MER AND HOUSEKEEPER. DIARRHEA IN DATTLE.--00ETEEpOrldellt of the airte Farnur auras it in this way : - Take If a pail of bran and pour boiling water on and cover with thick cloth until nearly cod, en strain and give the t. ,, t , i the afflicted imal. Two or three doeee is very sure to re and can do no hurt. STRAWDERY ay.—Talio etrriwbnrrit.. en fully ripe, strain, and •,‘ e h ,pint f ioe add- a pound of the bet rptined sti.:ar .i 1 briskly, skimming when neomentry, for n or fifteen minutee. or until it will jelly, ich may be known , by dropping a little in Id water. If done it will fall to the bottom II MEM. To CURE IMMEDIATELY ALL KINDS OF SICK EADAOIIII.—Take half a draohin Or adiaohni 'aromatic spirits of ammonia, in a little wa r. At the same apply clothe wet in a Isolll .11 of muria,te of ammonia (ono ounce of nit - ate ammonia in nine ounces of water - and e ounce of alcohol) to the forehead.. It is rprieing to observe how quickly tt o heat. he disap rs. CURE F.)R YDROPIIODIA.—A sore cure, or tidoto, for t bite of a mad dog is said to to allow the ommon nitrate of silver, easily ocurable, to fi ter into the wound. It de' imposes the saliva, and in d iing this da mp) the virus. The nitrate dissolves in an ual quantity of water. If the bite is already ealed, the, cicatrix should be 'rubbed and ustioated away entirely. YORKSHIRE TEA CAKES.—TWO pounds of oar, t, quarter of a pound of butter melted in little milk, two eggs well beaten, a pinch et' alt. Mix the whole together with a teacupful f good home made yeast, and enough Milk . to .rm a dough. When light, knead it again, ut it in cakes, place them on tins, and when ey rise again bake them in a moderately hot von. A few dried currants are sometimes ad ed to the dough. • A CAUTION.—A correspondent of the Me., armer writes that a neighbor of his it few aye ago applied kerosene oil to the yoke of a • aluable pair of oxen to kill lice. Both of hem were soon after sink, and one of them I ied. On being opened the smell of oil was uite strong, and doubtless caused hie eiok , ass and death. [We once pi inted a receipt or curing hollow horn, eaoalled, which' MIS o pour about half a gill of turpentine in the • ollow of the lead between the horns. A far .. or who tried it told us. it set the animal • ild and she almost ran herself to death.— [Ed. Ger. Tel. Fitzegus are removed in a surprising short ime, by a pert'ectly new process which proba• sl7 no ono besides the writer is acquainted ith. This process I have tried first on my .wn person, and the good effect obtained, war ants its general introduction into the toilet dims and "bond Ars" of the world. Hero it a: Take powdered nitro (saltpetre,) any mall quantity, and apply it to the parts af• ected, by the finger, moistened and dipped in he powder. This is the proceeding; when ~roperly done and judiciously repeated, it will omove all freckles from the face. A HINT TO llAT•Meazas.—lt is Well known sy all hay makers, that the solos of boots and shoes, in the hot dry weather during haying, become smooth as glass, and full as uncertain for a foothold, as well as dangerous on the top of a load, or in ascending and descending the owe. Now, 'to remedy this evil, take the soles from a pair of oast off rubber shoes, and tack them to the bottom o! your boots. It this hint is practised by hay makers, they wi 1 at all times know where to find their feet when they put them down. TO KEEP TIRES r r WHEELS.—Hear What a practical man says on the subject : "I ironed a wagon one year ago for my own use, and before putting on the tires I filled the oboes with linseed oil ; and the tires have worn out and were never loose. I ironed a huge' , for my own use several years ago, nod the tires are now as tight an when put on My method of filling the folloes with oil is as follows : I use a long cast-iron heater, Made for the pur pose. The LB is brought_ to a boiling heat, the wheel is placed on a stick, so as to ha g the oil each folloe, an hour for a common sized folloe. The timber should be dry, as green timber will not take oil. Care should be I liken that the oil bo no hotter than a boil ing heat, in order that the timber be riot burnt. Timber filled with oil is not susceptible to iva teroind the timber is much more durable. I was amused some years ago, when I told the blacksmith how to keep the tiro tight en wheels, by his telling me that it was a profitable_ bus iness to tighten tires, and the wagon maker will say that it is profitable to him to make and repair wheels ; but what will the farmer who supports the wheelwright and smith say?" How TO Remove Srune3.—A correspondent to the Rival &peer states that Mr. John Barnes. of Baltimore, removed a troublesome stump from near his house in the following ' manner : Last tall, with an inch augur, ho b,ored hole iu the centre of tho stump ten inches deep, and into it put about a half a pound of oil of vitriol, and corked the hole up tight.— This soling the whole stump and roots extend ing through all their ramifications, were en rotten that they were easily eradicated."— If true, the above would be a cheap method of removiog stumps. The sulphuric acid can be bought for about five cents per round. EYE AND EAR PROF. J. I 9 A AOS, M. D. Ooonlist and Aurist, formerly of Leyden, Rolland, is located at No. 519 PENN Street, PIMA DELPHIA, whore persons afflicted with dioceses of the EYE or EAR, will be teentifloally treated and cured, if curable: , N. B —ARTIFIOIAL EYES inserted without pain. No charges made for examination. The msdieil faculty s invited, as ho has no secret in lie mode of troalooe tt. [ju23 lIITARRICED. At the residence of the bride's parents, on Thurs. day morning, Juno 7th, 1860, by the Jim/. E. W. nutter, of Philadelphia, Dr. Jutnea F. Wilk?, to Miss Anna Elizabeth Trexler, eldest thrughterof Dr. Lush er Tre:tler, both of Longswatup township, Bwks county. On the 29th ult., by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. Antho ny Beers, of Beaver Meadow to Miss Muria Host, of Weissport. On tho 12th ot May, by Rev. 0. Leopold, Mr. Mil ton J Wenner to :Slier Louisan. Kern, both of South Whitehall. ° On the 15th of May, by the earue,'Mr. Frankl:D W. Ruch, to Miss Rcheca 6. Miller, both of North Whitehall. On the 19th of May, by the same, Mr. Franklin Kuntz to Miss Catharine Lauer, both of Macungie On the 20th of May, by the same, Mr. Phillip oh tt to Miss Comiclin. Straub, both of Lynn. Ou the 21st of May, by the same, Mr. Frank 11, Wilson, of Catasauqua, to Miss Caroline Siogor, of On the 27th of May, by the same, Mr. Phaon Rat ner, of Lowhill, to Mies Luey Zimmerman, of Doi delburg.. On the 20th of May, by Rev. A. J. G. Dube, Mr. Alfred Winsah to Miss Anna Neuman, both of Coopersburg. On the 21st of May,by the same ' Mr. Franklin Jordan, of Covtrsburg, to Mice Sarah Ann Kline, of Emeas. On th 3 22d of May, by tbn same, Mr. William S. Goma a to Nina Kiihnle, both of Wash ingtui . On th 2Gth • f May, by the same, Mr. Jeremiah S. Gnu wlre of Omar Saueon, to Mine Araminda 33auder, of Bethleln m. . On tho 27th of May, by tho same, Mr Charles IV. 31cyor to Miss Susanna S..yder, both of Upp( r Al if .rd. On the same day, by tho same, Mr. Charles Bellowlteet, of Lower Macungie, to Miss Matilda Diefon 'o Tee, of Upper Macungie. On the •2Uth in ay, by the same, Mr. Jonas Iliestand, of Upper Milford, to Miss Sarah Ann Christman, of Ileriord. On the sth of May, by Rev. A:J. Herman, Mr. Benjamin Smith, or Lower Macungie, to Miss Cath arine Kemp, of Kutztown. On the 20th of May, by the same, Mr. David Schoch, of Lower Macungie, to Miss Mary Seholler, oC Weisenburg On the 20th of May, by the same,Mr. Martin Moyer, of Muxatawny, to Miss Dieulor, of Lower Milford. On the 27th of May, by the same, Mr.. Phaon Frittinger to 0 isS Judith Wire, both of Woieenburg. On the 27th of May, by the same, Mr. Ezekiel MO to Miss Josephine Swoyer, both of Maxataw ' W.o• DIED. . On the tat of June, in Allentown, Raymond Rod , 4 ors, son of Joseph and Eliza Ruhe, aged 3 years " nd 2 days. . On tho 'l3th of May, in Clinton county, Incl., Thos. Gangworo l formerly.of South Whitehall, Le high ..ounty, aged 56' yea... • Oa the 22d of May, in South Whitehall, Jonas Ochry, aged 44 years. On tho 27th of May, io South Whitehall, John Grillo, aged Oa yore. • • Oa the llt of Jove In Nohow eennty, Pi., of 17, Isaac Itlehaderfa 6r. Ibrissily of Lower Ma. tunes LAO Eau* NM V 2 yesh . aad 11 darn ERRORS Or YOUTH GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nerv a. ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tke sake °lint (bring humanity, sond free In sill who need it, the re cipe and lifeetioni Tor raltbsg the simple remedy by which he was cured. GUbor...., wishing to profit by the advertiser's experienee, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 kbamber street, N. T. THE MASON & lIA %MIN CABINET ORGANS, forty ditfortnt styles, ndaptud ro sacred and secular music, for $3O to $OOO ouch.— PH TY-ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other drat premiums awarded thint. Illustrated , Oitalogue free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York Sept. II $1; 50 0 Fw E h ß e J.! rs 1 0 1 1:0,ili e .r w n a ot a . g gl a s e e v w e i r l,i' Machines. Three now kinds. Under and upper food. Warranted five years. Above salary or largo com missions paid. Tho'osrLy machines sold in the Uni ted States for loss than $4O, which arofelly licensed by Howe, Whceter & Wilson, Grover & Baker, Sing er tf: Co., anti. Bachelcler. A/tether cheap machines aro infringe:neats and the ssiterVi twee aro liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. Ad- Inns, or veil upon Shaw Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, Ili. December 10. STRANGE, 13E11 TRITE. LIVERY young lady and gentleman in the United L'A States can hear something very much to their advantage by return snail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CIIAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. Dr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. ruIS Snug' has thoroughly proved itself to be the 1 bed article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Read and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy in many owes of Sore Eyes.— Deafness has been removed by it, and Hearing has often bean greed, improved by its use. It is fragrant awl agreeable, and Gives ImMediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused by diseases of the head. Tho sensations after using it are delightfu. and Invigorating. It opens and purges out all el, structlons, strengthens the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parte affeeted. More then Thirty Years' of sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Bead• ache Snuff, has proved its groat value for all th, common diseases of the head, anal at this momoni stands higher than over before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is used with groat sue° se and satisfaction everywhere. READ THE CERTIFICATES OP WIIOLESALL DRUGGISTS IN 1854. rho undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with Dr. Marohall'e Catarrah and Head. ache Snuff, and sold it in our wholeolle tradO, cheer fully atm.°, that we believe it to be equal, in every respeot, to the recommend4tions given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided ly the best article we have over known for all com mon diseases of tho Head. Burr is Perry, Boston Barnes A Perk, N. York Reed, Austou A Co. " A. B. &D. Sands, " Brown, Lamson ACo., " • 4 tephen Paul A Co., " Reed, Butler A Co., " Israel Minor A Co., " Seth W. Bowie, Mtßeason A. Robbins " Wilson,Fairbank b. Co." A. L. Saari!' A Co., . 1 liensbaw,Edmand &Co " M.Ward, Clore A Co. " EL H. flay, Portland, Me. Bush A. Gale, .0:43••For aalo by all Dru April 3, 18116. LIFE-11EALTESTRIGT11, IM--111,111--STREETI 111E-11EALT11--STBENGS, flundreda and thousands annually die premature ly, when, if they would give the Great French Rem ody DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Faranciere k Dupont, No. 2 1 4 Rue Lombard, Paris from tbq proscription of Dr. Juan Dommarre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord ou Lariboisiere a fair trial, they would find immedi ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to health and Strength. It is need in the practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform Auocess, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Specific Remedy for ell persons suffering from General or Sexual liability, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrbrea or Seminal Emissions, all Weaknesses arising from -iexual Excesses, or youthful Indiscretions. Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Prom-ation. Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, Dimness of Vision, hysterics, Pains in the Buck and Limbs, Impotency, &e. No language can convoy an adequate idea of the Immo lime and almost miraculuus change it ocon alone to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned. Suffor no more, but use The Groat French Reme dy ; it will effect a cum wtere all others fall, and &though a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt. t'ul to tho most delicate constitu.ion. Pamphlets. containing full particulars and direc tions fur acing, in FngUgh, French, Spanish and Borman, accompany each box, and oleo sent free to any address when requested. Price one dollar per box; six boxes for five dol lars. Sold by ull Druggists throughout the world; or will bo sent by mail, securely sealed from all o .eor ration. by onolosing specified price, to any author 'zed agents. Beware of Counterfeit., and Imitations Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS. CAR 0. MOSES & CO.. 27 Courthula . St. N. Y:" Amhorized Agents for Allentown. 'BARNES 41, SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MBYEVIk. [apr2-13, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having ,ufferod for several years with a severe lung Mice Lion, and that dread disease, Coneum lion—is anx ious to make known to his fellow-suffoftra the mean of cure. To all'who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free of ohirge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Blinn curie for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the, advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information whiob he conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his -emedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a..lessing. Parties wishing the prescription, pate, by re. urn mail, will pleaeo address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,' Williamaburg, Kinga Co., N. Y. an2—ly] HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.—This is•the most delightful and extraordinary arti. clo ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt fice and hands to n pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, Imparting the marble purity of youth, and the diltisigue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles pimples and roughness from the skin, leaving tho complexion trash. transparent and smooth. It contains no ma t, rid injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 50 ate. Prepared by W. E. HAOAN, Troy, N. Y. • Address all orders to DENIAS UARNES ik 00 , New York. Sept. :6.'65.1y. SPECIAL NOTICE "Great Oaks ,rom Little Acorns Grow." The worst diseases Rnown to the human rnco spring from causes so smell as to ahnost defy detection. The volumes of scientific lore that fill the tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove cud elabo rate these facts. Then guard yourselves while you may. The small 'nimple on the skin' is a tell-tale and indicator of disee•e. It. may fade and die away from the surface o; tne body, but it will reach the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. MAG. GIOL'S BILLIOUS. DYSPEPTIC and DIARRHEA PILLS mire where all others fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, MAO- GiEL's SALVI: is infallible. Sold by J. MAGGIE!, 43 Fulton street, New York, and all Druggists, at 25 cents per box [deel2-ly AGUE nz MAGNOLIA.—A toilet delight The ladies' treasure and gentleman's boon I Tho "sweatest thing" and largest quantity. Manufactured from the rich Soathern Magnolia.— (Dad for bathing the face and person, to render the skin tort and fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing. hr. It overcomes thu unpleasant cdorof perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, ho. It cures nervous headache and allays inflarnalon. It cools, softens end adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosquetu bites and stings of insects. It contains no material Injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses. and Opera Stagers. It. Is what every lady should have. Sold cvervehere. Try the Magnolia Water 0008 and you will Use no other Oologes ) PerAtmore or Toilet Water AMA etartleblll4eltil pantile a os„ Pnor„ natiors Al alsl Ai T. 1161.lowif New York Price Current. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, N.Y. :itato. Tube, fair to good, per lb. 30 to 32 N Y sta,e, nibs (holce, urauge and Blesex, N. Y. State, Tube, new, " 34 to 40 Western Reserve, choice, . " 17 to 80 North'n; Penna., good to choice, " 82 to 116 N. Y. dtate Welsh Tabs. " •80 to 38 N.Y. State FirkinsPrime for Shipping, " 83 to • 86 Penns Ohio and Western, common 18 to 22 Western Reserve, White and Mixed," 20 to 22 CHEESE. Factory choice and fanny new, 183 to 103 " good . 41 16 to 173 N. Y. Eitato, diary, . ld to 18 Skim milk, " 9 to 13 CM Jersey & Penno.packed in chaff, per dos. 25 to 20 Jevoyit Panne. pocked to oats, " 25 to 20 N. Y. Stoic, packed, in good order, " 24 to 26 Ohio, packed—by express, to count, " 24 to Marrow,eboice,full sized, per bush 62 ibs 2.30 to 2.50 Kidney, ehoice,full Bind, " " 2.30 to 2.50 Mediums, choice, 1.80 •to 2 00 Misted lots and common, " 50 . to I.OU CM DRIED FRUIT. • Apples—N. Y. State, choice, per. lb. 19 to 20 Apples—Jersey and Pennsylvania, " 18 to 19 ietspberries, black, " ' 46 to 46 Blackberries, " •86 to 119 Wbortleberriee, " 16 to 18 Cherries, pitted, Cherries, pits in, Peaches, peeled, Plume, Pure Flaseeed, alover, o good Barrels, per lb. 11 to 123 POULTRY. Ducks olive, Alive Geese, Sprung Chiokone, per pair Fowls, Tinke' EGOS.—Tho receipts have been light during the past few days, and prices have advanced 2 to 3 cents per doz. Butter.—The receipts have been heavy during the past week and with very little outlet; Stook is accu mulating and prices declining rapidly--we hype soon to see the bottom. CHE SE.-1 he Cheese Market is somewhat de ranged un account of the financial difficulties on the other'side. Prides arc not quite as firm as they were last week. ggrs TIM GREAT CaLUSEI iA ., z' at tr. Of Human Miseiy, Just Publishod in a Seated Envelope. Price 6 Cts A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical ']uro of Spermatorrhsea or Seminal Weakness, in. duced by Self-Abate ; Involuntary Emissions, potency, Nervous Debility, and Impsdiments to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physibal Incapacity, a. By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of " Hreen Book," ho. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own oxperionct that the awful consequences of tt , elf-Abuse may be effoctua ly removed without medicine, and without .langerous surgical operations, bangles, Instruments. rings or cordials, pointing out a node of. oure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer no matter what his condition may ho, may onto him. self cheaply. privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousand.. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelops, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing CHAS. J 0. KLINE h CO., 127 Bowery. New York Poet Office Box 4586. Fob. 13. '113.-1.3, ggiets. Try it DIE An exquisite impregnation of dry Spanish Wino with the activity of Catisaya Bark and the moo energetic of all the ferruginous salts, tltate of !Bag uette Oxide or Iron. It has a vinous flavor, very grateful to the palate, is without chaliolitate tastes, and will not discolor he teeth. It excites languid appetite, g.ive to food, im proves digestion, increases the „steadies -the circulation, takes off muse - iness, removes the pallor of debility, gives fl jo and precision to the actbms of the nervous system, with power to en. dure fatigue and resist disease. For June 9. Corrected weekly by J. R. HELFRICH. No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. Hunan. EGGS. BEANS BEESWAX. SEEDS per bush. b 6 lbs. 2.40 to 3.00 • por lb. 87ito 10 TALLOW per pair i 25 to 1 '4's per pair 2.00 to 3 00 BITTER WINE OP IRON AT F.: of IRON is now and peculiar, differing from'tho ordinary Soluble Citrate, in containing an equivalent of Protonic of Ir. n • in place of the Ammonia. It is neutral, tasteless, without astringency, as rompt and energetic as the Chloride, and unlike tl ' lucca no local inflam matoriiction or heaths C LIMY A BAR iie 1e -eminent among veg etable tonics, bus no equal as a atrengthner or restor ative, nor rival as an anti periodic. Retails in $1 A. $2 bottles, Quarts and Gallons for dispensing. 0. S. HUBBELL. Apothecary, 1110 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. may 22d.-Imo.] EBTE 'S COTTAGE ORGANS ARE not only unexcelled, but they are absolutely unequaled, by any other _Reed Instrument in the country. Designed exprOly for Oh Arches and Schools, they are band to,be equally wi.ll adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For MI6 oaly by 8.111. BRUCE, No. 18 North SEVENTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. fifir•Alao, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, and a com. Ipete assortment of the PERFECT MELODEON. September MUM —ly REDUCED PRICES. The subscribers have just received a fresh invoice o EMBROIDERED CLOTH TABLE AND PIANO COVERS aloo from Auction, LINEN SIIERfING, TABLE DRAPERS, ito GREATLY REDUCED PRICES SHEPPARD, VAN lIAR.LINGEN k ARRISON, Importers and Dealers IN HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, mayls-1m) No. 1008 OIIE3TNUT Street, Phila. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIUE.— No lice is hereby given that the undersigned have taken out lettere of Administration in the estate of ASIANDAS TitEXL,EIt, deceased, late ofAllen town, Lehigh county ; therefore all persona who are indebted to said estate, aro requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereofomd such who have any legal claims against said estate will present them well authenticated :or settlement within the above specified time. SARAH THEELER ' I Adners LEWIS L. SHELDON, may22-ilw] E History of the 104th, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, By We W. II Davis, LATE COLONEL, WILL SOON BE READY FOR TUE PRESS All EYES ARE WANTED To canvass for subscribers in every township in Bucks county, and in the adjoining townships of the counties of Montgomery, Northampton, Lehigh, forks and Philadelphia. The work will only be sold by subscription. • Agents can make several dollars a day canvassing Juno 5, Illdif=tliv) EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE:—Notice ie hereby given that the undersigned has tak en out letters Testamentary on the estate of Ja cob Bite, deed, Allentown, Lehigh County; there fore, all persons who aro indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof; and such who have any legal claims against said estate will present them well authenti cated for settlement within the above specified time. mayl3-8w) EDW. SCIIERER, Ex'or. 1p...A6.k44.1 , ,,1Ar.,..1,4:4,344 ------ Corrected Weekly by Weinsheemer, Newhard it Co Wheat Flour, V;t bb). 14.05 Rye Chop, ',151 100 Its. 2.25 Corn Meal, 'ti bbl. 5.26 Wheat, V 1 bushel, 2.50 Rye, ed 1.16 Cora, /I 00. Oats, " 82lb .60 ego eeeee ed, ", 5.00 rlmothyseed," 1105 Flaxseed, " • 2.00 Dried Apples," .6.50 " Paradise." 8.60 07 ' lOsci for ittititl'e WANTED, AGENTS. The o'imax has been reached in THRILLING STORIES OF LRE REBELLION. Handsomely illustrated in oil colors, by Col. Greene, U. S. A., ; the most intensely interesting and saleable book of the times. No other hook covers the same ground ; hence agent.; have no competion, and are having go 'd sales everywhere; Tho people are ea ger for this book.' Good agents guaranteed large returns. Books now ready to deliver, so that agents do not have to wait for books. Address CHAS. B. GREENE k CO. may 22-4t.] N 0.413 Chestnut street, PhUadelphia. " 33 to 35 " 315 to :18 DISABLED MEN, ATTENTION ! Viz ANTED, one or two mon, in Allentown and vi. V V eb.ity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell Wachtoordie Water proof Arnica Healing Plaster, the best and cheapest Court Plaster in the market. Prom $5 to $lO per day can be made. Address, with 25 cents for sample and full infOrmation. A. BEL CHER, Box 45, Philadelphia, Pa. N. 11.—All agents and peddlers would find it to their interest to answer tho above. • • • Apr. 174tne WANTED, AGENTS.—S7S to $2OO PER MONTR for gentlemen. and $35 to $75 for ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Celebrated Com mon Sense Family Sewing Machine, improved and perfected. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beautitully. Price only $2O, making the elastic look stitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Ad dress, with stamp, or call on C. BOWERS CO., Salesrooms, No 255 South FIFTH Street, Philadel phia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, with cir culars and terms. —way29- m AGENTS WANTED. " 48 to 60 " 8 to 8 " 24 to 00 " 26 to 30 per lb. 40 to 42 ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS, OF TOE REBELLION: ireT2lo, Patriotic, Political, Romantic, Humorous and Tragical, Splendidly Illustrated with over 300 tine Portraits and beautiful Engravings. 62 to 150 per lb. 2l to 22 THIS work for genial humor, tender pathos, start ling interest, and attractive beauty, stands peerless and alone among all its competitors. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic, the Witty and Marvellous, the Tender and Pathetic. The Roll of Fame and Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, Scout, .Big oufic and Siege ; Startling Surprises ; Wonderful Escapes. Famous Words and Deeds of Woman, end the whole Panorama of the War are here thrillingly portrayed in a me.sterly manner, at once historical and romantic, rendering it the most ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Disabled officers and soldiers, teachers, eqergetie young men, and all in want of profitable employ ment, will find this the best chance to make money ever offered. Send for circulars and see our terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., No. 507 Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 22 to 23 iuns-tin] AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO CANVASS POO TIIII ORT:AT BOOK 01' 1866, d• 7 1 7 ME FP C) 'Er or ix" A tour of its Battle-fields and Ruined Cities; a Journey through the desolated States, and talks with the people IIY J T. TROWBRIDGE. From personol obam•rations •.ad experience during The Author has had letters of introduction from men in high standing, to tho head of all Government departments in the South, civil and military. What ever is known by those men of the sufferings of the past, present condition of things, as well as plans for tho future, will be made known in this book.— The groat popularity of the author, and intense in terest in the subject, combine to make this by far the greatest selling book before the public, while our very liberal inducements present a rare chance for Agents to make money. For circulars and terms, address the AMERICAN PUBLISIIINGI AGENCY, juncs-Im] 702 Chestnut Street, Ph ladelphia. AMPO, ( • PILLS )), . TO THE LADIES. BOTH. MARRIED AND SINGLE. The Oldest Regulator for Females. Dr. Cheeseman's Female, Fills' Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb .inces of the periodic discharge, whether arising Pram relaxation or suppression. They Oct like a charm in removing,Dre pains that accompany dit dealt or immoderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Bead. ache, Pains in the Loins, Back and sides, Pa'pit-ti nien of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Ilysteries. ymisms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant and and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albin, or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. Dr. Clheoseman's Female Pills Have been met over a Quarter,of a Century. They are offered as the only safe merle of renewing inter rupted menstruation, but Ladles must bear in mind thitt, there is one"conditlip of the female system in which the Pills cannot bo taken without produc ing a peculiar cesult. The condition referred to is Pregnancy. TGby cannot. do harm in any other way'. Dr Cheeseman's Female Pills Aro the only Mednine that Married and Sing'e Ladies have relied upon for many years, or can re ly, upon now. Beware of Imitations ! These Pills form the Finest Preparation ever put forward, with immediate and persistent stocese. Don't be deceiv ed. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and toll him that you want the best and most reliable Female Medicine in the World, which is comprised in They have received and are now receiving the ) sanction of the most e in Physicians in America. Explicit dirootkLas with Rob box—the price Ono Dollar ;or V. --- rx---c - ontninin from 60 to 60 pills. Pile sent by mait;promptly, by remitting the price to. the Proprietors, or any authorised agent, In current funds. Sold In Allentown by Lewis Schmidt A Co., John B. Moscr, Laval A Martin, and by Druggists gen erally. HUTCHINGS A lIILLYER, Proprietors, jal6'66-ly • 28 Doy Street, New York. LATE SURGEON IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, would announce to the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity, that hp is contin uing the practice of Medicine in AttinrowN, on Eighth Street, above Hata/ton, first house above biehtenwallnor k "7o'estore. having had the hon or to belong to the OPERATING Conrs at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chanceßenville, Franklin's crossing, sto.,"and having had charge of SEVERAL HoarrreLa, be has had much experience in all the details of Stiltenitir and the treatment of diabase', generally. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the Jettranson MEIDICAL COLLEGE. of Philadelphia, end has boon practicing medicine during the past eight. een years. Having had much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would especially solicit the patronage of those who may be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. Having re stored the sight of many ~ w ho have been BLIND !OR riser's. lie would aim() solicit the attention of those suffering from chronic diseases, such as Dinars; (for which Itches an almost infallable remedy,) Diseases of the KIDNEYS, RUEUUATIBII,' NEURALOIA, OHRON ICI Comma, Dteunnate and DTSENTARY, (which he professes to cure in loss than half the time required by ordinary remedies,) tl RAVEL, Home, or enlarge ment of the neck, PILES, MARAMUS or Consumption in children, 810 E HEADACUE, TAI'R WORD, MELAN. Emma, Scnovuts, or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or falling sickness:Y(lmin Song THROAT, TETrsn , Dts aesge TO FERULES; also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart, Having now practiced medicine here for over two years, the Doctor is able and willing to refer to per sons in this place who have boon cured by him of mostof the diseases specified. All calls from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or night. Medicines tarnished to all patients, which he pre pa:es himself, as he will use none but the very best. References : His former patients. kilentown. May 20, IRRO. ly— TO ALL BOOR BUYERS! J AS. K. SIMON, 33 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia, s agent for tho following valuable books : Appleton's Now American Cyclopedia-16 Vole. History of the Robellion—l largo Vol. " Dictionary of Mechanics-2 Vole. Rebellion Record, by Frank Moore-9 0 Washington Irving's Works, 22 Cooper's Novels Dickens' Works.. Merivalo A Gibbon's Rome. Macauloy's Works. Uro's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, Daddroft's United States-8 Vole. .to., I fdrelleh all Books published, tot publlo at pri• Vats tlbtaileil It WhOleeall Pileievi lend I llet of ay With 'limp fee relate) 1114011 tin h rut INgs Eggs, Ifd dozen, • 20 Butter, /0 lb. 90 Lard, " 22 Hama, " 20 Bacon Beeswax, 40 Potatoes, VI bushel 125 Beane, 20 0 Salt, " 1.10 Salt, In !make, 2.75 Hag, per ton, 15.00 Straw, " • 8.10 ;Si 011 P to VIM WANTS. FOR OCR NEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, THE PICTORIAL BOOK OF months of Southern travel, Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills I Dr. P. R. PALM, GOLD REDUCED FROM $'..?.80 to $1.43. Cotton Bedaced FROM $l.BO to 38 Ms. per POUND. Goods Greatly Reduced IN PRICES AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE Burdge & Jones. GOODS that sold one year ago at 85 cents per yard, aro now selling at 26 cents per yard. Prints that soldfor 62 cents,for 18 cents per yard. Do Baines at Prices Before no War at 25 Cents per Ward. Gt. MIL CO DRI.EISi AT PRICES THAT. ASTONISH THE PEOPL •Dress Goods ! MI abodes of Wool Da Lathes, Figured Silks, of all Auden, French Percales, beautiful styles, Obal lice, Common De Laines, &c. Mens' and Boys' Wear ! Large stook of Clothe, Cassitneres, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottenades, &0., suitable for Mona' and Boys' wear SPRING BALMORALB SPRING SHAWLS I HOOP SKIRTS Carpets : Car \ pets PARLOR CARPETS, BED ROOM CARPETS, lIEMP CARPETS, STAIR CARPETS, HOME MADE CARPETS, all bought at tho recent Auction sales at greatly re .• duced pricos. DOMESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS, MUSLINS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, SUEETINGS, PRINTS, &a., &e., &o Doing a Call' Puffiness only, they uro thereby enabled to roll goode at much lower prices than their neighbors that st.ll goods on Credit and have heavy losses by bad boos accounts. They are de termined to sell goods at low prices notwithstand it g the high prices the other stores are asking for their goods. REIMIZAIBBIL TUE PLACE, THE Cheap Cash Store BURDGE & JONES, No. 9 East Ilantitton Street, 3 doors below the alien House. April 17, 1866. Allentown Collegiate Institute, 011111)11TATO' CO (Itl3*E(B_'lE.. Chartered b,l the State with all the power. and prrvileges of a COLLEGE. TILL opal Its next aossion on TUESDAY, April IY, 1806. he coursaufeastructien embraces all the branch es an Englilli and Mathematical education,— with the GermOlt French, Latin and Greek lan guages. Pupils will bo received in every depart ment of study, from five years of ago, and upward, and prepared for College, Business, or Teaching, or gaduated, with the degree of A. B. Tho Military Department is furnished with a eomplota supply of muskets and neemitrements for Infantry Drill, and a Battery of six brass field pieces is expected for attilley practice. ', Pupils will enjoy to best advantages fin every department of instruction, under teachers fully competent for their position. • THE YOUNG LADIES' DEPARTMENT wil l present new attractions and superior advanta gee A hall for clothing arid suit of throe corn mu•nicating rooms, striogy p ate . „.neatly papered g y well warmed and vedtikto ,nal supplied with piano, drawing tables, on/oreir cherry negro of the most approved pattorner aficird the most plea ant accommodationz for tudy. A Lady Teacher, fully 'capable of givirNinstruction in all the common and higher English branches, Algebra, Geometry, Chem istry, Geology, Botaipy, Rhotorio, - English Litera. tu o and Natural Philosophy, has boon secured and will enter upon her duties with the highest reo..m. mondutions. Superior co.cportunities are Scrod for instructio in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Latin,Greek, German and French brig . ages, Ornamenta l Work, Wax-Fruit and Flowers. Drawing, Hair Work, dm, &a. Young Ladies, upon tbo comple tion of a prescribed course of study, will reaciv.o a Dipl me. le the Primary Department for little girls sum. dent relaxation from study will be afforded by pleasant variation and systematic exercise. For Circular! address RPM. M .L. HOFFORD, President. Allentown, Jut.b 26 BOWEN'S FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA CONSTANTLY on hand and daily arriving a large and choice ite:eortinent of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, to which the attention of the public is respectfully requested. Pouts, DRIED APPLES, SUGARS, HAMS, HP REACHES, GREEN COFFEE, SHOULDT:n, " CHERRIES, ROASTED " DRIED BEET, COOKING PRUNES, MOLASSES, SMO'D TONti . E ZANTE CUSIIANTs, SYRUPS, MACKEREL, PLUMB, CHEESE, Con FISH, FRESH FnVITO, ,SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COAIIsE SALT, FINE SALT. r 3E 4 -111101 A large assortment of choice flavored Green and Black Teas, superior to anything in the market. ]Em' (11 11E. MN 49 Ginger, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace. .3Eri.oco3lElr:.XEasl Ei An elegant variety always on hand, composed in part of CANNED Fr.Rfr, SALAD OIL, SARDINES, CATSUPB, SAUCES, CHOCOLATE, VERMILLION, MACARONI, PEARL maim TOBACCO! CIGARS!! Constantly in receipt of a large cnriety of FRESH CItACKERS. WHEAT FLOUR! RYE FLOUR!! Come and buy! Como and buy! BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in a first-class GROCERY HOUSE. 'Z,..... PRODUCE BOUGHT ;AI" All goods warranted ns represented Allentown, May 15, 1865.-ly Railroad Notice. OFFICE OF LETIIOII VALLEY R. R. COMPANY, No. 112 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Tar Stockholders of the Lehigh Valley Rail road Company are hereby notified that under and by virtue of an Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act relating to Railroad Companies," passed the 16th day of May, A. D. 1861, the Directors of the Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad Company and the Directors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company havo entered into a joint agreement under the Corporate Seal of each of said companies, for the consolidation of said companies, and merger of the said , the Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad Company. prescribing the terms and con ditions thereof and the manner of converting the capital stook of the Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad Company into the stook of the said Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, and containing all such other provisions as have been deemed necessary to perfect the said consolidation and merger, and that the said agreement'will be submitted to tho stookhol fern of the said Lehigh Valley Railroad Company for the purpose of considering and voting by b .11ot, in person, or by proxy, for the adoption or rejection of the same, each share entitling the holder thereof to one vote at a meeting of the said stockholders to be held on the 12th day of Juno, A.'D. 1866, at the of ' flee of the said Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, at No. 412 Walnut Street, in the city of Philadelphia, at twelve o'clock, noon, of said day, at which time and place, and for the oblect aforesaid, all the stock holders of the Lelti At Valley Railroad Company, are notified to attend. • . This notice being given in compliance with the Rakich - le of the sooond emotion of the Act of Axiom. efbtesald. Li Onesnizatamej Ittlivre.. May a 1111. detrital?, 1.41 ALLENTOWN 1101( SlOlll. • N . : -.,...--_ . • • . r i 4 . . • 1 , ...::::..• . 1 . fj::i;:"". , . .V. RHO ADS, 4.- Agent, Po. 31 West Hamilton Sti eat, A T the Store of the subscriber will be,kopt con ti on hand, at the very lowest ' , sloes, in the most elegant and also in common binding. ALL KINDS OF SUSOOL BOOKS, Such as complete series of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, . " it MeGufßee' /I Greenlears Arithmetics,. Algebras, ' Monteith's Geography,' Colton's . Mitchell's Geography and Atlas, Brown's Grammars, Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, "Mental Specimen Copy Books, Potter & llammond's Books, ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inkstands, Sand Boxes, Writing Saud, Steel Pens, Quills, Lead Pencils, tLates and Penolls,Slate Rub bers, Pen Holders, Gold Pons. and Colon', Tapo Measuron,lndeliblo Ink,Pocket liniveF, Collar Pine t trochet Noodlon,Toothricketote Also a splendid lot of Pocket Books, including every kind deerad—all of the very best quality ano at the lowest prices. Also a largeiaeleotion of ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, Testaments, Reformed and Lutheran Liturgies, af well as all kinds of Hymn and Prayer Books Also all kinds of Music Books; !mph as tho Gold on Chain, Sunday School 8011, No. 1 and 2, Ddy School Bell, Choral Harp ; also Smauk's Weber' German Church Music Books. All kinds of Foreign. Books. Such as Latiti Reading Books, Latin Grammars. (hook Grammars, Bullion's, Anthon's ftcsars, &a. SUNDAY 130/300L BOONS. A full assortusont of Sunday School Books, in •luding all the publications of the American Tree toonsty. the American Sunday boo 00l "Union" au ho "Poantylvania Bible Particular• loos ho wish to say that tie has splendid Litt rarie .nd Reward Tickets on hand, SUC3 as have norm .eon kept on taia in this town before. W—iti 7 'lC WitCS. Ile has a splendid lot, and of tho very best quel icy. They are of all ekes, and can be obtained ful or half-bound, MEMORANDUM BOOKS. N•) ono will deny that he has the most eplend osortmont of Memorandum Rooks of evory deaorii um on hand, that en/1 bo found at any place excel Now York and I'h:'••d•luhta The largest stock of Photograph Albums that ha , . aver boon seen in Allentown, can be found at Sheath , ' Chimp Book Store. To describe them is impossiblt —they must be seen. and if so, ovary one will at "nee say that they are the NICHST and CIIZAPIcBT they ever saw. At the same place thero are also over 600 Photographs, and also frames and a splendid assortment of large Pictures for sale. Over 200 diffsrent patterns of Wall Paper and Borders are also at this Cheap Book. Store as well •e hundreds of other artie es too nun crone to men- A vory largo variety of WINDOW CURTAINS. Over 200 differont patterns. BRUSHES! BRUSHES!! A largo variety of Mir Brushes. Tooth Brushes, and Combs of every description. By strict attention to hit business, low prices and good goods, he hopes to merit Ills Aiwa of public patronage, which he will :Own* keep in grateful temetnberance. T. V. RHOADS, Ag't. April 24, 1866 —tf TH E $25525 Union Business CoLege, HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, EIGII7II and SPRING GARDEN STS. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M., President and Consulting Accountant EXTRAORDINAta INDUCEMENTS ! NOVEL AND PERMANENT A RRANO MENTS OF BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, From April lat to October Ist, 1866 Life Scholarship, including Dookkeeeping, Busi ness Correspondence, Forms and Customs, Comm , r oial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship, Detecting Counterfeit Money, and Commercial Law. TWENTY-HIVE DOLLARS. • Seholarships, including the same Subjects ae abets,. Time limited to three menthe. TWENTY DOLLARS. ' Penmanehip, Throe menthe, $1 Penmanship and Arithmetic, Three Months.... $lO The saving of coal and gas in the mummer months is an advantage of such importance as enables the management of this College to make a considerable reduction m the summer. rates Fran October 1, 1866, to April 1, 1867 Life Scholarship 35 Scholarships, 3 months, .... 's2s Penmanship, 3 months, ' $lO Penmanshipand Arithmetic, 3 months, $l2 Special Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for the Sons of Ministers anti Teachers. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUCTION TO BOTH SEXES AND ALL AGES, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Penman ship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arithmetic Men suration, Algebra. Geometry, Analytical Geometry, The Calculus, Navigation, Surveying, Engineot ing, Gauging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commor, clal Law, German, Telegraphing, and the English Branches, at mode.ato prices. Endorsed by the public as the most successful Business College of tho country, as is evideneed the fact, that FOUR HUNDRED AND TWO STUDENTS have entered in the FIELST SIX MONTIIS ON ITS EXIBTENCO. PRINCIPALS OF DEIPARTMENTS. THOM As'i'd AY PEIRCE, A. M , , GEORGE 13. SNYDER, El. 8. BARNES, • C. N. Fkitit. J. T REYNOLDS, HENRY KEIM; A. E. ROGERSON, A. M., C. E. Supported by all able Corp of deeietante. Call or send for a Catalogue, College Curronoy, and Pierce's Practical Educator. OFFICE: 531 NORTH EIGHTH St. sprl7-21:0 THOMAS M. PEIRCE, NEW SPRING GOODS.- The eubecribere are now receiving their Spring importation of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, W. S. BOWEN, Sn Comprising all the best varieties of MEIN AND COTTON SHEETING% PILLOW AND BOLSTER CASINGS, TABLE DAMASK.and DIAPERS. TABLE CLOTHS NAPKIN, DOYLIES, CHAMBER and BATH TOWELS, TOWELINOS OF ALL DESOIIIPTIONS. MARSEILLES QUILTS. COUNTEPPANES, BIANKE I STABLE and PIANO COVERS, And every other article of Furnishing Dry Goode required to commence housekeeping or supply the wants of a family. The subscriberp, with increased facilities for the transaction of the HOSIERY DEPARTMENT of their business, invite attention to their ample and well selected Stack of Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's Hosiery, Merino and Silk Vests, Drawers, eto. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON tnayls Iml 1008 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ALLENTOWN, May 30, 1 MI TUE board of manigers have this day declared a dividend of 3 per cent. payable on or after the 15th day of June, at the First National Bank of Al lentown, where each stookoolder will please to pro sent his or her stock certificates. The managers are also desirous of redeeming $14,- 000 of their mortgage bonds ' and invite persons holding suoh bonds who wish to have the mush for the Vita% to present them to the Secretary of the oompanyi at the First National Sank of Allentown. jun WI 11L17114Xlii THE CHEAP POIIOIIP, 'Drawing Pendlp, Glum- Rubbery, coalin g Wax, Water ALBUMS ! ALBUMS ! WALL PAPER: AND SUCCEEDING YEARS And succeeding years, as before SPRING HOSIERY, and MERINO GOODS. NSW Stock and at tho Redwood Priam; Allentown Water Company. OTERNIIRE ESTABLISHER! NEW FIRM. Shimer Bros. (LATE BENINGER & SIEMER ) No. 5 West Hamilton Street A LLENTO W N, PA. Next Door to the Eagle Hotel Shimer's Mammoth Store LIVE INSTITUTION I Money Saved BY 'BUYING AT SIIIIIII.IFAVS STORE, Filled Stacks High with Goods at 'DI ICI 3P' EA. Our entire Stock has bean MARKED DOWN to he lowoot noteh, we dety competition. • WE STUDY TO PLEASE !very one, obi and y'•ung, rich and poor, we en deavor to keep a wed so looted stock of DRY GOODS, . OR AERIES, QHEENSW ARE, CARPETING% OIL CLOTH, PROVISIONS SALT, FISH, Le. &A., to give bargains to all those who may favor us with their custom, not only for sixty days or a given time, but wilt always continue to sell cur good! et the very lowest possible prices. We do not pretend co say that our at stein is strictly Cash, nut guaran tee our prices to be ns low as any others who are boasting of selling the cheapest, in consequence of doing business entirely upon cash principle. Strangers follow the standard customers of the well known old stand, and you will all in turn be aitb courtesy waited on and euppliod with th. cheap cat Goods. Be auto you are right, mingle in the crowd, then come ahead to SEE r OSEI as PO PIM an MORE. where you can be beet suited with the most goods :or the least money, with buch durable and fasnion ble goods. LADIES' Dress Goods Devilment Unusually complete with rich and elegant goods is well as the cheaper styles, it comprising Black and Colored Silica, Plaid and Figured Wool De Wises, hlerinems, Plain, Figured and carded mohair, American De Laines, Coburga, Alpacas's, Repps, Poplins, bootoh and Union Plaids, etc., etc., etc., etc. CVIOU DI IN 3r GOODS, Wool Delaines, Merinoes. Bopp, Poplin, Mo hair Goods, Bombazines, Alpac cas, Clanton Cloth, Delaines, Coburg PI ints, Crape and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Long Thibet and Blanket Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery Mid Gloves, &o. Gingham', Flannels, • Muslin, Diapers, Cheeks, Linens, Bosoms and White Goode, &a., 14 CLOAKS AND. CLOAKING CLOTH Of every dlseriptlon, styles, gustily, colors an prices. SHAWLS: SHAWLS' ! Soulre and long Broeha, Blankete, Thlbot and Plaid Shawls. 13ALWRAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prices, and all else& The Silver Skirt: This skirt is more durable, more elastic, more graceful, and will keep its shape and retain its place bettor than any other Skirt. Tho Steel Springs be ing covered with a fine plated wire, in place of et cotton covering, will not wear elf or become soiled. and the whole skirt may be washed without injury or fear of rusting and will to na good as new. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH, A vary fall etoalt, now and riot (Wipe. QULENSWAKI A full aceortmont, cheap YIN DOW SHADES AND CURTAINS Of ovary disoriptlon. Groceries, Fish and Provisions At the lowest prices, comprising s fall line of aU articles usuaby Lept in a first class Grocery Depart ment. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton and dairy salt by the suck and bushel. Country Produce. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange, and the highest prices paid fur. . GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call will secure advantages that will be certainly lost in delay. We are thankful to our old customers for past fil corn, and solicit a continuance f the same,aml ip many new ones, who will favor us with their patron wo will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courtesy and punctuallly. Remember the well known old stand late REM. INGER SHINIER, No. 6 West damilton Street, tllentown, Pa. SciIMER BROS. 411Gir .BEIL NW 71E" ap AGENTS wanted for too only authentic, tellable and official History of the Lieutenant-General. Grant and his Campaigns, BY PROF. HENRY COPPER. t Vol., 13vo , 520 v. gee, with 8 Steel Portraitr, &O. Published under Gen. Grant's Sanelion, And thoroug ty revitwd 6 ,y GE. ERAL RdWLINR, • ijeWercii Gran?. Uhtej of St off. Tees work will he in every particular trustworthy end accurate—aritton by the lieutenant-080mPa life-long friend, tram official document!, put into his bandy, it cannot full to meet every requirement of the pu blic expectation. Also SHERMAN and hie CAMPAIGNS, By Col. B. M. Bowman, and Lieut. Col. It. B. Irwin, I vol , Bvo., 512 pages, with 8 Steel Portraite t Thoroughly revised by GEN. SHERMAN himself, and piddielt;d under ilia sanction. These 'hooks are having an immense gale every where, as they aro the only authenticated 'Mitotic* of these great °anemia as a whole, for no other writers have access to the private and official papers of the several commanders. Send tor circulars to P. OARRETZ 46 00., aprl7-2m] 800 Ckestnut Street, Philadelphia. a . 8 J. steward Depuy, 4 A Q 2, 3 S. SECOND STREET, abv., SPRUC n 3 E iv ° IA t/ PIIILA., would respectfully inform his SI •-• customers nod others, that be is now selling all w ifrom one of tho largest and beet assortments of to E-• CARPETS, OIL CLOUD", Ca ts. A. • A. Window Shades ho, that ho had on hand forte 0 . 3 many years, at reduced prices. [marlll4lm us U BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. PUT UP AT WILTBEBOEB•'8 DRUG STORE, No. 223 NORTII SICOND STRUT, I • • PHILADELPHIA. Will color more water than four times the saw quantity of ordinary Indigo. It is warranted to give satiefaeiion, and is retailed at tho same 'prioe as the Imitations and inferior .z. toles. LOVE AND MATRIMONY.—Ladies and gentlomen, if you wish to marry, address the undersigned, who will send you,without monoy and without price, raluablo information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of ago, woalth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I willchetY. frilly assist you. Al letters strictly confidential.— The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Address BARAtt B. LAWlllatT i _ Anibal • Greeepelat i Inge Co:, Now Yorks
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers