, Phila. [mar2o-Sin wee Henr y Barper, 520 ARCH ST., PHIL'A. WATOIREB, fine gold JEWELRY, solid SILVER WARE, and superior SILVER PLATED WARE, at reduced prices! lamb 10.-8 m PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the most durable and tho most econom ical. Try it I Manufactured only by Ziegler di Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers jan3o-1y) No. 187 N. Third St., Philada HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADICLPHIA, Pd. . DISEABI3B OF THE NERVOUS, SEMINAL URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and reliable treatment-4o reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail in sealed letter en velopes, five of charge. Address, Dr.T. SE ILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Assoellitioni Nes $ South Ninth Stsee Philadelphlni Pal Jane 1,1114 111116 NEI Mr 3E32 MN THIS VAT KEW SPRING sauos LOOK' IN AT US: NEW FIRM ! jariami MLR 2311.0 El., (LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. 7 WES2' HAMILTON STREE2, ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respectfully inform the Ott en of Lehigh county that they haie just forited a 00-parnership as above, and that they have just unpacked a fresh stock of Spring Goods! FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. DRY GOODS! CONSISTING OP THE LATEST STYLES OP Figured and Plain Alpacas, Figured and Plain all Wool Do Lulus SHEPHERD PLAIDS, • BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, • IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Shectings, Cheeks, Gingham, Bedticks, Flannels, oko,, Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres,. Riveline, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, LADIES GLOALcINC, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, Rene'tants, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS; 3EEVILItIfiI2RI 9 VI EALEo A full lino of Clothe, Cassimeree, Sattinetts-and \ratings, all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. Wo have constantly on hand a largo and well se lected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY,. GROCERIES, MACKEREL, SALT, &c • Which wo will dispose of at the very lowest cash 1 1 prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the hitifieet marlcct firicee allow . Friends, Awake to your Interest for we feel satisfied that we can suit your TASTER well as your Durum. Don't forget the plan, No. 7 West Hamilto street, second door abc ve the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received in the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to aooom odate their friends and customers, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support and good will of the people, A. A. Ronan, Allentown, July 18, A FEW WORDS ABOUT 111010111L:1117-31101Mil, Great Western Remedy ! THIS remedy Is now perporming the most won derful cum. It cures Rheumatism, Chills and Fevers General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Sick Headache, &0., eta. In all oases a sensible relief is guaranteed in from five to ten minutes, and a PERFECT CURE in from six. to twelve days. Never bas it yet failed in one solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the a ffl icted applicant anticipated. The Curative Properties of the Groat Western R medsare truly wonderful. Whole pages of tes t onials Nom influential citizens might be given the publio, but we deem it to be superfluous, as you may readily find persons of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease dispelling and health promotion qualities of the Great Western Remedy. AARON DAVIS, Discoverer and manufacturer, • Alb Broad Gt., Newark, N.J.. The Great Western Remedy may ba obtained of all established Druggists throughout the country. W. E Barnes & Bon, Druggista,Allentown, whole sale Agents. [April 3, '66 6m 628 HOOP SKIRTS. 628 uomizzins• " OWN mazis." Manufactured and sold wholesale and retail. NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The most complete assortment of Ladies', Miss es' and Children's Hoop Skirts, in the city ; gotten up expressly to meet tho wants of first-class trade ; embracing tho newest and most desirable styles and sizes of "Gore Trails, of ovary length—from ato 4 yards round-20 to 56 springs, At 2to $5 Plain skirts, all lengths, from 2/ to 8 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to $3 15. Our line of !libidos' and Childrou's skirts, are proverbially beyond all competition, for variety of styles and sizes—as well as for finish and durabili ty ; varying from 8 to 33 inches in length 6 to 4b springs at 35 cents to $2 25. All shirts of " OWN .MAKE" are warranted to give satisfaction; but buy none as such unless they hnvo " Hopkins' Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 628 Arch street," stamped on each tab ! Also, constantly on hard good skirts, manufac tured in New York and the Eastern States. ',Mob we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts —'6 springs, E 5 cents; 20 springs, $1 00; 25 spring, $1 15; 80 springs, $1 25 and 40 springs, $1 tO. Or Skirts made to order and repaired. , Air Terme Cash. One Price Only. REMOVAL : 01? A MILLINERY EsTAOLISHMENT MRS. MARY C. ROGERS, .No. 28 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, RESPECTFULLY informs bar friends and the public , in general that she has lately removed to No. 28 Haiti Hamilton street, two doors cast of the Democrat printing office, and there opened a nes millinery establishment in all Its various branch es. She ban just returned from Now York and Phil adelphia with the latest etylee of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS ! and is now prepared to makp them up with the choicest trimmings and t flowers, in the most fashionable manner. i Iler stock of ribbons and ar\inotal flowere cannot be sort eased by any ether establishment in Allen town for beauty, tarn) and pheapnees. Persons should give her a call before purchasing elsewhere. Terms strictly cash. • As she has acquired a general knowledge of the business and employs none but the best milliners, she is prepared to warrant all her work as repro. minted. She is also anxious to satisfy all who may favor her with their patronage. Old bonnets bisect ed and repaired. By strict attention to businesa site trusts to merit a share of public patronage for which she will ever be thankful. May 1, 1868—tt $9O i i :ON I—AGENTB wanted for 41x en- Web , new articles,jud out. . Addreee 0. T. oAltWij City Building, Beddeford, M.. Edsolg-]y 12E1 Consult Your Interest In Buying Goods! Metzger & Osman Have jut opened at their AILOBINO ESTABLISHMENT. NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., THEIR , SPRING STOOK OF CLOTHS, CASSOURES, VESTINCS, &0., &0., which will be 'l ' Made up to Order, I BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN. GEM-IMaDE @IV7IIOIKI2O Pin EOM' 1111111 SING RION BOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. WE HAVE THE Chiiapest Coats, Cheapest Yeats, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosos,m Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, . , Cheapest Hosiery, Cheapest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas etc., etc., etc., etc Our stock is muoh heavier and better assorted than EVER BEFORE: Don't forgot the place, No. 33 Nut nonillion ear next door to the "Indopendent Republikaner." METZGER. OSMAN. NATEATt METZGER, late of the firm of Trott°ll & Metzger. 'hummer , °mut, lately hood cutter at the total liehment of Troxell A. Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8. 1885 . POPULAR PRICTIAS! !OR THE POPILAR TRADE AT THE !POPULAR STORE 211L.1111E lIIE I, ALLENTO WN, PA. Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH For Cash and Approved Credit HEAT DECLINE IN PRICES! Ifig Drop in. Gold. Whether temporary or permanent deponent emit!' not. With gold from $2.90 down to $1.27, and cotton 39 cents a pound. STANDARD 'GOODS are now selling at a heavy loss to thii manufacturers bat this is neither here nor there, for O. L. HtrDEno. —t KRAMER, Is bound to keep time to the made, and continue as heretofore, To 'bead the Trade GIRD OTT'2III DEFY COMPETITION From April Bd, I shall offer a complete line of Ladies' Seasonable Dress Goods, being perfectly ALIVE with everything in this doe that is FREISEI, OHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, in short as usual for Style. Variety and Lowness of Price shall and can not be surpassed. A fall line of all the choice brands of bleached and unbleached muslins, shootings, so., and every thing that belongs to housekeepers in this line at ' EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES 1 I give - no quotation ,f prieet, but will sell you for LESS MONEY than you oan got the same goods elsowhere. Shawls, Cloaks, Flacon, Mantillas. Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, &c. This department has reoeived special attention thin spring and comprising the newest and most de- Birable spring stoles, adapted to the taste of the aged, middle aged, "Young America," and children, ano will be sold at present Mao the CHOICEST LINE of GROCERIES and at prices that will eowvinee ono and all that. Kaiamer's Great Place of Interest for portions wishing to select from the must eaten sive and reliable stook of goods and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An examination is all I ask, knowing that I can of fer inducements that cannot be surpassed by any reliable house In town. M. J. FRAMER, Opposite the EAGLE HOTEL. Geo. K. Reeder, miotlluti TAHill I , No 15 East Hamilton Street, Next Door to John B. (bier's Drag Store WHERE ho heaps constantly on hand a full as sortment of ready-made clothing, with as COATS, VESTS. PANTS &o. also GENTLEMEN'S PURNIBIIING GOODS of all kinds, which for WorkmaniddP, anality and Prices, are not surpassed in town. A large and well selectf ad stools of Cad I TV B 1;,1 DC~GIBBd©SQL3 always on hand. Clothing made to order on short notice, and s 1100 D FIT GUARANTEED. Call and mining our stook. April 10, '66-1y) GEO. K. REEDER. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEADS-- preferred by all practioal Pain : tore ! Try it! and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, waoLseArAs Thum, PAINT and GLASS Dzsratue, anSO-Iyl No. 137 North Third Street. Philadelphia (I:7llave you Neuralgia or Rheumatism Don't go groaning and suffering through lif when yeti Mitt It Mired by timitit's Liniment IN Tll6 LATIIIIT STYLES, at the shortest notice Call and Examine. MAY, 1860. AND SOLD QM STAPLE GOODS ? ao , in great variety. Gold Standard Prices. Is TILE UMBtit 28. Votirg. (For the Register.) Linea.on. a EMILII. Written at the Academy of Natural Science', PAilado.. Behold ranged yonder, row on row, Along the shelves in horrid show, • Those skulls, which though no eye is there, Seem grimly in our own to stare; Which, though they long death's prey have boa, Have yet enough of lifo to grin. By breath and warmth and soul forsook They make us shudder as wo look. • Yet ono, it seems to me, has lees Of the all common hideousness. Something more human, I can trace Within its white and fleshless face, Which death could not nor yet the worm To utter ugliness transform. Though now 'tie but a naked skull It must havd been, once, beautiful. And, if some power could restore Tho living eyes that ones it bore, What soulful light might from them start I And if the lips were there to part, The cheeks to dimple, and the chin To catch and hold the dimples in, ~ How bright a smile then might we see That fixed and ghastly grin could be l The massive and high-builded brow Is almost noble, even now, And once, clear flamed and strong, behind, There may have glowed the fires of mind. And these may olt the tongue have warmed Till with its eloquence it charmed, Or till in some great hour, it stirred To utter the convincing word, With whose apt aid, perhaps, was broke Some tyrant brr Or's galling yoke. It may have been ; though why at last, W hen earthly things for it were past, This head could not be left to rot • In darkness in some chosen spot, Where no wide eye could on it stare, I do not know, I do not care. I only know the deathless mind That fled and left this ruin behind. Some where within the heavenly zone Will find and fill another throne; That Ho, who lit'its holy fire, ill never let the flame expire; That when our central shining sun His course of glory sha thave run, And stars alai planets cease to torn Borne where still bright, that fire shall burn. (lee. Joureos. Miscellaneous. The "800-Hoo" Party. There are two parties in every community— nay,in every family. There are the "boo-boos," or "cry-babies," always sniveling, snarling, whin ing, grunting, groaning,. muttering, scolding; and "going on like all possessed." They are "out of office," and want to be in. They see nothing but certain destruction ahead, when others are at the helm. Governments are cor- , rupt and oppressive. "The constitution, is vio lated—by bad whiskey and tobacco. Religion is only a cloak to cover up hypocritical wicked ness. Reformers arc only seeking self aggran dizement. Teachers are only chattering peda gogues. Mechanics are bungling imitators.— Artists are mere "copyists." Poets are plagia rists. Merchants deal in shoddy. Grocers wa ter their liquors, and corporations their stocks. Steamboats and locomotives are only tlinfernal machines" intended to kill somebody. Law yers are only "shysters." Doctors are "quacks." Surgeons aro "butchers." Clergymen, only "poor parsons." Of course these objectors are all right—the very pink of perfection—so ami able, so meek, so modest. "Born great and good how can they help it?" And why should they not set themselves up as "bright and shining lights," before which all other lights are dim? How different the joyous, hopeful, trusting spirit which looks on the bright side of life One whci .blends justice with mercy, affection with chastity, economy with generosity, dignity with modesty, is a gem, especially if thesequal ides be combined with energy, enterprise, and executiveness. There would be no finding fault without good cause, in society composed of such characters. .'No croaking, no backbiting or slandering, but all would live in accordance with the, Christian principles of Pstru,.;HorE, and CHARITY. Reader, where do you standon this question? Are you ambng the boo-boos ? or are you among the hopefuls ?—A. P. Journal. PROPANItY.-Why will men "take the name of God in vain?" •What possible advantagels to be gained by it? And yet this wanten,-vtd gar sin of profanity is evidently on the increase. Oaths fall upon the ear in the cars and at the corners of the street. The North American . Re cut° says • "There are among us not a few who feel that a simple assertion or plain statementof obvious facts will pass for nothing, unless they swearto its truth by all the names of the Deity andbliti,' ter their lips with every variety of hot and sul- . purous oaths. If we observe such persons closely, we shall generally find that the fierce ness of their profanity is in invcrse , ratio to the . 'affluence of their ideas. We venture to affirm that the profanest men within the circle of your knowledge are all af. dieted with a chronic weakness of the intellect. The utterance of an oath, though it may pre vent is vacuum in sound, is no indication of sense. It requires no genius to swear. The reckless taking of sacred names in vain is as lit tle characteristic oftruo independence of thought as it is of high moral culture. In this breath ing and beautiful world, filled, as it were with the presence of the Deity, and fragrant with its incense from a thousand altars of praise, it would be no servility should we catch the spirit of reverent worshippers, and illustrate in our selves the sentiment that the "Christian is the highest style of man." , Oi.o AND NEW.—"What do The Arabs of the desert live on, pa?" asked a- rougish girl of her fitther. "Fudge, Nellie, that's an old conundrum.— They live on the sand which is (sandwiches) there." "Yes, but pa, how do they get 'em?" "Well, really, Nellie, you have'me there. I give it up." Why, pa, you know that the sons of Sant are bred and vaustertd in the wilderness ?" "Come, come, my daughter, that is took Ming; don't say another word." "Oh, yes, do tell me what they eat on their sandwiches ?" ."Eat on them ; why, what do they eat on them?" • "Butter, to be sure." "Butter! 'How do they get their butter?" "Why, you know, pa, that when' Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt, all the family but her ran into the widerness." A MATRIMONIAL TRIM-A rich old widow er in Canada, is said to have practiced a very artful scheme to gain the hand of a belle of the • village'. Ho got an old gipsey to tell the young lady's fortune in words that he dictated as foL. lows :—"My dear young lady, your star will 40013 be hid for a short time by a very dark cloud, but when it reappears it will continue to shine with uninterrupted splendor to the end of your days. Before one week, a wealthy old witiow er, wearing a suit of black anda fine caster hat, will pay you a visit and request your hand in Marriage. You will acccept his offer, become his wife; and be lo ft in possession of all his prop erty, before the end of the year. Your next husband will be the young man you think most of at present." Three days after, the old gen tleman, dressed in the manner described by the gipsey, presented himself to the young lady, and the marriage followed. The year is more than out, but the tough old widower still lingers. MANY measures have been proved to Now York for checking dui cholera.. hy,llo.lttha. Metropolitan Police arrest it, under; *Awe , . Excise law, for supplying biiiiwithOttta '4LWAsii Ira
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers