ED on Gain. Li:msg.—The latest mes• SIEF6I , • mdl• turem• • Vrikett.fres(t water seas are tilts° : The #reatestlienghiel Lake Superior is 335 yak,. its iattleiithreadtli is`l6o, mean depth ‘ 7 oBBl4;ilti.a*"§B7 feet; area - 32,000 square itreaPtslength of Lake Michigan *es; • greatest breadth ~180 mean depth , 900 feet, elevation 587 feet, area 20,900 square mile's. • The greatest length of i t alitl Moron. is 200 miles, its greatest breadth ---la•l6o,Tiles, mean depth 600 feet, elevation 574 • feetitirea 4 20;000 square miles. The greatest., lengttikt Lake Erie is 250 miles, its greatest breadth is 80 miles, its mean depth is 84 feet, elevation 555 feet, area 6000 square miles.— The • greatest length of Lake Ontario is 180 miles, its greatest breadth is 65• miles, its mean &Rh is 500 feet, elevation 262 feet, area 0000 square miles. The total length of all five 1585 i s , miles , covering an area altogether of upwards of 00,000 Square miles.—lnicrnational Journal. iv.—We learn by the Painesville Telegraph, that two classes. of people in that village undertook to raise funds for the relief of tit poor. One held a dancing party in the ev ;ning and raised $75, the other, whose con neientious scruples prevented their attendance where dancing was a part of the exercises, ap pointed a committee to receive contributions in the afternoon, and the amount received con 'slated of $1 in money, two pieces of pork, and 'five pounds of butter. A I..tuna P9r•PIE.—A pot-pie, made of the ibllowing materials, was manufactured on board of the frigate Constitution, at Port Mahon, in 1824, for a ClwiEttnas dinner-151 turkeys, 501 b. fresh pork, 401 b. salt pork, 1 bushel of onions: 51b. pepper, 1} bbls. of flour, and '5O iiallons red wino. MAMMOTH EGG. —A friend, of this city, a few days ago, brought an egg to our office, laid by a young Shanghai chicken, which measured 8 by 6 inches. She lays every second day, and has laid a number of eggs, all about the same size.—Lancagcr Reputlican. CLoeKs.—The Hart ford Courant understands that Jerome's clock factory in New Haven has not discharged any of its four hundred hands the past winter—they have two hundred thou sand dollars worth of work finished, ready for the Spring market. They' pny out front sixty thousand to one hundred thousand dollars per month, and pay every thing Promptly. JURV LIST. GRAND Junons. Ephriam Guilt ; South Whitehall. William Eckert, Allentown. Michael Reichard, Upper Macungie. Thomas Ritter, Hanover. Wm. R. Yeager, do. lloas Hausman, Esq., Washington. Daniel W. Lehr. Allentown. 11 man Rupp, Upper Macungie. Henry Ortt, Lower Milford. John Moyer, Hanover. . I `n "tz Lowhill. Daniel Bittnr, - yr..;ne n b re. Peter Wickert, Lou llftry South Whitehall. ' James Troxelb - South Whitehall. Jonas Diehl, Lowhill. Joseph Trexler, Lower Macungie. Charles Keck, Allentown. John Liehtenwalier. jr., Upper Macungie Thomastleim, Weisenburg. Daniel Cinder, Upper Macungie. Stunuel Engelman, Allentown. Charles Bender, do Reuben Bernhard, Salisburg. PETIT JeltOltS.--FIEST WERE. Wm. L. Keck, North Whitehall. Christian Muss, Weisenburg. Aber John: o t, Lower Milford. Daniel H. Kreutz, Lynn. John Egge, Allentown, Peter'Troxell, South Whitehall. Samuel 'Kohler, Hanover. John Schaffer, Upper Macungie. • A. S. Moyer, Lower Milford. John Keunnerer, Allentown. • Isaac Woomer. Lynn. Owen Faust, Upper Macungie. 'Thomas Deibert, Upper Macungie. Daniel Outh, South Whitehall. .Jacob F. 'Heiler, Washington. John Yost, Salisburg. 4 , Thomas Steckel, Allentown. Reuben Scheirer, North Whitehall. ..Jacob Ritter, Salisburg: Jacob Heller, Upper Macungie. Aaron Ballict, Washington. Gideon Marks, South Whitehall. Jacob Zimmerman,: Christian Kiitlei,-Lynn. John Q., Cole, AllentoWn. John Stephen,.LoWer Macungie. Davidiblben, Lynn. Jonas Rader, Lower Milford. Henry Reinhard, Lower Macungie. •Georgct Desch, do do Stephen Smith, Heidelberg. Francis Weiss, Weiscnburg. . Josiah Scherer, South Whitehall. Charles Moyer, Upper Saucon. 'Samuel Horn, Allentown, Edward Korn,South Whitehall. PETIT SUII.OIIS.-SECOND mot. John Sherer,'SOuth Whitehall. Samuel Ilottel, Lower Milford, Charles C. Beck, jr., 'David Weida, . do 'Henry Person, Upper Saucon. E. It. Newhard, Allentown. Aaron G. Reninger, Allentown. Charles,Brauss, , do Pete; Engelinan,, do Schout, Salisburg; F. Stuber, do • . I .sohalutuft, Upper Saucon. Joseph Reichart, South Whitehall. Danici. seisel, , do do ;Thi.vid. Bausch, Lynn.; • '.' =Jonathan Gross, North Whitehall. Elplomon Biery, Catasauqua. rrederitk Krauss, Heidelberg. Edmund Ihrio, Weisenburg. Vonjolarret,Lower Macungie.. • zWaheis S6litiartz, Upper Milford. 4 11iiitry Marstellor. do 'Charles .Newhard, Allentown. Tiavid Dathier,lLoWer Milford. :110808 Wciant, Salisburg. Kpaqssi North Whitehall. 'Ethan Klein, Salisburg. ;Peter Breinig, Upper Macungie. • Allen Apple;•Salisburg,. Ephraim )Venner, South Whitehall.- crebrge R. Labar, Washington: Arnb,Gripsemer, South Whitehall. genly TOol, Salisburg. MCI : • Isrprix , m4Rplipu c9Tre§Pon.•:. dent crib° ptiuntiin'ppeotti„lithat the Rev 11ti. Brown; .` of liatli'c'otitittir';, : ;inairied a couple a' few days shoo acresA:-trz: is, the parson widen cine - ,i,itle;tilirAti bride grooni i(nd his duleinett on the 'otii4,lo4llii mode was resorted to on account of' the*titter being impassable. The license was throTT , across the stream by the bridegroom, after, having wrapped it tightly around a stone. IVIARRIED. On the oth of March, by the Rev. Mr. Yeitger, Mr JAMES PEULER, to Miss SUSANNA SIVItIYZEIL both of Catasauqua. .0n ; the Bth of March, by the seine, Mr. TILGHMAN KUHNS, to Miss ELIZA SILVIES,!baIi of Northampton, county. • . . On the 11th of March, by the same, Mr. LEVI Birrz, to Miss EMELIA SW:MOYER, both of Lower Macungy. • „ At Philadelphia. on Thursday 'March Ist, by Rev. Edw. do Schweinitz, Mr; CHARLES H. EGGERT, to Miss WILTIELMINA: EfRENBRAEN, both of that city. • BY TILE REV.. J. SCHINDEL Mr. CIIARLES ROMIG, to MISS ()AMMONS GACKF.NDACH, both of Macungy. Mr. ErmvAnn K. Snowman, of Heidelberg, to Miss FIANA HEWER, of Weisenburg. Mr. BENJAMIN FOLK; of Greeriwich. Berks County, to Miss MARIA Warta, of Heidelberg. DIED.. On Monday last, in Allentown, of consump tion, WEsLY J. BOYER, aged 28 years. The funeral of the deceascd.will take place on Thursday afterndon, at 1 o'clock. He was a young man highly beloved null respected by all who knew him. He was' a member of the 1. 0. of 0. P. On. Friday last, in Allentown, EIAZARETIT, consort of George Acker, aged 60 years. On the 2nd of March, in Adams Co., Pa., Jonx Micxrx, aged SO years. On the 3d of March, of consumption, in Fast Allen township, Northampton county, PETER York, aged SO years, 4 months and 13 days. On the 6th following his remainS.were brought to"their last resting place. At Nazareth, on Monday the sth inst., of consumption, EDWARD lloisnurALErt, aged 37 years, 5 months and 25 days. On Thursday following, his remains were interred at Bethle hem, followed by numerous friends and rela tives. On:Friday, the 23rd ult., in Bath, of con sumption, Mrs. HANNAII, wife of Daniel Riegel, aged 53 years. On the 23d ult., in Bethlehem township, Mr. SAMUEL LAUBACII, aged 17 years 5 months and 27 days. On 'the 10th of February, in Weisenburg, PETER Wir.i.L6t, son of Levi Buchman, aged 13 years, S months and 11 days. On the 20th, in Heidelberg, MAMMA, daugh ter of Elias Dengler, aged 11 years, 10 month and 11 days. On the 22d, in North Whitehall, Mr. Joux XANDmt, aged 52 years. On the 22d, in North Whitehall, LYDIA, wife of Samuel Schneek, aged 31 years, 9 months and 15 days. On the 24th, in Heidelberg, Mrs. SARAII FINK, wife of Daniel . Fink, aged 34 years, 1 month and 15 days. VAII tue Li-11.11, In IMMO/erg, MARIA, (laughter of George Metzger, aged 4 years, 8 months and 7 days. ;199999999999999 9 3UST IECEEITE33, AND FOR SALE AL9L" CYETIA.JE".IP_IDCM I , ThO Married Woman's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPAIIII. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER COPY. [a' See Advertisement in another Column. ktttlbtthbhht)hhttb T:T~T~ I~4'i'T~+-T~~ ALLENTOWN MARKET Flour, per bbl. - - - - Wheat, - - - - - - Corn, - Rye, Oats, - - - - - - Hay, Salt, Potatoes, - - - - - Ham, per lb„ - - - - Sides, Shoulders, - - - - Lard, - - - - - Butter, - - - - - - Eggs per doz. - - - - PIRT,ADELPIIIA MARKET FLoi:ri—straight brands, - - Western " - CORN MijAL, - - ltyE Fiona, Glum—White Wheat, - Red, - -•- Rye, - - Corn, White, -- 1 . Oats, WRISKI:Y, - Dissolution of Partnership.. Notice is herelayrgiven to the public, that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm of JOSEPII R. Imo & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent on the 13th of Mardi, 1855. All persons indebted to said firm will please make immediate settlement to WILLIAM S. WEIL, who is 'the only person authorized. All such having any claims will also present them, for settlement. JOSEPH 11. 'ELKO, WAL.S. WEIL. Allentown, March 14. 11—Gw Great Bargains. The undersigned having no suitable place to carry on their business, have resolved to sell out their largo and extensive stock of . Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valizes, carpet Bags, &c., and which we will now offer at prices that will as tonish the public. Country Merchants will find it to their advantage to give us an early call as we.havo a good supply,suittiblO for the trade. We invite one and all to come, as we • feel confident that we suit the closest buyer. ' . 1 : MERTZ & BONA% 2 Allentown, March 7 Northampton Water i • personsiming the water of the Company ibr'familY or other purposes, will pleaSe take noticei, that the, tithe' to renew their permits is the first of Ariril.next, and it is "expected that.they will eon upon' the undersigned Tres- Surbr and renew their permits. Those persons Who have not settled for their permits from the Ist to the 10th of April, must not complain ifythe - water is stopped from• them after that ,tiMe, .7. . 'Tho.l39ard reserves the right where the Wa ter is;ilsed by joillt, Hydrants, if not paid by all joined;th stop it, if they see proper,-as they consider suet' arrangements solely advantage ous to those who cannot interfere with arrange- Ments of this kind. Notice is also given to persons who wish to use Hydrant \\rater for building purposes, that they must take out their permits before they commence building, and if this rule is not Strictly observed the charge will be double for to Water. By Order of lite Board. • • JonN J. KRAUSE, Treasurer. ¶-4w March 14 Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm heretofore existing between the undersigned in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, dealers in Coal, under the firm of THOMAS Mor n ß. & Co., was • dissolved by mutual consent on the Bth day of March, 1855. All such who are in debted• to said firm are requested to make im mediate payment to Thomas Mohr, who owns the books of the firm, at the old stand. Such who have . any claims against said firm will also be satisfied by Mr. Mohr. Those who do not make payment berme the Ist of April. will find Mr. Mohr, at the " Washington 'Hotel," at present occupied by Mr. B. 'Reese, after that time. T11(11.\ S • -Fit( iMAS B. II'F,IDNF,II, • 11EN1 YJ. SAE(IEIt. Allentown, :Mnrcli 11. Examination. There will be an examination of each of the Public Schools, in their respective school rooms, to commence on Monday the 19th inst., and cont inue live days, to commence at 9 A. M. and IL, P. M. Parents and the public in general are invited to attend. By Order of fiat: Board of Dircdors. March 14.- 11-lil YMVUOIE'c, Notice is hereby given that the Books of the firm of Weidner & Saeger, of this place, have been assigned to us. All persons indebted therein arc requested to call without delay and matte payment to C. M. Runk, our Attorney, with whom said Books have been depositc: l , and who is authorized to recieve the money for us. CHARLES SAEGER, JOSEPH H. WEIDNER. Allentown, March 14. 1-6 w TIZMIL _LIST, APRIL TERM, 1555, COMMENCING APRIL 9, 1855 1. Joseph Bressler and others vs. Daniel Sae ger. 2. Martin Kemmerer vs. Thomas B. Wilson. 3. Borlieek & Knauss vs. A. & J. Levers. 4. Luetis Sehlauch vs. Samuel Hellijer. Vii. Aaron Eisenhardt and others vs. Amos Brause. G. Solomon Dorney vs. Charles Mertz. 7. Waterman & Young vs. Jacob Erdman. S. Joseph Ritter vs. Gruver & Miessemer. 9. Stephen Lutz vs. Isaac McHose. 10. Christian Ortt vs. Thomas Schuler. 11. William Mink vs. Reuben Mink. 12. William Applebach vs. Moses Wicand. 13. Daniel Frantz vs. John 11. Rice. 14. Maria Hoch vs. Romig & Weiler. 15. Joseph Waltman vs. John Wagner and others. 10: Henry J. Haberacker vs. Augustus J. Ritz. 17. Godfrey Peter vs. Reuben Ilunsieker. 18. Owen Sheirer vs. John Sheirer. 19. Reuben Ebert vs. Jacob Grceuawald's Ex- • ecutors. 20. Frederick Ochs vs. Henry Yeager. 21. John Lauter vs. Christian L. Knauss. 22. Barnet & Son vs. Solomon Gangw•er. 23. Jacob Greenawald's Executors vs. Reuben Ebert. F. E. SAMUELS, Prothonotary. Allentown, March 14. ¶—tc MILLINERY GOODS. - 89 00 2 00 85 1 20 50 15 00 Vol! Sweilig, Sales. John Stone & Sons, 'NO. 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Phila delphia, havejust opened their -. Spring importa tions 'of SILKS, FLOWERS, BONNET RIBBONS, LACES; CRAPES, 4.c., 4c., including a general assortment of Millinery Ar ticles of the most fashionable styles. The above goods have been imported expressly for our Spring sales, and comprise the largest and best assortment in our line to be found in this market: Philadelphia, March 14. 4012 8 87 - 425 GOO 2 22 2 12 1 20 05 PiL3ORACIDO B E'SS 0 N SON, • Beg leave to inform you, that they have removed *THE PHILADELPHIA MOURNING STORE, From No. 52 South Second Street, to the New Building, . 7 fro. 206 Chestnut Vreet, (Five doors above Eighth street, south side,) where they will offer an increased stock, at reduced prices. Daily oPening New lz.3""pring (boobs. Philadelphia; March 14. • ¶—Gw Albert J. Neirharti ) ALLENTOWN, PA. Most respectfully informs his friends and the public in general ; that he has established him. self in Eighth street, north of Hagenbuch's Rotel, where he will at all times bo ready to make. • GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS aft& the' latest London: Paris, New York, end Philadelphia styles. He pledges himself to give entire satisfactiotf to those who may favor him with their patronage. Hietesms are moderttio. Ma reit 7, • 1 8 5 5. .All6'lotiong2. AARON.' TROXELL, Treasu'rer of Lehigh county, in Account' with the Commonwealth. • DR. Amount of 'Militia Tax Assessed and Paid during, the year 1854 Collectors. 1 ! ---- . Districts.. . —...--. I Duplicate. Losses. Com's - • 1 ........_:_... JoSeph Baer !WelaSenburg -, - - 574 - 50 $18 • TO 0'80! William Adam. (Heidelberg - -•- . - GO 50 17 50 215 Charles Colver !Hanover - - - - 88 50 31 00 282 John F. Ritter 1 " for the . year 1849 - 146 00 96 'OO 255 Charles Ritter " " " " •1852 - - 88 50 442 Henry Ortt !Lower Milford - - - 75 50 18 50 271 David Kistler 11.vnn . .80 50 li6 50 •3.201 John Bear ;N r orth Whitehall'- ; - 00 00 . 11 00 245 Jonathan Diehl .Lowhill - - 7 - 1 27 50 250 1 25, Gideon Ritter Salisbury - - - - I 65 00 18 50 232 Edward BeckAllentown-North Ward - 111 50 76 00 178 I J. T. Kleppingcr " Lehigh Ward - I 37 50 12 50 75 Nathan Shaffer I ". South Ward - 10 7 50 72 00; 1' 77 Daniel Beisel !South Whitehall - -.•- 115 00 66 00i 245 Samuel MiSsemer;Upper Macungie - - - 124 00 57 00 335 John Leith !Upper Salmon - - - 174 00 68 00, 530 Phaon Dorward ;Washington - - - 7 B 7B 50 27 001 2 57' leatasauqua—No return. -• Joshua Kneedler 'Upper Idilford - - - I 85 50 12' 50 3 58', Andrew Kneedler l Lower Macungie - - - I 82 50 23 50 1 295 • -- ,-,-- —,- , CR'. By amount paid Brigade Inspector, per account rendered - - Jones Bear, Treasurer Lowhill Artillery, late Columbia Rifle Rangers for 1850 Do. ' • do. . do. 1854 David Knorr, Weissenburg Rifle Rangers 1850 - - Thomas Steckel, Treasurer Lehigh Fencibles 1854 Jeremiah Sohneck, North Whitehall Rifle Rangers 1854 - - David Klotz, Washington Rifle Rangers 1554 - - - - Owen Roth, Millerstown Cavalry 1854 Stephen Rex, Lowhill Rifle Rangers 1854 - • ----- M. Kerschner, Jackson Bush Rangers 1854 ----- Dorney, Putnam Artillery 1854 7 ---- County Commissioners services. &c., 1854 Treasurer's cominksion on $OB5. 1 per cent.. : Balance due Commonwealth • We, the undersigned auditors in and for the county or Lehigh, do certify that the . above•is correct. Public Sale Valuable Personal Property, 'Will be sold at Public Sale on Saturday the 21th day of March next, at the house of the late Jonx Dispi.:xnEarEtt, deceased, in Allentown, the following valuable personal property, to wit : Caapefier s Tools. A complete sett of Carpenter's Tools, consist ing of 4 sett bench ,planes, moulding planes, plows, braces and bits, augers , planing benches and screws, hand and bac saws, a new mor ticing machine, and numerous other articles entirely too tedious to mention. Household Goods. Three beds and bedding, two mahogany sofas, ono settee, two office stoves, one parlor stove, on common shop stove, stove pipe, one secretary, eli:!irs, looking glass, forty yards carpet, entry oil .loth, copper kettle, clock, kitchen cupboard, and numerous other articles of household furniture. Os . seven shares of the• Northampton Water Company stock. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and due attendance given by the undersigned. _ . DAVIT) scinvAnTz. ABRAHAM DIEFENDERFER Admr's. March 7. 11-3 w VII I/ le SAL VA AS the undersigned intends moving West, 111 , re will sold at Public Sale at his house, n Allentown, opposite the Court House, on Thursday the 15th day of March, at 101 o'clock in the forenoon, a large assortment of household and kitchen furnititre, consisting of Beds and Bedding, Bureaus, Tables, Cane seat and other Chairs, Store and Rag carpet, Side board, Looking Class, three Cooking and ohe Parlor Stove, in fact all kinds of House and kitchen utensils entirely too tedious to mention. At the same time a large and splendid assort ment of Tin Ware. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale and attendance given by CHARLES GINKINGER March 7. ¶-2w Cmrt proclamation. President tb Jud g e on of I t l h 'n e sh , p o r,lt r o d ir 3 ( o rr l met of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Northampton and Lehigh, and Pe[ r Heat and Jacob Dillingcr, Esquires, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of:Le. high,.and by virtue of their offices Justitos- of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery, and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said county of Lehigh, have, by their precept to me directed, ordered that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas and General Jail delivery and Orphan's Court for the said county of Lehigh, be holden at Allentown, on THGESDA Y the 3J day of April, next, to continue two weeks., NOTICE is therefore hereby gven to the 'Jus tices of the Peace and Consstable of the county of Lehigh, that they are by the said precepts corn mandril to be there at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day with thoir rolls, records, inquiSitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices are appertain ing, and also that those who are bound by rocog, nizances to prosecute against the prisOners that are or then shall be in the jail of the said county of Lehigh; are to be then and there to prosecute them as shall be just. Given under my hand in Allentown, the 7th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty.five. NATHAN WEII.ER, Sheriff. Sheriff's °dice, Allentown, March 7,1855. aim HAVE THE COMMONWSALTII. Notice to Assessors. The Assessors of the difFetent Wards, Bo roughs, and townships of Lehigh County, are hereby requested to meet the flommissioners in their office, in Allentown, on Monday the sth of March', to' receive the Assessments, Appeal Notices, and such other instructions as are deemed necessary to the fulfillment of their re spective duties. EDWARD BEOIC•CIerk. Allentown Eel,. 18. 11-1 w C. itt. 'Runk, attorney. at. Law. - Office on 7th street, three doors North of he Public Square,.rillentimn, Pa. Atigutt 2), 1854. • ig—Om $1448 00 548 50.5544 20 J. FRANKLIN RITTER, ELT J. SAEGER. Auditors S4 , MUEL J. KISTLER, Notice or Dissolution. NOTICE is hereby given to the public that I II have withdrawn from the firm of S. H. LACIAIt & Cm, that the ,same is hereby dis solved and that will not hold myself respon sible for any of tile debts of said firm; contrac ted from and after the date of this notice. LEVI HA AS. IT—Ow Calasnuqua, Ma . rch 7 YA - xecutors °Vice. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned are appointed Executors of the last will and testament of John Gander, deceased, late of South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, therefore all those who know themselves to be indebted to said bstate, be it in Notes, Bonds, Book•debts or otherwise, will make payment withni six weeks from the dale hereof. Also who have any legal claims against said estate, will bring in their accounts well autben. timed within Said time. DAVID lIDCII, I!: TUC DIA9 BLEILER xecutore March 7 Aanyluistratovs otiec. HTIT.IIS of Administration having been IJ !tranteu to the undersigned in the estate of Geoto Koch, deceased, late of Hanover town. ship, Leit,7ll county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks of :.his date; and all persons having claims against sai,l estate will present them, duty authenticated, for settlement, with in the above specified time, to either of the undersiuned administrators. JOHN STIIOUSS, Adminietra're, ELIZABETH KOCH, , Feb. 21 Register's Notice, Notice is hereby given to the heirs, creditors and others, who may be interested in the estates of the following deceased persons, in Lehigh comity, to wit : 1. The account of tioseph Benner and Nathan Ziegenftiss, Administrators of the Estate of George Miller, dec'd. 2. The account of Henry nenritze, Adminis trator of the Estate of Andrew Schisler. dec'd. 3. The account of Owen Leobold and William Daniel; Administrators do bonis non of the Estate of William Daniel, dcc'd. 4. The account ofJacob Kunneljr. Guardian of Helarius Schneck. 5. The account of John Trumbower, Guar dian of Sarah Seem, late Sarah Stager, one of the minor children of Elias Stager, deed. 6. The account of Joseph Rex, Guardian of Lydia Snyder. 7. The account of Benjamin Grim, AdminiS trator of the Estate of Abraham Fenstermaker, dec'd. . , S. The account of Stephen Miller mid Solo- • mon Boyer, Administrators of the Estate of John Miller, deed. 0. The account of Henry Fried, AdminiAra tor of Elizabeth Smith, dec'd. 10. The account of Stephen Bachman, Amos Rabenold, William Krause and Paul Kruni, Administrators of Daniel Snyder, dcc'd., who was Guardian of Mary Ebert, a minor daughter of Peter Ebert, deed. 11. The account of Joseph Acker, Adminis trator of the Eestate of Elizabeth Acker, (Tee'dt 12., The account of Nathan German, Guar dian of Harris Handwork. , • • • 13. The account of Charles Dickenshied, Guardian of Maria Erdman, a minor daughter of Daniel Erdman, dec'd. 14. The account of Daniel Weaver and Joitas Weaver, Administrators of the Estate of Henry Weaver, dec'd. 15. The account of Henry CS. Longnecker, Administrator of Mary Thompson, dec'd. IG. The account of Willoughby Gable, Ad ministrator of Daniel Dillinger, dcc'd. 17. The account of William 11. Blumer,Gaur dian of Anna Eliza Ileitnbach, dec'd. 18. The account of lleury Dillinger, 4ecutor of. Mary Dillinger, dec'd. 19. The Account- of Stephen Greenawald, Charles Greenwald and J. F: Seiberling, Admi nistraton3 of, Jaca'Greenowald, dec'd. 20. The account of Owen I.lermony, acting Administratoi of Abraham 11ermony, dcc'd. 21. The account of Owen Hermony, Admi nistrator do bonis non of the Estate of Isaac Eterreo43', 'deed. • 22. The account of Daniel Reinhard, acting Administrator of Henry Jacob, deed, The above named Executors, Administrators and Guardians, have filed their AcconritS in the Register's °Mee, in Allentown, in and for the County of Lehigh, which said . AcconntS ivill be laid before the Orphan's Nutt or said County Abg confirmation, on Tuesday the 2nd day of April; 1855 pat 10 o'alock in the forenoon. SAMUEL coLyza, Resister. Allentown, Feb. 28. " STARTLiNG,.lignitt . .tr WHAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW:. . _ Ifotr often it happens, that the wife !boors from , year to year in that pitiable condition. as not even. fur ono day to fool the happy and , exhilarating lau-. once inuident to the enjoys/lout of hoalthf Out stand- ing;. • Paid TILE BLOOMING BRIDE' But a tovrytnre ago in the'flush of health and•youth, and buoyancy of.spirits,.raphily; unit apparently in explicably, becomes a feeble, Molar,' lidlow, debili tated' wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,.' spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress , of suffering,. and an.utter 'diploid and mental pros- Written, arising. from. ignorance of the simpleskanit, plainest inks of health as connected with the mai nage state, the violation of which entails disease, suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but °Bap HEREDITARY COMPLAINTB UPON . THE CHILDREN $53 20 40 85 54 63 48 45 84 08 0164 20 60 80 46 55 1 23 75 44 18 33 72 15 00 33 75 46 55 63 65 100 70 48 03 " UNTO TUE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATION," Transmitting coNsurnortoN, SCILOPUMY" IIYVOCIIONDItIA, INSANITY, GOUT, Ella "And must this continuo? Must this be t le Were no rem edyt No relict? N o h op im The remedy is by knowing the enncpa omi avoiding them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them. These are pointed out In. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S' FM 5G 05 PRIVATE MEDICAL •COMPANION, PR. A. 11. ?JAI:MICE:AU, S77G 60 $77 yr_ $241 50 25 00 40 00 25 00 GO 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 9 S 5 103 87 One IlundredthEdition, (000,000), 18mo., pp. 2.50 A standard work of established reputation, found classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales tit New York, l'lnkulolpitin, and other cities, and sold by tins principal booksellers in the United States. It was fhtt published lu 1847, since which time ME HUNDRED THOUSAND COPES . • have been cold, of which there woro upwards of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL attesting Min high estimation in which it Is held as a re liable popular Medical BOOK FOR EVERY IFF.MALE the author having devoted his eachniive attention to lho treatment of complaints peculiar to females, in respect to which he Is yearly consulted by thousands both in person and by letter. .52694 54 hero every NVOIIIIIII can discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those described, the nature, character, causes of, nod the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a miller has often need of instruction and advice of the utmost iinportanco to her futuro health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such In struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as aB4 the peculiarities Incident to her situation aro described. /lOW many aro suffering from obstructions or irregular- Mies peoutiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they aro ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice. Many suffering from prolapsus u(dri (falling of t h e womb), or from fluor aMus (weakness, debility, &c.) Many constant agony for many months preceding confine ment Many have difficult if not dangerous doliveries4. and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find In its pages the means of prevention, ainelioraMou and relieg It is of norm Impracticable to convey fully the various subjects treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly in tended for the married or those contemplating marriage: Reader, aro you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother? Have you the sincere welfare of those you love at heart? l`roye your sincerity, and lose no time In learning what causes interfere With their health and hap piness not less than your owu. It will avoid to you and , yours, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain an& anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapacitating tho mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting those means for medical attendance, modielnos and adierUsod nostrums which otherwiso would provide for declining years, the infirmities of ago and. the proper education a your children. .f-6w In consequence of the universal popularity of tho work no ovidenced by Ito extmonlinary sale, varioun Impost. lions have been attempted, no well on bookaellent as OD the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,. and tenreptitious infringements of copyright, add other devlceo' and deceptions, It has been found necessary,. therefor:), to .CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy no book unless the words "Dr. A. M. MAtratour,- }lio Lltpply Street, N. THII Y. Is on (and the entry In the cu r i,As co on the back of) the title page; anti btry only of tome:table and honorable doalens, or. send by mall, and address to Dr. A. N. Elaurlceau. Agr Upon receipt of Ono Dollar "THB MAR. RIED WOMAN'S Plll4 - .ATEI MEDICAL COM PANION', is sent (mailed „tier) to any part of the United States, the Canadas and tish Provinces. All letters must be .post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAURIOEAU, box 1224, Now-York 'City. Publishing Office, No. 129 Melly Street, New. York. _ _ _ £-6w AGENTS. Haines & Diefenderfer, Allentown,'• ' T. B. Peterson. J. M. Moss & Bro., and Thos; Cowperthwait, Philadelphia—Spaugld & Bro.; Lancaster , —.ll. A. Lentz, Reading—E: Benner, Slll7lllcytown.. January 10, pYvirtue and in pursuance of an order issued out of the Orphan's court of the county of Lehigh, there will be exposed to public sale on Saturday the 24th day of March, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, upon the premises,,the' following described property, viz: A. certain messuage and tract : of land, with the appurtenances, situated in South Whitehall township, in the county of Le-' high aforesaid, bounded by lands of ...Charlee Miller, Joseph Biery, Ilenry Snip and •others,. containing . about fi ve acres of land. The im provements thereon are a one and a hag story log !INV Ihvellin.. House . se, . " Frame Stable antLother outbuildings,' wilt, an excellent Apple Orchard. • Bain. , ' the real estate of' Cathetthe Henry,. de.,eased,.late of South Whitebait' toiNnehip, and county aforesaid: Terms on the day at the • place of sale, andl due attepdance given by DANIEL lIENAY, Adider.. By the Court: .1. W..Mr.cra.i, Clerk. Feb 21, 1855. . 111-34. • Wm, H, Blumer & Co's. • fflaniziatg• and Exchange' Co vi 3-ux 3 3 , ALLENTOWN, subscribers respectfully : inform. their' . frierids and the public generally, that they still carry on the business of • • Banking and . Exchangingi t ,-; at' their old stand in Market 84uaie, lUD* any thing entrusted tolheir dare will be attended to with punctuality. This notice was deemed' nebessary! account' of a false rumor beingatloat atnongonr friends; . that in case of a Bank being established in AV , !' lentown, our business would be dissolied. We pay interdst on all moneys deposited on a specified time. • .. Vibr. munteß,r. J. 11.1. LINB.:: i WM. KERN. Feb. 28. • . : 11,-31Ai2' • Job- Printiiig.' Neatly Executed at the " Register Ofdce4V.7 KiNG'S W 0111() DiscaseP, na a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. 13=1:=2 [ON FINE PAPER, }XTH.t lIINDINO, $1.00.1 Orphan's Court Sate, 11-Gm
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