YOUNG & LEH, iVROLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN P S • t) ii"OU Caps, Lamps, Trarls, I. 7 o.lisss, Carpet Bags, &0., No. 45 Enst Hamilton ,treet. Allentown, Pa., AGAIN take pleasure in calling the attention of the citizens of the town, and the public generally. t the largest nod freshest stock of the 11110% r goods over exhibited in this place; consisting of spring aid summer 800 t'S and SIIIOES purchased direct from the manuf.teturers in New England, nt the low e.t CASII PRICES, which enables us to offer rare in ducements to our customers, either wholesale orre tail. Great care emir been observed as to style, quality and s izes,—such sites as are best suited for this seetien of country. In this particular we are prepared to give better suittAtetion to country merchants than they trill receive, in either Philadelphia or New York. In connection with the shove ire de.dre portieular ly to call attention to goods of Our awn 111111111fileillre, g i euitable fur all c .. hule s ,. consisting of itl htt. en s, be) e . , I ou li and Children's Coarse, Kip, Calf, Morocco, Pat ent Leather and Buckskin Sewed and Pegged Boots and Brogans, Congress and Button Gaiters, Monter oys, Oxft vl Ties, c., Women's, Misses' and Child ren's Calf, Kip and Morocco Love Boots, Buskin and .Itnny Linda, ith , o, Patent Leather, fine Lasting and Icalian Cloth Gaiters, of various colors. We have paid particular attention to the selection dl of our Simi( of • g—.2l: 2Mk_. 'Mr , ,_3 1 9 fir spring, and summer wear. Wu have it very 111111.1 - 51 IMO and eomplete assortment of flats for Gents, B tys and Youths. Our (tents' Silk or Moleskin Hats aro not equal‘ed by any establishment in town, its Cloy aro all ma nuraelltretl to order by the most fash hatable Batters in Philadelphia. STRAIN GOOD4.—In this line we ore not cur passed by any establishment not or the large cities. Our stock is very large. consisting or Mens, Boys, sal Youths' Panama, Maritatibo, Leghorn Peddle, tiennette, Palm Lon, Canada, Michigan, Ate. dm.. Children's Fancy lie! and Leghorn Caps, Misses' Fla's. Ladies' Riding Hats, &c. P. S. All the above goods will be farnished trr Merchants in the country at the very lowest city Job bing prices. Orders tire reespeettuly solicited, and trill receive prompt attention. CATSISAUQUA CHEAP CASH STORE! AU s 16111,3EnT 3 FAS lately purchased the Store and stock of goods of William tiross, in Catasituqua, and haviug added thereto a heavy supply merchandise, fresh front the cities, he now invites the citizens of that place and neighborhood to give him a call and examine his unsurpassed SUMMER GOODS, which for variety of style and price caDnot be out done by nay Store in the County. His stock of La dies Drees Goods embraces all the various and latest styles ~t• Silks, Brilliantes, Poplins, Gingbams, Challics, Lawns, Barege Delaines, Solid col'd. Dolains, Bareges, Swiss Mulls, Cambries, Jaconcts, Prints, &e., cheaper than they can be pur- chased anywhere else. 4 Atil ME-311{} 3 1aWIEL. His Shawl stock, for Summer consists of Crape, Silk, Thibet, Cashmere, Stella and Barege, very low prices. Also, a fine lot of Manua“., em. ant! ILSo 's w cal% lle has a choice stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Cottonades, Cashmeretts, Linens. and a host of other Goods, that cannot fail to give satisfaction. //ol,e Pupa;Niaffy StOVit of House timals will Way: , he roilllft to con=ic( of :1 very general assortment, and a, prkes whick will warrant Of Moves, Ilesiery. Laces, Ciellars, Veils, Tl.llll - Sr., lie 11113 1110 111 IA t 3,1111111•111 ,100.11. in limn. Gltl/CI:1i lEr.i.—lie has a large stock of fresh lain /...;L'• , lly 0, - ,iceries, prime, :...'-ne, Ci -77c74": 11 : .I.tra :mil Rio c.,tre,, fs% ,--1 , •-1:: ..4 .. • dz0,,..1. , . ~.. , ~.....,.. Teas, Mlee- 4 4 .. , ."-.-;,-:•., 14!' •,-:--'-'. ',. ,4 Cheese . , iSpices, - -.,.- - Craelter:., fir. Ilulter. Eggs, 1,.,r41. Hants:. Sides, Shoulders. Pont lime, Onions, and Snap, for which the higheA.Alarltet prices will he given in exelwitge for (lends. 9ne ,, tne,tee.—llf Queetewvern ho has a fine end tenet lent, ceinpritting every ertiele that is manufactnred. Obeek,,, I. by Ulu tithule, brill or qunrter barrel, No. I. 2 and 3. Cat.lstitapin, June Lochman's ....a. WI 3a. 3EL 0::::, 11 1 1 - SZ - 1" Mi AND DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY, No. U West Hamilton ,street, Allentown, Pa BLOCIIAIAN re , pact fully informs the citizens of .1 Allentown and vicinity. that lie is now prepar ed to take A3ll3:l(YrliPli.l:4 in connection with Daguerreotype,. His Anthrotypes are far superior those of ally elher operet.,r in town—however munch atty he tallted of the •. Potent" Anihrotype, to Ihe I'oll - vary io•twithstauding. Atuhrotype is it new tool 'Lanai:lll style of picture taken on glass, a n d tunuittull ch by any other style. They :ore without the glare 01 . Itagnerr9utype, tool therefore can iw ::con fu may. iew. They cm' be seen on either side of the plate. tee not reversed, nod show everything in its trite po. Their ete.t is but a trifle more than a ‘lnguer- Jetype, untl they are itolestruetahle to the notion of an at ino,pli-re, and cannot be injured by rubbing or :ashing. Beth A eihrelypeA and Daguerreotype, . - t!ten in 113 tiwurpas,ul style without regar.l to ...outlier. Hy long es:perienve, :arduous toil, It do ire ' • / 111011.40, 111111 heavy investments of capital. lit 11,1, , nllreti that any 0110 Wll.l may favor hint with a call ':ill receive in retort' a portltet picture, not to excelled. in point of arti,tie beauty. by any one this section or country. lle would also invite at :alien to his nun• 1111.1 ..1.11111111.1. 4 1.1..1i mge iu prie,, from 75 cents to It) dollars. Please !ear in mind; that pictures can be taken in clear or ...Indy weather. Allentown! ) Feb. 7 'heap Boots &S hoes, AT TEE STORE OF Witty & Itna,us . s No. _l lint Hamilton street, Allentown. \I,. Ith'llEav hing sohl his interest in the estab • li.loncut. the molersigne.l formed It co-partner :hp, vont now invite the !Mention of vititellS oh I .0 town out w iviaitc. as well as country merchants, their largeaml superior stock the above named old 'stood, one door cm.t of the Timm Reformed Church, where they utanufacture sellnt 11110LESALE AND RETAIL, 'I .if lino nod coarse gentlemen's Boots and Also, all kinds of the latest styles of Ladies' :•I.Childron's Sheer, comprising nil styles, qualities mieee. Ladies' tiaiters, with'or without heels, up of Promo'', Italian English and Annuli:an or eelors and styles. Dress Shoes of ;ent Leather, Ntormum, Kid French Morocco and .1. different return, ter Weinun, Mince, Children • l Infants. All we tusk in tin examination of our “Is and priews heron, pureinusing eitsewhere. .LEASURE OR CUSTOI I / 2 3/2 • WORK • ays be otletided to with punctuality. in the • rtyler, gaud outteriebi by superior workmen. •Jountry to Chants .I Ilnd thim we fire premirea to k lt' br thaw tit lit , • • lowe,t city Jobbing. 'nivel. Orders respectlnily . 4ted. KNAUSS. All 2. In, A GREAT TIME! MR. BRECKINRIDGE, m a the Deocratic Candidte for tho Vice . Presideney is id present stumping the State, and it is expected he will also Visit Ailenfown, in which event, a commit tee will he in readiness to escort him on his arrival to Kook Newhard's Clothing Store, No. 35 West himilton street, where ho is to be titled with a suit of clothes. They have just returned from New York and Philadelphia, where they purchased a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting or cuti rely new and desirable styles, such as 0011 not be found at any other Merchant Tailoring Establishment in Allentown. The goods were select ed with the grentest eare,and will be m u le up in the latest style awl fashion, and warranted to prove the same as represented nt the time of purchase. Observe, that every , artiele of Clothing sold by the proprietors of ibis c:,tablishment is of their own make, and may be relied upon as being good durable work. Among their extensive assortment may be found, fine Black and Blue now style DRESS AND FROCK COATS, made in the latest fashion of French and English Coats, new style Business Colds; of Black, ErJwn. Blue, Olive until Breen Cloths, and plain and figured Cassimors ; Over Conte, of all qualities, styles and prices, pantaloons, rest. and in filet everything in the READY MADE CLOTHING line. from an over-coat down to an undershirt. The three great features of Keck it Newhard's Store are. that they buy 'for Cash, and consequently eon sell cheaper than any of the others ; their goods are made op nailer their own supervision, and last though nut leasr, they sell them for what they really are. Also, a largo stock of flandlccreltiefs, Shirts, Col lars, Winter fosiery, Under Shirts and Drawers of all kinds, and everything in fact that is usually kept in stores of the kind. Col and see benire you purchase elsewhere, as they willhigly show what they have. They are satistied . that all their goods bear it close ex amination. Allentown, Sept. 17 FAIR! FE RIR! THE Agricultural Pair always attracts consideroble attention in the mind of the public, and always brings scores of strangers to town, most of whom make soma kind of a purchase while here, and of course try to carry out self-interest by buying where they con get the cheupcnt and most fashion/fide arti cles for the lewd nmnell. We therefore take this meth od informing the public that we have just received our 1 all and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Remly-Mailt. Clothing, &.e., and which we can afford to sell cheaper than any other Store in toWn, and for the proof of what we say we only ask a call before purchases are made elsewhere, as we don't charge auything for showing what we have, not force any person to bay pricers, orilleo and gnu% are not suitable. We are eoutident we have the most fashionable goods in town, hymn ist! we have no Yo year• old steel( on our shelves like some others, which is frequently palmed MT for uew, but nearly everything is fresh, and alwayS man age to keep it so, by selling at such low prices that id the end of each season we have scarcely anything remaining. We buy exclusively for CASIL and by gaining that per centage we eon sell lower than those who boy on tick," and who ore therefore compelled hi "screw" the discount out of their patronc. These are facts worthy of consideration. We have just un packed to large and splendid stock of ladies' DRESS OODS, of the latest styles of plain, black. clang.. barred and striped Silks, very cheap, lie Dailies. Cashmere, De Beges, Plaid De Lathes, plain nail fan cy all-wool De Dailies, Coburg Cloths. Alp:teens. 'Fats tees, and Calicoes • of all sorts find Prices, from 5 cts. up to 121. Of SHAWLS we have a large and tan , sui•pasceal assortment, such as Brachia,—single and . double, Boy State. cloth, Cashmere, Operas, Stellas, ~ or an prices and totalities. Our in+sortment of DOIIESTIC It GODS, is full and varied, among them some superior ',knelled and unbleached Muslims of 01l widths • prices and qualities, bleached and unbleached Table Diapers, all widths, Se. Flannels,all wool, of all colors, as low no 25 ets. a yard, bleached and un bleached Canton Flannels, Blankets, Gingliams. Checks, Ticking, the., ,tai, very cheap. GENTLE MEN'S WEAIL—to this branch we pay particular attention. We 'have a large and heavy stock of BEAD): MADE CLOTHING. of all descriptions, which we elder to sell cheaper than it can be bought anywhere else in town. Among the stock we have all hinds of Frock and. Business Coats, Centrum'. Plain and Fancy Cassitnere Pants, of all prices. Vests.—black. Satin, Silk, ['bash and common, to gether with all kinds of Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassitneres, Shirts. Collr•rs, Bosoms, Drawers. Sus pet tees. Under Shirts, Cravats, Ties, Starks. Gloves. Ae.. which we will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Come and judge for yourselves. ' , Lpt. 21 Glorious Netvs. underqigned has just returned from the rity with a splendid msortment of New lim's, whit): in connection with those previously recieved, form n very large and umurpassed stuck of the following named ware.i: MB BOOTS AND SHOES. , A 1... and Boys' Cull', Kip and coarse Bout: , and Brogans: Men's Congress Boets and Gaiters; Shoes, ;lilippers, Oxford 'ries, and Boys' and Children's Boots. Ladies' I.2aiters, kid lace Boots and Buskin Misses' and Children's Shoes, together with an unsurpassed rtock of Gums. HATS AND CAPS - • Also received, a fine assortment of Silk. Moleskin and Brush Hats: Kossuth and Suit Hats, for Men and Children; and blazed, Cloth ;tad Finley Caps, of the latest :styles and very cheap. TRUNKS :IND VALISES. A largo tv:mrltnent of leather and oil cloth trunks. some Crass mounted, and Valieea, Carpet for Yalu at low 'wives at the cheap " Union Shoe and Hat Store." No. 77 IVeat Hamilton street, Allentown. ELLIS MERTZ. Copt. 17 , . lto CER lES, Sugar. Coffee. Molasses, Spices, VT Tea, Raisins, Dried Apples. Cheese..te., it fresh and good supply at (II TH.C. SC/a 0 rem,: EENSWARE.—A large and well selected stork of and Queensware. in setts or by the piece, for sale cheap at GUTH& SWILOCCIIS. 11.MPET3 AND OIL CLOTHS,—PIoor Oil Cloths, of all•widths, trout the best manufactories, Ta ble Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths, Oil Shuttles, the hest assortment and excellent styles, for sale by t;(7.771 SC,HL r•rlr. . = QAI,T, SA LT,—G round Liverpool Salt. in sacks or kJ by the bushel, Ashton Fine Salt, Dairy Salt. in small saelts, for subs by G1'771 Selll.o I 'CI I; MEW MACKEHEL,—Nos. 1. 2 nail 2, in whole, hull and quarter barrels. for sale loop (it '7'll Selll.o OOKING GLASSES,—or itti sizes nnil prices. r :ink cheap nt GUT!! 0 Veit 8. E. W. F., CK E T'S IVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBCCO,SNUFF&SEGIO • NO. 13 EAST lIAAIILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, Conntnntly on hand a large stock of Leaf Tobacco Also a Balmier stook of Segars, etiturinhtg the latent stylus and brands, at the lowest ' .City pripee. All °Gods wttnantotl. July 20. —1 y C. GILBERT CIBONS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 67 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. English and Clerutan. Alluntun•n,illny 14. —ly CO THE LEHIGH•REGISTER, NOVEMBER 5, 1856. IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER Paper IMPOSITION 11011[11%. Joseph Cleve% Allentown, Agent for Lehigh Co. YOUR attention is respectfully solicited to the nbove method of Roofing, now much used in Philadelphia and vicinity, nod which has been exten sively in use in many of the cities of the West. • luring more than eleven years past, during which •time it has been tested under every variety of circumstances. and Ivo confidently offer it to the public as a mode of , Roofing unobjectionable in every important particular. while it cumbineS, in a greater degree than any other; 'roof in use, the valuable requisites of cheapness, du rability, row' security against both fire and water.— This is rapidly superseding the use of all other hinds of roofs, wherever it has been introduced, giving gin crab satisfaction, und is highly recomniended by all • wile have tested its . utility. These roofs require till inclination of not more than one inch to the foot. which is of yrcat orionelaye is ( . 11817 of fire, and for j drying purposes. They are offered at a price consid erably less than any other roof in use, while the I 'amount of material saved, which would otherwise be used in extending up the walls and framing for a steep roof, often makes a still farther important re duction in the cost of building. Gutters may be formed of the same material as the roof. at much lees expense than any other. In ease uf defect Or injury, from any cause, there is no roof so easily repaired. The materials being mostly non-conductors of beat, no roof is so cool in summer, or so warm in winter. Those wishing to use our root; should give the rafters a pitch of about one inch to the foot. For further in formation apply to Joseph Clewcll, at Allentown, our agent for Lehigh nod Carbon counties. who is pre pared to execute all orders at short notice. H. M. WARREN CO.; No. 4 Farquhar Da:flings. Walnut Bt., Philadelphia _ _ KECK ,L NEWHARD The following named gentlemen in Allentown have their houses roofed with the littered named eomposi tion, and are able to testify to its superiority over any other kind of roofs : st. between Ninth end Tenth. 11. STETTLIt rt. Walnut et.. between Eighth and Ninth. F. Bont.r.x, Seven th st.. between Hamilton ,t: Linden. Horn t Eon It. Linden st.. between Fourth k Fifth. J. IL. W01.1.E. Sixth st..between Hamilton k Linden. Sitnit.tKNArss,Ninthst., between Linden Turner. A. Klotz, corner of Union and Seventh street. 11. E. Winnur, Fourth st., between Linden .b Turner. Feb. El, 1836. Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadrlphia, OFFICE, No. 1631 Chestnut street, near Fifth. STATEM ENT of Assets, $1.623,949 OS, January Ist, 18.15, published agreeably . tu Act of As sembly, being First Mortgages, amply secured. $1,109,28148 Real Estate (present vahie $110,000) cost 82,139 87 Temporary Loans, on ample Culateral Securities. Stocks (present valtto $711,191) cost Cash, &e., 1,525,949 11:4 Perpetual or Limited Tosurances made on every description of property, in TOWN AN!) COUNTRY, nt rates as low as nre.consistant with security. Since their incorporation. a period 61' twenty-four very, they have paid over I h rte. In ill ion de", of LOSS BY Finn, thereby affording erblence of the e lvantage of Insurance, no to their ability and dispo,iition to meet with promptness all liabilities. DIIiIiC".I . OIZS : Ch:n•les N. Baneker, Mord. D. T,ewis. 'l'ol.ins 11 - ogner. Moll,. E. Uric, Samuel linott. David F. Drown. .Ineolo IL Smith, Morri, Potter:out, lieu. •U. Meloin's, I-one Len, CII.IIILE4 N. ILINCEEII. Pre,ident. CHARLES (I. Seuretm•P. %.7.q.-The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, end are now pre pared to unlike insurnnces on every description of property, at the lowest rotes. A. L. Iti_7llP,, Allentown. :SEA 6111:0 CU". MRS.. gEW .. " VATCHES AND JEWELRY, 5 ;4.: 44 , V hits just been t.eceiveil by :he noilersigued, No. 21 West Hamilton street, which fur beauty and durability is unequalled in town, and to which he invites the at tention of those desirous or g ottio g the best goods nt the vary lowest prices. llit stork comprises Brass Clucks of description. (101 l and Silver Patent Lever. Liipine, Quartier and other Watelic,i. Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Gold, Silver nod Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warranted to he as represented. stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, and comprises nil the most fashionable articles, such as (told, Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, (lola Watch&e., Rohl and Sil ver l'encih Cases. Cold Pens or a superior quality, Silver Combs, awl at variety of other articles too nu merous to emotion. Ile lbels e1.1111 , 1V111 that the above goods are the best in market, :mil offers them to the public Ilt the lowest prices. He would particularly call your attention to his clock of C Li) C N AND IVATCIIes. nod urge you to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, no he feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is more important. with the prices, 111111 WOlllll ilk° inform the public that till his goods ore warranted. L. STRAUS:3 k CO Clocbg, lrafrhym and Jewelry, repaired in the neat eq and best manner, and at the shortest his work i 8 warranted. JOHN NEVI IA 11 D. THE undersigned, n son of the well known and 1 popular Vendue Cryer, John Smith. deceased, respect fully informs the public that he has adopted the business, and offers his services in that capacity to all who may require them. lie considers himself stile to render satisfaction, as hundreds of references can be given. lie can be engaged to go any distance that may he required. II is residence is the first door above the German Reformed Church, directly oppo site, Moser's Drug Store, in llamilton street, Allen town. . FRANKLIN SMITH. NO. In East Handltoa street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Kauffman, has just returned from New York and Philadelphia. with a very largo and superior stork or Full and Winter MILLINERY COODS, and the very latest. and most approved style of Bonnets, which will be sob: as cheap it not a little cheaper, than they can he pur chased many place in town. Her stock of Ribbons and Artificial Flowers cannot be surpassed in this or any other country town for beauty and cheapness._ She wants person., to giVe her a call and examine her stock, so that they may judge for thrifts( ices. As she has acquired a thorough knowledge of the busi ness, and employs none but the best Milliners, she is prepared to warrant all work done at her establish, went to be as represented. She is anxious to satis fy all who may favor her with their patronage. Old bonnets repaired so as to make them look equal to .new. She returns her thanks for the patronage thus far beatowed on her, and hopes by strict attention to business, and selling at low prices, to merit a euntin- Uallee of the same. September Fr. —nun A RTHUR'S PATENT AIR-TIOUT ING CANS AND JARS, for preserving Fresh Fruits, Tomatoes. &e., for sale at the New York Store, No. 29 West Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. • lIOUPT A; STUCKERT, Sole Agents. Tj4`Rrief directions with carh Can. • The subscriber linvingpurchnsed the entire establish ment of Mr. Muir, is prepared to manufacture all kinds of Window Blinds, of the best quality, at prices as low as any in tinselly—:it 3(1 West Hamilton street. S. H. PRICE. Allentown, January 9 Mir E,N S REFERENCES INDEMNITY BY LOSS AGAINST FIRv Allentwn, Oct. 1855 A NEW STOCK OF "UNDUE CRYER. ME For the Ladies. NEW MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. FRANKLIN SMITIL Venitian _ AYER'S PILLS, Nine and shmitlariv successful remedy for the 11. cure of all Bilious diseases—Costiveness, Indi gestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Coot, Humors, Nervousness. Irritability, Inflation:l- Mons, Ileadache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, nnu Limbs, Female Complaints, &c. &c. Indeed, very few aro the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which loud the hearses all over the land. Renee a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive tdal of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sun stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: D it. A. A. It eyes, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts. whew high professional character is endorsed by the HON. NiWS an Eclittlirr, Senator of the U. S. Roomer C. \\'rx•rnttor, Es-Speaker of the Mouse of Representatives. A Blume LA wit Exec, Minister Plen. to England. t dells B. FITZPATIIit it, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also. Dm J. It. Cnn.vox, Practical Chemist, of New 'York City, endorsed by W. L. iNl.sucv, Secretary of State. %WM. iT. As•roi. the richest man in America. S.» & Co., Prom's of the Metropolitan' Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts whcre the Fails have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their °libels upon trial. The,e Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, lint of the medicinal virtues onkr of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills :mill, to produce more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly en vious. While by the old mode of composition. every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious mid injurious qualities, by this each hll vidnal virtue only that is desired for the curative elibct is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Bence, it IS self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial. and the Pills a.snrer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a ;remedy without looming its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula: by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole Leh• of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all Clue Patent Medicines that are offered, how few weld be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of any Pills, and . even noire confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful. influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and.stimulate it into healthy action —remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, whereier they exist, such derange ments as are the first origin of disease. Being sugar scrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no halm can arise from their use in any quantity. • For minute directions, see scrapper on the Box. PREVA BED BY 140,71 1,3,11$ i aII = JAMES C. AVER, Practical anti Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Prico 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes jilt. $l. SOLI) BY all the Druggists in Allen!own, and by Druggists generally throng - limit the Country. Allentown, January I. --I y 1 6 3'3MIENT MrJEICI4OI-r.. . CHARLES S. MASSEY, °Lori:. AV TelIALk EER AND DEALER IN JEW4I,II I ES, No. 23 East Hamilton Street, op posite the (hallow Reformed Church, Allentown Pit. Thu undersigned i11k,111 . 9 Ids friends invd the poldie ht geherstl, that hut hos just returned front New York :not Philadelphia, %%here he 11118 purchased and now offers for sale a full nod unequalled assort ment of CLOCE'S, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver Ware and Fancy Articles, all of a superior quality. and deserving the examination of thoSti who desire to procure the, best goods at the lowest cosh prices. Ms stock eomprises Clocks Vsc74%, a-N.1.," of all styles and patterns, I:olal and Y • ~, ••••••..:stl‘er 1% niches, (kid, Silver and Other Watch Chains. \Valid' keys and Seals, gold and silver Pencils. Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pills, Bracelets, mo,hinimw. Cull' Pins, Cold mad Steel Pens, Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Spy Masses, Pocket Commie:jos, (told. Silver. and other Spectacles. suitable for all ages, 'together with each and every article be longing, to his branch of Imsitieg:+. Ilis prices are as low and liberal as they will be Ilittnd in our seaboard towns, and his goods will always Provo to be what they are represented. MELODEONS. =I lie keeps on hand an assortment of Melodeons, of all sizes and patterns, suitable for Churches, Halls and private families, at prieJs as low as they eon be bought wholesale of the manutheturers. Ills instrumenth can nowhere be excelled in point or tone, beauty and low prices. Ito also has on hand a large and go o d stock or At...trate tits, Flute, Fifes, Musical Hexes. &c., at exceeding low prices. .I,:ii-Clcelcs, Watches, Jewelries, Areordeons, Mu_ :deal !loxes, ,te., will at all times he promptly repaired, and all watt k warranted for one year. • CHARLES S. MASSEY. September 26. —tf I °SEM A NEEDLES, MANUFACTURER Wire. Silk and Hair Cloth Sieves, ('nurse. medi and line in mesh; large, middle-size and small in di ameter. Metallic Cloths or Woven Wire, of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to SO inclusive, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered so many a lineal inch mei cut to suit. The subscriber also) keeps constantly on hand SCIIEENS For Cool. Sand. Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, S11111:10.S111411r, Salt, Done, Coffee, Spice, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs, fie., together with an assortment of bright and annealed Iron \l'ite. All or the above eold wholesale or retail by A. NEEDLES, N. Front St., Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June .111 t. --ly if DR. H. A. GRIMM N M. OFFICE AT TILE .1111.A1.4M-LaM .IEIE0 1 303EIT—s, NO. 3 WEST HAMILTON STREET, .AI.I4NTOWN, PA. Allentown, Feb. 6 AMARVELLOUS REM.EDY! FOR A AIARVELLOUS AGE! t, ,;P:',l .-t,. ( 11 .—t:," A c fi : a.' 4 , 6 k4-,.'i) A ;k;" l'r: '' .' f:Nr 4');:1 .4k`‘'R.A.f,io'S;-,:lls'frillSk" -A--,,,. 141 .?,..e„..:2 , ) :r ‘ i.N,(7 - 0..1<„,';4`;,) ~,.. k i i )-.---' -/z. ~, ,i.LV ( ' 'l'. t''‘'----1'r.:75,,,d-,ii v ~..Z ' O ,LA .A-0:-.:-_-.—....,. ,, ,,,.1 4 ,.. A t et . ---- ..kyii , .ll 41- - /, F\ 4 .. N.• t, ~ t, ~-.7 ' 4 A '. 9; -- a-_ , :-_ ,- .5- - -- . 7c..;: - .-„_- -. l- c:7__----te , II 0 . 1., LOWA 1" 'S OINTMEN T, The Clrand External Beine4. By the aid of a microscope, we see millions of little openings nn the rttrfaeo of our bodies. Through these, this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried to any organ or inward part. Piseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Live•, affections of the Heart, hill:tin:llion of the Lungs, Asthmn,'Couglis and Colds, are by its means, effectually mired. Every housewife knows that salt posses freely through bone or meat of any t h io•l:mess. This healing Ointment far more nattily penetrates thro' any bone or fleshy port of the livin g body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot he reached by other m esas. Erysipelas, Salt-Rheum and Scorbutic humors, No Remedy has ever clone so much for the cure of diseases of the Skin. whatever rOlll they may assume. ns this ointment. No case of Rheum, sotrvy. Sore Heads, :Scrofula, or Erysipelas, eon long withstand its influence. The inventor has travelled over many parts of the globe, visiting the principal hospitals:dis pensing this Ointment, giving advice as to its appli cation, and has thus been the means o f resmring count less numbers to health. Soro Legs, Soro Breasts, 'Wounds and Ulcers. Some or the most scientific, surgeons now rely solely on the use of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope %villa the worst cases or t4ores, wounds, nivel se glandular swellings, and tumors. Professor -Hollo way has, by command of the llovernments, din patelled to the hospitals of the East. large shipments of this Ointment, to be used under the direction of the Medival Staff, in the worst cases of wound.:. It will yore tiny nicer. glandolar swelling, stiffness or eon traction of the joints, even of 20 years' statolit. Piles and Fistulas Tiles.° find other similar distressing, eomplaints ran 110 effeetually mired if the Ointment be well rubbed in over the laws nifeeled.nnd by otherwise following the printed directions around each pot. Itoth the Ointment and rill,. sh(Mbl he imed in the AI /MCl!ty C 1,01: Bunions Piles Sores oral! kinds Barns Rheumatism Sprains Chapped Hands Salt Itheinn Settlds Chilblains Skin Itiseases Swelled Wands 'Fistulas Sore Legs Still Joints (tont Sore Breasts tleers Luntlingo Sore 'lends Venereal Sores 3ferenrial Eruptions Sore Throats IVotintl, of all kinds Sold the Mannlbotorictt of Prole,ow llobbo -1%. A tin Maiden Line, New York. tool 241 Scrand. London. and by oil reltectoble Into:git-tsititti Pc:tiers of \fedieinea thron ! thont the rnited Stater. and the civilized world, in Pub , , at 25 cents, cents and $1 each. j:1.1-There LI n ennsiaerable saving by taking the larger N. B. Directions for the giiiilniwe of pa.ticiits in every ilisorilor are liffiNeil to cavil Pot. New York. Jan. lei, It3G. FRIERS LEM THIS Mi. THE opposition soy that in a short time theigromni will t o ready to sow Oats, Porky, .he. they know this we are not nide to Oil y, hot this li n te l, we trill say. that trhenever it gets ready, yen better give us a call for one the best Drain Drills. and warranted at that. (no large talk about refunding money,) but ir the :article is not us repre:enled, it 1.311 lot returned, and all matters satisfortorily arranged. Likewise. iaa duo time the grass will lie in order rot hay milking, and then we ore prepared to furnish you with Allen's Mower, u splendid iniiiihine for rutting grass of tiny kind. And in addition, when dedred. we have also the combined Mower and Reaper. of Manny's Patent. which is ninnufnelured upon tt dif ferent principle from those tootle heretofore, and war ranted to cut gross unit groin as fast as 111P2 holm of horses con draw it. And further, we have the Pre mium Corn Sheller of Lehigh county, 111111 . 110 there hoe been' sold n very large 4itimber in u short time that have rendered universal satisfaction, we ore con fident in snying, that it hoc no superior hero or else where. We likewise have a mill for chopping feel. which has been tested thoroughly in different and all irk° !rive witnessed its operations, te,liry to the good qualities of the mill, nod recionmend it to farmers asan artivlo to :are time, and likewise grain in the aminint which is yearly given to millers in the shape of toll:' In short we hove ulmest any article which t a n n ers require for agricultural purposes, such 05 Ploughs of 11111141,t :Illy lantern. Corn Cuhioatur !toy Bakes. Forks, Corn Plon:dis. C , rn l'huocrs, Lime Spreaders, Threshing and Morse Powers of kinds, WO all warrmit iiii to g;\ tudisinetion. Repairing done in all the (Harem branches, on reasonoble terms and lit short notie:. Ally person residing at a oli•11111.e. il. Want of any of the oliove ortieles, eon obto,n theta by oil. dressing the subseribers of No. SO West Munition st., Allentown. Pa. SW F: Cr Z .t SA Ili F.ll. (11:AIN Tillll.l. 11EVE1.E:N(1. Rettl.en N.n•tli ci ;; , ; ; ; , s lien ningct•, .1 Dania I:e:iry, .10; Pavia Kuln i ,;% T.,;,.. un gy lieorge COliN sIiELLER REFE:RENCI:S. Da Eortz. IVeseoesvillo ; "Bort?, Cednr Crook; Jneol. \Vellum., lower Illnettny ; C. W. Blelninti. Allentown ; Itetibun Gael:manta, .N.ortlt Vhilthall. FEED MILT, 'REFERENCE Clineles Seagrenvel+, Allentown. Allentown, April 2. New Boot and Shoe Ston:: IN ALLENTOWN. FINK A; BROTHER have lately opened a new Hoot and Shoe Store, at No, 12 Host Hamilton street, formerly occluded by 111 r. Svhiradt,in thin same business, but the public may confidently rely spun it that they will at all times keep im hand, at better,'larger, tintt,at the same time cheaper stuck, than was ever kept in the build ing before. They will always have on hand .4. . Gentlemen's Mids, Shoes 11111 i Slippers, Ladies' mid Misses Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, Children's Boots and Shoes. Also, Coarse Boots and Shoes fur Men and Boys, Gums, ,t.c. ' • All kinds of Gentlemen's and Ladies' work made to order in the most approved styles, at short notice, and of the- best of materials, and as they have better work men flout ever worked in the building before, they aro willing to warrant all work, Being now beginners, they hepo, by punctual at tenilaneo to business anti low prices, to receive a share ef.publie patronage March 20. „a. za - 30 F X I Lma! Geo... Lucas Bc. Sons , • gr AXIIIOLESALE Retail deo -• xi vv lers in Hoots, Shoes and bra Trunks. After earrying oil a :itc ees,=fitl business for twenty years, the former proprie tor on the let of Jittmary.entered into co-partnership under the firm of Ono. Lue.ts ,t; Sow, and intend to carry on the business on an increased scale. They will always keep- on hand a very biro and cheap stock of Boors AND SHOES, all if dicir sirs ninsufu, tare. They are all perfectly acquainted with the bu siness, and employ none hut the best workmen, which enables them to warrant all work is represented.— They are confident that their stock is not excelled by any other estahlishmentin Allentown. They call particular attention to their stock or Ladies, Ifentle men's, Misses and Children's Morocco, Calfskin, and India Rubber Overshoes. Thu senior partner is thankful for the patronage bestowed on hint during the 20 years he has been in business, and hopes that by continued strict attention to customers, anti selling at low prices, they ; will receive a full share of patronage in future. .7:1. - Y - Country Merchants will ho supplied at short notice and at the lowest City prices. Allentown, January 0 El EC !EMI GE O. LUCAS S SONS LEHlfill VALLEY 'RAILROAD " akillANMaXel • 1)11INNINii in connection with tho Central Rail It* Road of New Jersey, to Now York and the. Bel. viilere Delaware Rail Road to Philadelphia. Also with the Deaver Meadow Rail Rand to Weatherly and Deaver Meadows and the Summit Hill Rail 11.0114 to Summit Hill. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS -- - • Commencing Monday, July 7, 1858. Two daily ilassenetlr Trains (Sundays excepted,) will Lu run between Mauch Chunk and Easton as fonUiVS : 1)011'N TILI I XS. Leave Meech Chunk la 4.00 A. 31., and 12.50 P. 31. Lehighton 4.13 " " 1.00 " Perryville 4.20 " " 1.06 " • Lehigh Gap 4.30 " " 1.19 a• • Slatington 4.44 " " 1:25 " Rockdale 4.56 " " 1.35 " Lattry's 5 . 0 3 41 it 1 . 4 5 a Whitehall 5.13 <I It 1 . 51 It Hoehenchmen 5.25 a " 1.58 tr Cil tiumuc Ina 5.29 " " 2.02 " Allentown 5.11 g " 2.12 a Bethlehem 6.00 " " 2.28 • " Freetnamdtrg, 6.10 •' " 2.35 41 Arrive Easton 6.40 " " 3.00 .. UP Tll A [NS'. Leave Easton 7.110 A. 51., and 11.40 P. X Frreemansburg 7.28 " • " 12.08 " Bethlehem 7.:t8 " ' " 12.18 " Allentown 7.53 " " 12.34 " Catasampm 8.06 " " 12.45 " llockendatupta 8.12 " " 12.50 " Whitehall 8.20 " " 12.57 " Lanry's 8.27 " 1.05 " . Rockihdo 8.37 " 1.15 " Slatington 8.47 " " 1.25 Lehigh Gap 8.54 " 1.32 " Perryville 0.08 " " 1.44 " Lehighton 0.14 " " 1.50 " Arrive Mauch Chunk 0.24 " " 2.00 " The morning train up will connect at Allentown (by stage to Hamburg) with the Dauphin and Sueque lin HIM trains to Harrisburg. ALSO—with the Sum mit Hill Rail Road at 31:melt Chunk, width will ena ble travelers to visit the eelebrated Coal Mince, in clined planes, Re. , ttc., of that region. The afternoon train tip will connect nt Allentown with singe, 35 miles to Reading. and at 31anch Chunk with the Bearer Meadow Rail It , a 1 to Weatheeji thence by stage, 11 n Be+ to White Haven, Moo with the Summit 11111 Rail Road to Summit Ell thence by stage, 3 miles to Tamaqua in time to take the Day Express going South or the Night Ex tress going Paa,evgars leaving New York or Ph:110001in for any point on the Lehigh Valley or BUII ve r Meadow It-ill Roads will take the morning train lip. ROBERT 11. SAYRF, §up't. and Eng*r. July 17 The New York Store. ApintEss T., AND TM.: PUBLIC. Our worthy patrons non• often 1. And mill again upon your FRIENDS, And vier• their Hoods and priers o'er.— You know the place—the NEW YORK STORK, We deal in I 14.08 of every kind, To satisfy each varied mind, Aud elerks wo have echo are On Tu seH our 00ede at your command. Remenilmr Wow.. that what we say Is MO illtClllll,l for boys' play. lint all the goods which we shall keep, • We do intend to SELL THEM CHEAP. Our DRY HOODS 'tool: is now complete, h :my afore we inn eintlrete e •one Coods are eounnom others rare, Selected Iv.ith the greatest care. Ilr•re l,a lica von van always lie:1„ 1 , e0.1s well adapted to your mind: hu elieve,t INTsI yen eau h e dre s s e d, ' Or 1711 I,FS and SATINS of the best. here families min lie supplied, PID IV IS lONS we for sill provide, And ROCER IES we have on hand, of the heat produced in any land. Onr I•rlemis and patrons,.lMe tlll.l wish for BARD A i Oar whole stork And cull at the lowvaL We've FANCY GOODS, a large F Fey all rato4l aim w 1,1: 111.1 many good,: of ,•very Yn; the NFW YORK vlTh!il.: , % 01 ij u d . Now Lye invite VOU oar ain't At !leapt tont s l toekert's give a rat s Nntoler I'9 Wert Ilataikon Street, With every attention: yen will meet. 1,11 r UlliMll4 Ili REIMER No. 10 East Hamilton street, iihviti4 purchased the tight and good will of A. Wint, late news dealer. is now pre pared to serve any of the .following named newspapers end periodicals at the earliest pos sible time after publication. He is the only news agent in town, and will make it a point of business to serve his patrons with punctual ity and dispel (.11. Subscribers will be received at the ofrke. and the publications delivered im mediately after the arrival of the cars: Public Ledger, Daily Pennsylvanian, Daily News. Philadelphia .Daily Times. Philadelphia Daily Demokrat.(Germatto New York Tribune. New York Herald. New York Times, New York Ledger, Flag, of our Union, Dalton's Pictorial, Harper's Magazine, %Waverly Magazine, Yankee Privateer, Frank Leslie, New York Stalin; Zei lung, (German,) and general agent for all Pa pers, Mr.gazines, &c., throughout the United States. Allentown, Aug. 27. 3m TICS ENS CAMIII2T WARE ROOMS! P. Xander's . Cheap and Leash(unable Cabinet Ware Rooms, South East Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a • few doors below Dresher's Lumber Tara, ALLENTOWN, PA. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that ho curtly. on tho Cabinet business in all its various branches nt tho above named stand, where he is prepared to sell geodand handsome furniture us cheap as can ho sold anywhere., Tacir Store is on the south-east corner of Ninth anal Hamilton streets, lacer Dresher 's Lumber yard, Islam they offer a tine assortment of 411 V.4: t CABINET.WARE, rc dr consisting in part of Sofas, of various styles and patterns, Side Boards, Wardrobes, Sec retaries, Bureaus, of various patterns; Cup-boards of ditterent kinds; Card. Centro. Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables; Bedsteads of different styles and pat, terns, Windt-stands, Twist, Small and Largo Etagers, What Nuts, Music-Stands. Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Serpentine Tables, Chinese What Not., Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas, Tete-a-Tetes, French Divans. A general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hand aunt made to order. ' Ile employs at all tittles none but the best work men, attends personally to their business,•and will warrant all Furniture of their manufacture to barnacle of the best materials. Orders for Ware will be faith,. fully and immediately attended to, and when sent out of the Borough will bo carefully packed. 'WITS SAND.._ May 14. FICA . NOIS SANDER. DR. J. P. BARNES, 11:11)-W=1114T 31Ir NMI P. ME 4 OD PERFORMS all operations on the 114 . 71;34 1 • Teeth, both oporntivo and mechani cal, fur superior to most of Dentists. Among the rest, Ito is now prepared to make whole upper nets of Teeth on Qutta Porelm, for from 20 to 25 deface.— Persons in want of Teeth should apply at his office, No. 48 East Hamilton street, up stairs . , n few doors East of Prot; Guth A Co's. Store. • '• April 90-Jul. 4. GENT'S TRAVELING SIIAIVLS,A - Ono and superior article, just received and for silo by • • L. STROUSS k CO. 1219
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers