What a Groat City Eats. • Take, for instance, the amount of butcher's meat eaten in London in a year, Five hundred thousand head of cattle, two million sheep, one hundred and thirty thoustmd calves, abd one hundred and sixty thousand pigs are slaugh tered antinally for the British metropolis. If stow, who wrote A. D. 1098, is to be believed there was ten times as much pork consumed in the British metropolis, Hi his day, as is used now, though the number of inhabitants has quadrupled. These facts show that the civili zation of the table has advanced in. London, even if society, in other respects, has not made extraordinary progress. The quantity of fish, oysters and game eaten in the 'British metropolis almost surpasses be lief. Of oysters, five hundred millionS are con sumed annually ; of fresh herrings, one hun dred and seventy-five millions : of mackerel, twenty-three millions; of red herrings, fifty millions ; of eels, ten millions ; and soles, nine ty-seven !Akers are one million and a quarter ; the salmon, four hundred thousand ; the crabs, six hundred thonsant : the live cod, four hundred thousand : and other fish in proportion. Two millions of domestic! fowls arc annually sent to the London market ; a million and a quarter of rabbits ; two hundred thousand wild dues ; three hundred and fifty thousand tame ducks ; a hundred (howl; oid turkeys, and as ninny geek ; four hundred thousand pigeons ; one htnidred and twenty live thousand partridges ; ono hundred thou- sand grouse, and a hundred thousand hares arc devoured yearly by the epicures of that great capital. Nut leas than one }Mildred millions of eggs are eaten in London from New Year tc New Year. Nearly five hundred thousand quarts of some of it brought from n dis• lance cf e:ghty miles, is poured down the throats of the cockneys, or devoured in the shape of puddings, during each year. _ . rine Norfolk Herald states that•the week• ly shipments of rags from a single house in that city, to the northern ports, amount to 25,000 pounds. 'AAR RIED On the 11th of November, by Rev. P. Fouse, at the residence of Mr. Charles Nlicliley, at "Paradise Furnace," Huntingdon Co., Pa., Mr. WILLIAM SPANGunt, of Williamsburg, Blair county, to Miss St7sAN liEuoucrt, formerly of Allentown. On the 2d of December. by Rev. Mr. Dubs, Mr. FRANCIS S. WILT, to Miss ANGELINE LEIN BACR, both of Allentown. On Bth inst., by John F. Halbach, Esq.. Mr. CLEMON TILLMAN, pf Mauch Chunk, to Miss MATILDA Faur, of Salsbwg. On 25th ult., by the Rev. Ir. Vogt•lbach, Mr. JONATIIAN Mt/TIM, to Miss LEYINA WAG, Nan, both of Allentown. On 27th ult., by the same. Mr. CITAMJCS BERNHARD, to Miss HANNAH Wtiorn, both of Milford. On the 9 . 111 inst., by the same, Mr. Wit.Al\• SON JACOBY, (0, Miss JUDITH WALTEIL, both of Bethlehem. At the same time, by the same, Mr. MAIILON 1113111 en, to Miss ELIZABIaII Wmmu, both of Sauerm. At the same time, by the same, Mr. Giimit:F. Rolm, to Mss Melly ,SAEfit•at, both of Allen town. On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. Mr. Yenger, Mr. JAMES KISIMETr, to Miss EMEI.INE KFIPEIt, both of Hanover. On the 9th inst., by the same, Mr. DANN' BACHMAN, of Allentown, to Miss CLARISSA NNW II AIM, of South Whitehall. DIED On 'Thursday last, in Allentown, of Croup, kintAnAu Yona,,aged 41 years. On Thursday last, in Allentown, JosErnisE, daughter of Charles Knappenberger, aged 3 years. !IL' 43:Eli 3E.K. :Err A I.LENTOW.N MARKET. Flour, per bbl Wheat, - Corn, - - Rye, - Oats, - - hay, - Salt, - - Potatoes, alant. per lb., Sides, - hhuulders, - Lard, - Butter, - Eggs per doz. C O ILI it T 0C L 51 A 'l' 10 y, M T 1 1t e 71 1 ::1;.ti:11 Di:4lrie I lof composed ton tad Lehigh, and .Itrax toid, Assorittle .111.1, ea of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Lehigh, and by skim. of their apices Justiees or the Courts of Over find Terminer nod General Jail delivery, and Court of tieuerol (bttler S 4 es.ions in nod for the void I • outwy have, hy their precept . t.)1110 directe.t, reacted I :LA 11 cburt.4Qtotrivr Sessions 14 . 1.110 /1111 i COIIIIIIOII Pleas nod General delivery and Orphott's Court fur the said unity of Lehigh, be hoiden at Alha town, on .iSLOYDAN" the 7tit 'boy of Jaatiory next, to continue Loul reel;,, • NOTICE is therefore hereby given t o the ;tat le es of the Peace and Constables of the county of I,chi'.l l , that they are by lite maid precepts eimitanded to 1... there at ten o'elorlt in the fora ntun of soul dry r,ith their roll recortk inquisitions, nun:ant:tai l s, 1.11.1 nil other remembranees, to .3o those things 'll hiltql their mikes are appertaining, and also that those who are hound by r ooo guiznocos to prosecute against the prisouera that are or then shall be in tho jail of the 'said county of Lehigh, are to Lo then and there to prosecute them as shall be just, Given under toe hued ih Allentown, the 12th clay of hheeember. in iffy-live.e year of our herd one thousend eight undred and lif wEiLmt, sh(Tirr. 00D NITO Shoritre O ffi ce, SAT Alle Tli nto C wn, 0111( Oet. 10. All 11. - LEHIGH COUNTY HRH ISHARE c°3llnCeltilt%tbuT h i / o u t : B o o m o h f cr..l o u l f rs t hliso,stTes(4C, ittll.lblV.,l township, on Sitturday the sth they of January next. nj TO o'clock itt the forenoon. An election for officer, for the ensuing year will take place, as also the eel tloment of the annual account, A resolution was heretofore passed that no collector would hereafter bo appointed, that ull money be paid to the Secretary, and t h at all such who ure in arrears for a s longer period than three yours would thereafter not bo accepted no members of the Society. Punctu , al attendance is retpteste4, ROBERT OBERLY, Secretary. *-3t Dec. 12 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ..t2L Ma MOM CIo r MIE - 1 2 '3M MI I A New Alt! Pictures on Glass, Q W. 1:1:E1'A1V inllnins his old patrons cad (l ie fine-urt-toriny public iu general, that he hies se cured the above process hold is prepared to execute PQI:TIIAITS for all who desire them. Thee por traits far excel !he Dagaerreutinie, and only need to he seen to be appreciated. They are without the glare- of the Daguerrotype, and hence may 'be seen in any view. They are nut reversed, but show every thing in RS true position. They are taken in one_ fifth of the Dine of a daguerreotype, hence the advan tage fur taking small children. which requires but one second in a bright light. They are taken in dark and rainy days as quick as daguerreotyp e s on the clearest and brightest days. They min be seen On either side or the plate. They are far more durable than any picture ever made by light, being taken on plats glass, to which another plate of the same size is iicrinctrically scated with an indeutheetible et/t/cor, by which the picture retains •its brilliancy forages, It will not corrode by acid/ nor he injured by rot o r or elimote. 'The process for taking these pictures being patented, Mr. Bureau has bought the right for Lehigh County, and having sA i tted no expense in the best instructions and e'verything necessary for the pr , i , luetion of thc , o LVIMITABLE PICTURES, in tie hi.paieot ~,t atrlV the ad. and being proud of i.e Atheoothme, the,oloeh ac they have always calmer aged his ejjtorim improreount by their liberal put r.metle. he has . lentucd, at some comiderable ex pense, into this new and beautiful Art, lbeling confi dent of a contillUbliCe These picture sec eoneciled by all who have scan theta to b e the Wort hettOtinti :aid truthful ever produced by the Piii , tographie Art. lineoess, depth of light mot shade, richness of tone mot brilliancy, is ;vonderfol. The term .lialiratypi, by which these plot res are de , ignated. from the tli , elt aiatieo - permanency, de.. it c. C r opies of Ibtguerreiitype,. Oil Paintings, Engravings, any cl.icet whatever. made by this process, liner comait by " . y oli e, L outhll. A lilbr,ltYPe :..;tereo,eopee cart he H‘Cli t, be appreciated—th e y are perfection, Per,•ooo wishing DAGUERREOTYPES enn 11:11e than done up in littreaw's well-I:novo and sdperior style lor t,zl upwards, and Itarrantrd in the hip,1:44 , 1 style the nrt is capable . of prudtzchit.;.— Tii, public in most relteetrully iht lied to cull imll:lL7- nittitie the ta.w mine of pictures, no well ns his r~tic;t collection ut thiguerrcotypcs, whether they re picti,res Or Out, He 0141. 4 Eact littudlton Alknilown, The. 12 ri2E PENS YLVANIA TELEGRAPH. Lc.; l'oltM AND REDUCED , La 77:c Cash .vyNt, On and alter the lire! of Jannary, ISM 3, the I'd:NN , OI.V.INII TELL CIZA PII, I , lll.li,lleit ILL .111trli,lalrg, I'll., will he owned and conducted hyd.he undersigned, who will give their hest eacc;;:ies to make it worthy of its came and of its friend:. It will commence the new year printed on entirely 11CM type, /Old lila Weekly greatly •enlarged in roci a , v Idle the price will be /moo• than that ,V any other Ito (1/0/01 el•ce plihfi.the a of fb e (',pilot .INII 1•A l411;NIN 1411.1. /11: Itt:141'1111:11 Si It ICILY AliVANer. o poper will he _rat until it is paid nor. alltl all will le di:o'er:l hilted as the FIIb..e.CIII.IiOIILI they are recewml. The 'l . m.tatimcit will be issued ,Sl'.lll-WEEICLY, 011 a sheet of twenty-four columns, during the :sessions of the Legislature, and WE1 . :11..1 ON .1 11.1•111.1: NOCE r 01' I'oIITY-1:IttlIT 1:01.1IIN9 the remainder of the year. It will present n comprehensive summary of OM Legislative proceedings; all important general laws as they are passed, 1111t1 flint to give the current political intelligence of the tittles in the fullest and OWN( reliable Manner. Instinct, the proprietors hope to make it a complete Family and Polluted .1 •urnal, and they conlidently appeal to the people of Penn sylvania to sustain their enterprise. The TridmitArn will ttill'Ocate a liberal political volley, 110111111 a to Unite all thuee whit, though :Mi ta:ft.:4l I.y the same eolllllloll purposes, and looping to the SHOO, beneticient re.lUllit, scent distracted by the conflict of distinctive organizations. It trill sustain the highest standard of American Nationality; and, while vielding a sacred obedience to the etenpromi s es of the Constitution, will determinedly resit t the - tenSion of 11t1111:111 slllVery. It will give a cordial, camm,t but independent support to the administration line. TEl tM;ii — S ' lltl(l'LY IN ADVANCE. The TELEGit.t en t ritlbefurni>hod SEM I -%%. E E T.l .iethig the se,sions of the LegiAlture. and IVE6I on If double ,heet, the remainder of the year, a: the il.ll4.lriatr ha. rate—the 110:0:1 7t) Lti3II.ANI iur ilarmi,; Single 2 PO Five eopies ( I DU per e 1111 Tea copies per copyl 17 01) Twenty copies (SI .511 per cops) et the some price ($1 50 per copy) on any en oilier over Neill v. 11111). !lOWA Le made up nt once, and the C. , ;n:, forwarded befure the lira of January, ,o that they eon euninanee with the ressiou of the Legirla lure. Subscription will Le forwurtiv t l front this oilier. :111 ortlrre. taunt ho tltlrctttl to 11*(1.1.'WE & SELLERS. - ...“l..itusincFs men will find the TELEGRAPH the 're ry Athertising .3 , lcdiutn in l'enn:,ylvttnin, ”I' the lilies. nut December 12. PAINTINC AND DRAWINC. ALOES winhing to decorate their parlors with J launtliful Paintinga of their own produCtion, can do :0 et trillin g expenne, by uniting with :Urn. elan: , in Painting. Airfield:lr :Mention paid th,se are ile,irow of ia.,:amin g . (eaciaqa, ran at •• Allen naa,•," and wane of the Painting: , her pupil.. An evening clans in Pencil Drawing.leet at 010 Pf.Ss• (.In/111111/4r in the Eat 11.1ust., o' bock, P. 11. Terny—l lc,:uns 150. Allentown, ace. 12. —lf - $lO 00 2 00 Mil 20 00 61) EAGLE ROTEL FOR RENT. THE • Her le Ilittel." situated et the north west eor -1 tier of . 1 11trItel Square 111111 Iltenilton Street, iu the lourott•li Allenten 0. is offered for rent cheep, *y the undersigned, tin privtitoeon.litions. Erttrything “tech the premise, is arratigetl in the most Smite t 111:11111( r. Thin is a first -rule chance fur nu en terprit.ints Linn. , \pplieution to he made l e J.E:,...511: 011 Alloetorn, I)ee. 12. EXECUTOR'S NOTCCE.--- von CE is hereby given, that the undersignud are 'll uppointell Executors of the lust will mill testa-, went or miniel Acker, :Sen., tleceatzed, late of IVeh,em. Miry township, Lehigh county, therefore all thuie mho know themselves to be indebted to cull estat e , Le it in Ni 0.04, Mno.g, Boole-debts or otherwke will mak e pa:mtent within six weeks front the lute hereof. Also t , ,osc who have any legal claims soling said estatu, will bring in their accounts well nuthenticattnl within Mild time. ( EORGE ArKEit, Alluntown, CIIARLES SMIT IL Alaxatuwny. 1 iecomber 12 go H AS now on lmod nud offers for stile, the cheapest • oldest nod best stock of SEVARS in Allentown, consisting of 250.0110 of all deEcriptions Mid qualities, from $2 up to s:io per thousand. Moo denier in Chewing nod Smoking Tobaceo, Snuff, Se. • Tobacco. histe, Pedlars, Metchums, lintel-Reopers and denier,: generall}• /urn invited to give him, a call. &gars made to order• for. all parts of the Union, comprising the latest styles RIOI brands, sui•h ()Nato, Leudres, Regalia, Plantation, Principe, I,a Norma, Sixes, 4c. Allentown, December 12, • FURS ! FURS ! FURS GOING I T WITH A RUSH! , rIIE people will always go where they tind the largest assortment. That we now ave On han the largest itsForttnent of Fore ever exhibited in Allen- d town, and that we are selling them as cheap if not cheaper then they can be bought at retail in the cities, is a Met admitted by all that have tried it. CURIO la dies, ono and all, give us a call and CXIIIIIIIIC our cheap Furs. Every body can buy a sot at the Mir prices we arc turning them elf. YOUNG e, LEt!. No. 45 gust Hamilton, Street. Decouiber 12 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. Tilos]; who wish to make purchases or presents 1 for the Christmas 11(did a y s , a re toyit e d t o call and examine the spit d stock of Wutehes, Jewelry and FANCY 0001./1, just received from New York and Philadelphia, and for :Me at the lowest prices by HIES S. MASSEY, No. - 23 Hamilton Street. —3t Allentown, l)ce. 12 ADJOURNED COURT. rrlIE next term of the Court of Common Pleas of Lo 1. high County, will commence nt tho Court Eouse, in tho borough of Allentown, on Monday the , 4th day of February next, to continue ono week, at which time all jurors, witnesses and portico interested will attend. NATHAN WEILER, Sheriff: Sheriff's Office, Allentown, Dee. 12, 1855. INDEMNITY BY LOSS AGIIINSTIIRE. Franklin Fire Insprance Company of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 16 Chestnut street, near Fifth. STATEMENT of Assets, $1;525,519 68, January Ist, 1855, published agreeably to nu Act of As sembly, being, .First Mortgages„ . amply secured. $1,109,(.84...18 Real Estate (present value $110.050) cost 82,135 87 Temporary Loans, on ample Culateral securities. Stocks (present value $76,1911 cost, Cash, t Perpettud Liniiied Insurancc3 made 525 049 on every iB description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at rates as low as are consistent with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid 'over di ati/Goti dollors Loss 11V Finn, thereby affording e% idence of the advantage of Insurance, as to their ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Charles N. DandierD , IRECTOIL'..; : Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias %Vaguer. Adolp. E. Boric, Stunuel Grant, liarid S. Drown, ..Itteol, It. :Smith, Morris Pattersuu, Geo. W. Itieharde, Isaac Len, CIIARLES ISANCIiEIt, President. ell.l itLES a. BA Selik: It. Lary. subseribers are the appuinted ore' ti the hove inentionot Institution, and ore 00w , pre pared to n , . i UMW/CS au every description of property, ut the lowet rates. A. L. RUBE, Allentowu. C. F. 13LECII, .I;ethlele,t- Allentow - n, r.ct. 18.i.t. THE I MEE= =I .iOFIES CABINET WARE 11011iS! SALLIET €2, CO., Cheap and Fashionable Cabinet Makers, South East Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a few doors below Dresher's Lumber Yard, • ALLENTOWN, PA. rPTIE undersigned respectfully inform their friends. .1 en! the public generally, that they still carry on the Cabinet business in all its various branches at the above named stand. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery or the day, and hay ing skillful workmen, will be enabled to sell good and handsome furniture no cheap as eau be sold anywhere. Their Store is on the south-east eorper of Nintll and oil streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where they O'er a fine assortment of /114027 CABINET WARE, N consisting in part of Sofas, of various styles fon- patterns, Side Boards, Wardrobes, Sec retaries. Bureaus, or various patterns; Cup-boards of different kinds; Cord, Centro, Side, Breakfast. and Dining Tables: Bedsteads of fitri.retit styles ;old pat terns, Wash-stands', Twist, small and Large Etagers, Whitt Nola. Alusie-Stands. Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, oval Unit Serpentine Tables, Chinese What Nots, Fancy IVerk Tables, Refreshment Tables, Mashes, Tole-a-Tiles, French Di, general assortment of Kitchen Furniture on hand and made to order. They employ at all times none but the best work man, attend personally to their business, and will warrant nil Furniture of their 111111111radure to be made of the best materials. Orders Ver. Ware will be faith fully and immediately attended to , and when sent out of dm Borough will be carefully pocked. They also Borough to order all hinds of wood carving. to which they particularly invite the attention of CaLt act makers and others. , BALLLET & CO, December RE -CISTER'S NOTICE. - iyricr. in hereby given tu the heirs, creditors and 11 01 hen., who be interested in the esteth the fonoll ing deceased persona, in Lehigh county . . to n It : 1. 111 , 2 aceounl of John Appel, .Guardian of Rob ert Lorao. 2. The arrotint of rzusannalielkr, AthuiniNtrator of Tobias Heller; dee'd. 1% The 0(00001 of John Yort, Guardian of Matilda Bowman. •1. The account of John Reber. Guardiau of Mary Pr ter. 6. The neeount of Peter Seihert, Owen Seibert and David M. Kistler. Administrators of John Seibert, 0. The nreount of Peter Miller. Administrator of Susanna dee'd. 7. The account of William Leh, one of the Ad minkd rotors of Saloon! , Leh, S. The account of Charles nod Joseph Wittman. Administrators of Peter Kncpply, dec'd. ft. The account of Stephen moloono. Amos iroLoo. ohl, Paul Krum nod William Krauss, Adminiv.trators of Daniel Snyder. deed. 10. The account of Levina Seibert nod Levi Wlll. tart, Administrators of Daniel Selbort,dee'd. I I. The account of Stephen Hartman nod Charles Hartman, Executors of Andrew Hartman. tlce'd. 14. 'rho 'mond of It. E. Wright, Administrator of Andrew Kunkle. jr. 13. The itecount of Reuben raust, Administrator of 11. Km It, dee'd.' 14. The aeeutuit of Aaron Fake , Administrator of Jacob Peter, dee'd. 15. The account of 'Henry D. Weaver and Aaron Weaver, Administrator or George Weaver. dec'.t. 10. Thz Recount of Eliza Daniel, Administrator of Samuel Daniel, dec'd. 17, The account of Solomon 11. Apple, Adminis. I rid or of Michnel Acker, dee'd. IS, The Account of David Ruch and Thunuu• Biei h% Executora. of John Xander. dec'd. 'fho üboye named Exceutors. Administratc•rs and Guardians have tiled their Accounts in the Register's ollice, in Allentown, in 11111110 r the County of Lehigh, which said Accounts will be laid before the Orphan',. Court of said County for vootirmation, on Tuesday the 15th day of January, 1855, at 10 O'clock in the forenoon. • SAMUEL COLVER, Register. Devember 5. • MN =1 WATER COMPANY .IYIEETINff. • A T an adjourned meeting of the Allentown Water 11 ColnPallY. Kehl at the house of Ilenry Ihtehman, in Allentown, on Saturday the Ist of Decenoloer, the Conowittee appointed at the nuocting of the 22.1 of No vonolo :o er, to examine the ill sites. rocure plan, made report, which was M soccepted p anti the a Cennnittee diseharged: On motion it was' • .11(.ealcol, That the Stick loololera of Fail comp any are invite.' .to attend a meeting on Friday ,the 7th inst., at 7 o'clock in the evening, at the hotom!of 11011 1 w Ruch num, in Allentown, to take into consideration the erection of a mill and adopt a plan. Ott motion it Wile , Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to pub. lisp the proceedings of this meeting in all the papers in Allentown. M. D. EI3EI3IIMID, President. l'.. Tt., NEWHAM), Soorl:tary. MB 3P CP XL St agt.1.13M.• • A o 00D two hor;:o wagon. ,Enquire of the cub. Ll eubeeriber in Upper Simeon towin•hip. AIMAILUI YOUNG. EME 1 - 3 1 c()) Ja a 22 :. A pleasure wagon of the newest style is offered for sale. Application to be made at thiS office. The wagon is new, j ust from the Workshop. —tf Aug. 20 COLUMBIA FIRE COMPANY'S LX.I. NN. BAL II At thu Odd FelluivW Thurldici , evellinr, Due. 13. Flour :111inugtl . rs: F. D. MA WEIN IN"Lz• Charles W. Cimper, 4sepli F. Netrhitrd, Robert D. Krul nor John P. Miller. COMMITTEE: John P. Dillinger , William Reimer J. W. Dietrich, ilinkinger, J. If. grim. IMIT! F I TS-FM; znapus L AMES why do you go out in the cold without getting a set of YERS, when you can got thou' Co very cheap at Ti WIEDER C.: BERGER'S cheap HAT. CAP AND FUR STORE, where they just received the largest and best assortment of Stone ..... ...._ Martin, Silver Martin, Fite,,, Russia, and r . /3 other ladies *',vi' FASHIONABLE runs, i ever exhibited in Allentown, being fresh from the i cities, and well worthy a n examination before making a purchase anywhere else. Call and see them, us no ' charge is made for showing, but it is always done Irish pleasure. Their stock comprises every kind, every price and (fuality—from $4.00 to $150.00 per rot. 'ZsqI..CENTLEMEN, if you wish to purchase superb Hats or genteel _Caps; they give you a cordial invitation to cell and examine their Stock. They warrant every article that you may purchase to give entire satisfaitiou. For 'sal° Wholesale or Retail.— They kayo 180,77420 63,05,, 50 50,005 57 FOR TILL They manufacture the!r ovsn Hat.; and assure the !while that they aro got up right. December .5 rOR THE LADIES. Now anti raLliionable Millinery Establishment IN ALLENTOWN'. EN .ASS sAi All FLll'fl hereby informs her old. felendi , and the public in general that she lately opened a new Millinery Establishment at No. Li West :Arcot, opposite the Odd Fellows' Ilan, and that she joet returned from New York and Phila. dilphis, with it very large stock—hy far the largest in Allentown, of Fall and Winter BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, which will. be sold as cheap if not a little eltenper, , than they Call be purchased at auy place in town. As she has acquired a thorough knowledge of OW business. end employs none but the best Milli ners, she prepared to warrant all work done at her establishment do be as represented. :, , he is anxious to 90i: . 1'1ln who may favor her with their patronage. Old bonnets repaired so as to•make them look equal to new. the returns her thanks for the patronag e thus far hestuwed on her, and hopes by strict attention to business, and telling at low pries, to merit a con tinuance of the bailie. December 5. ME VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SA L E. TEE well known Island, commonly called •' man's Island," lving rio-c to the borough of Al lentown, and near the Lehigh Valley Railroad, own ed by Georg e Butz. Jr., of Philadelphia, is offered at Private Sale. It lies in the Meer Lehigh, a branch of said. river ions along its western side, nod connects on its south-eastern point with the general stream.— It contains about 53 acres of land in a good cultivated condition for raising trucks and vegetables. The ins . provements thereon arc a two story • MUCK DWELLING HOUSE: tkt : „4-7 K and kitchen, with a ',hum a new • _ barn is under contract to be built and finished a few mouths, and a good well with a pump. A largo neW bridge, leading n•tross the River to the L:land, has been built and belongs to the property.— There are on the place 7 or 800 Fruit Trees, n rich choice from the New Jersey Nurseries, two-thirds of witielt arc Peach trees, the rest apples, pears and cherries. Likewise a Inigc lied of strawberries. This Matte has n great advantage to sell and rend its pro ductions with the Railroad to different places. For terms, tic" application must be inntiolo Allentown, Oet. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. I o tho Orphan's Court of Lehigh county. In the matter of the account of Chri , tian Kistler, execus color of tl:e hitt trill and testament of Mmr t lah mt Kistler, deemo.ed, widow of Jacob iiistiur, late o; Lynn township, Lehigh county. And now November nth, I 555, the Court appoint S. Ei,tler, Esq., tin :milker to audit and resettle the account and make distribution necording to law, make report thereof to the not stated Orphan', eluding all the evidence submitted before I Lint. From the Records: Testa: J. W. :%.IICKLEY, 'The auditor above named will attend to the duties of him appointment, on Thursday the 27th of Decem ber. at 10 oielcielt in the forenoon, at the house of Peter Miller, in Sacttersvilki. Lehigh counts', when. ell persons adore:elect may attend if they see proper. S. J. IiII6TLEIt. Auditor. —4t EIZIE Allentown oennnary, The 'Winter Session 'of this institution com menced on the Ist inst., with something over one hundred scholars. The School is now thoroughly Organized in all its departments lyith the following corps of teachers M. Reynolds, D.D., Principal. J. S. Kessler, D.D., &riche?. of Guinea?. Mr.Joshun .Riatc, teacher ol Mathematics, &c. Mr. L. 11. Croll, teacher of ancient Lan guages, &c. Mr. F. C. Herrmann, instructor in Instru mental and Vocal Music. ]Jr. J. Germain teacher of French Spanish and Drawing. Mrs. R. M..Etister, teacher of Botany, Natu ral Philosophy; &c., in Female Department. Miss Adelaide S. Richards, Assistant Teach cr in do. do. Miss Catharine J. Reynolds, teacher in Prim ary Department. We believe that our Institution is as well or ganized as any in the State, and present equal inducements to parents in our cities and the surrounding country to .place their children in it. Our leachers have generally had considera , ble'experience in their profession, and are tho roughly qualified for. it. We invite especial at• tendon to our arrangements for teaghing the modern languages. (German, Frthich and Span ish,) and also to the departments of Drawing and Writing. The Female Department, although under the core of the Principal, and receiving his instruc tions, is entirely separate from the Male de partment. No girls are taken into the Semina ry as boarders, but can obtain good accontoda tions, upon reasonabls terms, in.town. The accommodations of the house are ample, and terms moderate. For pupils entering af ter the commencement of the session a reason able deduction will be made. For further par ticulars sec advertisement and circular, which will' be cheerfully furnished on application to the Principal, Allentown, Nov. 21 Looking Glasses, J U S T received, the largest, best and cheapest d assortment of Looking Glasses that has ever been ollbred in the Borough of Allentown, at the Cabinet Ware Rooms; No. 36 West Hamil ton street, Allentown, Pa. November 7 _______ _.., _____ BREINIG, NETLIGIi se.. BREINIU, I lii [l oy llig c [ o T i liNG ~,. OF PENNSYLVANIA CT:CITHING lIALL, 1 j A.l Mouth East Conlin. of flue ellll rev- i '. . enth Street, retnetartilly inform their friends ; AT P. 5 EAST HAMILTON STREET. Red the public that ti n y have just returned from • MILE subscribers, delirons of again Tnturning their New Turk and Phitadelphia with u large stock of 1 ,L thanit3 to the;t• numerous patrons, avail them 11C11, and thsltionuble selves of this opportunity to no so, and at tho th e Fall and Winter Goods, Mile respectfully announce to their friends and the which they purchased for CASH, and which . enables' Flue generally that they have just returned from New York and Philadelphia, where they purehtteed a thew to sell lower then any other .e.itllLliehleeet. I) f Ilarge1 large stn of the kind in Allentown. They have selected their ' Goods with an eye to durability and fancy, and liaise I FALL AND WINTER GO st O y ~, such as. none but time latest styles in the ma rl. 1•:. noir stock ' consisting of entirely new and disirabl of Gooths,among other articles, conskts of Cloths of; con nut bo foetid at any other ;Verdun Tailoring; all colors rind prices, Cassimurs. or Frcileti, Ele;liqi I Establishment in Alluthewu. The go were ,aleet, and Americium manufactures; Vesting :I. Silk Yokels , ed with the greatest situ, nail will lam made up in the , 1 Satins, Silks, Worsted and other descriptioni, ' , mated , h ates, style and Mtshion, and warrsnted to prove the ~,,1 plain , Shirt, and a r t ~,un i, st oc k s , er,„va t s, 1 mono as represented nt the time of purchase. Observe, Handkerchief 1 ., Itere, Sus {;ender;, :ie., Lesides a great i that every article or Clothing by tho proprietor* many other ertiels eventing Ti their line of - business, of this establishment is of their own make, and truly mi,l ell will be Lehi Lt. lime hAVC.II ptiel,... Ti 'Al' : I'e relied upon 1,1 tel good durable work. Among ~st stock of READ I'.If..IDE CLOTHING, , their extensive assortment lacy be found, duo Black i and Blue HIM Style comprises every thing in the clothing line, Front eh ; DI?ESS FROCK COAT S, over emit down to an und,r-shirt, made up a rafter the ' etude in the latest AND fashion of French and E n glish latest Red most findliouuble style.. Thene stock be. ! Coat , . new style Busiums Coats, or flack, frown, jug 515 extensive Omit suite wiirl euve it, uni eJs litt s d : Blue, Olive end Orcen Cloths, and plain and flgured from tho - bottom to the top." ; Carsimers. ; Over Cetus, ur nit nealities,' styles and CUSTOMER WORK 1 prices, pantaloons, vetde, rad in fact everything, in the will he done up Ps usual, and for their work they tire ! READY :VI DE CLOTHING willing to be held respon..ible. two of ti,, Su n b e fi t v I line, from lilt over -coat down to an undershirt. The practical tailors, and all the work is made up unde r three Lreot features of Keck ~t „Newhard'a Store are, their own ~,,:i. fa st , ervision. . ; Cash, an Thankful fin , vers o they tract that attention i that they cheaper tha b n uy an f y ur of the othersd con, equently can sell ; teir gods aro made to business, 4 •Smunll !wont.. and quick. sale." will I, e up under their own supervision , a n ti List o though not the means ei'hritOng miw customers to their estal, least. they :.ell them for what iey really arc. lish!mmt. Al-s, a larze stock of Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Col. Oot. 1 —lf I: re. Winter 'Hosiery. l:nd.r Shirts and Drawers of ---------____:____„,----;---------...-7 all hinds, and everything in Met that is usually kept somi , ,"rnim.- Fon ri NE 'LINES. lam stores or the kind. Call slid see helve you nur hese ekewhere a. the • willingly slims. what THE ladies of Allentown and surrounding I ''„,. e. T he ,. „ re ' , - „ t: 2 .d t ;," a li t t e• gee! b oar i Country arc respectfully invited to Call at I dl, . •. nanrnation. . 4 sr s a our store, and examine cur new and extensive: . g. 7. --" itry Tailors sin I'f! 811 1141 Ni with the Weil stock of FURS,—all of the latest mid most up. I .canion,Triris.l - 10:t o n. 'New lork and Philadelphia proved styles, consisting of J Fashion PLATES, at the lowesd possible prices. ii 5.7 :SABLE, ROCK MARTIN', MIN lit KECK :,t; NE WHARD. prt•%.l BL ACE L I' N.V. STO . N . * E MAR. : . Allentown, 0 t.,,,,?. ...i , . ......wn, Sept.l2. -if V.it4- TIN. BROI VA' CONE, I', . --- I'ITC'H, MUs ic, v5-r. o lll' CI s awing Machine. i ~.... , childrens , white Furs, At., Ac., which we; sell at prices ranging front 82,50 to F.. : 4: - .:5.00! ...---- per sett. Ladies in want of any article in this I line may rely upon finding with us as handsome i and cheap an assortment, as they would eitherl in New York or Philadelphia. !loving made arrangements with Manunteturers in the cities,; u 4l-5--47.4i-i ..--e•-• • e , -,, , --4 , .,.- • we are prepared to furnish extra setts of Furs. , I r --.11 •e , Mir* Ck'f at short no:ice. Also, cld Furs neatly repaired ' and altered. e Our Assortment of Boots. Shoes, Ifats, °Caps. : , • ..a 4 L - ::- . .-! - --...,..,. Lamps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Ac., is ! ! (; --7 4.'",, , r-05,,..:, as usual, full and complete. We have flats ~ !,, j y_....,N, ~ ....4. - f-;l7' and Caps to tit every head, and Boats and - -- tz:zi. hi . , L.1.e..-- Shoes to lit every foot in this community. As - I .r; e .t. -- 1 i.:•ll °old weather is now coining on, we would call I particular attention to our stock, of Ladies' ! , ( hotelmen's, Misses and Children's Carpet, , ; Deerskin, Calfskin and India Rubber Over I ever. Shoes, all W f which we are selling cheaper than!, I are thankful for the liberal patronage i TNG the last four years these Machines which we have received, and hope by strict, O UR have been full tested in I kinds of ma attention to our customers and friends, and sel ling at low, prices to merit a continuation of the same in future. No. I'. S. —Merchants in the country will be sup- I I 'plied with any of the above goods at the lowest! city jobbing prices. . dered terials that can be sewed,. l and have rendered generalsatisfaction. aru y thousands of worth- . t.II less &win , ' Machines have been brought before 1.11 . e Public, yet Singer's alone has merited and obtained a pod reputation for its perfection and real worth. To a tailor or seamstress lone of these Machines will bring a yearly in , I come of $7'.50. Allentown, Nov. 28. ! The undersigned having purchased of I. M. ' Singer & Co. the sole and exclusive right to use and vend to others to lie used, the above named Machines. in the following localities : The State of Wisconsin, the northern part of Indi ana, and Pennsylvania t•with the exception of the counties of Erie, Allegheny, Philadelphia. ale', Northamptor ; and is now prepared to sell Machines as above mentioned. All orders for the Machines will be punctual. ly attended to. In all eases where a Machine is -ordered, a good practical tailor and operator will accompany the same, to instruct the pur chaser how to use it. A bill of sale will be for warded with each Machine. The price of the Machine, with printed or personal-instructions is $125. For further information address B. RANDALL, ;', Norristown Pa., I—Gm QM En 111121 M. virtue and in pursuance Of an order issued " out of the Orphan's Court of the county of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale on Friday the 14th day of December, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, the follow ing described property, iZ : A certain tract of land, with the appurtenances, situated in Heidelberg, township, in the county of Lehigh aforesaid. bounded by lands of Joseph Lauchnor. jr:. John Kemmerer, Jonas Kemmerer, Levi Fink, Daniel Krum, Martin Handwerk and others, contain ing sixty-tlve acres and a half, twenty acres of woodland and ten acres of meadow, and the remainder in good farming condition. The hit provements thereon are a two story log /176 C iWti barn, agon house, Blacksmith •i e" k W and other outbuildings, also never faiiing Spring, and an excellent Apple Orchard. JOHN HALBACH, Agent for George Butz. --3 I Ben... ' the real estate of George Sen Singer, de ceased, into of lleidtlberg, township, and euun ly aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and due attendance given he JONAS SENSING ER. REUBEN SENSINGEP., j """' llt the Court : J. W. Mitut.t.r, Clerk. November 21. c. _ 1 • ..{,---, rowellin Er.o uses . See ell t or s - N c i, 1 ee , . t„.„.,..,,,,„„ g , - c• s 44 a stable. and other necessary outbuild . • VOTICE is hereby given, that the enders :gned 1 ' -. ..Va'-‘'-'ings. The Railroad runs through the ' II is appointed Executor of the last will i tract, and a stopping place will be made there ; and testament of :larva Muria Lertoiensr/da.vr, I . ent farm laud, and in a fins deceased • late of North Whitehall township. on It is excell Lehigh county, therefore all those who know , state of cultivation. . r, r c ., themselves to be indebted to said estate, he it ~.,, 1% 0. ‘..-..A Tract of Wo o d lapll in Notes, Bonds, Ilook-dchts or otherwise, {rill' situated in the same township and county, ad make payment within six weeks from the date, joining lands ofJacob'Reeker, William Bensing hereof. Also all such who have any legal claims er, 'and Tract No. 1, containinga bout two . against said estate, will bring in their accounts acres. The whole of this can be purchased, or well authenticated nollehin said time. I in smeller portions to suit the purchaser. , EDWARD KOHLER, Execntor. November, 7. r Ruing the Real Estate of WiPtom App, de -17--faw : ceased, late of Northampton county C: .112 : .El . Term ------ i on the day at the place of sale and duo attend s • IV 1 1 4 -,. 1 ance given by . In the matter of the Tn. )Int he Orphans Court JONAS RN, Adm , ora. . . q u isi tion of Catharine i k of Lehigh County. DANIEL LA PP , Snyder, deceased. I And now, Nurealbz-'l' Nov. 14. 11-sw" fi, 1855, en motion of Mr. Marx, rule grated ! on the Heirs of the above named decedent to up- 1 . INTIC:9`I" i (OD M., pear at the second Orphan's Court day of Feb- In the matter of the pro• • 1 In the Court of 'ltaly term next, to wit, on Tuesday' the 51 it : posed a l l of Nin•th 1 Quarter Sessions `day of February, to accept or refuse to :weep!, the , I%* hi t ehall Township into rof Lehigh Conn said Real Estate at the valuation, or show cause i two Elect ion Districts. J The undersign why the said Real Estate, or any part Olt:leer 1 cd coriithisbioners appointed by should not be said. From the Records. ' the said Court, Testc:—J. W. MICKLEY, ClPrk. November 21. Ir-3n, .. . to inquire into the propriety of dividing thp said Township into two Election Districts, as " f prayed for by petiiioners of said Township, and .1%T . C3 t}...." X . ...-IM I . . 1 to make report at the next Court of Quarter I sessions of Lehi g h County, together with their commonwealth ? In the Court of Quarter es. opinion of the same, will meet on the 22d day SPence for the County of Lehigh. D. Lawall, Esq., in the Borough of Allentown. Notice is hereby given that on the Sth day of . for the purpose of attending to the ditties of November, instant, the Court, on motion of Mr. ! their appointment, when and where all persons Marx, direct the Clerk to refund to the above interested may attend if they see proper. named defendant the surplus of money remain- ing in his hands uncalled for by the witnesses ; JOI:HUA STAIILER, in the above case, this order to 'take elll:ct Oil 8.13111.3. SAiLOR, Coramia'srse the first day of January next. JACOB MICELEr. 1 November 28. Tcyt c :—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk, November 21. ' 4 'if—CA 1 _ _ ICC= I >TICD..IOI. Notice to Assessors. Commonwealth )In the Court of Quarter' vs. ;. Sessions of e Peace 'THE Assessors of the several wards, boroughs, Nathan Fredericks. ) and for the Co of Lehigh I and townships of Lehigh county, will meet I Notice is hereby given that on the Sth day of at the Commissioners' Office, in .Allentown, on i November, instant, the Court, on motion of 11,1 r. Monday the 16th day of December next, for the • Longnecker, direct the Clerk to refund to the purpose of receiving the books and instruc- ; above named defendant the surplus 6f money dons preparatory to making the triennial as- i remaining in his hands uncalled fbr`by the wit• sessment for 1856. • nesses in the aboVe case, this order to take of- By order of the Commissioners. feet on the first day of January next. EDWARD BECK, Clerk. TeJle:—J. W. MICKLEY, Clerk. November 28. 11-6 t . November 21. T. —Bit ME PRICE. 11-3 m Orphan's Court Sale, OMB kuE ust I IVETIELIC r 01 l'aluable Real Estate. lif ILL, be sold at Public Sale, on Friday that 14th of December, it 12 o'clock at noon, on flue premisis, the following described valua ble real estate, viz : No. I.—A Tract of Land situated in Washington township, Lehigh ooun- - ly, adjoining lands of Jacob Heil, the Lehigh river, William Bensinger, and tract No. 2, con taining 11 acres and 40 rods. The improve ments thereon are two M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers