~, 0 1110. .9 WPstUauiilton sfireet, iL.• ''ALLENTOWN, PA. Pictures most rare of beauty's radiant face, With life.like figure and its ease of grace; Peefected eye—truth's Magic light of life— PlOasing in infant and the much loved wife,. There, and all charms o'er which affection weeps When sad bereavements hearts in sorrow steeps; Portrayed with excellence of artist's skill, Are had at Loettineas!—go when you will. U. LOBHMAN, respectfully informs the citi. wens of Allentown, and vicinity, that he may still be found at his old established Eilty.Light ,lla. guerrean Gallery, No. 9 West Hamilton street, where he is ever ready, rain or shine, to take pictures not to be surpassed by any artist in this Borough. By long experience, arduous toil, and heavy investments of capital, he feels assured that any one who may favor him with a call will receive in return a perfect picture, not to be excel led, in point of artistic beauty, by any one in this section of country. He would also invite attention to his new and splendid stock of cases which range in price from 75 cents to 10 del^ lars. Please bear in mind, that pictures can be taken in clear or cloudy weather. Allentown Feb. 7. A New Book Bindery. PDWARD 3111ENDLER respectfully informs -E 4 the citizens ofA llentown and vicinity, that he has established a Bookbindery at the office of the " Unabhangige Republicaner," No. 0 East Hamilton street, where he carries on the business in all its various branches. Port Folios, Music Books, Magazines, Blank Books, &o.,bound durable and tasty. Old Rooks re btrud at the shortest notice. Band Boxes, Fancy Boxes, & - c., made to order. Copy Books, Pass books, &c., constantly on hand or made to order at short.notice, Feb. 7 VAxecutov's once. Notice is hereby given, that the under signed are appointed Executors of the last will and testament of Henry Lauer, de ceased, late of Lower Nlacungy township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said estate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book-debts or otherwise. viill make payment within six weeks from .the date hereof. Also who have any legal - claims againsrsaid estate, will bring in their accounts well authenticated within said time NATHAN M AARON SCHNOYER, Eecutors • Feb. 7. Look Here ! Travel7rsland Others. 4.. It has no doubt be ' come known that the 0"-e7- 4 ... undersigned has been so •''. .; e unfortunate as to loose his License for Keeping 111111111101 " wla I,f Public House, ,in Me chanicsborough Lehigh County. Ho therefore takes this method to in form the Public generally, that a new License has been granted to him at the adjourned court, held on February the 10111 to keep Public iffolaSe and tbat ho is again prepared to entertain " Strangers and travellers" upon . the most reasonable terms His table will be filled with the beat the marlcet affords, and his bar with none but the purest of liquors. AARON DEKII. Mechrinicsborough; Feb. 21. 4-3 m Special Notice. Having disposed of the "Lehigh Regis ter" printing establishment, and engaged in business that will require all the means at my command, I earnestly request all per sons indebted in my books for subscription, advertising, jobbing work, or otherwise, to make payment at an early day, as the books of the establishment ought to be settled up without delay. There are a number of old accounts especially, which have been stand ing for years, some as much our own fault perhaps as the debtors, where liquidation would now be of material service. lam found as heretofore at the "Old Stand" next door to the Ger Man Reformed Church. A. L. IZULIE. - Allentown, Jan. 3. 1102C11112C1C1010111300EitCOCZOOLNaCei E. W. Eckert's WHOLESALE AND RETAIL "t? Tobacco, Snuff and Senrct bt OWoa.ni , 9 No. 30, East Hamilton Street, F 33 ALLEIN*OWN, PA. rir GOODS ALL TVARRAN7I2.II. E3 July 20. 9f-1 y saingoirstemeasrasattamogoaczaris REEVE L. KNIGHT, (Successor to Hartley & Knight,] Bedding and Carpet WAREHOUSE, - No. 148 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Where he keeps constantly on hand a, full sortment of every article in his line of business. • Feathers, Featherbeds, Patent Spring Ilatresses, Curled illair t Moss, Corn Husk and Straw, Matresses, Velvet .Tapestry, beautiful Brussels, : Three. Ply, Ingram, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths,Canton Mattings, Cocoa and Spentsh Mattings, Floor and . Stair Drug. gate,. Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Table and .Piano.cpvers, to which he respectfully invites lbe•altention of purchasers. . Dot. 11, 1854. WANTED. JOURNEYMAN WIINELWRIGHT is want ed immediately by the undersigned at his Coach Making Establishment in Allentown. To a good workman, of sober and industrious habits, a permanent situation with the best of wages will be given. A married man prefera ble.. T. OTATTLER. • reb.l4.' IT-8w V 4 EI The Great Sea Serpent SUPPOSED TO BE BETWEEN ONE AND -119 HUNDRED FEET LOW Was .again seen by Capt. Clipper, of the Brig Arrow. He reports a tremendous SEIELA. EiELIEL3 9 333Z030 On the old serpent ground, off %Immo which has caused considerable excitement in that vi. cinity ; but,nothing to be compared with that now existing about the new and splendid stock of clothing not? offered for sale at 1312.E1N1G, NEILIGEI & MEINIG'S • PEEISYLVANIA CLOTHIS LILL, NO. 2, HAMILTON STREET, Their stock comprises every variety of Ready Made Clothing that may be found in the largest establishments in Philadelphia and New York, and they invite merchants and dealers, who buy wholesale, to call and examine before making their purchasers. Our goods are made up expressly fg.,.the country trade, and we can satisfy all whWroall that !hey can procure a better stock of us at CHEAPER RATES than any where else. They also have on hand an extensive stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satins, Silk Vestings, &c., of every description, which they can make up at short notice, and in.the most fashionable styles. Dealers wanting a lot of any particular article made up, can have them on short notice by sending in their ordr. .(* --- CUSTOMER WORK will' be attended to us asual, and all fits warranted. • Two of the firm being practical .Tailors, ihe public need have no fears but that their garments will • :,,,Thanlcful for past favor;, therhope by fair dealing and just prices to still enjoy the patron. age of the public. Remember, all who want Clothing,, that the Pennsylvania Hall,at the old stone corner, is the plare. BREINIG, NELIGH & BREINIG. October 11, 1854. If-3m ¶-5w unELLIcANE AND HAIR DRESSER NO. 10 WILSON'S ROW, Respectfully informs the public that he is still pursuing his vocation of Barbering and Hair Dressing, after the most approved style, at his old stand, where he cordially invites all who wish to avail themselves of his useful sci ence to give him a call. -In addition to his Shaving and Hair Dressing business, he earn estly invites the attention of the public to the fact that he has just received from Philadelphia a large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy ar ticles,—which he offers for sale on terms so rea sonable that no lady or gentleman should be without them. His stock consists in part of Ladies' Curls of superior style, a beautiful ar ticle, Gentlemen's Wigs, Dressing, Toilet and Head Brushes, Tooth Powder, an excellent ar ticle, Cologne, hair Oils, and Perfumery of every description, Military. Shaving Soap, a fine article, Washing, Shaving, and Toilet Soap, Shaving Cream, Powder and Pulf•boxes, Walk ing Cane& Segars and Segar Cases, Bay Water, &c., &c. ¶-Gw Tho public is respectfully invited to give him a call. Jan. 31 elletention .Purchasers NE In BOOT, MAT IND CA SS; I T 41=0 3Ft. .10, No. 21 Iffaitatillon Street, TWIE subscribers take pleasure in announcing .1 tattle public that they have entered a new field of operations in the manufacture of floats and Shoes, at their old stand,". No. 21 East Hamilton street sign of the Big Boot," one door east of the German Reformed Church, where they manufac ture and sells at iiiitelesale and Retail all kinds of fine and coarse fashionable gentle men's boots and shoes. Also, all kinds of the latest styles of ladies fashionable dress and other shoes. Gentlemen's boots manufactured to order from $2 50 to $8 00. Boy's and Children's Boots from $1 25 to $4 00. Ladies Dress and other, Shoes from 50 to $2 50. The above articles will be sold at wholesale and retail, and one of the largest assortments in the trade ever exhibited in Allentown will always be kept on hand, Measure ®r COlSiollier work will always be attended to at the shortest notice. The latesi New York styles of Gentle. men's Fashionable Roots made up to order, and warranted to give full satisfaction. Ke has in his employ one of the most finished CUTTERS, and as fur WORKMEN, none but the best will find employment. Coaantry G7ferchailiS • are particularly invited to call, as we are pre pared to supply them with a .6 homemade esti. cle," far superior to any ever brought from Yankee Land," and at prices very near if not quite as low. Therefore try home competition and give us a call. We. hope in our new enterprise to see the faces of our numerous old friends , and hundreds, of new ones, to whom we will always sell. at the lowest Cash prices. Ladies' Dress Gaiters, with and without heels, made up of French, Italian, English and Ameri. can Lasting, of nll colors and styles. Dress Shoes of Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid, French Morocco, and Seal, black and fancy colors, for Women, Children and Infants. Ladies, Misses, and Gentlemen's Gums, of alt the lash, ionable styles. , . • rirßepairing of all kinds done up, neatly and expeditiously; awl at prices that will give full sa. tisfaction. RUHE & WITTE. Feb. 7. IT-4 Admi:aistratovs Notice , . E'PTEREit of Administration having been 4,9 granted to the undersigned in the estate of 111(chnel Acker,, deceased, late of Weisenhurg township, Lehigh County, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of this date; and all persons having claims against said estate will present them,duly authenticated, for settlement, within the aboye specified time, to the undersigned. SOLOMON H. APPHL, Administra'r. • Jimmy, 31. T--.4ltv ALLENTOWN CALL AND SEE ALLENTO WN, PA c*.colr. IS A KNOW .NOTHING IF HE DOES NOT LKNOW THAT Cs 0 Fit 41 Q p.. ow .—, c. p, k') r 4 % F-1 PEI No. 31 East Hamilton Street, A Large StoCk of New Goods. K EcK & NEWHARD take this occasion to inform "All the world and the rest of mankind," that they have just completed their new stork of . SPLENDID READY MADE CLOTHING, For FALL and WINTER wear, to which they tivite the especial attention of all who desire o 'bake selections from the Handsomest. Cheapest and and Best Stock that can be found in this region of the country. Their new goods, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest• ings, &e., will•be found the most beautiful and superb in any .other establishment in .Allen• town, from which customers can select and order any garment they choose, which will be made up in-the best style, in the shortest space of time and at the lowest possible prices. A large variety of - UTCOATS, PANTS, VESTS, &e., Or every pattern, variety and style, Ready made, will be found on hand at all times. Also, constantly on hand a large and choice variety of fashionable GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Such as Gloves, Hosiery, Scarfs,Shirts, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &:c. They invite all people who desire immense bargains, to give them a call and thereby save from FIFTY to SEVIJ:NTY•FIVI per cent. in the nurehase of their Fall and Winter outfit. iar Remember the spot—No. 31 Fast Ham ikon street, nearly opposite the German Re formed Church Oat. 17 3DY2EII IPIIIIII 9 Barber and Hair Dresser, NO. 16 WEST HAMILTON STREET, Allentown, Pa. Who keeps his razors bright and keen, And shaves his customers so clean That they look like youths of seventeen ? Why Pierre ! Who bows to all who enter in, And while he kindly smooths the skin, Gives ease and comfort to the chin ? Why Pierre . Ho, all ye Unshaved Faces, Come ye to Pierre's, No. 16 East Hamilton street, nearly opposite Moser's Drug Store, where lip carries on Barbering and Hair Dressing after the Most approved city styles. He constantly keeps on hand a large assort- ment of Perfumery, Wigs, Curls, Brushes, Powder, Cologne, Shaving .and Toilet Soap, &c., together with such a variety of articles for the toilet, as are indispensible to every lady and gentleman. [rEor the accommodation of his numerous friends in East Allentown, he has established a " Tonsurial Temple" near Schimpf's Hotel. Feb. 7: If-3m ES United States Hotel, CORNER OF FRONT AND RACE STREETS Calasatiqua, Opposite the " American Hotel The above hotel, one of the largest and most commodious in the interior of Pennsylvaaia, is now kept by the undersigned, who'is ready to wait upon all who will favor him with their pat. ronage. Every attention shall be paid to the comfort of his guests. The Larder will be sup_ plied with the best the markets afford and. the Bar with the best Wines and Liquors. In short no pains nor expense will be spared to render the "United States" an attractive hotel for visi_ tors. The public are invited to call.. CHARLES NOLF, Proprietor.. Catasauqua, Jan. 3, 1855. 7-3 m Ithannito bL Cosa agains FIRE. ME FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No: 1834 CHESNUT STREET Near" Fifth Street. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, $1,525,949 68, January Ist, 3859; Published agreeably to au Act OF ASSEMBLY, BEING First Mortgages, arum secured, $1,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value $llO,- 000) cost. Temporary Loans, on ample Cola teral Securities. 130,774 26 Stocks (present value $76,101) cost. 63,085 60 Cash, &c. &c., ' • 50,665 57 1,325,049 OS PERPETUAL ORLIMITED INSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, at ratesaslow as areconsisttint with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four years, they have paid over three millions dollars Loss BY FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the ad vantnue. of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities.' Directors: Charles N. Bauker, Mord. D. Lewis. Tobias Wagner, Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, ' David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, Cnsatrzs N. BANCAER, President. Cueuves G. BANcuarat, 'Secretary. 'The subscribers are the appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and aro now prepared to make insurances on every description of property l at thelow. est rates. A. L. RUHE, Allentown. C. F. BLECH, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1854. Allentown Seminary. W. N. REYNOLDS, D. D., Principal. T EM Rev. 0. R. Ressler's health having- in duced him to relinquish the charge of the Allentown Seminary, at the close of the present term, said Institution will from that time be conducted by the subscriber. The friends and patrons of the school are hereby informed that it will, from the first of May, bo conducted by : the undersigned, upon the plan hitherto so sink cessfully pursued. and upon the same te ri nstir regular tuition and boarding. • The houie . being fully fitted up for the reception of a considera bly greater number of scholars than heretofore, parents aro respectfully requested to favor us with their patronage, and are assured that their sons will receive the most careful, attention The arrangements for their accommodation and comfort, as well as for their instruction, are am ple, and will, wo trust, bo satisfactory to all. The FssTALR DErawritrimr will also be contin ued as heretofore. Experienced and judicious teachers have been secured for its instruction, and will conduct it under the superintendence of the Principal, and it will be our object to give a full course of an elevated and solid female education. +.l cp 0 lir 1 a =6. cro a en MEI The charges for board and tuition aro as fo lows : NALE DEPARTMENT. For boarding and tuition for the term of five months - - - - $7O 00 Tuition for pupils under ten years - 800 Tuition for pupils between ten and twelve years - - - -12 00 Tuition for pupils over twelve - -15 00 FEMALE DEPARTMENT Tuition for pupils over ten years - “ " under ten French - - Drawing (pencil) " crayon - Painting - . . -Piano (per quarter) - Use of piano - • - - Fuel—(scholars paying $l5 per quarter excepted) - - - _ - - 50 For further particulars and references, see circulars. • a.._7lhe Summer Term will commence as usual upon the Ist of May. W. M. REYNOLDS, -Principal. Allentown, Feb. 14, 1855. tf EZI 'WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE fa FilifY 11110 A Choke Assortment of the Finest Qua or sale at the lowest cash prices, at liFent. Eironhead's, No. 184 South Second Street, betWeett Pine and Union, West side, Philadelphia. s t e r; ee stockct en 'b o r a f c e ib t . ; in e a Afir i r a h m e e a a g ri7 • qatclies.Jewelry,Stlver Ware, Allotta Mire, plated with line Silver, in Spoons, Forks, Ladles,&c.—Jet Goods, Fans, and Fancy Articles of a superior quality, deserving the ex• amination of those who desire to to procure the best goods at the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a practical knowledge of the business, and all available facilities for Importing and Nlannfacturing, the subscriber confidently in vites purchasers, believing that he can supply diern on terms aq favorable as any other obtab• hshreent in either of the Atlantic cities. Ce'All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry i n,' Silver Ware manufactured to order, within rY'Watehes, Jewelry and Silver Ware faith fully repaired. WII. B EETTN . EA D, No. 18.1 Smith Socend Street, a few doors :,,hove the 2nd St. Market, West Side. ihe Smith windew of the Sinre, may he seen the famous BIRD CLOCK, which commands the admiration of the scientific aut.! curious. Out. 4,1854. IT-1y William L. Mr olm, nii4 Sign Painter ; PER RAISER AN GLAZIER, . NO. 42 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. • Ca- Taper Hanging done at ihe estreino low price of 12 cents. Feb. 7. • TREXLER &BUSH - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' . 113 .M Gtr• ..eath...lEL, IS Me - 17 .IE I 3F" , AND V O/BAVD(E) . - • MANUFACTURERS, , Oro. 230 Or k Third St.; Abovo Call vh*•CStreet, west side, , ' Ph adelphia. • , • • IZE"Messrs. Trexler & Bush respectfully In. vito the attention of Country Merchants, Man. ufaciurers and Shopkeepers throughout Lehigh, Northampton, Carbon, Schuylkill, Barks, and other adjoining Counties, to their very large and extensive stock of Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco, of all kinds, at the lowest possible prices. Oct. 11, 1854. '• IT—Gm 82,139 87. IDINPS3 Il 1D 221)111 The Best and Cheaper,,! Stock of Boots Shoes, Gai- Lsaibtod tors, Gums, Sze., in the city, at Dunbarr's 70, South Second St. Philadelphia, (corner of 'Carters Street.) Being mostly of his own manufacture, he guarrontees them to wear ; and will sell— wholeiale or retailer cheap as the cheapest. 'Easy Shoes for Old Ladies. Plain and. Fancy Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, dm., always on hand in great .variety, for Boys, Yoath, Misses and Children. Prices.—Ladies Gaiters, of every quality and style, from $1 to $2,50. Gonts' Calf Skin Boots, from $3 to $5, Patent Leather Shoes, Gaiter Boots, Congress Boots, But ten Boots, &c., from $1,50 to $4,50. Gum Boots, Shoes, Sandles,Clogs,always on hand. Far Old Guins • bought and repaired. June 28, 1854. 4-•-ly - 12 00 - 800 EXTRA CIIARGES - ]2OO - 8.00 - 10 00 - 12 00 - 800 - 800 , r • Pißtitgliff. .ilill !' B.Azaravir & Co.,' Cleeai (04 Fashionable .CABINET MAKERS, &lAA East Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets, a few doors below Dresher's Lumber Yard, ALLENTOWN, PA. Tats undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they have taken the establishment of Mr. S. Blank. and are now carrying on the Cabinet business in all its various branches. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day. and having skillful workmen, will be enabled to sell .good and handsome furniture as cheap as can be Sold' anywhere. Their Store is on the south-east corner of Ninth and Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where they offer a fine assortment of Sofas, of various styles and patterns, S B i ti d r e ea ß u o s a r d o s f , v S a e r i c o r u e t s a r p i eas, patterns e l rn lra s r . d ro c b u e p s, boards of different kinds ; Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables ; Bedsteads of dif ferent styles and patterns, Wash-stands, Tiist, Small and Largo Etagers, What Nots, Music stands, Sofa Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Ser pentine Tables, Chinese What Nots, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas, Tete-a-Tetes,French Divans. A general assort ment of Kitchen Furniture, on hand and made to order. They employ at all times none but the best workmen, attend personally to their business, and will warrant all Furniture of their manu facture to be made of the best materials. Or ders for Ware will be faithfully and immediate ly attended to,.and when sent out of the Bo rough, will be carefully packed. They also make to order all kinds of wood carving, to which they particularly invite the attention of Cabinet makers and others. BALLIET & CO. ¶-3m Nov. 20 Tile wnoLE WORLD $300,000 WORTH OF GIFTS, for the subscribers to the Mammoth Pictorial of The Whole World, Published simultaneously in the three cities of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, as soon as 300,000 subscriptions are obtained; and having already an actual circulation of about 200,000, it is now certain the Distribution will soon take place. Among the extraordinary LIST OF GIFTS, (being one for every ticket issued.) are Professor Hart's Elegant Country Scat, valued at $25,000 A Magnificent City Residence, 17,000 A Cash Loan for 100 years, without in. terest or security, Building Lots, Elegant Piano Forte;, Melodeons ' Gold Watches, Bracelets, Rings. Books of Travels in the Old and New World, by Prof. Hart; Real Estate, &c., &., in all numbering $300,000 Every single remittance of $l, secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every person investing in this stupendous eniorpric e receives t h e.. fnll ~,,,r,t. ..1 money: in subscription to a first class journal, (ihe greatest and must interesting Pictorial of age.) besides a Gift for each subscription which may prove an immense fortune toThe receiver. For complete List of Gifts, and full and ex plicit particulars in regard to the great Enier• prise, Distribution, &c., see a copy of Tits NVuoLs WOIRLI7, which will be Kompily sent, free of charge, where desired by letter post paid. The Whole World may also be seen at the offices of all pa pets containing this advertise ment, where information may be obtained in re gard to the paper and Enterprise. Agents, Postmasters, and Ladies desirous of lucrative and at the same time genteel employ. merit, should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far the mo-t liberal inducements ever offered to agents in the way of immense pretniums, gifts, commissions, &c., whereby any person, with ordinary activity, can easily tnake $l,OOO and upwards, per year; to which fact the agents we already have can cer. tify. Secure the. Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write their address— Name Post office. County, and State, Plain and Distinct, or it will he their own fault if they fail to get an answer. Adhere to this, and all retut as will be promptly sent wherever desired, in any part of the world. qer If any orders are received after the 300,. 000 subscribers are obtained, the money will be promptly returned, postpaid, to the persons sending it. Q' All letters and remittances for the Pict°. rial, With Gift Tickets, must invariably be ad, dressed nost.paid, to Prof. J. WOODMAN trA R'P, World's Hill, Broadway, New York, there being the only officeo,for the Gift Enterprise. But remittances for the Pictorial without Gift Tieltets, may he sent to Prof..l. WOODMAN HAM', Hart's Buildings, Chesnut street, Phila , delphia, , Pa., : there being the principal cditoria and publication office Nov. 2,,2, YR:EN CU TRUSSES, WEIGHING LESS THAN 2A OUNCES. For the Cure of hernia or Rupture. Acknowledged by the highest medical au horities of Philadelphia, incomparably su perior to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu of the cumbrous and unconti lortabk article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retain its position with out change. 'Persons at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have Vie Truss sent to any address, by remitting Five Dollars for the double—with measure round the hips, and , stating side affected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning it at once, unsoiled. For sale only by the Importer. CALEB 11. NEEDLES, Can Twelfth & Race St. Phil: tar Ladies, requiring the benefit'of Me. chanical Supports, owing to derangement of the Internal Organs, including Falling of the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are inform ed that a competent and experienced LADY will be in attandanes at the Rooms,(set apart for their exclusive use,) No. 114, TwELFTLI St., Ist door below Race. June 28, 1654 Dr.. 3. .-likarnet 41,Z, Informa his friends, end tte pair lic in general, that F.e still perforate all operaiions on the teeth, and treats diseases of the gums and alveolar processes' in the most effectual avid' skillful manner. His mode pf inserting artificial teeth, cannot be surpassed, for comfort to the wea reread du ribility and beautifulness inappenr ali ce. The general satisfecticm he has given for years, has been duly appreciated by the public. • Office N 0.48, East Hamilton street,a few doors East o! Pretz, Guth & Co's store, op posite Bechtels American Hotel.. December 6, 1634. Surgical and illeclianical: DENTIST. nR. C. C. H. GULDIN, from New York; in 1 - 1 vites the attention of those in Allentown and vicinity, who require Operations on the ' natural Teeth, or who are in need of artificial' ones, to his superior mode ofoperating in all the different departments of Dentistry. Having had eight years' experience in his profession, and availing himself or every valu able improvement, he knows he can render the very best assistance to the patient of which the Art is capable. REPERIINCES.—Rev. Thomas De Witt, D. D., • Rev. Charles M. Jameson, F. Clarkson, M. D., William Underhill, M. D., New York city. Office for the present at the American Hotel. • Patients also visited at their residence if de- " sired. Allentown, Jan. 17, 1855. f-1y . DR. CIIA,RLES BEIL, ing It 0 U l ' a NO. 309 WALNUT STREET, PITILADELPIFIA. T the late Sate A grieud oval Fair. held s, 11. Philadelphia, received a SILVER MEDAL, the hir.hest award for exhibitom of skill in hie profession. He raters to this, and to hie al. ready extensive practice, as a guarantee to all who have oveasion for his services, that his work and orders 2eneral!y in his line, will be •:cietrifictillv and sl,illully performed. L)r. NEIL ple,h.tes !limped, to the lowest terms, 011,1 all reasonable dkpitteh, with those who favor him with their. calls. Nov. I • SEE HERE. Clxcap and Vashionable WIIBOW 11111 MAIIIFACTORY. ALEXANDER P. MUIR, late of Philadelphia, re:.pec fully informs the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that he has lately taken the estab• lishment of Mr. ellArtußs Ross, and is now car, eying on the business at the old stand. No. 125 West Hamilton street, in all its various ' , ranch-• es. lie employs at all tune none but the best workmen,-and warrants all Blinds of his manu. facture to he of the best materials. He is pre pared to make Blinds for Churches, Public Buildings, &a. Particular attention paid to re pairing. Having had many vea r>' - "" ce in Philadelphia, he flait,r. e.,tftsell that he can mono as giettual ,lll, aNnionabfe an all !le as can be had in the city, and at least 25 per bent. cheaper. January 24. 10,000 VIEDER & BOYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lanufileturers and Dealers IN F UST received and opened, the largest and beat assortment of Stone Martin Silver Martin, Fitch, Russia, and other , fasbionabte furs ever exhibited here, being fresh from the city, and well worthy of an early call, ce they will no doubt go with d' rush. Walk iii Ladies, and see lor yourselves. o.lr stock consists in purl - of the following articles: • Victurines.of every kind. from $1 to $6O, French Victormes and Cu 115,, hiu(fettees, Rus.ran.ritch 4 " Short Lynx Capes andCufik,. Imitation Sable and Black Gentretts, Cony Victurines, Whirr otted , In short all kinds of FURS Sp that canVictorines .be fountlf in New York and Philadelphia, and at all prices, 11.1 TS amp CoIPS. Our assortment of Rats and Caps Is full—the bcst by far ever offered. It requires no bragging • —lake pattern from no country shops, but de.• rived from "head quarters," and will be pat. terned after by others, as the past has shown., We also manufacture hatstand no mistake, as. you can see for yourself by calling; so don't be deceived by those who would be the only mane. facturers, as there are a few more of the sum sort. Then go to Wieder dc Bciyer; and get a good and fashionable article, Thankful for past favours, they respectfully , . ask a continuance of the same. • • N0v.16. 7- em E . **.2SWWIMM JO IIN ROlll6 1. /4151 wholesale and Retail (Apealer in Tobacco, .011Uti anb• Stgar.9, .6* INol4.East Hamilton Si.; floods all Warranted. ..CD Jan. 31.' —I Viar.°Z it:Y.:I I ,I3M. Mel a==Mil WIEDER & BOYER. 1-401 ALLENTOWN, PA. 1=:=1 a Elki T-4 ..e.-.- ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers