DiaPr•Sua ire eXcellent when baked, either on a board, whioh is the best, or by the following mode : Stuff them with a seatoning made of bread crumbs, butter, salt, pepper, and cif agreeable) parsley and spicest - Put the fish in a baking dish, with,a cupful of water and a Ipmp. of butter. Niko; from three quarters of an hour to an hour. Shad-broiled is also excel lent,but it is spoiled, by tVipg, and it loses nearly all its flaYer. This 'being a moist fish, it should• never be boiled. Those who never ate abaked or broiled shad, know nothing of thatexcellence which we claim for this fish over all others. (BONE or VIM Brans.—The West Baton Rogue - Sugar Planter tells us that a bird about the size of a large turkey, and the color of a guinea fowl, was shot, by Mr. Francis Gazel, who extracted from its guard and craw nine hundred.diamonds. He has sold twenty-seven of the smallest in New Orleans for $3OO. The value of the remainder is estimated at $15,000. [a — Another revolving pistol has been inven ted. —lt has a magazine in. two sections, each capable of containing seven cartridges, so that the pistol may he fired fourteen times. The cartridges are thrown into a revolving block by means of a spiral spring. The pistol is self capping. It is an Albany invention. OtrMr. Daniel Cameron, who was elected Representative for the digging district of Wool shed, Australia, had the compliment paid him by his supporters of having the horse he rode on at the contest shod with shoes of solid gold. He was also presented with the sum of £l,- 500. (17Tme MonmoNs.--The Mormons recently held a mass conventimt in Cedar Grove, Utah, '4t. which they estimated their population at 100,000, and resolved to demand admission in to the Union. Application will probably be made before the close of the present Session of Congress. (I.7"After a Kansas sermon at Lawrence, fast day, the clergyman prayed thus briefly and piquahtly: " o.• Lord ! we pray thee that the freemen of the North, the East and the West may squat in Kansas. and drive out "border ruffians." This one .thing we ask for Christ's sake. Amen." • OaINCREASED PAY FOR .11:1101tS AND WIT limssEs.—A law was passed by the Legislature increasing the pay of jurors in Chester Co. to $1 50 per day, a n d that of witnesses to $l. This law should become general ; ns it. now is, a man sacrifices his•own interests to attend to those of his neighbor or the public, which is not. just, although lawful. QUA Pear Tree, more than two hundred years old was recently cut down in New Haven, Conn. It was transplanted from Eng land in the early days of the colony. Li - 131. Am. MiNsTitus —There are said to be over thirty bands of Ethiopian Minstrels traveling through, the country ; so that about four hundred white men black their faces and sing negro songs every night. LO - Cot.- FREMONT.—It is Stated that Col. J. C. Fremont was born in France, in January, 1813. llis father wits an emigrant from France, and his mother a native of Virginia. . 1j An Omnibus Company in New York, owning three hundred and thirty-five horses, feeds them each 'eight pounds of cut hay and seventeen pounds of corn meal daily, with only a quarter of a pound of salt per month. 3:D=',A boy named "Charles Koester," sentenc ed to the House of Refuge, in St. Louis, for stealing goods from his master's store, on reaching that institution was discovered to be a girl ! Her parents live in Dubuque, Town. t (0 - Titsllin.t.s.—yi, , rynict, unobtrusive little village of Middle Ilitddt n, Ct., makes as much and as agreeable noise s many more ostenta tious places. There are manufactured annual ly a million of lea and slri . e,h bells. • o:7Just one Century ago, in August, 175 G, the first printing press was introduced into New Illtupshire, the first newspaper printed in October, and the first book in November of the same year. Ca - Rail Road to Dozdestow».—Tt. bas been determined to open the Doylestown Branch of the North Pennsylvania Railroad on the 4th of July next. l i:7 - 58,000,000 in specie have been carried to Europe from the port of N. York alone since Jan. Ist, one million more than for the same pe riod laSt year. IT'The ruling rates for money on good secu rity in Nebraska Territory, is from three to seven per cent. per month. (I:7Lottis Napoleon is 48 years old. Eugenic is only 30. 1: - SitAn are now caught in the Delaware op posite Easton. 44 Horton. TO W HOM lIONOR is Due."—The; great number of persons in all parts of the coun try who have experienced the health-restoring' and blood-purifying effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture in curing Many of the worst forms of Scrofula, Rheumatism, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, has cren tcd a de mand for it which is alike gratifying to pro prietors and patients. Among the thousand medicines which profess to cure all the. diseas es with which mankind is afflicted, Carter's Spanish Mixture stands like a•• monument, a ".giant among pigmies," and all owing to the simple fact that it does really possess properties found in no other, and cures by its specific pow er over the blood ; expelling from that great seat of life all impurities of lurking disease, opening the secrotions,acting gently on the Liver, and in fact, adding and assisting nature to collect her energies ; thus giving strength and vigor in stead of weakness and debility. The trial of a single bottle will bear us out in all wo say of this valuable remedy. EPILEPSY, O 1 FALLING FITS Wo behove we cannot do our readers n more import ant service, than by again calling their attention to that Most remarkable preparation, discovered by Dr. Seth S. Hitnec, of Baltimore, Md., which possesses the power of alleviating and curing that horrid visi tation of man—Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. In rectum Mending this preparation to our renders, we do so with a conviction that we are not degrading our col umns to puff a common potent medicine, hut are plac ing beforo them a discovery, which, if fully known, would probably moro to alleviate human suffering, than any invention of modern times. Dr. Stance,. in tusking us to notice his preparation favorably in our editorial department, has sent us for perusal a number of letters from persons who havo,usod his Pills, and bavo boon cured thereby. • All of than speak in the most grateful and eulogistic terns. One groat ad vantage this medicine possesses is the fact, that it can be transported through tho mails, thereby afford ing every ono an opportunity of dealing directly with the inventor, and. also precluding all possibility of being imposed on by a counterfeit or spurious itni tatiom Dr. Hance pays the postage on his Pills to any part of the country, and will forward thorn by re turn of mail, on the receipt of a rontittanee. His prices aro as follows: Oho box, $3; two do., ss. ' twelve do., $24. All orders for the medicine should ho ad dressed to SET!! f 3. Ifssor, 108 Baltimoro street, Bal timore, Md. Wnisstrus, Brunt AND Mt srAcums....-Porced to grow in six woohs by DR. LAPONTS CAPILARY. OOMPODND. Warranted not to stain or injure' the skin. Price $1 per Package, 0r.3-for s2'so. Sent to any partof..tha eotan*; by mail, on receipt et a retaittanes: ' Address SWEETSER k CO., Box 739 Post .01110 e, Baltimore, Md. - Lou. of a Ship at Saa . . The bark Jolin;Ann, of San Francisco, aniled from Sidney. Australia, on the 7th of September lest, and-Irtis totally wrecked' on the . .reef enclosing the Sicily Inland, on the night.of the following October ad: A female sufferer turaialten the Sim Francisco Herald with the following thiilling particulars:— On4he morning of the lid of October, the Captain being aware of the vicinity of the laud, ordeied iTgootl. look-out Id be kept by the officers and crew of the ship, no there ore ninny reefs and rocks in the Pacific Ocean very vaguely, and in some cases incorrectly, laid down in the °hurts. The Captain further obsery--. ed that ho always felt uneasy when in tLo neighbor bootie-Of tha=n reefs through the imperfect manner they are deshibed, and therefore 1 o remake(' on the deck I the whole of the day, and until eight o'clock in the evening when the watch was taken by Mr. Coffin, the chief officer, nn old and - experienced seamen, who ffirmerly contninntled several vessels for himself and I others. Tile ship,.atthe time of the chiermate.tak ing charge of her, was sailing nt the rate eleven miles nn hour; the night was dark, neither moon or stars visible, when suddenly the chief officer called out to I the man at the wheel, "lined down your helm," nnil I in an instant after she ship struck on n reef front I which she rebounded ; and afterwards wo could hear her bottom grate Mustily on the rocks. The captnin, en her first striking, rushed on desk, but before lie could reach it the ship wits completely first on the reef. Immediately n scene of indescribable confusion followed; the steerage passengers rushed into the cabin—mothers, holding their undressed children in their arms, as they snatched them from their slum bers—screaming mut lamenting, when their fears were in some measnre allayed . by It sailor who came to the cabin for a light. and who told them that, al though the ship would be lost, their lives would be saved, as we were closed to the reef. The captain, in the meat time, bud ordered the masts to be cut away —his chief desire seemed to be to save the lives of the passengerr 'and crew. I matinged to reach the deck, owl wedged myself between the Kitt-hends. I clinging to the iron railing. I looked over the ship's side, but could ceo nothing but the breakers, which F truck the ship with tremendous force. The rudder was broken, and the spanker boom, swinging to and fro, struck me severely on the head, while nt the some time 1 narrowly escaped being swept overboard by a huge wave. 1 looked on death as certain, lint I re solved to meet it bravely, and returned to my state room to devote•the remainini moments of my life in thinking uf friends who. 1 loved, mid that 1 should never sec noire. When 1 reached the cabin the scene that presented itself to my view Omit never he erased from my mem ory. Mothers screaming end children clinging to them in terror and in dread; the furniture was torn from its lashings and all upturned; the ship was lying on its beam ends; the starboartl.side of her was opening., and the waves were washing in and out of the cabin, when we were informed that a rope had been conveyed to the reef by n sailor, who had fast ened one end of it to a ruck, while the other end was secured to the ship.. The captain nod cifficera had great difficulty in per suading the greater !timber of rho ladies to benefit by this plan tor our deliVeranee, as for myself,l con sidered to remain on the slip was sure death, aril I might save my life by trying to reach the reef by 11101111 S of the rope. I therefere ludo my fellow pas sengers farewell, and reached the deck by swimming myself there with a rope, the steps being gone. In the meantime out only remaining boat was washed away, (the other had been swept away previously.) Mr. Owens, the Feroild mate, and two of the sailors, threw themselves over,oard, and at the imminent risk of their lives, succeeded in recovering the boat, although it was greatly damaged by being washed against the rock. 1 was assisted over the aide of the Alp by some of the crew, and directed how to haul 1111 by the rope, when, aliter considerable difficulty, 1 reached the reef, my clothes torn is shreds, end my person bruised and mangled. lint I was fortunate in escrping in that plight. One poor woman refused to escape front the ship by menus of the rope,. 110 she COLIN 1110. carry her children with her; flt the some thee her huSbanil, finding his persuasions of no avail. lett her and his children, but the Almighty was good enough to watch over her, she und her children were saved, with one egeeptiiiii, when the ship separated. The captain, finding that no mere of the passengers would V,IIIIIIO 011 the rope to laud, It ft the vessel, leaving nineteou Inossengors on the s h ip—parents and Cll , I'l.'ned stainer than separatiiin feem each "iie tope, alter the captain escaped by it, brolte,.'go was found rend the ship to receive another, until the vessel began to break up. The part ,/r her in which the cargo was, consist ing or three hundred and fifty tons of coal, immedi ately sunk. whilst the poop, on which the passengers were clinging, was thrown en the reef, alikthrougqi the geodness of Proviilenee, fourteen out of the nine teen were saved. and the live who perished consisted „r two WOll.Cll,' IVO girls of the respective llges Of twelve and hiurteen years, and a child belonging to lilt.; Of till, woven above mentioned, who refused to leave her ellildren. The remainder of ilt ti, ; ht loured inuidFt the weilieg:t of tt inotttor i.e her child, mid a child rm• its mother, who were thee drowned. The ship's bell could ahai lie heard, lolled by the motion of the it' it rat our t'itnentl dirge, hut of length the day light appeared, and it added another pang to our misery when we could tee tin land--we seemed, and, in Fuel, were, standing in the ...eon, with tally ground enough to place feet. .1t length son, of the crew stn; land at it distanee of atom!, ten miles, and they commenced patching the boat milli things saved f rem the wreak. As soon ns they had repaired the boat, the captain and smile of the crew titarted to survey the klitnits. About I. P. the boat returite , l, wh:n ;he captain gave orders to take the women and children away to the islaml, where he informed us, nothing that was eatable grow, but that he thought water could lie ob. mined by digging. We reached the island and spent another wretched night, laying on the bare rocks of tr Lich it wits eompe,cil. On the evening of the next day we were joined by the remainder of the passen gers and crew, who informed tan that they had to stand up to their middle in water during the previous night, the water on the reef had reached so high. They brought some &winged provisions with them that was saved from the wreck. We procured a fire after the Indian manner by rubbing burro together, and roasted sumo shell- fi sh wo foun d on the island. After the fifth day from the wreck, wo procured weld by digging in the sand close to the beach. 'rho first week of our residence on the 'bland we subsisted on crabs; after that time we caught turtles that come to the islands during a certain season of the year and. remain there about two months. We hail no bread or vegetables. On another island about fifteen miles from us Otero grew about twenty cocoa mat trees, but. on account or the distance they were front us, it was seldom we got tiny of the cocoa nuts. The islanda we were on were encircled by a reef; there was also another reef to cruse in going front one to another island. But our first cars was to repair the boat, and try to niche her capable to carry some one to the nearest hind where We could get help. In five weeks the boat was repaired, brit by that time there was no wind to carry her to the Society Islands. The nearest group, the Navigators, were 1,8011 miles distant. About ten da3:ti alter the boat Was repaired, n calm day came, wo resolved to carry the boat across the reel' to the sea, which object wa carried into effect after great diflieulty.—All of the crew and passengers that could lift any, assisted in carrying the boat. Nothing could exceed our joy when we saw the host launched into the clear, open sea, with no reef or rock to impede its progress. And wo invoked blessing on the Captain end nine brave men who accompanied . him, who boldly risked their lives in nn open, crazy boat to cross tin open ocean to endeavor to bring us succor and relief. As WO watched the boat recede front the land, over the wide and boundless sea, there was not One amongst us but was awaro that on that boot safely renehing some hospitable or civilized laud, depended our very •existence. We passed a fortnight after the departure Of the boat in a state of nervous suspent.e. thinkingsontina ally of the success of our companions, when on the fifteenth morning we saw a coil off the Island, and soon wo could make it out to be u schooner. It lay off and inn the whole of that day, and on' the next day Bbe came close to the laird, and to our inexpressible. Joy we saw a boat put off, from her and cone towards us. Our eyes could see as the boat drew closer; our own good, bravo Captain Pond, who had brought th Sumo Packer. So the Schooner was chartered to re move us from our miserable habitation. f'''',Tenny Lind has Written a letter to a lady in Philadelphia, in which sho deeply sympa thises with Barnum in his financial troubles, ascribes to him noble qualities and, express ed her intention of placing a sum of money at hit disposal. THE'LEHIGI - I:REGISTER, MAY 14, 1856. lt7Basnouna Fisn.--A moat singulat phe nomenon, says the Sandusky (Ohio) Register, is now to be seewaround the docks in the water. Immense numbers of whitefish last fall were cleaned on the dock, and the offal and spawn thrown into the Bay. This spawn has " hatch ed." and now, around the docks, may be seen millions of miniature white-fish.—flere is a fact in the breeding of fish, which the knowing ones ought to investigate; for if fish can he clean ed, and from the spawn hatching can be induced. what is the use of all the artificial arrangements now proposed to propagate fish ? llTlereafter DR. SCHULTZ may be Ibund during night, at his Office, 58 East Hamilton street, and not as heretofore, at Bechtel's Hotel. `MARRIED. On the 4th of May, by the Rev. Mr. 'Vogel bitch, Mr. JAcon SNYDER, to Miss AMANDA Wrlqinitc; - both Of Allentown. . . On the'llth inst., by the same; Mr. EDWIN RED: I=D, to Miss ;%.L.t4t.t A. n eat, both of Allentown. , At the same time, hy'the same, VALENTINE CALLEM, to Miss CAROLINE Srovrz, both of Allentown. At the sOme time, by the some, Mr. Wu, LOAM RITTER, to ➢Liss SCSA!s:NA PAM., both of Allentown. DIED On the 4th of May. in Lower Macungie JA con &MAPPED, aged 76 years. Some time ago, in Baltimore, Crunr.Es Omit, formerly of Lower Mactingy, Lehigh Co., aged 58 years. On Monday last, in Allentown, LYDIA, widow of John Kelchner, aged 50 years. On the 24th March, nt Gilliertstown. Mont gomery county, SARAH Ax, wife of Isaac Nyee, and daughter of Jonathan Schlichcr, late .of Macungie, Lehigh county, in the 28th year of her age. yr' MI 11/1C.Z1.2a."-E_Mirir ALLENTOWN AI:UIKET. (Corrected weehly by Pretz, Guth ,S; Co.) I'lur. r 1 barrel, . $7 50 , Potatocs, . . . 25 Wheat, 1 50!Ilani,_ 14 Corn, 50 1 Sitle. , 10 Rye Ss'Shoulders, . MO. 33 Tatra, 1-4 11.ty 20 00 Butter. 22 Salt, 001Egv, doz.,. . . 12 LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL ROAD. EzaAUCH CHUNK TO EASTON. CHANGE OF 1101.7115, To TAKE ErFEcT ON MONDAY, MAY STII 1855. ONE Pnr'enger Train, Daily, (Sundays, exerpted.) between 31auch Chunk and Easton, and Two, Daily, between Whitehall and Eastoil, connecting with the Belvidere Delaware Rail Road to Philadel phia, and the Central Rail Road of New Jersey to NeWYork. 110 IrN 1'I: . I !NS. Leave Mauch Chuuk at 9.00 A. M., Slatingt AVllitcliall =I Allentown 10.30 " " 11.11 " Bethlehem 10.48 0.00 Arrive - F.:1 , 4t0n 11.23 " 0.10 " UP T/; .I Leave Easton 12.211 m. and 7.30 P. M. Buthlehetn 1.01 " " 8.08 " Allentown 1.20 " liackendauqua 1.38 •' " 8.42 " \Ci,itehall 1.12 " Arr. 8.50 " Slatington 2.13 " Arrive Mooch Chunk 2.50 " The afternoon Train connects with Weatherly and and .with Sllllllll4 11111 and Tamaqua. <t hence by night express to Williamsport. Pa,sen gems by night express from Williamsport to Tamaqua. can reach Nlanch Chunk in time Jim the morning, train. have abundance of time to trananet business and mhe 11111110 . at. Easton, and reach Philadelphia or New Yolk the same evening. RUP.ERT 11. SAYRE, .S'up't. and Eng'r. Mac 11. ROSE'S PATENT - WINDOW BLINDS. ..,=7 ri i lIE sul,seribi.rs invite I ,i lel 1 the attention of the "4n .it "Y` H' . tl ,' • • t 1 .--ILI , j . :' , f ,, lll!lTiq r . ,„.t,, ~,, nen•pa en I LN h. 1.1 A N WINDOW ,1 1....,,,,"1ev. 4 .-Lttli:ol J :A . : 111,IN.litz, whieh they are 1 4 _ T *. :.. .. •s . '--: - •>,-• •- now nuttinfileturin , ... and 4....___•;•.)3::.7 -, :•: ,, t , ; l l!qi•lliii , whole..de l[nd re- Lt...,,.:- . ,_,- . 47-.', - - - .r...•:..: , ;. . ,-, . ~ " , v; - --•- --.-,.--,-,. tail, at their lili . tol . V. NO. t ., .41 , kA 7 Y?;) , 7*.. ' ;!, it F..) '.O Wt`,l 1{:i1011t 00 . ttreel, F' „.,„. , . , ..,-7.-A-er.. 4 ..:11:;:::. , : , .'l Allentown, Penis. These . .1. 1)' 1 ' ' f • t ~ , ,,---v,...-.., - .-*,•,,,,, . _ . .in me ar silvery)]. .1 a...1 . Z1:' 17.::- Z 34 1 7 . 7 1 , 2 ,7 1 Din . "(her ever mitnafae . - - : ---- " - -,,,a -. .; e.;,*. - ."! t -... 1 i , , . , . , ; ,S A z,,' .. ,--,,h , „ti in .., , an , au t.. Ell tiro' 1,3 irmrrs j.1..•.....ZikVa1.t:n I Let t er9 Patent, known no - ",......."„''.' - ','_,:p:7-11 - tli''ltose's Patent." They I v 1 ,0 7.__ ; i1•/77-;.%;%': -, -‘ - ; - ,n,...Li? are greatly ettperlor to 47,.;:,,I , :••••:;;-::.z.-% - t ,-. ..:' .... till others cnthe fact that ~.,--•,,, ' ,• ' - -1,-1-,1-t 1ikrj.5,31;:::,5,',•!..T..7.7:X.;:::1 1 1,i....i., A. ..; they are constrneted with fifre7-... r r " . .4 . 1,,,Tv upper and lower heads, ",,F15,:1, - ,,', ~ - - . 7:11- „ ,x i. ~,,h a manner that _..__ _l__ - _.. ___L - -,1 when the tipper bead is fastened to thSwindow-frnme, the lower part may be eparated or connected with ease. A little child can take the blind down, clean and replace it. This is ai great advantage whoa it is remembered that with the old style of Blinds, a mechanic With nlways neeetsary to take them down or put them up. In other particulaas, too, they exceed for beauty and convenience all others. Z'? This improvement will be attached to the old fashioned Blinds on reasonable terms. Orders are respectfully solicited. Persona wishing to secure Patent Bights of the above in any pert of the Union, can do so by addressing tLe undersigned at Allentown, Lehigh en., Pa. ItOSE ,b HUMBERT. Allentown, May lt. —ilia KUTZTOWN BATTALION: THE annual Battalion parade will take place nt 1 Kutztown on Friday, the lath day of May. .A number of Volunteer Companies from Rending nod the county, Will be in nttendanee, en that ono of the largest mod most splendid pirniles ever held in Kutz town may he expected. The. landlords will lie sup plied with the best pray itdons that the county can afford, for the gratification of visitors, and the citizens generally will do their best to make the occasion one of pleasure and enjoyment to old and young, married and single. The Allen _Brass Baud, of Allentown, will bu present. • (lon. Wm. 11. Kelm, Gen. C. It. Hunter, Mnj. R. McMichael, with their stuff, will be in attondauceond review the Batalion. liutztown,"lay 11. . IL 41: 41 1 4 at ?Cala ID 0 MOSSER & WILLIAMS AVE lately opened a Shun Yard opposite the New H Foundry, in East Allentown, where theYeen stela ly'keep for sale all kinds of the very best Rooting Slate, to which they 'invite the attention of Builders. The undersigned has been appointed their agent, and for the cony:enhance of such who come to town to purchase lumber, and who may deziro to s!:(3 samples, he keeps Wein° at his residence, in llaluiltnn street, nearly opposite Droshor's Lumber Yard, Allentown. "4' WM. NECK, Agent. Allentown, May 14 • —3m C. GILBERT CIBONS . , ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 67 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. 02P - Can be consulted in English and German.lkz, Allentown, May . 14. —Ty 0..10 10.00 " and 5 A. M ' 5.25 TIE.PEOPLI'S CABINET . WARE EMS! P: Xander's Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Ware Itooms, South Haot Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Stroots, • low doors below Crusher's Lumber Yard, • ALLENTOWN, PA. 'I I .IIE Undersigned respectfully Inform their. friends and the public generally, that ho carrits on the Cabinet business in all its various brunches. at the above nn mod stand, where ho is prepared to sell g and and I ...handsome furniture as cheap ns can be sold anywhere. their Store is on the south-east corner of Ninth and alamilion streets, near Dresher's Lumbar yard, where ;Amy offer a line assortment of CABINET WARE, consisting in part of Sofas, of various styles r• • " and patterns. Side Boards, Wardrobes, Sec retaries, Bureaus, of various patterns ; ,Cup-boards of different kinds; ('arti, Centre, Side, Ere:direst and Dining Tables; Bedsteads of different efiles and pat ients, Wash-stands, Twist, Small and Largo Etagers, What Nots, Music-Stands, Sofa, , Tablbs, Tea Tables, Oval and Sententinu•Jralesi•Chinetie What Nuts, Fancy Wdrk Tables, Befrqshitunit iTables, Etaithus, fete-n-Tetes, ~A French k 'Dmrs.,gencral assortment of Kitchen Furnituril on. hand owl made to.order. lie employs at ell tiiii6s . nono but thq, best work men, attends personalN td their huilifesh . , and will warrant all Furniture of thshimanutheture to be made of the best materials. Ordertrfor Ware will bu faith- Miry and immediately attended to, and when sent out of the Borough will be carefully packed. Alny ld 'ALLENTOWN DANK A DIVIDEND of 3 'Kir cent. on the original capßah ($lOO,OOOO is payable to stock-holders, at the :hank House, on and after the 22d of May. By or dun of tho Board. C. W. COOPER, Cashier. May 14. —2t AvANTED-A Loan of Two Itundred Dollars for V Dino months or n year; which trill be well se cured. Apply at this Moe. May 11 IC EYERS dlc DERIOUS' MSMALELiI`Tat. EISTABLISHMENT, AND - G.IIIICIAN CIRCIS!* Comprising an Establishment consisting of 190 Mon, Women, Children, Horses and Ponies, all exhibited under the MAMMOTH WATER-PROOF PAVILION ! New Equipped, and Superbly Fitted out, for the soar ‘%III perform at AVLENTOWN, on SnturdaY the rith of May; Enkon,l6th; Cherryville, 10th; Tamaqua, 20th; Munch Chunk, 21st. Doers open at 2 and 7 P. Perforinvica to commenoo lIIM=M=9 Thu Prom . lobo" Drs leave to announce to the Public of thin vicinity, hint this extensive fliptestrlan meat to ilktlttunklant front all other t'lrecnieg, by the Varlet• and litilltoney or Ito perforrnalicoP, and Ins claim to firhzinallty and Chosie Elegance. In the 'I coupe, .111 be found l'OitttlliN AND 31 1in11,4 Ts t.t:NT or the high- Oct excellence, and In the corletts representat bunt given. 'rift be limed Now Acts! New Changes!! and Novel Eftbcts!!! Among ninny of the Oril:lnn:ldes of 11113 COIIIIOIIIS, will be represented, the Dramatic Spectacle, from Dyrolia Poetic Legend of 1:"P ..4.as II OR, THE WILD HORSE OF. TARTARY Eques , rtem Ct.rp4, fir. the 64- .. At Cc., 011,11,11 nt xn thorn.. emwilte, th,. ycut otcy: • MADAME CAMILLA, The ht..* ur• K , , , ,, 1116T11111. W 11141 , 1414111. 1. ft.l I In] hor ion• bin" nrc de.,glis 111111 W111•1t, of Ail Rho MADAME WOODS, The 0 el.. 1.:14 slI Rh well I. ilie Sintes. wRI it. trio.' of I.sr 11,1 ne.l A. .slo.l ItiarAxii 17...u5. • • La PETITE ANNETTE, Th. I'i3ing :11..1 Lvr licautifiol twslanr. 1111. E. DERIOUS, • The Sr,. Itia. MICHAUD RIVERS, 1.. 7" 1 ':i: . `:,.' 1 '`::'::7;;„',.'„:,...'. .•• t • 11,, othler .the of the At4, , ,ne nt 11, , , , , 1:1,. t. th the Foth, ~, UM ~,,1.,, , ,, In . C , ....i, Mild %Vomit...it Prtheil al A .1. Mast. G. DERIOUS, ..„.0 1 ---1, 1 •0.. , Th. r., ..... . tm,,. and Wtth. lbglt or rox ~......... 1.4 r..., ' A,. ! h, 1 , ,,, Glen, A,,,, , i I le•thtlowith.p. Ile • lei I nun, 7,1...' .. '3, ....„,.._ -- rhe:,,,s,eltheal , , , s.th,l ~, , ,11, , , , , , 1th'e ithe 1 ,,, - - _ —, ,,t; , "• -t7 iliAtile A.A, mild y 0,41141.1 ,leiinenth,,,. of JOCK°, the m:AZILtAN API • • '. ..',.\ WITII ALI. 111% •Nill A 0111.111.41. 1. ia....,,,.....(;:5.1. MUNIi " EY TiacKs. -- ?7• l i , Mast. CHARLES RIVERS, 4. 4 ` ''..,.. . . r 0 %111 L. found 1.... kid 11... 111..ny blight SW. • ..,., . , tlaut 1 11 1111 i 1..• 4........1,1nte..n. ,11.....• rt . 1.... _, , i..y,, , 1 . „ ; , WlOlllO/ IA / L 11.011.1111 • 01' • .i.t rsur 1.1.811. '''..",! ~- ; . - , 414 71.• u.ncinsd 11 . :ILNI . :. 1111 . . IR STF.III Olt, 'l'llK 1 . 1.1 t,: ,, F 1 . 16N1,, j r.... Ai .10.1111.144, ./Le di. A. S. Y., ~ 0 10.0t1. Th. fr., Ph la. 10.11 • .11 .r I'. Illp I• 01 • 11 1 1, u. lonely...l ' ll 1w0 . .., :n u:. t.:........1tt.....t0 L.., Tw0 1i, 11 g t.r ., , , )eiL , .... ,. . , tt i. 1 . .. i i ,t 1 . 1..n..1.1:e and Ln. NI:. JANII:S lIANKINCS, • .Tho C...rlAbtod A...otht ; n . ....., S11.11:e 111161 Ts. V I /WAG LLI./01. HELM TM:MI.II4 .._,.. 1 no Greed 1.1. ~.nn runti•ti.....i•t, or Mnn of kn.) I ...111% *"--. MONS. ISORDEAN, Th.. Er;Alia ../1/ I.* Performer. -*--- —k-Ifilr DIONS. 0 EIZONIE, The 6A13101. or the Nloclrtn Age, , „,,,'...„.., „//4.11.• :' -... - f i r j r4417.?,; " •,,, :• , MIL. .T. $l.ll /IN A, Mon% LAI:ORDE, a' ~ : e Xi3, ....4V / . The Orval re c!: to/.1 To ; ate Acicl/e/tc le l'. ...t1 ‘1 MIL r. i: I V ERS, ' "' I , ~, - 'Li 111.11//g :114.4,r, ao/I LO., /r ..1 the Circla. Na S. NA m; E. Lome, it , 11. ll.,Nzr, - M I.,IIACOW, :lOW .!.., THE TERRIFIC LADDER • PERFORMERS. Am! cother maw,. Altallio:rb. '''''' • ' .: .r- ' . 0 Clown. DAN OA E DEER -1.;: . . xrho le ill In the muse of the ',cern:nature upon bo CARPET lIAO OF • W IT. BIG. ANTONIO CAPPALINO I From Corot, wad Vow& aid RUSSIAN BEARS.! relltnipeeo Aro:Artily saloniaing wad ISMAt b. r..n to N bidiei ed. Nu Ex. • tu•It0• TOR 111 , 111 • Atm-tout. TALTHT. TI.• Eveuloig 1.11 w will teniiiimito with the THRILLING DRAMA OP IS/LAN.. The GoGwool Procemilon will Inter Tows P. g . rr)VIIE11:11 0 1.111VIrs t ew d lowed by all the Company, dweural ' ila wir W. =Won. P. COULDOCK, Agent. —2t OM TUST received, a flesh supply of Oro el such as Sugar, Itio . " "11 1 1 Teas; Spicesi, dcc., ,tc., for stile ut tko lowest matlet prices, nourr s; STUCKERT'S April 30 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of almosttlery style • and patorn, suchns black and fancy colored Silks, plain and figured Do Laines, Challi, Lawns, Ging ham, Alpacas, &a., &c., at the Cheap Store of GUTII k SCHLAUCIL Car. of Eighth and Hamilton Sts. April 23. FOP. RENT—Two largo rooms on the second story of the Store at No. 9 West Hamilton street. Orphan's Court Sale. 111Q,Y virtue in tarsuance of nn order issued out of the Orplinn's Court of tho county of Lehigh, there will ho exposed to public sale, on rridny the 13th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon: nt •the Public House of John &blintz, fr., in North IVhitoball township, the following described proper ty, viz : A certain tract of land, contain ing Iron Oro, with the appurtenances, situated in i , nid township of North Whitehall, in the county of Lc high aforesaid, bounded by lands of Leslie Jeter. Stephen DaMet, .Philip Strouss and other lands of Stephen Barnet, deceased, containing ten acres and eight perches strict measure, on which there is a deposit of Invaluable IRON ORE, known us Stephen Dalliers Minei. This is the best: most extensive and_ lucrative Ore Mine in Lehigh county, and I;eel:it'd to none in the. state of Peunsyl- VIIIIiiI. It has already been successfully worked for upwards of thirty years, and to a depth of over seven ty-tivo feet, with a proSpect of a continuous nod abundant supply. Persons desirous of viewing the 55100 prior• to the day of Sale, will call on. Mr. Jolt Camphel, who resides on the premises. The other improvements on said premises uu•o R ouo•and a- half story frame DWELUNC HOUSE, frame stable, Blacksmith shop, and other neccssnry out buildings. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold two Lenses, securing the rights end privileges, to dig and raise Iron Ore, on the following properties, to wit: The oneot lease doted the 30th day of Deremlwr, A. P. 1525, between Peter Troxell, of North White hall township, in said County of Lehigh, and Stephen %Hitt and Samuel Helfrich, far one half of inn acre of land for the purpose of digging and raising Iron Ore. it being part of that tract on which the said Pc ter Troxell thou resided. FIiANCIS XAXDER MB The other a Ices° olated the 10th day of February, , A. D. I,S:iO, between Nathan Benner, of North White hall township, Lehigh comity, and Stephen Daniel. sr., deceased, for all the Iron' Oro in and upon the lands and premises, then in the possession of the said Natlima Benner. EN Being the real utato of Stephen Barnet, tleeen9e,l. late of the township of ,East Penn in the'county of Carbon. Terms on the day at the place of ado, and due at tendance given by _ . Transportation Line. TILE undersigned is now prepared to ship all kinds of Merchandise, ,te., from Philadelphia to Easton. Bethlehem; Allentown, Munch Chunk, Penn Haven, and all intermeditile places. Goods will be received and shipped from No. tis North Wharves, below Vine street, Philadelphia. The Lino is fitted out in the best possible manner, which enables him to tranloirt all Goods entrusted to his care with safety and des pateh. As ho is n new beginner. ho hopes, by care ful and prompt. attention to business, to be layered with a liberal share of paironave. HENRY . SCHWEITZER, Proprietor. • Aott:srs. • It. B. Sellers & Cu., Philadelphia. George W. House!, Easton. G.& A:Bachman ' Preemansburg. Andrew M'Curty, Bethlehem. Aug. J. Ritz, Allentown. Teisans having tioodo in the Stare Haim, at Allentown are requel , ted to take them away without delay. May 7. I"—tf ---- 6 n - -- -, T N the Orphans' Court of Lehigh county. MEAL I In the matter of tit a account of Reuther' —` Inia Jonas :Reisinger. Alitllillif 'rotors Of till anti singular the goods and tdiattels, which WPM of George Bensinger, late of the township of Ileidelberg, in thu county or Lehigh. deceased. And now, April Bth, 1856, the Court appoint S..T. Kistler, Esq., auditor to audit and resettle the above account soil make distribution according to law. The auditor above named gill attend to the dutiei. of .11 is appointment on Saturday the 21th of May neat. at 10 o'doelt in the forenoon, at the ho n es (.1 Peter Miller, in Saegersville, Lehigh count•, where all persons interested may Mama if they see proper. May 7. —llt Allentown, April 2Stb, Witt. The long . agony is over. Peace is once more re stored on the continent of Europe. Wars and rumor: of wars will no lenger he the theme of conversation in the social circle, hut the more natural inquiry is auto where the cheapest good, , can he tonight. received a lot of Print,i, fast colors, and also a lot of tileached and unbleached 4uslins, selling them oIT tVI cents. Also a lot of Spring 'and. Summer Shawls of every style, for sale cheap. at HO[ PT & STITKERT'S. April 10. —tf LOOK this Irtiv for phiin and fancy em,simereg, Kentucky jeans, Tweeds, Gamin-eons c. Call before purchasing elswhere, and you will find all the above goods are °Mired at the greatest bar gains, at No. West Hamilton Street, at the Now York Store, kept by . lIOUPT & STUCKERT. April 30. —tf TRUNKS.—Just received and for sale a choice lot of 1 Leather and Oil Cloth Trunks at the Shoe Store UN TO Ti[ [ADO OF ALLENTOWN and vicinity we would say. that we most respectfully solicit their attention to our new and splendid assort men t or AI I L L I NE WY I ;mots, selected with great care from the most faAionalile et tabli,hments in New York and Philadelphia. Among oar stock we have Crepe and Silk Bonnet and Stritivs• of all descriptions, Ladies' Dress Caps, Infant Caps and Hats,Rilibons, Flowers, and Pitney Veils. Also, handsome assortment or Mourning Hounds always on hand. Old bonnets repaired sons to make them appear like new. We are thankful for past favors. and hope by strict alto' tion to business and low pri ces to merit a share of your patronage. We flatter ourselves to be able to offer all inducements that can be given, and invite you to, cull and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have remov ed from No. 11 to No. 35 West Ilamilton street, fonr doors below. MRS. STOPP dC CO. April 9. • —tf TO THE PUBLIC A S certain persons ranko n practice of ontoring ferent business places, nod buy goods on my erodri, I hereby caution the public not to sell anything to such persons in my name, whether orders aro pro. tainted or not, as I will not hold myself responsible for debts so contracted. If I wont to purchuso any thing on credit I will call personally. CHARLES WIEAND. Allentown, April 30. —3l aItOCERIES.—We have a large r •ife supply of all kinds of Greet.- 1i141.t ries Buell as Sugar, Coffee, Moles- M.ll, " " M" flOti ' ' Green and Black Tea, Spices of all kinds. Sc. GUTII k SCHLAUCIf, 41W. litunillon St. , April 23. —t DR. SCHIJLTZ rFICII No. 58 East Hamilton street, a few doors O . below - Profs. Guth & Co's. Store. Meal times nt the American Hotel. Allentown, April 30, 1855. --Cm . CM FuitNismNo 000Ds.—wo hart' in sum Linen Shootings, Damask Table Diapers, Table Cloth. Pillow Caso Linen, Martianles Chats, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, all widths, Furuiture und Apron Chocks, Ticking, Fianna .k.c. • ' GUTH SCHLAUCH, 41 VI. Hamilton St. . April 23. AMION BALLIET, s At'un'ors, JOHN BALLIET, ' By the Court: J. W. Mteltr.Fr, Clerk May 7 SWEITZ ER'S AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 'From the Records. Te,t :—.T. W. MICKLEY, Clerl INTERESTING DIALOGUE John.—Bello, Jim, I want to talk you a gnostical? Where did your wife get her Sunday rip Jim.—Why, at the New York Store, of cottrte, kept by I ioupt k„ Stuckert. I'm surprised that you should ask that question, when everybody is talking about the splendid rot of new Spring, thuds, just reboil:ea by them, and which they are ofng so -untazitigry cheap. Why, where have you bin that you know nothing of all this. Joha.—l've been to California, end Just returned! Inst week. I shall go home immediately and send my wire round, to the New Twit Storm What; num ber is it? Jim.—Ntimlter 29 Wesilililton street. You can get anything there you may unnt. They sell most splendid cal er:es nt ti cents, fast colors, better than I hnci, bought at 10 cents. Also, Mutable, White insimun4. linrego Delaines, Tritamings, &My and wo Lily our Grorerics there, Sugar, TCIX, COOOO% Cheese, 4:e., the best in town. fehn.-1 shell deal there if they aro accommo. dnting. you may depend on that. John and Jim separate for their homes, John t7ell pleased that ho has found out where Jim'a wifo got her Samlay rig, April 30, =lt - TT'33o.7llEfflgarAirailt pERFORAIS all operations on the U r - T's -A- Teeth, both operative and mechani cal, far superior to most of Dentists. Among tho rest, lie is now prepared to matte whole upper sots of Troth on (lutta:Pcrohn. fln. from 20 to 25 dolltirsia l'ersens in want of Teeth should apply at his Office, East. Hamilton street, up stairs, a few doors Lort of l'retz, Guth ,t; Co's. 'Store, April :10-Jul..t 321.= 7 ' - Z"M__ll2Z . GOO FOll. FALL.—Any person wishing tct purchase n new Piano, can be fur iiisheil with such n one as he may select from one .1 . Lie largr,t Musical Stores in New York, at fifteen per cent. tulow manufacturers' prices. Call at VHS OFFICE. April 23. • JUST received, n lot of Dress Good's, such ns pinirr Black tool Fancy Silpo. latest stylus of Barogo Delaines, Challies, Gingluttns, &c. Also, a lot of Flaor and Table Oil Cloths, Brussels, Ingrain and ling Carpets. Call and §oo them nt lIOUPT & STUCKERT'S. April 30. —te ECM Another Lot of Cheap goods. L Strome Co ., NO. 9 WEST HAMILTON STRE.F: Would chll the attention of purchasers to their im4 mense end, complete stock of • SUMMER GOODS, Ealbracing i ttll the various and latest stylea of BriMantes, Poplin:4, Ging- , hams, ChaHies, Lawns, Barege Delaines, Solid col'd. De- Bareges, Swiss Cambric, Jaconets, Prints, ke., cheaper than' they can be purchased anywheie else. -9-'-_2IE-31E_ZiiikArCZT311L4.040 Our Shawl stock.consists of Crape, Silk, Thibet, Cashmere; Stella and Barege, at very low • prices. Also, a fine lot of Mantillas and Capes, cheap. We have Silk Mantillas, some as low ns Spring Shawls as low as $1,50. Very good Silks for' 621 cents a yard. We have all wool Dolaines, of dif ferent colors. at 10 cents, French Lawn, yard wide, at 10 cents, Calicoes, a largo stock, as low as 5 cents: In the next place we have a One assortment of CLOTIIS,CASSDIERS,COTTONADES, CASHMERETS, TWEEDS, LINENS, nail a host of other Goods for Mon and Boys' Wear. DOUSE FUItNE“IINO GOODS.—Our stock of House Furnishing Goods will always be found to con sist of a very general assortment, and at prices which w;11 nl . liltisfacliuit. Of Ol!.vos, Laces, Collars, Veils, Laces ? Triminiegp, .I:e., we have the most complete stock in town. lu•;.\DY MADE CLOTIIING.—Our stock of Sum mer Clothing comprises every thing in the Clothing flue. It is mode up of the hest materials, in the most durable manner, and will be sold at Philadelphia prices, We sell tiret-rate entire suite for $2.50. QU EENSWA E.—Of Queensware wo hm•o a fine and stylish assortment, comprising every article that is !nnnuctelured. We have always on hand a general assortment of • whk:l we are enabled offer ns low us the SAIIO nr-• tides can be purchnsed elsewhere. We wont It dis , tinctly undereto,ol that we take nll kinds of Country Produce, for which we pity tbelighest market prleo. 10 conclusion we soy, giro us a call before you pur chute elsewhere. Allentown, April 2: •• - ALA ROE LOT of Markerel, just 33 r at._.. , _ti. received and for male at Stepp's • '—; Volp Cheap Cash Store. Also, received ; . Mt& this day, many thousand dollars .......---*--- - - worth of Dry Goodu, from N. York, which will be sold uhcaper than ever, at the cheap' Cash Store of JOSEPH STOPP, . - 15 West Ilamilton 'street: BLT:IS MERTZ DARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. THE REST ALTERATIVE KNOWN!' Not n .eerrlicle of Jfri•rulj in it An infallible rentmly for Scrofula, Ring's Evil, Rhiu , matisni, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimplos or Pustules on iho Agtto mid Fi:ver. Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm, or Totter, Scald bond, Enlargement mul pain of tboßonim and Joints, Salt Rheum, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, andalldiscusenaris- ing from an injudiciena use of Mercury, i I infirtitionco in Lila, or Impurity of the Blood. This great remedy, which has become so rapidli' and on justly celebrated for its extraordinary efficacy in relieving and curing many of the moot obstinate and torriblo Ibrum of disease with which mankind Is afflicted, is now offered to the public, with the Confi dent assurance that no Mcmcnt. DISCOVERY' over made I/113 been so enlinontly successful in curing Scuorvi..t, and ALL DISE'ASE'S OF TIM BLOOD, US Car. , ter's Spdninh Mixture. The proprietors are receiving by .every their most' flattering and HEtonishing details of cures made in all parts 04110 country, and in most cases where the shill or on beat Physicians had been tried in vein. Its power over the Iltoon is truly remarkable, and all diseases arising from impurity of that. great SEA' of lavn, have teen relieved and cured without a sin gle failure out of the thourands who have need It Carter's Spanish Mixture contains no Murcury, Opi um, Arsenic, or any dangerous drugs, but is eompos. ed of Roots and Herbs, combined With other ingredi ents of known virtue, and may he given to the yonng eet infant or most debilitated invalid, without the least possible hesitation. WM. S. BEERS ,It CO., Proprietors,• No. 304 Broadway, New York. -Inc - Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. For' side by J. B. Moser, Allentown, S. Attu, Bethlehem,. and druggists and merchants generally. New York, February 13, 1050. QEENSWARE.L—Wo have Om fullest and best co- Meted assortment of (Wen ;ma (llnHiWure ever seen in Allentown, 011(1 which wo aro enabled to ctll cheaper thnn it can be bought elsewhere. GUTII SCHLAUCTI; Al W. Hamilton St, April 23 DR. J. P..BARN ES, CROCERiES L. STROUSH a CO.y No. ii \Yost Hamilton strut: THE GREAT PURIFIER Or TIIII BLOOD t . CI Mg Enl CM EIG MS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers