a UNIVERSAL Industrial and Agricultural MICEESTOXION I To' be‘hel.(l in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pa., on Tuespy, Wednesday, Thurs. lay 'and Frkday, Sugust 21st, 22d, ‘2,3d and 24th, 1855. THZ.tlornmittee in charge of the Arrange ments are now perfecting the Premium Lists, which will be announced in full in the course of a few weeks, in the following order: First day of the Exhibition.—Gentlemen's Department. Premiums of .$2O to $5O will be awarded to the best Blooded Stuck of every description, and from $lO to ;30 to the best Common Stock, and Premiums of from $5 to $lOO on the various descriptions of Mechanical Implwents, Ma.. ch'nery, Agricultural Products, and Manufac ur a of every description. • S and Day.—Ladies' and .artists' De ) partznent. Premiums of from 55 to srOlvill be awarded to First Class Needle •Work, Embroidery and FancyWorlr. &c.; from $1 do $4 on the Second. Cl a ss.; from $5 to i 8 for the best Horticultural display; and from $2 to $5 for Articles in the florae Department. A portion of the building will be reserved for Painting Statuary, Scalp. tare, &c.,.0u which liberal premiums will be awarded. • Third Day.—Fathers' and Mothers' Dc partment "'lnt RISING GENERATION IN' ARMS." Premiums of from $5O to $5OO will be award_ ed to the largest, healthitut nod best looking In_ tants, from the ages of one to fire years. A pre• !ilium of $lOO will be awarded to the largest Family. of Children, the parents of whom are both living; and in case of more than one family of the same number offeririe, it will be paid to that family of children whose united ages are the least. Fourth Day.—Equestrian's Department. A Premium of a handsome Gold Hunting Watch, valued at ;;150, or its equivalent in money, will be presented to the best Female Equestrian; a premidm of n handsome Side Saddle and other caparisons, worth $75, to the second best; and a magnificent R liing Habit, worth $lO, to the third beA. A prentittni of $5O to the filmes:Trotting Horse in Harness or under he saddle; and $25 to the next best. The Ground Selected for the purpi-se is a beautiful, level lot of thirty acres, and will be splendidly fitted up for the occasion, with a trarir 01 three fourths of a mile long around it, arrangrd with Commit, tee Stand and Seats for Ladies overlooking the entire ground. Proper accommodations will be provided for all descriptions of atocic, and articles for exhibi;On will he entered in the order in which they are r:ceivrtl. The Exhibition Buildings will be constructed large enough° to accommodate all in case of rain. It is the purpose of the Committee to re, peat the Exhibition annually. and all their im. provements of the grount! will be of the most substantial character. , • Two Splendid Brass Bonds Have been enaaw , d (or iho onensinn, and wi give PROMEWA DE CONCERTS! on each evening save the last one, whichlwill..bel to the holders of tickets. Each Coneert will be companied with a FINE DISPLAY OF FIRE WORKS! Addresses From Eminent Speakers nom abroad, on some appropriate subject, may he expected every day of the Exhibition, except the last. They will he enamored hereater. The well known FANNY FERN, and equally celebrated Mrs. JANE SWISSIIELM, of the Pittshure, Saturday Visitor, have been invited to serve on the Committee to await] Pre-:, to Ba bies, and It is contithmtly expttctedThey will be preesnt. The exact day of the Ex: - ttbitlon will he an , flounced in the bourse of a few cu oohs, when the preparations are in a sollicient i ftorn-ard. ness to' warrant it. The undersignrd having been appointed by the Committee, Director of the Exhibition, assures the public that no pains or expenm wig be rrotretl to make this one of the most attractive Exhibitions ever offered to the American people, Tickets for the season, admitting one person, $l. All orders addres.ed to the undersigned will be-promptly aitmobd to. WILLIAM BEEN, Director. , Doylestown, Dec.2o, 18.54. 1-2 m Special Nollee. laving disposed of the "Lehigh Regis ter" printing establishment, and engaged in business that will. minim All the means at my crmand, I earnestly request all per sons indebted it) my Woks for subscription, advertising, jobbing worlc, or otherwise, to nuke payment at an early day, as the books of the establishment ought to be settled up without delay. There are a number of old accounts especially, which have bean stand sing for years, some as much our own fault perhaps us the debtors, where liquidation would now be of material service. lam found as:heretafore at the ' , Old Stand" next door to the blerman•Reformed Church. .. • A. L. RUHE. Allentown, Jan. 3. PeiZetitf ., «ZZ.C.Ent`PLTAKICCOCZCZICOOP, ill' W. Eckert's • 1 WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL El tI -- Tobac6o, Snuff and Segars 1 ...., 9 0 fl 4. QM I-14R C 4 el No: 30, East Hamilton Street, 8 - A.LLENTOWN, PA. G GOODS ALL WARRANTED.,,,Ei July 20. 11-1378 otwataanauaanaannorgamszarmen REEVE L. KNIGHT, [Successor to Hartley & Knight s ] 'Bedding and Carpet • WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Second S:reet, Philadelphia, Wheie he keeps constantly on hand a NI cortmant of every oriole in his line of business Feathers, Featherbeds, Patent Spring Matresses, Curled Hair, Mons, Corn Husk and Straw Matresses, Velvet Tapeslrv; beautifill Brussels. Three. Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Canton Mailings, Cocoa and Sonnish Mattings, Floor and Stair Dreg. gets, Hdarth Rugs, Door Alms, Table and Piano , CovorS, to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchasers Oct. 11, 1854 County Statemr,nt, TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAXES FOR YEAR 1854 rj!ri C).,lClg'.T.'2'll2t'rg,r;F;;Z*. r.y.g c ' ? '),lsrA .14 4 g 2 o-n- 0 ; 3 C. C 4.: CR . : : ..-•• • . . • • ap " ct f2; E -. o l "'' 71. to ;74 •-• 1.; :-'7.2& " ; mme, * .5" * 5 *7l • ' Da *: ... . .::!, . 4 4- 0 4 ' . O , C. , , d . CO - .I ND CO -. C. , y ‘C. CO 0 . C.: I S er, 4.,, ..., co 44 . C.., C. 4 OCA 0-• Co IC a - CJ CI) C 7 •-•" VI CO b: G. , U 0 ...1 c. •-• (C 1.2 %WI .C... .7.1 CO CC ).0 (.7 C? r 0 Q 1 ...- 5.- .0 C) CC C) .. C. 4. GI eN7 ...% C) ....1 Z, •-• CI :4 C . ) C. 7 a" C. (0 C.). 67 ‘C C) (7) •-• C) Z. , CO C. :I CZ t. 7 Q J.• (C •--C: OD .4q. " 0/ 1,2 CI h., CA CD C% 2- CA ...CD P. CD K.' 03 V CZ O C, CP CD CA OCD.I vW DI —• CA 4+ ...a 44. .1 .4 CD CA f , D N Cl (JD C) U CA ,0 0 C . ) CD CD CD fD t5121121Zi111111 t; g rE t 4) N Co, a •-• 0 a W 0 a a -4 •-• 0 a W CJ •-• •- •..1 1•:o CO br••• tZ 00 0 0 crl U W 0 GO Ch CZ CC .-o CZ CJ C. 4, C. Ct ZA Ch DI CD In Those marked * have settled their accounts iu full since January 1, 1535., The account of AARON Tnoxer.L., Esq., Treasur , r of Lehigh county, in account with said county, from January Ist, 1851., to December 31st, 1854., inclusive. DR. To amount in Treasury as per report of auditors for tho year tb.53 : neceived of Ephraim Yohe, Esq., late Treasurer it33OS 33 Do. uncurrent . fuuds t 00 To amount received for the year 1951, 912,867 13 4,0. 1853. 165 19 4t " 18511. 193 13 Additional tax received of Charles Ev eritt, of Lynn, since final settlement,. 1833 1 33 $1:3,2:10 78 Cush for old lumber Fold, .Teger'sbridge....s6 Cosh of M. Menus for labor overp .... 3 6 Caoh of E. Beck, fur brick beld, J. M. Line 4 00 $l4 Of.) Cash received loan of Sarah Kern,.... ES2:S 00 LI It II John Stt•aebergcr 1000 00 - Abatements received on collector's coin missions, State taxes, For the sear ISf " IS$3. 44 lbZ4 By C:ish paid checks of County Commis.icn ors, to wit; , Grand Jurors, daily pay and milage....V2SS 75 Petit Jurors, " t. " .... 634 :36 Constables and Tipstaves 119 12 Court Cry r, in fall 49 n 0 Sundry costs in mum° uwcalth cazcz... 1.14 37 N. Weiler, summoning Jurors 100 00 Loans and Interest. Loans during the rear 1851 Interest on luaus Warrants drawn by Directors Paid the several assessors ... Elections Paid the several officers and others.... $622 21 Printing and Stationery. 131umer, Bush & Co .......... M. llaunum James W. Wilson Bright & flirincher ..... . Kock, Guth & Trexler Gustav Leischner, binding F. L. Hatter & Co., docket tiogan,& Bechtel, appearance docket Fox Scalps Paid for Pox Sco.lps. • Inquisitions. Jacob Meyers, sundry inquests.... ....<5137 65 Reuben Stabler, Esq 17 76 Joshua Fry, Esq 16 76 $172 10 Charles H. Martin for post mortem ex amination on body of Win. Dungan.. $3O 00 Dr. Loisonring, for balance due on post . mortem examination on body of Lel beusperger $2 50 IT. :T. liabernaker.. Gnbriol Sheirer... William B. Kiatier Rebuilding klanococybridge ( Beth.) ~. $1529 14 Repairs at Griesemer , s brigdo 28 74 ' " Coopersburg " 20 08 " " Ruch's " .... ... 40 55 " " sundry bridges • 100 85 N. German : piking Jordan bridge, Al.. lentown 300 00 R. E. Wright, stone for Jordan bridge. 50 00 Sundry repairs at Allentown bridge.. 37 03 Paid Shantz and Ritter, auditors, in full 21 oo N. Miller, auditing Stato account 7 50 • Court Ho'lBe and Jail. Roofing Court Houso . .402 08 J. H. Bush, spouts for d 0... 89 39--; 551 47 Peter But; stable and shed on jail lot. 159 50 J. T. Rleppinger, coal for jail 13 00 Joseph Lehr, hauling do 3 50 Sundry repairs 5 30 ITly-8i 5'.421 33 WM 1,825 00 $lOl OS 105 07 114 16 5320 31 CR. Court Expenses $1350 10 $2921 00 513 6'2 SJ•la 62 Poor Haus& $3200 00 .dssessments. $404 SG $122 S 7 73 00 -0750 VS 00 25 00 ..S5 _l4 ,Ibatements $l4l G 7 168 13 SO 74 $402 54 County Bridges. $2206 28 ..duclitors. Commiisioners' Office. Daniel Housman, commissioner's pay.. 100 50 Joseph Miller, do. do. 120 00 John Veber, do. do. 210 00 Edward Lech, services as clerk ......100 00 ~..,.. Do. making Duplicaies. 18 00 Convicts, 4•c. Support of convicts in Eastern Peni tentiary . . • .... 106 50 N. Weiler, bourdiug prisoueis iu coon•. • lyjtil 50 00 .41iscellancous Expenditures Eplirahu Trozoll, for weights and meas. - urea 5153 00 Ephraim Yoke, searching office, ilarr:s- _ burg 31 00 Jacob Stemmer, eongret,s' k onal returns,. 940 Mary Guth, scrubbing Court iluit.e... 16 00 J. J. Unitise, w,,tcr rent 25 00 George Miller, error in thiplieute 30 57 Philip Strauss, county tut overpaid.... 9GS Preis,' Guth & Co., nierehandize e ... 13 65 Congo Hinkle, tax. overpaid .... Co Junta Koch, do. 75 15 'Jacob Fcelker, servieeg 60 R. E. Wright, election lawe. . . 18 00 James Sieger, two ballot b0xe5......... • 6 O'J Total a. ... ..... 16,125 46 Amount of debits 620,507 44 Deduct amount in Trea sury; last report... . 5,421 33 15,366 11. Paid during the year... 16,1:3 40 Reed filld paid durinti the year at 1 per et. cum— 31,511 57 315 11 Balance due by Treasurer, J au. 1,'55, 4,360 S 7 BEI We; the undersigned auditors in and fur the county of Lehi h. do certify that we did audit, settle and adjust the account of Aaron Tru:zell, 127.5 q., Treasurer in and fur said county. com• mencing on the first d ty of January. A. D. 15:14 nod ending on the 31 day of Decendwr, (both day:l included)—that said aecoant as stated above is Colwel l and that we find a balance in Lhe hands of said Aaron Troxell, E,q..Trcasur urer of r;ii l county. or. fear t loah-and three hun dred and sixty_-ix dollars and eighty-sovon cents. IVittirsi our bawls this Ittit day of Jauttury A. D. 1553. • J. FRANKLIN` RITTER ; ELI .1. SAEGER. Auditors SAMUEL J. lit:STLErt, Register's Account. .1 . 0.3111:A STADLER, pq., Refeister of Lehigh county, in account with the Common wealth. of Pennsylvania, for Collateral Inheritance Tax, from Detember Ist, 1653, to November 3J, 1831, inclusive: DR. • April 11—To lax of Charles Blume'', ex' cent or of C. it ale'. 8100 00 April 13— Of J. Fatzmger, executor of M. Andress...... . . • 80 00 Msy 10—Of 11. Schultz, administrator of S. Yeakle 27 73 May 10—Of li. Schmidt ; executor of P. O. Mize 350 00 May, 26—Of J. 11. um felt, executor or :. 2 1.1- 8 .too, Sh dl... 3 59 June 13—Of R.Stahler, administrator of Samuel Shantz 28 3S June 14-01 . Joseph &lees, executor of Jacob Ott 11 78 Oct. 27—of Samuel Seiler, executor of Abraham Seidler 13 74 Nov. 17-4)f Jacob Patainger, executor of Mary Andre-s 12 G . , , ! Nov. 2'2—Of Wm 11.1 Imuer,administra• for of Catlmrine Smith.. 235 7G Nov.2s—of meekii:bd,administrator of Meilen md 23 00 Nov. 27--Of 5. II oddle, admiMstrator Of .1. Ehrhard 133 53 N0v.23.—0f P Ilurt is, executor of Fred erick Miller 763 00 Juno 30—By cash paid State Treasurer $567 52 Ilea. 2'2 " b. li '• 004 51 C.olomis-ions on 517,56 53 at 5 per cent. GO 42 Fees for holding Register's court 7 09 By cash paid printing awl Sheriff's fees.. 012 " " John D. Stiles, Esc', suitor. ney fees 50 00 Balance duu3ceinnienwendth 64 We, the undersigned. auditors of the county of Lehigh. having. examined and audited ilie ac count of J °Aunt St Oiler. E.4q..1:0,2.1..der, as afore said, do certify that the above account is correct. 'Witness our hands this 15th day of January A. D. 1.55,1. ELI J. SAEGER, J. FRANKLIN RITTER, Auditors SAMUEL J. KISTLEIt, 3nocniniti) THE FRE;RLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia,' OFFICE, No. 1.63), CHESNUT STREET Near fifth S!rert. STATKpIy.INT, or A ssrTs, $1,525,949 68 ' - '"dnitua'rr Ist, 1854, rubliAned agmeably fo an Ac 'A S S Li yt, :17 86 First Mortgages, amply secured, $1,199,284 48 Real Estate (present value ,$llO,- 000) cost. 82,139 87 Temporary Loans, on ample Cola.' feral Securities. 130.774 26 Stocks (present value $76,191) cost. 63,085 50 Cash, &c. &c., ' 50,605 57 • /025,049 OS PERPETUAL 011 . 1.4311TEp INSURANCES made on every description of property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, ratesas low as rtreconsistant with security. Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-four Years, they have paid over thrce milliohs dollars Loss BY FIRE, thereby af fording evidence of the ad vantage of Insur ance, as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. - Charles N. Bancker, Mord. D. Loiiis. Tobias Wagner, • Adolp. E Boric, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown, Jacob R. Smith; Morris Patterson, Geo. W. Richards, Isaac Lea, CHARLES N. BANCHER, Pre sident. CrtAntus G. BANCR en, Seriefury. tThe Subscribers are the . appointed Agents of the above mentioned Institution, and aro now prepared to make insurances on every description of property, nt the low eat rates. • 28 50 A. L. RUHE, Allentown. C. F. BLECEI, Bethlehem. Allentown, Oct. 1854. "" 604 30 150 39 20,_-;07 SI:.,S CIR. $13:78 :53 Fifa E. Directors: WATCEIMS, JEWELRY, SILVOIVIAIIi 8r IMICY 011011 A Untied Assortment of the Finedt Quality, for sale loweht eaFll pikes, at • No. 184 South Second Strr4t, between Pine and Union, ‘1 . 1.3.4 side, Philadelphia. T 11,3 assortment embraces n !ar,..;•• and F elect stock of Fine %\are, t•,:ta la.ed with fine Silver, in Spoons, Forks. &c.—Jet Goods, Fans, and Fancy Articles of a supplier quality, dpserving the ex• anti. of. those who tte , ire to to procure the be•• 1 at' the Liwe•o. Cio•ti Prices. • Having ti practical ::110 , .1e,h.te of the be and all available facilities for Importing and Maio' faciering, the t:nbc.riher confidently itt• viTs purchawis, ti, lieviog that he can sepidy th , lit on terms a, favorahle a••nny odier este.b. ..fdonctit in either of the Atlantic eitie4. INF - All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Je•velry en I Silver ‘`;are thahufactured to order, within . 1 r:-.:l‘ , ..nable time. fi Jewelry and Silver Ware faith ul . .y repaired. WM. B EL] osiIEAD, isi Street, few door: , ah ive the 2. %Vest Side. Lt .lie S .11111 WilidtikV of tl P S'nre, IT riy he teen the ia[1110t1? Willi CLOCK, which ergo mands the admiration of the o.•t. 4, 1851 Livery Stable. • The subscriber informs 1.. 4 .17 OM public that he has pur . chio.rd the entire stock o! 7 7i - ..,44,:n71:,11rkgts horses, Car ria VF, Ciallpti, , lrg the Livery Stable of IVilliam 11. L o h, M the borough of Allebhwn, Ho has .tddcd a number of beautiful New Carriages to his :stock, as well as increased the numb , r of Hort R. IL. , is therch.re prepared to In oish all who mar favor him with a e wi h GOOD and SAFE HORSES, cies of every description, from a first ci; ss ei t llit-horse Ontr.Vtus to a Sulky of sinlle horse, I3y strict attention tgbuQiness, and n d, - 3'm to jllrnse, he 11611t.5, to merit ii libel.: I share of patronage. Charges moderate. rif - Largo parties n ill be furnished with convoyanc , ks, with or without drivers, on the most reasonable terms.. IV - Give him a call, at the old :sand of CMrles Senurea - ves, first stable in Church Alley, north of Hamilton street. PE l'Ell HELLER. AllentoWr, A titztt.§t'f.:, 1854. 111,—(im r- - .IWWVACO* I IO I 4e , 4 I V3I I : - 4 1 11= 1t1..,,Zg,--,' E INT o it E THOSE wishing beautiful and durable Piano Fortes, will find it much to don- interest to eNamine some of the above make before pur chasing elsewhere. Ho has just finished end now °Wets for sale, at the Manufactory. No. 122 West Hamilton street, several splendid fllU t 'r of octave; Nrith a fine tone and touch. Mr. S. will be happy to fill any orders the public may favor him with. This prices are moderate. 1711 e also offers for sale a seoond hand Piano Forte, 55 octave, which 'Mehl answer very well for a beginner. Nov. 15. 11-3 m GREAT BARGAINS AT N 0.17 West Hamilton Street , MERTZ & RONEY Mee just received another large supply of Boots, Shoes, Gums, Trunks, Re., which they are selling at reduced prices. They have always a large assortment of all kinds of Boots and Shoes of. their own manufitcture lot , sale. All kinds of customer work mode at short notice, and mending done with dispatch. Country Merchants are par ticularly invited to give us ,a call as we feel satisfied that we can sell, nt the lowest city prices. Thankful for past favors we s )licit a continuance of the patronage of the pubic. MERTZ RONEY. Allentown, December 2.0. ¶-2m TREXLER. & BUSH , ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SS 3 (C. 4- 9 S;.ibT JO 37 11 ,• • ` • - AND 'l; 2 r 3, 1' QI.)) • • 'AIANLTFACTURERS, • • • -, o, 230 Mortis Third Se - •• Above Street; west side, . • - • Philadelphia.' •. . . . lanlessrs. Trc:xler& thish respectfully in. vita the ititentinn of 'Counicy Alerchtlirts, ufacturers and Shopkeepprohronghout . Nortlintripton, Carbon t Berke, and other - adjoining. Connties, to their very large and extensive stock of Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco, of all kinds, at The loWest .possible prices. Oct.:11, 1854. 33D21 . ' The Best and Cheapest Stock o Boots Shoes, Gni tors, Gums( dm, in the city, at . . ' i ., ' Dunbarr's 70, South See:ond St. Philadelphia, (corner of Carters Street.) Being mostly-of his own manufacture, he guarrantees them to wear; and will sell— wholesale or retail as. cheap as the cheapest. Easy Shoes for Old -Ladies. Plain and Fancy . Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, always, on hand in great variety, for Boys,Touth, Misses and Children. Priccs.—Ladies Gaiters. of every quality and style, from $1 to $2,50. Gents' Calf Skin Boots, from .su3 to $5, Patent - Leather Shops, Gaiter Bouts, Congress Boots, But ten Boots, &e., from $1,50 to $4,50. Gum Boots, Shoes, Sandles, Clogs,alwayo on hand. Mr Old Gums bought and repaired. June 28, 1854. •_iy THE PIM CANT WM INS! • 7 " : ALLIES " tk. Clietip anti ; "Fashionable CABIN 14,7' MAKERS, South• Dist Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets; a few doors below Dresher's Lumber Yard, ALLENTOWN, PA• Trm undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally,lhat they have taken the establishment of Mr. S. Blank, and are now carrying on the Cabinet business in all its various branches. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day. and having skillo workmen, will be enabled to sell good and handsome furniture as cheap as can be sold anywhere. Theit Store is on the southeast corner of Ninth and Hamilton streets, near Dresher's Lumber yard, where they offer a fine assortment of Sofas, of various styles and patterns, Side Boards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bureaus, of various patterns ; Cup boards of different kinds; Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables : Bedsteads of dit fcrent styles and patterns, Wash-stands, Twist, Small and Largo Etagers, What Nots, Music stands, Sat Tables, Tea Tables, Oval and Ser pentine Tables, Chinese What Nots, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas, Tete•a-Tetes, French Divans. A general assort ment of Kitchen Furniture, on hand and made to order. REM They employ at all times none but, the best workmen, attend personally to their business, and will warrant all Furniture of their manu facture to be made of the best materials. Or ders, for Ware will be faithfully and immediate ly attended to, and when sent out of the Bo roneli, will be carefully packed. They. also make to order nil kinds of wood carving, to which they particularly invite the attention of Cabinet makers and others. BALLIET & CO. . Nov. 29. IT-3m TEE WHOLE WORLD. $300,000 WORTH OF GIFTS, for tho subieribets to the NTommoth Pictorial a The Whole World, Published simnitanennslV in the three cities of New York, Pniiitile I phia and Baltiniiire, as suon as 300,000 subscriptions are ; and hivint2 already art actual circulation ut about 200,0110, ii is now certain the Distritution will soon take placo. Among the cstraoltiinary LIST OF GIFTS, (being one for every tick( t issued,) are Professor Hart's Elegant Country Seat, valued at $25,000 A Magnificer.l City Residence, 17,000 A Cash 1.,9an for lOU years, without in, !crest or security, 10,000 Building 1,01., Elegant Piann Fortes, Melothons, Gold Wawhys, Bracrlw, Books of Travels in the Old and New W. , rttl, by Prof, Hart ; Real Estate, &c., Sz:., in all numbering Every single remittance Of € l , secures one year's subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the holder to one share in the 300,000 Gifts. Thus every p'rson investing in this stupendous Enterprise receives the full worth of hits or her money, in subscription to a first class journal, (the greatest rind most interesting Pictorial of age,) besides a GA fur each subscription which may prove an immense fortune to the receiver. For complete List of Gifts, and Nu an d plicit particulars in regard to the great Enter. prise, Distribution. &c,, sec a copy of THE WII.ILE ‘VouLn, which will he promptly sent, free of charge, where desired by letter post paid. The ,Whole World may also be seen at the offices of all papers containing this advertise ment, where information may be obtained in re. gard to the paper and Enterprise. Agents, Posbmasters, and Ladies desirous of lucrative and at the same time genteel employ. men , . should not fail to see a copy of The Whole World, which contains by far the mo-t liberal iwrocemonts ever ofl"..red to agents in the way of immense premiums. gifts, commissions, &c., whereby any pFrson, with ordinary activity, can cris p s . ma ke $l,OOO and .upwards, per year; to w hi c h fact the agents we already have can cer, lily. Seeure the Pictorial, and become wise, rich, and happy. Correspondents must write their address— Name Post office. County. and Slate, Plain and Distinct, or it will he their own fault if they fail to get an answer.. Adhere to this, and all returns will be promptly sent wherever desired - , in any hart of the . world. rtrif any orders are received after the 300,, 000 subscribers are obtained, the money will be „promptly returned, post,pald, to the persons 'sending it. Irq. 'All letters and remittances for the Pieta. rial, With Gift Tickets, must invariably he ad. dressed'. postpaid. to Prof. J. WOODMAN HART Broadway, New York, there being the only office for the G;ft Enterprise. Bat remittances for ihe Pictorial without Gift .Tickets,' May be t sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN IJAR:P„lfrin:s Buildings, Chesnut street, Phila. delohin, Pa., there being the principal editorial sind.publicaiion office. Nov. 22, • 4¶-6m Cli TRUSSES, IKEIODINO LESS TITAN 21 OUNCES. For the . cure of hernia or Rvture. Acknowledged by the highest medical au thorities of Philadelphia, incomparably su perior .to any other in use. Sufferers will be gratified to learn that the occasion now offers to procure not only the lightest and most easy, but as durable a'Truss as any other, in lieu„of the cumbrous and uncorn, pliable article usually sold. There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, itwill retain its position with out change. Per-fins at a distance unable to call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any addreeS; by remitting Five Dollars for the . double—with measur . e round the hips, and stating side affected. It will be. exchanged to suit if not fitting; by returning it at once, unsoiled, For sale only by the Importer. CALEB El. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race St. Phil- IS" Ladies, requiring the benefit of Me. chanical Supports, owing to derangement of the Internal Organs, incuding Falling ot the Womb, Vocal, Pulmonary, Dyspeptic, Nervous and Spinal Weakness, are inform ed that a competent and experienced LADY will be in attandance at the Rootrts,(set apart for their exclusive use,) No. 114, TwELE-ru St., Ist door below Race. Jime 28, 1854. Anterican Artists' Union! raliE AMERICAN ARIIkinkUNION would 'a respectfully somiunce to the. cinzens of the United States and the Canndas, ihrit for the pus . - pose of cultivating' a taste ft r.)he fine arts throughout the country, and with'a.view of ena hling every family to become possessed of a gallery of Engravings by the Brit • ARTISTS Or TAE AGE , They having determined, in order to._.ereate an extensive sale for their Engravings, and thus not Only give employment to a large number hf at thti and ()them hut inspire among our coun• tryri:.lo n taste (nr works cf art, to present to the purchasers of their engravings, when 280,000 of which arc schl, 3 7 50,000 GUIs of c actual cost VS 1 50,C00. Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving, therefore, receives not only an Engraving richly worth the money, but also a ticket which entitles him to one of ihe Gifts when ihey are distributed FOR FIVE DOLLARS, a highly finished Eneravine, beautifully painted in oil, and FIVE GIFT 'VICKETS, will be sent. or Five Dollars worth of spitniltd Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and sent by return mail.nr expre.sg. A copy of the Catalogue, together with d st e t c i men or on e of the Engravings', can be seen at the office of this paper. • Frr each Dollar sent, an En,rerninng actually worth Mot sum, and a Gift Ticket, wdl immedit ately be forwarded. The Committee, believing that the success of this GREAT NATIO:VAL UNDIRTAWIAO will be mi. serially promoted by the energy and enterprise• of intelligent and per.ieverting Agents have re. solved to treat with such on the most liberal (crams. Any person wishing to become an Agent, by sending (post paid) one dollar, will receive by return ofrnatl,a One Dollar Eneraving,fl "GIFT TICKET," a Prospectus, a Catalogue, and alk other necessary information. On the final completion of the sale, the Gifts will be placed in the hands of a Committee of the purchasers to be chirtributed, due notice of which will be given throughout the United Siatca and the Canadas. 100 iolarble busts of Washington, at $lOO $lO,OOO 100 •• Clay 101) 101,000 100 4 , Webster 100 10,000 too Calhoun ' 100 10,000. 50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splendid frames, size, 354 Ire' each 100 5,000• 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2.03 feet each 501) steel plate Engravings. brilliant. ly colored to Oil, Tien gilt frames 21 . 00 inches each 10,000 elegant steel plate Engravings colored in oil, of the Washing. ton Monument, 20.x26 inches each 237,000 steel plate engravings, from 100 different plates now in pos. session of and owned by the Ar. lists' Union, of the market value nt' from 50 cents to ,51 each 41,000' I class Dwelling, in Thirty 41.0110 First street. New York City 12,000 2213nilding Lots in One Hundred tMdOnellundied and First sir ets New Yurk City, each 25s 100 feet deep, at 1,000 22,000 100 Villa Sites, containing each 10,000 square feet, in the suburbs of New York City, and corn. manding a magnificent view of the lluilsrin river and Long Is. land Sound:at 500 50,000' 20 perpetual loans of ca4h, without interest or security, of 1.250 each, 5,000 50 •r •• 100 each, .5,000 100 4 , 50 each, 5 000 250 0 •• •• 20 each, 5,000 2,000 •• 5 each, 10.000' Reference in regard to the Real Estate, F.. 1. Vis•cher itc Cu., Real Estate Brokers, New Yolk. Orders, ( post paid.) with money inclosed, to be addressed, J W. 1101.111100KE, Secretary, 505 Broadway, New Y.•rk. rr The Engraving, in the Catalogue are now ready for delivery Nov. 8 $300,000 WIEDE.R & BUYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Alanufacturers and Dcalcrs JUST received and opened, the fermi! and t e:t Roam' ni emit of Slone Martip, Silver Martin, Fitch, Ruasia, and *her .t:abico Sitsl)ionable ,biro ever exhibited hero, being fresh froin the city, and well worthy pf an early cull, as they will tiG doubt go wittf'd rush. Walk in Ladieryand see for yourselves. Oil stock nniniiiiin in Vart of the following articles: Victorines.of every, kind, from $1 to $56. French Victorian and Cuffs, Muffettees, Russian Fitch, Short Lynx Capes and Curs, Imitation Sable and Black Gering', Cony Victorian, White Spotted Victorines, In short all kinds of FURS that can be foundt In New York and Philadelphia, and at all prices, 11.17'S AND Our assortment of Hats and Claps is fall—the best by far ever offered. It requires no bragging —take pattern from no country shops, but de• rived from head quarters," and will be pat. terned after by others, as the pa - st has shown. We also manufacture hats and no mistake, as you can see for yourself by calling; so don't be deceived by those who would be the only mann. facturers, as there are a few more of the same sort, Then go to Wieder & Boyer, and get a god and fashionable article. Thankful for past favours, they respectfully ask a continuance of the same. N0v.15 . C. M. IC it n_j o •Ittorney at -caw.- .. Office on 7th street, three doors North of he Public Square, Allentown, Pa. August 23, 1654. Job Printing, Neatly 9xecute4 at the " Register Ms."- AnENTS: mar OF alFra. SO 5,000 i 10 6,000. 4 40,000. .£-Elm WIEDER do DOYER. 1-41 a *4-Bm,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers