==l lUi •• f • • [n41111016 n. Y. irlottnepenti.t.lBoo.l The Charleston Mercury h ,of - the . 19t . inst., has the followjtig ptungt•aph under its COlum-, bid (S. b:) correspondence: "A workman on,the new State House named Powers, has b'een uttering seditious sentiments here without concealment, and on more than ono occasion; expressing his entire approval of Airri's invasion. He, was apprehended by l Mayor, and subjected to examination to the presence of the commissioner of this cir cuit: The proof of his incendiary language and feelings was abhndant and conclusive, al though not of tiny attempt to • tamper with slaves. He was, therefore, yesterday ordered to be escorted froth prison to the o utskirts of the city by.the marshals. As threats of res cue had been made by other stone masons, he was carried through the - lown at 11 o'clock A. M., and.through the State-House yard, where these men were at work, a c rowd, of course, in attendance. No attempt was made, and at the Charlotte junction oftho city, the Vigilance Committee took him in hand : stripped him to the waist; inflicted thirty-nine lashes and a coat of tar and feathers. Hence he was for- Warded by railroad to Charleston." The same journal has this paragraph under, the head efts leading al titles : " TEE TARRED. STONE-CUTTER.—The tarred stone-outter,alluded to in the Mercury's Co lumbia correspondence, duly arrived in this c ity, consigned to the Chief of Police. lie walked to the guard house voluntarily in his unique dress. • *He relates his adventure in the concluding with the !vises , - tion d 6 'f care a d—n for, the tarring and feathering, b 0 the nine and-thirty admin istered to lilt was 'a little tight." On Tuesday last there called at the office of the Tribune a very good-looking young man, representing himself to beJames Powers. He had arrived here in a steamer from Charleston on Monday; the day before. He showed his soars and blood marks. He told his history in a very simple, straightforward way to this ef fect, after denying the editor's statement that he did not care for the tarring anll feathering. Ire was born in Ireland. He came to this country and settled in Philadelphia. He learn ed-the trade of a stone-cutter. He was work ing with Mr. Waters, 'West Chestnut street, Philadelphia, a year since ; but dull times, growing out of the financial. revulsion, caused him to leave there and seek employment .else where. He went down the Ohio and Missis sippi' but could not at any of the towns find work. He, however, saw blacks employed.— Ile went to New Orleans, Mobile, Augusta, and other places, but was still unsuccessful.— Arriving at Columbia, S. C., lie found work on the State Capitol now building there. Among the workmen were Irish, English, Germans and Americans ; but only one South Carolinian as he recollects. At his boarding house, accustomed as he had been to speak his mind, he among his brother mechanics spoke on more than one occasion in favor of the em ployment of white mechanics, and thought the black should be confined to the fields, and swamps. Ho does not recollect ever having stated that ho thought slavery should be abol ished. 'lie had cast his vote' in Philadelphia fur Mr. Floremeo, the Democratic member of Congress, and was thoreflire a Democrat. lie was it sober man ; had not drank any spirits for four months, but was one night lately " on a frolic with a brother workman. That work man testified against him as an Abolitionist, and on hearing that the Vigilanc'e Committee was after him, he attempted to escape but was arrested at a railroad station ton miles from Columbia, and brought back to the place ; was thrown into prison for some days, and then taken before the Mayor. Four men on the trial, testified, against him. Ono swore that he han stated that J. C. Fre• wont made a speech at Mobile, saying that in case he (Fremont) were elected President, he would liberate the slaves! Powers states that he heard that that was said of Fremont. This curious specimen of his knoVsledge of the Re publican candidate and policy, did not 'save him. It did not appear on trial that he had • ever said a word to the negroes. A witness (Cheeseborough •by name) swore that when un der the influence of liquor as aforesaid Powers had said he was an Abolitionist before he left Philadelphia and his opinions were strengthen el since he came to the South. Mr. Powers ap pears to have been laboring under the delusion that liberty of speech is moderately allowed in South Carolina; of this the Mayor, the lion. A J. Greene, also a member of the Legislature disabused him by recommitting hint to prison, where hexernaineel for six days, up to Satur day fortnight. He was then taken by " two marshals" from his cell, and delivered into the hands of two negroes. One of the mar shals said "as you are so fond of negroes, I'll give you a negro escort." Ile was then led through the main street by the two negroes, a great crowd following. He passed the State House yard, where tlio workmen were. The Carolinians, about him said to the workmen, " Send word to the Northerners to come here and we can whip them." He passed the Hall of Legislature ; many members were on the steps—among them the Speaker—who looked on, some of them laughing. He was led film!. miles to the railroad jtTetinn., Ther9:;cere thousands present; he Inks abblitlialf the population of the town tehist have been there. Troops of horse, antOnen armed in various ways, were there. Sine cried " Spike him !" " Shoot him I" " Haig hint I" &c. Ile was stripped to the ankles, and a negro, under threats of being lashed himself, gave him thir ty-nine lashes. The blood flowed, and the • marks of this yet remain. The contents of a tar-bucket were then applied to his head and his body diwn to the waist. lie suffered aw ful pangs, which were the Abject of derision. The tram during all this was stopped, and the engineer celebrated the event 112, , sounding the whistle freely. Powers, was, niter an interval of nearly three hours, put on the train, in a car full of negroes, and taken toward Clitu4s ton. After he had travelled. he supposes; fifty miles a master-mechanic of Charleston, pitying his sufferingsmetexhathition, gave him a cup of coffee and a biscuit; whereupon the mob around the station threatened that persons, swearing also death to himself. Some cane into the cars and seized him by the hair, say ing, "Let's look at you." . Some desired to give him a fresh coat of tar mid feathers, but not being able to find any of those staples, they applied cotton to the tar already on him. The mob were likewise of opinion that there were a whole lot of Abolitionists in the cars who ought to ho hanged. He arrived at Charleston and was put in prison. He had been kindly counselled to make no complaints, or he would get 130 lashes more. A physician who attended hint, told him he es caped easily ; for there were seven men, accus ed of being Northern pickpockets, arrested at the Agricultural State Fair, and committed to jail. One of them had meowed 500 lashes; ant other a less number ; that the man who re ceived the 500 was near dying. Powers had not read of any trial of these mefi so accused and punished. Oil and water were given him to clean himself. Silence was enjoined on him, lest the mob should get hold of him. lie . paid his own passage money from Columbia to Charleston, the negro taking out $5 from his pocket-book. lle beard that it was published that the nogroes of Columbia, had made a sub scription to pay his passage. On Saturday last 7 in the morning, he was put On at steamer for New York. When the Christmas festivities were attheir height on Monday, this ." poor Exile of Erin," with the blood lash marks on his body—intlie ted under the tegim of the Constitution and laws, for some maudlin words or childish talk in Co lumbia, South Carolina—arrived at this great metropolis. He is reduced in the tlesli, but is sturdy in spirit. He asks work, not alms. . - germ. total eclipse of the sun on the I% of next July will be a very important one to the scientific world. The director of the Dorpot Ob sercatory was the first to remark thht at the mo ment of observation, four of the principal planets —Venus, Mercury: Jupiter, and Saturn—will appear in the eclipsed sun lt3 a kind of rhom boigal fipre ; a phenomenon of such extraordi oar; rarity that many centuries will elapse be fur its repetition, ( ~, HORRIBLE BUFFERING qt• • Fitiu,v.--i.m Saturday, December alst,lBso,.dixring the pre valenbe of a seiert; stbrin, a young man iihe had been sent &till St. Clair . to Hamilton, with a team, for the pdrpose 4f teindvirtg the family of Mr. Valentine Frantz; to the, fowler Tine found it necessii7 to nriliiteN hid bones sin leave the warn which. oofitAined the Tuna on a mountain; to go home and have horse shoes sharpened. The persons composing th family, left in that dangerous position, wer Mrs. Frantz, five sni ell cHi ldreii, an eldest daug tea and her husbatid. After the driver hsd been absent sonic time, thi3fainily mrt the ves: gen, for the purpose if possible, of reaching their home ; but the rain fell fast, and freezi g as rapidly as it fell ; impeded their progress. Mrs.- Frantz sunk to the ground a . dozen tim , in a distance of between one and two mil , yet she clung to and protected her babe, wi h the fervor which characterizes a mother's lo . At last Mrs Frantz, overcome by cold and - tigue, could proceed no futhor. The you g man placed her and four of her children '5ll t o ground, in as sheltered a position as he could find, picked up the rema i ning child, a boy, in his arms, and with his wife, proceeded homes rapidly as possible. On reaching home, he informed his &legs of the occurrence, and they started in search, of the unfortunate sufferers. When discover ed, Mrs. Frantz and the children were ineenti ble. The mother was lying on her hack, wife her babe pressed tightly to her bosom, whi t e her clothing was frozen to the ground. 04e of the children, a little girl, while attempting evidently, to crawl up the hill, had slipped; her clothing was stripped from her person, mirl she was found exposed and frozen to the ground. The children were taken to a place, of shelter; but Mrs. Frantz was not removed until a Wi gon had been procured. The first inquiry frau her lips when restored to consciousness, vats for her children. The boy first taken hOme lUd died. It is thought that Mrs. Frantz will W eever. Tho babe is well. There is howevir, some doubt of the recovery of the other elil dren. What the little family suffered in the long hours of that Saturday afternoon a d night, exposed to the peltings of a pitil 's storm, and to the chilling atmosphere of a w - ter day, on a bleak mountain, with the nearist house miles away, and their friends ignoreot of their condition ; what that mother must hike suffered mentally, in her anxiety for her pair children, our readers can imagine. We All not attempt a description.—Potleville Mines' Journal. RETURN OP GEN. SCOTT.—The return or Om. Scott from his mission to the Island . of Sue. Juan has been almost as unexpected as MS his departure. Some fears were entertained that the infirmity of years would render tle journey too wearisome for his strength, bit the result is happily different. Immediately after his disembarkation from the Atlantic ISet evening, he went to his residence in Twelth where the members of his family gave hima welcome more grateful doubtless to the old vet eran's feelings, than any of the ovations hale been which he has received since his depot um). Gen. Scott states that since he left this at, on the 20th of last September, he has travitHl thirteen thousand mile's. So far from impair ing his health, the constant changes have heal of decided benefit, and. he says that he was ni ver more robust and vigorons than he is it present. He expresses the greatest gratifiut tion at the warm reception which has every where boon accorded him. With regard to tte results of his mission, Gen. Scott chooses to be silent; preferring that the people should n ceive their information through the proper channel.—Nero York Tribune. The peculiarities of the female consti tution and the.various trials to which the sex is subjected, demand an occasional recount° to stimulants, ,It is important, however, that these shall be of a harmless nature, and at thf same time accomplish the desired end. HO stetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters is thi very article. Its effects in all cases of debit ity are almost magical. It restores the ton of the digestive organs, infuses fresh vitaliq intb the whole system, and gives that oboe* fulness to the temperament, which is the modt valuable of feminine attractions. The pro prietors feel flattered from the fact that manj of the most prominent medical gentlemen it the Union have bestowed enconiums upon do Bitters, the virtues of which they have fro . gauntly tested and acknowledged. There art numerous counterfeits offered for sale, all of which are destitute of merit, and positivelj injurious to the system. HA N MOM Dox E.—On Friday morning se v r euteen well-dressed young ladies were seeq marching up Main street, in this city, drawing a barrel of flour on a hand-sled, Walking in cout pies and drawing by a rope, and the odd one fu a leader. Upon inquiry it was ascertained tha they were the girls employed in Stewart's Mit ering establishment, and that Messrs. Stewart had proposed to give a barrel of flour to a poor woman on condition that the girls should draw it to her in this manner—a proposition very readily accepted by the girls, and very }we. somelyperformo7-..... • Mr. pitch the stable keeper, was so pleas ed with spirited conduct of the girls in this mutter, that he gave them a ride in his big sleigh.—Concord Patriot Dec. 14. lION. JOHN SCHWARTZ .—The Borks county Press says ; " The anti-Lecompton Democrats, among whom we recognise Maj. John Schwartz. John Hickman, and llaskin, are a noble trio of true Democrats; of Jefferson and Jackson school, who have, each of them, voted for the Hon. John Sherman, the majority candidate for Speaker. The vote, we are pleased to say, is heartily approved by the entire body of Mr. Schwartz 's constituents, who rejoice that the ' Old Roman' is true to the•cause which elected biro, and will remain So as long as he represents the people of Berks county." Aszaaarmovvis numurrs. •[CURRECTED WEEKLY DT PRETE, GUTH & CO.] • TUESDAY, January 10, 1860. Wheat Flour, per bbl. . . . . $O.OO Rye Chop, per 100 lbs. . .. . . 1.75 Corn Meal, per bbl. 4.00 Wheat, per bushel, . . . . . 1.28 Rye, w . Corn, Outs, II • Potatoes, 41 • Beans, II • Dried Apples, " • . Pouches, " Salt, w . Cloverseed, " Timothy seed, ‘i . Eggs, per dozen, . Butter, per pound, . Lard, . 4/ • HMS / `" • Bacon 11 • Beeswax, 44 • Salt; Liverpool, in sacks, Ilay, per ton, Straw, " MARRIED On the 25th of December, by the Rev. A. J. G. Dubs Mr. Jos LYNN Of Lower &moon, to Miss LYDIA Mott of Allentown. On the 27th of December by the same .Joni F, MANN, of Herford, Burks county, to Miss SAAAII ANN Lsnoscit, Of Lower MiMAIL DIED. Ou the 9th of January, in the Borough, A.timsAmisa, in the 23 years of his age. his remains will be conYmitted to their last resting place, on Thursday next, whore the I. 0. of O. F. of which order ho was a member, Will meet at their Hall at 0 o'clock, to attend the funeral in a body. 9.n Sunday last, in this borough, MARI' FREDERICK, wife of Belleville Frederick, aged 25 years. On the 22nd of December, in Upper Salmon, MARIA MAGDALENA HOE, aged (A yearki, 4 month!! and 1 day. • On the Ist of January, in Salisbury, Daum WEIL, aged 12 years, 3 months and 27 days. On the 2nd of January, in Hanpver,Nav SCIINEJ DER, aged GO years. On the 2nd of January,:in Pannynr, FRANCIS TIROS, son of Willimn and goot. - pov:! . , aged 19 years:' " LOST iv Sunday hot in Hamilton street, one pair Gold. 0 Sleeve Button., a literal reward Will be paid by leaving them at this 0190 e.. . Allentown, January 11, 1860. _p_ o CATAW BA. BRANDY, D. IiAWALL;.seIe agent for die eonnty.- 121. Price per bottle $1.25, by thi case $lO. Allentown, Jan. 11 FOR RENT. A good apd ionvenient Brick *telling House, with largo yard, garden, stabliiig a n d other conve niences,. situated at the corner of Eighth and Union streets, in Allentown, is offered for rant. For furth er particulars apply to JOSEPH WEAVER. Allentown, Jim. 11 18130. —3l NOTICE. Til E Annual meeting' of the Stockholders of the Thomas Iron Company, for the election of Di rectors for the ensuing year, will be hold at the office of the Company, Hokondauqua, on Tuesday, Febru ary 7th, 1800, at 12 o'clock M. J. T. KNIGHT, Secretary. Allentown. Janne ;.• 11, 1800. —3t For 'ale or Rent. Ev brick dwellings situated in to t Allentown, containing nine, ton lnn and eleven rooms, are for sale or rent. The terms of sale may be known by inquiring of SAMUEL, KRAUSS, Hamilton Street, below the. Court Rouse. Allentown, Jou. 11. Allentown Water Company. A MEETING of the stockholders of the Allentown 11. Water Company will be hold on Saturday, the 21st of January next at I - O'clock in the afternoon, at the Eagle Hotel, in the Borough of Allentown. Punctual attendance of all the etockhdldera is requested, as business of importance will be laid before the Company. By order of the board. JOSEPII WEAVER, President. JESSE M LINE, Secretary. Allentown, January 11, 1860. —2t Assignee's Sale. WILL be sold•at public sale on the premises on Friday, Januaiy 20th, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described property, to wit: A two story brick dwelling.: bones with a fine lot, garden &c., situated on Middle street, in first ward of tho borough of Allentown, near the depot en the oast side of the Lehigh Valley, Railroad. It is a good store-stand for carrying on a small business: No. 2.—A one and a half-story frame dwelling howl with lot and the usual out-buildings, situated on said Middle street, on the West side of the Railroad, and likewise near the depot. Being the Real Estate of Absalom Sterner and will be sold by W. IL BLUMEIi ,Agent for WILLIAM ( MEM, Assignee, Allentown, Jan. 11. Public Sale Of a Valuable Piece of Land. WILL be sold at public sale on Saturday the 21st of January, 1860, at 1 o'clock in the after noon, upon the premises, the following described real estate, to wit: Four acres of Land, situated in Lower Macungie township, Lehigh county, near New Texas, bounded by the public road loading from Weseoesville to Henry Gorr's hotel. Thu improvements thereon are a FRAME „ nil RAME DWELLING HOUSE, II ■ a now Barn, a good Orchard, ,k.e. The land is all clear and in a good state .of cultivation, and an Iron Oro bed is on the promises. Being the real estate of Elizabeth Bernhart, de ceased, late of said township and county. Terms on the day and place of sale, and due at- tendance given by _ _ . CHARLES BERNHART, JAMES FEHELY, W. I'. HUBER, BENJ. BERNHART, JACOB BERNHART. Should the aborm proporty not bo sold on said day, it will be rented for one year from the Ist day of April next. January 11, 1860. State of the Allentown Dank. JANUARY 4, 1860. Capital Stock, - State of Pennsylvania, Circulation, Deposits, - - Due to Banks, - Unpaid dividends, - Contingent fund, - Profit and Loss, - Bills discounted, - - - Judgments, - - Due by Banks, - - •Notes and Cheeks of other Banks, Coin, Real Estate, - - - Suspense account, - - - Protest and Expenses, . - *Notes and Chocks of other Banks are equivalent to, Redo ciAirrthat tha 4 hove Is a true exhibit of the no tun! condition of t aSank on said day GEAR S W COOPER, Cashier Sworn and subscribed be r e, Jan. 4, 1860. J. F. RUES, Just t4' of the Peace. January 11, 1800. —lt GREAT EMCITEIMEI IMPORTANT N a good tussortinent of PURNITUR .1 Consisting of Dressing and Plain I robes, Secretaries, Book Cases, Sofas other Tables, Stands of every deneri and Cottage Bedsteads, Cane Se at] Rocking Chain', Settees,' hooking sizes, and all other articles in his lir 1.25 1.50 5.50 ' Persons who aro about tdengage can procure a full outfit at prices as tle lower, than can be purchased el Furniture is well made, and can bid good. Repairing promptly attend JO/II Allentown, January 4, 1859. 1 ' Orphan's °mil BY VIRTUE and in pursuantea out of the Orphans' Ocrart a] high, there'will bo exposed to ;a dayLtho 28th day of January, at et7e .p (I A tt i tornoon, upon the royal', fcs land, situated 0110w5.14 wit: No. I—P rtly 1 &moon, in county in Springtle towns!) . by lands of ante! o Eberhard, an meta ing 9 acres and 40 perch with heavy timber, 4.50 2.00 1.60 13.ii0 8.00 No. 2.—Situ4e in yer Saucon, county of Lehigh Henry tlangwere, Henry Sh containing 11 acres and 50 p No. 3.—Situated in county aforesaid, bounded t Kurtz, Samuel. Kaufman and,t 2 acres and bl porches strict .. No. 4.—Situate in upp: Lehigh county bounded by la, Phillip Bohl and others, con , 117 perches. Tho 4 above mentioned tree are well cnvered with chostnu Bolog the Real Eetato of into of the township of Lo Northampton. Tonne on tho day at the p tondance given by JESSE JACOB By the Court, BOAT : January 11, 1800. SHOE HUSINESS ries, can be carried on profitabl See advortisemont of Hammonto CM CM CM IBM $160,000 00 2,787 57 188,240 00 68,940 89 9,744 09 1,251 20 5,000 00 76 74 $436,041 27 $316,783 73 4,806 17 49,175 42 12,107 42 42,370 42 9,000 00 1,378 00 354 74 $436,041 27 ws. weans, Ward • xtension and on, high, low, Windsor, and theses, of nil of business. in housekeeping low, If not a lit swhere. All the warranted to be ti to. /WALBURG. • -9m Sale. of an order issued the county of Lo bilesolo, on Batur o'olook in the af t certain tracts of nehip of Upper 11. • foretold, and partly .unty, and bounded .1 Oelainger, Joseph .r Schmidt, contain Measure and covered h Y're ßu h ok i 7. Danl o of Pa Le attic 1• township of Up , bounded by lands of ffor and tract No. 3 mhos arid measure. the township , and y lands of Abrabam act No. 2, containing ensure. • isauoon township d of Hoary Shaffer, thing two acres and are all wood-land and and other timber. ob Appel demand, r &moon, .00unty of a of male, and due at- AVER, i Admea. APPEL. sitsx, Clerk. INI3 NJ) FACTO- Hammonton.— oda. . Ag itr so!_e trahoittitil4 EttilW WILL he 'midst public sale, on Saturday the 14th of . .Tertaaiy,,at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Ohne house of John Y.' Bechtel, in the .bor ough of Allentown, the folloWing described valuable propertieg; to wit t • No. I.—A Yttlifitble House and Lot of ground, situate on thr; north allte of Hamilton street near Sixth, bounded on the west b3I d tot of John McLean, on tho oast 14 a lot of Jesse M. LlB6, on the north by a p'ublie alley, and on the west fronting on said Hamilton street; containing feet in front • by 220 feet in depth. The improvements thereon consist of a two-story BRICK DWELLING }LOUSE, 11111 IRI feet in front by. 34 in depth, conveni ng e ently arranged throughord and well adopt ed for carrying on business. A brick kitchen it on the premises within a few feet of the main building; also stabling and all other nedessary outbuildings, tdgethor with fruit trees, etc. To persons desirous of availing themselves of town property this presents a rare opportunity inasmuch as it is located in the heart of the-business portion thereof.. No. 2.--A lot of ground in Seventh street, between Hamilton and Linden, bounded on the north by a lot of Bernhard Reese, on the , south by a lot of Charles A. Rube, on the east by a public alloy, and on the west fronting on said Seventh street, containing in front 24 feet by 230 in depth. The improvements thereon consist of a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, 24 by 30 in depth, well arranged through- :1 111 : out, and with basement now occupied as a restaurant, doing a thriving business. A frame kitchen Is also in close proximity to the main build ing. Good stabling and other outbuildings aro also on the premises, and the lot is well planted with choice fruit trees, grape vines, etc. This property is also wall worthy the attention of persons in wont of a good property near the main avenue of business. Being the property of Edmund D. Reichard and Mary Ann his wife and will be sold by the under signed for the benefit of his creditors. Conditions on the day at the place of sale and due attendance given by J. ALLEN KRAMER, Assignee. January 4, 1860. --2 t PRIVATE 'SALE OF V aluable Real Estate. THE undersigned offers forst& his Valuable Real Estate, consisting of • No. I.—A Valuable Tract of Land. situ ated in Lowhili township, Lehigh county, on the public road, loading from Schneckeville to George's Tavern, containing 20 Acres and 107 Perches. The improvements consists of a fine three story BRION. WELL, dokknown as Klein's Mill. The Mill is 32 by 40 feet, is a good stand, suited •••• '•- • for flour Sind custom work. It has three pair of stones and two water-wheels, and all the necessary machinery, enjoys a good patronage, and has a good supply of water, even in the &yea season. There is also a. two story frame dwelling house, with kitchen attached, and a new swiss barn, and all the necessary improvements. No. 2.—A certain lot of ground, situated in township and county aforesaid, containing 13 Acres of waich 10 Acres are good cleared land and the balance woodland. The aforesaid property will be sold at private sale at any time between now, and the first of Janu ary next. It is a valuable property, and full worthy the attention of purchasers. Further information can be had of the owner, who lives on the premises. SOLOMON KLEIN. —6t Allentown, November 23 • Executor's Sale. WILL be sold at public sale on. Wednesday the llth day of January next, at 12 o'clock M., upon the premises at Siegfried's Bridge, in North Whitehall township, Lehigh county, the following described valuable real estate, to wit: A certain lot of land adjoining lands of Peter Leisonring, Peter Landenschlager, doe'd, and others, containing forty perches strict measure, on which is erected a two story brick DWELLING HOUSE, N I : 26 by 28 feet, well arranged end made of the best materials, and nearly new, with a slate roofs, said lot is all fenced with a good fence, and the necessary out-buildings are on said lot. Being a part of the real estate of Jacob BrIA, deceased, late of said township and county. Tams on the day and place of sale, and due at tendance given by AARON BRIBE, Executor. N. B.—lf the said property can not be sold on said day, it will be rented for ono year from the let day of April next, on the same day to tho highest or beat bidder. . December 14, 1869 " A TRUTH." TT is noth,i ‘ ng to gain popularity, but it is rarely that men retain it. Like money, come easy, go easy, popularity is a tender affair, and requirei care ful nursing to keep it alive. Especially is this observable in mercantile affairs. If the reputation, which is but another ijglme for popularity, be won by actual merit, it is lasting. C. 11. Sohermerhorn, the well knoWn . Grocer, Fish and Prevision Dealer, has by his straight-forward course, the fairaMis of hie prices and the excellence of his stock, secured:a rep utation which will be lasting. Having taken the business himself at the corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets—be can defy cam; petition and afford to sell at prices to suit everybody. Give him a call and be satisfied with the Truth of his ivsertions. , O. H. SCHERMERHORN, Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets. Allentown. December 14, 1819. —tf Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm of Guth and Raider, in the Dry Goods and Grooery business, in Allentown, Lehigh county, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the let day of Deeeniber 1859: All such, therefore, indebted to said firm, are hereby requested to mnke settlement as soon as possible, and all mach having any claims nre also requestedto present them without delay. URIAII GUTII, CHARLES H. RtEDER. The business will be (motioned by the undersign ed, new firm, at the old stand, where they will bo glad to see all their old friends and customers of the old firm. By fair dealing they expect to merit a Blued share of Patronage. CHARLES M. WEDER, BENNEVILLE F. LEECH Allentown, December 14, Steckel's ArOb rotype AND PICTURE GALLERY. D 00MS in the Third Story of Neligh k Breinig's Lb new building, (Lion Moll,) over the "Regis ter" printing office, where he continues to take the different styles of Ambrotype Pictures-by sky-light. Ile can warrant his Pictures to be perfect as M— lle returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronageWe has received, and hopes by producing satisfactory likenesses, to merit a continuance of patronage from an intelligent pubilo. N. B.—Pictures taken at 25 cents. December 7 NOVICE. MOTIVE is given that all holders and occupiers of IA Stalls and Stands in and around the Market House if they shall not be able to 'dispose of all the provisions offered for sale on market days and dur ing market hours shall (attar market hours) be per mitted to sell the same in any part of the Borough at. their option. By order of Council. ' E. J. MOORE, Secretary. —3t Jnnuary 11, 1800. Assignee Notice. WHEREAS. Allen G. Balliet and Sarah, hie wife, all of the borough of Allentown, by volun tary deed of Assignment dated December 12, 1859, convoyed to the subscriber all their estate, real, per sonal and mixed, for the benefit of their creditors, Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to raid parties to mako payment to the subscriber within six weeks, and those having .claims to present the same duly authenticated. within the same time, to E. J• MOORE, Assignee. —at December 21, 1869 THR OLD DOCTOR'S SON. A. S. HEATH, PDVIICIAN AND SURGEON, Will ex amine the sick and give advice/red, ' at our agents.— Mr. H. D. Lowell's, Allentown, 31st of January And 29th of M roli, 1880. Mr. Jacob Dwell's, Oats sauqua, 30t of Jan., and 28th of March, 1880.— Dr. Samuel andt's, Easton 2d Jan. and 31st March 188 Mr. J ohn Bletenman ' s Hamburg, 23d Jail., and 2 arch, 1880. Dr. S. S. Stevens, Reading 21st Jan., and 21st of March 1880, Docomber 21, 1859. • DR. - 8. P. BLISS, • X)1111EIZIlla r J1E'Iplail"311r.. OkTIOE OVER PRETZ, GTITiI t 0093 STORE AI.LENTOWN. PA El TitE FAION trIIOLISA AD RETAIL LLINIT WARI EA OHS C SQ SELL dr. SON, FURNITURE DEALERS, No. 32 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Ba.— . Now is the limo to buy your furniture. having adopted the Cash system, we can assartithe public generally, thiit wo can sell twenty ,per cent cheaper than goods in our line of like quality eon be pur chased at_any other Cabinet Ware Rooms in Allentown: Como ono and all, both great and small, old and young, rich and poor, and see our large stook of CABINET WARE, consisting of Secretaries, Book- Cases, Site-boards, Bureaus and Dressers, Sofas, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, and in fact, every article needed by a family, that have just commenced house keeping. Our Windsor and Cane-scat Chairs, and Looking Glasses surpass everything of lair kind to be found in town in price and beauty, and .excel them of Now York and 'hiladeiphia in point of endurance and cheapness. Come and judge for youreolves.— Ivery article is Warranted to be as represented or no sale. None but the best workmen re employed in our establishment. . ifArTucker's, Putnam's, Gross' and Howe's Patent Spring Beds, for sale cheap for job. Mattresses of every description at a very low price for cash. The largest stook (f Gilt and Carved Moulding iu town, and can be bought cheaper for cash of S. Sell (t. ion, than at any ether Cabinet Ware Rooms in town.. • N. 11.—All those under the sad want of un Undertaker will be promptly accommodated ither by (lay or night, by S. Sell At Son. Those Undertakers Who reside imthe country, supply with the bare coffins and all kinds of the latest styles of trimmings at very low prices for cash. P. S.—Now all we want is a call from one and all before purchases are made elsewhere.' API -All goods packed free of charge and sent any distance either by railroad or by public road. Thankful for past and present customers, and we hope by strict attention to business to welcome many new ones, at the low prices we now sell'at for cash. Don't forget the place, No. 32 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, a few doors below the Herman Reformed Church SAMUEL SELL.] Allentown, Jandary I I, IHO EAGLE HOTEL. CORNER of Demilton and Seventh Streets, (Mar ket Square) Allentown, Pa. TIIE Eagle' is well situated for the accomodation of travelers. It is furnished in the best manner. The Table is provided with the best fare the mar ket affords, and the bar supplied with . the purest and best liquors. Farmers and persons from the country, Ivill find the stabling and yard, as well Its the Motel, conve nient. jar-Omnibuses run regufarly from this house to the Rail-road depots. MOSES SCHNECK, Proprietor. . .Allentown, January 4, IS6O. ly Allen Insurance Co., ALLENTOWN , LEHIGH COUNTY, PA. THIS Company is organized under the general In surance Laws of this State, anti insures upon the mutual principle exclusively, against loss by fire, on Buildings, Merchandise and other property. Ap plication for insurance may be made at the office of the company, or to the Surveyors whose names have heretofore been announced. C. W. COOPER, President. C. M. RUNK, Serretdry. Allentown, Dec, 17 1859. —I y Eil2[l2, RHEUM, Justice of the Peace and Scrivener. TT As his o ff ice at 79, West Hamilton Street, Allen -1-1. town Pa.,.next door to thOlotel of Mr. Eli George, wham he will be always - ready, conscien tiously and impartially to discharge the duties of his office. He also acts as agent in the sale of Real Property, and offers for sale ten town lots in the Bo roughs of Allentown and Catasauqua. Persons wish ing to purchase would do well to call. ELIAS MERTZ. December 14. —tit MI WITh - Lathrop, Ludington & Co., TMPORTERS and Jobbers of Foreign and Do, 1 made DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Nos. 23 and 25 Park Place, New York. Ififiri Also always on band an extensive stock of Yankee Notions. • New York, November 30, 1859. —1 y General News Agency fiN and after Monday,•January 2d, 1880, the un ll will constantly keep on hand all the Philadelphia and New York dailies, weeklies, and monthlies. Ho will serve his subscribers regularly every day, immediately after the arrival of the cars. EDWIN SAEGER, Corner of Ilgw Alloy and Hamilton street, Allentowp, Pa. • January 4, 1880. --4 t Oysters! Oysters! qii?. ) bu ' l, ..) . t o onr too:ger! lonoradel tio o n n to t i i i i l o s fruit and vegetable store, at the corner of LmvAlley and Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa., will always keep on hand a supply of fine oysters, which can be supplied at the store, or to families at their homes on short notice. W. W. HAMERSLY. Nov. 2084. -6t JOSEPH Se KOOK Ma 0. 9 I t 11. A GRADUATE of Jefferson Medical College, and resident of Heidelberg township, Le high county, immediately in the vicinity of the public house of Mr. Daniel Delbert, offers his pro fesslonal services to the citizens of that vicinity. He will gladly answer to calls at 'all hours of tho day or night. [November 16, 1859.—tf A. B. Schwartz, OFFICE, East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. live doors east of the Sheriff's Office. Can be consulted in the English and (lerman languages.'ffik November 23, 1859. —ly Adam Woolever, ATTORNEY AT LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ALLENTOWN, PA. WILL attend to the collection of claims in Le high and adjoining counties. Allentown, July 27, 1859. t —ly E. A. ETECKEL. -3m NEW SALOON. THE I(indersigned respectfully announces to the daze' pf Allents - tnil vicinity, that he has C. 1.1 ioan New anmf -2m e *le Y. k 0 11 Air Mil VEIL .451 L 11E 4 . 3EI MEW , In • A T 8. .8. 3P "E'' La 3EII , basement of Marx's nd Hamilton atrems lemon oan always. be AGEE BEER, AC. R.'BRUMAN -a ed. Law Office to No. 46 oeito Bechtel'e Amer- .n, and of the ALLEN on removed to the HOTEL, 101721 =LEM P 1 A . MANY, PrOprietor. S. SELL & SON. [O. B. M. SELL NELIGH & BREINIG'S ONE PRICE? •• . . 1:1-404:i I. • • • i'f'.lll-11NC. Of FICL.i E i , I . .• . I • , , •. • CLOTHING HOUSE LION IX X.ll NELIGII & BREINIG, feeling it an/imperative duty to aocomniodate the public, found it necessary to procure a more commodious place of bu siness, and accordinly erected a PALATIAL CLOTHING HOUSE, on tho corner of Chureh Alley and Hamilton street, opposite- Moser's Drug Store, of which they hove just taken poassession, being the largest, most com modious, and best arranged building for the business in Allentown. Tlio proprietors of this Now hnd Magnificent Cloth ing lishiblishment, take ploasure.in further announc ing that they have also increased their tremendous Winter Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, and aro daily adding thereto all kinds of articles ap pertaining to Men and Boy's wear which will bo sold at extraordinary low rates, as they go upon the principle thi a "nimble sixpence is bettor than a slow shilling. " Thoy have nourish of years on their shelves, which they try to palm off for new sound, goods, but on the contrary, are superior in quality, make and style, to any establishment in the place.— Give thoiu a trial and you will find tne PALATIAL ClaiT BINH HOUSE is the place for everybody.— Their winter purchases comprise entirely new nod desirable styles, such as can not be found at ony oth er Merchant tailoring establishment in Allentown.— Their goods were selected with the greatest care, and will be made up in tho latest style and fashion, and warranted to prove the same as represented at the time of purchase. Observe, that every article of Clothing sold by the proprietors of this establish. melt is of their own make, and may be relied, upon as being good, durable work. Among their exten sive assortment mny be found, fine Black and Blue now style Dress and Frock Coats, made in the latest fashion of French and English Cloths, now style Business Coats, of Black, Blue, Olive and Green Cloths, and plain and figured Cassimeres ; Over Cents, of all qualities, Myles and prices, pantaloons, vests, and in fact everything in the READY MADE CLOTHING LINE, from an overcoat down to an undershirt. The four groat features of Noll& k Breinig's Store are, that they buy for Cash, and consequently can sell cheaper than any of the others; their goods are .made up under their own supervision, and they sell them for what they really are, and last though not least they sell their goods for Cash. Having adopted the CASH system, they are not compelled to provide against losses by increased prices. Buyers who pay cash are not required to make up the losses, of suc h as will not pay. Also, a large stoo k Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Collars, Winter Hoisory, Under Shirts and Drawers of all kinds, and everything in fackthat is usually kept in stores of the kind. Call and see before you purchase elsewhere, as they willingly show what they have.— They aro satisfied that all their goods will bear a close examination. January 4, 1800. HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS A LIVE 1100 K. 75,000 COPIES SOLD IN FOUR WEEKS! This is tho work that is creating somuoheioitement IN CONGRESS. Get the unabridged edition and you have all the power of HELPER'S KEEN PEN! Unnbrldgod Large 10 Teo. vol., 4120 •pages, cloth Price $l. Octavo edition, paper covers, 50 cents. Fos SALE BY BOOKSELLERS AND lbws AQFNTS nyanrWIIEUR. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED 'to sell this work the country through. Yernis lib-' oral. Send $1,50 for sample copies in both styles, with terms to Agents, and begin operations at once. No other Book is selling one-quarter 8111 fast. Single copies sent to any address, postpaid, on re ceipt of price. Addams A. B. BURDICK, Publisher. I No. 145 Nassau St., New York. Allentown, January 4, 1880. —4t New Coal Yard AT THE IDAUL. THE undersigned hereby respeotfully informs the public that he has establiShed a NEW COAL YARD at the Slate Dam Mill, in North Whitehall township, behigh County, where he will always keep on.hand a full supply of all kinds of coal at 60 Per Cent Less than the same can be purchased at any place along the Line of the Lehigh Valley Rail Road. Raving made a business connections with persons in the Coal Regions, he la enabled to offer advantages of groat interest to his customers. J. KLINE. pnB`ORAIN WANTED----At tho Slate Dam Mills all kinds of drain will be bought and the regular market prize paid for it in CAM Slate Dam, November 30: • —at -3m , m - Biarknod*Magmdeetr . .4 tan st'fo.i'lld. ,i:• DI lintirt A. '47'01 ' r '• i f it , RITMO' HglialMiire L. tiOOTT & 00., ItZW KOBE, dentine* totelitillo the following leadinglittitlett Pettodleity,s I. 'Jilt iONDON QIIARTIEBVI (Clossavativill the Intss . uzon alum MVO . TM; !EOSIN SPY= El PRIM Mtn ellardo 4, THE WESTHINITES E=rii (Mast BLACKWOOD'S EDINBtf S lUilf ILIGAZUBII 040 . *......-. • riIHERE periodicals ably represent the time ..1- political parties. of Giant Britain—Mhigrliallth .' and Radical—bat politics forme only one Radials el . i": their character. As Organs of the nest '101816.111$ ' writers on Science, Literatere, Moretti:, sali.idl-___• , • • glen, they stand, as they ever bare st WlltriteßMl co Morality in the world of letters being considered : • ble to the scholar entente professional semi OP • the intelligent reader °Cavalry alms they ftndelit it. more correct and satisfactory record of he elhillill , , literature of the day,Ahroughout the Waharliblibelltr • --, be possibly obtained from any otherl Male , • , ~ ~. ', EARLY COPIES. ''" • " The receipt of Advance Sheets fkom the British jpellh... ; „l . Ushers gives additional value to these M.; asmuch as they can now be placed in• the inn a subscribers about as soon u the origineitlatiellUs. , . TEEMS „, i t ~ i te For any one of tins four Review', 'e• . . 1 v t ,•„,. • For any two of the four Reviews, 'I 6 --tit . o'. For any three of the Antrßeelenes ' . , to; tt, For all font of the Reviews, 1. '•:,1, •.as: For Blackwood's Magazine "' . 1 4,,11•t., L., ,, For Blackwood and one Review,. ;.; iil For Blackwood and two Reviewe r • 1r 4r • V OD For Blackwood and three Reviews. ~ .il 0' oilteK 1 For Blackwood and thelour Reviews, ~.t4,rft,14,, Money current in titelltanrartaro &Mid 00611 1 11kyr 4 cetonf et Ore ' ' : • ''.... , r , 34,, „.. 4 , ~ CLO7)111107.• •• '" 4 -, • 4 ''''' . , A discount of twenty-five per snits MOOS tint ,0 ; ,. , ,., 4. prices will a b n e aollnoew ed r more m of sinewth d Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, suet PM , ,„, • I ( i. , r0 15 ... r ,. will be sent to one address for $9 four it At.ii" . four Reviews and Blackwood for hilt eft thlllr,..,rt# • POSTAGE. • • , ~: 'l, In all the principal Oltite and Towns tint r,',,„ will be delivered PRES or POSTAGII. When t ..,z.::',',e3,„,"'lstl: mail, the Postage to any part of the United' •will be but Twenty-four Cents a year AV a , 0 ~.!, wood,” and but Fourteen Cents • year Ator .i. mo t . -, , • ~ . Reviews. • ' , e5i.0.4 . 1' , N. 8.--The price in Great Britain of Ole Mir gur • • If• 14,,t riodloals above named is $Bl pin. annum. , ..!, • Remittances for any of the above paMill,,'., :4 should alwaye..be addressed, pospeid to, tin4„ts, . lishers, LEONARD SCOTT h 00.1/ 4 ,4. • 't t':ti . S.t. , • No. 64 Gold streetAilit 3.0 1 ,4 olsv December 21, 1869. • E • UREAT ENGLISH IL I t ' . Slit JAMES ()LAMM* Celebrated Felled!,if; tab rBAYEECIBD, . • . 4 ,1 •,• , 0, 4 • .a... 1 4 .•• • alb lig BY ROYAL • ir. fit tnYlir • tqleti lirepared from a preadripiiiii , • • n 1.710 D., Phisicitin 41/1.421emer .- ' l l lihhi Invaluable medians Is utditillog 111441iir tae. .0 41, 1 those ea t ubil and dangerous . Ore osnatitation is subject It soodushr alLiplow ,vviv moves all obstructions, andsupestroamm4l4lll4l.lll6ll . TO.MABBIED LOAM, ' !tie peculiarly suited. It will s itt the monthly period with rogularity. , . Nish bottle, PM* One Dollar, blare the, 0011011,114 a Stamp of llreat BAWD, to primmt - Thus Pills should not be Mien by Amass &rt . nirOir riRST THREE MONTH'S qf Pregnancy, me ilOtirilriP nerd to bring as Miscarriage, bet d any alto time Miit are sap. • ES In all eases or Nervous aed Spinal Allbetlowdo ridaAt, So the Back rind Limbo, Fatigue on alight 110116014 POOSIVAI don of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whits*, thell - Fibtlit • o:n . effect a cure when all other means Wine Alit Yt t.p) although a powerful remedy, do not confabs Way,016,10 1, ! , .:Y. antimony, or any thing hurtful to the Msaltibitittir I ,Full directions woompany lath proksor.. , Bole Ageg Ibr the Ihdted IStatei wall Cushy • ." t, ;.rag eons, L same • saessts4 F. 13,--11,00 Asa d postage lumps whom" Go sigraii. , • *ached Agent, will lawn a bottle N the MIS wstaferf' War sAte lb y.i'; E. D. Lana and Lewis fiebsatilt B; hiosser, Aliontown,And DrtiggiSts e jc ii .1111611331D0W3111313NP . • TAR AND WOOD 1111"fiEit ! Is Tllla Baum MEDICINE IN SIB -OAS* -. ~. For the Cure of Coughs and Cobh, Oroop t EnsileM9 ii Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, _Pad= : '•':-' of the Heart, and for the relief Of pe in the advanced stages of Canes.. , '''.' - , ~"-'' 'e. awl, together with all DWAIN, '.' . • ^' ,, rs : : ,. of the Throat and Cheat,. : , '' , ' : ,.'",;.it.; and which predisposed to Corinurittion. It alleilW the root of disease, and makes the Mill uttroir Milk i numb to its influence. It also prednan ff., '',.: toration, and induces healthy soden lit tb• ,;. Mucous Membranes and Tissues. "II Is ss adapted to the radical cure of Ass 'Oa* . this invaluable Syrup often gives obi, and: ' 1 . , t unaptly sleep, which the peculiar nadOrs of NI • ease denies him. It is very pleasant So ak. WO i.: , prompt in its effects. Try it, and belowdaibil. it is invaluable in the cure of BroauhfiaANKM • tag.PRICE 50 CENTS PBR BOTTLE:. 1, ...Xi' Prepared only by - • .: ' ,i , ..''....7 A. EsEswins., . , is N. W. Cor. NINTH & POPLAR S. ' ~ N. B.—For Sate by Lewis Solutdde*a.: - - - t „41144 10, John B. Moser, Allentown; Reigel. 6 ''' + town; C. E. Hecht, Easton •A. W. ,I ' I , town; 0 eo. H. Smith A Co.; Phlladaylit4 , i '''‘''. Druggists and Storekeepers genandlly. , • ' •' ' ... September 10.—May 25, 1869. " ' IoY Is, - - ...Li e,.,, BR ~ • Y A We' . • ~.- . ~,i,,... ~..<l / 4 • . :• - 1 / 4 -• ~• , • • • • •• , • rim/owe t .. 1 i t NI ui t'a ;: -- il .• ki v t , • , .; ', ''.. ‘i' . ifiiii\l\l i :-,,:k... .....•! WAFER5,....2.1 . ~,,i %• .,.. . • .... I'As moat &nimbi and speedy ngialf nip iii=.l.• a:. Diseases of the Clisot end lArtage, C'efda /Whom, Conameptiellkto ~, Woman, Heammtam, Breathixt,.3fr• WOas le , Vi• %MESE WAPP:III3 give the roost hipterThile lalhist 1 perfect relleg and when peraeverWerlaa ~,,,r , :.,, 1., directions, never Ail to effect 6VI one . ~,,,. j rhomknds have beet' restored hit laj we t . • „. . ' tried other means'in vela. To la (ions they ere equally a hies:dug and '•' •,,,.... ~. despair, nn natter bow long the disease ewe. ,•„,, or however Severe it may tol l prOvided O •••• P. • 1: tom of the vital organs ill n 6 110 P 616 64 4 one &filleted should give them Lunn JOB 1101 ES, Sole Proprietor. ReathrklaW re .4l , Pere .25 cents per box. Tornio tiy . . • ]L D. Lowell Lewis Deirmlat 1 . : CeillneiriVeh D. Ateeaer, Allentown, and Drumlin' eentrelegekie . Allentown Aco ,HE Fall Term,of this Inititutlosimits ) Thuradarithelst of fleptembse:. uterffi- ; calved into the School at anyjilme.,a4 spartealf. from the date of entranee. , Primary, par quarter, ' • Common English branelfos, . 3 45: Higher . " " with Latin and ft' •• It t( 111 a.ytyaq4b Music, . lime of Plano for practice, 4,0 Drawing, Fuel for winter, ' • A few pupils are received into the' hinny, Oils Principal at the rate of $4O per quarter Ler waohlng and tuition in all branches-except and Drawing. • T. H. GREGORY, I, Deiamber 14.—March 10. • 41 - 6 1 i. , • AM . Paint and.. Color i!. AL.T,ENTorirk, BRBINIG BRO. mennheturen of Whit. Zino White, Ohrome Orion and ItellOw, and Pruielan Blue, Umber, Menne, Bpatildi , . Yen. Red, Ochres, Ro.' Pure:Lehigh O bst. ml, x,Y Pure Lehigh Metal. Brown.. , December 140859. $lBOO Wanted . IN SUMS not lose then $lOO, FurtheP Informationgiven.. , _ In Allentown. JONATII Allentown, Nov1=1)0 1,0; 18X ql./0 - - 0 ERE EIME `.' igi', rc~ u' ELM Eil Mil CM =IIB 4 -14tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers