CA= Lochman's 3E1... CD) 8 3C I "Sr '2E" 30 AND•DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY, No. 0 West llathilton street, Allentown, Pa. LOCTIMAN respectfully informs the citizens of • Allentown and vicinity, that he is now prepar ed to trace AMMOTYPIFIS in connection with ,Daguerreotypes. Ilis Ambrotypes are far superior to those of any other operator in town—however much may be talked of the "Patent" Ambrotype, to fhe con trary notwithstanding. 'The Ambrotype is a new and biatuttful style of pirtnre taken on glass, roil unequall ed by any other style. They are wilhoul the glare of the Daguerreotype, and therefore can be roan in any view. They can be :reen on either bide id* the plate, are not reversed, and show everything in its true po sition. Their cost is but n trine more than a daguer reotype, and they are indestruotable to the action of the atmosphere, and cannot be Injured by rubbing or hashing. Both Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes taken in an unsurpassed style without to weather. By long experience. arduous toil, n desire to please. and heavy investment.; of capital, ho feels assured that any one who may favor him stilt a call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to be excelled, in point of urti=tic benuty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite et- , tension to his new and splendid stuck of cases, whirl' range in price front 75 uvula to 10 dollars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or I cloudy weather. Allentown, Feb. i. New Boot and Shoe Store IWALLENTOINII. FINN & nnOTHER 7 LATELY opened a new Boot and Shoe :•zt e re, a t N o . 12 Ear.t. Hatuiltc,a Fircel, formerly occupied by Jercnii«h Bdonidt,in thu Name busintais. but the public may confidently rely nrun it that they will at all times keep on band, a better, larger, tilt the same timo cheaper stock, than was ever kept in the buihl ing before. They will alwa . V6 have on hand _ . l iz .ab Gentletnen's :ioot Shoes and liiper.:.., Ladies' on Alisses tiniters, il•iliees and Slippers. Children's lima: um ! Filmes. Also, Itooli : and ;ihors Mr Men find Boys ' Gums, &e. All kinds of Gentlemen's and Ladies' work mile to order in the most appro. e.I , t.‘ le , . it i.liort not ivy, 1111.1 of the best of materials, nod n. , he.. have I. , •tt-r work men thin ever worked in the Imilding before, they are willing to warrant all work. Being new Iteginnertt, they. hope 1 y pimettml nt• tentlonee to but•int.,t anti Lnr priet., to It:coke s shore of public pittronag. March 20, COVRTLANDT STREET 3nEE ifiTL, o ) c2S Coweatuitlik, eet , NEW YORK. J. S. STEIN] INS PRO I 1; I 'OR New York,• March 06, -)- - — 27 ensiG 81, C - vdssic)n. 1 CvCoilaixtS, AND IviDOI.ES.II.!, DEALEIH IN EI;111STIC .111 1 ,11F TOIIIICIII,. ITANt.v.kurc,t T,,•:„•,„.::„,, ... • .111 Street, fuiporto.r , iri:lo „ I : of the 1111,1 d taro kt , pt con,thntly .11 hand, and liar Enle al n ! . 111:1111111V;i11,0 C,,11,-igni,i(l,t, ich nnt.k pnr .,n , vre,-y rlc rc•ripliuu Nceunnt of pal tic. Its inn nt. a .ii..! . :llce co. AL.) r. A. (4. thirty dillerc AI ii .1 • E. W. ECK E S - TOBrifil um/ aitv4 U. 4 th, tgit 3r3 L -14 Z2e.)14:Z1A8::+:1 5.4. NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALL ENTI PA. Constantly on liatol a largo steel; of Leaf Tioave° Also a superior s Mt' Ti i. • . 0 i111.1 . 1,' lig tint latest t.tylt., :pet of die lowest City price:. :111 tiotels iru•reuted. July 20. evvtd+tingrrop 4 , ;.1,90V ry,!7 Ft ,f 1 iii:LAIVA tli B ETWEEN Allentown, Pei! , ielletll and 9 1 al.elph;ll. Ogile in :Well:W.11, at- Ceer . .. A t. L. No. :a) West ll:tiiltou '-treot. 011ie() in No. 101 Have Ft. pruprietur, G. Hecker re, iteetful v to the eitiznits and Lit-ine,e Inuit getter:l)ly, that he 11118,31 VA f:tarto,l n daily Expres.., as 0,01 e. via. the North Penn , yleallia %ant. rat' eaersi,, g latCliage a i , c every kind, at rules folly as low if not loner, than any other Expro s . sad all pack-. age,: will Ito earri,t witli the greate,t care, and tleliv- Cyril with prompt ne, , . business, Having Itati font year , 'experienett in Ilia Exprese ; 11. feels eoulident that lie will he able to supply tho tt tints of the public in a satisfactorily man ner. Alt Intaines4 for Allentown mid vicinity will he promptly tram-m.I.Q by ticor,:a 1,. Italic, Agent. Wilco No. tln WvA Ilamilion :greet. N. B.—Uuotl:t purch.Ctred, and all ordure punctually attended to. Allentown, Jan. 2 , A I 0 SW're'keeTors;,,,,i, 50 TIERCES •CIPER YINEGUI. 25f, 'BARRELS of Pitru elerilied Cider Vinegar can he hull or wil-oo N0..1 North Fourth at rent, Fateton, l'.t., a the eity. trio et. Aler chants ;and tirueers, deAretu, or caving rreight mid carting' front l'hiludelphi tt to ll.t,tet t , wt,ul,l therefore o do by purchasing. their vinegar at tho Fusion Vinegar Establishuat, WILSON A: II 1 Easton, March Ito, • LOVEIOY HOUSE, NO. IGO GREENWICH STREET, Two doors below qourtlandt St., NEw YOit c. ~;&- D - B OARD Si PEI: 1 ):11 . .-6"c • LOVEJOY .1. FALLAN, Pr,prietere. New York, March 20. AIJIVINISTIIATIERS DIDTIOE. N OTIc'E is hereby given' t hat letter, or A.i.oh . li,_ trillion in the E , tat..i of Daniel l'ensteromelwr, ; Into of Lynn towinhip, tleeen,ell, lia, a been granted I to the subscribers l'eri.oti, indel.te,l in either Notes, . S ' A I.lttN anyx a e, 0. ar S tor e,.. Bonds, or Book-de b . , . are rergne,ted to make payment 1 to the undersigned AdminiArator. , , within six weeks r Ty D. 110 AS, Maunfactlirer and Wholesale and Re from the data hereof, 111111 tho , c having claims! IL. tail Dealer in Tobacco; snuff and Segars, No. against said estate will alto ,arc: ant their account in i 9 Nolllll l• t evenfirftt,rtetvAllentown, Pa. IN natters said time. 1 Itint,dl to city that-lie ban at all times the bat and"' DANIEL S. FEN. -41 'ElIMAt'llElt, / ~, . .1 eliettpes,t stork or PETEIt PENSTERMACII E I:, j """i or'• i '.I'OIIACCO AND SEG2IRS . , April 9. • G I ' ever brought to this place. Dealers in the abhvo or -- --- . ----- 1 . , ticlei will tied it to their advantage to give me a call, us T CST received, a rplentl lot of Queensware. m I meet at the lowest Philadelphiaand New York whole- 1 t., netts, or by the piece. no it lot of (~ ~,,,,U t sale prices. general assortment of American and I lIOUPT 5; STUCKEPAYS. ; 'Foreign Leaf Tobaet!ii always on hand. i --If , April :,0 New Spring and- Summer • .- SOOME* a JUST RECEIVED AT ' Reck k N•t, mr II a , c (1, s , No. 35 East Hamilton Street, THE largest assortment of Spring and Summer _L Goads ever seen in Allentown. We purchnned FOR CASH, which enables us to suit lower than any other Clothing Establishment in town. We have se lected our (totals with an eye to durability and fancy, and have none but the latest styles that could be found in the New York and Philadelphia Markets.— We keep 011 band at all times.a large assortment of READY—MADE CLOTHING, such us Coats of every color and description ; Panta loons of all styles and prices, till kinds of Vests, Shirts and Undershirts, Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, eze., all of which are sold at extraordinary Low Prices, i and warrant them to be not only durable, lint made tip with neatness and taste. CUSTOMER WORK will lie done epos usual, and for our work we are will ing to beheld responsible. We invite all people who desire imm3nme bargains, to give its a call and thereby save front FIFTY to :SEVENTY-FII'I3 per cent. in the purchase of their Spring and Suminer outfit. 7 , :i':''Rentember the•spot—No. 35 East Hamilton street, nearly opposite the German Reformed Church. March 26. —tf QM TlATieder & Berger WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN . HATS ANRCAPS, No. 23 West Hamilton street, Allentown. A NTE invite the atlvnlion of our old customers and . 1 friends, as well as thu public in general, to , our large stock of spring and summer style of HATS ANIS CAI'S, good as the best, and cheaper than they cuts 1,0 purchased at any store in town. This is an actual fact, and not merely idle talk to "drate on"; customers, and asri proof of villa( we say, we but ask you to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.— ; Among our stock we have Beaver, Neutria, Russia. Cassimcre, Soft and every other . kind of I that can bo thought of, 1111.1 will be Ode to suit the I ta coll.ste and inclination of all oho may favor us with a MB STRAW 110 01 ) : 4 .--nc::trziw r4tioils we have a very fine and (Moire smelt, not surteiteq.”l by any in town. It eon , d,ts of 3leti's. Boys' and Youths' l'aninna, Palm I,eAltorn. Canada, ikl.ariettilat, Michigan, A line steel: of Misses' Bloomers. Our assortment of CAPS is 01In Of the most exten sive in the !dime, anil are adding In it almost daily. Customers may rest meowed that they can Ito suited, as the stock has Mien' selected from the largest tu.- sorlinents in the Cities. As all lIATS arc Ithinufactureil under the immedi ate smicrvidon tit' the firm: help procti,Hl hat ters, they feel warranted in sayiMt that for dttraliility and finish they cannot be surpassed by tiny establish ment itt Men. , : , • - e..itittry JkrcLunt Hlpplietl. at the loweet Ai.rll 1 Elias r.fiertz, Manufacturer unit Whi,lestile and Retail healer in • I Boots, Shoes, tlitlis, IT ALISES. C.IIII'ET 13.111: 4 . has lately re , mined :.1.11. fr.ini the Oil,l Fellows' Hall, to N. 77 West llantiltini street. Ile has just returned front l'hilatleltbla with . 11 lingo stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, of all totalities, sizes and prices, %ttbit' will he sold wholesale and retail. In addition to the trailt stuck , he manufactures to order all varieties of CUSTOMER WORK, and in this department all work is warranted. 01 his own manufacture he will always have such tt sup - ply on hand as will accommodate LAMES, HEN:II.I lEN AND CIIILDRFX. Ifs has engaged the ..CI.ViITS of Charles U. \lilt man, of Philadelphia, as foreman and culler . An he an itecomplished MIIIOIIIIII, and la work turned out tinder his supervision, he feels confident he con please in p o int of style, finish and durability. .Merchants supplied 4lt City prices. kinds of black and %dored Listings to be hail at Philadelphia price:. April 2f. —tf A NEW STORE 1 WITH A LARUE AND ENTIRE STOCK OP ; At No. I 1 West Hamilton at., corner of Eighth street, formerly ocettpied by Joseph Stepp. f UTII S SCHLACCII hove just opened n new 11 Store at the above named stand. opposite Hag , enbuch's lloteh with an entire new stock of tioods. .:eluted with great, care in New York and Philadel phia. It can be relied upon that their stork is the most feshionable in town, as they have 1111110 that 11110 hi'7ll:t tel on shelved for n number of years, but 1111 is direct imm the cities. The immense stock com prises every variety of Foreign and Domestic Dry goods, from the rioted of Italian Silk lo the chofipest of leas manufacture. Therefore eall told extunine tbr yourself beibre purchasing elsewhere, as they challenge any store to sell cheaper than they 110.—All Intsittess done on the CASH, SYSTEM, without regard to person. April 23, INDEMNITY BY LOSS AGAINST FIDE. Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Mimiclphin, OFFICE, No. 1633 Chestnut street, near Fifth. STATEM ENT of Assets; $1.525,94 9 08, January 1,1. 1835, publi6Led agreeably tuna Act of As sembly. 'wing First Mortgages, ample secured, 51,190,28.1 .18 'teal E,ta te present %mine $110.000) cost 82,139 87 Temporary Loans, uu ample Colaterul BeeuriliCS. .7742 (pre:+ent vulito $70,101) c u l t. 1 63 0 ,085 50 0 Cault, ,te., • 50,11115 57 MB 51,,1149 OS Perpetual or 525 Tosuranees made on every leseripliou of properly', in TOWN AND COUNTRY. at rules ns low as are mishit/int with security. Since theirineortteation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over Ihrte: million donor," Loss or _ham thereby affording- evidence of the advantage of Insurance. titc to their aliilitY and (Haim:46ou to meet ti ith promptness all liabilities. DIRECTORS Clint.les N. ltuncker, ;Hord. I). Lewis. ' Tohilts Witg• Adolf). L. Boric, Snutuel ttrunt, ])avid S. Brown, incol, It. Smith. • !orris l'attersoli„ ‘V. Iticitart ishat• \ t t LEN N. ItANCIiER, I'resident. BANCICEIT. Seeretiny. sulocril,crs 111'0 opp..intett Agents or tho'ithove Illellill.llCll Institution, and two now pre par.! to make int , ttrances on every description of property, at the lowe6t rotes. A. L. 'MITE, Allentown. Oct. .. on an extensive scale. They have now in.:ness their Yard a very large and choice stock of Italian and American Marble which they are manufacturing into Tombs, Monuments, Head and Foot Stones, Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau Tops, Win dow and Door Sills, Steps, Posts, &e. Lotter-. tug of the best style' done in English and Ger man characters, and all kinds of Ornamental Work executed in the highest style of art and' in the most substantial manner ; they will be pleased to furnish engravings and designs to suit the wishes of the public. They flatter themselves in doily , as good work as is done in Peiinsylvania, aruf . certainly the best in this section, and to satisfy the public of the truth of this assertion, they invite them to call. at their yard and examine their stock and style of work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures and Ornamental Work, such as has never been made 'in Allentown. They also keep on hand . some beautiful sculptures made out of Italian marble, consisting of very neat and most chaste designs for Cemetery purposes, with Lambs carved to lay on the top, Flower Vases, Urns, Doves, and many other figures, to which they invite the attention of the public. rj.Great inducements are offered to country manufacturers to furnish them with American and Italian marble of the best quality, as they have made such arrangements as to enable them to furnish it at city prices. They hope by strict and prompt attention to business, moderate prices, and furnishing the best work in town, to merit a liberal share of patronage. They also constantly keep on hand a large stock of brown stone for buildin g purposes, con sisting of platforms, door sills, steps, spout stones, &c; July 11 AYER's - --4 : 10 .--Lt PILLS. FAIITILY PHYSIC. THERE has long existed n public demand for an effective purgative pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe iu its operation. This has been prepared to meet that. demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pills—one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success We would respectfully submit to the public decision. It•has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that, almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so touch griping pain and revulsion in the system ns to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain,. unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no hams can arise from their use in any quantity; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions fin their use in the several diseases to' which they are tip. plicnble. are given on the box. Among the corn plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Lundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Rumors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. Au occasional dose stimulates the stomach anti bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, mno vate the strength of the body, and restore . the" *listed or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageOus, even though no .serious derangement exists ; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand eases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind.. ‘Vhen their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wiappcd they aro pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. MS JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. • Prico 25 Conta per Box. Five Born for $l. 'S AYER CHERRY PECTORAL, Vor the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROlif, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. THIS remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues .in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in•persoris publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. And not only •in formidable at tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of COLDS, COUGHS, 110AILSENESS, &C.; and for CHILDREN it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. . As it has long been in constant *Aso throughout this section, we need not do more than assure tho people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever • has been, and that the genuine article is sold bar I all the Drugg'sts in Allentown, and by Druggistsl ( I .III.PETS..—We have in store ill line lot of all kinds generally throughout the Country. V of Carpets. Which will be sold cheap. Allentown,January L - I GUTII hICHLALTC)I.. 41 W. Hamilton St. 1119 IL D. DOAS New, .11411.A.XLMS X 4,311 "ir.ALI=I.I) IN ALLENTOWIVr Between Dresher's and Ho ff man 4. Bro.s' Lu mber Yards, in Hamilton street. P. P. L'isentbrann4lo Co., ItESPECTFULLY inform the cit izens of Allen town and the niblic in gen- Tat, that they . lave opened • &MILE YARb Lt the above mined place, Ind are carry ug on the bu- FOB, ALL THE PURPOSES OF A PREPARED II Y CATASHOR MIST TN NU THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES , EVER SEEN IN CATASAUQUA, Is at Getz's Cheap Store. TAIM. GETZ adopts this method to inform the citizens of Catasauqua and surrounding country that ho now has on hand a very large and excellent assortment of Ready Made Clothing, —A N D— ID DM ARID* .1 1 1V13,, and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in the County. He has lately received from Phil adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of the most flishionable styles, from all of which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of READY MA DE CDOTILING: Orders to make up goods to measure will be accepted with plea sure and punctually attended to, and as he is a Practical Tailor, ho will guarantee perfect fits, and none but the best workmanship wil be suffered to pass his hands. His Ready.made consists in part of Dress Coats, of every ima ginable style, for Spring and Summer wear Pantaloons, fancy and plain of all prices, Sum mer Pants in great variety ; Vests, Satin, fancy, and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravats suspenders, &c., &C., all of which he is deter, mined to sell at the lowest prices. He also has on hand a very large assortmenl _ of Gentlemen's Su. perfine, French Mo rocco, Calf -skin and Sy . Patent Leather • ROOTS, "v 747 n,.. besides a large lot of coarse nm's and boy's boots. His stock of I. dies n es shoes is very large, among which can be found every possi ble style. Children's shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored. May 9 R 1%/1 - CD 17 SCHMIDT'S BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY TILE subscriber respectfully informs his t.n , totner. and frietals that lie has retool-v(1 his Boot ou t Shoe . I bottyio.tory to new building, opposite hi. former stand. a few thaw:, above utter's linig store. where he will always keep on hand a huge and spier). ilia assortment of EMI . . I:7ttabsi.Centlemen's Boats. Shee3 and Slipper, Ladies and Misses (loiters, Shoes and Slippers,' Children's Boots, and Shoes. Also coarse Boots mid Shoes far Alen um Boys. and Cum Shoes, of all sizes and prices, whicl he is selling cheap fur . CASIL All kinds of work made to order nt short• notice it the most fashionable styles. Its he always employs the best or workmen, and works up the best materials in this market. he is enabled to stand good for any work turned out by him, and feels confident that the slime will prove satistitetory to his customers. Per sons therefore will ore to their advantage, and call OD MID before purchasing elsewhere. He will sell at Philadelphia prices, 'Whales:de and Bet:W.lllDi to Country Merchants will make a very • liberal deduetirm. ' Ile returns his sincere thanks for the nuiny favor he hos received from ti. kind public, and by moderate s prices, good work, and duo attention to business, hopes to merit a cut/thin:ince of the same. Feb. 20, JEREMIAH SCHMIDT. S IVING FU NI) United States Insurance, Annuity and Trust Co. S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL $250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily. The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or, if prefer red, a certificate will be given.- All sums, large and small, are received, and the amount paid back on demand, without notice. Interest is paid at the rate of fire per cent., commencing from the day of deposit, and ceas ing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the money. . On the first day of January, in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the TREASURER. DIRECTORS. Stephen IL Crawford, Prest., Lawrence John son, Vice Pres't., Ambrose T. Thompson, Ben jamin W. Tingley. Jacob L. Florence. William M. Godwin, Paul B. Goddard, George McHenry, James Devereux, Gustavus English. Secretary and Treasurer, pL.INV FISK. Teller and Interpreter, J. C. Oeldseldwer, September 5. ¶—ly - TRUSSES, TRUSSES, TRUSSES --MA* C. 11. Xeedles, • Truss and Brace Establishmen &tutli West Cor. of. Twelfth and Race Sts., PIIILADELPIIIA. IMPORTER of fine FRENCH TinissEs, combin ing extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. I Hernial or ruptured patients can ho suited by remitting amounts, as below :--Sending num i bar of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. • . Cost ofSingle Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double —ss, $6, $8 and SIO. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. . Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Bumihig's Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs ; Eng lish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories Syringes—male and female. Da"Lddies' Itoomsovith Lady attendants. August . ¶-1 Dr. V.(1.1 . vm Gf Martin , / A NNOUNCES to the citizens of Allen_ town and vicinity, that he has lately graduated as Physician in all the various Jz t , branches, in the University of 1 ennzylva -- lila, and has commence his practice in the •Orlice of his father, Dr. Chitties d 31artin, next door west of the Odd Fellows' Hall, West Hamilton street, Allentown, where ho is at ell times prepared, by day or by night, to aid the afflicted, and render his services to all who may honor hint with a call. . CID AND me 1212611 Dll. C. 0. IL GULDIN, from . New York, in vites the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Ifaving had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself of every valu able improvement, he knows he can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable. REYERENcss.—Ref. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev.. Charles M. Jameson, P. Clarkson, M. D. William Underhill, M. D., New York city. Office for the present at the Americanßotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Allentown, Jan.l7, 18135. • I— I y Venitian Blinds. The subscriber linvingpurchnsed the entiro estaldish ment of Mr. Muir, is propnred manutitcturo nil kinds of Window Blinds, of tho beat quality, nt prices as low as any in the city—al J 6 Went linmilton stroot. S. 11. PRICE. —ly I Allentuwv : Jantinry 9 d 0 I? LI 43 , - vra ma No. 11 West Hamilton street, Allentown. T HE undersigned herewith announces to the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity, that he.still has his Music Store, II t the old stand above named, and that he has lately made huge additions to his hereto 'fore well selected stock of Musical Instruments.— Among his stuck lie always has PIANO FORTES from the best manufactories in New York, of powerful yet pleasant tone, and warrants them to give satislhe lion. Also imported Pianw, of the best ummiliteture in Germany. • na,..IO.7. ..IiCOrbM v C:ATSI 9 of the best manufactme in the United States, of dif ferent sizes and prices. VIOLINS of on qualities and prkes, VIOLONCEL LOS, of 6:renew quality, VIOLAS, nr Contra_ Bass, ACCOR DEONS. of direrent sizes and prices, FLUTES and FIFES, Violin Strings, best quality.' Bows, and in abort all trim mings belonging to the Violin. BRASS INSTRUMENTS will be furnished at short notice and on the most reasonable terms, to which fact he particularly calls the ottention of new Bands about forNusie 2 ming, and thme beginners establishd. Sheet 11111 Books for beginners for e all musi cal instruments, always on hand. As the undersigned makes this his rode business, he will pay particular and prompt attention to it in all its various brandies. Ile is thankful thr past •patron age, and trusts that by keeping good articles ut low prices, to merit a eontinuanc e of the same. Ile respectfully invites people to call and examine his instillment:4, particularly his pianos, and give them a trial, to satisfy themselves of their superior mechanism. JOSEPH WEISS. April I ti. armwx.imit-E-, Clocks and Wdies. Joh a Ne whard, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has lately pur chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss, (with whom he has been engaged for the last seven years,) and has removed the same to No. 21 West Hamilton street, lately, occupied by nka-& co. lie has also just re ceived from New "York a jo i - ii:', 2 , \,, , large stock o; j l . LIR . iTi .E' if. WEI? AI I I 11 % 9 11 i 4tg r A lt -'' a l! ' CLOCKS AND ERRS 8 . 4 Ar:a- '': El ,, His stock is well selected. bani=llsolMittl and consists of a large as- Sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. . 1 17 Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine, (Moraye and other li - alehes, Silver Table and Tea Spoons:, Gold, Silver and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warrant ed to be made of the best materials. his stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as Gold, Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains, keys, &c., Gold and Silver I'encil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior quality, Silver Combs, and and a, variety of articles too nuiwyji to men tion. He feels confident that t ove gds arc the best in market, and offers them to oo the public at the lowest prices. He would particularly call your attenthin to his stock of °Locks AND WATcitas, and urge you to call on him befbre purchasing elsewhere. as he feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is more important, with the prices, and would also inform the public that all -his goods are warran tech. Clocks Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the neatest and best manner and at the s!mrtest notice—all his work is warranted. Allentown, May 2. me - 3avviir Isom , cpcm-r.. CHARLES S. IVIASSE - Y, riLovic. 11-.l'll'llMA ANDLEH :IN JEWELIt TES, Ne. 23 Ent.t Hamilton Street. op no,ite the Delman Reformed Church. Allentown l'tt. The undersigned repeetfully informs him friends and the public in general, that he ham jnyt returned from New York 101(1 Philadelphia • where he Mut purehtt,e,l and now oilers for sale tt full and unequalled tu.tmrt ment of CLOCKS. WiTrIIES. JEWELRY, Silver Wore and Fancy Articles. all of it superior quality, and deserving the exnmiuulion of those' who desire to procure the best goods at the lowest rash prices. iliiistock eomprises Clocks 1%4;1 all oty , les and pi , itterns. old, ~G old and other Watch jh il's:1.1:11 tle%llnit‘C2t.l,'lc:::n lgvredrd and and silver Pencils, Ear Rings, Finger !lingo, Breziot Pino Ilrifeelets, Medallions, Oa Pins, Gold and Steel Pow, , Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Spy Glasses, Pocket: Compasses, Gold. Silver, and other Spectacles, suitable ; for all ages, together with each nod event article be longing to his broach of business. Ills prices are no lob' and liberal am they will lie found in nor seaboard towns, and him goods will always prove to he what they ore repro: cut MELODEONS. Ile keeps on hand on rosortment of Melodeons, of all sizes and patterns, suittible for Churches, Has and private familiee. at prices ns low no they eon lie bought wholesale of the monutheturers. 11l instruments eon nowhere be excelled in point of (one, beauty Mid low prices. Ile Men has on hand a large and good stock of Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Musical Boxen.'&e., nt exceeding low prices. Tir - Cloolcs, Watches, Jew°!ries, Accordeons. Mu sical Boxes, ,5;.•., will nt all tunes he promptly repaired. and all walk warranted for one your. CHARLES S. mit ssur. Beptambcr 20 Surgical and Meclianica DENTIST. A MARVELLOUS R:EMERY! FOR A MARVELLOVS AMR! • WAY'S OINTMENT. The Grand External Remedy. By the aid of n microscope, we ace millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through[ these; this Ointment, when rubbed on tho skin, is carried to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, nffeetions of the Heart, inflanintion of the Lunge, Asthma, Coughs and Colds, are by its 111e11118, effectually cured. Every housewife knows that salt passes freely through hone or meat of any thickness. This healing Ointment far' moors readily penetrates time' any bum) or fleshy part of the living body, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that efumot be reached by other 1110111:18. Brysipelas, Salt-Rheum and Scorbutic Rumors, No.ltemeily has ever done so much for the eure'of diseases or the Skin, whatever form they may assume', as this Ointment. No ease of Eileen', Scurvy. Sob 'leads. Scrofula, or Erysipelas, can long withstand its hillitenee. The, inventor has travelled over many parts or the globe, visiting the principal hospitals, die pen,ing this Ointment, giving advice as to its appli -1.1111011.1111.1 hits thus been the menus of restoring count less numbers to health. Soro Legs, Sore Breasts, Wounds and moors. Some ~r the most scientifiC surgeons now rely solely on the Ilse of this wonderful Ointment, when having to cope aitlt the. Worst eases of soros, wounds, el - Corse gl:anditinr swellings, a nil tumors. Professor Iloilo_ wayhas, by emeniand of the Allied Governments, die_ patched to the hospitals of the East, large shipments of this Ointment, to he used under the direction of the .Medieiff Staff, in the worst eases of wounds. It will cure any 'deer, glandular swelling, stiffness tr eon traction of the joints, even or 20 years' standing. Piles and Fistulas. These, and miter similar distressing eomplaints con be effeetinilly cured ir the Ointment he well rubbed in Over the parts Infected. and by otherwise following the printed directions around each put. =I ---- Both lbo Ointnunt awl I'IN 411,011,1 be tmcd in flic.fol bltring. CIIINI,I : BIIIIIIMA Piles Sores oral! k.inds Horns Rheumatism Sprains Chttppytl Hands Salt Itheion Scalds Chilblains Skin Diseases Swelled Glands Pi,titlits Sore Legs sturJoints . Gout Sore Breasts Myers Landing° • Sore heads . Venereal Sores 3leryorial Eruptions Sore Throati, ll'oundsof all kinde F, : s. sold at the Mantifnetori es of Professor llot,Lo: ‘ eA v . 81) fitidett Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggistsand Dealers of 3letlieines throughout the United States, and the civilized world, in Pots, ut 25 rents, 621 cents and $.l. ea eli. • er•There is n con , ideraido sniing by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the: guidance of patients in ev, rs di,onier lire to each Pot. Now York, Jail. 16, 15.5(1. • EREINIG, NEILIOR & BREINIG, 0 UN P ENNSYLVANIA t LOTIIING lIALL, South East Corner of Hamilton and See - enth Street, respectfukly inform their friends and the public that they have just returned from New York and Philadelphia with a largo stock of 1 . new and litshionalde . Fall and Cowin, which they purchased for Winter CASH, and which enables them to sell lower then any other establishment of thy kind in Allentown. They have selected their hoods with niveye to durability and fancy, and have tome but the latest styles in the market. Their stock of Goods, among other articles, consists of Cloths of all eolors and prices, Cassimers, of French, English and American manufactures; Vestings, Silk Velvets, Satine, Silks, Wormed and other descriptions, figured and plain. Shirts and Shirt collars, Stocks. Cravats, ilmolkereltiefs. Misc., Suspenders, .I:c., hesfifes a great many other art ids mom' ing in their line of latAiness, and all will be sold at the lowest prices. Their stock of RE LOIG comprises ei cry AD thil ADE C n g in the clothing TII l N ine, tuna nn over vow down to on !voice-shirt, made tip -liter ilia luh -t tutu most foshionnbl e styles. Thep stork be ing NO CX tensive that none will lease it, unless lilted remit the -bottom to the tor:. CUSTOJfER WORK wiil b e done up ns usunl, and for their work thet• uro willing to he held re , Tiowilde, two of the foir being proetiinl tuilors. and nil the work is 'mole tip under their. 1111.11 StlperVisi6ll. Thankful for past furore, they trust that attention do , inesa, 'small profits linii quick rules" will be the Meal's of bringing nett• customers to their estab lithment. Oct. OEM Cheap Boots & Shoes, AT Till: STORE OF Witty & Knauss, No. 21 East Hamilton street, Allentown. A. L. It UHE having sold his interest in the estah_ lishment. the undersigned formod a co-partner ,hip, and now invite the attention of the citizens of the town and vicinity, ns well its country merchants, to their largeand superior stock of BOOTS BBD SOFS, at the above mimed old stood, one door cost of the tlerninit Reformed Church, where they munuftteturo tool sell at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, all kinds of fine 111111 course gentlemen's Roots. sod Shoes. Also, 1111 kinds of the latest styles of , Ladies' and Children's Shoes, comprising all styles, qualities and prices. Ladies' Goiters, with or without Feels, made up of French, 'ltalian English and American Lasting, of all colors and 7 styles. Dress Shoes of Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid, French Morecuo and. Seal. (MlM:tit colors, for Women, Misses, Children and Infants. All wo ask is an examination of our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. MEASURE OR CUSTOMER WORK wilt nlways be attended to with punctunlity, in the latest styles, of good materials,lty superior workmen. Country Merchants will find that wo are prepared to sell to them at the very lowest city Jobbing prices. Orders respectfully solicited. WITTY 41; KNAUSS. April la. 49... M NAT •P' I Xt. MC I Geo. Lucas & Sons , toj ` 7~l~o and Retail don. 11511 lers in' Boots, Selma and' rnks. carrying on a suo cessful business tb T r twe u nty years,After the former proprie tor on the lot of January entered into co -partnership under the firm of Oxe. LUCAS .h SONS, and intend to carry on the business on an increased scale. They will always keep on heal a very large and cheap stock of Boors ANti Stions, all of their own manufae awe. They are all perfectly acquainted with the bu- SinOSP, and employ none but the best workmen, whirb enables them to warrant all work as' represented.—. They are confident that their stock is not excelled by any other establishment in Allentown. They call particular attention to their stock of Ladles, Gentle men's, Misses and Children's Morocco, Calfskin, and jrlia Rubber Overshoes. The senior partner is thankful for the patronage bestowed on him during the 20 years ho has been in business, and hopes that by continued strict attention to customers, and selling at low prices, they will receive a full share of patronage in future. ."ay-Country Merchants will be supplied "at jthort notice and at the lowest City prices. GEO. LUCAS &sm. Allentown, January 0. ' _lf - ICI CM WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers