7'There was a disgraceful fight at Hudson. N. Y., on Friday night, between a gang of rowdies and Dan Rice and his circus men. The row dies gave Rice a terrible beating, but Rice's men afterwards rallied and attacked the restau rant of John 11. Best, the leader of the rowdies, completely demolishing the establishment and routing the intnatts. All sorts of weapons were used from slug•shot to paving stones, and the affray is said to have been terrific. MARRIED On the lith of Au94ust. by the Rev. Mr. Togelbach, Mr. JOHN HAHLARCER to Miss RA CHEL both of Upper Saucon. On the 24th of August, by the same, Mr. WILVAM BEHKEMEIR to Mas CAtun.INN (4:lt- MAN, botlyorAllentown. On Aire 31st of August, by the Rev. Mr. Vogt.Mach, Mr. Tuom Ocns, of Stein bug, to Miss MAMA Kts;ourv, of Ali On the 2Gth, of August, by the Rev. Mr Yenger, Mr. LEvt FREEMAN, of Lower Simeon to Miss ELOYINA STERNER, of South Whitehit DIED On the 23d of Aug., in Allentown, Mr. JA• COB DAN!. of consumption, aged 62 years. On the 231 of July, in Allentown. 1.1111.1)A, daughter of John Nunnemacher, aged 16 years. On the Bth of August. in Salisburg, TINE EBERHARD, wife Of 41111 Eberhard, aged 64 years. On the 17th of August, in Upper Saucon, Wi low ELIZABETH Ore, aged 70 years. On the 21st of August, in Allentown, ltanan- CA. daughter of William 11. King. On the 25th of August, in Salisbury, Jon"; Dumf., aged 87 years. On the 13th of Aug in Howland. Trumoull Co, Ohio, of fever, INIAuv ANN JANE M., young est daughter of Isaac and Est her Troxell. for merly oT this county, agt.d .0 years 6 months and 28 dad s. The Sew York. Store ADDItEs,4 T., FitiENDs AND •iIIF ri-BLic. (1111 . Worthy patron.,, nor: Ilt lona. vall upon I ENDS, their Good: , 1.11.111 tLc place--the N Y :4TOIZ IVo clatti in Omni,. of rrrry 1,111.1, melt vnri,.l mind. And cirri:, nr,• nu li:,nd t To sell our (311inl, at runr coninn:tnl. Iletuember now, that what t t e .any nat intended no. boy,' Mit ill th e g.smis Which ir e ,hail heap. Wetio inten.l to SELL THEM CHEAP (hn• steel: is new eliniiiiete, iVitli uuy>turu xu elm 801110 (401111 S 1,111111111:1, ;i11...vs rare, :4eleeteil with the greiitt,t flare la.lies pm; ran always clad. Cl/0•I+ Wllll adopted to your mind: ehoupost PRINTS ywu can Le dressol, it r ;if LES and SATI.VS of the hwst. 11et•e 1111111110 , rout Le ,114,1111, I'ROVIi , IONS we f n • all provi,le, .111,1 I111011:111ES e nn hand, Of the hest tortpluve.l in any lau 1. Our friends an,t p3trous. ane and all, 'Who uish fur lt.\ IttLll NS. neiltu a eall, Our whale ' , halt ~ery nice, And zathl.at the l u a•e. , t prier. We've FANCY al 001)S, a large supply, Pm• all those 1010 141:41 t.. 101 Y j . And many gntris or every kind. You at the NEW 1 . 0 STialiE will final OAT we invite you wle and all, At Iloupt and tstiwitert's give u Number 2? Wert flamiltow Street, IVith every attention pin will meet. Allentown. September 3. A ItTiICU'S rATENT : 4 E1,1 , 4 4 E:v1,- 11 INti CANS AND JARS. nil. pre,ervilig Tom:Once, Se., fur role at tho New Ynriii.itore, Nn. tU West linniilten street, Allentown. I'n. novre Sulu Agents. with each Can. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. AMEETING of the Executive Committee, and also of the Committee of Arrangements for the next Fair, will be held on S iturday the 20th of September next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the House ul J. Y. Bechtel, in Allentown. Punc tual attendance of all the members of both Committees is requested, as important business is to be transacted. 11. J. SCIIANTZ, President UM Ory\lan's Court Sale, "Y virtue and in pursuance of an order is suol out of the Orphan's Court of the County of Lehigh, there will be expo:4yd to public sale, on Saturday the Ilth day of Octo ber, at 2 o'clock in tie afternoon. upon the pre mises, a certain LOT ROUND, with the appurtenances, situated in the Borough of Al lint own, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, de. setibed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the snuth•cast corner of a thirty-three feet wide street and a twenty feet wide alley, thence along said Alley northwardly one hundred and eighty feet to another twenty feet wide Alley, thence along said Alley eastwardly forty-two feet to the (lround now or late of William Fry, thence along said Ground southwardly .168 feet by said 33 feet wide street, thence along said ,treat eastwardly 42 feet to the place of begin ning. containing 7303 square fret, more or less. Being the Real E:tate of Jacob Althouse, deceased, late of the township of Upper litmo ver, County of Montgomery, tlec'd. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and duo attendance given by MTCIIAEL TRUMP. Administrator. By the Court :—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. Sept. 3. --Gt Valuable Borough Property AT PRIVATE SALE. A VALUABLE two story brick dwelling house II and lot, situate in South Eighth street. be tween Walnut and Union sts., is offered Nil at private sale. The house is 20 feet in front and 28 deep, papered throughout, and ad- Mirably arranged, with Wash House attached. and a separate side alley. The lot is well plant= ed with choice Fruit Trees and grape vines, and the location is one of the most desirable in towu. For further particulars inquire ut this Office. Sept. 3. • ' —3t $2O REWARD. UNA\VAY from the subscriber, on Monday it night last, B6\Jn\tt\ Wisnxn, a boy aged about 17 years, rather light built, about 5 feet 7 inches in height. and auburn hair. He took . with him a black coat and (realer silver• watch. Whoever will return said boy and the articles named, will.receive a reward of 5:2.0 ; for either boy - or articles alonO $lO. The coat sleeves were lined with yellow. Any body that will harbor said boy will be punished accord to law. I also warn all persons not to give him anything on my account as I will not hold my self-responsible CHARLES WIEAND. -3t • Sall. 3 R k OS .3 1 . 'SPAT: ,--:...4. 71 1 •...:, , l 1 :i r i l I l ii3 O i., 1 , V ,,1 8 1,, L h l u i\ f 'D ilu S ~ t 11 , .phan s Court, Sale. i7 -- 7 77 :: ------------ ;7, 1 T"na: . ,.",i', - ,7l:::.,,i,iB„iniLei vi , o r ~..,,,,,, 4,1, ~„„.„,,,„ II 11011 Nil Ili f, 2 2 r ,,- 2. ,, n ( 7, t 1 62 , {ter 9 . ~,,y,k i 0,1p 40 1 . 1. 1 1 r lIVI Nl.l lAN 11' IN DMI ' 1 k 2ct'l '4 - '""Lti^ 'N -T 'III! \ 1) '" , i 1111 11 On V ore •T) 1 virtue null-ill piii.iii 111 J of iiii order tesued out I __,_ . ... 4:4, -_ r_t!,_. ." 4 ::1 1 111111 • 111 11111 i 11111 iii,s, and •1) of the 0! plii n 1.1 CIIIII till of I thigh (ninth . Oleo t:'ltlr7 7 7--Fll l : , ` : ',ll,t , Llling mho' , iili. iiiiil ii.. I mill he ixiiiiiiiil to role, on 1 lid Iv and , iitin 'lnt OIL ...."1. tz- " - , ',-A '4.41+ , 1 Nil, 1 t thtil• 1 I , to N ...\ 11 1 1 /111 1111,1 20111 day( of pup :umber, at 111 o (loi k, in Oa ,T 1/. .../ "./ /- 0 1//12) Ili t I latiolton St„ 1.11.1101 m, Ilt '19.11 ].thigh I non t1.. t0 the 1i It )141,1 , k . ,r,V''' 7-4'l',r: 1 All(lo,,ii I, IN ni , i laq, 10 1 1%1141114t0n, in aid L, mitt .:I' l LIII,II, all the t_ 4 -" r `r•t-.7- `,' - 111111.14 art hi .11p_, 1 , Ito follonlll4 di .01110 1 1111( IS HI 111101, 11.. 11. /I 1 III• 1. I/1 t.: * " .... ' ' '' .„. • 1 1 1 111 other l-‘1 1 111+111111M the lent I. t 1 110 01 Stephen lIIP I 1111 01'1110 10011 tI A , , TA 1111 t /I. 111111 /11l 111111 , 1 II ttitlli 01 1•:1111 r t 1111 1 01110 111 1 ill 11 11 ilt 1( 00 1 11L.. tfc' '../ * .7t.t"r II I 1 (11..11 I'lll.lll 1 1101 t OIN 1,zII))1)•)1 In 1111_ 111 all .I Inn upon .111 il, 11(1111 , purport I t v• -h. - s..- } 11 'RI , I . 1 1 ' )11( 1 111 ' ' .l Ilt % NO 1 i ,-. ) BR. 1. 11 - 110 ) 111 1 111111 11 NO 1-1 ilLet of 111111 .1111 If, iii the 1 own hip or ~...'"'",„/= -.7."1,- 1'1:11111,Ion and ciiiinit . 1 I ‘ 1,1 ,- i l 1)01111 . 10 h il • hi,- ....- - i , . 3 I 1, % in, tonsil ii,i, I mini 1,,,,,,,,,f t,, ,i t ~,f, .1 ha, I :N., I I.) • ' 311.0 I.' 11 11 11111 1 5 . . --- ' r --.-. -Ih I ' upper an ,1 loner hII I- 01 dloidinii 1,1(.4 , lit I out. Nu I, 2 ntol ~ 11111111111 I , , c.-.---. 7 , 111 aunt It 1111111 r that lug 11l ii, IL , (11 1,1 t int I.in t•. 1.11 it lin li is (11.11111 1.110 L_ _ -- '- - -1) Inn the upperln of 14 1,1 11 11,11 1 I ItN Ad 1. and op] to 0 nom, , fa t, in 11 to the nln:lnw.l nme, the lon, r p n•t in .1 In Al) 2- 1 iat tof hoed .itiintc tii unit I 1,1%11.111p of (piitf a ,I town( t.l 111111 LI., I Clue 'hill .ml 11'11.11111,110t., hounded ht 'fi act \u It. In lands non WI L OIL Plool (I, no clout find 1 pintoit. I In. 1, ii i t o hit t , i t .NIIL !nod NLI7, h) No il, ht hind , non or talc grunt II it 11111 /1. maim it is 1111111111 111 I I hull nigh 1111 01 1, lirikiall Mo.. nn . 1 1,1 No I, c nit intit.„ II lire .- 1 , 1 1 -1% h 01 11111111 ', II 1110 111111 1( 1111 4 /I INN /IN iil-1/ . .17 ‘ and 16t iLitln 4, .111, t in, a or, (.11 t, ha 1, is erected to late 111( 111 (1 It ii or pot tlitto up. In winr i o•to f l our 1 Olt 1111 ' 1:1.1.I \ll 111/I'd,' lila) ( too theyt \ ,(t.l tut• howl% an I , mit( in, in, 1 NO ,-1 ra• tof Loud -Aunt,. in , 111,1 l'on•n-liip, all of 11114 '1 'lll. improvement %% ill lie iittin lit,' 1,. the bounded In I int I. N0,..1 111111 d, /11l 111 N• 1111111 S nom ot• ol 1 f i4litoned Mind , on oi-onalilL. ILI nil , Int, 1 1 Chi • l.li in 1,1,. 4, containing 2itii 4 and 21 I 01 let, tic r, in ( tl'llll% .01i. itL,l Person, 111 long 1 poi( lIL 4, , i I\lllB 11 ie LitelL.l 11 Ml'O\ 1. MI LLI,I.M. to 4,1, Int l'atL ut !tights of the nhot eln ant• purl .11 11111 •-• IMI I. 1101 I , and other anion t, ii tint. the 1 1 11 m ,:It, do .0 by ii(1.11L , 41114 tin_ under t .tfh. I NO 1-fil,t of I. old situate in raid '1 on ti.liip, rt 1 llLliton 11, Lehigh Co., Pii hoinitlL.l In land non or Inlo of 1 hrttdian 111.4 s :11111 It0'1: &11 1.. NI 131 II l' lln I tid( No. .I owl to. (it ninug 1 lode and 60 pelt li I . -:111'L., (.1) It hit li is in irc,•toll n 11E11.11 1101 z... 1. amnia I ((moot to the said Lehigh I ornate. NO ~ -Io t of Land ntiniti in said 'I or 11.111 p, lonindLd I.) 'fruit Su,2 and by 1 iii,l4 of Ali, ha, 1 Nell ' end .-,nion 'Alt di•i, •cont Lining I, roes and tit .dity 0111 ICI )111. 4 11111 1111 I , llrl. N 0.6 - 1 int•t (11 1, Ind .itonte in said I onioditp 1,01111,1 L II t Trott. Nu.. T, 111, I I, ) ind I, and ht Inn I. of lon is 111 1 Kul, fano limn 1 t• hints non (.1 I ILL ill Chilli. 't PLILr, 1) iniLl lino it !Ur noel 11111).,/• K rue:,, L nit 111111 IS /./.., /1111,11111.11/ 1 Ll•Lill., , triLt men - Allentown, Sent. GREAT RAIL ROAD AOCIDENTI EASTON.— Great Fall U of the Railroad Bridge—two h-- IC O 000 LOST AT como'ives precipitated into the Canal—One man killed and several wounded. Acconntany ing this terrible disaster there still was a striek of luck to the Lehigh Valley Railroad Compa• nv for its occurring at the time it did—on Tuesday afternoon, bemuse on the following morning some 30 or 40 cars were about being loaded by merchants in New York aml Phila delphia with new style Fall and Winter Goods, all of which were to pass over the Bridge the same afternoon. directly to Allentown, and there to be unloaded at Joseph S;opp's Cheap Cash Store, No. 35 West Hamilton street. It is evident that if these cars, with their heavy freight, had been shipped in time to get on the Midge, that their immense weight would have brtken down the entire structure. and precipita ted their contents into the Delaware, and tints would have incurred a loss to the Company of between ri*.'.300,000 and 8400.000 : and not this ! alone, but the citizens of Allentown and vicini ty would also have felt the loss, because if this immense quantity of cheap goods would have been lost, it would certainly have caused a scarcity. and a rise of 20 per cent. But by the aid of luck and the telegraph the intelli"- gence of the accident was communicated to Philadelphia, and Stopp consquently had his goods loaded (luting the three successive days, on steamboats, canal boats, wagons, carts, wheelbarrows, backs of niggers, &c., and now they have commenced to land nt his new Store House. His clerks arc now engaged both day and night in unpacking and selling goods. , Asj I passed by there last night between 11 and 12 I o'clock, I stepped in, and to my astonishment found perfect mountains of goods piled from floor to ceiling. I passed back through the Store and saw a pile of about 500 Shawls• ofd all colors and prices—from &25 down to 371.. i cts. a. piece. On the other side I saw about 4000 yards fancy De Laines : and a little fur- ther along about 6000 yds. of twilled Persian j Cloth : on the other side I hit my elbow against I 14 or 15 cart loads of Calico. and a little fur...! titer along there was a pile of 8 or 10,000 yds.l shirting and sheeting froin to 26 yds. wide... I then looked flir men and boys' wear, and on one side of the store saw many thousand yards of cloths, cassinwres, sattinetts, Kentucky I jeans, tweeds, &c., of all colors and prices.-- then began to get towards the rear end of the I store, and my eyes fell on carpets, oil cloths. looking glasses, window shades, glass and I queensware. P,y this time I began to get pretty tiled and sleepy. and as I turned around at the end of the store I made a mis-step and down I went, head over heels, into the cellar. When I opened my eyes and my senses were restored, I saw a stack of salt in one corner front floor to ceiling : on the other side there was the nicest: sugar, coffee, molasses, cheese, and mackerel I ever laid eyes on. I asked one of the clerks some of the prices. and after I was told. I felt disgusted on reflecting that I had so long been a fool by paying double prices fur my goods else where. It was almost daytime now, and I de• termined after breakfast to send you these facts hn publication in the Register. In conclusion I will say, both one all, weal nod small. go to Stopp's Cheap Cash Store, No. 35 West Ilan ilton street. SAM. Srpt. 3 lES lIIM c tt .,. \ Z i , • • ' -.... THE LADIES of Allentown ,:*,. %,,,. ~..," I who sympathize with the Cr , '...‘„,..s's eftlISC of Freedom, acting as a ' ~,‘ ‘. committee in behalf of some gen. ticuien in Philadelphia, will present to the Re publican Club a large and beautiful National Flag, on Thin•slay afternoon, at 8 o'clock, in the lawn behind the Court House. Should the weather be unfavorable the presentation will take place in the Odd Fellows' Hall, which will be adorned for the occasion. Addresses will also be made at the Hall in the evening. A general invitation to participate is extended to all ladies favorable to the cause. THE CLUB. BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS. WE take pleasure in informing our friends and the public in general, that we have just received a large and elegant assortment , of tieß r' ib u i ,4 o L .,.4 A L A re 'i nc l h l7l a .s t \ lTD E ote l s' i t (i ic - Flowers, ' Ladies' l)ress Caps, Children's Hoods. &c., from the most fashionable openings in New Yolk and Philadelphia. We are satisfied that our goods cannot be equalled by any other es tablishment in town fir beauty and style, as we have them made after the most approved French patterns, and are acknowledged superi or to any in the country. We return our sin cere thanks for past favors and hope for a con tinued share of patronage, as we flatter our selves that we can give satisfaction both as to price and style. to all who may favor us with a call. Country Milliners supplied at City prices. MRS. STOPP & CO. N. B.—A good experienced hand can get einployinent by calling on the undersigned. A good girl, to do housework, is also wanted. MRS. STOPP S: CO. Sept. 3 NoTicE given that: in pursuance of an Act of the tleneral Assembly or Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act regulating the sale of Intoxicating Liquors," passed March 81, 1.880, th &following nam ed person will inalto application to the Court to be held on the 2:21 day of October next, for Licen:+e to sell Malt end Brewed Liquors in quantities less than one gallon : Aaron &tomb Eating, Ilonse, North Whitehall tsp .1. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. • Aug. 20 • Job Printing, Of all kinils neatly executed at this Office THE LEHIGH REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 3, 1856. Nll. 7.—Tr0,1 or 1,:in,1 ritinife in said Township, loonole,l by Trnots No: , . 10 nil U. by hind,: of iloor;_s . e lir:lm , , John Eck. jr.. and .100:1s containing :I Holm a n d 12 :oriel measure. Trnets of Laud:ituate in said Town ship, our of them hmindeil by Inudd of s , .h.non 11ess, Traels Nos• 12 nut .11, and by 101111$ of .1.1111 0 cont,,inin g 10 acres and 1112 p 0 r,•1,,,, :oriel utcasurc: the other loottn,le,l by hoot or .101. n F.e!:. Jonnis Traols Nos. lo and 7, voninining 1 :tore: , nn,1.10 per_ rhos, the two trams together containing 15 acros null 112 perelice. ..I.—Tract of land situate in the Township of ki.leihvrg, in Said 601111.1wd by l an d, o f $olo• man Wolter, Solomon and John Egli, containing 10 acres tuol 41 perches, strict mea sure. \U. I O.—A certain l'rnet of Lan& situate in the Town:dilp of tVagliinglon, loonohol Ips hints of Philip ie,S, Tract Ni.i 8, lands ~f laossnud Tract No, 0, coot:tilling :11 acre, and 110 perches, strict melt- I. 11.—A certain Tract of Land situate in Flllll Township of ll'ashingion, bounded by Tract No. Ii and by land of Sill1(111 aydcr, euntailiing 1 acre and 2 perches. No. I2,—A certniu Tract of land Pituato in said l'owaship of Washington hounded by lands of Peter, Tracts Nos. 43 and 41, I.y lands of ,John burger, Christian lick and henry Uhl, containing 21 acres and 116 perchus, and allowance of six per cent. NO. 13.-A certain Tract of Land situate in the Town,hip of Heidelberg, bounded by Tract. No. 11 11Inu 31ountain band, No. 12, and by land oflter t 4 iiyiler, containing 311:ten's /111.1 allowance. NO. 11.—A Tniet or Wood Land situate in said Township of lleidolberg, bounded by lands of Jacob ibite Mountain Lipid No. 1:1, lands of Walter 1 Snyder and by No. 15, containing 73 acres and allowance. NO. 15.—A Trod of Wood Land sitnnte in said Township of IleblelFoorg, bounded by lands of Frank IVaher, .1 Leob lies, John Ilitnsieher and No. 11, con taining :15 acres 111111 156 perches, strict ,ensure. NO. 10.—A Traot of ICood Land. situate iu said Township of Ifeidelberg. bounded by Tra c ts N o s. 17, 79 and Is, nod by londs of tleurgo Hawk, containing .1 acres and (ow . NO. 17.—A Tract of Wood Land sibtate in said Township of Ileidelberg, hounded by lands of henry Frantz, by lands now or late of Daniel Kern, 'fillet: , Nue. 19. 79 lutti 19. and by lands of George Hawk, containing 37 acres and 82 perches, and allowance. Ni). I:j.—A Tract, of Wood Land situate in mill Township of Heidelberg. bounded hy Tracts Nos. 79 and 11, by Bine Motmtain Laud of John Hunsielier. George Hank and No. 111, containing 21 acres and :di perches. NIL 19.—Two Tracts of Wood Land, situate in said Township of 11, Melberg, one of them hounded hy Tract N 0.2 1 1. lands of Ballict, Levan and others, Ntis. :17, '2l and 22, containing. :1:1 acres nod 115 perches taut idlowance: the miler bounded by No. 18 of pur port No. 2 in said Inquisition, by Tract No. 17, lands of 13;111liet it Levan, and by Tram N o . 211, coo l u i n i ng acres and 111 perdieS and 11110Wallue, tliu• tic intet.l containing together 118 acres and 79 perches and allowance. NO. 211.—A Tenet of Lana silnnto in sold Township .4 . Heidelberg,. lonnolul by Lands e.fl'eter 2lusselinan, Tracts No. No. 18 ~f purport No. 2. N,. 19 0,1 by lands of Ihiniel Meru, Widow Folk, .1.1133 hlllll. C. Smith and Sheik:miner, containing 17 . 3, neres 1211 ',oldies and allowance. NO. 21.—. k Tract of IVooll I,ana silnato iu said Township of Heidelberg, boinnled by Tenet' No. 22, lamb. of John ICotin and Ily No. 19, containing :LS llert•A HMI I II; perches, strict 111C11: , 111.0. NO. 22.—A Tenet wood Lind ,itunto in said Township of Heidelberg, by Tenets No. 19, by land IIOW ur lithe of Chrblian Smith, John runt awl Tenet No. 21; containing 13 acres and 13 perches owl allow ance. ISM NO. 2:l.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in Paid Township of lleidelberg, 1.01'1)(1011 by 'Tarts Nos. Sit, 211 and 19, and by lands of llama Levan, con taining 11 acres and :111 perelies. N0..21.—A 'fract of IVood Land situate in said Township ut• Ilvidelberg, hounded by Tract No. 22, by lands ut• Peter Miller. lands non• or Into of neon,. Fryman, and hinds of Daniel Krauss, cuntaining 10 acres and 511 perches and allownitee. NO. 25.—A Tract of IVloal Land sititale in suid Township of lleidel6crg. bounded by Nos. 21 and 22 Purport No. 2, by No. 26, lands of Peter Miller. NOP. 21, 27, 21 and 29, containing .15 acres and one allowattee.. NIP, 20.—A Tilwl IVoloa Lund Nitintte in raid of lloidoll!org, hoittlitled by 'Tracts Nos. 2i and :411, Ity land", of Peter Miller and by No. 25, con taining 21 :tyres anti 11:1tereltes, Ftriet measure. . No. 27.—A Tract of Wood Land rittutte in said Township °l' Heidelberg. Imuntiml Iry Jr,els No. 25, Iry lauds of Daniel Krauss, Nos. 20 and NO. 25, con taiuiag 111 'tures and 50 pereltes. NO. 20.—.1. 'filet of Wood Lnnd Nittllltb in said Tonindiiii of Heidelberg, bounded by Tracts NOS. 23 awl 27, by lands . of 11aniel Kistler and Widow containing 0 acres and 7:1 perches, strict measure. NU. 20.—A Trnct of Wood Land sitiante in the Township of Lynn, in Mid County of Lehigh, boun ded by Tract No. 22 of purport No. 2, Tract No. 25, lands of Widow 6,iy,ler and Tracts Nos. 2s, 1:11 nod :11. containing 21 'acres and 5.1 perches. NO. 30.—A Tract of a t Land ritunte in said Township at' Lynn, bounded by b4mls o f Wid ow Selmeider, Daniel liistlor, Unniol 11eintzelman and 'Cruet N. 29, containing 15 Acres and 120 perehe:., strict measure. NO. 31.—A. Tract of 'Wood Land sitnate in said Township Or Lynn, bottn.led by latal of Alice lirolinc. by Tracts N. 22 and 2.4 by Jowls of Daniel Ileinti cilium and Tract No. 32, containing 25 acres and 2S perches and allowance. lIIM NO. 82.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of •Lynn. hounded by lands late of Alive Brown, Tract No. 33, lands of I. Ilennekoft, and lands of J. D. Kistler, containing. 10 acre.. NO. 3:l.—A 'frost of Wood Land situate in said Township or Lynn, bounded by lands Into of Jacob 'Zerfass, Alive Drown, No. 82, heels of Israel ilenne k,a and Tract No, 3a, containing 60 acres oat three quarters. strict measure. NO Tract of Wood .Istinl situate in said Townsbip of Lynn, bounded by Tract, NO. :M. lamb; of • Loael Ilenticholf..lohn Kistler, No. 85 and Wide of Into Jacob Schneider, containing 43 acres and 70 perches, shier 1110.1181111 L • NO :18.—A Tract of Wood 'Land situate in sob! Township of Lyon. hounded by lands of Orectiawall. Jacob Ners , lincr, Martz and Tract No. 31, containing 22 acres and S perclito:, atria !nealtre. ISM NO. 36.—A Trait of Irood Lend situate in said Township of Lynn, hounded by lands Into of JIICOb ZernlSS, Traut No. 33, lauds of Isaac Hennekott Phi lip Penstermacher, Jacob Kistler, dec'd., and lialliet Si Levan, containing 93A acres, strict measure. NO. 37.—A Tract of Wood Lend situate in the Township of Heidelberg, bounded by loads of Allem Ilermau. Tract N 0.40. lambi of John Finlc Mid Tracts No 39, t.iti and 19, containing 22 acres mid 01 !welt e's, strict meneure. NO. 119.—A 'frad of Wood bond situate in said Towurhip of Heidelberg, - bounded hy Trnet, No. 3.. 1 . 1 lands of Alorollatit flinty, tieorgu Fryman • 'fool No. 37. containing It acres 1111.1 19 perches. NO. :M.—Al*mq or Land sitiode in said Toe oflleidelherg, hounded by lend 11,1111 1111.1 y, ll , hry Moyer. John Fink mill Troct coot:doing 2 11...1.4.....11 WlllOl 114 etecie.l 11 Loa 11WE1.1.1N11 Stable, /11111 other apptirle- Nll. lib—A Tract of Wool . ' Land silunto in !Mill 'l'otirurhil. of lleblelberg, 10an01,4 by Minis Into rl. M boort.. Tract No; :17 nod 1:11116 Into Noll, roninining 15 :tyre:. and 151 prreher. 1\ 11. 1.—.1 Tel of Lund sittinte in the township of WashinglOn, bounded by lunar of John Mors, Tracts N(o. la. n, 12, 42 and others, containing 15 nero.. more or ler.. NO. 42.—A Tract. of Wood Land sitnate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts No. 12, No. 41, lands of Aaron Moss and Tract No. 43, containing 34 acres, strict measure, on which is erected an old LOG NO. 43.—A Tract of Wood Laud situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands late of Frederick Miller, now or late of John Shoenberger. Aaron Noss, Tracts Nos: 42 and 12 Blue Mountain Land, Nos. 79 and 40 and No. 44, containing 220 acres and allow ance. NO. 4 4.—Two Tracts of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, one of them bounded by Tract No. 43 Blue Mountain Land and land of D. llandwerk, containing 33 acres and thirty-five perches and allowance ; the other bounded by Tract No. 45, lands of 1). Handwerk and Blue Mountain Land, contain ing 27 , ,, acres and allowance, said Two Tracts containing together 60 acres and 25 perches and allowance. I NO. 45.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 4G, lands of William Meyer, Tract i No. 44 and Blue Mountain Land, containing 50 acres and 92 perches and allowance. NO. 46.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Blue Mountain Land Tracts Nos. 40 and 48, by lands late of Jacob Snyder, Tract No. 47, lands of William Meyerand Tract No. 45, con taining 32 acres and 104 perches. NO. 47.—A Tract of Wood Land situate.in said township of Washington, bounded by lands late of Jac Snyder. C. Snyder, William Meyer and Tract No. 46, containing 9 acres and 67 perches. NO. 48.—A Tract of Wood Land situate-in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 46 and 49, lands of C. Wert, J. Wert, Tract No. 51, lands now or late of Chris tian IVert, and Tract No. 50, containing 43 acres and 27 perches. NO. 49.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 48 Blue (Mountain Land. Tract No. 52, and lands of Wert, containing 33 acres and 70 perches. NO. 50.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said township of Washington, bounded by lands of C. Wert, 11. Kunkle, Jacob Snyder and Tract No. 48, containing 50 acres, more or less. NO. 51.—A Tract of Wood Land, situate in said Township of Washington, hounded by lands of Conrad Wert. Martin Wert, D. Pauly, Tract No. 48 and others, containing 15 acres and 85 perches. strict measure. NO. 52.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, hounded by Blue Mountain Land Tracts Nos 53 and 54, lands of Henry Ilenritzc and Tract No. 49, COW tanning 61 acrcs. NO. 53.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington. boundo by Tracts No. 55. Blue Mountain Land' Tracts 1 Nos. 52,,54, 56 and 57, containing 56 acres and ' 40 perches. NO. 54.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Henry Henritze, and Tracts Nos. 52, 53 and 56, containing 77 acres and G 5 perches. NO. 55.--A Tract of Woodland situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 58, Blue Mountain Land Tracts Nos. 53 and 57, containing 100 acres and 22 perchl es, strict measure. NO. 56.—Two separate Tracts ofland situ ate in said Township of Washington, one of them bounded by Tracts Nos. 53, 57 and 5:), by lands of Benjamin Ilartlore and Tract No. 51, containing 23 acres and 08 perches, strict measure : the other bounded by lands of Cleo. Kern, Martin Wert, Benjamin Ilartlur, and late of Christopher Kern, containing 116 perch es, strict measure, the two tracts together con taining 24 acres and 54 perches, strict measure. NO. 57.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by land late of William Kern. by Tracts Nos. 58, 55, 58. 56, 50 and GO, lands of Joseph Peter and John Peter; containing 89 acres and 108 perches and allowance. NO. 58.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township or Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 55 and 57, lands of Thomas Kern, Tracts Nos. 62, G 3, 61, 65, 66. 67, lands late of John Benninger, and Tracts Nos. 68 and 69 and Blue Mountain Land, containing 106 acres, more or less. NO. 59.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lairds of George Kern, Simon Itetig. Tracts Nos. 50, 57 and GO, and by lands of John Krcitz, containing 49 acres and I2G perches, strict measure, and one Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township, bounded by . Tracts Not. 40, 45, 47 and 50, containing 25 acres and 50 perches, strict measure. NO. 00.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Joseph Peter, Ocorge Kern, Tracts Nos. 59 and 57, containing 60 acres. NO. 01.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Thomas Kern, Jonas Kern and Tract No. 58, containing 15 acres and 01 perches, strict measure. NO. 62. A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of Nicholas Kern, Thomas Kern and Tracts Nos. 58 and 63, containing 15 acres, strict measure. NO. 63.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said township of Washington, bounded by TraCts Nos. 58 and 04, lands of Nicholas Kern and Tract No. 02, containing 12 acres and 40 perches, strict measure. NO. 64.-L—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 58, 65 and 67, lands of Nicholas Kern and Tract No. 63, containing 12 acres and.4o perches, strict measure. NO. 65.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 66, 07, 64 and 58, containing 11 acres and 140 perches, strict measure. NO. 66.—A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 58, 67 and 65, containing 12 acres and 8 perches, strict measure. NO. 67. 7 —A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tract No. 58, land of John Benninger, Stephen Kern, Charles Kern, Tracts Nos. 65 and 60, containing twenty-eight acres and 73 perches, strict measUre. NO. 68.--A Tract of Wood Laud, situate in said Township. of Washington, hounded by Tracts Nos. 09, 70, lands of Ulrich Benninger and Tract No. 58, containing 17 acres and 15 perches. strict measure. - O. 69. =A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of IWashington,. bounded by 'noels Nos. 58, 68 and 70, containing 120 Rel'eS, more nr less. NO. 70.--A Tract of . Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 69, 71 and 72, lands late of Ulrich Benninger and Tract No. 08, containing 18 acres and 29 perches, strict nnastpre. NO. 71.--A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by Tracts Nos. 09 and 75, lands now or Into of William Kern, D. Snyder, Tracts Nos. 72 and 70, containing 29 acres and 3 [perches and al lowance. NO. 72.--A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, hounded by Tract No. 71, lands of D. Snyder, lands now or late of John Benninger, Peter Laubach and Tract No. 70, containing 34 acres and 44 perches. strict measure. NO. 73.--A Tract of Wood Land situate in said Township of Washington, bounded by lands of John Peter, Samuel Rerig, Joseph Pe ter and Tract 57, containing 36 acres and 87 perches. NO. 71.—A Tract, of Wood Land sit nate . in said Township Of Washington. bounded by lands of Jacob Snyder, Conrad Wert, Samuel Remelt' and Frank Walter, containing 25 acres and 50 perches. strict measure. NO. 75.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in the said Township of Wash ington and partly in said Township of East Penn, Carbon county, called Gangwere's tract. bounded by lands late of Bernard Bauman, by the River Lehigh. lands late of William Kern. by Tracts Nos. 71. 09, 76, by lands late of A. , Porter, containing 345 acres, strict measure. NO. 76.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land I situate partly in said Township of Washing. ton and partly iu said Township of East Penn, (called Geo. Ashton's tract.) bounded by lands late of John Hay, late of A. Porter, Tracts No. 58 and Blue Mountain Land, containing 411 acres and 42 perches, and allowance. NO. 77.--A Tract of Blue Mountain 'Land situate partly in said Township of Washington and partly in said Township of East Penn. (called Morgans tract) bounded by Blue Mout lain Land, Tracts Nos. 78 and 11 of purport No. 2, and No. 14 of purport No. 2, containing 433 acres and one quarter. NO. 78.—A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in said township of Washington and partly in said Township of East Penn, (called Prie's Tract.) Loon led by Tracts No. 45, by No. 46 and No. 15 of purport No. 2 andl No. ,1 7, containing 417 acres and 40 perches. NO. 7J.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in Lehigh county and partly in Carbon county, (called Robert Tea's Tract,) bounded by 'Tract No. 43, by Mountain Land by Nos. 18, 16 and 17 of purport No. 2, con. taining 439 acres and 31 parches. NO. 80.--A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate in Lehigh and Carbon counties, (called Mordecai Persel's tract.) bounded by Tracts No. 20 and 33, lands of ]ialliet & Levan, late of Conrad Krum, Peter Miller; Tract No. 26 and No. 21 of purport No. 2, by Mountain Land and No. 18 of purport No.'2, containing 426 acres and 50 perches. NO. BI.—A Tract of Blue Mountain Land situate partly in said Township of Lymi and partly in the Township of West Penn in' Schuylkill county, called Saeger's tract. bound ed by lands of Peter Snyder. David Follweiler, John A. Reitz, John Ulrich. John Ulrich, dec'd, Ilenry Branch( r, Jacob Koenig, David Price, Solomon Baer, Henry Long and others. Daniel 1 Ilweiler and others, Michael Hartman (late of S. Balliet, dec'd.,) No. 53 of Purport No. 2. and by lands of Peter Snyder, containing 443 acres and 121 perches. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given by AARON & JOIIN B.‘ Lid ET, (burs. I By the Court --J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. Aug. 27. ---31 - r" 9 Ell r OFFIPE . "1 HEIMER, No. 10 East Hamilton street. I having purchased the right and good will of A. Wint, late news dealer, is now pre pared to serve any of the following named newspapers and periodicals at the earliest pos. sible time after publication. Ile is the may news agent in town, and will make it a point of business to serve his pairons wil lt. pimet ity and dispatch. Subscribers will I, eoeived at the office, and the publicatio—: dt!ivvred im mediately after the arrival of the ears : Public Ledger, •Dail3- Pennsylvanian, Daily News, Philadelphia Daily Times. Philadelphia Daily 1 /entokrat.(( man,) New York Tribune, New York Herald, New York Times, New York Ledger. Flag of our Unitm, Ballon's I'jot trial, Harper's Magazine, Waverly Magazine, Yanktie Privateer, Prank Leslie, New York Suk: /wi tting, ((lerman,) and general agent tier :Mt Pa pers, MNgazines, &e., throughout the United States. Allentowu, ug ill SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG I%IEN AND BOYS, Phi phia. • This institution will re open for the reception of pupils, Sept. Ist. The course of instructions are thorou g h 'and practical.-- Seven teachers-and lecturers are employed. .A few hoardin g pupils will he received into the family of the Principal. Circulars can be had at the store of Messrs. Houpt & Stuckert, Al lentown. For further particulars address F. DONLEA Vl' LONG, Princ , pcd, N. W. cur. 11th & Green Sts., Philadelphia Aug. T. —•lm AUDITOR'S NOTICE. the Orphan's Court of Lehigh County, Aug. Term, 1556. In the limiter lit• the account of Israel Os wald ilild '3llilils Oswald, Executors of the last Will and Testament af• Etizabeth wwlll.l, late of the town- Alp ot• Lynn, in the County of Lehigh, dee'd. And now Aug. 5, IS5tl, the Court appoint William M. Kistler, Esq., nit auditor to 'unlit and resettle the above account nud make mu stribuliun acuortling to law. Front the Records. • 'l'este—J. - W. LEY; Clerk. The nhove named mentor will attend to the duties of his appointment, 1 , 11 Saturday the 1:Ith Af eptember, at the house of William M . Kistler, at I o'clock in the Afternoon, where all persons intere ‘t oil may attend if they see limper. Aug. Eq. --If ro or* 4.410.410t-4. ALL EN TOW N SIA It ET. (Corrected weekly by Pretz, lhuti A: Co.) Flour, CA barrel, . $T 251Potutoes , Wbeot,. . I Alb llntn, Corn,. . . . . 71 1 'Sbles , Rye , Sit Shoultlers, . . Onto, 'l5 I Ord , . Butter.. . . gggt;.."o IBM Ilan, Salt ' s C ouvt Sale. BY Virile nod in pursuance of an order issuod out of the Orplant's Court of the County of Lehigh, there will he expw.etl to public sale, on Saturday tho kith day ot: September vest, nt uric o'clock in tho afternoon, upon the trennsue, n certain MESSUAGE TENEMENT or 14.,,:e of huh 3, with the uppartenau.. cuts, sittutte in Lynn townsldrt, in the county of Le high liforeenill, boundo,l by It Lids of•Zonas Ctiltner i Elias Wea%ur and David Kistler, containing fourteeu acres. The improvements thereou ...'",_, are ti trot story log rf :' i'- . 1 - I r 6, DWELLSEIC HOUSE, 1iAy r . , ..,d1 ...22:---f- , -,- r Log Darn, and Miter outbuildings. There it. at , 111,111 or \inter near tha dwelling house --aleo on ex:ye:le.:l orchard ivith clinic° fruit trees .in said proui,e4. About 2 acres thurcrif is meadow Mi o l, 0110 acre titereol ire el, ttioi ;ho remainder good ham land. the Roul I.::tafe•or Teter GEtner,.clecenseil, late the touusiiip lhve the veenty firovvutitl. Term, ell it w .I.ly :it th.• ..r r“le, and 'duo at tendance gircu In .1(111N .1. i,l - .11 " J„ „ n ,10N - At-1 !ETNI.:I!. " By tlm August 20, c" tirr i T r PME.rir li b.) • ;'D Piano ol'tel a nuritetdry, A LLENTOWN, WARE 110031, No. 122 West 1 [amnion Arcot. Constantly on 1181111 a supe rior assortment. of IiOSEWOOIt NANO FORTES, of the latest and timid upproved including such an Imre runs round rono.rs. oilh bucks finished and polished in agreement e ith the front,. scroll feet, cto., warranted to lie of the hest ineterinls and workman ship. Feeond-band Pianos taken in part payment for new ones. Aug. 20-3 m I — QT ••= 1 " .131 a. TN the Court of Quarter i. , '...)SEic/11,1 of Lehigh eountyd 1 In the matter of the npplieatton for a Bridgo over the Anthony or Maiden ('reek, ill 010 township of Lynn, in the (.111111y orLehii 4 ll. And now Aug. 6 , I Salt, the iirand.Tury having re ported in favor,d'said Itridge, the same will bo pre sented to the said Court, to take action thereon, un less exceptions Le tiled before the first day of tho next sessions. From. the Records. Te:ite—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. —3t Aug. 20 ALLENTOIII? , I ACADEMY. Ti!E Fon Ter..l of rilqinitim, will commence on Monday the Ist of :s(4e:titter. , the vats:llion extemive additions Lava boom retitle (,lie The Selena Rooms iII all departments Jiro spacious, convenient and attractive. and the play-ground is fit ted up with Fuitable gyinututie tipparatus. The palate are asFureil that the utmost exertions of kind, judicious tool exporiettectl teachere, will be inado to secure the improvement of the pupile. TEACHERS: I. N. - Gregor-, Principal. Mr. E. 11. Ilarb.ltorn, As.-iztant and Teacher of Draw ing null Painting. Mr. Vtioln .T. Hartshorn, Assistant, English and Me-% I. N. It regory, Aftie, Pia no and Guitar: Miss Louise F. Chipinan, : t ' a Miss 11. J. ILtrit lo.ru. Prceeptress. Ati,s :4. It. (ti!,, , on, Print:try Department. It ATE:' , 1tt.."1.'1 . 1 - 410.); PER QUARTER. Primary Departintott $4 00 Common raigitt. it itrattelitot 4 50-5 00 Higher " with Latin or U reek, Higher Music--Piane C. , se of for practice, Aluitie—ll altar, Cse of " for prat:Geo Drawing Painting (PaAel) tag lit, " with French AUDETOPe'S NOTICE. I N the Orphan's Court of Lehigh C 1 t o i b it n t t e i i matter oh n . ;Lf se t r h e ac count Ad ministrators of all and singular the goods and chattles, which were of Jacob Moser, late of the township of Lynn, in the county of Lehigh, deceased. And now. August 11th, 1856, the Court ap point S. J. Kistler, 1 7 . , q., auditor to audit and resettle the above account and make distribu tion according to law. From the Records. • Test :—J. The auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment Oil Saturday the 20th. of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of John Moser, in Lynnville, Le high county, where all persons interested may attend if they sue proper. Aug. 27 CARTE XTUR E. Till: GIZI: 11 . 11 11'.0u , Ir MAIM! TIV I: lENOVEN I it ! An ii t Ifltdc fruar,iv for : , -r.fdla. Eing's Evil, Rhou. ndism, ot.stina: , Ereptio.,, Pimples or mid rev cr. •••••:;.., and .1.4.d5, 5..1; 11., , n0. rp, I.lst 'ml.l'lololl, ill I,I.••, • • ' the 12.0..,1 This great 1::.- I rapidly , nil so justly celebrated for it:, efficacy in relieving and euring man:- 0: .1. ob,tinnto id; ;; afflicted, now (.9.i•re.l to 11,,, ~Li;,.. the twill _ ‘lent 11.. :.:.V ever ,1ii , ..er:4111 in curing BLOOD, as Cut - :\lixttne. In.. Neel , :ng I.y every nu.il most! Hollering ;Ind cura, mada in nil parts or die . tool in no,t vv,ea where the kill (if Om 11001 I.llit•iv.:.• 11.,.1 beet, trio' in vain. his power over the ~, , is truly remarkable, arid all diseases aridag 1l oin iirpurity of third great SEAT OP (Arr. hove been relieved owl cured without a Pill ont id . the thousands typo have usotl it.— Spanbdt :` , lixture contains no :Ilurettry, Opi um, Arsenic, or any dangerous drubs, but is contlios vd of Conte and Herbs, combined with other ingredi ents of known virtue, and fluty be given to the young est infant or mart debilitated invalid, the. least possible hesitation. GYM. S. BETITIS CO., Proprietoro, No. :MI Eroadway, Now York. rwiT•Prieo $1 per bottle, or six hottlepfor $5. Far Halo by J. 11. Moser, Allentown, S. Eau, Bethlehem, toil druggists and merchants generally New York, February 13, 18;d6 NEW LICHT! SYLVIC 011 !--IVith the Improved Patent Lanni . and Iniproved Oil—n light equal to gas, coating but bairn cent per hour, not cxploeive, nu difrigreca- Ide smell. Price 511 vents jo , r The hand lamp gives ti good light at a cost of ono mill per hour, or about two and a half cents per week, at four hours each evening, 0r51.23 a year. This is a light which exceeds in brilliancy any light. 111114 C by whale or lard oil, or burning fluid, nod ono which is tint ilifvri , .r to eampltene or gas. It is morn desirable than either of thu latter because while gas flickers thiS is Pteaily, and while camphene may ex plode this cannot. The light is Flirt and thitreforts not puincoi to the eye. It indeed hut nitict ttgreen hitt light ever meal. to st to flint of the soil. The chief point- that recommend the Oil to pnbiio faV..r. are, 1 , 1. The beautiful steady white Itch that it (milt, being ely I , leuerly rolled the 'liniment. Light and :id . , The int p,o-sitality of its explo.lon. 1.1110 11110 eVel . 11,0? iiiiS light would or.. change it for any tither. while it t elieoptic,:s must soon vauso it to z3uporcuae nil others. Agents wanted for different sections of the county. The Oil and Lamps fur tale by C. 11.1\D, Telegiaph office, • Sold agent fur Pennsylvania. tf-- Allentown, August _^o, ISM% 1 00 14 10 12 11 . Is if MEI ME 5 50-6 00 7 50 8 00 2 00 6 00 1 00 3 00 600 -6t MICKLEY, Clerk CM .1.. ...gin. fflill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers