THE LEHIGH 11,EGISTE 11:7T1111 MISSING STEANEKR.—The New York An Interesting Letter from the West. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL Journid OF Comineree, referring to the missing A correspondent of theN , ow York Herald, writing ..,.:-... -&7 is trout ChippoWa coMity,lN is., owlet. ditto of March steamer Pacific, says the insurance on her • • ' t ' 4 9IC ' III M-:ill ES • ,ct Lab. says:— very large; the amount on the ship is $6OO,- Hero in my lonelyotiliisetoe‘olifnelictiiiilifiliedlpocz,eciiiilii,.lsoo C 11. lIAINT7., liming made tirrangements • ror re -000, half ti_thls country atid half in Europe ; miles trout the city , it 1 . ,,, t i t ,.. e .S it o i l mi .r l i i ii t t a t t i m t i l l ie u I r t t e . t- i t t. 1 m i ls. , S i te to .1%; or - i IL. all 'the freight money is insured ibr $40,000 more. nearest out I nit don n, nit• perusing a pat k:i t, ?,.. the lm ( e x c A Ol i t , i r e i . l 3 01 , x y t t, el L h er , c . f n t l o p p e al , of ulii . cli, oft n er is non ready to receive orders t ' Mr r i c h e : ' s t i ' ll ' l l l e F4 t i o r t U t b h g t ' : She had between sus and seven hundred tons'mei,,,tiileimunisble totes. cabin in this Hirt% ing ton i tinliiitl Sll,L CO Y ' i,.: ' , l, : c b ‘ e ci e ) l; of• cargo,'valued at over $1,500.000, most of Ireodipetliotesdvriatlitieceptin end l add toy voice to your 1,0 ol ' l 4112111,170Milli'te'4elt."311"1"Utte.: n'tiit'ttinvitltlL)tiun'tunietcgilalepficquenith which was insured, a good part in this country. fluctuating Nev l t to ty be mottled by lett\ Mg their orders n u ill o t " ;to ' c 'i L l i i l ' i l i l t York, to gt t WL t, i:ti i d " t ' li t e i r t trf e o l i " tt ' 1. 1. 111 The insurance is divided among various offices 'mme n ionic in the. it ht. butane.. to litre them attended to A that haul times or depression cannot ' rub them of: minion[ are also miticiontintcd with the iclittit tt . N ill throughout the country, so that in case of loss and to cuttii in yout .in lot ent I shall cite it little ttl um of tile Moulted. of %tomtit s with nhich c italogui t or damage to the ship or cargo, the blow would my min experience. '' " i . c. tilled, nod if the eel. non is len in the Nltiset • y - In consequence of the derangement of business and • I t ) 0. in must ca-e-, the mutt iiiisaltabl: tiro rent. i not fall exclusively on New York. The Pacific I t i ed t a , e , s o e u it i t it t i t i t 1 . 111 , , , 3 times, is commended by Captain Asa Eldrige, who has I etc severe plants turniAted at lon I illt.J. 16"' 1 ''''. of 'el ifinNieniiiiry•liemtetli i i e n f ) a , l , l , l l l l ,. Cur :3 l , L n i ( a o 1 thatl iiit nent 1 ettilletil e tot uiyC. B. HAIN rz. navigated the Atlantic with the most res onsi• tote o I have joutney L d far and wide through many tll Allentown, Match 12. 4t ble commands for nearly a quarter of a century I c Weston States lint could not get hold of 11 ' li , suit eau Until 1 il ' iks lea into Nottlisestc n l " ‘ t ' mg. - - ------- - - As some reason for the encouragement of lio y : 1 I lauded at latilit•s, It flout ittliit'ig do l t% o l i '' i t ° O n ; N Waco to A FiSeiSSOVS. in her safety, the long delay of the Atlantic Pi:l‘t!itt".i-iiitand thimigh the g entlemanly Lula- 1 . 1 1I 11 A•ses•ot t of the difletent IVardl, Borough. 1851 is referred to. The Atlantic left lAver- .oi .11 I. Lord, the Itegutter of the Lima office thcie. 1 13.1t.tsIr 111x[ not to 1 kit thil 0,1911. On tile 271 le 01 end ((moduli , - ot Lehigh ttomity, are hetet)) 10- pool, December 28, 1851, and not a lisp of in-Ti l l ,• L: t i s i i , t e i n i t i e i c i f i. t it l i ii. i i i e ti e t T i m i k t ~.,, I.m:t. , in their °late, in Ile • i i f ,r„ l e ( l i ' :ii i i. ' i ' ; I I nit ''l I R '" v t a w s n i ' rg t ti c l u i t a L l i tr ui loud lll. tclligenee of her reached her owners for r0i1 ,1.,- the world, well neterLd, tiini . tet• on i:11••jni: ees. and such other men netions :te i t i' t l i i it;'il ' ilill ' c 't l i tt l\ t ‘ t ' u t tt: tune days. She went ashore on the coast of i t e . ',,T t c m '' in earl la . the telhllment of their ic•peettre (hale., as Ireland, and her passengers themselves brought I a leila t ii t i l l.; ti l fs e n u ti l , l' a t i f i t i l l ut t i i: l b e l d i tine witht g 11. ' t i l t l tl: i f t ii i iie r e h i u ' l ' i:l l , v l i The mses-ois of the Inali-leip t i of 1111ter Milford, choice that it ice in the iimm o ditit ' il I d ini Li t Milliad, Soth Whin hall, t i Washingtn aild the news of her safety by the Africa. The l'll- ...t a i l ' , : t e i r ii s i t i txtoo l onely , Sant utaild fortieth one rifle left. Liverpool on the 23d of January, Itctlet than I•;eis Yolk ut pit t e Macungie, to oppeni on Monday the th day in it ket. it i l l itri t il ' i t t i a l t ' t i s s i ( tTa l l ' i ',l i " l ",l l ;Am e woulda find& liar r • 1 , 1,," I ,! " n eN ,, t ,: i .,, n r forty-five passengers, and officers and crew, I iiii ' i _. , _ 1 ti-_ti ~..... . the ton red4ps of Lowliill, Weisen mole money th 03 It notild in Nen• Yeilt it numbering one hundred and forty one. sem, 1 revue lit le in , nin elle% • 1 ' 3. the j ;, , 1 Lynn, , :dishing atoll Eppel• Simeon, on Tuesday un, I . ILI . hi tiro g cntlemen I i day of Aiml next. from Nem• York 1 1 11114 tot 2% tittles into the Mutt 'flie msessors of NZ. th '0 South Wald, Lehigh I):7EN-Tl-1.1-01-1D INAI -... 1S CI.—MORFU M t\.—Samuel hotote I wit-1 sate-1t .11 and tiitti,i,tlartlic,e,,,,lltitt*t,l(toti gentlemen Ward. Allentown, - nil of Ca‘t i t i t- i i . iuquit, on Wednesday th it the land •itilt ' ul . Williams, h colored man sold his farm near I limb boated aletig•i le l itl an:titi.t. vier tlie4tit day of April next. it I n :: i a t tt c. tt , t , t . l ,t e ton o.ltips of North Whitehall, ' Clem spi ing, 'Ald., last secs ic , containing near tiiilltieiitillti,"ii,tiSe• tut [the They' bath 1 :J1. s: i t:I: II :I:L i I Ind, Coy bought 600 acres, for seven thousand dollat s. to John Id i., iii. li i ,i f l e i l i i in i s i.i l e, l k o l l o ,i d i. i i i , ii n , s i i ll Maimilue, on Ilan - 1 ma ibi ii bsiol e boon 011151 ct? l ' i t " i t l l ' e 4 1 1' ;•i i i t t I t i l'O i l t lii 11 e 1" : 1 u7 Peed. The lingo Sten TI Mail sayst—NVillinins I ..EDWARD BECK, Chnk „ I, o „ g l i t, hi nt . i..l,l:itt.mellititiTitlil::,l„titiit,tilt" aver '1"t) I" that' Pal t Allentown 'Abide 1^ , - 7 ,Z-7... ,„ was a Slave at forty years of age, , ‘OlO in goi I Iti i.., l i t i l i i , , , t . I t l , ln i i , ;old nil, 0 , 1 11 r.l ___ _ 0 (1,, Lost ~ i, iii th,. ----- --- ------ ill self, and laisui twenty lic e children four off Sete,Sr in 11 : world,A V ALL \ 111,1: eltot,liirry 1 das mai ilie " """"Iti ""t h". It""41" lo whom lie bought and manumit , rd. He is now Iparties1 parties tilt' 1,1 he , t -1011 of it 100 AT PRIVATE SALE. " 1 They hits e appointed one Heir noclit kola L in his 71st year, and is d stout, t'ill and intilli ' -2',,,,un.THE well !mono I•lttud, i 011111%0111, culled "Tll4ll- A will. I n a 1 t ,; : 1 111 1 . ill o n ininiediate vicinity, t let t a sus' gent looking old man. lie is now in Independ ent circumstances. I\l°4 of his child:en et e i ll 1 , , & -at C111401:1111114:-.7.:1:111P11"‘In l e 'li t i ::e l fi ll t i '' c l t't ' 1 "I t'lt 1 " i( `'nln:1"11.-Itil'llnui."/II"' Icing clue lihinVin the l'nrnm4l' °I Al ','t fliill:::chl?:litlitt"'lls"tit'lTel'i t " .1 %1 11; " ti , cut .30,1111 n hi. 1 para day l ot t l ' i l it i lt i t. " l I lin" ed 1•L (Imo tut Butt, Jr., the West and the rest of ilium all desii it to en l it c i"" " I .000,:otti i i i n i i iL i i ,s ii t i i i . lie (i l , ,iii t , i i i iiil„, , os ti,mi 2.„0tel i„ , 1 :,,: i ," t ' at It I '" ill the hi " L ' l3.4 "' 3133 " th 1 to the same stormily, so the old man has eon- ~,, .,1 ,,..,. ...; i1,..,, , ,.:,,, ,, , , , .., , ,, , ,. ii , , , ..,., ~,... ~,, It_ ricer i it'l. 11.11 g tie a 4. , 1e1 il Side, and connects 1 tl. mil.) ind the ittiall i -out i-e ntitlll point with the gent 1111 , ticillii i . scnted, although foul of do , country, to " lull soli 1 r tole t of 1 1101 ill It good Lulu% idea ''' "4) fret ik ti Innis lit the 1: t't 'l.-3 ‘4.:1":".. II i l i 1 " 1; i 4 l 1 l ItYlI n' f..r il l al it tilias mid Le tI t t Tile 1 r tip stakes" and f illow them. , • -al ii old and t Nie I lent t till nilive 1111111 11101 eei . 0 . A.... , •et deed tins 3- thi gleetti. t .t hinilar Ne . IMO; . 011 ' 11::. , :,,A0 --., proi t inciit;ilit ictai L tir n ea L- t . LL o ston y 1 1 ; 11 ' r" /"--A SII,MsT COSIIICNIII.-1 he Melli,4 of , ' o"nneut ' ...._ •2triN ..,- ,L. BRICK Dl\ 1:1•I•ING 1101_ SI . I 1:•• hoc e four limns alliontinif ti.- lila: ir 11 i 1 t`.i 14 " tt-'" 't mid 1 itch i I ' La Trappe in Paris, arc perhaps, the most sin 1 I :l ‘ ,:,, l i " l t i t i " . l l, l t‘ ' ii a , 11 l i, 1 1 " ', I I I ' 11 " m '' k fi ; i ''''" • l "to. a a .^-1:'-i 1.,,,,, 1‘.“,,,, 1 ; (‘, % ., l ,li t n( a t 0 1 ,"1,2 1 1;u n l 1 1" ' gular and austere religious oi iler uniong IMM i 1 t i ~ is ~,,,e , 1 i 1 ,1, 1 . tuta.liiigirt'h ~: e, ,, , , ,,i , i , 1 , iie 3,,,,, 1 ,, , I, k n i -l • ti ,I fun ti IN 111 , •11111 , . 1111 1 .1 a good Li ell'n•it ' l a i it t ui ll l l l ' l l . hind. The most ext.!•am dinal•y featum•e of deli ' .. „. . i i i i i r i ,1: i i i.. .1, 0 1, 11 ,1 ,:r. IL ohm.; Hotrod Ilic Mi l lar 10 Om. I ii i Neil -, Ohl-, filo( 11,N•e Ili, 1, le nie l l 'n •e t i ietie'll:l:,l-‘,„1:,1,s1:1%:‘ ! , I l 1 1 , i e l ~1 „ . (~,, 1;1 1 1 ,0 1 111,11111,117,1 I::•liri4l)tiii,i, property ii , ( institution, particularly for ritneimum. is that ::11 1 :.. • ,, , , ,,, , ,, ,t r iim 1 n y :i.:7lnilta vie Li they hold no oral communication with (itch I -likr file I I ,ell,, lele farms o lili i liiiit N 1 loin II \ Jar t ' " 'lilt 'frees, a • ' , ILL , . s e rie s, 1, 1 .. 7 r-I l a i i i l , 4 , 1 1 1 , - , • :n on la found tit the Il i -tent to ',ION. 'I hen. I. t Id "III• 11 nit rt-attt ' lt t o s . '' '• ~ :* Nut '''''''. to o-thild4 other, neither sic vlsitoi•s psi nutted to speak . ~,e t il , t , L l r i e . „ fli t ie ttl i c u t l it . l ,l l- , , , , n a v, l t t e i ne ti l t m illi II:, at ,1 t het 1 t ••• 1 , 11 ,, al Vit 1 irl,t , let ' il m : ', f ' llr ' . l :‘ • 1 • with thcin. They maintain throughout Unit gions dmic, ~ d I limis fi t a i•olio, ' l t , II - - 1,11.1 t i t li tt , t h o t :„ .‘ , I I I ;s it i ,1 1 " 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1.11,;':'1'111,`"'I:11t1Ir‘1"1110"111t5""t"re t" Sill ""d scud its 1.1(J walls, except when engaged in veili i i iii, 4 i .. ,i I, ~ ii arc ii i i i i ,l,iii,,iiieteii,..,ll,l,leii4ll3 )el.lO el. FOI ~, ixt • •',1,:(0111111, 111111 ate at pit ,i I -, tut Lt lat m ot, a perfound silence, like the stillue,s of the tomb ii in 1 t in tit ,i lt il i.... i , i i i y ii i: ii i i i, ,i. l s, , ii t i ii b , e the hail tot itt , Mime. tipplii anon 1111101 he In tih to liberal °jun Lore - They work sonic in the mechanical arts, and tont, "t t 3 ' let IlII: ' 1111'1 ' 1".IIII:.... iim ' M trel 19 JOHN HALBACH, It 1 11.11111t • r. It Li -I it it, tt Agctit for (km ge But/. wi ite for icli,ions publications. i. I r\ in Brett 111011 , ioll. .IL I Corroded II LI —:',l, Ille Moo , il, lit they 4.1111 414. n o d 1 tr"" ' . 1 -. 11,/ /NM %UNABLE: A Imes y —l/r. 1: ln aril 11. " 1 ' I le - el , el' , , I'll ' 1 ". 11 ; 111 ' . I.' i 'l '' i't tolls L1 ) 511110 ; 1 11 / 111 the II • ools, .111.1 , 11 o.'lll , . I INV l ' l ' .o ' ? ' 1 :1 1 l i l l II ' l ' ` ' l ' nuluir came out of Slate Plison, at Alibuin 11I".11''''' PUBLIC AUCTION. New I • Or ' s , Ft.bruary 15th, [chore be In I served i t :VI- iii " l7tittl:( " l t . It,l " e t ti g i ' s " ;:ll , i b.,. in - " , I 1, 4. .11, •,1110 ruck it tanning t7ittlitt V 131'711" (11°,1,131 Wll,l, lie NOl,l 111 iiiil,llo itil, lion, 111 it , eltit SI" 'V. ten years fur the alai &it iron of his wife in Tom- 1 „,,, ~, I 1 ~ um ,i, i iodi :-tote, in All, Monti, on 1 4 010 1 115% Isins county, andwas immediattly nt 1 ested on i ' o l ' , :, ,, i t _•t t i Stitit,,liitltitiiii:li,"-liiiiiil:E,l,lirt',,,it.'s::,t(bin,Piii,",,l.',lL:', ",`, 1 , ' , 1 :: ~„,1 I lit -2d of Mal, loge lot of Stole floods i • oat Oil the , I.llll l d 401 ll ' 2 "f doll, t a-01101. eMIII , lc ' " 1'1.4- a ch b il e d nc a h s e v i a h r l i t t e al o n f for the i i i i e n, ‘ i ‘ b a l s o , f a l i i . l i s w 7 t i , f ( c i a t :l e n t i l ~,i, , ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,, , 1 ,,,, , , , ,,,, lii ~,,, , ~,, lite . ) 1,,,,,1.. , ... I ~ ‘,,, .., , 11 , „,,.... 1 „ h, 1ti.. ., g i e • tu t, o , l l l n . 1 . ',, i lium. i '' ` ..ti r em ' PMI'S ago, fold of which it is now thought " 1 1 ' P t ` '3.1'1.11r1/3:"; ‘l s t-i '.' IIII" ru".1"IiI""',13"; I' , 1,1 ~, ,It olt e a I,tigc It tot hal•di%•.ii i c 'i , t - t . tell i n t s i . t ii i i%• "l l "l l '" ~ i,g,, 1,, 1111, ~.. ~,,i,,,,15.0,1,,,,,,,1i111,11 1 1, t , t , L ,, , , rt et lilt. •1 ton . ratio Met• mods, aiigoli lug-. loolstag gla " 2se s2 -', , „ von jinn ,. a -en of platt tl It tinkle , . II lot of bent Is, b0x.... 11 g ood • dence has been found, to cons ict him. It Is lam 1 ii-, -s l ot I.( 2o 11,1 , of prima. I I 1 1 i 0341 • 140 i .1101 in •10 , 1 l 1111 kind- 01 store Weal.- ell said that during his impi isoinnutt a lai ge for- so nerve iii maim'. ibe il, , of ni 1 I ." 'I 1 ' t"' ' c, . I ), it, ,i ,I. 1, s 11l I It el ,11. .14.11 ,:rely t l l .l 14 4114.11. t 1 11111111011. I`lllo tO (111111 • ... iI1( 1 M( • 111 1.11 . my 't 1% n , '• 111 11 t. 11 1 it', 1,,, I. and i onitime 41111111;..• tllO 41 "I In ' ni tune has linen to hint In Eill ope. ~, ior 1 , 12 o i l it Bright:. lit.iths Cll-. 111 i T 1.1-. C 1: 1 I ltetitic thc del ay and NA Lleng. lA , IN ~f.r , ,,,.1... , i t h l u l . e l : ii 1: 0 i 01 5 1 % t il , l r ) , 1 , 1 i g n t o litlt inan froth Allem\ , .',A,, 1 , 1 J 06E1'1 I STOPP. riN ill.S IN TIM SFOM %MIS OF Carri.z.—Mr. .s. 11111111 Me 4 \ 114 i to . I `,lnn. 1" —2l Ili zekiah 8, , ,,ii. of East Windsor, Connect, mu, n mammoth faint this spiny , old " "n " I 1 - 101.1 ~r pri the it In rt nit cal I•It"it; t 1 1c ni PR" "I :1-NMT,culy---E,3, -I p 4 --- --- rut, killed two beef cattle on his farm last fill, i um. ,t, ob. mown' , •at :d all ' l ' I ' Il. : . (tti " cm:, reditor4 of the firin of 1 iI 1 ~,,,,,,.. wilco ii - • , impel t Int tin, ill shit'''„ _ ta...,,s_lM-Cti cii, ...., ,i 1 r0:,i,.. .c impt•mt. li. las 1.111 :ell Cur :,:'.2 I 1,, L el, anti alt , fle° 01 I:. 'lr e. i Bober, i"l'e n t ro 4. l i t 3 e r re i l it y• in the ••31011ineir4 of which were found nearly a pint of )vet v shin-lei *1 T ' . , lai s. vs nifty of his ii . 1 1 1, 1 1 i n i ii:legliiii(.iiii,i,iof,:iiii,e,stii,.llll,lf, ,i i , „ ,, , , ,, i i i , , , , 1 . , / d i / i i ; , , , , , ,i,r,_ , , „ , 1 1 , 11 1 ,11 1 k, dotfllitlll,,t:l,tilirbleittaitits,roff Accoinitsaredaced i n the iI , pc so Is indebted t .tt, s ,t t it, i , l l tl o l: , ::li o L l i t i ' l n li t l ' Til l i t , l:{ ' :l l 4 ,, 'l t t t i l t e l i d ire herc t ity cattle bail btu) ill fin some time pi e% 1005. ~ i i , i • t, r , t, olil winter \iinititog to them. 'I lie s'pl'it t then:lore 'all appealed that Mr. Bissell hail I'C shingled his barn; after they nu e tilled ei ith hay : the Lid 1,, ilt,bisn,",t,',,,i,l,lhrti'„'2,3" I ”" - Imo . her , . n od t , „„,„ nottto il, that unle ~,, the , d , , ,,, , I IL , ~ bore the 1 tltll (1111 Of Alaith lost seas on .% " I r l 'lto tootle liately brought against thi in. ' " ° in L i r hits tutu a • mi l . ' ltt " fi l l " i 't t 111141 liglit. ' hen •: 1,4' an nails f inn% through the i oof into the hay,is _ passed with the hay into the stout:trim of the ' .111" it twit way bet's" III" II III" Inii. ' ."l t ini ADAAI WOOLEYER. „ t f ill tool 111 i i mi - t t C ila• itit i tis, March 12. '`i —2t cattle, awl they have not yet MeM cad th t4.11i , - of Lour I et) bosh tauntl n ', lle ll ,' 1 , . 111 " ', --`--_,_`__- posed 0, 1.,, 4, 1,,,,„ I row ; i„,,,ll, : t l i l • oat 4. 441144 ulle 1,1 , 110111 _ _ lig. pre, ,ii•ten+ city Ilk,l emy former condition. (•,,, lis , tatting 1111 V 4. 4NI rl, day,) and ' . t itougli 1111. 111,0 101'111 d tool eielerial 1 • Mill+ This instil li-The Pinch and Plum aces in the neigh- :si is tit,' gr lit that Illtsr ” I" tills ' all .) IIN al ~t , Ole eNe of in in N Odd lows' 11111 it is Nolii 1:0041 potpie that will alit the • mu. nititg helot% it. boyhood of Hagerstown, Md , have been crackedmal declaim firm) the ground to the branches by the frost. farti:bitsisitiohititiP.lsttilltitit sutureii l tn II "? ''''' II • l ' e millii to • it, i fill, (1011. • t Cal de must Yet doubts are expiessed whether the (mit 1., norm in three Lim i t. -t , sal thou 11 " . will to no altund 111. l• Of all flint Mill t •1 11 ' "IL'''. ,cult Is t door. seriously injui•id by the cold. The • Prairie Ido liot think th It it il ' man "" " ' l ' I"' /It newel. (Illinois) Fat nice sa3s, fruit powers ill (lint 11., le a ill etiiiiii he ii l % Il ils o• """"ii"" lit • • 'die" in 1 -i 10,01 , e, there will Ilit."”e. °I I ''t' "il l '. d'ill'll" a p,1,01 term 10 ,e get titer' - _ region base given up all hopes of a f i int crop, the hint of 'LI N beuio., I sit IR ic iii . ,,l ii , , , ii i , a , I N 1 , , , at go% collet 111 pint. AVIILII A • t " except apples. The theintometer hasi Id my t-Ituat ion has tacit 1111,1 FI , ''' I." \ iii I '''s will[ the situation 1. of ill 1 . 14 N . NI iy Tit tin, ill ' Non , degress below zero in Chicago, and 28 degrees t i t i i ,i l , l , it: me ta the ad% u c that Mi. tit t ictitiy in the s • lmlay. The in•csumption is, that l i CO ‘II.IIIIIIRg. 1t i i, 11. ,,i i1 11 , 1 . 1 . .4 y ‘ 11 ,, 1 , 11 , 1 , ! .. 1 hat IN.I. 11111,1)ang cor peach (Res, &c., and all other tenilei sin übe, 1 L ' l ' I ls-1111'. 1.111141 10 , 1 II 4 11.111-11le 111. e i' - i I " ie u t n iM i t l i ° l N l e' i i—Hilv't. are dead don•n to the snow-lnie. ‘ll.l 11 I • 441,111111 01-dill—NMl 11111 \ Hat I . 'l'l I"."'' 1.1 It' n tO-111111- --0 , 11.41.- - - - - I' oNN 11111 li A 111 awn lilt 3 I dime %one • i eiliill I-• tour. : a i tl ' e l : I % ll l l l l t' i l i t n. " l • "11l is",:ig f37. LUCKY ESCAPE. —A tax collector on Long Islam' o f oluntai ily robbed a lady of her va- 1 ,: ,:di you will I ' d " lit("I` 111 " ' " 1 "",_ :d : ' ' ' ' '''"'•7'1112:1 list) last week. Ile was tiding along in it I. stn l i% lli s l e l : I A. " 1 { 1 1 lilt' el 1 1 1 ' e r e i t 11" ath '-'ll "" 1 ." hate—carp ~ , 1 1 1 1. 1 11 , 1 1 :1 , : i n t. , 1 , • .gal limn S 2 to it 2 50 per day buggy %%hen he overtook, and eateesdtd to her,i i i i , , i i l i , o olll,l l e: i l ;id n i iit , iii fla t ii is hind to gt 1 bil,' ill • I•etillUSl to take her as a passuiger. Nut al l it s ll ° N : eN en Milli is a biet el el 's gli n . 1 1111‘ci11•11.3.1'N'hintlia"nd:1 ltbructlCßll","l't lilting her appealance—which was decidedly l ‘ o i fi ii ii i . , amyl' he 11111 manage to get in n crop, tlt k el ' il inascultne—he dropped a glove, and when she for it. There nre l i i i ,. ‘ e w ( n ... i t l i lz. , • , re nt. l , l l t a %I tit?. got out fur it drove off 1 apidly. The Iltdy tillitl; il itt r t :g l. ( ,, t e t , , , i i i i t , i i i i t ; i i tt orthree years—that Mille 110r0 111711 g 111 tired a pistol twice at him, without effect—and moot to Melt• b u cks and SCIIII`eIV It 41 11 • o or in then the valise was found to containpair • a of pistols iiisket- , . elm are now able . and wealthy farmers, and and a bowie knife ! 4 1111 bllll.l of their hroad lare , + got ' Il% O • ' inclo-li . I 111110 Illiewly malls this , t 01 • 11111 n i n e re ( 1 )" li -------- lon le ngthy; hot, in conclusion, through your e n xt t e a ti " 1:0-1VONDIMFCI. WATCH.— At the French Ex -1 orel:.'it'llin"tultli'„lno" i'l F"Y to the good people of Nen position, there was exhibited a watch which. iteed de,pair, tor the writet•of ll t 1 1 1 ,1 1 ., this day arrived to his oxtieth birthday, and I l itt created much interest and admiration. It irtgliieilini,i(dliiiitthelielicitittends to opLU 1,1.10 tells the name and day of the month ; the egos- ti: re t 3 trll l t l i l s " L l 1. 1 would abut odd that about tl ' lr c c7 " n i ;ontlis wince 1 tion of time ;is a repeater, striking the min- i . i ii i ii rdi f ai n i ‘ s i i %%arrant within halt ii mile of the site as well as the hour ; is a thermometer of s t t li t i t o t ; t r i l Ne,, _ \.,,i,. , 11 , 1 1 1 r at 1 r i .: , e . an engrin tr. ill Fulton ..tiect, tolerable accuracy, and n Inds itself sip by the just been misled -15 per to re action of its own movement. The price Of this . L., 11 1 1 ,0 g , , , d1 i ) fur it, and lime %Li itten to him t• 1 i lint 011..1 1 tont erett him about CI `penture in Nen Youl . ingenious piece of wet kunst:mid pis 30,000 francs , 111 " 111 1 , e non 11 Oleic* make off of one t narte" (over $5000). ,et t ion of laud. EL el% per -on now hitsthe i : • Mini e, (fond lotntliMs are vet to 11111 "in ' '' Net, I think that , 111111` of mile very last lore lnd Y -i 111111, Lcl" taken op. If this should meet the aye of m i te t I ' l t would desire . more informittion front this land of I - t m ty. ditect to ...T. (1. Y., Blink ltiL et Full. ri l l' Lkn lollllty, Wisconsin," and I'will cheerfully' . I' giro ' "" it, Hutt locate their land for them too. WTI RAS 00' TIME Walt Or 1814. MODERN INVENTIONS. We know of no invention of modern times that de serves or is destined to occupy a higher niche in the temple of fame than the discovery or invention of the Vegetable Epiletie ' Pills for curing Epilepsy, or Full ing Fits , ; Spasms, Cramps, and all the various modi fication of Nervous Disease. Dr. .S'eth 8. /lance. of 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, bud., the inventor, is certainly entitled to the hubt wishes of all the benevo lent portion of nuntkind, who experience a pleasure, by' the alleviation of human suffering. When Dr. Hance first prepared these Pills, he intended them solely for Fits. Cramps and Spasms ; but subsequent experience satisfactorily proved to him, that iu addi tion to their remarkable sanative properties in this Class of diseases, they exert a perfect control over the entire nervous system. -lie was then induced to try them in cases of Neuralgia, Tie-Doloreux, Nervous Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Incipient Paral ysis, Hysteria, Muscular Debility, and a hest of minor diseases, springing from a lack of nervous energy, i all of which his anticipations were cotwned With the n most sanguine success. Persons at a ills tance, by writing end sending a remittance to Dr. Hence, can have tho medicine forwarded by mnil to their ost office address, ho paying the postage. The Thiessare for a single box, $3, two boxes, $5, or $24 Per dozen. We have given his address above. DIED On the 3rd inst., in Forks township, North ampton county. of dropsy. MARY MAGDALENA, wife of Henry Lerch, aged 69 years, 3 months and 9 days. iii XX3III ‘vr frLIII :OP %- - ‘ l ll li 4-1 ALLENTOWN MARKET. (Correetetrweekly by l'rotz, Guth A; Co„) Flour,'-1 barrel, . $8 MlPotatoes, . • • WhetL. . . • . 100 Ilarn, Corn, ' 60 Sides Rye 1 151 Shoulders, . • Oils, • • • • . . 40 Lard, - . • • . Ray, • 20 00 Butter. Salt, • 60 Eggs, 11 doz.,. . • .Es..llehtovlrri Academy. TIIE imuunl Exhibition of the pupils ta — this tution will take place, ut the Oil Fellows' Ilan, this work. Fitly evening. 14th inst. The exercises, consisting print ipally of Jlachann lions, interspersed with n variety of agreeable music, will continence at i o'clock. A charge of• 145 cents will he made nt the door, to defray expeives. N. 111[1:U011Y, Principal. It March 12. ANEW VOLUM E OF E MAG AZI NE OF lionTlcuut:RE: Monttrtly Journal of Hor ticultural Science, Lamb:cape Gardening and Iturnl Art. will commenee on the first of January. ISA.-- (The second volume of the third series.) Edited by C. M. nether of the Finite of Americo. A few Complete Sett. in Twenty-one Volumes, hand :wifely bound, conk. The Second Volume of t h e Tilton Snows (vol. xxii.) was published on the Cr. 4 of Jonuary last.— It lots now been so long before the public, mid is FO popular throughout the country, that it would appear superfluous to urge its claims upon the attention of eultivators. amateurs, or gentlemen interested in Her tieultural pursuits. It bus been highly influential in diffusing it taste for Gardening and Rural Art every where, and is nn almost 'indispensable .oid to the ]'ontologist, the lover of Flowers, the Country Gentle man. and till who feel the leant interested in the cul tivation of trees and plantn, in the adormnent of their gar ,l ois anal g r o unds, or in the spread of a taste for Rural improvement. To enlarge its influence, cor responding with this advance of taste, and the in creasing number of cultivatorn throughout the West, is the object and anthition of the editor. It will embrace, among other hiudrea'subjects, the following: The Progress of 'Horticulture ; The Science of Culti vation ; Descriptions of all New Fruits': Descrip tions of all New Flowers; Descriptions of oil New Trees find Shrubs; Pomologieal Gossip; Lontiscape Gardening; The Kitchen Gorden; Reviews of Horticultural Works; Suburbon Visits; Foreign Notices: Monthly Gen . sip ; Replies to Questions; Reports of Horticultural Societies. And to facilitate the labors of cultivotorS, a Month ly Calender of Horticultural Operations will be given in (leen, null adapted to the wants.of amateur culti vators, reminding them of the routine of operations which are necessary to be performed in the Fruit Garden, Flower Garden, Ornamental Grounds, Green houses, Drapery and Kitchen Garden, through the varying seasons of the year. In fine. giving all the information which the amateur or the country gen tleman requires to monage'successfully (lie smallest or haget , l garden. In the twenty-one volumes now completed, more than Six Hundred heotrings of the newest tintl Finest Fruits have tqfpeared, many of them in no other work, and upwards of Fifteen Hundred other Engravings, illustrating the great variety of subjects treated upon. No pubis will be spared to render the Magmiue what it has heretofore been—the most valuable horticultural peritoneal extant, Tenets.—Two Dollars it year, in advance. 4. lib eral discount to agents. Addres Y s HOVE& Co., //oston, Mom March 12 ?.AI-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS WANTED for two or four years, for which a mortgage:security will be given. For particulars applrat this Omen. tf March 5. Job Printing, Of all kinds neatly executed at this Office Nort io ham cavi pton npda, Water Dr3r. ALLpersons using the water of the Company for family on other purposes, will please take notiel that the time - to renew their permits is the first of April next, and it is expected that they will call upon the undersigned Treasurer and renew the.same.— Those•per.mits mho hove not settled for their permits flout the lot to the 111th of April, mast not complain if the water is stopped front them otter that time. The board reserves the right where the Water is need by joint Ilydrant if not paid by all joined, to stop it if they see proper, as they consider such arrange ments solely antageous to ilm,e who connect in using water, conqequently cannot interfere with ar tangetnent:, of this kind. NOtiCO is also given to per.on. who with to use 'Hydrant Water for building purpo. , es, that they must take out their permits before they commence building, and if this rule is not strictly observed the (bulge mill be double for the water. Jay Order nj the Borrrd. dons J. linAt sr:, Treasurer. March 12. —4t RECISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the heirs; creditors and others . , who may be interested in the estates nil' the following deceased persons, in Lehigh county, to wit : The second (Aid final eccount of Samuel llottel and John Eberhard, Administrators of Jacob Eberhard, coed. The account of William Metzger, Administrator of Daniel Metzger, deed. • The account of Ithmasses and Daniel TM; Execu tors of Susanna Denise!, dee'd. The aceount of H. C. Lougnecker, Administrator of Michael Engelhard, deed. • The account of Philip Claus nod Joshua Rauch, Administrators of Adam Claus, deed. The act'oinit of Joseph Lataatch, Administrator of Peter itl. Rice, deed. The account of David Masser and Benjamin Seta mel, Executors of Philip Mossur, dee'd. The account of Jonas mid ReubenSensinger, 1d- The of (l cargo Sensinifer, (hft'. The account of Jacob A. and Daniel A. Leihy, Ad ministrators of Andrew beihy, deed. The account of Henry Ilenritze, Administrator of Andrew Seltisler, dee'd. The !lemma of William 11. Blunter, Administrator ut Am m Eliza Ilcimbach, dee*d. The account of Joseph Young, Executor of Rev. C. R. Kessler. dee'd. The aceount of Henry T. Shell, Administrator of Samuel Stinemam deed. The areonot of David Schwartz and Abraham Die fenderfer. Administrators of John Diefenderfer, dec'd. The account of David Rudy, Israel Rudy nod Pcta firers, Administrators of Dors Rudy. dee'd. The account of Nathan Metzger, Administrator of Thomas Worman, dee'd. Thu above named Executors. Administrators and Ilintrdians have filed their Amount, in the Register's office, in Allentown. in and for the County of Lehigh, which said Accounts will be laid before the Orphan's Court of said County for 'emdirmation, on Tuesday the Stli day of April. IS:al at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. SAMUEL COLVER, Register. March 5. --tc PUBLIC SALE. -vc,ILL be sell ut public sale, ut the house of the late .Torts F. 11.‘mrz, deed., in riper Macula gy township. Lehigh county, on Fridny the 11th of :March next, the following, described valuable personal properly, viz: ,71 One horse, One COW. 0110 hog. four sheep, er..-,J," 'tioile Wiiginit 1-lionie-wagiiii,l4":o-4 I,lle pleasure carriage. Iturtietts, patent wintl- . 16; will. straw-cutter, feed-trangh, bran-chest. grain- cradle. grain-bagtt , grind-done, cutting-bench, (this ebt, augers, two guns. grass-rey thes, wheelbarrow, buy by Ilse toll, straw, grain in the ground, bay tool ma nure folio:, robes, stove with pipe, bell: , and bedding, bureau, oink, flour-chest, calpets, tel eight day chat': midi chest, four looking glasses. potatoes by the bushel, tablet:, elutirs, tubs, barrels, iron little, nod numerous other article too tedious to mention. The cOnditions on the day of rule, and tine uttend once giveli by SOLOMON EI'DI.II. 1•:1.1:'..111111'1!1 lALSTZ, .I,llnr*.s. March 5, AFAIMISTRATBR'S NBTICE. I\ToTteE. is hereby given that Letters of Adminls tration in the Estate of Elizabeth :Miller. wi dow, late of the Borough of Allentown, deceased, have been granted to the Fubseriher;+. Persons indebted in either Notes, Bonds, or lloolt-delo, ore requesied to make payment to idther of the undersigned Ad_ ministrators, (or to J. F. Uite, Esq.. thkir appointed who is outhoriZed to receive the saute.) within six weeks front thk dato hereof. And Ihork having claims to present ngainet so id tdate•will bring their Recount to said J . . F. Rube. E: q., in said time. HENRY MILIEU, 'ilium Ai Mll.l,Elt, j ft Administrators. i Allentown,. March 5. - _. ___.______ ma-cporacp3o., Tut: Court of Quarter litu•sion of Lehigh c ounty. having ordered an election. to bu twit 010 in the question or the location or change of the plume 41 hulling the general, speeial nod township elections, in Washington township, in said county, on the 21,1 d fly mf March A. at the public howl.: of D. C. Peter, in out township. I`Zoti , e ie therefore time l y giVtql. that an election for said purpose upon said 1111,411011. will he held nt the eui.l publichottse, on the Iby above mimed. het a yen the Loire deAgnated by Law for hulling township elections. MANY VOTERS. March 5. 31 - TO-aOUSEREEP* ERS v • :-/I_(2nioetpcof, • i ICHAIRS ON HAND.L I "DEISS S. SIEGER, No. 32, Vet uailton street, -1-1) • all the attention of the public to their large and unsurpassed ruck of CII A I RS, comprising all styles and qualitie3. Persous 1011 lied it to their ad vantage to give them it call before purchasing else where, as all work is manufactured under their im mediate superintendence, and of tie best materialF. and will lie found to be tic cheap as the cheapest atol as goad as the best. All icork warranted. March 5. —3t . BOOK BINDING. ALL those having books, &e., to bind. can have their work done in good and durable style, by leaving theta with ./. 11. Gmigetecr, who is agent fur the Bethlehem Bindery at Allentown. All kinds of work done la this bindery 1!! warranted. The Wintery is provided with material 4 to au the fiao,t kind of work.' J. W. lIELD. • Bethlehem, March s. tlt • i'iril - LOOK OUT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN for good bargains, for three or four weeks only. Jo seph Stopp is going to sell out his entire stock of Store Goods between now and the first of April, to close up business. His stock is till new, and consists of cloth, cassimer, Yevtings,muslin, cheeks, feathers, oil cloth. knives and forks, looking glasses, glass and queens- Want, and in short all that is usually kept in a cheap cash store. Look out, don't miss the chance. A nice set of plated harness will be sold cheap for cash. N. D.—Joseph Shipp will commence business this spring at his new store; Nu. 33 West Hamilton street, Allentown. PHILADELPHIA AND WILKESBARRE. TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Easton Mee, Feb. 14th, 1856. A DIVIDEND of four per cent. will be paid to the Stecklioldets el the Company in thirty days, at the Oleo of the Treasurer, at Easton. 11. D. MAXWELL, Secretary_. February 27. —3t PREMIUM INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID .lIAIR ME, just received and for pale, wholepale and retail, at Rohner's Shaving Saloon, No. 10 Nap t Hamil ton Street. ..jo7 , llitir colored at all times, and Patiefaction warranted. Allentown, March 5. ly A GOOD Apvics To LAniss.—lf you want a good cheap and fashionable Shawl or Dress, please call at Stopp's Cheap Cash Store. STEINBERCER'S BLACKSIOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, ALLUNTOWN. rr ILE undelsignedinforms the citizens of Allentown and vicinity that ho • has dissolved partnership with L. Rei nert, and continues to carry on business at the former stand in all its various branches. As lie himself is considered a superior workman, and as all work is done under his own supervision, he feels confident that lie is able to tacit out work surpassed by no establish- meut in town. HORSE-SHOEINC. lie pays particular attention to Ilerse-Shoeing , and feels satisfied that in this branch• he is excelled by none. Ills prices are moderate. Ills Workshop is in Turner street, between Sevenlb and Eighth, known formerly as Fatzinger's butcher shop. Re hopes that by punctuality and cheap pri- Coo, and turning out good work, to be favored \vitt' a - liberal share of public patronage, for which be will ever be thankful. HENRY W. STEINBEROER , fu Allentown, Feb. 20. 1 2 X 3 111.-X.O atpo2sW L t l i , lo la , • o s t tl or atp a u r l , l h ic n s t a t lis i , e s l e m o rrl t a h l: undersigned, in Lower Milford township, Le high county, the following described valuable person al property, viz. Three good horses, three cows, five heifers, a plea sure carriage, a light wagon, with springs, ploughs. harrows, 'largess, hay ladders, and numerous otht farming utensils too muncrous to mention. The' conditions Will lie made known on the day at the place of sale and due attendance given by JACOB APAAL Feb.',27. —lt AUDITOR'S NOTICE. n.---- , IN the. Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh SF, Ai. j_ county. In the matter of the account '.-- t - 1 ---- " of David Meyer, Trustee of David Gang were, now dee'd. Ad now, February sth, 1850, the court appoint I John F. Rohe, Esq., auditor to audit and resettle the above account, and make distribution according to' law. From the Records. Teste : F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary. The auditor 111)11V13 named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 22d day of Mara, at 10 o'clock in the li.renoon, at his Mike, No. 2S West Hamilton street, where Itil Howe interested may attend if limy think proper. JOHN F. RUHE, Auditor. l'ebrum•y 27. ' gam. SCHMIDT'S BOOT AND 5110 E DIANUFAUTORY. THE silheriher respectfully informs his CUSII.IIII . I'S 11Ild frit:lll'4S find lie has removed his Boot on./ Shoe .11niotfovtory to his new banding, opposite hi, former stand. a few doors tote Mil:W.f . /I I trug Store, where lie will always keep'un hand a large and spleti aid Iwsortinetil of s gL itux t ientlemen's Hoots. Shoes and Slippers. Ladies find Misses if :titers, Shoes laid Slippers, Children's Boots, and Shoes. Also coarse Boots and Shoes f o r M e n end Boys. nod Il tun Shoes, of all sizes nod prices, which he is selling cheap fur CASH. All kinds or work made to order at short notice in the must fhshionelde styles. As he elfvnys employs the best of workmen, and works up the best materiels in the market, he is enabled to stand good for any work turned out by him, and feels confident that the same will prove satisfactory to his customers. Per ons the•ct•ore will nee to their advantage, and call on him before purehnsing elsewhere. Ile - will sell at Philadelphia prices, Wholesale and ' lletail, and to Country Merclututs will make a very liberal dedttetion. Ile returns im ,, sincere thanks 'for the many favors he has received from a lona public. :wed by moderate prices, good work, and lute littelitiolls to Laziness, hopes to Merit 11 contiuuahce of the Fame. JEREMIAH SCIIMII)T. —3ll Feb LT . WARREN'S IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER PROOF 01POSIT1011 ROOM. Ea Joseph Clewell, Allentown, Agont for Lehigh Co. -you it attention is respectfully solicited to the above method of limiting, now much used in Philadelphia and vicinity. and which has keen exten sively' in use in many of the cities of the West, during more than eleven years past, tiering which time it lets been le. red under every variety of c ircumstances, and we confidently oiler it to the public as a mode of Hooting miobjvrtionalole in every important particular. while it combines, in in greater degree than any other rat& in use, life valuable requisites of ehearnes, du rability, mint security against both fire and water.— 'f his is rapidly superseding the use of all other hinds of roofs, wln rev er it has been introduced. giving gen eral satisfaction, and id highly recommended by all trio have tented its utility. These roofs require an inclination of not more than one inch to the foot, which is of ,/.mitt n,l rtini,l9c is nine,' of . fire, mud for drying purposes. They ;we offered et it price consid erably less than any other roof in use, while the amount of material saved, which would otherwise he used in extending up the wells and framing for a steep roof, often a still farther important re duction in the cost of building. (letters nifty be formed or the same material as the r.for, at much less expense than :my other. In case of dureri or 'injury, fool :my cause. there is no roof so easily repaired. 'fife ~,,,te rl id, ki n g, mostly nou-tontliteloes it limit, in. roof in en. ...A in summer, ..r Fu Worm in winter. 'l'ko'n' wishing to use our roof, should give the rafter: ti pitch of nhont nine inch to the foot. For further in formation apply' to Joseph Clewell, ut Allenttnen, our agent for Lehigh and Carlton connties.'who is pre pared to execute till (alters at ,hurt notice. 11, M. WARREN ,t NO. 4 Farquhar littiblingS, \Valuta St., REFERENCES. The following named gentlemen in Allentown have their hou,es roofed with time 1010V1211 Ranted Cl/11111(itil timi, unj are Rlde to t:stify to its superiority over maty other kind of :, Uni.n et.. between Ninth and Tenth. S• Walnut st.. l et weer Eighth and Ninth. P. lionm.r.N. Seventh :A., between Hamilton &Linden. limit A Enun, Linden td., hetweenEourth• Fifth. It. WoLt.n, f7 , ixtlm st.,between Hamilton A Linden. tint..: KN.\res.Niuthut., let wool Linden A Turner. A. ]Ante., m urmur of Union and Seventh street. It. E. WRIGHT, Fourth st., between Linden A Turner Feb. 13, 1856. —ly • ORPHAN'S COURT Lam® . BY virtue and in pursuance of nn order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Lehigh county, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the lab day of March, 1856, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. on ! the premises, the following valuable reel estate, viz: A-certain tract of land, situate in Hanover town ship, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid, adjoining lands ofJohn Krauss and Levitt Krauss, containing 61 acres, more or less. The entire tract is in a high state .of cultivation, under good fences, and we lt worthy the attention of capitalist?. The tract is situated on the west side of the borough of Bethlehem. on the road leading to Allentown, and is well adapted to be laid out in town lots. It will ho sold in either large or small tracta,Mr entire, to suitpurehasers. Being 'the real estate of Joseph. Burke, deceased, latesof the borough of Bethlehem. Terms on the day at the place of solo, and duo at tendance frivol by E. i. WALNE, Admr`s CHARLES A. LUCKENBACII, • ' By the Court :—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk, February 6 Allentown Bank; THE third instsiltuent of $5 per share to the Capital. of the " Allentown Bank" is payable at the Dunkin. , House of the same on or before the 14th day or March nest. And the 4th instahnont of $5 per share on'or before thci 4th day of April next. Stock. holders will bring their vouchers. By Order of the Board. CHARLES W. COOPER, Cushier, Feb. 13, 1850 tochman's • 33 in. co ma w I. XII AND DAGUIDNIEOTYPE GALLERY, No. U West Hamilton street, Allentown, Ps. LOCIIMAN respectfully infolins the (damns of D. Allentown and vicinity, that he is now ?repot- • etl to take AItIII3IIOTVPFS in eennedl4 ivith Daguerreotypes. ills Ambrotypes are fa' superior to (hose of any other operator in town—haiibtror much may lie talked of the " Patent" Ambrotype; tb the eon, truly notwithstanding. The Ambrotype is a now and beautiful style of picture takerron glass, and unequallo oil by any other style. They are without the glare td the Daguerreotype, and therefore ran be seen in any view. • They eon be seen on either side of the plate, tiro not reversed. and show everything in its true po sition. Their cost is but A trifle more than a daguerc reotype, and they are indestruetablo to !the Action of the atmosphere, and cannot be injured by rubbing or witching. Both Ambrotypes and Driguerrootym taken in an unsurpassed style without regard tit weather. By long experience, arduous toll, a desire .to please, mid heavy investments of capital, ho fools assured that any ono who may favor him with a. call will receive in return a perfect picture, not td be excelled, in point of artistic beauty,•by any ono in this section of country. Ito would also invite at:. tendon to hisnew and splendid stock of Cases, which range in price from 7u cents to 10 dollars. PIOUS() bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown, Feb. 7. CARTER'S SPANISH TOE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD THE BENT ALTERATIVE KNOWN I Not a 1'.1,.1i1e fv' Mercury in ! An infallible remedy for Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheu matism, Obstinate Cutaneous 'Eruptions, Dimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils; Agile and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes,ltingworm,or Totter, Scull head, Enlargement tins pain of the hones • and Joints. Salt Rheum, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, andall diseases aids ing front an injudicious use of Mercury; Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This great remedy, which has become so rapidly . • and so justly celebrated for its extraordimmy efficacy in relieving and curing sunny of the most obstinatn and terrible forms of disease with which mankind is nano ed, I.' now offered to the public, with the Conti— dent us,aranee that no Mnutem. DISCOVERY over made has been so eminently successful in curing Scitorvi.s. and All. ntoE.'SeS Or TIIE BLyon, an Car ter', Spanish Mixture. • The proprietors are receiving ma i l most. flattering and astonishing details of eures matin-hs parts of the country. mid in most MOB wheia the skill of the best Physicians had been tried in vain. •• ' Its power over the 111.00 n is truly remarkable,,and . all diseases inking from impurity of that great SEA Or rn:, hose been relieved and cured without a Sin gle failure out or the thousands who have used it.— Carter's Spanish 'Mixture C4lOlllllB no Murcury, Opi um, Arsenic, or any dangeronS drugs, but is compos ed of Roots and Herbs, combined with other ingredi-. cuts or known virtue, and may be given to the yonng-, est infitnt or most debilitated invalid, without the least possible besihition. 11'M. S. BEERS ,t; CO., Proprietors; No. 1 Broadway, New York. gr et - Price $1 per bottle. or six bottles for $5. For. sale by J. 11. Moser, Allentown, S. Run, ttothlchein, and druggists and merchants generally. New York, February 1:1, 18543. EM NT .a.. 31-, . @,.../5" . %._."9".. 7- - ..,--- , o g . 3 HENLY & ROTHSCHILD t: HOUSE, SIGN. ? 10 'BANNER AND LANDSCAPE PAINTERS; AND PAPER HANGERS, Allentown, Pa.— ' Zizing and Varnishing, Graining in Oil i , and Distember colors on different kinds of wood, •Grnamcntalin.,, Marbleing, Gilding, Bronzing, . 1 ill lazing, and :landing in different colors of.santl.. ... Apply at the residence of M. Rothschild, at E. e tc J. I i cores Hotel, No. 81 West Hamilton 5t.,,,1, . or to S. Body, in Trrner et., between Eighth , and Ninth. Prices moderate. They return their ki i n core thanks for the: many favors received from the public, and hope ' by strict attention to business to merit - 4: ~, TTCht continuance of the same. --3 t 1:- •••• NO , IBM .47:•!e'. - IVE DON'T TALK TO LADIES NOW, BUT only to Gents, as we don't m 141110.0 to eon the former !my Ready Mink Clothing. The fact ie we don't sell them hot ahnoet give them away for nothing; to aim the trouble to noire them to tho now store. Call at Stopp's Cheap Cat+lt Store. IWINTER CLOTHIRG GLosrsc out at reduced prices, Black, Blue, Brown, Beaver, Pilot and Melton Cloth Frock and Back Over Coats, ' , ollie as low ns ' & . , , t • Superior Black, Blue, Brown and,lrona Clctb, Dress and Frock coats. . . New stele plain and fancy Cassimcre and Cloth Itn.ine , s Coats. Fine lunch, French, Doeskin, plaint7fonoy Co.. sinter Pants. . A large n,•sortment of fancy rind plain Volvet. Plush. Silk, Satin, Cassitnere and Cashmere Vesta. ' All selling at very reduced prices In order to mike room fur spring goods L. FaII:OUSE Al; COQ,' No 9 West Hamilton Woof. Allentown, Jan. 30 • ---- --- fi - .1101.1..%, WHY IS JOSL•'I'll STOP!' (WINO lu -ell all Lis goods at emit low prices. Why ho le going to move in his new store, mul'u•nuts to sell out . his stock, in order' to en re the trouble to mono Look out, 75 cents will purchase 1 dollnes worth of goods during the next four weekelkThot's 80 • 17,11ETIVEEN Allentown, Rah'chum and. ihr- . delphie. (Aro in Allentown, at George 1.. 1011 NI,. tin West Hamilton street.' Mice in l'hiholelphia„No. 104 Race St. • The proprietor, S. Becker respectfully 1111110U11008 to the citir.ens and himiness men generally, that ho has just started a doily Express, as above, via. the North Pell nsylvania Rail Road, for C.Jlfrying Morchan lize, packages Ac., of every kind, at rates fully as low if not lower, than any other Express, and all peek ages will be carried with the greatest care, and deliv ered with promptness. Having had four years' experience in the Ellin*. business, Mr. 11. feels confident thatho4illte able to supply the wants of thic FAIN iii a satisfactorily man. ncr. MI business for Allentown and vicinity will Lo promptly trnnsncted by Ocorge L. ituho, Agent. Office No. 20 West llninilton street. • ,• N. B.—Goods purchased, and nil onion puintiialli attended to. Allentown, Jnn. 2. E. W.. ECKERT'S . . - WHOLESALE AND TOUCCO . 9 SHIT & MarAr411;211111E1121M0 • NO. 13 EAST 11A1111LTON STE.EET r ALLENTOWN, PA. . • • , Constantly na N9nd a large stool: • Of Leaf Tobacooi Also a superior stork of Segare, comprising, tlib latest styles and brandy, at dm lowed City prices. All goods warranted. July 20. VIA. H. h., A. M., OFFICE AT THE 31114L 4 131r1—N3E11 "JEICCDITM3II3Cars NO. 3 NEST lIAMILTON STREET, AIIENTOWN, PA. —st Allentown, Feb. 0, Mg ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers