CM El . . . _ _ . ,iuer.—A . lig .:.Flimily fintnd in an up loan; teninient house:—A scene of misery and starvation - wile last evening revealed in on up,. '.iiwri • teitement house, which; for actual horror Is rarely &palled in fiction. As Officer Duncan, of the llth,precinet, was 'going hie round of patrol duty, at 11 i.. s. last • evening, he was informed that there was a family on the verge of Starvation in a tear tenement house of Avenue B. and 14th street. The officer immediately went to the place and number of the room indicated. Knocking at the door and receiving no answer, he opendd it. The room was dark. A man in feeble voice asked him what ho wanted.. Making known toe object of his visit, a light was ob tained from an adjoining room. The scene thatpresented itself was terrible to look upon. The man, too inanimate to rise, was seated on the floor. By his side lay his wife, holding in her arms an infant two months old The mother and child wore perfectly nude ;, an old and faded quilt was their only covering. The wife was too ill to speak above a whis per. In a bed room adjoining were three children lying sound asleep—a boy and two girls, their ages varying from four to nine years. They were lying on the slats of a bed stead with not a particle of bed clothing upon her. No food or fuel was in the room. The only furniture was a stove, a shaokly table and the miserable apology for a coverlid which covered the wife and child. Through the officer's kind mess a fire was soon kindled in the stove, nour ishing soup provided for the sick wife, and proper food obtained for the husband and -children, with abundant supplies of clothing. This morning the wife was sent to the Bel /ovue Hospital, and the children to Randall's Island. The husband has been left to take care of himself. His name is George McFar ,lan. He was born in Ireland, and is thirty years of age. He has been living in Boston several years, until seven months ago, when he came with his family to this city. For a few weeks he obtained work in the Manhattan Gas Factory, but has been outof work over amonth. He is a temperate man. He sags he has ap plied for work at all the city department and elsewhere about the city. Gradually ho has pawned and sold all his furniture. The part ing between him and his wife was very affect ing, as the latter, this morning, was conveyed to the hospital. The tenement house referred to above is 'owned by a German. A dispossess warrant lad been serried on Mr. McFarlan,owing to 12,..... '.his inability to pay • rent, and to-ay ho e and Ns family were to avl eon turned into the street.—N. Y. Post, d. " THE TRANCE OF LOVE"—ROMANTIC INCI DENT IN TEE LIFE OP A YOIING GlRL.—Solve time last August, a promising young lawyer of this city, while on a professional visit to Springfield, Illinois, met the daughter of one of the most prominent citizens of that place at the house of a mutual friend, and being charmed with her fine personal appearance and 'varied accomplishments, made her an of fer of hid heart and hand, and was promptly accepted. At length the lover awoke to the fact that he had some business engagements to meet in this city the latter part of last week, and was theiefore compelled to 'bid her a re luctant farewell. The second day after his departure, the girl, to the great surprise of her parents, sud denly disappeared,. and all efforts to ascertain whither she had gone wore unavailing. After spending a day without learning anything of her whereabouts, they telegraphed the fact to her lover, who immediately returned to assist in unravelling the mystery. To his great joy he found her once more among her friends, and learned the particulars of her mysterious disappearance and recovery, which are sub stantially as follows : After their separation, a few days before, she felt an unaccountable inclination to follow her lover ; but knowing how imprudent such an act would he, she battled against it with all her will till the next day, when some irre sistible power impelled her to this course.— Hastily collecting a few articles of clothing, she made her way unobserved to the railway depot, and took the cars for Lafayette, Ind., where she knew her bethfothed would remain two or three days on his way home. From this time till her arrival in Lafayette, she seems to have been in a state of partial uncon sciousness, and has no distinct recollection of anything that transpired. After walking about the streets of that town for some hours, the pmprietor of the Bramble House, who had more than once observed her haggard appear ance and singular manner, kindly took her in, and partaking of some refreshments, and a few hours' sleep, she returned to conscious ness, and was at first not a little surprised to find herself among strangers so far from home. Suddenly she remembered what she had done, and informing Mr. Dale her protector, of the facts of the case, he placed her on the first train for Springfield, and notified her firiends by telegraph that she was on her way home. Their joy on meeting her again was andencrib able.—Cincionati Enquirer. DESPERATE ATTEMPT AT SP ICI DE.-A woman named Jane Col Well made a desperate attempt to commit suicide on Monday afternoon, by jumping overboard from the ferry boat Gem. She went on board as the boat was leaving the wharf, and walked backed to the stern, when she took off her bonnet, and tied a handker chief around her head, and then jumped into the river. From some Unaccountable cause she did not sink, but floated at full length on the surface of the water. While lying in this position, she floated several rods, making all the time the most desperate efliwts to get under water. She only succeeded in getting her head under several times, and seemed glad enough on each successful occasion to get it out again. While engaged in this interesting employment she VMS picked up by a small boat, and pulled out, groaning and lamenting that she could not be allowed to have her own way. She had no thanks to offer her preservers, and evidently did not appreciate very highly the favor. they had rendered in pulling her out. She said she had experience enough of this world's troubles, and wanted to be out of it, all of which was doubtless true enough, for she looked forlon and poverty-stricken.- It would have been impossible to have eared her if she had sunk, but on account of the manner in which she floated it was impossible to drown her.— [Detroit Free Press; Tus OIL SPRINGS.—The excitement attend: ant upon the discovery of the oil springs in Ohio and Pennsylvania, does not subside in the least, and probably will not, so long as the yield increases - . The Zanesville . (Ohio) Courier in relation to these oil districts, says that HOMO years Once a stream running through Ply mouth township, in Huron county, was turned from its course in order to quarry stone from its bed. The stone was taken out to the depth of eight feet, when it was found so thoroughly saturated with oil as to be useless. The work was abandoned and until the oil excitement sprang up in Pennsylvania, but little was thought of it. Now, however, it is becoming of importance, and although the river at pres ent is so high as to prevent working, still the srounll is leased, and will be . carefully exam ined and bored, with hope of success. Of the oil in Mecca, Trumbull county, we learn that the principal workers have bored as deeply in one shaft as they deem necessary and will im mediately erect a pump and draw up the, oil. A StrARP TRANSACTiON.—An exchange pa per Mates that a fellow in Vertiango county, Pa., profited in the following manner by the " oil excitement" now prevailing so extensive ly in the Western and Northwestern part of Pennsylvania. Ho bored a hole on his land, poured a barrel of oil in it, and then called his neighbors to see the large yield. The re sult was that, ho sold his land for $2,000 in cash, pocketed the money, oiled his boots and " slid." Sei".The challenge of Mr. Scorcher, the bil liard player; against the whole world, to play a match for $5OOO a side, has boon accepted by Mr. Lynch, of San Francisco. The terms are to the following effect: The match to col off in San Faancisco—Mr. Lynqh pay , hag Reeteiteen paean° to that city. It is to be Dm' $5OOO a side, and to eonsist of 2060 Ultitai to be made with rein belles eau eared( t • Mrs. lisetbi BlaselE4; of Detroit; Mich,; h • been absent from her home for some days, when she was found under the following circumstan ces, as related .by the Detroit Tribune: It seems that she visited Mt. Elliott Cemetery, and that she wandered off in the wrong direc tion until-she got into one of the large marshes in Hamtramck. Here she 'wandered about until she happened to approach a large lllktu house, in the night of Sunday, When the dogs made such an outcry as to awaken the owner, at the same Eme that they frightened her away. They followed her, however, which served to guide the farmer, who found her in the marsh, wet to the waist and her clothing frozen stiff. It is a wonder that she did not perish, as it seems probable that sho must have been without food or shelter for nearly three days. How a woman of her years could' en dure such an amount of hardship is a marvel indeed. ltek-The Alla Ca!Temkin, speaking of the progress of San Francisco, says ther!, are eleven foundries and iron works, Airmailing employment to 370 men and take in $2,500,- 000 per annum. There is 1 cordage factory employment 40 men, and use 1,900,000 pounds of hemp yearly. A sugar refinery, 6iving employment to 20 men, and has a capacity to refine 400 tons of sugar, and niake 20,000 gal lons of syrup per month. There is a woollen facto!) , employment 30 operatives ; 2 gold re. fineries; 8 private assay offices; 3 chemical works : 7 campheno distilleries ; 2 macoaroni factories; 1 rice mill ' • 1 barrel factory, with a capacity to make 250 barrels per day . ; a glass foundry ; and an infinity of other industrial institutions too numerous to mention. Tho great car of industry moves ever onward in San Francisco. ri'Three dwarfs are on exhibition in Paris now who are represented as more wonderful even than Tom Thumb. They aro respectively of Italian, Austrian and Hungarian origin.— One is 19 years old, and measures 30 inches in hight ; the second is 25, and 31 inches high ; and the third is 25, and 35 inches high. They only *speak German, but give French songs, and are said to be very amusing and capitol actors. Xte„..The funded debt of the three principal cities of the Union compares'as follows : , On Dec. 31st, 1859, Philadelphia had assumed a debt of $2O, 913, 505 05. On tho same day New York had a debt of $17,801,489. On Apiil 30th, 1845, Boston had a debt of $B,- 954, 949,77. Of the funded debt of New York, the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund hold $4,714,642. LARGE GRADUATING CLASS,-At the annual commencement of the Jefferson Medical Col lege, of Philadelphia, on Monday last, the de gree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred upon one hundred and seventy gentlemen, gradu ates of the college. Of this number ono hun dred and twenty wore natives or residents of the southern states. Te) appears that the twenty-third of April, the day fixed for the Charleston Con vention. is the birthday of Senator Douglas. A. Richmond paper observes that it is one big with events, Shakespeare and Cervantes hav ing departed life on that' day. It will be re membered in future as the occasion when the Little Giant gave up the ghost politically. Q"The death of Mr. J. K. Hanson, one of the oldest citizens of Washington, is announc ed in the National Intelligencer. Mr. Hanson was a nephew of John Hanson, of Maryland, President of the first Congress, and a near kinsman of Alexander Ranson, formerly a distinguished United States Senator from that State. • UM Major Robinson, a solo fifer, ono day recently furnished the martial strains for two militvy companies in Dayton, Ohio. It was estimated that they walked five miles, and were out one hour and a half, during which time the Major never ceased playing. tar A word to the boy who expects to be President of the United Slates in A. D. 1900. Refuse all instructions concering the points of the compass,. since it is absolutely necessary that you should known o North, no South, no East, no West ! Cannel coal have been discovered near Waverly, Missouri, lying in a strata three feet' in thickness. The coal, says the St. Louie Bulletin, is of such fine quality that it may he easily ignited with a candle. Ser Among • the• late California items is a stntement that Col. Fremont is sending down from his mills to San Francisco " a chunk of gold about the size of n Philadelphia brick every Week." (7A merchant who lived at Baton Rouge, and who was onee worth $150,000, was arrested for vagranCy week before last, having in five years gambled away his entire fortune. ,GOVERNOR PACKER sent into the Senate, on Wednesday, a message nominating Charles 1). Ilineline as Superintendent of Public Print ing. lila-Jesse Moore, aged 101 years and 2 mos. died in the Schuylkill county, Pa., alms-house on the llinst. lie was a soldier of the war of Illgt,..The total amount of gold produced du ring the first ten years by the mines of Cali fornia and Australia is $1,400,000,000, bar Commenced again—the rush to the gob. diggings at Pike's Peak. Mining pros pects are said to be never so bright. ow-Mere are now nearly 150 temperance societies in Norway, and drunkards are rapid ly disappearing from, that country. le-A bachelor of our arquintance, who has a very pretty sister, recently wrote to another equally fortunate, " please exchange." I.There are 165 soldiers of the Revolu tion still living. The youngest of them is 89 years old. MARRIED On the 13th inst., by the Roy. J. S. Dubs, Mr. JOSEPH SENSINOER, of Washington, to Miss SARAN ANN RAUCH, of .Lynntown. On the 18th inst., by the same, Mr. Psui, REIIELY to_ H MISS CATARINE BLOSS, both of Washington. On the same day, by the same, Mr. JOHN Ktnins, of Upper Macungie, to Miss FLOWANN pLANY, of North Whitehall. DIED. On the let inst.,in Heidelberg, of Scarlet Fever, CHARLES HWARD SOLOMON, on of Dr. Joseph and Adelaide Kuder, aged 3 years.. On the sth inst., in North Whitehall, GEORGE .VA SIIINGTON, infant son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Fenstermacher, in his 2nd year. On the Gth inst., in Lowhill, ELIZABETH MERTZ, in her 60th year. On the Bth inst., in North Whitehall, HENRY JAMES, infant son of Henry and Mary Ann Media*, aged 5 years. On the oth inst„ in Washington, SUSANNA EACIIER, aged 74 years. Ou the 13th inst., in Upper Macungie, JANE ELIZABETIIY daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Krack, aged 6 years. On the 11th inst., in North IVbitehall, Jo- SEPII NATHAN, son of Philip Mid Theresa Horn, aged 5 years. ' • On the 15th inst., in North Whitehall, JO SEPH FRANKLIN, son of Aaron and Maria Ann Kennel, aged 2 year. •• • . On the 15th inst., OswELL JANE, aged 6 years.— On th 6 18th inst., ANNA 111EDINA, aged 10 years. On the same day, MENETTA, aged 3 years. On the same day, 111...5in ALICE, aged 4 years. On the 22d inst., JOSEPYINE, aged 7 years. All children of Gideon and Justina Frey, of North Whitehall, who died of scarlet fever. On the 19th inst., in North Whitehall, THEO.. tIALD MERTZ, aged 84 year. On the 21tit inst., In Bchnenksville, ,infght thiogiqor of Thymus M. Unto xlid Judith Odlintivki goti " bans,- , r digestion? Immediate roll log the Oxygenated Bittern. lb. *ant" sensation, or obtained by 'A TAMMY NBOEBSITT The foil , ing stateineht speaks tot' Bee f i ,,,. ..(gx. &al) ,4 '. lifting the kettle from the &eat caught and I ka. ed my - hands' nod person very se voreir-, 6 band almost to it crisp. The torture win of nb•arable. It was an awful sight, *1 * The Mu ng Liniment appeared to extract the pain al mo • immediately. It healed rapidly and left no se of account. CnAnt,se Foarin, 420 lfroad St., PlOadelphia." It is:truly a wonderful article. It will cure any case of swelling, Burns, Stiff Joints, EAaptions or Rheumatism. For Horses, it should nest be dispensed with. One Betters worth of Mustsng has frequently saved a valuable horse. It cures Golds, Sprain!, Ringbolt°, Spavin, and Nun. dare. ..beivart of !militating.' Sold in all parts of the bnbbable Globe. BARNES A PARK, Proprietors, New York. Allentown March 28, lm Rave now been 'before the publiO for five years, and have &rewriter° won golden opinions from the man} thousands who have used them. o free from intricacy, teohnicality or (tenter they ha\e become the ready resource and aid of the paren traveller, nurse, or invalid, and have be come the fa ily physician and medical adviser of thousands of milies. No where have they been tried without h ing been approved, and their high est appreciation among those who have known them longest, and st intimately. N. B.—A full set f Ilumpnnet's HOUZOPATHIC SPPECIPICS, with bo of Directions, and twenty different Remedies, in l a rgo vials, morrocco case ; ditto, in plain case, 4; case of fifteen boxes, and Book, $2. Single boles, 25 cents, and fifty cents. These Remedlea, by a single box or ease are cent liy mail or express, free of charge, to any addrees on roceipt of the price. Address Do. F. HUMPHREYS .2. CO., No., 562 Broadway, New York. Sold by E. D. Lawall, Allentown ; Jacob S. Lawall, Catatmuqua. Allentown -March 28, 111 :p.; . & I . qi : [CORRECTED WEEKLY BY PRETE, GUTH & CO.] TUEBDAY, March 27, 180 Q, $8.50 1.90 4.00 1.30 1.00 Wheat Flour, per bbl. Rye Chop, per 100 lbs. Corn Meal, per bbl. . Wheat, per bushel, . Rye, ~ Corn, it • Oats, re . Potatoes, " . Beans' It • Dried Apples, " . " Peaches, " . Salt, ft . Clovereeed, if Timothy seed, " . Eggs, por dozen, . Butter, per pound, . Lard, ~ . Hams, II • Bacon it . Beeswax, " Salt, Liverpool, in sacks, Hay, per ton, . Straw, " . Notice to Assessors. THE assessors of the various townships, boroughs and wards of Lehigh county, are requested to appear at the office of the County Commissioners, on Thursday and Friday, the sth and 6th days of April next, to receive the assessments and instructions for this year. By order of the Commissioners. March 28, 1880 THE TROTTING STALLION St. Charles ; AVILI., stand at the stables'of the Oa. VV AMERICAN HOTEL, Allen- Or , town, Lehigh county, (and at no other ft - 7 2 place,) from the 2d of April to the let of August, 1860, every day in the week, (Sundays oxeopted.) Early application for hie services should bo made, as they are limited. Allentown, March 28, 1800. Warning to Fisherman and Hunters. WE, the undersigned, living on the Little Lehigh Creek, in Salisbury township, Lehigh county, hereby give public notice, that hereafter we shall nut allow persons to fish or hunt on oar lands, or to pass through the same, as wo have already suffered con siderable damage thereby. Whoever disregards this notice, shall without respect to person, be dealt witb, as the law in such cases provides. Edward Schreiber, John Reinhardt, C. Seagreaves, Benjamin Klein, Francis S. Kemmerer, Tilghman Klein, Elias Kemmerer, Reuben Klein, Solomon Bogert, Augustus Reinhart, John Bogert, John Dottenstein, David Bieber, Solomon Kemmerer, Charles Deily, Charles Eisenhard, Ilerwig Bieber, George Helsel, Charles 11. Bieber, Mr. Mersteller. .Salisbury, March 21, 1860 MILLINERY And Mantua Making Es ablishment. MISS MARY A. STETTLER reepectfully in forms the public that she carries. on the Mil linery and Dress Making bnsiness nt No. 9 West Ilamiliton street, above Roeder do Lerch Store, where she wt,uld be happy to accommodate all in need of anything in her line of business. She has just returned from New York and Philadelphia with a large and elegant stock of. Spring and Summer IV MILLINERY GOODS, 'Among which will be found all kinds of Bonnet Vel vote of all colors and variety of prices- Colored Vel vets of all colors and prices. Figure'', water'd and corded Bonnet Geniis. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assortment. French and Amer lean Flowers. Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Buckrame, &0., Am., together with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers. The above goods were selected with much care and will be sold at the very lowegt me iket prices. Don't forget the . place, No. 9, Wen Hamilton St. Allentown, Pa. • MARY A. STETTLER. Allentown, Feb., 28, 1880. if The Red Lion. What's the matter? what's the fuel? what's lobs* what's up ? What's the °num of this mighty commotion ! Is the Jordan on fire ? is the Lehigh dried up ? Have the mountains been set all in motion? What does Jaok yell about? what is got into Drown Why le all the world racing and running?— It le the Red Lion, he lay' himself down With an air full of comfort and cunning ; He shakes his thick mane as it in great anger But not with intent to devour, For he merely roars out: where is friend Gauge were? And asks him the very same hour Who says that you had been chased out of the Square, 'Cause fifty more rooks'had been kicking It cannot be true, for it would not be fair, . Unless through some partisan:trioking. This pleases old Oangwere, and puts him in cheer And he sings out: we'll make it all right,.sir. Had I but continued to take come ono's beer, I could stay where I was, without doubt, sir. They think that the square is a magnet of might, Surpassing the North Pole's attraction, And draws to its focus, by day and by night Tho friends of a pure Malt-Decoction. My "Pretzels" have always been splendid, they may And so was my " Swietzer"—by Jingo ! And &gam that I've frequently given away, Are /felling at 3 cents iu Mingo. And had I not served up so "bully," indeed, It would be " by golly" no wonder, That ne ono would folloW me over the street, When others do serve over yonder. Now, finally, friends and acquaintances, come And meet at the Red Lion nightly. Your old daddy Gangewer has plenty of room You'll find none so clever and sprightly. . And should his new cellar take fire, the flame Could be,queneltud with delicious lager And the fire in the stomach hie lunchus brill Will Then mind and look out fot. latatiti) Alitioeb lei . can be and n struggle at the well-known Peoples Store. GOOD instruction is as necessary as food, and such was the instruction Benjamin Franklin, gave when ho said rise early, live soberly, and apply thy self with industry, and with practising rules of econ omy you will be cure to succeed in your undertak ings, ter economy is of itself a great revenue and by depositing such revonuo In the store of German & Son, which they have just opened at the corner of Eighth and Hamilton Ste., opposite the well known Hagen bush's Hotel, said store rooms formerly occupied by &Mauch k Dannehater, have just received from Philadelphia and NeW York, with a large and splen did variety of Merchandise, which cannot be beat outside of the cities for beauty and cheapness. Their stock consists of every variety of SPRING Asp SIMIVIRR GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Earthenware,Glass Ware, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Oil Shades, &c., which they are Balling for cash, at a very small ad vance on wholesale city prices. Their Dress Goods ore all of the most fashionable selections, comprising Rich Fancy Silks, new styles, Boiled Black Silks, imported, Plain Poll de Solo, in every shade and color. Handsome Bayadere Silks, Foulard, Marceline and Florence Silks, Shawls, Mantillas, Dusters; Satin Mathes, Glossy Vahumid!. Chonb Roietonas, Forages, Granadines, India Silks, Chintzes, ho. Bost Fronting and Family Linens. ' Clothe and Cassimeres. Mullins, Flannels, Tickinga, Piano and Tables Covers, Table Cloth, Marseilles Quilts, Allendale Quilts, &e., fie. Together with a full aeeortmenr of Gentletuen'e Furnishing Goode. Give ue a call, examine the geode nod learn the prices, and you will bo convinced that our goods ore what they should be, and e c pee should have them--good and cheap. I:CU-The highest market prime paid for all kinds of produce. 1.00 1.50 5.75 SAMUEL MILLER, EIRIOBIXIIIII. JOSIAH GERMAN.] [NATHAN GERMAN, Jr. Allentown, March 28, 1860. —ly 3.50 2.00 1860. New Jersey and Pennsylvania LOG 13.00 8.00 1140121(0:41040114 NEW YORK TO E ASTON WHITE HAVEN, WILKES BARRE, AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. via the MORRIS & LEHIGH CANALS. NOTICE is hereby given that a regular line of covered Boats will lie run from PIER. 19, NORTH RIVER, (between Doy and Courtland Streets,) New York, the present seasoni through the Morris and Lehigh Canals. The above lino was started in 1859, as an experi ment, and mot with such encouragement from mer chants and shippers ns to induce its continuance on a more extensive scale, and with a better organiza tion ; and they feel satisfied that with the facilities now possessed, and the extreme low rates offered, they can give perfect satisfaction to all who may patronize them. . Their connections with other transportation lines are as follows, viz : At WASHINGTON, N. J, with the Tool. Lack, it Wes tern R. Rood. " " Lehigh Transporta tion Co., to it • from Phila. ALLXNTOWN, Pa., " " East Ponn R. R. for Reading Pa., WurrE HAVEN, Pa., " " Lehigh .ls Susq., • It. It. for Wilkes bdrre, Pa. Until further notice their Boats will leave New York as follows: E. BECK, Clerk• —3t P. V. RUSTED. --tf Easrox, Pa., For Wilkonbarro, via White Haven, every Saturday. " Easton every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. " IVashington, Daily, Sundays excepted. JOHN OPDYCKE, Agent For Easton, Freemansburg, Bethlehem and Allen town. C. H. LANING, General Agent Office, Pier 19, North River. Now York. March 28, 1860. tf IEI TN consequence of the loss which we are annually IN compelled to sustain, and the insecurity and uncertainty of collecting bills that • are every day being contracted; also,on account of the small profits that Millers an Manufacturers- receive, and as Millers and Manufacturers are compelled to pay cash for grain, therefore the undersigned have re solved and agreed to do bueinees on the cash sys tem commencing en the first day of April, 1860. And notice is hereby given to ell the customers of the undersigned Millers and Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, dc., that after the first day of April next, they will give no credit to any one, and carry on an exclusive Cash business, PROPRIETORS. H. J. Sebsntz, Lewis Peter. Reuben Butz, Charles Litpnberger. David Mertz, • David B. Mertz. • John Dorney, William H. Harney, Charles Mertz, • Solomon Martz. Mickley, Weaver .4 Co., Jacob Eokepellen. Roth, Mickley k Co., • Joseph Dietrich. Edward H. Knorr, Jacob Dilgard. Solomon Kline, (miller) William Reinhart. R. k IL W. Dubbs, Reuben H. Sellout Benj. Riegel, Edward Klotz. Conrad Seem, Harrison Seems. Charles W. Romig. David Hamer. Edward Kern Owen Ramie:, Thome B. Kern, Solomon G. Klein, Moses Hallenbach, Jacob Bittner, John H. S. dolr, Samuel Bohmoyer, Jon. Klein tr. Son. Abraharit Yellie. Allentown, March 28, New Minium Goods. 110111rE SPE CT ULLY informs the Ladies of Allentown and its vicinity that she can still be found at the old 'stand in " Wilson i e ' • Row," No. 6 East Hamilton Street, * l7 ! Allentown, near the German Reform • ; ' ed Church, where she has received a / large assortment of new and fashion able MILLINERY GOODS. Her variety consists in part of French Lace Blonde, Blonde Lace, Fluted Lace, Embroidered Hair Tri poli,-colored embroidered Belgrades, English Dun stables. All kinds of Casio Bonnets, Mourning Bon nets, French and alkkinds of Artificials, Caps, Face caps, and all Itinds 4 6f Ribbons, 4m Repairing, shaping, whitening and pressing after the latest fashion, and equal to any city establish ment, is always done at the shortest possible notice. Mies Kishlino makes it evident that her stick of Bonnets is of the most fashionable selection, and prices correspondingly reasonable. She trusts that a generous public will extend to her a liberal patron age, for which she will always feel grateful. AB -Country Milliners will find it to their advan tage by giving her a call, as she will sell.ta them at a very low advance. Allentown; Match 21, 1860 Market House Notice. NoTibE is hereby given that the Stalls and Stanch In and about the Market House will bo sold at publiii solo on the first Tuondny of April nbzt at 1 o'olbtit P.BY M. OttDIM OF THE CtlA4Mtiltt l . 1004 NOTICE. John Sander, W. F. Ruth. MISS H. C. KICHLINE, For the Sick u well 67 thole in Health There to no Craoket in the mariot that tan surpass Exiotiss i'rentioti wine, Ciaokers i on ma WATER CRACKERS, For which he received the First Premium; of the State Faira of New Jersey,hald at Trenton, Sept. 1858, and at Elisabeth City, Sept. 1859. HAVING introduced them into neatly all the prin. cipal stores In Allentown and Bethlehem, ho merely asks those who have not tried them to do so and judge for themselves. Bead the Ortiticato of Dr. James B. Cokman, of Trenton, N. J. where the ' °WWI ore manufactured. • DR. JAMBS D. COLEMAN'S CERTIFICATPL Tho Wino Crackers manufactured by A. Exton, of Trenton, N. .1. aro composed of wheat flour, sugar, butter, lard, lemon and common salt. • Tho delicacy of taste, lightness and crispness depend altogether upon the purity of material, mixing and baklbg.— They aro easy of digestion, nutritive, and palatable, are excellent food for the sick as well as those in per fect health. The Water Crackers are equally pure. Their superior quality Is owing to the skill with which they aro manufactured. JAMES 13. COLEMAN. Allentown, March 14, 1860. —OM COURT PROCLAMATION. UTHEREAS the Hon. Joan K. FINDLAY, Prost dent Judge of tne Third Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of North ampton and Lehigh, and Joshua Stabler and Wil loughby Fogel/ Enquires, Associate Judges of the Court of Comtilon Pleas of the county of Lehigh, and by virtue of their offices Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Torminor and General Jail delivery, and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said county of Lehigh, have, by their precept to me directed, ordered that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas and General Jail de livery and Orphan's Court for the said county of Le high, to be holden at Allentown, on MONDAY the 2d day of April next, to continue two weeks : -NOTICE le therefore hereby given to the Justices of the Peace and Constables of the county of Lehigh that they are by the said precepts commanded to be, there at ten o'clock, In the forenoon of said day with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other romembrattes, to do those things which to their offices are appertaining, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to proeseuto against the prisoners that are or then shall bo in the jail of the said county of Lehigh, are to be then and there to prosecute them as shall bo just. Given under my hand in Allentown, the 28th day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. CHARLES B. HAINTZ, Sheriff. don NAIM THE counottwxsurn. §heriff's Office, Allentown, March 7, 1860.. —4t Public sale. WILL be sold at public sale on Friday the oth of April next, at 1 o'clock P. M., on the premi ses of the undersigned, No. 122 West Hamilton St., Allentown, the following described personal proper ty, to wit: Ton or twelve; two and four horse-power Thresh ing Machines with Shakers. Also a number of Power Corn Shollers, and Power Cutting Boxes.— The above are all new and made of the best materials by the beet workmen. Also one second hand four horse-power Threshing Machine in good order. TO MACHINISTS.—Power Drill, nearly new with bits costing $7B, Common Turning Lathe, large silo, andmnswering for turning wood or iron; also a Concave Machine, Desk with Drawers and Book- Case, Largo Vie°, Circular -Saw, with attachment for boring mortises, a light Wagon, also a number of Tools, Ac., will be sold. A credit of six months will be given and further conditions made known at the time of rale. N. B.—The above mention articles being the bal ance of stook, purchased of a person, who has given up the business, may be seen and examined at any time previous to the sale by calling at the above mentioned place , March 21, 1860 TEMPLE Of FASHION! HEAD-QUARTERS FOR HATS & CAPS Christ & Bitting, NO 15 WEST HAMILTON STREET, HAVE on hand tho best and neatest stock of goods ever before opened to the public. CALL AND SEE. ODE TO STRANGERS, Those mansions of bricks, oh say, if thou knowent, O'er which the gay standard of Fesnroles unfurled Where the welcome is warm, and the prices are lowest And the Hats and Cape aro the best and the cheap eat in the world . ? If not, tly at once to CHRIST la BITTING, and be take yon ; They beat can assist you to Hear out your plan, They either have got or will speedily make you The best MAT or CAP over seen upon man. Allentown, March 14,1881), Allentown Seminary. REV. W. R. HOFFORD, A. M. Principal. REV. J. S. KESSLER, D. D. Assistant Principal, THE 24th Semi-Anneal Session of this Institution will commence on Tuesday, the let of May.— The course of instruction embraces all the branohas of a thorough English' education, the elements of Latin,Greek, Frehch and German. Particular attention will be given to those who design to prepare themselves for teaching. Students of a proper age are aceommodeted with private rooms. For Catalogues, or particulars apply to the Principal. March 14,1860 Executors' Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, Executors' of thilaat will and testament of Peter Newhard, late of tit borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, deceased, an pereone in- debted to said estate aro requested to make payment within six weeks Trom this date; and all pereone having claims against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement within the above mentioned time to SARAH 'NEWHARD, E. R. NEWHARD, Executors AMANDA A. SMITH, Allentown, March 14, 1960, An Election. Nis hereby giden to the Stockholders of .11 "The Allentown Rolling Mill Company" that a meeting of the said Stockholders will bo held at the public honae of John Y. Bechtel in the Borough of Allentown OD Thursday the 29th day of March 1141, at i o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purpose of electing "seven directors, ono of whom shall be the President," aa required by the charter of the sald Company, to serve for the neat ensuing year. By Order SAM'L A. BRIDGHS, Seo'ry. March 12, 1860 Assignee Notice. • XTHEREAS, William Roth and Mary Ann his wife, of the township of South Whitehall, by vol untary deed of Assignment dated arch 7, 1860, con veyed to the subscriber all their °sake, real, person al and mixed, for the benefit of their creditors, no tice is hereby given ,to all persons indebted to said parties to make payment to the subscriber within six week% and those having claims to preseiit the same duly authenticated within the seine time, to CHARLES COLVER, Assignee. Allentown, March 14, 1860. --6 t Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned in the estate of Edwin C IL Newhard, Into of South Whitehall, Lehigh Coun ty, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment Within six weeks from this date; and all persons having claims again% said estate will present them, duly authenticated fol settlement within the above mentioned time, MARTIN A. SEIPLE, ,„. ELEMINA NEWIIARD, f February 29, 18611 Executors Notice. LETTERS testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, Executor of the la* will and testament of Stephen Barber, into of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, deceased, all' persons in debted to said estate aro requested to make payment within six weeks from this date; and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement within the above mentioned time to , JOSEPH 'NOUN(}, Executor. Allentown, March 21, 1800. —Bt NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all persobs indabteid to the late firm of Oath do Itceder, to make payment in eix weeks from date ) as u the expiration of this period the books will be placed in the hands of a Justice of tho Peace for the collection of claims. GUTH & MEDEA.. —fit -3m February 29 PERSONS dtIAINIGE OP olitbate for hudith i sed /Rivenlleolont of Itehimootoo hatido lb !WORM :104 P e ep =Mt vtitet TSB P.ISOPLI BAY The undersigned lulling used ftoiessor HUM minEyer SPECIFIC HOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES In oar families with the most sallatitctury resulte,,and hating furl confidence In their genuineness, purity, and err, cheerfully recotnniend them to all rer ut rgelli h ee a tw w i th hand t io a r v i e dlr a s te ee r n e r i l i o Yt m e 'eXi t o d ittl et t aC The Her. Wm, Homer, editor of "The Northern Isidepetflient," Auburn - , 14.11. Cres sey,D.D., Rector of St. Peter'e Church, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev. B. I. Ives, Chaplain of the Auburn State Prison ; the Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-Bed ford, Mass.; the Rey. Alien Steele, New-York COM. ference ; the Rev. Samuel Nichols, Enst-Genesee Con ference, N. V. ; the lter. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt. ; the Rev. John E. Roble, Buffalo ; A. 0. Dart, F.sq., Utica, N. Y. ; the lion. Neal Dow Portland, Me.; the lion. Schuyler Colfax South-lick Ind. ; the Hon. George Humphreys, N. ' . ; Henry D. Conk, klot., Editor of the "Ohio State Journal," Columbus, Ohio ; the lion. P. 11. Graham, Moline, 111. ; the Hon. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Fla.; the lion. Joseph Benedict, Utica, Y. ; Bristol, Fsq , Utica, N. Y. ;A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N, Y. ; JaZICIS Plunkett, Esq., Nosh- Title, Tenn. LIST dY BYP.CIVW ITEMEDIF.S. 1.-.40r Peter, Congestion, and Inflammation. g.—Vor,'Worm !lever, Worm Colo, Wetting the Bed. No. B.—Ver. Culls, Crying, Teething, and Wakeful neat of Infante. No. 4.—For Dlarrltma, Cholera Infantum, and Sum. trier Cornpinints. No. 15.--Nor Colic, Gripings, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. 6.— For Cholera, Cholera id orbus, Vomiting. No, Coughs., Colds, Influenza, and Bore Throat. No. S.—For Tooth-ache, Fnce•ncbe, and Neuralgia. No. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullness nese of !lead. No. 10.—Drevarlsts Ptua--For Weak nnd Deranged Stomach, Constipation, and Liver Complaint. fuFO. //.—Fmt Fausts IsanantAaretwo, Scanty, Pain , or Suppressed Periods. No. 19—For Leucorrhea. Profuse Menses, and Beartng Down of Females. No. 18.—For Croup, Coarse Cough, Bad Brenthlng. No. tins, Pimples o 14.—Batrn the Voce. Menem Pts—For Erysipelas, Erup. ut No. 15.-41.IMMIATIC PILLSPain, Lameness, or Boreneso in the Chest Back, Loins, or Limbo. A.—For Fever dint Ague, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Old hilemanaxed Agues. P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or Ex ternal. o.—For Sore, Weak, or Inqamed Eyes and Eyelids ; Failing, Weak, or Blurred Bight, o.—For Catarrh, of long standing or recent, either with obstruction or profuee discharge. 400, W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. f mete disensto, such as Fevers, Infiatomatione, Diarrheas, Dysentery, Croup, Rheumatism, and such eruptive diseases as Scarlet Fever, !denotes, and Ery sipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies prodtptly is obvious, and In all such cases the one cities act like a charm. The entire diocese Is often arrested at once, and in all came the violence of the attack Is moderated, the disease ehortened, and ren dered less dangeroue. Coughs and Colds, which are of snch frequent oc currence, and which so often lay the foundation of , diseased lungs, bronchitis, and consumption, may all be at ones cured by the Fever and Cough Pills. In all chthido tilegases_, such as Dysp nt' eps Pile W s, Fe eak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complai, male Debility, and Irregularitleo, old Headaches, Sore or Weak Byes, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions, the mum,has specifics whose proper ap plication will afford aPcure In almost every Instance. Often the cure 41g , single chronic difficulty, such ns Dyspepsia Pll r Catarrh, Headache or Female 'Weaknesa, has.m a than paid for the coque ten times over. Case of 20 vial/ complete, In morocco , and Book, $5 Cue of 20 vials, and Book, plain, 4 Cue of 15 numbered boxes, and Book, 2 Cued 6 boxes, numbered, and Book 1 Single numbered boxes, with direeti0n5,....... 25 cis. Single lettered boxes, with directions, 50 cis. Large cue with 2 os. vials. for planters and phy sicians, $l5 Fon Arrows OR ParststC.— Oppressed, DlMcult, Labored Breathlng,attended with Cough and Expec tot-talon. Price, 50 cents per box. FOR EAR DIRCHAROIN3 AND DRAYlZEB.—Dlecharges from the Bar, the result of Scarlet Fever, Meanies, or Mercurial". , For,,Nolsee In the Head, Hardness of Hearing, and Ringing In the Ears, and Ear-ache. Prioe, 50cents per box. Fon ficgorote.—Enlarged Glands, Enlarged and In. durated Tonsils, Swellings and Old Ulcere,Scrofuloue Cashexy of CM!drum_ Price, 50 cents per box. IN Fon OIRAL Illfeturr. Physical or Nervous Weakness. Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or ExhausUng Discharges Price, 50 cents per beg. Fon DROPHY.--Pluid Accumulations, Tumid Swell• logs, with Scanty Secretions. - Price, 50 cents per box. floe Sits-Stomatss.—Desthly Sicknees Vertigo, Nau sea, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion. Price, 50 cents per box. Fon URINARY Timms—For Gravel, Renal Cal culi, Mica% Painful Urination, Dilemma of the Kid neys. Price, 50 cents per box. Fox BIIMINAL Mamas—lnvoluntary Discharges and Consequent Prostration and Debility, Bad Ra o sults of Evil Habits. The et successful and effi cient remedy known, be relied upon as a cure. Price, with fulf s, $1 per box. Persona who wish to ~ themselves under the profeeslonal care, or to seek advice of Prof. Ilcu. Miele, can do so, at hie office, 562 Broadway, daily from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M., or by letter. S.• SWBITZER. —3e ib Look ow list'; make up a case' of whet kind you choose Inclose the amount In a current note or stamps all to our address, At 562 Broadway, the Bew-York he medicine will be duly returned by mall or ex , free of charge. AGENTS WANTED.—We desire an active, efficient Agent for the sale of our Remedies in every to nor community In the United States,, Address Dr. HOD TRIMS A co., No. 062 BROADWAY, NDW-YORE. E. D. Dairen,. agent in Allentown; Jacob B. La. wall, 'tient in Cataaattqua. March 28, 1800. CMI NOTICE is hereby given that the co-part.pership heretofore existing between the undasigned In the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, in the Hardware business, under the firm of Barber, Young & Co., was dissolved February 23d, 1880, by mutual consent. All such as are indebted to said firm, are requested to make immediate payment at the old Business Stand, and such, as have claims against the same, are requested to present tkem for payment. STEPHEN BARBER, JOSEPH YOUNG, MARK S. YOUNG. -3m The business will be oonductei at the old stand by the undersigned, under the Irm . of Mark S. Young di Co., and it will afford tbei members of the firm ptesaure to see, their old friends, as well as to show all purahasers their wares, knowing that the prices will gird satisfaction. MARK S. YOUNG, EDWARD B. YOUNG, REUBEN P.. STECKEL, —fit I Allentown, March 14. JOSE, Pll YOUNG. —6 20,000 Rolls of Wall Papers of every possible variety and description. • THE undersignoti has just received direct from the manufactories, the largest, the beet and the cheapest assortment of WALL PAPERS, ever offer ed to the public in Allentown. Persons desiring to purchase, would do well to call and examine my stock of new Patterns and beautiful designs at low prices before purehasing elsewhere. Also all kinds of Gilt and Plain Window Shades, and Fixtures. EDWIN SAEGER, No. 64 East Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa., Dealer in School Books, Wall Papers, Perfumery, Ac., Ac. Also a News Agency March 14, WILL be exposed to public sale, on Saturday the '3lst of March, 1860, at the public house of Mario Knauss, in Millorstown, Lehigh county, the following personal property, towit : One mare, with foal, one colt, 2 years old, one cow, ono spring wagon, one pleasure carriage and sulky, three bade and bedsteads, two cooking stoves, with pipe, one large table, one dozen chairs, and kitchen furniture, ono sett harness, one baiter, one string of sleigh belle, 1 eight-day clock, also a lot, of empty bottles and barrels, bar fixtures, ho. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., when th conditions of eale will be made known, and due at .ndaaoe given by . Mar, 7, 1800 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . r TTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned in the eelato of Jonas Kern, 1.043 of North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, deceased, aßpersens indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment within Fix weeks from this date; and all persons having claims against said es tate, will present Mem, duly •authenHeated, for set tlement within the above mentioned tffie to TILGHMAN KERN, i Adners. WILLIAM KERN, -et rob. 15 • Paper Hangings of New Designs, I N, Gold, Velvet, Striped and Figured, Glazed, Mar blel Mid Oak. Gold, Volvot and Plain Border.. Deeoratioar, Fire-Board Prints and Window Shades. Alen, cow and handsome styles of WALL 'PAPER, from Six Coate per piece and upwards—Wholesale and Retail. ' JAMES BURK, Jr. (Succeeor to Louie Belroee.) loiporter Manufacturer. • No. S2B Chestnut Street, PhiladelphiM Match 14, 1800. —lin tii DrOLCAREI PER DAY anti cartaialy, ba /12 inade--NO risk 10 tuo. No capital icquiedd:— Agatito Walittia eVarliatiora. Adifted Dolt n =I ALSO SPECIFICS. OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL Dissolution Notice WALL PAPERS. Public Sale. CHARLES KNAUSS. -4t PBOTECIIID , LB - NMI ST ROT6I, 10 7.f.VV .: .44 4 -st 'Atilt Prepared from a presCripiion of Sir J. 670rk0, D., Physician Eamon/hoary to As Qum. fin Invaluable medicine Is middling In the ems et dd those painful and dangerous dimness to whit/gas limas oinatituticm le subject. It moderates all extern and Pl* Tons all obstructions, and a speedy cum maybe( yelledell• TO MARRIED LADIRE • Ole peculiarly suited. It a short time, Mot so the monthly period with regularitjt Each bottle, price One Dollar, .bliars Etjt Government Stamp of Great Brttalp, to prerent souatertblta. These Pills showld sot be taken by females rlstriar Sass FIRST TIIREE MONTE'S of Pregstasey, as they an gars to bring an Miscarriage, but at onyetiter Him tier art safe. - - In all amen of Xenon, and Spinal Affections, Pain Ye the [lack and Limbo, Fatigue on alight exertion, Ps tion of the lloart, Hysterics, and Whites, they Pies mil effect a cute when all other mean. hays idled, and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, admit antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitution. Fall dlrectione accompany each package. • , Sole Agent for the United States and Canada. • Jall MOSES, (Lab 1. C. Baldwin & Rochastar, EL—sl,oo awl 6 postage stamps enacted to any ea • thotist%d Ageut, wlll hums a bottle of the Pillty Mare well. vor E. D. Lawall and Locate Schmidt & Co., John B. Messer, Allentown, and Draggled' everywhere. Trial List, for April Term, 1860. di 1. Solomon Fogol vr M►rle Fogel, wife of Aman- dos Fogel. 2. The Commonwea La of Pennsylvania to the use of G. Gilbert Gilman, administrator, &e. of Peter Kern, doceased vs. John Kern. 3. Some ye. Samo. 4. Thomas Yeager vs. David Sohmoyer. 5. Simon S. Levers vs. David Glen, administrator of Solotron Giese, et. al. 8. John Boyer vs. Michael Woodring. 7. Michael Woodring vs. Benjamin Relohelderfer. 8. Simon Moyer vs. Adam Sharer and Bliss Hants. 0. Abel House kCO. vs. Roth, Christ Co. 10. Charles Gleebergor va. David Sohadt. 11. Charles Daniel vs. Robert Daniel, trustee of John Daniel. 12. George Shuler vs. Aaron Minntefi. 13. George Frederick vs. Begets Rehrig. 14. Henry Hart vs. Jesse Knauss. lb. Charles Zimmerman vs. Sarah Trailer. 16. John B. Sohmoyer vs. Reuben Eddinger. 17. The Allentown Water Company es. The Barger and Town Council of Allentown. HI. Bernd dc Smith vs. John H. Bernd. 19. Christian Collmar vs. William Wieman. 20. Benjamin Jarrett and Henry Gorr vs. Halibut Larosh. 21. Jonas Raup and wife'vd. (Sheilah= Orals and wife. 22. Charles Lukens vs. Jaoob Sol:Mts. . 23. Henry Ilelmbed' and wife vs. Henry Dißinger, executor of John DiSinger, doomed. 24. Dioffendtrfer Eisenhart, Trustees of the Uolon School House vs. Francis Wesoo. 25. Stephen Saeger vs. John Shriber. 26. Solomon Kemmerer vs. Ephraim Mickley. 27. Berger and Bear vs. Henry Reecho'. 28. Henry Frantz for the use of his wife Elisabeth vs. Amandee Acker. JAMES LACKEY, Prothonotary. March 14, 1860. —3t 7~SFJNwS 7 I ] ATIs !II AND WOaD I~PIII PBC!IIHL XS THIS HE'S'S MEDICINE sic THIS.WORLD, For the Cure of Coughs and Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpitatiott of the Heart, and for the relief of patients in the advanced stages of Consump tion, together with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest, and which predisposed to Consumption. It attacks the root of disease, and makes the fell destroyer Ins climb to its influence. It also produceis free expo.. toration, and induces healthy action in the diseased Mucous Membranes and Tissues. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. One dose of this invaluable Syrup often gives ease, and conse quently sleep, which the peculiar nature of this dis ease denies him. It la very pleasant to the taste and prompt in its effects. Try ft, and be convinced, that it is invaluable in the cure of Bronchia/ a f fections. ts...PRIOE 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Prepared only by 'A. ESENWEIN, Druggist. N. W. Con NINTH POPLAR Sts. PuttAnatmaiA. N. —For Sale by Lewis Schmidt & nd John B. Moser, Allentown ; Reigel A Son, Co.,Heller town ; C. E. Medd, Easton; A. W. Weber, Kutz town ; Geo. 11. Smith & Co., Philadelphia, and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. September 19.—May 25, 1859. BRYAN'S v._ / . . - A\ I N PILLMONIC • L.V 1%110, 0.1 WAFERS. CM TA I won I'ol4o and epeedveleses4 ever discovered IV* d. Middies of the Chest lied /AM" _Corillo, Colds, IA the Conawmpli Dreachitis,: • 'Weems. Me DfF /irritate:, Bora Area*, kt• Tit F..91r. WAVERS give the most instant:isms' and to diV.reetlotnere, relief , to elf l ec P t e a ra v pi e d an w i t lasthlln g . rho...Joie have been restored to perfect health who a hoy, tried other eans in Tan. To all elus and all oenstitte. limo they e r e equa ll y •• blessing and ate cure--cove su nned despair, no matter how long the disease may have exieted,, or tom ever severe it may be, provided the organic lit s , tore of the • kat organs is net hopelessly decayed. Ivery one afflicted should give than en imrdal trial. JOB . 1109 ES, Sole Proprietor, !Wettest/sir, N • Brice 15 cents per box. Foe sale , by E. D. Lowell Lewis Schmidt & Co., and John B. Mosso'', Allentown, and Druggists everywhere. Pennock's Iron Harvester. THE attention of Farmers is particularly invited to this superior combined Mow er and Reaper. Its lightness of draft, sim plicity, durability, caso of management, the sldli speed nt which it out in the heaviest grass, its free. dom from choking and clogging, the diminished lia, bility to get out of repair, the good quality and coin. pleten'ess of its construction, and its perfect adapts& lion to both Mowing and Reaping, reader it the moil desirable Dlnchino in use. GRAHAM, EMLEN k PASSMORE, Solo Agents, 627 Market Street, Philadelphia. , March 14, 1860 HOUSE-KEEPERS TAKE NOTICE! lOW IS YOB TIE TO Mill HMI CHARLES L. HOLLMAN, intending to lea town In April next, offers for sale his large stee Mof Cabinet Wares at cheaper rates than t same goods can b 0 purchased at any oth Cabinet IVare-House in town. The whol stock must be disposed of before the coming first April. Let purchaser/ call and examine the Moo before buying elsewhere. Recollect the placate directly opposite the Ge Reformed Church. ORA& L. HOLLMAN. March 14, 1880. ' —4 /1211 TO CAPITALISTS. Allentown Water Conipan mono. I. hereby given that the " Allento .1. 11 1 Water Company," have resolved to issue Mo gage Bonds, redeeinable in tan years, bearing 7 dint. interestapayable semi'annually, for the purpo of raising the necessary amount of money to lig. date the present indebtnese of the Company. Any further information may be had of either the 'Managers, to wit: Joseph Weaver, Ephrei Grim, S. A. Bridges, M. Schwartz and J. M. Line. By order of the Board, JOSEPH WEAVER, President. Attest:—J. M. LINE, Secretary. February 16,, -6 Bark Bark ! Bark ! 500 cords Chesnut Oak and Spanish Oak B wanted by the undersigned at their n - Tannery, situated at the Lehigh river, opposite t place. Price Seven dollars and fifty cents cash cord. Persons hauling bark across the Toll Bri• to their Tannery will have a free pass. MONK% KECK tr. CO Allentown, January, 25. BUCKS COUNTY NORMAL AND CLASSICAL. SOH , QUAKERTO Prly, PA: REV. A. R. BORNE, A. B. i‘iinolpol: , GEO. W. SCHMVOKBR,'A. 111.41eietant Ptitlol The Summer !hellion of tillg,lnetitrition 4)11 o on Tuolider, April Std : F6'r °Ambience, ttin chime the rinolinel. Much 4)18doi MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers