The Record of a Triumph CONSOLATION Poulin SUFFERING.—There is no little consolation in the thought that, hoW •ever the impostor may flourish for a season, he • cannot long continuo to delude mankind. How many men contrive to acquire a brief and flashy reputation, arid then sink into disrepute and ! This is especially true of the pretend ers to medicals kill, who, in an age when dis sues abound, seek to inveigle themselves i nto the confidence of the public, a%d to impose upon it With their noxious nostrums. We confess that, years ago, when we first heard of the universal celebrity of professor ihn.Lowsr, we distrusted Ms lofty claime, and arrogated to ourselves a buperiority of discernment which would not al low him to entrap our judgment. Most heathy do we beg his pardon for the unjust imputation. A careful study of his system convinced us that we were indeed mistaken, and that the world, to do him justice, should immediately, ns it un doubtedly will hereafter, rank him foremost among its benefactors. Ile has solved the mys tery of human diseases, and proved that all medical treatment, from the time of Iltizmit, has been based upon falso premises. JENNES did not effect a greater revolution in the method of dealing with the small-pox, than Dr. ! ITAT has done in the ordinary medical routine' of the present day. The human Mood is not a mere fluid, cours ing through the veins and arteries, and partak ing of the mere qualities of other fluids. It is startling as the statement may seem—ALIVE. kis, in plain words,' the life. or man.' All phy siological diseases, such as indigestion, derang ed kidneys, liver; heart, lungs, stomach, all im pure secretions in the bode, and a large major• it.y of epidemic and endemic diseases have their origin, or at least their exciting cause in the lin pure state of blood. (ammo that and keep It cleansed, and no sickness can prostrate, or, even assail the system. This splendid discove ry has given a lustre to Professor llowtoWAY'S name transcending the renown of heroes and statesmen. We do not wonder at the great fame he has acquired in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. We rejoice tha t , he has visited our men country and opened en establishment in New York, which will be a very TEMPLE OF lIEA LTII to our own citizens. llis PILLS and OINTMENT are the most wonderful sans lives which science and skill have yet produced. y. Sunday mu, HOMO KIX THAGHDY CHILD Foututux Dunsmo TO Ds.tru.—At Lockport, New York, October 14th, a little hoy 5 years of age, be longing to a Mrs. Story, on Washburn street, was roasted alive by a fiend name Elizabeth Craig, a white woman, whose.husband is a ne gro. The evidence elicited before the coro• ner's jury shows that the victim was left with . a smaller child by its mother, when Elizabeth Craig. who lived in another portion of the house, took the opportunity and entered the Apartment, and proceeded to the execution of the deed, which, it has been shown, :rho had previously threatened. With horrid impreca tions of "damn you, damn you!" tkr child WOS held on the fire, its tormentor, tsar! its legs and bowels were burned tun (Haler, then with sa• tonic revenge, the body of the child was revers• cd by the tnurderess until its hack was toasted to a crisp. The little sufferer was found in a corner of the room, and lingered on in an unconscious state until Thursday morning. arben he showed a return of consciousness, and awns asked by its mother, for th t first time. came you to burn yourself ?" answered, " Eliz theth bunted me," anti then, as if recall ing the horrors if the awful scene, which were pictured on its imagination, exclaimed Damn you, danm you!" evidently nn imitation of the imprecations used by its tormentor. Death soon put an end to the sufferings of the child. The murderess who is in prison, is said to be ,desperate character. it is prestmied that the only cause that induced her to commit this her , ale crime was n depravity of heart, excited to frenzy by some boyish freak of her victim. It Is said that she. had made the threat that she would like to put the child on the tire and put her foot on It." tic7AT TUN commencement of the present sttenr, there were in the United States about . "22.000 miles of railroa.l, employing about 5000 locomotives. it is estimated that these loco motives consume between font anti live million cords of wood annually, the product of at least 100,000 acres of woodland. WIIITN ATS.—The Petersburg (Va.) Dem ccrat says : Mr. W. M. Nash brought. into our office yesterday a number Of these uncommon creatures. They had been caught near a creek in :Sussex, and by their snowy whiteness and brilliant red eyes were curiosties in this part of creation. SCRATCHES 1N llousas.--It is said that this often , troublesome disease, unless very bad. may. be cured by washing thoroughly with soapsuds, and then rubbing with lard fried out of saltmeat. Keep clean, and wash and grease every other day until a our° is effected.. Leav ing mud to dry. upon the legs of a horse is one great cause of this disease, and many horses are injured by want of care and cleanliness when driven in muddy weather. Early 111a.rrlar.;cs. Tacitus says " early marriages make us im mortal—that it is the soul and chief prop of empire—and that the man who resolves to live without a woman, and the woman who resolves to live without a man, am enemies to them selves, destructive to the world, apostates from nature, and rebels against heaven and earth. The Longest Beard. .TheJimgest beard recorded in history was that of John Mayo, a painter to the Emperor Charles V. ,Though ho was a tall man, it is said hie beard was so long that ho could tread upon it. Iln was sou vain of his beard, and usually fastened it with a ribbon to his button• bole, and sometimes he mould untie it by com mand of the Emperor, who took great pleasure in seeing the wind blow it is the faces of the courtiers. 40.1 t is Nand that women make tiro very best clerks in the eleetzio telegraph. The only difficulty is, to-prevent each young lady at either end of the line from having the laet word. Holloway's Ointment and Pills, the most ef fectual remedy for Old Wounds and Ulcers.— The wonderful cures daily effected by these cel ebrated remedies have established them with the citizens of the Union, as two of th , finest preparations ever made known, and it s an astonishing fact, they will heal and en old wounds and ulcers of twenty years star *ng, even after every other treatment has been 1 sorted to ineffectually.. All cutaneous ern tions readily yield to their mighty power : and for the cure of Asthma, they are invaluable. TIM NKrRY OF Paste.—lloses have always been associated in our minds with wry faces. and 'medicine has seemed from the days of childhood another word for nausea and disgust. Its remedies were the worst part of sieknesi, and pain was not so hard to bear as the revolt ing portions we are compelled to swallow for its relief. Dr. Ayer's preparations herald another era. Ilis Cherry Pectoral is like honey on the tongue, 'and healing balm on the stomach. Ilis Pills ! Try them=they are sweet morsels to the taste, and glide sugar-shod over the palate, but their energy although wrapped up, is there, and , strikes with telling force to the very foundations of disease.—Cin cinnati Citizen, Ohio, PUTTING LIME INTO lIAT.—" It is said," that lime slacked to powder and sprinkled upon clover partly dried, when it is put into the barn, will act as an absorbent, prevent heat and fermentation, and that the clover will come out in good condition in winter, and cattle eat it more readily and thrive well upon it. We would not do it. If cattle are sick and need a little limo water, give it to them, but do not compel them to cat caustic lime daily, or let the hay alone and starve. If lime /mist be used in hay, then dissolve it and use clear lime water only—but salt is far better.—Agriruitur dist. Li — Eleven thousand foreigners have been naturalized in New York since the Ist of Au• gust 185(3. MARRIED On the 3il inst., by Rev. B. M. Sohinuelier, Mr. JRIIRMIAIf P. DoNoviot to Miss SARAII Lou, both of Allentown. Itlinty Itte,intre on tine hnitity collide 1., the bridal coke" e Tacit accompanied the Ithot o ennottnoomont. :11:q- their life henceforth be thin yr jtt:,•, 1111116 Yr: • end pr.,rerity. Nin• the Htereil ,eBl ,et, .111,1 itt,l their hearts are Ilow'ry ehtiins entwined Flmy'y chnitt,—hy milvet, Snell lis hind." On the 2,1 of October, by the Rev. Dr. J. S. Kessler, Wlt.ttnn Soccnatt to Mtss MARIA A EnnEL, both of Fogelsville. • On the 234 of October, by the Rev. &Green. awal,l, Mr. (oXItAD SCII vnn, to Mrs. CATILI IONE DIETZ, both of Freetnanshurg. Ott the 4th. by Rev. S. K. Brobst, Mr. WIL LIAM BEST to Miss :SARAH SAE.llilt, both of Washington. the Her f lhil;r•.) On the 2d of Oct., Mr. WILLIAM Koch, of North Whitehall, to Mi.ia ELlz.t STEimmlint, of Soulh Whitehall. On the sth Mr. No.tit Titomottig, to SI'I4.IN MILLER, bath of Allentown. On the 7111 Mr. I'vatia. Mit.t.m, of North Whitehall, to Miss MARIA MILLER, of South Whitehall. On the oth, Mr W . H.LIAH Wossuie—to Miss ELIZABETH !MTh, both of south On the Eh h Mr. SAHum. ScHsEcE, of North Whitehall, to, Miss FIANNA (income, of South Whitehall. On the 26:11 Mr. Lnwis Mr.vER, of Nortl Whitehall, to Miss Eimittn !Um:R.of Allentown On thu 2d of November, Mr. JONAS GEORGE. to Miss CAROLINE NEWHARD, both of Allen town. On the 26th of October, by tho Rev. ,T Schindel, Mr. Dmmt. Gummi% of Pottsgruve Montgomery, county, to Miss MARY. C snomr. or Salisburg. FITS! WILY PROMINENT For a long time there Was a paragraph tnahing its regular weekly appearanee in our columns, with the brief, but emphatic words Fits! Fit-!" alavnrs tit the head, to sum MI LitECllSire en 1.6011, 1111 t. net so to the benevolent and Innaane, who vothl sympathite in the sorrows of oilier , . :•31 , 1110 persons are shocked at any indication tit fli,ease, and are even thrown into tervons excitement oh 0 itnessing a hearf:e or a coffin. Such tire to be pitied. We should always strive to look disease and enen death in the Mee. with calmness, and especially, take every opportunity for alleviating flkense. Viewed in this light, the advertisements it : 4 . : 4 . It:nice, of OS Baltimore street. Balt itnore. pfuowes a vermin interest, and those who Infow Of uuy Otte suffering from Epilepsy, tiptudns, or Fits of any hied, SI/1111111 feel it a plea: urn to eat out his advertise ment, or in some other tray vend word to the afflicted of the great voice of his remedies. They can be sent to any part of the country by until. Price, $:1 per box. Two, $ Twelve, $2l. WHISKERF, BEATID AND MrSTACIll6S.—Forced to grail. in six weeks by lilt. LA FONT'S CAPILAdtY CO:%IPOUN I). Warranted not to stain or injure ilia skim Price $1 per Package, or :1 for $2 lin. Sent to any part of the country, by mail, on receipt of a remittance. Address SWEETSEII .1; CO., Box 739 Post Oftlee, Baltimore. Aid. 10"c01111S AND COIAM.—In all eases of coughs and colds, the sufferers will find a pleasant Milpower- Ad remedy in Clit!amer's Sugar Coated Vegetable I'ill. The fame of this medic no has already spread far and wide. Over five hundred thousand boxes of these pills were sold last year, having been used in all ascertained eases with perfect success, fur liver complaint, atfeetion of tile lungs, palpitation of the heart, influenza, asthma, scarlet fever, fever and ague, dropsy, typos fever, and other diseases. This pill is coated with fine white sugar, so that the med icinal ingredients aro imperceptible to the Wile. To children, they may to administered without difficult 7. So well convinced is Dr. Clickener of the efficacy in all specified eases, that he pledges himself to return the money when the promised effect is not produced. Thus° Pills limy he had of Storekeepers in every City, Town, Village or place in the United States. - - . NVIIXT A DIMAIIPVI. DISEASE IS SCHOEULA How it 'MMUS 00 Eleill ofphysicians, end how many are hurried to the grave by neglecting the only remedy' for the long-dra wit agony et' the most horrible and torturing oral), diseases. Reader, if you are suffering with Scrofula, Syphilis, Rheumatism, the effects of Mercury. Old Sores, or soy disease arising 'from iin ourity of tho system, use Carter's Spanish Mixture, the extraordinary Purifier of the Inlaid. We eon scientionsly helieve it tho only medical discovery which does really possess the power of rendering the blood perfeetly pure and healthy. Its virtue in cur ing tho very worst forms of disease, such as wo have named above, has gained for it n reputation never possessed by any article offered to the public. Au ex tunination.of certifleates, which can be had by apply ing to any respectable druggist, will show an array of cures, certified to by many of the most eminent physicians, members of Congress, divines.and public men of the country, all well known in their localities as gentlemen who Iseuld not lend the weight of their names to anything' wnlera prompted by n 'tease of duty to the *Mated. We advise a speedy trial tor yourself. To be had al J. B. Moser's, in Allentown. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, NOVEMBER 5, 1856. tS.D•LLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTUACTOR.-1110 groat and principal characteristics of VA'LLEY'S MAOICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR consist: Ist. Of its nevcr-failltig• and unique properly, nP soon as applied to oily external injury, T 0 CIIC.1:1: IN CLAIIATIGN instantly, and rapidly lo reduce it. This feature constitutes itc great ;toner re tilleciato the pain of burns and scalds, and of other painful ills eases, in PO incredibly short 0 spare of time, and ns will appear front the few tetditnottinbt hereunto nn-! flexed. Every intellhoott mind is flatly nware that, in till eases of external injury, the pain it, produced by infintnation of the inlitred'part • : :Ind, therefore, ii you remove the enure, the elfe,•l ?trod een,e; Yd. Its intiiilietitive properties iiinitrali7ti the pciii•oil that Hilly larhk in the rysion, mid will, when applied to the sores. tinny rapidly matter to the sarthre. and eject it—hence the great di:.eliarge it iiri,,ltiees from sorry tnitatsititwal by burns--and when applied to iiid end inveterate sores. B:tit ithcnm, or oilier diseases. linelt box of GI:N1'1741! 1) 11.11:1'` , E. 1 1 ); EN 1 . 111CTLII: 11118 11111111 it 11 Flout 141110 111 . r. A'. (I. I...prit•tor, mid 11ENRY I)ALI.EI', manniOivltirer. All other, are eoonterfeit. l'riee yew. 1,,•t• box. firitY',lll orders nlll,l be et1 , 11,,,,1 to C. V. Clink eller 4; Co., 81 lien:lay street, Yew Yerk, or, .1. 11. Moser, Allentown. WINE CHEAPER. THAN CIDEIL—Wine, flesh from the press, is selling in Cincinnati, Ohio, at $1.15 per gallon, while a bottle of Newark ci der, with tin foil round the cork, and called Champagne, costs $2 in:most, of the large cities. 'I II Wit.a.X - iLkiilarEre.E.":al . ALI.E . NTOWN MA II li I.'. I'. (Corrected weekly by Pretz, bath ,t Co.! Flour, 13 barrel, . $7 00 l'otatoe:, . . . . - .• Wheat, 1 10 llnta. I I Corn,. . . . 75Hi.le , !n Rye . 7.• Slna:l I •r, I:: 0,114, 1 I ard I I flay, I', Ot ,lati .r. 20 Salt 5: r:gg,. 0.111,.,. . . Pi TO BUIELDEIIr° E. W. TREXILER Et CO., LUMBEti DEALES, • ALLEyrow N. P.t. THE subscribers having•seine El mo the stuck nail good will of It E: 4 llEll ' , - ; well 'mown 1,11111131Nt YARD, new invite the attention of tha,publie to the fuel that they have lately repleni,h ed the Yard, and that it now' ..Wallis the ex tensive and best selected sleek or nu I, .1111:41BLTIIIME _ES V. • ever seen in Allentown, which we intend to sell at the lowest possible prices. We deem it ittinevis,ary 10 give a detailed list of our etitir,.. as it emu prises all kinds of Boards, Planks, .lo4ts, I?afters, Laths, (Fence Boards, Scantling, tillinglrs, Posts, Paling, and every other iu title that belon ; s to the business. IVe reveetftilly invite the puldie to call and i::::ttn.! ine :deck and prices before they %Otero, no that they may fully convince thinselve! , al what we say above. We return: our iiineure tbank , for the liberal patronage extended to ni thus and ; trust our sleek anti' prices trill lucre us n ei,ntinu since. E. W. TIZEN 1.1 tt ,t; Nov. 5. PUBLIC" 5A1,11% \ATILT, be 1111111 ii• Slit', 011 St:flinty the 22.1 V of Nortonlier next. lit the home' or the :o l der. signed. in foothill towni.hip, to:11:1:11 iho fol- L.ning toone.l persons.) property or Ino late Joh:, Scherer. viz : Dliteltsinith Tools. ('hairs, 1t001..t. CI thing, 1111 i 111111101 , 118 other articles too to litnoion. Conditions 011 the :lay at the plane of cola , and due attend:wee given by ItEUISEN Altninistrotor. Nov. 5. I.I,ENTOWN HANN. .1., A semi-annual on Vert. " 1111 s stick of the Allolitouct nark, has 110,11, Ile. olared. end is payable to the 5t0.1 . 11. 1 le• representutives at the 11.011.1:14 11 oi.e ou mid lif ter the 13th lust. lty or.i.or or the 11 , 11 cl. CHAS. 11% C , Wl'l . :ll, Co hiss. Nor. S.-21 • Public Salo Of. a Svicaal.o.‘ aval. NITILI. be sold tit poblie sale. on the 21,1 V day of Noeenther next, Hi I 3 nmi, upon the premises, the roliowilitt to wit: A VALUABLE FA BM olio:ale in Allen township, Northampton enmity; on the road leading from Catiyoutinta to !lath: sidbiittitig latols of Joseph Limb:tub, Jacob Miller and othyro. containing 10;) noreo and ti 2 itereltoo, thereof hying gold timber land, and re,t arable lambi of the boot quality. The improryinof to thereon ore a good two story 1101`SE. tY.Kt Ei r• Barn, n Shea 1111.1.011t`r 1111 is 1111111 Tho prom.,e, urn abundantly on; idioil nit!' running water. good limestone and iimed.iint,. • At the sumo thud and !thee: A vain:title Trm•l Land, adjoining the above, containing. 12 'tyres ties.t rate Farm and Timber land, the same containing also an alnintlatice of litnetttone. The improvements con sist of a two story BRICK DWELLING DOUSE ra Prattle Kitchen and Frain: , Cart]. Iteii:g the Reid Estnte of Abraham Sdisrariz, tivt , eitsv.l. Int, of Allen t mrvship. Conditions on the tiny at the rlitve of sale, and attendance given hy ONE TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, cIIXTEEN miles north-west front Philadelphia. nenr NOIIIIVTOWN, Pa., will Ito open fir YOUNII MEN nail DOI'S above 14 years of age. from Ottoher I, 1050, till June I, 1057. The site is healthful. the surrouitil ing prospect exceedingly heantifttl. the neeettnneda: lions entlicient fur lit) hoarders and 200 students. end the terms not exorbitant. The range studies is ex tensive, the teaeliers experienced and bile, and every reasonable effort is made to promote the physieul, in tellectual and moral welfare of ow scholars. A circu lar will be tmtit) order, with particular= and referen cos if desired. SAM IJEL AAItON, Peinciptil, Norristown, Ph. —3III August 20 1131E1 It Dna Zi' ) J PREMIUM INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID BAIR DYE, just received and for solo, whole:00u nud retail, at noluter's Shaving Saloon, No. 10 East Ilainil tun Strout. Ail-Hair colored at all times, and eatisfaction warranted. Allentown, March 5. ly DR. SCHULTZ 9 OFFICE No. 58 Haat Hamilton street,tierdoom below Pretz, Guth & Store. Meal Hama to tboAmerienn Hotel. MItI:VS IVlAlf,—llltaek brown and Nato Cloths, Of all prices, lilinak anal tatney eassinnares, Sotti netts of all colors and prieos, Tweeds, liana t tacky Jeans, Satin and Silk Vestings, Silk Velvet Vestings. l'al. der Shirts and Drawers. a inn a.n n mcn l. for male elacap lay / .1. Se'111.(11*('11. • AMES' 111.1ESS •dyle /1111 i pattern, such ns black and col. Silk, Plain and Pitney I,aine ß , llu Bau..e, French :11oritio, Coburg l'ancy Vtdrcls, t 4 aelc Flomfol,,, of all colors, lllngliain. and Prints, ill of thu bout selections in (Ito u u n•ket• fat• sato cheap by GI '7'1147 80.111.01!(,'Il. VrACREIIIIL.Fresh and good No. 2, Middle end lona nice, in halt, 'punter, and eighth Notrels. e. A. it & SON. DAVI 11 ELIZAIII: ticinvAirrz Trimble & Landis, .1P 11. X3MI IMA/3C ..., n ~ gp c) • -41,i've'.4.'....,;,tp.. . • ; 4' 14,0.;:1tT-1/6/ r 0 : - ;.:,: i - 7 1 ;./ - X ... . ' if .: - ......: - A_ __ :. i• - P . 11 i 1 •11 1 3 11; 'r- - :.:: , ..Ll,l j ~, tx t ,, r . a • t _, _ ttym:-"-vt 1 ... j...._,,_ 1 t!--pr_"- ' - • t 1 ' ttitTitiorn rt.orvoiti r .1 Z t•• Fri i Z..-;• - • ' ,I 1 n • ' ; * :' -4 1 : ' ' I ' . t&• .. • */ tt, it. • .....1 1 I 4 7 1:.': : i . 11l t ;',, .''o‘l, ~. 1 1 it , ' ' 'isi' 1 .., c ',, ' :,4 • .. , . ll,l :'.. 7: -1.,t, , „ i1it.12.. 4 .1 11% vi P ii,;J - 4 r: .zi-ik , ..64riirisc , ': .IWg,:g: . 5 111/1 0i " P. es 3 ~,. E. -7,7i!! - , , -;,•• n. 2 . 242 NUR ,i•;cio. : 4 TicEET. Alt. W 11.1.011 (IvI:4T `Mil%) • P1111 , .11)E1,1'111.1 I'lo'oo l alphiq, .7 , 0*- LA In E.V NTLR .11 E _IEPT.3 ATS AND CAPS , Wieder & Berger'g, No. 25 IVcst T A' ~„,v . D LJ the time to from or Inrge nod rillendhl stook, I..otopri,ing, tie I Irge: I'llll4 1),1 orFortment, of Ftooo 11Iortio, ;Silver and other holies eVIT CNllibired in Allenlo‘rn. .w :rO4ll front 1111 4 1 4 111k 4 5, 1111 4 1 well IVlll'illy nn e?;:t initiation h e r on , ma k_ ing elsen here. fall :std ::e! 16rnt, nn no eluirgv is mode rer rhuwing, Ina. 11 is n!tropt 11..110 with Out Cvtlry Kind, eerie price and If n:ilil}' - -! ' nom IMO 10 $L.0.00 i wr N o. I EN, Tr you Irish to 1.111.11:Ise flp.•1.11 Ilnis ot• gen feel Cal.•, ire give you n lion 10 eNII and cs•rtuine our 1 4 1..e1c. IN:11.1%111 1 every nvliele (hot yon 111.1 v ',urchin., to give entire snti-fneti,,ll. For ‘Vllnlesillo or —ll'e 1181 ('OR 7711: .11 11, T.lO 1"o maim rfichire :Li:ihro tlw pill, lir tlint itre gilt lip light. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 1.1.1 CIIBSTIVUT ST., ABOVE FOURTH, PIOLADELPIIIA, Keep conflantly on hand a fplendid airoftment Ready-made Clothing. GOODS MADE TO ORDER AND \VARRANTED MEM (L•t Pnrotigh properl 3 AT PRIVATE SALE. utolersi . ..zwtel "'roes at pH% ale sale the following 1 tbe.ol Peel properly, sit:tato in the bo rough of.lthotowo, tail . I)IVELLING II()USE • t treat, I lir.ellth. ' The tlintonsrons of Ibc latlltling are 21 (bet in float anti :;9 deep, adjoining: on the south n lot of Peter Wield, 4111 1111.• 1 . 111•111 lot of tleor;re Law. on the north a 111 feel trifle alley. and on lie wo,l the aforesaid t Ti, prop erly at the present hae• tteettpied by Mertz, Sip Ils it 1111.1 roo! t 4 tore, for whieli business the !ovation is remarkably well ad:Tted, its it is near ly a central pert of the town. fekfe--7.`No. 2.--.1 Ill'W tivii-i-tory brick WELLING lIOI7SI, 20 feet front by :it/ deep, 1% tilt a kitchen at i D iiiV . ! tacliment. The let adj. ill 011,ibt! IVCA II lot of Ephraim Itiefrinlerrer. ,at tie ,itutit a hi fret nide elrect,en the etc-tit lot tiblteorge 11:ins, nod frotiC log on the IS'abitit t.trect. to t aid lIIII . IILtrh. - lt In a beautiful property, and a v,:ry desirable loca tion for private rtadittice. - No. :1.--'fart PLANK 1/111,11,1,1Nti 1101 , SES, ench 17 feet front by :It deep, t-ilunte on the north side of Turner e:rovt, io tho ,aid borough, adjoining on the cast a Itit, or .\ dent Din:lljg, 'ott the north a puldie.alloy, on the we:d It lot ci vtoor t id hitt; and on the semi] :aid Turner stri•ct. citelt hit contain ing in front ho feet and in depth 2::0 feet. The build- lags ;:re atwl trill Li rola SIII.Ot• togellar, ns tn:ty suit pureltiewt•F.. end geed title cwt be given oil the 1.-i .4 . Aleil ntzt. JONAS lit/ill. I'. the•property I: , not :.01.1 . itt private stile to the Ith el NoVentli..r, it wit! tit I it'elwelt in the itilernewit ..r 4.. y he ~4,1 at 1 ..44i, the Lee.-: Ilen.ittniin Bgen:melt, in Allen tow n. Vet. :22. • , Orpia;lll's cl!ouirt tsale• BT 'HT rE n.„l of an order out of the die high, there will he eN11111,..,1 to puidic. vale, 1.11 Satur day the MI: day of November next. el 10 ondocic, in the forenoon : id the lwailie line of thdtil Sehmotz, in North Whitchail A CERTAIN I'ItACT OF I,ANI), containing Iron tb . c ; the: 1 . 1111 is ereetea tin ex cellent Strain :mil other ritta ate is the tairnanip'of North Whitehall. in the roomy id . Lehigh; bounded by lands of r. , teidluti motto:Ming 11AU1UES ANI) 10 PE,II.CIIE'S strict measure, on wide!' there is a deposite invall nahle IRON ORE, known as Stephen Battlers Mines. This' is the best, taunt extensive mid laterative Ore- Aline in Lehigh County, mid tweed to none' in the State of Pennsylvania. It has already been sueeess. fully worked for upwards or 30 years, and to a depth or over 75 feet, with a prospect of a continumis and abundant 'supply. Persons desirous Or viewing. the same prior to the day of Milli Will Cali on Mr. John Campbell, who resides on the premises. The other Tract containing 111 Acres end 27 Perches, bounded by lands late or Stephen Ilallict, deed., and others, situate in the said township told ; thereon are erected a one a half Many r ri Era= DIVELLINCI Il()USE, FitAmE iiiher neve 'sary outbuildings. Alan nt thu value 11100 nod place %till he sold In Louses, eieeinkos the rights - and privileges to dig mail raise Iron tiro on the Following iirolieriire. to oat : Thu ono 0 Lease, doled the day of December, A. 11. IS2I, bet wIYII l'eter Troxell. of Niirtli IVIIIIO - (OWllOllll°, ill said cauuty or Lehigh, and Slephuu Ilalliet fur one Ilia or au Aero ol Loud, for the purpose or digging nod raiiiing Ore. it Part or thol trot 0.. w 1.0,11 tho ;old Peter Cool ti ids tl. other 11 11i111,1 010 of A. D. IS:19, holovon Doonor. of North 11'Ilitolo111 too 1111i1 i"111 1 111 1 11 for till the 11,11 ura to 111111 1111011 1111? 11111 , k111111 prooli,co, then In ill," •0,, iiti. , ,ton of ilte'rititl Nathan Itoonor. Being the re:11 of 'Sto. ph, I, /Idli,l , deeetiNed. late or the l'olv id .1;:uil Peon, iu thu Comity of t'arlom. TERMS on tin) day of into and duo allandau"' Oval' by . AARON & JOHN BALLIET, Ad!" .urs * 3y the Court—J. W. AlictiLsv. (I * r4 ' —4t Oetotwr 113:41. Leaf Tobacco and Cigars. DENSI.oW .0 Co.. 21 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, C OMMissioli Merelimits, Anil Whole,nle Drillers in flit kinds of 1-230.4%. 3Fa r iCI3E3.4ICZJCC:I6, Illonufarlured l'obitero and Cigars. HA'.t"T, nu hood and Iht nnl,. lute, all Jon,. 4„1, ta with rcl, tlllll3 to 2(l tli it 11K 1 1111111,1 .41/111 It:11111111(41 to lie as roine,,enteil, In •1 , ~1 1 1 , 03 1, 1 t1111 ntlordt,l for t \itimation Pm, I, 1 , , nt ~ 111iti• e riot send their and r, I, upmtl , my: to , tottlitully nerved II the good trrre 'La 111 11(1 on, A p 22 - 1) l IL ifs 'INV ifJJil:Z:js2;llll.d.r\ ‘,[c, 'ltlll2 11' \l, 11 ' , 111'1.1( 1111 4 111'4111111011 (11111111ln. .1 011 I/ , neltiy Ilr laird .Noot NO" lho tow , e of lmly (mtl thorough I• 11,1, It' null rdnralion, Unthrn•ntirr, Nutur II Philosophy, Latin, 1:roo4, 'min 1'r. .1, I, font and 1u.,1r untnial.) Dial, in,: 'l'h.:l.lll,m lug tk 0 art ~,,z uri,l in attic 1,1.40111,0 n 11'm \/ 1 Ds, D. V; int spa, Mental and I Vga a‘,l (i S. ,st.tim, I) /..xlrnrtor. in 6trinati an /Hoer Mu. D. 11. cuot.r., A. B. Ancient Lan gimp, R'. I.Elsitvit, A. B. -Iva., lune hi Engiiith M it. J. (1 MOT AIN dkNG LA Dr. Fr, tieh, Spin and .1),./ 1 / f . Alit. C. P. IfnititmAsx, ruswlttild nit Ilttl .111(Si,. MI: !UN .ANNiNia Ilt in Fermite l)rism fp" Jit. MISS in l' , • in‘ , l/ I 11. ref rt . 1., 1.0.'i+ , 1 Ulfrnlion bi invited to the FF:mtbn mtur3tFiNT entirely semtrotell from th e 'Alid e IbTortmeot. no hittole pupil: , being hoarded in thy but oolong. friumbi or in (h tool convenient to the ,i•lmob Folt 110AI:1) .1NI) TUITION.. .tNIt lloAnorm itry for the Session of fir' MI, nlfn oh I, I r thrlierrii (.1A . ; 11.1111,) ur it the rile $:;:t 11,1* tin:tilt:l . , each tittarbr lytyablo in itil voney. Tuition in the Primary Pepin t., per /twirler. 1.111 l 4 oyotl li roily, (iityliol. tlei Inon,) lien l " " Acniicittiod IMpurtownt, Ex•l'n.l:4. ee the l'i , the. , Ygpe. Violin a n d lliiitur.ntol From It lipintiibt nod taught by the mot tie l'roft-ssors, together will, Drawing in 1111 it:: form.. are given for a moderate extra liturgy. further loirtictilitro or eireolors niliress the IV 11. il. lIEYN(ILDS, Allentown, Lehigh Co.. l'a. 001. Public Vendue. 111 tolmini:tr 'tors of the e:itate of Elizabeth Mir hie, tlee'll., late of Om lloroligh (.1' ,klloniolvo, will on iVi..ilnesiiny the 12th day or NeVollll,el.. 1 o'vlodc in the 111101'11MM. MI the Sill that two ...story I . IIIIIIIS f 7:74 • It‘‘ 1 . 41,1./:\ 1101. SK. and int :If r.round i :illisitt: on the viol :ide of Sixth qtroot, in said ,111ontown, al,jllilling nn tln sold!: a lot or Ipn 1.1 %Void:darn, on Ili, east n Ca alloy, on sotilli a lot of n idow No: 1111 ' %Vt . :4 1 . 1 . 11111i11g 1111 said Irlir1:1111 `ll,et. rxtrndiu i.) tuft vightt,:t fool rmir inc Lcs, 1.1.1 111 111 , 111 11v. 11111.11'011111,1 Iltirly feet. . . Terins on die day nl the Nave of ode. nod due :II lei:donee giVep hy, • .1 01 IN F. Itl , lll, .\;;col for OH. 20. ME War in ICansas. CREAT EXCITEIVIENTI IT is an indisputable fact that r.t the present there io 11111111 CX1•1101110111 VNIO11111; nib over our country, nti.l great meth In bediseussing the int portent stabieet no 10101111* the Ran sns .hull II lice or chive State. lint we tithe plea sure in informing the people of Allentown :Intl sur rounding country, Irbio desire lo live a totmeertil lire. that. We 11:1111 just received Iron New York tint Philo delvltia it large and heavy ;molt or Fall tutu \flitter 1100418. We do tot Ihijdt it tureessary to blow - ;11111 gas - Moult " 30 and .10 - cur-loads ns sOlllO of out• 111 1 11;1111111 1 ,1 111/, 111111 of nuthing people believe we can cell cheaper than ttnybotly else, I. o ea t i se we b e liev e that .• honesty is the best policy." Wv intict have small profit on everything we ;4.11.1111.1s" must others it they try 1.1 make un mooed lit hug. which nwt .well kti.vii by Ike pubib, 'Wu bus so u l ce ll F o r CASH. which with '' many sales small however enables Its to sell ithivet no cheap ns goods 111'011111,1 in 11011111,1. 01111 its 11101111 its UlOOllllll - ill Allentown. These are honest litets.itiol wo in vite persons to examine tiortheinselves 1101 . 01'11 nothing purchn:4,l elscwlrrc, which will no i them of what we sac. '7ll it'• ,Wif6olTll, .11 West Hamilton A DOCTOR IN NEW TEXAS. - • W.I. :IL 1.11 . 1.1. has nit 'l"Fr-LI illage or New Texa.. for the prittli,.. prore,iol). where he will he ready t. scree the :•iek mid afflicted by day Atirltt. BifiSOLUTION OF PARTNERSRIP. -Norte!: is hereby given, that the l•o.p•trtnershil lierctorore exi.ting under the name of ti; Gov, Ilrnin and Finny Dealers, in Allentown. L:• - 11141 t comity. W 9.4 Ipy mwual e1111,1.11t uu :111 29111 of sploliber. 1S:41. All persons indel,ted I. said (iota lire request:it In inulie 'laymen( within tricks 11'0111 11:1lie hereof, aril all persons lout ing nnc said firm nee al-o tars sent I heir accounts within shill limo. I'ETEII Will ND, Sen. ermit• The Ltt inac Ivill hr earried un nt the 014 eland by %vim the ~1.1 lima and 1611 alteml h. the r.lllciurul MEE JOHN H. (YLIArEI?, Arr 0111 A!V L W v ricE iu Bost 110 tniltnn btriTtmearly orpsito ll Beelitvl's 1.% nd 1) 1 ;1 ; : 4,1' ; ( 1 1 1,..S1 ( .1' ( 1 1) 1 1 11 1 0 1 1 ) 1 8 L '- i r i ': :111:1 1 47 in t1;1111, and I!tiltleitt•lie.l :11itt•lint, .1 . till prices, Illetteltetl owl illtipleneltell 10- Ileavy Asnithurg. Bud Tieltin44, Furniture ontl Apron Cheeltt., Linen nut' Cotton Dinintro, W oo l Itinoeys, Canton l'lnniteltt, Toweling F, Linens, Woolen 1111ml:et., Nl,l rsn it . U UTII SIIAW 1.0. t nssorloient of roll stud iiticr Shawls in Allenlo%ro, sorb I;ro Long nod Fqiultv, lllnoliet : 4 1otwlp, 1.1 rillo, 1111 d other Slanwk, for took, ..h o op by 111;ANS ANN) whl i. t;tittit i) 1'.!111'. I.y the 1111011 . 1 or ' , tuna ,iima • ORA BER ES.--Ten Barrels of lllie roll linsturn l'raubyrrice, by Ihu barrel Ur Iran qualitily. • C. A. RULE SUN. - - PEA inbrtgsnud hy tonil, lit Iwo per buNlwl. • e. A.111'111.: ,F it„%!;:i N:4 ;1\I) J Lnyer no,. lug :it IU in Jon. , 01' Nal", alro C. HI: cil•I'1•;111111:111.1:11 VI of I,tir..wn Li :LI 111 Cell Is pc, II:1011 1111.1 1.1 4 vent+ per .111:11 . 1, (.. A. 1:1:111: & SIIN. for by SEGA H. MANUFACTORY NIT E: mill huve oar Sugar Auuttiavtory in frill op. V .erntion uud buy° 110W..1111 lifllla •n fine and guo,lll.4rortment of Operw, Iteg'ulitu+, Luritlres, P.rin ore, 1.4 :Somme, Sixers, Half Spunibb and nil kiwis of Tubuccoe'for ealu by C. A. BUTE ,i, SON. Oat. IS. :--f MEI GUTH .I'. NOILOITIL SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST: IR. C. C. 11. CULDIN, from New York, in vacs the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial :.rior mode ofoperatingimall the 1 ,°lilZ..etioitidliegmpat:•Ptutents of Dentistry.. flaring had eight years' experience in his 'profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows be can render the very hest assistance to the patient Of which thti Art is eapahle. Rarrntssus.—Rev. Thomas DeWitt, 1). D Rev. Charles M. Jameson, P. Clarkson, M. 1). , m Willia Underhill, M. 1)., New York city. (Mice for the present at the Ameticanllntol. Patients also visited at their residence if di sked. Allentown, Jan. 17.185,5. C. A. RUM ;40N NEW 0001-1110 undersigned have just rerme- M ed nt their Grocery Store, in North Seventh bt a good (testament Of, nil kinds of Groceries. C. A. MILE tt 110.1 t ► • STARTLING, BUT TRU.E; WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. - - Bow often it happeno, that dm nil . ° lim7ers front your to year in (hot. MIMI& condition n t i not (Wm Tor one day to feel tho harpy mid exhilarating lags 4:WU ineident to the enjoyment of health '11}1.; 1;E,00:11ING BRIDE, lint a fine year's lig, in the flush of health and youth, wed inineancy of spirits., rapidly. 01111 opparently ith explicably, bcennscS a feeble, faddy, sallow, dehilis toted with Haim , ma:minted, nerves unstrung, spirits depressed, countenanen bearing tho impresN EalTering, mid en inter pliysieal anti mental profF !ration, nrising film' ignorance of the simplest and rtain,t rules of health as votateeted with rho mar riage slate. 11.. e sitilation of which entails disease,, mak! ing and misery, not only to the wife, but often TERETITARV co‘,:ri,AINT2, UPON Tilg CHILDREN T 111: Tllllll, \l, 1 1 1 , 1'11 . 1'11 G16 , 11:11111'101q," Traltsmllll...; ('IMSUITIPTIOV. Relit/PULA, 1(1 1 , 11(111IN Mt 1N5AN1TV,.46101:124 11.11 V.VIL, I pallier tad ==tll DREADFUL INHERITANCE viz(oi THE PA R ENTS. gs ..littiniloY )test *him bcP Ix there Do 1 , No 1 , No impr?” i.111.0s in br Lunoi n x the C:111/10.1 /1,1.1 1 , 01.111:18 0114 I. non in., I 11.• and benefiting by thous. 'flies. , 1,0 1/..11/ 1.11 Olt, in THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDIC;\ L COMPANION, IIl• OR. A.:.1:. WIZICEAU, OP WOMAN. • • • Oar Ilimtl roll", 1.',1 it ion, (:400,000), Vnio., pp. 2.14, IoN r 1111 ri, EVS-11.1 $1.00.1 A mlautlard uf e.tubli..llBl reposition. found clufial In the eit.ilegl I h.. ereat I r.ule •edes in Now Yu I ate! ether mut sOl.l by thn princl I eel, .eller4 in the thlited e.littel. It %las llmt pubILI iu 1617. sine°n hiett thou FIVE lIUNDIIED THOUSAND COPIES id which tlicto Otto upwards or ONE iii'SDEED THOUSAND SENT y AfAIL„ bi,la I., tintation In nhieh It Is bbld as a Di) - I popular I;()()Ii POI{ EVI'..AZ FE.3IA 1.10 Pon noilwrlllvin!rd..v.detl exdosive attention to the 11.•:k!uo•nl Ord.+ 1.1 • 1 • Oliar to fellllllo,t, In levent to h.• t otiy contirdtvd by thousands both In persola and by I.•tb•r. Ilr re el ery nen an el n dkrover, by cfllnparing her owq F..11:14,0i Mal IleSerill.!, the nature, character, ..s or, and the pr..per remedies for, her cumplatnts. the nice about becoming a mother has often ncead 1,1, ' , lethal and adil..e a 11,0 t.toiost imirortattoo to hoe Flit Ilf,Hll, in respect to which her somitircnosii rut -1/:,! C , .11•41111111::: it tiwilicit) gentletitu, will (Intl such pit roe! Ire, mot aim° p llnin many NytlliktOgil 1111101,V180 Ivnlibi i•eva•dooll no iely nr !darn) An inci.leot to lior xilontion lire doncribed. I l loony are suffering from" I,:t . rnetions or irregulBlN ilirs peon liar to the female Which undormino line rile, t. 4 of mlll,ll they lire ignorant, link f'B2 tlwir limey medical m1%118)1 Man, holt ..wg 1.1,11.1rel.rp•11.1 Ph ri (falling of tho WOI1114) , G wn r, , r aC. ra (Irahne,, drlilily, &c.) Many BE3 In c. ac.Lly for many montha preceding , confita• Inent lL.ny La, 8. otilietlit if toll ILingorous deliverlBll, 01..1 oneerlain reenteriev. Some ivliose tires nag) .:orioro, l, lino., Dill each find in IL. pages I:0 !I:I • 1..: , 111•1. • :11.1 . Lt , ilo awl relief. Jr i• •• . f emo-..•• irt•I•10 t•• eon, o folly Urn vorlooti p,'. 114 111.'S nrp if a 11a1111 . 0 Strieny La ca. I p,r)i..l or thon el tali:mid/Wag marring". 11,1,1t.r, ow pal a ka:loatiot err it father? a wife, •••• I , I t ht. •••• 1.. • • , ” ,, c , You lovo 411 ill 111. "our Lineutiiy. and lose nu liana In n hat init.:krt.. ill, their Ituaith and hap. piuenn tii.t Iv:. than your mill. ii mciii ilt . olll to )01i 11411.1 litany 41 day of pain atilt ant:ily. ili•oi..l 1 y ski incapacitating the h.:, Pa • il4 tmlit,ry vsllnusting those 111...!kinem nnq advertised no.itrat, I I,roii.:e tar devlining 14, 11‘11/ 111 V lit toil =EMI In .• popilarily or the walk, 1., 11 . .310, %mi..% 1.3,•• I. 1.1•11 1,••11 /111111.,.../11•rg .13 lII° 1.0 , 10. I,‘ i:l11 1 VOL', Ohl in., •coop) and other 0..6,—. I.l• • \'i it 1.11. i. been lmdul livcesolty, 1.1 CAUTION THE PUBLIC t.,!,..v wtenlm •• Pr. A.!61. MAI•1111EAV, ItU 1,i1.411 N. V.." i... (.1.1 II OM') ill MO /I itll• ) ritil• 1'1101; Mud buy no•I 411...11,14, by ~, 1 , 1., I id/1111101,111. r,4.1,. t rd e,,, THE Milli • mr,i) v.! IVATE MEDICAL. COlll, PL.\ 'ii" sent ,r1.1o!,:1 f,,e ) to any part of ffor s. 1,,, 13itush Provinces. All 1, a t.r ~, • ,1 rebiri said to 1.4. A. 1.1. I.IAt.i::(2I.:ILL. I. I 12.24, lir ur-Yoilt City. • 12) Liberty Street, New- V 0: FOR fA LE aT THIS OFEICE—PITICE ONI : 4 01.E A171 . .:NC17 IN 1,1:11101I. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE., 1 111: 11111.:AT I'l'llll'lER or TIM 111.01110 ' 2'IIL•' EsT A 1.11 , ..11,1'1'1 VIN NtIIVN ! .yor u P., i ill.: o f ,Ilrrrvu•y in it ! remedy for Scrofula, king's Evil, Rheu matism. tilo‘thia to cutaneous Eruptions, l'implem or on the Pore. Blotches, 170ilN, Ague and Son' Eye, n ingwonn, or 'fetter, Scald head. Eillargeinent :mil pain lifthe Donee • mid Joint,, Will Rheum, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorilersomilnililiseasei+ariii ing from an injudicious iield'Alercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Mood. This great remedy, which line become no rapidly and so juidly celebrated for its l`N trnordinnry eflieney in relicviag tool curing many of the most obstinate terribie r,wto., tiisent.e with which otholtioti in ulllicicd, i< now owereti to the rithlie, with the emiti -1011 1,5111 . 11114, that no 01Set,V1:111r crow 111:11k , tins .1 , 01 Foi cmincully rlwooPslll-1 in curing. Seltorl'l.A. Mid AI.I. ulsc.tscs 01' THE BLOOD, an Car ter', Spamsli 'rho proprietors are ro.'elVitig by every mail moil Ihinrriug 1111 1 1 il, tails of cures made in all park of the country, and in 11111S1 t'llNefl where the ill of the best Physicians Imil been tried in vain. ,1,1 1 .: rower over the (Idiom is truly remarkable, nod all ,o trim impurity of tint great SEAT or hare., have been relieved and cured without a sin gle Tailor,' out of the thousands who have used it.— Carter's punish Mixture rotitains no Mummy, Opi: uni, Arsenic, or any ilimgcroini drugs, lint in (mullion-, tol of Roots and Ilerlis,'combincil oith 'other ingredi ents of known I him,. and may be given to the young est infant or most debilitated invalid, without thilf tent possible hesitation. 11' AI. S. lIIiEIiS ,t co., rropriotortt, No. :101 Broadway, Now York. 111.7 - Prieo $1 per bottle, or six betties fur $O. For sale by 3. 11. Moser, Allentown, E. Ilan, Bethlehem, and and nicrelinnts generally New York, February 13,1800. fflin
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers