AiVI • rllllll4lO 'A'll; . , EM fi ton and4t(torp..NleBday,-July 25, 1850, the. Passenger' 4 . ; ;) o,:talnii 04,44 II: R. will:ruu: as fuoows ; • • DO WN MS'. • M.t 1.. P.HR. • A CVONt. Cltuhit o 0,00 '12,30 P..M. 3,00 M SlAtlngton . ,' 0,40 " •:•• 1,08 " 3,25 ." ,12 1,8:1 " . 4,52 " Cittztat 1,45 " 5,22 A nivn,7,4o. '! ' 1,50 " 5,45 " , othlehom,. 7,58 " 1,11 " • ' 0,10 ." remnansburk, 8,07 " 2,20 " 6.22 " mann (nrrivd) 8,30 •" 2,43 7,15 " UP TRAINS. .Ltoivo* • Aceo tr. Al nit.. Baotou, 0,00 A. M. 11,45 " Freenuturburg, 0,40 " 12,09 " Bethlehem, 7,00 " 12,10 " Allentown, , 7,40 " 12,::4 " Oniagaolqun, 8, 1 47 • " 12,40 " Whltehnll, ' 8,20 " 1,00 " filntingten, 9.04 " 1.20 " Ar.. M. Chunk, 10,00 2,05 Dawn Traitor, with thvic 'Connectio.,s. ' 'rho 6,00 a. tn. Mail train will run in connection with the Catawissn, Willininsperfrand Erie train (ruin 'Elmira, Williamsport, Danville and Ito pnrt, and will connect at Alinnt9men with the En• I Penn ,sylsania train for Reading, linrrisburg and Poch , vlllO ; at Bethlehem with the North Pennsylvania rain for Philadelphia ; at Easton with II o Centre .ID 'R. of New Jersey train for New York, and at Phillipsburg wita the Bel. Del. train for indviderc This train will also enable passengers to go to the • Water I.lnp, Scranton and (heat. Bend, either by the ..11c1. Del. or the Centrid.R. R. of Now Jersey train. ' Thu 12,311 p. m. 'Express train will run in connee• ; Hen with the 13eaver 51 crlow,train from Wilk esbarro, White . Haven, Hazlet a and Weatherly. and with the East Ponnsylvanin train from Harrisburg, Potts villa and Reading, and will connect with the North Penn. train for Philadelphia, with the Central 01 New Jersey train for New York, and with tilo Bel. Del. train for LaMbortvillo; Trenton and Philadel 'lia! ‘-- . ' . Up Trains, with their Connections. The 6,00 n. m. Accommodation train will'conneet with the East Pennsylvania train for Rending, Potts ville, andllarrisburg. ... . The 11,45 a. in. Mail train will run in connection with the Del. Dol. train from Philadelphia, Trenton and Lambertville, -with the — Central of New Jersey tart' in from !New York, with the North Penn. train fr Philadolphi 1, and will connect with' the Deny or lentlow train fur Weatherly, Hazleton, White Ha on and 19ilkesbarro. ••• The 3,35. p. m. Fepress train will run in connec tion with the Central of New Jersey train for New York ntia will connect with the East Penn. train lot „Reading, Pottsville and Harrisburg, anti with the Catmilissa, Williamsport and Elmira truth, for Ru pert, Danville, Williamsport and Elmira. The morning train down and the 3,35 train up, will not stop at South Easton. R. H. SAYRE, Supt. a Prig. —lf .Tanuary 28 IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. OPEDESEDE,4I.N'S PILLS, Prepared by OorneHue L. Cheoseman, M. D. NEW YORK CITY. Tho combination of Ingredients In these Pills arc the result of n long and extensive practice. They are mild in their, operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful lilenstruations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpation of the heart, whites, fill_ nervous affections, isysteric4, fatigue, pain in the-'bao and limbs, die., distorted sleep, vrhieh arise front interruption of nature. TO MARRIED LADIES. Dr. Chrome:lan's Pills are invaluable, /IP they ivil bring on the monthly period with regularity. La dies who have been disappointed in the net, of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Pr. Cheese man's Pills doing all that they represent to do. X 0 7' I C E. There is nlt , ! condition : of the fenoile syslenr in which the Pills cannot be takers without producing a PECULIAR RESULT.' The condition referred to is PREGNANCY. Si e 1 ie the i erevistolde tendency of the Medicine to restore the sexual fnurtions to normal condition, the reproductive power ut nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from any thing injurious. Explicit directions, whi,•h should bo road accompany each box. Price $l. Seta by mail on enclosing $1 to Dn. CORNELIU9 L. CIIEESE MAN, Box 4361, Poet Office, Now York City. Dol4 by one Druggist in every Town in the D. It. B. IIBiTHINGS, GENERAL AGENT TOR THE UNITED GT.tTEs. 14 Broadway Si., NOW York. To whom all Wholeeale ()Mere should be mIE/rewall • Sold in Allontown by John B. Masser, and E. D Liman. December 7, 1860 We have carefully isteil the sstilile or lIESNLIT GROVE VII ISKEY which you is none of the poise- ISIL OIL, which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in general use. BOOTH, GARRETT it CA MAC Analytical Chemists. • CHARLES WHARTON Jo., SOLE AGENT, Philadelphia. CERTIFICATE OF DR. JADES R. CHILTON NEW YORE, Sept. Bil, 1858. I have analyzed a sample of CHESNUT GROVE WIIISREY received from Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely FREE FROM POI SONOUS ORDELETERIOUS substances. It is nn unusually pure and tine flavored quality of whiskey. ,JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Analytical Chemist. Allentown, September 28, 1859. —1 y "THE UNION," ARCS STREET ABOVE TZIUtD • PHILADELPHIA. • THE undersigned having purchased the interest of his former partner, Evan Evans, in the above Hotel, would call attention of the public to its con venience for those visiting the City, either fur busi ness or pleasure. Its situation being but n few steps from the prin ciple avenues of trade, dim inducements to those on business; while to thorn in search of pleasure, passenger railroads which now pass in close prox imity afford a choap and pleasant ride to all pianos -of intorest in-or about the city. The; Proprietor gives assurance that "The Union" shell Flo kept with such character as mill merit pub• lie approbation and would respectfully solicit patron age from Lehigh and adjoining counties. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philadelphia, August 3, 1850. —1 y POUDRETTE. 8. P JUT'S; IBICON 713 CELEBRATED• GENUINE POUDRETTE. 1 . 50,000 i l l y S ru n n E ntlo P tt tr el 3l 2l= l3l trn, Grass, Cabbago, Flower's, planting of Trees, and every kind of crop. .. Price $l2 and slstper Ton or 30 and 40 cents by the bushel.' A liberal discount to Dealers. FARMERS, if you want s good manure, go and see the Poudrette Factory of A. PEYSSON'S, Gray's Ferry Road, below the Arsenal, or to Pay/soles Farm, Gloucester, Woodbury. Road, N. J., and satisfy your selves of the superior quality of the material. Ap ply to A. PEYSSON, Office No. 12 Goldsmith's Hall, Library Sttcot, or FRENCH, RICHARDS & C 0.,. York. Avenue and Oallowhill Streets, Philadelphia February 8,1800. trz\ OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOR OF ett . M./ Travels and great discoverloa of tho Japan. a';" see and East India Medicines, with full directions for the certain cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Die ease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Female Complaints, dco. Illustrated With hundreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpoao of. rescuing as many suffering fellow-beings as possible from premature death, it will be sent to any part of the continent, by sending 26 cents to DRS. HEATH, 647 Broadway, Now York City. Sold by, E. D. Lawn% Allentown; Dr. Samuel Sandt, Easton ; .A. Polk, Mauch Chunk John `Beitenmani Hamburg; Dr. S. S. Stevens, Reading. October 28, 1F 60. —/y • ' • $ll3OO Wanted; TN SUMS not loss then $lOO, on gond security.— Further information given by the undersigned in Allentown. JONATHAN REICIIARD. Allentown, November 10.18c1). PERSONS WANTING CHANGE OF climate for health,see advertisement of Hammonton Lands in another column. sornlia s Evil • ):iszetli,iithyniciifiiii,e,,At u Ption of the•• -111114 d; by. t4ilelLthlifiniir. becomes vitiated, • weak, and . poor.. Being in the circulation, it, pervades the whole body, and may burst out, in disease on any part of rit. No organ is free from its attacks,'nor is there one which it may not deStroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by.mercurial disease, IoW living, ordered' or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits; the depressing' vices, and, aboye all, by the venereal infeetbin. What . ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;"'indeed, it seems to be the rod, of Him who says, " will visit the iniquities of the fdehers upon their children." ExpnEss. r.,35 " . Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, whiolt, in the hinge, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles,; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface,, eruptions or' sores. 'This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous coma plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; coive quently, vast numbers perish .by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause.' One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a - medietne we supply in . AYER'S .1,118 " 4,20 " 4.3:• " 4,12 1.10 Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined fkom the most active remcdials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder' from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed fbr the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other afree tons which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S Fine, ROSE, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAINS and Bons, Tomcats, Tarrrat and SALT. RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DIS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA TED OR lumina BLoon. The popular belief in impurity of th. blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer ' s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so compostd that disease within the range of their' etion—cram rarely withstand or evade them The r penetrati g properties search, and cleanse, ) and vigorat very portion of the human organ s ism, rrectin its diseased action, end restoring its hea tbiyi alities. As ti consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they curs the every-day complaints of every body, but • also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis any American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the followidg complaints: Cost ice mess, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complutnts, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. , Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID cunu: UP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. Bon, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. • So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many , inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferied benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. ISM Whiskey. FOR SALE BY C. IVIIARTON, Jr , Sole Agent, No. 116 WALNUT Street. For evidences of its hareeter, rco CFR IFICATES. PHILA., Sept. Plii, .858. DR. J. C. AVER & CO. . LOWELL, MASS. Lewis Schmidt & Co., J. B. Moser, Allentown, tad by all . Druggists and Denl6rs everywhere. Dyspepsia Remedy .DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT: Title Med ic in e has Ices seed by the public for ilia: yeast+, with increasing favor. It is seaman, hilinito Cure Dyspepsia, Nerrousneee, Iluart4 I urn, Colic Paine, IPind in the Stomach, ur Pains in the &mete, Headache, Di, wiliness, • Kidney Complaints, Low Spirits, Delirium Treme ns, hits inperaues. SIMULATES, EXHILARATES, INVIGORATES. HUI WILL NOT INTOXICATE 0111iTVI , IFY. AS A MEDICINE, it is quick and effectual, cur ing the Most aggravated eases of Dyspepsin, Kidney Complaints, and all-other derangements of the Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the week, nervous and sickly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected,' and their nervous Systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Dituntem Tnn mENS, will almost immediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigo rating Spirit. •IVIIAT IT WILL 110. Doer..—Ono wine glnis full as often as necessary. Ono dose will remove fill Bad Spirits. • Ono dose will cure Heart-burn. ' Three doses will cure Indigestion. Ono•dose will give you n Geed Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dys pepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagree. able effects ef.Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stommh receives the Invigorating Spirit, the dis- tressing load and all painful feelings will be re moved. Ono dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove obstructions in the Kid ney;llladder or Frinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with any Kid ney Complaints are assured speedy relief by n dose or two, and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent hemlock:a, R10(114:88 at stomach, weak ness, giddiness, itc., will lind one dose will remove all hail feellnr.s. 12113 Linlies of wool( and sickly constitution., should take the Invigorating Spirit three times it dor It will make them strong, Wealthy tint' happy, romovo all Obstructions and irrogularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will be found in invaluable medicine to remove disagreeable sensations at the atom nab. All tho proprietor asks, to a trial,' and to induce this. ho has put up the INVIGORATING SPIRIT in pint bottlos, at 60 eta., quarts SD • • General Depot, 48 Water Street N.Y. • Sold by E. D. Lnwall, J. B. Moser and Lewis Schmidt dt, Co., Allentown, Pa. February 1, 1800. —ly THE HAMMONTON FARMER.-A newspaper devoted to Literature end Agriculture, al so setting forth full accounts of the now settlement of Hammonton. in Now Jersey, can be subscribod for at only 25 cants per annum. Imam postage stamps for tho amount. Address to Editor of the Farmor, Hammonton .P.•O. Jeffer son County, New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land of the best quality, in ono of the healthiest and most delightful .climates in the Union, and where 'crops aro never cut down by frost, the torribbs scourge of .the north,, advertisoment of Ilatnntoxr. ton Lando. PREPARED BY NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Pekes.Oreettlieduchtinan MEI VD! Ak, " _ Zak_ 11E. 31E11 ' AT TELE UNION , , s WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CABINIT J. STILL SON, FLAN ITU RE DEALERS, Na. 3.2 Ent Ifmn s ilton Street, All-ntown, N ..% 1, the Una , u, lely par iiirti;ture. Haring adopted the Cash system. we can tisfare the pid.lie gemnally. that lie 111111 ,•1 I ly sent cheaper than goods in our line of like quality can be pur chased a: any other Cabinet Ware It, o, ii in Allen.oun. Come ono'and till, both great and small, oh( and young, tieh and poor. and 1. - n: our lar,e stock of CABIXET IVA BE, consisting of Secretaries, Book ell iiiilll-1111:114111 131.11211.1111 :111,1 I)D.sners. Solar. Loungeß, Rocking Chair?, Tables, liedctends, and in fact. every article needo ' d by a family, that have just commenced huuse keeping. ,17.20-Our Witukor and i'ane-seat Chairs. and Looking Glosses 'surpass everttbing of thidr kind to be found iii two in price and beauty, and excel them of New ,'ark and Philadelphia In 1)01111 of endurance loot cheapness. Come and Judge for yoarselves.— Every article is. warranted to he as represented or nu sale. None but the belt workmen are employed in our establiohment. Turker'o. Petnain's, nod Ilmve's Potent Spring Bedr, for saie cheap for cash. NM I*l-9,.k. or every description at a very low price for rash. The '.argent stork of lilt and paved Moulding ;11 town. and ran be bought cheaper for each of S. Sell Son, than at any other Cabinet Ware Rooms in town. - N. B. —All those under the sad want' of an Undertaker will be promptly necciramodated either by day or night, by S. Sell & Son, who also attends to the making' of shrouds, to. Tho , :e Undertakers who reside in the country, we will at all times supply with the bare coffins and all kind, of the of trimmings et very low prices for cash. P: S.-- Now all we want is a eall from one and nil before purchaser are made elsewhere. zgrAII gbod packed free o f charge land sent any distanee either by railroad or by public road. SELL A: : 4 .0N, have now added to their large. 4 stock of Cabinet Ware, the largest and finest assort S went of Window ;quotes and Fixtures that ever tree offered to the public in Al:entown, which they will sell 20 per cunt eheaper.fer cash than anyother home in Town. All of wood and Lumber taken in exchange for Furniture by Thankful for Inuit and preyent emtomers, and ue hope by tttriet attention to business to welcome many new ones. nt the low pricey utt now sell at for ent.h. Don't forget the place, No. 32 East Hamilton Street. Allentown, a few door below the Gerumn Reformod Church. SET,LI Allenturn.3nnuary 11. lq,ar The Cheapest wad Best . .r , --h I sr ~.,, . ..• ... .4 • :-. u.....• . .., • .3., t. ~,..! - - v ,e. •.. 4 * t- ,k. :at, 4.4 • , i, ...., ~... !- A. ...'?' ...,,,..,.., . , L r.c., , I.. sv : 7. 11 , f; .St .0 ,: 1 7.1....6 . ' TIN ALLENTOWN ! CAN BE 18 11 I ', 11 It "PALATIAL CIATIIIRG EMPORIUM." No. 11 East Hamilton Street, a few doors below the Allen House. Those in want of Clothing Come and take a Look ! REMEMBER 'l'llE FLA C'E. No. 11 BELOW TILE ALLEN 1100 SE FRANCIS 11. BREINIG.I I•;yAgents far Daher and GINIVCCtt rowing Machine I'REritavil im, 11"41, ..", Ai , , vir - ~!t;-: , : am r r ' - - • - , —2,‘.._::. ...t. I II! - ,:= .-- ..;0 ,-- ..-..:.:.1i.• ...faliti's . 41 1,....: '-.r ' • ' . :. ' ''. f= ' ; ''''''-' , e -.-- # • - el% ---__-,i,..-. ~ ..-...,..... _:- _ ' 4 .--,- . ' --ri,--..Esif 7::.r•5".`;::17.'...Z.1 -r.; - -' - ‘, .'"'• r : f 44::,, : v.47 .. ) : 7 's r - ,\ 3.. .-:' • ...,,..„.. •?'-, . ;,..• *.r: .. :.:t. ' ' - I.'i-A... ~, ."; ( `_.).< 7 ; f t.': t • .•‘5404 . 504 r tall' ...• 1. ••'FIFWeATRIot•'.;-:- , ' - ,• - t•—"_, : .1 . ,, s .: W; ' ' ' til,l77Fgf t tt - ,c , ;' • :' - ''' . -- ...-.;7•;:e_' -77 '_-',---- .. .- • • Cabinet •Ware •Itobrns. AVo. 2U Next Mmithin Stem!, formerly the Nen. York Sw,'e.'• . PRICE .1 WEAVER, having lately formed a co partnership in the above busine.m, respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they have on hand n first-rote aßsortment of CABINET WARE of all deseriptions,consisting (P IBureaus, Side-boards Pier, Centro, Card, Dining, and Breakfast Tables, also What-Not and Sofa Tit Ides. Parlor (711311'5. Spring seat Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Piano-stools, Bedsteads of every description, together with a general assort ment of IC ITCH EN FU RN ITURE, all of whielfthey will sell at prices which defy either town or country. They also manufacture to order every description of Furniture, and every article sold by [hotels warranted to give entire satisfaction, orno sale. So please give them a call .and see for your selves, at No. 29 West Hamilton street,—sign of the Venetian Blind. Alen,. always on hand, Tucker's Patent and PutnallfB Patent Spring Beds. Also, all kinds of Looking Masses. N. B.—A complete assortment 0 Venetian Blinds always on hand, and made to order at short notice. SIMON 11. PRICE. HENRY S. WEAVER Feb.' 25.—tfi GREAT EXCITEMENT ! IMPORTANT NEWS. PILE undersigned has opened his NEW CABINET WAREROO, at No. 0., West Hamilton Si., near lingenbuch's Ilutol, in the Borough of Allen town, where he has in store, of his own manufacture, a good assortment of F Ul? NI T IT•1?E, Consisting 'of Dressing and Plalh Buroaus, Ward robes, Secretaries, Book Cases, Sofas, Extension and other Tables, Stands of ovary description, hign, tow, and Cottage Bedsteads, Cane Seat, Windsor, and Rocking Chairs, Settees, Looking Glasses. of all sizes, and all other articles in his lino of business. Persons who are about to engage in housekeeping can procure a full outfit at prices ns low, if not n lit tle lower, than can bo purchased elsewhere. All the Furniture is %roll made, 1111 d can ho warranted to bo good. Repotting promptly nttendod to. JOINT MALBURO. Allentown, Janunry 4, 18511. --3 m PERSONS WISHING TO CHANGE their business to a rapidly increasing country,. a Now Sattlutnont, whore hundreds are goin where the climate is mild and' delightful, see advertisement oaf the Hammonton Settlement in another column. = wAla BOOM BOVGHT & COMM'S CLOC ATCHES, .INTO LRY. C 1 A It ES S. 3 A SS F. No 23 East Ilutaillon street, opposite the Outman Re !waited Church, A llentown Pa. OULD respectfully leg leave to inform hi: nice& and the public generally, that ho line just rescued from New Yolt and Philadelphia the largest and hest selected tOek Of CLOCKS, wATen- E6..IEWELItY and SILVER WARE ever uffered for rule in Allentown. All of mush he is determin ed to sell lit - prices lower than ever hefiire offered— lis cheap if not cheaper than the sumo con he bought in the cities—mad guarantee all goods to be what' they are represented. All are invited to call and ox. amino for themselves. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired in the beat style'und all work warranted. MELODEONS. Alen on Kind a largo assortment of Melodeons of the hest manufacture for churches and private bons as. Thankful for past encouragement, he hopes by uttentilai to business to merit a eontinuanee of the satne• Sept. 21, 1859. —lv Domini O4 „ COFFEE POT a iNe.4ol, EN:2Olt, Doing based, as Dr. Hall, of the Journal of Health, says, "on science and common sense," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to suporcedo all others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM,' & (311,110 Y, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Solo Manufacturers under the Patent. girror sale by Dealers 111 iiolllllle keeping Articles, and Storekeepers generally. Briggs & Helfrfch =I COUNTRY PRODUCE Q UCH ns Pork, Beef, 11Iutton, Smoked Ments, Poul IJ try, Wine, Eggs, Butter, Lord, Cl/ CCEC, Flour Grain; Fruit, ,te. ALSO IN LIVE STOCK. 184 and 185 West Washington Market, (First Row . North or Fulton Street, New York.) slaughtered at.short notice. Orders fur liroccrie., Fish, Fruits, promptly tilled. All Yhtters of inquiry will receive fin:nudists attention. lye-Business strictly Coonnissinn. Solos strictly ntlentled to at the Boats and• Railroad Depots, and return:l promptly Jimmie. • JOSEPH BEIOGS.) UroNATHAN R. lieLrnien. Now York, August 24, 1859. • —ly ViIINCHESTEIR & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 2TORE Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Manufactory, AT the old stand, No. TOR Chestnut tract, Philo dolphin, opposite the Washington House. . A. WINCHESTER will give, as heretofore, his personal supervision of the Cutting and Manufactur ing departments. Ordertifor his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Persons desiring to order Shirts, can ho supplied with the formula. fur measurement, on application by. Constantly on hand, it varied and select stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. ;,.. - JY-Wholesaleorders supplied on liberal terms. ALL WANTING FARMS, IN A DE lightful climate, rich soil, and secure from frosts, see advortisethent of Hammonton Lands in another col umn. S: SELL k SON S. SELL & SON. [C. B. M. SELI EMI A T [SAMUEL COLVEIt. [March . 14, 1960.—1 y I=l MI DR:'HA ... \,l 1. , .: 10:1 It Y T? tal,Fi F. • DR. HAMP WS Coinpoimit Diiir 'c Pills. ____o_,,_ . & 1 f r DR.. iiIMPTON'S HA PTON'S r DR.. DR. HAM TON'S • . • DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPT N'S • DR. HAMPTO S DR. HAMPTON' , • • DR. HAMPTON'S •DR. HAMPTON S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S COMP'D DIURETIC PILL4 ' ' . COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIuRETIC PILLS. ' COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC, PILLS. • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, CoMr D DIUVETIC PILLS. COMM) D/URETIC PILLS, COMp‘D'DIURETIC PILLS. DR HAMPTON'S 11R D A MPToNS • DR HAMPTON'S DX HAMPTON'S - - • on! HAMPTON'S DR Ai A M PToN . 8 DH tIAM PToN S DR. LIAMPToN S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S' COM P'D DIURETIC Plus. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. , COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. - COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, . , CURE GRAVEL, • CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, • CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. CURE GLEET. CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET. CURE GLEET, . CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, C.O RE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE • STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE. 'CURE LEUCHORRIRE A , CURE LEUCHORRUCE•A, CURE LEUCHORRIICE A , CURE LEUCIIORRIKEA , CURE LEUCHORRVICE A , CURE LEUCHORRHCEA, CURE LEUCHORRIICE A , . CURE LEUCHORRIRE A , CURE LEUCHORRIREA, CURE LEUCHORRIICE A , CURE LEUCHORRIKE A , CURE LEUCHORRIREA, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND SEXUAL ORGANS. DR. 11A1V3IVON'S Compound Diuretic Pill, , CONTAIN NEITHER 1141.4 AM ()R MERCURY, BUT ARE PURELY YE GETABLE IN itEra COMPOSITION, MILD HUT PROMPT IN THEIR ACTION, AND NEVER PAIL TO CHILE THE MOIT HOPELESS OASE OF THOSE Dl4• SEASIIS TO WHICH THEY ARE PARTICULARLY ADAPT/4H. Dr. HAMITON'S COMPOUND DIURETIC PILLS ARE ENDORSED. RECOMMENDED AND I 7 SF.D BY THE PRACTICE 01 , PHYSICIAN :8 GENERALLY. roil. TIIE CURE OF THE ABOVE DISEASES, WHEN prustetAss RECOMMEND A PRICPA TION SUFFEBERS SHOULD NO LONGER HESITATE TO TEST ITS EFFICACY. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. 'FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWEERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. • FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR .ALE,EVERYWEERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER 110.: PREPARED ONLY BY DR. J. T. RVIIVIPTOINT & CO" 405 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. : 13:7ME.cSRS. LEWIS SCHMIDT fi CO. AND JOHN IL MOSER, AGENTS FOR• 'ALLENTOWN, PA..: MESslts. HARvEr, BIRCH k BRO., SOLE AGENTS FOR REEKS COUNTY. Philadelphia, November ;10, IS U. —ly MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just Published; in . a Scaled Envelope. (IN THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND ADI ICAL CURE OP SPERMATOIIIOIOEA, or Seminal Wertltness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary F.missions, imluciug Impotency and Mental and Physical Incapacity. By noB. .T. CULVERWELL, M. D., Author of" The Green Book, d•r." The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from has own experience that the awful consequences of self-abuse may ho effec tually removed without Medicine and witbotit dan gerous Surgical operations, bangles, instruments, range or cordials t pointing out a mode of cure nt puce certain and effectual, by which ovary sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. This. Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, poet paid, on the, receipt of two postage stamps by addressing Dr. CIL J. C. KLINE. M. D., 480 first Avenue Now York, Poet Box 4588. —ly January 17.—Dec. 14. ' GRAPE GROWERS CAN CARRY on their business moot successfully at Hammonton, free from frosts. Some forty Vineyards Fet out the the pest season. See advertisement of 'Hammonton Lands, another <Arnim, 7!'.:::::; - tigOtt:ii.*i'.. ,. ' , 'STOMACW.BITTERC' !rho :propriet ors.and monnfaettwers of 11'08'.. TETTEA'S cEbßintygp satigkoi! Bflc TUBS can appeol s with, perfect conildenee . physticians and. eitizenl,generally of the 'United litotes, ligeanse.the.nrttple has repot tation heretofore unknown. A few IlihtsinpOn thiS paint will :speak Moro powerftilly. than volinues of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The Consumption of Ifosfetter',4 Stomach lin ters for the litsf year amounted to over a half bottles, and trout its manifest steady increase in limes past, it is evident that during tlie 'coming year the consumption will reach near one million - bottles.. This immense amount cotthl nevet• /MVO been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained iu the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article iv best known, who not only recommend the ltitiers to their patients, hilt are ready at all times to give testimonial. to its efficacy in till eases of stoniechic derangements and the discasr: restiltingblierellrom. This is 1101 if temporary popularity ohtnineil by extraordinary efforts in the way trum peting the qualities Sr the bitters. hat n solid estimation of on itivoluslile'roedieine, which is destined to he ns enilttritig ns time Hostetter's Stotnnelt Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other biLions complaints hove counted their Vietinis ty build:eds. To he able to :tato confidently d a rt the are a Certain, cure for the Bripepsia and like diseases, is to the plot:victors 11 source or Un alloyed pleasure. It removes till morbid matter front the stomach, purities the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the ucrVl ir.. system, giving it that tune mud enerey indo.pensoble fur the restoration of healtib It opt cot eti upon the stomach, liver, nod other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores then: to neondilion essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nsture. Elderly persons may use the Bitters doily as per directions on the bottle, find they will find in it a stimulant pectiliorly adapted to cuntfort declining years. an it is pleasant to the pnlate, invigernt hug to the bowels. excellent ns a tonic, and rejuvenntiug generally. \Va have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experleneed the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de-. I:torments and generaldebility: net ing under the advice of physicians, they hove abandoned till deleterious drugs nod fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words .to the gentler :icy. There are certain periods when their ear,: are hava , •;ng flint many of them sink tinder the trial. 'flio relation of mother and child is nu absorbingly tender. that the Mother, especially it she he young, in apt to. forgot her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infititt. Should, the period of maternity orrice during the HIIIIIIIIer*ItIV.OII, the Weill' of body and wind is generally oggravot ed. Hero. then, is n necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the nicr!iies of the -ysten,, :Ind enable the mother to up under her exhausting trials and respinsibilitie , . Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the !litters to nil oilier invigora tors that receive the iqnlersenterit of physi -6:111.9, lieente , c it is ngreroble to the taste as well tv; veyt:titt to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those, persons. to whom we hove particu larly 'referred above, to wit: sufferers front fever . and ague. caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery. indige-itii.n, he , " of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superonnuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical weltiuv by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters n trial. CA IiTION.--We . eantion the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask fur HOST ETITR'S C1:1.1:1MATI:0 STO3I ACII 1:I TT nus, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr..l. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and et nmped 011 the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is 011 the label. itZ- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pit., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and deniers generally throughout the United Stated, South Ame rica, and Germany. AOENTS.—LewI. 1.;„ 1). I,awall .1. hn Sl. Tinsel., Allentown : Jaeol. S. Lawnil, Cala • amino; U. O. Saylor. Shonnersville. Novettil,er Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Debility . uf the System, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acidity, . Liver Complaint, Acidity, Bilious • Complaints, Sick Itenduelw, Bilious Complaints, sick Hemlock, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, and the numherles,4 nlhrrr di:nal:4s arising froin In digestion a'ail functional tliso.,l, es I the stoma( I, find,' when the disease is not hi ! low? the power of med icine, ready relief in that established and sterling remedy, THE OXYGENATED 1717"YEICS, TILE OXYGENATED BITTERS, cONTALV/NG NO ALCOHOL.. Reliable Testimouy We eail the liiiriltlUti ;•/ ihr th1J1 , 11t , 11 . 4 . 11y Wt . :4 , 1111'11 Villetl.:41.11: NiII,DLETuWN. Conti., Felt. SETH 11'. Fos by. & Co. Gentlemen: I that Malta use Oh the cßygoliiired hitters come seven or eight year= since., tidying Ilfrviell for 'Well?) yr.llB trout a turn of dyspepsia, ti Inch was attended t% 101 l ix toorvons heada die, on on Leverage of nut 'MI Mall one day In a week, I was Induced, by the unpretending ter - ommendatioa or Dr. Green, toi toy elle bottle, and it no benefit tens teeeiveol to ilierolitinile 1110 Me." The Ilse u 1 .40 1 .0 laAllO iiarialllntl a further Hull, to the extent of -mine thiee Ili lugr, nib a earefill obeet railer Ili the accompanying direenollS. TIM 1e61.11 %%an, an nlutuxt Malin I”tier iromthe unuul dy, peptic symptom++ 'and theit* ilepre++itiy, f011,e411101.1.,. I Ia lim e these Ilitter.l prodneoit an mane change In the habits of Illy nyatoW, and upon the adieu energies of the digestive organs. 1 uuw tiepin Inynell an NCelilla halal Dyollll , ia a x 1110 MI lopronlo. The , o Bittern have also het.ii 11l st vice to oilier member++ 01 toy fawily. ee-prethilly yonro, N'. 8)1 I'l'll. TILE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. STOOIIMtO, N. IL, Sept.:hi, itro. tites , ru. SLTIt AV : row ht. ez GPM,. : 1 1,,t, for many year+, a great mlk try from Dt•epepsia or IVaterbraidi, and tried al tmod every ildog within my reaeli, hut to no heuetit, until I wits induced by the recommendation of toy physician, Or. Ilazelton, to make use of the Oxygenated. Illttare.: The runt bottle produced toil a alight alteration in the disease, and hail IL not liven for tiro urgent reipie,t lit my physician, 'Mould then have disenatinited their tire, thinhitig them to ho of no avail; but Min confidence inspired me to per revere, Plitt after lining to mho euleut lit half a dozen bot tles, I had entirely regained my health. I hope all Dympeptie persona will ho induced 10 01'0 them it fair trial, being confident that the remedy iu the most potent, lie the various Minns of lipipep,ia, that han Leen pro• dneed. STEARNS FOSTER. OXI m IiEN ksr.o BI rT11101..: To rod' of our readers ax uro troubled with tho debility incident to the approach of warm weather, wo eurdialli recommend the too of time Oxygenated Bitters an an invigorating wide,— con taining no olruhol in its compopition, nod' possersing more real merit than any preparath.n of tho hind we lumen over hnown. Ogilendburg Republican. THE OXYGENATED BITTERN, THE OXYGENATED BITTELIS, PREPARED BY S. W. rowLE & CO., 18 . Tremont Street, Boston. Sold by Druggists, Dealers, and Merchants in ercry town and city in New England, and . elsewhere. AGI:NTS.—E. D. Lawnll and John It dosser, Allentown; Jacob liaw*,lll, eatasanqua; W. Tool & Sun, Emacs ' • James Wailer, Macungie; Simon Rau and M. M. Scliridr, Bethlehem. Allentown, Feb. AMERICAN Paint and Color Works , ALLENTO , Pd. DREINIO 11110. Inannfueturere of White Lend, Zinc White, thrown Green and Yellow, ChineFe and ProFsinn Blue. Timber, Sionna.poniA Von. Red; Ochre?, Jte. Pure Lehigh Cliemit!al Croon Pure Lehigh Metallic Drown.' . Deetnnher 14, 18:41. 'PALL AWD ftY4it„bwtilNG M=M=MM 411, C LOT H I Nl44lll7olwriG .),gfriYOßE. n i o lL i ti ' , at and g' c; nn- re t 1 .1 4 1 1 A u t. R I "I ". e l l' ou 6t at is * Ar ih ye' ,e Penna. my aleck or' ;: ' ; ' ..• , PALL. AND W INTER.CLOTIONG Which for variety arid excollenca of.panufaoture ascoetbythnt of former emulous. I • • Into noiT on hajul, and intend koaptng a gen eralassortment of CIENTI.V.MEN'S AND TON'S OI,OTII - of all qualltlo rind grudeet_cousistlrig of IlLecit, BLUE AND Bn&wj Fnocrz AND DRESS I COATS, OVERCOATS, IN FIIOCK, SACK 4 1 AND RAGLAN' STYLES, PANTS AND VESTS. ALIO, oil kinds of Oonllgßupee rurnishlneGoods v iz : 6iitnTs; DitetlVEßK;' NECK AND POCKET FIAKDKEROTIEPS, 01.0VES STOCKS, SOON, SUSPENDERS, ho., dr.C. Math:mine attention la•paid to `the'getting up of this (quilling,' nntl thoeo will find a large assortment comprising all'the Now Styles, equal to Custom Work in matte and,iinish. Ou hood Clothe Cassitnere and, Yestings, of tbo Lest quality which'svill be tondo up to order, in stos. alum Insbionable manner ut n reasonable rate 'mina very short notice. ,t The Custom Depertmetit is 7under the management of n praotieni end experienced Cutter, who has giv en entisruction, and purchasers. !nay rest mina that all bonds furnished at.this establi,shment aro nelerted will; si Coq rognra to durability. T will mile I,ep constently on hand and for sale n hrnvy ns:nittoo.ot of 13roadeloths., Cassimeres, Vegfing 9, Trimmings, which will he sold by the yard at the very lowest -rates, 'Respectfully, Allentown, September 28 .HANDSOME 'LAMES ATTENTION! GOOD LOOKING MEN READ!! Children Don't Cry: 14 -30 It J.IIIES HESS paid nebietion to all 1: your wants. rot Indies he has the nicest furs evir seen in ibis (moldy, such 111 Mink, Fitch, Sable, Opossum. !tr., of every dosarlptiOn.nna grades—full rapes, half capes awl vieterines—nnd selling them for Outwit nothing.. .0n13 , 111 for a ; whole set, Cape, Cull's and Mull. f defy . competition — if any dealer in this county will .or ran eell'F'ura cheaper then I do 1 will give thcln away—inow.Ll, , yottr, time and elmnee, just rail and sittl:f3i yettraelves: HATS AND OAP. T_TB .lugs on hand tifi l eldititit assortment 11 of PosnionnbltVBtyles for 186 Q, ' . , - ,4o7l"dpAaitiong which aro a' good supply from the best establishments in New York and Philadelphia made expressly to order, which for elegance and durability aro not excelled. Also, all kinds of Fur and Hats, Infants and Youth: , Silk and Ben or Hots. Also, a largo assort meat of Silk Plush and Cloth Cnps, of all prices and Inaliyt—all of which will ho sold at the lowest rates. Wolf, Cat and Buffalo Robes. cheaper than the cheapest. ' For children, fancy Cava end Furs of every de scription and color, from $1.50 to $6 a set. B. Cash, and the very highest market price, paid for Furs mid thins of all kinds. Remember the place, No. 33 East Hamilton St, nearly opposite the Corman Reformed Church., SYLVESTER 'WEILER, Agent. .Allentown, Jan. 1S Great A ttr mite n AMUSE GOODS AID. CLOTHE! Wing' F. Miller, NO. 53 EAST HAMILTON. STREET, k uo Doons BELOW TIIE AMERICAN II aEL,) ALLENTOWN, PA. _ _ T) ESPECTFULLY nnnouncts to his friends and It the Pnblir. in general, thnt be has just received splendid wsurtment of New and Seasonable hoods, j, which will be made up to order on short no- It tiro in the latest styles, nod in a superior II manner ; consisting partly of fine Black French Coths of all grades, Blue, Mown; Olive and Green Glottis Black Doeskin Cassimeres of nll erndes, Zambona Cassimere new style, French Silk mixed Cortingn—heavy, n large assort ment of Frond; nod English enssimeres—elegant styles, Domestic Cnrsitnereti of all qualities, a large assortment of MatulasFe Vcatings, Plain and figured Grenadines, Fancy Silks of all qualities, .1;e. Onnene thankfully received hnd promptly executed at reasonable terms'. I= zfr-ettnli boyern will . find i 1 to theirparticular nd crial,nlr In obta in their tilutliing nt thia entabliehment, gin lliey will ire more to receive the beet nl,tninatic cubic for their money. Per ectitagfgallowecifor cosh. Also, agent fur WILCOX & Ones Family Sewing Machine, which Inns an established roPutatlon ns the be , t extant. The singular simplicity and beauty of its mechanism IR allotted by the fact, that while it is . nokm•less in It., (ipertstlon, It le competent to make, ot lent , t, .101111 stiches n in inuto with unerring neeura ..y. Price. with Tumble, $:10. . . FALL AND WINTER STYLES. Buy your Hats AT BERGER & KECK'S. N u. Wert 1 !amnion street, where they now bare 011 11111111 the largest m.sarttnent of lIA 7'S A YD C A RS. Fell end Winter ,tyles over se ► en In Al • • lent.ovn, comprising every known style nod quality, trom e donors luau to /11 11 / wits, end such that will .lecome old and yi.ung, Their stork of Cape is the largest in A lien town. 1111,1 Euld it extreme low pri- To eanvinee the piddle of whet is said, it may be well to state that they have/two-one different styles. ,:tirtly enough to give n person it chance of suiting Coll and ire them. All Hat, evinernmered under the supervision of Mr I:urger:he heing a preetleal hotter. Remember the , tand. directly opposite Berber & Young's hard ware Storn, West H mi I on street. .:gLii - Country Merchants would•do well to give es it,lllll, as wit will ivlAolimale them 111113111111 caps cheap er than they can get them in the city. 11 Elal ER K ECK A liedtwn. Septe mber2l , 1859 LIVERY STABLE. WILLIAM F..YEACER, 1 L informs his friends and • the piddle genet...ll3', that :he still continues to ..a.try on the Livery lnuiness in Law Alloy, (in the rear Or Dr. litanies rosillence„) where he IS prepared to ace,dotantlato all who wish horses and vehicles, nI the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. His ,hook for , ol+ 1111:4 be cu tittipOted With great eare, and trained with all especial view to safety, which him in a petition of keephfg the very model of a I ' 4 xaviaty STAB= 1. tt;‘, Ito does not approve of hiring out hroltet...don ring-boned, spavined, or ditt eit.w.: hot :•es, but .of keeping the right kind of stock, 30 can travel well ;ma do credit to his stable. 11 IF rarelagctl and vehichlem of every description will olwais be kept clean nod in gond order. lie trusts that by strict attention to business and keeping the beet of stock, ho will be favored with a lihetal share of patronage. • orders loft at the Allen House will be promptly attended to, WILLIAM F, MEAGER. Allentown, Atuturt 10.'1859, . OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. t. it ;NI I:SICAL FIIT Lite 1% inter rver,v Si . ' v:.. Nve6'lpil, Erer'y Amateur Ey the entire Press of the country,. to be " The Best and Cheapest \York of the kind in the World." Twelve fall-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for TEN CENTS. Yearly, Sr'; Half-yearly, $2.50; Quarterly, $1.25.. Subscribe to "Our Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest News dealer, and you will hare Music enough for your entire family and at inslgniti cent cost; and if you want Music; for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionct, Accordion, ea.., etc., sub scribe to the SOLO 111BLODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only TEN CENTS a ..Number ; Yearly, $2.50; II:dr-yearly, $1.25. All tho Lucie Numbers at 10 cents, and Bound Vol nines, containing 17 Numbers, at $2.30 each, con stantly on band C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 107 Nos:mu Stieet, New York. —2m January 25, 1200 To L6t. % SHOP colloid° for a Tin Sinith, Saddler or Shon a molter ic offered for rent, cheap—it le callable hest for n riugle man. -Thera fa nlno room for one or n.rc Cigar Molten!. For further parlieulorc inquora Ilosen , :telc,:Mnrch 7, 1500 CHARLES ICECK. ISO MB :ND, a Rare Companion fur Ehnuld procure this \reekly Publication of Vocal and Piano Fort« Music, cost. MEIMEINEUI number, and pronounced DAVID GETMAN.. -4t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers