a • . cenuom.tto,ATED t Lotterte§ bflkelawate rblfc:SlAkkOsoo Trance, Droadbenis at - do 1117.nagoi s, ..Jklatcarr. • ••• • io on ion o ic pe The Monngors'enlf - il l' "f " 11* the following Splendid Snlunnoß lobo drown-in Wil: tol^.gton Dolnwaroi.by'Stolo.pulbority. Igagnificent Scheibe , GRAND CAPITAL PRIZR ' '$70,000! . Grand Conk°Mated Lottery of Del. CLASS 16, To be drawn IniVlbningbm, Del., Sal:, Mar. 31, isms. • • • :SCHEME. ---- 78 Number B-13 Drawn Ballots 1 Plum: $78,888 is 30,000 12,750 1 12,750 j 5,000 I 5,000 I 2,500 , ° 000 . 1,250 1,000 200 150 100 4,810 27,04-0 32,308 . prizes ' .atauunting to ,$1,202.000 Thtkots $2O, Halves $lB, Qat - ITR., $5, Eighths $2,50, Certificate of Package of 28 Wholes, costs $2OO 00 Do. do.- . 28 Halves,- 149 50 Do. 211 Quarters, .74 75 Do. tJp 28 Eighths, 37 37 Grand Consolidated Lottery of Del. ON THE HAVANA PLAN. Class 15. To bo drown in Wilmington, Del., Sat. Mar. 29, MO. Every other Ticket a Prize Prizes payable in full, without deduction In these Lotteries, erery Prize is drawn. . . .. SPLENDID SCEIEME. 1 prizo of $50,000 1 prizo of 12,500 1 prize of 5,000 2 prizos of 4,000 2 prizos of 2,510 . ,2 prizes of 2,000 2 prizes of ; 1,000 ' 10 prizes of , ' 400 10 prizes of 300 20 prizes of . 200 . 100 prizes of 100 25,0110 prizes of S And 212 Approximation prizes ranging from $2O up to $5OO. __ ^ 25,353,priz05, amounting to 5:110,000 Whole Tickets $lO ; halves ; Quarters 460. • Person who desire need only remit the risk on a Package, for which we will send a certificate as follows : A Certificate of Package of 10 Whelan, costa $96 Do. de. 16 Halves, " 48 • Do. • do. 16 Quarters, " 24 • D. fk• 16 Eiglalut " 12 _Mgr - Prizes paid immediately Haterate drawing. --0-- CAUTION. Persons living at d distance should lie extremely cautious of whom they . order Lottery Tickets or Cer tificates of Packages of Tiekets. The country Is flooded with bogus and swindling Lotteries. Every inducement is hold out to get persons to invest money in them. Capital Prizes of front $2 0,0 00 to $lO.OOl head their schemeg—with Tickets at One Dollar.-- $lOO,O 0 0 Capital Prizes are offered, Ticket : $5. AII such, in every instance, are frauds: and if money sent to them for Tickets, it is at much thrown away without the shadow of a chance of getting a prize. Beware of jell Lotteries where the Capital Prize in unusually lhrge in comparison to like price Tiehet-. In every instance where large Prizes are olfered f o r a small cost of Tieketo, put it down fora vel lain fraud. ga'rAll orilors aililrecceil to FI:ANcr, linuaq- BE\rw A; Co., 'Wilmington, lielnwiire, kill moot with Prompt ottoptiou, :nut thu printed ilrowing wont on coon to over. FRANCE, intommENTs..c , -Iw February 29. 1860 • OvoltMustuAL F• RI D • - - 0:=7:0=" 7.,e •.;4 0- - OUIt•3II`SICAT, 1111 END, a Ititre Comvanion for the inter Month,. Every Pianist, ' Should procure Oil , weekly Every Singer, I Publication of Vocal and Every Teacher, Piano Forme Manic, cost Every Pupil,ing but TEN CENTS a I Every Amateur, number. ;00l pronounced By the entire or the ....norm I , "The Best 111111 Cheapest WOrli 4,r the hind iu tic World." Twelve full-sized Pages Or \'Oolll (11111 P;:ilio Forte Music for TEN CENTS. Yearly, : Ili (.:. -a rl $.2.50; Quarterly, $1.25. Subscribe to "Our ;Musical Friend." or order it from the nearest New: , dealer, and you w ill have 3lnoie enough for your entire family and at insignia - cant coat; and if you want Itt,ia for the Flom, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, me., rte., :mb• scribe to the • • SOLO MELODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only TEN CENTS n Number; Yearly, $2.50; All the back Numbers nt 10 cents, and Bound Vol unies, contnining Numbers, nt $2.50 each, con stantly oti hand. IL SEYMOUR & et),, 107 NIIS, , au Street, New York. IMmary 23,1860. ' —2m FURS! FIRS ! FURS! EVE 1859-00. FAREIRA & THOMSON, No. 818 MARKET STREET, ',tore Eighth, south silo, PHILADELPHIA nAVE .111'FIT OPENED TIMID • Elegant Assortment of Purs, manufactured under their immediate supervisitM from FURS, selected with the greatest of rare from the largest stoeke of the European Narket, umbra oing every variety and style of LADIFS AND CIIif,DRENS WEA Those purchasing early will have the henellt of a larger selection. Besides the above goods, we have rt fine assortment of BUFFALO ROBES, GENTLE:IIEIV' AS' - - FUR GLOVES AND COLLARS. Tho prices for all thoso goods aro at a lower figure than the) , ban bo bought any where in the city. F . A.REIRA & TROMSON, 818 hlarkot Stroot..Philadelphin. N. 11.—FURS altered and repaired and FUR TRIMMINGS made to order. November 2 j 1856 POUDRETTE. -EL. P AY ST 'ICON CELEBRATED GENUINE POUDRErrE. 150,000 11 1.'„ 6 , 1 2',,I,ZruelnerT;M:tsT. 1 ,1: Grass, .thibbago, Flowers, planting or Trees, and every kind of crop. Prico $l2 end $l5 por Ton or 30 end •11l U:01'1)110101. A liberal diarount to Dealers. FAllleEitg; if you Want a good manure, go and SI, tho Pondrotto Factory of A. PEYSSON'S, For,ry Road, below the Araenal, or to rovann's Farm, Glouceata#,)Y.oodhury. Road, N. J.,- and satisfy your selves of the superior quality of the' material. Ai . , ply to A. PIi:YS'ON. Oman No. 12 Goldsmith's Ilan. Library Fill cot. or FRENCH, RICIIAItDS k CO.. York Avenue and Callowhill , Streets, Philadelphia. February 8, 1860. • • - lm GLENN'S ONE PRICE TIAT AND CAP tiTOIZE, (CORNER OK TIM FIVIrt STORY . ❑LOCH,) N. West corner of Eighth and Race Streets. NILLADELPII IA The Public are respectfully invited to Lear in mind that at thin store may . be found an import:lulu of Fashionable and Handsome • Moleskin Dress Hots, Soft lino., High, Low and Medium Depth Crowo, Cloth ,; and Glazed Caps. Plush arid Plush Trimmed Cap 3 for Men and Boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, at Fair Prices. Al. -- 1 - 1 , 10 TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS January 18, 1860. —ly AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust Company. Capital Stock, $500,000 COMPANY'S Buildings, 'Walnut Street, S. E. Ccir her of Fourth. Philadelphia. INSUItANCB at the usual mutual rates.— Joint stock rates ut 0 per cent. loss total Abstinence rates tho lowest In the t,orld. Full.inforonttion, Book and Application may ho had by calling on Dlt,-W3l. J. lt MTG. Allentown, Aloy - 3 r 1530. ' . —ly PERSONS. WISHING( TO EsTAB- Ileh Manufactories in a new and thriving pinto whero bushman is good, Soo advortitvment of Hammonton Settfemont. • . .H 9,1 81%TTER'S -1 S I c., ‘.l ,•1 . . The proprietors and manufitieturetS of BITER 'S DUB It ATM/ STi: - .TEIIS can optical 'with perfect confidence to Physicians and•eit Neils generally of the United States, because the tut iele.has attained a repu tat ion lieretefurit mihnoWn., A few faels.upon this point will ..sperik morepowerfully than volumes of Niro: assert ion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of ilosiet ter's Siontach _Bit ters for the last year amounted to a half million' bottles, mid from. its. inatilfest steady increase in times past,. it is evident that during the cooling •year the consumption will reach near one n illinli bottles. This immense amount could never hove been sold 'bid for rho rare medicinal paper - ties coot o hied in ho prepova lion, and the sonetion of the most prominent physicians in those secant's of the could& where the article behest kdownsWhe not oiry recommend the Bitters to their:patients, but are ready stall times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all easeS'of stmnachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom: This is not a temporary popularity, obt nined by extraordinary efforts in the wny'of trum peting the qualities'of ihe Bitters, but•a solid estimation of nit invaluable medicine, which is destined to bo ns enduring ns time itself- • Host ett er's Stomach Dittos have proved a Godsend fo" regions Where fever and ague and various 'Other MEOWS 60111pNiO1 s have counted their 'Nictinis. by. hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" aro a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the prilbrieloran source of un alloyed Omura. it removes all nnirbid matter from the I.doinach,• purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality tot he nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health.- It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores theta to a condition:o:3olUL' to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. . $70,00n 30,000 25,500 10,000 20,00(1 10,000 12,000 25;,000 1:1,000 0,700 0,500 4,550 192,10(1 .540,5110 Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, mid they will find in it a stimulitut peculiarly adapted to comfort. declining yelirs, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have r experienced the benefit ofnsing this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have nbandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that ninny of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is. so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if situ be young, is apt to forget. her on•n health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the perjud of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to 'mm. 111).1111(14 , 1. her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors t hal receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agrerul de to the taste its well as Certain to give a permanent incretts of bodily strength. All those persons. to whem we have partien laily referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever Snd ag i le, cruised by ins In via, qarrlmen, dysentery. itolige,tion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of this etomach, survranennicti invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nnt'sing mothers. will consult their eon play ical welfare by giving to Hos tetter' celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. It'ArTit tN.---I\'e emu ion the public against using spy of the litany itnitatinpit or counter feits, let! :tsl: fee IhlsTETTEtt's Cei,eint \ TED 5T4131.%.:11 1:1171:11.1, mitl see that cacti bottle hay the word , IM-1. llostetter's Stomach Bitters'• blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the met:tine cop. covering the cork, and obacrve t Int t our tuttografth signature is on the htbel.• Prepared and :told by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and doalors gonerally tbroughotit the IJuited States, South Ame rica, and Germany. Aiils\TS.---I,otri.: ,t Co.. E. 11 . Lowell John Lb Alttscr. Allentown; tlocult S. letwall, Cain ham l im: I). i). Shocucr:ville. November 2::, -ly FE Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S ATIC 1N VIW)Ii...VIING II Innt heo 41,11 Ille 101.1,10 . '10r yr, ex, with ern., ny rot.. It in reronintetult II in rare /IN Trim in. NenennNotcent, llrnr(-11un:, (',die I'ni tnt, Irina in 11, .9,tinueli, tn. l'n; n't ; Eon, IQ, 11, ~,Inefir, 111.,nroin. g ( !om i t', i burn Spieitn, Treode SCI%II'I,ATES, EX.IIII.ArtATEs, INVIGORATI.S. NOr INTOXICATE OR As A Al EDWIN it in plia and effectual, cur A ing the most aggravated eases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the Stomach nod 11„wels, in a speedy manner. It trill` instantly revive the most melancholy ned drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sickly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who from the injudicious vise of liquors, barnbecome ilejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, mind subject to that horrible nurse to humanity,•the ELEL:III.IUM TRE MENS, will almost immediately; feel the happy and healthyinvigorating efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigo rating Spirit. 1171:1T lT WILL 1)0. 'llosu.—Ono wine glass full as often ns necessary. One dose will remove - all Bad Spirits. Otto dose will sure lleart•burn. Three doses will curs IndigeStion. One does will give you a Good Appetite. Ono dose will stop the distressing pains of Lys itepsin. One dose will remove the distressing and disagree able effects of lVind or Flatulence, and 118 Soon as the stout •ch receives the Invigorating Spirit, the dis tressing load and • till painful feelings will Go re moved. Ono dose will remove the most distresh pains of Colic, either in the shanneh or bowels. A few doses Will remove obstructions in the Kid ney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously afflicted with nny Kid ney Complaints.nro n.,oured speedy relief by a dose or two„.and a radical cure by the use of ono or. two bottles. NIG ll= DISSIPA•TtON =I I'e•sonis who, from dissipating too much over night, illllf foul 010 aril (Areas of poisonous liquors, in violent headaches, sickness at• stomach, weak ness, giddiness, S u., will find one dose will remove all bad feelin. Laides of weal: and slekly constitutions, should take the Invigor:oing.. Spirit three limos a day; it will make' them :trou . ,x, healthy and happy, remove all obbtreetione and irregularities from the menstrual organs. and roFtore the bloom of 'width and beauty. to the eareworti face. Dining nregnaacy it will be fauna an invaluable toodivitie to remove tlisagroualtle tentoitious at the All the proprietor milts, IF a trial, end. to induce Ili i , lie hue put up the INVIGOIIATINfI SPIRIT in pint ill/itles, at 60 et?., quarts $l. I;eneral Depot. lit Water Street N. V. Sola by D. lowan, J. B. Mover and Lewitt Sebtabit Co.„Allentotro, Pn. February I, 1860. —ly - LIVERY STABLE, It ILLIAM F. YEACiM I~IESPECTFI LIN hi forms his friripl , :mil the vuiplie that. lin I ..; intiOS In tho I.l.ery ,it. I .‘ y, (in the t,r o '. • i prepared 1.. i t vehicles, °I E.• 1..1'1110. ~ r liotTeg has keen t‘:;,..t...1 unit !..,Tent care, unfl trained with 1111.eFperlai view to whi c h phxces hint in a position of keeping the very hoolol urn LIVIIIVir STABLE. • Ito do.s not approve of hiring out broken-down, bnlhc, ring -boned, spavined, or dis eased horses, but of keeping the right kind of stock, such as can travel well end do Credit to his stable. Ilia cnrringes mul vehichles of every description will always be kept clean and in good order. lie trusts that by strict attention to business and keeping the best of sleek, he will he favored with a liberal share of patronage. • All orders loft at the Allen Howe will be prowl - 41y attended to. WILLIAM P, 'YEAGER. Allentown, August 10, 1659. . PERSONS W ISIIING TO .CHANGE theirAwi,tomN to a rapidly increasing eulintry, New Settlement, where hundreds are going, whore the climate is mild and delightful, seon - dvertisenient of the llainunatsnoi Settlement lti another column, EMOiiiM Dmr, • A e =1 DR. HAMPTON'S Compolind •Diuretic' Pills, . . • DR. HAMPTON'S • • „ DR. HAMPTON'S • DRAIAMPTON'S' • DR. HAMPTON'S DR: HAMPTON'S • ' • DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR: HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON 8 • DR. (HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON7S • COMM) I)IURETIO,PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC 'PILLS. • . COMP'DDIURETICI . PILLS. COMPb - DIURETIC PILLS, CONIPD DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMPD DIURETIC PILLS, f.;OM PI) DIURETIC. PILLS, coNIPT DIURETIC PILLS, CoMPI) DIURETIC PILLS. DR. HAMPTON'S DR HAMPTON'S Dlt. HAMPTON'S DR HAMPTON'S 1)11. HAMPTON'S • Dlt HAMPTON'S l)ft. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON:B DR HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP') DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, • COMP!) DIURETIC PILLS. LCOMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC. PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, • • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, • CURE GLEET. CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET CURE STRICTURE, • CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE • STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE. CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, • CURE LEUCEIORRIKE A, CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORRIKEA. CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, CURE LEuclioßßl-KEA 7 CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORRIICEA, CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORRIIO.II, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSESI I. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, • FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES AND ALL OTHER DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND SEXUAL ORGANS. DR. IiCAMPTON's Compound Diuretic Pills, CONTAIN NEITHER BALSAM OR MERCURY, BUT ARE PURELY VEGETABLE IN THEIR COMPOSITION, MILD BUT PROMPT IN THEIR ACTION, A N I) NEVER P AIL TO CURE TIIE MOST HOPELESS CASE OP THOSE DIS•. EASES TO WHICH THEY ARE PARTICULARLY ADAPTED. Dr.HAMYTON'S COINIPOUND'DIURETIC PILLS, ARE ENDORSED, RECOMMENDEO AND USED In - TIT• PRACTICE OP• PHYSICIANS GENERALLY, FOR , THE CURE OF THE ABOVE DISEASES, WHEN PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND A PREI'A TION SUFFERERS SHOULD No LONGER HESITATE TO TEST ITS EFFICACY. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE FOR SALE EVERYWHERE FOR SALE EVERYWHERE FOR SALE EVERYWHERE FOR• SALE EVERYWHERE FOR SALE EVERYWHERE FOR SA LE EVERYWHERE FOR SALE EV ERYW HER r FOR SA LE EVERYWHERE .FOR 'ALE EVERYWHERE FOR SALE EVERYWIIEItE FOR SA LE EVERY ERE PRICE FIFTY CENTii PER PILEPAREPOLY BY DR. J. T. HAMPTON & CO., 405 BPILI . CI4 STKEBT. PIIILADI4I.PIIIA. I:CeSIESSIIS. LEWIS SEBNIIDT X. CO. AND JOHN B MOSER, AGENTS FOR ALLE;s:TOWN. PA. ; MES,4II.i. HARVEY, BIRCH k 11110., SOLE AGENTS 101 l BERES COUSTY• • Ophin, N.,vember ::e, - -ly "THE UNION," ARON STRIEIEIT ABOVE THXRD I' 1) E.l l' _I A rpllE undersigned having pureltneed the interest of I his former partner,. 1i von Evan:; in the above Hotel, would call latent Hon of the public to its ~,,,.. vcaienec for those visiting the City, either for i fleet; or pleositre. . Its situation being bat a few steps from the prin eiplo avenues of trade, oilers inducements to thrice on business; while to them in smell of pleasure, passencer rail roads which now pass in awe prox imity afford a cheap nod ple:isant ride to ,all places of interest in mr about the city. The Proprietor gives assurance'llint "The Union" shall be lcopt with such charnc'er its will merit pub lic approbation and would respectfully solicit patron age from Lehigh and adjoining counties. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philadelphia, August 3, 1859. —ly • WILLIAM REIMER, GIEN[BMIEWS AGENT, ALLENTOWN, PA. • All daily papers from Now Yodc nod Philadelphia i4orved to eubseribore regularly after the arrival of the cam Oreal,r 4111 C IE3IE • T TOEIUNION WHOLESA.LE AND RETAIL TARE ROO-EBO CAIBINIT Q SWILL -ON, Fl . n.v.rruitE DEALER: 4 , N. :12 ra - t Hamilton Sued, PlL O. Now the time to buy your ;Militate. Having adopted the Calli we can ItShdre. cncrally,.thai we eon cell twenty per vela cheaper than good.. in env line of like quality ran he per clinsed at any M.lter Cabinet Ware Rooms in Allentown. O.IIIU one and till, both great and !uail, old nod young, rich and poor, and .see our large stuck of !!!VET emisiating Seeretaries, Mel:- Cases, Burenui not Dres.iers, Fides, Lointe.o , , It oeking Chairs, Tablet+, Iledstends, and in fact, every article needed 14 n Ilia hare jolt commenced bowie Iteepin;;;. • Cane.tient Cimirs, and Looking (Ilasnos nurplisK, everything of their hind to lu found in town in prim and liettiity, and excel then) of New tot k and Philadelphia in point of endurance and olioapnesti. Conte and judge for yonr , elveß.--- Every article is warranted to he as _represented or no stile. None lint the host WlllllllOll Ilre employed in our e9taidiPlunent. (irosi . and Howe's Patent Sluing Beds. for sale...hetip for 4, .1 • 4 ? , q+;Z.f., enhlt. Mattresses-oil e v e ry .le.wriptioll itt a %city low price I'er tilde. The largest stock Id' gilt nod Carved Alottlding iu town. and con be hough( cheaper for cash of S. Sell Son. lima al any odic 11 or ItenniS in town N. 11.—All molt r Ott ..cur of an rtidertaker will lie promptly ocrommmlatial either iv .I:ty or night., Ity SOll. 111(C111.14 the malting or shronrL: Sc. 'Thoseuna..rtzdti. p, who reside in Om country. we yin at :ill Limes ,apply with 11. e hare eollitts told all kinds of the latton al trimmings at Ivry low prices I'o, r.--:vac ali we Haut ‘.1.11 front rile 11,114 all let ore purchases ore mode eltotwhere. .i. goods peeked freo of charge and sent any 41i.4:inve either Iry railroad or Ity puldie load. ELT, SON, hove now milled to their largest stock of Cabinet Ware, the largest stud finest assort . meld of Window Shades tool Fixtitres that ever torso sour,', to the pLltlie in Allentown, width they will sell 211 per cent cheaper for cash than en: other house in Town. kinds or won.) and L u mber taken in esohango for Furni.nro by Timnhoii pnqi nio prevent enstoMers, and ire hope I,y viriet i m en ti on h. lot , dile,s to welcome trip* . new the low price , ivt . 11 , ,W Fell nt for engh. Don't forget the place, No. ILI East Hamilton Street. ,th e nt ow n. a r e w I nrs 1,,d ow . the VIIII4III R.:A.11110a Churc h. SA 11 7 1',1, Allontmvii, A:lulu:try I I, I PR El NZ X 4/ IVJI .1740 i :” 1 • 1": 1 ' 44 46°1 4 1' ; 0 4' 77* ":1116'44-'4:*l7lCF.l' - 4 „ , v - • Cabinet Ware Rooms. Av„. 2.9 ht "IMO. sci t• (sari!! the „Neat Turf,• Storr.'!. WEAVER, having lately formed a eo. partnerAtip in the ahoy() loicinoco, respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and vicinity. that they have on hand a fn-st...rato assortment of CABINET VETAB.E "run dr.srriplions , runeicting o f Iltireatv, Side-board, Pier, Centre, Card, Dining and Breakfast also What-Not and Sofa Tables, Pargr Chairs,Sjiring seat Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Piano.stool,.xliedstead: of every description. together frith a general assort meet or li ITC IIEN FURNITURE, all of which they will sell at prices which defy competition in either town ur coon try. They alas manufacture to order every description of Furniturelfrind every article sOld try them is warrnnted to give entire satisfaction, moo sale. So please wive them n call and see for your selves, at N. 2I( Went Hamilton street t —sign of the Venetian 7aind. Also. always on hand, Ticker's Patent and Putnam's Patent Spring Beds. Also, all kinds of Looking Glasses. N. IL—A complete assortment o Venetinn Illiudi always on hand, and made to order at short notice. SIMON 11. PRICE, HENRY S. WEAVER. Feb. 25.-111 GREAT EXCITEMENT ! IMPORTANT NEWS. rpm; uffitersi,n,a opened hi NE.:W CA lIIN WARE 1111631 C, at No. :,'-', 11'eA.-11antiltou St.. nom• llag,:nlnteb's lintel; llr Allen town, whore ho hits iu sl.,re, or Ill? OWn a good assortment of P S/ I r , Comisting of Die siting and Bureaus, Ward. SecilTiTits Book Cabes,Slorll:4, Extension mot other Tables, Stii)(is..or every . description, high, tow end Cottage Bedsteetht. 'Cone Sint, Windsor, and Reeking Settees, Looking (Misses, a oil tires, 111111 all other articles in 111 H line of loudness. Perseus who lire about to iingege in housekeeping cull proem.: 11 fill/ outfit at prices an low, if not it lit tle lower, than min he puite:m.l elsewhere. All the Furniture is well made, :1111/ 0:111 1 / 1 1 warranted to be good. Repelling promptly attended to. Alloitown, Juliwiry V 559 F_ _ __ LONIDON - ; ( '' :l7 i gei CLUB I v o :* : iCe''' GI N (0 40 i i i __ n ri s .. c.., :• ::: •,, N.,.. . n ~,..1:,4 ' -,, . ~:2 _,, • . VI : N . : lV : ltli7 'i_*-.4l.[;'ArL 1 's4.l4N/i u1.ar 0,.4'6, 1. u bl 3\ 444 e S l i r 4 c utprttnnr deTie co,Jtair. g o 1. meal P WINCEMSTErit oft Co. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ZTORE MEI Pntent St‘otilder Seam Shirt .s.lnnufuctory,*l AT the oh!, stand, No. 706 Chestnut . treet, Phila. I dolphin, opposite the Washington House. A. WINCIIUTER will give, as heretofore, his Personal supervision of the Cutting end Manufacture ing departments, Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Parsons desiring to order Shirts, can be supplied with the formula for measurement, on application by Constantly on Lund. n varied and select stork of ilentleinen's Vuruishing Goods. ..5, , 8-Wholuralo : orders : supplied on liberal terms. and Prussian Dino, Umber, Sienna Spanish Brown, PERSONS WANTING CHANGE OF Non. Dud; °Are, ,t;e. Pure Lehigh Chemical Green. climate for henith,see ndvertisement of Ilummonton Pure Lehigh Metallic Drown Lands in another column. December 11. 1850, • , !,r •11. lletionOt.:Prices: ASV AILIAICA .11WA NINS 40, CLOCKS, WATCHES, .1 5 9:iNT3 3m-vtr3mr_zil..3c. No 2:I East Munilfon street, npilogite tho (Jei•ition. It o. fortiti:d l'horeh, A Hetilimn Po. • Tot Lb veitinilltilly beg !coy(' to iororto his V V tilt:lob owl the joildie generolb, hint he lion jort reethved from New York and Philadelphia the hirv,est and br=t poloetedrileelt ur 1:1,011C8, IVATUII- Ii:..I L; \V 1.:1,1t V and SILVER WAltf ever offered for sale in Allentm%ii. All or which he in• detertnin oil to sell ot prie,•4 Imre). than PVC)* before offered— :l:i VllOllllll . llO I'll,llller 01:111 tile PlllllO eon ho in the eitiosi—nod guarotiteo ',ill goods to he what they NIT reprorinteil. All me iurited to eoll and ex onsino hir thetesek,2.... Clerics. \vetches and .rewelry repetrol in the hest style and 1.11 crnrlc mareeted. Al ELO D Also MI lirmd at large assortntikhtuf Melodeons of the hfft on,totfacturo for rhurelvs ond private hono. es. Thankful for plo4 eneouragotnent, he hopes by attention to loe.ines3 to nterit a e‘mtinuoneo of tho rp~°l, ISt) E. D. LAWALL, Apothecary and Druggist, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 21 West Hamilton St.; Allentown, Pa rioNsT AXTLY ON HAND • t:. Driugs, Chemicals, Dyestfifie, Acids, Perfumery, Patent Flu id, _ Camplume, _ 1 'o , Turpentine, Soda Ash, He Pow r, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, fp , bard Oil, &c., &c., &e., &u. 1.• received a fre)M supply of Congress Water Saralogo'SpringS. f • medicinal purposes,. several fine brands of ly, Old Port Wino and Gin. .sicians can have confidence in the purity of ulicines furbished by me. • Country Dealers purchasing articles ()flue - I prises agreeable, allowing• them as fair by buying goods either in Philadelphia or ) E. D. LAWALL. !et wn, July 20. . —lf _ . (outdo Po w Ju. from, Bran Ph til will tin profits 11, New Yol COFFEE POT rr i r eNni, 3E7NEDOIt Being based, as Dr: Hall, of tho Journal of Health, says, "on science and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercodo all others. . • ARTHUR, BURNHAM . , & (311,1t0Y, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Solo Maimfacturorg under the Patent. 44.7-For male by Den!era In .llouse.. keeping Artlelor, and Sthrehreperm generally. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. PHU iAid, in q Sealed Envelope. /I N TII E NAT l'ltE, E.A'rm ENT AND ItAtll- V ICA!, CUI H OF SPERMATORRIIOEA, Or 3eminal Wealtness. Sexual DeLility, NV11 . 011911e99 and I ti.111111:11'3' Ettib.dons, indueing Impotency and Mental ;id Physical Incapacity. lh 11011.. r. cur..% ErtwELL. Al. U., .1 tith,,, Th.• ('Teen world.renowned author, in thin admirable teeture, dearly prove:., from his 11111 experience, that the awful etin‘fequences of self-abuse may be effec tually removed without Medivine• and without, dun geufitts Surgical operations, hoagies, instruments, ring.. or eorilitils: pointing out a mode of . owe at 91IcC and effectual, by %ilicit, every sufferer, 11./ uwttcr what his condition may be, may cure him chtapt y. 'privately and radically. 'fhb, Lecture Will iwov,, a loan to thousands and thousands, ent under real to any address, post pall, 911 lbo receipt of puSliigo .491111,, by addronsing cll. .T. C. K LINE, M. D., -ISO tir,t Avenue, New fist. ltox January 17.—Dec. 101 IN .llALLcitr Briggs & Helfrich. • COUNTRY PRODUCE c tucii !is Pol'lC, Beef, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Poul .try, Geom. Eggs, Butter, Lard, Cheese Flour .. • Crain, Fruiti&e. • • ALSO IN LIVE STOCK, lsl and' 185 West Washington. Market, (First Row North of Fulton Stieet, New York.) ss - d•'..llogs slaughtered Kt short notico. Orders for Groceries ' Fish, Fruits, &c., promptly filled. All letters ofinquiry will receive immediate attention. 724-Busincss at, Jetty Commission. Solos strictly attended to at tho Boats and Railroad Depots, and returns promptly made. JOSKPI1131:100S.1 [JONATUAN R. Marnicu. • Now York, August 24,1859. —ly AMERICAN Paint and Color Works, REINIG 13t1.0 • . manufacturers of Whilo Lcad, 'LP Zinc White, Chrnirm Green and Yellow, Chineso S. SELL et. SON S. SELL & SON. [t`. N. :%1. CIIMILES S. MASSEY, =1 old D 0 m /04 commisgioN intArams IN ALL KINDS OF A L L T 0 TVN,, P lna yers., .ars.a F. . • •, ' A compound 7 remedy, .vc . ave r}- bored to produce the most effeetial l idteiatiVe that can be made. It is a cencentraterlextraet of Para. Sarsriparilla, so combined with other substances of still . greater alterative power us to aftbrd an 'effective antidote for the' diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Striimous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service . to this large class of our afflicted follow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been prOven by exper. iment on many of ,the worst cases tp be,found of the following complaints:— Scimpulds. AND SCHOPULOCS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS iorn ERUPTII:E DISEAPPES, 'ULCERS, PEttPLES, BLOTCHES, VEAIOES,ISAIT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SY•PHILITIC AF FECTIONS, 741ERCEDIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEUZ PALMA on Tic DouLoirnsux, DEnitrry, Dvs- - , PEPSIA AND Innio csTioN, ERYSIPELAS, BASE on ST. ANTHONY'S Find, and indeed' thewhole. class of complaints. arising from Impunnly or TED BLOOD. ,This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hunters which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves front the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, it' not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. •Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in .the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will .tell you when. Even whore no particular diSorder Is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. 'Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go Wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves Much, the reputation, of accomplishing' these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by' preparations of it, partly becauSe the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,' contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, ur any thing else. During lute, years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extudet of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been fraud,: upon the sick, for. they not only contain little, if r any, S11113111)11- rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the minket, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such u remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. • PRETARLD BY DR. J. C. AVER dc CO. LOWELL. MASS. Naive, $1 per Bottle I Slat Bottles for 95. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Inis won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary ,for us to recount the ' evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we ueed not do more than assure The people its quality is I:Qt up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to du. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, SOU THE CURE OF Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, ;hada°be, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and jar Prr•i(ying the Blood. They ate sugar-coated, so that the most send live can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO. EM Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our MIMIC:AN AIMANAe in which they arc given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fel ' lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make .move profit on. Demand AYEICA, and take no others: The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our ltinuedies are for ,ale by lanvis ; tiehtrtidt Sr, M w.f.:T., Allentown, null by till Druggists 111111 Denten. everywhere. .Llll'ol7 7'21 .\* 7' 7'e) FEMALES DR. CHEESEIVXAN'S PILLS. Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M, D. NEW VOIR C CM'. Thu, (.m11161)04,1' of ingredients in the,: Pill , are the re:•ull. or it long null extensive pi•tetiee. 'fliey are mild in their operation, and certain in vorrecting ell irreguilitritius, Painful Memtritations,.removing ail .ohstrtiellims, tchclher 6'olll rnl'd or otherwise, headttelie, T r ue in th'e side, palpation or the heart, whites, all 1111rVIIIIR alreetions, hysterit•s. fatigue, actin in the Lail: mid .. disturbed sleep, which 'mice ;tam iuten•nptiur, of nature. .1/..4 if /1/Eis LAD/HS. . lir. Chi esemon's Pills are invaluable, as they wit tiring on the uinuthl • l•, period with - regularity. dies who hm'e tech disappointed in, the use other Pills min plate the utmost contidenee in lir. (trews 111:11I'd fillsdoing fill that they represent to .10. The.I . I I IIIf 14 . ihr ;1 thr Pi/IN cm, not la , rnl. cu wit/omit prod tochoy P UL le 'l, Thr in PR IN NANO Y. Soolt ;ft th, trildentw of the Me , liel'ae In ee.tbee the AP.1 . 11111 flillCaMlA 10 a nnrnud COM it 1 . 1/141111i11111 , C pfllrcl• q% Iplllr re Calms, reeiet Warranted purely vegetable, and free from any thing injnrious. Explicit diroctione which be road accompany C 11.41 box. PriA $l. Sent by mail on enclosing SI to Dn. COENE. LIES L. Curcsr mAN, Box 4:151, Post 011iee, Now York City. Fold by one Druggist in every Town in the U. S. R.ll. inyecticcos, GExr.a.cr. Aus:sr It'll THE INITED STATES. 14 Iliondway St.. Now York. Tu whom all Wholeoftle ortlces mhf;tslil be tulelreneetl. Sold in Allentown by John 11. Abolser, and 11. D. Lnwall. December 1, 18511 TRUSSES! HUES! SUPPORTERS! C.. H. NOEDLES, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Rao Stroote, PHILADELPHIA. DRACTICAL AD.:TINTER. of Rupture Trusses L..* and 'Mecbanical 'Remedies. Has constantly on band is large Stock of•t:onuine French trusses,. also a complete assortment of the beat American, inelud ing the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss; be lieved by the best authorities to be superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters, and Bolts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory B , ndnges, Self fujectins; Syringes, adapted to,both sexes, in :seat portable cane, Francis Pessaries, Urinal Bags Sse. ME Or(lora and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt attention. August 24, 1659, gT, OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF 'U./ Travels and great discoveries of the Japan ese and East India Medicines, with full directions for the certain curo of Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, heart Dia ease, Serofuln. Cancer, Dyspepsm, Liver Cotnylnint, Gravel and Uridury Deposits, Fentalo Complaints, &c. Illustrated with hundreds of certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many suffering follow-beings as possible from prematuro death, it will ho sent to any part of tffb oontinont,-by sanding 25 cents to DRS, HEATH, 647 Broadway, Now York City. Said by E. D. Limon, Allentown; Dr. Samuel Sandt, Huston ; J. A. Polk, Mould; Chunk ; John Deltenman, Rambut ; Dr. 6. 6; Stsvons, Reading. October 26, MP, • —)7 IMI V ei 7' I Cif:. ISM CO • New Agricidtwat gottlementfir A-EL \ NTIN •,' ! ilare Opporhinity.in• 11,rii.ilh(PII Mut neprill,uae 7sisi"rif' Phi&del/Ala i thit•A ' 't • Net r . um I te 111 . il'Jerteyi ; 1 :;. ; • i • •• • . • • A A N old' estate onnsisting.nt soteial thouenndtr, err A tames trf productiysosqullos beon'AlridetlMlAß Farms of cerium sizeslo snit the piirehtiser; population of: some Fifteen Ilue4red, n'otirslnrions parts of tile Muddle, Slutes and New settled there Ilitt pasi'year, ittiptovedt their plates, and raised t xcellent crops. The Trice of:the land isr at the low sum :of from $15,t0 $2O per nerd, the; s e w , ill of the best totality for the production of Wheat, ~ Clover. Peaches, Grapes rintt Vegetnbles.,,,lT •. tiONSIDIIitED , lIES'L' Finny: sorr , IPI TuE UNION. Thu place is perfect sedurelroin ' rrotte— the destructive" enemy of the 'fitimet.'—;-. Crap of grain, grnf:4 and thin are now grewing , and i pan ha seen. ]iv examining the place itself,' weor-t' roel joolgotenl eau he formed of the productiveness or; 'he land. The ternu ore made only. to secure ni.l improvement of ILo lied, tyhich , iA only.sOld tor noteut. improveir,ent. This has• boon• that' , within the punt yon r, some ihree houses': to ve linen eroded, two mills, one.iiteii!n; elnree. otine forty vinyonis and peach vorcltehls pitinted, and• large munhor or other improvementernanking it 0.. de,trablo and to tiro pinen of business. , • • 7' iI E .11 A R KEY', •• • • lin the reader limy perceive from its location, is I3E'S'P IN TIM UNION. Proati(l) bringing double the price brought in W 0110123 ,way ri.olll the city. and mor e than in the Wei'. it lA tnIIMI that the earliest anttbesi l :roil. and veftitables in this Intltude come Ire* New .Teroy, null tire nnnunlly:exported to the xtent .if In locating here the settler has ma antages.. lle is within n few hours ride of the great cities of New Etighind'and Middle Sinks, he is near his old' friends and ns:oiciations, ho is in n bottled cone trY where ever7improvetnent and comfort is at hand. Ife . ran buy every artiele be wants nt the cheapest price, and sell Ills produce for the article he wants, :it the cheapest prlee, and sell his produce.for the in west thin is reversed,) be has school:for 111 A children, divine services, and will enjoy nn open winter anti delightful climate, whore fevers rite ut terly unit . nown. The result of the change up on Wavy from flue north line generally been to restore them to an excellent state or himit.h. In the way t,f building and hnproving,.lnhibor can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to, Sls per thousand. !tricks from the brick yet* opened . in the place, every article ran be procured in the place, good carpenters are at hand, and thereis nq place in the Union where buildings and improve:- moitg can ho made cheaper. The reader will nt once be struck with the ndvan tages here presented. and ask himielf why the prop . rty ti e s not been taken tip before. The reason is, iI was never thrown in the market and unless these statement+ were correct, no ono would be invited to “xamine the land before purchasing. This nil' are expected to dn. They will see land under cultivation, 'melt k the extent of the settlement that they Will an dould meei persons from their own neighborhood ; they will witness the improvement.•, and can judge the eharmcte• r f the population. If they come with i view to settle. they should come prepared to stay day or tiro and he ready to !amebas?, as locations sand t lie held on refusal. There nro twn Icily Infirm to Phillndelphth and to ill oettloro who inrwove, THr. RAILROAD CO3IPANY. ritm: FOR SIX MONTHS. AND A HALr- TH•lilrf FOR 1 . 11111:E YEARS. THE TOWN OPift\MMONTON Lr c.innortion with tho ogriculsurnl Fo ttlem on t, a now and thriviim town has noturcly orison, which presents inducements for any kind of business, par ticularly stores and manufactories. T..e shoo busi- nos:!. c.utld be carried on in this place and market to iroo , l wk.:tillage, also cotton business, and manurn, turies of op;ricultural impliments, or foundries for rn~tin~ retail articles. The improvement boa been rapid us to insure n constnnt end permanent lll ,reßse 1111,illefT• Town lots of n good size, we do not yell en.nll ones ne it would Affect the Improve ment of the place, ran be had at from SIOCt and'up;., n'arrd<.. Tar lt.immoNrom PARAMII. a monthly literory and sgricoliaral sheet, containing full information of Hammonton, eon be obtained at 25 cents ror annum: Title indisputahle—warranted deeds given clear of till incutul.eranre whe'n money is paid ; —Route to. the land : Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for Ham mot,l on by Railroad. at 71 A. M.. or 41 P. M. Faro 110 etc. When there, inquire for Mr. Drynett.— , tio: , riling convenience on hand. Parties had better 4-top,‘Vith Mr. Rrynes, a principal, until (boy have decided as to purchasing, as ho will show them over the land in his carriage, frcomf expense. Let tere and applications eta be addressed to T,n n tlii Byrnes, linnitnonton, P. 0., Atlantic Co., New :lei vey,'Gr S. 11. Couglan, 202 South Fifth Street; Philn a Maps and information cheerfully furrileti od. o,toller 9111, 1659 LEHIGH VALLtY RAIL ROAD. I.MMI :. Ou ~11.1 niter Monday, •July 25, 1859, the Passenger Trains on the L. t. It. R. will run as follows DOWN TRAINS. EXPRESP, IMEI Mauch Chunk, 6,00 A. M. 12,30 P.M. 3,00 P. M. Slat in,gton, 6,40 " 1,08 " 3,25 " Whitehall, 7,12 " 1,33 ", 4,52 " Cahumuquo, 7.27 " 1,45 " 5,22 " Allentown, 7,40 " 1,56 " 5,45 " Bethlehem, 7,53 „". 1,11 " 6,10 " Fremmumburg, 8,07 n 2,20 " 6,22 . " Huston (orrive) 3,30 " 2,43 " 1 7,15 " UP TRAINS. ArCOM. MAIL. TA tre Easton, 6,00 A. M. 11,45 " 3,9 b " Freetnansburg, 6,40 " 12,00 " 3,57 " t Bethlehem, 7,00 " 12,19 " 4,08 " Allentown, 7,40 " 12,34 " 4,20 " Cates:um tta, 8,0; " 12,40 " 4,35 " Whitehall, 8,26 " 1,00 " 4,52 . " latington, 9,04 " 1,29 " 5,28 ." Ar. M. Chunk, 10,00' " 2,05 " 6,10 " • Dom. Train., with their Coomertione. The 6,00 n. in. Mail train will run in connection Willi the Catawinsa, Willinmsport and Erie' train from Elmira, Williamsport, Danville rind Rupert, and will eminent nt Allentown with the East Pe.'' sylvania train for Bending, Harrisburg and Potts.; ville ; at Bethlehem with the North Pennsylvnriin train for Philadelphia; nt Minton with the Central R. B. if New Jersey train for New York, and .nt Phillipsburg with the Bel. Del. train fur Belvidere This train will also enable passengers to go to. the Water Gap, Scranton and Brent Bend, either by the Del Dd, or the Central It. It, of New Jersey train. The 12,30 p. m. Express train will run in connect tion with the Beaver Meadow train - from Wilklitsbnire, White Haven, Hazleton and Wentherly. and with the East Pennsylvania train from Harrisburg, Potts ville and heading, and will eonneet with the North Penn. train for Philadelphia, with the Central of New Jersey train for New Yolk, and with the Bel. train l'or Lambertville, Trenton and Philadel phia. = The ti,'tlt a. tn. Ammtninodation train will connect with the East Pennsylvania train for Reading, Potts ville, and Harrisburg. The 11,15 a. m. Mail train will run in connection with the Bel. Bel. train Croat Philadelphia; Trenton and loonbertvilk, with the Central of New Jersey train from 'New Yolk, with the Nnith Penn. train from Philadelphia, and will. connect with the Beav er Meadow train for Weatherly, Hazleton, White Unveil and Willmsbarre. Tim 3,35 p. at. Fspiess train will run in connec tion with the Central of Now Jersey train for Now York and will connoot with the East Penn. train for Reading, Pottsville on& Harrisburg, and with the Catawboot, Williamsport and Elmira train for Ru pert, Danville, Williamsport nod Tho morning train down and the 3,35 train up, will not stop at South Easton. R. 11. SAYRE, Supt. & Eng. —tf .Tn,nuary 23 We hare carefully ted the sample of lIESNUT mow: TIMMY which you 3 none of the poise -AL OIL, which ht the characteristic anti injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in general lIFC. BOOTH, GARRETT tt. CAMACI . Analyticnl Chemists. CHARLES WHARTON Jo., SOLE AGENT, Philadelphia. CERTIFICATE OF DR. JAMES 11. CIIILTOY. . NEW Yong, Supt. 3 d, 1958. I havo analyzed CI sample of CHESNUT GROVE WlllsKErrocolvod from Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, end having carefully. tested . it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely FREE FROM POI SONOUS Olt DELETERIOUS eubstancoa. It Is an unusually puro and tine flavored quality of whiskey. .JAMES It. CHILTON, M. D., Analytical Ohemist. Allentown, September 28, 1859. .031800 Wanted it HUMS not less then $lOO, on good. security.— • Further information given by the undersigned in Allentown. JONATHAN REICHARD Allentown, November 18, 18;i0, I.I.NNPIM WY -6m Accou Exrniess Whiskey. 1011 SALE BY C. ' 'WHARTON, Jr., in Agent, No. HO ALNUT Street. For evidences of its 'erecter, see WM IFICATES. PIMA., Sept. 9114 158. OE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers