111 ===l ; Sfeir aars'lNNAUAglitlkiTelibAN Eidlikrat+- 4nato, 0 ) 140 attittheiti ;in/ , tRo Camden and. Atlantic' ailroad, • t.4.:i14-zittoracidiy; Zri:nZ,All 1,!.0 N old estate coneletiug ofT:Mt al Pou•1 0 " M.' acres of productive soil, has diiihteti Into Warms o t fatilptia,,elses.,,to, 5Ait..114,0. purchaser ? .4%. populatlisn et i rASlifteittllntituiritd;frithil various parts of the Midilln Spitos„and Now England, have :settled there ' thoir mud raised exaellent crops. The price of the land ie at the 16ot14rt1litrititn*V6 to s ii2o the;pnil is of the best quality for the production of InoverAireitchest,*tfintpen and •Vogetables:.l'l' Ia •CIoNSERIBItEkti , :.BEST , FRUIT SOIL . 'THE llNlol.t.tt,-Thei place Is ,porfect secure ',lnuit itroilts-411Ht 'iStlinttritotive Jamey ,of tn the. farer.,-- atiogruss'ind ti are. now. growing tpul, van b oor=liity,bxemining the,piit a iteelf t • a cep, pet judglitenbitimibo formedtif l the.preductivens of 'the lanai *The terms.aro.tne4e Rasp to.secnre a ra pid impiniiiiment of. the land, oshich.is .only sold for actual aurprovoment. The: result. ;has been that wltbitittheicaitt.4 . ear,leome t i hreo,ltundred houses have been erected, tiro AMR/ Otte *teem, four, stores, some forty vinyards antlpeaeh,orchertlS,,p,lati led, and ta a large nulier,pf,..otheilmProietnents, making it a dialmbl6lll2l ottkelilftee'of 'business. i."' as the roiAlet , May pereelve from its location, Is THE BEST IN THE ALNION. i Produa egrig double the price brought in locations away fro the city, nail moNalian 'double the price in the t It is known that the earliest and hem fruits a If egitables 'in •• thli 'latitude come from : New Jer and are annually exported to the natant oYmilllo . 1 i In, t o itig here the settler has nalu* advantages. NO level in a few hours-Mitt thdsgrent cities of New Be' aild and Mrddlolitittoni ,ll o la - nCar his 'old friends "d .assooldlotteA be khriii e, 16 ettled co,tu try wbereindiry improveunent,anti.colufart it at hun ',I He ostr buy every article be wanks ut the elt.spest side% end sell his produee l for % OA article he wants at the °lnmost price, arid sailltii *bailee for the Tit h i. Mete* tll ifeettble irtetereed,) be bee 'drool for Ms eh ; dterneiefiiota nnd^will enjoy an open winter tit lellghtflii , anklets, :where fevers are tat ted, tiitteblin,' • Iftlit tesultnt'sbe'ebange upon,tbneo Horn fa north telinterelty been to restore them to ai ezeelliat'ito ‘*e, health, t r In the way of buildingstadimproying, lumber can 14.04094 al. the mills at , the rate , of $lO to $l5 Pel h thklifilitX l 4. Brinks from:the brick yark opened iLlhiti444 4 tee every article can' be procured in tile ilaas io gypikeartienters are athatill,'and there is no placeatlitatinten where blinding' and improve aunts dad' be 'Midi cheaper.' • Thant lsewill at onto be struck with the adt en. : taps Etinipreientoo,i,cd ask himself why the prop erty, has aot.beeti taken up before . The reason if., It wilairviattirciwn in the market; and %Intuits these statettatits riere.borreet; no one would be 'invited to examine, the laid Vetere' purchasing: This ell are expeolAdid do. They - villl see land under cultivation, such Ill'Ute extent of the settlement that they will ao doubt &eat persons front heir own neighborhood ; they wlll;wipigotho, improvements, anti con judge the character cf the population.'lf, they come with a view to settle, t h ey should dome prepared to stay ft day or twateuldlieretbily , ,to purchase, as loaattove nun 't bo held on refueal. Thentegnp‘ordaily tiring ttiPhlltulelphla and to all eettiertiy_ho improrifrOiltarttitstan Company' divas A ridffWokar wolesiii.,',Orta.etif•/eD 4 i*Lr - PRIM, TIOICZT FOR TH ll 4l*" . '-', ; • - • .:1 , VRIII•SOWZ4 :OF ,IlitltittONToll. . In °enrol) witivtli,agrioislauntl settlement, a sew a riving ,town - has naturely arisen,. which_ gamut thilicanenta for any kind of business, par. 3 tioula iihirib' and'manufactories. . Toe shoe busi ness obulttbe'oarried on , in this place and market to good adv a ntage, also , ootton beldam, and manufae tales of agricultural, impliments,•or foundries for outing,small articles. • 'fin improvement has been Co rapid II to insure a constant end permanent in crease of business. Town lots of a good size, we do nofiell small manual It would affect the improve ment of the place, can be had at from $lOO and up wirds.,, Tag* ~ Nitouvote FARMIR, a 010i101Y literary and agricultural sheet, containing fan information of Hammonton, can be obtained at 26 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warranted, deeds given (dear of all'lnou'mbetetneit when money la paid,—Route to the lands Vine larva wbarf e Philadelphia, for Ilam utontint bl Railroad, at 'l3 , A. M., or 4, P. M. Faro 90 dim When , there, ,Inquiro for Mr. Ilrynes.— Roaribog.copresaienee on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Runes ' , a principal, until they have decided• as to purchasing; as - he will• sbaw,them over the land in his carriage, free 'of expense. Let ters andfpliesitloniroan be addressed to Landis and tunmontoni e P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Sar ney, if R. tionglan, 202 South Fifth Street, Phila sdelPhda.;44opasspd information cheerfully furnish ° tuber eth, 18 59 Llli i &laYtAlL ROAD. , On sjid istlor Monday, July 25, 1859, the P.lssenger Trialliniiliklint.;:. , l".ll947l l l l lir s un as foyosis : Lil i Elll t ifil t i l l, l .l3 2'2 4nnel/. ' ~ Aovo.u. ' M ?.. • 00ik..91.i . .12,30 P.M. 8,110 P. M. Slatingtetw , 00 . '! ~ • I,oBk " 3,25 " WKISVaIs, .;; .7,12 ", 1,33 " 4, i 2 " Oatassplua, " 7,?7 ." : - 1,95 " 5.12 " 1 Allentomok,i 7,40 , " 1,56 " 5,45 - Bethlehem 's. , q ,7,58 " l,ll " 0,10 '• i rivemansbarg,,B,o7 " 2,20 " 6,22 .. Eaton (arrire)B,3o. " ..„.., 2,41 " 7.15 lay t.,/ i; .1 .1 • ; 47. P, ,:ritAiNa. .... iLerat., .;.-., -: &vow. MAIL. LOLYIIMI I. I Ealilta4l ,e., ~ ;6,00 , A. M. 111,45 " 3,35 `. rawsburg, A,40. .!• 12,00 " 4,57 " 2r91: 11 ' 0 , 7,00 ..." 12,19 ~ 4 , 00 ,t ntoWll# , ) 7,40," . 12,34 " 4,20 " Ottbsauquao _8,07 ,f‘ . 12,40 " 4,35 " Wideoball, ~ . 8,313 ", 1,00 " 4,52 " • 13181 110 411 b, .', , 1 0 , 4 :1 4 , " 1,29 " 5,26 " Alit .gimk,lo,oo ! " • 2,05 " 6,10 •• .40,4)045a Trainssaith their Connection,. The o,oll* IL , Mall train will ruu in, connedlon with the Catawlssa, , Williamsport and Erie train frotaNillaatroP,Wllllo4deporti Danville and ltuport, satkwillio6ouneot at - Alleatown with the Batt, Penn a To* train . fox Reading, 'Harrisburg and Pette y 'ad Diithlitient With the North Ponwylvanin t _ r R ,,,, o hiphia,.At Easton with the Central 16.,,g, . i t t aw o reriuty',traln for New York, and at k l Phil palmirg With;tho Sal. Del. train for Belvidere. Thla strain will - Ida& O nable passengers , to go to the Water Gap, Scranton 'and Great Bend, either by the Bel. Del. or the Central It. R. of New Jersoy train.. Tho%3 „9 p. at. Eureka train will run in connec tion With Beaver Meadow trainfronsiVilkesbams, White Haven, Hazleton and Weatherly, and with the East Pennsylvania train from Harrisburg, Potts ville andtaiamk; and will conneattilth the North 4 Penn. train for Philadelphia, with the Central of w New Jersey train for New York, 'anti with the Bel. Del. frocorrkeintrrtvillpi Trenton and Philadel , tit 2t Up Mine With their Connections. The 0.0041, oh Accommodation train will nutmeat with the /last Pennsylvania train for Reading, Potts ville, and Harrisburg. The 11,45 A. m. Malaysia will run in connection with the Bel. Del. train from Philadelphia, Trenton and -,Lambertville, with the Central of Now Jersey trabi'lrom New York, with the North Penn. train trilifAlladelplib, and will connect with the Beav er ,iftwidoW, beta for Weatherly, Ilasleton, White IlistrotandWilkelbarre. •Thell,lls p. m. Fsprese train will run In comma anti` With . the Ceiztral of New Jersey train for New York and will tionneetWith the East Penn. train for Reading, Potteville and Harrisburg, and with the Catawlssa, Williamsport and Elmira train for Ru pert, Danville, Williamsport and Elmira. tend' morothr.train down and the 3,35 train up, wlil noi stop at South Easton. R. IL SAYRE, Supt. & Eng. —Et 112 EC= 1 4 77 . t BRACES! . SIIPPORTERS NEEDLES, 41.117. *dim' Twelfth' and Rees Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 114,411T10AL ADJUSTER 'of Rupture Vessels ' tad Mechanical Retnadiee. Hoe ponstantly on Jiltiepdei iatgq Stock of Genuine French trusses, ale* 11,90mplete assortment of the het American, includ ed's the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Trues,• be illaved by the beet authorities to be superior to any .eyel invented. English and American Supperters, eamtl4lelts, Shotelder .Braces, Suspensory Bandage's, Ilittlfluleeting Syringes, adapted to both 'sexes - in 1 1 919, portable.cases, French 'Pessaries, Hags 'Orders-and letters , of enquiry, will meet prompt attention. August 24,1869. =IY 4 2P 1 H,,F. ALBACH 'JUSTICE Of'llll PEACE. 'Aftlee'on the wad old* of 2d. street between Handl ' ‘..1 ton and Linden Streets, has been appointed. cc • Agent of M.L. lleller'a European Express and,Expe • dition, Commission, and Forwarding Home, No. 13 Chamber Street, New York. Ha writes or draws all Powers of Attorneys in the German and English Languages and forwards to all Gormatty, and , England. .Also, Passage oeitifteates can bend rit ble . offloo to Brotien, Hamburg, Havre, - .Antwerp, Rotterdam and London, , -ILA 31, 1859. OR BUSINESS AND FACTO • ed on profitably at Hammonton..— .. oaten Lands. rAygg .• ,_ . • ~.,..,,...:., ~,r ;. ,', , .I, A ~. : • ~•,,• i 1 . 0 .. ita r f er g-. arsa lan a i . a angel. .. iTi t , .A. pearl i; *lf . . IVO e 14% ', ' beret to produce the most effectual alterative.- 'Viet Cei be made. It is a cones:prat/A of er a Sarsaparilla. so aombinid tiiii= iiti fleas of still greeter to Live. ppyrer al to.a rd an effective, italdite . i the - "Mseiu(ed Sittsiliarilla is repined to cure. It is believed that iiichAt remedy is wanted by:those who kirk froiriiifteidui ciimplointa, and that Ole f whit wg 46*iplfsh 4 .tlielr'.eure'must pftwe ,- ofriii service to 'thia lege elate de otm, afflicted Mow-citizens. How completely this `ealkipoural will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: BcBOPULA AND SenoruLous Comer.srare, ESSISTIONS AND EIIOPTIVE DISEASES, ILOSHS, PEHPLES, BLOTCH'S, TIMOR% (SALT ENNIS, 'SOALO 11.1 AD, SYPHILIS AND:STWITLITIO A - ' vitenoNm, MEncuaisi. Disuilet, Deana, Nue , natal*. oa Tic Doutouaxilx,Datinan, DSO. ?MIA AND INDIGESTioNr EiNIOUVII, Boss ori,St. ANTHONY S Flan, andindeed he whole elms of complaints arising from brevarra , OP THIS 'BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pre-* moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the•thrte iy- expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by 'the aid of this remedy, spare themselves Men the endurance of, foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to ild itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterativ‘ medicine. Cleans out the ' vitiated blood whenever yonfind its impurities., bursting through the Alain pimPles, eruptions, er stores ; chime. it whin you find it is ob matted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it wheheyer it is foul, and your feelings will tall you who. Even'where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and lime longer, for cleansing the blood. 'Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no letting health.. Sooner or later something Must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla •has, and, deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has 'been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, ur any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led. by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Mpst of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. :Renee, bitter and painful disappointment had followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the nein° itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still , •we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary rano!' the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciouily taken according to directions on the bottle. • • • ' . . • FARM= 3Y DR.. J. C. ATER dr. CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottles HE Bottles Ibr 11. Ayer's Cherry. Pectoral, has won for itself such , a mown for the curs of every variety , of Threat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evident, of its virtues, wherever it hail. beim em ployed. .Ass it has long been in anstant use throughput this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the but it ever has been, and that it maybe relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's. Cadiartit Pills, ROR TE OOHS OP Oostieeness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headaehe, Piles, Rhunnatirm, Bruptioru and Skin Disease, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumor* and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most send five can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for 511.00. -Om , Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, !Oates men, and eminent personages, hate lent \their' names to certify the unparalleled us efulne u of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMaSUCAN ALMANAC in which they are given; with' also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should fie fol lowed for their cute. Do not be put otf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand ATER'S, and take no utters. The sick want the bast aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are fur sale by Lewis Schmidt d. Co., J. B. Moser, Allentown, and by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. IMPORT.A.N2' TO FEMALES DR. citinsance.rirs PILLS. Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, DI, D. NEW YORK CITY, The cumblnation of ingredients In those Pills are the result of u long anti extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation'', removing nil obstructions, whether from cold er otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpation of the heart, whited, all narrow affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &0., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. • TO MARRIED LADIES. • Dr. Cheegaman's Pills aro invaluable, as they wil bring on the monthly period with regularity. La ,dlea who have been disappointed in the rem of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheese. man's PiDs doing oil that they represent to do. ~ '•ie one cuiedifiuis of thi fdriltite egoism in which the Pills cannot 6e taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to io PREGNANCY. Such ie the irresistable tendency of the Medicine to restore the scrod function, to a normal condition, the reproductive potcer of nature cannot a•eaiet it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from any thing injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read accompany each box. Price $l. Bent by mail on enelosing El to Dit. CORNIELIOB L. CHEESE WAN, fox 4351, Post Office, Now York City. • • Sold by one Druggist In ivory Town in the U. 8. It. B. IiUTCHINGB, AUENT FOR TIM UMW) STATXS. 14 Broadway St., New York. To whom all W7wieeale orders should be addressed. Sold in Allentown by John B. Messer, and E. D. Lawall. December 7, 1859. —ly TB3O rive, Dom i nic k,44W COFFEE.POT AND Tam Pot, Being based, as of the Journal of Health, sass, "on science and common sense,' arpidly coming into use, and destin d soon to supersede e ll others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, 117 & /19 A. Tenth Bt., Philadelphia, Sole Manufaoturers under the Patent. agrror sale by Dealer. In House. keeping Articles, aml Storekeepers generally. THE HAMMONTON FARMER.—A newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, al so setting forth full Recounts of the new settlement of Hammonton. in New Jersey, can bo subscribed for at only 25 cents.per annum... . Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton P. • o.,.Jeffer son County, Now Jersey. Those wishing cheap land of tho best quality, in one , of the healthiest and most delightful climates in "the Union, and whore crops aro never cut down by frosts, the terrible scourge of tho no‘th,,see advortiqement of llntumou tou Lando. EMI = NOTICE. i l l DR. HA PTON'e - .'; COMROVia ) itir i eta l c..yffis, i. ,,,,,,, ~, T f =IS 4 •li HAM PTON Y "RAM PITON'S 4 ' pit aiiikiPTONIS DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S . DR - HAMPTON'S DR.. HAMPTON'S • •, DRaIAMPTON'S • DR:HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S • • COMP'D DIURSTIO PILLS, • COMP 4 D MIMETIC TILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PIUS. COSIP'D MIMIC PILLS. COMP'D DLURETIC.P/LIA. COMP'D DIURETIIPILLS. COMP'D DIUILET 0 PILLS, COMP'D DIURE IC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. DR. HAMPTON'S • DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S ,DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DII:AMPTON'S . DR. HAMPTON'S COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS . COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC. PILLS. CURE GRAVEL, • CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. CURE GRAVEL, - CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. CURE • GLEET, CURE I ILEET, CURE GLEET. CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, , CURE • STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE. CURE LEUCHORRIRE A, CURE LEUCHORRHCE A, CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, CURE LEUCHOREEICE A, CURE LEUCHORMICE A, CURE LEUCEIORRHCE A, • CURE LEUCHORRIRE A, CURE LEUCHORREICEA, CURE LEUCHORRHCE A , CURE LEUCHORREICE A, CURE LEUCHORRHcA, CURE LEHCHORRHCEA:. ;• • FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. F_EM ALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES.• FEMALE .WEA KNESES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. AND ALL OTHER • DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, K I D N E Y S, AND SEXUAL ORGANS. DR. HADIPTON'S Compound Diuretic Pills, CONTAIN NEITHER BALSAM OR MERCURY, BUT ARE PURELY VEGETABLE IN THEIR COMPOSITION, MILD BUT PROMPT IN THEIR ACTION, AND NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE MOST HOPELESS CASE OP THOSE DIS . SEABES fiO WHICH THEY ARE PARTICULARLY ADAPTED. Dr. HAMPTON'S COMPOUND DIURETIC PILLS, ARE ENDORSED, RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE PRACTICE OP . PHYSICIANS GENERALLY. POE THE CURB OF THE ABOVE DISEASES. WHEN PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND A PREPA TION SUFFERERS SHOULD NO LONGER HESITATE TO WET ITS EFFICACY. FOR SALE FOR SALE, EVERYWHERE. , FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. - • 2 FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. • FORRALE EVERYWHERE. YOE BALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR . SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SE EVERYWHERE. TOR SALE EVERYWHERE. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER . . BOX. PYINPARND ONLY BY • W. ZULIMIZTON & 405 SPEWS MM. YNILADALPHIA. ONESSES. LEWIS SONNIDT A CO. AND AOHN B. NOBEL. AGENTS FOE ALLENTOWN, PA. ; MESSES. HAILS!, Naos & BRO., SOLE AGENTS BOB.REEKS MONTT. Philadelphia, November 800869, fI•N OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF %I/Travels and great discoveries of the Japan ale and East India Medicines, with full directions for the certain cure of Consumption, \Bronchitia, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers4leart Die. ease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspepsia, Liver a'omplaint, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Female Complaints, &s. Illustrated with hundreds of 08 tificatee of i t i cures and engravings. For the purpose rescuing as many suffering fellow-beings us pos e tle from premature death, it will be sent to any t of the ilontinent,-by sending 26 cents to DRS. H ATH, 647 Broadway, No# York City. Bold by E. D. Lowell, Allento n; Dr. Samuel Sands : • . • J. A. Polk. Mime i Chunk ; Joh n : • unman, a .urg; • Dr. B. B. 13 evens, Reading. October 28, 1859. ' —ty AMERICA Lilb Insurance and RI Capital Stook, COMPANY'S Buildings, nor of 'Fourth, Philo& LIFE INSURANCE at Joint stock rates at 0 per . a rates the lowest to the wor Full information, Book hail by calling on Allontovn, May 5, 18511 4fi.T!C'aI~~~S~'CKC7ttI%LS ~'IN~I}FL '.W.L'Y. SIIOMISH BITTER& The .prorieteee and, inettufaeluviii of oEle • TETTER'S• CX./.4I334LATED"STCNACH•I3IT- ~ TERS Can , appeali with Perfect.,confklenie' to, phys(cians and eititens'Efenerally of•tlie United States;:beeatffie the article has nstained a repu- : lotion heretofore unknown. f l,feiv hicta upon this point will speak more viiwerfulljjthast Vol smea of bare.assertlon or hlatotting pqifery. Tile consamptims.of lloetetter's Eitanach Bit „ qts for tbe last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its, manifest steady increase in times . past, it is evident that during the coming year ;the conetimption will :reach . near one million bettlorThia immense amou at '' could never have been sold but for the .rartC. medicinalproperties contained-iu the prepara tion,li and the sanctio of the most prominent . physiciftuir:in those actions of the country ' where the article is I) st known, who not only recommend the' Bitte s to their patients, but are ready at all tithes to giv,e testimonials to its efficacy in all, cases of stomachic dere geuients and the diseases resulting therefro ' • • This is not a temporary pope ari , obtained by extraordivary efforts in the ay of trum- . peting the qualities of the Bitt s, but a solid estimation of au Invaluable met” 'nu, which is destined it, be as enduring as time. elf. • . Hostetter's, Stomach Bitters ' hav proved a Hodson& to regiois where fever an ague and virloas other bilious complaints have counted' their victims 'by hundreds. To be able to State confidently that the "Bitters" ere a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like &settees, is to the propriel Ors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all Morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, -and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous spited, giving it that tone • and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to &condition essential to the healthy discharge of theTunotions of nature. • EMI *onspany. 0,000. t Street, S. E. Cor• p.m. is usual mutual rates.— nt. loss total Abstinanco Application mil ho rt, WM. J. ROMIO. —ly Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating . t 0 the boWels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuienating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they, have abandoned all deleterious drugs anti fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if, she be young, is apt to forget her own hearlth in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up'under her exhausting„trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as Well as certain to give a permanent Increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to w hum we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.L—We caution the public again'st using any of the many imitations or minter felts, but ask for HOSTETTER'S CIUJOSRATXL. STOMACH Brrrens, and see that each bottle has the words Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomachliitters" blown eu the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label... AO' Prepared and sold by 110EPPETTIE13 & SMITH, Pittaburgh, Pa.. and sold- by all druggists, grocers, and dealera generally throughout the United Atates,l3outh Ame rica, and tlermany. AGENTS.—Lewis Schmidt E. D. Lawall, John B. Moaer,_Allentowni Jacob S. Lowell, Cat.; sanqua; D. 0. Saylor, Stmenerirills November 23,1869 Whiskey. IOR SALE BY C. WHARTON, Jr., le Aatint. No. 116 ALNUT Street. For evidences of its orseter. see OER EFICATES. PHILA., Sept. 9th, lbS. We hove earefully :led the sample of 'FIESNUT GROVE 'HISKEY which you Id none of the poiso _ 3IL OIL, which is the uharapteristic. cud Injurious Ingredient of the Iniskeyi in general use. BOOTH, GARRETT & CAMAO Analytieal Chemists. CHARLES WHARTON Ja., SOLE AGENT, Philadelphia. • Nutt Tenn, Sept: 3d, 1858. I have analysed a sample of CHESNUT DROVE WHISKEY revolved Dural*. Charlie Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely FREE FROMPOT SONOUS OR DELETERIOUS substances. Tt is an unusually pure and line flavored quality, of whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Analytical Chemist. Allentown, September 28, 1859. y • Business Directory riF the Counties of BERRA, LEBANON, LE VI HIGH, NORTHAMPTON AND SCHUYL KILL, Together with a Omani Directory of Names of Citizens of Reading, Lebanon, Allentown, Rae. ton and Pottsville. The subeeribers will publish at an early day a complete Directory of the above counties, which will contain•tte names of all Merchants, Manufacturers, Professional men, Banks, Insurance Companies, Neweparere, Mining Companies, Railroad and other Corporations. The named will be regularly classified according to their several avocations. The work will be Bvo size, and will be a perfect reihut of the.hualness and resources of the above aouotieti.•'.,:, An able and experienced corps of 'canvassers are now engaged collecting the necessary information, and .it is hoped the publlo generally will aid in car rying but the enterprise. Subseriptiou Price of Book, $1,50 per copy Advertising,. $l5 per page WM. 11. BOYD, Publishers of Direutorles for Philadeipbia, Lances.. ter county, Delftware State, Washington city, New York, to., de. Principal office Appleton's building, Broadway, N. T.. Sept. 7 1859. --if " THE UNION," All.OB OT InT ABOVE THIRD • PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned having purchased the bitterest of bin former partner, Evan ICvans, in the above Hotel, would call attention of the public to lie con venience for those visiting the City, either for bull nese or pleasure. • Its situation being but a few steps from the prin ciple avenues of trade, offers inducements to them) •on boldness; while to them in search of pleasure, passenger rail-reit:hi which now pima in close, prox imity afford a cheap and pleasant ride to all places of interest in or about the city. The Proprietor gives assurance that "The Union' 'hall be kept witirsuah character an will merit pub lie approbation and would respect fully solicit patron age from Lehigh and adjoining counties. , UPTON 8. NEWCOIHEN. Philadelphia, August 3, :DM. , —ly FARM LANDS FOR SALE, 25 Mlles from Philadelphia by Railroad, in tho State of New Jersey. Soil among the beet for. agricultural purposes, being u good loam soil; with'a clay Bottom. The land in a large tract divided into small farms, and hundreds from all puke of the country aro now settling and building. Thu crops produced are large and can be soon growing. The climate is delightful and secure from frosts.. Terms from $l5 to $2O per sore, payable within fouryeare by installments. To visit the place leavo Vine Stroe t t Wharf at Philadel phia at Ti A. M., by Railroad' for Hammonton. or address R. J. Byrnes by letter, Hammonton .Poet office, Atlontio County, hew Jersey. See advertise ment in atiotner column. • • .rnnoONS WISHING TO CHANGE their business to a rapidly itiereaslng country, a New Settlement, whore Imam!e are goin g, whore the climate is mild and'delightful, ace advertisement of the II aunnontou &mamao...!ll another eolfaan. . r W: Mrollll.. 7 -711.15 W, Goon s: t 4 - Y 4 X C 1:01 11,6. 0 ,# Qld Foie de, Now liaifillii7'6 l iiii.Ornina and tjge.donisnOleilii ggfleall I tpiElleatlitjustu would ripc4lally 111.1/ulipCe ZL that their: j received a large find choice :lock of WINt CIQODS, embracing all the tateo stylei of Dry Goode. ELEGANr , :DRES4;:G()UP4s'CI r rri Suoh as Silke, Melilla, trftiind'Oviliinero;l, Sntin Paued Merinos,llfohairs, Poil du Chevore,leaujas, llopuyeumb Plnlds, De!nines' now stylus, just cut, Matrtnink nad. half Mourning Goods, 'Bombazines, Aliaune Glnghtleas, new nnd beautiful styles 4 , lA. !quer &Heim, ,fta., till or which will bo sold very i'loW 'for snob.' Ladiej Black SIiAWLS ! SI-PAVE:4.! SOW L 5 ! 'Blanket Sbei‘ila long and square, Broelfen, Riot Etta! la, thlliot long and square Shawls, Maine Shawls Den hind of Rid Gloves. Gentlemen's Wear. Cloth, Cass'mares, Vestings, Sntinott,., Tweutts, 3eaus, Src., (rivals, Collarv, lloodkorahiafs, Shirts, Drawers, &e. , HOME' FURNISHING GOODS. . New style Dinner and Tea Setts, Glassware in oil varieties. Lin.n and Woollen Table and Plane COvere, :Marseilles Quilts,•Oil Cloth. Carpet Chain, Crash and Toweling, Blankets find 'Nuncio, Ticking, Checks,*,te., all of which are offered at 0 small micence nn cast by RCEIDER, t LERCH. a.)2(ocoulazwt-4 Re • B , ROIVN and White Sugar, best "R I -. Pulverized do. best Granule- -7 : ; , ta au ■ , ,7 /31 1p toil do.; Rio Colifee,Laguira, Mari ' ):tstt calm and extra :taw' Caren; extra heavy golden Syrup Molasses, best Baking Molasses. Urennd and Fine Salt, Mackerel, ctc.. And in fact every article belonging to the gro cery line, nt prices to suit the times. By striat attention to business and fair dealing wo hope to merit a share of the public patronage. No. ge4ds misrepresented to effect sales. ~%.tt.,We do an exclusive CASH busintti. One price taut no abatement. N. B.—All lands of country produce token In ex change for goods, and the highest market price paid. .Please give us a call before purch a sing else where, No charge for shelving goods. ROEDER It LERCH. (7. H. Rognett.l [II. F. LEnea. Allentown, 'Member 14, 1659. VALI, AND WINTER GOOD. MAP! I'HEAPI CHEAPER THALEVER RENNINCER & SHINIER, No. 5 WEST HAMILTON STREETI have just returned front Now York and Philadelphia, and received the largest stock of goods ever before shown in Allentown anti in cheapness never equalled and all they ask is to Vow and examine before tanking purchase elsewhere. They reel 00 ntident that they can sati4ty a nybuay that they .say nothing else but what eau they substantiate. Their goads consist . ..a . LADIES DRESS GOODS, • A ePlendbl tos , ttlitteitt of Dress Silke, Black, Fancy, ltnytuler, Plaid and Mall Of all qualities anti prices,. Delefties, Ductile. Polio Chivours, Figured nail Plain Merinos, Vallaucien, Lavelle Cloth, Para meads, tioinharitte4, tlingLnnu, lixteitAiutt Skirts, together with ti full variety of other geode io the way of ladies irate Which will be sold at the ..hcap nst prices by RENINGEIk A SHIMER. ATEN'S W -A full aveorttnent of Steol Mixed 111. and Oxford 'AI ivu.l `-' , ltttinett9, Cn' AilllereS. Ken titek v Jettuv. um! It full lino of 1llnel:, 8U. , 1111 sad Blut; Cloth. Ve..tiug.:, eravut,, 1111.1 . 14 full lit: of nll kinds ut tientlono.s. NVotur whia will be soh! eltun P VARPET3 AND ()IF, 1' LOT 11. —A -plentlll nx Mortuient of Figured I , l,,onund Fu,ir peo; it w„ t a tend Cotton. roil lin. a Fluor Oi uhi . eli will I e suld ut Ilee elieupc:,t pliorqhe lIENINW,AI A SIIIMER. QIIAWI.S.. A lal.ge lon] r.plundia I;ne ‘,l C..lored Btelln,pro..l4o Single find boul)1”, also n lino of Uih k Thil.et, INfow Delain uud 1:1:iliet Sliawli of tkll q•coltitie+ and priee4 nil! Le old elleovr tlt•ol RUCIALE6.-- A NH ue.surttueut Orooerioo such aq. Onlre6 nr all 11,1noy, Ton. Chooolato which will be eel,' ui iory low look,. Ly 11 ENINIIER .6 5111\IEC. 12111 VISH--Suelt I Itita 2, whole, burt.?l, , . ciutalSti, ii ititig< ichi h they ~iter tit the I,we.t prices. ItENINGEIt S SIRASER. c,!A 1.T.• I.lretwel I verpo l Stilt in Fueki snit leer 13 bushel. Fine Aehtutt in bull: unit Dairy smelts ‘l, hie!' will be gold st the liiw.it ',Hoes by 11.PN1N1.., 4 It & `411,N11..11 Aileutusu.•• , ,llLLitl et 14, 1559. If We Have a Larger Stock AND SELL AT LL8.13 r• .7EL, CP V' 190 THAN ANY OTHER (14- ST IVE IN ALLENTOWN. Breiiii' & 47-61inett - - No. 11, klni ! t. ftitinu. th. 1 i) t, .have just received t from Philadelphia. a ry bevy stock „r. FALL AN LATER GOODS. of moat favorablistyles, from all of which they will make to "d e r,rAind also keep on band a large sup-. ply of . .. -..... - • ia:l.' , MADE CLOTHING. te 4l) at - stroll ,' A tonliting .low prices, that eannat he equalled n any establishment in this or any oth er town in Eastern Pennsylvania. Our Stock is twist?s large. nod Ivo sell double the amount of the. two at establishments in town, consequently dna bling , na to tell at a very small prop: - I They have on ' le nd every stylesof Garments adapted to the season;,* which the attention of the public is invit ed to a ' careful examination of quality,' workman ship,t 8 . - 11? of trimmings and cut, which the proprie tors wi , uttraittots to be superior to that of any Hewee„ in o trade; They constantly keetion•band e,, we l l °tad stock of GentlAnan's „Furnishing " o we , e° sting of . Shirts, Cpllars,.fltoOks, Cravats, Handkerch fs, Hose, Suspenders, &0., besides many articles col ig, in their lire of business, all of which are sell nt o luwest prices. Us TONER WORK. Orders for , lustomer work will always be received with pleasure, the Ism attended to with punctuality, and es two of lrm nre practical tailors, none hut the best workman . hip will be suffered to pats their hantle. tft. osttlit9 to gi{` io particularly intim Country Mer them a call, Ira they offer extrnor nt DRLLNIti A. COIN Elt. 5, It 151). nury bnrpn. Allemnim, rt,' fe L_.,.._1 10 t/, '47. 44 4.11(",Jit: News ! T UST ni, and Iv, Children -7 + descriptl Also, Ladies' mid t Military Companic Military Caps at Emporium of JAM ton St., nearly church, to which %V examine our Stools Come one, coins all Foe 11.. w is tho tint For It you wont to You mast surely L.; Store •Sl Alluu tow 11, Novo PERSON" lielt illtittufauto business is g Settlement. d i=IIIMEU LO DON WO CLUB GIN .E.TIEVP lnci~ of aa .,„ 3 „ S.. Lellig ena° 1 :00 0 " • ping mu:11410r W. ews! NO vs! eived a large 91 , 14 of hull ,Inter Style of Until and ellr, Raney and Cops of all ohs,. of the 1nw0.4 city prices. hildren's ➢'nra'nt very low Prieoo. •enti nlio Po accommodated with Ity prices, of the lint and Cop S HESS, Nn. Eiteollamil • posit° the Gordan Reformed invite the public to mane uud ,elnre purchasing ulsi•Wherr. both grunt end to give no 11 cull ; dollar or !non', _ to HESS'S gretit Hat and Cop vosTun WEILE,t, Agent. her 2, 1850. If 11F , WISHING TO •ESTAll tesitt a Hew nntlthriving Ono, %viler° See nilverOfemtntt vf Hammonton Gveat CITEMENII Buy:your Goods ,for Cash pii44 144 4))1 itOr r. r the moil., I. I Clothing. oppo 'rho) nn dolplija. final' Nu blaring or our b do not I SAVE 'PNVEN'PY , PER CENT. : •Ninit it tnon; women and children are on' tined and continually crowding. into Oar- ILlehtenwallner's Chenp . Dry Goods itueki 'liritporiurn, No. 17 West lionfilion Street; iehe Odd Fellow'n Mill, Allentown; Pa. . 1 just ; rewired from New York and Philo large owl splendid assortment of Ladies lembn'S Dress Goode. As gassing and Mina .t to be a prominent feature with most Oiliest' men, in advertising: their •goods,• we Int to say anything about tho killed ,and ..... . . 1' the wouldn't:and groans bf the ifying,' and rotund to a y that we have two thousand of. Fall and Winter Goods, 'anti we need iploy fOur thousand - hundred daricies, Mocks, and one of the upper tone to give. • ligither' do we any that oltr pilot of goods tninU high. We think-that the people of nd stirrounding counties are an Pitelligont Itened people, not ae some business neon em to be, or OM ho ,would not puff and me 'hid one thousand ono hundred Slanwls, niteen net loads of Plain and Fancy Po our stack_enneists not of 830110 yards of o , and 78180 yards of Silks, but our Dress re all of Ake - most fashinnablo Soleetimip, ng Rich and Venoy Silks, now Styles, Boil • Silks imported, Plain de Sole, in every d color, handsome Bayadere Silks, Machine end Silks, ,tr., Stalht, Blankets-and •oelta Shawls, every known Size, Style, 'olor and Price, find Quality. French Me laptinctis, Bombazines,' nll wool De Lollies, )e liaines, and in short all kinds of Fancy ds belonging to a Fancy • Dry Goods Store. Atusllns, Flannels, Tielcings, Tulle Covers, Alarseil Quilts, Allontible Quilt 4, te. full assortment of Floor, Stair and Table L, vil Shades ie. Litho and tientlemen ely invited to examine our splendid assort- Goods beforo purchasing elnewheru• •cLoTtuSu. CLOTIUNti, CLOTIiIN I. Wo aleu continue to carry on the Alerebalit Silt inks An dolt nor bud n ,t In 0 nolo UCH, COUnk/1111 ore tile Lehigh and tin thinks nloiv end Ne A hi' nut 000.18 corn' ri na Bin shut., n and TI Inuit Slit' le, rinoe, Uualiu bry Niko. Table Also 3 Oil el, Oro poi went !luring and ltuady Mode Cuthing Bind an enlarged sylle, and now have on hand no finest and largest asaortments of !ICU t I one ul L AND WINT'ER CLOT WING never offered in Allentown' comprising Over I•'reelc antl Business Costs, Vests, flint W o.3nts, Paws (Jonas, of erery known size, .der ni.d peke. The most fastidious cannot 9fltiqfilOtOry selection from our stock. We cam it unnerecsary to ear anything more iu eel einnmendatioll ay Lichtenwallner's Cloth ing talilishinent an d manner of doing 11w loess 12d4 hen well known in this place and i:urrimindiiig cmilitiv fur a ?mother of yea s. JUST' R . EC Eli' I , : D • a hal and splendid asAortetent. of 'nook oil Fancy C.nisieres, Satins, flushes, Granditiop. 'Tweed.. CaF.siii‘tts, Rentuelty Jeans ,tte., which will he made , up at port notice and on the most reasonable terms. A lon experience in the Business tis:mres. customers that t oy will alway.i be dealt with on thu tino.t. ne av ro et uodating (oriel,. and that no pains will be i , spare. to give complete P Ilii .9 faction in all parts of the li ;nese. N. . Also Agfllts for (look) C. Scotts Arm rieatt and Uti, cis Report of FashionF. Paiicidar attention given to the Wholesale Trade in CI ping. well known Samuel Miller is employed by 119 Salesman. Th tk• 1 lAN I LicitTENweLLNEit. tember 11, ISSO. —lf PRIM DIXVIU • IA - Ij A , 11 I e au •.. . . . elee be . . . .. - . . • 41 111'- - - , : - :'.f - 4 1 ,- •-:,..., • • ' * ii( . r 1011 41Blii , ' ` I . tit0 r . 4 ,, i‘ .:1i3.,..:, -:". •: - ..." .' - - ,e,;,.,, , • . : . i • '.., I,^ 4 -.- , . , ..':: . 7 - ' ..,: . ....:•z .4 4, -•-. • ~, • '.....; ::it: - .1: —.' 1 _1,:;•: .. . . _ abinet, Ware 3Etooms. . 2 Irt.t Domino,' Street. formerly the New 1O1:k 111CP: A WEAVER, having, lately forined a co partnetzthip in the above lan+inese, reveethilly wallet: to theneitizon9 of Allentown and vicinity, it they have on hand a tirxt-rate nAsortment of O.A,BINZIT WARM tH deecriptions, consisting o flinrea it.. Side-hoard / 1 1 0 ., centre, Card, Dining and Breakfast Toiler, a o W hut Not and Sofa 'f 11111104. Parlor Clio i re, Spri ng st t Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Piano-stools, Bedsteads a. every description, together Hilt u general iI.SOI I, i la or iarcitEN I' URNIT U RE, all ef which they % .11 sell at !Rives Iqlllll defy competition to either t in or reentry. They also manunicture to order t try description at' Furniture. amte very article roll y them is warranted to give entire satisfaction, orno Po please give them n cull mod see for your rives, at No. 20 West MuniNon stroel,-•sign of tint 'enotian Blind. Also, ahroys on timid, Tucker's Potent !Lod Putnam's Potent Spring Buds. Also, all buds of Looking Olarses. • Jj,—A complete assortment o Venotion Blinds „ • hud, and mode to order at Short notice. • . . 'tittVts7 . l. MITCH. Feb. 25. ff.) , HENRY b. WEAVER. - ---• . FA LL AN!) NV INTER C LOT - INZIMII ALLEPVTOViTN CLOTHING STORE. No. 35 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penna. WOUI,E . again call tho attention of the citizens of Allentown, and the surrounding country, to my mock of, FALL ANL NV (.'1,07 . 111AV Which bile variety and excellence of manufacture exceeds that of farmer seasons. I hayu now on hood, and intend herping a gen eral assortment of ONNTI.KSIKNN AND !MY'S CLOTH INU of all qualities and grades, consisting of 13i,Ach, BLUE AND BROWN FROCK AND DRENY CoATS, OVIIRCOATEI, IN FROCK, HAcK. AND DAULAS Ii`KLNK, PANVeI AND ENTS. Also, all Muds of Uuntlemen's rurnishing;timls viz WIIRT!Ip DItANk NECK AND POCKET HHANnaen~ • inEr~, .(11.OVKS, STOCKS, SOCKS, SUSPENDSIOI, &0., &v. • Particular attention is paid to the getting up ul this clothing, and those will find a large as,orttnetit eetnprising all the New Styles, equal to Custom Work in make and finish'. On hand Clotho .Citi.sititeres and Vestings, of the best quality wl. gill Jte made tip to order, in the most tfiSh ,iiitee at 11 reasonable rate andel very ri, eil 1101, V. The C11F14.111 Department is, nailer tie managetpent of n p.m.! t and experienced Cutler, who has giv• en eati: and parehasers may rest its.tuted that :ill iioogel furnielted at Ibis. estahlislituent are sele.Aiof a it It strict regard to durability. I will also kcop constantly on hand mid for sale II henry a...utmeat of Ilroadelittlis, CIIFI4IIIIOVe, VC; I Trililllll Tlr M. %VII will. he sold by the yard al dm very loww-t. rates. Re perll'mlly. ' A livid..tin. Pi:pleating . 2S EitriOgs DILAIXIIIi IN ALL'ICINDII ca. COUNTRY PRODUCE (j VOll m Pork, Beef, 31tat..n t Satiolcol IlentB, Veinl I-) try. C:11111,, Egv,,ll.ttler, hard, cheigee, Flour bruit, S e. A 1.M.) IS Lit' I: S Ttit'K 1.5.1 tie,' IS. Weet Weeltington Merkel, triret Row Nufllt of Felten ;itteut, Now ;7•IFI-11011.1rIntiglitoreil nt P111111110tleil; Orders for Fish„ Fruits, promptly tilled. All Imlorr of inquiry will reecho imetediete pttention: strictly eiiiiittiisr ion. SelA strictly tdleieded to et the Bents and Ititilriettl and returns promptly nettle. Josuctt Ileteried . [ . .ToNATtin IC lIY.r Fllll3l. Nee: Attguit,L ' -ly CRAIN, FII..OUR AND COAL. Tin.; undersiglled respectfully beg leave to inform 1 the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they arm; stN ew 11 ri , n•, e!' to do all sorts of grist-work and to fur ni,, Feed nod Grain of all kinds at linter. Mill on t ile Jordan creek one mile from the borough. Wlititit, lip., Corn and Onto, bought nt the highest market (wive either at the mill or nt their store•house tit the corner of Ninth and Linden Streets, (commonly known MI the Free Hall.) OrderAfor Flour, Feed and .drain received either at their store house or at the of : °See at their coal-yard, in First %Vont; (T..T. li len pinger's late stand.) The undersigned Avill earry on ns heretofore the coal and groin business at their old stands. BUMIIOS hereafter carried on exclu sively on the ensh.prineiple. • • wan, MICNT,EY .t CO. Allentovin, Nor., 2, 1t , 59. • ' —tf INCIAICIMErtra 1. -4- 1051 MI 110 EiTill 'lll FILM` RECEIVED • 'utuk rim AND WINTERLES GOODS ENISI.hSS PROFUSI6N, Oki, F.: BUR DO E'S GREAT STORE, No. 7 Eagt Hamilton Sired (Near Die Allen louse.) Full stoel«.r SILT,: GOODS,. . Full Stook of STAPLE OODB, Full Stook of FANCY GOODS, Famitionnble FALL snAwLs, pi r CARE4I3IIIIIS And VESTINQO. BLANOM, ; QPILIti, TAILLE LIVENS, CAIIPET9,4O.II oroanlieti, nice, fresh end cheep. Grooltery end ales Were, flno nmeotitneht, • )11Tif LOTS•OF OTIMIt GOODS Poo uutneroite to tnention, all of which will be sold of Please cull uptl examine fur yourselves, as we tlo:nat expect you to 1).4 unless It, is for ypur own interest. 'FAIR FAIR! PAIR! " We have In in thin' nunnnelly heitiy stook with u 'tit - 1w to meet the detunmin of tbe; public at the ep prtmelting Fnir, nod' we think ourselltei. able: to meet thelnete of all in point of . . FASHION, PRICER ; All we want Is a call before you purchase ale" - whore- _ NVOLLE h BORPOI;P:. JACOB It. NVOLL.I Septetubur 2t. Great Attraction! HEM MS :AID 01- Win. F. MAll6ri NO. 63 EAST HAMILTON STREET, (Two Dowse 13aLum"rnieA I RICAN Wm. ' ) , ALLENTOWN, PA. : ..• DES I'EUTFULLY announces , to hie frienthvapd .110 the public in general, that he has just receivid a 9pleudid assortment of • . • Now and Seasonable Goods, liwhich will be made up to order on short no tice in the 4atest styles, and in a ; superior nianner ; consisting partly, of fine Brack From It Collis of iill grades, Blue, .Brown,: tillve and tired') Cletli..., Black Doeskin Cassitheree of 'all grade.. Black Zainbane 'Classimere new• style, French Silk mixed Coatings—heavy, a large assort ment of French and English Cassimeres—elegant styles, Lome tie Cnosiweres of all qualities, a large to:minima 01 Matelristm Vestinge, Plain and figured ti i en.tdinea, Fumy Silks of all qualities, &c. Ai.i. 0111.EHS thankfully' received and prolnptly eueiliiiil :it reasonable terms. . .;ZVY-thish toyer* tell, find it:to theirparticater ad inataye to obtain their clothing at this establishment, as they bt sure to ' , wire Lest obtainabievalms for their money. -Per croolayc allowedfui cosh. AL. , agent fur Mimeos d Otan's Family Sewing Machine; which hits an ebtablished reputatioihts the best extant.. The vingular simplicity and beantrof its mechanism is uttested•by the fact; that while it is noiseless in its operations, it is competent to make, at least, 4001* stiches a minute with unerring accure-- ey. Price, with Table, $3O. FIRE MG WATER MO ROOFING. •(CAF. subscriber in coming before the public with I this rooting feels confident not only that he cats give satistaction to flume who natty employ him either to put on new roma or repair old ones, but he is satisfied that he enn convince any practical uran that Isis out is not wily Fire and Water Proof, but that it is a roof that tSill stand the changes of heat end cold, and be durable for a great number of veins. ft con be used upon either tint or steep roofs, or upon old and worn not shingle reefs without the trouble of removing the shingles. ft is also one of the best articles that can be applied upon Tin or Iron roofs, owning talmost as cheep as paint, and will preserve the tin twelve times as long. Those having tin roofs that they wish to preserve, or leaky ones that they want outdo tight and have them stay so, Ns ii! be putting money in their pockets by using this• material. PnICEN. For new Roof, 5 et.. 4. per Square foot. Tin or Iron, do. out coat, 2 eta. per Square feet. du two coats, >f eta. per Square foot. Tiro coati. on Iriin or Tiu guaranteed to make it perfectly water tight. Samples of Oils loot' way he seen al. the Allen House, Allentown, Pa. All orders addressed to Joseph Cool, at the Allen [loose, Allentown. n ill ho ! wouiptly attended to. CONRAD R(EI)ER, Agent. Allentown. .1 one 8, ISfit. LIVERY STABL WILLIAM F. YEACER, RESPECTFULLY informs' his friends and the public gencrally, that he still continues to curry an the Livery businoss in Low Alley, (ip the rear of Dr. Itoraig's residence,) where he le prefatred to aecollllllodllie all who wish horses and vehicles, at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. his stock nfllorses has been selected with great care, and trained with an'erpecial view to safety,xhich places him in a position of keepillg the very model of a LIVERY STABLE. " I, He does not approve of hiring out broken-down, balky, ring -boned, spavined, or dis eased horses, but et' keeping the right hind of stock, such as can travel well and do credit to his stable. Ilia uarringes and vehichlos of every description will ainitys be kept clean and in good order. • •ile trttrts that by strict attention to business and heopingVhZ hest cf ak, bu will be favored with a I the ra I shere of pa I rorke Air - All ordain heft' promptly attended to %% Allentuwn, Augawt 10, 1 CLOCKS, WATCHES, ANn ZM'GilinEIT-NFL"Sr. • No 23 East Dunaltott street, oppositetho Corwin Re formed Church, A llontown Pa. WOULD respectfully beg leave to inform hie rriendq and the ptitlic generally, that he bee juts received from New York and Philadelphia the Ifirgest and best selected took ofCLOCKS, WATCH ES. JEWEDItY and SILVER - tVARK ever oirezed For stile in Allentown. All of which he is determin ed to sell at prices lower than over before .offered ascheap it not cheaper 1113111 the samovan be bought in the cities—unit guarantee all goods to be what they are represented. MI ore invited to call and ex amine for themselves. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired iu the Lest style and all work wormlike]. Alia° D 1 , 101 Also on hand ht large assortment of Melodeons ot the bust nianittact ore for churches and private bons- Thenkrol for tovit encouragement, he hopes by ottoition w laisinene to merit a continuance of the same. Sept. 21, I Kitt. Apothecary and Druggist, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • Ni. '2l 115 , 5 t Iliowitom Sl., Allentotcu Pa fioNsm ANTLY ON HAND ‘J Drugs, Chentields,' ..Dyeetutre, Arid', Perfuutery, .• Patent • . Nlnid, Camplitinv, 31•;••• Alcohol, Turpentine, soda Ash, Cattle Powder, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Castile Soup, Lard Oil, A..., s''•. Just received a fresh Puipply of Conftreite Water front Saratoga Springs. For inedieinal purposes, several fine brands of. Brandy, Old Port Wine and Gin. ' Physicians ran hare ettnfidencu lit the purity of all Medicines furnished by too. 4,10-tiountfy Dealers purChneing articles of toe will and price agreeable, allowing theta MI fair proliM ns by buying goods either in Philadelphia or New York. ' E. D. LAWALL. Al'entown, July ;la, tf cuAttLEs WINOBEEITZA sic 00 . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE A.,.N Patent Shoulder Seam. Shirt Manufactory, VT the old stand, No. 7141 Chestnut treat, Phila -11 dolphin, oppm-ite the Wnshington House. • A. WINCHESTER %rill give, nit heretofore, his per:mnol stnierviSiun of the Cutting nnd Manufactur ing Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the Phortemt notice. Persons desiring to order Shirts, can bo supplied with the formula fur inetumretnent, on application by mail. Constantly on hand, a varied and select Bloch of Goode. ;;;t,-IVlnflusale orders supplied on liberal terms. PERSONS WANTING CHANGErO' olininte for heolth,res sulvOrtilement of llama nton Lands in another column.. - .621. 4 1 1 ' THE VERY LOWEST Pitipts QvALITY, ANb UT, 'litriltDor.:' -tr C. R. MILK'S ' PATENT the. Allen Rouse will be .1.1A3[ F, YEAGER. • --tt CHARLES S. MASSEY, E. 11. LAkiIrALL, 11 3E EMI 01 IM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers