111EADY-MADE CUBING AT 35 EAST HAMILTON STREET. THE subscribers desirous of again returning their thanks to,their numerous patrons, avail them selves of this opportunity to du so, and at the Same time respeetfullymnnonuce to their friends and the public generally that they have just returned from Now York and Philadelphia, where they purchased a large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of entirely new and disirrible styles, such as ean not be found at any other Merchant Tailoring Establishment in Allentown. The goods were select ed with the greatest care, and will be made up, in the latest style and fashion, and warranted . to prove the same as represented at the time of purchase. Observe, that every article of Clothing sold by the proprietors of this establishment is of their own make, and may be relied upon as being good durable work. . Among their extensive assortment may be found, fine Black and Blue new style DRESS AND FROCK COATS, made in the latest fashion of French and English Coats. new style 13116111C*9 Cents, of Bloch, Brown. Blue, Olive nod Green Cloths, and plain end figured thussimers ; Over Cents, of nil quelities, Myles and prices, pantaloons, vests, and in fact everything in the READY MADE CLOTHING Brie, from an over-coat down to an undershirt. The three great features of Reek h Newherd's 'Store are. that they buy for Cash, and consequently eon sell cheaper than any of the ethers : their goods are mode up under their own stipervision, and last though not least, they sell them for what they really are. Also, a large stock of Hundkerchiells, Shirts, Col lars, Winter Hosiery. Under Shirts and DrawoNof nil kinds, and everything in fact that is fiord in stores of the hind. Call and °CO before you pur chase elsewhere, as they willingly show what alas have. They are satisfied that' all their goods Lem close examination. .Country be nlpplkfl rich ti, London, Porta, fl lon, Nose Yolk and FO4lllOll PLATES, at the lowott nr;c,!,. Allentown, Sept.l2 SEE HERE! A NEW STORE IN ALLENTOWN ! DRY ROI AND READY MADE WIELING. LSTROUSIi & CO., hereby inform the citizens of ~ Allentown and vicinity that they lately open ed a now Store at No. 9 West Bandlton street, (fr merly occupied by Weidner S Saeger) with an entixe new stock of DRY GOODS AND READY MADE-CLOTHING, which will disposed of at astonishing low prire,.— Their stock of Ready-made Clothing is by far the largest iatown,,and is made up superior to any Ci offered by any Clothing Dealer in the place. Their prices arc so low, that no one can make an hone; t living by selling the same quality of goo& at lower rates. By calling you can be suited in Ovcr Coats. of tho latest style and fashion, and made of all kind: of cloth. Business Coats, black end Line Cloth Dres and Frock Coats. Vests of all kinds, from a Wollen Vest, to a black Satin end the fanciest of Silk Velvet. Pante from the finest of Cloth blue and thick, Cassi mor, Doeskin and Sntinctt. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode, such as Stocks, Cravats and seek Ties, P0.,!..,1 Ilandkorehiofs, Shirt?, white Linen and faney colored Red, Blue and White woollen and flannel. '',l;,!A_As they have a . Store at No. 52 Market street. thila.h.l. phia, they arc prepared to sell Clothing. I, holosale nt rates as low as they can be purcluted anywhere in the They have on hand a very large :doe': of fashionable DRY GOODS, and are confident they arc nut saying t. nmeli w hen they any they have by far the hct u,.wrintent in - town, as the entire .toek is fresh from the ..ity—keing of the very late:•t styles. They pay pa rtienlar at! a l „ Con to LIIIiiOS Dress Goods. Call and examine their unsurpassed stock of Shawls, Wine, Silks, Merinoes, CmAtnieres, Do Lainc9. barns. Prints, Ladies' Collars, 5106. F.. iinVe &0., &c., and on hearing the extremely I m Priecs roe ern not help buying. L. STIIO USE & t•li. Allentown, December 19. FOR THE LADIES. New and Fashionable Millinery EstablisLment IN AI.I.ENTON. MISS SARAH KEIPER hereby inf Arms friends and the public in general that She lately opened a new Millinery Establishment at N... 1. - , West Hamilton street, opposite the Odd Fellows'll, and that she just returned from New York aid Phila delphia, with a very large stock—hy far the largest in Allentown. of Fall and Winter - ! ' „7 ' BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ke., which will ho sold as cheap if not a little cheaper, than they can he purchased at any pltme in town: ; As she hae flefillire.l a 0101'011;4h iiIII/Wlo.lga of the bbsiness, and employs none but the be,d. Milli ners, she is prepared to warrant all work done at her establishment to Inc es J.mreeented. She is anxione to satisfy all who may favor her with their patroMn..e. Old bonnets repaired so as to make them look equal to now. She returns her thank , or the patron we thus far bestowed on her, and hopes by strict attention to business, and selling at low prieee, to nterit a con tinuance of the sumo. December 5. • —43111 ..IErt.T.IFILEI WE1C.371:1.. L A DIES— C .\' i7.I.aIEX. LADIES why do you go out in the eidd without gutting a set of FliEd, Is hen you can get thorn so very cheap at WIEDER"& BERCER'S cheap HAT, CAP AND 11Th STORE, where they just received the largest nntl hest assortment of .9toae Martin; Silver Martin, Fitch, Russia, and • ;{..,41 other ladies - FASHIONABLE FURS, Misr exhibited in Allentown, being Crush from the cities, and {von worthy im ex:indent ion before malt lug' a purchase anywhere else. Call cod f•ce them, as no charge is made fur showing, but it is always done with pleasure. Their sleek ci,leprkos er,ry Lind. every price and quality—from etoo to eino.oo per set. %al-GENTLEMEN, if you wish to par,lite, superb Huts or genteel Caps,'they give you a cordial Invitation to call and examine their tStock. They warrant every article that you may put rha:e to give ontiro'satisfactien. For gale Wholesale or Retuil.— They have - Ziei..HA TS FOR THE .11111.m.y... They manufacture their own Hata and secure the public that they are got up right, December ft, 11.2LN amva Segal SSoY e. ix D. BOAS, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Re -41. tail Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff and Setzar=. 9 North Seventh street, Allclitown, Pa. 110 Batter. , himself to say that he Imiut all times the beat and ahoupost, stock of • TOBACCO AND SEGARS (mor brought to this place. Denlen; in tin: ab,ve ar- Cabo will (Ind it to their advanta:;e to give Inc a cull. u: soul at tho lowest Philadelphinand New York ,vholo.. lisle 'prices. A general asEortment of American and rorei g n Lout Tobacco always on hand. • ouriets Alms:ets 'MRS.& M. M. STOPP, have just returned from the 411 cities With nu immense E leek et' f rin FALL AND WINTER BONNETS. • !'gr caps, ribbons, flowers, frosted mid plain velVet, striped plush satins, and figured fancy reilF, children's hoods, and in short, all that belongs to a fashionable Millinery Store. Everything they have_is new and fresh front New York anal Ph iholelphin. and now offer the above goods, wholesale or retail, at least it per uent. less than they can bo purchased elsewhere.— Country Milliners supplied at City price,, and it will be to their advantage to give us n call before purehas lug elsewhere.. -Bonnets repaired iLeeoraing to order Don't forget the place, corner of Eighth and Damn ton streets, In Allentown. Sept. 12. A GOOD ADVICE TO LADIES.—If you want a good cheap and• fashionable Shawl or Dress, please call at Stopp's Cheap Clash Store. i ;,11 owile - miT;' , .- - -7 . - = •____—: . itit , , ri ; 1140111:611 1, ; 7.5 !.......71;; '4I S I '`''' 5 - 5 , Vt.; f 1. 1 ; . ' • 1 1 0 f.. , s . .. 1 . ' . 1..:.: . ~(. .f . V ':..t.:...f.-J.73.'11.,. ‘j. 26:17 : 1r1, 7...N.::.Y.‘7: stt;lt*‘..--- .!•,:,,: iCr• - n :''''lZl - 1 - ' 3 ' ' '::i -, FS.. -A1... . ^, ....7. 1 . 4 - --LuA.- :::........-. An entirely vegetable preparatien, pleasant to the inste,.unexeelled in its action upon the Liver. Z. , tomaeli end general system. 'As an Anti-bilious and Alterative PhvKie this Medicine _ HAS NO EQUAL IN THE WORLD. I have wed it cont , tantly in my practice for upward, of ten years in all eases where a good Physic and Al toratii•r won required, and would not now do without it. It i.n the PHYSICIANS ASSISTANT, ns well :13 the safest, flintily, medicine in tIFC: Child ren drink it with plasure. It will not nauseate the wenke , t stomach. It produces no gripin g , but oper ates easily, thoroughly, and is sure to erodicnte nll impurities from the system if it is properly taken.— Already TIIOUSANDS OF LIVING WITNESSES ttro ready of testify to its superior virtues, independ ent of its purgative and :WI qualitie: , . It lin, cured the worst cames of Erys!pelas in a few days.— It is a for Head-nche, Liver CmopMint, daundi , c, Kidn, y Complaint, Bilious Foyer. Pains in the Side. Bach. Limha, Cohls,Cramp , . T.•:::ihago, Worm , . illotchez on the Skin, Pimples, Cutaneous Fa uptieut . , Obstructions in the S'y,tcm, Contipation of the llowcl , -, Dizziness, Mercurio! Diseases. Plenricy, Fe orne, Irregulsritles, Bowel ComplaintF. tiers of all kinds. Ac. It cleanses by it,: superior medical 91r tnes, the ulcuroua irein the hlood nod corrupt bile from the stoned:, carrying it off through th, I atural chann e l s IT INVIGORATES ME lII.OOD and lenses th sy&tem healthy. I ask my friends t' test 1110 above Medicine. and pronounce a Nmdiet they 1•12:111 bo impresscd by the evidince. Thug wit know me prOz - e9SiOIIIIIIS Will not (10111 , t its worth. Since its first introduction. no has attain ed such wonderful popularity, and it Sa l a , hare in creased beyond the most sanguine hopes of its Nei;:hhors recommend it as a safe and UNEQUAL LED PHYSIC ! Physicians carry it with them.— CHILDREN will KECK & TAKE NO OTHER after one trial, am! parents should use no other in tbeir families. People living in lox• nod marsitc subject to deadly miasmas, Whore Fevers. Ague and Fever, and bilious complaints are more apt to be, will find tiio '• Liquid Cathartic" the most po tent r.rtectly yet tried. Give it a trial. 'Wholesale by A. it. ,t; D. Sambi, C. V. Clicliner Cn.. and C..D. Ring, Nev York. Full directions accompany each bottle. Price 511 and 25 es. of ten and twenty dt.ses. Principel Depot, 109 Dro,thrny, N. V. 'Sol 1 Aaron %Vint. Allentown, anti by all prosectuble Drug throughout the country Septatober ill Franitlin Fire Insurane? Company of Philadripli la OFFR'E, N. 1631 Cliet:lnut street, near Fifth. QTATE:mENT or ,‘s,ot,. $1,52.1,919 ti g. January IJ 1,1. publklie,l agreeably to an Act, of As. ..cody, being nmpiy Ft•t• , 11 . t•11. pre?ent value I I u. 010) eort Tenip.o . :3ly Loans. as ample CobitLral S. in itios (pro: , ent valtio:t.;7llMl) I pr , perty. in TOWN AND COUNTIZY, at rates as low :is nta eonsistant Ivith F Vinnity. Since their incorporation. a period of yr , nro, they havopahl r,,yer thrre million rt..ll , mr LOS! iv PHIL% lberd,y alto ding el idt.nt t: o; • the ad,v,,n of as to their 111 , 11 i mid ChM • to meet with promptneF, all liadilitics. DIRECTOIIiz : Charles. N. Enricher, fiord. D. Lev,i•. ToM.'s ICa}mer• AM,lp. E. Boric, Samuel (leant, David S. krona, .liteol. IL Sotidt, I%lorri- Pattereon, Clem W. Itichard4. loom Len, E.lNt'liEll. l'reeident. CITAHLES BANCIiI:11. Seer Nary. ...'rh, sul,erlhers ura ILo appointed A vents of the above mentioned Itndilittion. and tiro now pre narod in maho in,ornnve:4 on even• description of properly; at the loweel rates. A. L. ILI - W.:. Allentown.' F. ISMldoLieth. Allentown, Om. • (f) Ps) Ttvt ca Nail 7 c. ,• IL , sonbfind 1111(1 locl l F 1 . 01 1 Sale, 1111: 1 . 111,1111eq. 11 1 1 1 , 1 111111111.11.1 Stock of Allrulo(rn. om , :4 ,l ing of 250.01 1 0 of all do,criptions and qualities, from S 2 up to $3O per thomond, Also dealer in Chewing and Smoking Toboeco, Snuff, Se. Tolniece o6t,,. PcillorP, :Merchants, hotel-Beepers and dealer , generally ore incited to.give hint a coll. Scgais made to order for 'di ports of the Union, inept Bing tlio lotet,t; styles and brond : :, each t o. Operas, Londrc., Regalia ) Plantation ) Principe, Li Norma, Sixe6. Al . untown, "DoeemLer 12. • f EEO r. J. P. B A RNES 9 11 U 4 a 0 42 a - Si s TILL performs all operations on the Teeth with unpreceeded sue . cess. His mode of inserting Artificial Teeth cannot be surpassed for comort to the wearer and durability and beautifulneSs in appearance. The general satisfaction he has given for years has been duly appreciated by the patronizing public. Office No. 48 East Hamilton street, up stairs, a few doors east of Pret 2, Guth & Co's. Store. July 4. • y If. D. BOAS Peter Laux, • VETERINARY SURGEON, AND Commission Morse Dealer, 011104111111111. I'll. Ile respeetfully informs his 6'4llllB.nm' the pub lie generally, that he has again located himself nt Cut nsanyan, where he is prepared to treat all discuses of the horse. lie has large and commodious stabler, j and persons giving diseased horses under his charge can depend upon that they will be attended' to in the hest niuuner. Ile also sells and buys Horses on commission ! 1 1.-I'rielting and docking neatly executed April 11 1139 NEVER-FAILING CURE II OBIII,IIY BY LOSS AGIIIIST / - - N ( .i ,-,-- -i' , --1 , ..,,,:..,:•q 4 ~ ,ri-.;,, E'•,o:,.- . -.-- .-tl., ,111,,i t ~ r , i 76• :-- / Say, Julius, wheco did Clam get dem W en. 'spose he 11, 0 t. (- L - I j C. at , — r assa Rum: s• I's gain' dere to it , ‘". 1 some. I's a dandy , nig:g: ° .. a nti want Castrate artit__, r I 1:=51 THE LEHIGH REGISTER, MARCH 12, 1856. ?NZ 11L 33 I.IIM LV ALLENTOI,I7N, Between Dresher's and 17Qffman 4- Dro.s' Lumber Yards, ire Hamilton street. P. F. Bisenbraern 6" Co., it ESP EcT r 11.1.1* . /1. , 49:17.?%\ t.C. t. ofe ll A 'C ' ' Vl'lr''"lN inlbrm the (IE -04 1, A1, 7 •1fat,,, 0'444.,>. izens of Mtn .4lool,(iWc,.:',.:PA town and the a i*;,,r6 1 ,?'.1(?W'",?::ili'l public in gen 0t I VA ll'it! ; ffi)o,' ,•7,,) CIT 1 , that they. i , t ,, '' 7 1 :;:7-.;,• ' 4 4 i . 1. V; V - ---.„-;,...„ 7 . - :- . ,•,,i,7;(.,.. , * hay eOl 'erred MAnnt.E YARD 1 , a t the above 1 .., , ! ..7.: -:: .. - --- , , ,,, - . -....-11:': . , ; A. 4 . :3,.:, i! , !!.;i,ii,i: , , !:1! r7A named place. I „,,,Jt~ , , , zd - t•l'Z', 4,:itti- -- - . Y. — . - '..::7: - ='....tz - .•. - ;,1 , i'..:;_,l, I .' ll ' ' 1 - - t 44. . , :, ) . :44,,,, - :i.'zi,; , ,:. - •7; I , :,17 .. 7 Ing on the bi -......, =:..,..4:. , .:, - 4-r:.! , ,...-'4.1.':•=,...; ...w.!... 7 siii es s on an extensive scale. They have now in their . Vard a very large and choice stock of Dalian and American Marble which they are manufacturing into Tombs, Monuments, Head and Font Stones. Mantle Pieces, Table and Bureau Tops. Win. dow and Door Sills, Steps, Posts, &c. Letter ing of the best style done in English and Ger man characters, and all kinds of Ornamental Work executed in the highest style or art and in the most substantial manner: they will he pleased to furnish engravings and designs to snit the wishes of the public. They flatter themselves in doing as good work fl' , , i..; done in Pennsylvania, and certainly- the hest in this section. and to satisfy the polka of the truth of this assertion, tine invite thin to call at their yard and examinb their stock and style of work. They furnish all kinds of S.2ltlpture..: and Ornamental Wort:. such as has never been made in Allentown. They also keen on hand smne beautiful sculpture: made nut of Italian marble. consisting of very neat and most lla,i, designs for Cemetery purposes, midi l e aml:.: carved to lay on the top. Flower Vase,l. (T i m : ;. Doves, and many other figures. to which tln.y invite the attention of the ruldi o . ErY'Great inducements are offeml to ('males manufaciurers to furnish them v.-i:h American and Italian marble of the hest quality, as t bey have made such arrangements as to 'enabh them to furnish it at city prices. They hope by strict and prompt attention to business. moderate prices. and furnishim , Ilie best work in town, to merit a liberal share of patronage. They also constantly keen on lrin,l a larpe stock of brown stone for 1mi1,1i,,, 1. p uri ,, , ,„ e „ . (.„, sisting of platforms, door sills, :tips, spout stones, &c ; &c. July 11. . . c,: - t f " = PILT ;Intl r , metly f,r the A p,,,e ,tfa I I.:II!. 1110:1- 1)1" 'N', F(`%0:':;, 11111,11i:11y, I il:!.11,111:1.• iti , E:t•tt, att:l ala• t:It• Mlit.ll a nut 111,0 •s ma,lt prettqlt.-.1. ii a Lan, !51.109.251 I.'fl "" I_l Z.(10 $1.325.9 it, 1..1y 1". • ... ; ..... It; 014' a ~ 11 1 0.1 I ...cv 1 .. .1. of :t It; I . ;I: );,•:, ,'.•I 1111,I;: :;; % .•1 ; 41. 1 ,...,1, 1 1 1,‘ 1 1 4'•4f4 It'4 4 • ; I:1;1,1'11 of pny 11.4 411.•1:144. ( 1 411444 11 1 1 11 4 ,1 1 4 1 4 4.14.1144•14•41 4 .11.114,4,14.'re I.v 'II:, :3 tl "rh: 1 i '.‘ ru 1;•• rx! =I A •.1 t !_;(`I:(1t . 111ell W:l,/ ill f:t3.l Pills, ire oloy to( : Po. othl 11•:1060 1/141':%“ • 1 ei131":11.1VE d I.y Lilo (,r 17. S. P.;oi::trr. ('. Of the 111,03,0 of ... A 1110 . .1 r to : 7 1 0.:111, 1;;.,1:011 of lf,slon. A! J. N.. C11:1.T:1N, Prkutival Cherniht. of Cly, endorse , " Ly 1,. :%I.kitur. S,•retaryof S!eto. 111311 111 . 4 011t•I'll,l. S. 1.r.r.A.N0 Co., Propr's of file Mctn , r4,litri hotel, tm 311,1,. 1)1 , 1 sp, r :tire nano hundred frma all parts whi re the Pills have liven •but vidt.c.e e 1 II more coin inciuq than the expi ;mice or eminent public men is found in their up. tri Those I'llls, the r, :,,It of hing investigation and study, are olfereil to the public ;is the bast :Ind Meit et11111:11 , te which the I,ITSeI, !Ante of medical s c i ence eau aiihrd. They are compounded not of the Miles themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegctol.te remedies, erected I,y chemical process in a slum 'or purity, all fl:lll , ined tCq.;fllll'l . )11 such a manner as to insure the Lest resit to. This .system of vonino,ition tin' this been found in the Cherry Pectoral and I'u .s tenth, to proffinie more efficient remedy than had hitherto been iffi tained by :my process , . '1 be ten o n perh—tly oh thins, 11ffiite by the old !node of einop..sition. mitre' medicine is b u rdened with more or less oi'alri uuntinus amt injurious (In:Mikis. by this rack he'd vidual virtue of that is desired for the etimliie eliect is present. .111 the inert and olmoNions ties each substance employed ate left behind, the eurathe virtues city beilig retained. Deuce it 1.1 fiell'eVidellt 1110 etivek prove they have tinned inure purely remedial, and tlit. Pins a sur,•:', more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. 71 AS it is frequently cypedlint that my nicilicicc should he taken under the counsel of int at temiing. Physician, and as he could nut properly jitdr,v.d . a remedy AVitlitillt kuutyin it, cuu pmitiou. 1 hVt supplied the accurate Formule by which limit my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole rely of Practitioners in the United ' , tate, and iii.!l Amer ican Provinces. lf, however, there should 1 , 0 any one who has not received them, th^y will be prompth• forwarded by mail to his toldre,s. Of all the Patent :Medicines that are Ourrnt'll. lion' few would he taken if their eennicsition Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. • The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to Mdge on the subject freely acknowledge their ct.:itictihns of their. intrinsic merits. 'I he Cherry I'e tai tI tray pronounced by scientific men to be a wond e rf u l medicine before its effects were known. .Many em inent l'hysicians have declared the same thing of My Pills, and even more confidently, and will ing to certify that their anticipations wire more than realized by their efliscts upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and ,thoolat: , it into• healthy action—remove the o br.lrnrti~.its of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other 0r , ..-;ms of tb, body, restoring their irregular action by correcting, wherc.ver they 'lsr.t, such derange. Molts as are the first origin of disease. • Being sugar wrapped tlley arc pleasant to take} and being purely vett, table, no hares c:,n prise fctan their use in any quantity. • For minute direerams, see wrapper on the Dos. PREPARED BY J Alll ES C. AYE 11., Practical and A tinlyt ical Chemist Price 25 Couto por Doz. • Pivo Bono for $1 som) 1117 all the Prity.iri,ls in A lien toyn. ntel Ly Druggh , t gunertilly ilirough.oit the Ceuntry - Allentown, January I= A New . --- Yi. \!..?-‘'.;;::::;-- -- 7 - . 5 - -(,._- . .. :: .., 1 ,"; • ' I (~ :..1 f I v.-ol! LOWELL, MASS SOMETHING FOE, TH3 MOMS THE ladies of Allentown and surrounding ; 1 1 country are respectfully invited to call at our store. and examine our new and extensive stock of FORS,--1111 of the latest and most ari proved styles. consisting of L -7 ,;-;: ,7 71 : 1 : L i 1 (.: 1 ); 1 ) 3 1 C 1 1 7- 1 MARTIN, 1 T , c O , pli,clr, 311's lic•c.S.r. Clain:us' White Furs, &e... &e., which we sell at prices ranging front F:;2,50 to *125.00 per sett. Ladies in want of any article in this line may rely upon fouling with us as !miniscule and cheap an assortment. as they would either in New York •or Philadelphia. (laving made arrangements with Maindlteturers in the cities. we are prepared to furnish extra setts of Furs, at short notice. Also, old Furs neatly repaired and altered. Our As-tortmcnt of Boots. Shoes. Hats. Caps. Lamps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c.; iv as usual, full and complete. We have Hats nod Caps to fit every head, and Boots and Shoes to fit every fbot in this community. As• cold weather is now coming on, we would call particular attention to our stre•k. or centk ine w s . misses anal children',; Car l •et . . CalfAin and India Robber Over Shoes, all of which we are selling cheaper tittle ever. We are hank lid for the liberal patronage which we have re•ceiveil. and hope by strict attention to our customers and friends, and ling nt Inty. prices to merit a continuation of the same in Ettore. YOUNtI & LTII. No. •15 East Hamilton St. _ _ P. S.—Mcrehants in the country will he sup plied with :nth• of the above goods at the 'owes! city jold;ing . Allentown, Nov. 2,Q gAtili , plin7Tl pri! , Tplarp F;;7il ',iir.7 7 , p I 111.1!) I.liiii ii.J:llA.i . lii. 'i'iiili:lii 1: THE LA R(.; EST STUCK. OF :7 In TVOEI ; EN ER S;.'ES IN CAT.:SAL:QUA, „, :it ('tz's:lp (.lle ~.),(11. adopts tl.is method to inform the C:ll:l , anqua and Nurrotinding ooantry that he now ht's on hand a very larre an I excellent Ready 17.1 7,, o 't=; --A N D •P oml i confident his i•( , (101; cannot lie excelled in, tiio County. He has lately reeeived from Phil !..lphia a very heavy stool: of .SP Sl'M.l /LT (it' . (ODS of the most Iltshiettlble styles. from all of which he trill utak, to ord"., also i“.( 1 , on It nrl a supply of RP:AD / 1: ( . 11i )7'111`:(i . 0; durs to limbo up _Dods to measure will lie accepted with plea sure, and linnet (tally attended to, and as he is 1',../c:/(4 7'.e!or, lie trill guarantee pc( fLoi tits, an.l none but the best wor'sintinship it be sit ilere(l to 1 , 3.4.: his hands: Ills liendy•nia.b. , .•((.1.-i , ts in part or Dress co :i t s . or ert;ry juin 'llll3l)lV side, I . ol' Spring and Summer Pantaloons: Coley and plain of all prices. Su( trier Pants in great vat joy : Vests, fines. told plain, dratvers, shirts, collars. er:ival sii,penders.• I ,l* which he i., dete inincd to sell at the lowest pi bies. lie also has 011111 H/ a very large assert men of (;(iio 'tem( n's pertitte.Freneh Mo roceo, ('all-skin and 1 •• I'atent I.eather besides a It let enarse men . , boy's boots. Ills stuck of 1.a.1.1•.4 'loos is which van b found retry possi• blo style. Children's shoes of evt.ry variety) and style, plain and Nutty colored. May 9. I VAA T I 6.1;t" 17.1 t ev+iep 16;t of •, ' i azai•,:cd [Wird Sidles insurana., Annuity and Trust Co. t s " S. E. emmer of Third and Chestnut Sts., 1 0 ~..—. Pini.any.t.i , r:t.t. t •- ... , C.\ ITPA L : - C-'2.50.000. • '.717' 1 TONEY is rectiv,al on d,p,,,..it daily, Thee' i T AVE lust received a large supply of. Fall and 1. alanunt (111 '''' itc ' l i '' "' l 'd in a D''n"it ! 11l Winter Goods which they have ' , ought for Book and vivun to the Deposi'.or, or, if prefer-, cash and are willing to sell at a. small advance red, a certificate will he given. . . on th m m e sae ters. All FIIIIIS, lar : . :: e alr l 5r ,,„11 , are re,eived, ! Don't forget their motto, ,6 SMALL PROF and the amount paid haa on demand, witheut ; 17' 4 . z A ND Q u l c K sALEs, " w i th a tarp 1101 iOO. assortment of goods to snit the most fastidious littere. , .t is paid at 11 e rate of fir rtr rod., ; ' taste in the universe, including Allentown and cottimencim - : fi (nit the day of deposit. and og. ns- vicinity. Their stock consists of ing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of ; ' plain macksaks, Plain 1.,,„„ y I k , p rem .', the money. Merino, SII.IOIII/ Twill. Persian do., Muustline Dt , Liiiiir, Pirelan do., Li-tunes,' rtal/i, , 5.c., ilw„ Also, Ilasiiro, Bonnet Ribbons, Worcs. Trinanin . i.'s, ..Thisli us Blcached and 1 Brown, and in filet all such goods as the trade are in need of constantly on hand. GROCERIES as low if not lower IFi t l than can be had elsewhere. . Conn-, 11 -" r4l try produce of all kinds Wanted 11 ,-...-.) CV . -,- 4- . .- , .1. hr exchange for goods. M L -N HOUPT & STUCKERT. T—lf I On the first day of January. in each year; the interest of each do pc , it is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, a, be may prefer. 'lle Company hare mill' upwards of 3,50 dopositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional int . ortnatifin will be given by ad,h•essing the Tin , 1S!•1:1:5. DI RECTORS. Stephon P.. Craw nmi. Prest.. l,an•renceJohn son, Vit•c Pres't. ; Ambrose T. Thomp.on, Ben jamin W. Titrzley. dae,d) L. Florance, M. Godwin, Paul B. liodd:u•d, Oeorge :Nit:Henry, James DUVerCIIN. Gustavus English. Syr, dewy and '1',.,1157111r, P! I.\'}' F 1 I. l'ul'u• (Hu! rprtler, .1. C. Ochl , chln;,•cr. September 5. TRUSSES , TRUSSES, TRUSSES • Tr;:ss 1n:1 . Brace Establish meta, South West ('or. of MI:INi and Race Sts., z..llP()ll . rErt or rim. in t 1 re :ire ss, ease and durabilit) with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be 'suited by emitting amounts, as below :--Sending num ber of inches round the hips, and stating side atflpted. ro , tt , rSinglo Truss, r'rss. Double : , , S and *AIL InAriwtions as to wear, and how to enact a! eure,.when possible, sent with the Truss. Ako for sale, in great variety, Thnui;l'i* Mirand nal al Body Grier, Fir the CIIIV of PrOillr:11S 1:11'11 : Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Pllees. Chest Expanders and Erector Itraet:;, adapted to all with Smog Shoulders and Weak Lungs : Eng lish Elastle A Limn nal Delis, .Suspensories' Syringes—male and EC7Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. I August 1. - Sob Printing, Of all kinds neatly exccutcd at this Office MI MS I -1y I lEEE PHILADELPHIA ar.MWXJ3MEILM", Clocks and Watches. Sollit eireeevhar RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has lately pur chased the entire steel: and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss, (with whom he has been engaged for the last seven years,) and has removed the same to No. 21 West Hamilton street, lately occupied by Ilko & Co. He has also just re ceived, from New York a -71 t e 4 . large tock of fj 2 0 0 SE DIVE in 1° 8 4 25:1,5'. 71 ; 1 1' COCKS IIND WATCRES. his stock is well selected, •:::itlretlftmi.iirnc-ao.o and consists of a large as sortment of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine, Qtrartier rind Other Tralrhe.v, Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold. Silver and Plated Spectacles, to suit all ages, and warrant ed In be made of the best materials. Ins stock of Jewelry is large and splendid, rind comprises all the most fitshionable articles, such as Gold, Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Gold Watch Chains, Keys, &c., Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gold Pens of a superior qualky, Silver Combs, and and a variety of articles too numerous to men tion. He feels confident that the above goods are the best in nuti•ket. and offers them to the public at the lowest prices. lie would particularly call yonr attention tat his stock of eimots AND WAlcuEs, and urge von to call on hint before purchasittg elsewhere, as he feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is more important, wHt the prices, and would also intl,rin the public that all his goods arc warranted. IRE Clacks 11 - qtrlies and .h warn. repaired in the neatest end best manner and at the s'iortest notice—all his work is warranted Allentown. 1 . ;1.5' 2 MTM.II''U;ST M. 'l° C) PiLES S. FIASfI'EY, wATcumANER AND DEALE R IN rm.: r,i; 1E. 4 , N. 2:ll'.a.=t Strect. I.,ite 111, I to.nunt Clunrolt, Allentown Pn. on•lort.itrtte,l repeptrtilly inform 4 hie friend, and rite t•tthli , that he itn•i rettirtwtl from end %viler,: lie line pareliai-eil awl wily r de a r,.11 11.71(1 11111! , (1111111:d ilS,,trt -1,11211t ul cl.orKS. . -4 1!vor Wyrg ;ma l'ency Artie , 1:::1;iy.:111 , 1 .Ig:sem - hp:Ally exntrtination oI those who d2-ire I. preenre the hest i,eods Id the lowest omit prim. ]lie =torlc comprises ('lurks trim nnd patter n s. (iold :Ind • 0 , 11 , 1. Silver and ther Wnt..ll Wit hits nod Senl.s, gold end silver Pen, ils. E,r P.inrs, Pincer Finqs, kraut Beneelet. , .:' , lmlnlli COT Pins, (lold nod Steel Pens. S , lver nod 'net Spoons. t.zpv Glasses, Pool et Cold. Giber. nwl other Speetnel, s, r.nitehle f togotloq• witii end! viol every it he -I..ogillV: 1.1 hi, 11 . vitvh of I , IIIIeSS. Ili, primes ore as nml 1i1mr.11:..111.r.•y will be l'ontol in Our 5k . :11.,0 , 1 tmve. nn,l its ;row!: Will always prove to be wind t;:ey me repro:M:lf .1. MELODEONS. irk hea p' on hand an tiFserlllll`llt of Meliloonn, or cit niien :nal pattern , . i,aitable far Cliareheit.ll:ll! , and private rimilien. at prieea as low as they can he bought v lade..ale of the manalitetiern. lli=inatrinneats can nowhere he extaille.l in paint or time, hearty and lew pri , nn. llr nl,.n hes on hand a 1:11ary 01.1,0,1,100 n 0. Fhtlos. Fires. Manitail flaxen. Ste., dkllflnniet:lls. (... Will times he promptly repaired. and all wort< warranied for tine veer. CHARLES S. AIASSEY. S. - lA-1111,^r 211. —if )! for the New York Store, ,-• (1) ,04 cl. 1. 04 ".4 Sept. 5 Surgical and Mecininical DMNTEST. _ . nit.,C. C. H. GULDIN, from NeW York. in vites the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require operations on the natural Teeth, or who are d in need of artificial ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Having had eight years' experience in his profession, and, availing himself of every valu able improvementlie knows he can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable. RnmenxcEs:—Rey. Thomas De Witt, D. D Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D., William tTnderhill, M. D., New York city. Office for the present at the American'tfotel. Patients also visited at their residence if de sired. Allentown, Jah. 17, 1855 Venitian Blinds.. rrhe subseriber haringpitreliared the entire establish inent of 31r. Muir. is prepared to manufacture nil kinds of Window lflindc, of the hest ninthly, at prices ue low as any in the city—at:l6 West Hamilton street. S. 11. —ly Allentown, January a 111E-3EIC AIL lIIAKT AEA @NM 46) . 4 largo lot of shawls at reduced prima, such no 1` Loud •Broella at $l3 Worth $lll. Long Woelia at $l5 worth $lB, Bay State. 'Watervliet. Cashmere, ,te., very cheap. • L. 'STROUSE t CO. • No. 0 'West Hamilton street. Allentqwn. Jan. 20. • ^,• :3a!e 4 LET US REASON TOGETHER. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Fr HAS BEEN the lot of the human race to I T be weighed down by disease and suffering. HOL LOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the Wcak, the Nerrotts, the Delicate, anti the Infirm, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Profes stir Holloway personally superintends themanufacture of his medicines in the United States, and offers them to a free and enlightened people, an the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. These Pills Purify the Blood. These finuous Pills are expressly combined to oper ate on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, tho lungs, the skin. and the bowels, collectint , any derangement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very foun tain or life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints. Nearly half the human race have taken those Pills. It has been proved in all parts of the world, that oath it, has been found equal to them in cases of tho liver, dppepsin, and stomach complaints generally. They ,0,,n give a healthy bale to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means have failed. General Debility. HI Health. :kr„ ii y„r the n es t ,h.spatie °averments have opened thvir Custom I lo.ises to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the nutsses ' Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever !mown fur persoore of delicate health. or Where the ,y,tote liven impaired, as its invigorat ing prOpellie: , inn hi 11111,rd F'entalc. , Complaints. ' • 'N„ F„,„,,h,, young or old, should be without this celebrated nte.lidee. It corrects and regulates the oloV.thly eour, , e, tat all periods, acting in many easel Iho a charm. It is 111-1.1 the best and safest medicine that elan be given to Children of all ages, and for any c nn•tl:iint; consequently no family should be without it. If. , 1%0:- ry'd Pillv or, thc beet remedy known in the ,n„ h! f,,e th. fulluwlrly Mete:use : Asthma, I Icaduches, . lioAcLI complaints, Indigestion,, . conOti..4, . Totlitozo. coif., lotionmoom. Chest Diseases, Inward Weakness, l'ostiveness, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, 'Lowness of Spirits, Diarrluca, Piles, Dropsy, Stone and Gravel, Debility, Secondary Symptoms, Fever and Ague. Venereal Affections, Female Complaints. Worms of all kinds. M - Sold at the .Nfanuthetories of Professor llocto wAr. SO Maiden Lune. New York, and 244 Strand, Innolon, by all res p ectable Draggists and Dealers of Medicine throughout the United Stites, and the civil ized world, in boxes, at 2. cents, 62/ cents, and $1 each. 111111 .;:j2;"Tliere is n considerablu saving by taking the larger riles. N. IL Direetions for the guidance of patients in every d isorder ore affixed to each box New York, ,lan. 16, ISSO NEILIMI & BREINIG, I' PENNSYLVANIAouth E eLonuna I L LL, South Corner of Hamilton and Soy -0 • enth Street. re,peetfully inform their friends tinti the puhlie that they have just returned from New York and Philmlelphia with a large stoat of new and fashionable Fall and Winter Coedit, which they purchased fur CASH, and which emit:dos Own' to sell lower then any other establishment of the kind in Allentown. They hare selected their Goods with on eye to ditrelsility and fancy, and have none but the In test styles is the market. Their etoek of t.loods, among ether articles, consists of Cloths of all colors and prices, Cassimers. of French, English and A merieu n manufactures ; VeAtings, Silk Volveta, Satins. Silks, Worsted and other descriptions, figured and plain, Shirts and Shirt cellars, Stocks, Cravats, Ihmikerelliefe, Hose. Suspenders. ,tc., besides a great many other artiels. °coming in their lino of business, and t i ll will be sold ut the lowest prices. Thar stuck of READ YALIDE CI.OTHING comprises every thing in the (defiling lino, rum an ”ver enh I down to an tinder-shirt, made up flier the lu test and in..st I . :Athol:Ode styles.. There stock be inv so extensive that none will leave it, unless fitted the - I,ottian to the t o p," t'US TOM ER IVOR Ii will he done up as 11311111, and for their work they ere willing to he bell responsible, two of the firm being practical tailor,, and all the Work is made up under their own sul•ervision. EN = CID „ t 3 , • -4.-Z =-. CCI Thankful for pa s st favorii, they trust that attention to bitAnu , s. — Ninall profits and quick Rides" will be the means of bringing new customers to their estab lishment. Oct. L —tf THE PEOPLE'S CAMIETIIig RUMS! F. Xa,ridei"s Cheap and Fanbionable Cabinet Ware Room., South EaAd Corner of Ninth nod Hamilton Stioeta, a 11.. w doors below I)redier's Lumber Yard, • ALLENTOWN, Tile, undersigned respectfully inform their friends d. and the piddie generally. thnt he carries on the Cabinet business hi till its Nlll'lllllll Itranebee at tho It have minted stand. w here lie is pr./tun:al to Hell good and handsnine ftirniture. llri cheap tus ran he sold anywhere. Their Store is 1 , 11 till, tauttli-east corner of Ninth and Iloinilion streets, near I.4eAter's Lutulter yard, whore they slier it (hie ussortinent el' • doopt , CABINET 'WARE, consisting in part of Sofas, of various styles and patterns. Side Boards, Wardrobes, Soo retaries. BureALUS, or various patterns; Cup-boards of different kinds : Card. Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables: Bedsteads of different sfyles and pat terns. Wash-stands. Twist, Small and Large Etagere, What Note, Music-Stands, Seth Tables, Tee Tables, Oval nod Serpentine Tables, Chinese What Nota, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment 'Tables, Etathaa, Fete-a-Tetes, French Divans. A general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hand and made to order. lie employs at all (lines none but the hest work men, attends personally to their business, and will warrant till Furniture of their manutheturii to be made of the hest materials. Orders for Ware will he faith fully and huntediatcly attended to, and when cent out of the Borough will he carefully packed. December 5 AL .1V _TM linT M" I -FL MX Geo. Lucas & Sons, Jv i rowi l , ix T IIOLESALE and Retail daa— it 14.1 $ " lurs in Boots, Shoes and Trunks. After carrying on a sue eassful business fur twenty years, the former proprie tor on the lot of January entered into co-partnership under tho firm of Gm LUCAS & Soxs, and intend to carry on the business on an increased scale. They will always keep on hand a very large and cheap stock of Buoys AND Stious, ail of their own manufac ture. They nro all perfectly acquainted with the bu. sines, and employ none but the best workmen, whist' enables thorn to warrant all work as represented.-- They are confident that their stock is not excelled by any other establishment in Allentown. They call particular attention to their stock of Ladies, Gentie men's, aliases and Children's Morocco, Calfskin, and India Rubber Overshoes. Thu senior partner is thankful for the patronage bestowed on him during the 20 years ho has boon in business, and hope. that by continued strict attention to customers, ma soiling taloa , prices, they will receive a full sharoorpatronage in future. EMI AD -Country Merchant. will be supplied at abort nudes and ut Elio lowest City prices. GEO. & SONS, Allentown, January 0 lIMM Why arc We Sick. FRANCIS XANDER 1211 IM 121E1 lEi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers