C4lbiLicl3oliii a ke SECOND YEA II A RRANOMENTS for the Scowl Animal Col n lectinn of this new and popular Ins.ittim fur the diffusion of L h rature and Art, hart been made on the most cxftnsive scale. Among the works MR.:lily engage I. is tilt far-famed :• G i EN:o A CRUC Fl X,' which wig innlly cost ten thousand dollars. in f g the iww Collection, the diffosior of works f .tmcr WAN Art. and the (mem:l.:lgo ment of American genius. have not been over looked. Commissions have been issued ti. ninny of the most distinguished American Ar tints. who will contribute some cf their finest productions. Among them ate three inarlAt busts. executed by the greatest living Scutum] —Mama Powitns : GEORGE WASHINGTON, the Father of hi. Country : BENJAMIN ERA N ELIN, the Phil osopher : DANIEL WEBSTER. the Statesman A special agent has visited Europe and mad; careful and judicious select ions of foreign workr of Art, both in Bronze and Marble : Statuary, and choice Paintings. The whole r,rtnin g large and 170113 We collection of Paintings anti Statuary, to be distributed FitC:: among tht members of the A ss..e:a lion for the Second Year TBIIBIS OF MN:AM:MUM - The payment o three dollars cowttitutes any one a menther of this association, and cntides him to either on, of the following Magazines for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of the 6 . .atuaQ and Paintings, The Literature issued to subscribers cowtists of the following Monthly M .gazines : Harper's Putnam's, Knicket hooker. Blackwood's. Gra ham's, Godey's Lilly's Book, end Dickens' Household 'Words. Persons taking five memberships are entitled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and to sir tickets in the distribution. The net proceeds derived from the sale of membership, are devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the ensuing year. The advantages secured by becoming a mem ber of this Association, are-Ist. All persons receive the fit/! alae of their suksrriplon at th, start, in the shape of sterling LitPrature. 2.1 Each member is contributing towards purrhas lu g choice Works of Art, which are to he di: tribit ed among themselves. and are at the satin time encouraging the Artists of the country disbursing thousands of dollars through i:s agency. - Person remitting funds for tm•mbership. will please give their post qffire ad 4 Pcs i,r Jrul. s' nt ng the month they wish the Mogazine to cunt mence. and have the letter registered at t Post Office to prevent loss : on the receipt of which a certifleo le of membership together %yid the Magazine desi r ed, will be luny aided to am part of the country. Those who purchase Magazines nt Bock stores, will observe that 1)y joining this As.4oci ation, they rce, ire the (mil f; re ; in the annual tb. , tritut,.p!, nll at the same price they now pay for the Ma iraznie alone. Beautifully illusu•ttled Catalogues giving fal. descriptions, sent free on.application. - For• Membership. address C. L. DERBY. Actuary C. A. A. At either of the principal Dili •es-- "Knickerbocker Magazine" office, 34S Broad my, New Yorlt, or Western vflie, 166 l\ a street. Sand'tskt•. Ohio. JOHN D. S 11. Es, Honorary Fccre for Allutto«•n and November '2B NY .Ik, no 5',.!;,V,11, 6 - , - ., C,(3' Sll.l ELINgS 1 311111, No. 34 Lis/ Hum:.'loll IJCII: iy SacTer's Stole. TAIHE andrl.,ienrtl re , r , cru Ir cods thal oar, jo.t . Philadelphia nod. Ne „ lions io ibeir a'reddy heavy and s• sinc.h, and in e..an. Coon o alt bi- 0;;.%• s.. carry oil hasias.:. a; .ho ;rd loroo erred by i faiher. .1 le; h 11";.s.er. a o„P "'" ": 1.1 HR w E ever y de, e roo ;1.1. n, sh; ri . lllllpS, h Cramp •r $l,• I v m such as r. ,ro 1101,..00Cii• LEATHE'R, A general as•or.. meal and Oak S I, :.tdr, r scantly kept on hand. Also and a ; other Leacher , for saddiets. The hi,eheht -11 d I r either in sthrei i At Ihe Tanurro. Two of us 1,-ir2. prile,i I Thii for Conili,mi in 71,1*,a10.11.7 er , , , r a •• 1., TIC RA rerre,rnicil. h .11d ipv de .11n2 and kw prices to ill"r.1 a 111 , er.ii shrirr, Of patronage. Sept. ID - New Vein). ° r MIE undersigned, having euter,d into co partnership. under the II: in or ronoi Troxell, have opened a tier Grain and Flom Store, in the'store of Sol loon Weaver. No 147 West Hamilton street, next door to lb tel, where they will keep constantly on hand a supply of all kinds of Flour. Fred, &c. --- Family Flour delivered at the hetta.s ef all who ordei` from them. They will do business entirely upon the CASII SYSTEM, and can thetaire fa . ll a little cheaper than any dealers who adopt any other mode. The lizhe3t Ciu.:ll price. pniil for grain. \Ve Invite all who wish lo purchase flour c`r sell grain to give us a call. JESSE TI. . PETER I'ROXELL, Jr. c 7-1 Oct. 1 rro Tax colhoors. rriiE Collectors of the several Districts of Le A high county are he; rhy innilled to.alto u? their Jlilitin l fines until the 26 , ii of Novell] ber.inst .ititill as intioh t.'otnity and :•-:!at , as tile . % can. and settle ill' li!and Siate tax until Monday the 19.11 Derenillt I Ill•Xt. IV order of , lie Coninii.sinners. EDIVAIID -- fit November 14 Wit' er Laux , '• VETERINARY . SURCEON, A Ni) Cotunibi-iun Catasanqua. A Ho respectfully informs his friends and the poi, iiu generally. that lie has ngein located himself zit Cat• nstutqua, whore he is preperi. 1 to treat ell Oisentes of the horse. lle has large end conanoilions and persons giving tlisetteed hours tinder his charpi can depend upon that they will be attended to in the best manner: • lie also sells and buss ITorses on ennunirelon "Ms-Pricking and davking neatly executed. April 11 A GOOD ADVICE TO LADIES.-If you want a good cheap and fashionable Shawl or Dress j please all at. Stopp's Cheap Cash Store. Job Printing, Neatly Executed at the " Register office." .. ) c" . .orz.Goo.Ll. , ..c.oc. , ocoacce,ccat knecc .., . l E. iV. Eck V ert's r Cf t El LF C u WIIOLALE AND RI:TAIL , C o r P r ''Tobacco, Snuff and SegatE ca Ci r G 7 0 r t 2 j: IT:al:11, r ~ cl et 4 No. 3), li:itE•t. Hamilton Sirect. r n r A 0. 1 14Elili'l)1,4'111. P a ..3 a . 0 r.:l 1 " -- .FGOODS ALL WARRAN7ED 0 - : t .. t , ..,, 1 uly 20. ql i v c ' ; - 5-. ,.. v.. 1- Aririsr37Dr.:>nr.37,-aoIr):3-3c.;-. ..z.-i. ~...] Z1E;7,2 - 1,.7 .-....:.)- ..c: es..)q..L'-'J...;•.:.;...• 1 r17..0rg.. WATCIENIAEET: AND DE:II.ER P 4-1 JEWELRIES, No. 23 East Streo. oh ow York sad Philndulphin, where he has purchnc,. end n)w onre fur aide a full and unequalled uc of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, -iiiver Ware and Fancy Articles. nll of a sillier'' , • 'ity, and deserving the em:•tnivation of those SI ,e to procure tie bust goods at the lowest o L' price,. His i.tadtecunprii . es Clo of all :Arles and pntteru Geld tin tatolies, Gold. Silvor an •t!ILT Il r ittch Chains. Watch lioys and Seems, gold an: s :ver Poncile, Ear Rings. Finger Ring Breast P .r iraoelets, C'ef Pine, Gold and Steel Per S:lver Table and Tea !Spoons, Spy Glarres. P. , C.'lFilta:SCS, Gold. Enver. and oilier Spe..tacli a. Ft it 'OF ell ages, t izetlier with each and every article h e in7:ll,T, to his brunch hininess. pri..es.sro , • and libertilus they will ho found in our seal)°, r• ,rrnii, and his L ; oods will always prove to be Ish. they are reprezented. iIIELODEONS. OE ...:t.rill Ho hoops on hand an assortmc•:t of Melo loons, o' -.11 izes and patiorm, suitable fur elms hes, Halls at d mivata at prices an low as they can bo wholesale of tha manufacturers. His irstrumentt cal nowhere ho excelled in point of tone, 1 °iit.!: nod Tice!. Ho also has on hand a larzo and rms.! nto.l f ACCOr(10011S, Flute!, Fifes, Musical Roses. Sm., at ex , ceding low prices. F: .v.3 — Clocks, 'Watches. JAcelr:os, A-cotalcons, -teal l3Oxcs. fit all times he promptly rovaired and nil work cauranted for ono year. CHARLES S. JIASSEY. )turzr %). - ENT-r. Phil:richlin. Tice ntten• ti , n of ti:e 1.111,1ic is invited to the ex ten ice nrintitlict• , iy and ware-renin of the subscri ber, Ivlto is pr , i arid to l'irni,ll, nt the shortest notice, Iron R a every tlesciiptie t oli f . Coln, trrors. PHI lie Pr,rute P., ildjurs. nion rerondribs. liulrnrurs, Fflflltbl , llT. Si Flees, Ckairs. Linn.% Doe, and other Ornitnental iron\Park of n 11. cot aqvu chat :toter. all of executed with the xpiesi view of plen,in g they cote; •111,2 the requisites ofd I,enete a;el subsiantial co,o;truction. l'uielrtscr.s luny rely an all nrtiele• eat (Tully boxed anal shipped to their place ei W. K. Tkio , :st:Tt. I , n•rEit K f;': 1; J. K. A10c.i: , 1;12 t- 3', Do, l: of &signs will be sent to those \rho wish to wake a selection. ROBERT WOOD. Avenue below Spring Garden St., Phila filar lU 9j-31n 71 Courtlandt St rect. pear Jersey C4y Ferry, NEW YORK. THE above hong° is now Iltted'up Mr the ne commodat ion of strangers and the public. The proprietor, therefore. invites his friends and others ‘vho desire ft convenient stopping place' when visiting the city: to give hint a call. Ell 1111( 11111 . 111111111,1111 1 SCLOOL 1 1 " Wig 101 ;ill , l 'Joys. nt. rm .•Bneks County. P. 14 miles kdow Bethlehem and Allentown. The 'course of instruction at this Institution is thorimgh and practical. and embraces the usual branches of a liberal English education. The wi nter Tenn kill commence Ihe 22d of t Pm her. 1855. Charges including Board, Washing. Tuition. Fuel, Lights, &c ',560 per Session of 2' ) weeks, one half pa3'able in advance. For .Circulars and particulars address September 10 °tee:o,on p.g c. Al. Al Wachter, Slater, AlCeittown, Lehigh CoWilly, fi EFTS for sale ft constant supply of the very II best Roofing Slate, and will put. them on roofs in a workmanlike manner, and on rea sonable terms Communications promptly at tended to when directed its above or left with 11. K. &Am.. agent, Pennsburg, Montgomery county. All work warranted, SepLewin'. 5 I= I. iilft;d ' I nes, Uooil 'I 'lines the pe.pi, co pocks and Coition conithez, I. t •it• It 1111,1 ii is 11 , W C.lllllillivd !roan New "ir. it ad Philadrlplita to Allentown. 19n Mnndii I,i Inv time of cars ran over the'entire road tot •it• first time, and there were sornrohing le.o• , an 100 ears in the train, acid I suppose the) iv e all siopp.i S :PIS STOPTS CIII CASII STOE, Alien ott.tt, at I\ 41, coiner iti lionititon ant siteeis, near littgt ithoch's Hotel, for 1 .mssed his Snore, and by the lults of the ire bend sus untititiry goods Stapp and his clerk 11,tie tinpocatnu, 1 ant sure that the depot tnu, tight at los Store, and that the whole train to .ars , must have been loaded with Goods for opp. • We all stopped mot :iteked with aston- Mott nt at the piles of Shov.k, llt , Perstan Cloth, Cashmere, Alpaca ~altettos, from .fl•tor to the celimg, ih !otitis all new styles. Then I looked to ill her side of lac Some, nad In, and behold, in ye. Were ur,, , ted woh perfrei mountains ;Ooti.S. (Liti•llTl , 'reS, Ss , .errs litmtlicke Ta-o 1./apers, Toweling., Si, elce.2 Yarn. and oh ..1; to.k, ..etts. ;11 ittok, ookil Comloets, C.l. ' , et.' Oil Cloths,(lltks and Ql-enswaro, 1.. km ; F.trlcs..Sp tics ekt., Ar.e. Th,. ..., of , he elmks showed toe in another he lia.l I ilrs of Ire:late itch as coats, vests, pious and over coats, of their OWII he showed In, lie prices ot some nil their goods, then I sail I don't wonder that all the people say that Dti lire has lha hest show and Joseph S °p it 11.. cheapest Cad/ .c:/ore. 8 , pi. 12. B3MBiEMBI N.Z.3 the GCVIUI Refortned Church, Allentown P. nrirlc!sinec.l repectfull}• informs hie friends x.n c pzo'l92 in general, that he has jnst retnrned fro! rietember 20 NN T OD 1 S efl'i l .1111"1,! I, Gil XEramer's 7 TIMMAS C. KRAMER. NLw York, Ocinber 17. 11-3 in JOHN BALL, Principnl. 11-3 in THE LEHIGH REGISTER, DECEMBER 12, 1855. NEAL 3EL3113 30.• W.A9.13.1Za ./N A LLENTOWN, Bettoccn Drcshcr's and ligiffnan'Zl. Bross' Lumbci P. E. o , :iselabroaco 4• Co., RESPECTFULLY . ViV,,.. 9-t 96r fe ...f.Vifil) All inform the cit ria/1,, ft if 1 o„,i. +i l, mem; of A Ilen- O!V ' p.iililiii , .ipri4 town and the Mr ; e ! 00 1 1ili i 4 1 : I R 1 public in gen 't • • ;,:lt'!II , I 1', ,, ,t,C . :i:, end, that they , i4 . ,,,%-% - t...1,....0 have opened a ;:... it. ..-.-.:-.."----. —•—• -, fir , Mna Bus YAM) ~.....,.,, ,:,.. M;S:1.; t : . F.' - A ' iiiißl ,! ,;4. i l I.e, and the liv c u a b r o r3 v: tih,t-6; f , l!llittl.Vl' 4 11( „ named place. "",. !.',,' , '- . - - -1 1 = - -- . --- - -1 - :: 4 . , i';V,. in gen the bu -4.1.111 sines:: on an extensive scale. They have now in their Yard it very large and choice stock of Italian and American Marble which they are manufacturing ,nto Tenths. Monuments, Head and Foot Stones. \ramie PieceS, Table and Bureau Tops. in low and Door Sills. Steps. Posts. &c. Letter g of the best style done in English and Ger. roan characters. and all kinds of Ornamental Work executed in the highest style of art and m the most substantial manner : they will b; ;,leased to furnish engravings and designs to suit the wi.dies of the public. . They flatter themselves in doing :Is glo I work as is done in Pennsylvania, and certain'y the best in this section, and to satisfy the public of the truth of this assertion, they invite them to call at 'heir yard' and examine their stock and style of work. They furnish all kinds of Sculptures and Ornamental Work such as has never been made in Allentown. They also keep on hand some beautiful sculptures made out of Italian marble. consisting of very neat and most chaste leeigns for Cemetery , purposes, with Lnmb , , :arced to lay on the top. Flower Vases. Urns Doves. and many other figures, to which they invite the attention of the public. ll:7fireat ieuhteements are offered to country manufacturers to furnish them with American tad Italian marble of the hest quality, as they pare made such arrangements as to enablt hem to furnish it at city prices. They hope by Strict and prompt attention to tusiness moderate prices. and furnishing tin best work in town, to merit a liberal share of I at voltage. They also constantly keep on hand a large :tuck of brown stone fin• building. purposes. con •isting of platforms, door sills, steps, spout :tones. &c ; &c. July 11. tf Colinly h igh Scilool, .Esssfriev. T.ehigh County Iligh School will Om tnence the third session on Monday, Octo her 23d. 1855. The course of instruction will embrnee the tlitE•rent branches of a thorough English Educa :ion and Vocal and Instrumental :%Insic, with ihe French. German anti Latin languages: Young Ladies and Gentlemen. who may. wish .0 study the art of teaehing and may desire of heroming Professional Teachers are requisted o inquire into the merits of the High S 'hoof. There will be no extra charges made fur stu .ltts wlitt wish to study Astronomy. Phi oso and .Nlathenuttics. The Lehigh County rfa S,•I t ool can boast of having one of the 1.1 Te . t •rt pes now in use. and also all the lostrd,iral and Mathinatical Instruments quired to f.trilitate a stotlent. The session will five months. The -diarges are ten. twelve. and fourteen dollars per :ession, according to the advancement of the scholar. An additional charge will be made to such students who may wish to study French. German. Latin and 'Music. Boarding can be obtained at very low rates in private families in the. immediate vicinity of the or %dill the Principal at from 50 to 60 dollars per session, according to the age. Eve rything is included such as tuition, washing. fuel and lights. The buildine• ' will be fixed so as to accommodate one hundred students, anti the Principal will be aided by good. and exile- 1 rienced assistants also in Penmanship. For Ciretilars and other information, address JAMES S. SHOEM ATZER, Principal, Entus, Lehigh County. 0. W. Coormt, Esq., Cashier of the Bank cf Allentown. TnoNt.ts B. CoorEn, I\l. D.. Cooper , burg. (7. F. DtoKEssitow, M. D. Lower .Nlilforch MARTIN KEMMERER, Esq., Salsburg. TooNtAs BURKHALTER. EIMMIIIIS. WILLIAM .lAcnity. Lower 3l3eitngie. S+gin et. 11.31M1.:ItElt, Esq., Upper Milford. Ennuis, -or t .t. 12. T :Ei HE undersigned give notice, agreeablyto the Laws of P. nin.ylt :min, that they purpose mahing ap ylioution at the next term of the Legi,latine .1. Penn ylvania fur the incorporation of a Bank, to b e l oon tel in the Borough of Catesatpta, and C o unty o 1,chi;111, under the name. style and title of the "1.1; oh ~ruatuFauti n a- to have general banking and disemn t. lug privileges, the capital to he ONE HEMMED TII , V. ,:.INI, DOLL:EA, and to commence operations when the .aid sum of One Hundred Thoutand Dollars shall have !wen paid in. Joseph lanbaeh; James D. Schell. Robert Williamson, John Thomas, David Thomas, John Williams, Ur:a% Bruner, , Joshua Hunt, jr.. E. 11. Either, . 'Augustl.; 11. Gilbert, Reuben Ditcher, Charles G. Seht.eller, George Scherar, Simon Sterner, William FilLiuns, Peter Laux, Henry Sellers, James W.. Fuller, Reuben Patterson, Samuel Thomas, Charles Grafin, Owen Rice, Morgan Emanuel, Charles-D. Fuller, David 0. Tombler, M. E. Albright, Charles Rau, S. 11. Lacier, William Goetz, F. .13.. Martin June 27. tkaNllll%lll. ties.‘l! Stove. Tj D. BOAS. Manufacturer and Wholesale and Be ll, tail Dealer in Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, no. oak Seventh street, Allentown, .Pa. Ile fiatter:4 himself to say that he has ut all times the best and cheapest stock of ' .TOBACCO AND SEGARS ever brought to this place. Dealers in the above or 4ieles will tied it to their advantage to give ma a call, as I sect at the lowest Philadelphia and New York whole stic prices. A general assortment of American and Foreign Leaf Tobacco 'always on hand. OM • V ex\ etian s. ALEXANDER P. MUIR, Into of Philadelphia, rehlectrully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that be has lately taken the establish ment of Mr. ClumM:s Rose, and is now carrying on the business at the old stand, No. 125 West Hamilton street, in all its various b :an ehes. He employs at all time pone but the beet workmen, and warrants all Blinds of his manufacture to be of the beet materials. Ile is prepared to make Blinds for . Churches, Public Buildings, the. • Particular attention paid to repair ing. Having had [natty years' experience in Phila delphia, be flatters himself that he can furnish its good aud fashionable an article as can be had in the city. January . —.lv 1I - I,v A New Yards, In llalniltoti sired lIEFER EN CES 11. D. BOAS CATASANIIII AGAINST NE WIRD ! THE LARGEST STOCK OF READY-NIADE CLOTHING AND 80 , . TS 'AND SHOES, EVER SEEN IN CATASAUQUA, !s at Geiz's Cheap Store. wm. GETZ adopts this method to inform the w citizens of Catesauqua and surrounding Country that he now has on hand a very large and excellent assortment of Ready made Clothing, 1.1}D113 XTh 3i1(D.13 0 and is confident his stock cannot be excelled in the County. He has lately received from Phil adelphia a very heavy stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of the most fashionable styles, from all of which he will make to order and also keep on hand a supply of READY MADE CHOTHING. Orders to make up gOods to measure will be accepted with plea sure, and punctually attended to. and as he is a Prtlciicq! Tadur, guarantee perfect ilts, and none but the best workmanship wil be suffered to pass his hands. Ills Ready-made consists in part of Dress Coats. of evelry ima ginable style, for Spring and Summer wear Pantaloons. fancy and plain of all prices. Sur:! mer Pants in great variety : VestS, Satin, fancy and plain, drawers, shirts, collars, cravat ..nspenders. &c.. all of which he is dote mined to sell at the lowest prices. Ho also has on hand a very large nssortmen of Gentlemen's Sr 1 . •:; 11. perfine. French Mo• room Calf-skin and Patent Leather • ' lll/402 ' • BOOTS, besides a large lot of coarse men's and boy's boots.lZ;Jnek of Ladies shoes is very :urge. among which can be found every possi• tile style. Children'S shoes of every variety and style, plain and fancy colored. May 0 ~A;..'t..1::,..-': --.o'.i..*:S• -,,r..z.vt.. , -.7 . . ~,,c,• -, .„.,.:,.- : ~ ~. .. litikm IC I , v. lo•!. , iAT.:7ANItt:. O i m 2 C.... ,- "la‘ .1 . '''' ,- • -... .; ..- li - •:,-- -•_ ,- .../e..-:.-.- , ..1--- , - ,::::• 4'..n.q , ; . i= 7 :,;,.: ~ ••,il:' ...t' ' * '''-,;:. • • 1,....e. tr ..,,,,_. ~.„ . „11 t, .„,,..; , 1v ., ! v 4 , ..v4:7.-,,..:.-,..,, ....„ ~..., ,„. ...„ N,•,„: • : ;.11:,•.` .4 An pica:mint to tic taste, in it tistion upon the Live:. ...tumach 11.114 !_cucrnl eystcm. As au and AlUrative Physic, this 3lLliciiio lIAS NO li:Q1:.1L IN TEE NVOItLD. _ - - - I have used it constantly in my practice fur upwards ten y6ars in all CaFC . :I when` t good Physic and Al •crative was required, and Ivould nut now du withedd d. it is the PIIYSICIANS ASSISTANT, !ts well as the safest Nati!). ht use. Child ren drink it with phentre. It will not nauseate thi weakest stomach. It produces no griping, but oper !nen cosily. theroagidy, ru 1 is sure to eradicate all impuritieii from the system if it i 3 prelieriy TIIOUSANDS OF LIVING 'WITNESSES are ready of toi:tify to it.qt.tiperitir virtues, inilepenii ila of its purgative laid qualitivs. It has cured 1.!1:2 cues of Eryisipelits itt u few daye.— It it a NEVER-PAM-VG CURE - - Ile IL•ad-a,i:c, Liar C(0.111d.:111:1. 4111111111i1T. liltllll* C. , 1111:191111. 11 lens Fcv. r, Pains in the Shia ...Cad:. breast, and Lind,. Clamps. Iminhagi.. lVorno.. Middies on the i kIII. Pimples, Cutaneous Eiruptitt, Obstruetione in the Sys:etn, l'untlipatitin of the .Itiseaset. Pleurisy, Fe male Irregularities, Bowel Complaint., 1 teen; of all hinds, it c. It demise, Lp its superior medical ‘ir• tiles, the uleerous,hitumr from the blood mil - corrupt bile &Cm Cie stomach, carrying it Mr through the natural uluume4 ; IT INI - 16011ATIIS Tae BLOOD 1111 , 1 loaves the System healthy. I tit k my frietide to test the :drove and 1 rosiounco a verili..t lie they shall be impret. o-1 by the evidence. Thoeutvlto Leon Inc prufmsitinally v. al not dunk its north. Since its first introdan . li. , ll. no medicine I;;. attain ed such wonderful popularity. and its riles have ir - creased beyond the 11111 A hoped ..r its rri,t, Nciehluir , recommend it as ti safe and LED ! Phys:citine carry it with them.— CHILDREN will TAKE NO OTHER - - after one trinl, Lind pnionts l 011 id tUve no other in their kit:nines. Peoplu living in lots tied inneLliy coon trice. suf.ieel to dendly miasnine, where Fevers. Ague and Fever, and bilious complaints are wore apt to be. trill find the "Liipiid C'nthartie" the most po tent remedy vet tried. live it a trial. Whole!lio he A. B. & D. Sands, C. V. Clickncr Co.. and C. D. Ring, New York. Full directions aecompany cloth bets e. Price .50 and 13 wL. of ten and twenty dm , ea. Priee'pol Depot. IU9 Broadway, N. Y. Sold by Aaron Wint. Allentown. and by all pre.wetahle Drug eh.ts throughout the country September 10. LIO IFS At „A. la 9 0 040ARP 3 W14 , —SARLOONS-lc No. 9 West litunilton street, Allentown, Pu. Pictures most rum of beauty's radiant face, With life-like figure find its.ease of grace ; Perfected eye—truth's magic light of life— • Pleasing in infant and the much loved wife, These, and all charms o'e• which affection weeps When sail bereavement hearts in sorrow steeps ; Portrayed with excellence of artist's skill. . . Are Intdia LOCIIMANS !—go when yon will -1-1 LOCIDIAN, respectfully informs the citizens of : Allentown, and vicinity, that ho may still be found at his old established Sky, Light Daguerrean Oullery, No. it West Hamilton street, where he is ever ready, rain orshine, to take pictures not to he surpass sed lis any artist in this Borough. By long expe rience, arduous toil, and heavy investments of capi tal, he feels assured that any one who may favor him witlyi call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to Le excelled, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite at tmtion to his new and splendid stock of eases, which range in price froM 75 tents to TO dollars. Please bear in mind. that picture: ean. be taken in clear or eluttoly weather. Allent,wn, Feb. 7', EMI Bonnets! ilomiets ATll*.s: m. M. STOPP, have Just returned from the .i. cities with nu immense stock of •:• FALL AND WINTER BONNETS, caps, ribbons, flowers, frosted and plain velvet, striped plush satins, and figured fancy veils, children's hoods, and in short, ell that belongs to a fashionable Millinery Store. Everything they have is new and fresh from New York and Philadelphia, aminow offer the above goods, wholesale or at least 30 per cent. less than they can be purchased elsewhere.= Country Milliners supplied at City prices, and it will btl to their advantage to give us a call before purchas ing elsewhere. Bonnets repaired according to order. Don't forget the place, corner of Eighth and Hamil ton streets, in Allentown. . Laept.. 12. -A N D ISE =I lIMI =I ORDERS BILLED FOR ALEUTS OF THE COiIIiTRY "g: '66 Say, Julius, wherel did Clam get dem sie, rs ,„ Well, pose lie got dell, at Massa ROUE'S. Clam, goin' dere to b- - some. I'se a dandy nigg er ' and want a Lust rate artii!..ll, c 1 1 .4 IBA na M 9 11f ANUFACTVILEIL OF HAVANA, YARA, PRINCIPE, AND ALL KINDS 0 Superior Sellars, and dealer in CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, No. 27 North 7th Street, • ALLNNTOWN. t1:7 • Orders filled for all parts of the Union. Sept. 5. IT, —tf • TRUSSES, TRUSSES, TRUSSES C. IL a•cedles, Truss and Brace Establishment, South West Cnr. of Twelfth and Race Sts., PHILADKLPHIA f MPORTER of fine FitEscrt TRUSSES. Collibill ing calreme lip;hiness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited 1)(- I emitting amounts, as below :—Sending nuns her of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double —ss. $6. $S and $lO. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Aii4) for sale, in great variety, • Dr. Banning', Imprard Pia.nt Hotly Brae .% For the cure of Prolapses Uteri : Spinal Prop, and Supports, Patent Shimbler Braces. Cites Expanders and Erector Braces. hilavted to al, with Stoop Shoulders and Weak Lungs : Eng. fish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensorii, :syringes—male and female, .'o" . Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. August 1. 'll, WILLI'Ain REEDIE 1 ..8 ,t'3 1.13 AND MOI%MiUMI NO. 10 WILSON'S ROW, ALLENTOWN. Respectfully informs the public that . he is still pun- n ing his vocation of Barbering and Hair Dressing, after the most approved style at his old stand, where he cordially invites all who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci once to give him a call. In addition to In Shaving and Hair Dressing business. he earn estly invites the attention of the public to the fact that he has just received from Philadelphia u large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles. which . he offers for .sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. His stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar• title. Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing, Toilet and Head Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, Hair Oils, and Perfumery of every deseription, Military Shaving Snap. II Hui article, Washing. Shaving. and Toilet Soap Shaving Cream. Powder and Puff boxes, Walk ing, Canes, Segars and Segar Cases, Bay Water. e.. The public is respectfully invited to give him a call Jan. 21. AN . 11S U WiL3 - ND OEM United States Insurance, Annuity nil Trust Co. S. E. corner of Third and Chestnut Sts PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL F.:,250.000 VIONEY is received on deposit daily. The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or, if prefer red, a certificate will be given. . All alms, large need small, are received, and the amount paid back on demand, without notice. con jug the mterest is paid at the rale of fire per cent., nmeneing from the day a deposit, and eras• . fourteen days previous to the withdrawal o( money. On Olt:first day of January. in each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,500 depositors in the 'City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the Timasmum. DI R ECTORS Stephen R. Crawford. Prest., Lawrence John son, Vice Pres't., f ‘mbrose T. Thompson. Ben jamin W. Tingley. Jacob L. Florance, William M. Godwin, Paul B. Goddard, George-McHenry, James Devercux, Gustavus English. Secretary and Treasurer, PLIN3' FISK. Teller and Interpreter, J. C. Ochlselihwer. September 5. • [i7Paper Hanging done at the extreme low price of 12t cents per piece for all paper less than 18 inches in width, and 2 cents extra per inch when it exceeds 18. Scraping and sizing, if necessary, to be paid extra May 23 liard OW4 MN pR. C. C. 11. cui.nts. from IC( w York, in vites the attention Of those in mi t n i cm and yiCiairC, who rt tinire opt ratiens en th e natural 'Meth. or who arc in nerd of artificial ones, ,oporior ittode ofoperating in all the d.lli•rent departments of Dentistry. !laving hail ight years' nee in his twore,sion. and availing. himself of evi.ry valu ablc improvt im nt, he knows he one milder the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable. ' RErEur.scEs.—Rev. Thomas De Witt. D. D Rev. Charles t 1 Jameson. F. dm kson. M. D., William Undi skill. M 1).. New 'l'm I; city. Office fur the present at the Antillean lintel. Patients also visited at their residence if de ired. A . ileniown, Jan. 17, 18r5 T-Gm The undersigned respectfully inform their friends that they have just veto! ne I front Phil ade•lphia. and are now untoteking at their Store iu Seventh strict, below Walnut, a large assort ' meta of Fresh Gr•orrer•jes, consisting of all articles genet.- ally found in a well conducted Grocery Store, which they will sell us low if not lower than any other store in town. Their present new stock in connection with the goods they had on Land enables them to otter• to the public the best selected assortment of Groceries to be found in Allentown. They also keep on hand all kinds of NUTS, sneh as Pea Nuts, Cream Nuts, German Nuts, filberts, which they will sell wholesale at very low prices to country storekeepers and hucksters.. They also keep on hand all kinds of .~'!'O.'•E CO SSL, which they are able to sell at the lowest possii ble prices. • Ca - Fire Wood can be bad of them in any desired quantity, and at low rates: Call and see Wire you purchase anywhere else, and satisfy yourselves of the-above facts, They return their sincere thanks for the patrontmc heretoßtre received and trust they. may continue to merit a liberal share of public custom. Allentown, Aug. 22 Dr, J. P. BARNES , It) ti 4 V„TILL performs all operations on .. 177 . 79 1 L- 7 the Teeth with unpreeeeried sue- .1I11:01 for cOtilfrirt to the wearer and durability sail brautifulness in appearance. 'rho general satisfaction he has given for years has 'won duly appreciated by the patronizing 'public. • Office No. 48 East Ilamiltou street, up• stairs, a few doors east of Pretz, Guth & Co's. Store. • T—tf •I July 4. .L.--137 JMIN7IiT3EILOELY, Clocks and Watches. John Merrhard , ILESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has lately pur chased the entire stock and fixtures of Mr. Joseph Weiss, (with whom he has been engaged for the last saven years,) and has removed the same to No. 21 West Hamilton street, lately occupied by llko & Co. He has also just ro - ceived from New York a ' , large stock of • 1—#9:7?1,1 FrE Rp, 11%w t r, 1 DIRKS AND WATCHES His stock is well selected% i':tralTlPPiMvimmill and consists of a large as sorttnent of Brass Clocks, of every description, at the lowest prices. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lapine, • Quartier and other frOtche3, Silver Table and Ten Spoons, Cold, Silver and Plated Spectacles. to suit all ages, and warrant ed to be nettle of the best materials. llis stock of .1 . , w‘ lry is large and splendid, and comprises all the most fashionable articles, such as o,dll. Silver and other Breast Pins, Ear and ringer Rings, Gold Watch' Chains. keys. &e , Gold and Silver Pencil Cases, Gol t k. Pens of a t z upetior quality. Silver Combs, and and a variety or articles too numerous to men tion. lie feels confident that the above goods are the best in marhet, and offers theta to the public at the lowest prices. lle would particularly call your attintion to his stock of CLocKs AND WATCDVS, and urge you to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as lie feels assured that he cannot fail to suit you, not only with the articles, but what is• more important, with the prices, and would also inform the public that all his goods are warranted. • Clocks WO -lies and ffirelrti. repniree in the neatest nod tw:a wanner and at the s%ortest notice—all his work is warranted Alluntowii. MA): 2 {lo! r 11:e'Am Yolk Store. ... CO% - • '‘,. ' -....\,................" .r., V ...... X :.-. .... ,/ /7 "---'' ----- ••' C.) .4 0 .if "/ ' ...,„ e. i , , - 1 .- • a '':4•V • - ...7 1 :d - -4 • 0 1:. • ''*' a;?it'' = 1 ~,,i. f.i l,, : ~, r ... - d o .r., 'A., • t .... ~ ..4 4..? C.. :..; ~ - =•• gt :... \ ,,... ......r. 4 ", 7-7: ei J . 1 I , VE jra reevived a I ogL supply of Pall and 3 IVit,r Good:4 v. hich I liry It knight for .w.li nod are 0 Wing to sill at a sn.all advance on ilw sanw terms. ....I ' - 14011% to, &it AL pßop -11..s N...! ith a huge t.t , ortiovitt (pf gotttis to suit the nto,L ftotticlious o w to,iv4 rso. inttlotling Allentown and si. ittity. 'Mir stock consists of Black Silks, Ph.io l'oncv do., French Ttv,ll. Pcr.sian do., 1) , I.erifle, Nton Letmoo.w• c.'oth, , Sc., hr.! Ril I ( vs. G A,rcs, 11,114, .1(1 , S1/71S 11hi , .h.d and !Iron n. and in filet all r toll, goods as the trado aro in ilt.cd of constantly or, hard. (lUD iCERI ES a 9 low if not lowor R 75.41 than can In. had elsvw here. I. owl ,' try produce or all kinds NV I atm.' ~iti escltnu.e f ur good 110UP1' & STUCKERT. 'll—t f St pt 5 Surgic tl and 1)s11 NTIST. A Fres!! Asorlltiel,t, & RITTER. If-tt TIN mode of in.,,rting Artificial Teeth 11212 EIZEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers