D . NT ew Boot and Shoe Store T N ALLENTOWN. FINK & BROTHER have .11. lateli opentd a now Boot and Shun Store, at No. 12 Ea , t lLoni:tou street, formerly occupied by Mr. Jerca;Vl. Schatith;i4 the seine but-loess, but [lie public may cantbleutly rely upon it that they will at all times keapnn band, a' better, larger, and at the amine limo cheaper stock, than was ever kept in the build ing before. They wild ohveys hewn on band ti3l.4ll,Gentletnen's Busts, Shoes and Slippers, Ladies and Mi 6,12,1 Gni(Urli, Shun and Slippers, dlildren's Boots and Shoes. Also, Course Boots and Shoes fur Men and Boys, Gums, &c. All kinds of Gentlemen's nod Ladies' work made to order In the must approved stylus, nt short Judie... and of the best of materials, and an Cloy have better work men than over worked in t h e building before,. they are willing to warrant all work. Being new beginners, they hope by punctual at tendance to business and low prices, .to receive a share of public patruunne. March 26. . —tr New Texas Hotel, NEW TEXAS, LE HIGH COUNTY. pliE undersigned having lately disposed of his Store, has taken the above named. Hotel, formerly kept by Simon Schumacher. The house has been renovated and improves! in a Man ' nor which will compare favorably with the best hotels in the coon ty, and cannot fail to give tlutisfae don to those who may patronize him. His TABLE will always be supplied with the choicest and most wholesome provisions the market affords, and his BAR with the purest and beet liquors. The stabling belonging to his house is good and extensive, and *ill be supplies! with the bust provender, and attended by careful hustlers.— Nothing in short, shall be left undone to make his Guests comfortable, and ho flatters himself that by strict attention tb business he may merit and receive a liberal share of public encouragement. 5• -Drovers eau always be uecommodoted on rea sonable terms. Pasture furnished if desires!. JACOB MICHAEL. July 16. E. W. ECKERT'S IVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL nowt , /uom eivirr uir 61. ettll ifga "Mr GOD _KM_ - 17 4 NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, I'A. Constantly on band n large stock of Leaf Tobacco. Also a superior stock of Segars, comprising, the latest styles and brands, at the lowest i City prices. All Goods warranted. July 20. —l)' .N.FANT:ST . 1 2 11 (0 , (DIM CHARLES S. DIASSEY, CLOCK, WA'rell.3lAliElt AND D,E.k.I.Elt IN JEIVELIt lES, Nu. 23 East Ilamilton Street, op posite tho Dermal' Deformed Church, Alkutown he ,undersigned repeetfully informs his friends and , he public in general, that he ha, just returned from Now York and Philadelphia, where he hue purchased anti now offers for sale a fall end unequalled assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES...JEWELRY, Silver Ware and Fancy Articles, all of a superior quality, and deserving the.extnination of those who desire to procure the best goods at the lowest rail' ptices. IPS stork climpri,es Clocks of all styles nod patterns, (hail and •••• Watches, Gold, Silver and other Watch Chains, Watch Keys and Seals, gold and silver Pencils, Ear Rings, Finger Rings. 13reast Pius, Bracelets, Medallions, Cuff Pine, Gold and Steel Pens. Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Spy Wasses, peek et Compasses, oold, Silver. nail other Spectacles; suitable for all ages, together with each and ev,ry artiele be longing to his branch of business. Kis prices arc as low and liberal as they will be found in our seaboard towns, and his goods will always prove to bo what they aro represented. MELODEONS. • Ile keeps on hand an to:sortment of Melodeons, of allsizos antipatterns, suitable for Churches, Halls and private fatuities, at prices as low as the•; can be bought wholesale of the manufacturers. lii.oinstruments can nowhere ho excelled in point of tone, beauty and low prices. Ho also has on hand n large and good stock Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Muatcol Boxes. S.e., at exceeding low prices. ...7...t.lsClocks, Watches, Jewelries, Accordeons, Mu steal Boxes, ,te., will at all tittles be promptly repair.l, and all Nvoilt warranted for one year. CHARLES S. MASSEY. Septemb'er A NEW STOCK OF GC - IC. 41:1ED 1267.14.. firml.' A A TATCIIf.::.; AN!) JEW E 1.111% V lilts jti.tt. been 1.i:1...1ye.' by .110 titelkiri.igile.l, :iv Nu. 21 Kest Ichicli fur bulitiy- tlarahliity is ,1111.I1:1 I/1 LOWI.I. imild I, ivLic4 Lc iuvitos thu . duzirtats tiltt, peels at It.s ,1.14.1( ..1111111,1:. 11114 Silvar Patent fatvcr, . . t. r .1•1. i Watelle,, Silver Tull:. 1.1.ite.1 speet•iele4 =I 'eprta 1110 .10,010. a 0 ~rtielc.4. !itch 0 0:8 , 1 110., and Finge,. PL.,- Or a :1111Crit,I . 1111:11ity, I= MEM • - •o,of Wiwi'tutirlu, COO MI -111.,,••.. ..11011. feel.i confident tint the uho‘ e , os -tre toe best in market, and otters them to the puhlie at the lowest prices. lie would particularly call your attention to iti, stock of CLocks Aso IV.trenns. and urge yon to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels assured that ho cannot fitil to suit you, ant only with the articles, but what is more important, with the prices, and would also interns the public that all his goods are warranted. Clocks, Mitch. mul Jewhry, repaire.l in the neat est and beet manner; and at the shortest notiee—all his'work is warranted. JOHN NEWHARD. April 23. A NEW STORE WITH A LARGE AND ENTIRE STOCK. I? • Vet " c.E . 4 41 , ) At No. 41 West Hamilton st., corner of Eighth' street, formerly occupied by Joseph Stipp. GUTH SCHLAUCH Amy() just opened a new Store at the above named stand, opposite Hag enbuoh's hotel, With an entire uew stock of Good-, selected with great cure in New York and Philadel phia. It can be relied upon that their stock is the most fashionable iu town, its they have none that has been Stored on Shelves for a number of years, but all is direct from the cities. The Mumma, stock com prises every variety of Foreign and Dome:die Dry floods, from the richest of Italian Silk to the cheapest of home manufacture. Therefore call and examine for yourself before purchasing elsewhere, us they challenge any store to sell cheaper than they do.—:111 business done on the CASH SYSTEM, without regard to person. ' April 23. —ly II Ivy wawa S e o. t „ ai Stev e.. HD. BOAS, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Be . - jail Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff and Scgars, No. 9 North Seventh street, Allentown, Pa. Ile flatters Maisel( to say that he kiln at all times the , best and cheapest stock of ' . TOBACCO AND SEGARS • ver brought to this place. Dealers in the above or ides will find it to their advantage to giro me a call, so ! • Jt.7l at the lowest Philadelphia and New York whole. ','.:o price,.. A general assortment of American and .11 ~ reig.n Lu (Tobacco always on hand. - IL D. BOAS. . biny 0, 1 55. ..---ly , Lehigh County tillfEn'l 1111'.01 iiilYij 32.; itit! 4 11.0 0111. : 1 7 0 1I VT . 1"111 .-5 4p4. • .-, Rtit*Al3, , zrov 4sti iio l A ;.? No. 36 Weet Hamilton Aired. oppomie the Lehigh Patriot" Print my Q If. MINE would respectfully announce to the O. citizens of Allentown and the public generally, that ho always has on hand a first-rate assortment of • • • CABINET WARE, of all descriptions, consisting of TWIT:M. 4 . Side-boards. Pier, Centre. Curd, Pining tool Breakfast Tables, also What-Not nod Sofa 'rabies, Parlor Chairs, Spring-seat Rock Mg Chore, Pisan-struts, Bed steads of every description. together with n general assortment of KITCHEN FURNITURE, all of which he will sell at prices which defy competition in either town or country. He also manufactures to order every description of Furniture, Dud every arti cle sold by hint is warranted to give entire satisfac tion, or no sale. So please give hint a cull and see for yourselves, at Ni. 26 West Hamilton striivt, or at the sign of thu Yellow Curtain. N. .B.—A complete :ISSOrtnwilt of Looking Glasses, always on hand, and for :ode cheap. Allentown, July 2,185 G. S. 11. PRICE. C;) "ET "JE - 1 TN Lie groat Speed) on Efin:as affairs, is the Court the utlicr evening, omitted to ).trite some thing to the poop!, which nl.o ikeply ill tereSt t hem, and that is, that L. STltOrt:li 4. at No. 9 West Hamilton street, are now ceiiing ill their large chick of Summer (tooi6 at grails railtiaa.l price:. It eon.isie in part of such Ladies . Larege..., Silk Tissues, Mirage Be CAl:alias, Lawns, l'oplin», Giughtlln3.Sr., .Lc. P... 1 / I .ISUL.'"'.—A large stock LI" Parasols are still on hand, whirl] will la) ,1)1 , 1 eIICITUr than nnywher, else in town. , We sell good Parasols, rated with nt, 1:11. j 1 ANTI L LAS.—We haw a line stock of silk Man tillas, which we sell 20 per cent. lower thou they eon lie bought elsewhere. We hove wool littitillos $1.121 worth $1.75; tonne for *2.50 worth $3.30; anil some for $3.511 worth t'AIIPETS.-IVe have it good all wool carpet, for C2l cont.:, worth tt7.l; a rood carpet for word. 621 ; a very good rag carpet for :;7!, worth 621 : stair carpet for 20 cts., worth ; u very guud ill wool stair carpet for Worth 50 cents, ('I. THISU.- , lre have on hand a large stock 111 summer Clothing whit h will hu sold 25 per cent. cheaper than they VIM ire itiOlght. in.auy store in Al lentown. The stork compri,cs all hinds, and prices. ES, -Altholigh Groceries have advanes ed greatly of late in the cities, and other Aorekeeper raised their prices accordingly, we continue to sell at the old rates. In conclusion we soy, give us a call heforo you purelutsu elsewhere, so that you may judge for yourself. Transportation Line. THE Undersigned is now prepared to ship all kinds -L of Merchantlize. Ae., Irmo Philadelphia to Easton. Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Cltudi, Penn Ilavc.n. and all intermediate places. Hoods will Ito received and :hipped front No. 65 North IVltarves, below Vine street, Philadelphia. The Line is fitted out in tlw best possible manner, which enables hint to transport 01l Hoods entrusted to his care with safety and des tiateh. As he is a new beghmer, he hopes. by care ful itnil prompt attention to business, to he favored wall a liberal shore of patronage. HENRY SCHWEITZER, Proprietor. • AGENT, It. B. Sellers A: Co., Philadelphia. George W. Housel, Easton. G. A A. Bachman, Fre,:liuttil!flir . , 2:. Andrew NCCart v, Itt thlehem. Aug. Ritz, Allentown. the St4 , ro al Allentwsn aro requeLtcti to lA', titian away Nr i t hoti t delny. - A NEEDLES, MAN urAcTURER wire, Silk and Hair Cloth Sioves, and line in mesh; tuiddle-i:izu nud atnall iu di :in:et:v. Metallic Cloths or 11 - oven 'Wile, of the hest various sues of mesh, from -Nu:. I to ;:d) inelaaire, and from one to eis, leo in nidth. They are 11111111 , orCd no many spaeca to a lineal inch, and cut to suit. The sitherilier also keeps constantly on hand EEN:: 11,r cold, Solid, tire, Lime, Grain, tlravel. Salt, BMW, l'utrce, Spice, I/111p. togntlier nil!' ;in t,,sortinent of bright and annealed bolt IViro. All of Ito :Wove told trholeliale or retail • \ NEEDLES, 54 N. Front St., Philaddliliin. Philittlelph;a, .Tutie .Ith. —ly =lB • SURGICAL .$4 MECHANICAL DENTIST. fI R. C. C. IL GULDIN. from New York, itt vitcs the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Having had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows he can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable. lINFERENCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev. Charles M. Jame'son, I'. Clarkson. M. D., William Underhill, M. D., New York city. Office for the present at the Arno jean Hotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Allentown, Jan. 17, 1855. 1--lv COMAIIFSRINMERCIIANTS 1111 and 'Widy:mitt Dealers in FOREIGN and DO MESTIC LEAF TOBACCO. 'Manufactured Tobacco, ind Foreign and 1 1 umc,tic Sogars. YI South Front St.. 'MiI:I4IOIMM. Importeis ..r Fiuu I lavmmu Segors or the girt (110 Vtlelta-Aletie, It large anent of which are kept emmtantly on hand, and for sale at a small advadi'm on cost or impartation. ri , spevtrulls solicited, on which Miami advances will be made %then desired. N. H.—Special attention given to orders for mar ellase oat commission, of Tomteco. as also every de seription of Merchandise, for accenut of parties living at n distance from this market. 1:43* - Alt, Agent for P. A. theti's Celetwatell Ger man Smoking Tulmero, ennitrioing thirty diGrent varietie..% April U , 1 . Iff, DA. IL h.. G.!l ihl , A. [t . OFFICE AT TIIE • MAL GI- ]LI 3E - a - CD M I M I ME, NO. 3 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Allentown, Feb. 0. Great Exc,itemmt. L. STROUSE & CO. tr- ME! SWEII ZER's ESE THE'LEHIGH REGISTER, SEPTEMBER. 3, 1856, OAT.II.SAUD IT A. CH VAP CASH STORE! A 'EI 1:-1 a 0 4 I .:A 4, • 4.4 3 3 ETAS. Intelv pun kved the horn k „r g ,h, or 19illiwn 61 ,,, f;. in Cotiweitiqua. and !loving lidded thereto n heavy supply n inereliondbm. hurls from the eitioe, he now inviter th eitivem place and neighborhood to give him a 'till and extanim 'mmlll)llB'4 , 4 SUMMER ODDS , which lay variety of style and price cannot be out done by any Store in the County. llie etoek_Le- . dice' Dress Clouds embraces all the various mid latest etvie3 of Brillinntes. Poplins, Ginghams, ninnies, Lawns, Btu ege Detallies, Solid eol'd.lnnis, Bareges. Swiss Mulls, Canibries, Jaeonets, Prints, cheaper than they can be pur chased anywhere else. t 4 7:3 War ME ...I His Shawl stock for Summer consists of Grape, Silk, Thibet, Cashmere, Stella and Barege. at very low prices. Also, a line lot of Mantillas and Capes, cheap. lieu au ti I,%tv;{ 's W ewe. no has a choice stock of Cloths, Cassinieres; Tweeds, Cottonades, Cashmeretts, Linens. and a host of other Goods, that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Boone ' , wale/Goy GoodB.-11is sto”lc of HouFe Furnishing Uoetl.l Mill alwuy, be fooml lo consist of u very generel nssorlinent, und at prices which will warrant mutisthetion. Or Gloves, Hosiery, Laces. Collars, Veils, Tritn mings, ,Le., Im has the most complete stock in town. 4.4ILOCERIES.—ne ims u large smelt of fresh late r9ily Oroccries, pri:ne. - 1,..,, , lalM mo ll 1 Java and Mu Coffee N I , ,l i i ~.. Snow. Teas, Moles - V sk7rl • t ..t. ' ' --.•••- S Cheese, Spiees, -4.."" P , ,-,,. Cracker?. Rol ~-. ae.. ,t e. • Duller, Eggs, Lard, Haim , . Sides, Shoulders. Pot:l -ines, onions. and Soap, for the higliu-t :111,ritet prices will he given in exelinnge for Quecreatrarc.—Ot' Queen:ware he has a Una alp; stylish assurtiactit, euur...risitig every attiele that k tuattufnettured. .I.l,,ekcecl. the r:Lole, half cr quarter barrel No. I, 2 and 3. Cittasatilitia, .1 . 11110 --1 ett3 t)tkiim 1. Axisrium ARRIVAL OF 1 - 121 (r) ID 0 BRZA.IIZG, NEL (GH & BREINIG, • NO: 2 En st Ifiunilt on street, have imt returned from the cities with an another la) t-e and choice t,tueli SPRING AND 5(1 . 3131E12 GOODS, nl'the mo,i rasitimuthie ertnn all of which that will make to tinier, and ulsu keep on h u nt a large supply HEADY MAD!: CLOTHINC,. nt such llSltilliplllllg low price,, that eannot lie equalled by any:est:ll lishment in this or anyother town in East ern Petincylvunia. Our :Stock is twice Its largo, and we sell double the amount or the two best es•ml;lish- Inents in low n. consequently enabling us to sill trCn very small profit. We have on 111111;1 every style of Garments: adapted to the season, to which the ;Hien thou of the public is invited fur a careful emunination ;X.:manly, worhinanship, style ;if trimmings and cut, whi c h the proprietors will guarantee be superior to ally noose in the trade. We constantly keep on lutnd it well selected steel: of flentlemen's Furnishing (triode, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocics, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, (lose, Suspenders, besides many articles coming in our line of business, all which are oolit at the lowet CUSTOMER WORK. Orders for Customer IVork will alivsys Le received with pleasure, and attended to Iritli punetuality, and as hr o ILL, firm are practical tailors, none Lot the Lost wisrhinatisltip still Lo hulrerod to pass our bands. 131!IME M: , 21 A LA RG E . LOT ..f Ma. ken:l, just at 74 . 1 . 4 .4. 1 r of Dry ri00.1; , , from Y o rk. u Mich trill ha cull ,:liLzipQr thaa ut cr. vlieur 61* J1t:4:1'11 TEE PEOPLE'S CABINET WARE ROOMS ! P. X a;n d er's Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware Mint ti :•,.attli East Corner of Ninth anti Hamilton Strerte, n ICW &JUN below Dredaer's Lumber lard, A L EN TOWN, PA. 'PEE undersigned respectfully inform their friends -1- and the public generally, that Ito curries on the Cabinet Itusitte,s in all its curious breuelles at the above named stand, whet.° he is prepared to sell g toll a ntl handsome furniture us cheap as cue be sold anywhere. l'h e i e store is on the south-east corner of Ninth and I latuilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, w here they oiler a line ut.sorttnent of =I CAISINE'I' IVARE, FL . you'd:ding in part Of ;- l ofto, of canons styles Kam -.*X 7 2.! nod pmterns. :tido Bmirds. 'Wardrobes, see retaries, Bureaus, of V1!11 , .1,5 tuttterns ; Cup-boards of ilitferent kinds; (''rd. Centre, Silo, - Breakfast and Itinit , o Tables ; iced: tends i.fdilltrent styles and pot wrils:'‘Vit-11-,tiiii,l?.. Twist, Small and Large Etagers, What Ni,o;+ :11tisie-Slands. Sofa 'fables, Tea Tables, Oval nod Serpeotino Tables, Chinese Aclint Not,, Fancy Work Tables. Refreshment Tables, Elashas, Tetem-Tetes. French Divans. .1 general assortment of Kitchen Furnittiro on hand 7111111 III:1110 to order. Ile employs :it nll times none but the best work men, attends personally to their business, nod will wurrunt all Furniture or their manutheture to Ito mule ..r t h e hest materinbt. Orders for Ware will he faith fully and immediately attended tio, and when sent out of the Borough will be earefully pnelied. .1113 1 t RECRER'S DAILY EMPRESS, Irr 13 ETIVEEN Allentown, Bethlehem and ;1-.1413 YLi ludclphtn. °like in Allentown, 111 George, L. Mille's, Ni,. :11l AVetd Hamilton street. Office in Philadelphia. Ni, .NI It ae , Thu pr,,prietor..G. s. respectfully nnnounces to the citizens and busine,,i men ge n era lly, t h a t l ie :darted a daily Expret.s, as above, via. .tit North l'ennt(ylvaniu Hail Ituatl. for carrying Meridian dize, pitelotgos (t . '., of every hind, iit rates fully ut , low if not lower. than any 1111101 . EXIIIV,S, 111111 till pack tiges will be carried with the greatmd w i re, and deliv ered with promptness. • Ilaving hail hair years' experienee in the Express Intsiness, Mr. 11. reels confident that he will he able to supply the wants of the public in a satisfactorily man ner. All business for Allentown nil vicinity will be promptly trunsneted by George .L. Rolle, Agent. Olney No. 311 \Vest Pennon street. 1. IL—Gools purclut9e,l,lnul ill ortler4 punctually attemlell to. .Ulentown..Jan. 2. I" UUNIsIIING 11 00 1/S.L-IVe. have in Store Linen Lettings, Damask Table Dinners. 'fable ('lath, fill ne Case Linen, 11larsailles Qullta , theaehed and Unhleaehed Muslitn., all widths, Furniture and Apron Checks, Tiling Flnnels, GUTH SCIILAUCH, 41 IV. !familia') St. - COU RTLAN DT STREET MEHL earlfr .121 9dS C oxtvtlau tit Street, NEW YORK. J. S. STEBBINS, PROPRIETOR. N,OW York, March 20. —6m on BREINItI. NELIGH Weh! Hamilton struut FRANCIS XANDEIt AYER'S PILLS, aNuw and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases—Costiveness,lndi- ' gestion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, evers, Gout, Humors, Non, ousness, ImGnbility, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, anu Limbs, Female Complaints, &e. &c. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi.; eine is riot more or less required, and much sick ness and:suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true. of Colds. Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which lead the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Pntients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures • have been elfected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: ])n. A. A. HA ICES, Analytical Chemist, of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the • HON. EDWARD Evmturr, Senator of the U. S. Ronnwr C. W IST II nor, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives. Atmore L.swituNee, Minister Plen. to England. t Joust B. Ferziwrit reit, Cath. Bishop of Boston. Also, Du. J. R. Con:nix, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by y HON. W. J.. MA I; CY, Secretary of State. IVst. B. As'rott, the richest man in America. S. Limns: &Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space permit, we could give many hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills have been used, but evidence even inure convincing than the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon t r i a l. These l'ills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best timid most complete which the present . state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together m such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by anyprocess. The reason is perfectly en vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that 13 desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substanee employed are left behind, the curative virtues only bring retained. Hence it is self-evident the effee7ts should prove as they hare proved more purely remedial. and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote tie disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition ' I have m supplied the accurate Foritbe by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. It', however, there should be any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. I have nu mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictiens of their intrinsic merits. The ,Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine berme its elects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more thee realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments ns are the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being . purely vegetable, no hann can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrappeion the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS Priee.2s Cents por Box,. Fivo Boxes for $l. SOLD BY all the Druggit.l, , in Allentnwit, and by Druggists generally thrnitglitait the Cuuntry Allentown, Jahn:try I WARREN'S IMPROVED TIRE AND WATER PROOF COMPOSITION ROOFING. Joseph Clowell, Allentown, Agent for Lehigh Co. youn :attention is respectfully solicited to the above meth,' 1 of Roofing, now much used in Philadelphia and vicinity, and which has been exten sively in use in twiny ! of the cities of the West. during more than eleven years past, during which time it has been tested under every varicty of circumstances, and we confidently offer it to the public as a mode of Booting unobjectionable in every important partieular, while it combines, in a greater degree than any oilier roof in use, the valuable requisites of cheapness, and security against. both lire and water.— This is rapidly superseding the use of all other kinds of roofs, wherever it has been introduced, giving gen end satisfaction; and is highly recommended by all who have tested its utility. These roofs require an inclination of not • more than one inch to the foot, which is of ;m at cane . fire, and for drying purposes. They are uttered at a price consid erably. less than any other roof in use, while the amount of material saved, which would otherwise be used in extending up the walls and framing for a steep roof, often makes a still farther important re duction in the cost of buildin g . (linters may lie formed a the same material 00 tle roof. at much less expense than any other. In ea: aof defeet or injury, from any cause, there is no root so easily repaired. The materials being mostly non-con:lttetors of heat, Ito roof is so cool in smuttier, or so warm in winter. Those wishing to tt.a., our, roof, should give the rafters a pitch of about one inch to the foot. Forfurther in formation apply to Joseph Clewell, at Allentown, our agent. for Lehigh and Carbon 'unties; who is pre-' pared to execute all orders ut short notice. ! . 11. 31. WA IlltE.N CO., No. 4 Farquhar Buildings, Walnut tit., Philadelphia IMIII REFEHENcEs Tile following named gentlemen in Allentown have their houses roofed. with the «Loved limned composi tion, and are nide to testify to its superiority over any utter laud I,t rout's: B. F. Titc kt.im, Union st., between Ninth nod Tenth. ll.Srurrt.r.tt. Walnut sl.. between Eighth and Ninth. F. Ron Lux. Seventh st.. between Hamilton & Linden. Horn & Hi:((c. Linden St., between Fourth & Fink .1. It. t h st.,between Hamilton &Linden. Scic & KNAl'ss.Ninthst., between Linden & Turner. A. Klotz, curator of Unioit and Seventh Street. li. Munn; Fourth sL, brtwom Lintlen& Turner. Feb. 11, Isyti. : C. GILBERT CIBONS,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. G 7 EAST BAAHLTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. „ . 7.M".Cen be consulted in . English an ': ,- German.-. Allentown. May 14. These Pills may be had of Storekeepers in every City, Town ) Village or place in the United States. CM RESOLUTION Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. RegoTeed by the Smite and llentee Representatires V the Communwealth. of Petwhylvanitt iti General As- ; nein big wet, 'plat the following amendments are pro-I point to the constitution of the commonwealth, in I necorilanco with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: I= . . There shall be au additional article to sehl eansti- ! Mita' to be designated us article eleven, as fellows:— TiEMEE OF PUBLIC DEBTS I SECTION I. The ototo may contract 'debts, to supply I Lamal deficits of fautu l m in revenues, or to moot ex pauses not otherwiso provided for; but the aggregate . amount•of such debts direct and contingent, whether ; contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the goner id assembly, or at dilfe'rent pejiods of time, Audi never exceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the looney arising from creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purposo for, which it was ob. Wined, or to repay the debts so contracted, and tu no other purpse o whatever. L4Ecrto ad futon 10 the a hove limited power the Mato may contract debts to mad invasion, sup , press insurrection, defend the state in war, or to re tlte present outstanding indebtedness of um! state: lint the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shaldbe applied to the purpose for which it woo raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. . Eccrtos 3. Except tho debts above specified. in sections one and two of this :u•liele. no debt whatever shall be cremad by. or on behalf of the state. Smiles .1. To provide for the payment or the pres ent debt, and any additional dept contracted as afore said, the legislature shall, at its first session, eller the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking land, which shall be sufficient to pity he accruing interest on emelt debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred :taut fifty thousand dollars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, front time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the silo of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, to gether with other funds, or resources, that may lie r elesignated by law. Thu said sinking fund may be increased, front time to time, by assigning to it any I part of the taxes, or other revenues of the tdate, set required for the ordinary and current expenses or government, and unless in ease of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking Mod shall he used or applied otherwise than in extingui4ntent of the public debt, until tho n tt of such debt is re (hived !.clew the sum of live millions of dollars. Snertos a. Tho credit of the commonwealth shall not in any mummer,-or event, be pledged, or loaned ♦o. any individual, company, corporation, or association; our shall the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, association. corporation. Sc,rws G. The commonwealth shall not the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, bo rough, or township; or of tiny corporation, ur ai,socia tion; unless such debt shall have been eunt•acled ti enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domesth iucm•reetion. defend itself in time of war, or to assist the state in the discharge of any portion of its preselll indebtedness. Ail:nos 7. The legislature shall not authoriz , nuy county, city, borough, township, or incorporated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to toet)111l, a stockholder in any company, association. or corporation; or to obtain money for, or love it , credit to, any corporation, association, institution, of party. I= • There shall he an itdditional artiele to said consti union, to be designated as article XII, as follows: MEIMEMI OF NEW COUNTIES No. county shall be divided by a line rutting of: over one-tenth of its population, (either to forts: ti new roomy or otherwise.) without the exprees ai•sont of :Melt county, by a vote of the eteetors thereof: 114o1' AMU any new county lie established, containing tee Hoot four hundred SWUM: Mike. El= From section two of the first article of the ennstitu tion, Strike out the words, " j the city of) Phil,,dcl phim mod (9% It comity respectively;' from semi o n five. some article, strike out the Ai or.N, " P 1117.1- !Mph la and 0 . 1 the erel•l`Orl conchs •••• from section seven, saint, article, strike out the ords, " nridtcr the eitu of Philmlelphiti nor any," and in, c rt it, li e u thereof the words, "(fad uo ;" and strike out section four, same article, and in lieu thereof insere the fol lowing : Satfriox •I. Tn the year one thousand ci•sht hun dred and sixty-four, and in every seventh s.'i there after. representatives to the number of 11110 hundred. ,11011 he. apportioned and tlikributed eptally. ough out the state, ht• districts, in proportion h. nm ber of taxable inhabitants in the several pa•: • there of; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxaltles, may he allowed a separate representation; but no more limn three counties shall he joined, and no county shall to divi ded, in the formation of a di,triet. Any city contain ing n sufficient number of taxaldes to entitle it to nt least two representatives, shall have a separate repre sentation assigned it, and shall be divided into con venient districts of contiguous territory•, of equal tax aide population as aunt• as may he, each of which dis tricts shall elect. 0110 representative." At the end of section seven, sonic article, insert these words, "the city of Ph ibtdelphirt mhedl be divi dtd tutu +ilityle seauturial dixtt•irto, ebniigbo. ribwi l 101 //1 . 1040 011110/ ht tu.rahh• 11111)11111i1,111 butt HO 11,Irli shall be divided ill the fo/1•1111th.oll The legislature, nt its first session, after the :ohm thin of this amendment, shall divide the city or Phil adelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the wanner above provided; such districts to re main unchanged until the 1 tpportinnitieht ill the year ono thousand eight hundred HMI sixty-fat e •. FOURTH AMENDMENT. 7'o be section xxvi, Article The legi:slature shall have the power to alter, re voke, or annul, any charter of incorporation here:aster coMerred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinhtn it may be injurious to the citizens of the commonwealth ; in such manner, how.: ever, that no injustice shall be done to the ineorpo raters, Iv SrN.trK, April 21, Md. Remodred, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 5. On the second amend ment, yeas 19, nays 6. On the third amendment, yeas 25, nays 1. On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. • ExtractTrom the Journnl. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Cierk IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 1 April 21, 1856. 5 • Resolral, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 12, nays 21. Ou the second amend ment, yeas 63, nays 25. On the third amendment, yeas 64, nays 2J; and on fourth amendment, yeas 66, nays 16. • Extract from tho Journal. WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, A. (1. CURTIN, Filed Ajwit 21, 18.56. Se c'y. the Coianumwcaith SECRETARY'S OFFICE, Harrisburg, June 27, 1856. j Pciinnyleituta, 88 I do certify,that the above and foregoing is n true and correct copy of the original Resolution rela tive to an amendment of the Constitution" as the 8111110 remains on file in this (Mee. • . . nffi ----, In testimony whereof T have hereunto SEAL set piy hand and caused to bu affixed the seal of the Secretary's Office, the (lay and year above written. A. G. CURTIN, S'eerclary of the Commontceolth IN SENATE, April 21, 1856. Resolution proposing ainendments to the ConStitu tion of the Commonwealth, being under consideration. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and hays were taken agreobly to the pro visions of the Constitution, and Aver° as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Browne, Buekalow, Cresswell, Fer guson, Evans, Flenniken, Hoge, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Lnubueh, , Lewis, M'Clintock, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and l'intt, Speaker-2.1. YB—Messrs,Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mellinger 'and Pratt-5. do the question was determined ip the tarmativo On the question, Will the Sonia° ngreo to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were 'taken agreeably.to the prot visions of the Constitution and were as follow, viz: YE:as—Messrs. Browne, Buekalow, Evans, llogo, Cresswell, Ingram, JllllllBOll, linos, Laubneb, Lends, Sellbrs, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Wal ton, Welsh, Wherfy end NAVS—Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt; Price and Piatt, Speaker-!--S. So the question was determined - in the nffirmatilio: On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yeas anti nays were taken agreeably to tbei Constitution, and were as follow, viz: YEAM—Messrs. Browne, Buekalew, CraLb, Cron well, Evans, Ferguson, Flenniken, Ifi ' , e, Ingram, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Lanhaeh, Lewis,Welintook, Mellinger. Pratt, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Taggart, Welkin, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt4 Siseiker NAYS—Mr. tiregg-1. So the quesiion was determined in the affirmative: On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution. and were 318 viz: Yrag—Messrs. Browne, Melialew, Cresswell, Flen i ken, Evans, I loge, Ingrain, .Inntison..lonlan, Knox; Lattlowlt, Lewis, M'Clin ton, I'riee, Sellers, Shuman; Souther. Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Platt, Spntker.-23. Crabb, Gregg, Mellinger and l'rat t So the question ems determined in the nffirma- Jonrnnl of the House of Reprenntatives, April 21. The yens and imys were taken ngreenbly to MO *provi:-ion of the Constitution and on the first propou ed amendment, woe ss follow, viz: EAS—Messrs. Anderson, Ilnekus, Baldwin, Bnl l, Beek, (Lyentning,) Reek, (York.) Bernhard, Boydo Boyer, lirown. Brush. Itttelimann, Campbell, Cnrty, Crnig. Crawford, Dowdall, Edinger, lonu , inter, Iletz, Moines, llmucl, Harper, Bleins, lllldbs, 11111. Hippie llolcumb , Iltnteeker, lothrie. Dighton), Irwin, Johns, John Eon. Import, Le- Int, Lotigalier, Lovett, M'Colmont, M'Carthy M'Comb, Mangle, Menear. Itintgomery, Moorhend, Nuttnentneher. Orr. Pearson, Phelps. Purcell, Ramsey, Reed. Reinhold. Riddle. Roberts. Shenk, Smith, (Al le2;heny.) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith. (Wyoming.) Tiottopson, Vail. \V Million , Wright, (Dau phin.) IV right, (Lucerne,) Zimmerman and IVright. Speaker-72. NAYS--I..,Frs. A ugutlitte, Barry. Clover, Coburn, Fry. Fulbm, tlaylord, Cilihony, Hamilton, I Inneoek, II oneker, Leisearing. Magee, Alorrk Mamma, I .err on, t'nlisbury, smith. ( iii,) Walter, Wintrodu and Yearti- I. :40 the tmeition was determined in am allirmatdre. flu the queSlion, Will the ilotote agree to the second amendment? 'IL: yeas and nap. here taken, anti were as fulh r, is: VrAs--31eFFry. lolrrson. Paelins, Baldwin, Ile. I:, (I,yroming.) Berk, (fork,) 11„ 3 .4 . Ilrash, Buell:man, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, l'a.nsold. Foster. Ilu• nes. Ilil.bs, Hiliegns. Harper, Heins, Nipple, llult•omb, ilun s ed,er, Ind.rir. Ingham, Innis. Irwin, Johns, ,1,,1,n,1,1,ap0rtr, I,cbw Longalier, Lorril, 'Al:013111011i, :11T.1111i. Alangle. Aleneor. Miller, Mont, Ivanery, M04.111.'1111. \uuuemancer, Ilrr, Pearson, Pur cell. Illoaroy. Heed. Ileinladd,lliddle. Roberts, Shenh, Smith, (Allegheny.) Strouse. Vail, lidiallon. Wright, (Luzerne) Zinlinriman and Wright, Speaker-113. NAYs—Mes.rs..lll:tastio.., Barry. Cloven. Edilltter, Fry, Fulton, thiylord, llildooloy, I I.nnilton. ock. Ilunelier, nonloy, r Mumma. Patterson. Phelp4, Salisbury. Smith. (Cam, 'lllollll,llll, Wan.42l', riALI, (Itanithin,) (Intl so the gite4tioit was tletermined in the afliettintiVß, tht the .ine,tioo, 11'01 the House agree to the thin amendment ? The yeas mot nays were tuk;2l,, nod recto as Co low. viz: YnAs--31e,d , r,+. Anderson. Baldwin, M i n. Beek, (Lyeoniing.) Beck. (l'erh.) Ih•roliard, L o yd, Boyer, Brown, Buchanan, Caldwell. Camphell, Carty, Craig. Craw E'en'. Edinger. Fatoodd, Foster. Fry. Getz, Ilitines, Hamel, Harper. Heins— 11001 s. 11111, Hillogns, Hi pp !, Ihd oo mh, Ileoirlapper, Ingham, Irwin, J/0,.. • di, Laporte. Leh". Long :11;e r. Lovett. WContli, .11Witgle, ;Venom., Miller, :Montgomery, .N,.,,to.nwelior,. Orr. Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ilaned.y, need. Riddle Shenk, Smith, t ., ileglieny.) Smith, (Cainhrio. or y , o i ng o Thompson. NV Wr1,2.-lit (D.:Nolan.) Wright, kl.ii7ertie,) and Zimmerman -64, N vYs—Messrs. Barry. Clever, Collurn. 1)ook, I h.wdall, Fulton, (Hblloney. Hamilton. Leiseuring. :\ (*earthy. :%lageo, M ; ,,d e s, Moorhead, Morl:is, Patterson, Iteinliold, Saliehury. - IValter, Wintrudy, Yunr4loy, and Wright. So the . t oe , tion was dutorininctl is the affirtnative, t the tittestiott, 1111 the I lutte agree to the fourth r.inemlittent The yens anti bays were taken, tbiltl were as f o lhlw. viz: Y EAs—Mest-rs. Anderson, Pinchus, Ball, Bart.( Ly- Beck. (York.) Bernhard, lloyd, Boyer, Itruwit. Ilrmll, Buchanan, aig. Complain, thit (V. Vratvford. Eilinger. rim:told, Poster, Fry, (letz, Homer, Ilitriter. Hill JUN mitt. nipple. 11 lrnmL, llonsel:ceper, Hansel:ker. lin brie, Ittith. Irwin. Johnson, I,:i:un.te. !mho. laitmo. her, Lovett, Arealtnitiit. Arthirthy, Matt;le, Miller, Montgomery. Micmilead, Nittinemaeli er. (11.1., Pear on, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed. Reinhold. Riddle, %Meets, Shenk. Smith, (Cumbria.) Smith. (%Vpitiiing,) Thittni.siiii. Vail, Iralter. (('right, (I.ltzerite,) Yeatstey, Ziminermau, nod Wriglit. N A YS--.Messr: 4 . Barry, Clover. Coburn (tilitiotney. Reins. Ilancork. Moocher, highnin, ' , curing'. Magee, Manley, Morris, Patters:um tilali.bus ry (Ind IViii4•utle-1/3. SI:4•IO:TAIn'S OPPICE. IbtreioLary. Jime.27, 18,16.1 Perlervy; r0rt,.... 1 do certify that the ILnt•e no.l.foregoin g ip a t rim mot ropy or the ve,e,",th4 Noys'• token on the Itmodution promoihn: ontets.lmonts to the Con stitution of the Commonwealth. as the PlllllO appeain on the Journals of the two Homes of the General Assembly of t h is Commonwealth fur the tesaion of 1836. , --, Witness my hand and the seal of NIIIII SEAL unit.e, this I wen ty-seventh day of June, ffi one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nix. SEAL A. G. CURTIii, Secretary of th e Centesentrealeh YENDUE CRYER. Tr III; undersigned, a son of the well known 'mil popular Voodoo Cryer, John Smith, deceased, respectfully informs the public that lie has utlopted the business, and offers his services in that capacity to all who may require them. Ile considers himself able to render satisfaction, no hundreds of references 1.1111 be giyen. Ile Can be engaged to go any distance that nippy be required. His residence is the first (loon shove the (termini Reliwined Church, directly oppo site Misers Drug . Store, in Hamilton street. Allen town. FRANKLIN SMITII, CM DR. J. P. BARNES; Dll - . 1 311N - '311P.111 . 14 1 46171C`'... P E RFORMS I ,E all operations on ilk% Teeth, both operative and mechani cal, for superior to most of Dentists. Among- the rest, ho is now prepared to make whole upper Pets of Teeth on Gotta. Pemba, for from 211'to 25. dollars.— Persons in want of Teeth should apply at .hin office, No. 48 East Hamilton street. up stairs, a 'few doom East of Pretz, Guth k Co's. Store. April 30-Jul. 4. —tf TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, QIXTEEN miles north-west from Philadelphia, near IU NimutsrowN, Pa., will .be open for yorso and nova ithove 14 years of age; from October 1, 18511, till June 1, 1857. The site is healthful, the surround ing prospect exceedingly beautiful, the accommoda tions sufficient for 110 boarders and 200 students, and the terms not exorbitant. The range of studies is ex tensive, the (anchors experienced and able, and ovary reasonable effort is mado.to promote the physical, in follecta al and moral welfare of the Nebular& A circu lar will be sent to order, with particulars and Waren cos if desired. SAMUEL AARON. Prificiput, Norriatitiwn, Pa. August 2O MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers